, : ~:,,,',•,,, , 6 v-- ,-, -•:, .L , ~• ••,, ~,,, ••. 1)04.):'4.'..:ir:0',.'''i..i.4:44 ...‘1f..1,1' THE. 0174,GOING'DIff M r. Peli ; a now drair-- ing to a eliie,!lias been signalized by remakable !. events,: which 'while they --mast give4to..prop - lace io hi s-. tory, will have tbe curious effect dlso Of illustrating the mediocrity of the man. The President's - friends will claim that his Administration has been highly successful;yet they roust admit that he early lost the confidence of his suppor ters and never regaired it. No voice in the Convention of:his party was raised for his rtnemination. He passes now from publie life without elicitingfrom any quarter an expresSion of regret. Indeed the general sentiment seems to be that: in moving; from his present position to the obscure range of private life and its occupations, he is going into a conge nial sphere where his abilities will find a theatre better fitted for their useful ex ercise than that upon whichhe has been for some time acting—where 'his good qualities will appear to better advantage and iyhere_his mistakes will do less harm. • It is a perilous post , for any:man to occupy—that of the Presidency , of the United States. For an inferior man it •is fatal. - No dominations of Conventions; no majorities of popular votes, can save one of that sort from the terrible ordeal of that inexorable judgment which. tests the inmost quality of mind and , heart— that judgment of the !public, whiCh, knowing no sympathy for individuals, can yet pardon any thing but weakness. Mr. Polk is unfortunate in being af- exhibited it , early, and he exhibited along with it its accompaniaments, want of • of frankness, a disposition to ,finesse, a - proneness-to-deceive-in-little things-and in great, an affectation of boldness, with a shrinking timidity at the crisis. La- Mentable defects, these—and most la mentable in his position. • The Oregon business disclosed the man to the whole 'nation. He has never b ¶en able to \ look the public in the face atom that: . And yet that very bu: fitness which proved his political ruin, might have been made,,if he he had been an abler and a braver man, the sure . means -of the most. brilliant success: It does not suit the American .character to back out in , any thing; and when the „President-of the United States had 0-- dared to the world that our tit the whole of Cregonrwas "clear and unques tionable,” nothing remained but to hold on to it, and make it good to the letter.— There would have been no wiir ; for no thing would have _been easier than for our Govetnmait to have satisfied every scruple-of British honor and every claim of British right by an -ample pecuniary compensation to the 'Hudson's Bay-Corn pang for all their property and interests that had •accumulatsd or grown up dining the joint occupancy. The readiness to yield to England was p aced in a m ost unfavourable contrast fo Mr. Polk, by the eager promptitude wit which he enforced the utmost of O. dou al claim against Mexico. Suc cumbing- to a powerful adversary, he bullAcra weak one. • The war'ollowed—a war futbnfril liant.euccesses. But none of these.could make Mr. Polk a great man. But they disclosed to the nation other great men— particularly , one, whose laurels gave their own tint of green to the-eyes of his Excellency. The 'people beheld with 'astonishment and indignation this suc cessful General—this hero after their Own heart—this sturdy upholder of the stars and the stripes amid the smoke and Carnage of repeated battles=sttipped of his best troops in the heart of the ene my's country, and !aft 'exposed to the overwhelming force of the adversary : coming down upon him like -a bird of • prey upon its victim: Gen: - Taylor seemed doomed, to sacrifice; and if he had fallen, if he and his brave companions _ had' :stink .under the avalanche which broke upon •them at Buena Vista; the Az • merican people at this moment and in . a Ilfoining time would say that he fell ti sacrifice to the jealousy of a man who, from the White House, envied his great ness and Zreadeditim as a competitor. -The administration of Mr. Polk claims credit for the large territorial acquisitions. We hive obtained New, Mexico and Californiane the result of the war and of the treaty•which gives to Mexico some fifteen or twenty millions in the way of indemnity and of claims assumed.— Whether we might not have got the ter ritorrat the - price Of theindemnityi - withw out the war, a question upon. whieh " every man may have his own opinion: 'Nevertheless it was .a gallant war in the way of , fightir.g . ; and it was brought t oeinumphantbonclusion even although the President's Lieutenant-General did not get upon the field, while Santa An- na,..by the, President's - favor, did. The gra:driest' ,Of . this . Republic, its wonderful power of vitality,, its , indom itable spirit' of "progres, have bean, illus t rated' by Mr: Polk. in one . reaped,- he -has 'shown in his Ownvat3 how , the blunders of midiocrity can effect the_ , • onward conne of,' things, and that file, country. must proalieritven,with the min innum7vf,Wisdom ht This should bear matter of comiolatior-to Fall good patribto;but.it ought rio r t to , encourr age the piipplOo make riny more takes in pthtiw men into the Presidency , , wife u are not,flUftint,and:vafre - ally have' ' • Attircitid'.4l'lu4Pire •!ClOokhig '.l3tOlte• ~ • eta*. attention - to . this , . unequalled - - ~ ! :ST.o, l l,;_the-proprietor_bas the _pleasure:to • *dorsal de,pithlic-tba,texternally), it .hatiander 49ne si !more,. chttnithe,pipe and, hearth:pia, c _ptoldte each other, and', a , SUMMER, • HEAKTU - AND•APILING, ": APPARATUS, • ' 'being added, Oita' rendering it.faultleint,' and un -•"7-7"--108/1.-theresisnnottifiElkultlesti Stevo,inthe-niar-, • het, this !illgue'stisilliblY , best; co it new embraces valuable improecintent:pessessed. y any , Stove, in addition to.scorneliticuliat t o itself,: red by Letters .Patent:-. ;.'.; This sissess ' of ' this Stove sinde Lion moquell d '• Nothin g . has ever . been off, "• fered- for culinary purposes that:has given .eutth gonenC,;satisfactiort, Stoves have'.been ' copied ~i: „ .o,ter.ita„forsit;_asinti,deitlers,•have:even,naed its but the propcktions were ,'lll.4tnlike';he origin al, dud they bear the relative iiiilluiOthitac.og titer fait does.tO getielne (via` - COO end vdristy,';'rensons desiring theca adatira: b1e21316*e0,- - ito Ttiviatiedl.tif dill 'lt 'the ' - uttiettfeetorvferigittr-'enbscriber;'- on . atreas4 carlielii:Who ItiertPloi Chattier . : •Vfl t 10;4 , ?Ve.‘;,"'".' ME 31q filiqaoclOhiqz;. ~ 5. INDIAN , QUEMCROTEA .:' Fcaith 'ffifILADELPHIA:: : / THE , above house is located in -the imuiedidte vicinityy oPthe'Post - tOffice, , Bankti.and:all 1' aces of ,2ukilio Airinsetrand and : , •••1 - he present Vroprietor,',(late.of the sAmefi... c an,Houee,,Suttn-streeti)-hare t furnishe.. a uf) the entire estaliklishMent,,with tieW rind e legant fuiniture,"itnthit,iejeciW opened for 'the. reception of the traticilling - Commianny:''' . ' He flatters himself Oita his long - experiendein the , business will enable. hint to conduct a in sueh'a manner aswill,pleao all ivhci may favor him with their patronage. JOHN C. MAX - WELL, Proprietor. Late of the .American Hotel, Sixth street. Dec. 6.-3 m. , ' Watches and Ne.welry I CHEAPER TITAN .EVER , 41 11,,,, Wholesale and Retail=-At the ' "Philadelphia Watch and Jew elry Store," N. 0.96 North SE , s . 4 • - •• , C,O'ND street, corner of Quer • ry street.. Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, $3O and upwards Silver levers, full jewelled, sls.and upwards. Gold Lepine, 18 k. cases, jewelled, $25 and upwards Silver Lepines, jewelled, • .slo and upwards Silver Quartier. Watches, $4 . to 50 Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Ten, $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro () rtion. All goods warranted- to be what they are •BOr. CO'n y on hand a large, assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also,'an assortment of M J Tobias & Co., E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E'S Yates & Co, John Harrison, & R Beesley. and other superior Patent:Lever. Movements, which will• be cased in any style desired Arrangements have been mid° with all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of England, to furnish at short notice any required atyle of Watch, for which orders will be taken, and the name and residence of the person or dering;put on if requested TEAS? TEAS! i) AVID RANKIN, No. 73 Chesnut MHlstreet, corner of Bank street, Philadelphia, loffers for-sale the. following-choice_aissort— mem of 'PEAS, on accommodating teems: • 300 half chests Powchong ' . 200 do Ningyong Souchong 100 do Oolong , do 100 chests English Breakfast 100 half chests do 50 chests Mokea Souchong 25 lit, •do°- Powchong - 25 do black leaf Pekoe id do Orange Pekoe 200 14 lb. boxes superior Ningyong 250 half chests Young Hyson 128 do,. Imperial 100 do Gunpowder 10 do Company Hyson ]oct2s Ikon Commissior Warehouse, No. 109 North Water street, tied No. M Wharves, -Philadelphia. THE undersigned still continue the Commis pion business, for the sale of all descriptions of IRON. ' Our-experience of many yeara, and ex tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers of Iron, throughout the country, has enabled us to establish such relations as give us pouliar ad: vantages to serve our correspondents, oqual to any other'honse. mar 22. m RRICK & CAMTTELL. THE NIAGARA SHOWER;BATH. An entirely. new Article for Shower-Ba thing, with warm or cold Water. OP - THIS Bath took the premium at tho Fair of the Franklin Institute, rhiladelphlit, October 1848, the only Bath that ever took premium at that institute and also took the first premium at the Fair of lb° Maryland Institute, Novem ber 1848. A great and important improvement is made in this Shbwer-bath over all others, by throwing the. water - immediateiy on the body, without wetting the head, unless at the Will or pleasure of the bather ;.tearer point is gained by being enablerto bathe with warm water, which no other Shower-Bath is adapted to—and moat of all the Itath can be medicated without injury to the hair, Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case is met in this as they can regulate the tem perature of the water to suit their wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the head or covering the same. The arrangements are simple and complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Bath can be adjusted to suit any height, from a small child to the tallest person. When the door is ,cloned, the fixtures are hid and the outside ap pearance is that of a neat pioce'of furniture. They have received the approbation of seve ral medical gentlemen—others are requested to call and examine them. Manufactured by the Patentee. EPHRAIM LARRABEE, 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore. BATHING.—Read what Armstrong says : Do not omit, ye who would health s secure, The daily treeh ablution, that shall clear Thealutces of the skin ; enough to keep • The bony sacred from undecont soil. Still to be pure, even if it did not conduce'' As much (as it does) to health, very greatly • worth Your daily pains; 'tis this allorns the rich; The want of this is p overty ' s worst foe, With this external virtue, age maintains A:decent grace : without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. • January 3,1849.-ly. • REMOVAL. LABORATORY OF THOMSON'S BOTA NIC MEDICINES. LARRABEE, No. 20 a - Calvert street, Baitimore, has removed his Labors. 4ory ftrhis new building No. 24, and has altvays on hand the largest and moat complete assort: 'meat 9f pule Botanic remedies - 1n the - United -- States, .prepared under hie special care at his 'Labortory—beiPg the first erected in the United States for the epecial ' (purpose of : fp:sparing' THOMS 0 NIAN. B O,TAN IC MEDIC INES. ' All of the pulverized . and 'Conipeunde&artieles are put up in quarter and, half pound•packages, and neatlrlabelled, with directions suitable for retailing,, and upon hotter terms than the same article can be had for in the United States.-- Wartiele bible line ie . warrantetl genuine— the public can rely, upon this. A liberal discount madiiilcicatintry merchants, . who are'perticularlYreqMitited to call and exam. ins quality,.;&c, heforeititchasing... Tae various,Treatises;aMbracing 'the moat • reputed .luthora,ltpori the Thernsoman. tamc'SysteirCo .. f Medi cine, may also be had'at his eitablishreent,,byZhe'quantityrir ,single Copy. aug23-6110 10'• It 'Neva' ::bll , , 1 - AD. - YOU RSELF.—From time immemo. riat; there has. existed, in larger • cities. and popu!ouutown's,m species.of disease; the deport& enc. and;, propmation of which results 'from . thir -!vkilation ;of. divine and irrtoral laws. To 'those - •Arrtictsn, the AMERICAN COMPOU ND'is presented; sal:ming titp:most certain; speletly,!and , valuable 'specific ever offered to Vita unferwinate: It has wherever known Beguiled a reputation that daily experielice continues to. strengthen. Thott. , . Sande have been cured,bfitexpe, and.sitit leaves no •ciddlon. the breith; reqUires rielthithustrietibn in diet business, nor contains - either mercury -ormoxiOus-drugs-Mths-least-injuriousA ~ ithe.sys - tem,l,it is boldly presentedris tkirbest remedy for stelt" - diseasee - , yet . offered. . It, is` Ward riltyiti : ; elantrand.pronotificed . ruperiorju arty ,known•re. tnedy. dirtiCtlotis acCondpeny. porch' bottle. For Wale' at,N..W.dorder 3d and South' straits,: Y.Ork ; • , ::G. V. 'Millor,V . l,anctister; Dr. • McPherson. anti 'Wyatt! Harrisburg ra, -- ' Trfiso Watt; 1c1a4,0r 06 / I ' B, 11 „%porskei, ? ',l \ \\l\ \4l 4, • . FOR THE ADICAV CURB osp fA OrHERNIA. • ' ; liPkt-TUTtP, ~AO,,;EIT:IPPLY of ' the , above truly, - •yeduebtt TRI.TOP--reeefied•abdvkepit eolititlently for, i►elltiai' 0uq 231 8, ELI/49VCIVO' • •• ,, c.,; , fi • ME ,-;,-.:;'?.:^",,tt.j.:,';'j ' '',..otOrta "- W;Y \ 4 "I . rl BARa4=r l3 .l!4.lt4Rfa ' ;'' • lAqiligt[Aßßl , ,VAL'Ly,: , ',; :oril liE'eubeCiiber, hoe:jest received' 4- large ands- t,'Xinxitineive assortment . oFFAL7Litind WIN ":!I',ET.GOODS,...Which he le 'delerniined' weel any. other , establiehinent in Carfiele or iii the County 4 , Call•arfd see judge or your", is anti: edt at , no ono can u dereell him, and will giVe.goo argaincto a w o.may. favor.hirn by"calling.at . , his atortyin' West High street,' 'nearly' 'oppotine.'Beetem's ••liotel- His, stock,coinsiets of Clothe,. Cassimersel Satinetts; satin,caehmere:inerino'and V 06111).& ; MO. , Alpaohne, Moue de.tainee, Cashmeres,; !French.worked collars; kid gkives, silk •fringes, .gimps, flowers, thread laces, &c A large as. sortment of SHAWLS, such as Plaidi long and square, • Blanket, Cachrnere, • Tibet, Terkeri, Mous de Leine; black Caehmere, &o .4 FLAN. NELS-:-.. Scarlet, yellow and white; cotton flan- • nels, blankets, limeys, Kentucky ranee, tick ings. at 61 CAB, calicoes 3 to .6} ow, very °heap musltns, hosiery, Berlin and Cechmere gloVes, comforts, woolen yarn, winter ginghams . Also,. a large assortment of BONNET RIBBONS, very low, satin plain and figured Mantua, plain, bared, striped - arid figured Also GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE; such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices of all kinds, tobacco, segars, crockery,-glass and queonsware, rice, chocolate, starch; together with numerous other articles— Give him a call, . oct2s 3 d CARMONYE NEW AND CHEAP STORE• Great Bagains. THE subscribers, recently from Philadelphia, respectfully inform the citizens of Carßide and durrounding country, that .they have just opened at the corner of N. Hanover and Loather streets, nn timb new stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES re and QUEENSWARE, together with a general assortment of BOOTS, and SHOES, all of which have been purchased at the present low prices, and will •be sold very cheap for cash. Please call and examine the stook, as we are determined to sell at very small profits. They have also been appointed agents for the sale of the Pokin_,Ten Company's TEAS, of .which they keep a general assortment at Phile• price sep27 0. CONTLAp, orter-or Watehe Bargains, Bargains. rinHE subscriber will commence this week to —L—to-cut—down_hia_Winter_ateckskigoods at_ greatly reduced prices All persona in wont of cheap good s , will fi nd it decidedly to their advan tage to call and examine this large assortment•of goods have recently opened a large and beau tiful assortment, which I can and will sell at very low figures, Old stock will be sold off without regard to cost g^«! Recollect.the old stand, east Main. street, op. posite Martin's Hotel Dec 13, 1'348 •OHEAPER THAN EVER! MITE subscribers have just receiiedfrom the 1. City the largest quantity of DRY GOODS' ever brought to Carlisle. Their stock consists in part of the following: CLOTHS—BIue, brown, blue-b Ick, 'green, from $1,50 per yard up to $4. CASSIMER ES and Yestings—good, heavy and fine striped Cassimeres, 75 ets 87i and $1 per yd. Some of tho most handsome Vestings in the county. Casinetts from 25 to 873 cts. CitIMERES and Moue. de Laines, from 134 21 ets. C COES—about 5,00 `yards, some very good at six cents per yd. Alpachas and Meri noes,lBl, 25, 371, 5.0, 621 cis. Splendid 'awe GinEhams at 12i eta. Yard wide Muslin at 4 eta per yd. Good Tickings, 61-, 10, 121, 18i.— Best quality domestic Ginghams, warranted fast. -colors,mt 121 cts. Fine Irish, Linens 37 , 1, 50, 62C . 751ct5. Linseyo /21, 16, 25 co. Woolen Flannels at 12i, 281, 25, 37i, 50 ets: Gum Shoes, all kinds and sizes. Ribbons for bonnets at 8,12 k, 15; 181, 25 ets. Laces and Edgings, cheap, real thread-lace, wide, 12i eta. Cloth, Glazed and Fur CAPS, 121 cis to t31.-= Together with almost every article in our line, which we are determined to close out very low. Also, on hand an assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING. consisting of fine casinett Coats at $5; Pants, 1,75 to 3,50 for cassimere; Vests, 1.00 to 3,00 for satin. We have a large stock of Cloths', &c, f;om which those caw se lect and have their measures taken who cannot suit themselves in ready made. The Clothing Store is conducted by George Bentz, who is acknowledged to be one of the best Tsilors. in this county, who will take mea sures and nianuftfcture clothing from sl' to $5 on the suit cheaper than can be had elsewhere.— Give him a call_ young men oct4) A & W BENTZ. THE Subscriber has just returned from the city with a Jarge supply of new goods. M E N'S. WEAR. A largo assortment of "Cloths, Cassimeree t Gitelman', Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, and Coatings. LADIES . WEAR— Such as French Merinos, Satin Stripe, Alpucca very handsome, Palmetto and Coburg C otlj, Cashmeres, Mous de Laines, very fine qualities French Cloth for Ladies sacks, large assortment of Mourning Goods, and a great variety of other goods too numerous to mention, fur tale by G R CROOKS Remember the stand in West Main et, west of Beetem's Taurn. • Dec 6, 1848 . For Sale at Reduced Prices. • - A lot of CashmereS, • Mous. de Laines, Gin • V 4 4 - aoc ukams, Plaid Alpac.ca,. kinds. v •"*" Calicoes, Shawls, all • Persons desirous o 4Mnin-MMUMnelig purchasing any of the "' above goods will to cal to the BEE-HIVE, as I have a - .ver i l t l a sell heavy stock of winter -"°dß ' a" de g e N e OYLE them at'reduced prices, January 3. • • Bargains I Bargains • • THE subscriber, being desirous of reducing his.stock of DRY GOODS, is now offer Ing all his Dress Goods, consisting of FrenCh Merinoes, Bombazines, Alpaccas, Cpshmeree, Moue de LaMes, Calicoes, - Ginghams, at cost, for cash only, all other goods at reduced prices. • W HITNER . ' B. The entire stock will be sold on 'very Illwal,terms to any one disposed to engage in . ilia business, • ' • - more 'New Goods at' the New Oheap • Store. THE Subscribers would respectfully inform their friends 'and the public, that they have just returned from PhiladelPhia with a large lot of NEW GOODS,' purchased at reduced prices. Among these geode 'Tay lie' found' • CLOTHS, 'CASSIMERES,, 'and • SATI. NETTS, low priced,,medium, and -of the best' quality;Poi • LADIES' DRESS GOODS; such as' Caer. meree,'AlPacas, Plaid' Stripes, Moue. de Lains; ERKERRE I and other SHAWLS, good T ,qUality'and new 'kyle.' - •, r ' • Also, a splendid assortment of -CALICO, at. • pricei from 4 to'l2 'DhemiTICKIHGS :and !MUSLINS' of; all kinds, and :a large, and 'ele. gent. lot 'of 'BOOTS. and :SHOES,' ~together with a general assortment of well'selected 0110. C ERIES; all ,of, which datermiaeoo ,,The akin Tea Company',B far (email .TEAS' are also far • sale by,,us••at the ': Philadelphia; Re 4. tail prices:, give tie 4 . caKiit the corner of Hanover.Od,Lciuther•etreets. • ,• • ' , -,„ • • • - SD , PO ELL . renelsfinl; iliti'''.ltiiiistit'sticittraani-. ~ICarppe t in s O l avOry,s,atiati, and tilYie, to Catlitdo.; Also door,' Oil:.clothe,inawpny44 id "elltnlttvatlattatillterolarli•a;otora ' • , „ ; • -•-• - C, B nibatinee'•• SUL Az'great variety bal Alpaca -nies ale I . G I4SIE . Wrarx Into-,Forftppe hag °woe .itid !phis; PSI e • h...th e th 'Ca plied "tht CqunOY Melt of. itipPini. PI to - cave •twd fi d e biitieal.9l-I.„ther, y4h,pgi;,l4 Pobanli,rowtheolior. 11r1/ -474 , t l. rO Ppabto ! froY r 7 • , • : 470.: , , S. D POWELL & CO C OGILBY More New Goods. ...- , .. ! - : . ! y,,i , .;.e,J, ,, , ,, , , ,„:„ , ,:, , i r.r. ,,„ ;...,;;;. ,, .. „,-, . , ..f., „ : ,. . „. fi , ..,.. ~ „,, :,...,,,,,,„,,, • ,,,,...,.,- 2::,-.; 5 , ''.J'::. .;' ~ IN QUART BOTTLES, FOR THE REMOVAL & PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE. STATE OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT Of THE SYSTEM, VIZ :: ScrofuletrKing's. EVil,"Rheamatism, Ob.. stinate Cutaneous Ertiptiono, Pimples or Pus. tuft on . the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm ur, Totter, Scald Head Enlargement , And' - Rain - of - the. Hones and Joints, Stubborn Uhler's; Syphilitic Symptoms Sciatica •or Lumbago; and Diseases arisiug from an injudicious use of Mercury, Ascites ' or Dropsy, Exposure pr Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional. Disorders. In this preparation are strongly concentrat ed all the Medicinal properties ot SARSAPARIL LA, combined lith the . most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and it has been 'so fully tested not only, by pa Tents tithem selves, but also by Physicians, hat it has received their unqualified reco mpndationii and the approbation of the- pub . e.'; and hus established ou its own merits reputation or ' • s an. ll..:Au Y —farinrperio r -t. the various compounds bearing the name ati Sarsaparilla, Diseases have been cured, such ae are not furnished in the ie.:mirth; of tirne past; apd, what tt has already done for the - thousands vvho•laiii)J - 7i - ea Jot ii - atpllile — ed: dc;ing for,t th e hiillfolls still suffering and strog=. &lig Vvitli'diVearre. Ifpnrifilis, cleanses, and strengthens the foliate: n springs of lila:and infuses new vigor throughout the whole ani mal frame. . The diseases for which this article is recom. mended are those to which it is known.fiorn personal experience to be adopted; and those apparently removed .beyond the sphere of its action have yielded to its influcece, The cat. alogue of complaints might be greatly ex tended to which the sarsaparilla is adapted, but experiences- proves, its value, and each. suoceeding day is adding new trophies to its fame.. - ANOTHER CULE OF SCROFULA. The following striking and, as will he seen permanent cure of aft inveterate case of Scro fula, commende itself to all similarly affected. Serrraroax, Conn., Jan. 1,.1848. _ Messrs. SANDII4 Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces'me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the- cabe of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the scrofula on different parts of the body ;,the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs much swellon.w After suffering over a year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked, and below the knee - suppurated. Her physician advised it should be laid open, which was done, but wi-houragy permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use SANDS' Sarsaparilla. The filet bot tle produced a decided and favonrable effect, relieving her more than any prescription she ' had ever taken, and before she had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restor ed. It is now over a year since the cure wa• effected, and her health remains good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. • Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think very highly of Sands- Sarsaparilla. Youre with respect, JULIUS PIKE, Extract from a latter from Mr. Inv aham, a gentleman well known In Delaware county.— It commends itself to all. similarly afflicted: Gentlemen wife has,used several bot tles of your Sarsaparilla, which I obtained of your agents in this place, from which she has received such.pecial benefit, that I am in duced to add mitieto the abut.dant testimony Anw—before the public in favor of its medici. nal virtues.' Her father, mother, and flintily other relatives, have fallen victims to consump tion, qnd it was Supposed that she too was in clined the Barrie way. She had several, turns of rattling blood , Ste., and at length became so reduced that her life Was despaired of from day to day. We were induced to try four sars aparilla. as before mentioned, from , the use of which her health has been restored; that for the past year she has beurabln to attend to her domestic duties. Respectfully yours JOHN .B. INGRAIIAM BRONCHITIS CURED. The following shows the virtue Of the sars aparilla in removing Bronchitis, a disease which, if not speedily arrested, leads to con sumption. It , allays spasmodic action, changes the secretions; and by its tonic and alterative properties, removes the unhealthpaction, and the patient is restored to health. NANTOCKET, Masi., Nov. 11th, 1848 Messrs.Ssoss—Gentlemen : I wish to make public, .for" the hood of those afflicted with Bronchitis,.the healing, properties of your 'Sarsaparilla. My wife suffered for twenty Dienthe ip such a Mannar' ailis not molly de saribedi at times she was not able to speak above a whisper, tiud.wheii exposed to the cold air, it occasioned somelhing 'like spasms in the. throat, the effeek of which was felt in the ears and eyes„eaUsirii tears. to flow; The Complaint was aitended ,witb a .dry cough, producid by. the constant - irritation and in flammation of the Mott, By; the' unmet your SARBAPARILL4. isho :vine' perfectly cured, it ""being now more , than' three months since she 'felt _ any symptome,o/lhe disease. . Yourt;.wlth.respect, . • GEORGE C. ll° , 'ExtraCt from a letter, received N, a well knitivri in Louisa,: county, Gent omen,— eve cure a, negro oy of mine with your earsaparillo i who was attacked .with Scrofula. and of a scrafulous ••: • ' ' W. 'HARRIS.' Fradialeke Hall, ya 4 JU1Y,17.,1848. ••• ' ;' Seiteenanaat, Boernealmost,' an. necessary to kirect Attention an- article' , so jiseli4jaussri, and .sot deservedly' asihni preparation', but initlents, ,often , who. wish 'to' use idle extract CI saisapariPa4ro induced to worthpul, doingeMos..lieartng thit,,pamo but containing; little dr ~4kinebf, the virtue of , Vas veltlabla: „soot ;'• auk *e 'think ,wo cannot confer• &grialsr.benefit6,en .our leadere than in iiirectlng : theluattentlextikthe. navortiehment or Molars. flatida , ,l4 another :'e.oluntii. :The bottle, has rocently•':ll . ogit . inlaiged•tol ; quart" , and those - win:l vislP to;,really good ',Willfind concentrated' Id thie4ill;tlia• o ninal4alue 'of , The , . expetimito of' 1670 - a - dwpo-proiintifireffftatirj; - #o4lariher ffierlOa dinesed tor, Old!, lON recommended; piinfedeflinifinotio then othir;, Eseehapio., is this '•ilii6(l4l, :preparing Ah4.531/t(mlJok;:ki3Alknic of Ifticki 3 OM"'Hint , looineei;Sept.::l:l34B;‘, •';'•'•2' 7 ,-. prOated: aind iytio;esilw.kristrq, and `kc'4.,P,;;43AZgrigi,,;P:Fuetists 'Obeid istiwlo0 2 0,til corner 'of:N V i) /i4 P I MOti , OtO O J, als Druggists ga notcut ; flip .U.• Suites Oa Oa*, tittl?,#99.4 ;Re • 'icu . ..l'l YQ 1•;;;„ 14,',E4:'.14443,911r/Vsole,tge,,clitoT- ....i ,:• , ........,..,:ig . .F.•; .. . , - , '' . -- -, • ~-.•,,,,. .-.,' .4iiio4lliiiitOiii-i-, PialEM . gli •TO TTERIIMICERS: - . . Bublicrlberki having - ,.purchased the:right, - uthberland c.ounty for 'ranking; Crow-- Patent ThermoTeter"Churn, they. would 4espectftilly inforin :the. Farmers- and public , in general, that -they will•rnake and offer 'for. sale their Churni at the Cabiaet.Ware•rOom of Gee r 'Spangler, in -N, Hanover .street, next- door, to thOo lice of,D,lBmith, Esq 4• o principa a van age his . Chartrhas:ovei all others is; that it is so constructed that the top; can be taken off. so as to give free access to the inside of the churn, which-makes it convenient ' , to put in the creain and get out the,butter: :Thermometer is attached to ,the end-of, the_ • tChurn so as to show, the exact temperature of 'the cream, ;which .experience shows should be . 60 degrees to make good Butter. A chamber or • space is arranged around the bottom of the - churn, for tiro purpose of admitting cold or warm warier; eo as to, bring.the cream to the desired temperature without Mixing the water with the cream. The- secret in churning butter is, to heve your cream at the proper temperature ; it . will`produce more and butter blitter, and take less time in churning ; it churns equally well in • cold or warm weather—no such thing as having scalded 'butter. • All that is necessary to make -good butter all season's of the year, is to get one' of Crowell's' Patent Thermometer Churns.— We would Most respectfully invite the public to call 'and examine for themselves. , GEO. SPANGLER, SA MYERS. Mv. Geo. Spangler—Sir: We have been using the Thermometer Churn I out of you for some time, and find it far superior' to the old barrel churn for several reasons; first, great saving of tints in getting'butter, the average time of churn ing about fifteen minutes, (all weathers); sec; ondly, the butter when obtained is much firmer than when using• any other churn ; finally, my folks say they would not exchange it for any other churn and twice the original cost of the Thermometer Churn. Sep. f2B, 1818.] .G. W. SIIPAFFER. Mr. Geo. Spangler—l have had the Crowell Thermometer Churn you made for me in use at my place, and. I do not hesitate to say tligt .po Farmer should be without it. Fifteen minutes is all the time, required to make Butter, anti:the value of this saving of time and labor consists in ,iarthat—it-requims—nly one season- than another ; 'and tli'm the temperatura of, the cream necessary to make .butter, is pro - duced with certainty, and without the admixture of warm or cold, water with the cream itself. &I , ~,„ .. ' - Carlisle, Aug. 17, 184I. RE RK WA TT S For the bene `son the better part of man (wo man) I give ertificate. 'After using the Thermometer Churnernade by Mr. Spengler of this place, lwould have-none other in my fami ly. Wo have been using the old barrel churn for thirty years past, and I must say it is not to be compared to Crowell's Tfiermemeter Churn, either for speed of churning. or,convenience ; in the old barrel churn it took generally from four to six hours to churn the churning, now in the Thermometer Churn we can churn butter in from fifteen' to twenty minutes, by brining die cream to the proper temperature. I ean recom mend it to the public as no cheat. • • JOSEPH SHROM. -Carlisle, Sep. 4, 1848. GEORGE - SPANGLES. has also bit hand, and will manufacture to order CABINET WARE-of every description, such as,Bnreaus,• Secretarys . Sofas, Tables, Bedsteads, and all articles in ins line, and will sell as cheap as can be bought any where in the county, and warrant his. Furniture of good material and durable work manehip, He would invite the public to Call and examine his stock before purchasing, COFFINS made at the shortest notiLe ; terms moderate. loctl PICKLES, PRESERVES.—Just received and opened by the subsCriber, preserved Ginger and Pine Apple, Orange Jelly, Pickled Lobsters, Gherkins, Mangoes, Peppers,. Picot. lib; Tomatoes and Onions, Olives, Capers, An chovies, Sardines, Tomato Ketchup, fine mixed FrenCh Mustard, with a' -very choice aria pure article of Salad Oil, for sale at • may3l HAVERSTICK'S , Climb. Vally Transportation House. JI _ A • r..paPit_T-- • Ma 211 Canal and Rail,Road Line, for Philadel • • - phia, Raltirrore, Pittsburg, &c. W. KERR, Forwarding and Commission 4111 Merchant, 1-Ixattisauno, Pa. informs his friends and the public, that from the liberal pat ronage extended to him during the past year he has been encouraged to make more extensive ar rangements for the present season, and has ad ded twci newrlarge and splendid Boats' to his LINE, and will be fully prepared ter the op eniniof the Canal, to forward MERCHANDIZE of all kinds to and from Philadelphia, Baltimoye, Pittsburgh, &c., at the lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des patch. Agents for Boats, CARLISLE & GASKELL, Race street Wharf, Philadelphia. GEISE & SON, No. 4 CLARK & SHAW;B Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore. J. McFADDEN & C 0.5 Pitis'g Agents for Cars, WUNDERLICH & GRIER No. 272 Market at., Philadelphia.' CHALORER & REYNOLDS, • No _423Market iit.; Philadelphia. SITER,t JAMES & CO., Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'A. & OHIO LINE, c' rO-Vorth street, Baltimore. Harrisburg, March 29, 1848.—if. • • Harrisburg . Transportation Line. <7.0,4, 7 4. Eiti c ka,. Rfze. FUNK & MILLER,, EtiORWARDING EL Commission Merchants' Heautsnuso, Pa. ship „Produce, MOrchan &c. to:Baltimore, - &c. &c. Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fish, Groderies, tee constantly for sale. , Harrisburg, march 29,1848 Dr. Keeler's Panacea, FOR the removal and perm - Orient:etre - of al diseases , arising from an impure state of the Blood and habit of the body, viz : Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy, Bron chitis, Catarrh, etc. Scrofula in. all its forms, .Totter, Scold head, Cutaneous affections of the face and extremities, chronic Rheumatism. and Hepatetie,, chronic Enlargements of the Joints, White Swellings, Syphilitic Affections, Con • stitutional dieorders, arising from debility ;Mer curial and Hereditary predispositions, tte: g9-.ln every change that is taking. place in the body, it is manifest that , it is brought about by somethinglhaving a substantive existence, If we suppese the organs of our body Originally perfect; they. must continua perfeet'unless changed by the : intervention 'Of something that bears an animal- . :thy : relation to it: In all , cases 'of.'-disease, there ( must be the interpesitiort of some now ingredient which.by" playing ?its part' as a cause served to modify the, properiiesf before connected with the body. It itt absurd-V:4llk of spontaneous disease' 'taking place ih,prgons prev io u s ly healthy; • out the i nterposit ion of 'name ,merbific agent,; as might 'we e xpect a piece 4f chalk: stvtitinefor leaf spontaneonsty,,into ' Plaster of Parie;.*ithout tho aid of Sultiluiric7reidi all e diseatielhere is` In prior 'cause ' which .must be.romoVe4;'thro' the • agentiy.,of thO,Bleed.",,for thre''purpoeci. there is no .remeksupariot tollitt Panacea. In evidence Ii followitukis eubmittO,te ' . _'..,,Philadelphin,..Tuitti 7; 1841.' '.l been'Opprised'of Atte nature Of .the Pan aced;;it,affoidni-me 'mnelf Plentutici'to, bo' able retommenit-i%7.iititC,Valaable remedy: for all - those AilebiO, — COnstitutionallitid4ariditlarAiseseet i O d _ rs. hick it is especially , adapted... TO,llicise who are, ,require , modicinnesqan':tifterativei • they. cannot 'Obtam. hi a more agreabley skive. onifortrititato then'is fo,und in , the Pan. Mean. io soitertiVin smiles with de:' 41dedlirid•zignalititiceseourti4ajL ... Amtiott, - 0.1)7 77 tlM.North Weet corner whird.mll'Stputli itr'4iefe..Philadelphie;and.re:, ; 'pint bailee titlllVrok:bbal6:-;,...c,,,,;,:. fab23',"; : eof, -101 She%',Atc..;frok ,2444 •:' , -t,'occw'R,btfit9F-t ~7.- . , - ~ t , . ilenPrijoillNt the n-e00'1), iendiainiriqVA9roeitatuNle.k,'-'‘": • -A aPtogetbeerliegP.974.D,'l"..-•:-, '-,-,, 1,00121:1;u0041A‘ -r_ 1,',0_,4i;-.4;10' '.M4-i''''1,.77.,4 J " Fiabac!'llitArl,;:it:,?‘ ',,./...*..73:,':,itrAvP iTat'S)k*-0 * -I,g?,,Piity-f . ,:;!..,riptt,‘:`;'' -..- 0 a 1 ,',e,. ':r4l/4t9i4, ''r.'' 54..,- ,*lB ~.‘ . I' 4' '., 3riourcatteTeompaniew.Y, ,•:4•P_• , ••• , , • !:•t- , •? • : • c HE ALLEN , A** E1EN248130 . 0.01.t G T .Fire inparanecr,ConMeity•ofi,Lcuin herland noupthincorpqated by ,an,•not efigeebrit-, bly, , is now fully. orgainie,d• and in operation, ein-, der the , madifgement of the • followtifg.`cemplis triers,- viz , ; • , Cht.-Stayrnan, Jacqb Shelly, Wm.R.; Gorges, Leis flyer, Christirin Titzel, Robert Starrett, • Musser, Levi.Mdrkel, -Jacob,Kirk„Seml. Prow.: ell, sr, and Meichnir Bronemen, who respectfully call •the - attention,of citizens 'of Cumberland and :YOrk botintino to the advantages which the corn -miny.hold out, , • • . . , , The rates of insittiiiMildVii , and - favorable pany'of the kind in the State. • Per as ' any ' e r n b b • •d • sons wish mg- to ecome mem ers are nvne to make application to the, agents of the aompany,• who are willing to wait upon them t any,tirne. JACOB SHELLY, a ;President . HENRY LOCAN,, V. Pres't Lawns HYEit Secretary' ' MICIIkEL Coefian, Treasurer , AaEw'rs—Runolph Martin, New Cumberland Christian Titzel and John.C. Dunlap, Allen '• C R. Berman, Kingstown ; Henry Zearing, Shire manstown; Simon Oyster, Worrrileysburg ; Ro bert Moore. Charles Bell, Carlisle. Agents for York County—Jacob "Kirk, gene ral agent; John Sherriek, John Rankin,'J.Bow man, Peter Wolford. Agents for Harririburg--Houser & Lochman. 'THAL CUMBERLAND VALLEY -Olutuat Protectioli Conti THE CUMBERLAND VARLEYMUTD AL PROTECTION CGIVI PANY, under the direittion of the following board of Managres for the eitsuing year, viz t--Thos.C. Miller, President; Samu€l Galbraith, Vicc Pre sident; David W . NlcCullough, Treasurer; A. G.. Miller Secretary, James Wenkley,JohnT Green, John Zug, Abraham King. Richard Woods, Samuel Haslet'', l'eal, Scott Coyle, Alexander Davidson. , stherr are also a number of Agents appointed in the adjacent counttes,who will receive applieattont for in surance tired lorWartl them immediately for ap proval to the office of Die Company ,when tbepol-; icy will be issued without ,delay. For further foctuation-see-Utr_hy • _Tilos. c.mILLEn Prost. Mtt.t.in,See'y. • The following gentlemen have.been appointed AGENTS: . 8; tsq.„,-W-estpennoboro, Gap-- oral Agent. S. A. Coyle, Carlisle,. Dr. Ira Day, Me.altaiiiesburg George Milk)le:E.sq., Monroe. Ins. M. Wails:Gm. Isiprburg„: John Clentlenin, Esti. Ilitestown Stephen Culbertson ,Shippensburg September. 29, 1847 . The Franklin Fire Insurance Com• pang of philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 1633 Ches:Vpt street, near Fifth street. DIRECTORS.. Charles N. Bancker George W. Rtchards Thomas Hart Mordecai D. Lewis .Tobias Wagner Adolphe E. Borie Samuel Grant • David S. Blown Jacob R. Smith Morris Patterson Continue to makeltipurance peretual, or limi ted, on eyery descriptiOn of property in town land country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The company have reserved a large contingent fund, which with their capital and pre miums, safely invested, afford 'ample ptotection tc the insured. The assets of the company on January Ist, 1848, ne ; Published agreeably to an act of Assem• bly, were as follows, viz t • Mortgages $890,558 65 Real Estate 108,358 90 Temporary Loans 124,459. 00 Stocks • .51,563 25 Cash on hand and in hands of egen.s, Since their incorporation, a period of leighteen years, they have paid opiards of oat MILLION, TWO_ HHNERED THOUSAND DOLLARS, IOSSeS by fire, thereby affOrding evidence. of, the advantages of insurance, 'as well as the ability and disposition to meet withprolmpiness, all liabilities: CHARLES N. B ANGKER, Pros't. CHAS. G. BANCICER, See'. feb The sub-, iher is agent for the above company for Culls, . and its vicinity. All applications for ineuran..: either by, mail or persognlly. will be prompt attended to. W. D. SEYMOUR. table Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Oompany. OFFICE 74 Walnut street, Pbiadelphia.— Capital s2so,ooo.—Charter perpetual.— Make Insurance on lives at their office in Phila delphia, and at their Agencies throughout the States, at the lowest rates of premium. Rates for insuring at $lOO on a. single Life. Age. For - 1 year. I For 2 years. I Lito 20 81 91 I 60 - 30 " 99 1,30 I 1,01 40 1,29 1,64 2,07 50 1,86 " 2,071 3,94 59 3,9, 2,97 6 0378 Ex AMPLE.—A person aged 30 years next birth day, by pitying the company 95 cents would se .ctire to his family or heirs $lOO should he die hi one year ; or for $9,90 he secures ta,theu $1000; orfor $l3 annuaily.for seven years ho secures to them $lOOO Should he die in seven years ; or for $20.40 paid annually during life, he secures $lOOO to be paid when he dies.. The insurersecurifig his own bonus, by the 'difference , in amount of ptemiuma from those charged by other offices. For $19,50 the heirs would re ceive $5OOO should he die in one year- - • Forms of application and all particulars may be had at the office of FIIED'Ii. WATTS, Esq, Carlisle, Pa. J. W. LAGIIOR N, Pres't U. TucxETT, Sec'y. FITED'N.. WATTS, AWy. Dr. D. N. MAIION, Medical Examiner. aug2B-ly Magistrate's Office Removed. THE Office of the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace; has been removed to the house adjoining, the store - of Mrs. Weeitley, in High street„Car. lisle, immediately opposite the Railroad Depot , and Winrott's Retell. , My residence being there, I will always be found at hbme, ready to attend to the business of the public. In addition to the duties of a Magistrate, I,will attend to all kinds of Writing, such as Deeds, Mortgages,- Bonds, ' Indentares Article's of. : Agreement, Notes &c, which will be executed in a neat manner and ac-, cording to the most opproVed forms. , • The Office lately occupied s bY me;,fn Mr. Gni. ham's building is for rent, and possession had im: modiately.. The rent is low and thelocation.good. jan 121848 - , GEO. EDEMING: • • gat and -Cap Store. • TflE.Sabscriber havinglusfreairned from the citY, would informthe , public that he .is , inom, opening a splendid assortment of!.SHIIIMER HATS ,at has old: stand inUN. Hanover : street.— His; stoak. comprises „illoloskin, - Nntria',. Rocky Motititrani-Beaver, Paulo' Cassfinere and „Silk HATS, - of.,the most substantial - make and , latest CAPS; of,every description:and •-- Witt invites hie . friends to call at ,his istablish' 4 a l ga ,befaii,..purshasing elsewhere, as: he is con.' fident. that tberyvill find it to their-savants/ie. ~,.. mh .•,....GHOR GO KFaJJEIt.... 14,13 7 .L..-Ilighest price. glien for Eurs,.Lainbie . • • • • , • Dyspeptic ::,(latholiCen,' , Dppe . rigtb. : ltpivOue'.llOßdtiotte; , itn,d lureo.4 Tis_i,tvArtiliettible,:o4ii3PPßOirarrnted A. " ' s afe and effectual ,remedy{ nOonlf yp, popoM, Our. for,tlicisedlommeolooultimt from arid' connected - .disorderod....conilmoo moMacti.Orid liyeri.pt,ooroogOroentrOf.4lo; Ogee! • weakness -flatulency kip&Piriipur eructations 800 eutomoon, colittiOrboar;blaridt 4MMlontirOtbfllioiroolio:ip i s :oomMOMIOd iiiiAlfrot*hcr. oro,oulpriogi under ovili'AeprekOon of; soothing • •, rallMoiroting:.powore,,boingiparkigoliirly adap. Mdlo,,Aithlroitooo.:4 ,1,54; , Illore,'Ne*,;:cisrilf;;::*:ii lit,i)eisiiythet ;hie just returned fuim th• 'With a end' , besetifuLlitacli tti 131:44 , W INT ER , G 0 0 )))3, .7•He zxtbeld invttik the ttentise pf- the pitfek 411 Om), Sis his goode PurclWitl.ll 6 §A l 4 r, ?o;A t, a C t-eAk rtittitfl‘ttalltea”k'aVlPAL 4P40 ,got. FyilAna .A .::srevesiTiLnx.n XTFCTIJA Xtir:oll - 1N 'VI V AMY- t , :;; - -IRERIEDY. FOR ;HE - Cnses Cured in tbe past year adioino,,is-.warranted to eq e. a cosee .of ell'es,.eitber, bleeding .or. ' areaternal,and all inflammatory die . eases:found in coniuneticin with; the Piles,— such is : Chianie pyeentery:; : deseribed in tl* • • ' .. Philadelphia, Sept: 9; 1847. • Messis..Ketchain & Henshaw—Gents:—A bent five Years agol was afflicted with what- W 313 called chronic dysentery ; I have stiffered- • With - it - 'ever •.since; artd-Tillysicians-haro'fald. me thdt...nty, liver was affected, and, that my bowels were ulcerated, for, blood_ and pus, at tended with h' peculiar putrid, smell, were the frequent discharges. A short time since I . _ made a visit to Massachusetts, in hopes of benefit from' change Of air, but suffered mole severe than ever before. While there, u phy sician offered ti.r.cure me fur $40,1h three months. Happily, in the midst of intense pain, occasionally relieved by landnum, I.saw "in the Wrapper of your Eleatuary,.a perfect - description of my complaint, together with many certificates _of cures, This gave me great confidence in the medicine, and I, prig..--=, chased a box, nine doses of which has appa rently cured me, and I am prepared to say everything in its favor, or render any service - I c'6p,to humanity by subscribing 'to its merits Respectfully yours, • • • -BENJ. PERCIVAL; Bff S. Sixth ht; WeakneSs• and' inflammation' of the Spine,' falling of the bowels, womb Ste, that females particularly are subject to, - under peculiar circumstances; for which many certificates • could be given of speedy cures—but delicacy , forbids their 'publication: . • Severe and. habitual costiveness, flow of blood to the head, tfyspepsia, fistulmi motion of the stomach, find a speedy cure in Dr. Upham's Electuary. It is an,. interiml remedy, and cures by its action on the bowels • and blood, the relaxed state of which is the • cause . of the above named diseases. UNIVERSAL COMMENDATION • From every' city, town and village,-whera • Dr..liphain'e Vegetable Pile Electuary ha been introduced, the most gratifying intelli gence of its effects have been received by the Proprietor. In hundreds of instances ithas _ hinep_heti-over_casos-which were -deemed- -' incurable. Letter. of Capt.G, W. Lean, late of the U., • service, and Member of the N, .1. Legislators • • . .Rahway, June 16, 1847 • I have been afflicted for years with the.. Piles, and have •tried, without. anything like • . permanent benefit, almost everything nestle,- ••• Mg the name of remedy.: I had as a matter ' of course, lost all confidence in medicine.— Under this feeling I was induced—not without reluctance,l confess—to use Upham's Electu ary, and having , used it• about three weeks ' • according to the directions laid down,-1. find to my surprise, as well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease bast eft MIL I think it due alike-to Dr. Upham and myself to make this statement. G W McLEAN- Addressed to the agents in Columbia. Oa: Russel County, Ala., Feb. 20.1847 • Messrs. Winter & Eppirig—Gents:--For the last fifteen years I have' been afflicted with that most distressing disease 'The Bleeding - Files,' and have had recourse to a great many medicines, without obtaining relief, until I obtained 3 boxed' of Upham's Pile Eleetuary ! from you, which have go far relieved me that 1 take great pleasuie in recommending it to 'hll who are affiibled with Piles, as a safe and sure remedy, . '35,373 28 'My Dear Sir—l cannoi express to you my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the wondei lei cure I have experienced by the use of your truly valuable Pile Electuary. I have been a perfect martyr to tilt Bleeding Piles for tan ' years past, so much so, that I became reduced to a mere skeleton, with leas of appetite and • general derangement of the digestive organ - 8i ' my' eyes agebeeame affected, and in fact was a' misery to myself, and was obliged to give up my office here, which I held in the Custom House some years. I have tried ell, kinds of medicine, had the best advice the physicians of Boston and this place could give spent much money and twice - submitted to a surgical operation. I had become perfectly tired of life, and at the suggestion of my friends I was induced to try a box of your medicine. 's The . first I 'found. relieved me slightly, still I persevered and purchased a second, and aspure you when 1 got -hall through I found myself getting well; I stil kept on, and now Inm a new man. My dear sir, language cannot express my thanks, that I am once more restored to health, and now in a condition to support myself anil family de- ' pendent on me: Yours respectfully, with groat regard,, SAMUEL CHARLTON Nevi York, Jnue 14,1848 ' Morass. Ketchum 4. lionslmw—This certi fies final have been severely afflicted.far rueuy years with the Piles, but mere particularly within the last nine months'. Haying used all thexemedies prescribed by my physician, also having tried other means to little or no ad: .vantage, I became very much discouraged and felt asthough - l- must suffer as long as I lived. But providentially I *as informed by Mr. Mott, instrnetor of the public school at ,Staten Island. that 1 could he cured by your valuable Pile Electuary. Having confidence is hie statement, I tineediately procured some of the medicine and am very happy to inform ypu that I am now perfectly cured . by.the use of only one box. Very truly ram obedient 'servant, . GEORGE R' CROSS Sold wholesale and retail i.by.KIFITCHAM . & HENSiI AW, 121 Fulton st, N. Y.,,a nd. by druggists , generally throughout the United, States and Canada: Price2l per, box, Sold in Carhaleby S ELLIOTT, . July -26 iB4B- ' ----41‘2200pi167 •,• UNT'S LINIMENT is , sustaining at rotor' ,: .sty unequalled by an y similar remedy. I 7 :equiros no , pulling ,to, i gve it , a reputation, it has P . eon for some time'sfiently.and surely , securing and: now, when its beneficial effects have , been- •• • xperienced by so,many, the expressions of gratis.. • ade are continually appearing, and tbeise wb a , -.--,-- aife,'been.made, whole By ita means are deeirOus - nit the 'afflicted should : ` no longer remain, igno— •;,int,ol,itsinvalbable and infallible .eflicacy. ;•, „, Mr. :gem E. St:intim, r:the•„Proprieter,- antly,redeiving• testimonials of benefits; receive& „, ,':oni.ttause;and many,of the,cores hee effected , ,L__mcst.,exceed belief. •In,,one case child hail ;•!segi- a eripple 'forkeight-years; having,wrenchtil •,-•• • ,iii•apipe, wlien at the age of . .two years, by, • OM,CUchriir: treatmea fille4 but: firali." . , liittlfisi of the',Lininient'i•estored..hin't,te Irfyligte-V now:. joins -• with - hisr„playmetat!fetlisfiit? I.•-= iem -and - Maya small hfirtip;'en his bnek ' to ; trt':o4. ind hint of'hts early duiTerings. .. Price 23 Celia t. lebottle: • ' •.• • .., , ~11',1 21Y , raoktiOWl6)lol;tolikittOrloplyaltatb. l 9 r 9411.; •;74. ihat•has yet:: besn'lliecoyered,:,ginknntYlbe'rer • k l oi • - ed,on.with cOnfidencalwall•!lle may have 0.ka!4: 4 i'•••:,asion flit tselivi*isils of,Atititi..FE'vanrA 4u, :4:T1 , 110111,1:Ain.,:.5611CN11 141, Xe5! &41, '.‘1;;;•; . This. Ointment ispartioalarlynitended•forfhasti-:,.• - 4:,:nimltiin s tii Abet •*therfgroalitilil*ditriuy,the ' • '•:•:••:;aralnlf of 11.;fea0 11 , 0 1 . ,1 )0 fll!"/,; •:4,unraa.,a,Erierief.Yrice,;...-po.ole;•.per 00,x.' Shig , 4ostqWti' , ••;,'"•;• Vt! , . "• , • ;11. ,• t; • 4 •IClnegor ' • •^. C••. • B formerly Bookkeeper, Bank of Colubm Bomar kablo cure of Bleeding Piles. Portland, Ale„ 14IarCh 14 _ _ Stanton's External Remedy, ia# - Vraitivr, Is nositivitveriotly: vichitleijffed:ii) be' thi tN! - Aliii!A: REArE.DY For Rheuinatism, Spinel Affections', Contractions laof this Muscles, Sore 'rhroat.and Quinsy , ' .18.- suns, Obi Ulcers, Pains in the Back and k . Chest, Aguo in the Breast and Face, Tooth-ache; • Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, , Frosted , Feet, and all , : , • „Nervous. Diseases...• .• • 3MEM '