gang E /1:2 • 'l7 - F , ;4• e ; i 4 4 . l'L a ,• SEM i.,1 aini 1:.n;, Iv, 11 1 , , ~ t, il', 11:,1 , ..i . !, I ~:. , , 1 1 . .1 , ,1 ; , ', , ,i , t , ,v, :r lit. 1,0 !,.., =EN 1 s I . t 1 . i . ^{ VOLUME ,(f4roo. 1100TOIL:og0. - ! , WILLIS, FOULKE - --- (trewitithe:of - siielkpf#nr.-.s!edital-plioge _of ESPECT-V-ULLiiifierre,teithe_puhlidibLieto , ..11tefewdonid aerTlees.iin:thb 'prabline nsmn,. o 3,urgery, and Illidwifeiv: " • . ''i ,, 9411 W,a„thet refiftence • ordnii, father in S.- llanoveritreethAehtly opposite %ferrets' (late. Illptierie)' 'Second Presbyterian ' Avhil , • . , • y 'it ;r• t ''. - • -,...„;.',-,::' altailtl2.llPo; -. _ • - : . t - VI I, '.:' . PR ., 3011N .3. •:111YERS . • Ili . ~, Agi..;-.Rumoyzwini tiFFICE and , ~ AWKipNC4'to the ' tiiii ` story ''. 'i h oho!lhd.hiiiiihrL;tltoPeug , Storo, .' oh, Wes , . Maiii;Street; : •,.,•,: „-, .:.., 3 . :,• : 1 .. , AprAt . 14,4V47.. • . - - .• . _ . • '.IIDaIY4 U l / 4 101B; Z. 111) ,11411 3 11 ) .12i) Homoeopathic Physician , • VlVTlbEs: 4 lWailrf iirtfet;' in..the , hbose for 'thorly occupied kr phrmap. Carlisle. April 9, 1846. , EMB Zi•Lakillden.E/ 109 • 7 I`r ILL ILL • perform. All. dlitrationa witun, the; V Teeth that are required l'OFtriOrliVesee vation,suchas 'Scaling, Piling, Plugging, EA.., , or will restore the loss .of them; by . ; inserting Ar. • jackal !lreeth, from a single Tootli;Ati .p full sett, •LTOfruse on Pitt street, n few do'orsSontli ofthe Railroad Hotel. N. B. Dr. Loomis will be - absent from Par lisle the last tend sys, in each month. June lt.tff46. . JOSEPH P ATTO.RNEY. AT LAW, . rittsimg, Pa. HAS returned from Carlisle, to the pra-lice of his prefessieu •in Pittsburg, Allegheny Pa. , Feb .1 0, 1847. _ - 4tOrney'at. 'La*. FFICE in 11inorer - itreei , a Few door below .1. H. gra barn, Esq.. July 16.,1845. • VA2211101 Ilk.:ll222ltati Attorney at Laay. Ov"CF. with S. D. Adair, Eng., in eralnlm's new 'building, oppoilt-thet'ost Office„ March 31, 1847. CARSON C. MOORE. Attorney-at Law, /IF FICE bithe.rear of the Dourtllouse: in th MY room lately occupied by Dr. FObTER, dee'll March 31, 1847 ti e , I4tlb Attoiiiey al Law, HARRISBURG, PA. Apiil 28, 1848.—1 y. • 431630. 211114 ei Indite.of the Peace and Scrivener. ItTicE in south Hanover Street, opposite the Post Office. Carlisle. April 28, 1847. IPTILVET . OR AND SORIVEIVER. JOHN C. ERLT.TCSELL, W. 4 LA.-be-found at-his .ofrteer in-the—retir_ the .Court House, ready at all innes—unless 'engsgecl in the , business of his prof,:ssion—to make Sur veys•or lAnds, roads, etc. Ile will alio prepare deeds of conSeyance and ally other instromeni of writin4. Carlisle. June 23, 1847. Plainfield Classical Academy, Four miles west of Carlisle; between the New. ville State Road and Cumberland Valley Rail Road. MINE third session (five , rtionths) will corn. mence un MON DA,Y, rion.7ati 1847. The number of, students is' limited, and every effort made to secure their moral and mantel improvement, as well as their comfort and health. Duting'tho past year upwards of forty students have been connect.d the The studies embrace "Sill that are requisite :for Condi° or my bueinecs' or profession.— Everyceort will be made tosecure a continu ance of patronage from the friends of °direction RererinCes, 'Terms, &c., made known,.by' tppiicatitis personally, or by letter addressed R K BURNS ''" October 8; 1847:#-4616 • .1 • • - Mt d LIP re a - sLIELAIMCOPIZEI • • • A1taM1Z72.171"01.„ '."II(IIIFFERS his ierviaea to.tho puWin. Ha., ing had eevnt'al yparnoxpOrtence.withliiv ~ Vathr.and having , in his,pussaksioligit; ,values - ,;,,blii,4l9llsoinn•of papery made; by M in ; ho;hope hy,caro Rn,notnalty -413!n!nekin rig • • • ,-• puWicpatronage: ~ 'I ,Q#l,3oin .hn inbliinqinio,inuisedixtely in of Cirlielo; - cit St ' . SOOMUNtis " NZlPartatatialZAWESZ , :"Stikr444C4gaiii ,A ?CiltdOUTllPt,s:rgw.Ti,,neir iqle. College 51y5.14, Wilkes, !knit GiTclerrcti's "ppswel; ,cto prs, imtvrarranks, ,wsinlo:4 ril o !n,hip liiie • • alorrettls ,, llotel 1. ! • 1 1.4•••,,, , ' VO,l inisiiriberlrespeetfully,,nonomices to • • ,hitlfrianda andttho i Publini ifenerftllY.;(l l 4, taken or #st.!; ll ll,9wk?l'ftvgrn §4ns l - ;-, gfte corner g omfret • of- Souhlfranovgr ow/ P Ms. • irornierly, Andrew Roberts; erlibir her. will'elMenvor to t oerve Liaise who may call pon him in ; the Moot ,ontiehiniory, 1 ho,henes'. ig Plonenntly , situated, and le' for., toed beddidg, Mut oth • ‘,. o,onrnituro‘noo ; nor eneonimodatione are , proih , s. 'Make •Iton , 'Obavenieni ;pit , ilegitable, Pig, • 'l47"Nriiiiiirliaiiitieillshe eplittiO lot it agretiablp, iri , ' all .itoldopertmenti khiieti erh4 may'favor him ;wJthla Pill. ) taken ;b9Abis , ,w.Ook thriAtonoi - • , 4irg, 14 t, 1 4 7 . , ~, , ~ ~.,, ~,2 41 ., ii,, , 40 1G , '. : .1 . ,,, , , ~... 1 ''' . '' ' ;','':''''. 4.fl ti ."- ii;CJI,O,10 1 : 1 “ :1 1 ':, ''''' % 1' ln '''' 4l6Yi l eAClffaii,lf ' P re * " al Wl!' L't - . audit Iti: lit, i l srifii rie.llno l WthOrriil; he :held' ~ t tpp l Ai n foin t im i o n ^,,koNDA,Y ? the 15th / 4. ° 1 ` 1 11:0 , Ntivitiaiiii h6 l4oo3lo the'hnr e ~f IPA' alp irau Antu'ifildlodookr , AI , ' ~ , ,, ' ,7 ,f,..• 7, pk „,4l,l #l ,,4 “ , olamiitaiiroSizecl! c i,•,:„ , O:ji•Vioduil#ild'as 4 P , ..iteA l, l9o :,, ' 4 s, o , 9 spatts . 1414 011.1 ' '44 111iiiittlY , N r Atiellot , 4-1.- ,, ti ',.•,+,'' ,'1...„;,.. , ' l % i*ITI, 41L`o'",ilAtrACal,41,411„Zt1 :giktiVtattib , P':` , 4',.:1' ; '''• ~ 11. 1 1,, • • i __,...., , „i , , ' , 4 t '' • t '. ' f .' - i• •- 4 • •• •., rrm ,- i'..l ,' , • • •_. ,- Ala. trOgni .. • .... . . A ._. - ,_„ I , ) •fi 1,, '‘ .1 , .0 3' 4 fii - j 4.,,,, , , . '1701 ,,, , V''' '; '''' ~1 . , ' • . .t ' .A , ~,,-. I. , . t .4--- .' ,1 . /i ,f` 4 961! t t. \ ' 'l'l44l ' 4° 1 4-4'42 -11't-i t' l4. .g . ' • I',l-r-7' .4... 45 .111.. " . 1. 3 / I .- - .161 14 /N •: '. ,'. ' 1.-t.....- - ... i s /•A ,;41.•y0 lili . • •' '- ',- I „, '' '-• ;;' , . 1 ; ..,..',, U. 1(''.,1 .....";,‘l% ' i:. ' 11; 1i: •'•,'‘, ''' W " e': r . ', 1 ? 11 1" _1 1 :A11" . ._1211.,:__ L..- - __.,r I , r , •:- ••.; Wl' • •,•; i • ..,:--,.. - ,r1, ,, ,, , ,.. 1, '. ... .= 1 - J . t..,,, v -- )., ~f4z..,, , ' -- , 1, 41.,ti. .I:.totli i' 't. t i ,f ' 5 -,,:' ii . ``‘``' '' : d : ;:. '.:'''." ;'::-.if:r'!':1418)).'..* '' . (1\ 11'''-'41'1't.:i2 : :::;::".. ... -.r4 ' ; flt .l\ l-i' ''llll' - fltb ' ' :.....,' ...:tr ic* ' :''''''';::':;:' ' ' ' 7l):!:!:.:ll ::::j:;:t'''''':- ' '''' ' 'lr;'''''''''';'°:';'!lli'l'jj' 1 ''' ' ' i:3 11117;.1-)4 l''''' ' :"::: ' '' '' 11 1 C '''' 'il '''''''il .. * '., .:, 1 t; ',i1,' , ,' , , ~ -, A.:.„'. . .+1i .. ii.c.',, ' 0, ~',i'i , ' 4 - ' ...: . 'j , l' ';' ''...',” r." • -..„.. - :-.- ' '. 'A' ,' i ',/' - -' .t ' - 7•••., . 1 , n i i I .' /,, ,a' 't, t r „ wi )1.3 I ([1 ~ , f ~., ~, 1.5:: ', VI t';. F47,..t 11;,;ficy f /) , 4139•: , .• ~ % ;;, " .', . .'zi:':)!l ,r,v, , , ,. .1 i .410 Ili i'',;‘..1.., ', VI ' r.ri . :lT ' , V Y'A l t . q , .. -,1% til . V.1(.1 Pri' ‘‘'' "I" ' . 1.4'4 ' l4'-' 1 ''''" in ' t-n '' '' "'J..' '' ''''' .1. / . . 1' .' ."" '. • `l' ' --‘' . 'l ' l ' n .- ''''. ' ' k '' ''';'''''''" ' ' ' •"" k ,‘'''' l '' '' ' ) ' , •.t I, I „,,,i...,.1 t, ..•, • .• •• •• .• '• A, ''l ' l 'l "nt) r1'‘ . .. 1., % ,:''-,-; - .ir.. ,' ;3.7 ' :: -.1. ' 1 , - • - • '4- -', 0.1 r rli , •, , , :pt . ., ~ , I . ~, . , , , r .„ ~,, ,„,,, i ,, i , H ., AI f: :e.”;,,,c ...,, r .1,.,.,,,,, „,. t t ; t, ; . „ .. .4.,,,,, ..„ ..,. ~ t.;, '.,t, f‘t ~ •,. ~,,,,, ` ft ..t , !:.i. • ,:-..: .., , ,.. - t - t „'t t,.., •,,t .Y. , ~. ;. ~ ~.,, ~ „ . .., . , , ~,:„.„...;, 1 ,:. . • ...o•‘ , :zi - ..-.' , -...t , 7'.- , ' t ~ '4, - • lEM StAtch'ed out afar o'er hill and plain, Air If iti'string dome massive lyre To ring out earth's tedeemlng;Strain . • kis a lire; Whose edery string: . , Shall vibrate to thelwalse•of man , — .• . • • , Such hie genius bring, As ne'er was 'made Since time began., , , . !It is the masterpiece, of Earth— " , , The climax oral, ihnire alight, ' • , , Where man, forgerflil:of,llls birth, •. dertteheeo:oo64eye . etiilt? , It is the path Whnie lisitinhme Obedient to iordlY Who forced the ' thektiutiVe r sly • ..• And chained t 'ernidOwniemeNtfry • • ' i„ • '7.4 ; • Oncetheir were messengers of tied, And dashed thionglt hiniVefri remniest anal); But now they've left .their high ebode, . • • -.,Te : heraldnnt ttie.terap•of kb'inote we'll ti'utd.the ealiler dove, •• • - Or iron steed, or laggibg,gele,.. . Dot cell the lightnings from apove. To spread the news and teirthe tale•. They Ihroptsned the rolliag,Eaphrr And.puttht erten!' tinie'aihaaii,— • " Before the'firiuts haeit'S birth; • • ' • 'Tie PastuPon;tinatriitit.traek. , That track—the yiedt hlitiWay thought— • Where-distant nations converse hold— E're word is said, of deed Is wrought, 'Tie whispered round and round the world letomeast•temest— from pole to pole— Wherever map hap prelecti the sod— The every thought of every soul, • Is omnipresent like as God; It.binde the nations all In one, And thrills its bulse throughout the Union, 'Till every kingdom, tribe and tongue, Rhea live andrict In full communion. From Graham's Magazine,_ The Last Adventure• of a_ Coquette. A more capticious coquette than the beau iiful Kate Oro&ley never played-with -hap- : • lestilfearts. She is now a sober matrompie wife of an elegant husband, and mother of hero beautibullihidren.._ We hate to rake up the ashes bitter remembrandes; (for„believe us, gentle keader f this story, though short, is neveitheless true - , and wa know me young gentleman .at leak. who will recognize the unhappy hero of it.)- ,But cannot pass over, in silence the last episode in the• unmarried life of Kate. li my-be a warning to future, unfortunate lovers, and, afford a .striking in stance Ail that atter heauleasness what - a beautiful flirt aione can feel Kate was an_heiress r tliat'-is,- a-moderate fortune of two hundred - thousand had been accumulated expressly for her, use—for she was an only chilil:She had. a• mud) larger fortune, however in her face, and that even ing never passed, that the, throshOd of her father's comfortable dwelling was not cross- • ed by half a more of elegant beaux,all bloods and some of them men of, foram?. Kate a- - mused herself by nick imt these young men jealous. A beautiftil flin who can command even the small sum of two hundred thous sand dollars, is a dangerous creature ir. the community of Philadelphia and already on, Kato Crossley's account hail two parties of , the aforesaid young gentlemen crossed over to Camden xvith sangoiliary_, intentions. For tunately, however, we have the most vigil ant Notice in the world; and a mayor, Whose instinct is so keen, that it has beeti known to forewarn hirii of the time and plaee 'of a duel, the arrangements of which had been kept religiously secret horn all but the prin. riipals anti their seconds.. ~ By such efforts, of; get - ons on the part of our worthy mayor, had-the chiv alrous _lovers of. our heroine been spared,the, pain , ,of blood. ,letting,.and having. purchased. the pleasing , reputation of courage,. they, were bound over and thus procured the, swept 'privilege of bowing at each other hereafter without the necessity of fighting for it. Matters were progjessinr thusdovers' were alternately sighing and smiling, and scowl ingi - when - the elegant -Augustus Nob - returii- - ed from his `.Kuropean tour, bringing with him of course, a loreign mustache, and a f te cidcd/yloreign accant. , Nob was an only son of one of the first families. lie had been .left an - independentfortune', by his parems,• (deceased,) most.of which he had contrived -to Spend iti Paris and Loothm- ~ : 'his, how , ; ever, was still a,secret, Vol? Ivatf-.W.eleome every where. . • 'But under, no . maho gany did' Augustds Nob stretch more frequently than under, the, hospitable board ot•Mrs. Citissley.• We, say, Mrs. Crossley. tor, although her,good hustierid still lived, he was only identified in' the . house as a•piece of its plainest furniture. • Croseleirthakserved Iris- purpose'jO• this . .w.orld—he hid made the 'tvytt.hundred thou. sandhad, 'reified Amite,' business, 'and -was' no longer of hdy ' , VA ue. l, ,t' ii web now; , Mrs. • 'C'tttira Id pldylier .partc;Which consisted' in practically:proving that two"'hundred thothi- ' aud'cati be epee', ainaps,aa l: ,tade. .411e,66100,"erd,bupgcrc,followed; , eichotlkji - juiCk,biOcebbtod. ' l : Acrnfug iiiCei wero, - -sel4;-etterdCd; by ' crowds' of: bloch.i,rtie elegant AtVis9is was al Waye , 4rc6ent, and itt . oyti dressed pri3Oni;:ind. al-, waykdrusbed the;tt' oil( la'shieriii,ble., lig.•- r • A party'at the house Mra.'.Criiisli Mid . tbe elegant Augustus, not : preseni :n)it,h6 •• could' ,bear i1ie,1441.;„ : 561 'lVtia:::ipi•firrnelf r 'lielie wee Vicrietently AtclelnitnC:,'' , - ; ~ , 7 i I%) 0, ; ill•b r '.o9 4 T-riltuB,9 B t9;7 ll 9`..lAlli ' d :'l/Cet.Y lice. eid.edul,",of,?stlicw,,oljarrititig,'`j,hp,ty : hand-. 66"I'VaitarlIMMisicriPPWi;:ili01116, ..)that' , truy j ciliug, itliefe gives.: . trtOW' TiftiOlit Iting' , to call. hi rn in4,o9er,,sC'de,:itti : d '':in 4(4 -;Mrs. C. was leavin g : cd'etigici, UntStin Ono; *inns' m ate .thie ' . pletdrcel''';',ooejgOr;lStiii'Vrtut,l,not likely_td. fic4",Yauclinpp:,oeclori s 'On i tlne, pert of 'iolegent;hlineelf.. r pl,9},fpo r '. ,i,ii l it4 :the:lvii• hundsed thOsetidAkeTc - ,beenvpartieitletlY'lid' `,young; at twit - tt trie l p4,s„ the ; h'eliitiobtfiel - 0 1 pIrgehtle.thil)i - litirin' 4 ?ltinr:i" - 9 ,6 l l BTtli* vanity, had ' become gnieo exCifed; ~1!114; 4 . felt Ape)) disposed to carry-otitite,iiequittelin', iij*MPliiiik ep#o.".Of , the,: "fig : ohY ; an4l InWiß li PoinPrtteet of; at Iteittli:Ofirefgdrimpetittfts.'t ; 13 ' 1 1 , 51i0i'• 16 ' , Or tacciiiiir - talkilT Willie, imel ki,triiPg4qQl, 2 je ,) ,40,V111-94,, beam, 13 39k1:0.0 ,1m 9V 4 0 , 1/ 11 9)00Citr / PP"' i : , favPie ; in4lim4P4 0 13 0 1 Pa• a 0 ' i11 34 ,01j-, jni:.;:#9,yr 401114;0,6"W Mr. tjtitiiiii i ; ‘ ai t 4iO 4 .l l o 4 9 n t s .11 4 4 ' 494,Miltlinlitiling bri Al,ll, MI • ;Fitilftlifiltfli;• l 4MPOSik:alft,i iiiiiidlirei n i at i : , f heyti ; * O iii l'0(f 10 ,! :Y# 4 l 7-1 0 t ie ei i l iiatikuMV 4 to. WiliitiObaidliokflcVelgeVelt ,oli bus' '„..Wl—Pcnizigrg-ARRP.M.,o,l,me'crit, rare , ' NO. 9*-401#41104 30 -,' ' B ; 9 l '4_ll,g: o kt :)haft ti,,, , le atie r ,, , tatiniatt4Alvit 4 itOs,noth, rdiPtee**Ei3oon4:49ioll:Ven..orithi !ink z : ktroialilAi i' 'r l ii,7l, 44l-ilir k fii ; ls'66llll ;A i 4 Phi gli gl i - (.l,t t , t .. . ,-, -. ..- ,tir'/, , ,11 ~iVOOpi, l :l,4e.-ioml. cr,=f csß.,x;;:l;) ) - f-' '--,- MMNIM 4.= Vonalq i , .... The Magnetic 'Telegraph. BY JAAtEII.O,,i6I6O.DY l AlizitiatlemcWtto4. RY THOMAS MAYNA. REID INEMIIIII - - - ;'UP . Ctr2aiitEXta2tMriEr.l.7:o 44 / 3 1422EMMVI II AJErte ii. taa.. 11# 211,1V,1s ;43u, 1; It s , S., f.!• • =IEEE is foirndwith hlegniit little fiat% Ii tei his, the, bred it ought:to cbe quaOppleckor triplo4 lit least. ° . !tine, the talented Katis; uiideret~tide'it all; thoLgthilre LSn's_ silliness, she - lulus kef.sOthe .Upok•anothee MY OEprMI.,crMY I ,}TN Yoi eyes Sparkled,lan hight'aftte`Pperi=they"look ed ' ' s!ge'ritle inan's ; eyes vrere- of aver y, dull: grepri.,uolor r andlooked.pdtp„a t e than ti,hasilifik"S: biit,not:',Sdeingtherit isntit ; ifitilled'tthat lie Could not help it-zrtheitriviii 0104.aytt eicitect,:himisS.r plr.:Cressy, She was, prevented,ltom finishing bY Whb 'Mad& hid 'app r ce in the, door way i .;andAirho•waisinille ,s; a.personagel . 1 44 n To say that Mr. Augustus Nob Wll9 a 'ptirtP; peak ' tvhsit :rt 'Eriti4 , thelbth er' andli d Wail 'a big ;fish-,riiirfrict:the. , biggest , in the .k)3111e.•., Any .one,Wfie l had.witnessed.the senttatfun prcdu.` ced,bfbis announceme n t, would haibijudk;, 'ed to." The Cocitlidtri'biokieff in the • inid : ," dle of her: satire, .and'- running: toward the .door, conducted him lb Alb seat ,pearest to - herown - oyhertiralter:antelegtMt - beWk - her Seated himself—a full grown lion. ' During ' the centinunnce.of this welconi.e''recepliou; various pantomimic gestures wera.exhibited by different members bf the b ompahy: There. was a general uneasy shifting of chairs-.-dark looks were shot towards the 'elegant,' and conciliatory, and even friendly glances were .exchanged among the bbabk, Who, - forget- ling for a ,infltnent their' mutual jealousies; concentrated their united envy upon their' common rival. It Cressy's eyes never spar - kled before; they certainly did upon this oc easion,-and the right leg of Pirzrush was flung violently over the left knee, where it continued to oscillate with an occasional tier, vous twitching of the toes. expressive Of a hardly repressed desire on the part Of . its wnerio_try .the_farce_of_thosolittle_febt_ou,_ the favored 'elegant's' handsomb pbrson. It was all in vain, howeverr--Nob was evident ly the successlu: lover, for he sat close to the graceful creature—that 's, closer than 'any otherand chattered to her of-balls and-ope ras; and, confident of his position, he dal not care a fig :or the envy and jealousy which on all sides -suirounded-liim. - - And Kateshowered all lier _attentions. up; on' No'b, and Nob,triurnphed over his: rivals, • Matters progressed thus Mr several weeks, Nob still paying ritifflie - d - attentrons to the co quette, whose chief delight seemed to be.not only to torture her host of other lovers, but occastoun4 the 'elegant'• himself. - ._Augustus 'however still continued fi rst_im favor, and from the at tentions which he re in the handa - bfl46. Was - conjectured - by the family fiiends that a mar riage with her datightor was not far' distant-- The - less asplying of. Kate's forarterlovers !lad 614 1 i Wirrif,7" , few anion whom were Fitzrush and Cres, sy still dontinue4,lo:liang on, despairingly of . 'what Writ+ evidently a forlorn 'hdpe. Nob 6Penly boasted that he had run them ill - out of the field, and' was Wean! trium umphantly to assert that he was breaking the heart Of the ideaw eientiftv,' and that ho could be under the positive necessity of ealing it at the hymeneal alum-. He was ery young to marry—quite a child—but hen to keep the dear sylph In suspense—oh! it be bawbawous—post ely bawbawas •It is not to bit suppossd that the - .ctlnn ing, the talented Kate,was ignorant of - these briasts on Ilia part tlf the elegant Nob. NO—no; Kate knew et, ,, and among other thing 4 she knew Mr.' Angustus ,Nob, tlior ougltly; and she resolved on taking nioste* quisitle verigbanoe on, him, . SPring;thilighthil Spiihg; has . retu r n ed, and all nature looks as-swe e t as the lips of a lovely woman. The trees upon our side Walks, and iu our beautiful squares, are once more covered with green and shady foliage, and from, the Windows of high houses hang handsome cages, hom *Melt those warbling prisoners—the mockbird, arid the troupial, and the linet and canary bird, send forth their dulcet notes, filling the streets with mu sic and melody. ••• their appearance in the streets, unattended by gentlemen as it is-the shopping hour, and gentlemen. would be only in the way. \ Front the.dOor of an elegant mansion in the nom part Of Phesnut street issues a eraceful and beautiful girl, 'ho is proceeding - down the street toward-the busier .pait of the.citY. 7 ; She ,d,oeti not loiter, nor look, in the' shall' witi dowe r as ladies ,gendrally do at this talks nimbly along thoughiliff Carrie forth, upon some:- precanceiVed•,A's , sha,l nears that.part of Chesnutstrdet,whigh hi, in . the n4ighbelhOotl of the State Flpitse f Sheies.. sans her 'gait,' rind • afalks"riuire She is heard ta'-dolilOgitize'',lP'", uln trut h, i t is - as much as my coinagei , nay; even ,rny reputation', is worth; to enter the studio•ol • my sweet painter , thus•alcne ; ,but what can I do, since the dear. fell Ow. has been • banished fitun our house by the inlaid.' °ratio notions` of my. inothe'r V Well, i shall 'risk all loi himi is' he'would itir Mei I know., . How i happy it will'; make; him, to,hear i my_ errand.,, 00)7,19 thick thatl i. arn;foreedlt an, ekipeinerit,'cr. marrrthat `tinny whom, my pother' bay ofinseh for Mi.. Sti c ritud I eliipe, *--1 flank' % Henry4ias iiolliften - ,Propoped it' l ; how happy shall;be, to bearlmp ,oo nsimc; , but :'(;shall ido it .in,mr.own way r -that'm 40. Henry wilt • latigh wheat " tell him of 'ivir iiiiiiii. '' , .''Scinie 'ode Ma); be- with' hiin , at this mobiein;and ,Al !, I...l.4ll(ll'iliiklo,''''go,iii:l4A:4l.%!".it,i-,417-:',- . t#l.o ,1i l illYslid-r,1.;!g7P.-!plttt,V7‘,. -.' l 1 " ?i;1,"» ."=&".lo.lPl',P•tiik:44:6,l' • , 3 60 - ~ .',VA 4 1. PIA ~‘ C i , ,:, le '','; l ll4 l lt 4 ti z6 '-i.tY3'lliW ' E r t I ill' . '1..: f tt ''''4lliekil illttooko. ~,.. .dth0100t0,4', . .,, . ' V. Is ''t t 4 =I =MEM Price Ap1.22. '47 15°00 12 ri - Perry . s: Allila 'caw War. rv(ytt ttN~ R ' { 1 . _ =I . . lapsed 'Since tliehreektng .otit old* Weer. • .At Ei.rough sesiiinata .mfgh ihrdowri five -thousand more, whit perishetfrim fatigue, tiom the fire of gueirillai, ye lOW fever, ex., ike.'wh i ish nailed to thU Othisi) tchhld snake the - losDOn - our - salinniztailYteliTthousand in he,course-ofAtteeit,7itionther---Queltla result eil-die.Altr. • , ••• . . Fro - sllie. Atoeilcan PLANTING, ,oNT. sunup& Every, farmer should have an_ orchard up; on his farin of choice knit, and to ,such as have not one already•we would yeccnatnend tha,„he seize the,occasion of ,the Motilh i .ffie.earlierthfi,better a ft er the leaiel have io plant out ono; "aii the trees may be growing'while he inky lie sleeping, and in a very , liaw yehrs, Will afford Hit fine , fruit far-fainilyrifse or for elile,,pfoirided he le _fateful, in puichaeing thb mien approved kind of grafted frniffrom some niuseryman - of es: tablished rephtationi takes 43 - toper, the selection and preparation_ of, the.giound, in ,the mode of planting had, after culture.— That fie should doso hit& halm's! tci suppose as the planting of an oralitir'd.lif Avink lbr.o life thin:, and thbielbie'Sbotild bb (1614 well; The Soil.—The soil ,for an .' 11 P1 46 orchard should. bi3„rich and inoderatelvnielet:• 7 4he Roil should be deep natuyalikor, made , so. The exposure should be north iiimirth-West: ' The Preparation:—All sol le intended fof thb ransplantation' of an orcluntehbilldi be both ploughed deep and subsoiled. Il it pp het-natif ,rallyaich, it should be manured with acom ppst formed, say, per Earn, with 20' hails ,bf %Veil rotted manure of mould from the.woodei 50 bffehels of ashes or lime; to be well mix ed together spread evenly broadcast, and ploughed in. Tfie *round should then be harrow'ed and cross-harrowed and rolled. Digging the Holes and Planting the Trea.= The holes should be dug about three feet deep, six feet in diameter. • As the surtace mould is taken out let it be laid- aside, and mixed with a sufficiency of, ribli winould as -will-fill" up-the-hole- - when-the-tree-is-planted carting off or spreading the siibebil which may be excavated on the--surface: At the bottom of the holes place gravel Oboes or 'small brick-bats, for six Jostles In detilh;then fill up to the depth of say 18 inches with the mixture lathed above. This done, place your trees iri the holes to the,depth, or nearly so, that they may have stood in the nursery, first taking care to trim off - smoothly, all the roots which may have been broken. Set the trees straight up, spread out the roots,' fix a stake in each hole to tie the'trees to; fill in- the-earth a few in- Ores and pour in water from the nozzle of a watering pot enough to settle the earth round the tree, but not enough to make si kin° of molter; then fill in more earth, and settle it again with water; now fill bp the hole with the residue of the earth, and fond a slight basin arottnd the trunk 'of the tree, press the earth 'down with the feet and tie the tree witn a withe of straw or bass mat ting, when the labor of planting will have been done. If the trees shall have hbbn oh! the ground any ciarilddertible finab before bel ing planted,. it will be *Fill tb bet& the root*. a few hours belore sewn theifitd the ground When your orchard is planted Mit; sow ii mixture cif freshly slacked lime and ashes, in equal quantities for 4 fel , t ,around each tree, about a 'gallon to each. If the neat ring or summer should prove to be dry, the young trees should metre ocbasional waterinr, riot only afoimd the body of the .trees, but over branches The'fkater should be either kom a run ring branch dr strham l or temper ate by etposhield the On daring thb day . of its,apphcation., - The best time lot watering is kite betdre sun dowil.. Young Ordicti'diehouldye thti first fivq Or yearei, in' corfii' . oelatosa, cab bage or turnips, but during this perihd , of thew growth ihould never be bulthbebtl ;With d' small grain or ghee clap:. They, should at all timbe be lightly ploughed so as to keep we'edikloviit and the soil - open to the action silo, air and rain. If stfoh cultivation ad we mime should, not bewtvert to the orchard ground, it should receive a ; model ale' dres sing of rich mould or well rotted efaiture et ery few years,'say ranee le folk kWh!: __ TO PROTECT THE LIMOS TN 'THR4IHIHG.-- 1 "It N. Lowry, in the Ohio Cuiitmto r , Oval' the foliewing -mode, •which . i . perfeollir fectual; A piece of .the finest ltirgii enough, to cover,the, mouth_ and • nostrils, is hollovtEdl e tut'sn a; to qt thifielkl,a tape is tastenbilytiiintl and fiat over the top of the head.' 'Soak it • in soft • water, and Abed squecie it well. When ,ready fer,work,tie it oventaise and,tpouth, and )toti eari brtigthis end talk thititighit tlit With; out; and in a peilect 404 We alt bbill be as oleic. as Uri cornfield: ; He Stites that itiwill, troahlesnelb;te these who use the ( Maly wsede• - rt . .• fitseiiialyThstlnsitit .At !mask gm:, roughirtind - 'patient i*enisitiiini the mein 'Crinnnt•observese;lare,sturnWPA-Vin-a- Man4.4kunk 2 4iknitig thiqAhil! Tided). is not caused by an tiisecipr fungus ; and the..onlyitatistactory..ristilt Itis:-PTllit6 no nationValtould place ite de; pendence,polely on 'a. zing!. crop. • lf theo if onti,bo leg tathe stbul 4 ansi 'Onit'isluocired saut;t.hi sittitrlbeign buetiotilaced in t, immititiiitljeopenlyl I u 1 ' ... ~,, ~, , '•—..._.,_,.....—J,t, o , ~ "A ridP,sm:.4IP7I I :MARTAII, 4 1 1144 !"--; 3 4, Ode of the . Sprgeond,etthis Army, •; riling to ~ .. ~_ ~ a Mend-Mier-the battled of CO 'rad find thititibutthir 4 i4s: -..--,, ' ' , '''iXftM.Operiiti*fiiiili iiii tileitita t nt, till, 3 ' O'eliiiik lid dift,!niorning, 4 iffit' this : landing of - twhos.h I had'a. itimPory, hospital, 40 take an - hour-.'s open -Air. , - Tfurned- round id lo ok dyily - miwutalittortaN4iiitcliiiif was a jititeitliajil'arms 'Mid leis;:afidltioking "at rojaelfit foontl,ftwed - all.eovertillirith blbbli- lihm-keati-to toot.'L- - --- , - • :+-PsA7,,-;74.e.vp4ire-thousand4Aii'eti--A iith-e --rOi,''fekti cif 'want, , *int iillilielF lives,'• ilit . 'ttionsaiirs'4iitio; , ' ice lent , F 'lkb:4,l6llller cf.. i 'vow morelltan -this pings - of delibJt The de mon 'fearldiallgmorttrembles:ationpossible itv,tints. . Why., ishglAt*O,tirtivi..liale he hi;. - 'donut - liarHMls •Of dileitioll',`:Vitittiiimeld .at ~ r • on times,o9dt3yor tut•Wieraits, , !Alifd, hunter .4 ourotili4x.RW4 o3 t,:Aitiiitt itity Polite; l!ili- 4/itig thdAesyteilibOVe:ii . .!" - :' , '-',--',-'--'---•--', Jo n tee - I ". ' ,• . "'412 , ... --''' , J :..; ~ lilt P"ei,TiOt si l i9) 0 # 4144 . ' op tptlyl i V h itk i r iltit ivi ,,, 4 %Act ismiazTA,loymbler4-e.ifi.ll.lllolc. *asthe**#A u ti A k ithitt fl i fir dbblYl •# ' 1.. •Withont , etutityl fibs, ,iitting44;,:, ' ' ' t • ' 'i l f,.. '-' t(tii Airkiri'l a' d i e ' - ''' 'I . '''''.. Worn . Iti Ifett4 o o l3 :' - rhosi? 14, •., .tivrolai,hti;_ao4,wdatto,.: 'of hon. . ...; 4 11rnhqdrii.;'"'":'..: , ,":1 4 1,0i ,, , :fk,'''' , X,;.*ll.. ';''''l'' t• ~' ,t'..:P.'XI,", ~ ro ~,'' :,1t,','',':1,,.. firgigAli'lrt 'll.ra , .,,Airea"eo4l.• iq',''ll/:`,l;;,^` `',. e .''' 'ls e i,',, -,-. 0 , 7 t,..4,114 1 ? -f3-- .;'s)lii " ,. , '4 ' 7 'lo " ,, SI . iio,ofll,l` , :; ' .l' ' ):''' , ':' ; 4 : ..' ' " ',": • '',:: ', ',..,'''n''''ll.l:)'*:-.. BE .; ja.z.l ,44te tYif ~ , MEM EMI 'a{.. ME