La , 3 k , ~„„,;...„..:„ ~,- L-t-,,. vat-' . rttsenunta. ---*-„,- 7 ,-- -,...g4 . ..,„ Rral q;.f,..- , -, 4.M.-' , ,!q : . 0. ...- - Ett,'r,QPA.MATION• I FAPAiitpAonorfbeshiv*,il tv. 'Mti4,:i'fosikoiik.i,idg9 of ' th esev e ral Gouttifisf POnitiilittPliiiiiorthe-counties of Cum, in I.,nea'slyailia,', anciiiiirsectittirtitirscveral courtOrOyel'atill sTermitteriind General Jail Deliv'S:v, in : BOA '.etvinthfir;:intlPon. delinStuert,and4plin plen•'; ten jp;` J'ui~ges • f the Court of.'Oyeediid‘Tet . ... - *;,01 PliPectlll,nlhOimeral3rtil.,Pelivery,,,foritho trtql! nofrAll'capital.and othdr :offenders,On Ine: said' ---- 7 ,e,entity of Ctimile,rland—hy their precepts tome •ditected,Aated the ,23d day of '•Alittlist; 1847; 'have ordered the 'Court , of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery; to tie holildn'at Cat- Pilfe oh the second IllnitaliY of November next,' 'being the Bth day) at 'IV 'olelockin the -Yore' noom to continue two weolie: - , PI'OtICE, is therefore hereby, given, to the Corhher. 3Ustices of the Ponce and Consttthle: ' of tire 'said county of Carel - Tolland, that they-are ; • by the said precept commanded (o be thou and _there...lit their proper persons; with their rolls, roeurds i inquisitions, examinations, and all .thet.remembrauces, to, do those things_whtchr to their offices appertain to be'done,alid all those • thatT . oo botind by rceegnizancts, te:propecute, •• '(against -the prisoners toot aro or then ` shall is - ;In the 'Jail of.eaid eounty. are-to be there to , prosecute them as shall be just, . JA 'HES 'HOFFER, , Sheriif's Office, Carliele, , Outobori6, 1847. • •heivits AggivVVlVirtue 'of'sundry writs,cif Nienditifiti ;I)Exponus,"issued out of the Court of Pont 'inon . Plent of -cainherlund 'county,- end to / 14 • , directed, I Will expose the following Heal gs •tetc,s.forpliGlfd stria di the Court House In the o€Cprlisle,.on SATURDAY, the 30th `tiny of October, 1847, at 10 o'uclock, A . viz: A half Lot of Ground, situate in • the borough of bounded by fi lot, of -Nrmstrotiroti - the - easvPifitelret street ''on the south, South Hanover street on the west "'end others. containing 30 feet in front (mann: streay and 240 feet on Pomfret ylreet. —having-thereotterectedirtitunc - Hwelltortimpw ;back building, frame shop and stable, 'Seized and taken in execution as the property 'of Elizabeth gray, 'Also, Lot of Ground, situate in Abe borough or. New Cumberland, situate. on Water sheet, adjoining' en alley on the past, tin"alleyeiti the , south, Willer stidet on 'the end - Lot - No. 411 re the west, containing 50 feet in 'breadth and 150 loot in length, more 'Or 'leis, litiving thereon erected a two story Frame House and a small stable. Seized and taken in exeoutien as the property of John isenberger. _ . _ Tara "VrThititd - , sit - tutted in _Abe boroogiii.ofigisTiisio, containing 60 feet itt front ob North 'skeet, 120 feet deep to a `twelve foot alley, adjoining a lot of John Shade `oh the east, on the west adjoining a lot of Frederick Common, hosing thereon erected- a stall Frame House'; serled•and taken in t..te --2 `cutioirtartlte - property ofWilliant Crop. Also a • Trivet of Land, - situate in . :Dickinson towrgiliiKadjoining,. lands of Geo. SamuelKingsingor, sauel Cockloy, other lands of "John Keller mild -others, containing 165 acres, 'noire or less, liavtin'g 'thereon -erected a' two story Log Hooke Log Barn and Wagon-shed; Also a Tract or Land, in :same . township, adjoining lanai. of Wni. 'Wenkley's heirs. Wrr oo Craighwv, Christnitlicr Johnson, ' . John Chesnel and other lands of John Keller, * tontaiiiitig 100 Acres more or less, having thereon-erected a Log IlnuAo, Bank - Bain, Wagon-shed, Orchard eycv Also a Tract ot - Woodland; situate . in same township. adjoining lends of 1). lido ver,,--Arnitte6GlieMay-r,other Lads 9,1 J ohn Kellar and others, Containing 35 ,loos more or less; Also a Tract of Mountain Land, 'situate in same towlishipoidjoinitig lands of James Wyakley, Thomas N . lttocic , A. G. Ego dud others, eunnining 106 Acres more or lose, having thererin erected a Saw Mill, a One Stay Log Nouse &.'.; Also a• Tract of Mentntain . • situate In same township, adjoining lands of A. 11. Ege, Dr. Chambers, the fine GroVe Estate and others, containjog•2ss Acres ratite or having theluon erected a two Etter). Log IhniFeßt,c; Also the one undivided half part 'Of a Tract -f Land, situate in South Midditton township, adjoining lands .f - WO heirs if Michael Egeolcc`d, Itrialti•i and the York county line, containing 300 Acres more or loss; Also a tract - of Mountain Land, situate in same, township, bounded by the heirs of Michael deed % Jacob Shaeffer and otherb,"containing 100 Acres more or less; seized and taken in execution 114 the property of John Keller. And ull to besold by me. JAILS HOFFER, Sherik Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Oct'. G, 1847. , NEWVILLE NURSERY and FRUIT GARDEN. • THE subscriber thankful fur past patronage, would call public -utter). ' „lion to his stock of Trees now on hand, consisting; of he choice out 20 ($t O ' tiiiir,'giidfliv Yearlings, most of which from': Iffni h 4 leat high, with stock's in proportiopiAposisting!of upwurds of 100 of the mast approved varieties of the choicest APPLE.' kle also offeih PeaCiti;mlPcar, "Pi ne pi i cot & • ••• ~ C herry'rrecs. . • ' of which' the subscriber will sell as low as - any other establishment in lbe state; nod if • requested guarantee to be the kinds us mom , mended. All kirids of country produce taken •,.! in exchange. : • • • • ,!:,-I , •Teerders from a iihstante the iVees .w ill be 1 .; 'needy ,put op and retivariteil, within 20 miles„ without additional expense. and over-20 miles . t is reasonable tilfowance.• , Genilemen ordering, Atli:mi.:by mail miM.Celr'upop getting...good .ii.lllllllthp trees ! ,4Atlia ; beet.varietlest or need not M4 , receive thehue Addrias • • ' ;DANIEL - .BEAR, !t , l•' ) ) ))41Navviillo,pilmtiorlund 4 - oa4ini his tlirae c:i estahlishmmit, 'one yell T his wbfitg,i. •witli t ' 1 131t10104•10USE Vnirii II 'oilar' „ prialiemetim. Also 'B . .4cop,qlA.l,ifOok l imildj likintibet4r. In itiglio'd#ol Ho - vi?,019:',0100, 3 ,) ''t i ii#3oiir,-Ar, '1:11411141y ,r,q4e9lll . !b*' '1814111, 1 " ,, DA`l~lYlrL'BlsAlt• 1, WCIP47,•-!:,„` ' .x. o ' - eroi'',F.,-.Pe cissk. ts: ill 43 4 , 113V.thi11e 414: , , , vi i r iii* i -,6. •0: F.: 4ii:Lii . AtiAlqji i i:9§..o4.opermistsimi ti'9,4 tilt; Grli.nil ' i.ekke An. ineenny,),lneea ,„te have , a public . preeoe ; :, i Te'n 16 631. itegai IA oi) P#lll)4,Y the 0 1141 insi 2 2 2 2, 2 _ . -:- MY . " , apirt i 99l . l.l.le ,tilltierplgllyp 1 1 ,,F0M1111pee ..itil, 61 1t 66 '1U1 emisiiiiiiiiil . atigiluieritti, nierte,invlte ". . millers it nilintined!teenfie in 'l.llte;Onis:esaletn, o.'he•tomn?yteerflieeirel;irVe ii!u44l.loccPll-dx;', ientlfiii'Veoedini'invitOtltin !to the :tneippereinf. -OW varineri,./.0 en / Ifithilt.Stnte;iq)n, others . ; -10 .iele.,wil tin. n'lltrio4lntnitfion . ,,T47;heasty, - '2* - eliSciiil6 - 1111' I,l4Novwoihko -. 6E0 -- strcifFinapp, 19-rendeilh iryltll-nlettoent-teulAlttenhhi: ' - , ' - :....;',Eteireiii• dilninifenthedcnifnibei:sef Alin 'Order _will Pnicicirin:te in the e*erekee., ~i ~/,,.' I ~. ' , .‘A . r 6 inOinenti ; linidbefitijit4e,citi the,Cmn ,... eriteet yi ilei !Iva i , i )4i3iiii i ',9,ii,k,!spt‘y n ly . ' - ,;,(0 . ; tarry t krVWN49!it',..l o ':?o ,B A r ii - 1 :,:fq„; . ......,..9...:,,,,,,,, 1 ,30 : . ,•:., , ! .. w • sc , n o l i t st r i , , ,, !' : ~, ,-. ..: - ,.. ,. ;.,,,,,, t;; ,;,,,, ti,, r , ,r..,,,,; •17 8 , -e f i l Alt %mit' ~ • ~.7C arliele 6(, -, 1 -- : 63 r i ' ' . 'l:6',4t'l '±. .. ; -, : - t - '''.Cintiinittee - - - ------ i ...._,-. --7 ,,, , R.rAlfiLdi-, oof- cr.konhik Dri.e, , ~.. ii....,1„..7,,i,r.:-orgui.. eiiii.E.,f.... , ~-,•,46egoi.,l*„Ritak; i -t1 0474: 11,x/s l g7o 4-;;141-11.r!'--T:Zi4;i14"-;iil 4 °*4:',,,'ce;:':Yi' 1.1 -‘•;-)`;'Par14,1,6,')*9:81,11-,0i'llky7ii; ii4tb447ti"i4 ‘.‘lc*(Ef;iiii: 4 l bll 7.•'l,'iq.. 4 . e )I.4itiqtrOrtl'lCtß;tigt,t,lt•VrAi't r4,,Kilrioivirtt‘k4,l4::6:4„`iit,,,l,LCr,a.;•:4/•;,:" .2 ` . ' '' ;t!:,,,i,-, ;'"--U.., :;'....4.:(*•:,;•t .A'•'‘'.'C"':.' 47. - 4v,?:_, ,•,., • .X'tiii''4A6fiikii'4'eiiieiit6i' 1 -FALL= , AND4Iiy-INTIVG001) Abe South: 'ail ea, p " sLo'ck , to~'idegaonabto '': ggoode , eur.'h_Us= et Boanbk -.., .. ) ;*iiieki`,' , S 4 l#6 , A3 - ,lttupl!no,`Plos4l - g - stook of CA .1.4C0i0, at 016eq varting-trotii 64 to 18/ 'con le. A,4oi • (ik0d9 . 44 , ; ill' ' Also, a 11''Asti . stook of tho ! . • . • , CELEBRATED 'FLUID . 'D - ABIP,S, :-, which hit lisoldtery introdueoi*lnd:whlell nee fbunkto be by nil that Imo trlod thorn, tho moat aeon, nicolitntr_dositablo_articlo-in-evory respdont niw in uso, Also the The Pekin Company's Teas ile_has_beett appointed sole 'agent in this place for the sale of the. above :Cons, 1. 9 which' ,he would-invite-the apecial L tittention - ot the - leers of good 'Nos. The Manner in which they are poruple etch, e that the •Ilavour is . pyteOved for any length of time, being incased In • lend' or tin toil. can - be Atipplied with any, quentity •ptit up hoilhiS manner. •• public is respeolfitliy invlted•lo and examine his 60.ek before purchaVing elydtvhare inannmeliiaa he'reets corifident thatiiis variety and Priebe will•be stitiathainry imrchaseri. , • ROB Firr ray trik,` • • • Collide, October. 6;1847: • . TIM 11.11,11 A hriflE euksoribor has opened a handsoine stunk of FALL and WINTER GOODS, to which he would' mill the attootrod of the citizens of ' and the surrounding neighborhood, I will nut go to the trouble of enumerating articles—D would take up too muchAlite-and-rodin—„Lwill-unly-oamma-few of the leading articles: Clothe,.ckksitnesm.-Sattitietts,:of all kinds prices;and Velvet,Satin arid other Vostings; White a ild_ReiLEJannel,_ltiah_L iriem_C unto n_ Flannel, Ticking's, and Cheeks; Gentlemen's Gloves and silk Cruvats,,white Linen and silk: Eland k °replete, Musline,Calicoes,lineles, Stu '• Plaid GOodt, of all kinds, for Ladias ; such as Cashmeres, Jalapa ; Cale.. dorm, Mous, de Laines, and GinghtUns, plain and tilaid 'Alpacas, Bare bazines,. Shalls;Glovc and Hopkins for Ladies, Misses and. Children; Bunavista Cups for missls and children. Woolen Scarfs iu great variety ; Gum Shoes, a very handsome article for Ladies ; Gentlemen and children's Caps, of all kinds. Groceries Cle=l=oll2llMl After looking through the market, just an chor at the BEE HIVE, in .North dimmer street, and for the ,CAI3II I will give you as good bargains as can be got in the state, S, A. COYLE Carl isle, October 6,1R47. AVDI'TO ' NOTICE. - rpm; untlersiguell having been appointed Orphattst-tottrvol-Cuinbturland--eoil li ty, .to numskull and distribute the funds to the hands of olin Lutz, Executor of Golleilt Ritter, dec'd, mong the set eral creditors of said deceased. will s attend for that purpose at the. ouulic house of Samuel MiWrett, iu the borough — of CarliSle, on SATURIMV the 2.3 d of October, at 10 o'alock in the forenoon. GPA.lllllNl)l,ErAneikm 'October 6, 1847.—Volunteer AMIZZIOXIANS YE OrSal, 280, .11a I leiludJp.l~ia. 1 HE Subscriber (bite of -the . Washington Hotel, 'Harris ""••burg au) mites this method of. . ‘,.torining Ilk old friends and the. pub. tie generally, that he Ices taken the above nu toed HOTEL. The house is airy and comfort,• able, and has been extensively altered - and improved, and the proprietor hopes by a e , riet attention to business and a proper care fbr the comfort of his guests, to merit and receive share of public patronage. The.honet is situ attd very convenient for travelling tieing only two doors above the Ilarrisriurg and Pi isburg 'Depot, and within two union tek sstuls of -tne r Baltimore and Reading Depots S VA. BLING attached to the premise a, Terms per dhy. E. I'. HUGHES, Proprietor. A oglist 52:/, 1817-3 mo. Estate of Jacob Shia, Dee'd: NoTicE is given that letteis testa• mammy on the estate of ILVCOD 81leFF lute or South Aliddlaion townnhtp, deed, have hcutt glinted to the isvbsetiber folding in the snide township. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to make immediate Payment, nod those haVing claims against the . same will present them dulY uu. thentwated for settlement. J9111%1 PETEII.B, Executor. August:l.'4lB47'. NOTICM, gg WOULD hereby notify all persons coneerred are in nectars c idler by bond, note, book neemint, to call and settle up their respeethe dues, us 1 linve disposed et i my entire stock of Ifa rd Messrs. Fisher b Pothic' or Har risburg, l have sold for no other reason than to settle up my book‘nnil the sooner calls me made the better, us hiy . .retinitikt all the accounts will Ire left in the hands of a legal officer for entice ' Several attempts have heretofore been mole to settle op my books Lit failed, so we now give fair warning that if one way hubs there's try WM' that will not litil. Those having business with find me at my residence; earlier of Lottllme and Pitt Streets. April 14„ 11147 Plaitifield Classical at ialiNA 7, retur miles west of Curli4e, between situ New vils State Road and . Curnborlood , Valley. Rail Road. . • TWHE third session (five months) will earn. menee on MONDAY', No 0; Ist, 1847, ~ The number or' 'students ie 'hulled, and ovary, effort !nude tp.stisi:Lkitp" thoir ;moral 'and mental 141 p s rtivalOtiat, aS..ty ,ns the iY cora fort and healtli.,- v;.,,yrqp,q14.1a, ;~.L•i'`r 9114.,*, ~.,!i:', ~:g,'.V;l:,,q”, '.t"'s'i i'.'A,'"A'l,ll"' Sl'',,%f.f ( ' ":. ,: d l, 4"rX-- —. " 1 ' ' ''-' '."''''', st,'.l.'" --,,,,, ..,.. . . , Fire! rife!! rire_!!! Collins! Celebrated Xeiv and Cheat) SAteirelkiiticinc;. • ~ ., c ,..t.yr, • .45 SEWAIID; -, :. `; ' •'T' 3d I t p r et it te N diN it h T d le tty ttWee r Plaial :th li. lioid:Cirli dialllllai4pdrileLiiekeo? l ' 114 ekkit'1004i l abdPliqagd§‘Pui`thirtr, 'it#.rilitillarreirOntrity:-+.4ltrelyOltdjari-Of-whieh 'Werelii-Relief Notes cni:vavienS!.bneker,erthls stall'', i'Tll ll , btiol Wes made to, teelii : • ; With a ' iditep;but . ..*lrn lost ; wasp ehcdred ,hy,:twine 'string ; thei'.chwp being, broken ... Th _above' i reward ivith the:thanks of the °Weer will' be given to'nny perion ratarnine-artid , hdok with 1:8 - eontents•airlhe - sto're of ' I . • ' '. . ' WRIGHT & BARON,' ~ • . I '' Mist Alnin stieet, Carlisle, ' Septemlbsi 29, 1847.. Two'stoiy Dwelling in NiirElvPitt.streef; witli'a barn - and oral ardiatta.o9 ' ' 'orchard contain] some thirty trees, and 'is in' goqd *conditioh. persons wishing to cultivate land in the neighborhood of !he .town, would find this..n tine location fi.,r thou' Oultioscs. Also several eligible building Lots, fronting on North street. Apploiation to-ho made G. ;R. CROOKS. Jr. ' Corner North and Pitt - st's. Carlisle, Siildomber'29, 1847!= . tf:' • • Great d • . , - VERY IMPORTANT!' • Cll4.llLES4)Olair Lind coniriidneed orid• - of)thii - largest, 'Splendid stock of FAIL and WINTER DRY,. ppODS that has been brought 1 . 6 CiirliilOfor'many,years Also it. very huge and selected ate& 9 1 - ---,itootN i spoecand--G r oceries, which lie is deterfhined to sell at..llie‘ yen. n esi profiis. To enumerate articles would bc,use less, us it would fill .m11.111)118 of this paper; mill then net the one hundredth part be mentioned:— But ,he reapec49lly:lnvitek all o,ealtand look for tteni elves. ' .; . , Itereeelber the OLD TliAtitl;.a•too.iionra east cllrectli:Opposite 114nr tin'sDolel: „ - ' September. 22, 184 t. . . —SPLENDIDX.AIIIII_for—S.ALE— • . • . ,The subscriber -I.aving-romostni to ''. 91 0 - ppensbui•g - anihnigsgedin - othei• g g :I:4:Tag , offers 'his IVA.IOI - Odtknining N . p _from 80 to [OO Acres of first Ha , Um stone Land „situate in NewitiicloWnahip Cumberland county., on the Cumberland Valley llitil 'WU; fivenntles west of NeWvIITO and five miles east of Shippensburg. The improvements consist ofa large neat and comfortable bew brick MANSION HOUSE, a wash .house, !itae house, bake house, a cistern which holds lOU barrels of water—all of brick 'and entirely new—a well. of good water near the door, a small 'lntro, A hog pen Carriage house and all' ther necessary out houses a young, orchard, good garden and choice fruit trees of all kinds. There I%n stifficienq of tim ber for necessary purposes. The location of the aboveliFfirept'y lb not stirpasted by any in Cum berland county, being convenient to mills and markets. An undisplos.lo - e Ale will he given and terms n ade to su.t the piirchaser. HUBERT WELSH. .A.l. Wernher_ 22,1847, . , copy tin• - "_ - tinlns and b ond bill to'(hia office. _CLOVEit-ITILL,VAZ.9I%. FOR SA.LE, TflE'subscriber offers at private Sale the above named propert, situated in Mon. roe townithip, Cumberland county, one mile west of Cherehtown and five miles front Cat lisle on the road lending from -the - latter, to York. Farm contains 72 ACRES, more of - less of first rate Limestone Land, bout 63 or which are cleared and in a good state ofoultiva_ tion, and the residue well timbered. The im .. provements are a two story STONE I d • --110IJSE and kitchen, Frame Burn 111111.11,:, and oilier outbuildings- thereon I I I • t t"' _ erected, -with a well of never-fell ing moor net. the house, and is fine young Or ehard,bf choice Fruit Trees. To a young and iodustrious farmer this place otters induce memo which are seldom to be met-with. . • , Also, will be cold with the above, if desired, a z t tract of WOODLAND, limit° in the same township, about• two mil 8 Iron, thee.foriner, containing cix acres mime .leas, weil rawer. ed with thriving timber.. For further particulars enquire of the subs scriber, on the firist-named premises. . • ENOCH YOUNG, July 7,1847. Orphans' Court gales MIY virtue of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland wont), ) will expose to pub lic saki in the premises oit sATTRDAy tt e 16th day of October, 1847, at I t O'clock, A. M. "1:1191LoiLiko41 iu Fotutpeotmboroogit townit ship, Ciiroherland county,. bounded .by lipids -of of Mary itupley, Henry Molt's Itei-s, and the Conailogneimett creek, containing 45 acres 93 perehtt,neut truYasure, tibthit one-half of which is cleared and under ex'cellem fence, and the resi due in thriving timber. There arE'erecied upon _ . _ the premisess annal OrG-HZ • USE and 'STA BLY.,AiId there are two never failing springs of water in the premises. The property is near the Siisqueliamia river, and acnut been miles from Ilarrisburg,and halt a mile from 1 1 11110 a iron Works. 111111'),•::. The terms will be innilC known nn the tiny of sale by cmonGr. RUPP, Jr., ''. .A.lm'r. of Georr,e Itupley, decease+ September 8, 1847. . ' • .*** Finrrisbreg YelegiAth -Insert till sale anti send bills to Ibis offie r e.. .., , . orphans' Court Bale. • BY rfittie orthe last.will And tes ...alit % tamest of Catharine Kuntz dee •N 741.: mid a deiree of the orphans' .enttrt, runiberhind' eattittvil Mr; posi to public side on ' %"" e.DNgs,' I).t:' the 20111 of ,Oettilier 1847011.10 o'etoek-A M. on.the pretnises,in East Pentishoro a lionseznil Lot of Grotto's sitiotte,in said town ship and onuntY, hounded by lands nt,lneoh Sheetz John, Bettrge' BortsYSitmitel flOyers and id mitt !mytn-acnea mbre or lei:44.ll:lring p gootl,oprivg oh*. 4:tter run:' niit2 .stireambn the pretbiseb.. a'he httid is olskred mid under gautfensa. - • • Also Ol WO snow ,kinte anti &fate 9, sores of sittiate ilia to ‘mu township and bowl: itodlij, lands of John Kissel Samuel llowerS,Jtioolt ittintz•ntal others, withositany impt.ovements. ' Trio terms or salewill`he ten pet' cent of Hie purchase, Money to he paid 011 i dle day of sr4— the residinf of one=hal the..lst andthe 'brilogo •' itvo paymeittaavitboot interest. 44 ' ''' hINTZ A &roll; With Hie' Will nnilecort `4lloolAiii4 deo'd • , SePteinher't 5 1 li4 ~ 7 7BeitiiiefSit ' ' .?.Orphans :.Vourt • • . :aqll • SA.V, U it D ' . fA) ()doper T uiditt64 crolo)sti, noon, a ritat of 'UMW* itiolato hi- Maki o son town- M.l), '146101,1g blade or 4.4rtatpifi t 4011A11014041.11,6313111U14,411 Aci.e a motlimir,looST.of gOW - Tfaal, la ao.aary gO : aistal.o of 440 va9 pa:a adr,onfileei fe ; ImiWove ,are-P ' two s crb' Lon I.ll3uwnii(lß,loublit liank"BoVo; likauer , liglospring :" .t ep I.o,4g i iihtil t.l‘e oonfrmation:of theatilo by 11;aigoo .60e4toNiootolito . .reti..zii , :SADLER. • • , • 7.,,..,o•Adin?riafkelpiii>liookoyoloWd; lIIM ' 4 , !9, 13 ....A. l )4.olVo.coyierl ec p.l • • ole im,r,Cb . y_ '47 Ith EttL toreo.o4. — l ,--1 1 - 76frientary'crwilmrlait*111-atid-tcottirtiir . 'of ANDREW E ytnpoit.) - erF:ra tOlkiii `N§G ma j y m lsvp, itay : . 8414 r hii,;tga4eli,,Ao7 .164; • 6 4 111 j'At•Mili,Itli I ,Pl;oo l l. l ll,iiiti9Raid amp oo "i'l? o ,tificcilkiPP'o•4 l lo , l l 4 Bl . o o. l 'ho.eatAt'( ) ;#,l, , Oiti,MP),s. l. fo. o 9loso,FlPLtfujiis‘!49 4 # in ,ob t poi.,, r ,. so„own/mt. Fr*.' )1A WI R.,. ottopt:rhiiiii 0.,;c11$11e1108.1., /11t i r fillaii ling , . L t ~ . situ Olt' -;.,: , 1 1 , ai ,' .,,,,, Al Talisq s it.rj:l2ftllB44-Will,' r ep10r,,,. PO 1 ;'''' '.:‘'llAtitilti'dtilleil—d ~ if f i '' p 4' . 141-,olk ..„, , 4111"Irriesiitie t ihq0 i 1 4 4 , , G. , , IfflAtall r‘ • itlytiiiild ~ ,h k yr o 1 ::' 1 ,,n,,,, 4,' , ‘ , . .:Tiv Pb :To' 1 i'll,..' r. '''':'" • ''. '.4li 'III FFO). 'impE11111:116111:?,tTR''1/41 StiVlAllliactl-f0iqiii4114...,":11. :11.101111616. 4i i i r i P 24 l . -.w., i r 04.-;, , -qriz' :,'.:":,-*,.),,,;,,, r. , .. ;•.. ox.. 4 ,' , ' `" - ', , : ',';,.',' ', 9 (.t- 1 ,1,--, , '''' '1 ,'' ''-''' '' . .-'''''l ' r,' . ,''-• ''''' '"'' •'' ` , '" , ii,;l C ~ i '., '' r ,' I', ' - - & 1'.., ' , :'••t• - • i „ ltl4 i+c.,,,1 s 0-- - 'ait • i11i:X57.112 I E, ti!ILT4E. tc!ce• * •.'"-THE2iitibrieribi? ;Alia': t • ~•- • ?111 veto Bale Farm on, which Ife , t T 1 11 nEnif•ll_,v`effirititert 'in I•tidulli Mid= motiPtoigiobiti; duriborlopd,o9,, oe i loesoiit# 1:44;r1i ale; on4liis.ftliad, leurlin s gloyeibistfiligoOjcAntifiglarfge or chr . ii. flori;,deorgrillienner and otlfaiii-,'Contiiini jog 4(0 AciRES, a first. rote, mostly. : LiMestone;,rill of which is unddr good.culfiro, tion, with.•tho, useeption •of abein•iNkforiryilly,4 acres ••of ~ W oodland., ,Thero , isi :lino) large ,meadow-with a atream'of-ifater running. Ihrof it.• 'The tuSproioments aro stona DWELL-' ING LIOUSt, Bank Barn,' Witop:slied, ()urn Crib`s and oilier necessary , out buildings,: Al. so a floe ORCHARD ,togothor canaide, ruble nil:rubor of. -young grafted Fruit Trees nh . the place. The Firmis,rio laid out that tiTT. - cattle - carrhave - acodeoloVeldrfrom - eW7y field" Also u tract of lona 'adjoining the shove, con tainihg.23 Acres,and Iri petobes of first rate Land under good cultivation, part of which is meadow with'a running stream. The improve ments on thid tract are a Leg Dwelling House, StableTtiiiirl'ffiG&TiTlT nut poi ifFiffiriTiii sale before SaTuitufir,tho lea of Ontobersmixt, both places will, be put at public solo and sold soncretely or together as may snit purchasers. Pjilsons desirous of examiiii ng, either -pines, are, role:aided to call oii , "flier'unbs - criber on the premise:4 ° " /TOBIAS KAUFFMAN, f; September 2gi ',FARM ,'TOR SALL,' , " • . , • THE aubserilier °from at•prlrate' Hare: the, Farm on which ho now lives. eittwod - I.97:Dreltineon'. Owe, 'ebip, Cumberland dounty;''aboiit . a (paner, Of u 'mite iroin the turnpike and five mites from Carlisle, adjeluing lauds of JOhni Patti,: °cargo' Davis said eoutaiaing, about 40 Ameh of Limeetrind Land—ten of rhieli is Woodland —and Hie 'feet Aleidred and unnetalcid cultivation and iiubstentibl renew. For further particularr emplace of. CEO, DAVIIISSON. September 82, 1847. 1111 WE • OrplianuChrt-Sale. „ „ :.„ 1 . BY virtue of an order of the ; : iA, 9 ER ••,,Dtplitiniv:Colirt of Cumberland i ,kv 'county,;the subscriber w 111 expose to •poblie shle SATURDAY. , 29c1 of October n'exr, !AVOW pieiliisei fit Deck , idson towuelilp , 9u , said 'coutty„ihe following' property,'hite!thr'eethie of Peter Shanabough of said townSh)p, &eV, viz: A lot of ground containing TWO AVies, at:h:log lands of Geo. Davidson, John, Foul Ontl others, situate in Dickinson. toWhallp, and fining thbreon eras ted a two story fraMd llobse, Frame Stable, carpenter shop and other necessary out build• inga, with '& variety of frOit trees. Terms of able—sloo to be paid Upon cotal r. motion of the sale, one hex of the residue on the first Of April, 1842, *ha possession will he given, iond the balance in one year after with intefest. bale to cotnnfehep at 12 o'clock noon. win& attendance ivill he given by • • 'B•4-111.U.EL ALLEN, --September227ii347-. WELL, FARM N THuitstiAl, the 14th s of, October next, Iv on the premises, at' oSdOck A. Al., the subscriber will otter at public aale ltis Farm and residence situated mem de equth -)vest of,Lecto wit L .lClTerion County, Virginia., If the day shoishl be inclement the sale will be postinnied until the ilex fair (IV. The tract co.itti ins 3 DI AGicES Molest, exclusively of the:4CM LIM:ST(4m LAND. 1 he arable land (about 240 Acres) is difidett into fields of convenient size, is in a good state of col tivationomd in prodectiveness will 'compare fever- , ably with the best laud in the country.. The WOOD LAND comprises about 80 Acres well covered with thrifty Tim "AtiA her. The Opequon Creek on the w,s tern border, and Several permanent minds in the interiOr of the Farm, af ford an abundant supply of '4 , itter at all seasons, frdely:sedesstble - to the stock. , The Oepherclatown Turnpiße 's one fourth of a mile distant, which affords easy access to the village, mills, depots &0. , in the vicinity. The improvements are sew,,convenient and ample for the various uses al ie Farm, and the comfortable aeCommodation of it large The . DWELLING HOUSE (built of brick) contains nine rooms, beanies gar lit - rets, iambics &u. 11 is well finished, and titre Lily situated in a grove of oaks, The geruell is large and Well stocked, with Fruit Trees cif the best mistily. Those wishing to chase tOto amine the property previous to the day willof sale,as• the subscriver feels assured- that •itreouni ,'niend Itself to any one oh comfortable residence and valuable farm.- . . -Teams—One eash i the balance in,three annual, payments with interest; deterred p .y. means to be secured by,a deed °nava on the pro perty'!" ^ Possession to , be gtvon ou .tho first duty March, 1848. - I Letter sof inquiry rAy be address - ad to me at. Leetowm Jefferson canny, Va. ' PHILIP P. DANDRIDGE. September 22;1847. VALUABLE H0U516 - ti6d i•Oir AT PUBLIC SALE • , . 544- WILL be exposed to sale on file premi ;i;ll ses, on SArrliDA it the I 6th dit:y of Oc or IlLtober next, a valuable lot sittudd in Mount Cumberland county, Conbilti)ng g all Acre and ti halt. of land, more or less, habinkthertsin erected a:commodious two story.brink IINYFILL -111(1, HOLISM, a large Pyretic Stable: tt shed' attaeited and other buildings, ail earrely , new,•- T110".0 . 1.0 1001010111.4. 'knit:Molt kid :yards at. 4.11 ti Property, Whenue it isstipplied Wiikrder all. ..seasous.itt tlie , yettr,. It is also pfeeittd , we rielY, or choice b tilt trees, iva thriiing,contlttion, and fast beglimitig,bl.l4r.- -property cci•-. hilltly,presents strunglitaluccroentillOVSOds'ild Menus purchasing it %mold Satiation fbe curry)ngOn" the ,thelmauttic boalnekr, ot• tortradesnten, being' lot:plod:in a fine,rich and denselypoillittell set: tirment,L Lit, is uphill,. 'IS Odd' situate° it laboring man witli,a liltlily, or' . 'pertions 'wishing ,private:Persons.- wiiiiing - to - portilmqe, property.or this description are requested to ex amine this ,property for themselves, which can be. done bylittliing . e s u tliki subscriber regain on the • prenii,seiaieyAyliaore 4he ' • . Sale yill,commence at g o'clock P.M. Terms saittle,kaOwn,on the day Of sale, 130,0. iINN,Jr• • • . Aeofem . ,7,-;LI === VALUABLE ' REAL_ , ESTATE AT PUBIOD • SALE. —, 1 ~ 13 V` , ri).l ite:4iT,llie ht.kt, Illirml.itflata-., (A . :- ' ifleilrli Mlt: ' ,? .l .r:acitttl4te:i . („PIirCIII I ils 4 1VWIliliit'I'Y at, -. 061 . 1111f,::i15e.041# 4 . g• i sold , er iht: i t ii'kkki'4 iii). thr.,,p,rskqe,l. p • . $A•1701 D I*.lo.l.ltlirgßlP.l•WKriV c the hillckwingt_l!4l:iiiia iilir,sao k. equ.lita. z :71 The . 141 aisalott l irariri'CoOthirrig , 16,rft.P rp7•iiPd•' 12 ,Perebeirititritilkiii4tAktiitliiii. f"e i 'pktti.„ . tartr•'s '6ltiii, about 10 niiheVielitlViitlialtirtfaiFiallarkr,Mitl, 2i emit df.Dillaburtf oll'theStat'4'lt 6'4, Mikitiling the YelloW iii , dilities - ill:lliuirittt si. , ADY9" [joke, Dani chard regaritiir. e,k,riAiinliKtl aijwts,- haviag a dee'priqiertititt,4l ddil a4a.kiil,lDea'il. ',Ow" theAklltdttillaVi'lligh !itOti'ii(4?ititlV4tin'il 'alit) rilmthig•water in everyGttl, ..111 . 6:iiiitit t r •Or i eP1,e_at .s a ars a BA %V . Mlll.l.4iiiiiVitreP, ileibti r t#,lf h It 11 , 1 ."` story atone !TIN If.r.I.ING•DODSDV og t. l.far aid , other atalllhig A 4,valtiivatieNt,eriiii of l iii.;l' ?l ,,, t eriba,', - Witil. ii u .abitsi ;.aq' VlT'lisk *ootl . house iittkollVeirainlilliti 1 1 0: ' ,'" ex° `' "bnt4PPLP ` t° ls l}A ; l{ , 9, I ', ' .O v #PAY; (),' 1 oth6rfrimit P rileal, , .::it:' "siip'''' , ,•-, i ... ~--. Ileikon'w.tiitatrbociat.le)til tlifili ,the prnpekD 'lark's; AIM jiiiiiiksagor6apoNloto of ,. .Northii l l,4wdihip, AcipliOrlp.nd'qdtOtyjiicoNtilltit*ENili'diak,! , ippu ;101Ainti , by,,120.1Roctotar in' and rpr:aaift.:ontinly; Yo. tho atiheartbaratiOiti`cdriklif tn:Thlllita t a jkv 31c1Cioneyr.yoalOcrin • ith, o _•' 1 10u7gicilt - ZroW• • wotedboril i ; N KO ..fialitritlaialineiy4oqiii,olo44lo, 4 ,oiii o ..0401i) of .. (I'o irj 4, 1 ) ,I I 4 •-1,41• • , THOS , ' rl OITT, • , JAMES, WOOj;),BAJIINp Sept 2 I c1.547=44t445Em 1 P1.,e,i vpithnitinia: , - • .:72 m===lsmswm;s=== mAtitilifeotate. 9nr '•` .. l 0411 • n --r eoll y e • off( .etife - ••amid°, phane - .4c,:e4i3O;ellinbe.ifixiw's4sitilit-r-rir---- _ ex , , a fa • ,pt to' liublitiottzfejon the inteiiiikett, 'I ii4:7,1 4 , .1:1)4 r , the 1101::.,tit% Untidier next;' CIiOUNIS a.itunte. on tin.r.porthipast- corner of South itiitPittlitreetif t ,in. Imt•O'nkknr.Parl isle, the' iiinnerti-of the' hents.4fPititiel, `No. it orsaid'lety,'ilhunte on the `eiiit'nett 'et snid sleeeta, contitins' sp. feet' hill:tint on Pitt stit'ebtotitt l : extetids,Jloleetin 'deptli:to . a;teti foot 'laity: No. R.colithins 80:leet in' roOt . on Pitt• itAtete:l soil itiljeitta the ' •• . a Nn. CO feet ; in frontewilwn two 'story W,e11.01 ti;ater am" other lreproyements thererm. , Nn. 4 cothaitis p 0 feet in fivity . on Pitt 'street, aVtl, notlattia the Met. -- 1,471:,ea so (1 - 17 — mtniiii - 1 - 0 - feeriTtit•ont, and ad:Mitts the :Move anti lots.:nt John null. All these lots extend 110 feet back to w ten foot alley 11.11 out or the acoommedat in% of tliese•lnts. • . " Also at tilt mune Woe and pint*, will be sold at public sale TwoLwis'its,(Atobstn on the south _astte_ollSouth.street r inntioluti-hy-sa id-street-reit-the: , north, on the west by,Mietnel Alatthewa ; on the., south by George Cart, apt! ottAhe Cast by George,, \V. Shearer, eentnining koellver :NO feet in Iron. and '24Q feet in depth, being nkribnrell • 038 And , 383 . in'tidditioniti out-lots ofl•tlfe Itorough of Car.l lisle.' As toBTlbfthe - Os will: be sold separately et• together as will test suit , pnrchesers. '• l'ernsti * Salc.4•Vgniidt" , Cent. of thetutrelnise: money to be iliac!. on the ',day of tatle—one-tliird, .to remain. ip• thn Property-,tire interest of which' is to be paid lite. w.itloW Miring her life; taill the at s her. tientit—onerthird...en,-71st-of ,ApreiclB4Bptitrirtip-F. bili - tnee on the. lat of April 1829ito"be eccutied wile?) on tllrt Property • ' . 'ti :WAY 110 W Ell§, ,Aamr. ni Flow - ere, deo'tl .September 15, 184 T.—Vel a Meer .iiisert . ORPHANS COURT ; S ALE. . . , 1' •, ,'l• , • • - IN Pursdance of nu prier of the a .. ,.. :,0 i.:;t-Itli, r Orphans' Cotirf 01'C:timberland Cfl. ....,..,, n ,,,, the fullowing :Real Estate late the , ',.• ; ~ ,; 11. prgpelly of_•A'rm:striiiig Irvine, de. { F ,:.PA;t:.,..6.. , ',- ceased, wilt tiescdd not.the !trends , coon 'cl...rUliDAY the I6th clay of October next, I ' 1 1 M. 12 . : 01 .d0k,M.,0f thaiday t 4iz a ,..,..._4.______•___..._ —, Aift it certnittPntitation or tract of latiO situ ate in.illver.Epring 7township k in said - county, : Iniandeil...4y-bitida.of-.Oeorge,fleisitoovor,l ac ob' Harman,ilAttlrow Irvine andtothers, alai contain ing about, ; tBt Acitu,s, Mout 85 sores ot, Which' are Limestone and% the remainder slate WO of 'good finality, Itelvreen SOrand 50 writ are in thriving young timber and the.residne in cultiVil- . dolt. ,Titie land is well fenced, a !we'd. yuktion of it post and rail. t The improxements are a large stone DWELLIStfi HOUSE' and Ritchen, a large stone BANK .EktiNovitly•ti l'hrealling Machine, attached and ether .tint bid/dings... A young. Apple Orchard al grafted fruit trees are on the premises. where are two good Mills within a mile of this farm. be offered at the same time, n lot of ground adjoining the above and containing , about one acre, having thereon erected a goo d LOG !lOUS% and Frame Slhble, well suited for a ten .ant house. There are some choice fruit trees nn this Int. Roth properties can be viewed at any time before the ache. The conditions of sale will be.madditnown nn -the - day of safe by • ..IfENILY W. I fI.VINB, Adler. of Armstrong Irvine, deed September 1,5, 1847. saq. . By virtue of an 'Order of the prz Orphans' Court of Cumberla,nd :L '•ai a county,and an power ofmtorney from George Myers of Ohio, will expose In piablic sale on the premism"on FRIDAYthe 9th of October, 1841,, at 10 o'. cloak A, M, a lot ; r piece.of land lit .Praintford township, bounded by yyt.ii, Qraipy, 'John Men. Her, Henry- Alcsser, ,),olict,,Doner. and others, contaitaina,.lo Acres, be the same more or less, -all of which le cleared and under gond knee, having a .t.wo story LOG HOUSE and LOG STABLE thereon erected, and a .well of water. at the door and running %rater on, the prearaises... Terms made known on Um day of Hate. .PETER MYERS, Guardian of David do „kegs, Myers, aid A tt'y ha fact of George Myers. September 15, 1847.-5 t Publit ,Sale. .*tre... IN the case of LllO order of Or. , plms' Court to Thomas Bradley z 7 , , ,;•,. ally: administrator of Geo. Einen hurt, dec'd. for the sale of the real CH.. tare ul auto decedent for the payment of debts, tnwit: A ,piuntation.or tract of land situate in South Middlctgn township, Conlbercand co., bou'n'ded by lands of the heirs ot'Georgo Eisen hart Sr. dec'd, Jonas Rudy, Rev. A. T. George Craighead and Mary Grayson, Cofltum ing about 128 ApAEs, of wl•ich about 108 are cleared, having .tlioroon• erected a largo two 'stbry weatterbedirded HOUSE and KITCH EN, stone and frame end other Out, buildings: Said ad:tab:Hater beving made return - of the aforesaid ordernf Court on the - 6th of December A. DI 1846, that said real. _astute remained unsolthrro suacicrit,pricp be mg offered for the itiaine; which return was ac cepted by the Court and further proceedinga•ut that time helct • under adVisement. And now, to wit, 23d Augoet 1897. The Court upon the applieetol Of the administrator award a new older of sale', and' o order and decree that the. aforesaid Yeal estate be sold at public sale by Thomas 131ifatly1 edpilnistiator of said dece dent, on the premitice, elf PRI DAY. the 81.11..ef October ilext,,ati) it7clock P. M, alt the fulle*- jug terms. viz: MIOO to bp pai'd;on thireenfir. mat.on of the sale by the Court, one,liaicthe Wanda on tire Istof, AjleiLilext", Alien plena. slim will, Int 'ltiVett 'lnd a. deed_linade to the purchaser: and Inc residne ittep Anal:annual paymentsTliercafter witlibKintereikthe pey- Monts' to be scdurCtlbyltidgniiint or mortgage -But .befelie'sttch auto he'll:lade the Court fur , then order and.ditect that dnelii:pblidand timely notice be given Ey the adeninastreter 'least twenty days lieforc the sale of 'alb tithe arid place bleak, the premines to be sold,und where itliateil, by advertisement in atioastono news l'paper Printed - in Cumberlind ettiniiy„and by handbills, three of which . taxed - in three of the roost public Oleos in'the vicinity of the property to be sold. . : •- Said'udmioistrator tomialceiretucti,eighispro' , ciiedanga tit tininext 'stated 9tithint l Court, to el:Unity, On. the ' l 4tit,inrifiettrititikt; 'LW I VCnu, r ,‘,"" ' 1110,N AS 1311.AALF 4 Ai~ September 1 0,,; _ ',•"• , • , .• • FOR SALE.'. • 2 subscriber offers at ,private Hale thei• Ml L L PIZUPERTY„ and FARA!, occu., pied, by, himsolf, situated °lathe. COnodoguinnet reek, about 4 miles:'oest of Carlisleoind 41, north:of the Cup berland Valley Railroad. • Thu .„ rutin 'contains :IUO ,Acres ol , .firat rate , -Bleek • SlutO.lo ad, tho highest' State of -cultivation. Tho improvements are a • Mansion' Oink' Darn, darn drib '&c, 'There le also thorn. on created a largo etinii AI ERN lANTAI4Ati , . latoly rebuilt on :tho -nnist - itcroircdr pitp.o)vith hir-oirfil'.togoth• Ornhang' .oourt, ; 4olo . ,;‘' . • 'iltiiiirotipliiioin(ll , llciiiteilVil4-ocfro, are an" '"" 4 ' three tenant houile4 one rdi...:§•neli tkeinaillera i..o'.ox;iquq•• • Orra l it•Prdeol!!,l tho ,• ‘.. • rt i nu b odand apd . 'oriO,for, t the',fmnin,er,",:kiilt,,a : oprlpg,..bViii,,d to u • logetllr tvittta cooper - shop and ,other Ici-ui4 Y"'"" 4: • 36") .. c4 re° 91t,t r , '' ' ' n'deJsiar Ipteo4o--POr".1.11. : b c • 131 !' 1 1 1. '66 iiiii - A Y ii)etti,lo:l;ii l y oh.. , o riel f o lf9 'o u 0p Thp altipi, 1 / 4 tl4.coutty; deo d, •114 COAddegidnifek`eivi . . will 1/e acid 'pti;:lAtiqtratttilioatoni4Ail U RDA Y' I•aicti fie A . Rm . 4611, , h0, Jilnut I:6o4ci7CP,Qtelbar `,llslAd'flii.lbfiritillYsAl#l6inti • ritvogi, • A ty dui% Vol:Nati itlanuaion oettr . ack•o ;Attila . sitdate 11114.11 . 0 reod, _to wns,l9.p.siftc . )nl.dik, ."" Ildueb;` frame a ded 9 ;dlo, - &'iredeireLty ed 1141-.1 ;1 3 ' 1,," • - Stilni9 oiltb 5 acr e s'' 'er(iheiila .itinUi; i ACRES and ' 'lo' pyreifeiiiiihtideilove,;,o.4go4,- with6ol;4 l." . • i. h ot ; '.`4,,il. ii ll i tid e ;c:i iiiii , r i ti 6 i.lo c li i ii tt le::.rp: 7v 'siF6,d_n l y, i iis a ti b li i , ai §, 4 lj d in i d o I l ly ; * O . '% l loo'd lOtiN •• !ITV t i 3 u on S , 1 - 74 it house AO , riett4dirjdfiElmi tiei; Off p9,,tl;ool . pmise", eqdia,•geod LIVERY- rz., . •-- - .411 3 9k_a-;;•rtraCV of neat', Abe Aditigeln*C z:-7.174 lig ^etibedidbet hiilaudeotWehntßidAkoeverAadluel.: - H - oftw.tOttlln - ,Vgpettull - mid, - tariOgrrititirtiOg• - • T . .: 7 • 4 : 4 -. , '5 . L . :‘7 - ifiv,rou,itle, ietierlOyi - that he 40, I .4exedriand - 63 ; Poielsed . r eogOitOodedroi% 08 " V °permit': lbe 'o6yre.inateuktiiery;.:;.: ,Aultieatiop:. • St able In'the • alley 106 ii3lo and ',the, trt*(lnfd;• ' • .01'4 a ?.0 10 11 ., A 9 14:-.P;O 0 0 Pta* 'iai these hiiiey'Rliiilhietietalh:lllP, Ltmy9o,Wiciclo,9o,tge4h9itrolv4,4 l 4ngildfl,Pg9't . : mons ES, , IfUG9JES; arid ,`RojzieuilyaAprociouli3lAixiCalliio, im.ql.lliipendl4.-ti4,'6ftlp having, %baleen , eroetad'ALog.•,oy - Foridni . wishing, acifiii,filtypiiiiii4o`4loosl,iiyild3i*.r. pu rlatto' any ..gril/4tliti.,; ;iPvP roPeXO6 6 r,cl. iii . l / 4 /0 1 / 4 1 N094.A . ti,54. 1 ,/1 qnti:*mino. th 4 : 4 4.i9 1 6 - b6104' fla IXt id dei;eif Oak bk 77. 7 .4 ' , l' , • 1 1 / 4 .41k0i,i4), 709r,„ 1 1, r o j r„ 11 41 3 10 fir,6l/41(10 Aopoir4iO4-1-o,7tiiol:olloiiiißiVOCl?: Albiu# ol o4-' 4 1" t 17 , " - '' 1 1 0 1 WW11.4 4 , 1110 1,..k . 7 4 M.'t.-77 1 .„44,,k.,,,,,,',7! Vo ied4j)64lo.iiiktOlt,do4.4?c:;!,-I'.',-,, '484;.*40.41.4? ,i110,5,1$ ,;!=ilg !?#„#,.. , -07 %teal V.state.;.l. ME rll'i,: l 4:liiihkiii.l- . 0 . - chtit Safe'. ... ____ 13. - -vvit,:it - Tir4 - 06.z,11;,t - o.fs - lal, . te .. 3 . ..I olin-Weekliodow4-lat,ior-Newtoiir-toisfitillip'irt-- said coufity.-,:. will .rbe , offered .a!':',liublieL Sale, on Aredneid erilelth - of - Oistiiii`ei•.: - Aliiketacound oo`ntainiiik bii.O'aiiresitiiii!e',in'.NOW,iiitt lOwnship, • hounded bviatids of;Henry'Hitidney,alidiAosopf i Wages.rairihavine t6reon ereotedalr , WASTO- Irsor uop,sr-LoGSTAili_oonl oTher delessa-. Fy otit.6ftildnigs:- Stile tweiinimenon at 2 o'qinbli,, liii.,lrlien terns otsale will be.maile kt`ow.a by ' '''.• ' - . . - '. J:IFIN_WEAKLINg4rI c.' ."T"'''".,,,,,,'`: ." 'Adinhileator. ' 'Septernber'2l247; -'; : '', . ) IVIOUTZTIVEIT. LAND • 'ff110.111;.'. AX1L25,.• ',: • N B.A.TUitLiAYi Om 23d of- oh: irnoit . raises of il .lr iff mes i rev - v ii ie, lW in M ig ,ol ll. oo ' . t ' D ‘ w ili n e h p h r i v e " Cumberiend county, a tract of Motintainl.and, late ilia-properly of Robert Cook, deOksitulite in said. township. and adjoining laniiii,of. Akieh t . elte" lillafilor, - .lathes Lewis '- and a !few. salvias, , unnainhtr2 B 7 - AbirEdli - Triii' 'l3 - elehei,:y r leh iefy. Cheintit timbai..." . • '. '. ' . 1 . Sale to:ceminenee at 1 ii'eltick P, 3L; when ationdance , :will be given ,and te!nisiniade 'lth'oerikity . .t,tiO,nndeilugned,.E . Secutor orßobert Cook,' doe'd, -?..- ,!-'. , :- . JOHN ROUSER. Soutosaber-8,. , 1827'. • ... r. ,: .:'•%..; • • .., , . O.III 4 }IANW . COUAT'S'ALE. ,- Y Airttio of an 'order a the Orp,hani i .Coitrt el Ourritt edited County,' thc:Redi'Estativ ef.loWn Rah, late, 'of. NeXtenthititiirdrigdeol...___ vvilrfe'Oltired itt4THORSDAY, tholllet day ofOctOberrieJo4.o,thOpreinisee, nt 12:6ichicli noon, via: .186 AChts 'l6 perch. es'or Lend situatg in Newton townsl,lo in said comity, on the State Road, about 24i.miles from • Newville, 86 acres of whieli is first fate. Lim- - stone end the remainder of gocid.Slate, divided from the forder by the ‘ Orem", SPriergollong which mere is on befli bide§a 'lslet of nature' meadnow of nine abres... The whole place is in the lirghest state of .cultivation and - cnder ,good . fecert with the exception of it bout-twenty _aerceof_woodiand...Thalmprove, ~,ments are .a , Large ..STONE • DAyELLING liOUSE.fcltitch :~ -en f larg e Bank Barn and Tenant House, with ether necessary out buildings and a Spririg of never.failing water near the_door. Also a' thrivink young Orchard of all kinds of choice fruit. 'Porsens dont-nue of exemining the place will Cell on either of eke Indereigned The terms of ' sale will hoes follows: Ono_ hundred dollars to he paid un the',conftrination etude: one half of the residue of the,purchase money on the Ist of April nest, when posses. lion ivill tie given; and the - 1 - cmlainder in two equal annuul instalments the'reafter without in. forest, The grain in the grMind Is reserved, and the, purchaser is to pay the, taxes assessed fin 1848, JOHN B. VANDERBELT W I LLIAM RUTH . •, Septembers 1847 Administrat orq, Lanenetar Examiner insert till sole and send bill and pli,per to Ws ()Winn._._ FARM FOR, SALE. THE subsl3riber otterklotaalothelartnjat_ the property of Abraham FickesoleiAsed,sittiate in Son' hansikan township, Franß t lin county, near the road leatfing,llmm ,811iVanaberg to Cham bersbnik. adjoi tik - Tkinlia of We nese and Otheri,ColitafrAng A 18 ACRES , on which is erected ft two 'story Log House, a 'double frame 13mm, wagori.alted;Corn crib and.other Also itn Orchard of excellent frnit and a well of good water near the door., Persons wishing to purchase are r quested to call on. Andrew Fickes living on-the premises, -or mi'dte'suliscribers re siding in Dickinson township, Cumberland Co. JOB,N NIELLINGEIi BENJ. FICKES - Etelcutora August 18_,1847 --ow r.1R.11 POR!Lek. rrivirtipbsale f i o fTors his,larM Tor gale, situ as ated 3i os iyead Of Carliale,Cumberland county,•Pa, on'the.Conorlagainnet creek road, and about half a mile train Davis' Milk The farm conialfie 64 14 Acres of first rate Limo. stone land. • About 54 acres are clewed, well limed and in a high state of cultivation—the residue is covered with good timber nhtl,;ho whole under good 'once., Thb improvements are ,a VRat' HOUSE, a large Hank = 1 4,av??..,-*a. with two floors,wagon shed corn crib, Granery 4•c, under the same roof. There is also a brick wash house, smoke house and a well of never failing water, with a pump in under the same roof, and other ant- buildings. A brick cistern, cap'able of containing 80 hogs heads water, and a young -thriving . Orchard of bey`'"". fruit, "rigorM Limo Kiln, &e.: Tits build , wore all built within six years. ' GEORGE ME AliElvd 25, 1847 . —tf • • , LIMESTONE PARIS, • AT PRIVATE SALPA, • .4 VALUABLE; Parim . situated i'n'Westpenns. AL. holm' township,cutubeitiMid county, fii in's west from Carlisle, oil. the Mount Rock Spring, near t lie ,Ctuuherfainl Valley. ltailroail e coultdoltig i about 200 seres,•iilo of whit:Sallee cleared, having- 1 thereon a I urge twoiatory , double , st onotHhiuse, a two-spary Log Itilu'se,to convenient Bkriii, large , corn 'crib .tied iii!egon n shed, earrino• and grain . liouses,ipid-a never failing well, of !rater. l'hir theni irilL,4ivide ,I;Og'imil adVantlie: and will be sold isliple oi , ihelialflint. i i ' ' ltoi ; par‘idularp . entpdre of L. H. 1% Miami, I RA I on i ko premises, or of the'subserdier resid ing in I) akinson tp., 2 miles cant of the Stone Ttiverm. : . ' SOHN G,.WILLIAMS. . , ugust 1 I ,1847. 2 mo. Lancaster Examiner will publish 2 months and charge this Mike: . • VALUABLE FA= and ITILLS -Nrrk i4e , "Ve4 2ll4,L ib i l" -- "lopM c ____ , llow Roomer. , eetiator , tc, - Yt, 1 444 , 41 4:4A,A' , ' vs%rip„ - '.