~~~_ .~ ittDitta .1. It • • " oin'ibe r.eilbune. LETTERS FROM TION. JOHN QI3INOV ADAMS TO 1119 SON, ON ME BIBLE AND ITS TEACHINGS. LETTER. VIII. The whole system of ap-' ' pears to.have been set' forth by its Di vine Author in His sermon on the Mount, recorded in the Sth, 6th, and 7th chap ters of Mathew.. I intend hereafter to make them the subject -of-my-rernarks much more at large; for the present I • confine' myself merely to general views. What: I would Impress upon your mind is infinttely important to the happiness and virtue of your life, the general • spirit of Christianity a the duties which result from it. In n y last letter,. I showed ,you from the very verds of our Saviour, that He coalman ed His dis ciples to aim at absolute perfection, and inat this perfection consisted in self-sub '. ..itigation and brotherly love, in the coin ; lete conquest of our own passions, and in the practice of benevolence to our fel k-,w-creatures. • Among the Grecian sys- L-tins of moral philosophy, that of the• • • !3toici reseinbles the Christhind•octrine in. the• particular of requiring the total • • subjugation of the--passions; and this part of the Stoic .principle was adopted by the Academies. 'You will find the question discussed with all the eloquence and ingenuity of Cicero, in the fourth of his Tasculaw disputations, which I ad . vise you to read and meditate upon.- - You will there find plowed, the duty of subduing the passions. It is sometimes ; objected that this theory is notadapted: - ----- to - theinfirifiatiei of •hUrnrin natureythat :t is not made. for a - being so .constituted• as man; that an earthen vessel is not made to dash itself against a cock; thatin. • yielding-to die impulse of - the passions, man only follows the : ,ilictates of his na tore; that to subdue-them - entirely is an effort' beyond his powers. The Weak ness and fraility of his nature it is nut possible to deny—it is too strongly tested by•afi human experience, as well as by the whole tenor of the Scriptures; but the degree of weakness must be measu- 1 red by the efforts to overcome it, and net by indulgence to it. Once admit weak-' ness as an argument to forbear exertion, and it results in,absolute impotence. it . is also very. conclusive_ reasoning- to'infer that because perfection is not absolutely I to be obtained, it it therefore not to be sought. Human excellence consists in - approximating to : perfection; and the on ' ly means of approaching to any term, is by endeavoring to obtain the term itself. • With these convictions upon the mind= with a sincere effort to practice upon them and with the aid of a d [vine blessing which -is proMised to it. the approaches to per fection may at least" be so great,. as to nearly answer all the ends which abso-: lute perfection itself could attain. All exertion, therefore, is virtue; and if the tree be judged by its - fruit, it is certain that all the most .virtuous characters of heathen antiquity, were the disciples of_l the Stoic doctrine, But let it even be ad u perioCt command nt the sions is unattainable to human infirmity, it will still be true that the degree Of mo rat, excellence possessed by any individu- I al is in exact proportion to the degree of control he exercises over himself. Ac-! cording to the Stoics, all vice was resolv able into folly; according to the Christian principle,it is all thoefl'ect of weakness. In order to preserve the dominion of our, own passions, it behoves its to be con- 1 stantly and strictly on our guard against the influence and infection of the pas sions of others. This caution above all' is necessary. to youth; and I deem it in dispensible to enjoin it u pon you ; because, as kindness and benevolence comprises • the whole system of Christian duties, there may be, nod often is, great danger • of falling into errors and- vice merely for the want of energy to resist the example and enticement of others. On this point the true character of Christian morality, appears to inc to have been misunder stood by sonic of its ablest and Wannest defenders. In Paley's "View of the Ev idences of Christianity," there"is a chap ter upon the morality of the Gospel, the general tenor of which (as of the whole work) is excellent, but in which there is the following passage: "There fire two opposite descriptions of character under which mankind may generally be classed: the one possesses vigor, firmness, resolu tion, is.active and daring, quick in its sensibilities, jealous of its fame, eager in its. attichmems, inficeeible of itirpurposes,. violent in , its. resentment; the other meek, yieldingreomplying; forgiving; not prompt to act, but willing to suflbr, silent and gen tle under rudeness and insults, suing for - reconciliation where others vould demand satisfaction; giving away to the pushes of impudence, contedent and indulgent to the prejudices, the wrong-headedness, the intractability with whom it has to deal. The former of these characters is, aitd ev er hiih'biverf the iliVorite - of the world, it • is the cluiracter,of great rtien=there is a dignity in it which commarids-respedt: 1.'49 latter id, pixie spiritedoarrie,anct ab ject. • Yet, so it has,fiappened, with the ' founder; of-Christianity; theAatter is the . subject of His - .'contritsntlatinri; His 'pre •,ceptSf,His;•example, and that the former - is so in no iittif of his 'cOMpositiOri." Dr. .. nary 'int this place adopts -the Opinion of - •Soarne‘,Tenninos, whosetssay on the "In• ternal — ey;itlC;iZr§ of - Gliritinnitj~i =he : striiiiglibdonitiiatiOht.o*tirjet.enisid _ Crot _eltlie.4's: Mie a nd•4*e ire.linen6oir:or,,otknnoori nor exhibitit 1 , cmigkrqmiciinnion or,,CM,ristior ; CI " . • . z4.o4osrantiPrL: oli+.4l.l;ristianity A'idAetfeed ' --- 'prcintinacio'.ilistlakrin i f 'pima bleisingti up t • on ilwfiiiiiiiiiliiiititgAthiOlt-is•bilatiOraitt dt) , I.‘..oft.ih ;meeke>.(Vutiln;SYN4Pnft.glithe44.binel 'did Dr:Paler finir'jliiirtb•rio*tenrineing b preifept•;M: fife' 'XSI - kffiti t tWr;t7Whi4h' illaet • f„ . ';•OrPiif'.',2o•PeWeifitioo l aims Iciilitooolll*- ionii*Aeyeett, that which ivad Oahe ,!i, ovdio;gr;ol_illsfaiUJuetstuovc-Tor : aria; inn= i v :to/O.:in - 4'101'01 T O; tfuniithis!authoratiVe.tiw 'a tftin ;He reserv e d uk ifs' ira.ollingtkoqipcitibl 0 - . l.l f,iiillibNifil'4 l o l slooojetVitlni'ifris•yVei; tp (CimAyetydp ; 40( .0k40.00.p.'0,91;hclpitp.ultoprc:,:olo be, ) a, _I-IfLexptTsis y declared I~ini§elf 'tub ' s `Piincti 4'll3:World, anti the Son of God.”,r, , fle . ,spake as-one-haying au ° thoritEiiato'nlitollialliiiaiplits, but to His Mother,toHialudgeloo Pilate the-,Roman; Governor, to Johntliliaptist, HisiprOeurSor; 'and there-is not in the four Gospels, one act; mit one word recorded of-Him, (eaceptitig . His communion witluGoil) there v?tts not a direct or implied issertiori of aUthority.. He, said to his disciples '`Leant of me, for I am meek and leafy o f -bean," Ste.; but where did J-le.eyer say lo them, learn at me, for ,am tame and abject? . Phew is certainly nothing more stiongly marked in the pre cepts and example of Christ, than the prin ciple of stubborn and inflexible resistance against the impulses of others to do evil.— I le - tirnglit His disciples tenounce- every thing that is counted enjoyment upon earth "to take up their' cross," and to suffer ill treatment, persecution anti death for His sake AVlnit else is the book 'of the "Acts bf the Apostles.'" than a record of the faithful ness ~with which these chosen ministers .of I the Gospel carried these injunctions into ext. l eention ? in the conduct and speeches of Peter, John and Panl, -is there anything that Could jii,tly be called "tame and abject?"— Is there anything indicating a resemblance to the second class of character into Which Dr. Paley divides all Mankind 'I It -there is a character upon historical record dislin guiShed by ,bold, inflexible , tenacious and intrepid sphitlit is that of Paul; It ivas to such diameters ctify,. that the commisSion to "tuner! all tuthens,P.could be eommitted with any certainly? ol success. Obserye,the im ptession oh, Christ. in His charge to Peter:. (a melt) awl upoh this ruck will I build my Church, and the'ttates of hell shall 'pre vail against it.° Dr. Paley's Christian - is hoe -of those ddyellers "Who, to use a. Vulgar phrase, can never say no, to anybody. The true. Clitis!tan is the 'logien! et tenacem propositi virum" of Horace, (the matt }vho is just and steady to his 'purpose.) ,;The combination of these 'qualities, so essential to heroic character, with those of ineekties‘ lowliness of heart, and bretlierly love, is what -constitutes titat — rifOral 'perfaTion :Christ gave an-example in Ills own life, a,.d to which He costurnintils his disciples to as pire. Endeavor, lity,dear son, to discipline your lwatt, and to govesn your conduct by these principles altos combined ; .tae Meek,be genile, be kindly affectionate to all mankind, no: excepting your enemies; - bat-never-Aye "lame or abject ; never give tray to the push es of impudence, or show' yontsell yielding or complyitlg to prejnilice, wrong-headed. ness, or intractability, wldeli would lead or draw you a.tray tom 'the dictates of your own conscience mid your o .vu sense of rt.glit. Will yon die, let not your integrity' depart from you; undid your house upon the rock, and then let the rains doscend and the floods come, and the winds blow an-I beat upon that lion. , e—•'it shall not lall,it will be found ed upon a rock:" Sit promises your blessed Lord and-Master, nail so prays Your affectionate Father, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. cnrusszz.vative CIuzeit.PAIIILLA P'oe dig Permanent Cure or all Diseases aris Ain an I Liiintre stale of Ma Blood. THIS ill . edicine operates particularly upon the Blood, and cores disease without vomiting or purging. It never fails to cure the most obstitiate cases of Rheumatism, Dis eases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bronchi tis, White Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers dud Sores of tong standing. It is cheaper than any other medicine in . use, there living 32 doses in each boLle, which costs only 7.5 cents, and to those osing it ae. corditi to oil cction ono bottle will list IU days. Certificates are pouring in from all parts of Ilia cou ntry attesting the virtue of this medicine in cases at long standing, which have been given up by physicians as hope less and beyond the reach of medicine to cure. tviloop.lNG courar, Shepherd's Sarsa parilla never fails to cure. CONSUMPTION cured by the cso of She herd's Sarsaparilla• The following is frail a gentlemen of re spectable standing in Baltimore,who was of eared or that dreadful disease, Con• nuniption. by a few bottles of Shepherd's Sarsaparilla. Baltimore, Aug. 23, 1847 This in to certify Clint I was fast sinking titnlcrrty m proms of Consumption of the Lung, until I was recommended to try Shepherd's Sarsap rilla, whieb fortunately I did and um under the strongest conviction that it saved wiy life. I stn now rapidly recovering and hope in a short time to be restored to perfect health, ii ml under np consideration would I be without the medicine. DAVID RICIfETTS, • No. 23, Hill street. Shepherd's Vermlfuge, or Wolin Destroyer, • We challenge the world lo produce's natali , dine better adapted to the expulsion of werms from the.humun body than Shepherd'n'Virmi fuge. It has poet used by thous inks with entire sntisfactiin. it has the advantage of most other Virmilifges, se ituover sickens thx, persmusing it. It has cured children thot have !iron subject to fits. for years, nod. that had been given up by physfehin, parents and friends t should'always bo used as a purga tive a far children, as itstrengthens them, and at th same time. carries off the coarser,,par. tholes of food, and worms, if they ere troubled with them. • • The following certificate has been handed to us byJuige •Koons, of Luzerno county, Pa. It speaks for Heelf: • ' Tow' Hill, Po, Jan 2i), 1847." . . ,Joirx Kemal, Esq. jed Dear Sir—You will please, send inn 4 -bet. tleantere orShopherd's Yermifuge. The three , bottles-purelinved-of you a short tifhikolo -been need =with the happiest' cffeets. Were 'given ' te'thrtie;of ohild,ren=iii;one wormiu welt expelled,in apetYil` entl in,'lo'srehs, reit of rnyfainily the bonefileef thismedielne, Sedtherafare.:ordetairlittioiiii. ix edly the hest a rtlelelur. destroying worms that lies over heen , ir,tithialii2)tied the .eet . ttitrv: .1 trie`tr,Qineli l e, , Rettlritylei;Norriph'i t and , L 1! • ' SAMUEL SNYDER. SernSpririllti'and I r eitritre'te . , h re, 's)} , fritii.tir. 00.0 1 1 614 • -;D:AV):lll:l'.NER',lotirtielei" Jehit: Fulwilar ‘ : Roliort Elljett;',44wbu rg ;.; (114444 iWtatekeytililez lettiVilleiVw:Ribheide,Aer,Co. iPlailiffeld; Dub. Ilap.&ller.;'.lthigeleeilh.4sS: ladyttlith:iielP tairrandef,'Pakiertehini ' ' • tAnril ° TOO— —•:'-'fr yid4l,liptiiieCiiiidf..l irr,RnitiaViLibUlki d4 l .4l . lps24 .' Bala' R V LuPggi-(?iiifoylp,)4o.(fritll-'" itsf ..tlf ciie eA i t *d baq644,, o I_l4 y 1 " Pd AsHfo RE 'ti's' , , . . ,having just opened WINTER. , SUPPLISS.'of GOODS', desires o •;colftlie,partieulsir •attention,of nun ilies And Physiciansto•hia•drettlenished asortUX' of DRUGS and MEDCLNEEIiwhich licks been purchased atthe best hciusea in Philsidelphil,aud may be relied upon for freskness and oxcelleriCe. Added to these will be founcl.an entire Stook of PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, • Varnitilies, Dines, lice. Ike., all•elf•ivhich he will entrure to he of the best quality and at the, very lowestprices. Ile has tondo man, additions to his stock of BOORS, besides securing a new supply,of all the Text Books, Ilistories, 'leaflets, Lexicons, Wii • ting SoOks, &c. new in use in College and our public schools wli:ch he will dispose °fon terms . suited to the aircumstancexof all. Ills stock orFA.NCY ARTICLES embraces a rich and extensive collection which it would be impossible to enumerate, but comprising many novelties which cannot fail to strike the eye and • please the taste, such as Ladies and Dentlemcn's Cutlery, Gold sod Silver Pens and t i encilejjair Tooth and Clothes Brushes. Perfumes Of ROU- • selle's ri zit and extensiVe'varieties. Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream Card' Cases, Pocket Pistols, Pocket books, 6::c,Bte. . Also, a new supply of Cornelno elegant LARD LAMPS, togther With Sperm and Moutd Candies,„Saskets, Musical Instruments,Umbrel • lav, Children's Toys, Door Mats, and other arti• cies in the variety line; which' with a 'constant supply :of fresh FRUITS, nuts and Coneectionary of-rmality; - makiiiihuFge and splendid stock to which he:confidently invites the attention and patronage of hie town and entintryfriends, at the old stand in North Hanoyer street; nearly opt osite the Carlisle Bank. S. W. - HAVERS"iicK December i. 1847; M'ALLISTER , 3 OINTMENT. li' has pow to to cause all extertfnl SORES, SCROFULOUS !Motors, SKIN - DISEASES, POISONOUS 11 . 0 U N DS, to discharge their' put trldinattera;notl then heals them: .is rightly termed All-beaiag, for there is senreely w disease, exteraal or 'internal, that i wi I not benefit. I have nawkittor.the-laat-loor, teen years for all diseases'Of the_eitsff,ikonifirnp, Ron saint liver: Inca - 1%11)g the niftiest danger n a n d resmosibility, and I declare before liens en tied man, that not one ninr„lu ease has iffai led to ben efit when tittf.patient was within the meth of mortal means. 1 have Had phys'eibus len met! intheprofeision. I have hat! ininislere of the Oospel, Judges of the beneti; Aldermen, Lawyers, gentlemen or the 14,11estestitittien,.aud..multituties-el the pour use it in-every ariety of way Ktul there has been but sue voice—v-01w anicunwtl voice---ou3itig, "Me , AlliSter, your Oifitmeill is GOOD.h t con lie credited that a salve coo )t•tve tiny effeet upon the Rings seated as they are within the 0) mem. lint, if pinectl upon the chest, it penetrates to the longs sdparntes the poisonous piteticles that are consti tning diem, and cspels them ti•nni the system.-- It is coring persons of Consumption continually. HEADACIIC.--The sah•e has cored perions of the headache of 1•Z year's fit:loth:lg. and who had it rogiilar every week so that vomiting often took place. Dealties% and Ear Ache are helped with like success. RI I reinoyes almost imme diately the inliaination and swelling when the pain ceases. liettil the direction around the box. COLO FEEIT.---Constimption • :Liver Cont plaint,pain in' the diem or sitle;failiogisfl• of the hair one or the other always accompanies cold feet. (This ointment. is the true remedy.) It is A sure sign of disea.e to have cold feet. la _scronela, old sores, z,rysipelas, sultrbetim, liver complaint, sore ejes, quinsy. nure throat, is i broketror.sore -I St east, piles, all - eliest diseases suet, as 'spinal, oppressions, paiu---also, sore lips, chapped hands, tumurs,culatieotts erup. tons, 11124 , 14.,11§ diseases and of the spine, there is 110 medicine now known as good.,_ . .ST: 1.1) Ill.:AM.—We have curetreases that netually defied every thing known, as well as the ability of l 5 nr 2(1 teeters, One man told untie had spent.ssoo on his children Witleiut any Ilene lit, when a few boxes of ointment cured them. II A LONESS.--lt will restore the hair sooner than any other thing. II ICN is the best thing in the world for will drive every vestige ol them wa v • There is proliably no medicine onthe lice of the earth nt (thee .sci sureund do Sure in the expul sion of worismx. CUIINS.--Orepsinv l l use nf the olnt men( will illwa)s keep corns from grnwlo,;. People 'well never be troithiefl with them if they will use it. I'ILES.--Thoustinds,tive yearly mired by this Ountmeht. JA. lES MCA LUSTER Y. Cn. Snit. prOptielors Inithe abnVe tlieditim•• C CHUN --NoOINTAIFINT will beget' no unless the iniines 01 James McAllister names McAllister St Co., Are written aitb a p tipnn every hair'. Sold I)) . Sallow! Ellllll, S. W. linverst ick ni D1...1. I. eN, in Cnr — Nlv i .1, Nf. 11.rigel, \I, SiDgiter & held, Chun:11tov.11,1111 il/1111 Ihllcr . NeWVilk. Rahways Medicated Soap. 1:r...7-GREAT ExeITI:3IENT IN PITTS a Unit ! -- 011T agent of this place writes Of a mysterious incident which occurred in that place, in relatihn to an ex cellent young lady, but who unfortunately pos sessed it very repulsive complexion. Her face wits covered with pimples, blotches, pusinles,—her shin dark and yellow, cracked and-chapped—her lips in cold weather would become sore and bleed. &the had, however, several good traits, one of which Was to read the newspapers. One morn ing as she was looking over the columns of the Dispatch, she saw in large letters the words RAD way's CIIINESE MrtotcsTcn Seat ! As a sure exterminator of all skin blemishes, with a direc tion forall ladies to read- the papers! Now mark the advantage. On Sunday morning she took her place ,as usual, among the choristers, and to the utter surprise of her fellow-songsters, pre sented a complexion as fair as a lily, and beauti ful as the most admired belle of thelown.— Strange wondering and much excitement was exhibited by the busy crowd, and nothing short of en explanation of how this sudden transforms. lion from ugliness io beauty was attained, would answer. The lady, like all her sex,' full of gen tleness and kindness, explained . the cause, and to the gram; •grand and bene fi cial effects of Rad way's Medicated Chinese-Soap; which she had been using for iwo weeks, was 'awarded the full approbation'of the people, as the "restorer of lost beauty.??-- Our -agent concludes thus—t-" Since the above has become known. I have had a pert feet rush for Bahway's Soap." Ladies tied gentlemen, if you wish to ge. tUsh ways Soap in all its piurity, call on . fa h 23 3.. It W. B. FLESIING. - -TrierrlPM .. , riLTO.... .L' ' f pi, , ~r WI tyt.l_,.l:, 4'., il ;.1 t‘ { i I 1111001 i ' j 'III 4,1-Th-1...44W • , !e'''' s 'o; . i4.'', ' \ •,,) \,,, PU ; , ;Nt z '''. f. '" l '..,,, , Mi 3 • .NtitsE'lifitittiirs SOOTHING SYSUPPOH3 - C11,11.1/ReN:I'EETIIING. A LI, Cl. wig h: elk?: Ofit hees.4 Feenneellieldont to,the I•tiißcori,ols9e,rosuoll as,, eonvulniunnoipitehm ' `din, eutineoun disorthired ;ktorttaelp, ttn,d leusenena of the hi:melds trelpfuld never, • bo _witeut.-114n- bip - refeetly that roi; aft hi'elatftilh'iilliller.tiheve e'provetitar m ario, bet a jrial in bcittei.'. , • •,,teSohl ZI4(40 1 1, 1 7%.,catlielen.4_' • ,y-r14i40,470.104:". . , i . ," l 4iiti l iraixt — ilibialio'lliiiir.i ..,. .•A' I ' sdditiorial` iiiipitly , of , !1 , 10 , st . liorft . ;, ! ... 4,1u , a , ,b . 1 . p ;. NC4°d • ifiem opn si at in g 0p,,,- , „; t, , , , ,., i,,,,, ~,,,,. 64 _,, ~,, •,• - ' , - of .ta , , , ! a nyno% Expeqocont,,l 44,..' ' .--,- , ~', id! . V6illlll4r ,OhlicligSf;: t-; '') ''!!.'''' ' '?.... , I ,lloti To n in , ; `e' ";.• 1„i 'tt „ • • :tt am*" t Ate pe i yell* rid (or sale'hr;r: , , , 0)1 ;.•;1..„!::::,,-,';..-.',;..'f;f3, .7ELLIOTiri for I rip cA)v. ,t: NEN R'S ;Sit I. I ,SAIMitt) , 4%;:--,Thi,a, 1 ; 414, 11 t 1 10 1 ,11111 now e, , ftrerielyply uked.:Py4phisielien ~a n (1 . others for. the renioral ttiftl permanent nitre . , k a," s.',„, „N' mil ' o p 'l l4 ' , l, tl iiipeasts,pniabt (ram litvihiriee *tit eil ilk 4100.. ~..., ~.... .....,:- ~ , , ..P.-, P ,.:Lat, i tigs...ii, cTgeei, ..,4 0 1,,, 4 . , Mrtillibi(o l 4,l ll ohnritenrk k, itliiiwo mint id Ikt the : 1 2 0 0 _TOOI gaittp,if i r4igjekka, G,A.- suf.- 4 M3llloAtilivrao AN... -fi vPt i i /Pu.scePotai .l tign'apx ` ,,' l .4P' 9,t00t-Ailita9tto. ~, , ; ' l 2 ,z 3• -IL, i ,pop.r. l tio n .t=o(i ft he samo- mtvt(lnick , Rio, ester i', 'lgr , L c riliktil(v.: '-fr 111 r,. , ~, „ k ,t . , , c' Ilk o i l l 6 4 o tOtikOhielbß i tr) v tl!r , rtellekttli.ll:' :.,, 1 11: 4, , " I'sfli f ..t' il^,k;irpli fiA. eltop,-, ; , / 2 :, ° y4u,tcoritt:•ter o tq a o # ON} til, ~Y: !,',. 1 k' , lst.., , , J ‘;' ,k;' , • ,'''''''. ~ k 'A , , ,, ,, v; -. „ - : ,,,,, , 'm t.traiti. NI. ~ 1,(,), , V,1, ~, , - Akix - .! • ',,V4ilo N'il t ;lr,„ Pt.iiii,*4 7::, , A:4144 ii,)4,44' garla 114 /÷l6, ', 4 ~ ii;' ' l'; ".,' ',, '.'t: 2 '- ;;;, ''''` ', ' 4' . Thi 't .!, ‘ ,,, - ~'. 2 '., , " 1 , ' ' . ,, .: - ' • : '''''' '‘,,'‘` '''', 1: I";'lV'';‘i,- ~ , &_ _ ~,f ; : -.. Ar,,.,:: , , (.'.0., ~,. ,', .'; ,, '% - ' ,4 ,- + 1 ' . r ,4 ' . "4 -1,,, ,H1yi - Citv'zlP--. 1 ,-,,,,. ""•, ,--,..,, .....- - , t,‘,,i ~,.; ~ ~ . , , ~,• , , , ~~i;~~;.'~, t MM -- , r'dittekteititO r 2 , egilliciiieit• TUN MVI EMI ,BngntiVe:E3l~li iiPliilabfll 3 o l o Silk.lll4gew - 4.thips aliC.Buttont ALL 4He:LEADING COLORS, 40 'match Brest'. . es and' illaittilleiti,'lof , our oWn.tiaknufacturaj a' fiist."';ratat3assorteient,lor t best !quality; r sale at the loweeecash.tkite'e; at F.I.'.DRESS-, LBWS Fringeand , Trimming Store, , •No. , 47 S. Second street; 'above ,Chestrrat; , )Philadelehie.,--• Together with ..a,regular,thisortment.of s'r EEL GOODS, ,P • Hair Braids and &c. Also, a large - lot bf. Domestic Cot ton Fringes.! • • '' Purchases invited to call. 'Phey find it to their interest to do so, as the aoodstill be sold CIIEAr. Philad. 1)02 •. • Pekoti Hoffinan,"St C0,, - Forwnhlin g and Gineral Commission Nrorehants, No. 41 North Wharves, and 83 N.Water _ at/fief, Philadelphia. PLASTER and SALT constantly .on band, for sale at the lowest market rates. ' Liberal advances made on Produce. Refer to ~.. 1)11TILTI & KUMPFYREYS tr RA NKLIN ,PLAVP Ze C o . }Philad'a. LEA, - BUNKER & CO. . . X. W. ,KERR, Harrisburg. .. apr 5-em . China, Glass and Queens-Ware. C. BOKEE & CO., No, 41; North Howard street, between Fayette and Lex ington streets,'Baltimere, invite the attention of Country Illerchants and 'purchasers generally, to their large and well assorted stock Of GLASS sod QUEENS-WAiIE, which they ollitr'for sal at the very Invest market prices. Country Aterchnnis will consul t their 'lnterest by a call before purchoing elsewhere. . . aprs-.4t Spring Millinery Goods. J OHN STONE dr.: SONS, Importers and dealers' in silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, N 0.54 south Second street, Philadelphia, have received by late :Arrivals from France,nthief ,ly of their own importationj a new hod very rich assortment of SPRING MILLINERY ROODS, to.which they will constantly be making additions. They have now in store— Sillte for casing .bon.ntna, of all prices. _ i• ency_bonnet_anticap-ribbons,-a-beautiful-as Esirtment, PlainAin - teand French and American artificial flowerslin gt r eat variety,. • Paris chip Mts. Craprit, crape I,isses.' A, Fancy bonnet and cap Nets. . Trimming laces, face trimmings. Buckrams. willow. crowns, tips, kc. kc. And all articles needed_fort he-Millinery trade, (1::7 - The attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city is particularly requested to our stock; as it will he found far more exteesive than that of any other house in our line, and the prices more moderate. mar 212.3 t Steam Refined Sugar Candles Cheapest in the World !—I2I Cents per , pound, Wholesale. ir J. RICHARDSON, No. •12 Market et., • 'Philadelphia, takes pleasure in Informing the public, that he still continues to sell his very Superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of $12.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality is equal to any manufactured is the United States. • Ile alsooflera all kinds of good& in the Confec tionery and Fruit line at corresponding low pri ces, as quick sales and small profits are the order of the clay. CalLbr- send-yours-ottierS; and you e rvetthil to be satisfied, Don't forget. the number, 412 MATtiCEr. Srlihrr, Philadelphia. nil Spring Washiori of Xlatg• • At the great central cheap flat and Cap Store, tV.4 Market street, south side, above Eighth street, Philadelphia, MITT: subscriber takes this Method to return 1. his thanks to the people of the county of Cumberland, ler the very.liberalehare of patron= ago which they have extended towards him fur last few months, and would call their attention to the fact that he has now introduced his Sranvo FASHION or GENTLEMEN'S HAT4I which .for beauty, neatness and durability, cannot be excelled liy any other establishment in this eity.• -This stock comprises the Beaver, Nutria, Brush, It ussia,cm. vo), ....4 ties, together with a very large assortment of ('lath, v o i ro, pl us h , Fur and Glazed Cups.— .Country Merchants and others are respectfully invited to examine the stock. which they will find it to their advantage to do, bolero-purchasing, as it is his determination, having adopted the sys• tem of selling for CASH only, to sell at the lowest prices. JOH N FAREIRA, Jr.. 284 Market St. south.sicie, above Eighth. mar 22 Iron Commissior Warehouse ) No. 11./9 North IVater street, ned No. 51 North Wharves, Philadelphia. 'I•fIE undersigned still continue the Commie• siOn business, for the sale of all descriptions of IRON. Our experience of many years, and ex tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers of Iron, throughout the country, has enabled us to establish such relations ns give ns peculiar ad. vantrig.es 10 serve our correspondents, equal to any other boric. roar 22.6 m ORRICK & CAM Pll ELL. Printing Types Le sold nt I.3IIIIOE'S N. 17„,TYPE -1,012N.D1t V, niter March 15th, 18.18, nt the fol lowing very low prices, for . approved six months' notes: DOMAN. TITLE, &C. SHADED &C Picn, per lb. 30 cis. 52 cts. •00 cis. Small Pica 32 58 05 Long Primer 31 GO 100 Bourgeois 37 66 108 Brevier .P.! 11 l2B Minion 48 Al 132 Nonpareil 58 , 100 150 Agate . 108 160 2'20 Tito above prices, in consequence of increased facilities for manufacturing', nro much reduced from former rates. A liberal discount for cash in hand at the date of the Invoice. Presses,-;Chases, eases, Wood Type, 10, &e, furnished at the ~lowest manufacturers' prices, either for cash or crodit. . . Our Specithenttooli for 1848, is now ready for distribution to Printers,. who will send for it, and contains many now erodes that we have no. ver before exhibited, such as Writing Flourishes, Ornamonts, Ornamental Fonts, Ise.' of which welutve an ample stock forth prompt execution of orders. OtrFor sale, several gd seon.ban cylin- der and Platen Power Presses, S d tanding d Press. as, land Printing Presses. • GEORGE BRUCE & CO. Chainbers'sireet, N. Y. OE ttROOM, AND WOO'DEN-IVARn Stare 'NO. 63 North Third 'street, ono door above Arat[east side, Philadelphia, raanuliteink ors and wh dealers in all kinds Of Brooms, Brushes., B tickets, Ceder., Were, Willow and French Baskets; - Sholianii Wallßruaheer Serhba, .Dusters,'lllats; Blacking';!Eastern ; mide Weed. en-Waro'ciT every' description; &a; &c, at the lowest market prices._ To Pi*chpers of Ireivand,Sietl. 'Hiduicribere, Importers and De nld rs in-Yoreaid - America nironTicetliiiiii: in Ca 1 - tboxtimitiiiii:driliiiiiherip - ii - 01 IRON a cid STEEL,;,,:to., now miitortment tof lailiodo- Norteitia; ci'ditoand,Caionion:-English Iron. which thai_noW and ;Aro oonatalitly Co. eking from EuroposAiroci.;',4taoAthorioam h lit lii ?Of tlorial*,''dtit:l-;' ''English';: Russia n , . h -:America n !mall Roane. a ncl. ,aril' -Fl ,allmura adrii t,ciepritatiaai 'pre Iroad, , lron Ow 'trim; Hillitioirkliiiitivdci:749pringlindßli t itar'.' ad, Steal,4ram boat • - atimpis, of StTexitelidnit , Cast Mnd ;Sheet', .iltooli*O: , `effer:ai th'!SI4:OW.EIST; Tor.. eiteltior 'at sixt'montiir''foE approvdsl'.roferen ' oo „and to. lmfore , reriteurshlet.'Weir eine Afici s Yttlit:Jand ,131 c onillron , rocalved_osi „ Iron itha Steel 1 11:NlyardtSf:ifrir557,1 , FDip;rATiTinge4 i la' ;tiJuly 2B ] 94? • Vc A. • GI: 1 NM • • ' 1(131tfr: , , ... -----.. _. ~ ---,-------, — : -:,- --DrAUNdeesTELVacea , • mlois. A l llo Amnlint itkid Permanent: cure -of 'ill „diseases arising frotitan impure state of the 'Blood and.liabirofsthe body ; ' My : -j: -, , ' , o-';: ' : Chronic ditieases •of. the Chest,.Pleuritty;,Bron . ehitis,limit, etc. Scrofitle .in .all :its forms, tt 7 • 'Getter, cald, head, Cutaneous affections of the facesi extremiticarchronic Rheumatism t and Reps tis, chronic Enlargements of the Joints, Whi 0 Swellings, Syphilitic Affections, Con stit ianal disorders, arising from-debility, Ater- Our land Hereditary predispositions, &c. • • n every change that: is taking plate-in the bo ,it is manifest that it is brought about by s ething having a substantive existence. If wo ii pose the organs of out' body originally.perfect, tl y must continue perfect unless changed by the 4 ervention of something that bears an Milical relation to it. In all cases of disease, there ust be the interposition of some now ingredient which by playing its part as a cause, served to modify the properties before connected wills the body. It is absurd to talk of spontaneous disease taking place in orgase previously healthy, with• out the interposition of some morbific agent; as well might we expect a piece of chalk to transfer itselfspontaneously into Plaster of Paris, without the aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there is a prior cause which must be removed, Owe' the. agency of the"BloOd. Per this purpose there is no remedy superior to the Panacea. In evidence t he following is submitted to the public: ' Philadelphia, Juno 7, 1847. • Havingbeen apprised 'Of the nature.of the Pan acea, it affords - me much pleasure to be able to recommend it as a valuable remedy for ull - those chronic, constitutional and glandular diseases, to which it is.especielly adapted: To those who are afflicted, and require medicine' as , stl alterative, they cannot obtain .it in tiMore ngreable, active and uniform state than is to be foam( in the Pan acea. .4 have used it in several instances with de tided and signal success. Yours, &c. t IX ALLISON, M. D. Prepared and .aold .at the North West corner of Tlurd and South streets, Philadelphia, and re toiled in Carlisle by" S. ELL101"1'. • Put up in pint bottles at $1 per bottle, fob 23 D: . Traphageres Bal§amic Extract of SaragpariHa, antroliespeat Preparation of Sar ,j_ minimills ever- offered to the public'. being distilled from the first quality of Honduras Sara. aparilla ttoot,—and one !Settle-of-this prepare. tiomis-w-arranted stnyerlor "to two bottles of any other in the market, and -wilt retain Its virtues unimpairable to fitly climate. It is pleasant to the taste, and front iiitititcy to age this Extract will eradicate disease., invigorate the body, atid is the best medicine for the.prevention-atiikcure of disease .ever discovered in arty age of the world. its 'teflon is mild, and it eta es:without sickening or-.debilitating the patient:-Thou. sands have used it in the l)r.'a private practice, and consider it the greatest blessing ever offered man. .It . acts in perfect harmony with the laws of nature, and has never been known to fail, u here its use won _persevered Moo cure even long ea tiding and de‘ocrate cases of Ambit's, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Colic, roughs, Colds. Con. suniption, Cramps, Cancerous Suresand Ulcers, Dropsy, litysentery,Ery, sipelas, Fever and A Kite, Female complaints, Fevers of all kinds, Coot, Gee ve1,.1-lysterics, Inflammation, Indigestion, Jaundice, Leprosy, Liver Complaint, N nraglia, Palpitation of the Heart, Piles, Scrofula, Spinal cumplaint,.Salt sitcom, Sea'd fiend, Syphilitic anoints' tits, 'l' ic Dolereity, , Pimples oh the Epee,' Swelled Limits and Joints, Pent in sin. Side, Spitting Blood and all vises Of Prostration of trengtly mid ' Getters! Debility 6‘ the. Jut man botiv. fn all cases enurn€rated Above,-Dr.iceplin gna's Sarsima alibi rapidly and sure!, restor es t o heath. A trial will satisfy any outi:Of the truth of these representations. To 'llll.l LADI ES. Deli Cate Females who suffen - from the olistrnc lions and debility to irttlely 'Ladies of sedentary; habits are liable, will by' the use of one or two 'bottles of D. Traplitigan's Sarsaparilla, regain Alseir_health-and-color - valuable to (nose it hip are approaching womanhood ois it is efilLll - to assist nature by quickening the blood and hivignrating-the system. Ladies who have pale coirplexions, (hill eves blotches oe the face, rough skiff ncfreek les, mid are in w spirited, use Dr. Trapliegan's &inapt tulla. it will cleanse the blood, remove the .freckles and blotches, and give you au ..... countenance, hue spirits, and beautiful complexions. Children who are sufferine from bad nod sin, health, lo more of the blood, eau be quick!, re , stored to health, strength mid bloom. Dr. Tra Sarsaparilla being very pleasant tool pal atable, ehildren take it readily, and such as are thin and weakly soon near n robust and healthy appearance. It cnu be Administered to totants u itli perfect safety, and such as are sufferiog from Summer Complaim . ii ill receive great relief. Nothing can be more astooishitig than its in vigoratinx effects upon the human !omen]. Per ant.s all lassitude and weakiteiis before sitking it, at once become robust and healthy under its in flueneo PIIEVEN7'S DISEASE. The usn of a bottle of Ur, Traphagen's Sarsap. RHIN will prevent disease, and as II I'd, and Spring purifier or the system it stands tinri tilled lit the present day. Its nse will pre vent a world of nu freeing :1 it I pain. It all persons will keep their• blood purified and their bodies strengtheiteo by the uso of thin Sarsapi.rilla, they will be sun I to escape the attack of any prevalent or contagions hi sense. g:7Purehascrs will he careful to observe that every bottle of hr Trapbageti's Balm:mile Extract ef Sarsapirilla fins his written signa_ lure in black Ink on the label of the brittle, and a rue simile printed in red ink on the outside wrapper, as a guard against counterfeit : Put tip in handsome white glass quart bottles, at the low price of ONE DI.LLAR per bottle: For sale wholesale and retail by COLLIER and BROTHERS only, at their Store, North Hanover street, Carlisle opril 12 .. • The Great English Remedy. Mr. ilarbees Liniament 2'03:9 6 1 2RDMIZUgo rinThis most valuable Em bt nen lion has been -used with wonderful success in the cure of seine of the most troublesome diseases with which horse is affected, (without destroying the hair) such as old strains, swellings, stiff ness ofjointa, galls produced by the Collar and saddle, strains of the shoulders, stifle, hoof, pastern and coffin joints, strains of the. whirr bone, knee, and fetlock, poll evil,. fistules, curb's, splints, spavin, windgalle, puffsokm. 11 vorysoon cures old or fresh wounds, eets, 1 . .. an gives instant relief in the scratches, treaee, the di/mates - incident to horses' having white feet and noses produced by St John `s Wort, 'whieli so often dcatroyeAbo,hoefs and bones of the fdet; tin& raises 'the a'etietief sulphur and vitriol 'ointments, LiZsoworfulr nd, Other rentedies'equally . . . . No. application Jule.. herntofbre proved so 'gleeful in relavirigeliirnesenfibe. tendons and jointe r and prod ucing stu% lmmediato .and beneficial effects in. cracked • beele,,broUg lit on by' high feeding, eplinle'and , . ' EntbrOcrt . roli ran o me p d e — d , to , `farrierti;'keePore ; giA* ivory, atables,-wagrincre,, 460 proprietbre, and private gent:amen - own-. it,ighoreeo.r:tge. on reniedyi. and' ellogild Lb ebulliently kepkiii their etablesi "'" Yl';..Algio:fertttire;_Vilieskiberice ro_,en liable 'to. ii(Vl::wouilds; will find 'advent ageons, to 'k enp . t conetionlyi :11'.•i0 q litinefiel aI I n.' lie,. tree t *if 'n ' , nettle:l'6r 'giallife;inre:.neeket' . • 114,1{f 1 -- 'Forealein Carlisle by .1'.4'f8,1.,49E ;,(A ' I P 11 " A' :1-1441 C 14414l ik u Pet it oir, tin - 6M just: reccffeil••at the ! , 1 1 001 . 11ivil," - )141Pnover strew., 'Marv>) Sil ~ ; 1 1 . ..1 -ntaittimitibib- r e P Pa, :Vito" Ada _ . • hiagti.RO.;;"ithhVii.)3titii#,V nod for 'public and 'private :build ings and pu. ic'equares, of every variety of Jirderul pattern. Cemetery Railings, of. classic and unique' de signs,: embracing upwards of ono hundred dif ferent.varieties. .. . Iron Chairs and Settees,for Gardens, Halls and Piazzas—new sly le. Verandas and Pilasters, for Cottages, made in every style. Superior Wrought Iron Gatos, for carriage on. trances. . New style of Balcony,Brackets, &c. • Iron Tabled of various styles, embracing Louis XIV, Elizabethean, Gothic, and modern pat terns, with White and Gold Italian Marble tops. These tables have been introduced by the subscriber for Hotels, Restaurants, Ice Cream Saloons, &c. They are beautiful arti cles of furniture for Hat Stores and other es tablishments where it is desirable to make a grand display. II:7 - He has rocently constructed an elegant substantial ,Ciorr IRON HITCITING POST,.in torm admirably,i adapted to permanency of position, highly ornamented, and representin g a well exc.- cute& HEAD of that noble animal, the Horse.— Such on article has long been a desideratum, and is now offered to the good taste of the public. Stran4ers visiting Philadeldhia, are respect: fully invited- to call at hie Warerooms,rind ex amine his different specimens of new and beau tiful work. ROBERT WO OH, Proptietor-- In - He hue recently published, at great ex pense, an origival work exhibiting the new de signa.and patterns which are executed at his es tablishment, embracing all the above articles, and the various and splendid patterns of Come terk, Balcony, Step, and other Railings which have been manufactured for Laurel Hill and oth er celebrated Cemetertes, designed'expressly for his own establishment, and which may be sent to any part of the world to those who desire to make a selection. Undoubted refeyence will be maul-, ,red onside a pronipt return of the work„ after 'an opportunity for making the selection. . Philidelphin, April 19. Wholesale Clothing Warehouse. No. 152} :Market street, between o.lLand-sth.- - - - Tsubs UE criber respectfully solicits the etten lion of country Merchants and dealers n erally, to an examination of .a complete-stock ge of READY MADE cr,o - rittxti, which for extent, variety and"workmaushipt he_tlatters-himself will ggive universal satisfaction, while his reduced -scale of prices presents to purchasers inducements whicl cannot be surpassed by any other establislinted in the United States. mar Hover's First Rate Piemiturt WRITING INK. Silver Medal just awarded by the ilptericalt In stitute, New Yolk, (1847.) m HE following testimony from'distinguish ed Institutions spooks for itacat UNIVERSITY or PENNSYLVANIA., Philadelphia, May 1 I 0841. lli log tried, for 'some time, the Black Ink manufactured Me...luseph F. Hover, n* have found it well suited for manuscript, by its 4m:t oting ftettly., and its exemption front coagulation. Its shade also weave well Pleased with. W 6 HOMIER, AI I), Dean of th Faculty and Prof: of A intiomy .1011 N LUI.LOW, Provost SAM'', Vice-Provos' 1111N-ItY REED, S.eeeigary of, the Faculty of Arts ROSWELL PA lIKE.Prof. of Nat. Philosophy and Chemistry W GE.1111A121.), Lecturer in the. Medical Department PENRLYvANIA MEDICAL COLCEOE , :We filly poncur in the above, EXAM. GEO..IIIOnToN, m 1), Dealt of the Faculty CElrrnat.lllnu SCHOOE,reILARELPIIIA ' 'D Principal II MeNICItTILIE, M 1), Pro Anatomy AMERICAN Fins: INAPIIANct CO Pap ADELPIIIR. FRALEY, Secretary , a Crams flown, l'uluing (punt .1 I) G 1:011G E, Dep, Naval Officer HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, A Solicitor Article, Warranted. For s Ssle, Wholesale and Itetail,ut the Mann ory, No. BT, North Third street, opposite Clierr3 street , Philadelphia. by .11).S'EPII I 14) VEIL,_ Manufacturer Philadelphia, Nov 17,1847 F It Never Fails..rcii u E Y URSELF.—From Unto immemo- U rial there has existed in larger cities and pepulous towns, a species of 'disease, the depend ence and propagation of which results from the violation of divine and moral laws. Ti) those Arri.orrso, the AMER ICA N'COMPOUND is presented, as being the moat certain, speedy, and valuable specific over otiered to the unfortunate. It has wherever known acquired a reputation that daily experience continues to strengthen. Thou sands have been cured by its use, and MI it leaves. do odor on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet or business, nor contains sillier mercury or noxious drags in the !cosi injurious tot sys tem, it is boldly presented as the best remedy for such discuses yet offered. It is used by physi• clans and pronounced superior to any known re medy. Full directions accompany each bottle. For sale at N. W. corner 3d sad South streets, Philadelphia, and by S. ELLIOT, Carlisle; Dr. Harnitz, York.; G. W. Miller, Lancaster; Dr. McPherson and J. Wyeth, 'Harrisburg, I'a. fel) 9 Comb , Valley Transportation House, : tw o s .; _ • Canal and Rail Road Line, rot:Philadel phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, &a. • I W. KERR, Forwarding and Commission Ulf Merchant, Ilannisnotto, intinms his Iriends and the public, that front the liberal pat ronage ,extended cluring_the-past—year ho has been encouraged to make mere extensive ar rangements fur the present season, and has ad.' dcd two new, large and spleadid Boats to his LINE, and will, be fully fropaeed after the op ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUCE and MERCHANDIZE of all kinds to and. from Philadelphia,-Baltimore, Pittabargh, the lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des. -patch s • Agenteifor Boats, CARLISLE tc• CASKELL ' • .• , • •Itace aniferWliarf, Philade lphia.; GEIS& & SON,:•• • No. 48 Commeree at. Wharf, Baltimore. CLARK 1 ;;;BILAW,, , ? ' Aientefor:Carth . • , • ••• • , • WUNDERLICH' &' ..GRIEB, . • •• • • CHALORERAs—REYNOLDS; No. 423 Market,en'altilidelpitia:- T SlTER;':'.r.ermeqqvco.,. Broad attoefi-Pitliadelpliiii.l4- •- --EPENN!:4I.-iIt.7OIIWLINE, •. • • Notticeir4o4,ailiino fe ., blarrialiurg, March•29,lEl4B-rtf..-ti.•%,, t.2.: -New Lumber. ar TITE. subscriber-Alpe opened a WSW Liinitlei; Yard at' the'eogner , ' of West street m d I,4scust, /Indy, 'whate,ltir noiv'hait •Iteei constant! on hand a ftrateritte assort inede of SeiaO'ned PI e n.e.o STUFFraII - of whtati ' lieavill_®ell7dW for h.''`;' Ha resheo - 44i? - licitethe.publitPpeWona e.. Airier 29-,ly - lIA' N; , niinoitatio4 /i9.risbun„ i 1 22 ;1• I. t 4.v ~f ~ ' 4 7 2, 4. Ztk'''&4.lVll V Jl3 ;4 l t; '- ,1 .‘ " . ctnlttmssioti A aro n. ' ra.; ship rroduce,,Aterop_ foi:AP# " / 18; 140%, F;ishi;GrPellr,!geo .){ I ,9 ' r majoil.29.T)4B _on nsimra. 4,y « w o ,4, l acke miPul•wv-*/ { 4OOO )3ds h t . 61 4 gOttA* 11..r eA 41 : 60.11 ' )/ . 1 4 6 -V.P4- 11 ,7: ' ajtrriaburgi‘lin).tiztge4t3Hiw VV. , / 4.2 , It , OPot'si''4otulirt - altitorgiva W . & Bile 14 /318/;o,ly§;Drl4l:6lot4i:;., ' #allo 41 ENE =EI . ‘; HEDIORRHOIDS of PILES, _— ,11-NTERNA perniartently cured Dr..UP,HAM'S VEGETABLE ELEC UARY, .REMEDY if used iiceciidiaig to direCtions, a noun FO R LIFE is guar anteed.: • SYMFTOMEI OF THE DISEASE.--A common con 'Sequence of' thia affectiOn is a kind of .tenasmus, or bearing down sensation, as it is familiarly call . ed ;. aisle is also a heat, tension and throbbing in ilie,parti . varying from a moderate degree of these seneutions to the most exciutiating suffering ; these are caused by the great flow of blood to the.parts. Sometimes the inner coat of the bowel pretudes.at e very.evaeuation, - forming what is called Prolapsus,-er falling of the bowels • this is the effect of long, continued irritation and weak ness of that organ. In some instances the patient experiences nervous pains, which are indescriba ble, and known only to the sufferer, which com mence immediately . after an evacuation, and con tinue from thirty m inutes to several hours; these sensations are very annoying and sometimes very distressing. 'l'lllB disease, When of long continu -1 ance, is attended 'by pain and weakness in the back, irritation of the kidneys and bladder, and. Other organs in the vicinity, pain end numbness in the. legs and feet, a sense Of straitness about the chest, and unnatural fulness of the abdominal. viscera, accompanied with.palpitation of the heart and oppression. Individuals sometimes ,experi once., previous to an attact of the Piles, sym tomardenoting.gmat derangement in the.circulap doh; there is a sense of weight.and pressure in the abdomen', with peculiar feeling of uneasi -noes in the bowels , i constipation or perineum, at tended with Pain ri.the back and loins, nausea, -and slight 'pains-instemach, pale counte nance, confused senations in thehead, weariness, and inimitable and discontented state of the mind, and a 'Sense of fulneias and oppression in the re gion of the stomach. The .circulation -on the surface is feeble, and the. current of blood deter mined inward and downward's. For all of the above_ diseases and complaints, Dr. UPHAM'S VEGETABLE ELECTUADY cures ef fectually, and therefore prevents Piles. • READ TUE TESTIMONY. , ec. GENTS:—I have usedHonsort Dr. UphDam'sll Vegetable Pile Electuary which .1 purchased of you, and find it one of the best medicines in use for the . Piles, and also for bilious affectiehs, arising front an impure state of theNtitein. Yours. &;c. P.; A. L-04, Marble Dealer. U. S. Mltnen.rA.S.• OFFICE, N. Y. Messrs: Wyatt & Ketcham—Gentlemen, un derstanding that you are the "general agents for the sale of Dr: Upliam,s Vegmaele-Eleettiary,for Zhe cure of Piles, I have deemed it my duty to volunteer a recommendation in behalf of that in valuable medicine. I have beenefficted for nin ny years with Piles, and htiveliied various reme dies, but with no beneficial effects—indeed, I . began to consider nay case utterly hopeless. 11u t about-the first of September last, I was prevailed upon by a friend to make a trial of the shove named medicine. I took his advice and rejoice to say that I ant not only relieved, but, as I believe, perfectly cured. I most earnestly recommend it to all who may have the misfortune tube Milt:Led with that' annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ELY MOOR E. RIZI.CRICABLE CVBE OF FILES ! — TIIIIZTV Yr . tEa BTANDINd MOlllll. Washington, Berkshire co, 'Mass. • November 29, ,It lttl7. - lessri. NVyatt Khochani—Gents: For flinty years I have betin alllicted with PileS, general debility and inflammation, causing tumors add prolapses of the bowels, and which had resisted ell the incdical treatment Dr. Chapman and oth ers could. give. The last three years of that time any stillerings defy description. I 'was conjured to bed, unable to help myself; and at last given up by, my physician and friends in despair of ever gaining,: health: iH fact for three days bettf . re I cornmenced using Dr. Upham's Eeleclutuy, I Was, entirely speechless and my burial clothes - were made. But under Providence, mid the use of Dr. Upham's Electuary, though an OLD ,lA, I have the_ pleasure of stating the tact to the pub. lic that my health is now good. and hope to live many yeant, if it is Clod's will, to make known' the virtues of Dr. 1/pltspeit Elcctuanh-and to re coutteentrit-TinitY- afflicted fe llow•ercatitres. It helped me linonti_the—avpeetations of all that knew m y ease, and I can only say to others dint it -,r.lin myt opinion, the best medicine in the world fin. Piles, or any other disenite • of rho bowels; and if they will use it according to the directions, I will myself warrant urine tp every case. Yours, with the of 1111,St Fs pre - gsioo of tnenkfulness, CORN ELI US SPVIZ. Egret-nom, Berks co, Mess. e er 29. 1847. S The abm-e certificate tells Novem ab simple and truth ful story of suffering and relief, of which, as pity. :nylon and witness in the case, I cheerfully eti7 dorsc. DR. CIIAPMAN-2 JACOB REED NOTICE—The gennine_ppliam's Electuary has his written signature, thus (Dr A. Upham, M. D.) The hand is alone done.with a pen.— Priee SI a box. ltr" Sold wholesale and retail by "N WYATT & KE'ECIIAM, Fulton street, N. Y., rind I.y Druggists generally throughout the United times and Canada. SAMUEL RLLTOI"I', Agent for Carlisle. January 5, 184S—IY Stanton's External Remedy, CA LI. T.D . ll U• 17" S LIXIallEel7% ',ls now universally. acknowledged to be the INFA LIABLE REMEDY For Rheumatism., Spinal Affections, Contractions of the :quack's, Sure Throat end Quinsy, is- MD's, Old Ulcers, Pains in the Bach and Chest, Ague in the Breast and Face, '!both-ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burner Croup,. Frosted Feet, and all • Nervous Diseases. HUNT'S LINIMENT is sustaining a notori- JUL sty unequalled by any similar 'resin:43y. It requires no pulling to give it a reputation, it has been fur twine time silently and surely securing it, and now, when its benehetal.effeent have been experienced so many, the expressions of grab tude are continually appearing, and those who have been made whole by its means arc dasiroun that the afflicted should no longer 'remain igno rant of its invaluable and infallible efficacy. Mr. Geo. E. Stanton, _die Proprietor, Is con stantly receivineteetinionials of benefits received from its use, and many of the cures it has effected rillitost exceed belief, one ease. a child had been a cripple for eight years; having wrenched the spine, when at the ago of two years, by a Inn a front a chair. Medical ,treatmen lulled, but four bottle:radio Liniment restored him to strength, and, Ito now joins with his playmates in their youihful'gambals,...as robust as :the healthiest of theta, and only a small hump on his beak to re .rnind-hint-of-hurearly-sVernigs. Price 2.s.,ccnts per bottle. • •The iTitt•sc)s 171.1citet. STA NI ON,'S PAPILLgy TAI EN T ackn'owledged tuf the inept valuable ream ' dy that baiyet•heenliliscaVer t _and-intty-ho re • lied on - Avitli colifiEfenee by a bo may have °a ension for its utie,ditaaees of /.4.li.,l''s.'vErt, Aou# ritsiflar4sr,'SOAkrNirrlhai • Ointment is particularly : int d for time'. camel/tints that -Iliothera are - lia ble o'duritig th nyrling,ofinfants, and tnowbcilreli'ealled , ••7'll. Nerse!s„Vriend. ~.Price 25 cis.per b0x.,.-_' --L-Slitß2 1312Z-4:NTON.,4roprielori—Sing-rSing, .15r:..L. Niers and. his:lleinitz, Carlisle. , • •••• 4 Diirlitithjoit*,Greell, 'Palinstown '; -: lAtiejelitMeohithiesliuro "r• ' LH; nere..eihirenihattovnli 7 Y 1 7 , 7 ,1 C c te V crL,Lgeel/ilrit7, , , , tiN 74,! yAir4llo/1110.11.01/1? 7pitlt 141E48 T eel: t k f o rw:l-I:.l4. i .l ;!: 9 ) l ,ire(Pl,7 ‘ s lr' fq 4 il) , r '' si ?q' :Pif!i i ,-I , , P °i ll g ,,p i trirlierpfis.4l-/ 1 1.01 01 , .14e. iiilie , IA 'la s sVe e, eleeseperaerttßutoltet a iinne ' .Idtinif:(4.s44ol-liadiiebs itse,teo l % bell- .? !WI noillkilitigliciiiiih kogeoilli(di liibpr. 11',11 swan leacUlfdlit oi tilt' rov isilkiiityligilo4.3 • ndi'-ielieersi , i'llier , .:AniCiiitteorr pill I ts,..alt u. ether'. free Meru itild,Seilitetlii4llll g iiiikSieuees. nd kirieterpAitlierir te . .qi6,3llalliii.se such Weil Ail Esilrofie4iNel eeidii , Silici'lilii)jsed ilio rtiele will be...*:4laoui, it;;i l Pelokirlgi,elSiki per . . "P e r•f . ,lNV , 9!)! , 1 1014!TFJO'TP 0 . 1 ',Ibilive to sell gaie";ison'be'sepplieg eueemeipitiusieeine_eoniq stlYja•Prlwil.l;APF.'itigin.,Jeng:Stare It . qii . wt,.. f 0 , u 3 14k,,V1//119..311NG , Omit 411 ,11.4c0n,40. 1A , 44 , .. 'le ',1' . ..i.) ' ' M '0944.,1htf Ivthitus mit qlvil , f 'Y ' I'ilrt 1"14{1014tial PIT i 1 9 11, " -co ',l , , y,:i ,•• ni--5900:.4a-i, 1012 i 1 / 1 10,41 , t1 ,11,4Jt,4:"• n• 7 , • 'rivrfq , p g s 1811. y: ',, ".%, Iv' irfp , 1 ! -- ,. „ ;•.‘• -72 • - lUr . : !:.:! , , ; ;' , Aol4iii.6'.: - -,',.,, ERN