Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 24, 1847, Image 4

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6 : N
.Bquare, hada oi the:Court-Rouse
iii k tnii‘ai.i . ,tr
iiirty 61164 into , ritlSnfrAtros. ‘
rto`DollgrS; if paid within the yebr. • • •
114 Dollar for els 'months. -''• • • • • •
'raise 'terms will he rigidly adhered to. ..
dvertliementti, making fifteen lines or lees;
charged et the rate of Fltt3i cents for one insertion—
twee dines Air One Di:llw, and' ttrotity-fire. cent. let
verysubsequent Insertion: Yearly adventure 'will
e 'charged et tile loll:doing ratee : • • •
Ono Col it me, with'the Paper, tbr 'one year, • . • 025
OW a ctatipini . do. - Old
Two Squares Alan quarterly changes,
ltualnese Carita,,wftli the paper, .
4t , tulfaialiand6llla, Marina, 6lrcitlarn and every otti
dercription; of Printing; executed hansomely and
•capviSentrand nt the LOWEST PRICES.'
•• !rim OLD STAND:
• • riaNwst _dooms, dr.c.
.w..llA.vgirricK desires to inform his
thle - pithlic dint his new'SPRING'
AN I) SUMMItit SUPPLY of goolli,,whiell
Slave been selected with great ca'telty himself per-.
sunnily still just op wed to his old and Well known
establishment on North Hanover street,. canbrace
' s nupply .or FILLSII. DRUGS, together with.
. most extetri ve, rich and varied stock of ROOKS;
(both school . and miscellaneous,) F A NC Y
GPODS,PERFUMBS, st.e. &c. to ultiels hefeels
confident ho may invite the attention M tfte
lie with thelull assureneeof being üble to sulkily .
every Want and gritify,erery taste, besides ensur
. nig entiresati,sfaetion by the very ren sonabl e terms
•Uprin witi!ell Ills numerous artiele,s will be ilispo4
. .
eft or.
He wou:d call the particular attention of Fam-
Ries and Physicians to his replenished
• of DRUGS andEI)CI NES,Which have been
purchased at the best houses in Philutlelphittanal
may be relied upon for freshness and excellence.
Added to these will- he found an entire stank of
PAINTS, - OILS, DYF..:STUFFS, Varnishes,
ke &e., all of which be- will ensure to be
of the best quality pm' nt the•very lowest piGes.
He Int's made many-additionnl to his stook of
, ROOKS, besides seeming (I new supply or all the
• Tat Hooks ; Histories; Restless, I.exteonsi-Wrh
titag Books, &C. note in use in College and our
public sehnols—which he will dispose ofon terms
suited to the circumstances of all.
ilia stock of FANCY AlLTlCLES'embraees
a l'ich anti extensive collection which it would he
impossible to enumerate, bus comprising many
novelties which cannot fail to strike the eye nod
please the taste, such as Ladies and Gentlemen's-)
Cutlery, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils. Hair
' Tooth nail Clothes - 131.6shes, l'erflt mes of lien
selle's ri sh and extensive varieties. Fancy Snaps,
Shaving Cream Card Cases, - Pocket Pistols,
Poekei. boots,
Aisn, new suPply of Cornet ins's elegant
LA RD L k PS. togther with Sperm and Nlonld
'Candles. Baskets, Maslen% instruments, Umbrel .
Children's Toys, Door ,tin' s, and other-arti--
etes in the viiiietv line, which' with n constant
supply of fresh FRUITS, nuts and Confectionary
of the richest quality, nutke a large and splendid
Rtnek bl winch he confidently invites the attention
and patronage of his town mid country friends, at
the old stand in Xorili Hanover street, nearly op
vosite the Carlisle think.
.Tiine 2. 1847:
i.r. John S. IVZverd '
•• Has Jost returned from thecify with a Argo
and carefully selected assortment of
Dru;s, Paint Dye-Stuffs, •
and PATENT MEDICINES, including all
the tow preparettens of the day, tozether with
w general twaertmelt of choice PERFUMES,
FANCY ARTICLES, &a, which mokeg bi n
ainCk.foll and complete, 'nil of which be will
LOWERarII THAN EVER! Call and sec
for yoarselvm
Joy 7,18 , 17.
T4lo)ml:flier, to wind op his busi
ness in Carlisle, will dispose of his large 111/11
el e.;1111 nsailment ii Dey Good9la first soot
bens.; determined to sell (strias calm: stock, be
A5411..4.9 his frier.tbt mid the titiblic,ibtit Great bar
tins tstil be off,red. Those, e:erefore, itlect
Irish to alit i• 11111 IS to 30 per cent. in
110 WO! in give him an early
roll. His assortment is large, and the goods
!rive been purchased with great wire, and em
brare tilt Rog Irtnlevl of 'testily every article usu
ally kept iii a Dry linodsstore.
tire deit-rinincil to close up our business
at the vet y elrliest passible period, we hereby
noiiry [howl itide,hted to come forward immedi
ately and set:le up their respective accounts,a,
longer inthilge.,ce cannot he granted. Those
who do not, before the I Stlt of October, settle
th e ir a ccounts, in ay eNpeCt to have them place
In the bonds of a wake for collection.
Carlisle..liilv ,1847.
_Family Grocery :.
Ttakes this method td infirm
his friends and the public in general that he
linciasi ripened in the Iroise lately occupied by
Dr John A mist mug and three doors east of .1 &
I) Ithowls' Wareliouse. n largo nail general ns
sor.tmeol. of Family GiTeerien, nnen All 'refill
. COGerSa,real . , Molasses, Clan:Male 1111 d Spices ol
every d ,sari !Ilion. Also, large and well wire-
Willow-were, Heti - sites, Thickets, ko. To
Imre° or every detieflitinn, from the common
smoking tobacco, up to Wood ward 'wheat honey
Dew caventlialt.
The p tbltc-ate reined fully invited to call and
examiue his stunk before I 'tying elsewhere, as he
flatters himself dial he cannot tail to iticine them
both in Klub aild quality.
N., (I.—His blends train the country w . ll find
it to their advent:lke in 4ive. hun a call 1 the store
is ectiveniently situated, just n fuw stops from air
Rhoads' tavern.
J. 03. D. 11 ALISERT
Carlrsle.,ltine d, 1847.
UST received a large supply of frech Gm:
ILV caries, conalsting of superior brown suture,
and Loal;•.C4 ushod, Pulverized .and clarified
SUCARS, all of which Will be sold at roducod
Also COFFEE of every description
anti•prloii, with a fine lot of strong
•.., .
Rxson 'and tilask 'TEAS:
from tho beat solactioa nt
vid Rankin ' who has beeacid s
ebeated foir . 3o — yeeriiTtor. Bain
ling the best' Teas in' rhildo,
delphia. '• A :tew , .'sets.,ef 'China:Tea-Ware °,
Lon r Sligo r *ay rile,. saga', hops° and, baking.
AtOLASCS, superior - intpciriad 'IP3N EY;
Cheese, Cried 'Reef, sugar-cared 'limns, dried
Piecliiiii:4nri A ()plea t Sou p .bo a no; Oran beirride'
Sallaif oil.
,hexed Piuk les, Figs,'Aliniinds: Ri; i
sins; titrons;Viirrentr, Sniaes, Maekerel. Sni t
and.nerring, flop ,Soda, and a Brea_
varietylit other articles too numerous. to .
inen:. l
lion:: :Al)„at which will be,swidt .
.-:.i.iiii3OVrisitisfactiOn, • • Call and see. • '
N. IJ.-Small Anna alifiplied• at a email - ad
ricena'Philiiclofphieprices. ' ;
," ,GEO.'W'cgooKs.:
t.10044.141a" J4'66'161847 '•' I
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,p, Elc:'
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l,!:.-::.,i , : , :y. - :::_:.,.=. , . - InimitiitiQ;',.T : -;.:, .. .
IV atm
liienRSZW36: ca4 iktfli
,vitlutdde Emig neitlonitcrin
•-"; ,with wonderful'suiMess in , ,thireture ,
otiltfirtif:lif the. moat troublitiOnteAlicasitilehthi
which the. i nortie linffeeted„(voithinttiddutrtOtg ,
the Otir) Stich , ea old 'strains; swellings;
neetrefkohns; gilhe produeed hYtheeollii.r`an'd,
saddle; Streins'a the ' shoulder., stifl e, hoof;
pastern andcoffin jeinti,iaritiiii'of:thet',,Whirl.,
boon, knee, and tbilOck ; poll S•evti,, fistulae,:
curbs, saes; whnigwfis; ,
'lt very soon curea'old or,trealt.wound4cuts,
bruises, tistules, poll evil, curbs, eic„ and - gives
Instant rake an thu-scratches, grease ete4and
the die - cafes incident to horsy. having , white
feet and noses produced !Ili!, John's' Wirrt;'
which so ofien sr thatrays the heels and hone, of
the foot ; and resists' %he action of-20101r ace
vitriol ointments,, an d other -,rentadier equally
• •
No application has herntefere r .proved so
joints,' and :producing such',%.lmmedl'st"e and
beneficial effects in cracked heels; biought oh
'by high feeding, splintiend sprains::: ' • -'''
This Embroortion is highly recommended to
farriers,. keepers of livery stables,.Wagoneta,
stage proprietors, and private gent:emen, own
horses, 'an on invaluable .remedy,
should be constantly' kept• in their stables.
- Also farmers, whose.: horses aro so liable to
kicks, outs and 4 Wotinds, will find It' 'tinnily
'advantageous tirkeepit constantly on hand„..—:
it is equally beneficial in the treatment Of .
working cattle, for galls, sorb necks; beta,
wounds, etc. . • ,
For sale in Carlisle by Dr: JOHN J NV=
ERS, Sale Agent, •
July . 2l; 1847. . • '
To the Citizens of Cumberland Co
" There issomething more preciou; dun
Gold . 01* Diamonds—EleALTlL•! •;
are some diseases dint -visit us et sta-,
tad sensors of the year, and which mit titilre- ;
quently becomralarmingly fatal duringthe stip
uler and autumn mouths; especially the young;,
there being not less than seventy thonsviitl dying
annually with deviingetuents . orilteAtainaeli mid
alone: Hines not every feelings& ottr. nag
time became enlisted in the human desire toles.
ten this frightful inoi tality, are we not bound by
every principle rf relikion to ntlminiiter relief
when in our power; nit! we discharge our luty
when we point mit,the greatest remedy e ' er yet
discovered, tbelliiiTptirpose, to, AIM- public.- If
there be one, or ((they have a friend, or a Child,
or a neighbor, who mac chance to read thin uni
tive. that-is suffering with DiarrilMoicityleiiiiiri,
Cholera ;Aarhus, Summer Complaints, Colic,
Flatideney, &c., then lei them - try - Dr. Kim.
ler's Ccrininative, and we guarantee
a speetly.pure. .
4 0
- A ticstster Co., Nenille, Dec. 11,1846.
.eeler—Somet i me last summer 3 our agent
left 'Wale of your Infant cordial and Gailnitt.
- alive, urging me to try it. It so happened that I
had $1 ease, a-young child about six months old,
whose di:mooch anti bowels were in a veil titter
tiered condition, caused by w deficiency-of its
mother's mil's. _The chair WAS a - mere-skeleton, -
- there was much terminal, tenesmult and coma:tut.
evacuatkona. I administered every medicine I
could tit ink of, with bUt a slight alleviation ol the
complaint. .1 then thought of giving your medi
cite a trial commencing with Small doses. ,
soon however perceived the child-could bear -
full dose as recommended - in directions; tam*
it had taken half li bottle, the stomach and bow,.
els had recovered their natural tone, ever' othe
bad symptom,:yiehled, and the child rapidly re
covered. - -
I have no hesitation in saying that your medi
cine is the very best for the above complaints I
h a ve administered 10 a 21 years' practice:. .
' Very respectfully,your friend, '
H. It. tiOw SIAN, NI. n.
Prepared corner of 3d and South streets, Phil
adelphia. For sale wholesale-and retailby SAM
UEL ELL:OT, Carlisle; Dr. AlePhoeson, Harris.
bur,;; and by. Druggists and Merchants throogli.:
out the county, ' . .
July 21, 147:--6m. •
An Applied Remedy o Dyspepsia, 01. ca
ts.c ()T.
Ttwo reasons ivhy rods mein
toe recommended. to the public,
—on fa, that most persons who have so iglu
it buy Itagain, thereby showing that they re
gard it as a valuable Family medicine; the
oilier is that cart Mentes - ate in the posacesion
oftbe Proprietor of permanent 'cures having
been effected not only ih persons offlieted fors
short tinio, hilt also in cases of long standing
It is composed altogether of it vegetable
matter. is perfectly bar micas. can be taken at
all times, and is no hindrance. to business. It
restores and revives the ant malsplrits,eleanses
the stomach from ell morbid humors which
cause indlgestion• and teidities. It also re
moves nervous tremors, thematic pains, and
prevents their return; cures 011m:dies of the
stomachs and bowelsolmost immediately takes
away palpitation of the heart, and prometes
the free eireulatlon of the bleed. -•
tau direction accompanying eadh b .ttle
contains a number of certificates one of which
is - given in this advertisement.
Dean Ste :—about two years ago I was se
verclrofilicted with . ispepaia, which I had
for the last fifteen years previous to the above
named time, which was very much increased
by my having, a blood vessel ruptured upon my
lunge, occasioned by lifting—which increased
my complaint. dispepaia and general debility
and weakness. to such aartc - ctfiet two or
three years previous to my using the Gaile.
gantry u4eam, I never ate a. meal but my
stomach became so painful that hadlmmedi.
Moly (* . throw it up. Seeing-GaYlegant'ivllal
aam advertised I wasindueed to try,a bottle;
oiler taken the very first. done II appeared' ito
strengthen my stomoch; and every dose of th
first bottle helped • me so Illtlail thirt - .T - n - 114 -
course ea few days my Etiimach!,-began ,to
retain and digest every thing I ate. I continud
to Use the Balsam until I used several. bottles,
-which cured etc entirely, and. restorer Info to
perfect healtio,yvhich I hove enjoyed &Pei ranee
and not before for fifteen year..
,T cheerfully
. eportnnead it'to all porkotts
with dispepeia asleep 40,
lIENR Frani "co. t vitz_,,:
"Prepared and Sold, by the frokiality, j,Clif f t;
S. MI LLER,OppOsitethe 114arltet,H,rtuse;KnK
agent for Qarliplc.. , , )
'March tp, 1847.. ;., , : t
WXR. ltl V kas has just. received tit idditiOn
JELN. , to Ns limner stook, Slargattlioitment'
f- DRUG:9_4ND ED ICIN werrahtfd
tore ermV . fresb-::tnong which'
ent popular. preparations ef literriifisaiers;'
v. hick „he ,will sell ; ert,es, good., lerrn! ; ” spy,
aetabliehirrentant oflPliiladelpl fa; ; ;;#
oj.,Physichins are'reqUeilied ,to,estAnyte For
4heinsolier. '
Juli s. • • 4
or •
lusr'revitivitir4 Pang 41!ori c a.
choice; rtiale 'filick - .Tia,;fa!
an 4 'algispe 141111:' );Ale6 - 014 dTo iy 111yao,n; .
Gunpowder and
• Olteap Janli Mei%
ced Vries* , iv and,,,umWera.
for.!ho - PrellerYlivir-Noallolit--kor
(joy 2 9,16,rr. • <,:q. Main IStrea'
l'.':liiiiiiiiiititiiii; '''::
, - -
j41 6 1 1- 14 1 2t V AL: I ftYW -;
• I FPg- 0 01 ArrOt_ectiOn'.ftnn-Yp,. '
Tl' • iiiiiikiPV4lk ' 'T .
,IE . ,
,CUI4 „, , ,„A y,mu, .k.F
-.: !. AL' Paarnorio c_ , •l9 ANlP , i4l4 , be.
,un er Itlintilltteithh bryro, ll oivAnk4bAird'or
ildninijities . iiii ,tlthilbabin yeni' 'din t—Tholnill:'
thtillee, Preittlehti• • Siiiiine (Ittllitilth,`Vh.t4ireLl•
nitlentiDaVitl , AV. likteullointh;, , Treiiiiiirtre*t•
c Green, J ehn„Zug, rilharu,,, ig, giclumil,
‘,Nroli , i l ),lSituliiel,jltultoiq;.NVllliausok'ea) .. ; Montt
:cnyln, •AlOgiioe 'Di*hlsoti. - , Theiit..it4•ll46•Aii
mum tt o en n ap.p.olp .' i ... N. .c..i
. '"
' lio''''''f''A‘A ' ' ''''ta li - 11" ed,in ht'
, ebili4 6B `,':4.ll•B. I,lVePelYe,fth,o lo6 l l 94.lor, inri
iniionee ;hid . 16i.41tia thein tinmedintelifer
royal fb the office nettle co,rnpnny p n he n , the O ( =
icy 011' be "issued Withont.delay. giit:Surtyer,
4 tttaiitutikin tiie tlin li):Atait hr ihe Cohynniy. ~ ~, .
171114 5. , c! , M 44 4'r!1irne.,k.1"
•lA. C. 111int r stn,S6•',y,. -
__ "•._ ' .." • •
The follorrng•gentietnen .iYtkiT teen niipninted
• -i :,; 4 ; :, .. FM:y.IOM: ...
1......1 - I„lntiti,-.V.44_;.::%Y.eiiiientiiihOr'o; (sun
••' ~ Aki•Cuyltv,Phiiiile; ;. •••',.,
~,..., . .',••-• •
• .Georgeitirindle; n44' Yrolit•ine:„.. ~. . ! - ..,
, ins: 'lll.-,MeanniEstp, Newbufg. -,.,
jobnl,ClenOrolvi,,Esti.Jiagestban. ~ , - -,....
,S ephen,.Ctilherteeni..S'lllhpehtiburg.•, ,' . i :•,.
_ , ~,, .:mut4-Aut.LPutit,.,. , ;:l„ .:.... :,
Chariei",rer r eAug/...-11401),00.0: Cqpiefit'paiitlip,
..2 . : . 0 0163bik'hivritlithel.:' , .., I. ,
INllliKitl gdliANCE,eitherimerelp4iticlillir:
itedogiiiiitlossordiirnag9 by fireoin eirtotylert
sad Ebt4C'4'.§:of,9" . .vy 4.lcrititbitiv,itt wttor
CbbiityY2b#ihe riib,t Fgaso.nableterips.r.,,A 4.414-_
tibill rukde either ii - ersovilV9y,ul,lo . i, .0; be.
piiiiiiiitylittOidp'd'ib: . '' • ". '' . '
C; i*V.liiiiciti4: - :P bsi;
Ratecollllsurande Redupd:j ,
j," ; :i .„
- ' .'"P'BROVIII2L .#lSr: • ' ‘, '
Brick ii r Stone dweitiiikCoestekes • •., ~ .
from •; , iii• to'S p.cilepos,
. do do Churches • ' ' .eito s ~ _do
' do • , do Taverns ~ :, ~ 4 • '•3 Ito 4.
a'-,; >.
ideyi r.
Jto„ -,110,.f10r00, •• , -, i ~ 4to :5 '-, ;
~,. 5d.,‘,.!
dC ~ do Shible..l.(toliate). . 4 'to 4- , ..' ' isi,.l
'do do BtidOes.(loditic) . 6 to, 7}, _.. Fi
JO - dd - diest MAIO, Water . ... . '", '-' ', '
:•.,•,..- -!'-', POwAr, I — , - ---7 1 t°1 °- o'= l. - • 'A.AtitPu.B, .nis .. . -
nobk ot' Strined wellings Sind 'run. ' ',. •- :
niture from . , • • ''SO to`4Oolt!Od'ialitif
do' -do-Stores iiiol 3 1eri3hiinii ' , ..-
- • '. : Attie- • SS YO SO . do 1
.do - do. Temente itndFuridotre ,
.... .- ..- . . I
„ 4,0.t0 60 ' do
do . do
olptrno and.Con:r l l7 7 . 4 • t
do do (public) .
_lOO to 150, do
do: 'do Grist :151111ind Stirs&
761o110• do
Frame end Logdwellings and Fur
niture 50 to 75 do
do do 3 ores and
doze . 65 to 85 do
do do Taverusand Furniture
60 to 100 do
do do
,Barns and Contents
90 to I® du 4
Jo dif) - Gtr3it3tiliti.und StoCk
3 90 to UM do ,
The subtler/Ler is .gent for the aboreeompany
for Cerllsle and its vicinity. All appliafionafei•
eutiei - 6s, - - mil or personally - will Lb
promptly attended to W. 1). SEYMOUR.
June ig; 1P45 r-93
Un thc. Mutual. .c pinciple, combined
with a- loge joint-s k , api •ok I - rmiL,
educed to nearly half the usual ales.
By le Act of Incorporation the stock is
pledged for "the payment_ of oily loases
which the Company may sustain. • And - as an
additional .security to'the assured, the'net re
quires that th e pope of the business shun be
funded end remain with thcearporation; es ;a
guarantee and protection tothe inbred
loss. This fund will be represented by scrip
issued by the Company ( bearing interest not ex
ceeding six par cent., per annum. The insured
am_ entitled to a pro rata share one prate' of
- the-Company, and will receive 'hat proportion
of the aforesaid in scrip, widen . the
amount of earned premiums paid by blat o bears
tothe total sum of earned premiums and capital
The Xerip thus issued, to be transferable on
the books of the Company as stock,
No dividend of scrip can be made when
tho losses and expanses execed the amount of
earned premiums. • .
The insured aro protected from loss at the
customary retell of premiums. without any
individual liability or reepaniibility for the
lessee or expanses of the Corporation. The
outwid hate all the rights or membership,—
can vote at all elections, and are eligible •as
Director. of the Corporation.
The subscriber has been appointed ageht for
ibis Company, and .va.tho-mutual-principla
n superseding etery other mode of Insurance,
to would cOnfidentlyrecommend it to Ida facade
and the public.
The North American Company has clove,
their Agency. Those having policies. expirin
in that office can have them renewed in the
Delaware Company on much more favorable
terms. •
For full portidulare enquire etcher bttlellor
. .
or person to JOHN I'MYERS.•
Carlisle. September 10, 1845.-1 y.
THEA leri and stfiennabo g• 1 Minus') Fire
inauranee CompanyolPumberland Conitiy;ill-.
ormetyaied by an acted A seernbly,ll_nemicidly_m,
Tian zeil operatiMinnder the neemiketnetder
t eefol low ingeommi saionersrvizt • ‘.•,;
Cht.Stay ma n,Jaeoli Gorgal,Lelyis
Hy er, Christian Ti tze I M tehael , H oerer,kkenry
Logan.,Mieltieleazklin, Deßjamin H Maaser,Lert
Merkel 4 14 eRb.iiiek)N1 e b i r.ll re nein n Gam, I
Prowell, respeedidlY. /MI tine nitentien pi, the
vantitic iilifiltWoodirpintkeld one, .
or &lira ticeihre a it' lair it d d &Vend&
• topy,Potilimort9ct hp pdol,l if the Stateis-PA iguie
yo tif ips. tA,beentne.meMb.eraJ.are invited.' to Make'
eßpt,laa. l l9o,(Rtbeltge/ 11 0 1 01tthe.ocimpany zniti:raie
itlku,p9 j e A llg o in n ,a,i s a i n i y E ti u re v e r -
MACSAN I 4. . I ;oovirtr;Ntiee..Presi dent:
„it pifititii
R,,,aprt Marthr,ll. Comber.latidlitwdtillite 4
McgeeklipiatilehtcOnaliimi ;!;)
'.Vim- yurggka;;Allen towasinro
Jehr i Cl.Hatilifte, ialletketameMp. ,,
Pater. Hatektir,t 4 Eial , Plahndende
David ?Maititi,Chtireitemarti? , I v.. +.l
Coll ROMOn; K I nig100#1!;:'
Ileary. Wearing. Shirtinianernivn i : .. •
Sheen Oyateri'Worrillejelturg,' •
D r .- Jspoli HaughiaaniCarHek '..".
;tie ob Ki rk ,Gmeeral Agep . _TVA ticiOirj *els ,
Camberland P.13:T , 1 1 7 ; •
Jahn tio r - jA t yo f k .000qtv.-
ohn Bank 'fork county. ' „
„I, Bowman - , Y6 - rli eOnt,„ . ,
rhillW Brookbill.,Ctimberlatirl
Robert C.,,i3lerret, Illidillenan
eteltheraginta will be iddedhineiner; 4
•.• , A
• - ep ist
I_-: , 1. Pl4 - . 7.leat ROY D A '-- '
i---lostAttllltiivettsxibillitsoAi ,
I : tol:e l g li fti::: : i l it t el;PenTAWl i tlltltiPir
11 at:: , el!' e' "li! l 'ipttAltl;oi'l*y_tv !ktydloi i t tl
r t pr ilil ltit?ltWerd e i? A tt i t * l ' iVt d ia g e r 't ;i t tst i llit
I , iiiiilKnittnnlPP.And „OlarcM4 dltpretitinivitui ;the
,tw f prapcipal, ones are
,Ncreppatips,AnO, yirild,
ChSr+y ; is° •onifell that they Kel.ibeetlibri the one'
',through in ailmiatiWe'"vviih Other Suliatitnees, pu
rifying and purginvWhile - -theiSther is Strength':
eriatthe valeta 'alas those. villiviartvint the
same timc , ,topic And.; Niel:ling ;,a itlesideratar n .
long anti eagerly t sought (0.4 Aetliaot; but
never before diecny'ered: .. lifotWeri‘Word they do
the work of two teedicines,'and cht , . , ntmu _.kW,
Air tiutp,any two-w,e:,know.:ol*=:•th . ,4,l,4i,i*mOve
ootiting'from j the.syiterti bitt: - "the'lmintritlea;!ao
thavtohile they.parge they:afro - I) . okb and hence
!they cause utt debilltation, Mid; are , follolveirkhy:
immenction:-: Mr.. Le. Roy ?a PillS.ll4efa 'wonder ! : '
-u1 influence on the, blood r theymet..nuly , ,jiiivily ,
, without—wyaironing-it,..huoer_reviotne,all_nca,,
iceasteirtielet4l4Wthe'"ohle before 'it' hi'donVe
nett into•J'itnlitand,thusimake.' impure ' , blood !no
uttcr,iinpoasibility.4:AY , there-Wno,ilellitationi-:
sp theit,ta no nau sea: or , sickness, yettendi nit: the,
opeintiwnstofthin .. , Yn . ,caecilen't of, medicines,.
Whinfi s niVertitritlintertOrturetitke,ilikretiOb - diii,
:tibita,bid'enuiteit:tlien to work in it,rnerfebtly lilt , ' ; nritl- mannerf,and Ittidee; , P6eioa'd ialcdn them ' do'
, not beecinie.palitaittieinaciaieci;hut thecontrarfi
'fir while, it it the'tiropei , y oldie-: - Saresiparillit, -
tinltethrs 'Corwith other togredients;' to remove
'all that is foreign Intl impure; it'. is equally the;
'property ; ofthe :Alain nil .that tc.
natural and, sonnd t andlience a. robust. stale ,of ;
lieatill is the Artaiprestilt of their United opera-
Per sale in Carlisle by Cr. .1,, .I.Sfy,ers,nole.
..terii, mutikEnhyyldid.:l9 - ptK ingstown.. in Kingston..
geiord e iinic-4s oi. - - -- '- - '
~.cnetroPet,•elf, 1847: : •, , , : ..• • .• • : - --, • ,
-I „,,Vf il
'`llliimgllllll4l ~,... i-. .'
, 1 [ 1,4 ,0, 1r, ,'!
li - ?f, , ... i0r . ',,..,/ ' ; 1 "` '''`' ' '
. 0 11, iV..,i . , ,
1 ~,, .. ~-,t,.., ! .................-
16 ''
q,, (pet, ?#3...' ,- )4,
'. I til ' A 4211 ) iiV -.- AP
. .
6 - •
WllltourßipoOpti NO SYRkiF. FOR
L.L.II I OT4INS,S.baSing ebildren_nfflieted
111 A
..yellbeny,of.those ; diseases incident to the
(Die of in finey, snek.os .convulsionsomismm•
As . r.roup, cutaneous sruptione, disordered
Minket:h. and looseness of the bowetes ' should
nevevLo without this remedy that
las proved so erniaelous in all the above die.
eases. Numerous testimonials mi eht be given
to prove Re merits, but a trial is better.
Sold tiy S. E 1.1.3017, Carlisle, 4
March 3, 1847;°
To the Sick awl Afflicted. •
I - ET all those who steaSONALTALTP/A or affec
...I-4;ed with Coughs, Colda Asthma, Bronchi
Spitting Blood, Pain in the side ot-Breast,
Soar Throat, floorsenese, Palpitation of the
Eetit,irlicidping Cough, Liver Cothplainte, &c.,
.remember that it is'
NAPATIIA that is daily affecting suclvvonder
ful cures in all lheae dniesees--
. Therefore-hewn re '9f n It'otiortattnitsithilt
contain, cr professes to c.mtain Tar, - und pur
chase only who ureAtuown lief to deal
itn Spuriouaarticite.
Read.the'followitig testimony to the value o f
the obovo medicine, frog, a well known citi
zen of - Cumberland county.
Dicitinisort TOWNBIIIIr. Nov. 211,1847.
About six years since, in consequence of
the sedentary nsturc*of- my . tniiinesii, 'l' was
attacked with severe pains in the breast, pal
pitation of the heart and alluitnese of breath'
- ,kvit l4 4twort6soun followed ofap.
feitztristis wakefulnewi at night,and
paralysis My limbs—these symptoms ot a
deranged system being frequently attended
wiihtspiiking-of blood.': Fer about two years I
Was r ithultiaeasionally thrown into convulsion.
wltielitutt , mein a miserable state ut feelile:
tutswatul begs nto effeet•my nand, From tunic
t tune my sufferings were more nr less severe
untiratlength they Increased to such a degree,
and the violence of the symptoms were's(' ung
menbed, that foi it whole year 1 was unable to
attend to attend to any business. During this
time 1 consulted dome able physicians and
•attended . til Presefiptions; but all their
gkill Was unavailing. to procure me relief, and
at length they regarded my recovery as entire
ly hopeless. , In this condition 1 was Informed
of tlie salutary effects of Thomson's Compound
Syrup of Tat•and Wood Naphtha, in a case
somewhat similar to min., mid though I had
given up all expectations of a recovery hf my
former health by human means, yet being
strongly advised lofty the medicine, I was nt.
length prevailed upon to do so ,
_ and I have now
to say, that - by - the use aids b 'tiles in) health
has been restored, and 1 am now able to at
tend to business with as much facility as usual.
• Prineiret °Mee, N Er career FIFTH' and .
SPRUCE ata . Philp
'PoId to Carbele by It. Angney' Principe
agent for Cumberland co.
Priee's,9o...or.6bottica g,60.
February '
• That, the princi plc strewing disease
ingstml purslying the ,holy. is strictly in spoor
dance,. wills_ the, loss whin!' gotem the animal
economy r,atul if properly catiricti out, by the use
Will certaluly rrsulliti, the complete alrtlition ot,
sateittes ye, (Our tim ttlowing testimonials, froni
lictrstins of the highest respectability in iCew.Yoru
,wito hare recent ly been cored of Abe most_ubsti,..
unto compisints, solely by the use of Wriglit'iist.
(110 Vigetaltte, 4treeristati Oak
ICge • •
- • crATiricATin ~„
. • _
0 Prom Army ,Kork
LIN. VI Pr. iValfiliATl:l•Dear,liirer- At ~ymur ro
icommbildationtl some Unto state runic I l ia, of
IWrighl'a Indian dr,isonoweills, of the North
tP,o,klol PPMOPEI - les 1!?..a FRI cal! c„0 !Owl eat iv.
o.,ppty ntliert tnaktor, rurifr ng !tip blotio milk,. mil
jOY,agyit hyaioni, I hive reimivittl . niore .h,entgt
itrorn'theiv.nati,thati,hvotriittly . otfiet 'O . aotikeitin it hits,'
, I.le_reitatore heel' rysood . (intone te.tnoet
friend, 1 ort,.tfaitv,iit many thataliry.pni.ohliged, : '
.014A01,E5 1 ,31... rATE,', •,.
• liimmerely:ori3et 'lle* York':
• •
rrOln gO V GPIngI. i• " rr
siit rr t.:lllpl3, been ,pillictei), for .severai•
years \vritit:leviarti Neakneas and
,general tiehililft•
iaceetnitaelidAo.:times,,Wllbintin!;in the.. Ode. and
iiihF , niottre,latpE . .tinntplainta , per hnsing ',tried
various plenientes withbqt eRtl,ll, vim ikeriumled
ttiCrlstid,tonutke trial of Ile. Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills, which I am happy rte.'s ate hav e
relieved 'no in.ll Inclat_w_ontlerfol:manner,.. A har e
users Yet! ht&e:iliitil tint's, -and
.laito . no - dionht i bv,a.ite . rseverencesin I hen seof
mcdieiiu neeprdiait to ttiiePtloni, j; shall Ina
parkatly'repalierl.' •
r reattintnentl' kid' Pas I'm all
and Iti4mliKjiiillet
that the same' liplattola I , reaults iII 'follow. liietti
~ Cf, ' lt, h ittnain,yottra ly w .:
, 'FOOTE t.
NtrerwaraihKi 141.11.ter ,
~_Ori:•,PIIITTAIYAIrrs.--The public. are
'6rdegi , fo ogte fre; . are ; et le,(l,l)iwles
,slmlhilo. Wyjgreafmlian.Veptan Vil la.
liihil;c9over„Mookaiiicabiyir;:. ;
"'. rbister,AorCitt.tArlamd
G• '''" • ,•,•
si " •
. • Cathcart;
" • .1 & • 8 , -4 PkYloiFlPgc,t,Omvfl3l
Llidotiti f '.• •
I ,•Jorkiilnlibidati,lo6ll# 4. /c.ltciidio;"' 4'l
:OR ret.lO-1r: 'devotetr;'•'*ltiiirveli ;::ittp•!..l - hii, 'Sale' of
*,ij e f
)I.'?- 4 0 . 00A-re*tlico9 ~iAmontfrqt• tb
Y' r.O 46,41.4. e• ,
u. - . ~~; ei fa::
~]~., 1 '1: ~~:
I MlVl: l4, 4 l ;itl i ;t4tot i fl 4 4 6 /:
vid tot
4011. 4 ,k,4"3 , •,:11.V1-,.' , TA1, 1 „, „ •
••• • ` ,-- 11# 4ilittlet jav
,•.Ortur. s varptAir,atigtoro.-:
1 ElP ,, t 4 { l .4l.fold,ll , groody49 l . l &ol9o,llo l (lneAP•
Filber~ndhe . I$ uodor,o,y,Rty,.l . o#
'rCP. aß.‘,ll lo t9P l Ms , ;(l l 9 ll serfArtt , ficilig!O NOP AP ,
19* , est 143
'puiled t u it ivricei:smo:lll9yellyrfoloiil4 ktforlmesik
he 4fsrii Ot t heftiftitoljoglerioliAlitiOr,;ll , r; i iklOditon, ,
li4llos(ti.o*,V,"lool9 coroottitgly, tq gee, ot-voriety,
nod ? fimo , ;, siper mod (lifolys of All oildtho
but ro?tt,i - ?>, "di!Oie,Mith ,
11,11011 II 011'1)04
'r oon;2s. to .o,'"ceoto,.ond:Antrm
Hod Sfoir,Cforjoi • ;I'2 1040 nta p0r,y0rd.,77--
Plat Beira', Ititgo,l7l;ble Covoro,
, Rst l ,A:titjt #ll4 Cp;too Cjim4l l lg , ko.fre
, t2:4)1111)G
Vo:4'i ' , " . trau11,Cr.r . ,•;..,i0.,0ne door; übovii Chesnut
near Yd street '
Seydeadierl 1847 • '
I-Sww- t,74 , - e, r; ; I l d- olni =17.0 6 7 -
MHO: sOhecrilietOirctitig, inoo Inr . i . prove*
11 rheritelit At 4 e
!chit!. of PLAnt
and ORNAlllklit ItoIVIVM WORIC• itiol6i3Sievbs;
ItidillOVSeeetiepV,o,fperiltkin.da,,or grni ni ideas;
'sand, ore, ehutF , atrirehy brielcduat ItNiund4t'
Sievep of a.superior, qua eonstantly on hand.,
Ipo Safes;;y irp 1;1,1511 • .Covem Sofa. Spring*
for,Spark CH4 ll oes, &d:;
alttitilfiNT/ArW,7ltr: WORX, 4111 CPS*C";
-rtniesei:r Fe nttet'f, • Flowur,
StandejTralnereiTrellit'tvpilathOGraiie itel;
ko. 'Alto Wike.Fe'nern'ttif 'Ave] , Ileßeripji . oll , •
• , ajcortleli distal .. . 611 y rticel‘k l / 4 1 ' died .prorintAli
elitembeege, 1847.. , • •-•
. 1. N. RISDON,
. • liffE.Roll42ans . 1 A221,011.6 - :
• •
. • .
Nojr.o','iSlotith• Third 'Stre'O_,t .nritily'oPimsite the
R",pe.v.TfuL4y,„.1.,..„. tcrtheir friends
and'he 1)006.04 they arc coustautly.ttrel•
to Mahe' to' 'Order; of the . fi nest bein
tnatertxle,Bnid at , m o der a te• priccii; every article
of ,conetitutipg a „Gentle.
Min% WatiAli•oqe, for Ohiilit their complete Block
and . carefully selected Cloths„cassi-,
me:res, Vestingsli7. - , - ol the latest t!oti most desi
rattle Rath:wits, are particularly . .
Their own praetteof knowlri•ge of the Intsiness
Rods_ peramol attention to every garment, enables
therrf to give entire satisfaction, AO to both old
and..nyty, customers . Orgy- reslsecifully tender an
incitation to give them a call., .• • •
- .llfiVitigliceirlor years cAnnected with some of
the 'beat attulimnstilisliiiinalile-estoblialimiOdrfiel
this country; employing none but first rate•
II en, and being in the constant receipt of the
test reshietet and best styles of gooda, they ore
lblly_prepared to accommodate customers in the
best manner.
Philadelphia - August 18,1.847-6 mo
THD Subserker, of the late firm of Buck &
'Moore, tulips this method of informing
his Mends anti the public in generel v tliat_lie
his bought ouMeloterest of S .
Buck, at tlie
Old established CLQTHING STAND, N 0.244
Market Street, Philadelphia, end is now pre
pared to fbrnish all kinds of readY, made
CLOTHING,' ut cannot:hut:secure
to him the patronage of all who wish to pur.
chase cheap clothing. I have splendid French
Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, from-45;50-to
62i centa to $4; suit of Summer Clothing for
$2,15: -- Also all kinds of GentlemeD's Furnish.
ing Goods at extremely low'prices;
Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well
to call at the store of
• ••
nt, pr oprietors 000110110 to 'AC tile shove
Portraits in any size nod style, and sue happy to
announce ihnt tftey !me made several improve.
meats widen add very mitt% to the delicacy and
hranty of the part:kits takeout their establishment
An examinatiomof speeintens RI their rooms is
respectlull,y and , every eitertion will be
made to give entire satisfaction, '
W. 44 F. LA
f SolPagents for the sate of -yolgthiender's A p
'rondos, and iniportertt of plates, chemirals,&a
Philapelphin AttiosVlS, 1847
. .
g _L.... .
I or; WA Y & ICE EItLE,3:7.N. Wharves
. . below Race street, offer for solo at the
°WEST PRICES, all the articles of the Oil
Trade. Their .steek is varied and extensile,
and they feel ton&lent of giving sathifatfipt
to those who call. They have nett, on hand
Pure Sperm Oil, White Winter and Fel
Oils of different qualities, Solar Oil, Winter
pre,sed Lord Oil, Winter Elephant and Whale
Oils, Refineld; Racked' and Common Whale
Oil, Tanners' Oils, Sperm Candles, amino,
dm, &C, .. .
d a. . 4T the Philadelphia Watch
_A\ and Jcw , .lry Store, 06 North
‘''' •\ 1 Second St., corner of Quarry'
5 .t , . , Gold t lever Watchee, rani C% -
~ • '''. . ':,.- 'ldled, 18 caret cases $45 00
- u:i.'i.i7cii:ii.."." efilVer , Lever Watches, 1.
full jewelled- ,'"' • ', .. • 23.00
Silver Levor'Watehen seven jewels '• , .,.18` 00
'Semler. Quarter Winches • lO.OO
ImiCation quallefiVaichea not wrirrented 5 00
Gold. , ..Spectneles---:- • ---8- 00
Fine Silver Spectechm .- ' ' i'7s
Gold "Ill'acerefs with topaz atone' 3 50
Ladies-Gold , Pencils 16 , carrots: .'OO
Gold' Finger .11 incs , 3lA ~ ern t'it to sBt Watch
Glasses plain 121 cents to' ••181r-liutief 25,=
Other' articles In , prmMrtien.' Ail - points War-,
routed to he what they 'are mild ter: '' - ' '
..C: 31 !:.
::,„;. ...i o, t, • O. cpN,RAD,
On hand some gold end Silver Levers; `1:0;
l uni,ll. ".o l( t(9 4 ".irtOTl'Auwsr , ' l 4 l !'llie 1 .11 , 0: 00
Pr,icA4"" -- -• ' ; - . ' -,
''Pliiiedididifti,`feh: 3;')giii," • '' 4 ?" ' '''' , .. -*-,',
+,,..•,,'' ' .
41011 Ifl : Ar4 * M — lt '-i II ' EPAIU IN 1
...:.:*ii,efr - Niliii : r444l* * triiiii - ,, ,-'::.
, •:::''''....,'`"Pi4Littii,V,Hra,: l ' : ..„.., -L,.
rpOp,celebrily.efiheinks_manitf a id ur e ll bY the'
I, , anlpiprther, flld, the orteurite wales istibee..;
quesii , uptn,tlke. 1411 reputationyhieh theyl,4 o
attnittru. nueonly i ihrouglioutthe thlited'Sirdes,•
bve lA, tip.wa.t, Othes at l in' China, lies
him`to make' 'every. iteectuary, arrsniternqutito
supy the vast tiemintdmpan hie , elitliblleinneitt
lieu now preparrel:cgievet'Avaigeiy of Slitbk,
1 111 e' led 144 otritax:lnk, lim.elildnalt,
11 4, . 1 06 /,'Il - wder , '. 4 o ':1 11 YPIIT0 1 ; Under ,Itiv ) own
lirsoriti stOrintendeuce, , se, that purchasers
miiV 'depend upon'ite liaPerihiPtilialitY. .• . ‘
.110VP.411 .404MANTINK CESIENT, a
superlorartiole fey' Stein:tint Glitas,.r,hinit, Cab"'
Met W a re.'lke., , t Useful' • every ; Houeekeedbr i ,
befirc a white liquid,entrily riptilred, And neyr e t..
tedby ordinary liest , 4.warranti , dJ • . , - .'. s- ~r . . ,
14rPemphiels, contiloing4 the numerous testll.`
Monirds.of meq.,.,of aeitin c evetrd wirers,. wHilla
furnished prim' elitism. ;i p ; ~-, :.„, .•• .
For sale at;the.slanuilletory, Whola4l o ,, fin d
.tietisil; slo, .117` North , ; Third, Strust,, opposite
,CherevStreetPliiladeltildi;-16-:-;-- , . . .
, ~, ,,,,J OSEPEtki:ooveic.lifaniAl e ditrer.',..
'• "sini 27i1 . 44Ti 4 . 7 -Iy. , '!' -' , i ,, :-.' :-',. •:,
. --
..a.ortiore Is now Ole:1,10.0y asol,,by ;physidia
and others for Abe porn Ara l pd tpci.alaneninnre
.dh n
ees or i o t IT from n„,ion kstat eof t 14 1 9 0.
`ar habit 1,,0f)..the *Om warranted the
roan 4 fanturgk' tinincattrangek , than ,shy
Pg 4 V o i 4 P9 l . l ' - 9flimiAliPo , ,kl9 l ! . exo t, ;and each
0 4W419,90 1 1 1 1k gUar,t.;, rrioe?s l, ..Pr , bolt
,j, y.13414M10413''''
uw, , fp•••,- :•• •• • 2
TAJO, ret;e l i4o,replirtfilitYPital fcw, pa!
' 6 O nliebriritikaaliOdk;o ittd,Y:9lllle.toW!lVS'o,lll,"
HE euU ' iot{
infthia4aft v ititga..oll,kfrtl ,
itai l rotPr 6 ab: -I 'ln Oil.
• r y,
'i/ 4 9 111 . 1e ! . IP?
441 g
254 Market street, Philadelphia
tamest 18, 18(7
At the Phihtilelphitt thigiterreotype F.stnOish
meet, EaehttOge,Thiril Story Room,
, ..Nos. 24 nod 27.
Philadelphia, August 18, 184/. • - ' •
N..8.—A1l guilds delivered ill filet rate order
July 7,1817. • ,
Cheap Watehei and Jewelry.
',VV C lio .
,tisekeepere utid the public W11110'4(61.
iove stock of epletidia YollilOiciiidittinifdso
fas, Wardruboe;Ceiikiiiid i oiltiPhitil - o,"pies
pinuonA rho ellifretilier;pAd - 'es4{,y,t , , ' ijety o
Vabinet-ware and C dtw,.
',A l io) ) ' : i ficy -!)iiiift ,ju a. erred pp :,'4i , dial . . -fieW
rooms on, ihe'd4.oel• 'a fiNOrthT , OiciiSATi, iiiiii
Loothor 'Streets, .Carlisle. . •.. , - • i ., : ',..,...: , ‘:'..,
°The • are confident that the superior - finish
Of tr.° wer maiThp, trelegarice-of--styleAm
rwhich-theit — titiehweroxtd - titctOretlieTWirli;
their 011 . 8AP14.E$S,*ill rearanetid. !Ilea to'
every person irajeting...Fernit . tire.e.Thek:intie
also'riisdenriaaabniento torntandfn ur itig end
'keening...a, constant supply of every article' in
'their ime; foOth'ptalii.and ornamental; ele'gent
anfi nieful,.at p , rieei.tvltge'h they cantot fail to
Al it nurchapersi TheY z nfouldeernestly invite
persona mho tO ceinnieneo hientelteep.
inf to call arfexatntrielheirpresen.i,plegard.
wlidelithey,vvillnonstantly ma he' ed.
'ilitiortspf.the ) ireviMst and most modern styles.
' , .b . "oFlellNS. made te drder ptitheitio'ricie.
end country, ` •
• 'Alf 2
prl; 11347:, ,
' •
1 ,
,to the W0rh1 7 .4) hat Ha,..icp
. Compound Syruir nif lioarlioutid is, witliont
exception.or exaggeTation ,The 'Most safeand epee.
rho cure fceralli_disoasessari.iing from. Coughs and
wideli unfiniutiately. negleeteli,soo olien
end in,Consumption. If Mince% Cs.mpound
.u(t,or.Herarinitinil is taiceif the Writ aptioarance
or a Cattilt. it will cure it mid save
the enfreret froM an untimely.gravu. 'Price sb
cents. .Por sale I.l,Seth S.Ha,nce, lOt 13altimore
stand corner of Cho 0'61.4114,1'4 tt. sta..l3altimore
For sale in Carlisle, by .1 Es. W
at their .olicapi.)rug.atore.qp?ogi.tethe:ltailtni4l
liepot.'; . . (itive
Einpeilor Old- Wines and. Brandies,
. .
~... ' • For Medi - dna, PllttPtireB. V . • .
R. MYERS has just selected in 'the city
. an assortment of the most _chyle& old
i - ns arid' Spindles, fen. 'medicinaNuottable.
purpinies, - These purchasing may depend upon
them as being pure. Also Champaign; Port:
10)aret and other-summer wines: . -
July 21;1;1847.
• ement for Cisterns, .
And BEDFORD WATER in but n
half brirtebi. for male by -
Chainbersburg, July 28, 1847.-3 t
oldiers and Sider
20 in-rd
fors' Hams Sil sslti by f -
Harrighurg, June 9, 1847.
. .
1.7 G 'A.. - =
- -a Cr
"INFORMS hie friends and the-public, the
liberal patronage extended to him
during the past year, he has Beet), cithoutaged
to make more cfstenalbe arrangements for the
emoting smitten; and link added two neW,ltirgec
dud apieudiff Boole to his LINE, and will he
fully prepared after the °petting ,of the Canal
o forward Produce and Merchandile tif elf
kinds to anil from Philadelphia, ILltimure,
Pittsburg, &c., at the lavent rates of freight
and With the Utmost dent:Pala.
Agents for Beate,
. Mersrs. CA RIASCE & ASK tt.L,
Race - Bacot Wbutf, Philadelphia.
Messrs. GEESE & SON, •
No, 48 Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore.
Measera.CLAßß & TIIA%V,
Agents fbr caro b
' No 272 Market at. Philada.
,N6.423 , Markeit it. Plnladu
• Memo. SITER, JAMES & Co.,
11 " d street, Philadelphia
Pennayfrania and Ohio Line;N:it. Baltimore
March 17, 1847.-1 I:
147 T
• HAT is moot conducive to health 1 A
ON OF THE BLOOD. Now the beet meth
od to insure a healthy state of Bleod is, on Ili
first symplorn of qv diAntder of the eiretthi
(big ffeff,threll as Dyepeasfa, Costiveness, (Ad
dineas, or any of the discjises which arise
therefrom, to use Hance's SI rsa parilta or Bided
Pills, fifty a box for 23 neje. actording
to the directions: e au/I, yon wiltmlitain mined:-
file relief. • ~ ..
One - Word t;.f ,caution:—When ynu gn to
gurchaan.Hante Sareapatilla-or Blood Pilia,
be aure you get the (*Mile article: Friel. 25
emits pc, box, or five boxes fair one dollar. Fm
a4le by • Seth 13: Hance, 108 lialt!imcire /drew,
and corner, of Charles and Pratt' Rte..;
Ittotar -
- For reale in„Ca Ode, &
1N O, at , their cheep Prue otore;oprnalte
Railroad Deiot. ;(.1,une2,!;847.)
Cur far secprett,
DR. U A .31 'S, N'11:111VAL RENIF,I)y
, for the nitre oti Piles.. l'iid
Eir,ctimilli:ityreided 10..1)r, A,..Uidnn,W, , dielie,
plaited idrrid'enin New york city, is the only
• reiilltsteessfelyetnetly-for titini k itsnmons and,
distressing eomplitini, orei,
gteaffiltry'eMitnins no 11 . 1 ineilifSl, o liOliF:
'no Aloes, Wier
•uniliiiiiittnik pni:gittiie. No fear of taking
odfd while under ifs infifleiteeimi etbnige iii diet
,necessary. If‘ttkre,nteeent i tilfilt:4o,..direilions, s
',cure for life Is 4intra.ptbetr. -
"Atioltioneet i tititate gilded to'llidittino,eatltt:'
slrendy been 'reeetied; or the Oflicaeyjor - Rr
rTY`i•V3il 4 ,:f' A
V4l7lbrinti Yott{c-, A uguif
~ biessre.,Vystt r eve(.
rlYYPiti ,
1 10 P 9 Pil go;
very fest e 7 fidt iioiV.4
1 •
severe is id dtile memorn - boslitesi,itrd a
. dreg('
of noir indent Aledierniniitlinf
until' this spring',l ti d i er.. llo6 F
..T '' liie , l lol, l o ' CPIs
apettNd to n,pbysloia, for rglief. Titer Piles flied .
sev.ersi opersit'uns
to be performed efiliodt•ntiybenefit:, beteemih
edviter thieto,tefolbee mostm,l read gm adsee'.•
titemeptof If , ear! gitirmiteed byt of,De,
UplisittiirEleetuary, 1 ifufelleiteitthree boies at
!yam.. otdife,t oirld from , the • use of found
,reyself entirely im`red (lithe Pi'esoind my health
rouebietproimd: 1 remain, Sirs:tour
: •
;,',rifer4/1491,1fillori HyuallsifYiuPlitatrinv
Koprietor,-, „.
Irt'ot*f . ,l sl Cwrofritbi,
York, He'rgl golitbein - Stalt - 47
.iryablil Cita Eatlolt; an
the;tbniied . btntes,
.Priee Sic ? F.-
November:ll; 1846 i ' , 't,
Lli , etOVEANOIV E. ,
.2: ' ~...,::.
I AN? infrAdisiti'?4,,it?iie4net '"- - ;
crtri 1614htit 'trioit exerhehiting
othwatie,,,thOTOOßlLAlt.e..l-Er., ;
. . ef• . :.,
tilll9l:° "ErL r ELLIOTT'S '...'` ''t‘i , ~ ~f r. •.- -
1 . 111$1$:C .', ' ' i,' '
jlless;':,(s;::sl4°.", c.:', ~ : -.,i.' , ' , s, .t^ ' , - , f ,' . ,
, 7 .-
, ;,-- - Y- --- 4131ggelif poitinadd fhliecoffiffe.'',
I?iti l iq4. amid most pe
~p,t(4.p.llst ryli, 4to
, ...growth nod ptu5ey,v,1416!,1,,,01.2,117,170:/lif
iiiiktitegtoiuintP Behr litatikkr--'l.7,l,77i§i„:l)l3,iPiw`
Mr,l, F.LPIVONOOD/Ort,?!".4„:„%jf,af<mi ;
1 ttlisli kba7 /817`fI'V';')44P'ilii4.;;R.;,i,:
'7:;Z:q .15;pi,qa-,tipsi,l....iiiazlttat,iiileiiwi
rAW ?tit-
.ERR 344_44
tult.ftw),V4olr't •
no. tro.,•
andra l bsoc t o ir i t is r 1.0
No'. 140 cHealiuttEo43d:dbbr be Ow i Titlli;
eal' •
. ( li phi l9 9/tWie1tr.E.)440,..i.;.7.4 2. it te•
irrtur, jaettfres taken at this establishinent sirir
, ,pro nod need; by ri; sts i . a rid
unrlitdtett ror
.4141111 of ofieliqiiitliipai,titAlglA.,
and 'ttliaile;4liire'wer.diiiillit-i7V‘the.artistiti'.
arningemenvelf!theltighest ear( itrthitisiitteil , ll
Citizens. or • strAngetl
hate their.Miniaiurerror-:Protraifs,to7ceß.Tl !
a4titly%l44:fn 'MortietZ
Gold Caelints'Or
We copy the following froru.• the; PLilsdelphia
5 a 1 . u td03"c9 111. 417/ f;e: ; 7_o
kril i a c rutt
proficiency of American Artists, that llikreico.
types are now 'male superior mesa",
reaynct to tlittite 'tvigrle iapyr f ..of,,,:tisek t European •
cities. The
num ner,• by '41014111y ltat . itie •
t c, t lose °Do i a.:TtlynAliu`nttp,',4llll.titii?r,t.cmc
Lures only a tingle ill" ott'tti"..
which It liai
ing (Menial - ore
°rived by tho. varmint
of , Toti 4 Tht i iiiPVllf
Bartum, teaehereund,acero4lS4l3.#llhort
were.a lA* .
- " •
The DituginTai:itYpebr TOM Thumb end
• flintily, ineltulini.ltio several testehersi'. room"
o.klAtr;.*ilmit'l. 4 1 0 1 ' hii:voriwa
ONE iii 'preierif 'a Alegrim - titiiiieurany,..inq
truthfulness to Nature,: with, .
aniline; softnAte,, OZjiikisslONLlketitY,ten'd - delitit'ey)
•of finish still.ttbintrln• hithe
newer seen ei)inilled. , `TlieY are dechledry amen
to any thing of the kind _witnessed by us eitiligiul
ibis annuity, Cle ire, lAintion, ligal4- of,lll
cities of Europe' which,. wel,,,flave ; .
dike pltssiirnin.)kahok tVitnnony to the ink
and it lintfoetrory iiiihrratteit .10.1 pptf;
ttle,eminently stmeessfullihigikriient ,
• Signed• E;STItATTQIC.(tIia •
CYNT.g il.ATTON,ttheNothery
OlTOlTi 7 Tliyji:it, Enklahil 'ineAtn+e a.
ppica proistie - o - e of =the= Nets' York Auk
13aftimere 11InAenm. . •
. W. \V. WEBSTER. (Secretary). -
~ • •
(Ailrert'ter and Secretary ~of Tots Thumb , ist
• I I.'C'':"SliEllll , l/17.4 (lits PiecePt • )
This is certaittly,,,-rerf .strtkitt tbstimona . .
. fit tor- of niiTican toperiatitY,..oritintata it ;loci:
brain' those who liare...exaiitibedlapectmens of tit"d
best product ions, iii liteltil in limit of the prisms:
pie cities of Enroo. •
.1n1y . 211;1847,--Gaio • • • '
THE Subscribers; _lmporters and 11eitlerit .
iil Pohigo andArnericau:lron,leglearii
to call the attention of purchasers of IRON and '
STEEL, to the new assortment: Of Swede
- whinh - thei - now - Itairot Constantly re•
veiving from Europe. direct. Alio American
_ on,' consisting of Hoop; Band; Scroll, 0k0...-
English, Russian and American Sheet Iron;
Small Boinid and Square Iron, from 3.l6thif
and upwards; Boiler and Flue 1 ..norge:
'shoe and Nail Rods, Axle Iron, various Sizeoi •
Locomotive, •Tire ond% . Railroad _lron; Anghy •
Prow, Half round Iroti r iSte. Spring and Mater:
ed Steel, from best stamps of Swede Iron"; •
Cast and Slicer Steel, &c. all of which Abel,
offer at the LOWEST rifles, for cash, or at
,months for approtidd reference._ apd to
which they invite the attpiejim or_putelimerra
be li,re rept, nishing their stocks.
Pig sod lilt oin Iron received on emm
misilen, tin Which adVanceli will he inetit.l
lron.and Steel-Merchants,
117 N. Willer St.-and 5 .IN. JUel, venue,Tbila
July 28, 1847-1 y •
THE the trade„,,nr....hje.
retail, a hirgo assortment ce
tim following whales, being all Olds own id
portation or inenufucturo.
Dup.'s of goods in .this-lina.arelmited to
cannnir.c the assortment, and tirtibra are sotitr:
ted, with the assurance that every effort will be
made to give malefaction and insures contfu•
mince of i ustom.
Gold & Silver Lover Watches of ordinary final:
Do. . do. do. afauperior
Do, du. r do. Anchors Lupines:
Silvilr double eased English and SWIM) verge
Watches, with light, medium and heavy ca.
res. •
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, Snarled common.
Silver Pluted„ and Silver Wares. :
UFiCBI-Doxes, ploylog- 2,4, 6,2 and 10 NNW
Gold and Silver Spectacles. -
Diamond Pointed Gold Pens
Mantel and 'Office Clocks, in gilt and ethyl
Watchmakers' Toole and materials of. all aorta
Fancy Articles, Fanny Fens, Steel Reads, 4-c4
11 v ing every facility for obtaining goods ure
-mast edvantoSeaus terms, correspendingiii
Succulents will be offered to, ptirehtteerp.
• 112 ChSanut et., Pbiledelphiit.
July 21; 1847. • • • 2
Hits, C4pii, LadLiti7. .11liffk. Maas,
dr. BILOW,N; .
Wa (JO' .Iklainfactott .
-No, 196 .: Market ; Street' • •
sfcnNo ocOR
F.B, PECTPULLy.soli o cht ettentio_ • plOllO4
- .VV. '.and-'eiseriplettr sleek - trna
Caps, manefacnited ulideirtheii own •-iniettdi
ate„ direction and aupvt inteadenee;,Witb. all the
advantages of inodeinireprovementiio; etidBq
them to combine' the important qualif i es
rakility,, teat°, tied. ; bia ty - tif As iih
• trt.tite clietiptiessief,
4"184F0--111 nod 4 4 10 . 14tjtel_eitistittetent orAk
;vs rleti te apd, pikes, friletwer, ; Iltuah.!:Btlks
-4 9. 1 4,41 Nan : A alipti drat iiso.uneal,
of every tarietyi of Caps, Otter , Fait,„sefkifiqin
894.1ch/014tetwAtlela and Fahey ,Cloth
tity!viAletl4/14cklmaill4stm.Ilitibeit,Rselettr4:- .
ftir•Caps-l-meit; ' l •a :, ittel•+ ,
d M iloao!,tthtilvatyileleeldif
.-; , fri 7t e,;;;; i; r;; ; , 1 -;.:
' ,Pu.t.ePi'•l7; 4%.os4slmttletteiemii-Splitetioird.
~.t p,to94lar:attentiothiisftl.tit dhir PIOUS t
11:18, - rne tnt ;111 .
9014 : paid, ror,tlNoo ll t , , nnkt3hi_ppiltelfewv:
sl.l96,M4p,:ket•iflogfit,liskift-.l4loKilgr ;r - •
July” 21...1847. hos. •
• • r i tl l o o Atte tittittB 3 t q l •Fr.
44111" Seistill'i4 iii!;,j_tWiretistne,ilkrp,!!l.
j . 11 , 101 a, lot pflif . ..VV.,llOHB, i totaslsiing
:pa r t of. the I.,a°v;tnt; nghgrjis ; PialU Ii b' • ;
•' •
'.'Nee Style Celidtias, a 11 4e. 14 . 1 ,--, •
AVlilte and lirnen'Aluelles;t' ' - •" ' 1 ; 1 '
: - white . iiiii.broviiinett 54 Ohietingliti
doe: CottlitMealety;; •
colomd,r.oitoii r
Irish Linens - , fl•oirt.97i
t,'tiriped;eol,/1ic.194 Tr./ Mdlif•
." • • ••••i •
• 'white • ii:net
'•••••• •••,••
r . .Cessimerdti: ! fikU
7 'lni'abilievietrfOtillies'UnlieT"iim 4 h 6 'o l "*i 2
m, meek isantplOte'l!.',Cnil'atibe.neg'Stiggr•:• , •
in Wiiitlatliiiiiiiiitpett'afticrvanolile , ••.- •
r•-•••,' Ark,
4.5100 btste. l o,er;•';. 4 . n
,14J1.41C,de „ iv t ,
1 .'2 46 0 1 0.
IV - 11 t
15(1' I tV! , .its rauttA-'A tilltrAFlV66.
'OIV .1
-•.;_; • s
Car)lkKoooer 1,6,11i4T. , • ••••••' s
P ll .