;aiue~#~s~tYnit~. . PROGLAM - All''' O. 1%, .7. W. HER:EAB.the Nenairebfa tinautii: ar r President Ante , oft tbe •severai .Couitec4podnatonPlette of the counties Of Cunt: : tairlindi-Petry ; arid niate, in. Pennsylvanii, 4--4ind-Jusil-of7.lfieliteieritl - Gettrts - irffjper a gederil • Delimtv,:,in said :nolill es;'.an • on: .1,411154 Jan atm of the. Courtor oyfr.i6d, - tet.' General Jail Delivery, tor, the trial 'itanilot;tid and other offenders,. ht., tbe.-said of,Ouniberlind—hy their preeepts tci me ~i ! ldifented. dated the 23d , day of .August. , lB47 l ,: ~,haite, ordered the.Coort: 'of Oyer and-Terminer: :a/ :and .Gerforal Jail Delivery; to. be 1 411sle'ori the sooond - Monday of NOVelititeenext,, • k %eing the tilth day) at 10 n'Ohick . itir'the fore, 'noon, to contlfifo Orir - itieoltii;: I r t , ..; NOTICE is , therefore, lierebY',git4n„ tattle 'Coroner, , Justices 'Orate 'Ponce' and Ctiiiitablia' • 'oftho said county of Ctiinlidrlentr,lliii(iheY are • 'by the laid:preeept `idiaimatilled to the,, and '"'there-Ifi4ltdir-I) . rott . erf-ner,stuterLtyith-their-roll: dianiinations, and* 811 reme,ltOrti6ces.A: do those thine which 1•8 1 99ir sinoos:appertatn4o tie done, and all °dsc !that are bound by nit . .rgnizancesi. to' proiecute '4against the prisoners, that are or Wee Area t... 1 the Jail ifeiid..cn ely.are - t"o I. e there to • •rosecate thorn on shall lie last., - TAMS'S HOPPER., ' `Orfice,terliele,. j. VirmuFr. October 6 1847 $ s 'Walesa . *pit virtue sundry writs of Venditioni Mutt ExPimis, *mad out of the Court 4ron , -..Ncton Pleati.of'Durtibleiland county, end ttNe, ulfrdatedil'wkll'expoia the'' follow ing'Real ttataa'Sie Online sale at the Coiirt House In- 0 e :;botouet of earliale..On SATURDAY, the 30th Mity:ltt , datab‘i',lBo7, at 10 ci'ocloch,A.V. viz: half tot Of Ground, situate in the borough Of &His)°, bounded 4,1 lot of 'James. ArmstrOte on We east, Pomfret street i on the south, South Hanover ;street on the , west and others, containing 30 f.et in front on Han over street, and 240 feet on Pomfret street.. • having thereon erected a atone Dwelling noose ;back building, 'frame shOp and stahle,A c.tr, Seiied and -taken inerutettition ait'the property' of Elizahoth.Gray.... Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in r,tie 'l.6rearti M' Nett Cumberland; situate en :Water street, adjoining an alley oar the east, 'nu alley on the south, Water street en the north, and LotNO. 40 r n the west, containing SO reel in breadth and 150 feet in length, more of l ess, having, thereon _erected a two story Franie House and a small stable. Scizetl:ontt taken in execution as the property of - John teenberger. Arse, a Lot of Ground, situate in . Franklin toWnship, bounded by lauds of,-- Itiountsjolitt Hays, Samuel Javery and others, containing 13 Acres, mote or lessAaving Abereon erected a one and a hell story Log Hausa, .Ilrc. Seized and taksrt in execution as the pioperti of Thorns Sanders. And all to be sold by me, JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff. __Sheriff:s3_lrue, Carlisle,•Cet. 6,14347.- NEWVILLE -- N LT RSE KY - and - - c - FRUIT TIE subscriber thankful fur past tiatreinage, would call public alien ' • lion to.his stock of Trees now on ' hand; consisting of the choice out 2 0 .00 0 t'per and five yearlings, most of which hen frein 'lO to 'l4 feet high, with stocks iii proportion. consisting of upwards 0f..100 of the most approved %quietist) of the choicest APPLE. lle also Jeffers - . Peach, Pier; Phipy , , Oricot & Cheery Times. AD of *Met the euhscriber will sell as low otbei - eqtablislitnent in the state; and it requested georrintec to be the kinds as recom 'Mended.- All kinds of country - produce taken in exchange. To 'orders from a eistance the ii-Ces will be rreatly put up and Ihrwaroed, within 20 miles, Witlibut additional expense. and over 20'noilev reasonable allowance., Gentlemen ordering enes by mail can rely upon getting giiod healthy trees, of the best varieties, or need not receive them. Address DANIEL BhAlt, Ne*villo. Cuiiiherla ncl co N. B.—The subscriber desirous of reducing his stock, would give great bargains in about 110,000 two and three yearlings pcx would sell Ins wlinite establishment, consisting of one ban, of 6 ACRES, with h now two story bit ICK HOUSE and all other necessary int. provements. Mao 8 Acres of Meadow Land; none better in the county. He would dispose Of it together, or separately on reasonable terms. • DANIEL.IIP4R. Newville,.Octobor 6, 1847. Plaiatield Classzcgi ALeademy, Four mile,. peel ef Carlisle, between the New, yille &ace Road and CumberlBnd - Valley Rail Road. I. • TINE third session (five months) will corm mence on MONDAY, Nov. Ist, 1847. The number of students is limited, and ' eve!! effort made to mecum their moral anti mental improvemesti, as well as their comfort mad health. ' ring he palityclar upwards of fortisuldepta have been connect-6 with the Institutinn. • • bfibtato all that are tequishe to* Galdge or any husinees or profession.— Rverieffert will. be made tosecure s continu- ance of Mitrimage irom the friends of 'education Referencee,' Terms, &c., made knout's- by application. personally, or by letter to R BURNS, October 6,18470-3 me ~ • . :.,AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ooduraigned haring, been appointed by JL shp.Orplasitis! Court of Cumberland entlinti, tn,morshall and distribute the funds tp the hands orJ obit Lutz; Execidor of . fintleitt . :ltitter, dried, a mew. tlie several ; creditors .of, Said deceased, ` l 4/111:attend'fai.that' intrpole stt to braise of Samuel Morrett; in the borough of Carlisle; V: .tuit S'yEILfRDAY- -the''.23d of' October, pt . ;:thibeit in ihefttrennon. 1 , 1",•; tuT • GEO. BRINDLE, AnOi. ' fr . '!"- tteiztlikie Cgianberlaszillitreys.. ~. • • ,„,,,,..., a .:., :, , ...,..,..r...oruer F u,to p trade.,, et springfielit '; '!`. on;TpitfiftiAlf . the : t 9 ill. of ~Oetohor, rt 4 6.,.4.0,090 . !4', - A. Mo, .r,O.Tepliteliequippod for ''aiill." - By order. Of the Captain. • . • ~. ~. , A13p40, AA A YERfi, 0;8: •-•• . .' . l:',;oti!ler . ,G . ;-.1847. r,',. ~„ 2. : ~ , ~..,..i . ,,, „,,,., , ,- feel Bag Clasps and Ready. Ar l . l o kIIIM 4 LAEARosartment:af:ateellisi Olispe - --Pekoe Clapp', Pure° Ri . ngs" and - Tagreifir tiT,itife*,'shadodiminitt.plad ;4111t-;Purp! . wistirijaiittriiceiVedi by ; ' , G. W. HITNER. '. ,4Cifirible s ;Oototiei, 6i:1847i . ~f 1 f: f ~.r. ...,...,:2-;,..,:jrirliflgeti....nn - GII jp t..... •A.,,u,..,,,,...„0,mack Silk!Fringcs anti , ;Plinial:Pr ; ATiaaming Latlicial...Visitera 'Li „ t inliaijgat ope.ned;by •:. ,C44 , ,VV..pITNER; ',; "::Carlisle, oditibar:fti 1ii41, , , ~ 4 . ; •• I ~,% . :',., . : .: • nAuREP of Yra~d ' Pine,Oil ; pleo' ;Pink Glmi E trit ro civ d-by - , r EO-W• a fl m a R e = CarliderOdoet 2f,.1 ' 847.; . , ; Vir.ene Is res , 'Mode p in iec d ovo'oes of su pininperiok n , ?repel , Merfires, • ' Ny: kirriitp:. tarn Bleithileiiiiof l2 , " ftvr • ::)"; < ~.,,,,,,Lnit,tell'- ' . tunron-- -- 7,-• .. F i ' rc.4 , hmere4l-0111 • ( - pi/46'qm.! . gu. L ACAII-•- ,rily4l„(#6l,ptit!, ilii valbeh: , J uit 'l., 1\ }Nit ,! t r. Ay/ it ETNER. 1 ' cei ` 64l l" '' imber t 2 0, 847 ' :, . , t • - i !§BOl - * suriala; ^ . t- N " ' dip Sacs' ) • ti 6 mo4i, •- • :..;,Irom,,llseM •., ' Vin'yiluit,u '64 • NoTilalf2jutiPlf Ptitlit,,Aiiat:Awe DI, A. ~ajild hallat b re dE' O l • tru it'sl47,4lll‘i i Carlisle, Ootoliim 6, / n i ._, - .. , C.AktitCh_o9,ll6lfiati§ilt 4 1 .tisif4 6 4 i .4 0t. , -J-,..-, 'iAnov),lttilki',tr*rict - i - ii - iielsiibe. oti ni,nl, ligNikkilliefOr.;iskiek:Att,sistrlsilJiddraticeozi, %. , , -- 4 Minicea, br- - -,- 3 .4"tr,4,Npr - :: ,-'-- - 'i4.4011'111,i.0040f611 lI,PII''Z' 1 1 , / 1 ' ' 4 , ,, ,' !'" . r. '* , :i: ' ~firp,--Ase'r • *,",;' , ''''*, , ^ ..! ~, ir t l ~- l. ~„., . ~, ~,, , t n'' , , 1 1. - 0 -,--,'. - ' , ...'.-::,, f , 1. 1' - I'. EMMEN Newitblitith3eititcuto. ":,I::ESZLEMP s r . ,,, subscribev.lurs-jusr',eoCalvell and is • - SciuthJ vvest,eorner of the Pehlke Sooriffi, muss. i u sh as anis ass ntertr4—antiThilLe s Bombe. .. ,,,,- --m - shieli,",Shawls;Musline, Gloves, •• • ;-.,; •:•-• &a: "1 .-rA,aplerididi stock of