Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 08, 1848, Image 2

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.....••••••••••••.. • .••••••••••
.3 RE Etirlo Vf4ENEPAIL 414111A44.1
. - 1: .••"••• •
The New .Orliani'Delta inattsuiti . 1
contains a glosving•aceount'M Ilreffoctl44l
lugs ot;!lhegriat'lfarbeciegiven&th e
• ." ••
natant by the citizens of,F,oelicianai:.
;the ROturrred Vdloateers. tp prpactet
were apon a vicalle - ol• superti s i afillfr
their, festivities were tidtPiedlT4,:th 1:
greatest Treoprfety. 'Ger/Te34% . pleigsce
-diffused tlaroughontilic--yrtst assemblugs.
He visa's: received with an entheAustn xvbiett .
sprung 'from the heart. He was addressed
by James'ii. Nluse, E4q., oil the pn:t of the
Florida parishes. We extract the coliclu
cling portitellifilvf s"Pegeh, and hie.
whole of General Taylor's reply, Irma the ,
interistino iricideehi of the war. and _many
illtistisati2us . ,o„cleestral Taylor's kintldieart
etitiessyslilr.. concluded in the follow,-
• • ingsvoidti:' •••,• • • '• :
•" •ihaili name, then r,:o1 only of my lellnw.
• 'eagle: unity, but of. the, lathers
`''•••`iitul %Mothers who, had sent their sons to tight.
• tbeirtitilfei.of , ,theif country, 'giving them the
6orarnuncl 'to return with honor' or
' not stall, he welcomed (len. Taylor, to • the
• heath; OMI both's:4 of his countrymen. yes,
General, We are happy to-tiny to see inn a
'Moog as. We-hay.etrought our wives hnd
chiklretj ettt.To beboldiottenvhe has done eo
Arid our children's
• children. shall., remember and,, praise your
areal' seeds - wail noble victories upon the
y, n k cif the Xlci•Grantle; .0. the shores of
• ' the pCOifie, and ht,the base of the Rocky
.IHoilittaies.theY Shall hymn your praises and
recount year ;peat ileeds, as 1 have this day
• Sri' e linimtelly 'done" on, the banks of the
: - 111i - eiiitslittilulTFehr, thit the bright . pages
-you haie Nslll•eWK•h — gittil — y•Wlit
he•;tern therefrem, or that your claims
'to-tilelove,..ii.kio :gratitude . of your coptitly-
• men Will'O • br i fittle frem their hearts or mem
' o'neil.° . l'ostertly. will itever•cause to hold
,you in.giatelbl,.reardledhon, until time shall
be no' more; a'nttall earthly eery shall sink
into the tomb.--Agelcome r then,_thrice , wet.
...._z_eomeii_hoititted_:_patuat_antl_sobh:er,to, _the_
simple liOsPitalities, which a' republican pea- .
ple extend tri you. .
The speech of . illr..lHuse was happy in
sentiment, fen:Of:tin style, and animated in
M. Speaker, Ladiis and Gentleman—lt is
With a feeling of deep embarrassment that
"I attempt to reply , lite eloquent . ad dress
just'Jelivered, whieb I feel my Ignoble
• servicea have been Mil•vividti.portlayed and
'B_l4irmitla Miring. the lone . pe
nod I have been in the serviceof the public,
Ilona endeavored to lieeps in view, as the
constant object of my exertions, the liont4tr,
the Integrity. - and the welfare . of .nay country;
• and If I have been plifee(Pin situations -in
which I was able to promote thesie objects,
it is attributable ratter zealous aid,
- -and energetic .cm . operation of, the - - - gallant
men,:both of the r egular and volenteer ser
•vice, who're it has been : my good Mime to
2 - :7 - entamand,than to any superior skill or a bii.
' . my- pale To them, more thin to my
, Ptell, belongs.the'grory of any results which
been - Meldeveil iiiider my coin
- '
tßut I. cannot_axaid.ille opportunity,- whilst
'relertitig.tit the irahievemeirts of our turns,
of expressing the deep conviction of the
- evils of War,- of whiclf, here, as elsewhere,
—= my mind receivestdally and mournful proof.
l'hrotmhout my service. 1 assure you, (lie
:priftirlest Mdments.of victory have beerfAlsr
kerieil'ind rendered the treflec
' liorfa L the pain MI occiirsences :which it pro
- • duces—of the . wives' made „wi4ws, of ''pa
rents made' rchildress of frieroW bereft of
.. - r . ' '..
those bound,:to,t tem y.t.te denrest.tieS; for
*. 1 he'nWful tultlti 01 ,War are fibt . confined to
- the filddriy scenes , of. the . hattle,field, but dip',
t ' iiafil,- 4 -lifo'w. ' iertsiniiingt,disttatterx-mcireihifo,
v iiiii dr Ih . ilti,l l 'pot,intils,tift:flOki, seaiters,deriik
,iimel*ith4ee,etigng6ll,in.,the i ttrying,ltttigues
t'inittexOnstiterti dlf,,reirlinify r edniy. rt,..01 those
, who haye i dvea Instettv.serv,ice in:Mexico.
'''the'propttnt,l6ll . .rpt those mit.dowif by disease
•i,etotihnire who 1611.1 in the battle field is about
five Irl ix,ofm. :F these reasons, as a con
- stritit witneks of all the stern and painful real
')iiiek OFWar, 1 asSo re you that there is no
"orb . Who . re vices more in the conCI osier' pi
the war" With 111.exico,,now happ ity. %motion
. ted;thiir 1 , '40;-, ~ ,, : ' , ' 1
ft . W'
as net from any apprehension of the
•.1-I;l2.g9.lPrOX.tarly,. dread of the Till goes and
sutter i ing44e,ty hie,' 1 might be exposed, that
1 iq , warmly. desired • the conclusion of this
.... ,,yer;, was because 1 looked upon writ
.six ii great eyil, As 'a last resort, which When
•11.9 an b'e lionerahly, concluded, it is the first
,11tt,f3i t ,rd,3,1141i014 ,- reeppcially a republic to ter
..10111144?:...4 rt rruni.rair , E,...Pn't.":: A.:
.1 believe ittitoCancornptlible,lWith the'lion.. l
• ror,:andinterestardf both' tßeritiblics toterfni
le pr ip ifte' y ' e h li ' ll a iii s .
.zens . ,therkin'd and fliehdly-recePlion • Whic, : h
rharftbeeir„eifendird to me on this, us well frs
nittor'-other, : i occasion's, ~on which . I 'hays"
had the,pleusere oft enjoying
_the hospitality
•,91 , friyAllotv citizens 'of' LNitsittnn. -,These
.demonstratiohsriletisfy me :l'ic'it lei chin iri., 7 .
fly to'.i call : I :Republics' , .ungrateltil.''' Eftkiik:
"pvl' ere 'have A he ' soldiers: et --+ th eilktiPiibl ie ' re.
qrsivedittiet - ',iineed rottpepulaimaPplititlii'ilifil . ,
enjoymbihiSisindnesslok'theirtferlie,WOitizitUl :
139tnift'inge6latelhavetiher 1-4 tied inltiir - * tit4iiil,
comely treated-then. in' our Statelitqtribisint
4140SOMbiphIniytobservntion .1411 t hiseit 'don,'
4111 3 11' .8 inee t mPreturn 000 tlies'ival, ant' hi,-
-------ying-Vemi...i . .iid4r-the.State-ifzeept . on ri:11 ' • .
, cv jejt„ to nif:plentatiowiti'.lllississippi;!
, i'f-' t,
t'lThedprinplit toi ...11oltSliite. Will,*ro Jiare
Wit h' hay- lot the,'Weiiiiinliatroliffm..aftir„ett,tt
lioltprriftt :Their' thelate:NOteati'
witri ' frit mitt iii g hiti Ili fit'. iia or 140' i 'llittl p, u rply.
whielit ,llll od l ho.' l , l bil°i' t°4 9 l‘Tia ll4i4llttiq'
. 'ltiel;ftthilii;'iiiind ttierififi.Oli,m,ol
ourtltith'enVUilfen 'alter ihe'hAie 41,* Ziiicink.
toti,filfeY fushell'in thfiirfcrininirty:i tiqgcfrion
till! filongh.p . thist 16t *64. df?s k , and
ovettlthhtptilMt;t4,ll'isager'toelnire ih iliffgloi•
VrittunifirriPttet`ilehOling 'the ittilidif 1 11.11onot.
teoeifrivieOttiiktenititictellhe'leilge,,,pli a. :13 , Ir .
'-- -.1 11011 - I*ift - fietieltintfi6riP i'll'ol l iftlifid.-10', t 6 0
i t ittriory*t . iiiiillidl,lllihnife - .''''Aipitl':.oslire
4 Warr(' se; --" 11 . ' •I l' '—•, t titlro themtistt r ato,ti ngpliarr
'-...--!.. lAllPet e1.114-ytor,:ihot +I - tiiiiivonipOle4i-, to
perilwwthiiiliev,wilisinE'fie4 4 4 11 Iiie}fief,ttii,
-WftiVe'rreiit4ilkebleorOtie drierhi',lrert.'r,er
• -- f.iiiirWbeyenti4soo,*tteliTiiit'el W .
h,Viteqiir , ,r - py
i • rerii':we-'hsL;'hotfeefliiii ent
Otottpottiitloti •fo - tiIIIOI4IIItOWQT , '„,.' : - , it , 4 , 1
0- 1 1 ~,,,,,,, 0 .,
.r . ,,,'.1,,,t}:1h
. 1, ~.
'' NikAdeiliV44o .911 "iiitini , ,Ti - A11519...1 0 0 8
Himiiiifiotibt' '' ' 'l'''''''' ''''.ooe.4-91-0P
- „...Wr, Ipteterr 'l As tuna, joulttneir.
- •...:,:t 4 1411111111 1 ,tinilt co ;fi . ..iir,bl4lltlffy shed'
~ , ~. . -
-:-.....' t%'11111161W414 ' giriiiiiiltience ,01,1411.
o p
IIL 0 .400:40 1 10Ii 1 10 2- 0P$ftioh . 0'.00tixilhiott
- - rtlrbatkiiirilti*lrig 01 , q.#tIn:t1.iloo I
,'4, tk, !ea:l lll 4 4P' C2B°oll37l964lifitliii more
. , tte ' -4 %14; lAiii , sit ilfi , ' --'--• ~ iticl
i y 4. ~fist;
;..lill ' irOii..l/4?4 , ' ,4 ;tiitiP .)) ;) 17 P 1141i. K 14441.1111.4.''
i t if! . nseltletittefipeacte.tinClitipprirte t ri*ith = .
,t i fori'ecit,i)il:Prrtfierb,iiiintl4l 4. ,si, Re shout
Wtir iriver,teriyetioti.titto?Liihvtittieetienoggh '
tit tlienKill4l,:etti,i,tZtifess'otiltelycrellt Orehr: ,
eiiiintry - OMlAWitikkeir ,aplitfliml,estior
tti d" 0 jimiteitrinsi7il44%fehrsl4llceittides„ eito . •
lief Itlfieliiitiotertillayert elhei 'a ',.,,ligs 01
the ' Igi'UN*. - " 0 1 1 `ft 1'41, , - ',.
~, T itilwartilias. - seryedi to man( era 1 ~.!,)91 f ,1
,1 ei' f`eille6p,'.ifterinque'isrbtir herokn..iii,
:VII, e see of our people. It Rai miteerility
Any :n Anis cot.fined to the sterner sex., If crlisvcr
where has it shone brighter than in the con- .
dnet rind sentiments rdthe gentle sex ol cm
eohntry so'many of whomlinve. honored us..
with their presence on this occasion. Dn.
ritigony public - servi , e, I have bc‘e,nrie iti 7
. rniliar with deeds Wl . ticli Place the' wornen
of nor country on a l'ev'el with their . Spartan
find Roman 'trintliers, ot whose heroism ids
tory' menrile so malty ;mteresting , examples..
Ilisive known mothers to send their only
sous to the war. telling them to return with
honor in' not at all. I have known sisters to
part with Omit' only ivcralteis, with words lull
01 pride Toni hope of their letup) with might
laurels. I have known wives to tear them=
selves tretunhe arms of devoted ; husbands,
and i te Puget nil their owe cares .and Oleo.
lions in a general and patriotie deroliTt ' lO
their connity'R and their husband's honor.—.
Mimic such Jeelitigs prevail antrum . ilibSe
who are to he the Mothers pl the Cepublie,
!rpm Whom the ideas and .virtue upon which
the:lnture,:rreal of, *ill depend,
are to (lnw„there - elm be no reason to fear
that our people - twill ever be slow of weak
lin maintaining . the rights of the Republic, and
sustaining the nationol honor.
Wttli these tlesuljoiv rental ks, I beg ladies
itmigentlernen, to "oiler you My warmest
thanks for this splenitnl and g rant) et; re
-eeption, extended to me by the pattiotie"eit
.izens of East and West Feliciaiiii, 01 East
end West , BainniTonge, and tither milli:el
his beautilul and interesting country. - -----,
A) cOt ,W Z.Slt'lxii-litcf)-4t•
.. • _11?
To our Campaign Patrons
The next 'mother will closeout contract with
these who subseaga s for the Ilse Ate for The
Presidential entfi:WL_' . A nutnber of these have
already renewed their subscriptions for the year
, tuceeed in g un,l wit trim t !fir unty - others will
do so. We ure nothing arrangements to give in
creased value and interest to our paper, by giv•
ing an ad/Intone' amount' of rending matter• in
each number, nod to -improve its external ap
pearance. We shall be gla Ito continue on our
list tlie . names of ill our cadtpaign subscribers,
and no,W that the political excirr, tuenti over,
use every exertion to make the I.l.Ennt.o . a good
foully paper. ' •
Temperance Address
aro'requested to stale that an 4Wdress
•on Tom pera . t . n.c will-be deli vered_ in Ilse Ball
of No. 9., Sons of 'rerhiterave, to.nuorrow,
(Thursday ) erening, at 65.. 0 4 cloch, by Ow
,C. P. tV I NO. Iha public is cordially in
vited to [titan
eAtions as we and tnr the spread of Tem
per/it-ice Mineipies and practires, we regret
that illese oddresses shouldtiare been com
menced at this thhe, when. the intense ex
citement of 40e Presirle7ml - election pre
cludes the hope ohci'p laic mind being
brought. to,a cthistietaion of the subject
Pk.Temperance,,even in the , most eloquent
hands. • We would suggest therelote that the
postponed tWo weeks.. .The ad
dress delivered by .Prebident some
evenings since, we understand gave P Strong
exhibition of the subject, and was listened
to with great satisfaction by his audiencu.
Gen. Tayhirs Speech
The speech Of Gen.' Taylor, which - we
publish to-dny, reached us too late for publi
cation in our last paper. : Our readers will
not fad to venue. it. The glory with which
Gen. Taylor has covered the National stand
aril, and elevated his name among the victor
riouS dapiziins of the' age, does tint, in our
view, compare - with his, higher and nobler'
achievements as a friend of humanity and
peaces .Bred among the hardships and*dan
gore of the camp; he regards the horrors of
war silt] the scenes of carnage which attend
it with the humane, feeling ol one who has
witntSsed • their-calamities and eridenvore3
to Mitigate their affliction„ His sentimeris
orilliiit'suhject are even more beautiful and
grand 'than those modest and striking des
patches' Which, record the march of 10 fri
ittnpltry end: 'which have coalman - ilea the
tii . ratild'arlijArtifAhr i rcri the World.
IVORA.9I I : IIOI PP* , *erP il!ePill0. for P -
til#negOcti' , OtirtanctUnced , AV view , 01,
proklects for: the 'lTresiderril,
The Wlire rkliliereti in tile' s 'm Ow ..rejlil4.
1 0' 1 .4v,e! InS : iiintortee, am among a . peop,
Olninently . mllitary. in all their impulse's and
inclinations. Thee , are the mom honorable
to him , on these accounts. Believing rmly
ifint, he is at liii,moment the Presitietn-efect
of..tha United -States, the people will gladly
Mad in this •speech the assurance • that — lns
udiiiitiistration'~i ill kneO'Stepiiily, in 'v e rge the
.() 1
iinitkaitiAA t ifpreparingl'llte; Itearts , of the pe.o
-00-,.l9l.Ava.Vmr*h,Ben'.-ches.ttrinoinfeed In
lie his"v'ioib t ot `; op• It pti 114'
-.• '''''" 4 . ig(iiiii : r iiifitil 3 ., ...:
„ . We,q4,ol9cliga.:t9. flp!,F, thn,t iCenngui Kt ny •1 . 11
.1 2 : t 6,111 9 4:,p1!ici tilt -,ipeptiiirt,p i n 1)44, cp 69 iy ) ,ies
tirliiiri4b4*o,n , 'strira!-iii:d.iyi4)lei- t I) e iremip t'o
wiliall . ';iWifil . : (Wilt:tip h" ,, a , ti'l y'ou'iiik,! , 'Titinn)iia tiio •
.wii,kii'i4l,-,i_ll .l ' f ; itiTti'illtii# 3 .l , llll . l.,b!'!ipi:r . ,q(icliiM
iiiii; trltk'43o,il ha d `go' 4iill' '010161:i
,- , 3, - :1yr,w , ; )(1 , , , r0m , 4 :.2 , ,, OWA ..I^, t . 1,. 1 , .:,,1, - .11,.iti
7 7.=-01 rt it011 7. 41 14 6 4t#: * 11" #,P . , --- *, 8 1 16 C04 1. k 7
e. i
' 0r:ii . ... 1,-. 40 i5 01 i q 0'i * . 400 61 ,0, 4 0. : .4kt 4,i,'
'''.6.iitiiicjiiiii;:Vgj.l:4j4k iitOr.oo'ijiK.':,ANii,
.470,:itieiklyt: ! ,:iii' : Lip t .ti; a .._0 , it:i9r).3),
afyrnr . .lm..l-w-11 4- 4a,srT,'°C . FrilliPlPP,l. were 19 13 !=4 1 :!T 161 r e n,i,,t.,`0!! . h 1 . 1 , 1 1 ' 'lr l Yi aii .
'en ill 0 1 1 ) 1 ( "q'AriOr: ri3 141 . 0 R 9 Y - E; 123 :r 14 P-P•F c lk 4 ': ?CO fii,tiV:. l 'fif - Cl ll 4 04,,)/i'Fil' , ..l;oli4!)tio., , i.s,syp,o l :
§,,.i)oiiii,,, f ik,o q iu,hp4,e)6llity', Or 1,. nom ir!tylii y : ii ; iit t 4 g i . k: i. ii i , *: iti l i a n i tai i iiiiithlijoi t it . l,
hag seldom the 0 , i '4 1. 9 of , '# l '! ilik ; . ! °l 4 cr i '.i - ii • l) P ili,e..,di l l;te r: §l:47iiiiii;:kiis4l . 4l4ollo9'i
rigiiilliiit*eflai?...pcl been abl!t(.s:.9!lee--teree- -,„,-,,,i'f.1-.".40-4.-ti','ll4;fiii•r4:44,;ti;:.4.:6l3o'fijdoirl!",iiiit
litigiiiitei4ngthileed 'we ' etii ll .l l ,ereAre4i° 44 l ' ,7 !';' , !'ii - t.A T 446' . vv "thlt•kiipYileitifkagn't
t fifittliki4ioj c p 0600; 3 ' , ate . .• tW.,,`diy4W.:4fr:rii ii' ~D .1 , 1 ' "7-I. l !!;l.p,ti...j i is , ~ 1 31 i7 ,- , p ,iii •
4iiiiiiiiiVo'..l4o..46:::',V,4;.-(*.iitctiiiitiy!Oli,f 4,l:_tifiker.tgßetoM34,ll,ll,,,,C,9-e•
i l'ill'igkiChith ) 4ipici6l - Fori I,l,ig"OppitA* . ki, tiu
,ilfii i ; 4r 1 ;, , :,'.0 . 0,1 - #9 1 e5,52".i.P.4)0i0V.9.!°!!.)°”'. 4 .k'
4:PAtil' 4 ;!..6X!.'''• .. , .'.....'":.',.. . :;. ~ . '.:. -':"..'.,c i . ' ' '',.... •.iiioi l i n iiiii,-*otiikfrbOttoo I' ov:ratinizfeil
70trThif14115161atii Oitiodqiitia'Vtior., dd.-, ~, . %!,...,,..-,,,....‘, ,t,' 6 , ~ ,, c , 1:,..1 II
l ''' '' ' +,,.-.'—''' '4 , 10 ,-, , :. , Ar ti 4•i p. , ......1•..1•.7 , , r 144•9,. ,giekdbff:tobiti*,4lo:oo.ol,ntlitl, 'iktft.ept4 . b r it
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' • 1 ,- , ',. , .V PC ~.. ~,,Sti,, s . . 44,':f ,:t ,
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, t . t .,, 4 , 1 ...4 4 , 4 ,,,,,,,,..p,1 0 4.
40:ifickcqt.too l .6440F,,.'11.0,:agt t W„,,,frir viol .„ .4.1. : *tiowoomev.m.k ,
1 0 ' 0 Y40Yfiiti-kgti- 0 0 . 1 ,h, 11 1 i ti 1 .00 1 .4 4 4 . 104111.1 1 : 4 ' . '.4:44C A .av ' ' '. je ~. .- - `0 1 . 5 0,44.4 A 's ' 1 104t 1 ,k.
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orit t l
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.1 ,
•:'_; - , - ,:i,- - ,-!, - --.. -,...--,?.•.:,,,
i 4 2IIEDEMIN -9
" ". 2
Ont by - Old "Lac
Cumberhmd county'. lute Covered her.,
.sell-with,,,glory...-She , has ...nobly , taken
her stand , among , the glorious• ;Whig
counties of our now print ty - Whig Cern=
•niOnWealth. ,She has 'administered it
blasting rebuke to the vile - calurriniators
of the illustrious Patriot and soldier,
:herds waged -the. inntest yesterdaY_ with
a desperate energy, using ..means -the
most -unscrupulous and corruPt,but they
have been ingloriously defeated, :Their
AestructiVe 'prlici pies have been condem
ned by the People and. themselveshttrl!.
ed from place and power! •
Nobly have the -gallant -Whigs of
Cumberland .cotae'up to the work :in'
every district .theAave done admirably.
Our own trough and South Middleton
_have_riohly—made_u_p_for_thetr short-com
ings in October,. Nor It Middleton, Frank
ford and L. Dickinson are rapidly cam.
ing "out, of the woods." Gallant Moe
*roe. has come dot of - the fight with accu
mulated laurels, and fairly won the title
of *the banner iownship."
burg,..hepherdsfown and the lower t)i?
!riots ha-ve manfully battled'lor the right:
and cothributed to swell our 'majority.—
Newville has shown the spirit that "fiev
:er surrenders," 'while good old West
Penesboro has again proved that when
big Whig Majorities are wanted she can
fill the largest ordersl! The Tarifl:l;oys
of Dickinson have spolcen in a tone that
shows they know their rights, while
s - iaunch Shippesiburi; Gas 6 1 ,V)ited the
spirit that ne7eßalters in dev4on to the
noble 'Whig cause. of the town
ships ! in the name of our glorious-prin
ciples.; and in behalf of our 'patriotic
party, we thank you for tlwtriumpharit
result of yesterday !, Curnberland Coun
ty' has proudly ;taken - Ater stand in the
Line 7 letors - , keep her there!
Wer-suhrhe majorities it the'several dis
Omitsfte:'.Wately As We havb been able In as
certain thorn
Moir nrd
Wesi."Ward„ 87 - 7 , _
North -Moldletenz- ' 43
: , ,untli Middleton, - . . ~ 8
West l'enusboru, • 82 •
Frankturdr - . - , , ' 33'
LoWer Diukinson,2l
Newvills, „, . . 105
Shipirrisburg, . ` 84
Djskinsen, .1 , , t0p 2:1.
L llteesburg,. 44l-
110 '
Monroe, • -,.. . 4f - '
Menlioniesburgst ' . . 25
Sayer Spring, 41t1 s -10 S
Iltirupdan, 24
- Allen, Pil
Lisburn, • .10
Bridgeport, . 20
New Cumberland, , 10
1 heist's, • \ s, I
_., ....-.
55G 4r4
Illajorilyfor Gem TA FLOP. 72.
There sera 12 Free,Soil voles in South
Middleton ; and . 3 in Lower .Dickinson
terdny—three lomilis of whom were former
Whips. .The Van Buren vote in the courtly,
will.searcely exceed 50.
We have received the lol:wing by Tele•
Philadelphia oily and etiuniy, .8;100 ,
Lancaster, .• .. . 5,100
Dauphin, ' • • 1;300;
Selinylkiil, . • • - -- - • 1;150
. . .
' .
Lebanon, . - 1.1 , 50
Chester, ' • 580
Delaware,. , 000
'Franklin, • B2O
. .
Adams, 810
. ,
Alontgomery, 85,0
Yolk, ' - " V sop
Books, • . . • " 1 / 4 „ • 275
These leturnis tqipalo a majority for Gen.
ist4lPr fa flit) Statp or, at leait fo 000!
The, Queptlon, Settled!,
or - e-We lenrnt hy_teregra . •
while bien,,Trayior has eat:fiat:l:Con,
necticut o . , ,Massitchusetts,Verrilottiileiciii,
Island; Ne‘Air ,TOrli„NSW'j444`ljniii.-
ware, Ma4land nd , Pennsylvanito , -ma:
Ling IN'Elee.torarvat'es! y‘;
lit ly..
Gleorgia i Florida andi;Loui.
siana, will more than settle the question!
1h &I e ~ongresH.
• Several I , juilinnlv, ink)ls the' N. Y."l'ribi3ne,
,IV : ta ,Al t ekallis oforigresii dins
ificeface..,.%Ve,have nat'donel'aiybellevitig
anal) 'elaaaifientiona-nnsa
I ni - '''• "
lif”Filig, .vii 4: ( I] 1 11 . 4 ) ,SqqpiPPOOftinigilj
1 60" '(1 -1 Q 141 e# , and '
Qiwti ,001d111,110 Ideveri
1/ 3;
:./1 ,
Caß,ak crud we tlilhjeli,ne,(; r•i .';,fi l •
ro,F4Pht . °feu Alm ,
`-::,..ii: 1 .0.101 . 77•Fte,...--.__...
uiyipijii';iiiit:iiii;i2if teriginssitie -Pee
pti.:' Vlsittek,toy.i?l,:!iii,yitiSterday,kr.Presi
l'44.^.:eiii.eitt%-'oe''-i'4ll.o3ifitifa.m a siiiAle
*6l**_f,iiiiooo4;oo.44:=;Ao. !To! YPF..k-.
..iiii•;lt...ooiii;ol,*,,iitti46.i.,:ilii?- einirideh\
''‘PirOit -:ilitivi'.4'Gitri;:p.4)-AlWity.:,-,l#,Loii- is
..i*:,iiie..;lo.6lti:oltiiiifc(o.t)l44.l.iow slates.,
0 - ilitiOi.i. - i,agotT.'iii.l_4.fothif:jiitlgmelit
' , as .vv`eirbit Alb - .glowing patriotism of. the
, ..-
eltss tea o f ; ou r: ceutitrytnee,„em..l„..gies cenf ‘ id-,
itig'fwei.lirive ervey - rinyored,h9ll9, ceity .. ic-.
lion thiitihey wrinldiriuniphrimiksu'rithin thb`
illiisli iiiii s s7iihrSiihrriiic Wrikt - ,lion:fiei)iiibil . ,
ic. :( otictde.iti the 6.%iltilas tiOesii]elicitpi) !Weir
Adtp,tratiee r tharkbaa,ltikengeklikebevittinity:
after,the battle wedded , their wayntest
allectines; ... .. • • •.• • .• ' .: : i
' Gen.' Tayloes,eleCtion will well vindierite
the 'prOpriety,'of 'his n'etrileation. The
: Pie's :
identiafponterri.diai been. it singular one.-=-
Factious Whigs have•bere arid there arrayed
themselves agninst'lliM, and givbn "aid rind
eciielei:t". te:the.idMifoce,hiretings„ol power,
:od . '" have i'isettiled• him With, all the-vance
ions hatred 'of party malignity% in the
NOrth,thw"conscietiCes" tat men have been
invoked agatrist . :him ns rislaveholdev rind
"Iraftielt'er in human - ifei , ii:i! The South at
the Seine time has been flooded with elec
tioneering pattiphlets to prove that he is an
out-nod-rut Free Seiler and the cordial ally
of the'N'ortlieriqhnlitionistsl All the lime
howeVer the 'old mai,' as his soldiers. land' •
lady called liim,,haS been sitting composed
ly and - "calmlasb stunner's morning" on 1
bes? - britattplrithitii - if - the - tknottletterr, nei- 1
tiler heeling the
."noise and coninsion"
raised by.clamoroua .demagogues, or being
harmed by the poisoned shahs ot 'mereenmy
toes, as imooltilit.bpt nsttlek , ienomotts than.
the foreign Miscreenta he had vanquished at
Buena V is ta. With th 3 starineh old Illig
party C7lie country prln7T4Triirsiticiii
'was well understood. They, knew him to
be honest, capable, patriotic and lonian' to
the Constitution, and from such a man they
Fooled to extort pledges. Ills comprehen
sive mind they knew to be equal to the wi
dest national survey, and his large heart they
knew could not be confined to sectional feel
ings', designs or interests; They - trust him
.a.; his soldiers trusted . him through-the peri
tons hours of Buena Vista, knowing that tie
wIU-cling to the-43onstitutteni as -he there
stood-unflinching and firm by the-(lag of his
country. We trust hirnto give the Legit•la
lion. of the country back to_the hands .ol
Congressi'and to reetore the republican poli
cy of-the early Presidents: _
Defeat, with such a leader as Gen. TaYlor,
can bring no dishonor, but we anticipate no
such d isaste r._ Powerful and unserupnlons
as havebeen the Owls and combinations
against him', we believelhe Pe4lc_baye sus,
mined him and that even - now the electric
chain-el conanuiduinion - through the - Unionis
bearing in "Words that burn" the joyful ti
dings of Gen Taylo4triampliant
Taylbr. Cas!r.
• Philadelphia has been.shocked by a most
appalling otimige; , 4ris wit learn from 013 city
papers. On Fritlit:il i iglat last, during the
progress olilica loChleecOorelalight procession,
a young Jranttaruct,l,Alfrell Coleman, was
brutally murdered: / the verdict
of the Coroner's - Jury, 'the blow AfaSilven
by some person unknown, from the .tanks of
he Democratic Procession.' The Club call;•
ed dm 'Milers,' is charged with the deep
atrocity-1% bithtr justly or not, time, it is
hoped Will reveal. The auto' deed hUs pro
duced the tl.mpest sensation throughout the
whole community. The young mar: and his
lather, were formerly ii..emocrats, but have re
cently.ranked thbOiselves among the talent's
olGencral Taylor.
4 500
PalitlealEVeitemint and Murder
:it seems tharyoting Celeinan was, with,.
one or -two companions, standing in MO
neighbeillited erTwellth andCoatas streets.
The precessissn came oni 9; tenting for Cass
and Butler, 'when the .yeittli, Who was. not
yet of age, imsed 'wery.lor Taj tor. and
more. This was ilrom_rather! jocosely than
in any spirit. of Nlefistiesei- Instantly a iustr
was ^ made traMtbe - freeeision; and Iliciir9-
.rrieu : ,:ttld children who-Lined the . side-walks,
were compelled to-fly for their-lives. Clubs .
and bludgeons were employed with the . '
mostfreedomoird potir . Colemen wati ,
to the OartVtililt. niedtleiotts blow, which .
speedily caused his death:- Kis ago stated. ,
that several pistol shetsWerefired, by which'
twn Or three's:in:or pons i ans'WerO
The whole ali v e With thOliori:ible
stilsject on Sittiirday. the victim was n most
estimable lierser4 natbreiided;withisi leiv
`it(juares of theinerder: - This isdhe r firSt,lifit
eon lost
of politic4 . carrip9)o, - ,0V,3 prit, y. heaven
thittjt may :be
,the ,leSk,iSinc'erilli :do we
condole with the - -relativesolliiie . :dehOise6
`The 'authitri 'the bleedi'Wech ' .. : Wilf We
trUtieht to u
11 . 1 9, 11 ‘. • • 1, 1 `!:
rresl, of gtiAippliscd!' , 4llt!'rclOvi•i: 42 -'
day ev
a n el l KeYisq , '4t•siiiAx' • 94 - tdin •
gppohg,loiau*Ai,ccitistablesseighird: Ward
Snot It trark . , BUrrit?,„'
bar e`Sithchir
Allred Coleman, on Enday-tughti at 1 Twelfth
„Ttgard - to - b NiOupW(pArtill7W.
ftirred from Ahe tact thatte 'gni :l- ' 7676 TM =
Frift, into INViltrriilydiattiet - lithih' the, 'lam
• IlttO
, !c? axe, erm is : t o "e
1491 4 ? 50 1 9.4 - jaqiii 0.7%-Par:4 l 4 l o ll ana,
'member•oi COngriroolfroM Illiohgatf, 'Watt
?one of 'llititit, h riialloiWitabiliii`; o , l i llll.l
104i4, •!..q.,f..— •
WI/Jr: A 7).
iAte 01,W44piher„,„,-pogr.,_ , oral
Igooalul4orinotat ro - 51 .tut-tt;.;13,-" , 'llort
tOwittf .tQ h
j'lll'?"*'Cis4)44ll94 #';os it ia„, a left
tha liatelgkptaticipiteOlathe,tiatt'ibe'eri
Orbitiliork:of thiptgifthitot *
liWattiii- - - - .Vltlittlif:;Whitlivili %Jiver rliOrtk
been' ' This MiCei itielOsnlaltird 44
1- I CoYirtic ‘ oh,ok'sl9l9`a_ r ticlifittiq.V 6 M hAtftl
''1440# 4. 4.0P9i
2,:sm.ripy.batip4 - **yor , ifecltomio.w .
ln 0 0,
.0, , ,4111L.Af4 - it2r 1 ;0• 4 1.411Ve,1 7 : 1 16
, 1';',.,1i' : ;ki ' .5.1.2 .,. i,..2''''
.--..,-, ~,,:, - - A ,..t. v ,... ...-,
- : , ,,v2iidygeilt. , m*lst• . - .1v,.-; ,- :,-j. . .:
-oi'ir. : -.tioaNkr4ti, ,-'the-BilOot nflhak
~ ~-,-, •• , -..-Pg' •,.,' i
.exoejlent paper, the' #thstcr. Dourly Folier
',aid - our boroughtilbn thOfeasieni•ok
I .oi i'dc'ent Meeting rittrothirrilV 1111 , 77arA
~...,,, --.. ....
ty Agricultural Stigiety . l l 4 . flNr.p.qt I tn i t Iltisr,
' number of The Fizi' - ' _ jitti, l4 iosl6eriroll' of
~. . , -....,
farlisle, its public buildings, anti ifs admire:
ble educatiodal institutti'm Dickinson Col
lege, which we subjoin': ~
"thint.tste , isliiiiitited -- In - 11re' niiilst er ii•
beautiful vall,ey;“tb,out , 18 itoiles.west from .
Hatrietiqg, - aBl iii the tounlpSeal ocCupi 7
bellilila - COlii4. -- Ti1;21 . 11 . 111 . 4bad leading:6m
Ilarrisburg to Chambersbnig, passes thi•origh
ol: , of the principal streets. The Borough
proper. contains, about,. six: thotmind.. inhabi
tants who are remarkable lor industry and
strict attention to business-so we infer, from
the fact that we sary very lew loungers
about the,public houses, and cornet! of the,
streets. ,
, The Courtrhouse,situated in Centre.Square,
is a magnificent and costly structure, of brick
material: — Its architecture is peculiarly sub-
Stantitil; but not highly ornamental,—the eye
of the stranger is attracted rqore by iii favor
able location, dim; any showy, qualities it
Possesses. 'The Market-house, also in Celt
ire Sqbare, islafge . and commodious, and, on
the morning we visited it, was Abundantly
.With - edibles from the sunpunding
country,—prices ranging about the same a s
. 10 this city.
• I,Ve believe there ate eleven churches, in
;111, in the. Borough. Nan}' of the edifices
are neatly constructed of durablematerial—
b!ick and strum—though the hoary appear
ance in well as the style of atchirectuie, in
dicates that some of them have seen ninny
years. These churches, no-doubt, contribute
very essentially to the excellent.. moral an•
tnruphem which seems__ to perVinle_ tint
•Bormigh, in Which respect, it strikingly (C-
Iserntiles the villages of New 'England.—
Another insiturnentaf.ty bearing ..upon this
point, is the antral influence emanating from
DICKINSON C01.T.46E; whieh. in morn respects
than one, constitutes the life arid soul the
Bormigh. ' ' .
. .
from its beim4 the seat of this time-honored
institution, which wr"ts founded, A. Dr:'llB3 . :'
Was destroyed by fire in 1803,. and rebbilt
the lonowing year. I career has been
mark6d by varied success. „Many :of the
ablest' men, in the Union are mond to rick•
rtowledge it as their "Alma .31ater" (ben igr:
mcithei, • - 11'1)9d:int
changes havti.triken 'place—die Faculty now
controlling its operations is but reretity
.pointed, her. Di. l'Ecw, being the President,
Another .. modification has been' undeig.otie
the inanintement of the College—the, Prima
ry Department is now entirely separa4 and
distioCt trem the regular Classes, it ()reap?!
ing the building known as the I •Soetit
This is errantly an im pi ovemeid
The college Windings ate good,
,yet pore
evidence that tho tooth of time is - ste;lily
:viewing upon them. - The grmind on tt hick
they are located is well eiteloseti,• finely
shaded by ticesy, , anil 'peilrtitimied by walks
missing through in, different directions, M
antling a delightful Ittornenattl and exeicise
for the Students, who are apt to neglect this
very.essenitril requisite to physical health ' as
well as intellectual vigor, '1 lie. College has
a large Li miry, and Philosophical and Client.'
-cab Armaratus. ' We were intorined Mut
atint- 159 - Slailenta Ate hi . _ offend:mese - upon
the regular Collegiate course. Neeltaineally
leaning .againal a tre,ioo lest us, we were'
soon lost in contempfliting the scene before
our eyes in connection with by-gone tlitys.
IVe locked upejti the grimps of young melt
colleciefl in ditlerent parts of the ground,
While here Mal there might, be seen en ititli
vidual,stutlent, honk in hand, pethaps intent
on graduating with the highest honors ol the
institution, walking at a lively poem to and
fro; and over against the fence was another,
With. eyes bent upon the paper before him,'
probably puzkling his brain with some kitctty
problem in iVisttliematiCei: happy fellows,
thought We-J-When 'they shall have entered
upon the stern realities of practical, lite,
they'll leritn to place abigher' estimate upon
'the advantages inky tiflortled them, nod' look
hack open these hilleYori days, BS the hap ;
piest of their existence. NVe thought again
—where now are our class-mates?. A LLEN
is d I OWOC.ti -- 7 1 Dr utt, the most . NOtOleill2
member of his class ; einly—foutet a,,drunk
rtriPs .grave—faun 13i:NTI1UrisEZI has crossed
the Atlnrnc, and is preaching Afro !gunseareti
able riches of CliristP to the beinhen,—the
4 o
, .
resiiattered all e'er the witjaworld, n hose
.acquaintance will pot be retie wed,ontil re
newed hi another stale 'o be perpetuated tht n'-
-nut eternity!--solemn thought! A train of ears
toshed,;by and aroused us from our re eerie.
,when we gazed teverently upon the cla-tsic
walls, tinned and left' the hallowed gloomd
to mingle ngain;in thescenes • Mactive life.
P. S. Next week, we shall speak gt the
Agricnttutal-Fairy-e ac."
We may here remark that the press of po
matter last Ileraltl, prevented
inityhtnicirig the recent meeting of our
Cultural Society. The exhibition was not so
large turd satisfactory as was to bur desired,
.but there was a good' attendance ()Iraq most
respectable Farmers, and it tin other • good
resulted from thei:-In'estng, it at least brought
about a good resolution, which was heartily
passed by all , Present. It '4. - 44 - iletermitied
that We, Society should be re-o4anized.• To
A •
otitis end_a addresswas made by the.Preci
dent,,,Fiten's. ‘ViT - 78, laq., Avirs.O.
asm-in the'mause knows no , flagging, in
h~tMie tJalirte - gtly'inhOlati — to -tIM--Ixittntrs
ot cennty; to sustain the SUCIOiY. The ;
'old members were crequested to renew, their
snbseriptions . at 'the rate ots i per •annahl,
tied 'out pf ; the
s..)9.l;fttY.pritpeet;i!, each:
-hesities ,pay.ingt other, ',expenses, with , any
Agrietiltutal; , nowspapetc'Whielt• lib
pntilishe:;'iii ilie rate of
modietnle.f.eireutatiiig, Agri;
eulteral information. The planwas'hearily
; stiWte"ri were. promptly'rene
.apintating, s lhe, , ,nteuellerm,rWe
'are;cenGdene , illeitteixt atnival oneetitig efllr9
„,,1„,4„„i4.,-.60 L - Gg i nLiilim's .4.4% ,: i k vi il l t iii l)tti r t i t i e ro n i ' ci ii
letter Ito hitql.eiata:6l,llid trltOftwhilvqs
the dlidegil '#t!`b'-'O. _
14; A i ” ,
~,s liWkii,`,eßrr
o il
M itt4=`*ol!teiP, ' (Abla, inpflpao
---46ERtliptig 1
.4 r ' 1 . ; . -i e tr; ilia
1 1 •2` ‘ , 14 12 0 11 ,G4 r korpril 4744 loYi 'M. 1,,
hi?-111- " . V . d , %ii 14);?, le!teri 1 1 111 3,, co,rtest
, 1 4 TflPgtkcS 4 : , .11 ~t`, . -,;.i'l:r,l'l.'''ro
- ' du e , 4 ,4,i4 fa 4‘.5.1. , o ,~ ,,, ~„...
ocatlfint a,!
..,, uerti.,,a(, 'r r ,' r VITti - ,
~,3lV'r f as IT 4
ciiiir itna'"l6l '.' f trili r F itoWlekol% "' it
,miAditit 4 kioi l t,, l t i iiii v '-- 44;04* 4
-0009`bne,11. 1 11 414 - 7f.riliii`to‘tlyAAW,Li!'"'
41 tVi l f t6161 .- 4 4 = tv iiiiiikilioq 6 ,ilVti IV P,
44 ittliteodl, nin , ~ , , P , ' ,ii6S-iti ate il •
lel*" frp3r , ch'. oni 1 14 ._ , 01
~Y,liit i .Ifiri not.; a 11,
lifil iit-t'Clekild V‘r In Wsktillit,lit
00 1rtn* Mlei. utero .141(ijeilti*iiiil 00,i:ill
i i
i ltV 4 i l Wßidrigitilik.Ni' he
i*lcli t i O 4 ii' 4 g ll 4 ' ittliikliadeitinti t44 ,
rt O til qiila a q liKkiltr,t ' i n . ‘;4vie4l,.
, s •
,‘:•.# , 0* „ "
._., , i
, giettri„ ,
„ , :. - ,p:,.;.• , ('JZ :
Who sholl,o rW_4,e'' b: ‘ otilet l teinhhyt.
A/ l i*. IT4T' 4014 1 340.4,WcPVT0' '
4.1/a jO rit 9 1.- I,:'•,l l ,4oool*ltiiiii 4 tMlig.;
p/fir•11;10 pb,ti r ttliWt4WA \ St I tZtttr '
Ireadtl ykiiqtert:errie veil 'diett fisfrqd
WhigsOrtve balk( titentiort s l ol in c'Ai 'Opt . ;
,with . sktrioqiceati'd We fii.e.r me Opie 4f. ,
t:le"tielacir''ltertbditiiitoit lin mlli ellgSri'
saltea selection. WithotCt disparaging the
merits or claims of any other gentleman ; we
take re liberty of , suggesting the name of .
nrie . Wlinie' - ereelier7i we are sere, would gj Ye
goiteral satisfaction *in..Curriberland county.
-Weallude to Lltimir.g.s - Et. PENROSE, F.eq : —
.H.TPentose is now aaesident of Pliptlel
pito?, tht he will always be regMel7by the
Whigs of - tini'connty Walretriraiims of respect
and pride. :Forleigitlyears he' represented
tis in the 'Sthie Senate, and to one will yen
litre, to say that during that petiod.the fete
of tumberlatal county were- ever dis
~ . .
regarded. Althongh there were many able
men in the Senate at the same time With.
Ma 'Penrose, we have no hesitation in say
ing that during the whole of lits career ; he
was regarded its the leading and most Milo
imolai man in that.breo,ll of tlie Legislature.
lie is eminently qualified for the situation of
of U. S: Senator. .As a profound lawyer he
has no superior. To this he adds an eiteh
, sive knowledge of political . economy and
government, 'mid great
.experienfe 10 the
science . of legislation,.lie. is a statwrii
Whig, and a roost excellent upright man.—
t I rhe'Whigs of l'ennsylvania, destre.a own
who . vvill represent their State in the U. S.
Senate with fidelity and honor, let them
tetert C. ITAItI.F.'S 11 - . - PrNIIOFE; --. : - ----- ~--"'
Carlisle, Oct, 2ft. , . • .
Pninsylvania Culticatqr.—We have reeciV
ed the second nurnher of this valuable join ,
nal, which is published monthly at Harris.
burp, Pa , by Fortritea Sr. Co., at ore dultarper
annum. It is a work well;got up, containing,
much useful and internstmg mailer, not only
to the farmers, brit to the mechanics, miners,
manufacturers, and business men generifly:
It wan erroneously stated at the recent•rneet
ing id our Agiicullural Society that this pub
lication had been suspended. "Now that its
reappearance gives 'proof that it instill pub-
We hope the society will place the
"Cultivator" on its list of periodicals loi
tribitii,m among the dinembera. 'I he, late
appearance of the second number Irtil to tl e
impre*sion that the work had been suspen
The steamship Ilibernia has ah t t eclat 110 -
toll Liverpool dates to the 21st .
The weather during the-week had been rat
tly and unsettled, but the' ernps had been
fully harvested. In Scotland, ffitaroeS were
abundant, and in 4reland very, ECM (*O. The
'cholera was .on the inerease in Eug,land, but
the first pante had subsided, and only thirty
additional- eases had been reported. The
ffenetal health was nnusun:ly good : Ia F.din-
Wig the mottidity was fearful. The :.Tovetn , -
Mont had determined to abolish all precau
tionary measures of gnarantine. Cotton had
declined one-ei . glol; of a penny—the mat ket
Flour 3ls to 32,. Yellox Indian Coin
25 to 365, White 35 to 375. 'read° dull in
the uman:et ing_Tdistricts.
No chiange in the sentence of Srnitli
O'Brien: The Lord Lieutenant had assured
the Dublin petitionois that lull weight wonlll
he given to the reFommondatirin of the Jury
to- merei. ::.Dueroixohe Peifect of .Ttitis,
has resigned his 6fliett, and etpressed : hui,
disopprorul of CavAlitiae'‘
ist banquets cor•.tiaued. Viotti": wits . call in
a state of high excitement: The Emporot .
had reiired . toOleutz, m Moravia. The rail
ways. around Violin hare been tom up for
many miles.' Nothing important 116 m Spain
or Portugal.
, n‘f
111, 'OA • ^=-.1 his recent'
k4.?:?!`~u'~it~:~y'3,.,54~;~.~;,8, I'di;"c'=JY";:~' sty.
News by thb Ilibornia
• Tlkaoltsgiviogs.
"Did ye ever gn.down to T.lintilisivin`
Such ( - woo fig of pica, tortn nod emcee ,:
Such turkeys tor,keys.!7,ptuLlota of good itvity,
W hat 'elm her of 'lasses if takes !'
Gov.' hebb of Ohio, has apPonned the .23d
inst. as a day of Thanksgiving and Prattm.—
Thanksgiving, in New Jersey nn the same
day. Goy. 1 oim'g ot York, Inis)aliZ
pointed the same , day bite' observed in that
Stata. Gov. Thomas of Maryland, has issu9
a proelaniatlon, MeMomentling duo. Thell:
day, the 23d of November next, shall be set
apart by the' peop'e of t'iat State' as a day' of
rejoicing and thankshiving.
Ethic. thlt. KtianNr..—This distinguished
officer, whose death Rick riltice Letts,
on the 31st ult.,'w.,s born tit Newark, (N.J.)
and was about 55 yettreor age. 110 entered
the army 61,18 12 ;servednt •Quleemsto'cro
army lal 2 ; mins p rortiot
824 ,'PePt,Colonelf. 1 1 11 ::gi?! .611 0'
in :130;'4r)(1 a lull ,lirig,,Gorierel in, 1846 ;=;-.,
wfie-in commandoF..l6lYeo; , CdiOtt,
Celi:fernie Ced`gew
can tsar, and bye his fir title,jit,e!huy bravery
,11iii;144(ikin °ourun , c 7-
deritt cs_y.:ell as rtintticiees
,ritcuivetl ; .on ttis
return; ,to; the,, Stattis . ,l9;ithclein)k9l respect, ,
'verii2,4*pital'y'r,hundled . by, his onetnje?,aie.
,in.wintth Was, Itelt: Ile, wits .49499#1
:00,"4,111641,~vr11,npl fail
nioti*otycdii..ol' lit cit. her+ liitt;iyiii)lslo
:1 .1 ,
• ' • • 0!) . ,..1:;!'41,4, ,,
- ) ,,,MrSOPrelityy IVltyoy!cotp pitidf,
, , ,
Igoiigh.loi-ltifiiotteoliiiii!tiiiiiuhik,•tas. - itifiy ,
1 ,,• at ,.. , , , ,•,hi q ,. - .1,i , ;,,,
_:,-,,th4,t , 191(it ,1 to, ~ t. y.
IRr . .!iitrAlPlsiii.tbßulu:l : l9.k? l .qk o .:itl ; 0 q.. ai4 , o. he kat!
tO• 4ctip ,::...‘,....., ~ , lii,s: I 11•;;;1;,..X. , .141,410 , ,.A . 7. •I: , '.' 1 A4'; ; l'l
'''' • tv ii . t, - - . i .. v' -- 'll' l'' , lii;.
1 -.,,,..rr 0 tt.. 6 ,9) el , ±-11tot , _ 610 , ~:t111. ,, . a .
i4or:l6ll4lgilibtittiee49. l 44 c.'JA. ,! I. . ‘ •Fr"c1 . ,.§2,1)
tc!tilOcii,n, l o)..*i.ii,t,l.44il.iit' , ..q.ic-4.t.i•siigqii;a:
~1 , 04•;It00.1 0 01 6 41 , 7,1.0 ' 0.• - !' 'll o oifil i, i ( Jo l l9#
Zp.,fi i , r,f;o4y4.lllii.o4%„Alitly,ptiy4oo#. • „ ,
ilipiiaNitisOirt*F i .;: -.4o nigh u llkO'l
liedA*h•kptit,it . 00 . kkvil 4 ,oloii ' A.) 4 , v,i10„,,',
111+ . 111510,?...*0.04AiitiMO•Akill, ' I,o4 l Arti
i :ftii,.4 l Y.iitipOtci,f;:iii?!:i,a4lloo: l 4•Atif • -t, 40: ,1 '
1 f ~' '4 7 •Ji•Vtg•''....-',0,.;7.,k••;i:k.ii4114...,:;V0 ”.
1 ').,k,;",,,!` t'6 .n •0 ,41.,4,.,,,,;;. : :.• ~. •-'•. 'Sl44'ff • .. t iff,,: ,
I 0 4, es. - :, .....pi • 4 ; illyinftllo ~ •'- i '• ...r,,,•-p..
i if • , t' o'fititiYikilL' 1te , 04 gA.' 4c! ,
. it lIVOC,Ft i 4... ,1,6, ," •••'7ll i ,
61itta'411w-v-Tqi , -.7 , ..k ., ; , T7-Aviik -,, t4 } ~22, q , ,:,,
.. 1 ,% ~ ~,,,,,,,,rwial,,,!,
r-nr rY, '•• •.., . ,•'•,-, M 1741 hal treniTC. . , ' ,
giritattirk- fb/::: : P/ 4 1iti. 4 ' Fit * . • I ; l k ci A nt '
. .- ' Al tient! . ocefrrs",thaf3: ef4c-- ,
w o „ • t e .t i trehasing..'F.rtitt-:.rrees . , •
Af tri ,t lip . o . 4ectliealth i And paying •.
it. fih ', ioi d'kei,tr r tirriei tilt extra=
.iysettit . ite 4 i. ' . lltetry, , Viillrplant thorn:- , ' •
,6i 4 c.are . .-1 r that . the half Will peritih,'
ancliTtWfvera brat a stand for some '.
1 years, aftelr—which :they commelYcil'o;, ...
,growing feebly bbt, . ne - ver becolliskr:7-.,
healthy, which Is mtich to the disala -- ,`,
isfaction of the purchaser; •I .s 1 ...',.-:.,::...,
14Felbre . altempt to , giye Olracti
that'i'lhiok 'Wlll;,if ProperlyiNheietj:
to, giveintllzfittl'ojt.,!_ll . l_ L IIV); ! .
ground for some. tinis, it will much
benefit them SCidiKitird their growth
if they are immersed in water for
about twenty-font
2d, The
.holes for the treWtifonli
be sudiCiently large to :admits R
routs, without bending or crushing
them together,—say fromthree - to
five feet in dihmeter atird'idnd - to-tto
feet db'ep,di...e•ciediug,
'tree,—to whicli.,depth the soil's . fio,tild
fie entirely 'removed 'and its place
filled with. rich soil, or ecfmpf*ffilli,
fermented;alfiays avoiding any that
ter that would;lidye any tendenty td
dry out.
All. Wolff
should he cut off and' tlielred . placed
in the hole so tlidt the upper roots
will he' about three 'indhesaielo w thd
surface when. the-holß.is :fificciOlted
let one hold the tree pdtidefitupfilft
ant mica ter pu twize t an, •
throw it on the roots, during :WidelV,
-time—the person holding , : the - Ired
should shake it gently,So as to settld
the soil well among the rnots,fortfiii • -
is an important matter ;,then pour-a
couple-of-gallens-of-r - we •• --
and.let it soak in, after which therea
should be a few shovels filll of soil
thrown in, and receiVe a ntodertite
tramping; then' fill the hole till eyeu
with the mufti - 0 as hose as possible,_
so as to admit air and moisture, so
very essential to nil vegetation ; it is
also highly heneficial to .covtr the
•surface with long litter or stable ma 4,
mire, (called mulching) if it,is '
situation that they -will not he likely
to be destroyed by - mie - ; and shordd—
/ the season prove . ver y dry, the litter
lttnd snrface of . the soil should . be :re c .
moved, and the trees receive a .
rotigh watering,.thert _return:the:soil- "'•
and .litter. Trees planted and treat- , .
ed in this mthmetovill in a - few years
attain a size infficiently large le bettt -
a- fine cm) Of Mit, Whith should . , tit
my. estimation persuade every Wise
-.planter or lover , of - good fruit to a;-.,
dopt it. •-DAVIDNILLER4t:
highland Garden & , •
Mr. 'Millet i 6 a young tna:lL ..41 and
good late in hia businesf , , - i•tio n niw - e would
commend to public patronage =Ed. Herod,
Out rages • In P . l4!di
- IA gang of men or rowtlieA,mareed ilyemag f
yeAeolity shot at a matt in ; lthe tertiage,attit
misst.4l him. The pistol exploded inthe MI •
liatr'e hands, which waerhatteretllo . ,pjeFse;:,
. party
,alterwarkla went iittsi . a . pit . blid
school aid threw the eltiitftert.intoike street f
stripped- the female teaeltere...„;4o;afed
their brutal appetites.
A noiher gang Entered 'llOaq.'eetreers,ship ,
ped the clown amidst, or lather If . ptoeserted
of, the audience, and Ino4e-ep the pe.iforin-,
." •
any r.
. •
Tile Iron, C 0 ;yraa:Anierpg.l'
the boarders robbediAlleAltief. scaped 41e,
.. • e
. • .
tection ' ' •'•
CURISTMAS Pnveierti.‘..- - I;ert:Tity'hirel( : biti'a
„ „
that he 'wrist() be kept, in . 11Forieo,.,
•ilot big the war/ wrote beta' letter 'to - hie
Overseer Ir. relation to the ninnegerbeni 'or °
his Mulatto/1i from which the lollowing ter
ai, ext!itt,ll ! •.. -
Relt AMONG ;11-1E
\TANTS ATOHIOSTMAS, 'such aq 6} tit
yon think '
FINF; I I leE " DOLLA It 5,,
earl.; draw on,00r:
'NFL AIIMATIf:OI4 OF •iiir,,EVES;;-Wifight . ii
Indian 'Vegetable - a
for the above intitiful malady ;'beannae'thek biarget` •
ft , otn. the body those 'entrain had stagnant :Intnotta
Iv Melt .a ro the eauttl not only ne;inflUniroutiatoltf
eyee, btu of every. duacrip,t oftlipeest; ..4ronittiteet. '
to els of the above , unwed Indian yegetahlti,P. ll l l f,,,
tokaii, decry 'night On- Fnipg, In Inid;,itill':ltra - alaatt,
t ctOnaletely'rld" th e'btitly breve it ,
opposed to health, and therefore
perfect core oftullntruntailoti of the eyetooth . * AFtillni s ,
rattle thud the Aloud and othez . ilalda . av)ll.llqlll4l2 l, , A.! . .a-:..,•'
Ileatthy quallty, chat ,ndejto9.ol„.ri..kiiMivf„.."4
.dtittoy . it" . o.4llo.. ; :
'es.ikkviite s p6o4.ifertlioqinTifroliutfoi;i 1/, hrlrt".
her th at tadoriglatiliind . doly genulne',latliatt
Ida I,ifi v have the r wrltteev , algnatura ,Laf,Hfli.max •
W to to Ton the top , ,lakel •
• Tito genolna..lilat taint POIIKRI..IOI ocaLny,
, otf ,,, ts pnt fur curMrle,!!.k.kitiquiriratariut?faf„,enallb-qr
.10,0 cajolaty;shiJ' WhOu'._eonittiy , 44l#l,tre,
DeWitt' We Phi addlithla.'prlcds. ' •
6 16iiig — IriCieNYoiLik. #0., , ,X, q`A ; ‘ .
: : mOltit,io -- , r .040bdi 29 '. 181 0 4' i ., .r 't .. i ., ,'",
' ' ' `l . r•'ilt, ay kert_ixv, .
. roil r :L,D4Eir ,rh- 6 ,- Wari'bo
Dr: Seth W,.
,lit,Lfive yebro o i .
, _ tober.,
,ol ,that
it i ie 1 5 i l! ,,t o n i' v t : io u. a eon rn k i
z i l l ac t: i n o i l l : : r l i s lti c t r i T t ii :;l l., , , tl . : vis t.; (.lirailix:..l,l
nr,. ; roo l e l 7,n l l lllll 7 4 ", ji„ , i.a n enitt ' rr : ho ' a h l ut ;j avv , , l7 hr,,.; : ,e,
c ‘ xli r iai l u t e. l . t.
uti r ii t al e iiii : ol c.irgtr.arBdodi,nuni
e t
a r tn r ii
21 1
1 1 ;i g ,tlyst.ii u ts !
lyrn . :0,
r:r 04
Tat.: i
it i
c 1,7,::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
f 1,,..„.. ,d not, cur,
i Wl itn " cel4n al e try'reVak -e - - -
i vidillArr'lo liikr, ;r! nziwwforfooki or r
s a ve
,ww ,
NV Ild • Cliorry: rhi.n l4 ,- „„,,, g herwie IA!! ~..,,,.0,,,, r
a Ulu ou roe: AI .diil out.o
ont h. e i r ; wholt
h 7 a l i rr A pti,. ,
Ilru; , mYjeklugh 44' nincenigskiugorg:ny of my ihnlPY' , '
r 51111119 . 1 - h w i t h fit,' v1117iii1•1007- t. t o ul D ° ilvvim liii Vll l O4llll OF
ilikri q iiiitnedittibl); r
1 mentled,thlif
r, who roc,oponi,hwwwytiht
Ay 114 CtorrY.',,rTh. 141‘wild, tuAleorw 1 0)1 o4Ik VO ti, - 7 - .
Bariviru ItYntzrrph'qpil tr{PV,lfoly,il ih'ileektr,C4 . . -.,
-'"'"l rr " . iki ~ r lu re ' l,h Y 1 i)r. liotnnn 114, in
firs. nit rl 4 , 0., ty.o.C.V.PCMURT,I
`luirLithili tYI ‘ 414 , 0
.. ..
„ ~ : tr- ''' ` :,. ..,,,„,,
Ai ~
~...- c..`,.`0 - 'Ftiow, '• i ,1
' tl/41411016,)8,-.E. -,.4... ,.
.. s p hl lu . , 41"
::,,, - ,- ; ,, e , ' , '"` • • -- -. '.
771 ":1 1 tIrgliS/F**.i *Pit. , .# 7 oiPi:.P9NqiDool - ,1 g. .7 .
Afillt.perritcurtonry,..,,„.,„.o4, ~,,,,?:,, ~..,
ii,i,„.v.,,,,,ThArd,k,cigit...7.1.1:1, - ,-f;4704,4?4,0134."*
off' oillit,cikiiP'lre:N.N::it Mdpt cti, r iOtic ' tin ,rn y>, ,',,,,,
_14,111 • I a IlLyheii we Wewiggit= Atl lt itia c '' ,
nee plqpited'svitbouiwcoturfi onlif . 10 11 ~` ' ' ,„'
taligs,wiwy,pripeetwortificateevilfithtl , f l .l 3ol,l"lr ~ A... , ;' , ‘,.*;::
Inttitiji per yi, (a xv:ike plc Will., whim ,I 1 inuPteltletPOW,,,e,.',, ;..?
f r o ,' " P 4 I,6 PKlh n ifY) rolleThilikbPlin l gr t Vgt l'it i f 114;?,
Ot Oomilihontltiinifit.' , (Thi. kiwi h tv ^ I 1 , ',4"
.f . ,
,oui a reapectiMn maiitier opbefiteelterllittle .a? ~,T,
`..e It ) , `r• f ' s 'V
VAttlAtar. VEafißlek Y. ;), '', " '-'-,-;,,, -.'
%PO c.i. Fre 0 , :--1 , 11‘ Ito n'titkiV4ifett.** * it Ik, 04t 7 .3_T. 1
”This may certify • thatlit thorobrittent pat:014444,
rn4igitince) in) , health Awls earl feebtehitt wale all!'' -,
9 4 : ht"
rifll : !t ie l l i t i t Y : eft ' illd ' ei wtl i ‘ ' Qth tt r e 4ll l Pl 4 l 7 4 ' tt ' ' - ''
t l i; , ) :;,N= l ll l tiyitiriA:g:g4tPlfilf:l4,o 4 itiV . ''"
leettepepTleuee6Oileohap_cige . 4 ,, , WO . , et mv , ,,liet,' , ,
' 1f i l i tt 9 4 ) ; 4 4 1 ;11 1 1 1 1V n ii V e ll 1V ... ' , 4 ,e5511_201r,! . :' . ' , -" , ..
x.0...44.5 cii , tv ., . ., ,e1 q,..:.:5. , 7 9 ,, t,,,,, - ,,,
dorm gi 0 tel.. It 4 ') ." ~4 ..
*I 4:Z7-'l4 ft :l 4 i 4, t 4 A . ' , 1. '1 4,.
,' • 'it, , q,,,,. pp ...
~, ,x,,,g il y x
oitiW,glidilif4 l lllio, `‘:'•o ; ',.. lit 4g, :. tl , ,,rg,
4 ,
„9 - ~ 1-41/V l *-1 11 1 1 S ' • 1 l4 ll 41. ''''''''.
A , 41:4'-ArA ; illi*k s
. 0. , .' .4 LI ' ii'
4.,-ikk-i!: ' ' f. ' ' ',', 4:7 '•-.'', , '-'sj,,:::';': ''," '- f
: i - 'lo:','l;lo4,4l,',,t.'''f;
j,• •K • , ,,`,k,.", , ~ i , .. ,‘ ',"..t!',4', 7, 4 ',,,,, '': ;I . ti 2 -; '' ( 1 . : ,. .1 . 05, Ti.,`,..t•-•;id"'