~~~~:pe~ti~eitc`it~~~ r s~ ors.. II 0 - " C EN. e,, ‘ --- 1 MPiITfArAN AMPM - T— .... ,i ..,_ .. ~..1 t....._:... v ..,. ~,,, LipliE Let Regiment. apfl, 3h 'hatthiiiit'Cd,ili - JIL berlaraUitiitieeis- Witrlicild al) eqcainii 'il:‘/TO,nt„at r,?tRIRPENsu URG' on ''t4 'loth 111 h, 'llt , ,'tlittAtiltt/f,-,Autae next.. • ' ' ' ~, ....„.. km Volunteers iii — the edjolullig'''cou'lliles '.'.." are spectAilly-invited to ottend. , j r Vi.,. .0) ' , ', l. fl ood, ,: . li. Col: H. .111eCulloch, V;: , MPill'ut Dunlap,. Col: B.'W, - Ifroodbtern, &Lict! 11.,lil'Culloch, Capt. S:Cope, : '4V . SIti - P: ..litioactsi:. Jtiti:t 1 H' • krazeis• l . iOr,.Aitar: -... .,:v,dir:4 9 :-.8 . d4 . d - ,•.. blia: tr..E4, Ca g,', •filah"lV, A, Kelso, ,1 Iteceileas : ,, t f ARGE, splendid' and varied tin'aortment '1 11.. of FANCY GOODS, 'l3 . OOl{S, GROCER , Itis'•lltUlTSiand a little of every thlpg that lit& he rlunieB, iVunYed , r thought of—all F le- Lk* quality aidl al the lowest prices,' of ,-,l4he-clld.establlsocylliug,_Bookand-Faney-Slore of ' ' S. HAYERSTICK. Muy 26,1847:' GROCERIES. , ..! .041 13b1s..WiiRe,Scior ; 50 do. Brawn do . AN.7:.10 Tki'eciiiimey.. n. JO •," Rice. ' .. , .5U Bags Rice. . ' ' - .- ~ 5. Kegs Allspice,• • ,5 " Pepperfor Bale by ti h:1 , ' ' FUNK 4.1 AIILLER ''' . flarliebtot'' l lloy - efi, 1.847.-41. • • _ . •, ~ *tit - and Pla ner. 1-:. , 400 litiiiii‘ Vili stet., 'AOU Saulta G. A. • Sal t., —....“4-jiLbookaAtiltt. ''du. de.._. • - ;14(6.,! A' ‘ . Dairy .. 'du. For Sale by • • ~, • . . ; MILLER & FUNK 1 thatrisbark;May 26; I M 7. —ti. . ", * ,...Z•irlen Cambric Handkerchiefs. ~.orriWENT V DOZ. ladies and gentlemen's • Llnentambric flitndltorcliters, at low pri c'ts,jtiat teethed by • • Getito W.Hitner. • May 26,1846. 'Purse Silks and Steel. Beads, A FULL assortment of shaded . and plain riAroo Silks, together with a variety of ,Samt ; liqeds, S'teei thig and Purse Clasps—also _Plugs and Tdesois tor Bags and Parses, just received by George W. 11.tner. Al ay 26. , 1846.' ,T"rr"! , , China Pearl Bonnets, _ Another lot of Chien Pearl 12Snnoys'opened, this . day . by George tit". tner. FURE•Cider Vinegar. pride bbl pure Cider yinegar; just received by triny 26,1846. 'George W nitric?. Pine Oil Limps, -finv Ptne Grl:a nd Lard Lamps still on hand ?Atria' will be sold e bee ~ ~Mmy, 2 6._ • Geo W. llitner. CI -fished Sugar's. TEN lIKILICELS of "Loverines" finest qual ity co Iletinle rtitirrur crushed, fine crushed and PUiVVl•il4ell LOU( StlgUrt. • as 11160 a lot of White noven,and fine clarified ' Bre4ll sugars, just 1.1 et:iced and for sale tele 01.1 he Grocery store of . W. EBY. Vfar 26. 1147. Ishoold he very fintokfol to the geotleman waggon r who received a pack at tunduy acbunl papers of lOW three to the latter 'part of Felkiir'y last„tvirMYc'ft n't Hampton and omitted to too ho.. If he would inform me whet e lilYct thou ;.lavlso: (loin he may save some to 1111m:lf the subscriber', ' corr, COSS Kent, t ' Mains County; Pa. Nlity 8,1847: Li .FAiite or L. S. Cituith, dec'd. t It. "WOTICE . Lierehy given Oda letters of' „LI adininistrationon the estate .IL S CIIILIRCII borough of Nov Combiertand, Cum- - lugri .eutinty,:deceased, have been granted to the isubscribor residing in the same place.— ,All, persons indebted will make immediate pa 3 men% and thus eying °Winn will preiTnt their redpeetive ace rite properly authentica ted tor 4011i0 , 1 , ent. HE Y . BILENEMAN, -Adiii'r. t.l + My 26 1846 Fakat FOR SILL /WU E subscriber offers his tarrn at private sato, situated in Newton township, Cum : borland county. 2 wiles west of ..Newville, on dhe rood leading, to Germantown, and A a mile from Gekord's mill, containing 151 Acres, 9f •freest'one lend, about 40 acres of whichrp r.,"vorod won thriving Timber, and the remain , der 'cletinand in a good titute of eultiautitm.— . . . . ll'lta improvements a ma good log .:,,,,.. s i . tworalary HOUSE and KETCH- , : trl . EN, a duahlts LUG BARN,' eider 1.4 Enti; arose, .0 nd all other necessary, ...L',..t , 7 %.,,.,,„ ,fmildingc Also, a gpod 'reliant House, dr.e., 'hialc has a Paver fallini; %yell ot . Vaar at the :igor, s .witioull &chard of iliaiCe fruit trees.— Paefurthetivari eni °ire of the subscri -, Imor, opl the premises. ' JACOB RAMP. May 27th, 1847 Health Made easy for the People, or P/ . ./yAtica4 2'r/it:tow, to.anake their Lives ia this Wald' Lo?ig and Happy, by the Autlicn' or AtEducatiott: -As It Is , - - ‘ ' it:se Anier'te . ail Edition/ • Additions:- • .11eitig.rui elementary and iitereatnig tr'eall'ie nil . • ...Sell. Ktiowledge. Gontsitting,_ short and • taining articles on • Food, - NeHrl, Gifted'; Strength, ~Eati ; •Strimoelti Nerves, ltecreittitnt, 04)inittion, Liver, • • Brains; Old Age,. v Wood, . Longa, Mind, !Visit •beereti oils, Arteries; Senses,' 'tVon'inti, „Head, • Veins; • Health, ace. &c, '&o. is Together lititir the Great Seere r t—Stice est in i ttife how ‘intimted—liovutit do Geed,tCousee and Effeeis of Error, Habits, Passions, Woman - des- 'eribeiL Mat t delerlbedi Man , s Errors, lliels• and . ,Ppoit,,Sexes;Virtue7and.ViCe, ta. if Errors, , ; ,Wpentedin inadeltletioite, mit 's trues, r „Ajntiitionokeatte: , ..t t ''t whole, deinined'fortttlie ioitnproitinkAtidlextendingtedutotiOn, umnngititli a , o pepplei.mportingtAtlnablel fin 'pie; Minim!! fraMil OM" ih e 'tfoii/o ato. I kelp:in tienillie2s denti c eitaloa'ajn 'lv/letter ifhelltreeeittettiliki Coity, 'i'y he t cpliiercwillt t .foo"4%l::•'liddit'esi; p d ! o. ,14issidid tin-01.17'ms iIB.G:',.ZIEBL'Id,t&Go., • f 2 18471 •'''' • 111This.vidttable:Nettele!' 8; tdad l tlite•(iii':dlidesVtio • N 0,1i7,) , ,.%! 7V7.oalesi yr, ... :.en.;tAlrov elegt Pak V , spa& ,i , . ~ R ; ImicigieciiiiimiA7kaiknives'lliat tire i,i;' , .? ba , i,1041.0 , 46410P ihe, CSikilder.•+ , 1, , ': ' , L.. A N examination 'of.these justly, 61103,416'a in,„ Cutteri le alone deeenied nuffiedent in`ree.. •ffromend them to public - taior. „pining thb pa • !kr they have ,N . A W I I thivtfi l rearpremiuin , f l ' fittitiw In ~agricultural l'aie ‘ . , ;YIP*. 41 • ,0 1; tOll echttneal grit -at , At ,oston i ftom the. vent ilia Stale 011ie Fair, abWorceiteri: 'a - kir, l eyfro,..tair where they, have 'exhibited. 944. ftighilles combine ! iiinel l al Meehineis - ---- for cutting Hay, Straw, or Cornstalks: The --ltnives helm Rupicirted lis-- , wingli . oast on the -'oylendeNNltbsierid'atillibletitly strintgliinu -• , lthd‘largeatikind, of: osirp italhe ;with. esse4itho -treat 'Milian:lit—Lana sa the k'nkfee!trilj,iiignltitaii , 49 . A4 . 6%44. Airlveltliditfoile:fAacivantage ra Fer'biblider aff --- Air . i• , •-, + . •or sole . the „cheap Hardware a Stere Jir#WAT - ;* f4AKWOH - v-who n - flliwprpurellaiol tll4lllol.oembetlaild' county: • 5Att;11, 1 347 4 •4tP2'),v , ,:t 1 3 4 '," , ~ " 0111 119 0. 1 r hiy e a d • . ;, tnientfJ '-- -,, ,-4.-ftliiiiii.N Om' -.5.-1P - -. 3,'ItATC-AllO-:CAk. ,The, .81 . 086111er tlositeOs to).b.afoi h A istendir ried-the liati removed his Hat and Cap Slope 1 3# 0P 041 i3,3- . lieit.'docr Siete - aid' BkotoOi'll Hotel, on Main Sirecit, wher9 Lg Gas joist opened a some add fashionable, assortment of ~ -• AVS anit. CA:P..9 7. -4 ' matio, - Ort,6 ; 'Mato : lain . arid ,in 'die beat style and' ct tb'e priceil for S"...Ait • His oln assortment is cplete - and coin prises . every Irbtd of hat 'fr'em the planest and cheapest to the mostbisliionable and elegant:- Also, a very large variety of men's rind boy's Caps, includ.3 ing the new style or Rough and Ready Caps, which cannot fail to please his customers,- Call and get your new Bats of the 'latest style, gdntleinen P. H. LECHLER. Carlihle, May 19, 18 - 47. - - - - BARGAINS, BARGAINS! N S.T'O .p. g 1 wing - sqscriber.has just opened in the. R . store morn lately occupied by R. Snod grass, Esq., West, High Street, in the borough of CarliAe, a large and gqneral nssortmopt of Dry Goods, GroCeries, Queerismalti , Hardware, &0., &c. • , ail of which have been selected with 'grat, care utid which he is determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. The publiu Mc respectfully insited„to give him' a coil': he 'flatters himself that. ho can -oiretishoh-inducetnegti-es-m-ill-make-it-their intereit putroniso hi l m. 'J. G. CAPMOM% CCJ'A idt of auction bry Goods aevery lois prides.' May 19, 1847: Cloths, Vassimeres Battitiets. 'TA RENCH CLOTHS, Caesinie r rea, Satipetts rSatin, Silt( and Maraailla's Wettings at great bargaitis the l new store in Wpst High Seedet. J. G, CARMONY. Carlisle, May 19, 1847. _ LOOK - AT THIS! ,k LARGE and gonoral.nssortniont of Cali coca, Tiottings ' Checks, Cinkhatns, Blds!ct,ed snit Unblisaehod Muslins,dt the new store in West Vigil Street, Carlisle, May 19, '47, J. G. CARAION Y. Look to 'VOur own Interests! 11. vyou wont. cheap Dry Goods, call at the now store in West .Iligh Strect—choap Lawns,.:Mous de_ tains,.Ginghains._autl:Ling horn Lawns, hanrrsonie styles, which aro the gicatcst bargains 'Ol the day, May 19, 1641, J. G. CARMON Y. • Hosertes ! Hoseries - (10 every kind, quality and prices, very UP cheap at store in West nigh Se. May i 9,1847: J. t. 4, CARMON Y. AN 011DINANCE Fur defraying the wensey and liquidating the debt qf thißurough of Carlisle: • it enacted and ordained by the Town Mlllll - .Council of the borough of Carßide t and it is hereby ordained by the authority of tile same, that the sum of two' thousand three Mindred- dollars be assessed -and levied• upon the inhabitants 0, the borough of Carlisle, for defraying the expenses and liquidating the debt of the Moro - rot Carlisle for the year 11347.' pond in Council the 14th day of May, 1847. Attest.: THOS. B. TOM I'SON, JAS. M. ALLEN, Pres't of Coum May 19,1d47. Clerk. Estate of Christiana Metz, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters af, Minuniiitration upon the estate of Chriii. tianaAintiZolliehivida called Clitivtiana Swat= B art, having been Issued to die stihseriber, be calls upon all peritms having china; upthrshe ertato to present them for Settleannt,and , uPon all persons indebted to the estate', to make payment, to mnt& hith td settle his aaniiiiis• tratinn account according to his 'ltity*. 013 E RT I.IIeCA WIN El% Mny 10, 1E147. -- THE heire and legal r,epreseesutivea PATIENCE neIiEAM deew, hub b the Borough of Shippenshurg, TAKE NOTIdE; That, by iirtdo of a Writ of Partition and Valuntion, to ine dirceied, I will bold an in quisition on the real estate of said deceased, situate in the borough. of Shippensburg, on MONDAY, 14th June, 1847, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said,day, when end .where yinimay at lend if you think proper; --- • • .1 A rata 11.01 7 PEr; Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, t Sheriff. 19th 'Hay, 1847. Auditor's Notice. ALL persons having claims againgt the tate of REDECC4. llVELniroty, late of Mir. Ilia township, deceased, will present them to the undersigned, auditor appointed by . the (Jr phone' Court, to marshal and distribute Meas. Bail in the hands of the administrator of said deeedalli, at his office in Carlisle, on or before SATURDAY the .5111 day of Juno next. J. S. CALDWELL, Cafflale, lay 1.9, 1547. Aud'r. TO'HOUSEKEEPE'S. 104000 pouNDs. OF comprising all qualities from m 1.4 eta: up. Curled Hair and Moss lit ;tits to suit purchasers. Feather Beds, Bolsters nod 1 1 911 ws- Aluttrasses of nil kinds, ready made, cir• made to .order. Bedsteads, Sacking bottortis, Cat%IMO, nod Tickitigs. illsokoti of 101 sizes, arid Marseilli:B.ollls white and tolorod counterpanes; Comforthhieb, ke. all at the lowest cast prices wholesale,atal relki by • • . H A lITLEY .I(I4TIGHT 148 South Second-street,,o doors filmic Stance. May 14,1847.—ini0. -Eattings, Piattings, Mattingl; ,1 ' THE submii•itm.l3frei; fdr 'ialle l ;wlaa)olale or 1 relakl ! all qustlides of Caatda 'andrquakin Matting.. 4.4 oolore.. and white ' - ' ,. 54",: do ' ' do 'l' '4-4. ''do ' '' do Lan hi e ykrittoth . 7.11' do '' ', ' do '-3 1 .4 ,- - do.' ' ' s ~ de , Also—T,liree jdf,,supertine and: fing Ingrain ' Clirpeniptie,Ni:iiitiati 1 1d:till'iiiillili,; 11 1 1,0 ' I.:Litii atialta'etiri,eiings;olt c l tlig;WiiiqPw 'shuddernitile cbveiti '.lsce:, ' .- 1 . • • . :.•• •- : . '''• .•`'•.•'._'`''.!.‘•j'MA-Wee.o .* 1C1416t0, 148 &Mille Stain] StO6t ppruce. 'Estate XTOTICE it beratkri:gfieli that Lettere testa .ll .mentrtY:. , •the ori,DE.T RICK. COMIC:W.OAI- at Mteti 7 1 Caraiitjr'311ea'ilijiti44 Alt !rag ?)3.litlitl' agsil nit, attidldeacil gat'kebtatell4ll`.." reseijr tHtn : fon, settletneilti'aild thti,po ittilebtBd ,wl . ll,n?a . ke aintediate.. - , May4l/, 1847;' ,6 1... . 11 '; 1 ,i. .tEPP kv e 4i ,4, t : ;aooom lll 4YP l Y fil r —Rtfay7o s •Mreegil9o , PFlPleß , rego l l k s l ;Fild, obeli pei.panVieifthe eiore oP ~ • , ::P:OlP ,ll .*4 l lOLa c.rilide, GRh4' , l7vgirtty,,: ariTi4;' 4,90 11 104 1 1 1 .# !Wk. price's, Juskrippigg,gt.,the ;dor* ' April 7, " 114 D 1847: '•BITt ...„. .. .. -- . L v a .o, 4liL Trpyf3l.llllll pre 18 e, A AIP,' ,entOttiaPd'tZiatititind3P.l.Po,ll,llfqr t, ". lifr, os irkellinedreAgeoi tiCeillitiadifinah ''' iibri6A tioautitul aqiol,z,jpoic.tooolml 'NY :. Y.. ,:4' 1 , 1 ".•-1 10,7 ..,0-:'' 4 '.'s.Goo ro W 'll tutor ; - 0 ., , (,,,,i, ' „--: , ` 7 4 71 :J:.;7 „„ 1/ .rl, ",, 1:1 . • , , , n - , ' , •• • .. ' • i. • .? 310 y Re:arkl :4 . 2 I 3. tVIS 114—' A rr , mite -y nO v. n.,-,peesontooneer,ed„., • • "Ikbh'itt'e eiiheit,l,bily bond, note, book) account, Ond 'settle' .up their respective sductri-, ,have Ortmtentire atm* of fhirtittake to :A,(fsers...kikbee. & .b:trtneyltif,Har-1 qi t otlier.rnasoit ANn toi settietiiiiinitioksi;vind die sooner eot are made the bette'r, as by'July ne:t it t o left lin Abe hands orit'leksiVOillfiee for; ebilets6 tion. Several': attetnoti liWettifoie Veen' :Onto oettlex.pirn,Vl books butfailed,lio Vie-now, , give ; fittr„atarningthat.if Ann; WAY' fails' there's at w i ity that vliiinotfail. ~,Those,..illtVi*builtiess N.ith.Arie 4111 find the ot,ttiy, ,resideneelloOrniir of Catitlinriitid`Piit'Streets,, -t. • t . ' • JACOB SEAT ;It 'April 1 14, 1847. • , ••• • ~• „ . • Estate of Win..Spattglor, pperi4K4, hereby !Orn 4hatteite . fe of . Atlmmletration. on Ow esikte of ,intler,lete of Dickinedn l tqviiihipAectunied, have been gianknik to t le ., stifikslibdttreitding`, thieam,o_ townehipt i tietre6fiefipro'bied ore reljuenVirin make , : immedihte :Pilytrienr and, thosolleving ,clui roe. w ill pregank tltem for idutlement; to • JOHN. LEFEVIt'E,' 'Apitl2l.oBo.,=.'6t. . 4 . • Adm'r. . . Estate - tif lioVtrer, deceased: NgTddii'.thitt tjettdrsllof_ Adinturs6ation hnintretinitsiiga by the Register, tbAtie 'Yi sing. in West Penneborui. tavVishlir;Vnt% tra`iNt'i 'Of Daniel Bowers, late'oCY,lto All persons indellateo tp,the estate will please the Who will 'f' r withou,t'aelay. • Alirll-2-li-lin Aisignee's Notice. ' NO liereby 'hi'veir that JOHN' M. G,611;r. or...kWh ,Middletoo township, damterland county, l i ne made an . eisignineut of property to the subseribers, residing in Carli.le, for the benefit of all his creditors. Ali persiAti WAIT claims against the said ce. tate will pregent them' for settlement, and those i . ndebte4 will be required to make immediate Dayqient. The books are now in the bands of first named assignee. 1 CHARLES BARNITZ.,- JACOB HOFFER. 4ssigticr A 2 . 4, 1847 +''stat.e of. Michael Frieze, st.; crec'cl. IVOTICE is hereby given that.letters testa. mentary on the estate or Al !dike it. Fildze, lute of Smith Middletbd tedinship, deceased. have been granted en We subscribers. Alt persons indebted to satd,- estate will Oolitic mnke immediate 'O'h,yineni, fend Woe° having chains present them_properly authotaicute.ercE settlement. .-4GEO BRINDLE S .41ohroe bANI. FRI tZE. M May 1847. Administrator's.. • Mate of Catharine Alorretr,lpfec'd. OTICE is hereby gh7en that letters Nadministration on the estate of CATHARINE ORRETT,'itilt of Monroe ; township,-Cumbeo, Ined county, dec`d, lave been ,grented the' subscriber, residing in the sumo township:. All palm& indebted will pleeini make immediate paitteitelt;toid 'theft having elnirns present them' properly authentioated for. settleinent. MICfIAIL MORRETT, May 5, !347. Adm'r • Notice ,to 21.4 tigers._ LNDER the proviiiii!ans of the act of 1844 II any county paying into tile State l'reaStwy the State tux levied on such county, pior to the 15th of Jul; .in any year, is . entitled to asp meat or - per cent. on the amOOlt so paid • The undersigned . , Commissioners of Cumbeitl land county, ut view of she above Orovisions, consider it equitable an& proper that those. who by the prompt pay'r'elif oT their tlikFtsrior to the above date, enable the Treasurer to pay over.l the State tax, so as to receive the alo i resaid abate. , talent or 5 per cent.the — blhefit of i!vlilela has laidierto -Msgr.-enjoyed •Ikr - the citizens of the county generiilly, should be allowed a detluctiOn of that itsinotint by the collector—have authorized the different collectors to make said 'ishateineht from the Skate tam, in all cases where the State and CoMity' tax is paid to the collector prior to the 1511 OT ',tidy, 1847, when said abatement shall amount to one cent or snore, no frattions of a cent in he breill led. Since the fret of 1844, the Commissioners have paid the Suite tax of this county annually to the . State TreastiN , r, within the time prescribed by the act, mid the county has received the benefit of an abatement 'of five per cent. thereon, but to meet said payment they have found it necessary heretofore to appimpriate a part of the comity Monl to meet the deficiency occasioned by de linquents, until the balance of the State tax was collected. It therefore. become, 'necessary to: ' require the payment f both State and County tax to entjtle the payer to the aforesaid -abatement Upon the aforesaid State tax: . The Misle i rsigned Alieiefore confidently- amieV, pAte that the above iirrang'elifent, and. the MOW inducement of enabling Cutrilicrland county to maintain 'the charactrompteeiserrreuld ad ty which she has acqmpti• in died octane of her obligations to the commonwealths, will in duce every citihen discharge. their State and County tax prior to the 15th day. pt July. J. W,ORTHiNGTON 1). STERRETT, . . DANIEL COBLE, County Coailmivstatter.? A i.6.5T--Alr.M. RBILY ,. Ct k. cc)4414 _g:#441, 4 , ! ... LETTERS of Administration o 6 the °sahib of Daniel Beltihootter, :ate of Monroe Cumberland county, Pa., have been , gianted by the Register of said ..gOillity aforesaid. .All persons indebted .to said detato are Ve'ii . ueisted to make poygiont, and those haViiig claims will present them for settlement. • ~. • , GEORGE BRINDLE, Aditalr. May 5,1847.-6 r. ' ; 1 . • SCHOOL FURNITEREI. 'i ' 4 LARGE quantity' of Desks' tenelles, &c., nfor Schools , in moiler' or d er and for sale cheap, by the subserabet t his;Cabiriii. %Vara Manufactory on North anover street. May 5, 1847. • JIM R: W.PAY.§II. • ' ' .CPARKEICOONTYIANIki ,, , t ar; anbstriberroffors for ialcithe'fatiw oa 2 45 • ..1 1 ', 1 0 1 ! 1 Me !Infidel'. nerrli4ilWiti 1;i in 'Clarke county; Na., ootaining 4ont oa t( 15 s 4,0, 1 : ACRES -.. 'Outbid be very advante iTtiva y vidsd tete two farina, ono ,o1i1,80;; , ~,..,,, .. ••''. acres aid the biket" (If .220, afford 4": ::.J. ,, : ....'.•• s_ ing.l.o oath a'sulfacioncy of wood —, .. ..,-*. tho • largertract'lan 'en , Itymbiyini ”' Mill ' , i imepkitoctled for , the nerhteri:oratilinfil .. t ~ nbtbar r Otkainenr-iatit.'-alire-Abbuldilell . ,"isli k• tho farm A fo si I ikoly Illetroom 'stable ank • litrx wing Utbnaill, thrinkliti•the' grettrihifeVois, and' givw•bnlnediatel poskttseton. 'Fila:larnia. are' ono Mitt] bask:and the 41alatica in' iniitalmonte• for Antey.) , Seurs riequirlitt ofdAed of trust ti r WO proporty tt) midura •tlio 'defofie'd paynion a aild,,ahnuoiintoreatilibrbort. '.'.' l . `•,..., \ ~„ 4 ,5 . , 0 ,_ i , -,. ...••:r -,, ,J4EIN I•V:tP • Aille.l 'White Hall, Cl ark o oo. • Va May , "srlB47' - • ME .... .I.4SlOOrrett*Woirettr q.?!mim..3....;' ,, :I ril '0 ItilliCeubecriber , nipeatfullk iniiiinig n e:', to A- hie friends and the public • genbinily;iiint dins Vahan the *elt.k navy n'Teier,ellteti d ;' .. ; : ,. on ?Me •COriiii of Siiiii4 ; i _i_l4iiiik. : 2 ''. f s # d7 . ll "Mn - qet'Ago.o. - , ..,•. , :d ' 4 : 0 1 :014..- 4 7;,*r! , 4yidrii..lbibori. m il e I .•,. w itr ie ii . iiiy.ciri.i.l,so,v,p, thope„istlio,thavit if pell'il_lie..iiiJile,',ajaiteet t iefectery_,mari or ,.. r [ ,T)10, kiii 7 A;, - 1 1 31 1 / 2 0111. 1 1. 4 .0 0 17iiiind.' tied le fi . leehetkidliciligliwit II ~ , 094, bedding, and ar't‘irnitliii i ,e_iikjile'itecorrepdp.iione rare', , Pe .17701... Make.. ti :A, canneloni. end:. deed i to, • ' 1 . 1 1 'y' ''. ,'e . : 7 9 )e .!!!f,',1 1 . I°Pl4.!rtaiii . . ~ ,v• . 1 tau_np ,i NwArtinequi I --0: - nto , rf. ,v4l.l)l4'wlifi:* call: 41 . AGNR6Eliet4iell' tia . ;jllliiii' . tt.f A. 9 `Tlii laiiiith',*iiiiill'irdillicOlgiiil pii'lloit - . ; --,: b . ~• , . • a4:'1 . ,5' 2 , , ,, r z'' J s i4 pt 1 ,11 044F , "v - :Akiiil/ 1 480'1'..?....••',' ~. .7. 1 '3. . , ,i s uL, ~., tu. 4 i .- ,li II:. ', •., I, .11 lln 4.9 P . , 1101 1 114 1kl'ilndlillbgtidiiii;1 , j; I : # iii " tri i ° l(o. 4llo . l o; 9ll4 -0" 1 e . • •,, ` • ' SIM ‘.:(trifittattietttiti • ••••••• j'. 013.41/00;t0i101) ;•• hieliMbQr s ' IL 810 9 k -, Jo ,PRw .9popl_pg‘t._ his Ng STORT,'ilh Nettli ` J allover it at,* splet4l4 . l 'assortinent:of:GOodir;'MistuilailtiOtt,fiOi;ihni .follintinks , rattei! hamst,i Minghamthlitiwns,lctiiirag 14 v Mtiy HA . , 0, ••01. , ti ihurimOr Cloth f•Crotoxs .111aeltiCilittinakittle.Tivands 'ad"Fanoy ` Ce iii moires. Also, Carpeting;lYjndow P.S3SH • iin The P , WPk.ltielretipeettallA tridited'toannAint examine theAdocki .ito ben Whitt/tilt' ;change. of May 12.) , JVA.. I r f t. ,, t4 ; • 0_ ...it • o A FREER supt)LietraßucEßis• • irtt. •°ubsgribef-(4kjwit.lrettinheil Intro Ofty'ivith,a,large,and welt selected Kdicalt old • "”! ft O P. - E`Ett ES9 i• e:C c' titmext,ar i _ 1,, lipperati . sad • m 'pilo c ineek, superior Steen Syrn , 1 6);,Honen . apicosof af C kinde4," , hurls,,, - ' , FIGS, iOII%..iIidES,'I.EIVIONS,' ' ALMON% • and a great varinty,of ollfrearticles. loo4ltallcr. • thIS to mention'. - • Also, a latige stagorttbeiat of 'ALAS S liq4llEmigiwAßN..... A eqnlitatii4uppti ''',4:1;1"; ; an& Alaekerel,§lllo,,llerriogand.Sairko. „.,. • The subseilbei , (enders to hia ,frieot)a , for,!be,lt)lier),vatroOtige 'he has received: aim he 'coneneneell -bushoLatbt; assures therii,that,filtiwlA ateiyeXtb,efree tech .144. ducementa gale - merit a continued of cos?, tom. • ,9E9.• IL;PRQQKS: Carlisle ' , 7. ' . .& Q GRODERY,.TEA,-CHINA UEENSWARE ;7 . TliE,subscrilrer has newly fitted gbire• , Itobi*; tthl. id now reeetvingan't:nt7re.Wcw. mid fresh sunply of all articleedontieletta I.lthr the' Grtmeypood Queenswore hurdneote, i utbraett itiijad#WA tuld.Tekti 3 Otithdfinest‘toitillti c eiitSyr. ups, Anwar lit•M!cand.Qrleans Molasses,togeth er with• , , . „ ''Cs\'dll - I,r' iitoite•Axe.re. and," • 4i as—cadre." fliUti and' Loaf,' ovals° crushed Loaf S,ugak, Painted Tubs, Buckets, &o. &0., all of offded fCr'ible th'e"lnirest cash Our titientli- mid the public — aru invited to Oa and itulketor themselves at. the Old stand 6)111: . More topm of ' J. W: P,I3V, • Utt== HOUSE AND SIGN.PAINTING, ZEL*ZI3.II4It, r HE 8080ritkers inform the. pablita-41tat they have entered into partnership the above business, and ore now piattatred tte'exez cute all jobs in EOCSE or SIGN PAINT: lAG, WALL PAPERING. and all other Jr. hide of work in , their line, with thcutraost orompir, itch; and in a style , which they hope will please nlfw~itt•may•patronise them, They will aw' attend t'o* Dreestng urColold Carriage*, . Ordera4y ? let left fur eitherfellthe under. , eigued at 4.llor,flif in West Loa th er' above Turner's Ca onter.dhom;okat the pub lip house of No. A very—Where they Will be punctually alto d[ to. t BELL & FRANTZ. • Carlisle,,April.Via, 1847., . - rommade. - A NEW and , beituldol preparotionoiohaeir• tallx recomruentloi ne:having-a"t3quali for imparting a beintrtur, soft:and glees); 'irp licaraneo to the Heir, promoting Ito l'hiVrth add. preventing its fulling 'out, • for - solo ..iht" Bic Er\lg, Slore uf .1. & W. B. FLEMING. " - 11itty - 5; !47. • Opposite tho Mosel% Tooth Paste. TAliosas who value aossad and handsome A-storth;,this Preparation is Confidently - .reo ruSmenderdi-- Fe -giving a:pearly whiteness - to the'.cllpinol, firninees to the gum., and 44' ranee to the brea th * is deservedly esteema• For eel° at the DrudSture bf ,J. & w, 13. Ft:eniirig.- hiiti 5,1647. R9llll3efsPominagle PhlioconOy T" purest and most perfect• article toroth° growth and preserver's:3n 'df the Hair wet. ranted genuine Beef morrow for s'Bl"e w B FLEMINGS Drug Piro, May 5, 1847, ' 4 __ftE.W.StO K- • 0000§ . WARNOLl)•lisislutpliOrleil 4ifiltiome JUN 45SSU rmeiA ht . vtio - Indicts kti a sig of liiilzdiline,Aitirtie,:kiciich . LoWidt;Einbroi N. S., press SWI to which Unlash:l;oin of the hitlice . le invited ihey .will he sold April (4, 1847. • Is 0 C.II A ex4elictit pis:orATel Pido /?3' 4;,az Ribbons, Silks,' art ific 9 l Flowers, , Lane ainLlßuckritm Crowns,' OutaiAt!lt,tt EDW 9 11.DB,Alk SOLresietrulfrinVite 111j111% the attentionltleoentiy btfyere'totthCir.. Now and cheap Stock' of Amzi,y-tclopto•ar every .d'eiictiption. ridePte foil.lfiiink;o44o ; they would especially:pa icult i rizo,l sortment of AR'rdrTGIA /I,9WPR§ofhi l ,cli for style ati'd'Zifeipneis Bin , . , city. LIX,TII‘) !ieiv siiiing..spapet in, Eromicitli'di' Crowns, P in Ounaatien,lneefl:Willooo , 'and Buckram, manufactured arAnsurat , rilativ 1311 k and Cotton Ruclici, Ate. ' , • , 1k ' GEO. EDWMIDS 1 . 37 SdirthSeciind April 21, 1857. , "' o,llo4rOak 4 _, J r . ; rO, CORDS of Cheenut Oimiilinisv : ri?oY)..! JO, ,co r ,wlohl•Wili l i t ty, 7 ilie - t kiMupt prioe: i k .in Ctielhot'ln Deadtii . t.,',Ri?sit fi ll scp, array„ Aiilt.the inolltift‘ Vhllll Pk - tcOlßOdell'hilifa nt, my Tanyard in North tOrPAieqk. c3r.iiill, 'l', 44111.i1ba tiEci tid it 4V10004,- utilt Tik.: rai*iitawitoitiigyti3 .._,,..r . .bid.%—,,...„- ‘ , 4% , , 1 , ~,•,...„rr.,„,.1. .usgp4, 4l -p.i m pf i f : . •r HE .41 tie !hi t t( 9iiti ,444 ---. , lgl!fr'i : ar! '3i j : Ai4k i glOtlqqqlt .wv 'or iiiiiliO'nfons: 0 41,1 ii 49a01 . ' 1 1 1 ,/.„771 subscriber fur.prAcßl,emi s , r i. 1 0).,.;, , ,4, i „ : I l'f:N i ii i' lo ; lB47 ` . o:'el , titt'f. 8:41..UY a '''!, k r . , ,IVOW opelpiqg - 1 -,11,0 10 *,01: 0 t8rp1a4e ., ; dresses, a- Ileautiftit.alatorla ay. iiv , 1847,; • P 3 Pirsones VOlt ourkice.Lhien,.&94 3: 4 14"1: till 601 • . - TOAti . WHOICTIvirtrINCitiN; , , , , ..-- 1v ~..„-.7 4 ,,,. lii.4 , i'o ~''..-,.L, Favy'hl.k., 1 V,`at'the , a ge , . l l4'huleaale. " VAtitri#o4l2" ,ti!lp OE ,:4, 4 ,011 . ep Y., a, ; ) 1. liSiildiiiig'afto::ii,f;',oe,',cheapeat and bantl, OVit i Vii,tiifi l eyfic.hrongi,t...te Caillsle.'o zro e• NlT l 4 l ;tChr.l4 o .lp.!!!LPOCotthe.quesiloric 'Suf i' ettAkt.4 amthitt.pyaryartiele2d the' , 2.) 'i:tm.< a <