E UM:lB44'l • . A sfieaniolsialetVit, 1 initTlicientto turn en overshot tnilt,lafisithrough a rock on the farm df Milton fimitey Ceinbeiland bounty, )S e r' ol o hliOhe -2 fitli of gay. Thirwater will,pi .c a pint of salt to eiery . two gals lorte,..:Thelook from which this stream gushes burst open about five or six years ago with aterrifie report. ~The.yotupg Woman who was tarred. and leatliertatibtl- beaten by a lot of ruffiani,• in. the town of Xenia, Ohio, has been found in the woods, a few miles from town, dead.— Nothing has been done to the murderers, as the, girl,hed no friends, was 'poor, and defi trent intelligence: Pope Pius IX, it ist ald, is the last of St. Peter's line. for whose hlatue, atStc Peter's •church, in Rome, there is a vacant niche left; -a striking, it net most ominous fact, Inwilltdmwingthe American troops iron; Mexico, therold regiments - nf the regular ar my are to t2e,at - once distributed about the various — piaits. at home. A detachment of artillery, infantry and dragoons, will be, sent to California and New Mexico, a I eight vompanies of artillery will occupy the elt "bank of the Rio Grande. • In New• York, a day or two ago, IL Brayton, clerk or attendant in an epothe. 'vary store, belOnging to Dr. Golan ; was con victed of manslaughter in carelessly vend ing a quantity of laudanum, by wilful neg. rloei or' iniatako, for tincture ot-rhubarb, - 9 ao3i who had been directed to purchase a atmall dose 431 the latter for an • aged lady, grandthother, by taking of which Jamie tram she was poisoned and soon died. Captain Edward Dens; who was semen; .ced to be dismissed the regular army by a 'court -:partial at Monterey, has been ordered `back to his regiment; the President, by and with the - advice and consent of the Srmate, 'restoring him to has rank and position. Anotherexpedition to Oregon and Upper California, under Col. Fremont, will leave the United States eat ly next July. The Legislature of this State, at their last . . - sessiott, passed a bill lOr erecting a new County, called "Forest," out of the central - Ifni - non of the State;it is formed of ',territory which a few years ago was a perfect wilder ness. his bounded by Elk, Venting°, Clear field, Warren, Clarion, and Jefferson sOum ties, and is covered with magnificent inner. It is said that the four leadifig Presiden .lial candidates (Gen. Taylor, Gen. Case, John P. Hale, and Gerrit Smith) are all Temper ance men. The former two are tee-totallets: the latter hare frequently taken the stump. in favor of the cause. • The lion. Thomas Fitzgerald llas been ap pointed U. S. Senator, to till the vacancy oc casioned by the resignation of Genetal Cass. We under:Mind says the Vicsburg Whig. by a friend jest up the river, that General Taylor is to take the place of Gen. Brooke. as commanding officer at New Orleans, and that the latter will resume his old command at Jetlergon tiarrark.4', INIo. - . • It i‘ staterrthai Louts Phi Wive has con eindello deter his visiLto the I'nitedsuttes till alter. Cass's election, 'Phis is the lon gest postponement we have ever heard oi. - - A Determination of Blood co-die Jived, ns it is called, can be accounted for upon no other !nrinciple than from the presence of - corrupt nod slugnmint hu mors in the. Venni.s eirculan ion. whin h pri•venos lint retina of the viral fluid of tlee•heari. When ilia pas str.les are choked tin. and it bee 1111 l es, ns it were, PH. • sonar in the head, there is a ohitension or swelling of the Illond-vessels, a pressure upon the brain, head ache, giddiness. palpitation of the heart, apoplexy, and other dreadful results. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are certain tn pre vent the above unpleasant complaints, tree:ohne 11.1 -expel (Mtn the _circulatlim those Ilitipors n hich are the •entise of all disortiered motions ofthe blood.— They also ald null improve tlivestion, and the retire will toast assured • give health and vigor to lice body. al-neware of counte 'iis and imitatinnu• Ilentenn bar that the original and ontlY gene ihe Pills hive the written signature of Wt LiA3l IVrtiallT on the lop label of each Inuns. The genuine is for sale by ell A ltl.ns ot;i1)3 'l. sole agent for Carlisle, and general agent for Cumber •and county, Inv whom country deals', will lie ruin -plied at the Philadelphia prices. WIEII2IIAIII. COUNTY, Va., Mardi "M, 1817 Mr. Seth W. Fowler—Dear Sir •-1 take pleasure In slating to you my experience in the use of Wisinr•s Balsam of Cherry I own a ver).vallinble ne gro girl who was attacked with n difficult v the bung, which brought her in appearam•' to site brink of the grave. I consolted saute of I , llr . best phi Al • Clans, tvho pronounced her case incurable, or that !bey could do nn more for her. I tried mat, reasedms, Litt 1101113 did any 200(1. I saw 1.1010 a nnut of W tar's Balsam nod thought I would try it, lost had little ilth in It. I procured a bottle, a hirb was alloonis. tared according to directions. and I cult) • she began to mend t• nod before the first bottle was gone she was Ms. 'I procured a second and she took that. and now she is. I think, cured, or nearly sn. She 'Meads to her daily latter, and I hear no Complaints from her. 11. 1.. dEFFEIitiON. Sold in Carlisle by W. S IIikVERSTICE and S. ELLIOTT. eiti) ,'lndicts. Phillidelphla, Monday Evening. June 'M. • ...The late Foreign' news has increased the dullness ineviously notice'd in the market. FLOUR—holders are anxious to•sell—ss,37l is the nominal asking price of good brands. CORN MEAL—Is - steady at $237. WHEAT is drooping; sale of 1000 bush. prime Pennsylyania red at 118 cis. CORN—not much arriving. ; from 2 to 3900 bushels good yellow sold at 511 cents wt. OATS—a small sale of Pennsyh anis wits 'nada a 38 cm WlllSKEV—stendy, sniff; In Wile nt : if Mids. at 211 cts., with entail sales• VALUABLE PARBZ AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale a tract of first rate SLATE • 4 r. 11111 LAND, situate near McClure's Gap, Frankford township, Cum• - berland county, Pa, on the road leading front Newville to Landisburg, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, of which 150 are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the ;residite covered with timber of the best quality. The improvements are a gots! LOG HOUSE, double 1/ogßarn t WagOn Shad, Well olLlV.ater, -,St.c.--Thertrian stream of waterrunning through the place sufficient to turn a-saw-mill, and run. niag writer through . most of the. fields on the Farm. The,properiy.ls well- situated for raising hotliiiiiitiand - atock, and will be sold on Maven able ,terms. ' ' —Pinatas wishing to see.the.Form and'aseertain f i ttaulax: v il i t u : • 1 :1 1 , e more JAMES'C•aJHOI 10nEL, agent for Margaret M'Dowell, Frankford town -ship, near the property:, • • . , . • JOHN MoDOWELL . JAMES DAVIDSON june2ll irirLaneister Examiner and Perry Freemen Democnat will please insert three l imos, und ,ehai:ge this office • • ITAIIITAELE EARIVZ ' - r. . . ,ZATRRIVATE SALE: THE' eubeeriber, agent for Mar ;mint McDowell, offere,itt private sale a. tract of SLATE"LAND, , situatecnear MO.:lure's Gap,k•rank , • , - fordttiwinthip, Cumbeiland counts', e'A3bitt• rung ONE"HUND RED -AC RES;I2 or -.1/8 , 01-,twptch. Are . , 4 improveand .the. remainder --..iniarrakatitlilvtbitelnal(Lind.chcatauCtitnher,...nf Isuparior quality'' ' , Tip principal part of thof;tract •Irnake good ilaranlandiand ,tiinbet an" it;at i',llonainl , will , nrore'ithan 'pay for din !priipart);.- vrithin`.alfaiy rods 'of 'Uri tract,and ),teadtaalefor•laifkinda 'of timber in .nha adjoining, neighborhood ' .' , . , --i,--7kiireetie..)Wanting:' , prcitterw , ofthe u shove de- Atertption, Will find , al bargain ieubecribetitt hitt.reeidetiec meet. the' pii . vestr:i: ppy anil';Por y.FOTnali t?..".•4srid'DemoOritt will pleere !wry t th!i?e . a‘+ohirigeilhitolficit- ' , ' !!. • • . , R. R. OFFICE,? , '.. (\'Cikii: " l7 A rain 23 1848. S ....,--- ,i - ~.N ..., , , y earllsloi Juno , „k„ ' * }FT 'l4''' - ' *- * * '* i • f'll I J 848; thd',Cumbt?r -,21 .7.A Patith- 1 • 44 -- - I L " ill mithdrAw i ' ,: 1 .": 1 14.v#0./L: it t gema n g r o n ff d „- o r ooil , • I f l . 4 l,die , 'llll Orktr,ef ilgr!•• er,..7,I;,s(DDLE, , week:,-:;f "' ;'p:'; 4 ,7.,.;. ,secretac r „ ~ ,..1 1 ,,,, , .• , - , - -',: t I r,., ,T , 4. : M TI I-- (1 l'''' ',1:4 . ? .1 1' s‘ Net toer#iqements.- . , THEproprieter,respeetftilly informs his friends and the publib'generelly, that he is,thankful for past favors, and that he has' made ' eary, arrangements for accommodating comforta. ,lily', a. largo, itumber of .yisiters and, hparders:— The SPringe are siritited,44'milekrierth of On , lisle r Cumbsrland county, Pa., in ,a•tine healthy. and rorirantle,place. .Serhing to geed order, both hot and cold, and every accommodation for trav ellers and visitors my be relied on. D. CORNMAN. N. B.—Extensive liveries, with fine carriages, in Carlisle, for the accommodatiori of visitors, daily fr.m Carlisle to the Springs, during the j Spring :eason• - ung2B-5w Didication. THE dedication to Divine Worship of the St. John's Church, in Franklin township, York co., situate on•the State Road three miles south of Dillsburg, will take place on SUI' , DAY, the 6th. day of August next. German and English preaching may be expected on that day and the 8 titurday before, and the friends of Religion are invited to attend. By order of the Trustees. juno2B, List of Rotates of riterchandize i ko, FOR CUMBERLAND COUNTY, As classified by Jefferson Worthington, Esq., Mercantile Appraiser according to the seve ral Acts of Assetnbly relating thereto. CARLISLE. • . Names. .. Class. License. Jason W.,Eby, Tulin G,Carniony. . 13 10 00 Joseph D.,Halbert, , • 14 ,700 'Myers Sr. Sheaffer, - -12 --, 12 50., Samuel Elliott, l4 7 00 J, M. Kneedlen, agent, ' IC , 7 00 'Charles Ogilby, 10 20 00 (Thirties Banns, liquors, • 13 15 00 .. George W. Hitner, • 18 . 10.00 A. &W. Bentz, . 12 - 12 50 Daniel•Eckels, liquors, 14 10 50 John Faller, liquors, 14 10 50 Robert Irvine, Jr. • 13 10 10 Jacob S. Faust, liquorS, . 14 .10. 50 J. & I). Rhoads, l4 7 00 Wm. ri. Murray, . ll 700 John J. Myers, liquors, 14 10 50 S. W. Haverstick, liquors, 114 10 50 Robert Snodgrass, 13 ' 10 00 SM& 1 F Hoover, 14 . 700 .J.-& \\{r.B_Fldbing,.— _ __ 'l' 11 Skiles, .. NVin M Vorter, . Thomas Conlyn, Wright & Saxton, Philip Messersmith, Jacob Rheem, .., George R. Croons," - John R Philips, James McGrannhan, Michael Lehley, liquors Tinnier and Reed, liquors, Peter Monyer, John 1' Lyne, Jacob Wolf, liquors, Arnold and Livingston, S A Coyle, Fortnev and Fisher, Jacob Lciliy, liquors, George Foland, Andrew C Lechler, (' InhotT. agent, liquors, George Heckman, liquors, Peter Homer, . John E Forster, Nathaniel Dantch, Doak Mnioy, Mary McGinnis, agent 15 SHIPP.ENSBURG BOROCGII Wm. F. Carey, 4 7 00 Robert Snodgrass & Co. , • 2 12 5Q Eilivard Scull, 1 7 00 -1-44ory-Dollar, 4 7 00 Gish and Hinsey, 3 . 10 ,00 Jonathan Peal, r 7 00 . John A Clippinger, 2 12 50 Janice Oillifird, • 4 7 00 (leck and Peal, 3 10 00 John Fulwiler, - 3 . 10 00 S Kunkle, ' 3 • 10 00 John S.ninhnuiab, 1 ' • 700 -David Ni-vin, liquors, 4 10 50 Philip Rooniz, 3 10 00 Peter S Arts, agent, 4 7 00 -lio('Pli I'. Nevin, 1 15 00 \V I ) 1.3.1,1,,,,_. 4 7 00 J f and C B Allich, 1 7 00 Fletninff and Sheffver, ' 4 700 John B I) oiwan, -1 7 00 Robert IVelsh, 4 7 00 DICKINSON Tl'. Andrew G Miller, 13 10 00 And rew Comrey, liquors, , 14 10 50 'l' C Miller, 14 7 00 Russell and Dice, 13 10 00 W M Waits, 14 , 7 00 . I) 1, Beelninn, (3- 10 00 Siiriver and Cassel, 11 7 00 ill OP ENV ELL TB Samuel 1, Sentman, . Robert Elliott, Jacob Ileffiehower, W EST PEN NSB 0 R 0"11' Christian Leas, liquors 13 Josiah flood fv. Son Donaldson t..t. Green James Greason Ir. Co, NEWVILLE • 14 11 Gilmore St Stough William Barr (Ag't) Scott Coyle Jamison Hannon. liquors I'. Nt.l. McCandlish John Diller Jacob Swoye:- Joseph Laughlin. (Ag't) FRANICFORD J. 13. Dickey nod Co. liquors 14 J. G. Corinony and Co, liquors 14 NEWTON James Kyle . I 4 7 00 Joseph Smith 14 7 00 Adams and Eshelman 14 7 du MIFFLIN. Charles Barnilz, liquors 14 - 10 50 Robert Hackett, liquors 14 10 50 SOUTHAMPTON. John W. Clever, liquors 14 10 50 11 , 10NROE G. W. Singizor • 13 10 00 Daniel Brisker 14 7 00 Strock and Brandt 14 7 00 HAMPDEN . . - Thomas C. Munn', liquors 14 10 50 John H. ''/.oaring . - 14 • 700 George Mateer • 14 7 00 NEW CUMBERLAND. J. K. Bonk° and Co, liquors 13 15 00 W..S Prowel -14 700 EAST PENNSBORO., • JacohHeninger, liquors . 14 10 50 Longneciter and Eslinger 14 7 00 IbsepirD. Hanks 14 7 00 SOUTH MIDDLETON. A. M. lieldich Win' Alexander Opine and Kropff Rider and Sailor ALLEN. Alexander Cathcart. , , 19 19 50 Eby and Fritchei, liqu ors 13 15 00 Isaac Barton, !ignore., 14 -10 50 John G.,,Miller, 14 7 00 Matihina pitner, liquors , , 13 15 00 Joseith Sehroll ': ' ', '• ' ' 14, 700 • SILVER SPRING. H; W. ,Mateoyuid - Brot . hia • 13. 10,00.1 John Road; ri .14 Dunlap and. Barr L l.l PO! cos,t/e,an4 , , .13 /0 09 • , - MECHANICSBURG.' - J...olillisoW and Ci,. liquors.: , r',:.l3 ' 15 . 00, Simon Arnoldiliquors John.Coover , : , ' 4'1"! 1 :12 , 7 :00 A_ ..I:'•aird - Lrj . t - e , Wer: •.. .^. -.-„ ic• ! ., •,..?..,-,, .7 00_ ,Henry Leat:..: '''' -••••''.-iii47:777-;.,,:-...' Houser . and j3obb, •-..,, , r , ,C 7 . - tri!_ r tiall ' J - 1 1 4 7 00 IBaker AM- prpr., , ,,- f t,-,;.i,r:-... *_l4).-,.; :' . 7 00 -', ra D a .: c. - , 7.,f. , ........ , 1 , ;44 , ,,,,.. ... • 7 00. .I.lrvpii4hv...:i.',.-., ~.!...,.•2.',...,V..,,,-„-5.',`,:34:,-,V.:1,::•-7 po GeoiglFsipgl9 : -,,, ;.. ,, i,: ,- .-..:-.,:.: . - J...) cal-iil..,4o. ) , :o 9, ) , Fyg:,,.44; , f;;iiii ? itii: la i ao't, I.diiiher-OVeZtlir.= ~,„,,,moictianoip.,,,,ll ;reel. list Of„ a p ere '' 9° ". i• rut:urea& tome bY,e'e§ ~ Qugibeiliipiti•coo.!Wiaii•.: yie.i.e.6ol,c . 0 N:f l oor. forsoik:NOrdtjtiglgnil:44/,:con, f ok i: A h e i r res_pee- , All,:filtt.itrula,PC3;l!n c!!itiatird:ttes!:.lst•Aet Of•-..1A11.3'' liite_Liedhsgo 01,!; P,r.- RoBART,,p4opKE,, Jr.. -• ' 4 848 ' ' ..' 'l ' ... ` ''''' ''' '' ''' '' '' - '3'''''''" Coutity - ,Treaserop, - .'' .4 "•'' ,'• ' ,' citriee ~oiirl ie lOti.:-.41:-,T.Pi4-4', ;,;c•"..q.ct Treasurer 0, . k4t ~..,..-,, - . l7 e , rV l • l '' , '", h • • •,, ,- -,-, ••• : ' , Miiii- 4 11•*r• "' "'J"- •i • ~,•. ,' ion `: - r 7 ' '' ' ' ' '• '• • -•-• AO tit, igiSiiiii)Y i!ktr t .11 , ',1" , •:.;-wANTELV'IhrI° a ' e. . 'ilimV;a4PlX.ltta;tt-! -" likTE'l l . iM AK E1k,!,:..';,..1,-Ir 1'f.!. 11 e... ,, , ,,. .;!..,..•.;:-_ , ,,•^,PV-' , -.k'' -', '• 1 . rate worknitiß.,Y7:,:. '4l l .Yok'S - W.CIIITTPI3, - -6 ' .. 4* e ,"•• rr. -- '•'''' •:'' '-•:•-•'-r:7-;',F,'•;,'";•?,:;:,14..:.-,7,•••-;-:,4,1•:....-,-!•••.. ----- Nau;;,A0,4,00 - smento: - = sock anion ; Philosophical TrrOrAN ' HEtcelebratlou'uf.the-59th Anniveriary I -JIM Union Philoeuphical , Society of Dickitt- , ' non College, will take place in the,4l4...H.•Church of this boroughi on TUMDAY,,the 4th of July, next. Services; to' commence at-7i o'clock !mu.: 'rhe pithlie are.respoctfully invited to attend. G 13 HUNTER,. S A GRAHAM, • J R CONE,. • s HREYNOLUS„ DANIEL, G.SMITH, • D CHENNOWITH, Commit. of Arrnng't. MEI - Dwelling • House for' Sole. THE subscriber offers for sale the _G . DWELLING HOUSE and LOT .-of GROUND, situate in West St., hetweenllain and Pomfret streets, • in this borough, now occupied by Capt. Gouge Ego: The house is a new two story Brisk, with a comfortable mile story, and is in good condition throughout. For particulars enquire of June2l-3m A STOUFFER. S . 0Y WANED—,A surart,intelligent BOY T about 16 years of age, wanted to learn the Drug business june2l • • • S ELLIOTT —Sale of Household: Furniture. , " NETILL be:gbld StilC - , - ori`Thuradnii V 22d June; the HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE of Prof. McClintoek, including Piano, Sofas,Walnin Chairs, Carpeting, Wardrobe, etc., comprising a large colleetion of' Furniture,- generally of the best quality; and in excellent or der. Sole nt'tho house of Prof. McC LINT 0 CK, in West iLouther street; commencing et 10 o'clock A. M. . • june2l ',THE subscriber's have t jutreceived from Phil adelphia, a fresh • supply of Drugs, Medicines, aye -stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, bm.— Our stock is now large and complete, and as we are determined not to bemndersold, but to sell at the lowest cash prices, we invite the,attention of country •merchants, physicians and others, to examine our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. - J. & W. B. FLENI IN O june corner of Plitt and High st 7 00 ME GARS.—An assortment et very fine cigars; XL/ also prime Cavendish Tobacco. for sale by mnyl7 J. A. BISHOP. Perfumes, Oils and Soaps. A FINE tind fresh supply from Roussel's and other of the best city houses, among which nre double extract Sweet Briar, Rose. Geranium, Verbena, Patchouly, Heliotrope, Mil!diem and Musk, tastefully put up and for sole at the lowest prictrec -- Alsm—for the Hair, Bandoline, l'om• made nun Fleure, Jenny Lind hair gloss. Bear's Oil, Maccassor Oil, fine-scented Antique Oil, Pliibirome, Beef's Marrow, tin Myrtle and Vio let Ponunsdes. Also Fancy•SYiaps, ricirlf" - OA Roussals-Shaving Crenni: Wright's do, Military do, Almond and l'nlm Wash Soap, making 'un assortment unsurpassed by nny in the borough: may3l S \V fl'A VE R STI C Second Arrival of New , Goods! A -S. A. COYLE Ins rp . msneturned from Phil. moo adelphin, nod is now w ti y — ;Iv - pening a large and Ikon& Solon 11 , 4;ortment . of -SUMMER (AMES, : which will be sold 30 per centtilletiper than ever. consisting in part of new style dress goods for Ladies, viz : Striped Jasperines, Grenadines, Painted Bareges, Batiste. • Satin Stripe do Plaid Poil flecherre, .Mode do Laines, French Gingliams. Also, a large 'assortment of French Cloths, Castimers and Vestings, Bonnets, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiers. Poreliasers will please call and examine his stock for themselvss, as ho is determined to sell cheap fur cash. mpy 31 S. A. COYLE ICKLES, PRESERVES.—Just received •di and opened by the subscriber, preserved Ginger and Pine Apple, Orange Jelly, Pickled LobEeers, Gherkins; "tangoes, Peppers, Pirol• liii Tomatoes and. Onions, Olives, Cape's, An. chovies,Sardines, Tamil.° Ketchup, line mixed French Mustard, with a very choice and pure artieleof Salad Oil, for sale at may3l HAVERSTICICS JUST opened at the "Bee 1 - live." a large lot PAR ASOLETTES and SUN SHADES which will he sold cheap. [nutylll Notice to Tax Payers UNDER the provisions of tae Act of 181.1, U any County paying into the State Treasury the State Tax.lcried.on such county, prior to the 15th of July in any year is entitled to an abate ment of ti per cent. on thc..agiourit so paid. The undersigned, Commissioners of Cumber land county, in view of the above provisions, consider it equitable and proper that those, who by the prompt payment of their taxes prior• to the above date, enable the Treasurer to pay over the State tax, se as to receive the aforesaid abate ment of 5 per per cent. ' the benefit of ivhich has hitherto been enjoyed by the citizens a the county generally, should be allowed a deduction of that Littleton by the collector—have authorized the different Collectors to make said abatement from the State tax, in all cases where the State and County tax is paid to the collector prior to the 15th of July, 18 , 16; when said abate meat shall minium to aue cent or more, no tractions et cent to be credited. Since the Act of 1811, the Commissioners have paid the State tax of this county annually to the State Treasurer, within the time prescribed by the act, and the county has received the benefit of un abatement of five per cent. thereons but to meet said payment they havefound it necessary heretofore to appropriate a part of the county funds to meet time deficiency occasioned by de• linquents, until the balance of the State tax was collected. It therefore becomes necessary to re quire the payment of both State and County tax to entitle the payer to the aforesaid abatement, upon the aforesaid State 'l'ax. The undersigned therefore confidently antiOl. pate that the above arrangement, and the further inducement of enabling, Cumberland county to maintain-thocharacter Idr promptness and fi delity which she has acquired in tho disoherge of her obligations to the Componwealth, will induce every citizen to discharge their State and County tax prior to the 15th day of July. . D. STERRETT', DANIEL COBLE, MELL,.._ County Coinmissioners. Attest—w M. REILY,Clerk..' Commissioners' Office, ? • ' • • • - Carlisle, May 31, 1848 S 14 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 1 00 15 00 00 7 00 19 7000' 12 12 00 13 10 00 13 15 00 13 ld 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 In 50 10 50 Cheap Window Blinds. • WILLI/VMS - , 'ftf;isteith Sixtli - strecyPhiladelphia, V EN ITIAN BLIN.II man, ufacturor, has now on hand the largest 'and most fashionnble assortment of narrow slat ? and other' Venitien .Blinds, of goy 'other establishment in thblUnned Slims ; cemprieingentirenew styles, trimmings and colors, witieh. which will be sold at the leweet prices, wholesale and retail.... Old 'Blinds . painted andirimmed to lOoli equal to new. The enemas of Oarlieleand adidecint clitintrY'are . 'respectfully+ invited and examine his as ., sortmont, before , :purehosing`elsewhere; , feeling. confident...of pleosing:rind• giving: satisfaction to pli Who may , liovorz him with a ealb P.4NJA,MIN:J. WILLIAMS, • • N 0 ,12 IskSixth al.; Philacl,. 19 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 IMINE' TAIILOrOIIFine Sweet fectly.'pnianitaiga and small battlee ;'.at;'. ELLIOTT'S, • may:24.' ~.;: 4MBRIC 7 PD Ot4q§e 3s c;7l 4 ?rTece.v 6 o . an idditionrit suPP Of PVl?rip •!pne qlisortitga. Also, W. , Lilco , hrond Laces' atii--Edging)Avit, ti" •,,9,ottoh litiedir llor'snlo 'c loap by' , G. W.. HITNER: 17 0 1POCC0 1 1E11'q7Atiutlier lot of Igir: 41 T~occo;~3pltaof 0100, to suit La• jtt , iit.olfeciel by,/ .0 lIITNER, ANACCOOV,,k-rfkaaao freplkLitalian I,Vl'Maccyoni,%mit recaivad .t • ,:•-. • mva24 E MAY AND, I'ALM LEAP" Erg.'lll:lf , eat re"it'ea et • the 'flies t/ive;',! • Dailo, o . ?Or.Birc9it' ' "- linfiYaL. . :firierindli . ews i y l ,?, F47 7 ' arciiii,ri:lis,l:,9nos,7,_!3';,,, Iqew Arrival. - -4t l j 9 4 l l 4l cßils• ,M.Vkilt4r9 , Fanqn. - 1441 c A 4 MI : ;ja ABic exteindve - yarieiY of-Vaporer e:slust opened by' fie:stiliticritier,%to which he Mines spacial attention; consisting'.p.artirillY. of ,Gold:Pans and. Fismalle; Spy: Glasees, Butter IffnivetOirit'Focket 'TChivris. Pocket'. BOAS 'and Bead'Ptitiee,.Port: Mcineys, , Seger.Casei, Fancy' Boxes; .: Chinless and 'plain Sistellirld Bottles, 'Fruit Knives,,Speetacles, WM& 'toys, Seals and Guards;. Visiting 'Cards and Cases, ,Combs of every kind; together with a rich variety of Other artioles.of elegant design and finish, which it is impossible to enumerate: Call at. HAVER; STICIVB Drug, Book and Variety Store, on N. Hanover street [may3l Admifilatrittion .Notice. jOTICE is 'hereby given, that Letters of Admiri.istration on the estate of Attain Eichelberger, late of Allen township, Cumber land county; deceased, have issued to the sub scriber, whose place of residence is in the town ship and county aforesaid: All'parsons knowing t h emselves indebted to said estate are required .o mate immediate payment ;. and those having claims or demands will present them to the sub scriber duly authenticated for settlement. JACOn LONG, junel , l-Gtp - d • CA.B.LISLE DEPOSIT BANK, - I June 10, 1848. S_ THE stockholders of this institution are here. by notified tharthey-are required to pay, AM or before the 15th - day of Stilynext,Ahe third instal ment of Five Dolhire oh every share of, stook held .by themrespectively: By order•of the Bohrd. of Directors. , . ' W. 'S. ,C OB EA N , Cashier., TH MPSO NIA N MEDIC INIES.—.--Fiesh Green Lobelia, Afrieun'Bird Pepper, Bay• berry, Composition Powder, Gum Myrrh, Nerve Powder', Spiced Bitters and No. 6, together with All the medicines in use, from the. well Ivnown establishment of Armin Comfort, Pluludelph;n, for sale at ' Imay3ll HAVERSTICK'S cCumberland Colinty Agricultural. Society. • HE Agricultural Society met at their cham ber in t.e Court House, tan Saturday the 20Lh of May, and appointed the Committaap_pre-_ paratory to the Fall Meeting, viz: i To select the g round fur and superintend the Fall Meeting-86mm! Myers, Armstrong No ble, Wm. M. Henderson. Committee on Agricultural.lm&menta—Rob ert Bryson, Ch'n. Stnyman, Sicilia Woodburn, G. nucher, R. C. Sterrett. Committee on Sheep and Hogs—Christian Titzel, John Stuart, T. D. Urid. • ,Comminee on Horses and Cmile--Melehoir Drenenrid, M. C. Davis, Thomas Lee. Committee to Judge of Ploughing—Thomas 13 radley , David Sterrett, John Hemuunger, Dan• iel Goble, Ab' m. I,amberton. , . Committee on Hurses—Maahnin Myers, John Zog, John J.\ Ohio, I.;ommittee on Seeds—Fredurich Watts, Geo. Brindle, Richard Parker. . Committee on Butter. Cheese, Vegetables— (";come W. Sheaffer, tn..Kineatle, John I-I. Weaver._ It was then ' • Resolved, That the Agricultural Society will have a 1-IA R VES I: HOME 1l EE Henderson's Grove, on FRIDAY, the 4th of August, at 9 o'clock n. m., to which all friends of agriculture ere invited. 'fits following : committee was appointed to prepare and soperint end : Samuel M vets, Edward M. Riddle, John Miller, Jacob" Bretz, 14'.:1]. Warts. Freel'k: Watts, Pub hslied Iry order of the Society. FRED C. WATTS, Pre3 . l. RICHARD PARKER BCC y. 1 iony9.l AtwoSd's Empire Coking Stave. • IN again calling attention to this unequalled S'l OVE, the proprietor has the pleasure to inform the ffuldie that (externally; it has under gomi an,rnure change—the pipe and hearth pla• ced opposite each other, nod a SUMMEtt BEAR pll AND BOILING APPARATUS, being added, thus rendering it faultless, and un less there is another faultless Stove in the mar ket, this is un,piestionalrly the best, as it now embraces every valuable improvement possessed by any oilier Stove, in addition to some peculiar to i.self, secured by Lettc , :ri 'Patent, The success of this Stove, since its introduc tion is unequalled. Nothing has ever been of fered for culinary purposes that has given such general satisfaction. Stoves have been euqued after its form ; some dealers have even used its fundamental principles, but the proportions were so unlike the original, tlun they hear the'relative vulNo that it counterfeit does ton ernnine Complete COOK nod caller C OOK ST 0 V ES in great vat iety. Persian desiring these admira ble Stoves, are reimesied to mill at the Stove and Tin-Ware manufactory of the subacnber, on Main street, Cat lisle, who is agent for Cumber luhd roomy. tany`2.l JoIIN D. GORGAs. sad revolved and for F LUTES, sale nt BISHOP'S Drug Store. [m3,17 SGAPS of every itiriety, - Rousfiel's Extracts, Boar's Oil, genuine) Hair Curling Fluid, Smelling Bottlesf (cut glues) Tobacco Vallots and all kinds of ,fancy articles, for sale low at BISHOP'S Drug and Variety store. linuyl7 DDoctor A. Rankin, R"T'EcTru lI.Y tenders to the inhabitants of !:arlisle nod its vicinity, his professional services in all its various deporttnonts, hoping from his Irin7 experience. and devoted RU01)11011 to the business in his profession, to intrit a share of public patronage, When not absent on professional bnsness. lie may at all times pe found either at his (ithec, next door to Mr. Robert Snodgrass' store, or at his lodgings. at Mr. Dements' lislel. 'lmayl7 Bar Iron, 10 tons Bar, Band, liona and Sheet Iron. 2 " Gast, Sheer, Spring and Mister Steel 9.0 boxes Tin Plate. just received at the cheap Hardware atnre of may L,7 \YR - W[lT & SAXTON. Scythes. 50 doz. Groin and Grass Scythes. . 20 " Scythe Snaths. 30 "• Hay Rakes. 5 " Hay forks. jut) received ut the cheap Hardware 'store of MO WRIGHT 'and SAXTON CNARY i'D HEMP SEED.,- , A large supplyjuat received arthe Confectionery of .mayl7*, P. MONYER, N. Hanovar at. Choular Saws, HOE AND .CO.'S Cast Steel Circular Saws, assorted sizes ; also Cast:Sleet 11l ill SaWs. Rowland's Cast 5.04 Mill and Cross Cut Srtwe. Just received at the cheap Hardware stare of: • mayl7 WRIGHT end SAICTON." 141 4 F , STUFFS.=-Pgrebna who Want dye j, , *antra - ett .unusually low prices, will find it' to their advantage to call at BISHOrS Drug Store. ' mayl7.. • kLIINIE just received, which will be sold: uncorin?qly joimo Physicians, by ,1• • intiyl7 " A. B 1.9110? • • 'W1111100;:. .qlll.BB. • , 100esaorted sizes . Ipice g o Pun' I..uud ' 5 bble. Liti,seed 01,1.` • • , " • •• 1 ' het•rpcofved; at I irchni i i /lard `store,or, . ‘y, XTON,., . I •Elt!AP8. JARS; suitable for country' denhira In,eandissitalso a largelot for prosoryea .10, 1 l whh isibikattantiiiiro kbe Indies is' invited.-- hN ir 0 0 D6.--lk him° supply ;of Toye, F Poll' Ireadee Fancy Boxes, Yiney end cithtlwPosPs; , Perfurnery : akost to; which . the _ "i„Elt et tendon; of, ,t he I t udieele,havtipdiin c -,,the whole • I solo find eil;Pott_fv-.stoneryi - ot - .• • .;;I.t0:;91 WA,I 8 - P ACIEW,tfe,,,4 ti in 1 .1 j o i e , Vid , ":for7lsale V'S -Drug SION; • {niny irNtiIII;IBI.,111)11t.,. for mrirkinglirion;cotton; 1341irat BlSUQl'.'g'y.rpg;A►ors, ." • • .0... a, -THREE DOhI.AItS .AOOORD-Wlll , be paid I'6v.,Bitiek delivered,iminediateiy Mddlearec , MilleenearPerliele. LLI DA y. • '/$":01i • •, , • etorco - ,7& ,- SliopsT c 78CoT&Ec. / I have ,just received from phin l and 'Nati YOrk - vary extensive ` additions to thy former 'stock, eini4a i-4 neritlV every article of Mechem 'now Ur use, together with, Paints, Oils; Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumer, Soap, Stationery,Fine Cutlery ,' Fishing abkle,— Brushes of 'ltlmbst every description, .with an endless variety of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at the vsnv towsmprices. D Physicians, Country Merchants,- Pedlars and others, are respectfully.requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they may rest assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable tonne. S. ELLIOTT, may 24 Main street, Carlisle Hat and Cap Store, T . 1 : 1113; bkriber having' just returned front the would inform thcoublic that he is now opening splendid -assortmentLoc--SLIM MER HATS at his old stand in N. Hanover street.— His stock comprises Moleskin,. Nntria, }tacky Mountain,—Beaver, Cass - liners and Silk 'HATS, of the most Substantial make and latest style, Also CAPS of every description and qunlit y. Ho invites his friends to call,tit his establish• meat before purchasing elsewhere. as he is con 'Went that they will Ilmi it to their advantage. • mavlo .GP;ORCIF; KELLFB. N.ll.—Highest price given for Furs, Lamb's Wool; &c. . - - . Boots, Shoes..and:,BrOgans. ._. . _ & THE attention of I 1 Ib . public. is invit r ,ocl to a large and elbgannt assortment of 13001'S and—SI:WES. now , open ing at' PORTER'S SHOE STORE,' Main Street, opposite the Methodim Cl;urch. The stock lumbeen selected with great 'Osmond for style and durability is unequalled. Lndiete-Prench Linen Gaiters (new style) Do, . Morocco Hall Gaiters do no, Kid and Morocco SlipperS, Buskins and Ties, at all, prices Misses' Gaiters, Leather, Boots, Buskins and Slippers Children's Gaiters, Boots snd Ankle Ties of every variety Men's Calf and Morocco Boots, Brogans and Boys .Sli ' and Youth's Goat, Calf and.K; Brogans and a general assortment of thick work Also a great variety` of Boot and Frcnch Moroc co, Kid, Pink and White LININGS ; Last ings, Trimmings.. Particular attention will be given as usual, to CUSTOMER WORK, such as Gentlemen's -tine French Bools,'COngress Boots and Clanorp, lindies';Frencli and English Lastin. Gaiters and Congress Boots Kid and - Morocco Slippers, Bus kins and French 'Pies; and every efibrt used to get up the work in a style equal to the best city work, and at the lowest pries, by myth WM. M. PORTER he-CO. N.8.-As the subscriber is now . doing busi dess under the tiem of Wm. M. Porter ti.t. Co. he earnestly requests those hidi bted to settle their accounts, as it is necessary his old books should be closed without delay. If. M. PORTER. Refreshing Drinks, ROUSSELL'S MINERAL WATER, • 'Sparkling and bright, In its liquid light—' . And not only sParkling and bright - , • • But for its flavor it is hard to beat. FELIX'S MINERAL, WATCH.; Lemon and Sarsaparilla, a large, supply always on hand and fur. sale by the grOss, dozen or single bottle. MONYER'S FOUNTAIN MEAD, Is indeed the 'Ne Plus (lira' drink of the sea. sun, end can be had with the above named Mineral Winers, at the wholesale - and retail Confectionery of I': MON YER, ina)lo N. Hanover st. N. 13.—Pic-sic and other Purties supplied..At low rates. XU3IVLOVAL subscriber respectfully announces In hie 1 . friends and the public generally, that I e has removed to the large brick building in South lintriver.street, one doM from Morrett's. Hotel, nail within a few doors of the Volunteer printing other, where he will continue to carry - on the 'I'AILf)IIING BUSINF,SS, and to receive or (Mrs Mr work in his line, all of which he pledges himself. to execute promptly, in a neat, fashiona ble and workmanlike manner. The latest fash ions will be regularly received, and he can there fore furnish to order a dress that will piense the most fastidious taste. Ile would avail himself of this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to his ninny patrons for their past encouragement, and solicits a continuance of their favors. mny I 0-3 in H. S. RITTER. rpOIVNSENLY::; SAINAPARILLA, for the .11. removal and permanent cure of all diseases arising -from -en impuro . state of-the blood, scrof ulous affections ke, Warranted superior to any other preparation of Sarsaparilla now in use, for sale by the dozen or single bottle, at ,T. A. BISHOP'S mayln Drug Store, W. Main street Cheeie, Cheese! Prime lot 6f Cheese just received Ll'. by P. MONYER. may 10 N. Hanover sueet. ? Deeds, Mortgages and Bonds. • A ' Very fine assortment of these blanks now for sale at the 'HERALD' office. mayln - Teas of the Mew Crop. DAVID RANKIN, 73 Chestnut st. Philo ndelphia, has for sale the following Teas: 300 half 'chests Young Hyson Tea 100 do Gunpowder do 150 do Imperial do . 10 do Hyson . do 1000 do Poweliong do 200 do Ningyong Souchong 100 po Oolong do 75 chests Padre Souchnng • 45 do black leaf Pekoe 25 half chests do lic! 25 do grout do . •••• 1000 marts Ontma • These Toas comprise the best chops imported in ships Sea Witch, Rainbow, Tonquia, Inca and Huntress, and arc equal to .uny Teas that have been offered in this tagrket• Philadelphia, May 4 rianaibr Sale, A Very excellent second-handed PI -43- AN .- Price One Hundred Dollars: , -En• quire at H raid office, ' may 4-31 Nabs and Spikes, I . 4lKEGSlsinits and - Spikee, , Jilet received ,IL 1./V :and for , Dale ,at 'the Cheap Hardware Store • W RIGHT- 8c sA,3crcitr.•-• • Pine ;Oil: CINE Patrel • Fies 4 PINE OIL, just l' ‘". .Tafl • e i;iY e : 4 :! ° ' lle atare ° bITAS. 0 GrLn Y. •.70.3t.•Rfieo ve • N 4ls7 ' ' GOOOS;'ittiii: - #A be o14:1'" low . ' . ittiiiii -4 riOit'end iluitle . st9iiVii(We#High: street. ..'Call'aild.see.'. .. ' ' 1 , . ":'y ' ' ' -'-‘- t v-teb 16 .:1, ~.„',; , , '': 4- I: , ZIi,C , NIIIVIONif, 31r§sEotPx/4&74-4.1r4t. or.lllisses Eton jnet.ii i . ipßi. recOryp , '4E4 . 1,41ir el l Vite ver".cheap. - ::::.ITTY3A'' ::•,';:i.. , ,;; ,;:..- . • RENCII i .LiA:Vyli . .'‘,/V:iireaT,.' *#tit, 3.7 lF:of - :-French'-aridliiiiitelt-la`iwnii, l o.iihohanitl o awns- V an other seasonable dulls goochr, lust opaitett by - -- ni,ey,2r7;• -- 7: . ".:"(c:. -.:,:,,, • :o;lticlilTlsfEß • "itirf 4 ),), ,l l l , "t -,1°..5 1 31 1 )P? also Blya;:tixkupsV•urpyfrhalt floe, difraiiint qizßa t l4o:xamyed ' 'nsay24 ' 3 : • • • i'yG.4 7 lT iITNER, 000TC14:GilisfdEUMSA..,geneiiil mom wida kindl,lialibiv. Plaid. Girshapa,.fpf ,pat reCei4d . by3— ' 0; W lt A rt qp ,1019';2 iti,vA 1 7 1 A ,p,s . lJX.,q9;',ll,good:eoliolli3--tcht, '41.; 04•Ns i TANst.., T A,Very, ajgebtll,9ripleikAbf . ).P,Panah‘"Faii,s;',r 9 flitiViid:,a4liii' 44R§P;?,?,,. f h I3DIUNRS at clittiliCeb7 6 fi - 7 , lratene rif!knories., 4 1 ;5.1t, : P t I • ...... • • , . . le 'A - :"BlSTlOP,'succasor to'l2-J i .l.l43reta, teff's has jutif received and' iti new opening filarge l 4 oz. well selected assortment of FR BSII. DRUGS ! ' MhIDICINES,.&c, among which will be fou the folloWing, viz : , • Opium. Camphor, quinine', Draminn Sults. -, Dye Stuffs, Spices; Cutlery, Oi a, • ' Alcohol, Turpentine, Pine Oil, 'fitc. &a 9 • •• t . , — Also, a 'raw; sortment of PERFUMERY, m t . flair and Toot Brushes, , Umbrellas, Diking Calma t Roussel's-and noel's-Shaving Cr eam, Bear's Oil, Cologne Water, Ifair Dye, Ox - Marrow . - FaneyLSoaps, Extracts, . Marx FUN, Curling Fluid, arid- FANCY A rrrtcLns of. every description, to which he respectfully invites . the attention of the public. Ifis assortment it ,j I and rich one, ti and he hopes by strict aent* n to usiness and low prices; to receive a libe al share ' the public patronage. Phystciuns' prescriptions carehilly compoun ded. J. A. 13 SHOP, may i West Main sirret. Carlisle. oIR. J. J. Al YERS•hus chsposeil id" his entire JP Kock of Drugs &e, to %fr. J.A. BISIII) P. Harrisburg, who will continue 'td,edri business at my old stand on, Hein street. Mr. Bishop has IA considerable xperience in thn Drug trtisi• nests, and I confidently reeornmend him to the customers of the store and solicit "a continuance of their - favorii• , . jrßy this arrungerient Dr. Mvuts will ho (wadded to give his • undivided fillelltiOD to the duties of his profession'- • . inept Confectionery, rruit, dt Spcire, 0114 Ilanover Sired, Cot /111111 subscriber woulil respectfully inform .g. country merchants and the public generally, that he is constantly manufacturing and has al wayyys on hand CANDIES of every vilriety, (which for quality.cannut be surpassed by any manufactured in the State) which he will sell wholesaleor retail at the oho STAND, in N. Han over street, a few doors north of the hank, , wheroshelhas-also-on-hand•F-12-1-41S and-N-Il of the latest importations, which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. Ills stock consists in part of Oranges, Lemons., Raisins, Figs, Prunes. Dates. Cocoa-nuts, Cresm-nuts, Pea-nuts, En glish Walnuts, Almonds, Pecan-nuts. Filberts. .11e would also inform the public dint lie has just retued frotn the city with a very large stock o FIIESIT FAMILY' GROCER TEt3. consisting of superior .double refined, chi - shed and pulverized LOAF SUGARS , • Brown Su gars, among which is a very fair fit:ticks far cis. per lb.; e OFFEE, from P I°lo eta per 11,.; superior article of Imperial. Young llyson mid Black ; ()LASSES of all kinds We ter. Sods and Sugar Crackers ; Cheese. Choco late., Hire, Blacking. Hatches, Brushes. . . .--F li ESI I SPICES,. V' 4 : Pepper, Alspice, Cinnamon, Cloves. Nutmegs, Clinger and Mus tard. A supply of Indian. (I est ohlity) Alum. Starch, Washing Soda, Salt Peter; all of m Melt will be sold at the lowerit rates. The subscriber returns his sincere !Mullis re the public for the liberal patronage extended to (i. him. and hopes by a desire to please to mit a continuance of the same. All orders from dis• tante thankfully received and promptly at fkml• cd to.. [map!' P. MON VER.' GREAT EARGAINS! SECOND SPRING ARRIVAL P BENTZIS ('heap Cash Store, where they tt are now opening the greatest quantity of new and chelGoods, of the following kinds: CLotrig. 'ussimeres mad Vesting,' CALICUE. , of every variety and style, front 4 to 154 eta. per yard—and some of been nre first rate at and 8 els. W 6 assortment con sists of about 9000 ynrds. Forty pieces ERENCII GINGIIANIS, 'ai 12.3, if. and 141 cts. per yard. NIANCHESVER C son Ams-10, and the best fur 16 cts. LAWNS—tionie beautiful patterns, It2i, 181, and 25 cts. per yard. ALPACHAS-181, 49, '271 50 and era. per yard. We have the cheapest Aline:has in town. M USIA NS—White and unbleached, at nll prices, and lower t hen / ever sold before. CHECKS, Tichins, and .Pantaloon goods at all prices.—, Hosiery. Gloves, Handkerchiels, Bonnets, Ribbons, Hats, Oil Cloths, Flannels. cotton and linen Table Diaper, Fans, Shawls, Edgtngs and Laces, Fringes,l3unons, and in tact every arti cle in our line of Loaning's. These goods are off•red to the puLhe at lower prices than can he bought any where in the Stale of Pennsylvania, as our means of purchas• ing.are equal to any, and scar superior to most. country merchants. Also, GROCERIES, QUEENS. WARE, ke. • . Give us a call.and we feel satisfied you will save money in making your purchases. A. Rt. W. BENTZ. moy4 3 doors south of'the Post Office NEW YORK VARIETY STORE. JS. M. COLLIER & BROTHERS; beg • leave to inform the citizens of Cumberland and adjoining counties, that they have just open ed an extensive VARIETY STORE in North Ilanover street, in the building lately occupied by Mr. Daniell, between Haverstielt and Lyon's stores, where ;they will be happy in ITet.j‘,• the calls of all wishing articles in their line. '1 liov will at all times keep on ,hand a %%ell selected assortment of Colored Prints. (French, English and American) domestic and Foreign Perfumery, Patent Medicines, embracing nearly every de• seription, and in fact a little of every thing usu ally kept in an extensive variety store. They are the exclusive agents forthe • , • . Dr. Traphagen's celebrated Pulmonic -Mixture, and his Balsamic Extract of Sarmparillo • Dr. Green's celebrated Oxygenated Bitters, for'Dys pepsin and Plithysic. They tire also the exclu sive agents for this county of the N¢tv YORE CANTON TEA COMPANY, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of their superior Teas. In conclusion they hog lenve'to say, that they are determined to sell at very small profits for CASII, and invite all wishing bargains to give them a call. Orders fronr4 country merchanni supplied upon the most reasonable terms. Carlisle. may 4 • --- NATHAN HANTCH. having removed his' Cheap CLOTHING STORE to the room formerly occupied by'H. Grail°, on the oast corner at ihe Markin Potters, directly opposite Forstees• itOre, reefiectfally 'inform =iris friends and the public ik.general; that - he intends to continuethe business on a .more .-extensive. scale titan heretofore; , .Ho has.just received front .111s:eastern cities a large assortment of SPRING and _SUMMEILGOOD4,.which he will have made up at the shortest notice and in"the Most. desirable manner. Ho will constantly; have ott hand largo ,selection .of READY-MADE CLOTHING, cheaper than ever offered to the public before--such as black and blue Dress Coats, FroCk mid Sack Coats of various colors, Tiveed Coats of all shapes and colors, Summer eloih Wats ; Linen, Cotton and Jean coats and all other kinds of fashignable coats; black and fang Cashmere Pants ;' Summer Tanta ; of every. description " and color; plain and fancy Satin Vests—all eons and Colors; Shirt 'Bosame. and:Collars ;' •neck-and packet handkerchiefs; Stocks, Suipenders of all kinds, and very cheep. ...Doo!t forgot, the place—ron the .East corner of the.Publie Square.' . . • .mny4 •'! ' A4* Ili 4diriee6, Wl4 o lC: ve N r StN es . , a a ni s i so .M rin oitt , 4 f ze ll 4 clo wl .Nt e y c ti v , ed find ia(e .at gardwgifOlote.. Of . — PAM • WitltaiT - 6. -- S - A - X1 , . . '..l3l4AlcetoAkas! A „FEW; sold very law;atgrue#r„S!pro„iioVosi‘liigh prgroo.,,,- •. „ !, • , - Sumrapr ;ripened "Bee tH ive,7 !•! 'thejin pf; airiglininCtLiWnii KW 113 vvbigh )loll9lt i talleatti for cash: , I'lr, -Milleridttl;; ass°, rt meni Tu 11r,-,;BrqbhPi'Onehmerei.Thibet Itinkoi. Alplyylg, r lltti.4lleo istoFe",ju WeepHjiltotriliC 1.otOATIMON3r1:?;. MEI CLAILD IVIONYZEIVS RIZIMOVAL, PitisOutAsl ll3 f PAVlP,rabil! , liC'pehheielli(t' bbtWeen. the .undOeigne4, - ;doing , tipsiness' in the ° niime of HUMER' and . .REED;* hoe this atiy (29111 May) been dissoived•by mutual consent.• Those indebted, to the late.firm will Make pay ment to JOHN HUMER, with whom the hooka are left for collection. • . • JOHIsi • JOSEPH ftpgm, .31 The subscribir will continue' biteiness at thb old stand, on the "Oouth.east corner of North Hanover and Luther streets, wheittilhis old cue. tamers and the public generally. , can at all thnee be supplied with the choicest GR OCTlitlgB,and et the 'lowest prices. He solicits a' liberal pat ronage. june7 " JOHN MAIER.. JA C E CAPE:B—'llle subscriber hos'just re• ceired a further supply of Lace Capes, 040 Figured Rush Blond Capri. ht low prices, Jude? - G. W. HITNER. 1 ch PEN WORK• HOBE—A general assort. kfil meet of Ladies' and Thildrentf open work ; Hose, just opened by june7 G. W. H , ITHER, --- _ 1 - 0,111 1,0 R Al R RA.l.4,S—Reemsed this day r 4147. another lot or GunilinliP, to which the at ' minion of the rising generation is invited, june7 ~, ; G. W. DITNER. - meadow& a Irel* 9tipply of Rousard's Cologne, Extracts Jockey Club, Bonget tie Caroline, Veraniurn aqd fume do Jenny Lind' junclo r .T SCIWB FLF;MING 1O REPARATIONS von THE HA:11;--Am -4k— ong the nanny articles prepared fertile hair, none are so deservedly popular as Roussel's Eau Luntral, which is justly celebrated for cleansing, benutitvieg, preserving and proinotipg the growth of the lur. jituel4 Sand B FLEMINCA FRENCH SLIMMER 'CLOTH—The sub scriber hns — just received •n few pieces of Black, Brawn, and Drab French Buritincr Cloth, of su- Pcrior quality, for tram's ware, and will be sol 4. cheap. juneU 11111.LENERS' TRIMMINGSc , :Tbe sub rribcr-has-roceived-rrvarietrof Milliners'—Trim mings, such as Bonnet Crowns d'a'd Tips, flurrs, Canes and Whalebones for Casing Bouneat, Goll'ored I. nines of all colors, together with oth er materials tared by Milliners, and will be fur nished at modesate prices. ninel4 G \V HITN ER • NOTICE . :l 'a Captain's, or other Officers in the command of Militia Companies end the Assessors of. the several townships of Cumberhuid county, Pa. rintlE Captains, or commanding officers of the JL Militia Companies in my Brigade, are re• mitred forthwith 4o furnish a list of absentees of their respective companies, for the present year, under oath, to Gen. EDWARD ARMOR, at his !lead Quarters, in the borough of Carlisle. J. REHRER, Brig. Inspec.lst B. 11111 D. P. M+ Brigade Inspector's Office, ? - '_ Carlisle, May 3 . 1, 1848. N. 11.—In all cases where the above order is not complied with, the Assessors of such borough or township are required, under the Militia Law of 18t1, to furnish. the Commissioners of - the county with the names of all the able bodied men subjeca to militia.dutv in said companies. J. REHRtR. Brig. Inspector. ArIDSICAL INSTRUAENTS—A large supply of Violins; Flutes, 'Flageolets, A ccordeons, Fifes, Octave 'Mt es,l'uniiig Forks, preceptors to each, just opened at the cheap Drug, Book and Variety store of • nut 31 ' S W HAVDRSTICIC Oll° NTIN fl—Just received, another fresh supply of this celebrated Tooth Paste. The manufacturer of this article positively ass;its that Lt contains no acid, or any mikes article which will ut tiny way it.jure the teeth._ June 14 jJ & W B FLEMING Demuth's Unrivalled Snuff 91HE above named Snuff' (war)anted -• genuine) can be had at the store of P. MONYER, N. Hanover street Physicians and Country Merchants, mny 0 WHO wish to purchase bRUGS, &c, cheap, ' are requested to call and examine the large stock received at the store of the subscriber. The arti cles are fresh and warranted good, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices, and will be dis posed of lower than articles of the sante quality have ever been sold in Cutnberland county.— Call and see, and if he does not make it to your advantage to purcease front hint, he will not ask you to buy. Orders from the country t‘ill receive prompt attention, the articles guainntied good, and prices lower than any other place in Carlisle. J. - A. BISHOP. • Successor to J. J. Myers, Main at. muyd ■yOPS.—A large supply of Fsasu Hors, just RI received nt ' S. ELLIOTT'S. inny24 ITINEGAR..-150 gale. pure Cider Vinegar, V received at [may24] ELLIOTT'°: A PER HA NOI NOS.—The subscribenes just received a fey, sort of Parlor And Hall Paper ; also for Chimney Boards, among which are some brilliant design: tilay2 I 'DONN ET RIBBON S—A large and, beauti fal asset uncut of Bonnet and Cnp Ribbons., of all colors and prices, have just been . owed and for sale at reduced prices, by mayS...4 G W HITNER A LARGE assortment oT gannet and Cnp Ribbons very cheap, for sale by aprl2. G. R. CROOKS A bulge assortment of Brown, Plaid and tll. li/bye LINEN DRILLS, just received' at ther“Bee Hive," N. Hanover street, which wilt be sold very low. may3l Cloths and Cassimeres. CLOTHS, Oassimeres, Satinetts and a general assortment of Vestings, very love,•at he Cheap Store in West High street. Jan 12 1948 • J G CARIVIONY Westing and Calicoes. THE subscriber has just ...received a very large ?stook of Mualins and Calicoes, winch he °tiara .at'ektfetueli , dow. prices. Call and sea them apr 12 ROWT. Fluid Xiamps FRESI-lestock of Fluid . L - Oorts just received by_the - !itilacriber. ' ern - 12 R:fIiVIII.E; ireas. '•• .A FRESH stock pf Tea company's Teas jest,ipeeiyed; by, t he *lib scriber. Opt 12) 4, R. IRVINE. . Pingliams , " THE attention of the Lad - sleinvited •• to a otoOs.of Gingllarnitrom Just op.ene'll.hy:t4e,ruips . pltbei. -apry2, ...t -sonnet and. Eorkortt, .A-'AIME Stack; o,l,sl,lrfte.e,ive fgr Inpr. 12), • • ." „ . ; NOIZIOni' '" a, v;, ; • • proper to Iniorm the ptililie.,:ilfei'iheiSTA .TED MEETING 4, of the ,13,otitTl'hUtOohneie• sioneri will bola& on the - ,Secopin','eMi'll:itintTu • 'MOND/as of each 4tio tt th;' et'ivhieli.tiMe;,tiny,per. • t epee haVink:bitehfees , with'enie;l3oitici;s:wtllM:mot them at, their erne° • : •\' . ;,i; ;4, , - Illy • • . Carlisle, • a •• ~,t r 'Ott. ''t I'ollo4lton Fraß, , aisuiii/16reeicioiti4i9eAthriply c 4 ` , ,t,--.'GARDE M-SgEDSl',',jesti : 'ethlied'seind iv . • eiIe=OI.II,A:II,O4STtC4C'P, Drug Store. • (Ai 41 I', 4l' ;‘ ; l ik el i r l6l .4 ° i ri p aj :i S TO e2...' ;)4 l3f , f 7P ' / 0 , 1.1 IMO s, arnsee tilts ecoUthe. otciaiiips 2 OE E G W HIT N V,R G. W. HITNER