fOrraattilS , SilipaiZiaciJir ,Frotkthe 11: • • -PAYICOUR broxis. Religion kbritAees not ludo a man HONEST is goodfor' nothing. If a than professes to be a bliristian and defrauds his neighbor, that man's religion . is vain. .And he is dishonest who withholds from another that which is his due, when it• is in his power to pay it. We, in this country, have acquired a bad name. abroad from. our State repudi ations; but it is not this of which we wish to speak just now. • It is of the laxness, not to Call it by a harder name, of many professors of religion, who seldom or never pay ,their debts until after being called upon' again and again, perhaps finally being threatened . with a suit at lay. There are some such men in al most every community. We have one of these men in our eye. He is a very amiable, easy man, who never wishes to quarrel with his neigh bors,and is always willing to, do theta a favor when they • are in . want'of help.— Bit he never pays his debts, if he can arid it. His bills at the store, at the .sfibpsof mechanics, perhaps for the fdod which he...eats, or the raiment he wears, . , are unpaid, and he feels not the' least compunctions of conscience or. the sub ' ject. He prays in his familrand in the social meeting, and . some . people think that he may be n Christian; but men'of 'the wcrfld say that if he would be lIONEST, they would have a better opinion of his religion. We see another debtor. He has no objections to buying anything that he can get on trust; he will even subscribe for a religious newspaper, or.a new edition _ of the_Bible r aind makes loud professions ..,of his tvfllingness to aid, this object and that; but when called upon to pay his subscription; he is-unfortunately just out of money, he will certainly pay it in a few days ; but he is no more ready a month afterwards than he was before, and he never intends to pay. Ho pretends nevertheless, to be n pious man; but he deceives very few. Just now lye see-another man of this always-owing and ncver-paying class. Some time ago, he contracted a heavy debt, and he never yet saw the timer when he could pay the whole of it at once; and therefore, he has paid none. of it. His income has been such- that he might, with a little economy and much self-denial, have paid a ;mit. of the debt, every y.ttr, and by this time have extin guishedait, but his conscience does not seem' to trouble him at all, although he lives on that which does pot belong to him. Men may sophisticate as they please, they can never make it right, and all the bankrupt laws in the universe can-never make •it right for them not to pa .y their debts. There is sin in this neglect, as clear and as deserving church,disciplina, es' in stealing or false swearing. Lle Who violates his promise to pay or with holds the payment of -a debt, when it is in his power to meet his engagement, ought to be made to feel that in the sight of God and of all honest men, he is swindler. Religion may be a very-com fortable cloak under which to hide ; but if religion does not make a man " deal 3..../y-e , it is not worth having'. , But what shall a poor man do who is in debt'. Let him work and - pay it.— Deny yourself all the .luxuries and very many of the comforts of life; be willing to take a humble place in society, and mortify your pride ; in dress and style of liiPing be as simpl and economical. as possible; if necessary, live on bread and water, and labor diligently,' until you satisfy the demands of your last creditor; but never lay up a cent of money nor spend a cent needlessly while you owe it to another lWemish that this principle could be ingrained into the hearts and consciences, at least of professing Chris tians. There is a looseness on the sub ject in the church that is p6rfectly irre concilable with the law of, God and - the maintenance ' of a good reputation in the .eyes of the world. Let no man be trusted who icEOLECTs to pay his debts. If misfortune has sud denly deprived him of the ability to,pay, that is- another thing; but if by his con duct he shows that he has no DISPOSITION to meet his engagements, especially small debts, let him not be trusted. He that is unjust in alittle,Willbe unjust in muca. He who defrauds will steal, and there is soarcely any difference between stealing and' wilfully neglecting to discharge a duty. . NEW AND MAP uctcsairdaenraam emiaameme. Now opening by JAC CYB SENKR, who re spectfully calls tho attention of his friends and_the_._publie_geneadly—ancL,-all—dealers- in HARD WARE,:to his new and splendid assort ment of all kinds of Hardware, such—tts--Sad dler's Tools and • Saddlery Ware of every de scription and style, all kinds of Carpenter's tools, and building - materials of all•kinds and nor style, all kinds, of malarial used by Cabin - et makers. Also, Shpo Findings of all kinds, a good assortment of Men's morocco, kld, French straits, lining and binding skins for shoe-ma kers/ all articles used by shoe makers constantly kepß- on hand. Blacksmiths :can be supplied? with the very-best of hammered iron, Warranted good, also all kinds of rolled, slit, round, band, and strap iron, cast, theme, spring English and American-blister ntael, - warranted good, also a lot of shootiron for tinners. Housekeepers can also be supplied will every 'Alicia necessary fur housekeeping in the Hardware Line. Ethereal and Pine OA Lamps of eve!) , desctip tion just received also ethereal and pine oil for sale, just . . fresheall kinds of paints, oils, varn ishes, turpentine, also, a first'rate article to pre serve;leather shoes, arid' keep the feet dry.— Look out and bear in mind.. Farmers; ; Mechanics and Miusekeepers and It, who use the article of HARDWARE, call Rt . the Well. known 'new arranged •HARD.. WARE' STAND, formerly kept • by. Lewis Harlin, in North Hanover street, next door to John Ccirnittan!e, letiern stand, now kept by H. and aliio next. •door to .George :Roller's Fancy Hat ortid:Dap Etore...- Call and' examine for.yeurselves,Lnd.eave money, as we are •de lermuild all;prticles•ar the Veit) , smallest profit fof,CASH,, and. we tbink.we shall be able to sell ...fittle. , than..any other Mirdware Store fit - ttownins'. P.lL:r.'gpeds are: well selected and are purchased .a crders to sell low at the new arranged flard,r , re Store, well-ltpon es.'Lewie - Htirldn's :old•ntand,. I.,vliere you ma y . find a good assertnienvotevery article the liardwate-Trade.• - Dela% forget the:Stand, as 3 utok'ealesn m istna l l• profits le the,;;Order,Of the Call and - extunine.for yotirsalvds..' . . Mitten:ll and Pine JlTST,reiteived , and , ' for solo. ot' , Dri•RAW ! : LINKI3/put 16'gan'oy Main Streei ,C' %deli ' ' mien 111ArAP iAndo.4ool4 ERRING just receive d- by •In' t'hegfoC7.liTeiY.o4PeriQr'rrtiteeiy_d for p l llofg i 4l stO re of , ' • , ' • ,I)**Lti6t4t.'''''"•' , : . ''''" ••,...., • .. - • • . Frclit die,Weet A!abt!m . . AS BRYAISIORFAR,pop•T ! - , ~• Every min . , woman mut child in Piekens county knows Jess Bryan. And•to these Whose cireninstances'unfortontitely compel Mein to live elsewhere, we would gay, That Jesse is the present sheriff ot the county a foresaid. And futtheimore, we have rile au-. thority of the Secretary of State' for saying, that he was' did finest looking sheriff vt.,lio carried the returns of We last Presidential election to Montgomery. . On reaching Montgomer y , Jess wet to the capitol, and was introduced to the Sellkte tary: '1 arr. happy to. know you Mr. Bryan,' said the affable Col. Garrett. mrehappy. to find you do,' lied the sheii(l 'farsince I put on these blacks hard. ly know myself.' Jesse is our crack taleteller, and many side aches have the boys had from laughing at his Nubbin Ridge and Sourwood stories One of his we will now give, premising that that' the gist of the- , tale consists in his rich mode of telling it, and that it must lose much by being read. .Some years ego,' ;aid Jess . ; 'before got to be sheriff of Ibis county, T was in Mobile, and one day 1 Niw a clowd moving out to wards the Orange Grove; .1 'joined it, and learned that a match light was about to come of be:ween Jim Burgess' WI dog and a tame bear, fzfr five hundred dollars a side, one hundred for!e;t. As soon as the rmg was fOrmed, the .410.2 .Swan turned 1005e...0n the bear, and after one round ho stayed loose-no sort of talk could rrialte Intn cli i ieh triant, still 1311 - rgusnsaiit the forleit and drew off the kl Just as the crowd was about to. disperse, a tall raw-honed .notive from -Chichasaha, 'whp rekii-ed in the ownership of a big bogy, diump•tailed cur dog, fang out, 'l'll be-- . lf Cash can't take ikat bar,' 4 1\ 7 1rit will you bet of that,' said the owner of the bear. qtll go my said rawbones, 'and drawing out the font' of .Ito oil Sir - eking, he shelled out 4witnly dollars • The bear man covered the twenty, nod the ring was again tormed: 'Now gentlemen,' said Chickasay, '1 wishes it to be understood as how nobody goes inter this ring .bat me adCash, an the bar, an nobody aint got to speak or (etch but mc.' This was vigreed to and the bear being unmunled, the word was given. 'Look out Cash; mind your eyes! Watch him, Cash !' cried, raw bores, as Cash with a priident remit for his own interest, kept at respectful distances; his bristles standing up like tho"tcelli of a' harrow. As soon as Cash had taken a position a little further in the rear of his toe, and out'oUlie range of his paws, his mastei sholited—'take Inm Cash l' With one boimd, Cash seized the bear by the roof of the ear, keeping his body side by side with his enemy, so that - the latter 'could not possibly strike him. 'Keep omen this ring, gentlemen,' cried tae owner of Cash. , Bring him here, Cash !' Cash, by main force dragged the beat half around the ring, without once exposing him s dt to the furious binws•of the animal. 'Shake him, Cash P Again the brave dog sho3k his loci, until the bear's teeth fahly chattered witli pain and rage. Still Cash by keeping yard Lunn and yard arm with the bear, was' as sate ns is he had been in his master's cabin. The owner of the bear seeing that the bear could not bring his arms to bear, could not bear to see Cash beat the bear in such a barefaced manner; and gave up the day. 'You give it up,' said our man. 'Well then, gentlemen, clear the iing—Cash leaves when he do leave 'em. Hold him, Cash ! You say its my motley, no discounts, nor nothing Watch your time, Cash ! Let go Cash! With a single spring, Cash . was ten feel beyond the reach of the bear's paw, 'That's a right pearl bar,' said raw-bones, but he aint nigh such•a one as me and Cash has tulc-:' We got one this fall as measured nine feel trout snout to tail tin.' 'That's a the discomlted owner of the bear, 'you never saw a bear that large in your haint ? Well, go you these here two twenty dollars on that branch of the subjeit. 'lt's a bet,' said the bear mar.. ( Well come down }o George Davis's and we'll try the case.' The crowd all accompanied the parries and we soon reached Davis' Stole.' 'George, let me see that biggest bar skin 1 let you have a spell bock,' said our man. Davis handed out the'skim and it measu -4 red nine feet one inch and a roff: '-Twenty to start on,!and in ty are forty !- and forty are eighty ? Whoop: ICome,/tere Cash. Guod evening to you all, gentlemen, ' ' sang' the over-joyed naive; . a id the last I 'saw of him, he and' Gush were eating ginger cakes at the market-house. Harrisburg Transportation Line, syi r yi 4 t a t a . FUNK & MILLER, pORWVARDING & Commission Aferehants, Hannisnuna, Pa. ship Produce, Merchan dise, &c. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, &c. Ste Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fislt, Groceries, &a constantly for sale. Harrisburg, march 29. 1848 Blacksmith's Look Hers ilaToNs . of asserted "hinds of ROLLED 4/ IRON just reeld, that we' will eel' at a .loiter rate than ever has been sOld,'at either for cash or scrap iron. 'Also Watts' beet DAR IRON always on hand at the store of • , JACOB SENER. Dee. 27. - : •• • . • .. . BONNETS! ,BONNZITS!•••• ' ' 'FIST received the ;newest , and latest sty 1e.13 it - fleets, to, Whieh, I invite i hb; al ton: ,lion of. the ladies,. Will bo 'sold ne'bri . lntins, call and , examine,' at the Cheap Sior North 'HanoverAc t street. ''J' G CI NY.' • . • . GINGHAM'S. A.salondid , assortment of Qinghanis of vs; rious . patterns_,, very ; low;, can be, bed ":of the. subscriber in., North Hanover street., Call and see.: .' [mag.9] ~ y ,' •J CV cARIV.IO_,NY, - -, .. __ T , ''.. - ..'French;Stinuner Cloths: , opened. French Summer ecribo ClothrfaTdiff as drent enlortr fot'Gemlrmrn's coareind'Fahtikliienr . x . G'W Wool 1 'Wool ' PO.UNDS - :of half meilini;Wool;in 9.A1-/..17ft ' l .hafianijairraileived and-for; sale -at 8 , A!bnYlq i e,:.Nortl l Hanover elreet.',E,...-5 ; A 11' :ixterOveratteidii eiit.;:tliit `mid , . Prices.' '.o6ll:;:rAgfiiricsiire'::SrAhc-,ekkeeP, store . in:Niiith.Titinover_street:,l,- ~..,-,_;•:!, - ta-----. ; "i atcli , : ege e y: 1 . •• . • ..-- ;and '::..:.:_' CHP Arnik . TITAN 5.Ev.r.R-7=. ''. •. „..„....-tik, •"' Wholesale and Retaill--.At the • ON, 'flPhillidelPhin Watch and Jeiv ) ,i, .....° ON elry Store,""No. 96,North SEt. • AN , , 4 . ' , : . -s , '',:C.P tittreet,cornbr of Quar t .tii7 . 613ii',67. - • . rY *Street... '.... Gold Leveri3;lB k. eases, full jewelled, $3O and Upwards Silver Levers ; full jewelled, $ l5 and upwards. Gold Lepine, 18 k. casesi jewelled,• $25 and .•upwards ' ~.. • • ' . ' . Silver Lopines, jewelled; $lO and upwards Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10 ' ' Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett-Tes, ' $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5; other articles-in pro portion. All be what the, are sold for. • Constantly on hand a ergo assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an assortment of M J Tobias &• Co,. E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates & Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other superior Patent lever •Moventents, which will be cased in any style desired Arrangements have bean made with all the above named moat celebrated manufacturers of England, tofunlish at short,notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be Won t end the name and residence of the person on daring put on if requested. 0. CONRAD, novBl . Importer of Watcher L. R. DROWIVLALL'B GRZAT BARGAIN WATCH - AND JEWELRY STFE wilt.= Gold,ofill Sit• f 0! ~ vet Watch6s of every ii a i :•••'..'"_•.. description .can be had c 2 . a . :"%-at 'from ten to fifteen "%... :: ' <3 :k;:-.1-..-:- -less than ally other store 4 *.;... ,8 7 ,\ 4 '.?;?\ ` in New Voris or Pulls -.'- i---.-:-..,.- 7 --."'/?!. ' dolphin. Persons' who wish to get a good watch, perfectly . regulated, would do well to'call at the store of the sub scriber, and compare the quality and price of his watches with that-of other stores. GOOD WATCHES AT THE FOLLOWING EXCEEDINGLY =I Gold Levers, full jewcPt!,:s carat cases, $29 00 Silver do do .•• 12 00 Gold Lupines, jeweled," carat cases 23 00 Silver do •do 900 Silver Varga-Watches, trom.s3,oo_iiimards. _ Gold Pencils from $1 to •$8,00; Gold Pens, with silver eases, and pencils uttachell, for 75c. Also, a handsome assortment of new and fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the usual store pricea• Ord Gold and silver botight or taken in exclnlnze, LEWIS R BROOMALL, No 110 North . SECOND„ Street, second door below Race, Philadelphia. ,p:B' 9:,y rCut this advertisement out, and bring tt along, you will then be sure to get into the right store. Mouse: No. 230 Market Street, above Eighth, South side... PHILADELPHIA THIS . large and splendid Hotel has been fur nished, with entire new .furniture. - Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par lors and Sitting rooms are entirely seperated front the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar rival and departure of cars. The portico ex tending the whole front of the house. of a cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City. he Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The Table as well provided for as at.any other Hotel, with every attention of the managers to make it the best Hotel for Merchants and business men, during their stay in the City. The terms will be one dollar per day. t On the arrival of the Cars from the west, a Porter will be in attend= tut convey baggage, &c., to the Hotel, which Ss adjoining the depot. Feb. THE NIAGARA -SHOWER-BATH, An entirely new Article for Shower-Ba thing, With warm or cold Water. Bath took the premium at The Fair'oP the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, October .1848, the _only_Bath_that_ever-took-a2pronnum at that institute and ohm leek the fast premium at the Fair of the Maryland Institute, Novem.- , ber 1848. A great and important improxerMit' is made in this Shower-bath overall others, by throwing the water immediately on the body, without %vetting the head, unless at the will or pleasure of the bather; but a greater point is gained b 9 being enabled to bathe with warm water, which no other Shower-Bath is -adapted to—and most of all the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair, Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case is met in this as they can regulate the tem perature of the water to 'suit their wish, and continence bathing at any season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies can linve the advantage of broling.without wetting the head or covering the same. The arrangements aro sine and rompletn. and not liable to get out .of *der. 'Phe Bath can he adjusted to suit any height, from ti small child to the tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures are hid and the outside ap pearance is that' of a neat piece of furniture. They two t'oceived•tho approbation of seve ral medical gentlemen—others are requ'ested to call end examine them, Manufactured by the Pa:entee.' EPIIRAIAI LARRABEE, • 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore. BAT II I NO.—Read what. A rtnstrong says : p o net omit, ye who would health secure, The daily fresh ablution, that shaft clear _ . The.sluices of the skin ; enough to keep The body snored from undeceni soil. Still to be pure, even if it did not conduce As much (us it does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily,painsi 'tis this adorns the rich; The went 01 this is pover y's worst foe, With this external virtue, ago maiming A decent grace : Without it, youth and charms Are loathsome: ) • ntionry 3. 1849.—V. • EXTRAORDINARV REDUCTION IN THE Price of hardware. ' I lf AVE, just received the largest and Chenp• est stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils _Varnishes,.Baddlery,_Carpenter's and Cabinet Maker's Tools, Mahogany Vaniers and all kinds of Building Materials ever brought to Carlisle consisting of Locks, Hinges. Screws, Nails and. Spikes. Persons about to build will find i grantly t 3 their advantage to look at my stook before purchasing elsewhere. Come rind see the Gooda'and hears the price and you rill be convinced that this Is ,realik the Cheap Hard ware Stdre. Also, in store anvils' riceS. files and rasps, and a complete assortment' of Watts' Bost Bar inin, also Rolled and .Hoop Iron-of-all sizes. I have also the Thermometer Churn made by Mr George Spangler, the best article now in use. SC YTHCS:—.I have just received my Spring stock of Grain and Wass Scythes, Manufactured exprossly for my own sales,,and warranted to be a superior article. Cradle makers and others will find these Scythes, be the best ar• title in 'the market and st the lowest lorice wholesale and retail at the old .stand in North Hanover street. , • 'JOHN - P LYNE.: ap18',49 Heyl's Embrocation for florsii. • . 'PHIS valuable Empu.q. A , •:„ CATION willeure 'Sprains. Bruises, Cuts, Gulls, Swell -4 • 'intl. • Rheumatism. .and - • complaints which require an external remedy. . It. loves, immediate relief.. to ' the Scratches; and'the Incident to Horses haVing White feet 'and noses, produced .by the'St; 'John. Moll. Isralso;highly useful irerelaxiEg' - nese of the Tendons and . Jciints and 'produces benefieial,effects in orackekheile, ;brought on ' by high feeding, aplints,spranic. This .Estnno- DATIOI:1 ie root:mended to Fanneriii.Yarriers, Reepers,of -Livery Stables, and •private•gentle, anon oivnink,Harsee,,ind should be .constantly keptin 'their stables: 'The''GENUlNEant clo Is.pronared"only by.W.Maos n 4L, No-302 ,Race st.. Philadelphia.. , And for Sale ,wholesale and retail 'AID RAWLINB' Drug Store, W, Main sereet,'Carlisle.i'. , • • •- ; • neensware s. . e - A itA,ll,(iEstikgenerel , tieleetion of theSe tides inxivery variety bps tteen added to:our no. lortmeat;". Also; a lot of , Codar Ware';: . ernitrac; .Tubs,Cherna, Bualtli.s.,Pails, he.; at low prices '.at Protery ; gtoye • • silfateli .„" 1140 61'8.'0 S H tH":7'. 'Another ' : big stock cif Br, JED`Boots elliting; jedillefi , PrteCt s '4E 1 0 0 3 . . ItOrg , aliCakte.; -: •• - • • • • Cumb:=lTEdly.',Wyanspoitation Haute.- 5•• , - ;;;;3 - ' • pot-Ra . for plpirakr cre; Pittsbur g; &c. Forwarding and Commission Mreliant, einatsnuno, Pa., informs his friends rie'the - miblie;.that'from the liberal pat ronage. (Wended „to him during the past year he has been 6bcOuritged to make store extensive ar rangeniciiiiifor the present season . ; and has ad ded-,two'neW,, !nip- and splendid 'Beats to his LINE; add'will be fully 'prepared .rifiglie Op eningr.of.the Canal, to forward PR OD 700 MERCtIANDIZE of till kinds to 'and fr Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &c., .the lowest rate of freight and with the utmost des. patch. Agents for Boats, CARTA, 4 GASKELL Race et Wharf, Philadelphia. (lEISE & SON, • [No. 98 Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore. ' CLARK & SHAW, ? - J. McFADDEN & CO.S . pitts'g Agentsfey_Cars, . WUND ER LICII & GRIER, P No. 272 Market at., Philadelphia. CHALORER & REYNOLDS, No. 423 Market at., Philadelphia. BITER, JAMES & CO., Broad Street, Philadelphia. PENN'A. & OHIO LINE, -s="t, • North street, Haltimoro Harrisburg, March - 29, 1848.—.tf. *. • S. Goldman's Clothing Store, On the corner of Main street and Market Square s formerly occupied by Nathan Hanich. THE undersigned respectfully announces to' the citizens of Carlisle and' surrounding country that he has,just arrived from Philadelphia-, with a splendid stock of READY MADE CLOTH• IN G, fertile purpose of conducting the ready Made clothing business in all its various bran ches. lie intends keeping on assortment of every article in his lino of business, and at such pri ces as will suit bvery one. Ills stock embracos the most handsome aqd tashionable styles Worn, and 'made up in the beat manner__ _'_ The subscriber only.asks a trial of his -goods and is sure they will give.entire satisfaction. Also,• a largo as-tortoteni of lints, Cape, Shirts, Cravats, Collarsi.!Boaems, Suspenders, and Hosiery, nil-of which lie will sell at ‘63 , y low prices. Bois' clothing conatantly on hand BAMUEL GOLDMAN. April 11. '49.—Gm. nitremovAL A THAN DANT ell having. removed his, Cheap Clothing Store to the roomformer• y occupied by Alai. Lumberton, between Con lyn's Jewelry Store and Burkholder's hotel, in West Main street, would respectfully inform his friends and the public that Ito intends tocon• (inns the business as heretofore lie has just received a largo assortment of - .• . Spring and Summer Goods. which ho will have made up at the shortest no tice and in the most ddsirrable manner He will Constantly have on hand a large selection of Ready Made. Clothing, cheaper than ever offered to the public before— such as black and blue dress coats, frock and sack coats of various colours, tweed coats of al shapes and colors, summer cloth .coats, linen cotton and jean coals, and all other kinds of fashionable coats, black and fancy cashmere poufs, summer pants of every description and color, plain end fatitysatin vests, summer vests all sorts and colors,-shirt bosoms and collars, neck and pocket handkerchiefs, stocks, suspen• dbrs of all kinds very cheap Don't forget the place . Carlisle, April "--3 m . . _ Viqiumes, 0118 and Soaps. AF...NFlind fresh supply from RouSsel's and other the bast city houses, among which areslouble-r,.,a,; Brier,Rose G_QtaniU Inf Verbena, teho9lv. IfeliciiropeTTOefleur and Musk, tastett,.:y put up and for sale at the lowest prices. Also, for the Hair, Bandeline, made aux Fleure, Jenny Lind hair.gloss, ,Bear's Oil, acca4gim,.oil. fine-scented Antique oil, Philocome, Beef nMarrow, fine. Myrtle and Vie let Pommades. Also Fancy si ,Soups, telaqie RouseeNTSlTiVing C'ream. Wri,gh - f's do, Military do,-Almond es Palm Wash Soap, malting 'en assortment unsurpassed by any in the borough - . may9F S W HAVERSTICK - SPRING. FASHION S --_-..- THE subscriber has jug rec.ived another lot of the new style of spring - ----- -HATS, is prepared to accommodate e s.. - - . both Ilit old and new friends with on elegant article, besides every other artielegin his line. His stock is large and va• rious, comprising . fine Mole Skin and Beaver Hats' with Nutria, Fur, Summer and every variety of Slouch lints. While he cheerfully records his acknowledgement of past fuNor, ho would respectfully solicit a cominuance of pub• lic patronage. at the Old Stand in North Han• over street• • GEORGE KELLER. Mity:6'49 . • Fresh Dugs, Medicines, &c. &c. / I have just received from phis and Now York very extensive A 741 K: additions to my former stock, embra t.,g4 cing• nearly every aiticle of Medicine now in use, together with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing 'Packle,— Brultes of almost every description, with an endless variety'of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at the van"( LOWEST prices. All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to•pass the OLD •STAND, as they may rest assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon:reasonable terms. S,ELLIOTT, Win street, Carlisle. May 30 THE SYMPTOMS OF WORMS Are the tongue often white and loaded; the breath heavy and foetid; a disagreeable or sweetish taste* in the mouth; occasionally thirst; tho appetite extreinely variable, some. times remarkably deficienf,`and at others vo racious. There is sometimes a Ackisli feeling with...vemiting 9 r mucous; flatulence of the stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen; sw elling and hardness of the abdomen; the bowels.areirregular;-the-stools are-slimy; end, there is an occasional appearance of *onus' In the evacuations; the urine is often milky and turbid; there is frequently itchiness of the fundament end nose, which is'oftin swollen; those is occasionally disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth, and sedation a'vaking in a fright. There are, the times, headache or giddiness; ringing m the ears, or even deaf ness, faintness, convulsions, drowsiness, indo• lence-of.manner, ill—temper:— In same cases epilepsy and cludire; and even apoplectic and paralytic symptoms, and revere] of the signs of dropsy ot the brain and catalepsy appear connected with . worms. Frequently there is a • short dry ceugh E end pleuritic pains; some times feeble and Irregular pulse, palpitations and on irregular • lever: the 'countenance ~is generally pallid or sallow, and nomewhot bloa'ed, and there is trocasional flushing of one or both.oheeki. Any 'one of these signs is indicative of Worms' aniline most effectual best and cheapest remedy is • Dm Ada J. Mesas' WORM. TEA, prepared by•Pr i '.l W RAVYLINS, at his Wholesakrand Retail .Drug Store, Carlisle,' Pa., and none genuine without, hie written signature. - The' Proprietor ef We Medicine is con • &lent of its superiority to ,any other Medicine' new in use, that ho cheerf u lly naTents THlelsonv. irk any case Ari which kip 'Preparation,faila to give equal satisfaction i° The-W O ORM TEA; when made.according to the.pirectionsis Pleasent'and will lie taken . by the most fasti ' dioutf Eaish , pealing° contains suffictent'Medicine feri.he Cure of the most obstinate 'case,' Prlce',,only 2.cerits (CrDiligglate and Storekeepers inpplied'en the`most'ilberal .teriris. ' [61423,49.1y . • GUD! SHOES. • .Tustleesived ist...PORTER'S-.Suor Srons,'s suyrerio iissortment•if, -WOMEN'S GUM 82/ 9 E PirM9I I . 9 (10: .. y?itths 'Stich bOotsi,"at - the loyvest • • , • ?Also, Misses' GEM , „SOQ,ES. , fr.* ..215:,t0 50 Cents'• : , ifrolp AP,- LAW:NAL:Jury, ati4ta ~.can' lind ICJ pubsoritr:4l4:ll, L'...(34up: itort?.iti Diorth'Henoyer 'etfeet,. , „ men . " , " 0 ARMON . •. r t: s —.tt,, At ;` ,4-tr IN : QVAlt'i BOTTLE Sr -- ' s‘s < ~,---E --...k, --,„...--- -, •.. I n . - - - s*- - ., Vv A C IV t III I t9e (- 4). r, V.. "- _ . - CURE '" .. b OF ~ c I FOR' THE" cio cuLA o,ANTiom__ 4 ae ° ' - citsr ,set 9 I A R HEUM' saitgg 9. • Tile Proprielora have spent much time . • in bringing this preparation of*.SARSATA LLA to its present stats of perfection ; and 'the experience of fourteen years has furnished them the most ample op 7 portunity to study, in their various forms, the diseases for which it is recodmended, and to adapt it exactly to their relief and cure. Pa tients who wish a REALLY aeon Medicine are invited to give it a trial, and satisfy themselves of its superiority, and the invaluable property it possesses of arresting and curing disease. The ,bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QUART, and in its present improved form may safely claim to be• the easy and; =EATERY Medicine of the age. Its progress' to the fame it has attatted may be traced by a long line of facts and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for. the invalid, pointing the way to" the haven of health. ' The following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to Now Granada: • Messrs. A. 13. & D. SANDS : Nolo Yorh, January .7, 1848. Girritmisieri,—Having used; and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation of Sarsaparilla on different persons in various parts of the Southern country, viz., Virginia, Lopisiana, Texas, and Mexico, I feel much pleasure in. stating the high opinion entertained of its .great medicinal valuer In my own case it acted almost like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the system, and exciting, in the most agreeable I - grinner, atonic and invigomtinginguence. " - Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used )$y the U. States army in Mexico, and my cousin; GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, has for the past five years been in the habit of using it and recommends the same ; ho and myself adopted the article at the same time, and it is now considered nealmost indispensable requisite in the army. Ifi conclusion I Would say, that the better it is known the more highly it will be prized, and I trust that its health-restoring virtues will make it generally known throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended country. Yours very respectfully, S. G. TAYLOR, U. S. Consul to New'Granada. • Southport, Conn., January 1, 1848. Messrs, SANDS i—Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces me to inform you of the 'remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parts of the body; the glands of the neck were greatlynnlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After suffering ova a "'mural - id finding no relief from the remedies used,.the disease attacked oars leg, below the knee suppurated. Iler physician advis4ft should be laid open which was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this,anuation we heard of, and were induced to use SANDS' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favor able effect, relieving her more than any prescription-she had over taken ; and.before she had used six bottles, to thenstonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored: It is now over a year since the cure *tui effected, and her health remains good, showing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are all knorting to these feats, and think SANDS' Sarsaparibt a great blessing to the age. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE. - , . . Extract from it letter received frcim Mr. N. W— Harris, a gentleman 4011 known in Louisa county, Va.:—•• 1 have cured a negro bey of mine with your.RMkaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Yours truly " Fredericks Nall, Va., July 11, I8I8.? .0 N.• W. 1 RIS." The following , testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late Rector of the Chu It of the Crucifixion in this city, commends itself to the attention of the afflicted. N erous certificates of cures of various diseases effected by this medicine are atm daily received : Messrs. Skein :—A member of my family has taken your valuable Sarsaparilla for 'use. It gives me very gr to a severe scrofulous a ff ect' , dec. with the most bene fi cial e ff ect resitting from its leasure to record my testimony in behalf of its virtue and efficacy, hoping that otters may be induced to make a trial of it. Neu, York, May 10, 1848. - JOHN GRIGG. Messrs. A. B. &D. SANDS : - — Norwich, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1847. 6 Gears EMEN—Peelings of gratitude induce me to make a public acknowledgment of the benefit I have derived from the use of your Sarsaparilla. I have for several years been afflicted with scrofulous swellings in my head, which al times would gather and discharge at my throat, nose, and ears, and at others would break out in different parts of my face and head. These continued until my throat, face, and head were almost one complete sore, and for u long time I was so hoarse that it was with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a whiiper. During this time I had several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases. I consulted different physicians, and tried various remedies, but received no benefit - until I commenced using your Sarsa parilla. lam now well; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result•entirely to the effects of your valuable medicine. Yours; with respect and gratitude, PUEDE CAHOON. Being personally acquainted with the person above named, I believe her statement to be correct. JAMES M. D. CAltlt Justice of the Peace. PREPARED AND BOLD, WHOLESALE AND-RETAIL, DY A. B. & D: SANDS, DRUGGISTS . 'AN'D CHEMISTS, 100 FI/LTON-ST., CORNER OP WILLIAM, NEM YORK. . Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the . United States and Can ada.. Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT, sole Agent Sold in 3n-surcmcc .eoutpanico. ,_ ~... . Fire Insurance. Exita.ble Life Insurance, Annuity rrHE ALLEN•Asn'E. PENNSBOROUOII 1 Mutual Fire insurance Company of citm- = :. and Trust Company. berland county, incorporated by an act of.Assem. O FF ICI'. 74 Walnut street, Phindelphin.— bly, is now fully organized and , in operation, tin- V Capital s2so,ooo.—Charter perpetual.— der the manugentent of the followidg commis- Alnico-Insurance oh lives at their office in Phil(' Blotters, vie ; !dolphin, and at their Agencies throughout ili. Chu. Start - Inn . ; Jacob Sliellv,'Wm. R. (organ, States, at the lowest rates of premium. Lewis flyer, Christian Timid. Robert Sterrett, i Rates for insuring at 8100'on a single Life. .Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjamin 11, Age. For 1 year. I For 2 years.„ l Life 'Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Sand. Prow- I 20 81 111 , 1:0 ell', Sr. and Meichoir Breneman, who respectfully '3O 99i 1,30 , I 1,04 call 340... attention of citizens of Cumberland and 40 1,29 1,64 2,07 York counties to the advantages which the cum- .50 1,86 2,07 I '3;94 patty hold out. ! 53 3,48 2,97 ' I 603 The rates of insurance are as low and favorable Ex AMPT.E. — A person aged 30 years next birth as any company of the kind in the State. l'cr. ' day, by' paying the company 95 cents would se .sons wishing to become members nro invited to , cure to his tamily or heirs 8100 should he die it. make application to the agents of the company, , one you.; or for 89,90 he seethes to them $1000; who aro willing to wait upon them at any time. orfor $l3 annuaily for seven years he seenies JACOB SHELLY, President to them $lOOO should he die in .seven years . ; or HENRY. LOGAN, V. Pres't for 820,40 paid annually during life, he secures h' Lewis !ITER Secretary . $lOOO to be paid whit% he dies. The insurer MICIIAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer securing hilt own bonus, by the 'difference in AGENTS—RUCIOIph Martin, New Cumberland amount of premiums from those charged by Christian Titzel and John C. Dunlop, Allen; C other offices. For $19',50 the heirs would re p* Harmon, Kipgstown ; Henry Zearing, Shire- ceive $5OOO should he die in one year. manstown; Simon Oyster, Wormleysburg ; Ito- Forms of application and all particulars may. bert Aloore.•Cliarles Bell, Carlisle. be had at the office of FRED'K WATTS, Eeq, Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk *gene- Carlisle, Pa.! . cal agent ; John'Sherriek, John Rankin, I.Botv man, Peter Wolford. Agents for Harrisburg—Houser & Lockman. fob 9 LIFE INSURANCE. . , The Girard'Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadel phia. • . Office No. 150 Chestnut .Street, Capital $3OO - Charter 4 Perpetual. CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives 'on the most favourable terms, receive and execute Trusts, and receive Deposit's on ,Inte rest. The Capital being Paid up and invested, to. gather. with accumulate&premium- fund,-affords ItrERFECT SECURITY to the insured. The pre mium may be paid in yearly, hall yearly, or - quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated pe riod's to the insurances for life. This plan o insurance is the most. approved of, and is more 'generally in use, than any other in Great Uzi tatn, (whore the •subject is best understood Wy the peoule, and where they have had the long. oat experience,) as appears front t h g fact, that out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 ore on this plan. The first BONUS ens appropriated in Do , . comber, 1843. amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest polices; .081 per cent., 7i per cont., & c, &c.,qn others, in pro. portion to the time of standing, making an ad dition of $100; $87.50; $75, &C., &c. to every si,oop, originally insured, which is an overage of more than 50 per cent on the premiums paid, and yvithout , increosipPhe annual payment to the Company. The operation of tho BONUS - will be seen by the following examples from the Life lnsu. ranee Register of the Company, thus Policy,' Sum • Insured Bonus or Amount of Policy & 'Addition Bonus payable'... at the party's decease. NosB $l,OOO $(00 . 00.,,, $1,100:00 • ~11 ' .88 2,500 250'00 2,750 00: 205' 4,300 400'00 • ' 4,40000 276 2,5011 175.00 2'175.00 • 333 .* .5,000 437'50 5'437'00 Pamphlets e. and explanittioct: plioation,,and fur the office, • gratis dressed - to the Pr, . . „ , ntaining the 'tablo To tes, , of .the subjtiot ; forms of ap• her information can bit 44 .01 in ,norson or' by itnter,.ad- . ;sidantor:Actuary„,:: RIC ETARDS,',Pcoeident, • - , H • irkentr VallOlK-Coal.. --- THE 'l4lcerl'a,Nallev:Uoal.Calatalay;ivilEhe preparod to'delivik , Ali,`tie and after, the 20tH, natant at their . deput;:lVlilleraburg;..Dittphitt Pen naylvanlni..:(at . the . hea - dA'of the,-Wieconisco Cile,al;•l2'mlleaTrote Fetrry,) at-the fel :: Lamp,./drakon Seke,itted, •';';1119490 Nut burners screened • , ,Llme burners mixed April 49; 4m, ' REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. Co $1 per Bottle; EIX Bottfes for $5 illiactlancous .T. W. T. AGHOR N, Pres' t 11. G. TUCKETT, FRED'It". WATTH, AtCy. ' Dr. D. N. MAnex, Medical Examiner - . ang2 . B- , • . The Franklin Fire Insurance Gcm pang of philadelphig. OFFICE., Nu. 163 k Chesnut street, near Fill Street. : 1 3 IREC t 0 R SI Charles N. Rancher George Wi. Richards Thomas Hurt Itiordecai'D. Lewis Tobias Wagner Ado/phis E. Rorie Samuel Grant David S. Drown Jacob R. Smith' Norris Paiierson ...Continue. to mttke- insurance perci nab.. or limi ted, orkgyery description of property In tow.and countrf, at rates as low as are consistent- n, -with security. That company have reserved a large contingent fund, which with their capital and pre miums, safely invested, afford ample protection tc the insured. itiThe assets . of -the- company on January Ist, 1848, as published agreeably to an act.of AsSein lily, were as follows, viz : Mortgages e 590,558 65 Real &shit° 1011,358 90 Temporary Loans 124,459 00 Stocks • .51,563 25 Cash on hand mid in 'iami of • agen.6, 35,373 28 Since their' incorporation, n period' of eighteen yonre, they have odd upwards of ONE 4 1. we lILNERED TI7OUSAND DOLLARS, losses by fire, •thereby nflording cy,idonee or,the advantages of insurance, as well ofetife - ithilily and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. • CIIAI 1 4 ES N. BANCKE . R; CHAS. G. 13nntensa, Sc'.e . • fob it T.he subscriber isagent for the above company for Carlisle aml lie vicinity., All 'applications for insurance .either . ' by roan -or. perhonally. will be promptly, attended - to. • W. D. .SEYM ' F. :.11117.10E14. • • ' . ' ;11"'•• • - Gelitifal COM . M " lSiO . B 7 ritid'Fcirw'ariling . , ..Kerchant,,,-No. 79 Bowly s : Whorf • • '• ' BALTIMORE; •-• • ' . EIOR the sale of . -Flour, dirtie,•Cl6ersaed, Wideltoy, 'Lletb'er; &C. .&e. ,, Also,. for wardit* Goods, vin.,•Thlo, :Water: ennui and Peeneylvanitt:lropievemente. 'Orders" .'for fish Sabi' I'laster;'&o. .&e.• ,'•ePplied et loweet • • . •,Hevintr tieen • engaged the 'novo husineel the -last five- yeers, ecoteinueiiOn of the patronage of hie friends pet, the 04) . 4 as. roe. specifullY •,, , Refer 'to , *.V. - • 2 J'.&. g,Eity; ';Harrisburg. ••• ' • JecauS:Rtiasaf ' Carlisle, Pa. ••• • • , ,r - • ' Jr, Caner Mechanesle4..To.:: If iffi COMp L4 FIRONO h7r, 41. CONSUMp r • Femur, Comb. , 4 , 0 S op 4 6, 4 740, 0 DEBILirp 1.1 4. • $1,220,097 67 NEM &'",ql)bps. NEW. CLOTHING STORE CORNER ... —• Li ciF 1 , 10.Wi1l HANOVER AND LOU'fliER• r ' ' STRETS; CAREIREE, P A. —..- TIT. subscriber has received and is now open ng a clioicodteleetion of Winter Goods, eonsist.- .ng of Cloths, Cassiiter's arid Veining% newest .8131 e at the lowest rates, which he will make up into Dross and Frock coats, Over Costs, cocks, el.ialts, Punts and• Vest %Dress and Frock come or cloth from six dollars upwards, Pants Iron% • $l5O to $B, Vests from 75 ct.s. to $3,00, cloaks from 830 ,20. 'de also keeps shirts ? , bosoms. collars, neck . and pocket handkerchief% coin. forts, taps, gloves and Hosiery, in short ev:ry thing appertaining toe gentleman's wapiti.. be -- As lie is agent form,, extensive louse 6rwill be. enabled to offer freth 'goods at Icstt notes month. lie will receive regularly 'the N York and Philadelphia Fashions, m.d stillrpatestill no pains in getting up leis wok iu the most (hirable still fashionable 111111111er. 141,011511 m mike up work purchased nt ntberstortsii, the most cove nl mimic Inc will pay partirular stiettion to Children's Clothing Ile respectially solicits a share of public paironage W B PARKINSON, Dec 1.3, 1848 Agent for the Proprietor DRUG AND rAivor STORE! RESVECTFIL.U.N. invites the lion or the pubTift his Drug and rai63, St re, if in West Maim street, CitilPf.le, where he has j:ist received a fresh ussortmem of Dregs Me decines, Paints, Oils, Perluniery, Jewelry ur d hoary Goods. Aftrongst his extensive variety may be found , all the most Amiroved Patent Med:eines, • All kinds 1.1 StrIWC-yeStuffs, Qnini", C th llll, end. Sweet Oils White Lea d , Spires, fresh grout,d. Obies; Putty, Chloroluirn, SQandetiers,'Lanips, Wirks, Syerni Candles, Slurring end Soaps, Celottne, Lavender and Orange flower • Walr r. Bears 0,1 Ix Marrow and Ilair•Dye, Nail, 'r.,, h, flair, and Shaving-Brushes, Fine iron' torn, and Shell Combs, Forger It ,rf., Ilinrelys, and Breast Pins, Bend Ea4s and Peru's, • Pore Nlosinnirs, S.lver Speciirles,and Pencils; Gold Pens, Ink ant] Inkslicrils, '• Fine Writ rig and Note Paper Envefonre, Motto Wafers, Seals end roper V% eights,.. Abrrors and Fancy Vex, - n, usical and Surgical It sit utnents, Nine-iitiives- and S&ICFOF, Carriage and Rich' g hips, In, ha. ha, o Country Alen bona, Pedlvrs Lt d hers may hear sumething to their advann he by calling 4 . Y : 7 - Ethereal and Pine Oil received fiesta awry a celc. iri*Aledienl aid and advice gratis to the poor .lanw , ry I 7.%; 4 4 P. GROCERIES, GROCERIES • A T the Client) Fetidly 1; rece t y Stole of JO -11 D. 11A LB klt.T. West Ala sin et, 4 . 0 n alwn) a lied the best sq., , ply ul Grlll'erieli Ihut Ille kos can atb.rd.• '1 he subs, rifer lois just return, d fromalig city, nrd would respectfully invite the pal lie - lh govern! and Ills filer& in pntticulur, to call and cAamine his abla, v bleb clubtarcs nll the articles usually kept in his hue ni busiress, such. ns Rio,lava at d St De ming,. Coll( e Votive' Hvson end Black 'Yens, of the hest quality S. (*or ; loaf, hat g loaf, (rushed, clarified and brown Sugars of every grade, with price to soil. Hon( p, sugar house, 011enns aid syrup Molasses. Srict srd rill kinds, which he will won ant pure oral flesh 'lground. Ilrnerns, Lucke's, baskets. (toter hovels, v ash told Era, clothes pins and leashes of every vattety.^ Castile, limey, resin end revelry OATS. Al so. n get era! nssortterni of chew mg nt d tit o kirg TORA CCO. swinish hallope nish and com mon CIGARS. (','LASS, QEEENSW A 1? and CROCKERY ( - )1 every desetiption which he will sell nt the lowest pnrsikle p l ice s . Feeling grateful for the liberal patrunngeVere tofore bestowed upon him, pp a generous rub lie, the : subscriber tenders them his heart); thanks; and hopes that in his efforts to please, and particular attention to businege to merit a continuance of their support. _ Nov'r 22 IF4B. JOS. DAIALPER T. . _ NEW sk"CNDEHARDWARE.STORE. HIE subsalibefs - have just received nt their T New and Cheap HARDWARE STORE east lligh street, opposite Ogiley's Used Store, a large stock of goods 'in their line. to which they would call the attention of purcha sers, their arriingeineht id the city being" 81:chi ns to enable them to sell their goods at the lowest city prices. Their stork comprises n full assortment of Locks and Latches of every stile and size,— litiotrsoScrews ; Bolts, end every article used for Buildings, Augurs and augur Bins, chisels, broad and hand wws, hatchets; drawing, knives, planes, and plane bias, hand, panel, and ping saws, mill, cross•ent• and circular saws, trace and holier chains, llamas, shovels, spades, end hoes, hay and manure forks. Also, n large assortment of Pocket and 'Tolle Cullery,— spoons, shovel and tongs, Waiters and Trays, Hollow ware, Brass and ennmeled Preserving Kettles, Iron ' , turners, Cedar IVare, anvils and vices, Files and hasps of every kind. Bar Band and Hoop 1r0n,,, Cast; Biwa-Spring and Blister Steal, &e. Als. 100 Boxes Window. , Moss. • 100 Iless Wetherirl's Puts White Lend EIMM=I 3 Derrell Sp. Turpentire. .1(k) Kegs Cumberlend Niels. 111ay9'49 & SAXTON To all whom it may Concern4P. • OEORCE W. RHEEM. ITA NEFUL to the intone generall; for past favors and their liberal patronage, still eon- Bolles to carrXou,the SADDLE, 'tit L'NF, and HARNESS making business, at Lis Old stand in Nanover street, nto doors north of The Carlisle Bank, nt the sign of thir-Mantoibth Collar. Ile is now better prepared then ever to accommodate his cUstomers, haying recen4 made great alterations in his establishment, so as to enable-him to keep n much better ezisurt ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish, Dragoon, scoop, tub. quilted and plain SAD DLES, CARIi f IAGE HARNESS, plated and common; Farmers' Gears, of all kinds, 'Pia velling till - descriptlons and pikes, ,Veleases and Carpet Bags, Bridles, Alortingals Dollars, Stock, Leather and Raw Hide Whips, „Leather, cotton and worsted Fly -nets, and all other articles in his line—all of which ho is de termined to sell at the veryy , lowest cash,pliers. Malting and repairing Matrasses of heti'. husk and straw, and all 'hinds of Upholste•ing will Le punct.t.tally ilitended to. ap2s'49ty . DRUGS! DRUGS DRUGS! • pisT RECEIVED, ,liIIYSICIANS, Country IViorehants ond Pedlarvitre invited to tall nod extimine ruy stock of—Wdicines, Paints, Glass, 0.1, Var nishes, &e. .• DR I.4C'S Patent Medicines, Fine Cliemittejs, Instruments, (- Pure Essen". Oils DYE. Herbs and EXIIRCIP, Spices. gi ound and hole Essences, Perfumery, &e. STUFFS. Lag and,Cmja Waldo, Oil Viujol " Cofifierne, • Lao Dye' • ••••.PAINTS.• Indigoes, Alnddera, Sumac Alum, • ' Wetherill „St - Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green andlrelrOw, Paint' and:Vernkh, Bruehee, ...Jersey Window' Grass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Cartel - And Coachlrernieh, and 'Red Lead. All of which will be tioldLat the .vory i lqwest. market price, at th e Drug tind'Hook Store of • HAVERSTIeN.,,, Noy 29th. 1848. DRUGS, FANCY GOODS, Eopm, 81. e. . . . . ..' JUST 0 PEN•ED. AT .lIAVERSTICK'S old ettablishe'd' Drug"! • nd Book ..btore,'oti' North ' , Han'oier supply 'of Drugs ' and - .:MediCinpsTroSh. and. • •• • , Irefully. selected; ,togother: With o . fich;viiried.• • • •. id - extensiya , :hasortment„, ,Taney.. , Goods, • hok's, Cifiliff, 7 DOldTard • .- • tver;' Pens '•and Ponc ls, Cornellus'•Splanditl or Lamps;;Gi'randitleci, Fit;twen - Vtiees • Aterelll''Olif.Lamptli;:fruits; DonfePtionark, and t - yarioty: Of Uthes. : artieles,which' , ,it . ne 10'. efitirniTiita, , tiii k t.Fornpfitittig' , :the7•loFarj' - . mosiTeptelidiii - , - ditiptity: - ,over'atfilidin - ea dt.nileis'coiroiipantijtigly cheap: Tha7 4 ', - . ofchis.',ol&:fritiPtle 'pitetomp,rtianid :•••. i.pulihie , gonertillitA*4ll 01.04i1y • lll,VitoE.t o ••=, • proton t qicieNi.i.Vttli:.whih they .panpot 'ha to 64 9 . IV_ HA V