Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 03, 1850, Image 3

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Vaa4Pak.a3 - ta=3;l9e • .
On Thursday the 28th ult., WON litnr.Jamee Hat
per, Mr. Joseph A. Stuart, - of 9nulh •1171ddtalon, to
Mies Mary Ann McCune, of Aouthatnaton tp.
.. V
At the residence of her soh, Col. Joseph Ingram,
In Shiremanstown ' on Monday the 11th 'ult., .Mrs.
AONeS /NORATI. In the 85th yent or liar age. .
(Mtn, lilarkets.
PHILAbELPHIA, Monday, April 1
FLOUR—is without change but the demand con,
tinuen limited, and only aboul 000 bble. sold, tpoajly
better brands, at ft 4,811, includlng . standard sniper&
at t 54,70 per barrel, which latter Willa general staking
price. For home use, Pettn'a. extra brings PM.
RYE FLOUR—is inactive at $2,81} a $2,87} per
barrel. •
CORN MEAL—tn fair demand, with Sather sales, so, An d3sobbls.
Drandstwine at $2,75.
WHEAT-19 dull, and the recolpte are mostly going
into store. We quote prime reds at 105 c, and white
at 111 a 112 ets., buypre offer lees.
• RYE.— About 1000 bushels Penn'a. cold at GO eta.
CORN—in steady demand, with sales of 8000 bash
els Southern yellow at 58 Ms. •
New tabtirtisinnts,
By the Treasurer of Cumberland County.
BY VIRTUE of a Warrant from under the
hands and seal of office of the Copamis
sioners of Cumberland county, and to me direc
ted, the fallowing Trae.s and Lots of Unseat.
ed Lind, situate in Cumberland county, Stale
of Pennsylvania, wilt he exposed to Sale by
Public Vendue, on Monday the tenth day of
June 1850, at the Court House in the Borough
of Carlisle, county aforesaid, titi3 continued [by
adjourninent] from time to time, until they are
all sold, or as much of each tract or lot, as will
bo Sufficient to defray the arrearur,o4, of the
State, County, Road and Sehool tuxes, due
thereon mil, costs.
Carlisle, April 3 .1850. County Treasurer•
and Y' rs, frarrantee and owners. Tax duo
South Middleton
27 1839. . Jacob Wearer, 122
100 1845 John Harper, 2 59
48 1848- Jim Harper's heirs 1 72
5 1846 Jacob Morcott, " 30
I lot 1846 ~. John Walker, 28
14 1847-8 .. James Goblin'. heirs 116
1i ' 180 ~4, - , • - ,Jonathan Gustwitic, 72
150 1840 • Wm. Moulder, 25
406 1840 Jobe Coope r, 25
403 " . Nlathow Duncan, 125
428 " :Robert Lusk,
415 " Hugh Nicholson,
401 " John Nicholson,
9U3 " Jape Nicholson,
21 1890 Col. Wm. Chambers, •50
134 1839.40 Mathew lrwiu's heirs, 150
'l6 1839.40 Sailer's heirs, 24
800 1843-8 liollenback's heirs, 12 55
16 1843 Samuel Rhoads, 25
102 1840.6 David Herron's hairs, 2 . 10
439 1849 James Itoeside Si co.- 135
102 1842.6 John Herron's heirs, 189
400 1894-5 William Scott's heirs 581
460 1844.5 •"" 581
1 lot 1845-9 Willing Hancock, 130
300 1845-9 Fdk. Clippinger's heirs, 189
25 1845 Elizabeth Miller, 1 04
403 - 1847.9' William Duncan, TO
403 1897-8-9 John Nicholson, ' l / 4 - 530
401 1847.9-9 John Nichol-on, 530
438 1897.8-9 John 'NI. - Woodburn 574
100 1848 13. Reynolds cur Her ,
roe's heirs, . f 60
437 1847-9 John 'Herron's heirs, 313
1 lot 1896 Soloman Gorgas' heirs 59
1 lot 1897 ' 1 - leery Newcomer, '6O
Silver Spring. . •
18-1840 Andrew Sheeley'e heirs, 15
37 1847 Joseph Shrull,. 66
East Pennsborough.
Neidich & Miller's heirs, 12
Shippensburg Borough. .
1 lot 1841-4 Peter Neal 29
1 lot 1840
lilarthe MelLnley, 1 06
Eve lleflleman's heirt, 1 20
1 lot 1848
1 lot 1848
Martin Diller's heirs,
John Bronnoh,
Melchor Breneman,
Michael Ege's heirs,
200 1844
1 1849
1 lot 1899
30 1849
3 1849
Harper Ex. Underwood, 2 35
Samuel S. Smith 17
John 111rper, 6 23
John MeClime, 94
Richard Wood's heirs, 18 I
Geufgelos, 1 06
John Harper's heirs, 4 62
Dr. W. Si Sharp's heirs, 37
Jacob Wagner's heirs 47
Christian Failour, 27
Ferry's heirs, (col'd) 58
Henry Rine's heirs, 28
Henry Shank, 31
John Maginnis, [Hellen-
back's heirs* 1 97
James McCartney Mot
lonback's heirs, 1 12
Robert Feeler's [Rol
lenbaek's heirs, 2 10
Williams, tflollenback's •••
Heirs, 1 36
Samuel Roaugh, Hellen-.
back's heirs, 4 25
Thomas Dansey, Hellen
baek's heirs, 1. 92
James Parke, Mallen.
oback's heirs, 1 60
George Mageehan, Ho&
lenbuck's heirs. 93
William Sanders, [Col'il] 12
1511 1841 2
2111 1842
400 1843.6
25 1841
1 lot 1841
300 1847.9
1200 1847.9
4 1848-9
31, 1840
15 1843
5 1645-6
12 1846
13 1846
L 153 .18444
232 1844-7
228 1844-7
116 1844-3
400 1844.8
186 1849 8
1511 1894-8
100 18444
1 lot 1848
W. Craig McCune, 25
Frederick Hoover, 19
William Myers' heirs, 19
Willliam Parker, 22
George Mimes, 7 95
Daniel Eckles, ' 60
Peter F. Ege, 27
John Ensminger, 4 16
Andrew J. North 92
Thomas Martin, (John
Jolm_llarpor & co.) 16
- 4,111(4'61 Gardner, [John
• Harper & co..] 16
' Revannati Martin, [John
Harper& co.] 16
Charles Bryan, [John
Harper & 40.] 16
James Hoover, 2 52
James Eilioit'a heirs,. 46
John litirper , i heirs, - 128
John M. WOodb ma„, 60
Isaac B. Parker, • 60„
Ilwee B. Parker, ) 611
Richard Stevenson. 92
iso, 1841, Wm. Craighead 420
0, 1841.6, John Jacobs 81
20, 1841.6, George Jacobs . 181 •
4, 1841-6, Peter Myers '1 21
5; 1841-5, 'Muslin° 51
5, 1841.6, Behjamin.Malone
10, 1841 . Abraham Pilkeitou
• 4, 184143; Pater •Stakhunlth
•5,-1840.• .35
•0, 1840 6, Peter Miller's hairs . 66
• . 230, 1840 ' Moore .68
' 10, 1840, „William Moore- • 12
10.0 or: 5, 1840-7, Samuel Nort h land 'l4O.
5, 1840 • George PenCil
.:11 '
1840 „„ facob Trump ••• l2
6, 1840 Sol'omon.Warner :12
• 6.4840':: C. Hartleroutd Baker 'IS
. , •
4. Marten, • 511
-; A'n(lrevi K uniei • • 74 •
.'"..`94l , 344'6';',l4theti'Grayalon .•'' • :•
-1 94 , 1 4 J r •Jaeoblf . ,10fon' • 1,36
'•''"!:;;$ 30 ;• 1 2fig, apiqi,Neely,;; , .
• .r.'.;422;lB4ll;;,!;Cleci.:tlellralthiwer--',
••1 Smith, col'J„ 53
• :•-• 43 ;1 845. :_ 6 vi11ia4110411
tedrp, , ,h*ioko,,•.
1 6,* - 1840 o 1 5;"ll'iniel B
~ •
• ' 11;1842 sr?'!'?if'lB
. .
12 1840
18 1841
.4 1843
200 1843
1247 18468
200 1847-8
40 1847-9
1105 1847.8
95 1847 8
- 100 1847
100 _ 1047..
100 1847
100 1847
SO 1847 8
'2 1848 .
'238 1848-9
200 1848'
200 1848 9
200 1848.9
25' 1848 9
• .
• !,,,
65 1815 8; Faith's beigi-- - 37 ,
.. .
O. 1845 6, Archibald arbel • -.. 24
-7. 1845 6, John;terms ' . 2 ' l
40, 1846 13, 'Henry, Myers 1 75
• % 28.1846 11;.Johyt Myers .' . : 1 79
,P 7, 1846 - 8, Philip"Myeri ., ' .2 89 •
0, 1846 ..Gilbert.l3e. , right. ' 40 . 1
• " 6, 1845 8, John Wiroman, Esq. .60
22, 1896 Thus M'Cluno's hr's "52
5, 1848 Adam Yeagy .. 16
5 .1 1847 8. Mender's helm . 36
1 Lot, 1817 John Osborne's heirs 20
10; 1846 8, N. B. Wireman's , h"rs 51
40, 1848 Thermic Bro,,wn. 108
1 Lot, 184 Isritel Griffey ' - 99
1 Lot, 18 .'
lath Little's heirs ''' 90
. " • 1 Lotrl t , .F. Myers 60
30, ' -, ..i'., ,illiam Meals 126
"' 40, 1 45 -,''' Jae. Neely's heirs 240
1 Lot, 1848 • Joseph ROckey 75 i
1 Lot, 1848 Gob. 'Vickers h'rs 16
• 5, 1846. Wagner & Veil ' 12 ,
' 20, 1895 6, Frolerisk Glut* 38
8, 1845 6, Jacob Gipe • 24
New Cumberland.
1 lot,No 51,1842 8, Dr. Chambers' heirs 94
do. 60, 1842 7, 3. P. Norris 180
do. 73, 1843 6, George Beeehjer 306
do. 114,1841 8, John Plough 2 76
do. 129, 1841 8, Wm. M'Lene's bra 2 12
do. 230, 1842 6, Zinger and Bear 1 59
do. 34, 1842 5, J. M. Haldeman 145
do. 155, 1841 8, Martin Luther 1 97
do. 157, 1841 7, Peter Pancake 1 74
do. 161, 1893 7 Dr. Agnew's heirs 1 17
do. 160, 134,1 7, Owner Unknown 165
do. 208, 1841 6, do. do. 1 55
do. 212, 1842 8; do. do. 1 80
do. 211, 1841 8, Ab'm. Hurch'sAt 1 46
do. 171,1845 6, Henry McKinney 48
do. 31, 1845 6, Jacob Zeigler, 41
do. 76, do do. 41
do 146, do do. 41
do 177, do,. ' do . .41 .
do 12, 184.9 8, Michael Keller ,91
do 28, 1842 8, William Allison 129
do 72, 1843 5, J. M. Halderman . 68
do 132, 1842 5, Christ. Halderman 139
do 156, 1842 8, John Spitzer 79
db 202, 1842 8, John Roberts 1 93
do 204, 1842 7, James McGinnis 119 :
• do 27, 1842 8, A Carothers' heirs 154
do 35, 1843 8, do do 4 2 18
do 84, 4812 5, J. 14. Haldeman 122
do 3, 1816 G. Fahneatock'a Wes 29
do 4, 1846 do do 30
do 13, 1845 7, Ab'e' m Hursh,heirs 68
do 38, 1842 6, Philip Sniper 85
1 Lot, 1843 Ah'm Hunt's heirs 31S
do 1843 7, William Wallace 127
do 111, 1844 8, Woody'r & Robins'n 1 50
do 60, 1846 7, Owner Unknown 36
do 189, 1842 6, John Foster 73
do 488, 1842 Hogan's heirs • 1 30
do 116. 1842 3, Henry Miller 60
do 150 , 1841 Shriner.'S heirs ' 15
do 1 1 5 , 1841- Conrod Reningor bra 15
•do 141'1841 Ab'm Feitrow's heirs, 15
do 37 ' 1841'3, Owners Unknown 100
do 66, 1841 do do 15
do' 172, 1841 3, do do 15
.do 175, 18 41 6, -do do - 15
do 123, I E 4I- do do 09
do 165, 1841 do do 15
do 183, 1841 4, do do 1 47
do 210, 1 941 do do lb
do 174, 1841 do do - J 5
do 175, 1841 4, do do L. 96
do • 152, 1841 • do do -1 15
do 154>1841 ' do do 15
do 85.1842
,3, do do • 45
do 148, 1812. 9, do. do 3 10
do 176, 1842 ?, do do 90
(19 74, 1843.0, do do 47
do 132, 1847 8, John Bucher's heirs 51
do' 164, 1847 Owner Unknown 18
do 112, 1847 do • do .. 13
do 122,1847 8, do do 69
do 68, 1849 George Ateicks 48
1 Lot, 1842 4 C. Hershey's heirs 37
do 109, 1848 Thomas Warren 16
. do 145, 1647 Owner Unknown ,
L 12
do - -....„
do . 200, 1847 do
' 12
do 153,17 do do 'l2
do 60, 7 do do 12
do 31 , 78. do do ' 90
Hear, Road, Listen and Reflect.
On Nhrth Hanover street, in the room formerly
ocavied by Mrs. Wise as a grocery:
liE, attention of the citizens ot Carlisle, and
Cutnberland and Perry Counties is invited
to this newly established Clothing and ,
and ace the well selected and most elegantly got
up clothing ever offered in this place. It would.
bo well for every man to know that a larger
assortment, -better styles anti more desirable
clothing can be bought for less money at this
now establishment than at any other store in
the place without any other exception. The
assortment is well selected ami the cut andmuke
of the latest spring and summer fashions, which
are tar superior to all others for -ease and ele
gance. All who wish to purchase will find they
cau save from twenty five to fifty per cent by
buying at the new stand of
3 60
Coats, Pants and Vests we sell remarkably low
as the following list.of prices will show:
Superfine black cloth Dress Coats $6 to 1t.1,00
" Frock " 6 16,00
Fine French ' Habit Cloth coats of
different stylep, 1 10,00
Now style ul Cushmerett coats, 2,50 9,00
French Coats of all colors 1,50 '7,00
Rough & Ready Tweed, now style. -4,00 11,00
California Lustre, 75 5,00
LinenlCoats, - ''.. 1,00 2;50
Business coats, 1,00 6,00
P4NTA.I,OOd- P. . . .
Now Style of American and Fr;anch
Cassimor plain, 3,50 7,00 of American and French -'
Gassimers, superior in quality and
variety of colors 5,00 IQ,OO
Finn Glaek case. and doeskins g,50 9,00
Striped and cross barred cuss. )ants 1,50 5,00
Now style Napoleon striped Ants 1,25 3,00
spring cuss. pants 4,75 6,00
Groat variety et Corduroy pants ' 1,25 3,00
Fine linen drigilig striped and plain 75 2,50
New style of Catubroon • 1,50 4,00
With an excellent assortment of wor-
king.pants which will oth-travelony
other in this place 50 2,00
Superfine black Satin vests 1,75 5,00
Now style of figuered and striped do 1,00 7,00
Plain & striped valentine 50 4,00
1. ine light summer Marseilles vests 75 3,00
All kinds of working vests at very low pr cos.
We will also keep a good assortment of
consisting )f coats, pants and vests and sell
them atwory low roues. In addition to. our
stock of ready madO clothing we will keep on
hand an assortment of
such as shirts, surfs, cravats, suspendorar
drawers, collars, caps, umbrellas, gloves, ha nd
kerchiefs, socks, &c. &c , which will make it
the:interest of the purchaser to examine before
buying elsewhere. All goods sold at this store.
Warranted to give satisfaction, and defy 'compe
tition; in quality, elegando and , style of the elic
ited durability, and we hope by, close attentiom
to business to'nierif a share of public patron
ago. Don't forget the place, North Hanover
Street, a few doors above Louthor Street West.
N. B. Clothing made to order at tho shortest
• s• , Spying' r oo
THE subscriber has lust 'returned', fiorn lthet
with a large and ytirled assortment...of.
Fundy and Staple Dry Goods, such as lifousi.f
deflatnes, Baronet!, , A.lpabhaa, ,Catiton
Fionch' and.. 'English ,Chinizes, ;cringhtuns6i
Lawns, Calicoes,Figyrod and, Doug& • Syria's , ;
~ 11/tislins,' wit h' ti.variety. of •Othor ' , Dress ma ter'-
alp to which he‘inyitkis the; outman of the 'pub."!
~:i...lThOsubsCrihei would, call, the ; UtrentiOn the
.ionninittiify 'to lot dr, 4 BOriniChifitZfili at of;
low' arum of.lo ots Oor;_yard. tho cheapest lot of
. goods orar,dffored;in.:Carlislo,.. '
' • •
s o,: SilleandLinen Ortiolei
forligieft:ilsoasOs - find saektrirjhels•Oyaned.':.t, • r,
Just•tipOriod ' cepa;
'With 'oil covcra,'
'ofsame^style for, sale' by "
, r , 4lll.oiitiork
potioott OiOhcirOx : noti6e,42.
of ag
, pootorootti l iot to t Oyc :„
Estateor;Jesep , ec . 7,
Et'rEHS:aadministiation'ciii tho eetrite of
4" Joseph'Crell;late Of 'Upper' Allen'teaM l
ship, .thambertand conntyi. ilecd.; ,, Wave !been
granted to the subscriber, residing', the;m
township, All - persona kitowmg tliernaelves
indebted to sajd'estitionre inquired to make inm•
mediate payment; and those havinvlaims to
present thorn to JOHN B COOVE g' R;Adrifr.
. April 8, 1850.
To Farmers and en of Ermined%
HE subecriber offers, ai the lowest rates.
in any iluantity to auitPurcheserti, Genuine
Peruvian Guano, and every variety of Sperm.
Whale, Lard, and Tanner's Oils. Munufaes
turers,'Tanners, Farmers, Dealers and' Consu
megrim) invited to call at No. 37 North
Wharves the first Oil Store belotv Race street,
Philadelphia: - GEO. - W.-RIZ. ) GWAY - ,
April 3,1850.-2 m.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
his friends and the public, generally that he has
st opened a new LUMBER AND COAL
YARD in West High street, a few doors east
of Messrs J & D Rhoads's Warehouse, where
he now has • and will keep constantly on
hand a first rate assortment of all kinds of sea
maned pine boards and plank and all other kind:
of stuff, all of which he will sell low for cash
April 3,1850. JOHN N. ARMSTRONG
Newville Saving Fund Society.
THE Newville Saving Fund Society,
is now fully orgnnized and in operation
under the manaument of the 'allowing Direr
torsi John Waggiiitcr, Sarn'lJlhl, Snail. W.Shatp,
William Klink, James .hicCandlish, Joseph C. Wil
liams, Brice J. Sterrett, John Work and Atchison
Persons desirous of becoming weekly depos
itors, and those wishing to mike deposits for
definite or indefinite periods, will mite applica
tion to the at his office in Newville,
on and after the 30th instant.
JAMES McCaNnt.tsu, Secretary,
JAMES R. IRVINE, Treasurer:
Newville, March 26, 1850. ,
Better than the Goldmines of Cali
A Whole Suit of Clothes at $1,75 I
riviE undersignectthankful for the patronage
JL of the Citizens of Carlisle and siljoining
country, informs his numtrous friends and the
public in general, that he has just laid in. an
entirely new Stock of fashionable Spring and
Summer clothing, made up in the best style and
particular) , calculated for this place, His stock
consists of fine Dress and Frock coats, Habits,
Cassimer, grab, kr., and Chian coats, Tweed
Linen and Check coats,'Nosiness coats of ,
descriptions, superior Back Cassimer and fan y
Pantaloons, a great variety of Vests front 75cts
to 84 00, a large assortment of fancy articles of
Gentlemen's wear; white linen, striped and red
flannel shirts. Gentlemen are requested to call
and examine the geniis, and be is sure those
who buy will be well fitted and at low prices.
A vent assortment 'of Boys clothing, also
Caps and kiats,, from 123 to 83 00 constantly on
hapd at • S. GOLDMAN'S
South East corner of Main and Market squire,
Carlisle, March 26, 1850:
foot. H. Hinkley.
riFFICE on Main Street, near the Post Of—
Ur fie°. Hr. H. is prepared to use Galvanism
as a remedial-agent intim treatment 9f Paraly
sis, Neuralgia and Rheumatic affections, but
does not guarantee succes from its aptilirntionto
all or oven any of these disenses. Rel;of has
been given and cures effected in a number of
instances, and may be in others.
March 27, 125 0, ly.
Cheap Groceries.
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Honey, Cheese, fresh
Splices, Yeast,Fliwilers,Slaccaroni, Farina, Rice
Paper, BakeMs Chocolate,- Baker's Cocoa,
Brown's Homeopathic Chocolate, Or tinges, Co
coa Nuts, Bolslas, and Curronts,•lcir sale at
March 20, C.INHOFF'S.
Charles Ogilby
H AS commenced and will be receiving for
some days,
a brilliant and very cAtensive
wisortmera of Spring Goods, and particutirly
invites allthat wish to purchase cheap goods
and.satisfy their good taste to give birn .a call
before purchasing , ns ho is dteermined Ito cut
goods this spring at small "profits, and please
all that will lavor him with their patronage.
ffis Stock consists in part of a freak supply of
SATINETTS, of nll colors and prices, we
worth examining .
. A full assortment of
front the finest shrouding to the lowest prices
in great variety and colors, 3-4 to 6-4. Also
of all color and pricm• A Large and complete
assortment of Mess and Boys
many of them entirely now styles. '
such as new style Silks and Satins, Linen Lus
tres, Mous de Lance, Lawns, and many more
entirely new styles too numerous to notice. A
large stock of
Tickings, Bleached and unbleached Muslim
and Shootings, dce. Tha largest and most ox
tensivo stock of
that has been brought to Carlisle for years, to
gether with '
in tit° Dry Goods lino, that would fill columns
of this paper hut are entirely too numerous to
mention. Also, a large assortment of Mens,
Buys and Childrens
all prices, Ladies Slippers, Ties, Buskins, in
great.variety of prices. A large and well solos.
ted stock of Fresh
Spices, &e. Cavendish, Congress, Hand, Cu
and Dry
of the host brands. Come and look for your-
selves at the old and well established stand,
where you will find a 'large and well selecte d
stock, of Goods and on the most faverablo
Carlisle, March 20, 1850.
Ahead of all ,Coropetition !
TtIE subscribers have returned from Phila
dolphin, with a large assortment of
consisting partly of Mons do Leiner!, Lawns,
Enrages, Linen Lustres, at 124, 184 and 23 eta
per yard, Alpachas, Ginghams, Calicoes, and a
variety of other dreks goods; ClothsrOassi.
mores, V.estings, Suffimer stuffs for men and
boys wear in endless variety, checks, tiekinge
muslins neoldprices, flannels, hosiery,,gloves,
laces and edgngs, Meanings, and some very,
chap GATO i ETS,troceriee,,queensware, &c..
Also, a large assortment of very •
Min led tifid braid hats, bonnet ribbons at till
prices and very cheap, a'few pieces wide high
lustre black silk's, together wills a', general as ,
sortment including'poarlY every article in our
line 'cif blisinesti; . hll of which have' been bought
for NO, bo sold to our customers:and
the whole country at considerably lower prices
than they elm' be bought in Carlisle. Int
ei call and judge for yotirsolvbs.,.
A kW BENTta`''
, .
'Mtiich 20;1;00: • ' , • ,
China . 1C Glass Warn.'
XTRA rich - China and Gleesin great vari
French. C hine'Cinner Tee and_ Toilet
Sets, Splendid Ornaments,- rainy of
Siane; . China, Liverpool'end. ConnnartDiehafn
Fluid, Cariinhine, end'.oll' tamps, to great
variety: • Ale?Cilir r ef, - eYerY...,deseriprion. • i.
FinolOoloneend:,BreakfaeLTand,also extra'
fine.,Yejind..firtparyil,:hist received .friim New
York , , and! foteeleiAtttite,Vieap'Orocory stole ,
of Cf. INHOFF. I
comgete iI'IPIP. 11,1lluponte,1Rin4
bo Bald Area y
, Jan 23d'18;,0:; e
, eoic
It '
1.511P1P.Y. ecetve o__rs t3..‘
• Noticto
W.HEREAS . .,.the• • Honorable. Fnaniarox
Werra, Prosident-Judke of the several;
Couita of Common Pleas of the counties of
Curnberland, Perry;and Jinriata c in Pennsylva
nia, and Joliet, of the several Courts of Oyer
and' Tarmieer and,; General Jail Delivery in
sittd r:panties. atd lion. John Stuart end John
Clondonin, 'Judges of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the
trial of all capital and other offenders, in the
said county of Cumberland, by theirprecepts to
me directed, dated the 14th day of Jan., 1850,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car
lisle 'on the 2d Monday of April next;
(being the Bth day) at t 0 b'clook in the fine
noon, to Continue two weeks.
NOTICE is therefbre hereby given, to the
Coroner, J Oakes of the Peace anti Constables_
nftffri said county ofCntiiliarland, flintthey are •
.y the said precept commanded to be then and
thereln'their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations; and' all
other remembrances, todo those things which
to theiroffwos appertain to ho done,und all those
that are bound by reengnizancus, to prosecute
(against the prisoners tont are or t en. shall be
in the Jail of said . county, are to be there to
prosecute them as shall be just,
Carlisle, Dec. 13, 1549.
Derrick S. Fehneet k, det'd.
L" „ministration n the estate of
D orricl eed., late of East
l'onnsboro towns lip, have issued in due form
°flaw to the subscriber residing in Hampden
township, All persons indebted to said estate
will. make payment and tlibso having claims
against it will present.them for settlement to.
Adm'r of D S Fahnestoolt, dee'd.
March 26, 1850-6 t
Estate of E. Bosserman, dec'd
LETTERS of Administration, do bonze non,
with the will annexed, on the estate of E.
BossEnatxx, Into of Carlisle, Cumberland coun
ty. deed, have been issued in due form of law
to-the subscriber, living in Newport, Perry
county, Pa. All persons indebted liCifioi4 as
tate are required to -make immediate .payffient,
. thoso having claims to present them for
settlement to
Pet. 26, 1850
Estate .71blice.
LETTERS of Administration on the
gestate of Margeretta Piper, late of West
Pennsboro township, Cumberland county Pa.
deceased, have been granted by the Register
of said 'county, .o the subscriber residing
in Newville to said, county, All persona
t. •obted to said estate will make immediate
ayment,„and those. having claims will present
them properly authenticated for settlement 'to
Feb. 25, 1850.
.4 olice.
LETTERS 'Testamentary upon the will of
the Hon JOHN REED, dec'd., lately of Car
lisle, have been granted to Mrs. Sandi A.
Reed, the Executrix, residing in the same
place, those who have claims against the estate
fo the Tlstator, will present them, and those
indebted will matte payment to her.
feb6-6t SA RAH A REED, Eetrx.
Estate of Jacob Wise, Deceased. •
LETTERS testamentary on the estate of
Jacob Wine, late of Shiremanstown, Allen
township, Cumberland county, decd. have been
granted to the subscriber, residing in the same
place. All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, and those having
claims to present them for set.lement to
feb.l3-50-6w• ELIZABETH WISE.
Estate of WILLIAM Kurz dec'd.
ALL persons are hereby notified that letteirs
testainenfy on the last will and testament of
Willtalw'Kut'z., late of South Middleton town•
Cumberland county deceased, hive, this
day been issued by the Rggister in and for said
county, to the subscriber who resides in North
Middleton township, in the county aforesaid.—
All persons having claims or demands against
the estate of the said demised, are requested to
make known the same without delay, and those
ntiebted to make payment to
1-4eCja or. a
Feb 6. 6t
eorge, Bobb, decd
o . ricE isi w ereby given that letters of Ad•
ministration on the Estate of George Robb,
late of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, in the
county of Cumberland. decd. have this day
been issued by the Register in and for the said
county, to the subscriber who resides in Monroe
township, in the said county. All persons hav
ing claims or demands against the estate of the
said decedent tire requested tommke known the
same without delay, and those indebted to make
payment to JOHN 'HOUSER.
Feb. 12, 50, fd Administrator of.G Bubb.
NOTICE'is hereby given that Leon—
ard Wise or South Middleton township,'
Cumberland county, did by deed dated the' 7th
March, A. D. 1850, assign all his property,
real, personal and mixed to the subscriber who
resides in said township. All persons having
claims or demands against the said Leonard
Wise, are requested to mobs known the same
without delay, and tunas indebted to make pay-
ment to. JACOB RITNER.
. _
March 13,1800. Assignee of Leonard Wise
Estate of Mary Fulton, dec'd.
L E TTERS Testamentary on the estate of
Mary Fulton, late of Newton township,
Cumberland county, deceased, have been gran
ted in due form of law to the subseriber,restding
in Hopewell township, in said county All per
sons indebted to said est•tte will 'make immedi
ate payment, and those having,, claims against
the same will resent them for settlement to •
March 13, 1850 •
Fame of. John Graft; decd.
LETTERS testamentary upon the
will of John Groff, late of Allen township
Crimberlana County', dec'd, have been granted
to the subscriber residing in the same township,
those who have claims 'against the estate of the
testator will present them, and those indebted
will make payment to DE MARKLE
March 6,1860... pd V — Executor.
rrillE business at Chesnut Grove Iron Works,
Jt will be conducted by Chae: Wharton, Jr.
as agent for the subscriber, all notes, drafts and
other papers,neccesary in conducting the boat.
nese will be signed Chits. Wharton, Jr. Agent.
Important to Millions;
THEpublic are hereby notified that I have
purchased the right of introducing Henry
Flinchbaugh's Patent SeltAightening Bush for
mill spindles—for the counties of Adams, Frank
lin and Cumberland—and that I are prepared to
introduce this improvement into nil the mine
of said counties, whose owners may desire the
same. Any mill owner 'Wishing tri./i,ave this
improvement, will be encoded nthydhectinee.)
lute to the subscriber, 'residing nehrthambers
March 13, 1850.-2 t
~ e:Or' 11l
T HE ' Cheap ',E'amily_Proceiy Store of Jo.
seph D. Halbert, Wait Mein street, Car. ,
lie o, Iran just received a large and fresh stimil%
of the best FAMILY GROOSIOBS that the
markets can aflord. • The subscri
bar bus iust returned from 'the city. 'and •would
respectfully invite his friends and the °public
generally, both in town and country, to call
and examine for themselves his large and in
creased stock; which embraces all the articico
usually kept, in hislmo of. business. Stich as
Rio, Java And St Domingo and Laginra Cabe ;
Imperial, Young Hson arid 'Black': Toga, of
,suporior.quality. and'tfleNor ; , Layering's •.
Moshe di , lOaf,falling loaf, and, loaf
,sugurs,. ;
ango'grove, alarified,..l%/ew Orleans and, brown
Sugars'of;Mitfry gradoAtrid quality, with price to
.shits.' - .Honey;••sugarhousai. , Orleans unit eyrup
AL:llamas/ Spices lof silt kinds, Which he' will
'Wiirrant.iinre;and'.fictih;;ground::; Broome, Co.
Oar and' painted , liuckets;:, churns,' tubs, half.;_
bunhol nioneures,; butter 1 bowls,' but ter , ;print e,
liutter Antilop,. wash I:rubbers,
fancy sowing, traveling mnd'inarket:.baskeis of
all' kinds: , Castile, Sancy,;:•rosin. - and' vountry
SOAPS.' Alsciimgeneral assortment of.chewing
aiV.snioking , T 013 ACCO, epanish half spaniel'
and. , ebmrnon'lDlGAßS. , ...Ropes•-twines, - . and
;BrOshcs,of all lkinds..'l , Prime ;Ret - MESE always
ptrltind4Boroitfi.Vyttiteaf irttittned,;:pqbant
anti Q men' LS •*::
attdociurniyEp elf tOnumbornfl',',
:severitiorn s; o f';'W ito ''lo rank o and I 'fancy,
'sois.;wfth"CRO9KEILY , WARB 'of,every
at OM 'lowest prices
Mir crisW "P"';.*
fOr'the'llbiralpatronage '
ibford'hestoived bpeqn tivenerOus pub6ir.
anbisortb'orliMders them h It Osirty;desince rat ;1
thanks hifitea' , b ff orts4o pleese' 6
okidlitiArOlitaftitto9tkolit!tO hotness; to rnerti•
MarOb HqBS:tD.; ALBBRT:';
- .
POOR HOUSE , TATtaxtisiT FOR '1849'
. Esquires,' Directors:of the Nor and of iherjouse ofEinployitent for tlie Coun
ty of Cumherlatid, in account with said CoUnty, from the Ist darof January, to
the 81st day of December 1819,, inclusive, viz :
DR, e ,
To amount drawn from County Tree.-
.surer $5,000 00
Coati received for use of Mary Knet-
Of U. 19: Government for use of Do
rothy Homwood.• A ;;. 125 00
Of Jacob Shrom for Hides and, Mr l. s
109 071
Of Perry County for support of pau.
Of Delaware' county forqsupport of
J. Powell, colored, 17. 00
Of 11. Snodgrass, Esq for use, 65 00
.0f _J!...W_Ebyi.for_uso r .0f...T. Robin
. son, colored, (dead)
Of A S Lyne, fur Old copperi,
For Tallow, '
Of J G Gruler and others, (deceas'd
For Blank Indentures,
Of J Hersh°, Esq. for hauling,
Of C If Guier, constable fine,
For sundries,
J.ADOB SQUIRE, Esq., 15•easurer of the Poor
county, in account with the Directors of said Josh
of December, 1849, inc/usive, uiz. :
To cash rec'd from County Treas'r.ssooo 00
from Joseph Lity . ch, Stew
ard, from ditlithe'nt sources,
as exhibited in the forego-
Eng statemon t,
Stock on the Farm Ist January, 1/850
7 hood of Horses, 24 head of Horned Cattle, 32 head of Hogs, 24 Shoats-and , 9 Pigs, 26 heal , '
of Sheep, 1 Calf.
Beef,Pork,Mutton,and Veal,fattened 4. killed on the farm, in 1849
26 Beeves, average weight 498 pounds, (12,948 )34 Hogs, average weight 216
7,344 lbs.) 63 Sheep, average weight 41 pounds, (2,609 lbs.) 14 Calves, average weight 7:%
minds, (1,022 lbs.) making in all 23,897 lbs,
/ Farming Utensils Or; the Farm, Ist January, 1849. •
1 Broadhealed and 1 Narrow wheeled wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair of wood-ladders, 2 pair
hay-ladders, 1 cart & cart gears, 1 sleigh & harn6s, 3 ploughs, 4 harrows, 5 double shovel
ploughs, 3 single shovel ploughs,•l stone wagon, I. thrashing machine, and horse power, 1 fan
ning mill, 1 'rolling screen, 1 corn 'haler, I ground roller, 2 cutting boxes, 1 flax brake, 2 grin
clones, 2 log chains, 34 cow chains, 6 sett of wagon gears, 6 sett of plough gears, 2 sett of car
penter', I sett of blacksanitt's tools, 2 sett of butchering tools, 4 wheelbarrows, I cabbag.
knife, and a variety of ekes, mattocks, picks, shovels, crowbars, corn hoes, ro s, rakes, grain cra
dies, sickles, scythes, single and doable trees, die.
Schedule showing the Proceeds Ithe Far for 1850. '
1000 bushels-of wheat, 27 of rye. 532 of oats, 445 of corn, 470 of potatoes, 2of timothy,
seed, 18 of onions, 2 of little onions, 25 of parsnips, 40 of beets. 3 of beans and peas, 200 9 head,
of cabbage, 47 loads t f hay, 9 of corn fotl , il one wagon load of pumpkins, 2000 cucumbers
Manufactured and made in the House and ShoL
• 122 shirts and chimise 3'2 sheets, 20 cope, 15 chaff beds, 5 bolsters, 88 calico frocks. 37 cot
ton frocks, 68 aprons, 27 petticoats, 20 pair of stockings knitted, 40 pair of stockings. footed,"s9
pillow slips, 26tomforts, 10 sun bonnats, 3 pair of drawers, 12 flannel frocks, 48 pounds of soft
soap, 130 of hard soap. JOSEPH LOBACH, Steward.
The Directors &c., of said Institution, annex the following exhibit of extra labor, &c., Performed
by the Steward s Matron, and Paupers, from the Ist day of January to.the...llst day of De—
. cember, 1840, inclusive. viz
Made 40 cofrine, ono double shovel plough, 2 bushel baskets 10 handle baskets, I now benches,
for dining room, 1 cot bedstead, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 large doug hi tray for bakery, 1 largtgate, 1,
small gate, 700 mile, cut 126 cords of wood, quarried alone for and made 30 rod of stoillo fence
done about $4O worth of blacksmithing, burned 90 bushels of lime.
Number of Paupers in the Institution let of January, 1849, of which 28
were colored, -` .. -
Number admitted up to 81st December, 1849, of which 25 were colored
• and-Aborn in the house, ,
Making aid whole number through the year,
Of which,2o died,B children bound out, 19 eloped, and 209 were discharged,
a -.
Leaving tl e number of pullers in the house,Jan,l,lBso,of which 28 are cord
Out° door :paupers, supported at public expense through the year 10, of •
which 4 have been admitted and 2 died, .r
t , ....,.. v .
Whole number supported Ist January, 1850, 1 ..
Of those remaining in the k Poor House, 31st December, 1849, there are=
Males 92, of which 12 are colored, .
Pennies 48, of which 16 are . colored, I .4
And 8 out door paupers, of which 1 is colored, --t...:.p...
r, -
! "
At number per day through the year,l4B
i.. nere are, as near as can be-ascertained under 1 year 4 1 ;6 front 1 to 5 ; 9 from
6tolo ; 7 from 10 to 20 ;20 from 20 to 30 ;12 from $ 0"lo 40 ;12 from 40 to 50;
21-from 50 to 60 ;• 20 from 60 to 70 ; 18 from 70 to 80; 8 from 80 to go ; 2 from
90 to 100 ; 1 above 100
Exclusive of the above, the registry contains a list•of the names of 175 transien
paupers, who have been received without regular orders from Justices of the Peace,
and who have been supported at the institution for one, two and three days,
We, the Directors of the Poor and of the Hommel .Employment for the county, of
Cumberland, do, certify that the above and • feregoing,istatement contains a just and
true exhibit of the Institution, during the period fibers statedowOortling to..the best of
our knowledge,. Given under ouvhande .thie IM day Of . January, A. D. 1850.
• ...
• "ruOMAs BRADLEY, ' Direatori:
, •AL G.; 13ELT7.ROOVER,.. ,
. .
We,the undersigned, Auditors of Orinelierland epunty, ehristed arid', sworn acecird.
trig to law; ltaiingexeminekihe accounts arid troitehers ,
of the Direetois of the Nor
and= raise of Employmerit efAiaidecuirity, from the _lst"dey Of Janue4hto the alai
day of Decernheratt49, inclusive, do certify that' we find trbilancg due said conn ( Yi
by the Director ' itforesnitl, of fUnr- hundred: and Ili ftrseven dollars i and , , twenty , two
cents, in the'hands.ofjecob S4nier; Elef.,7rienaluer of eitid-roor Rouse:and House
of EmplOyment... , 'Piven:Ondeir our. handi ' at 't.,itrlielOthe :11411,4i - ,01 .. /iduotli
1860. . ;,. •;:..!.,,', 3: •• I,i, ''''' • ' VETERL.UVINGAIIi \'. ,''c'',' '''.ill
~•,I, , ,t ' , '':!, :A .. . - 't ' ..' JO 17 , 1 - 10 AD, ' 41.14ffi0r84 - • '
; March '14,11315(/7-n" ••• = ~ - ',; '.''', I .'P:'''QUX'9XT , lr''' ''''' '''!'• ll' '''' ,
# ,
, . .' ' ' ~ .- ' i. -. llllbittiiiseis' and :Syrup ‘ '
~ '. - 14a'5;...g.#0 54. ': Be
- , .-, : 6 ‘ , 4 : ''
' 1- ' : 6UGAR: Home PYidP.:tind °dune lhaltina
~..s r, ,ifArAt. ti'Xia: AviA.,GPen,! 1.. , ,t 3 Wir i T ' ‘ ltiolasacs of tfte•best'surtlitios— . ;
•, 7,434,40.,46 ch ildren As 10t , 9..T,... p'. , ....- . , MACKAuEL. . • - r-, '
11 . 0 .,..51.A c kitifi1ik" , '"!;d•tur..4,414 , 4 . , :,“ 'flj'..,. 1.::- . , .c:, , :. A small lot of No, 2,in half barrels, and 'No.
- .. , ....Corifole;[Nrnicht:, ' ,f 1 9 i''.o*-1 . , i1,;,..4‘ . S;;:' ' - ,l;;Ktiuniti4 barrels - igloo: :,' .:, •, ' ' • -,-,-; -„.
... a., w!.. , Vt,..-'4, , r4k , :' , ,„ :..7,--..t ,;,-.r. -'" '. • ' 4A I 4IIIOPW '' ' ' ' '
4 , .A.01 . .. 1 4,.• •.',:,
~ • , .. i . , ta t: oe k, ~. •, i vi ,,For :Salo et '' • , . •". '., . mnr It
4 1 4) , i.V.T.:'A .. ..;4, 4 1,,,,, ~„,,,.._:„.„,. ~, J,..- ,amino . , cuitiptc yin: 7; 185o;' - '' '' . .i. ' ' ,'• ''. '`, .. •' . ' , ..1 ~.
ii*liMiMinil ‘ f •I' Cip,ectvdd :Mit, ,'• • • • 77 . r , • , '• •• --• .. .-.....t .,
.`,l, tiiikilig 1001104140011FlOwor; - Seeds ' 4t)ST...REGEIVER•7•At thrrelicorikliore, i
frog', the betk il abliclurrimtrgin'tthe country, .e.P .grnat. varlety. 'of MI 'colors'. Woolen
.. ..lturri",
and'whichrhir,ii ittledifttlintly re comm en d' an df ; Long and Square ' Shawls/ from $1 'to *l O ;very,
the' bolt ctuallti.'!' For sale' at ~ • time cheap DTug.`,nhcayr indoc 4f , i Mous - Tdo , ,-,!TAtuoii . i .,, , , Gltioi t in,
,i n d,B oo los t p iwo r, ;; ; ~ , 1.,
_,.- c'- , ,`. '. ' '. ' - :" '''Sldel,l3bacii,:qnd ,Taskilei , lliirSO'friatj''Claklkl )
'''' ' ,"'":' ; '' j: : 2 : :. E 3 NV KAY/MSTECK; . ; :: .dttd ‘ d ' irctoe Virlety".4t WboleMilatiO:' . lW:! , A,M:
c's . lor*2o, IVO. ' 'l' I'. ''''' ...,‘ .. 1 • .'" ..,00141 - ' 1 . ''''
4 : ''°`'''''. V' '. I "42'IOI IcW!'BENTZ;'
i , 4 -2 .O•W' 4 .'-',''''''''"'-'•''''-''''''"''''''''.
By payment orinterest on doWei in- .-...-,. •
favor of Mrs O'Brien, in the land'
purchased of A McDowell in 1842 038 91
Cash for Groceries, Merchandixe
clothing and bedding included, • 1,414 685
Cash advanced by J Squier, Esq., 451 845
do. for stook, ( ' - • 493 74
do. for grain, flour and grinding, , . 414 79
do for support of out door paup're, 198 505
' do for lumber, _ I. . 188 01
do for tailoring, 104 025
do for-shoemaking and halting, 183 995
-do-for strme - coal, - 133-005--
do for leather, 131 71
do for blacksmithidg, - 76 465
do for freight on coal & groceries 61 955
' do for out door Niteroi expenses, 80 75
. do for Constable's fee" for rimoV- '
ing paupers,sl 84 '
do for hardware, cutlery, &c., 82 88
do for materials, improvem'ts, &c'
on the farm, 44 675
do for tin, copper, and sheet iron,
, ware, and tinkering, 44 95
do for farmin tensile, tools, &c., 33 745
do for drum e, stove-pipe and
repaid I stoves, ' 32 715
do for tinnin roof, 25 00
do for castings, . . 36 31
do for manufacture sattinott, 26 665
do for plaster, 28 00
du for carpenter work, 10 18 '
do Borough of Muncy in Lycoming 1
county ; Pa., for support of a ;
pauper .. 51 874'
do for out door medical aid, '6 50,f
do for 'adieu', 9 00 .
do fur printing and stationery, 3 385:
do for traveling and Incident"! ex
, penses, ' 9 95i
do Build Institution for use of Sa
' rah McGlaughlin, 25 OD;
do for postage 1 71
do for glees, 3 701
do J, Lobac , salary for one year, I '
(hirelings wages included,) 500 00'
do Dr J Baughman salary for one
year, 100 00
do J Soler, E-q., Treasurer, sal
ary for one year, • 40 00 -
do L Todd, Esq., attorney for one
year, 20 00'
do J Ilersho, Esq., extra services
as Director, 7 50
do W,n Ker. Esq:, extra services
as Director, 18 00
• do Thomas Bradley, Esq., extra
net vices as Director, 12 00
Cash due by J Squier, Treas'r ' 447 22
167 33
51 07
47 95
10 00
21 40
18 181
2 00
1 33
2 26
$5,690 000
$5,640 09;
louse and Housis of Employment of Cumberland
ution, from the Ist day of January to the 31st dal
-'l7 CR: 4
p'd ordbrs as above stated, 85,192 87;
Balance doe by Treasurer, 447 22.
640 09i
$5,640 09;
65,640 09
65,610 091
~._.._ r ~ W jii. kJ. i~.
, „ . ,
IIpEACIIES how tti actornplish a large
ily wash in the course'or one or two hours,
at an expense of less than eii cents. Aequires
no rubbing„oo machine previous knowl—
edge, no l)tlYa washing utensils, and may be
used by a person of the meanest capacity. The
material is cheaper than soap, may be obtained
every where, and is not composed. of any acid . ,
turpentine, camphone, or any substance of dis—
agreeable odor or injurious qualities either to
-the person using it or tho - linen on which 16 s
employed. Warranted not to injure the most
deltatte fabric. The.proprietor is confident that
a trial' will convince the most sceptical.
Dillsburg, Fob. 18, - 1850'
Wo certify that the improved Washing pro-
Cass of which G L Stir/attn. is Agent and Pro
prietor for thecounty of Cumberland, and town
ships of Carroll, Franklin,_Waslttagten,War- _
- ringtOritind 6:utility of York,
has been fuly tested in our families, and we
confidently commend his pamphlets tor Washing
Rocoips to the public, as communicating - the
art of washing linen in a mode so thorough - and
satisfactory, andwith a despatch so eitraordin
cry, as to. appear incredible to those who have
not witnessed i e operation. It disOnses with
more jhair half the labor of washing in the or
dinary manner, saves material and lin
en perfectly. In truthtbo result ent ly cor
responds with his recomMendati th e no one
regrets purchasing one of his receipts.
David Cocklin, David Weaver,
Daniel Bailey.
J It Sidle, David Brandt,
Win P Reigel Frederick Wetly,. ;
• James J Moore, Daniel Wiled.
Reference may also be bad to,Mr David 'Mar
tin, of the Mansion House /foie!, and to Messrs
Mitchel McClellan, Henry L Burkholder,.N.W
Woods, and Michael Conklin , Esq., in Carlisle,
who will testify to its merits.
Price forb family right only one dollar, which
may be purchased of ROBDRT McgART
NEY, Agent for Carlisle, or. a recipe will be
sent by mail to any ono enclosing $l,OO to 114
undersigned, Proprietor,. residing in Dilleburg,
York county. G L SHEARER.
Feb. 26, 1850.
LI -
•,,--. 4 w
-TAT-:,-"‘' ~s,-
•- 1 ----
For irfie Care of
The uniform success which has attended the
`iile of this preparation—its salutary effect—it
power to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs
have gained for it a Celebrity equalled by no
other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted wills
entire confidence in its virtues, end the full be-
lief that it will subdue and remove the severest
attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs.
These results, as they become publicly known,
verry naturally attract the attention of medical
men and philanthopists every where. What is
their opinion . of CHERRY PECTORAL may
be seen in the sollowing
Prof. Surgery Med. College, Net York, says
, gives Inc pleasure to certify the value and ,
efficacy of Ayer's CHERRY PEE CORAL,
which I consider peculiarly adapted-to cure dis—
eases of the Throat and Longs."
writes in a fetter to his friend, who was fast Sink
ing under an affection of the Lungs 1.--"Tri the
cherry peotoral and if any medicine can give you.
relief, with the blessing of God that will."'
of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of
his was cured aseveral severe attacks of, croup
by the 'Cherry Pectoral."
The Canadian Journal of Medical Science
states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis' so preva
lent in this inclement climate, has yielded with
surprising rapidity to Ayre's Cherry Pectoral,
anti we cannot too strongly recommend this
ful preparation to the Profession and the public
Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself:—
HAturpoandan. 281 1847.
Pe..l . C. AYER—Mawr. Sir t—Having been
: rescued from a painful and dangerous disease by
your. inedioine, grafi - tilde prompts ratfnersend
you this acknowledgement, not only injustice to
yottAtut for the information of others in like af
A slight cold upon die lungs, neglected at first
became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent
cough oust profuse night sweats followed and fas
tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not
sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain
through my chest, and in short had all the alarm
ing symptoms of nuica consumption. No medi
cine seemed at all to reach my case,lnitil I prov tried your Cheary Pectoral, which
soon relieved and now has cured me.
Yours with respect, E. A. STEWART.
Ataintly,N. V , Aprill7, 1848.
Dr. Ayer, Lowell—Dear Sir 'have. for
years been afflictell with Asthma in thu worst
form; so that 1 have boon obliged to sleep in my
chair for a larger part of the time, being unablo
to breathe in my bed. I had tried a great many
medicines, to no purpose; utuLl'my physician
prescribed, as an experiment, your Choi ry Pee
At first it seemed to muke me vorse, but in
less than a week I began to experience the most
,gratifying relief from its use; and now, in four.
weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can
sleep in my bed with comfort, and enjoy a slate
ofhealth which I had never expected to enjoy.
Sold by Dr. Rawlins, S. A. Hubbard, Dr. S
Elliott, Caslisle; Dr. Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; .1
H. Herron, Newville; J. C. Sc .1. B. Altick Ship
pensburg; and druggists generally. '
Golden Horse hotel,
THE subscriber having leased the above
largo and commodious HOTEL, situated on the
corner of the Public square And South Hano
ver street, and lately occupied by Ben!. L Esh
lamed, begs leaVd to announce to his friends
and the public that ho is prepared to entertain,
them in a manner which cannot fail ie. mem
their approbation.
THE HOUSE has the most pleasant loca,.
tion in the borougiv—has been newly furnished
and otherwise improved, and no pains will be
spared to make tbose who may sojourn with
him, comfortable during their stay. His par
lors are large and well furnished, and his dam,
hers supplied with new, and comfortable beds
HIS TABLE will bo supplied wi h the best
the market can a ff ord, and all who are connect
ed with, his house will be found attentive care.
ful arid 'obliging,
THE BAR will contain 'the bestliouors'the
city can produce. , .
HIS:STABLING is entirely now and eaten.
sive, capable .of accommodating from 50 to 49
horses—making it a desirable.stoppingplace
for.DE 0 VERB, and ivill be at tended by a
ful Ostler, ' in short, nothing wlll,.be wanting
calculated to add :t the_comfort and convent
one++ of those who ' inatfavof him vvith their
patronage, ',BOARBEIHS taken by the week,
month,. or, year
~IMTEmits ,
fee6'494, • • o'SOHN HANNAN
•-, , Curtis/0 Pa ' , - - tl
TPEsubdcriber respectluOi;, , ,informs
Ike citizens , of ..guntberland • and -, Perry
'counties, and the public generally,that ' he - has
taken' that' large, new and commodious :11ofel,, ! !.
on Ndrth Hanover street, Carlisle, ~ k nowni as
the Cumberland and Perry Hotel, and, redltntly T
kept 14 , H W.' Orth. Tho house Ida hawiand<ol.
egantly finished •cetablishinent,; is /plitaseillly
flaunted, and ii furnished! with '.
geed bedttipg
and other furniture, and, his ,accommodtjteus
are such es - to make if a`convenient and dem._"
blo stopping place.- .His?TABLE 4111'6e : ,-fut.."
n kilted, wit h' the besfthcmarket, Can afford,l and
his BAR with the choicest liquors. ';He has lib.
ways on hind's:large aniMly'of FRED,' - abilable •
! for all ;kindsal: Cattle,.; sndlngd.. f.PEDIKG ', '
:LOTS;With 'othetitceMktrotuiptions which cane
,not fail tardiddeitM &Stiehl° 'stopping :plow ,
;for p4ovnito: ';1118"filTABLING ;is , 'exten.,
'aivei , aigiablOtortipboilitnodatitig abodf:ld +pad '',.
p i 4h l o u rf e ee in '.' , , n , c d H fo fi , r b
c lio l i t l e Eiti i liti h o tak ift , loo a ; l ii !‘ c li k o ctp l ij.l o 4:: :
!maidnable,tirtmf,?, Atoo#o,'4,nlofPoi'cliki°7-4,
rraYed' ,6 7 t A,ll,7' 4 !!!P.PM?,,stigii 4 fitt , ° ' ig g ilt ;(.'.
6 ,
eltglTl..„,# L:.;-., V ~', ~.;. .. , .' ' ~e , a vis....p;','P :
' r ( 03 ••! 0 !*`/Pv.t!r 6 0 1 s' , .V-.:::3*,' L ~,..WP, 1 ;74",*P1. : '.'
. ' '2 . ::" '. 1;. : i .. -C ,: ‘,••'''.:.: ' , 1, :,,k1T., %, 7!
•-. ' a '''''' ', ?.n '"' :::;,..i , '7 14 ::.%.?a;1' . :C.J . :.k:'A1W ~.1.!7,,v)::.;,1-