VtlTLOtitpy 4 , , • • ..1A- z , CART4SLE, 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10.840 Democratic Whig Nominations. 'FOR PRESIDENT • GEN : i'L- 5 2 7 - ',, TAYLOR I. "F , qo.lw VOUTSIAN A IMMO VICE PRESWENT, MILTARD • 11. LLIVIO of NEW YORK. • •;: - •CANAL COMMISSIONER , NER-MIDDLESWARTH OF UNION COUNTY • L TIcKE . ' LOanon: ennan,VhAingun ELECTOR ss:l4 John P. Sanderson. Thomas :11. T. M' MEM scrim •G. Clarlis(at •2. J.Puce Weill Skill Jam es.lll. Davis • 4. T hos.W ..D (field 5 Paulo! 0. llitner, Dunagan 7.lchri b. Steel • O. Jos. Schrnucker 10. Cliates Snyder 1 ',Wm. G. Gurley. 127 Francis Tyler , 13. Henry Johnsel Wid.Colder, sr. 10. Wo1:11141vain 16. Chas. w. Fisher 17. Ar.tt'w G. Curtiu IS. T.-R. Davidson 19. Joe l epli mlaml le 20. Daniel Agnew - 21. And. . Loomis 22: Maim d ii vin. • 23. Thomas H. Sill 24. S. A. Pot viatica &tit-Owing - le the iiiiiiiTeii;-2,lllTifilie-p-ea reetlitigf the Whig I\TatiOnal Convention, we ate unable lo give .our usual variety of tZailiag mattertlirs week. On-i he Whige of this; borough held a meeting nn Monday evening, to teapond to -the nomination of Otd Rough and Ready, the pi oceeihnga of which will be foutid in .another column. have been requested to announce to the public that a lecture on the "Present State of the.M oral World," will be delivered in the Marl:et Boum on nexi. Sabbath after noon, at half past 4 o'clock. [Editorial Correrpondenrel Old Zach is the Man! June 10, 1818 11y DeArt.lltaiito—l bid you gnod-bye on Monday last, to come here as an anxious:l . observer at the_aeliberztinnA . .•. • YereilNi Fathers - tot the 1W patty, to whom ir we the people" had delegated the respon sible trust of selecting the candidates • for the Presidency and Vice 'Presidency of the, Unittd States. With a swelling heart and exulting joy that thrills every vein, etow announce to 'you that the candidate of their choice is the glorious old chieftain, 'Gen. ZACHARY. TAYLOR ! • 'Glorious Old I.ack l'you „and I have 'Snug and spread his praise for months• past, as a Warrior and Patriot, and now whit n proudo r y joy you_%l ill unfurl his broad banner at the head of )(u columns as tire honored candidate of the People and the Constitution fur the high sta tion of President.of these United States! For ;ny part 1 love Old Zack. Not only fur his warrior -fame, won by the unflinching bravery Achich led him with his little army to battle Land to victory over etce-of five times bit number at Buena Vista—bnt more because he loves Peace better than War. l love him, because with thous ands of others I think I can discern in his stmpfe but majestic char acter, the spirit, the temper, the purity, the wisdom and greatness of Win who was the embodiment of sil that we can conceive as truly great—the immortal WASHINGTCN ! and his striking resemblance to the Father of his Country it is Which has made Gen:TAN - Los within the short space oh two years-the- most conspicuous man in the nation and thit wall beloved of'the People,- "and the People's voice is here omnipotent:" Considertng -the many sectional questions which now divide the dillerent States, the proceedings of the Convention were marked with great harinony. HE.NIIY CLAY had smdi Mande there as he alone has, "who felt es it they could not give him up—DANIEL WLI3- AtER had his native mid adopted 'State poW ortuiVpress'ing hie exalted il tue{rtouti;but persecuted Sentr had hoots of aleoneh adherents, whose imtnbere' increased , with "every•ballot,—tint there is a ?aegis. it ';--he'; 'name . ot ZACHARY TAYt.on which. is not ' 'to bo resisted, and as the balloungs of the Conyention proceeded, State' alter State fell into his support, in 'whole or in part, until thefillh shallot gaVe him the nomination by .4n- overwhel ming majority. And what is . . ,more,gratifying . is Airelact that heseceived either a 'unanitnons or partial vote from every traii iif the titian. Such is the iiower of his . name that. Ataino:. is the first to declare fur . .-,..the candidate of Louisiana, and . New Eng - IRO and the. yest.as cordially joined in tes 7 Ititying thtqvccinfitlence In lyisinnii . who has , given ~retickyn:Ao,,bis,:niMnir,yi t'ii 1 1 44 r; and who., Will. airs:safeli: guide ", hier:4osti n ies , in, •. Peace. '. In.' Gen.l'ATLOn mire. have; a-cnnifV. • date: whortithe 71010 peePli — tit' the country -.--• •= t, ci - liaii : fiiii ;-trui t iiiitt .-:-'tio is it. Whig—but AiiiiVoi,tlol.o l 9l.ln*ki4. l, -gP"N:ifglr. llo l. 44 : - '.r , : , , Aiimiiko (kparoA ; ;,liel'ia . *:'Southern.mnn s Ailitillrii ,/ifio?;': , i,ut,,l!o!`-largei'llte,it . ciiritiot 1 : : ,.13i 4 -iig - akt' ',44 l iiiF , Oiri.ch l : o t . t 6l3 natrow . in - , ' - ' ''''' '- i'lli4iiii''' .iiiiviifi leia`.,iim sell I !!•-I,Lit.lfygtl ,1 . ,.,,,,,._..P,......- _ ~, . •.' - - 7.Nrifo*olk4o!!l.!Xit• conquest•,ariti teriherio 1 !': .. Q.;1,1013iii.0f the':`-ptirpose'.'df propagating 'sig.: l istifi:o, - , - ,0000g ,- **!!. - qievoirp3: -. of the - ill ~..; i :5 . ,3 . , , , ..4ilkt)i'Ai#S4e3Ml7}lll:4) jitifips,deFlortii,!o - . 4 l'i." iikl3 l4 4 ° ;* 044 00 1 F find to. ikki q - ! --o *'o ta .-- inof 3'6614.5 ''.i 1%4 '' 1* - - '.... Ir. Rfi , ,PA.. , ...), • • ..,,, 1,,i;!F1 .... ,a 11 8 9 11), .•/: VI: trjet,4l,,,o' ff'YrysidCniand: Fre4s6ll.t 7 the7 ;.: 4,1, ii.;,,1 E . ,. ,in li . A, ki a i ,r d c i ti i..,. :the c. h . 4, icrig!,!!!!,ylFLT=l-?,,,f,,,,,91P, A-4 i li rvi. 1.1 3 ..;t1 , •', A P. I T7 ' ' ',l ' l. .Y 111 1 11 0 fihii44 "POV. 4131 ?' ;Pq#,#Y 74 ks i. ,, !!°T'; fAl.j. , : ;;,eito,4lilititlit , impro7priyiiiiia , -Alid!s9Pl3:o = H TA:.:itiyAie,(llo,olo!lfufd.,t2i:, piiiiii!oio7-1110,/ ai l - -4. itit - :-.tiAtiletilA4 - t i l,oilditiey*eiiiul -01 1,% , 4.44.,:0 -WO `4 ,,,,, , ~j.W z. , ,,0;1;?,*)., i. fy , E,Z !.,.... t i t 4 ' ; ` , “g . 04fliagsgrn . ti , o. Ouoll 4001,1110 t, I. % ItY 03 Vto - 4i.iiiiiiii . : . e.my.;iiari,kit i 4 , r 4 + 4t7 0 gi4i, 1,,01vr .14,9 v; , ._ 4 ; ' 1ei''.0,74 , 11 / ,PIA. ~, , , t ).I CP PIMW,:PrO4V4 4.). ' "4r. AMLPF.l%ll9ol'.l# l ll l l o ;tof.',ihii l /.*,4 o lqeTh#c 44,3ik ai -- 4e?i k. 4 - :, , „ cify t papete, InivreVer,inve,e'optottiqleictip ! itejr ; of Thom..•TPlr.".l3e,olile'fs .12ati'ficatien, *piing on Fridat night, (n independence S4tinte, WaeTittontliWihasiAleetii44,Thirl4 are estiniatedilfu have tilriicipatiad . zi . ii it la :1 ,yfie.o.d l lo:eitylee.'nedid have oheyed I arid around Ille'grptare;aed wuch'inanifesta. pions oT general joy, such deafening shout¢ . triuniph; as went Muth from tide vast mid.: ititmle, I rim told were lover before seen or Iheard anion llimmemory of tics eldest in habitant. , The fact is, the oniination of Old Zach has totalled a sti log of the great popular heart which will not cease vibratiiig, until the ballot-box in November next records his . probably unanimous election to the Presi iletiey of the thined States! And now, my beloved Herald,' fling out the broad banner of TAYLOR and FILL:1101M. You and I have n great work to do between now and Nuveml.er. Let us go at it with all our might, confident that staves.; mud rtotwri our °Mats. Let us say to our readers, in th language of Old. Zack, "when We all poll together IA e ean'tbo defeated."' I shall be With you in a few days to enter upon my duties,.arid until then good-bye. Votirs Fraternally, 13. Our Vice - President By refer circa to the prolmedings of the late Whig Natmnal Convention, pnb,ished in our pap-rr,m day, it wilt be seen hat I\III,LIARD FiLL:11011E, of New York, received 1110 no: Mination fro Vice -President. on tin second ballot by a very large majority. Ofthe lon.t". Curry of rlistinguiS63ll 11111ne/, spoken of in the Conception, observes the Readir:g Jour ' no), that FILLMORE is perhaps the snotmest. The leader of the.Tarifl forces in Congress, or mast rove most acceptable le the Nortitetit Stares. Dl•tinguished for great abilities as an orator arid statesman, he will receive every Whig vote, EIS well as the suppOtt of numbers of these men in the op position-who prefer principlp io party. lie me -the most popular man .in New York at the present time, and his name, with that of t , 011.1 Zach," will make i•nelf - riticketas - will scare the loco loco office hollers out of their sleep for weeks to come. Three-cheers for TAYLOR and FILLMORE Ihe next President and S ice Preeident nl (hest Sia'es. Ratification Meeting. A. Parge and entlin-itistie meeting of the Whigs, was held no Monday evening at the) lintel of Henry Glass, in this bormi - 4h, to respond to the nominations of the Whig-Na tional Convent:om Although the notices of the meeting were not put up until the mid. die of the afternoon. and -it was supposed few would hear of it. yet stilt was the en. ilnistagro nEtite people. that the news spread like wild-14(4, and long before the 1.1- , nal time for organizing. the bonze wa:eri.wiled. Ws sax ritaily of the veterans of 1840 and 1841 present. The seine teel - in - g - ni - zeal - mni c!)thusiesin, which aroused :the " -- W - higF during thine eampaiatis. seemed to be Mize anti burning ou Monday Multi; and front the todienhons given, we predict dull the ev enetnent of 1814 will not be a '.liatlow to that whirh will spreaddlirouJ.hont the lena.ll and breadth of thi- d . in Envoi of the v 4.- 1 . 060'18 llero of tho Rei Giaiide, and the :al lented dirlimmisheil Fill more of New tot k. kVe also sty many present who ne ver acted with Rio \V hig party before, but Whose admiration of the honesty, ability, and military achievements of General Tay inr, WaB far above their psrty predeliminns.— Tbey have enieied under tie banner of Rough and Readv, as volunteers dniiiig the war. All personal piolerenees were trieiged ie. and reconciled, by the nomination of Geneekt Taylor, and the it hilts lime, will give for the ticket ''a long pull, a strong bull and n pull altogether..' The meeting: after appointinz committees In make arrangements lor eelebratitig the 4th of and organizing a "Rough and Ready glob,'' ailintirned to tenet CM Saturday evn.n lug next, at Morret's Herald for the Campaign, ONLY FIFTY CENTS A COPY !—c. nci • LATE THE DOCUNI ENTS,,W ! To put our paper within The teach of all who desire a paper dining the comin,t Pro sidential entrap:ll , p, it will he (tarnished hour this time until the result, Of th e p ir r,i,li m ei i ri election is known. at the very low tam of Fl rry CEN] S A COPY—payment invaria bly to be made in advance. Our Whig hiends throughout the country are respect fully asked to Old us in our cfrotta to circu late The 4, h:ferule among. The People. Loco- Ince poison will bin scattered broad east over the land during the campaign. Nothingls sn essential 'o the good organ . zatiorsand sue cuss of our party as the wile circulation of the paper prir fed in our own county, and we therefore confidently look to our friends to aid us in this object through the cheap terms • we e low olfet. Senn on your names Whigs I GREAT FIRE IN ALLENTOWN.-.-TIIO dostrur tion of property by the fire in Allentown lasi Thursday week, is putted in the Allentown papers at over vco,poo, From sixty to eizh ty buildings, Including stables, were destroy ed, and forty-two tamiliel lett destitute 'of I .honse,:hotne,..:be,rlding,-: ; c,lcithing,,&o,-- -The Registersayit-41111any of were in the enjoyment of a •cotrifortuble ing_and in pnerbestion of a goodly 'portion of this world's goods, were , by ille,„fire of the ef-alhthennrieille-kaitil ,•te compelled In . .irk:op and eAsiptance from, theirfesiunfekttitinte'itefiety Were tfii:'fliimcik freireTtlie first alai r mtill the wheleP,Ft,,of our town BeCverileti' , gbodia f wet e fete. making of Clean , stasielli ---. ~ andoptiOiningdver -L -, '' : ''r l. ''' . . .._.• -....--A,l,l6tloarno r9M '' '' - f ': *4 .lli'e thi!) . '-',,,, • has ,, -; „ ~.,, bee n ' . J7.4." ' .77 '' ''' , iirder , jut- . 7 . Washing on , 9 10 ' PP -_'' -,, j , ',4l' , .ih e ' iOl4 4teei, 01,te, , ~. ra:the-*lttid.9!n'°,.--.-2i-; 4".':itil)i6 .' ''' "r' 'ri ' '6' iiillAli fr i.k t from f?' 7' IT -oaortiii,:i."4,9?-, 4 ci; t''.)ie l ns 0 bit 1:.;° ..,,,,,..--..:-. ' 'iii:ii . Sadopt,e , . q. ... , .._.,• .. .Iqt.'losll-n.., T4,;:o:44,'..kilzii'itirAf*tho.o,:, ~....,-..-izr,l4,'TicittioiniB um,.f..1.,6 o. .14.‘,!!'"1!'!'r -I 'll .4 *,'''''',ji•'''''-::'-4C,T, s ljrkiiiiiiio-90Pf,t:41t..r-F72,,;grn''''e'iji?•4.itellt em ,I , .1";olliii-40 f ! ' 91:rkw„iibip'itiyti*4":! irifige‘ivlto,9,-I*,',Atii.Oicz ',..atr, t',,,,,,----'k'', ''''i . "'i , :' ~ ..q..1r, . .t. v, , t 1 . 7. , t:4, Aktz' P 44 .1 V.c.'''':;.)% "a nd lio4&;lLVll.tt,firct: 1 `te“T'or mik "P IP- tailtillit :an* conOt' *tini,n, ~,i,„-- -- .-.4.,-,.., ^ ,, n'tlol),Al k , ,/. .. ,. ,.....„,r.:old ft,41•P5.4";,1.1-5.',,!-'-:,...,,,:?..-,, :,,T,:.'',.--.-:,'..,:,t'...1-.;‘,.if..' i 0 Pitfabitt,g4.j.:',..,',,...::. --- '-,-.--,.• •-..-:,',f-FY;'!:,,,iiK:-.!-,,,,,1---,,, ~ ' , -; 6, i ;;, - - J t':/.•:, '-' , ..1 ,, -,- - ' - - '•S4a''?i ~F ME icititittctr''''f2tbldut"lrfotiit. 7 ` 74 ' • _ . . ,"ttreA,7ik. Oat:fetid,- ,t he_ fith C lAA' Et.e,' Al s . - ,Prelet.k: sni• n'hlgetaphysics and Political •ticorio'nff : in. Pieltilieen College, in the ioity-second; yeav of h 49 yge Otir College is again called to mourn , lhe: tlecki.ie of 'a long-tried and faithful teacher, and our community the loss of an eminently 1153 it)i am: valuable citizen. W. herr on Tlturs , i day last the tolling folotho. College •bell.'en.• onnecd the Inglatirtioly i-ntelliger;ce that the blot', so long •uvended and threatening: had fallen, every c hr6tinti in the cc . nrimunitV test that he had lost' it 'brother ;-:every phi; lantlicopist lainciited a 'teatime co-adjuter. We arcrinformed that Prol.4anwirf. teas' a native of the State of Maine, and a gradu• ate of Bowdoin College. Immediately after he graduated he was appointed Principal ot the 'Maine W.esleyan Seminary; an install stion of high order, where - he - anon acquired an extended reputation as an instructor and governor of,-pfuth, and a judicial's inanagrr of the compti , ated affairs of the Seminary: On the re-mgaidzation of the Faculfy of Dickinson College, he was made &Mier Pro ' lersor, und held that-office to the day of hi..' death: The ability with' which he susigm..d his departatem in the Ctfllegy, lull? justified Apeehttions of hti Mends, and the con tidence reposed in hifn by the trustees. Ho continued to discharge his duties as it pnblir teacher, with the utmost indu.try : and success, till the spring of 1814, when lie aas prolitraled by a.pultnonnry attack. Dur ing the following summer, Ito so far recov ered as to resume his wolf( in College, and was able to give regular ioBlAtiction to his eh1:80.3 the greeter" pail of each remaining year of Ins tile. Praftis.o: CALDWELL WAS an active phi laasopish—lle lent his niyl and influence to promote all the movements of the age in behalf of himinnity; but his civil especial field of benevolent labor was the Temperance ieform. To advance this cans° he spared no eflOtts, shrank from no toil, shunned no sac rifices. Before his healifilifirii;a: tie leeinred ou the subjechlmos. weekly m different pans of this county, delivered numerous address es. published runny vi.tualde ar , wlerymil was every year an officer M the county society. lie represented that society in the Slate Tem perance Conventions lor several sessions, and in 18 16 was sent by the Stale Society to rep resent Pennsylvania ifillTegteretemperance et - invention at London. Profe,sot C. Ltrwctl. %yas highly respected in this, community as n inn of singular glom' ‘vo , ,li and inflexible integrity. lit the coinivielitiMiti , dii , plsarge. of every domestic: social and pliChe duty lietifir thy of iiiiitatios. The netioa of his mind Wits tiiiiloitnly Meat, stlrialy ai4l correct, while lias_tound juilginent,iiiiiiii culture, and '..l.lrni.tical good sense, gave: him _great Mild erica °via the young met' of theCtollegoi-mid secured Idol oho resp7l ah:Lie - stectu of all- MEETING OF I'ITE FAci'LTV At 1 neeling of ;he Faculty of thelcinson lege, hell on JAW.: gth, llle death - of Ali. alaii C A LLL: .A7Nt — Pl , l 0;7b171 . Cr iTfa' play,it i1t.1.1 Eernonny in that Cohegr, nns announced; and the l'Ultown% re.solutiuns atinieed: ' Re-shed, Thai in the removal orProfeTs'm C a 1.1; us ELI. !rem Ins work to Lie reward, the Filen] y ui ll urlu i.son Colleile lament the decease ni a worthy colleague. juthouus ttivtber, a f wlttul d, an Ki.le irnitiector, an exeinCary chrtatian and a tu•eltd man: Reoolved. 'rt., in vies , of his rminent qrroli fiviiitons no n piddle ion, her id yowl', rind Ins disiitigniolied servo rs in ihe ,ause of I.4.inthropy ni.d to ro its oq fo ouibriNed, it/ tue C Be, ru.J 10 the R. •fi:voil, wr , mingle our of ilio k•rellVCil farndy ul. the deco:trod, rind kid 115 r naaa syaipathy %silt 11101 r hill lii a eon, a 116ala'r, a 1111,11BMI aid n laoa.r. Re,olVvd, .1 hat crolte, be worn the-mem herb of titc Feet& y dialog the totheot coi:ege wit., nod that symbols of Moil:ring be etopeod• eel b. the lecture room!. of the Protegser.9. Tieso!vi (1, Thnl n funernl diecouree be deliv ered I y some officer of the College, at n sooalde MC. lleoolved. Thnt_a_copy of flit-so resolutionß be eel to 1t,,, i:111111y. Mid publi.. , lsed i;i Fuel) apirs as the Tice L;.Olot notr nc ley:. \V. 11. ALLEN, ProN't. S : F. BAIRD, See :y HALL OP DELICA LETTRIN SOCIETY, June 8, 1848. At a meeting of the Penes Le tree Society, called for the purpo;o of paying the 1881 sod Irl hole Oi I C,put•l to the memory or l'rof-CAI.D• the I.llovittig preamble and resolutions were unammi.mily adopted: Whereas, Th,o mysterious agent of Omni potence has twain visited our itrvmutioi and re moved front our it idot another-ot dattiognish ed heads,—a titan whom we loved to honor find retiptict,—,ll ise example of purity, inieglify, generosity and piety, endeared hint ¶o ell than knew Idol then elore, Resolved, That din members of this y have heard' with feelings of the profoundest - row 'nod regret, the death of their beloved friend andlnstruetor, Mrrtnet'r• CA LPWEI.G. A. 111 Resolved, That m.view of-the relations which ho bore to UR as our preceptor and &tend. as a faithful contributor to the cense of education, Ins death is to he deeply deplored.' Resolved, That in this sad bereavement, we tender our warmest sympathies to the family of the deceased ; and we do assure them, that the name of him for whom they. now mourn will long he cherished and revered by the members of this Society . - Resolved, That each member wear ernpe on the left arm,. during he remainder of the Col lege session. Resolved,- That these proceedings be publish. ed itt 81101 papers as the committee may •seleet, and that a copy be.transmitted to the family. ' . . „E;.-J,SMITHERB.. c:',I3',ICONNEM . „ Coricuivr.—A' Musical entertainment was, given on Msnday altd,Tuesday eve nings-atLEducation,--Hall.—byiNlvr Cava; BEE, an Indidn Chief; of d?: Choctaw Tribe, which fa, surpassed; anything F , Of the kind we !yet' heard.: ' porthrnt, armee on - Whisrie and i.Snuce tia'n,' , ' (the latter;Cn 'n!'" ll 'POit'°F.i 9 - , ,Ql v .. 6l PYrql°n" and ;cod= 'struction l , — were7truli , ,nsienialliigrail4 dreiv watM exprc asions appmVa 7 a set f.tatigh;timusiciart, 4 and certainly PP 5 " Ses44 1/1 0 5 1 9 1 , , talv#lf,.;the*ri highest •the:lirinOss;whn'is„l l midatanloPlAdlicd Matinirri having received ticompike En. teiniidiAlso:tipPFrnito; PiCnO, 48, 14101Mr—„!1'/ln0.1"11(69f;a119t,*,11iCII o~'d ~~iil'~t,.s~'~_, '-waY':.7~i..'`~ 4 :i~S - ~r.~:~"',~,~:Rg is £~_~ n 1 ,1, liyeAti'a , Rev.; r: I • 41reN, 1, At 4 alii1 army leat..„ to 'doge ,af aria 4640 . 00iit, ' , bit,iiiqoB.'s:i.aiM9o"e lll ! for , ' . zens of :tie - di f- ME it:=7 3 .. We see bylbe. Philadelphia pa iiers this State'aga hut the reiailing.of liipiors on.:the' Sabbath;:is qUently.ertforced in that city- and the of•-! fenders . fined' for' iis infraction, this , is' 'nothing more: han right; alid s we think the -cause of, temperance and . momliti would I be promoted if the example were imitated in this aedioa !A: . 6MP tr 3. We b'elieve that almost every tavern in this borough is kept open on that holy days, where in toxicating liquors are retailed to all who' are diSposed to drink, and in some cases "the result is fighting and quarreling.— Our Borough Officers-should-at once selP, to this, as it is within theline of their dwy...The Sons Of Teraperance, too, who ought to be the guardians of the morals of the community. should-take the matterin hand, and endeavo'r to. suppress the un seemly and demoralizing:in:entice' of traf ficking in ardent 'Spii its on . the Christian Sabbath. WHIG RATIFICATION MEETING. T 411CLOU AND rILLMOUE. At alarge . and enthusiastic meeting of the Whigs, held at the. Public House Of Mr. lie_tiry _Giass,on Monday evening the. 12th instant, for the purpose of respond-. ing to the norriliiTitibirs — otThe-Dernocratic Whig National Convention, GEORGE W. RHEEM was elected President; and ChARLES G. MURRAY, ;WILLIAM C. CART, SAMUEL MORRETT.Rnd J.otts; ATLEE, Vice Presidents; and Major JAMAS M. ALIEN and WlLLtarit MILES, Secretaries. The object of tbe meeting having been stated by - L. G.--Bnammaurty, H. SMITH, Esq., and Major JAcun BREIz addressed the meeting on the subject of the ratification of the dominations 'of the Democratic Whig . National Convention. Lach of thi speakers, with their friends. had been in favor of the nomination of different candidates; but the nomination . rd-G . eneral ZACHARY TAYLOR and MILLARD FILLNIORE havin4 been made by themocratio:Wlti , werewillingio sacrifice thelrpersonal preferences, for the success 'of die principles involved in the contest The following resolution was then offered,' and passed unanimously, and with great enthusiasM:' -4Zesnlvt.4-;--•T.ltat all pint dilTr-rt-ne to—catteltdatcs, arc now rdconailed at* option oi , the Democra tic 'Whig National Convention, and we hereby declare our approval of the Immi nations of the 'distM,i‘it.hed hero and patriot, Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR for President:and tiIILLA RD FILLMORE for - Vice President of the United States, and that we will use all honorable means to secure their election. Committees were then appointed to make arrangements for celebrating the FOURTH OF JULY, and for organiz ing a . e Poligh & Ready" Olub,:and the meeting adjourned to meet at the Public House of Mr. Samuel Morrett, on Satur day evening next. [Signed by the Officers. pRocEEI°{INGs OF THE .c. \ • WHIG NATIONAL CONVENTION. The Whig s National Convention to tenni- mate ci militates for the l'.esidency and V jet] I esidency of ihe Untied States. assembled tc.lay i -ln'tho - tipper S.denn al the Chinese Nlutoutn, and immedialely proceeded to an organization. The membersol the Conven tion Lenin to assemble in the Saloon as early as 9 o'clock, anti even at thlt early hour the galleries welts thrungel, seen coutinued to till up until at the time al the otgatlization, every nook and corner was crowded, while thousands outside were unable to gain ad_ unitance. The delegates from the several States are generally full, or nearly so, and the greatest good feeling seen is to preiMil among them, consideling the ardor with wilmh...ll.te friends id the several catididates Advocate their claims. At 11 o'dloetc, tient). White, of l'hilade!. phis, railed the Convention to older, mid moved that ,Jottrt A. Cou.tatt, Sentitotial Detegato from Now Yolk, take the chair, I r no purpose 01 a temporary or6ratitzation, which was unntinontWy, agreed to , alter which, on motion of Mr. Houston of Kett : tueky, Limp lIARkAN of Kentucky, was ap pointed tempaauty..beerently. By i li vjuuttsif of tIM Convention, the Rev. Dr. litithodil, who was pie,-ent, came tor , ward and• altered up it let vent Mid eloquent I prayer ' ittMk Mg tho blessitigs of Heavett upon the Cott volition. find asking The Most High to preside in the 'Wai l of each and every wombat . , to, duide Melt action, and to 'direct all 16111e - beA:antat 01the molly." -- , Olt motion of Mr. Collier . efoOttiii, ions Sit CIuMAN of 0., was' appoitited'aia ridditionul Seuretury. - • , Ots motion, the Secretaries then proeeeded to cull the tonnes of 1110-'lo4Am' Irom the ' WitiTtirSilifectlifrissitoral - delegationli - - - mk. - . rectitig-theiiitsts . 'as called, ' When Foxes wits'esilleil; ho delegate ansuiermg, the mime of ,Ir. 11'.rev, ol' l e a., *its 'placed` upon lite Udre:iiiitftmAittiiitCsot uf,• , ) 7 ! . ' 1 0- ,: .••,!.; , : , • . r ::ir.-1 7 ,:lit'Olg:,' , Ot: Gil,,;.then slit ? iii4Vtl 06' folltiiiltig , ,rsidattott:'!'.....'.'';C.' "f , -'' , . l :' • `,-, ',- :liii4i;lAkt;,Tii:it , IficiAiblOitrtliiti'..:fr,orn' eat : li • .54Cielytei'.'orWel, ill'cie,iiiiptber:io eartintale, .it,.lnaiiiiitdit",orStities• to:"tiol . ".; ii.Prii4,l llo i i_ ViCO3<,PriOlelltliji6.B6'er,i(ii.iiia- l'orillq pei , ,iniitteil(olgit;o4itiO OlAltiCciMietillen; i " -, -- A4; ! ee ,f t b f , , ,,, , ..- , i f •--: ',,. ~,J , , ~_, ;:i:'Nllii)lollf,'4 ghi4,- - pfreivajho'ilMlO - !! ig rceii :!'".''' '%": 7 ' . ' ''‘‘ , I.'' ' lii"' ' . ' 2 . ril3kst , ; , lkatpl*,:th4 ' :aiiiyceehili# -‘ 0, 1 ! hint 6;toven444 : bii-viiiiiiviiiiod i iiiiri , 'milli Mtg . 'i.4ii r ,..iir4,e - tthlci."Affitiglit,V,..iliitll.l6lllll4'l)l4s-• I lii,gii',66:-- ; 10 ‘ll'iiViiiiiiiiimi;:lit'ill., jiiiitliii,nyiti,' 'iliiifrtjia,l:prfitijilgiifhplifl'6ollo.ol . li,ioV-Vi,-I:(ir'. q 9 Ale*.t,olifv#4; the clOWiitluVOOi'Utt 'ciiirgy .- .., 10 - 6 Joilliillitlkt&n: ,, t.,..(,: , ',-' , -'''' , ' 3 e.:."-,-;-," 1- ' - ,v ,, ,A 7 A'krekrxi2l , l 7. 4'YA; l lt ' 'l ' ' .. ; 4 .. . L :''s-?,.. , !'" , , c .k, 4 1 :' , 14i,liii:RiiliAtIcir t inostekui vea:AliSiik '6O a' ItliWiliTt 'Ali ilia INiii.or . k*iliti4Sit'o'. , '1 4 .--- 4 '. ‘i"-* 44 . 3 /4 4.. ', -...,:, f 1 90,• A 1 r1i 4 T., , # 111, ttiliA9'tt',, ,tisfrnorl, 7, ~, er‘m '., o,,,•c000, le , ,tioaoßorupticO‘yo u, too footriitioqu'it:44:9 tllAX.cig 7 ,::• 4 .';' , ''!e•l. '•,., 7 f, ! . . ' •.:.;:L.W:6 4 , ' - 'll',: - •; ,3 0 - : t--i '''• • ~ . .2., , ,, . .: $., re v : •.,.."•,- , ..x.4.,:;q:A,ik . '%"'nv, 1 1.it0e;1',4 iL .7:5 Mil 41 V 4 & N: „ • • ;• • • • ~:? ~ WI:Dsr:yI,AT, June 7, ISIS 1 -.: l : lll i l :', ll l*ltig:.fit.9 ig.ziv. ....g.' • •Thif•Seifiehiiepriiceedb(l 7 4 411:the'hii. erarStaleelnithgli4ir.nifer,:citrAe Obiooo,iv4 - . itig:;beenCiiikiWtelie,A4e;bs:l4(riiiiCee'‘lotsi,eir7 , noel iced :lei • t 1 tei-t-90760pci t:,.".7,1.1' ::...I ; ,i.,od.jii. Mr: Fr.iiiklitt:44V: iiiiiii7e4Vitht ttittirill e ! f natter order cifAbie::cqtiltentionofie "'ruins OF: the Howie ()I Retirdsetol,l%;es, sO . ',ltti rie 'they, are applicable, be-..ettbOfecl , for,i,The goyim' : merit of th i 3 body; Which wrikatlojAe4.l. It was then announced that the committee would yelire to one 01, theAule rooms of- 11in saloon, 'nod they having retired, . Mr. Belt of, Pa., rßoycd_that Inc the ply- . raise or alloWi.uz the committee timeto die cli,,,e-their iTaiieti, tbo.totiveation ruljontn until 4 o'clock; which alter sorne discussion was agreed to. AFTERNOON SESSION The Convention re-assembled at 1 o'clrek, and was called to order•bv the - Chair, when Mr. KING, of 'Gm, trom tine corn Tinee ap pointed to select officers, made report that they had unanimmisly agre - erd - to - rueorn mend to the Convention the hollowing named gen tlemen, as officers for its permanent organi zation : For president, JOHN M. MOREHEA D, of N. C Vice Plesidents • Maine—Ltither Severance • • • New Hampshire—Gen. Anthony Colby Vermont—Horace Everett Rhode Island—Guy, t :harks Jackson '-‘litssaChllitlltS—Asaliel Huntington Cormemiti l in,-Chas. W..Koekvr.ell Neo Vol in I. %Vat Its New Jeisey—Judge, J. Perler • Pennsylvania—Towtisend Haines DelaWare—John R. Ale Fee Maryland- c Gov. Thos. G. Pratt Vtleitint—Jolin Jaithey North Carolina—Ed in unit Deberry South CarolintiEdivard Gamue Georgia—Gov. Geo. W.-Cra*lord AlabittnaGov. John Gale 111i-sissippi—Di'. James Metealt Loni-iana—Walter linuthear 'Tennessee—Win. B. Reese Eenincky—James C 34 ptiell Ohm—Gov. Joseph Vance - Joseph Vawter Illinnise—Ezra Baker Al_Viscotit , iti—E. D. Murray Arknutas—Thoe. rkatitas—Thos. W. Newton ' Michigan—Joseph R. Williams' Groper Strong Texas,--Sarnuel I Peters lowa—Jitotes W. Grimes • Secteuiries. John Shearmair, of Ohio of Indiana of Pennsylvania N. Ihiw,lifeb Blunt, of New lmk • idol-on L. wino!, of cooffeolioof ELI:ofoof P. flouter of Virgi iia • • Polio. Baxter, of Vermont E. ‘V. Peelc,•ol Alivhigan C. C. ol Alabama of C. J. II of • John 11. Wakefield, of New Jers•ey The report liavinLtlfeen.rea,l b(' ilri• Secrei -1). the 1/011.11,11 1 / 4 /11.01 Gov a, le,filent %yds t - Conventin, aid Ft:ll.Kit ol Yo,k, eig Nicotined the Chair to etinduo hmt 171 - Iki - 5 — , , ,e,n1.-- lVheti the venerable geniltirmin aplieat upon the stand ha vt es gi eeleil o•ith load and tinthe,lit z oic tytpliill a e brith nom the Mew unl galleries. o•loeh having subridaJ, he prueei~Jed ,to tender to toe Caii 111.11.11 1)j, 'pun him in the following elia,ie awl well lined- remarks . Gentlemen of - the - Convetilioiy(lio said.) I do Hot pirs-mss Lingua:4e ,steqi.,iie to ev ,•iess lo) tell my ~., C ate!til a... 1 to re -11.111 kiluimiehts hir the laimir.)mi have C, racti ed 11,mo ,1.0 tie the cliad eXlet.lloooo of 0.10.10 i-0. a- 1 111,1, 1 flee e.Ol, to 111. tile iine...ta..loriit . e .11,1 tit-r ice dUlie, It. cc Ilich you e %%mil.: be to rite,;l,gloal but it es 110111..0 r0,1111.1,011;ity and 1110 e .0 lee 011 tee be mum) the ;4,..,it1cr. ion tor which )mu have asseiliNe•l him• every part ot title have 1..1.011 with tc•vie,c lee :0111•110 cur t•oni.ity— MAI which is II ili-pocsul.le le our , cidet and eisdoin sim iht ch.ua,- tenLC cur alums. i•cil so el) itiies, success 11111-111:10I01 u.. (apillelll,o ) lVe ,110111e1 yieid tin this oer•iisiou pielerilico, anel 11000 tt ill, 7.01e1 tit 010 lA -1,01, lite the benefiiof ourcom Let its ie.ir our statidoril with a lull 111.101111i nation to curry it on to victoiy. Alt we have the is to select that stattilaid beater who will ensure to us success, and intim smartly dio"heliaLit 01 ihe pliuciples etc vtwate.- Let us hare itiber.bed upon Our • Piospeley and universal Pititection," tint let us ti it adopt the moue that • to the victors belong the spoils," (Loud applause ) Let its determine .we will be V11 . 10110i04, noel wlieu , we 1110 VieletiOUS, 111th fetlelllloloo ui our country from its present youil Moo will be of easy anal: mem. Let us reolvoitdi our 'low exhausted tre,esmy.lllthl splead through out the cottony the tich tiles-logs of well ie wiuielid industiy. Let us give to every la• tinier abundant employment and adequate wages, so that while. our extendiog cum: i'meice shall cover every Sett, the blessings of peat e and plenty shall smile upon the hAtal. (Loud and long ohaiiiiied applause ) If, t••Ilow citizens, our tljliberalions arc characterised, with that lore of law—with the same feeling as our constiments who have sent I.Veltere, we have but little to teal: We must triumph, and iii the legilirtial "spoils" of euceess, let each strive to get the largest poition. These 4. spoils " are the fruits of prosperity to our hotel, which severe. abundance to all, and he Mg happiness and plenty to every door. (Loud cheering.) gentlemen 01 the ConVglit'on, ilie tesolt of your deliber..dions shall he to restore to our tumidly, _peace and harmony, mil plenty, 111111 geld order, to restore the constitution tee I itp - legitimaie place, eifirrevive.a correct and just administration ol the laws of the hind, then will )'Q not only deserve, hut' assn.. iedly receive the plaudits, not tit your im tttutlitde_euuMituents.Quly,-butut ol the Whole people of We Union. it this shall be the result of your council, gentlemen I shall deem it the prouilebi lega cy 1 (multi berweiiils io tily:oliililreit antl to Prtlerity, 'that I have hCeit culled 10 preside ovc_tLyour ilelibiraispi6, ylioseliriiiit` tinging ihe sages atill,!patritus, m , Faititi '';iiiiiiiitiiiii - oii Anil!' have pilule:reit these, Ititit6' '' resil,ilil." „(Planl l ll ImigFinitinued aoilikite,) - .: ~ ' 1 tie" question' theli'beinV 'ubi illon celirrii 14- 'in . i'llia.imiriliiiiiiiM": : .,e(ilio 1 1 ice."Tresiilentsi Mi'. sinttr6i' pi.phio;:ir(qi?iied ',W•lictlier the yiee'P r iesiihilit,,felitittE:ti Jam Te,Ziiii,Te'siileil in Xliz as, n r. - yrila 111113 Of. thel,rutisi a nit ilei&' Oe s, , ,t-R o AolttO i atiiciit that' no , delegates -wer*li,ietieilt....lrtiiii„.Tezits,...atitl Rit . ..„ticLij4 _not Aeitire to dii;',..gtoilliiiig that 7:4..iiiiiil 'recognize . i i'v , ei t by,bifeteacihf.' , riglit;ol.thictliMisiima ll' 'l 'I 'iiM'iliii%tiot4 el 'groves - bo ' IT yeti tii,iiiiika:Out,iil*li'llfll9'o'iliu ; 3 lMo,p,4„. 'icleithiti4o,l6Alta(stilte - iii,llo.reOdiftel the cpiiiiot,te.d,',':i.4';' 1, -- ; ' ..',''' '''''':-7, -- t. l- .. 400(yiniiarill*itilte(Iifoboti , liti I , llleli . 40,ir,; 11 ,iih,di tpi1,949., -- 1-PO6AV 61.T604;,`atiii 41,41iiir',:'61"-IVl4l.; , .: l ,liiirti,e)piii.tirit;.ige ,- ,•molino W)lik' .l / 4 0,11ill'ilVit ',014..(10 'rtiiiiik,ttitlitiiiitously l' 4 )°q0 1 t1 ) :101t: I t ' -7- '''''''...i'''''' !T'", ''',, r; i ",eittrY, l giimisi Iknv tht'artiri rn,ittee ~to ,ftl'otiYciThier,,io,64,r?_,Xolly4ititrti . :tal ii "cam': Plitip9,4.:P,ht,i, i oOtiViji:ciei4iiii.inWill'.: l 9+,4 4Alp h. iMlß,, , ,rtileY,llliit' 4 rit)ttig ii(iy , A,itiiioelo „ ( 11. „,;(41611 fp,n'y;liiiNiioo' VII': cly•,l:iy,fliio:efilsi t 1 tyin;o E, ictti47."4l'' tliii 0 IVO, e a . yk.,Es Y rit.4'. = "61ilifelieOlea; • *. . 7. . ~ 1.'4,14i- . l.lggi#ll,fiCiPtlici,', ;Fin' that it was -im ilcri;iitifo,!pr anklitiroie . b . usiness!o theicberniilite 'on 'credentials they tybit I d probablb 40 sorno:; tints, r lriat timvention adjOdro ;ten o'olOok ihis Xrhuceiday) morning. ; f f .- olion'AFhis tine 4 amended so as to make it nine o'clock. 'And, as amended, was agreed to. ' 11'berettpon the Covetitien adjourned. The Convention reassembled at 9 o'clock. and was called to order by the President, af ter which it was opened xi ith prayer by the Rev. ANTHONY A•rwvon, at , the Methodist Church, who eloquently invoked the protec tion and guidance nI the All-Wise, upon Ole delibeintiod,sol the body, after which the minutes of the prevws day were read, and approved, with some unimportant amend- MeetS. . Tire listef delegates was then'called, at the suggestion of the Presiderit, who desired those not entitled to .vote to withdraw from the seats of the body, that those ' entitled to vole and take part in the business of the Con vention.ifint. be more eciv.ettieotly Situated. Nis. IlaulaiN,Ky, then moved that the siTilress of the Pdi iesiik - On fiikiog the chair, be entered upon the journal,. which was a greed tn. • Mr. EVEncrr - r, of Vt., (ime of they V. Presi dents.) said' he wriuld submit a resolution, the objeciellstach- was to.ekpeditethe busi hess of the CouVention. by iMpr i ling, an op. portunitv, and the menneof conlerence. He then subinitte.tl the following: Resolved that when'this Convention ad jounii it adjonen until 2/- o'clock, r. M. rind that the halt to, the, admission of terriers and spectators be opene4--at--4—eZeleck r.. Mr It was laid nit theliatie,w hen . Mr. liraitslord, of Tenn., siigaested that it woold be well tor the Convention to settle at this stage of its proceedings the prmoiptes upo'n which it was to proceed to vole,and in order that that might be done, he would sub mit the folldwir , resolution : • 1. Resolved. ' That each state Mean he en- Oiled to us many votes as is has Senators and Represetainivtis itr Congress. . 2 •The vote shall he taken per cipila and viva vocc. 3. Delegates from senatorial nr Represert. price Distri,r.ts•shall be allowed one vote each 4. The vole of Districts having a plurally of Districts shall be ileterMineil by n majori ty of the Delemite+ present horn jct. who E Wall name the person to announce their vote. 5. The vole of districts, either Senalorial nr Re'presentanve, shall he given by a ma jerit y of IN delegates from their respective Stales. Laid no the table. Kola, of Ga., ellen - man of the commit tee en eretientials, their comethrwartl. and said,Le hail been dirt eted tty the committee In Mdilit 'heir business to the Conve n tion, lint fil-t he ivteild rtiblllit a resttlielon 'by dt rer'inn of the comminee, and lie !eyed would be at:oted lanitie_nroceetling With .he ni the lepott: Fite it:solution was read ;lc tallow:; Resolved. That the %Vida. delegates from th- city ol be invited to sit %fit,' this Conveidion as honorary. delegate.. The resoltnion wit: agreed to, and the del egides invited to mitt seats on the It or. The 'elm,l 01 the contininee was then read, ir4icli was warmly debuted thuti, until the hotir of adjutoilinent. 1111511Wleamomolgi upon the te-asi , etithilloi•nf Ilse Conventimi 111 hit ;009110t.i., the %%PIO (.(JOICI,I altvr much Ilia. u,- BO liettnivi.d. That rtit 7 Cciai•entioi at 15 p, Et (1 o . i•locii. pliWeed In 111, ell i 1•0 ei111010.1 . . R 1 , 1 II 0 1 , 11i , •0 , nl P e4aloilt aii tlat I. Milli 'OI.IC, Ili UlO 1 , 110'.%111 . 4 ‘17.1- e mph. 1/0,1 dele.2.ltes (ruin each St..'e 01;11 vo%e rind rece I,r ; e oi P,i•-ident in Hien nu Itrit . .plll: II AI 11 CA , t a 210:i•I`I . nutu ber ()I (we fir rarh Ilrprr.-eHrB - Smiat , ,t 141 Slue Is mai iied ;Milt ('once'-s :aild if npri,l canlpaiioe Lr icstilt of 1111 , rote it all the delegiitio. s n. atoo , -.1 d, 111"(-1/II -.hail hate r retied a inajority ot • the whole Hu mber tine.: green, the Com:43loMo shall p• , ' eel to a 'second cute. in Me same noel wit.l a 111.,j iii . y sh.til dect•tie tor snow m,e of 0.10 perSIIII-; voted tor. Resolved. Tlrit Mimi a ramlidate for the office of Piesidwit shall be Mils chu-tot, the Cot.velition witl proceed iii matioer 111 the choice of a candidate for the office of Viet, • And at o'clock thd , Convention plocee ded to nniiiniate rannlidute (.:arn obeli of 0., nominated Gen. \VlN ritmo Sen't-r, of New Jen-ey. Eveiett of \t., nominated I.NIF.L %Vailsrett, of Mass. Gov. Kent, 4.1 Mo.. noMinated (411. ZACH AR' TAYLVIV, OW:UAW( nl trie 154. Blunt, ol N. I'. nominated flr.xity CLAY. on behalf of the sVlii:js of ;he Union. • Decrees, of Vu., I.loEllillate4.l JOHN MC LEAN. oh Ohio, • ‘151.1 . .. %Vales, of Del, nominated Jana CLAYTON. Mr. el La., real the lollonnv: ,intement made by the Louisiana deletnition in reference tothe polities of Ge'n. Tile position oceipied by Geo. Thylor, in relaiiim to the Viesiiletuty does no seem to be cat reedy understood fry many persons, ;toil for that reason, it is deemed proper by this delegation of Louisiana, to wake such ex planationtilinil statements, in relation to that • - posirino, as may et)eetnally remove all doubt . , ;toil I . lte. effect of inidieptei. , ennuion on that point. . Gen. Taylor has taken no part in bringing Ins name bettile the American people; in 'voimeetion wht.l the Presidency, nor does lie "pan -oat his name to this Convention •it candidate. His Iriends throughout the coon , try, rather 'discouraged, .than encouraged Min, have-placed him prominently before ilieNation; as worthy -of filling the place nice occupied by the'Father of his 'country., aiiil - Gisc."raYlor, - horn a riensis , -of duty r has . 118Sellteit to the' nomination. • He considered-himself in the hands of Iris friends Who Intim in:aimed him teirh their choice. He has publicly and repeatedly sta ted thatAltey might withdraw him whenever Allisttitought.the.interests_oLthe country, in titter opinien, , requited it. He ,does mit con.' eider that under. eiriminStances which Ihis tinllllo:bas , been b;,euglit",.JOrwartl;' . . r tlatt wieldlie proper' Ming' WillitlinW; sad ' Stich Tina b'ectnr lc.hiisitiiiniiiiiiii i ii he' a-rented M A IM dlse of, hia.nante, subsequent emit ine.et . anti, lirdi is 11ft On pi hall ail ilia delegation n 1 L4aisraiin,_l a ill 100)0 s 1 ale that Gen q lap tleerres to •hn eiilei . ,stetid that.' in It ia brilittnn; fritutilit • who mime 'jute- !MS- CieiventioUi are;. 40,1044-'lle sustain tire. ? . eeti . ...qtent'f'tin4,49 - Ue',llitit:; • Geti. - :Tayler Ceir yew lot I . :.114lit7t O.' •williii:raw ;Iris name;- w clieerlulit witirttrattnl.',y.: "` Gen'Taylor,..e.,a,rqulso A ßtfiltOlvd".to worbak:Witli'emire "lii) l C l3 .Y . .tW vii6 l l 41i11101r J , ! 6 illik , OP. i 1 4 .0040100 - Atel 4l o:4 l .sl l,;, leobbirirre , tot!teltci'i : Aiirt i :Ptte4o l o:oo4,o 7 l #6oloolo,*illy, jAr ! k -1 04 6 W5 4 *#g*A 1 0 0 flUitirtg+0 1 44 1 V:iiii*rtififikiik*lo.o4lgo + q i 4 l . 6 4oo tinl'atrl/V s. itiiiti*iktiVV!.l:.; , d 4311 - y -- olVir - fncr thit : paKol:Gettf - "feylor.' choice.ofthisConventionifial! fall iinii4ihist:-.lhan'' Gen:. Tayter., IriendsikiltiOntitfention withdraw - hiiit;it lailhaqi , atCAPd not his; but in whicifhit --willicli6flullyree'quiesce; and by the iet - Of uniting*th ,iltis t Convention, his friends • withdreW:hiaiinine from the canvnss, unless he be - the'rieMinee of the Convention. Atilt tvii deem it proper to assure the Wings of the Untomilifirwirdmd -- Telhe nom- Minion of Gen Taylor and his elevationte the Presidency, on no other than broad Na tional grounds. • A letter misread from Gen. Scott, in WhiCh lie Wald he hail not supposed until lately that his name was likely to be brought before the Convefi non, and that he should give the nominee all the moral influence and support it may tie in his power rightfully to exert. The Convention then proceeded to ballo t for President. The first . ballot resulted as follows : • TnuesnAir June 8 Taylor Scott Webster Clayton McLean Whole number of votes cast 279 Neither candidate having a nanjorityuf all the votes, n second ballot was ordered, which resulted as follows: Clay ' Taylor 11886 Scott 49 • • Webster . 28 Aleteini - . 4 •So there wa n again no cllnice, and on the Motion to ',locoed to a thiid ballot, The Cnureinion adjnorlied. FRIDAY, lime 9. The Convention re-assembledat 9 o'clock an.l was called to order by 'the Presiderli when tut elloquent prayer was offered up by the Rev. Mr. Burrows, of the Baptist Chutch, alter whic h , the Journal of yesterday was read and approved. ", And_ the Convention then, on motion of Mr: Foster, of "Qa. proceeded to a third bal lot lot a candidate for a president of the U. States, which resulted as follows: Whole amber of votes cast 27g Is:ecessary to a choice, 140. t.Zo there w•as again no choice, and a (earth ballot was orderted. And the nantes_ot.t4e dele:mtes from- the several States being called ; the result was an nounced as cullo‘‘s: - -Wholtin - nmber of rotes Nere-nary fora vlioiee, 141 ' 'o General ZA CH Alt V TAYLOR having ieret veil a nuijoiny of all the votes east. was difrlltreff - duty - n ofm,iirted as„t tie mill id ate o'' the Whig party tor Piestireilt of the Utti i,dSkiff's, - . s. The aniionfirerneht was received with the rut - -t deilfeilifit: and eielfu-iastie cheers, bOth 1. \., Ira iii the etowil fasiire and outside the house, whiich ermlinued for a hmv. time.' • ' ' Several millions io at,lioprn to varinos pe riod. ts eit: made, all of which wale vi,ited The convention then moceetletl whit - the o:der:. 0114 tlay.antt the nomination olerin ilWama tor. the taee of Vivti Preaident be in-orter, --• :\ Ir. Nlyeliell, ot NlO., Itommated the Hon. 'Lnkyrenve, of :kho,s. Mt. finromill, of (',+,. nominated lion. Atorito. Somali. of i'e•nna. Ne•vloo. of Ai k.i114:14. nominated the llott J 'lto tl. (ltt) mit in Del. NI . of New V k nominated the (i , on,2e 'EA aos. of Nlo• Air Sumo.., of N.. 1.. non;inaiel the lion Ail 1,1.1 Milt nine, of N. Volk. .101iiisoii, of Kv., immolated the lion Thomas 1 0 .m-hoz, of Ohio. . Viloinia.nomiliated II n Rt.hert . C. ‘N'untht , q), of i\lira. Alt S ittlit.stm, of Va., Itomitoted the Ifni 11 . 1 n. 11. S .tv8 . 1(1, of New,Y.,llc. Mr Paxton, of N , ow York. troriCoraohl ;he Yorow. o! N. York. r. roster of Ga nominate: the lion. T ol Ga. r. of Pa., nnminated the lion. T. N I,Keowto, 01 Pa. Air. Plait. of N. Y., IMlTlmated Thurlow Weed, DI N. VI ~ nlc. r. 11. ‘VlLite, nhPa. , nornioated the lion. .I.l“..Seravont. i l P:,. \lr. Mot, of N. of \en• York Mr. Merrill, of N. V., nominated Georgd f. 1 ,11, of Ma,A. Thepit nottii:vatincis having been made, and there still being much contusion, Nil. Ewing, of Tenn., moved to adjourn until 2 Ar'rlovti. whic•lt was and agreed it:. Mr. Ashmtni, (t 1 Nlass., announced that:, :VI:. Chomp, one of the delegate: , from Nlasp.) aelmsens, had been compelled to leave the convention, and had - appointed the lion.Setlt Snra,g‘te his substitute, and he asked that Mr Sitregue's mune might be tee:aided, which was nrr ordinglv done. Tle names of \le•srs Seward, Ewing, and 11' imbrop were withdrawn. The e on vention then proceeded to ballot lor a candidate for 'Vont President, and the result of the first ballot Was as follows: .So neriherThaving ._majority...o„llll, the ^voles cast, a second ballot was , ordered, w reupon__the-triames—ol-41-essre—Steurart,_ Sergeant arid (Allem were wttlalrawn,•and the secoriilbaljot for Vice P,residealtAng than taken,, resulted • as. 10.4,41 , FillmOre - ,7, • Law"Yene. ', • • Scatterings,., ''''....,•,whi l t e ,p ure li or of votes coat, • , N9ciessalr4Oulteice, t 34. Antralit.r j suri- - Frussoax,"- - of New. York, bisobt receiveil w h it'll' mare than the . regoishe number, Arai I declar,ett 'elected . the nornhtee of ,thei,/quOventinn for the ,Vine•Pre,sidency. (if thellnited Stale's. Several. ,fe.Olations weretthith "inbmitted, ientlernig thsiikaio, ' the - Officers of the Can vention.-&n., alterwhinh—most'ef the .Statett "restmtidea -trri%.,arni=termsAo-,the'-!•firritilna t!nm : And con vipllbm ; P. Al.,,;'inijilorrieif,*ne.;'Atiek.lt(e,,Aicial., , ,pni,ipible feeling,:oiid,cmiici~~;enlliu+i~i4nt SIIOOKINO rtz,vO: I 9PENEN`reCoPY the following front' the Boston, Traveller, of Pridaylast :4-The fate of'klisagttralt Febtr: Oicto,l7 . o.i.E'orMooo)o4 l , II.; has .heen ascertained:-. It appettaff that she wee the vied en. Or'sedOti,iiii;, - 13,1i0 afterWardk, was .Oriilef:treftimeoYhr father: pf l 40, sedutler;',Dr..McNlAVO,', - Xlo l ,4oftstoi::a9itaii4 - ja ;Wfi4:4-. 1 00:t*Ai:00,4404,41)°!:. ***): l "*.liPOttgstiW9 l #o°C, o lo;'' ; *0 ; :4; P.4,olll,l4l4hirCatitl, 4011A0:1K114,17k9lan','" 010 i r .` lo .4 , l4Co 4 o4§.iolo ll ''''AlfA t f,t l Pliolhliimit t a to 440V4A4illisqrinit)ett 040,410 . 04.);: •-• r I tvlor Seca Clay 11'eb , t ot Clayton I . l\ I Ir ( lay c•ou Web•ter nominated IlamilAt: Lawrence Fillmore IcKennon Stewart Sergdant Scattering IVhore number of voteermt, N,ecosparylo. a choice, 138 1 •133 56. 171 R 2 63 11 280 - 109 IE .