Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 03, 1850, Image 4

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    1/ LUI.II6MCF.4
,An Exciting Passage between Col.
Benton 'arid Foote.
SENATE.—Mr. Pleinents presented a
petition from citizens. of Alabama, pray
ing that the blessings of slavery may be
extended to every state in the Union.
Mr Foote moved that the bill organi- -
sing Territorial Governments of Utah and
New Mexico, be taken up for the pur
pose of making it the spelal order for an
early day.
A riilltoexcitmg passnge between Foote
_anion. ensued.
Mrnenton as the friend of California,
gave, notice to those who desired her ad
mission, that they must now stand by, her.
California was entitled to the considera
tion of the Senate, and her right was riot
to be postponed. Her bill was first re
ported, and as her friend; he gave notics
that from this time, henceforth, he inten
ded to have the subject pressed and or.
god upon the Senate until definitely acted
upon. He objected to give the territo
rial bill precedence.
The state was entitled to the - prece
dence in every aspect of the right to act
independently upon,-the coast of the Pa
cific. .She is not able to borrow a dollar
to carry on your governement., because of
her anomalous ,position. Six hundred
thousand dollars of her money had been
taken from her, while nothing affording
her protection or augmenting her pros
perity and resources, had been given her.
The people had been, were, and . would
be, suffering from want of protection, un
til the Senate should. decide -whether she
shall be longer postponed. As n 'friend
of the admission of California, Ile would
not cease to struggle for that object.
Mr. ,Foote 'replied with much warmth,
indulging in a personal attack upon Mr.
Benton's course—impugriing the motives
of his action, and intimating that his new
born friendship for California was not for
the sake of her people, but because of the
presence here of her senators, whose ad
mission to back him up and sustain him
in the Senate lie was looking for with the
most feverish anxiety. He also conteh
ded that the California question had no
precedence, by right. About the admis
sion of the new state there was no doubt
whatever—while the territorial bill, it
was known, would give rise to much dis
cussion. In this state of things, he con
sidered it highly proper that the latter
bill should be taken up. His motion was
not hostile to the admission of California,
• although he admitted that he did not
want that measure adopted until certain
other questians shall have, been settled.
The air and manner of the senator from
Missouri was a slander upon the Senate, •
the insinuation that he alone was the
friend of California. What did he mean
by the friends of California?
Mr. Benton—Mr. President, I mean
by friends of California,hose who were
in favor of her relief—her rnitlmission
without remanding her back th3l.he terri
torial condition, or dissolving the union
on account of her admission. Now, sir,
I think lam understood. I believe this
is the American Senate. I believe by
the lawp of tie Senate, and the rules of
decorum, personalities, aspersions, and
attacks upon motives are:forbidden. This
mush; I believe. 'NM* sic, I tell you
whatl know: I know that the attacks
which have been made upoh my motives
' to-day, and heretofore; in. this chamber,
are false and cowardly. That is what I
know, sir, (excitement )
-Mr. Foote, after some remarks for the
purpose of showing that the objection by
the Pater Senates to personalities was
entirely inconsistent with his own course
and example, replied to the charge of
cowardice as follows :—I am not much in
the habit of dealing, in personalities, and
never have insinuated that the senator
was cowardly. I never make allegations
that I cannot prove. I feel bound now
to say;that when the senator dares, in
his place or elsewhere, to remove certain
stains which cling, to hie escutcheon,
about which I know the history as well as
any man in Christendom, allusions which
ought to cause his cheek to be suffused
with the color of the deep blush of shame
•e --or if the senator 'remains in his present .
attitude without that special discredit with
which he knows I am familiar, and which
that paling cheek—that blushing counte
nance—acknowledges, as well as the ter
rific fear which he knows I have witnes
ied: Whenever he comes out frankly
and boldly, instead of shielding himself
behind his established cowardice—when
ever he is prepared to hold himself amen
able to the laws which govern gentlemen,
I am prepared to meet him on that foot
Mr Elkton—l pronounce it eowardly
to give insults where thercannot be chase
Mr. Foote rose—Loud calls of “order."
Mr. Beuton—ls a Senator to be black
, guarded day in and day out?
Mr. Foote (in his seat)—He is a blaji
, guard ! cries of "order,'' "order."
Mr.. Benton
r (resuming)—ds language
to be used here Which could not be . used
in an oyster cellar, grocery or tavern ?
Mr. Foote called Ao order.
The Vice President—The senator is
called to order..
Mr. Benton (continuing) are such
Ajiihgs to.. go on? Sir, it is time to stop
them,,aud if persons use such language
place where a cudgel cannot
,be,applied to them--ahe voice of public
indignation,raust be brought to bear upon
them, uatil Public centime% can make
,them behave with the manners which are
due to the Senate .
re The dr Vipe P.repideitt*epeated the. call
~t o o
Mr. Benton—Well, sir, let the .words -I
objected to'be taken down in •Ivriting iri4`.-
accoNance,with:the,rnle. ,
"..After soine ,further •colloq ay, Mr. Foot
paid, if the door was : - not thrown • open, to,
Bah!ohi lie could not propeed
ar her: - -A-so-lhtjrnitted,htnyever, Ilya he
stood kiklao ,- li& and if Mt. den.:
ton would preifeed* tahlattei he waS
'''l*'l. l2 keloi)i'Pn'lll6 ve4 to la Y the '
- ,•':AMPeiti , IPA 'o.Pi.4le , 03,1$Pt, ,V,lVb Ilitia,a:
agriedftq,;" ,, ,rAk's:t:t4 ',V , :.:" - . , ..-.,. .., ,1, ~ ' , , ~, 1
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-1, 1 0449,440 .,. morP ,F9IVD9ns siF C o ia
y,proatise..:.;boleoChatiottbaykor *loaf;
''t( dde o 3 4' ths PP 6 i tt .. te . l 4 l '°i/':oiOlttki
;4044i 6 6 Orillit6ii, YlNlcittillg 0 13 . couri
' lir reaco by the , great body , of antitsdaSo4
......, 4 ? .;, tr,4 ),,, 4 ,153' ,011 r I. ~, '..,;.\:..
... 7.1
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*ti V 13. t - ' ),'. if; o f.
~,,,k litigl... <- :). ~ i:nrtic4l6. Sweep ,4po
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. q,. • ve.f ',I Or ,Ba,Ai'. ' , ilini ihnd Or-aine tho,beot,4/1 01”
, ~f2s4 brubtlinfi' jeP. 'alit)* 0 . , - .00.1112'‘I''-',-
, -.'-'i;:giii3'oa ,'.*:,kali oc-114,1p-ittliAq'rPrn,
f:'-'4'4.r0b,P02,1.t,e.f.9!,:'n ,P,Ps
.; p,e)tql aq. ' ''' ----.-‘
. .
t A ..
0 lady, wake!, the owlets •
q4iound;:oui, mad guitars • • „
. 3 : The"gillowy tridohlight night id9lt. . "
'lllachisiroly With stant.,.-:
No more the vertian't klns of day
,The stormy brook wog Ig'
•No more the lambs and or tn"
About the frozen. g,
From many a wavy axle tree,
From many a sandy hog, . •
Refulgence wafts the melody
Of nightingale and frog..
41— rho joys to come are longliana by,
The pill will Conn be here.,.
And rain, transaendant in the sky,
Falld on my listening ear.
Blulll.homping lightning roll about
The hills Where bays nre skating.
The silent thunders whisperin g g shout.—
“I'm tired, love,, of waitin."
-.Pule Luna weepo-.Elysian bawls
Are calling TroihnlinVe •;
So wive your lattice through Tour hands
And clap your night cap, love
Ounbail Reding,
Walking with•Ood i
I love poverty, because Jesus Christ loved
it. I love wealth, because t it givps the msans
of assisting the wrOtched.''l wish to deal
faithfully with ell men. I render no evil to
those Who have done evil to me, but I wish
home condition similar to my own,in which
they would receive from the greater portion
of men either good or evil. I nos to be
ahvays true, just and open towards all men.—
I have tendencies of heart towards those , '
whom God has mord strictly united to rne.L.-
Whether 1 am aloneor in the eight of men, I
have before Me, in all my actions, the view of
God, who will judge them, and to whom I
have consecrated them all. These are my
feelings, and I bless my Redeemer every day
of my life, and who, from a man full of
weakness, misery, lust, pride and ambition,
has formed one victorious over these evils by
the power of that grace to which I owe eve
rything, since in myself therols nothing but
- flier and misery.—Pascal.
The Mystery of the Cross.
Q how full of mystery is theldeuth of Christ
Why must the only begotten Son of god, the
brightness of his glory, the irtnige of
his person, become incarnate, suffer and die
b_rpystery of mystdriax! An incarnate God,
a suffering Christ and Saviour ! How fearful
and terribco must the divine law be, since the
assumption of its penalty involved such suffer
licayenlM,earth with such dark
ness. How lied,sin
' s:9ltt be, since it could
only be Apiated by stiCh a sacrifice. The
cross not only pointi up to the mysterious
heights of divine love, but down to the myste
rious depths of sin, the human heart. It stands
forth equally the exponent of a mysteriously
gracious Deity, and of a mysteriously depra
ved and lust humanity.—Ch. Sec.
Be Ready.
When you lie down at night, compose your
spirits as if yuu were not to wake till the heav
ens bo no more. And when you awake in tho
morning, consider that now day as before your
last and live accordingly. Surely that night
cornett', of which you will never see the morn.
mg, so that-morning of which you will never
see the night ; but which of your mornings or
nights will be such you know not. Let the
mantle of worldly enjoyment. bang Irioso about
you that it may be easily dropped when death
comes to carry you into anotherworld. Mon
the corn is forsaltin c g the ground it is ready for
the sickle : when the fruit is ripe, it falls off the
tree easily. Su when a ebristian'srh'eart is tru- ,
ly weaned from the world, he is prepared for
death, and it will be the more easy for him: 2 =
A heart diseugaged from the world is a heav
enly one, arid then we are ready for heaven,
wlien our heart is before us.
MEAT BISCUIT.—A pamphlet has been laid
on the tables of the United States Senators,
containing a letter from G. BORDEN, JR., of
Galveston, to Dr. ABIIBEI. SMITH, setting forth
his invention in the preparation of an article
of food termed meat biscuit. Mr. Worden
claims to have Invented a now mode of cian
centrating the nutritive essences of meat in'
a small compass. He preserves the essence
of meat, Jowl, fish, &c., in comtlination with
flour or meal, by drying or baking. He pre
pares genuine tur,tle soup in this way. It c .is
anti-scorbutic, and therefore will suit for nee
in california. It is recommended for tray
ulerit, as well 'is for explorers, surveyors,
navy and marine service, and economical
use in families.The , meat bread is made of
fat and well conditioned animals, but grease
forms no part of the composition of the
Dr. Smith speaks highly of the inyention,
as combining, in a cheap avd portable form,
all the nutritive portions of animal and fari
naceous food. The soup made 'from it, he
soya, "has the fresh, lively, clean and tho
roughly done or cooked 'flavor, that used to
form , the charm of the soup of the itocherde
Cancale." The soup is ready to be absorbed
into the spate . 4 out loss, and without
tedious di k , stion in the alimentary canal.--
The discovery is made :just in ;line, Dr.
Saah thinks, le facilitste the settlement of
Oregoni and a direct. communication, over
, land, 'with Californians, and other Pacific
'regions. A pound of biscuit in three days,
'is ' ripe "for bad man. 'Three hundred .
p unsi is en ordinary mule' load. It is the
true'ttiqiina of the disert. A small and mo
inentary, qame. wilksupply fuel for cooking.
It will shorten, wars, aud, prOmote
• .•
lion. ft will , . give l to. travelers, pr. o.‘ says,
access to the vast terra incognita of Africa,
euppinied, mineral 'wealth, vide. ,
Table' lirorl action's ? . tiriirn'als, end perhtips
'Monk of '6 ivilFtition elk tat ; 'As yet UnknOWn
to Om rest olltui world " '
rrHE e ubacripor wird pay the ,higheat
his apy quantity d' livoyo
,eter,e, Larliall” • R
QUeensware 8t 1 \
, • 1 •
AZAllCEratid . lenetaleeleetioniof these er,.;
1109 je t evAry,yertety, liss.hoon.addsd t? quSps
flrpne.l4.. 4180,,a:let'or,Cechir Pmf..res-.
lb Idep ,' ut ilie:.Grochry . khore
March 14
. araidSB4oB
r Hoiteio., Syrup, and
. cteleanii
%*o.lM l ,2 , oll b et
sliitadlitfinf:s6;t 2 ;iiriquOr
Al:iki, l l9o.M.itar,o 3lo lA lo o 1 - .:.
.=.; • al Ott
4 4MO :'4Y. • • ••••'
4 4 'ot ante at •'. tire 4 .."
c..7/14:10144,:r .
3 11 :ILECA • 44.( , Cliiiis;Siord a
P* ivariaty 'Wei:tiara Waol,fitl, .Yncrit
Liam add qquata Shaw,lo,tfratrili::olo,l4,37Y
chaaa 4:l4illit Pot!
ptaßktkeSLOOiag a*" “I'MiqMiri,ll344Plii
6 64 Vats vnrigikßit
:::400 3 )1t , „,eiTrAzTifit94lo
01 L: 4 ivt'o'aiklrtk,oli , 'm,n ley
fl4liFirer )Bf,7firll4l-4191ristiTTP;
, .
Valuo.ble4roporty. For i.Saloz--, y
rItHE subscriber of rs at;'-private ,pale;
s in-PriUkfoid townshC . 3o Julies west
Mi.l; ccithip
ing about 20 acresofslate and gravel land, about
15 acres cleared and 'in a good state of eultivn•
lion, wills a proportionate share-of grass land,
the balance of the-lat . :ls ih.timbor• I There is a
thrivingloting,orchard. of choice fruit on the
. . premises. Ilia buildings aro a
lit' good - LOG HOUSE and DOUB•
; : LE LOG B - ABN, a.smith, shop,
t. 42 feet by 18, with coal sited and
other out buildings, Also a never
failing spring near fhb house. This is an excel
lent stand lor a Blacksmith, being at the junc
tion of two [ public roads, and in a settlement for
cestom.'l Personemishing to see the properly,
will call tethe subscriber residing on the prem
btos, Possession will be given any time after
p:urchaseand.pnyment made,- An-indisputable
title will be given
March 20, .1850,-3t
Tan Yard Property For Sale.
THE subscriber offers at private sale the
property on which he lives, situate it, Cen
tteville, Dickinson township, Cumberland coun
ty, containing 3 acres ot ground, under ood eul
tivation, on which is erected aTWO ST9RY
• BRICK /LOUSE, and brick. Melt
i4SP.Erri buildings, also a 'I'AN YA RD,
; tr.g. with eighteen vats out Itif doors,
two leaches, two I'me., a tool of
tinning water and /our handlers
in the llhop.. The whole is in good order.—
There is also a large Bark shed and shop, and.,
good 'tables attached, with every other conve
mence. The rot is well supplied with fruit.
trees of evci y kind. It is a most desirable pr , op•
erty for any. mite wishing to commence the Tan
ning budiness. It will be sold on sect:min-lode
ling term., and possesion given immediately.—
' PA'ny one wishing to see the property can do so
by applying to the subscriber.
- Agent for Elizabeth and If annah Stoner
Feb. '27, 1850-3 m. '
For Sale.
T" , E.
thscriber ofmrs at private sale the fo
lowing described Real Ostate.
• No l.—S . ituated in Northmiddleton township,
4. miles East of Carlisle, about one mile North
of, the Carlisle and Harrisburg turnpike road,
containing 9:25 acres, more or less, about .S lime
stone and the residue black Slate and Meadow
land, all cleared and in a high state of cultiva
Mtn except (10 acres well covered with heavy
Timber. The buildings ere a very line tvs o
story STONE HOUSE, and n
smid frame barn partly tiew, With
“P*l![ l. • Corn cribs, Wagon sheds. &c. it tine
":Vspring house and n never tailing
spring of water. nenrAhe door of the
house, also, a good orchard of , (heice fruit.
No 2. —ls situated one and n half_miles North
of Carlisle, on the road leading front Sterretis
Gap to Carlisk, containing IGs.neres of first rate
& limed . , except a 5
acres which is well covered with Timber. the
improvements are a two Story frame 'dwelling
housit and a large frame barman necessary out
buildings in good condition, also, a good Orchard
of choice fruit, this farm is well supplied with
water for stuck in all the fields. Also, 2 wells of
water near the house !hal never fail. Persons
wishing to purchnse.kOvxamine the property
will *nee call on tire subscriber residing in Car.
- Alt 11,STR lING N(IRL E.
PosFessien will be given ott the, let of Apri
it required. Paymenis he made t9 4 suit the per
1eb.13 .50-56 T.:" •
For' Sale or : Rent.
rylllE tiffs . MN - Ii SIEItCII ANT MILL
i known us the Peicrshar, Mill, situate
the mouth of thp i kAttio Juniata Creek, Perry
County, Pa. 1:1 1 ' mil CS Irmo Ifarrisburg. A
• • STONE MILL 11005 E 40leet
~ : , .e,-,-
,i,,;;* . ". square, with two overshot water
g vlti
P4 T:" 00 I : wheel. -, 1 run of French Burrs,
..4; ‘, I r „ , :iL . and a tut machine - with all the
' - til . •:'' '''' appurat complete for j
taring Flour—also a welling - house for the
miller. ' '
Donconnon /Ikon, Works adjoin thc above end
ailbrds a good Udine market.
The Central Rail Road runs past the mill af
fording every facility for getting graiii and son
ding the products'of the mill to the Eastern ci
- The above property will be sold or rented for
n term of viers from the Ist oh April nest. Ay
plientiott to be made to _ _ _ _
surviving Ex'u•x of Amos A Jones, Deed
Petersburg, January 7th, -IMO, —st•
For further informat , on apply to 1 It Egbert
Carlisle, Pa.
House and Lot for .Sale.
THE subscriber,offers for sale
„tz'or a a the House and Lot he now on
cupios, on West street, between
Louther and North street in the
" borough of Carlisle. The house
is two stories high, rough -east, with a baek
building one and a half stories lfigh, and con-
Anins seven good rooms. On the end of the lot
there is a workshop and.woodhouse, fronting on
an alley ten feet wide. running to Locust alley.
There is a variety of choice Fruit trees on the
lot, and a ivell of good water nearly in front of
the house. For terms and other information
apply to the subscriber.
trrTfic undersigned has also on hand 50 Ve
netian Blinds, of various colours and sizes, fur
sale low for cash.
feb.13.50t f. INAL ff BARN.,
Valuable Farm for Sale.
,e 1 ONT kIN ING 130 acres, situate in South
kJ Middleton township, Cumberland county,
t •YO miles South of Carlisle, this farm is of su
perior Limestone land, divided off in conveni
71 .door
fields, the buildings good, with an
j° excellent spring Of running water at the
door of the dwelling. This property is
wol worthy the attention orthose who want to
buy, it will be sold low if application is made to
the subscriber between this and the first of
April next, alter which he intends to stare for the
west,tho ,, c who want to view the property may
call on Mr. Kloppfer, adjoining or to the under
signed in North Middleton, possesSion given on
the first of April, 1851. J HERSHE.
March 4, 1.850.
THE - subscribers have just returned from
Philadelphia with a Splendid assortment el
goods for gontleuums wear, with which they
intend offering groat inducements to the chi
ions of Carlisle and-the surrounding country.
They'have on hand en assortment of
Cf 2) 413 P aff—l 23 = C 6,
such as dress cents, cloaks, over coats, vests,
pants, shirts, ,bosoms, .collars, under shirts,
drawers, gloves; stockings, silk and other cra
pocket handkerchiefs,. suspende:-.8, hats
and Caps, trunks, traveling bags and umbrellas'
all of which articles they intend selling,
very small advance on city cost, having for
their motto "stiutll profits and quick sales."
They wish it to he udaerstood that their cloth
ins, is al tnantnactured under their own super
intenilence,-and not in the city, hence they aro
enabled to warrantevery article they sell,
Having an experienced cutter engaged in
their etuahlishuient, they ere prepared to , make
to order any article of clothing in aMeat (ash.
tenable and substantial'manner and ,
tiCe• ARNQLD:_as JaVIN TON', '
North I.lanOver ,stretit' ifiredtly, , opposite P.
IVlenyer's Cotifectionery Stere.iiM. ..10013 3m
Igits*q ghallopOlltßeking.
immenea,mid - slCatlity it oreoein dd.
mond for ' the eilebritied 'Miison's • Dlial
lenge•BlitekiiikAnindneed numetous nnprin
eipled persons to attempt an imitation el his box
label, varying it slightly, with a view to evade'
the law, but at the same time designed to impose
upon tho universal confidence of consumers,-in
favor of Mason's Blanking; and as the 'counter
tole liears , noiresendilanpo tgiho t gfiginol, except
t4o,lnhali pod Itnenond of its gnod‘properties,
Counirk • Mereldnta, :witdri'biderniA , blacking;
sboidd be , usk for f'Matioten ;: 0, 'gine!,
Clinklunge , Blneking,'! , tvtiieh Opoltl,by.,9l . l,res T
,ppetal,doWholnsale,pealetre,,,in- every , city: in
the/11140344'0A; , ,
• -!,
, +',Pe1i1.27011.50-4torit) , PhitUdelPhiail
Latest Attys. ' rJ:!, 1
paolcagao or in bu1k , ., 1 , 0 ine_,,w•• crop,.. ;goo a
now tot of Brown, Whit and GICGSIJED SU
old and usual.. • , . .
togothprWithst.sOlection'oftbo , bast ~ .
groan or __ „
usually kept I n cohnexiWnlog - toSOActia; . ,,b,,ii r :y l o
just boon added
to - be surn-be
bo'thanlat4l l , , o,Stf. ' va . trol
rho P05t'0m00,,),:,,,..0 Vii; ;,, 4 ,Acrti,
04 2 6 - 104112,1,
• , ' -Eliiii'4lo,4l'. , cioi,
,_,,.,, 4ior filo' ° 1.11 4. 0R
,46i.4,6441A8i ft " N.DRARto t t il ‘ bbi.
l'ili* t i"li til ?XttimiPatel l i iTtit e iOn with,
`w !FI frair, Y.:,4',.frAil'PE497*:!
some; 14„°,,,5,:, • ' , I "'"' 2 ' , .'!':.,';e, ,:, 4 '. ',
. ' - ' ,V , '':
' r.:', ' ; . .: - . '.',,."'''' •
VIBT of Retaleril (CfcMde; Wire • :antl klert•
Clitindisii, i'vithin7iliti; County' eof
, ! Ctitrilidt•• •
„fond,'and returned eiid'cliiiii66,l-:yy' , ..r:Teffors,olo
. .`Worthiligton,•Ese:Mtiretititile Appraiser) Ingo'
•.•cordan'eiwith the several acts of Assembly.tts
' .
. .
Cathsle - • ••"'
J W Eby
John G Carmony •
Joseph I) Halbert
Samuel Elliott
: Charles Ogilby
Charles Burnitz (lie.)
. George \V Hinter
A &. W.Bentz
./httrieLl3e led (lie.) •
JPltn - Eafie
Jacob SFa (iq.)
J & I) Rhos , a
WB Muria Agt,
S W Hay, -tick
Robert St tdgrass
.S-A.He set Jr.
• • 'onlyn
tie Saxton.
Jacob Rhoem
John Humor (lie) '
'Peter Monyer
John P Lyne
Jacob Wolf (lie)
S A Coyle
Jacob Setter •
Jahob Leiby (lie)
George Foland
U Inbar Agt. (lig)
S .N 1 Hoover
W Rawlins
W Ni Porter
Arnold & Livingston
Thomas W Martin
Nathan Ilatitch
John Keeney
Arnold & Levi.
N W Woods Agt
Samuel Goldman
Huller & Conner .
I.eWis Stiuer
. Chas
Shippeosburg Borough
liobert Snodgrass 12 12 50
Ed ward &hull 14 • 7 00
John Gish ' ' ' ' 14 7 00
James Gillinrcl • ' l4 7 00
SiKunkle 11 — 10 00
John Stambough . 14 7 00
Philip Koontz • - 13 10 qo
Peter S Artz Agt ' - 14 '7 00
11 15 00
Joseph P Nevin
W DEM - vs . 14 •7 00
3 C& 0 11 AMA 14 7 00
John B Duncan 14 A 700
0 'crone .Son , 13 10 00
Samuel Shiers WO' ti , 10 50
S D Wontierlitk ~..,.. 11 7 00
Jacob Pogue (liq) ' 14 10 50
John Fulwiler Agt • 13 10 00
John 'l' Owen 14 7 00
Jacob Stayley (Ifq)l4 10'50
Andrew (=Miller
Russel & Dice
W M Watts
D_L_Beelinan.--•-- -
Isaac D Cassell
W A. Weakle, (lin)
Chhrlea Ilarniti (liq)
J \V Gilleland
Joltn.l3 PaTry
Ilenry Snyder
3 W Clover (lig)
8,11, Sons & Co
Jacob Hofrolbougher
J B Lackey & (kg)
.J Sterner Ngt
West Pennsborough,
ChdSlillll Less (lig)
Josiah Hood & Son
Donaldson & Green
James Greason E? Co
C Renninger
Kyle & Wiley
Joseph Smith
Robert Elliott (liq)
Wherry kinetic's (liq)
Gilmore & Stough
William Barr Agt
footer Herron
einison Hannon (liq)
T M'Carllish
Jacob S‘coyer
John Diller Jr
Si Brother
S W Sharp
.1 Nlellihon & Co (liq)
Simoml Arnold (lig)
Ephraim Zug
3 L Itcig:o
floury lass _
Ira Day
J E Spahr
;:wilcr & Fells
George Webber ,
Miller & Myers (liq)
East Pennsborough
Jacob Reninger (liq) 14 10 SO
Adam Eslinger 14 . 7 00
Joseph 0 Banks 14 7 00
Fleisher & F,shenbour 14 7 00
W 0 Banks 14 7 00
ilumpden. .
Thomas C Rheem (liq) 14 10 50
(3 W Fester (liq) 14 10 50
J & W 11. Ich.les 14 7 00
Singraor 13 10 00
Strock & Brandt 14 7 00
Al & S Alorrett 14 7 00
North Middleton-
Elias Light
New Cumbsdand
J K Book (lie)
NV S Prowell (liq)
John G Miller (IM)
South Middleton .
J (Amami :Young
A M Leidich ,
W Alexander
Rider & NVeakley
All n.
A L Catlica‘ec i
flume Barton ( r le) .
Mathias niter (11q)
Jacob Epley
Michael Burk
J K Book, (110 ,
• . Silver Spring. -
II W Meteor & Brother 13
John Rem! 13
Coyle & Sponslor -.., 13
Jacob Simmons 14
Edward Showers, Carlisle 8
William Harkness, Allen 9
John Bowman ~ . 9
notion Linn, Dickinson . 10
Wm M Henderson,N Middleton 7
Robert Given, South Middleton 8
John M Good, Agt " 10 '
M I3eltzlicovar, Monroe 8 P.
C W & P A Ahl " 9 8
Mr, 'Coover, Southampton 10 5
Robert Quigley, Hopewell -9 :8 t
Jacob Au 10 10 G
.David Oyster, East Pennaboro la .3i (11
Dressers .
Henry Barnitz, Carlisle 9 8 AO
William Alexander, P . ..
10 , 500
Andrew Harr " - 10 ' 500
Beer, Oyster and. Eating How: --
George 1.,' RighteeCarliele ' • 8 .. 6 , 601
Jacob Low 8 5 00,
Samuel Speco Shippenaburg .8, 5 00 ,
James Maley' Mechanicsburg ; 8 4 00 ,
Retailers ef Patent Medicines. . •
A L Cathcart Allen ' , 4 5 00'
'William,l3ratton Newt/ills • 4 • .s{oo
G W Singiser Monroe • . 4 5 , 00
Joseph 0 Banks E Pennsboto 4- 5.001
A C NOtton'Carlisle ' 4 . ' 6.00
Elijah Salitzer, " 4 • 6 00
Daniel Rae, „ " • 4 ''s 091
Levi Snell, . , " 4 "
' • . , • 6 00 1
John'Crag, • ' " , . ' , • 6 00,
'Jo h n Deemer, '. " - 4 . 'IS 001
p CuotosaLsne Couttry; /3St• .: ' ' " • ". ;A.
I dci' hereby certify- that.:the.foregoingbi a eor.
reet• list of the deblersin Merchandise,. Putout
Medicines,'.&ew in Caniberland ;county:as. ; re-:
-turned to MCl•bt:JoirersiriuWorthinglen;:, Esei,,
~ Mercantile , Appraisor..N•All ;persons rot urned '
and classified under the'Acrol 1849, relation; to
DistillerieSißreyeries. , Petent;Mediclnes , Ea.
jag Hauac aboir ae to4Ca 'and take
• ut their s respeetbierrUeenseanotified
on , or ll
before, the
, liist,of April. and all , Merchente; and 'ethera re
'lurned tind'elessified:as alievo,,will,call and take
'' out , theiriLicense,on or before Alio' drattdoy.l of
', Mityi'lBso;'-'•r.: , i••;i. , i',., , WM: M. P R
...„.... - - .. . ...
(HAM , ' e Y ,
euffornt indrOdual: we epein if, rather,';ao
'iof.icharity::ioi:advart to. any s ,elley,ionon 'et 'tlie
, evilr'end would. eenildently.,reatinfrrieffd a. •
~fro 11;:,,vm.4t.Y? s ,a g te g iable..reyra f ly cie r risoil
2ihe,beettnowi-befote,thWtiublie,l atl it pueelvith
eitrialvd newers e,higb; ordpr;And..,mny,,with
entire safety at en to. child run ys!
deed 9,6y0r .ve.:l;.titiT4o/70'1#41.45t.
' - : 2 1 1 ,,ii - i - ft1?, 1 ) . 1441.4.3),111ii-
!:1 - 14E
,lFgest, , chqnpest, best" most
~ . .....,‘, ! el_ebant assortment of ,PIANCI FORT ES
in the United States, can alwa,s be found al the
VialolloM of the subscriber, •
171, Chem ul Sired, aboti Fifth,
Altbo W
O Stand occupied more than a third of
a century by 1 1 1r.George.Willig, music publish
er. Pianos. Harps. Organs, Seraphines,
ans, &e., fresh from the most celebrated Alanu•
InctlreKs in Now YOrk, Boston, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, and elsewhere. 'Sold, wholesale
and wail, at the matter's cash prices.
171 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
Feb. IS
rriIIANKFUL •to. the citizens-of Carlisle
and its vicinity fur their increapsd ,custom,
wcsfigahrrafuccs their company toview our
largo and splendid assort moat of
China, Crlass a%L Quo ensware,
Dinner Sets,Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and single
pieces, either- of - Glass, China or Stone Were,
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than
they chan be had elsewhere—ln fact at less
then \V holm:ale Prices. AMERICAN AND
in greater variety than ever before tired in
the city. FANCY CHINA in groat variety
very cheap.
0:7 - %Ve•would iltPaite any person visit
city to call and see us—they will at
pleased to walk around our beautiful et, i•
to view the finest China and the chew e
world produces. Very respectfully,.
No. '219 Chesnut St
13 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 ' 700
14 10 50
Prolesi.or C W Rolnick;
-01ficerNovIL-Loe us t-St'„ - a bove Bth; op ,
posite the 'Musical 'Fund Hall, Phil'a.
rjoY my numerous friends oil thelate Presided':
tial election, should convinre those skepti
can poisons who talk of FAILURES, dint 110 80511
thlpg as FAN. IS Or 11118 beta fly the etni.
inent and disiinguished Astronomer and Astra
ogee, C. W. Its &HACK, during his 'expeitence
i2ver ginner of a century. lye youdoubt
prei f Testinatibn ? Then - why lint ,very man VIII
a celebrity of General Taylor, a Daniel Webster
or a I leery Clay ? And yet there art , some who
are foolish enougl; to doubt t nt a man may be
born i, ith the pofelth :o see into future events
flow can it be possible dint the destiny of mon
should lie goveeticti by Hit Mere
pack of cards? and let there are thousands who
allow themselves, will; open mouths, to swallow
the greasy n orris of some old woman, whose true
skill consists in filling them with wonders that
are most difficuloMr the digestion olothers, who
are m ire credulous, yet mere scientific. It id'
suet' that bring discredit on n profession dint has
been acknowledged to, be dseience of the highest
order,from time immeMoria aind is the only pro
litssion that has soy authority to within it. The
high respect which General Taylor, and Charles
Bet mulotte, late Ring of Sweden had for Astrul
ngy, is shown by their letters for their Nativi
tWs to the subscriber, which it will give him
,„Trent pleasure in showing tie those who favor
him with a call.
In addition to his miner to foresee future e
vents, he has the pOWCr togive such information
as will effectually redeem such as arc given to
the too free use of die bottle. lie is also capri-
Weal curing diseased heretofore considered in
curable in 11 is country by the ordinary meth
chick, and n ishes all to give him a call who have
bead given up by phystmana owl wish to be cur
ed' Ile will I.lll'lllla n cure ill all cases,and will
make no ebarga except foe the conjurations be
shall make use of in his office. Ile is often askefl
what a N ati, ity is ? lie answers accenting to
Geonianey, OHO 01 the seven ',Mots in the science
of Astrology, that it is a llorroscope of the future
ekents of a person's life, carefully calculated and
U./inscribed on paper, coin:tieing ati account of
all die lucky and unlucky days in the months and
years of the persons life for whom it is east; by
whii;li means thousands in this country and else
where ham been prevented Irons misfortnnes that
hail beenbiddeo in the womblof futurity , by re
ferring to their Nativity before entering on any
speculation of business or pleasure. It 'should
be in the hands of every 'one as their 'Limonite for
Isle. A. Nativity of MI IlldiVitilllll can only lore
ware the possessor of traubles that are in future
for him; those who are involved in pre sent diffi
culties of any kiud must wait on the subscriber in
person or by letter, who is prepared to exert his
secret influence for their immediate her.efit. He
is ready to use his influence to forestal the results
of lawsuits,and all undertakings iw which there is
a risk involved, he also makes use of his power
for the restoration of stolen oe lost property,
which he has used for the advanulge of thousands
in this city and elkew here. Who eon . doubt n
gentleman's abilities, who has had the honor to
be called on and consulted with by-all the crown.
cd heads of Europe. and, enjoys a higher I etiola
tion as 1111 astrologee than any one living
OCklle. can lie consulted with at his office, or by
letter, if pre paid, and he is prepared to make
use 01 . 1118 pus et' On any of the tollowiug topics:—
Business of all deseriptionsttravelling by and or
sea; courtships; advice given for their successful
necomplishment; speculating iu stocks, meridian.
disc, or real estatei the recovering of legacies in
dispute; the purchasing of tickets; and the safety
of ships at sea. Ile also offers his set view's 'Tepee-
Ring lipalth, wealth and marriage, love affairs,
journeyi la wsuitsolillicultv in business, fraud.
and all the concerns of life, and invites all to
call who are afflicted, corporeally or mentally.
Ladies, 51,1 cents; Gentlemen, .$l.. Nntivities
I calculated and read io Mil, according to the Or.
I'aules or MastAilinb Signs—Ladies. $1; Gentlemen
$1 Air, Nut i vities maculated MU:milt% to Geomain
ey,for .Ladies, $2, JR full, es, -Gentlemen,
in full, $5.
10 50
7 00
7 00
10 it'
7 ( )
7 00
10 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
r 00
7 00
15 00
15 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
15 00
10 00
7 00
16 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
In (in
7 00
10 50
7 00
14 10 50
14 10 50
14 7 00
14 10 .50
13' 10 00
15 7 00
13 10 00
12 12. 50
14 10 Bo
13 15 OJ
14 700
14 7 00
14 10 50
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
witaicniss! w.atecural
Great it:it:tee ...i4P - :- 2 . , • ' LEWIS E.
ments to per. ll' -, - 'ta : ,.,,,....13.800 Ai
sons in want ..,- 410 i '......',.,. ALL, .J. o.
of a go o.:1`." - - '' 9 • '•-•• •',
..I' 110 .north
ITATC.I.I! - ---,s '''' , ' g ''''' •(
I ,'' 'Second St .
'':•-•- \,*...-.7 ' - - ~n - --,'--
. , ..
.• . .
no l iVl v Nt u o d r ' I n t 'l ? 8 1 .16; °4 g! 0
.doseription, from London; Liverpool and Swit•
zerland importation 4, is now prepared to turn.
ish the vary best article at a p;rico fur below
a ny over °pored, of the same quality, and which
:cannot be undersold by.any other store .in
Philadelphia or elsewhere. livery watch sold
will lie perfectly regulated,, and warranted 'to
be as good as represented. P
Watches at. dui following low prices:
Gold Lovers, full jeword,lB ,caratcoses, gm 00
Silver do d j o . . . 12 00
saki Lepines,lowciod; 18 cram cases 22 00
Silver do do. 800
' . The L. R. Brorriall Gold . Pen, .a - importer
article in silver catni,,Witli poricil,and'warytilited
I $450; Geld Pencils for 81,1; and upwards, Gold
*ellillionit, and Lecket for Dagairrootylie Likes
j ngseeii,: pat pitting anil Mir biaoll4s;lyetiat
I Pine,. gar Ilinge,, - Firiget 'Rims; . ankra'senerat
ljasiertment • eil .ovrity 4tigilpiten nt ' - JeWelrY
lat'unusual low Pringi.J" , : , J; J.... J . Jj -J.' •''..., r , .J ,' i
I "..NO:11103-.VoiVi 0,1 street: 2g Wool: Zeta:a ...6ao
stieet,..PltilacielPitiitA.,:,,, Wl.l3 —,
.".174.';...tLf1,1t. ,DR;;OO3IALL. ;.%
j i1i0c1P(,* 6 ,39. 1 ! 1 .),,' , :-:JT i .erC e '. 4l / ing ' ) N nj '
. .
;'manufactory; of Pocket-005pp, L.
.'. :. No. Vi , Chesnut ,Streit,' mope oS , 1 4 - 1
HFRILAD.S:AII-trA:! ... •.4
. fin liE mitor.Fibyr rcisOotfßllis6)(64.lpublipmi ,
'.`.' . caution fo.)ps s u upprivr lta taste , rut
Poiiet BAois, .Eit)koes . Cuat";,B;ill - :366
Dressing. Dimind• 01sos, - aid"' Cnoni,.!Ptyt Mo.
inics, 'Tireosi:,Pocket , ICnivos.;:-andl
other fino.thoicky,L 091 d Pene,..aiii.l . - '..:' f
' ' ' '''' Peilcileil 7bituatir vCtioiq,;,Clipita.:i . ;. :CI ,
' ~‘..! f, iptein, ' , l6aak&Gtiminoifi, , _ ' ' • :,.
* ' - - --
33 T+06iD444!j0a , : 8 0:" ' ''s: - ' - 1/
Ilia hasortrptedit ObiiiitltirOf `the .min4„fatlifona
-1116 and miider'n*lldif,lorlhfineist quiolity,:aod
oxilillOc*ilOiLi - 9Pliipi thilbObing, evet'. Y., dPßAr
able lanc . k-iitiqe,tn,‘4Phlolt , li'V=Avill at •.' 01, tith e
bisLiiioparad 1.0 etillibit`grfurnigh,whglo‘sato Cir
totaillorti lie. to,
• . o4B. , i ~r , , ,:i,, . „(1 , .
r WlTufaltoderii ' 4 ‘i,tha desialo' 7 Billitlly 4 thelli s ,
selves wiitroliplelof,tho - bgat %lathy wil,l'colk.
milt ibmir town iiitiiiosts'lly blallift at this
• -.• • ,
V', s.
lONi Lmant I'-I"'," .:V..11 , 51111'11 '11 , ;- , I. I , '
Pocket' op
Philq'horp - 4pi' 64:011?inIttAtrdqt. , ' .
,r , •• .
.~~~15~~~~Q1tC01tr~`" ._,
Cumb. Vally . Tmisportation Souse-
Canal and Rail'Road . Line; for Philadel
phia, Baltithoie, Pittsbaid,Ac.
\V. KEtiit; Ferwaiding and-CoMmission
Merchant, 11151:11iSBUItO, Pa. informs his
Wends and the public, that from the liberal pat
ronage extended to him during - the past year•he
has barn encouraged to make more-extensive ar
rangements for the present season, and has ad
ded•lwo new, large and splendid Boats to his
LINE', and Will ho fully prepa'red after the op
ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUCE and
MERGE:LAM/17AI of all kinds to and from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &c., nt the
lowost rates of freight and with the utmost des
Agents forlioats,
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
No. 48 Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore-
J. McFADD EN & CO. S Pitts' g
Agents for Cars,
No. 272 Market st., Philadelphia.
No. 423 Market at., Philadelphia.
Broad street, Phiindelphia.
P''''!North street, Baltimore
Harrisburg; March 29, 1848,—tf. '!
'ng the
tlist be
i.e, and
eat the
Restoration .& Proservation of the
Ely NI Wise & Son, ot
ieit:egrsiottit:l l l(yTt
j'q impossible to at the
great number of daily applications, from all
sections of the Union, fur their remedy for
Baldness, and for their celebrated HAIR TO
NIC, have found it neeesury to appOint n
General Travelling . .ggent, 10 r visit titlferent
cities and towns throughout fhb - United States,
vesting him with authority to appoint sub-a
gents, use and vend the Hair Tonic, and to ap
ply RA TI VE, and to put them
into tl e hands of those ho may appoint to ope•
rate w i.rever a sufficient number of patients
in any town orneighhorhood shall be obtained.
Capt. GEowir. C kLVF,RT, of Fatiquier
county, Va., is nrolFs ifuthorized to act as Oen
oral Travelling Agent, with the powers above
Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speed
ily as practicable, the.principal cities and town
of the Union.
N. B. Capt. Calvert will always have on
hand a lull supply of 'the HAIR ToNic„
(which cleanses the head ot dandruff, strength
ens and invigorates the hair, and prevents it,
also, from falling off,) for the region of countr,y,
most milittguotts to his operations, or it may
always be obtained nt wholesale, and forwarded
to any part of the Union, by addressing...the
proprietors, m...wrsE &2 SON, Richmond,
ss — or one dollar single bottle. ' [nov2Fl,ly
For Ha.° in Carlisle by SW HAVE It-
Watches and arewely !
(, ,
'Wholesale and Retail—At the
) "'l'ladelpliiVttlandJi/ . lselr,itore,o.ii\oril. y .
,4 ..,.1 . ,,', CONI) strcet,corner of Quer•
ice,Cs*Tri7;,- - , ry street..
Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, $3O and
Silver Levers, lull jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
.Gold Lupine, 18 It. oases, jewelled, $25 and
Sigler Lepines, jewelled, $lO and - tTpWardis
Silver Quartier Watches, 8 , 1 to 10
Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Tea,
85:Desert 810, Table $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted to be what the
arc sold for.
Constantly on hand a large assortment of line
Also, nn assortment of 51 J 'fobias & Co.,
E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, &It Beesley.-and other
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
be cased in any style desired
Arrangements have been made with all the
above named most celebrated manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice any required
style of 'Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the-name and residence of the person or
dering put on if requested
in all Chrlstinnleed and civilized entottriee, Inns 'eons.
larger proportion of deaths than Ivey oilier malady that
fillets the human (tunny; mid, 100.11 within it thw
there has not been any certain remedy to atop the der..
lion of that destroyer. Hut now—
toren eery teeny tir tho ,11 , 1. t lb./spiv worked end developed
tn.ei or Cos, mr t0.—...d, nndonithll
of tderratrtl and dunned LUNGS—such 1101.1.5..9 e , 1N.q.1
were never cared Ira any other 1111.11.thle. So Wier
tyOr the ntllict.d person' us to have
boon pronounced b p
y h ,
yvicA7nr and Needs to be ACTUAL-
I. Vl• v, NI:. Snot. who had their burial-clothes tondo, horn
lon d,tio I vet live; others. who it was wild would
not I suoeh. r day, arc now as well nod hearty as they
miPovsoes all the cleansing tied purifying virtues pear:) ,
no p0w...A1l owl UCtiVe as thn preparation which we call
The run fill! EXINIrt, berlltl9l' II possesses
Ichiehoi prroli.trly adivied to, and are
tau bar., y r ite curt ~f
a pulmonary nniero—surit disettsim as
most; se fatal under ordinary treatment, when they
Tilf re st, rnal, bin s, find Iteurt.
ite k 1,111:AllCF.0.5 in Me Ltwas.,
nal elsewhere inlet/silty. as rertainly and easily as Me re.
tor visa sd r n oes Ind helix ulcers externally. This
10.1hain etia.. NINE ea.. ul Caltuh null COIIVIHIptgIin out of
TEN, after all Wel remedies have Paled to do yood.
Thousands of Consumptions
find Chronic elaintimaily prevails unfailing efficacy
lit furl!, oil lis undunbtrd avuttvepewvp, rani
sootione. lamina; prate... Mies, in the following campanula
mad theat.sat4 viz.: Spitting of Blood, Bleeding at (he latta,se
Pain, a the itronst and Side, Night•Siveats, Nervous Coons
rmink p t apiatif,al of the Ilene!, Cholera lufanlum, Dysen
tery and Steamer t'oetitlaitits iu Ilabiren tin d Adults, wit! ail
Nu related) . oft'orml to the . public !MS ever boon haft MO
certain and qtrastoal restartng ALL 1110 iliClilliftlal tent - nes.
sot n4ld irressiariiim at the ...Y., ILO BRANT'S PULMONARY
tiAl SA M. 11 !italics 110 Ilifreretict! PIO tiOSIOICCUICtiI
st.topression, Ms, air Oilier isifikarSS-11 ItPAIMATIN
AM., lay strengths/Oita Me SYSTEM, equallaitty the clitCULA
and s.xothing and allaying NERVOUS inartalitLiTY
rtr Sun pmt talileK
, ,
We Shale Otis cure to prove the:POWER TO SAVE LIVE
when dna BALSAM s nova. even tiller tint person is con
sidered by physicians mat/Wends to Ito In die last stages it/
dismee--untually Omni—null, In Phis case, so PAR cost:,
Mat the SHROUD Rail 111.1R1ALAMOTIIES were hustalit! Fur
the parte Ware or m 00..., too the respectable and andaubt.
rd sawn or tan the Clreattnotapees and Inds, we refer to Sur
rAmon,r, 5,
This cum was etTomod on Mn. ZTBA 'DYILRMAIqi of
Balisthn Spa, Saratoga' County, N. equ al u can prove, he.
youil n doubt, many others, alinort ly hopeless, and in
innurriti.ic onion Of Caaghe and Consumptions CURE)),
which were peattuanroj ancurabie by SKILFUL PHYSICIANS.
hitters. J. K. LtryiNcorr to SON, respectable:mon..
shame at Ifillsgrout,Sullivan county, Prensyiennia,'
Ile, May 12.164 e, Mailing, taming other IIENEFITS wild, had
heel, derived 'from the use of BRANT'S PULTIKINARX
BALSAbf, that one of their customers lind Judi infbrrauct:
linear that bur child; whielt, bait bean nuldectio PITS Joe'
enteral yea re,Wati cured by the use or nnAilvo .141,r4Ani,
Sea our Patripident for tbo cures effected by BRANT'S
'Ai 0 N D.Y E N.T .
ate! BUMMER COMPLAINTS, in children or, proton poraillt,
aired trtiduati any/Mimi whatever. Alla
- ,CH LERA I N FA-14 7 TU rs/1.
Nu mother need over mourn We death of her Child lay
that' child-destroying complalut, , when ting SUMMER
weedier—Mokpo itnfittn, or •what called
Ito udinlulstered tit the child, • ft should,,howootir, in to r.
emu; be used In twice Lae kap/foams an the directions on
finckhoille pretcribei until fho complaint la chocked. I
-',14.0'r RAW. di.G .1j AltiOk
J' m Lloy d ,
ind*.WrD‘glinys, ShipponeDurgbur4-7-11 flair
o.l(linkiL• Bin Linn &
vol. and Haines, Millorlitownl.Ark,--S' , LoSil
Lunticlisiirrei9jl iickesburg
' riCi`erntilio`pi•the rn tin urn at uri3 , l
of CASTIV•P?; at hie Foundry in ,
and having:rim :on , hand'!,full, 'aaeortutent
ratiernecte tu:e i crired to:furnieh ';;ltiude,ot
Igo ,AND B RASS CAEIIN, I I3I3.`; 1 .!, 1 " 6
beat,gty le i s nd end At ,thkettorteitt:7l2:4cpa; l lll
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Life. Pills and Phcenix
Theie . Medicines have now been the pub
no for ft . - period of` FIFTEEN YEARS, kid
during Tat time hive maintained it high character '
iu almost every part o the globe for their extriter-
Ainary and . immediate power of restoring perfect
health to preens suffering tinder newly every kind
of disease to which the human tiepin in
.. .
of certificated instances, they. hive even roscued
sufferers from the very verge of in untimely grave,
after all the deceptive nostrums of the day had tit
terly failed; and to many -thou/lauds they have
permanently secured that • uniform enjoyment of
health, without which life itself is but a partial
blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy inva
riably and infallibly proved, that it has appeared
eciiredylleitielhati — Minteuloue to - thoile who Were
acquainted with the beautifully philosophical prig.
eiplea upon which they are compounded, and upon
which they - consequently act. " It was to their
manifest and sensible action in purifying the spring',
and channels of life, and enduing them with m
newed tone and vigor, that they worn indebted for
their name. ss
Unlike the host of 'pernicious quackeries which
boost of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE ML' DI
OT aro purply and solely vegetable ; and con
nor Antimony, nor Axise
tikin neither m erc u r y,
nie, nor any other mineral, in ally form whatever.
They are entirely eolnpoeecl of extracts from rare
and powerful pleats, The virtues of which though
long' known-tnitelosur Indian tribes, anti which;
to eame eminent Anrotacetnicatchemins, are alto
gether :unknoWit.tto the cguerini pretenders to
modleal science • and were never before adminis
tered in so happily efficacious a combination ;
The first operation is to loosen from the coats of
the stomach and bowels the various impuritlepod
cruditiea constantly settling round thron • rii 71 to
remove the hardened fames whirl, dthie 4 el it - the
convolutions of the email intestines. Othecevai.
clime only partially cleanse these, and leave f aith
collected messes behind to produce habituddrofitiike - -
nese, With all Its train of evils, or sodden gliarrhCen
with its iininiliont dangers. This fact is well
known to all regular anatomists who examine the
human bowels lifter death ; and hence the preju
dice of these woll-informed men against the quack
medicines of the age. 'rime second effect of the
cleanse the kidneys and the bladder • and, by Ibis
means, the liver and lunge, the healthful fiction of
which entirely depends upon the regularity of the
urinary organs. The blood, which takes its rod'
color from the agency of the liver and lungs, before
it passes into the heart, bring thus purified by them,
and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach,
courses freely through the veins, renews every part
of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner
of health in the blooming cheek.
The following aro among the dial-easing variety
of human disenses in which the VEGETABLE
LIFE nrginerns ate well known to be infal
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first
and second-stomachs,. and- creating-It-flow -of - pure .
healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind;
FLATULENCY, Lou of Appetite, Heat-thorn,
Headache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety,
Languor, and Melancholy, which aro the general
symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural
consequence of its cure. -
.by cleansing
the whole length of
the intestines with a solvent process, and without
violence: all violent purges leave the bowels costive
within two days, .
DialThOM , and Cholera. by removing the
sharp acrid fluids by which them complaints are
eccasioneelonid.hy-promoting the lubricative secro-
lion of the mucous membrane.
Fevers of all kinds, by restoring th e e . blood to a
- regularairculation, through thifl - Process - of pelvis
ration in such cases, and the thorough 'elation 01
all intestinal obstruction in others.
The Lire MEDICINES have been known I.
cure RifEinyuriumf permanently in. three '
weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by remoibig
local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments
of the joints.
Dradeg of all kinds, by freeing and strength
isnlng the. kidneys and bladder they operate most
delightfully on those important organs, and hence
have ever been found a certain remedy for the
worst cotes of GRAVEL.
Also worm, by dislodging from the turnings
of the bowels thes slimy matter to which these
creatures adhere. ' '
air-ves s els at
longshe . nrin f u ro mp t ti ho on" , b c
0 A relieving .
which e
slight colds will occasion, and which, if not re
moved, becomes hardened, and produces these •
dreadful diseases.
Scurvy, Ulcers, and Inveterate Bor es , by
the perfect purity which these Lin Nom.
orN - Es v iva to the blood, and all the homers.
Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Complex
ion% by their alterative ellt , ct upon the fluids that
feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa
sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy,. and
' other disagreeable complexions.
Tho use of these Pills for a very short. time will
effect an entire cure of SALT RIIL'UNI, and a
striking improvement in the clearneqs of the skin.
always he cured by one dose, or by two oven in
the worst cases, .
PILES. An a remedy for this most ilistres
and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE
MEDICINES deserve a distinct and emphatic
trcommendatum: It is well known to hundreds in
.hie city, that the former proprietor of these valu
able Medicines was himself afflicted with this
complaint for npwiirde of TIIIRTY•iIVit YKALLEI; and,
that he tried in vaiir every remedy prescribed
within the whole compass of the Motents Medico.
lie however at length tried the Medicine which is
now offered to the public, and lie was cured in a
very short time, after his redovery had been pro- .
nounced not only implobable, bUt absolutely ion
possiblo.,--iIY any Jima!' moans.
Importer of Watches
,For this scourge of the western country these
found a
M g
safe, speedy, anetertnin
reedy., OilterAtedieittos leave the system „sub
ject to n return I .tif ,the disease—a cure by these
mhdicines is permauent—THX.l:llEM; BE SA:
Ti§rl E A.Np-13.,F cuarai. •
a pt .
Billousysv.3re%nd Live!' Gempls.
General Debility, LOBS or A rak . tide,^ AxL
'Masson or Femurs—these meacines litlVe been
used with the tmpst beneficial results in cases of this
description :.--Ktrro's EVIL, and SCROFULA, ill ill
WOMIITOMIS, yields to the mild yet powerful action of
these remarkable Medicines. Maur SWEATS,
COLIC, IMO speedily cured.
Persons whose coustitutione have become im
paired by the injudicious use of Msacunr,Will'find
,I,lediciues a perfect cure, as they never fail
to °roadie from the system rdl—llke effects of
Merctry - inlinitely sooner thamthe Most pewerful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will
place them beyond the rooch of competition, in the
estimation of every patient.
Several have lately been discovered, and their
nefarious authors arrested, both in ,I„te city of New
York andmbroad.
Buy of no ono who is not an AUTHORIIIIIIV
Prepared mid sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 336
Broadway, New-York.
• J. W. RA.WLINS, Carlisle, Pa.
A Purely Vezetable Medicine.
I t'i r L I TIVE PILLS nave been gradually
h o n es t surely orihls e c u o in u e n i t i r tr
fo nt r o n f o li n v i o o r atong as t t l . te t la i n ie n y •
years i'r P , rent worth
have done this entirely tnrough.t , ict.. e g ,cies have
'been appointed hut-no
as is resorted to 14 quacks'9. ra l 3 V ., ;4 o " f o b i d n j ' ey ,
j in
has bees, clone• The C. ii n 6: ' i ° o 'b e Sold by all (.--•
'and. have ,atitt willVentr ~
puffing, b_tt
Otiprieters nt stor eite el! Ll %ll o wing - advantages over
lot their Medicine' the.
ro PURELY .YE . G.P.•
all - othersilatii\ • P. 11.° Y. tERTAIN TO OPE
aprpet Lod , • ; i j i th F ,B RE, A
L fr ° B il e
N o
(.41iST, I tho
. l i . •
Ilabitattl -;Costiveness,
cOloia'Merhus,,'&O, hes been pro
defy They are , n . Certain Cure
Aled " P M i l i g f ' d Pl% pranrietorti poPtiess
ci. , „ 'fb a r i i7l;r l ; rt . \ l v o n o '
bi S y t
e e t u n s 's:v o lf , (31.
, t f e v °. .y , MILL, ; 11.0T. FAIL,
r . litigtatb,ol tinliylva•
Frav°ll " ag P ° l l A t 'TI4 price. 2be s
4, 11 ,4 " C IT . A di•
,bedtibne'p'y„thb foalowhng to in Cumberland ;?
For sale b' DR;RK LINyS Carlisle; Pa. 3
Joslir tt‘ll.'9”' V , I
. • 4
S • ..,:it.,NyEu Ks Co,
, 116`4141.Clitist9OPItce.
lINOLDS fltiidia,,Ner'
y 811,1
a tV,:inn 4 ll ; l4;ros , '
•‘vs : y '
7,, ,