Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 19, 1848, Image 3

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50,000 DegtinifyielA rv p4qmptionovould;
perhaps bett for Aili ravages of tills,
dreadful dlseise slitglel*etrr; then r odd, the fear-,
fai eat4lOttiKe( of
Luttgi,fteliforrhgeAstitihti Canelis,liffluenza, Bran.'
chins, owl other disenshif iiethe 'mugs and Liver. and .
liltelidt , ntiitildllitedentatinppalfing proof of Ylie'fatal
itytor tbeitel.tive 'ankle's' or diseases: 'Bin fiGisfinpOr
- tant'lto knew that- nektlY ell of this 4 " . " .d.:Wage of
littinati life" Might Alava been..prevented loy. Iv tinnily
Vise :Bi •Dr. :Compound ' Syrup of , Wild
Ilas now been 'before the public some
tight,lnintrs,'"and Is the original preparation tenni: the
Nyilif,Elierty, Tree. Ile ropiitation as n remedy for
tenglf#. ,Colds, Bronchitis, and Com ti itipt ion or the
binge, bashtrent pen its, intrinsic merits, OWOS
liltneWspaper pun., Those who
lifait - ti trial, pning heneiltted by it; reeminnendit to
• their•rielglabors, and linos gradually and safely naafi
gained tin enviable repututlon, and Worked its way
Into general use. One Inntin never falis to-mire s
Vecont ,coitgli or cold, while with stritt'intbnlione re
'the directions that accompany tech bottle, its use 'lh.
pulmonary diseases of long mantling attire( tile most
litarming character; line always given relief, null In
very dually Instances has effected complete and per-
• manent cures..
biro irrA NT CA OTION.7ll¢lllOlOlO,all Baleums,
tors, Syrups, &c. claiming Ilse seine of %Vila Cherry,
(except Or SWayile . .) are nic"Trrinun nun cotwrEit-
Pgrr. The gennine Is put tip 1:1 ware lint lies, cov
ered with n beani tern peer. hearing the likeness
. of Wm Penifolso Dr SiVrtyneu signature. None oili
er Is genuine. .' •
Prepared and inn) 'by 0. Swayno.'lsr...W: corner
cf Eighth ;lint Bun eireiqs, Philadelphia,
said' in Carlisle hi' W. S itteV MISTIER' and S.
%ye dill have .some
litme.--nr. %Vistas's Ilitlshm of Wlld ('hefty—No
UniektiCY=Nti 11 - tigiftitiott.. itt - sgiting - fortit -
V . irtnes of this truly great enedicine, we have no tie•
"sire In,tleceive Meuse trim are laboring tinder :Othello'',
lint 7IA we wish to eulogize it mitre than it ju3tlydg
qtdretts, Yet when We look around and site tile,Vngt
lut onott of somritk ond-iiistraxs , Once•ndlny
;of the dine:igen in.trhieh this Medicine has pored so
"bighly sitectissfni, we feel that we cannot urge
.t.tlaifits Inn immuly, or say mu mach in lit. taro,. '
himpaioA. it is tine. itaVe'lleZa altered
,hilted ItiVri notice for the cora or dbo.n:t... of I lie. In ngs,
rule some haVe been round un down very attire!: hot
that disfaie - orml,•tr is ilibtihtnd ity
Ithysiciats, and all who have witnessed its ettectit.
'that none have proved as successful. tin this. For
Short rend of Breath and similar 4ilections.
"it troy be twounanced it positive mire. II has cured
Asthma iti malty eases a ten tool "twenty yehrs'
titan line, niter idiysielnit4 had declaiedlime- ease be
yond the ruitclimf Medicine.
Mold In Carlisle by S. EI.II.IOTTI
Litt) 111arlict9.
PhiladclpAln, Monday Evening, July 17 .
The late Foreign news hay produced no material
nininee in the market.
rl,oult continues 'dull at $5,25 a $5,50 pr bbl.; sale
of 251) Lble Psalm at $O, OO
RYE 11.0111 t is scarce.
CORN :11P.A1.-le steady at $O.OO.
NVIIEAT-rthe only safe.wc notice Is a lot of Sop,
there at 1.1 2c pr bushel.-
RYE-some sales nt 61)c.
CORY -stone good )ellow cold at 5-1 cents.
OATS-stove sniall ealee'tvas 11131i0 ai 118 cis.
II L • : burguu Thul luy uv rn i uu 3
13111, by Rev. John F. MeAck, Mr. Wm. A.
K LEY 01 CUlllbellalld county, P.i. to AFISr!
1: , ; . A14I AII ANN librica . , formerly of Harrisburg._
Tlll' subscriber AR a eut lor A ( Roil., will
sell at the Court !blase, in tile borough ill
Carlisle.. on B.ITIY RDAV, the day et
liepieuther. nt 2 O'eleek, P 31, a 'Tract of M t t UN
'PA IN LAN I), containing upwards of 'PE .N
II N OR E Acres of valuable 'Pi mbe.r, divided
into lots to suit purehasers, or sold altogether. -
as purchasers may wish. The sale will he . po;ii
tivu a ad terms accommodating. ,
Persons wishing to buy lots of the above
14%1111.1, elq de so at private sale,. hy railing upon
the subscriber at any time et his office in Car
julyllt-ts \CM. M. BID DI:C..„ ALT't
M. 3 tray.
. ,
C.IIIE to my Fatal en the
,054 'Walton Bottom road, four tuna.
from Carlisle, at till Beim 'rav
t Ic" ' - ern. "In the'''.Mli ol .1 one, till RI N•
:t.,1 5 ...- o
~ 4 ta,E"ozl)l, E COW, .with small crooked
horns, and about 7 years old. The owner is de
sired it, emlin forward, prove property, pay
eharg - (44 and take her away. otherwise I will dis
pose of Iterneeortlim ,
hilyl9.ltptli horny-cording
Tins popular house has reeronly undergone
a Tuinzonon I:ErAta, and been .rossn•una
tvull ENTIRE NEW yuaNt . rrun.of %he hest quality.
Aletillnws I:l:et:datum and where, visiting
the Seat of 11.wernment, will liuti it a very de.
nirablo stopping plane.
ICI - Charges Moderate.
NV NI. 'l'. SA NUT... 128, Agent.
Tiarri , lntr. Jule 1.1-(lin
Truro-the Chesatit St- Amphilhetttre,*
'V DAY, JULY 29th, 1848. Thu high• es•
flotation which ding 4 C ELEBILiN ESTABK(3II.
141 NT has acquired and holds, must prove—sunk
eicutly the troth or thelltiscription of talent nu
. 'bitted to each 'artist, and.Of every (Abet advertised
in the bills and pamphlets. pne of the most
extvaorllinary,. and wolitlerful =prow:moms in
travelling, exhibitions, is the introdtietion of the
• 1 *••,fRY!•(V 112 GA ; ; Wi
for ling this humans° Es
cwhkelLis mtroduced into tho contra
`.!t•vol. the hettutictil,, Paviliol, in a : large,Coronot of
• • • . , • ~
flpPat ip thp• MP
ttilct, trill • 'otid!if diritotiim of the
" '" '
TII 13'PER.F0 RMUS err; of the'inasi . supti;
ripr eAttss•itileletit. position p,the..,Prapricr ,
_tor thd,giesit "talent of
laktrinrrUfii•iiirid - Of7thernuroticatr . contiiiiitil - T7V - :
;.stand; Ponies o( ! iltainoat bciautllttlehapp; full lilueftl
- 4lntitlifapatfal any.l3quiao , palpaticin , in
;‘, .d ig ..k n oy lft • aiorld),. , ' , journeys ille . mospairpeneivo:
info liban tinderpilcan. - Ta:cull - the 4 pr
, bin', -,thq , chohla :ofi En gland ittiikirranOil, 'add
icloctiorts.,ol”Sbot ,11i 1; !"1.1;iiii.“ ,..- I•;'
vAltxpixo, ric.II.OI2,IAt.4 . :•II:•LIJSTRA:
TI 0 N 4 artillyen the:bills 'and'; , pa'mjihlottifot
soma pki.th4. L nicpst..lB4rlkit44 aata' .:thip:lAtilat 9 ,1
'in, order, to bring
gogerat3rcodefsiii,ho..•iivdaderfal-!oll'adta labotlt to
i'rt',l'.4o 10.;
,{r.e llP.„, l ll4o , l9 l siTixtitisert
oorq ppm pi, 2 and Performance do
••-mope° at, 2if01010ck.t . ... , . f1i the, ayptiing...tlib..doara; at If:.l'orfpriniknO iaola rhandqattB2.6'afockl
-WhitniAnqrnsilitt lish Soutnais.
rtguel9i3ll:NALgrthlißotato'a -if) ;0
'ol l ltfebiigelfidlivoti drithirCtiiiipieVd ,oo
'fok ., theltitoWiettilar
• 411 14 'Ciitrottlesioe6Pg' l ofliese, 4 ndaili, - 6 1: 1 4r
thitiV'qii?fiptidd le'rfiebive t t f
Et,ttlybetioroNlie '
` , Wlo , ltlLEr'dl&ll:
F"; )ll, :titiisaltilera i Oilico: , 7 t. owl A t`
APtulislarA 4i11 ) !1.011t 4 , in'
".47d a
ifING - 1 1 :4- .;; .:4:iiliii iOgij riicl, '• If 06.viiiiiiiinV
' . oo:,t:inglAtiiikOliiiaßii-thk.f , ;(13pivt , 3 , .; . ; . ..; ,,,,! ; ,, .
-4,•,,'-_,P.1' .1, ?:- ;,....;r . ';';',. , ',17;, - i' -. l';•tit';if:9:. ':0,1,
,- ( 4, Aiato:* - ; :-; . 1-J :
Dw— ithetkieri : Pr \- ..' 7 '''
"_ 0 / I\ ~ , lgt. „iLikkittia
.- ~ !.4111; 11 4c ki4l 40,7ftaietl:
..-.._ - ireiii , m4'l '''' ,l'e r:"o3ll(lriittal.P.tiiri:o'6l4llini4:P2tr°6ft-ti;:-.4i1:
jo tr ta) . 7 ,-,,10- ,.,.,,.. • ••• _ - t.. , `.. ii.tppp,
~ ~ 4 . 14 95 ,01,11
.0...,y (
•--.,,-t eyiro'QQ.Q.i: 7 , ?4 , -1 ye' to 4ul ~ :1,,, II i,b0{,0614 ~,,, A l p e
# - - '' . 1114, y yt , c. ll ' 4 ° 9 , 4 . 4 Ot 4,4- "",,,17',;:% 1110'1)10MA'. VI '-.' 9 . fii l q.
S• ' ,31' ~,p cpp i a Ei'io ailiffbi'''4''''',eli &11 , iti . A°. Yt,' I)IrSIPO44, 4C.;,,-.-tiiiilkli)ll4lo'ilitlV.ll-1,.
~,.....,,--,1-• ~ °u iveri)k,Otkaß,Sivil 4ii fireiopii-j 1 ',,tfi' ,,, , ,, : tip.Ace*".:W;VA :7____H H ! :. :41 c.,L.0,_iififid.t5,..,i,k,i111...p.„04444,,,,-,..,41. ' , ot! '..At! ql ,
A.,1 r 0
;.,.,, 2 . 4 1 ,,,. •. ILPAI/1....,,
,„ 0,,-72Azukiutwitecit,*1301 ~,,,_idifojt4.43l,,V.:rill:l.n''.",;,:til.lT,l,l',' ',--liitiliiii‘ :Flil4ditil.lB44!,/,o),Ntp,rr,., ~ .Or,R,. , , • , L, ' .., , ,;? , ,i
ir'„ tI):re,#III4OVAVP-" .' W • n'r ' efiellll4lY. i;,...A.ti ; :, ~ 1.4,10,f4'.444.040,ctii,AffAi1k;',,,,,,:-., in.1i.4613ed',,,,v44.4-,..,!-t0.,444, - 4,,M7 ; , • ,
,tA fr•-, .. ir,l4 . o4fiOtitit I. • L 104401. trips/MI/6 ' ' itCtt . 1 " ( I,`' • '''t.. -41V14"11V.,`...".".ir;iAr.`.'''...A.' ibflalll2l-tNifotV,:tr.-Vti 'hv i4A----il,- t,* '
r:44f,,4,. 1 0,10., , , , „,,,, 7, , ~,..., W ;
1. t _
,q ,:.,L ~,,,i,`:` '1q,,,,mricti0.r9p4,0,4114'.x...41, Antp,(4.. iliqp,',N,iiix.,,,,;:iloA,,;-6,7;7,4;z4`,:,.'65,1,14+,,...V4z5e.
I,lt,itt . •,rrpt'vr tiCt.,4ll*,,st :41,„1:), ttgik!,X, 1,, za Alijinp;iiii.fiflf/TVA!.44,*..1,1.1,71/-71;:4rnif,4'11ik1i5P.,*11;44i3:4,,,%-ing,V4V10.11444'
r. , ' 1 4 ipl,,„.%',,elettlft i 14.1):,?".;:, ';',iN„51,11),r,,%6„,-V;,-,!'7.-Arp'4;,7.-n;;;',.l2,4ffip'-''", :g,'l,- 'd 4 c .,,2,5 ' ,411. r-'• , -' ,. . ''''' ' '-" "
q - ` - i ,- *" -,7 -` , ' - -- ' l ` - 4 - lt,.74frr,', -,,i4l'.'of,44,T,re`Pti;t:4"-:,,i-,44,',.> " 1:t1.1 ":,' , ' , T`ii , ,i'-Y , , , ...•,,, ,, ',,J.,k,„ , , , , , ,, ~.- „
'''''4lll4''kl.';',l':''-'1::'• '''ll,,R•Fajr.),,,i.-, V A :i.r 4vi z atlitSl:44i. , , , . ^, !.,?*_3-••• ,, , •6- ,
'-''lil- 1 4:!! 4k ': ; 11 ' ; ‘ ,/, i , s;: ,< ,?. , , , AT. , :q1,;-/_ , ..,.5...,
t:OO , At •I''?'..' * ~, ' ...
Oti;li,v'2ko,ul; l 4,(l,oill t bo',, sold Nory chgaibliy ,
A , '`l . ; 4 ?- '':•, ,o 'S,4,V, Olt 0-'-ag
. :•
DAVID STRopiOnt4latliailino, his wife, .
•Adam Croiise, 7nCob ranee, George °rondo,
John C..grookand Isaballn.Crouee and Geo.
64irdren.x1 Itelix Ciduse, ..•
Thb tioranthiniti tiro hereby emplaned-to ap- a Quitil or `.Ceintnon. Ploa&tuf • Cumber
land, eatinty,.on MONDAY, the 28th' day of
August, 1818, to show why partition' should not
be nindo,or two tracts of band, in Muffin towh
'ship, ono containing 20 acres and 17 perehes;find
.the other 3 acres and 107 porclids. •• • • .
Elicalreth 'Keiser, Jnoob Kaiser, Wni. Keiser,.
Hatharine Albert. Rosanna Albert/Peter Al b ert
'graham Ruddick, Samuel Fendtirsmith and
Catharine his wile. Sourryl Dunlap and Mary
his wile. Catharine Early, :wait Early, Elisabeth
Early, John Early, Hendricks Early, Barbara
Early, and Sarah 'Munich. •
The defendants are hereby summoned to Tip
pear at a Conriof Commiin Pleas Of Cumber ,
laud comity, on Al ODIDA DAY, the 28th day of
August. 1N•13 to show why partition should not
be made of STlleuso anti Lot of Clrottnd. in. the•
linrough of Shippcnshurg, No, (3 in the plan of
said borough,
julyl24w) SAMES HOFFER, Sheriff
Edward. Armor, 'George Spoilslar, .Pater' B.
Lechler nod Catharine his wifo William Irony.
and Hernit 1144 Alfred Semisler and Frank
lin Sponslor,. Rev. \ Villiam Butlor, - A lien .Gang
a warn, Anna XVesiev Butler, with notice to her
guardian, Roil.' William Butler, and Dr. Fred
• The defendants are hereby summoned to ap
pear at a Ciiprt of Common Piens of Cumber.
land 'county, on MONDAY, the 29th day . of
Angunt, 1818, to show why partition Would not
he made of n House and Lot of Ground in the
borough of Carlisle, bounded by High street,
Mit[berry' alley, George A. Lyon,.,,lilsq., and
.041 2-6 w
Mr. lies'rrv—ln October next, the election
for County 011ieerswill take . place. EA
A BRADY, of Newvllle, respectfully sug
gested as n proper person for the awe of Record.
er,.believing that if geminated_ by_the_County_
Convention he Will receive a strong support.
Mr. Brady is generally krLown throughout the
county ; n sound Whig withH
anielligent and
competent—and would, it is believed, lill the of.
lice with credit
Newville, July 5,
itUST received st BENTZ'S cheap store. all
osizes Misses' and Hoye' mixed and white
Cotton Hose, Steel Bends. Purse Twist, Steel
msets-and--Prinv i -litig-€ 2 4aspsrior-tat
All persons indebted to the above firm, me
again molested to call sod make payment
Q - CIT AYE,Ditway from the subscriber in nar
-1.7 rishurt!, on the 10th day of June last. a
RED COW. a..white head & white stripe
front her heal" along her hitch, down to the end
or her tail. with some It bile on her sitle:;. She
wits nearly entsu, and. in.. fine keeping order.
about 'l4 . years old. She was got trout about
earlode ' at the W%v
oville Depot, and m t]
.on day -she .s4rayettl.nwa.y. eressittg .4110 1 lar
risbur.g mid is prentned to be somewhere
lit C umbel land county'. lte clinable CNN - uses
will be paid in uddition to the reward, it'
home, or information given so dun she may he
j ttl);.; tpd WILLI/1:M DOCK
Washington .4.1 1)' y
. Dagnereo
No. 931 North Seeolitl street, N. V. corner u
Citilowhill street, Philadell,l6,,
• THE Likenesses taken end . licatitifullyetiored
at this well lillOW,ll 05'11141.41111CM, kir OSI:
t.ea, ere universally conceded to be i:ot . A
every respect to:ANY . in tire city. Pictures taken
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
Urge assortment of Mr.nALLIONS and Locums on
hand, at from .2 to S 5, including the picture.
The subscribers respectfully iiivito the citizens
of Cumberland county, to call arid examine spe
cimens of the latest improvononts in the art-ot
1/nwrerreolvping, which will be exhibited cheer
and without
T &.1 G TES :s; ENT.
11[TILEREAS,the lionlrahle &MUM. tier.
'l7 BURN, President Judge of the several
Cuurtsot Common Pleas or the countiesur Cum.
berland, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylvania,
and JuStice of the several Courts of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Deliver; v, in said
counties, and lion. Jahn Stuart and John Clop
dont!), Judges of the Oyer and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivervfer the trial
of all capital and other offenders, In the said
county of Cumberland—hy their precepts to me
directed, dated the lath day of April, 1848,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and 'Nimbler
and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car.
lisle on the fouttli Atenday of August next,
being the 281.11 day) at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon, to continue one week. •
NOTICE is therefore hereby .giern,in the
Coroner, Justices or the Ponce and Constahte,
oftlio said county of Cumberland, that they are
by illie-sold precept - commanded •In be then end
there in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, eicßininittiong, and, aII
other remembrances, to do those things which'
le:their offices appertain to be dune, slid all those
that Are bound by reccgnizungcs,to prosceuta
(against the prisoners tou t are or then shall be
in the jail of said county. are to be - there le ,
prosecute them as ratan be just,
Sheriifl's Offiefi, Caltsle, SHERIFF.
July 5..184R..
• Carlisle Springs.
TH I proprietor respectfully informs his friends
and the Public generally, that be is thankful.
fur pait favors, and that he hoe ninth' all neces
sary orrangoingms for neeeminotiating comforta
:Th e Springs nre sitnated 4 north pf Qar
,lteloi 'Cumberland eolity,.Pa.; in` it line li'aidtliy
ntid'rointintio O 13
nes. athiffit in good "ardor, bbdi
- brit and cold, • rid ------ ----Action for troy
o , an. every accommet
oilers, and visitors my be relied on.
x1 1 11'.4-Exten'sivis . liverim4 with fine carriages,
.41 ,, _01 . 1.11111e, for' the 'aceointrndation of visitors,
daily front Carlisle to iliiiAwhigs, during the
Springbealkin t v '' " , . jitne2B-5w
J " D e dic a ti o n ,
, . ,
'>;llE;dndicntioit. To Divino;WOrship - of - tho - St:
Joho'sc.Chorch;iia 'township. York 00.,.
shoatnP.:Oo the,'Statt 'goad south 0 1
take placa on, S U.ll DAY§ the Glli
' Garin - an: 'and. Erwlish
p.paphiyWukay, be ! . .oitOhb.tod' on' ihht day and" thd
`•ftionds - , of Itoligioh' tad
invit od‘tti ,
. tat end f nildo of 11113 l'ruotoos: ;
„:1 0 0 28 1. :14v, 1
. I .iLr 'l' FIE mifaiiitiers.h . t(ve aleceryi3d'frionf
iggidelneeri .
' v49r ' s j ) .- mtl
c4, ll l3, ti'rg , igg e lk-R 4 'O- 1 40 1 0sitOnsi.eismo,
orpfdc4pfmiirkt,,to,),,, , q4derinld,i:bmt4to,o3"plkomt,
AllaAvy,estAdah prwpimil,inyito,43lo4ljohjigni,r
dC l lM l F,Y.o;l l lP l :ch , antsi.: PllY43lsiti t 4B,lxiii4: , pll4ol73l , l9
ex,11111114M1r.113.90411 ,
p1i3t3W}913...f r , or, W. 13. t:ALMlllitk:
- corper High .a
4 2 7 YirA'N t =A. spla rt,in t eJligon iDO t
Licabout: 6 4614rizt;;pf figD . ilytliteditOikiarit
yi n e2p 6 ~.
,4 "2.oj.;tlS,V3TaoirT
IiJIIEiQ ',4('4
• .19 (00 ply ; ,of : In
and' 'lNNsurti 'r ry ~ 4 ~t e +l t 4. 1 1110(1
rOdttjpii l
Pfic,ool 4 4 l Wtqr 6 4 l li loll 4gP,
. - i 1 41 1 9:7! '
.10'6'0..:00',1i..' . .'5': . :-.12' , =
; :i.~.. ~,. .
~ 11ENJty,:mgrrAvaboNyiTtiroy- o r.LouiT,
otiti Coatur," will '611'4 'n1.111.1.010 . Side* 11,7.,E5.. - 1
DAT •the' hilt itrif •Of = paltfetVibia . ,.lVt9;*
o'clo'cli. i 'lll;'"ilfe' 'folleVyihg "dlottiibed
• A LOT'otaIt.DUND saftoo_il inßCelOtthies..
OttrUbefland . iionnty, at tlie *ilrutiil Dr.
pot,' fratilhig on railroad 'tell feet', ooh . hillielt
is erorrod'n FRAME HOUSE, 'now thienithal .
as*.a Confedtionary aid Fruit Store, tutd_ist good
stand for busidess. ~ • \
Also, a I.,DT'. of qll.O I.IID. adjoining the
above, fronting -On the•-Railrond feet ifi a..t
which is targjed a large FRAME , WA •
HOUSE, forty feei square, how in thount. pan,
cy of George Singe/Am, It is n good location for
shy person wishing to engaged in , the Forward.
ins , business. and is now used for that purpose,
The property will be sold 4.9 a ‘o lo l o . or i n p ut ,
to stot , hurchssors. • . . •
Persons wishing to examine the pronely arc
requested to oall on Sanittol Macy, in ATUCII;(11-
icsburg, who will giVe all.ttenessntv infortnatiOn.
111 ecifattieshurg, jnlyl9-Is Exott'rs.
li. - 11nrrisburg.Telegriipli insert till sale and
'send bill to ibis office.
Tan. lard foi Sale.
THE subscriber intending' t . o . qiiit the Tanning
busiliess, oars at private saloliia TAN
Y A RD, with the Lk Of Ground and necessary
htfilditigO portuitiing thereto, and nil the iixtures .
helonging., to the Yard. The• properly is shun,
fed in ,Now Cumberland, Cninherland county,
Pa.,.nbout. three miles from Ilarrishurg."l'he
Yard contains 23 Vats, and is well Supplied with
running . water, conducted pipes. and which
'lover lads. lie will also sell with-The Yard and
building?, a small stock of unfinished LEATiI
DR, nod. a (within v of BARK ; also, all his
'POOLS; so that the purchaser can commence
business whhout incouvenicuce. The terms'will
be moderate.
New Cumberland: july.l9.t
THE: ,sultserthers aim at pii
‘o'rt"' vete sale the valtnible/FAH
it N late the property of Oeo. Eisen•
11 , .; hart, dee'd, situate in S. :11 iddle•
too township, Cipnberluind . rounty.
, about two miles from Carlisle, on the Hanover
antiMartimore turnpike . road, entificaling - ONF,
1.21.) perches, strict measure, of first 4atii Lime
stone LaMl, ahoth 17 acres of which is Wood
land and the remainder in a high state of cultiva
tion, under good fence, Ike.
'Chu imprOvements are a large two-story wen
titer. bearded 1) VELLINhi 1111DSN, with
Kitchen and all other necessary out , bnildings,—
It lots been nt times occupied as a public house.
A new and commodious Bank Darn has been
erected willdn three years, and is in first rate
order,.Wil h every desirable convenienee7 - There
s n first rate Well of Water at the door of the
door of the house, and a running stream about
three bundled yards firm the barn. Also, a
helm ORCIIA it 1) of thriviiiQ youn g fruit trees'
of every variety, most of which are graft ed.--7
The sittutuon of t hie Farm is most rolvantatreons.
Leine Oil the groat turnpike road to Bahnnoty,
for forwarding . every product to the best mar
Persons who desire further partivulars or wish
to look at the Farm. are yetputwed to apply to
the lint ncunt•d of the. - suitm Ctltets, wh, now
lives on the it'ant. • t
. ... .
i-irly-1 2 . it -. • - . .
in - ' Vi.i!iint ecy, mid I...i.rietillet..E.ilridiig,.s - iOI , Y
milli forlott, mid' snit! hills to tit, ollico.
rarm at Private Zale
T I I P.; sitl.sci iher otTers.n) pri-vnte
77 %. I • \ 1.1. • I II • •
sa c t . 0,1
situate in Nor . tl)
township, Cuntln•rlatal county, ins
• tllc road to Stei•rett's Can, nholir
tour nules horn (:arlolv,ein,taittun( ONE 111_ , N
-1)11 El) A NI) T ‘VE,N TY A IZ ES, ul lira
rate Tarr about r.lO !tyres or which is
Inure and in an excellent state of cul:ivntion,
under good lies•ret. There isulsu running %ruler
around the place.
itnpravententa arc a two.,,,tor k • weather.
Loardtd I) W EI,I,ING 11(I USE, in good artier.
with a new Bank Barn, the ba,einent of as Bich
is stone and the upper part l'ratno, together with
\Var;on 1-11tcd, Corn Crib', and nll other neces
sary on!-huildinus. 'Where \\ " 12:1 of \Vater
close by the and a iltif,ing y'ottnr; t',B,C
.\ 111)4 the host truit eI ,•%etY . l,ind. Th, re is
a goer' den! or Loco,t ran the dice, and
10.1111 t •IllirtV acres
f,iord. Person:, wi.rhing to sue the place :au le
apply to
'l'l3 l': subscriber will orrer at
' a public snip on SA.'l l / 1 1.11A Y, the
• a
aLi 30b of September next, n valuable
z 7 44 I I situate in Munroe town
ship, Cumberland county, one
mile north of Churehlown, live miles WWI of
on the Aliddlesex. read, containing C) N
loss, el first .oitality Llllll'6lollo 14311 d, 01 Wllllll
1.11) 110.1.? is cleared and in a high state el ctilti
under good roiteilig, and the remainder an
The Improvements are n large Iwo-story wen•
liter- botrcled D NI: HOUSE, slime
Bank Barn, and all other necessary
There is n nevor-failintr Spring of Water
iii the cellar, and an RC!! All I) °I choice trait
trees 011 die place. The said- lent m will-tie sold
at private sale if application is mad,/ butore ihe
shave day. Fur. terms apply- 1111y12-tspill JACQI'i GOOD:YEAR.
it7 - I,nneawer Ilnioti insert to amount of $•..!,
and charge this Once,.
V tiratTAZirth t'AILIVX
' sub acriher opera at
,salo a tract of first rate SLATI.:
LAND, situate near
- lir.° I T.: Gap Frankrord township, Cunt•
herjand county, pit, on ,thu f'aad
lending troth NOWvillo tp Lantlishurg, chntalOtog
t'tvo TJUND ItEll A CRIES, or Which 15P ftru
cleated and in 'n good state of pithivtaiotionthlip
ruSidtto oovcred•with titith6COr
l ire impravamants are toad LOG 'HOUSE,
Theo iiiiTgruanuorAtatUrrannittg through
tho, phlcu;sufliciont ladurifn saw mill, and. runt
nin‘! watar ihropgit,MOBLof „AIM- 11 01 4.9 11
Norm,: property.w,%yclrWalb - d - lilr caiaing
botl4olii-liad atpalc, aa4,04,1i0 so,l4,,on.rprpiap.,
Oita' ibljma„ • - ' . ' „
phrtciilnrei still plenae'tall aieJNIHES' DAV 11) .
8011,, or , •JOHN e hid) 01V.Klit;
agmit. ftia,Margaiat IVl'Dowell;Pratikfbretiawa
alapouit.tlio.propcirty..,:o . •
• •
1071.019.09tor'F i xnnilir_einfr.:).'orcy 4 , , re,9man
' ' 2 .4 " • . '
, 1,-' 4.i:. ..“: it ~,i', . 4 . ,T-RiV*TA $A41 1 0;.N.,..0.,ti1. -1
- • 17111;174 , 11 . 4161".ititAT :' '.' ;.': i ':'. 4 :2
. .
:':.- : -- TlLF,ET..,liciarim, r A g one,for.Ntii4
,i 0 ,-;ii(*i' •:' goroi.,,NomOiyao, oflevs,istoOriiiato
~fi7.111,111', P , iteliii'itrallt ißfit.,sl.A gadliO,lSP,.
!,, '. l ' i\ *ituaclalleFrAi°o43.o l 4PP , 4r<T 11( 1
.-:.;'..- rogtcrlownship,l , 6R)ortniid epilog',
' , odfl a 10 g': 1 , f,14-,llUs'llit,4l3,:i ql;ps; 12 - of
frptirwmob ,, tiebsfoipioiodYiiiid :AiS,; - refil tiiild'of
:c9SrokilrOth.ii.firtifi 'odic.' ibidlelibt SP tliifol),Pr; bf
IsupilOofltudityiqi Tliii , orinPlost OPif' OP iliPlettot
Will., , matte good' , (afro hind, Pod -; tin . ' bar top I it , id
presbjit:l4ll.l , ,duotoi (bore piy,Tof;lbsi-OroperlY:--t.
ll' herois , a'Saiv 111.iil ' wlthin,la feyorods;oNtlyi
itacti nod' roqify . .ertio-for <all kinds in
i11&1udj0inirig.pi5tgbb0rb00d:.::,,,,,,,,,..,..._,,,..y.,_:,„4 :
~ Porsonti : lyjuloo4Airoopily of the nbovo hi.
s iptioo74),W4l47wpirmv . by culling on dui
stmt' diiiier:.;4li . p.lo4443oool:dir. tho‘proporty ,
',.. e, 1 .1.:1.,„:iA),... , : , ,, , .. 50,vbi>zutan o, w E I,L
r. , tiarliiiOV-14144if; 1C1A147,0.) , Fropouirl'
;ill ffsiittiffil - fth , iiill'ltledinf,ipssitl,Ltrpu limos, anti
Olio, 44 41 .1:11'1+.111,0N7 - .4:tA ', , f,44.: ~,,,,,
.: • ,•• •-• • tqf -• a I 01.1 c4 i'N -----
-;.' •-r:.•, -5...- 1 ,11 ,1 .0• ; ••Itit - 1.1.r.•• , •;-• 1 ,1 , t-,•••,...•.• - .
.. - ttt: ,- --..---i- - -, 1 •••,- , - , ::•'.. ,-- 2, - ;• - • - • , :. -- 1 - • -- ;•. ,- 4 , ,• • ........
" • ,-4 - i,) , .:l•2XlircilrititioAttiotiitir 4lo7 •
--4 , -RlClPiind-21-AtansiverNa'riety- a,Fancy,nr,
5 ) .
LL , A. lielesijnaitopaml
liji.lhottiabisailiairf.t kwlfieh
.ho inviiemspticiril ittiOtitiont, Oonaiiitingtptir tally of
Geld Tend. fitid..4P,OnOile,tt Spy-Glasse ' Binier
.Knitioa;;fino irtirlrof t ItniVe.n.t "Pouf:ern it kni tin?'
B6'xbEi;F:•ctit.ginee '.10u1. , ' plain.t-Smelling .13010 es,
lontit .31ini finny. 81i °Marilee; Watch. lin y s, Spidatnnd
Gatitrde:JViaitingt eardn and .panes,( . ..!rintitst of
every kind, together With a ri.eli variety of other
articles it)f-eldinuilt design and finish', which itis
imponsign .tto °numerate. Call. at SAVER-
S:PICK'S-1)11g, Book and Variety Satire, on N.
-Hanover Street - . Dstay3l
riiim inlattattie Notice,
v9pOTICE is hereby given; that Letters
K 4.1 of Adminieftation of the estate of Adam
liteltelberger, latti!of Alien township, Cumber
land .countyoloceased, have, issued to the sub
seriber,'whiisiplace of resideneo is la the town
slim and connty aforesaid: All persons knowing
IO said osinto are required •o
make immedinto payMent and those have ,
elatios or kliinlids will present them to the
seribor duly authenticated for not retrent.
3A0013 LONG,
map le'aipd
1r116,31 PSO N N ED.! CI N
Green holieliv, African' Bird Pepper, na r y :
harre r Cornkositioni!oWder, f: rAp.
rtirWtlhrl.etittif.titl Ifift6rl and No: 13,'Ioginliel with
thn mediefnes in lime; from the well, known tistalifighinont• Aitrot) -Comfort', Plfil;idelplla,
for sato at IrAvgßsTrcics
Cumberland •County Agricultural
: • Society.
g ?WI !jai Soorr lt y t 1
,; !h i rtr i ctinal :
2011fo i rM i n n y, t trtil (Tinitii i tZt a s Y :pii3 ll. -
parntory to the Fall :geetiogoiz : •
To select tho . ground for and soperintand the
Fall AI cuting—:itunucl nllyert+, Armstrong 2 , 10-
Vint.lll. Henderson.
Committee on Agriculturld I mvlcimmis--12 oh
crt Bryson, Clem Si avntan, Skims NVoottbarti,
G. 11. Dueller, it. C. :4terrett.
Committee on Sheep and Itogs—Christia
Thee!, John Stuart - , T. I). Uric.
Cdmmitten on Horses and Cattle—Melehoir
Brom:man, M. C. Davis, Thomas Leo.
Committee in Judue .Of Ploughing—Thom:lS
Bradley. David Sterrett, John Hennumger, Dan.
iel Coble. Au' it. Lumberton. •
. . .. .
Commit tee on llorses.—Abraham Myers, John
Zug, Min Noble.
it%ommit.loo on Seeds—Frederick Watts, ,Geo.
Brindle, Richard Parker'.
Committee on Batter, Cheese, Vegetables—
George W. Slicallttr, Win. Kinuado, John IL
Weaver. . .
It wns tlien
Resolved, That thp..B..rietiltaraL.Society will
have a fl klt V EST 110 111: Al I.:1.1 11 NG at
a lenderson's 0 rove, on FRIDAY, the 411 i .1
:ltifoisi, at 9 o'clork a. m.,-to which all friends
of agriculture are - invitod, . .
'nue collowilig committee wps appointed to
orcitsre Niiperitliclul it, viz': Soonlet-Myers,
kilwsrtl M. flit!tile, john Miller, Jacob Bretz,
111'. ,11. Wit; Is, Freti'l:. Watts.
rublialled by intler hr the Saeiury. -
FRI.:1)1C W ATTS, PreFet-.
iltcuneo PARIaII Sect' y. - Irnay^l
Atwoad's Emplre Cooking. Stove.:
vf again eslliieg attention to this unequalled
Sit IV E, the proprietor has the pleasitie to
mtiami the that (externally) it has under
gone an entire eltalige—the pipe and hearth pla•
red opposite elelt other, arid a till NI ER
lINA It 'l'll AN ft ( IIIA Nt .; A Pl' A RAT tTS,
beinf• added, thitA rendering it 131.111kt8. Mid un
less there is anoilier limitless Stove in the inar•
het, this is unlitestiontibly the boil, as-it now
embraces every valtrible improvement possessed
by any other . .:tinve, in addition to seine peculiar
mu 1:..5t.1f, S.,llrell by Letters Patent.
The snecess of this Stove, sieve its introduc
tion is 'menu:died. has ever been of
lured- for culinary purposes deo has given such
general sattertletitlll. Slrlses . have been eopied
hirer Hs form ; soilt dealers have even used its
fundamental pi ineipleq, hilt the proportions were
so unlike the original, that they Item. the relative
valet , that ft eutinierfeit daps tun u t, t , m ine
Cnwplotr ()fi and other Cm/UK ST()\ - ES
in if re:it variety. Persons desiring these admire-.
ble :itoves, - are rettuestitd *to call at the Stove and
Tin... Ware numulactory of the sitbserilter, on
Main street, Carlisle, Nilo is nBent fur Cumber
land county.
mar? JIIIIN (:011(;AS.
tolins , reiata a
.ved and for
salt/ :it 111 SI Itt l' lh a ng Store. [amyl7
c‘ery vaticty, Iteusscra Extracts,
11,tr•ltr (Id. cf:canine) 11 tir Curling Fluid,
St:1,111(1g Betticst . teut glaAtt) 'Forbin:co ,I t Valletu
Mid all kinds of fancy (minium, for sale low at
1118 . 11(.11"8 Drug and Variety store. 'Ettutyl7
Doctor A. Rankin,
in ESP F,C'rFULLY tc;nderii to the inhabitants
Mi. of CarUsk and its vicinity, his profoAsional
nerVioCa in rill its various departments, Loping
front his ling experience. and devoted attention
In tho business of his prolesaion, te.niurit it share
of public patronage.
'When nut absent on professional Imoinoss. he
may at nil times , pc found either it his Office,
item door to Mr. Itolott-Vtittocltuttss' store, or at
Isittiotit.fing•t, uu )Ir. Boole:us' lintel. Ittittyl7
• - - • ••
Bar Iron.
In loan filar, Mull, iloop and l4iipe. Iron.
•• tinrititz und.l;ii,tor Htecl.
20 boxes Tnt l'lttitt.
just reCt , i'Volllllllll. , 011.111 Ilardwnro 1-10111 01
110107 Wll.llllll ' & 14.1 X TON
fu do;s. (;ruin and (truss sc)•thes.
'2ll "
;lay :es.
5 " fitly Purks.
just received Itt the ithrap Irani Wlll l ll stem or
mayl7 Rh hi'J' and S' kx,ros
CI,N NA Y.A N HP.ED.—A Inrgc
V supplyli MON just receiVe l YEllt., N. l Ilia Culllinottredttovarst.nery Ur
`Circular Saws.
Alp AND CO.'S. Cast Steel Circular Sims
assorted sizes ;_alst) Cast Bteel Mill Saws
Rowland's Cast Steel Mill and Cruss Cut yaws
Just, rectirved at the sheap,llardware wore of
tatty ; 1 7 , , try and BAXT 0 N.
. want...dye.
.I,9lc . nntri tkonsuiTiylTyTt tiriet - 3 - NVilf , find
to then` advantugo to .0441.10 ~ 131.S11.0P'S"tor1ig
Store, tnnyli
~ .
.Arik IJINIE.I 'just 're c eived, witiolt will bo sold
~1.,,, , i,! ty ; 1 4, • ?.
. 4,...u.
....1 , , ~?2 ,..A 14,
j iSl/.4L ....., P. :;
q)r., „ Ileum/49 1 4 4 °4' 1 i° t h Y s j ekinB ' bY
~,,,,,•„, , ... ~111findoly 41asso .: ~ -s.`-' ''-'''
. —too liis,i , es' liirk?,:i, 4. 6.1iis ,' 'll oP ' ; ii% 4l ,:iilie . ; ''"
tieliegki' i Wim ' lp#ill'te? O,ro:lylilo Lda4 ':;.: ~
5 Wigs, Liltibe( ll :. 1 ; :. . •.:
, fg l " l 2 . '- 6 '..qll!iiiY6otino, " . . *- - 2 4,:- . ';4, ' • ;" : ' '
idsi veati,;roil ,iit trio - ohbilli• r lAN ithie, 13fdre tif": . 1 .
r":niityl . 7' 1' '' WRIGIII'I*.jOiId;94.XTOX' '''
„ . ,
J1AP. 6 `,•44, 1 t§i , ..4" 11 :0 1 :QP4PY.t.k9Y. ti e _fl ie re;
nleo , h• large, Ipt for,pruspryc t ,•
t hclitosit,diefris invitbd."-Ir;
Call'sonh ut..11 AXON Y4lllS;3l4: . .ltiiiiirvisr , j
,P1n3'.. 1 1. 'Y.I f
.app o Rya,:
:D n 116; rap'eSr.
and 06tflinViiry
attinitioit .:bf, d p
die • difielliAtptitd;4i(AlieTwifdlb.'.
81 4 pria'retaik"*P*CiPb.rY74E;i cc ;c: ck; 7 - 1 . ?.!
, mayj ,fI4 ) ;;;AION.Y.ETV,
, . „
C:iIVAISP:§I*SOOO!,, itrinlifie.dritOo;
0: iictiiV•id riiid 01,4413:p:!Nr i llpri4 Artik
;31(ifo!!!'"l'''‘AA'it . ~,• '''''' ',
r: ..4•'"a:ti: ,,- ' , Vr''
le•N,l*.tlia4Plbl:l , l.l 4 LC!' fop an rirli i n gp I i'a WV go ttohl
AL i gz•cAhr,!a l ß+ l "7.P/SklQP. 4 6 , , , Drug Stool' .1-_*' ,
, rg)las.Y, l 7,ro;tn.. ll,- , ".!i,:: ..L.;-... ti! 1 t 3 , 1 0,ft t,i,r''l•4ll3'
, . ''', 4; 1 4 4
0, I ,• '`;', .;f' l , Vi oliß., i ir,ll4Ac i ili...:#4l/mc - i l
"'1 1 . ,, !‘i,/AVY6-.1 . 0, 41„0. 8 s:iekt.'it
l t il\ l olll,tibto i n4A4 qrvimr
ip liw o li tt ig iy a ,,? + t hii, ) „ ti A .o ll l l l. R,lgv,i' ulri l y tpl o t o lV y 4 1
woim.' , ‘,l; (2 x t.i4,uktior,m,',l
I Pits l44 *Y 4l . ? '' ' l :Ntr:d:':s - '&I O YY.
, ;.'.''..S9,'!'• ;il),lg' t n
. ' 'eidt4lllJoo ,: 0A 44,;, ',—
ftKi* 6 60 •
4/i `r t r ll"l, i 1 11 °f . _r 'W 43l t l•
. „,t.. ,44:•fi ff t, ~ la. 1 : 1 ; h i ' l 1
. 4krff;W ,, l s oqq *afll f tl f k o ll ? lo o l3',l' .\
iNrl2s l o l el t 1 11 V1 ) 6 ' ''';.
q,• , , ,i ..,,,,, t ,'4,1-`-',-,2--„zp4.2, 221 /Vit.'''. AS.2O2_I 4 , 2,,,," , , .0 ~,
, - i ~.^ '' 2.. '' " of' ,:'' ~ 2' ~ 1 , " '', ';''''''' 2 ' -A ', - 9 , '' ',''' ',,,,' '',,'' ,‘ 2 ,1 .' h' s 2( ' r4 ' --,' -` r'' ,
+P : - ',s s nn .' n . nn r` , 'n `,r., •1 ,, ''• q :l. - s .7 , i<,., .t. , 1.. e.' ,, t,` `,-,/,''',`;',,f,',.'i''',.4-'i'.`4,;:6;11q.,,),qii";;,4,6
• • •
Zfotiti'V'Zl)op r
146 . tze
Kes - rugs; e e .
phin ; and•; NeiY Nark , t'efY‘elallsivn
Qt4Y-I inintla IYrtner eirtheti
,eitig,searly•eVury article.of
• -use,' together
Oils, Varrirshea, Ttirranitine, ; Vet -fernery; Soars,
Statioigiry, :Vino ,Ctitlery; Tattlt4e,—,
EruSlies of. almost,. ifverY-.tlaseriPtlall, WWI ,an
endless, variety of other articles,' whittli I aurae
teriniaod. a sell at the : ratty Lowas•r•priegsi • :
Physieines, Country .Merclatigs, redhirs
nag. others, are respectfully requested:mg - to vies
ilicoLt) ~sTAN I), ns they lacy Fesb as . sitreil
Thal every article Will be wild of a goo 4 cgfahry,
arid• agar' renoonqblo terms.
rimy 24 • Main street,Carliale
Hat .and Cap Store;
refiE subscriber harinir just returned rem the
JL. city, wonld inform the public that he is now
opening a splendid assortment of SLIM NUM
A'rti at his old stand in. N. Unnover street.-“ ,
ilia stock comprises Moleskin, Natrio, Rork y
Mountain 'Beaver, VORTI, Cassimere and Kilt
II ATS, of the 'mist sabstantittl mike-and latest
style. Also CAPS of Oery description and
lin invites his friends to call at his establish
ment before purchasing olsewhorO, as he is Con
fident that they trill find it to their nclvanino - c.
maylo • ED 11(.-E LLIF.P.: •
given-for Furs, banth's
Wool, &c,.
. . .
. • Boots, 'Shoes and Brogans.
tr.IF: attention of did public is invit
' is . , / ,/ '.mho n Inrie mill eleguant assort 'to u t
'., - • 91 lIGO TS rind SHOES. now open
lim nt PORTER'S 811017 STORM,
11.1? . \f - rain street, opposite the Methodoo
Church. ,Theatock Was been_selacted with.great,
care,and for style,and durabilityls,unetpialled.
Ladies' French Linen Gaiters (new style) -
Do. Morocco Ilan I:niters - do
DO. • Kid and Morocco Slippers, Buskins nod
opTies; it all prices
ses"Gaiters, Leather Boots, Buskins •mid
tildron's Gaiters, Boots and A:tklo Tics of
every variety , •
-Men's •Calf and Mofoceo Boots, Brogans and
Boys' and Youth's Gent, Cnlf net" Rip Brognns
nod n general assortment of thick work
Also a event variety of Boot imil Frvneh Nome.
re, Kid, Pink and W Intel' NI N GS:; . • Last
ings, Trimmings. .
PruMenler attention Will he given ns usual, to
CLIHTOMER WORK, sneh ns Gentlemen's
fine Freneh Boots, Coneress.Boths and Gaiters,
',tidies' French and. English "Amine Garters and
Congress Roots Kid and Morocco Slippers, 'Wil
kins and French 'l'ies; nod every eibul used to
get up the work in a. style equal to the best city
•work, and,at tic lowest prier, by
inny'lo • WM. M. PORTER fv. Co.
N.. 11.—As the subseriber is now dein.. bush
these 'miler the firm el - Wm. M. Porter & Co. he
oarnestly requests those indebted to settle their
no-mints, as it is neressary his old books sheuld
be Mused without delay.
. • WM. M. Ptl,RTEll..
R-efreshiqg Drinks.
.Spnrltling and bright,
In its liquid light—'
And pot only sorkliug and bright,
But for its flavor it is hurdAtiient.
emon and SarFnparilla, a large annrly
on hand and Int . anln by the ;;rosy, Joluu
or gingln bolt 10.
1110NYP,11't4 FOLIN'rATNIMF.AT),
s indeed the 'No Pitts l'ltra' drink of the sea
son, and I'llll lie had With the :Wove named. -
Mineral Waters, at Ilia wholesalo
and retail Confectionery of
I'. MuNVErt,
innyta = N. Ilanover 01.
N. EL . —Pie-nit:: arid oilier Panics supplied at
a il Th/0"-711,L
I: subscriber respectfully aniuntners to his
friends and the public pcurrnlly, that has
roinoNed to the [arse bi ielc build:lig in South
Ilatutrer street, ono user Irnitt Alorrett's
and %%idiot doors of the Volunteer printing
whet, lie eotituttie to carry on the
I'l\l and to receive or
ders for work in his lino, all ut which is pledges
to w.evuie promptly, in a neat, fashinitti•
I.le and xvorkitinnlilic manta r. The latest
innswill be :1:1‘1 he can there
lore ltireudi to order a drew dtnl ttl 1 please the
nurst fastidious taste. lie would avail
thin opportunity to return his elect rc thanks to
his many patrons for their past eneoarrigninont,
and solicits a continuance of their favors.
rely 10-ant If . S. ft I'ITER.
. 1.1'"i4? " '
.. . .
MOW NSF.N ~ . , R. 5.11 ARILLA, for the
.1' removal and perthanent cure of all diseases
arising from an impure suit: of the blood, scrof
ulous aflbetions be, warm ed superior to nnv
Other preparation of Sarsaparilla now in use, fo'r
sale by the.thraen or single bottle, nt
J. A. ItltillOP'S
innylo Druc_fitf2l. Main street
Cheese, Cheesel" )
Prime lot vi Cheese jest received
by P. MON VER.
may 10 N. Ilatmver stipet.
Deeds, 14Xortgage.,s and :Bonds.
A v ery line assortment of these blanks
flow tor sale at the 'HERALD' office.
Teas a the New crop..
RA NKI N, 7:1 C lioto not st..
udelphi 3 O, boo for tcalo tho Togs:
300'itlf.Oesis T oong if your 'l'e
' 100. do (loopowdur du
150 do I , nparinl do .
10 do ...11yson .do
10(10 do Powoliong do
200 do Ningyong Sour:bong
-1-00 to) Oolong do ,
75 chesty Padro Souchong
_ • • , 15 do black leyf Potyup
25 lodr chows do do
Orun g ,c do
. 10.0.0 niiotir 'Gamin
. .
otonprise the hest ithops imported
in ships ,Sea . Tomplitt, 11101
tglitITAT, 16( tarp, lj II ill ._;11 July Vous that
have 1a30.11 .114c9(j in this market. . -
'Philadelphia, Atm. 4 „
Nails and Spikes,
KlLoiln anti- Spikes, , juotrecOmd
laPdt';:aarii' at the l .olo4o'llatillvate
Ora', G I M ' I SE ;t ' A VP
d'Z;72 e 1 1 4 ,, :: ,- .15,.., ‘ 0 eel. N'L`
i ikti " ; 4 l36o . 6l ( Trtiik.r , V,lNE -- .:1110,1
•Atticolve -
N'EVlAs4,94;*!!”l,7'-' 'iVaC.ll.lBl.l
stree t. ' Caji an sear
:TEO , • .
'IBS'ItB~B Q ' N;La F'l'S==A'l`nt ; vl`.o.~jpp ' c,~ po»-
',LTA , pato 4 ifst,,ructp iyo 4 and fen,ay.brvory , clamp.,
•.I l '
,Y.i;:,',L 14
. T '•''a'.
y,2i.1,i.1: C,P;1,7.1 ' . 70• .I.t4W,fP
: :7
'/,it..' ,: f...-: ; o,p: . ; . l 4 a .):w.,1 ds4.-li•:„).i fr, vM,,I: .Eit•A.., +'o,,
Vtoa ll 74' „41illtAiVhfiliN1011.4jit p
I'all il ' ptk4l l ) it O ' /# B 4, t P . aV t° P"l b Y
i TI ) f : ',• ' ' ' l'l il3 '(NY4,/,PriN-q ,'lt. iY4KY4l4tVotiqiißo'h(Oki*
~0 1 , % iFiiiiell i andliiiWa , llof4fd.
of: 4l o .o reT el e4i)lctiPFolY,4lll!:, - , z', , . , L 0 ,
'"o l4 o4riASabiili,iilll'lQ l 4,4,VMß
' •
1F ,IN tliOS-A gen oral afk at)-
p. merit .ef t ido and lifNti l l t lncde.tilli4laini,',
'eullablo for.: eliildviiiiaiii:#o;ana 4Pokei.'die'
received b: i
• g 7 ,t •
. o PAiv A
o••-•--, — ti§airs;I:ti
~ .iiir nrilele,l or', l„/..tale by , ,' 4l l' N Vl* t lPPS'l' o 3;' A, 131SLIOV , ,
L :.) L', - 1 .Ic , • - kaa. ,,,, ,,..4,-; , '
, E1NX84,1,:•A' , 1 , 101 , --.A. V tiry'l ay& : iisaai taaela 'e f ;
Aalirtuilttlit Lol , iiititel;-"recuivii4';. nod , foiViold' l o,,an ;
V,i0,0,,,:',Vi,;t141. i(t.P,OairE'i;o44llVMP.4o,?':P'
1 1' PAlgitkl'Okr
ifiitatqoAllmeAot M 1140401
(. A - " gir
lA% 1. 1,k.•.-
fy.j l4 iv A iltqiill7E/V
, - .
- 40 ,, ;' , TrAusa4 - •
,eviaimyera ,
&nivel! telhittad neAoilhiejitioeCr Pii:BllDlt tiOB,i
Eil3lCll , l;hlS, &c, among tivhiclittvlll tituritl".
th 6 following, viz: , "
I - 4)061'0:8914i;
• .1/yo' Ctulpry, Oils, -"
Pine, CHI,. :
Also, a largo. assort:nein of PE11.1 4 0.1-1311.Y,
'lair tugl Tooth- Brushes, •
Unihrtillow,"Wallting Canoe, •
Roussel's and IfauernShaving Crum
llear's Oil, Cologne 110';
rangy Bontis; rxtracts, Mts.. Ftny, Curling
Fluid, slid . .
. .
FANCY-. ARTICI.FiPI of every description,
(6 which he respeetiolly inVites the attention of
the public. His assortment iii a full and rich one.
end be hopes by strict attention to business and
low primes, to receive a liberal share of die public
patronage. _
Physlcians' preeeripiions carefully compoun
ded. J. A. 1118110 P.
mayt ' West 'Main street, Carlisle.
. _ 047,..r. 5,...„
. .
Dlt. J. J. MYERS las disposed oft_ . 3
ellf iro
smelt of Drugs F4e, io Mr. J. A P: q 10E,
61. I.Torrieburg ' who will continue to 11 I tininess
of my old'ntmid on M:iin street. Mr.. i. lop hen
lind conniderable - eoerienee• in - ,tirn - d) ug-tnisj
miss, nod .1' confidently recommend hifil to'the
customers of Ord store dnd solicit: it contitfunnee
of their.iiivors. . •,'
irrliy this •nrrnngeNient Dr. Myrnf: will- be
enabled to give ins' undivided' attention to the
duties of Ins profession - niny4
Cottfectiortarry, -.-1
Nortit Ilanover Sired; Carlisle , .
y IrE subscriber Would respectfully inform
country merchants and the public generally,
111;11 he is consiantly manufacturing and has rd
ways on hand CANpIPIS of every variety,
(which for quality cannot he surpassed by tiny
manufaenlred in the 'State) which lie will yell
wholesale or retail at the OLD are N. Han
over street, a few donrs north of Bonk.
Whet° he has also on hand FRUITS u lid NUTS
of the latest - imporintioni, which wit. be sold nt
-the lowest prices for cash. Ilis WiPiCetin - Sitsts iii
part of Menges, Lemons, Raisins, Figsj'runes,
BateS. Cocentoints, Cream-nuts, rea-nuts, En
glisli Widows, Almonds., Peuan-timp. Filberts.
fle would also inform the public that the has
just• returned from the city with n very large
stock of .FRESH F.A LY OR 0 CERTL
consisting of superior double refined; erushr.d
and pulverized "LOAF SUGARS , 'BroWn Se
gura, among which is n very fair article for.
cts,por 11)4. COFFEE, from 8 to 10 ets Ter lb.;
n superior article of Imperial. Young Hyson and
Black TEAS ; 0 LAS:;;ES of all kinds; Wa
ter, Soda and fittenr Crackers ; Cheese, Choco
late, Rice. Illneking. Matches, Brushes.
FRESH Si' IC W viz : Pepper, Alspice,
Cinnninon, Cloves. ittmegs, Ginger end Mus
tard. A supply of ludilm. (hein quality) Alum.
Starch, Washing Soda, Hall' Peter ; all or which
will be sold at ilre lowest rams.
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
the publir for the liberal paironnge extended to
.hint. and hopes by a desire in please to merit a
cominitance of the same. All orders fronra
tame thankfully received and Promptly attend
ed to. • tinny I) P. AWN YElt
6 T BENTZ'S Chttop Cash :here, where they
A . are 1101 V (111001 ting ihr - grentet-t quantity 01
new and eltehp Irlrnis, of ;be htllowing kinds:
C1,(1111:8, Casitfterea and Vestings
(' Al,lt't lES, of every variety 4114441_841c, from
I to I•_', ets. per yard—and son - id of 'these are
— ll'u:irate ai 1, and 8 e , .9. The assortment eon
ot about 9ur.);)
ty.._o•res FRENCH GINGIIANIS, at
1 , 2}, and-1,9y eta. pg'r yard. -
and the best lor If, eta.
LA IV NS---teivie beautiful patterns, 123, 183,
and 25 elt7 per yard.. •
ALPACHAS-Iq, 25, 27,1 50 and 1.23 els.
••er yard, We have the cheapest 4.lpachits to
lii4l.lg.S—Whito and unbleached; at all
prices. and lower than ever sold before.
(*II 'Pickings, and Pantaloon goods at
all 'awes.
Rosi,nry, (l loves, Handkerchiefs, Bonnets,
Ribbons, Ha's, ()11 Cloths, Flannels. cotton and
linen Table Diaper, Inns, Edgings and
I,lcrs. twit in fact evory.arti-
Cie of bn,b i•nz.
These goods arc of: to the public at lower
prices than can he bought any where in the
State of 'Pennsylvania, as our means of purchas
ing are equal to any, and fat superior to most
country merelihnts.
sec. &c.
Givo es a call dad wa fool satisfied yott will
soya money in tnalciag
A. & W. 11ENT2,
mny.l 3 doors south of the Post Office
& M. COLT,TER & rmoirtiErts, beg
el • leave to inform tire citizens of Cuiriberland
and adjoining that they have just open
ed anyxtensiNe VARIETY STORM in North
Hanover sttect, in the building lately opilepied
by 'Jr. Hewett, between Ilavergtiek and Lyon's
stores, where it hey will he happy to receive the
ealls of all wishing. articles in their line. They
will at all times keep on 111111(1 'a aVII selected
assortment of Colored Prints, (French, English
and A ineriennifloturstie and foreign Perfumery,
Patent Medicines, eiiihrneing, nearly every a
u bet liittO_Vf usir,
ally kept in en extensive 'Variety store.
They aro the exclusive agent's for !lit sale of
Dr. Traphnuen's celebrated Fohnunie Miurure,
and his llnisantie EX!rael of Sarsaparilla; Dr.
c4reen's celebrated Oxygenated:Mit - era, for Dye
pepsin anti Philly:tie. TheY are also the exclu
sive • tigenta rir this County of tie Nglt. YORKI
ToN TEA ComPANV, and 'will keep con
stantly onquind u large supply of their superior
In conclusion they beg loavo to say, that they
are determined In sell la very small profits _for
CASH. 11101) wishing bargains .to giVe
them a roll. Orders from country merchants
sapplied upon Mu most reqsonable terms.
•• . ,
• 40.4atrOViiiit.
N'l Cxl,
forying':rptootlett 10.
07 .4 oTTIIVU'STO RE fp 1 141-00
‘to . m. e:rly: 1-1: Fr: Vtitijiii i inat
corner..oVt lid•• 11i1UibeStrOtiti7VdtWatli'Opjiiiiiiii,
:Forater!s; stOra; *omiltVletipOoi lidiy • ififortill; hit; .
tfriundsitinmitho , Ontdid int normil; , tivit'll4 ifitonda
%li4i . goiirutmiOar.buiminessvii a. inibre ,, axmansive
AhßillhOteMrnro..limiihasjust,yacaived , from
,t)to.eaStorn cities a.kirgo naaortment, of.SFR IN.
'and which, itiayd
13108 dn ootico..on4, in* titO, np;mpi
eminstomitaim.e on
ltnnd' !t info; solootiion: 'Of "t{.llAll -"A141)..E.
;01i0TTITNWtlienpdf4hrip over,offm. Jtiri
:public; 'black" and' Maim 'Tomas
,Coate, Frock amid Sank Coats of varlonS`dolor's;
iTweed GOO of .fa 'sinines coloin;"Suniiinet:
,p10th , ,:0041.14.44-sinani;', , Cotton'itanct I . 3'imanr. coats;
and - all oilier 'kinds 'ortacliionablO , ,Coals
an t iecY,.COsitnier o- ,Pmptpl;,mmmer rants of
'ey deacrijition': tint's. ) Idmmin tin I fancy!
find .eollorol.!!took:otriii CialtZdtlloittiketiofalefs
Btoblrir;l',Stispo,ridbro:of AtrY-611.60L
ij•,'Doolt. forgot - litueet , ou
.I]9)Atiblio •
9110 'I
I, , i,I7(;LKINSO , N
y >;,,Tp‘rgi".Y icor), riogorke4l4hstig(„j opt to,cottro4
'and for, ,010,.gt . t Ip4 , Clronik./Ifird*Tfvsl.Tv fk4ii - 1
IV I 4 0.4;031$
lr.vo L.-al • t
7 3 10. { Ige l .o.'''i
A A . L ;:
lyif t yyjppre w4ttnc./,
1 , ..Y411 /PqrAPlti ,
I yoryi , jow; re , ct}44.,.'lsOrd.ll;Wtiotliigh
,' qc" R.NOl$,
, 1 ,1 1 , fj!',o=isunlrnoi.'t*"."•:(o. -; 1 , ' 44', ii , ,r
jugii\iroritintidnlitile' , l'l 3 "gfiiv6v , E(
j„-. l „ rn totArbikliieni qi,tYliOb i ltl:gnittothti
:voliiottty:oltrlttl)tiokl'Oittiov tor c oh,' 1 ;. Itioto ,
t t,,tv 4 •. 114 3 .7 7. 1 "t". 7 "TitrIP — rthr • ''-'.1 , 5 ‘, , - , 4.i ,, T , .,
r '"7l .- 4 ' , ) 14 razawls (Sharlst ' 1 44 , 1,4,04T i
,- . 21c, , t i t litl'il tosirt rtt , P ,'.. /
, IMilrerAl'aliiilliAlle-CP4 bill , 1,,,0 , -
, I tititi :
stutivw , 'it•liitqaPtqfer3,,,.. o sl , „." 1 ,1 4
4 „ ., '',,,1-,T_....,t ent , 4,.....4 . „, t ,'..?”
VCIPOII) ) , 4 11 4 41 :10 . 82^ 1. '1 : :
to ~t,ttJ
1Y ,,, ; , :i,- , ',:: , ...i.fAr. 4, '7 , ` 44 ,rc , ' - oY"l'fllT , ' ''',' ".'-' l •"'s 1 -' '
4 . 'gt:MtW&eb
'l,"ttllthq,C AZ.114,L
•- -
Physic/445,1 . Eindi UovitryllerchatitS
Nif.f.i.o.:Avioi to purchase DRUGS; &c, ehpap,
iirtio.ern`tliatOrd , ,to
roepiE , cii 01: !AO BtOr,oof,:iluiuutiiparilm..:,, , !l he art,.
oleo um fresh undsvurruntedlggiod;and purchased
at the v'diSrlinia'nelFertilit;pricedgatittViipil 'be 'dis
posed p.r . ;tower,thkui,urliclel ths,stnnAt,,Analay
biota ever boon u s old .oundisi,rlapd . county.—
Call and see, and if lie , tu yoni
vaningn , te'purcease.p s dadiitniatolyliktot calk
you to.i l uy. .• • • • t
OrhrS from the country *ill recniVol)tmnr4
at ton t ion,, the': iir 00'41E400 (it fed ga<Sd , and prices
Loysr than any pthcf place. tn.
.A..111S1:10P, '
Iluccagtor to ' - . J . Myers ; Main et.•Carliele.
ninpi , • •
FINDER the provisions of tile Act of 11344,
QJ any County paying into the State 'rreastti,Y
' the State - Tex levied ensue') actuary, Enjoy td tlia
loth of Judy in any•Vettf le entitled Mint abate
ment of 6 per cont. on the amount's° paid. .7
undersigned, Colt miattibitels-of .Cutnher ,
land countY in View of 1118 .'obovelikeVisione,
.consider it equjtoble end proper that thuse,whold
the 'Venlig payment of, their feXeiii prior to tilt .
&tote datc-,..entibl° the l'reaSnit.itiOrY over the
Siam tax, 50 es to intMiVelhe aforesuld'obate•
mem of 5 pot per cent, '
the benefit of which has
hitherto been enjoyed by the chiamia the
eoliely generally, should lie ullowStfi deddelion
of flint =Mint by the collectorr...-huves mghorizeil
the difittcut
'from the State tax, in all Casco want tire ate
and County tax is paid to the colleclok. pri & or td
the 18481 wiled saidmhalimitint Bhtfl
hilioithrttiotO cent or:more, no frationa--A.if
cent to bysie.retlited.
Slime the Act of 18.4, the CedimiliiiionerslinQ
paidi he :item tax of this county annually to die
Stale Treasurer, within the time prescribed -hyr
the act, end file` county fins reatiVed , the brijaill
of an abatement of BS° peir cent. thereon, lint to
meet said payment they have found it necessity
_horei_ofore to appropriate rr part of the •county
funds to 'meet the deficiency ovensiontd by 14•
natienta, until the btuent.° of the Bien) tax Was
collected. It therefore becomes =meanly to ro•
quire the paynient of both Stan:quad County tax
In entitle the payer to lilt• aforesaid abutment,
pjion the eforesaid Stare •Tux.
The undersigned therefore Confidently andel , -
pate that ituvabove arrangement, and thcferther •
inducement ot'enubling
.Cunthcrland county to
maintain the character for promptness end fidelity
- which-sbe - has acquired- in the discharge Of her
Obligations to ilio - Ciimmonwealth, will induce
every citizen to discharge their finite and Oquids
tax prior to the 10th day. of ,
• - - - D. STET{ ETT,
f onmy pon,thiminers,
lnrst—~V 11. RtlLY,Clorlt•
Commissioners' Oflicc,
Carlisk, May 31, 1848 .5
J •.z
A FINE and fresh supply from Roussel's and
other of the best cityliouses; among which
aro double extract sweet Briar, Bose Geranium,
Verbena, Patchouly, Heliotrope, Millefleur and
:1111.9k. maternity put up and for sale a( tholoweat
prices. Also, for the• finir,•••Bentioline; Potn-•
made anx rleure...tepny -Lind 'hair gloss, Bear's
Oil, alaccassar Oil, line-scented Antique Oil,
PhiloPonte,l3cers Marrow, tine Myrtle end Vio
let *Pommades. Also .Fancy Beeps such as
Roussel's Shaving Cream. Weight's dx;, Military
do, Almond and Palm \\rash Sapp, making ate
assortment unsurpassed by nny in the borough.
, Secoad Arrival of New _ Goods! .
%C;?•alg.7.-► ,
S. A. COYLE has
- . 4,..4e,&•14Z4 3 ‘.`i' 4 julit returned from
adelphin,and is now 0"..-,42..11111CJir.1
"..-,42..11111CJir.1 pening a large and hand
some: assortment of
'which will be sold 30
per cent. .elteaper then ever, eonastint in part of
new style dress goods,for Ladies, vie:
Striped'Sasperines, Grenadines,
- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiii Batiste,
Satin tit ripe do " Plaid Poll Deelierre,
—Mode do Laines„.Fieneh Ginglintne,
,Also, a large assortment of French Cloths,
Crissimers and Vestings, Bonnets, Ribbons,
Gloves, Hosiery. Purchasers will please call
and examine his stool( for themselves, es he is
determined to sell cheap lot cash. .
may 31 S. A. COYLE
13. 7. WILLIAMS, No. 12, North Sixth
street, 1' hiladelphia, V EN 111 AN 13 LIN Pfirrian-
ittlicturer, has now on hand the largest and most
Itthltionaldc assortment of narrow slat 9 and other
Vettition Blinds, of any other establishment in
States •, centprising emit-mew styles,
trimmings and colors, which which will he sold
at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. Old
Blinds palmed and trimmed to WO:equal to new.
'Fho eitmens of Carlisle end tatattent country are
respectfully invited to call and entwine his as
sortment, before puivitasing elsewhere, feeling
confident of pleasing turd , gringpotisfaction to
all who shay Mor 'him ivirli atoll.
"B.PNjAltlls ' J. WiLLIAMS,
No, 12N, SixtYst., Maud.
may 2 -3rn
T ACE CA PES—Ttarnaliscrlber lies just re
ceived a Ilirther supply of Lace tapes, 1160
Figured Wash Blond popes, at low prices.
jude7 f. urrNER.
QI'EN WORK .110SE---;A general assort
mew of Ladies' and Chiltlrnus'.open woe'
Hose, just opened by
Irt:7lA R 1,012. All/ HALLS—Received this day
another lot'of Gum Bulls, to . which the
Lennon of the rising generation is
jone7 G. W. 111,1151.P.R
.I.llltF 11 iIL JS It usr receeieved 7 a - ,lrjurk
Aitusselle_tplogne,_Ektracte_ J.Qekey
Club, flout do temlino,Geraniutu And'Ver
lie Jenny' Lind •
lunelo & 1V B.TLFILN,4.
11 - 6 It EP &RATIO N S TOR Tuull
44 - s - ong the many artielesTprepared for the hair,
none are so deservedly popular as itimskeis - Eau
Lustre!, whieliAjustly.eelpbrutpillnr • cleansing,
boultlilS'it;tg, itreserving tnulpicanoting tho'grOwth
of the hair.
jUnolti J and W B FLOING
. •
INIER fiLOTI•F---The sub
scriber bus recoiyeil udew ideces•of Black,
13rowq, Prnb.Frsoch §stsper: Cloth, pi-su
perior •oulity, far
. mptep3vare cod will' bp g old
), u tel 4, ••• :it
ILLENE RS' rtRIM Theoteib
scriber hue recoilted^almriety-pf-Millinere , Trim- .
ming?, Boob pn RoonAp,rowßecendllpeilaburre.
Canoe' Ana : - '4Wifitkamnsin 'Tar :Calling. Bovine's,
aotrore To Wives brilltientore iotether °with. oil
giaterialp Need by MillinerseutlCNyill be pr.
iitshed Vt. rhiirteiniki` britii; 4 4 4. 4 ' •
. 4 • API'
(1 , : , i RIO 411* Y.' , In i.ql 11, 1 :33i, 44,
3110( 0 6•SIC4P, • 1 NaTAUIItV4 4 ; TYo,4olkrir.
supply of Violine,, luree,.;: Iroleie„ ,
'At: or ni; riffles ,
Ditig;Birok.7ifiar Vinery, sto o
it may ‘l3l'qo s'Amt ANERS-Tielf.
Ari) 0 N TIN )34•Thist arecelved; . pritifheiiifiehli
V"stIPPLY of_49 lo ,brarcirt ilt,a4 o t-,7 1 " 1 4 .
rnanufablurer on e t trrnalp itrvp y
il,contqinp ROCS, fir '4 11 ,M ot ret 41.1101 6 ,*licl)
In any NifcrY Ie PZ tai k
t 5 1-111 , f (10 1 / 4 •4, r
De tains, To
guniihe) coil 66 litaiiificiliiOte , 4o
•-• e ' Mtibilsll4
• orn /I.IV 4 PP"PI.Ptr ee
[N1 1111 0: 4 0 LV.f.. Z,t4, v)rt: ;fit v/41
CINEG! 1501tigtOgita Uldor4ll#l.lir,
O;TA r..9PCiVq4Ol4ll,l9 l "Mi=l 11044451 V"
'Vl.* fi'CANib"o.,7iTt
lA' 0.. 4N - P,.. via
Cyf' 47 .'gre.i*TOSNATA 4
, Itatlt 4 ffion, livlitti floe oplitimmrpt.4 iCh'
Arp;willPti l !l i t n t , l/P a j 4o 64l? 4, 6****:
infp:Nglita , L, i - 010 1 4RVAR„t2 '
tn , ; ii.„„18, 1
oftil,pomoll,, hgrleme6,oolo.l,
,Jallir ioftot itgiqofriait/MPRI
:: /..,,,„,14 ,
r l
'"'.: , '; 4 TAW .. '' llo " l :l" , :t.:-
n o tttp if ic4l4::
ert, te,i cl .I'. 1 I„v 0.,
p ? 06, Ofilil , I Om- ' „—..-'.• 7 , ;, - ,.•
e`q„-0 ~ u • , ~,i ,lo'
c 34A0,21A , r ' ' -, 7''' i; ', - • ,;, .rz5 q ,,,, i ,..., ~.-,*•,.";
",- . +'r , r' , ; r , ,r ': :,, ''' '', •"',,,, 7 -.:, j' c, , :,•t„ , •„ : .-C„.:,, , ,k,
' . -4----- t' —÷—',', ,:, -' 7:, -- ; •I'-4::-',Y
ATotico to Tax Pgireis.
Perfumes, Oils and-Soaps.°
Cheap Window Blinds.
~: }- lei