Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 23, 1846, Image 2

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    .:~ ..~.r.,~, .. a
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' Laterltom - Meziati - 4
The New
_Orleans TicayamiliattAyrsiyisd
city of MeitiOo'ptipeystwoi
weakiititistlitahliTiviOttttlyicTh e ;
• Pafnim con" l. " . :th*icorili o PPo di t 0,0 eneNi
als Taylor . and Sanni4opa r— eflaq!'" A ) •4,h( ? „,
termlnationiifihal(rmititicbt , faiikaitetiticilt
is very. muckengrossed with the preparations .
_____lor_the.mettiog of Coitgross. - ,
The official paper says that the Eiecntive
rlaisti,tieus for the issemuling of - Congress
__ v_y_eiLbefore the time fixed by . law, in come-.
%pianos, of,-the ,urgonkmatuter., ,
• whh_ 11_,JAtrejl:10 - ke brouglitap, foraoriaideratien.
Thy hint iiiimpopance r are staled. to be the
_nyenle ot the tjair'ivith the. !tiled Stat.M,,..fita,
iesoniceiliiiiisiain it rind
eirritOilliir te .pnints•nettltivet to.thiS iintairninf
• , •bpailleitiPqNhe.papers•M•e filled With official
i.itCosrimiTrrications:ham. , the' different` States
.',:f..astfuringthegavernmentof public tranquility.
Al• rio indication of Almorite - !eating'
, • 4.lte, war- department, and a great variety of
•Isirdem:are - published emanating-from him.
• • --fitt:iin urgent appeal to the new - Congress
:niatle'lfrom San Luis, the deputies are en
• : treateirto entrust Santa, Anon with the Die
• • Uteri:ll - power for the prosecution of the war.
• :There its nothing definite-ham the' Army
tconcentrateil at San Luis, and. no mention as
• -7 - tm - lide-ofthedissensions=which , -were:said-te
• exist in Santa Anna's ranks:` lie - had direot=
• ad: tharthe Capitol should' .60 fortified with
• energy, and a considerable r - Ttim'ls7-irrifli - vitis - 1
were arriving for-the delence%f the-city.—
Senor Villamil had been. appointed minister
Nor finances and took the oath of ofliee.on the,
•';l7th:, The tone of the-111oxioan..propPre to
:Inact anagant.,toistrds, the United States. • 1
, •In the 'correspondence between General;
• Taylor and Santa Anna, terminating the ar
• • unistieei the latter complains of bad faith. but
'says he 'ready to meet him on the field of
• ..tbattle.' Gen. Taylor Mks the release of the
- Amefican prisoners sent into the interior,, on
the, groUnd that all the Mexican prisoners
• • had been set at liberty.. Santa Anna says in
his reply that the generosity of General Tay
lor had been resifentled to in the same spirit,
all the prisoners at the post (San Lois) seven
in number, having been released _and fin
. 'fished with seventy dollars to procure suste
nance upon the road. .-Santa Anna says ;
n From the spirit and decision manifested by.
....„---.all-hrexicans r -you=should--banish all idea of
• peace while a single North American in arms_
treads upon the soil of the Republic and there
• -remains in front of its ports the squadrons
• -which make War upon them ;" ho adds,
'however, that it will remain with the Mexi
can Congress to determine.
The Mexican papers publish the cotres.
pondence between Gen. Taylor and Santa
• A
Anna, relative to terminating the armistice.
Gen. Taylor remarks in his letter that, "when
the Convention was entered into, he enter.
t amed the hope that the terms in which it
was conceived would open the way for the
ReTtiiMics to agree upon an honorable
Peace." We take the following - from Santa
— Amid a reply F . •
You remarked that when the Cilivention
was entered into at Monterey, you, entertain•
ed the hope that the terms in which it was
conceived woWil open the way for the two
republics to age upon an honorable peace.
Laying out of the question•whether that con
minn Was • I • • ,
noble views now disclosed by you„ I conteiit
my sell with saying that, from, the spirit and
••decision manifested by all Mexicans, you
should banish all idea of peace while a single
North. American in wrens treads upon the ter
ritory of this ILepublic, and 'there -remain in
front of its ports the squadrons which make
War upon them. *Nevertheless; the*extraor-
Ainary Congress will assemble id the capital
, towards the end-ol Ate present year, and that,
august Tay will' Cletormine , what it shall
judge best suitable for the honor and inter
ests of the nation.
The Washington Fountain has information
which makes it jircibabli ihat an attack is
about to•be m#e on the city of Vera Cruz
from the rear, in the following manner :
• The. plan of operation is to concentrateour
lOrces,at the mouth of the Antigua river that
Jemptiesiatolhe_GulLa_shott_dislaneele the.
North bI Vera CIUZ, and to ascend it to where
%he 'high road from Vera Cruz to Jalapa
crosses that stream. From that point it is
stated, the avenues to Vera Cruz can be tut
fall. - With the town, it is believed, will go
the Castle of b'Uloa.
Thatauch is the design of the Government
is likewise interred from the movements of
'things. The departure of Gin. Scott for
'Tampico, the movewent of Gen. Taylor upon
that town, the abandonment of the march to
San Luis Potosi,
the garrisoning of Saltillu
by our troops, the rapid preparation of so
large a number of barges of light drifts for the
transportation •of troops, the collection of
stores and arms in such abundance at Tam
pico,,the.raiiing oft oinpanies of Rocketeers
and Mountain HowitZers'and other manifest
preparations—all lobk • to the capture, and
:that too at a very early day, of Vera Cruz.
Tun Ge SQUADlttni.—in tell igenee
lins t lrep New Orleans of, t:ie
'biurung eteilexiean Brigandfbeeepturc of
seven Ale:deans on board tinder, the very.
'`Walli of 'ffr;ii Caalle of San Juitp.d'.'Ulloa.-- %
"Tlini gallant acheivfment was pe?formed by
Lietut. Parker and inoat's prew'of five men,
atlaebed lathe U. S. brig of War Somers.
Esnxisttditzette notices
rthe follewicg , ,occurience, which took place
on the wharf at the toot oi Walnut street.
' Somekhirty,fivelons of English. Iron', lan.
~ ,I ded,from the ; Ship bhamplain, Capt: Miller,
from,Liv,prpoo4 , was being delivemd, under
:phe inspection ,, of an Ilnited 'States Govern
inentlieputy.Weigh rrtbster.
Each andow'ery bar,' whether large or
,_smallovas labelled--with the'whole; or part
mark;,.“ Tariii,ol , lB464l,'. This label was
rAlridenllr ttflw). and; of cents's, was prePared
, 1 1 , ,WiIhalriew.ef distinguishing the iron brought
fintethrtepfulltY Under the Tariff act of 1846,
.;:froPlitthafbmitight in under the act of 1842.
• -wAs,each beets handled by the various smiths
~ ; f of mir'entintryt this label of.o 1846,n will be
fruitful of - thought, We trust more
particulailif to those who hail froM Pennsyl
t n.7Nia9 lll ; datrfse• "better;;Tariff, mann now
~.,., , •tgoverne,,,throni,h,bikSecretary_of the TreastiJ
fy,cT,Y6l.l_4o r e ceipt 0. 1 Customs akthe 'port of Pltil
-440-MPtliit., - :L ;.,,, :-;.,•. ;,i.,-,_:
af',4,tiif4iOonel'Otiuhlyk Indiatia;.; niti;te' her
44.7tii*tidilikiniiliitia-'"'' %,• •
Mad and•boanflast fall ' thereh
neee legal
Autkaudir.lphp-Tetersf without ,cause cirque;
!IV] 411 Alkthe old anaids and‘you'rig.glrlp,
Iff'dfilft IllAClFlE4'o 3 .l4 lll ;egeff and panditiclus, ar,O,
cf4RIPPY 4 . o qt 14 1 'sleckaggi,llectIllthdring • ar,trast
-41 ,;,ii -RIPIJROc.PIy; aPpounti; act AM determined'
LAR .be-held—a9aoVlDAable-jotiLhik debts, er i
oviduct I ,3ecaUse hp
~f,141-o,o4 z 4AlPAlkardi',4 4 l t alidery lipr, a,
q n‘ qt4
7°t 4=t ll 1 44
#19 ° )7 , -: , V i ot 4, *P ul tthl i olo,
n0a110f,1414 0lop; ..9pFe) , 5 4 .,tq
I •
••- " I
1 : '' l/4;;. 4 • ,
• C z AV:I • 4
"tip •
WA ES DfttMEIERII3; 4,6:‘
Reduced Termsl
„ . .
• The .110iald Expositor iarhin”
- tint only when letid - IN — ADVANCE.77TwtiAttlftirifif
notimid in advance. , We beg our friends to remember.
- thaywharwomeawity pay,inulkidvancrialnOlnglit,
lbethine'cifitubacribitte or at the beginning cif a,new.
- find none. nine n ..ors ungenerous
enough in ask for het the rediiciertlifins, , ,
have let their subscriptions • )))) several Months over
thoCounty:andthrtifebeetintiekreniding matter as
'any other.l - Itetist ofsubscribent bpsteadily increasing;
which render,/ ita pr,efitabke,adiertimittg medium, ,
.lOUTIDNTING of every deieriptirin executed with
the unrifled miathelet_ribtlier the' lovii 4 it. prices, With'
new and "fashionable ripe: The patronage 'of our.
Whig. State, Convention.
' A State. Conventioe; to, be compoSed o
Velegales from the City of• PhilanielpyMend
the several counties equal to. their ropresen
talion in the General:Assembly of this Cain
monwealth, will beheld et Oar o ciOurg,
On lleesday_the.Rll44l4fardkne
at 10 okilock . ,in the (Orem - ton, forthe 1611)05e
ell selectingentalidat e s for Governor and Ca
ZTni LT) m m isitoitei" Lie . Rtifipoiltil - tfy - lire --
Whig; and the friends of the Protective Pei
icy at the nest ensuing election, and to fan-is
not such other business as s may he. deemed
irnvntlavtl In the siiceem'olk the Whig cause.
• J. P2SANDERS:us.• • •
' 11. JONES BROOKE,. "
.1' J. SLOCUM, •
IVltig State Committee..
Dee. 1. 'MS
Whig County Convention.
Resobdion by the WhigeSlandin; Co . mindlee.
Resolved, 1 hat t h e Democratic Whigs of
the several wards, boroughs and township.
of Cumberlaid county, be. requested fa meet
at their usual places in their respective town
'shiAs, on SATURDAY. the 2d of January
next, to elect two delegates from each.ward,
borough and tciwnship, who shall meet in
County Convention, in Carlisle, on MONDA Y
the 11th day of January nex‘, for the purpose
.oi appointing two Representative and one
Senatorial Delegates; to represent Cumber
land county in the Whig State Convention
which meets at Harrisburg, on • ruentlay the
9th of March next, to. nominate a ‘Vhig , can,
Ablatb tor Governor soil - Cabal Coinansioner
of Pennsylvania.
Farmers! don't fail to read the mas
terly expo - sute of the fallacies of Polk,
las,Walker & Co. on the subject of the :Tariff,
N. Y. Tribune . on our first page. After - reit
ding hand your locoloco friends.
COLLECTION OF TAxes.—A commutticatien
will b.: round on our first page, suggesting
new mode or the collection of the State
and County taxes, t.-) which we would direct
the Ppecial attonii-n of.tlte people of the
county.• The planStrikiiiiis as an admirable,
one, and should it it eet the approbation-of
the people we doubt not the passage of the.
law could be readily secured. •
GU — The Wliigs in Congress have been
giving James g. Polk a deserved but terrible
currying, for his foul imputation of treason
cast upon them in the Message. The scath
ing remarks of Mr. Gentry,. of his own State,
- iiill - be — To — uTincrietijrsketeliett - by - OliverOW
school, under the Congressional head.
CHAPLAINS:Rev. W. T. Sprole, late Pastor
. ofthe - first - Presbyterian-Churok r in-this—lro
rough, has beeri chosen Chaplain of the U.
SAlouse of Jtepresentatixes. Rev. Henry
Sheer, formerly Pastor of the 4,Church,
of Carlisle, has been Aleoted chaplain. of the
U S. Senate.
placed in our hands a circular from Mr.
Samuel Whitcomb, jr., of BoSten, Mass.,
who has opened in that city, under the
auspices of distinguished friends of the 'cause,
an Educational Intelligence Office, the prin
cipal object o! which will be to supply
; Markers ; of either sex and any required
qualifications, for Schools. Seminaries, or
Families, in any part of the United States .
We have great pleasure in calling the atten
tion 'of the public, and especially the Direc-
tofie'ofour various, public''schools, to- Mr.
Whitcomb's','agency.. ,i 7rem ' our , personal
knowledge of his character and his devoted
attachment to-_the cause of education, we - -
have no hesitatitn in commending him to
the entice confidence of Trustees or Direc- 1
tors'of schools who may require his services ,
in the selection of . New England Teachers,
No State in the Union probably possesses the
mermsbf prepafing good Teachera as Mas
sachusetts; and to no, person thin Air. Whit-,
comb„ we believe, could the iinputtant , mat
ter of"selectiug 'tt :gtted' Teacher be, more
tritely: intrusted::
.inseiig : ,‘,tlie ' testimonials.
pt approbatiorf which 1110.11lircy hes elicited;
we notice , :_patteringFlettertf,TifOrn ; g1h",,a1:4
FYerett;lliage -I TlOilbiiiy ” and Orlieiii::Ap.,
Plicath* addri 'eSo: ,- ;o: ' ;1 -11, Q - ''-*.iriii0e4
AgeUcYl.!:Bostoni.Will 7 Toieiifielf)Mitjo:n:
''.; tc,;: , The: itOtOlMi!, , felliiii' IMOOleid':'4lljpr
10 :404i 4 00e4**iiiir'fiv.o'k,ThttiO0
*t; -, nnafiwi:r.tit. , ;efif;:mifiifie'd' s r.*jih - lhl,
ldik4OV,"'piiit**licitiiilo-iei*i:;iiW , Oio)O,
.piiitiiiitikii'.#oe:,44l4 . ii'g ~ il;*itiiiiiii*ifciy,
• . i4o :l ol ,M 4 , , Veo, llll o 4 oil4rg°,li* ' 1 11:; 61 '
VoNnictei,carrifipiies from y t erci ,
sf#pedierAip",jolitiii,tlie•bete r tii;44o}': , .'? -: :!":,',
! :! c. ';)hsi'leikri.4ool64o4oiWitiAlitio
i4iTfilit::ooo,ll,ppqnput,•tizerellot brought
* * P ik , igi f o r, 4l4. 4 .43 lPoo4i:'H4iingib.i'''ibfri'(i
tkiikitifitShilltnilitigiWitiqeo tiiitieetnriniitiee i
iftlekiiilekii,iffOi'fo'rWa u riiedq.ii,fille'd D•
,••. -4, ;-...1,,.,,, , , e •
;itia.' ~ IC•lo.eicoitained , tit* 114 ' will-lie
I) o l3 gh t ` i *liielSsl4o4t lll 4 o 44o l l#l*lf.*:
OrMmti'Oliitie!!9*lnat.','ll i ,l ' .o. ; : + l ; !il' 4 : :: . :.',:,,
Y ll Yrile'lftiliiiiif.toiitiW;;iiiiitiei4o' inii t T
# rg g i 9 :7ll l4 94 vo9tAtittlm c w:P l 4to;cot l
mointiliKot!or.,bpaiii.i,ll***ooi,iit', t l:".efi.
ltiNiWl-00610 jkrid,i9,l,l4PS**l#oF7ol 4
trulrt ,-4, :.'- '' , Y4' l ..'" )4 J-:•-:• - .-.' %; :•.. '
~J.o,'• • ',. •
~, .
The W.hjsk t iit ilk cettrui'_,yilkitercelve l py,
Mit'Sktiiettindlng dOrruntitee, that
tht. s 4, '';:cailidAtpati to: elect tev clele'ettert
40p turnsliiKon Saturday aftetnuoßi.
7:...4: , 4 ary;:whol,thisitivietinS . *.Yn ....'
°Of, aruti l e . 11th of,lanuary. to'*'') . :
z . ';`s*. X tes:from-CumberlaMiletrAtr - ,: ,41).
tltOitittate.Cuoientiot:- k -4 . - --
Vyn tr sj that thetp_prirnary meetings :A'
the 2a - iiiil be punctually attended breveiy
alibi 0 - every•iirhigAthii.
:PiZtpW .
'faience • for either; of . ti r -We . p . k oitlieik(ca6'7.:;
or . Gait ; Jaine _ e,lrvin.: "bn , , U`iip.tsub eon - we
heal the:delegates. tO,the:Cou ni,r,Con:ientrork
will come prepared to give a correct and true i
repreSeination 'of the 'wishes 'of the Whigs of
.1 heir. rnapeetiCe tnwaphiPs.. I,et,every-thing
be managed. fairly.and openly, and we shall,
then be prepared unite with fiarryinny and
enthusiasnn_upon the . nomine e of f , the State
Con vention:—Whoever,, 'he,' may, be., IYe
agalnr urge the W hips to turn' out to the
gril s e Meetings, runt there-express their prefer
I L The Whigs orAtlatns coanly held icutinti
fneeting on the 13. th inst. at Which Jimes Mc:
Sherry, Esq. was appointed their Itepresett- •
.tative Delegate to the Whig State. Convention,
' and Col. J. D. Paxton, Senatorial beteg - ate,
o stibjeet to the concurrence ot. Fran . kiin coonp %
'ty. The meeting pissed resolutions of "strong
and enthusiastic preference for 2Flom..JAmits
Cool' n, aS the Whig candidate foeGdiernor;
and AV'firrrtly , urging Ms:nomination by the
Convention, as " the man for the erisis."—
The closing resolution is in the'true'spitit:
Resolvtd, That whilst thus expressing- a
preference for cnir own first choice, this Con
vention feel no disposition to undervalue or
depreciate the worth or claims of any other
entitlitiate; but will, cheerfully rally -6- tile
support of any good and tried Whig who shall
be the of a majoiity of the Delegates.
tb the State Convention lately chosen in con ,
lormity with tleusag,es of the party.
The Whigs of Delaware county have ap
pointed John J. Broomenthal . as their del&
gate, with instructions to support Mr. Cooper:
From Schuylkill, Isaac Myers and C. W.
?itman are the delegates, and 0. 11. Wheeler,
Senato ial delegate, instructed fur Gen. Irvin:
Clearfield sends Hon. A. N. Irvin, as repfe•
sentative, and John Linton as senatorial,
instructed for Gen. Irvin,. -
The V olunleerv.
. The first ItegiM.Oat.eftEedmsylvanianVoluta
teers have all arrived safely at Pittsburg, and
on Friday last completed the org,inization of
the Regiment 'by the election of officers.—
F. M. r'ynkoop, of the Pottsville company
Was elected Colcnel ; S. W. Pluck, of Pimi
burg, Liew..Colonel, and F. S..Bmanan of
tis ,yonntig company, Major. The elec
tion it is said produced much feeling, and
Bonne fighting took place antorgthe Volun
teers. SA Philadelphian wasinidly beaten.-: 7 ;
The "killers" and " Hyonas," -which gave
rise to many disgraceful :gentiles and oup- -
ge . s. Capt. llill had expelled six of his com
pany for bad conduct.
Steamboats had been provided for forwar
ding the troops down the river, and we may
soon expect -to hear of their arrival at New
Orleans, and next probably at Tampico.
HON. ANDREW STEWAI , T.=-The Harrisburg
Intelligencer publishes a letter from the,
Hon. Andrew Stew,Art, intimating his deter
minntion to withhold his 'consent from ,the
'use Ot his name in .the list of IVhig candi.
date= lorgovernor.lCli.SirarFweiiild make
a good Governor, dim of which this Com.
monwealth Might - Wptoud, but he-deelinea.
i§frjepkwilLbear in mind his generous
devotion to the g4d of the good cause,w bile
all will rejoice.that he remains in Congress,
to do serviee where his talents and devotion
have insured for him the respect of all class.
pc;;F-A meeting of the Board of Direct
of the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railru c 1
Company was held on the . 14th. They are
sensible of the:eliaiketer Of the - dealings to
wards them by the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road Company, and call upon that company
to say before February ) (the time fixed in
Baltimore,) Whether the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company will assist the 'Pittsburg
antt•Connellsvillo Railroad Company, and if
no atigweris given , then silence is :to be 1b•
ken•as a negative.
Another Requisition, •
Gov. Shunlr huS receiVed a requisition from
,the War Department to
.supply- a second
Regiment of Yolut leers ; and one company
frein Harrisburg bawl:teen already raised mid
accopte4 -
,The Philadelphia companies nre
busily 4.wcrkfilling up- , their mks ; and Will
probably, furnish, the.- larger portion of
, thil
Regiment.. Pennsylt;inia will pi ribably-hae
,her second, Regiment in the "fielo l Were the'
first corner - from any othee Slate.
, ' NEW , ENcri.l4.-,-Itnr Cain arriyed
on. Wednesday; .4011107
mproially: l, Tlid:Engliehip p rtsnrp.nollo'!an
opined for grain A m ericj~n ; Flour
,:inrinl . lll, , Llye .
.6rficiol; ' lndiajl ;, CpPn ;.w ee at,
b 6 to 5.81;
. _
~ ,3 , .
___o6" Thir 7 WhigointOnd'Ao_wotch*O.Ope,
, _ 7 40P," 01 ,tb10 n !kr rei roYarif!PWri',47 3 ,
, Bayrirroa, , The-reorriptir pi
it ft_ irili ttritOrri Wm"' under • if t le:l 4 i4 ,`(4* lll 0
.1. .
'not reach ilia = amounts iiitttoipateti,;', Lori
week'o4 oiverkitati2iooo against $360,000
tin Ittriliarni viOirk 'ohne previous year, wheti
- ItieW 4 aelfertliiiiiiiirratioiir - fiti - gooti,irtZil,
enteredpn q,,- P , ym!l!p ,v ;
: J 9 :ffc" 8 11 '
this , port ; tir! the , yoor.:0)11 1 :ProDaDIY. , ishoY a
dtxtrise orlUniillt96 l Atiii , i 4 hitlf?) , c' ,, : , ' , ' Y''
%,--•' , q - - % 't , '":r' -- ---:-'.-- - - 2 : 7 4- -- 4—.... • '-'L. ,' , .Trq," , ' 4 . - i '
' i '.:PiiPt. NitylOr!O company were ftirrislipil
4il*44llo4"•fit'llt•edf,Pridl it6;'PriciT4#Ohaiii,
*O - 41 .1 hOl ilr e t OF4 1 01010 4 M
Ido rPIPM AI W I4 IO SIO . II4 PrtIV44
11,bi410144 14144401 T
.) Z giAtt, :I,;' 4'' ,. t tY Vie, 4IV .1 - ",'`
1::.4 =t1r?... 1 2:74rfr e' 4 l.l l l , "dt.
kcat--.....• ..- iiis*, , *.**ol':,.
, t ' - ',, ' -:- - t-' ,, , z..,. .4,,
the'xiotnanatton'd Ed Oita' lkt
:,OtOcta;o4.?.friTenitint• id our. paper
two or ."-
4tiettf' . :efin!* ? , :there. ; haie , beeit
Vgit;o4e4* i 4 4 o4ot44l4nit 4 hit!
Crcinrity, an exCeiroit-man;, anal::*.ellicotwit •
as c itk popular and ASCient Suptitintentlnni
OVIRLKILCV.. 01942t2 -- ,gr I
a .a
wtiiolt "ierelftWei — tliiilina plied:446A the
1 1 0 6 Pie there
to elevate s hint to .higher honors. We, need'
acl.inuttliti. in 4 ,irittiaeof I.taj. Patton, who is
- 6itoeenail in our
. ,
th'eierninntidn Itishiro hits been
received with at untis . unl degree of
If.beibeen nciticed in the war m est t , rnis 'of
commendation by our,' OotillnpOrailes of 'the
Philadelphis; 'North .'AinoticUn r !_th . l3l-ISrris,
burl ether
papers," antiby the papersQr' - 15 - trAllisvn ,
,Cli - arabOistiOrg - :e
'Parry Freutnam!"His2noiriiiiatiou 'we are
aware, however; .was made' ,'‘yillfout :his
trnikvledge, aid We are by no meinsentient
'that be Will allow his name to fba,tiefiira the
Convention. Tn -that ease WO k llo* no'
nomination ihatWe Could narneheariiTy sup.
Pert than that of Ilir,.'Slehaffey,
knowta one of the Moat acti_ve,lif'l4perg,etie
business men m the State. We subjoin
communication in his favo'r (rem the Lances
ter•Union :
Ma. Mtnin.e.vorrAllusion • having been
made by some of the'papers to . the import
ance of Miminating a. good and strong man
for Canal Commissioner, and it being
understood that Mr. Guilford _will not be ,a
candidate for that office, I take the liberty of
presenting te•the favorable consideration of
die Whig press the name of our lell w citi
zen ANDREW MEHAFFEY, sq.; than
whOrn, on account of his businessiiribits edit
untiring energy, there is not, I venture to as
f(ertrin the State, a man better suited for the
office in question. Mr. Mahaffey is exten- '
sively and lavorably -known on the whole Line
of IMprovement. It will not be. forgotten,
that he was :a prominent candidate in the
Convention which nominated Mr. Guilford.
antOiezt - to the last .named 'gentlemen, re
ceived the highest vote—and no one doubts
would have been the nominee, but for rea
sons to which it is not itecithisnry here 'to ad
Should Mr. Mehaffey be the choice of the
S.Leinention whieh is to assemble itt 7 l-lintis•
burg on the 9th March next, he will teceive
&tremendous majority VI the
Our fi iend. I%.lTinnrr, of the . LI It Ilp.4111.71t1:
Eva I.IG-V4i4gii r -WIIIL-iSSUEI:2IIiq pol , or
during the Session, and week/2011e remainder
of the year, at the following rates, viz:
"Foy the Session, doily 1f.2 00 iii advanq
For the year—daily Lind weekly - 6.'3 on do.
The Daily will be pUblished on a medium
•sheet. Competent and . experienced Repor
ters will be employed, and full, acdutate and
impartial Leports :of the - proceedings - of. •the
Legislatue given, with other matters of
interest. It will be issued every evening,
so That the proceedings of -each day will be
contained in the paper of the sante" date.
Clubs will be furnished with three copies of
the Daily, during tile Session for. $5, cash—
or seven copies for 810. Address C. M.
McCurdy, Harrisburg. Pa. The intelligencer
is a staunch Whig paper, conducted with
ability, and eminently deserving of encour
agemeni. We is theenterprize will -ate
ceed, and shall take great pleasure in receiv
ing and forwarding subscribers, at the above
will be published semi-weekly diving the
Session and once a week the 'remainder of
the year. Terms S 2, for the Session—.s3 for
.the Year.: The Telegraph is an excel4ent
paper, an d always contains 'full reports of the
proceeding+ of the Leg;slature. Address
THEO; Fk:NZI, Editor and Proprietor, Harris,
THE, DEMOCRATIC Will Ulbe be pa•
lished semi-weekly , during the Scsaion, and
weekly rf the year. The (..'ilitat i s
the• Organ of theatesetit administration.' It.
is a first rate pairer,• barring its politics, atSI
one which witt_taae much pleasure.iu recom,
mending to our Loco loco it fends. MCKINLEY
& Lescuaz are. the pubitibers.
ote.•We .will• receive and forward 'sub
scribers, • accompanied with the cash, to
either of the above:papers.
LOCOFOCCI Corrvercrserr.--Atirty-live dele
gates Wave been eleotel,to the 4th of Moroi'
T A : me l ee° eetivention-tuidue al whom are
Positivaly,itlifiructedto fqipprt pie renomin
ation of Gotr:Shunki one for hypes
One for.Juclge , Ejdred, 'and the remainder
instructed '• • "-
The ,New Jersey :qatermert,.(cirarded
soiiie fine - iiyatere kithe - .1 - I(‘ld.':ll6iirktllity, - a
preaeid;%ltitiob,)acicrtpFle,dg,e_s exactly,. suit
-071#4 package. went - .41 - rougli',! - .14'
Aski l u l d Avithouv.Cliar . getfor friiiiht:' , * cor n .
miatacia-cif -
0*- Gave'tor flepb, of Ohidovds inaiigu.
'rated'', with *P ei t PT! noio , 6 6, ,:AtfurdaY
w e l l.k: - .# l , l 4iaie'r I" B .iPliliili l a ld'llianli
expi fission of eucti:opinions, es cannot. fail to
final,rfavor 71thi On did,fitm the, file;. of
!he 'Sifild h k It iffiebouttl'Ul to`goqern.'" 3-
ro,r,o4Plrald,t,goos' , °T;,
1 ::_, , IsAou , 'Geeilte riarmie. , ' ~1 ,
Ms: ; s, burros "T4l. gentlemen. has .;been
,exie - n - bilely sod warmly spoken. of as a chin.
didatle‘fo(lSpeaker pf JIM States Eenife:.r - tlo -
Sdpsioolht.mamfilt. has better claims. ol4 l ikfiv
smquelifiostioes for this high. trust . /lief has
. boon Mil public ,life, . 'or/ AL ) number" of 'years
paar t .has boon long,iionspiouotts.tor , l'ismbilb!
icy es,a,legisletur,' , edd his.kflovotion,do the
PuhliciAllelliaati , JUSfamilittrity . , -w4l3,parlla
Mental ; ,pumliam,. ands?acquaintance with
iillatfbrittair l a tU'Orfht rancid' , him is i.valutible:
180401'011e is the Settgor from Atleglieny,
'el;h4lisOvhigs oftsithicipeoeutp , Anntl. of, the
WesktriallyithOLFLeAteetled leVonte.4...
o. l *§#l sp*PnlYialifit,Moinidgmeoltch"him
i i
1411:11w !4 etieleoc him Stoeakerkt 1-0 or , p..,
44;,riAis,r.Tittik :(;0 0;14t 1 WHIO OP ^:1010
il kirlite;,w4FgiAPOSOPrinVo l ? o 9:44iiia ) ;
: ~e ,i„ --. , ..,
Prom the Lancaster trnittn
Harrisburg Papers.
7174 •
44145 211 Ilattitiga "
winter 44 1 ua with'
a regular .truht , l' no ",tOtto Qa
TtPn:lair: as
-leant a - 1 ichafs': ."
ing".wiitenihit r tiy a ;. .fe ofingarj, , .
4injoymet , • --tp., r p sir it t .
shuiitler,to-think4ol, t e dikerent-seeTi4s i 4
litany destitute, houselegand
fireless ones ot.ettith to whom the tingliag
Uglicad44 o o llll
'' ' ' l 67 l oliiirtircO l iii=arifiinit, 9e Pelf:
,)teat with than) kindly, am man with mem_
land spare them-a-tithe-of
. .
sorniAl9epipm mm 10 it in the stretit-1
tiogs r ,oa.thß,phntp bright ; ; ajr-'E.Chrietrpati Se
oorne Pt :Day, couseetate to happiness forev 7
et , by the nogelie peal 'which ' 'proeittimmi
"Peace on inirtiOutd'!gootl-w to
l*Pto,t;e B ticii44pe4 open, its' little tienit of
;purity, ever bubling,with joyous emotions, to
greet. Christmas wiin Its sweetest lulleSt burst
of brightest' gradneSs ! ,
. • .
i., Ssiisociai spo t—Chrisinsio is ea':
theisheek of Mims '
• .GOOD:FOR , CARLISLE !-- The oldspirit.bwoke!
-I.lNre learlied*tklat that caPC;Efunter?s
Company. ' of!fiighr Artillery 'had enrolled
within ol the complement: of
men' nectfatiartto ".make a fulr companv-:-
The regitlaile numter tall tiaegeeditYabtain
ed, antrit the. kilatielphia coMpanies are•
not a little too fast, - Carlisle "Will-have tha
.honor a representation. in the second
Regiment of Pa. Volunteers. : The enrollment
comprises so tar o u r most uctiye young men,
the right kind tin service. ' • . • •
Should the, company-be;accepted we trust.
Our citiieni'4loii; imitate the gen.
erous rind - patriotic conduct °Ube people of
Pottsville, by giving -the mechtsirs a comfor
table outfit for the campaign. A meeting
is called for to-morraW, evening, in Edua
tionHall:--Let it beettended - and the object
heartily entered -in to withobt. distinction of
party— • • .
passed down from Charribereburg through
Carlisle by 11 o'clook, on Friday morning
after the deep snow, and - came up hem
Harrisburg by two o'clock in the afternoon.
Another train came up in the evening, but
brought lib Eastern mail, as the cars from
Philadelphia did not get through until Suter
lay. 'The C. Y. Road wee thus cleared one
day ahead of all others.
are requested to say that the Convention ap
pointed for the atilt inst. will - meet in the . M.
Y. Church of our !krone!, and that a publics
meetinggliyl be held in the evening; Several
. speakers from abroad wid be present, among
whom is Rev. Mr. Wit.sosr, late Missionary
to !tlip. Measures have also been taken,
secure a visit: from-Mr: Gouda. &that time;
as also from Mr. Wautotr, the State Tempe
ranee Agtint.
Cf. The Sons m Yemperiinee will hold a
mbligAneeting on Christmas evening.
Mycale, on host nigh street,,has opetUi an
dill attractions for' (Mast mast
which we commend to the attention of those who are
looking out for beautiful and appropriate presents .
Nothing can he more acceptable as a gin than a book,
and those who think so will lind the most „emptiSite
taste consulted in the rare.collection which Dr. Myers
offers. The gorgeousfY embellished Annuals—the
richly illustrated Poets, their extrinsic dectoratious
airing with their Intrinsic value—the myriad! of
Juvenile story-books, pram., Ate. for the little folks—
these with a host`bf other gliter,int alinrements in the
fancy line, will be very apt to cluster a crowd around
the Dr's " Receipt of custoins" during the holydays.
nook and Pancy Slam on North Hanover street,show
that he knows exactly what everybody wants about
Chasms-time. Strutting little military aspirants may
here provide themselves with sword and- gun, and
drum and trumpet, for all the pomp- of mimic war—
the more peacahle little thlks may find every 'Meer
ond,curious ehope of toys—the thoughtild rending
ones may find the prettiest story-hooks—and the whole
of them may find-hesides such a tonmtig array of fruits
and sweetifjeaa. ea will be very apt to make them.
forget (or awhilgthe sword, the" toy or the book, to
indulge a tame which generally surmounts all. Mr.
H. has besides a ifilendid - collection of elegant books
and fancy articles for 'children of a large growth.' •
N•• Mr, Monyer's Confectionary and Fruit More will
of Course he an attraeilye resort fur the little folks On.
Chrismas day, and richly and
. bountifully haihepre:
parecifor.them: . libroandiee are equal to the best Of
city menuracttere, and, he hag, a'large ■nd varied as.
sot:Meet ottors, fruits, nuts ; and other delicacies. '
,frulsh, the Itepreabiitative elect, ib
'-hia-lust-ig.Subteritinenn o 4adiertises-tbus :
W.orTfmc.—A stout. than, of,
a mild teinperament, dispcisition; and
Ondaubtecl' endurance; ie wanted' mad:
Polk 7 s•Message' ler' me. Toone who will
engage to read it 'through withoW falling.
asleep. more• than 'once 'during' fhb Onerous
and 'gigantic taelcOrliberdltermineialipn will
be MOIL'. . 1,;;
• • Application'to'be'nititie atlhia office."
A Mint in the Aceatern" part' of this State
called his neighborti into' his house not long
Since, to ste a fatnoms “talking , maphino,"
he`had there. fle said if the • proper keys
were touched, it would cOMmence l talking
with the 'greatest Volubility. The neighbors,
game, and, the man introduced to 'them the ,
famous machine, wl.ich proved to be—hle' .
wife! • • n - • ' 4
4- ) , ' ,Ple = iNew ynrk .:fribtme, announces the
,callger,sinr.' tr. Honneepathy and' Messperiern
rii - Th., put.f n its,',fhpietFkqn Ordinary to her
1 ) 1 4gititylrs,' , household, 74 -- -nian 's , Placed---br
boatman contient it« the imiibead: i of the ,
medital pmfassieu. -; Up to the commence-1
meat of thts, year li; has been," considered
illt,re..iessfitmel„ rt, reference to all new things.h
11EALTill 'PSIE§bED HIA 11 i,
~.;'Thou art ithove , all gold'and treirores; 'ti
thou who • enlarge& lhe I aout4Land :openeta .
all its iTwerill 194.0Pepte,justruction, and to
relish virtue: 'lle that harrthee, , has hide
more td "ivish?for ; 'and ho thatittio`Wietchrkl'
stoo;havliotheis'itet,'wenti every thin'l baSidef
talliiiVellankf at 'Brain4etlea' Pill(' Mgt*, '
['in htialllitggat thefi these' blesiedrill ; *Nett
* - dehteryN , 'Mar' WS fully "etitablishitialo - W
, the'best`rite,ditiitiner ever be - sttiiied "tiflititth,r-e
'Frit" 'the lilyrYkillng'bolde aiiirionglialtba*
.. I will isii'f994.-Ytivieryibi*gateridititii3 is
eag , itbleopinioarti n i;.7 /-,;' trY8• 7,,, ,, ,, a ' 1: 1 , , 4 ',,,
, Old irt esiklfele i ,:biCHA'REESlfliißi.fTk.
,SeilliAteht,.fer'thlp' (*Milt'. '
•` "'"!:",4 ,, '••' , ' .‘,,
s f e
, e SieNte'C'etjlbettirolVSlOAddo 64' \'' 6 .. ). :1i,. ,
' IV Breh'erritali St Co. Newddin
,i,1an'4;' , ...:,.il
J. Sr. , L4ltoiget, bfechanidebn :',.`" l " , i 4 .`
blilfer, Wfdte lionini P. 0 ---' 4, '
, -attkrififirtitshire*iiistp#4o;i7l4 •,-;4(-- , ' C.`
L it
I '':44 . '1,4 4 A:‘AI Coyle , aogesuiokiq,yi , ,i“, , ?= ~,
4 .limei)kyleichic ' A,*llo l ,k' , 'f!f''.; . ''s. ,.‘
intV 4eiltiain 144 vplihOWNP ve V'
I ...Rider si DkitlitAiegolomporttrs7 t__
,grial lo6 -rirn 7 iiitiFr(liii , W)*Kh
~ !.,,.,,,,, ‘S - 1 4- - branches bt CCM g ra s s , thattfiGiddiaipi did • •
;d - - 4 -
.....,..„ --,,,,,,-7.-.,,,,,,..i.., octleresent - this - itentirrieli r Or•dliiiiipirif - Tet -
..;',..;.,. -..,gsleins'?f itKllts - ffi'CllFette!.... •,' 'i!'i..' , .,, , ,,1 i Op' iri'the:'VliWiltiliielaiii'.lhrs - day.
I; ; • ' ' '; - '9O .1014 r. j . liShingli II qq, . '7: , , '. -e from his ••a; t , ' '411' , 11 E . ofT
•'x- - i, 4 ..,, ,N ii ':•ii•-.: - . .- .. • , MI, T... .!.. ..nn !-.. , .. 4 .
11 ...A rot4;i•„!,",i .711 1 / 2 151846 ,-,1„. •,,.• , Mimes. .:• -- -:,•- • -9:;;- - -.ff '--•• -4 „
L __l ;'t '?j rihrlieii:: 7 l , ' , - . 3:.j . ,_t ( ite_..ofy ,: fi ,-;%1'0,i.g. desire . to OtafehriVOlieealblehe
%:;.ltcy - trintl - purposeti - Kreferilitee - 16 -
ibtifiy; '',"•.;,l:",ecintin i',;ll' - 4• -!- ', -1.• In't mi l e,"_, ,
1'7.... . - ,,, , , , ,t, , ..;.,
_.•,•; .t ,, •.::„. 'A •,..„,•r it ,i - N, ~. ~. ~,
-tlnzitlytitit onneceir ,,- -
~ 4, , ,!, F , eat!
,-,.• -. 7 , , ~ap..,r--...
,•, Ji,•., ovokett and -tnarle.hythe.E . ' live;
ti"tt . 'yWas. ~.., pled' it • Mil: entry , “ 1, ":.--lie:ng..made aiitiltho' - ',04116::
of - Matte: _Arilie clineet..lNlr. It's rentarks .
• •-.
embatheifimits, pti*lteetion. ilk , aan '
affair of the eetiiitiOn.d...-ilot,:opp,adrianiii
. r i trahon. In this viewolien,'Wrok a h a it as a
Mr. ~ f net of Ga. obtained the floor when the' party-vote every dollar required:l44lle ikd-.4.
_edirithittee_roee, - -;•-.• , • -....„,•,,„.
~ ministnition_to_carry_it.on_vigorously- a rid to -
I remarked upon.„lir.-Gentry's talents and secure an early and honorable ;peace, We
etyhrolitpeaking44 - r mYlettereftliticevieniii,,w-, -dinKr-Inalte--th:slationstn-lintessenable-op-,
I will only say now that' liter:speech to dayi
iiiiiiiifeli as Wiablifhave ).von reputation and
_K a qieit&'''
,t 7 e 8 w i "
f pe • eig , liktOle en
P e
- pWleimind*ill be
`. wilitgetiglati tiA llyatiemeNlidAtr 7ti j.fraliOW- 1 -9.M. .',-- ,qr.! • -lereetteireinto
....a, iiiii „ thd ..p ritieth . T , t a ium : e fi t. .--,- .4 - w 4 it Abe causes - w hie -e - - to - thirr. calamity, we •
connected wit i i a inception, and to submit
'nintit, ableizjeit . less'OdmVerwlielipitig%4taek m ean to lay 1'1514§ 1 3 PePler.S:STety fact
itpOit Iltiligieelitiv . e, mud 'dil'"hiValgintient of
~the - eupiery - the - .plem_ eif,„estit(N-,
salt nil eiereisia'saf• power on't he start of the
him before, the ,bar - Of' the .c.othery, for his:
inanifesh '4U:lqt:titbits' and' iiblations of the
Xxecutiv.e,ts uottimeulated tO impanifhp. safe- •
ty and'stability Clout syttem agovertiment.
constitution. Nr:G. spoke with , ihefe'nvoo.
and energy of One Who (MIA& the eonatit44,
. ,
fiat' aloe Country • had beep 'Violated, who . A
ease ilie 7 tiiiiiitte?elbtliititilliirieell with stolen ',',1)14401d . Sm.liciel 'Me' ntions'in one, of his
pc ,!otters that the fo ll owing grand design on
ower and who -was told that , . .14 crloak.
in defer nce OrthittMaiitittitio zind in ,e: an enun- •- , -
"aid- the tapilh! Wasliington z -
• eiaticin, of the usurpation ; teas giving
add corefert.tathe•milenty!! and . therefore,'_; IT3.."Gi.n•Eit 01 .nantia„,,,„under•datt of the
smlar .. frein heingliatrietie, it..was treason. " • I,sth - iiiyeik,,,,l;l:6ffiviii,E4, o tkie ~- i liti"Biliisi ration
M. G.;said it•had 'not been - his, to' -havo•flad a Plan 'untiet`Cp,niid.gratiop of seed
bed,. Ingle the Meat•ef ' ‘,"Pr''.,shrrie" phidnii in •liii•
take •parriffttfis debate, - brit jalith;:•-oad
-the fulminations: 'the President , and: his shalif6leV 4 Ori r tiketenitrit'Geiletal, - "iihif e h a ll
Minions against - those who dared' to, open net only be Cabtrianddi in' chief' of all the
their lips iii censure'of the.tirlinildt'n'takm i'l G6lll3 ' 4lB M• 81 W-4 18 th'or'Whn shill age be -
connection with this ;Wart that he had-deter- 4 iiiiiiii:of-L;ontritissiOner'or-Peairei. to heat spealti,t rimy° •l'or'ttlte'• purpose •-of with the..M4inWlßflidald they; be brought.
shervitiglhat he, asresialied to afercise the to tetnis; 7 4cat rry - the baton Of 'a Field
" - Alarshal inArilharid, and the ,elive i hrancli
• rigid:el every freemen 'than from 'any outer
motive; '. The :Pil6ident had descended (rani ••.i,i,"the Otli4tr . - ,filiht or treat; jitittas he
hirehighhittition - inWMorrieilttwi-Fili'ibbinge. Miglithink•bests - I' ow Weliave,nri such
fteerrien'with moral treason.,and some mem: ,office in our 4overomeat t it must' hemieated
bete,hri#;beere, Called : opal ; erlt.',Uot called . by law before'. - the" appoinpnerit • 'could be
upon; had volunteered to sustain him- ,in his - *lade; and if I 'lim 'nor, ,miaidformed,'whigs
insalence and Apilacily:,• We are 'put upon „have been sounded upon the subject of r erea-
Our Mettle:, he remarked, as well as our pi- ling Such - art offiee, fer lie 'pies - eel eceasion, '
-aretalled- -
.epon; to 'assert our which, if created, tiMtild:befilledby the ei3-
,- , •
tights, aslreemeri, or basely and cowardly Tointinent of 11r. Benton. It they
„be that
surrender -them; at the footstool' of-.a petty; ;the Meherrie;Will c . i:tri:VilriPpedl'aiirl ' •den ied,
usurper. He held, the opinion winch seem- but ilea hinatzine r if the •Whig's lend a favor
ed to be converted on that floor; that a man' able ear telt.", .
may beloyal lathe•eountryi- and yet doubt in his - letter of Saturday last. he gPi;es the
and call' in questionthe infallibility of the followin.-fnrther narticelars - - - --• • -;:- -
. .. ..
Presidenc - that the President 'oh the Cnited ' •- ; • •'' • "''''' -- • •
•••• I hive ration to-helieVeif to be 'the set
Status is.not the Government Of the United
tied purpcisti of - sendihg •Mr. ! Benton to the
States, and that !Mims not unlimited power.
seat of var in the character of .LimiL General
He thought - - we wore rapidlyativanehig to the
with ambassadmial powers. Should such
idee-that the King can do wrong ; For one
nu office be treated„l.kper s of •no man of
he would adopt no sneltservile sentiment, it
that party Who so combines' in, himself the
was only fit fur those whose ;degraded souls
qualified them to play the part of panders
Mini. oe qualifications for;ille entitled : o . y re•
and spaniels; let such,gp and sheet ho zanies
sponsible duties of the ' 'office. He has
to the king midland every act he shall do. nay, dechrion, an indomitable will, large
Ile thought there was more danger to this experience in peptic affairsoln.B is not nir
country iktuatifYing the usurpatious of pow-
experience!? iir - militairaffiiirt,'::; -- To - give
er by the. President, than them was of an at. proper Import:lnce to theindividool it might
not be antirtszetheeffice'leMilly' kriown
my of 100,000 men arrayed against us. He
monarchies, that before conferring, it 'open
with the utmost scorn of the abilities
of the President, and declared that he had not hint he should be Knighted-and created Duke
of California,•Eartol tealiuila, and Alarquis
ability to corrunand- the --respect even-of
of Tamulipp. ~lt - iyoold, 'to be sore, be
those -who crouched and crawled around him
and were ready to approve what
somewhat ami•demoeratic to Confer these 4i.
- 3ver lie might
-dor----------r- -- •• ...............z—lles r but-not-more-so-r- that--l-am - aware-of,
The President had. said that the war was
than the creaCon and conference of theeffice
riot commenced arid was not continued for
of Lieutenant General. A s this is an ado
purposes of conquest. lie believed other. ministration measure, flake it for granted
wise. 410 took issue with him upon that.—
that it will be, carried into effect. •so far as it
That the President was unworthy of belief may depend - upon Congress -to do so: .
. , ... .._
,he would-ShOw- - byirrefragable testimon ..y7=:.. - . ' ' - • , !......---
Hellion referred mac declarations. of Mr.
-', -'"dal,-dfritory,--,
Common tumor here said,"that lie declared
toCertain Servos that ye had a 'clear' arid
indisputable title up to 51-40, and thizt he
would lose his right arm bolero lie' would
make a treatydor one inch less. And vet
when the proposition- from England
why,:lie was very willing upon the: advice
.of the Senate, to accept it. lint more, ills.
McLane has testilied,in a !energize hail been
,published, that the United - States - Goveinmein
were in favor of settling upon 49 before 1w
went to England, and that he was virtually
rush ucted to make a treaty on, or obtain rill
- Oiler for that line as the boundary. He de
clared his belief that the war was begun fa
the impose of conquest, and read in proof ut
it, Mr. Marey's letter to Col. Stevenson ae
thorizink him to raise the California regi
ment, and hilurming him that the . me.n must
be such as' would be willing to remain when
dischar g ed, in Oregon, or such other' 7'errito
.ry as,l h e. U, S. may then possess, in that region.'
were not.expeeted to be brought back by the ,
United States. Did not this look to the con
quest of California, and Were not these men'
intenihni as.einigrants ! who can . doubt al—
Was the sending of a military and nasal force
into the Pacific ter the purpose of repelling
an invasion? Conquest was the . design,and
no - one can &ale it, even the Pi esident's de
nial to the cotaraly notwithstanding. All the
sophistty he is muster of, and his arguments
and declarations are but a belittle el sophis
tries and of low demagogical cunning unai
ded to deceive thepeople,. can deceive no
elan not already deluded.
Tho only, excuse that could be found for
thid adrninisiration, was in that spirit of be
nevoletiee which prompted ' the prayer,
4 Tather forgive them for they kite* not What
thefilo."' He believed they really did not'
know what they werembout, they Mid mot'
intellect' etteugh to conduct properly. He
referred to the ripplicatio, of Mr.: Polk tor
the. two :millions-with which to buy' Sante
Anna, and gas give ;•Mill and corollirt"io the
Me*aim, by buying off; and declared that
),•.e •were,Uimarth, FOicrr6, it we shut air
eyes to the ilitlaeh !ol power
.ol which the'
Preraii t eethas Ireetighilttr. .
Mr' MG. then' 'vett e lef The territory We: tail
already conquered,-'and desired to know
whritWas te be', done with it 'in ease it
annexed to the Utiiiiiil• %VW,. you hafrisla-
very there ), he asked? Who believes the 1
north will dirtier& to ill - Will - you have,free!
States •ort ypite..Soulhern border? Will the
South agree tti th iSI He leaked 'on these gees',
ticini'as•mornenteu,l, ana . believ'etl,that ifihis
'territory wereificaporlited Into' the Dillon, it
Wotild enda d ger, ;Wine dedtroi it-rend it as
'sender.' '' ' ,--,.." " ,'. I '- - •
-.' Witholibeingiible'te.rive anytliik more'
lhan it 'rilere bUtline- of (TA remake,- in
tAttrlaegurige,:glitierally; t have, t ivlitiveit
:given . the'aptriv of theitt, and thertibY.eriableit
iltp.9 - e•:4-ho dejieilded ' Open nte r- for tiOrititt._
tulk to' , foirri a tolerable idea of the sPeeCh:'''
,:.:''' ''.'rfl P. - wiliG .ANcl THE,,VV:4I4;
. -.--
~.7.l l9 kler,Wltc!'exiniet• i lie- ,W higain . Congress!
'term* a. course,or !Mums unpatriotic ;,Op
'POSiliini• to, the •A;(lriii iris" tell on ',' 'kifti . 0.(1,':. lir;
Much ?rpilit l eliiii: ''lle'; ,iiiii,' koliiii,: . ,tilim
'61 3 ,(43 the, eau eiii . r i;TT'd Will Vol Wiiii liti j- Ilea
that are needed , forAfeeng tiering . - a 'Peitee; l ?
3,ll6.lcTOrtb:Arnerietitilei.Veirealiiidenl'AlTs; •
fatr',' Davi s';. , reief&ii4%.:iitiu , setl .-:qte.: House
this Morning,: tinViiki .. thie2: hifti.liediCaOftfinu-•
:nicatetV*l'lltir,;:.Pieiliden't:tl.'.l. l. ..eeeati•lcioti
ieitkort*hyillipAiould . liirtiiii,4, ii',WOPOtlei- 7 .
•Everybrily IttiOSVC#o, flieerlii"thir tinny ! Of '
,11faiyvbithO n ieeteil#:3 W rlllk*AiNelii 000
tiiiitorti iteitney litedtSiSektOn';', 'l',The)-,itoti
tain)tdertirt: eveleace,of lbei ag l priPtireiP . by
A l e $0 . 604,...f oiSteteatid . bealut 0)100000th.
lheiiidera'frOirt their 4 dititeetiVe l dettkrtirientc
14 , I0:41itiliuga;• , :itf I .o . liip,litili I, Arit'.:TjOitei 01
41:11*k.:br$14' i ardent. and'eXeit(ible. , . hien?'
loan inale.ekb eea ea 414;0144.1,y .I.4if kiit le
ittlittp,e,OeflxiodOttion7lte - tieeettattry*urie
' 4ll O/40,0**,4(teitb - e - a 3 / 4 . - OWithe4elerifiiitelgll.4.: ,
Piektleat:e *leakage, lot ,w.hrekr 'ohotilk.,
04), , i00 - td , e.olier kt ictoyfort_ o. : OrrP.
OSti•Oftaft'rlidnyieltilyoitil .ii • 'i,tilft- ffilA tit ' it' ,
ifrotlYil t .MlNVlV.4 l .46o, l iff 110 1 . 1 04t.' 41lir
.. •*"- - , - ;•,-;n:.!,. - ,,,,...4..
';"2:.c'':: . :.''.../."'S '-: 1- ..'';': .- 1 , '.:''.. , ..; ,: i•.';1; , : - 6: . :c f ,:::•.,;,',! . .:' , ' . •.. , ' ... •
. .„... .....
Sorrir ennui:U.-1
t t kentotrafte all
t power
from fbepthiPle, is if.nt tit the Senate 0 South
- which by vein 01 26 to 16 refused
In give the people the right to elect Plesiden
tial electors: lt'will still be vested liegislo.
lure; to be a member nf this body, n proper
ty 'quail sinCessery therelore:. the
bone and - sinew, the poor man, the taing
millions, the much loved deal people of the
denim:icy. have no—more- say:rtti- -to who
shall take the electoral vote of South Cnroli
thint John C. Callioun'sr-neoOe's
not its 111 lliny r aln• indirectly
represent thr: roiAquleut . WPresident in
the House ofßeptesennitives •
fj:j-Dr. John L itt;ee, of Loicester city
nerlomied a succes6lul:vsuriziral oppetatien
On a lady.lrorn cutting a drop
sical tumor from her abdomen. It required
an incision of tiltden inches, and when the
tumor was first 'taken Out if Neighed 15"lba,
well, and from all appearance be resto
red to her friends in a healthy conduc).
Then: is now beforeA:pm.tress a„plan of a
&pilaf", made byt lllirMis, for
marine and harbor defence. Ti .so .pon
struCted as to refieet Off shot. while it is ca
pable of enveloping M. a sinile moment, an
enemy's snip in a sheet of inextinguishable
fire. It is not agaittst !Ships albite th a t this
dreadful eng'ne of destruction might brresed
but in land service, in (tolerting passe!„ it
would also prove invaluable. •
Bank stock is tp,s,4blesfor county ; purpp,ses,
riccOrtiirig to t 1 opiniwz of JOOtti: 130,;(!eliv
pr.etl:st the latte,Coort iti. Delowary coutitv.
.rratitt Ft•iday will
e:teuso t(tele rp aCer to notice
I'llo tire-too daft • ,
'101)11hbelpl)tt1 , 11 arket -
kFlinn advanced 'a little.;, ,
Philadelphia, end , Ballnn'ore, upon, repeipt o I
the Foreign none; ' ' • —;-
, Montla'yllVening; Vee;2lst.
FLOUR--There bra betterifaeling; in the market to
day, Oki' elantlnid brandian re , ti4dat4s,oo but with
out sniellwxcept some small lots of good Western.
whlqh v
;end vantedAythe •rataile,nt, •r-Cerst
'llltatl=llemund laqtrtiid,Nrith the
ekteiit:4l 3500 lbs.'l.tlin'a. hot' Ltil3t,l.lttelnainp 500 •
berretta at 3f.. Ity*Flottri.4, stuall,sale .41cm:tried
at 52 1, ~Whent,i-k iloN one anivAax, goa4 rettOjedit
are altered at pa litre i,tha . ,only,aale ts:lttiaol
bushels white at I le; pit Store. Corti-But little II rat.
and Sam Wren ytilltav shit Innit4 iti".slle;.!Oilta—iThres
cargoes, Autitherttlehl al 33e: • Wilkey 'inanity to 21
0. 4
a 221 e. for: hlids. antl,,hbl,^t4 • • .
! ••
- 1 - o.t
Yintor l
even. t. „
lj • Zug ef b°'°°l"t'
'of' Mr ' 6C°
I p—lp*
ttudelegels Aun
• •
tWi h- vlc lcrine sbal elheluntuiO i o or
DmttL ~.
' '06411;40# kta c tlikTialAiliklittiliiiqN
I 'liiiiie‘lEiiiro l iegNiitte ." ,T4'e t e' ` " r A atice
will be bete in this. M. .E. Chernh „eh , the '4v . tnst.
(ChrtitiontlY , et" Six o'clbek,lPt M. l'be."•be lie are
are leeptiut Nally,. lu vli ed to attentl4•pitveritintlyiresses
:will, dellye , stul on the °scallion: l - ~ '., t,
S . OD D ,
•:j enil , 1W: T; TAngblBol , 6)Conf
itNGiN !My, ~,i, 6 Pi "A:4KEri EnzAik‘ No.
G. YIRMEgM'.. ,:7 '•'R. M c Pit4g.t.tEA4 4 . 17 * ‘„
'ciiiiiiiiiilitinporapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilio '
, ~,, ... ~ . .
The Extnutiee i`oninilt toe itfthe Onntherlanti)County ' • .
TOMPOIanCe Nudely, betievippshat.o¢)npiresteof the • .
came hi our eintielythitfhe propelled by a
coneettbif•aetlori elmoni",lle! Mihail iiiiiilliarticularly
InAtieuclut a, uultettettprestio notte.'..,kiteri;oo7.4l l usinit -
I VOI I iFT el: I Iti‘oberin od .coofqx,flio.lprlyneop of de
' t still n sot iheniseleeS •kV heilicrlbsyecti ',Shall be II-
Ceased . Of not itf„"Vbeir ..respeitivacentit Cittiest„ and'
• hev i r been adannteetr on "Ibis subject it -various Ra
dii s a ig. tooirotokbeahive - Aoptiiiifw o o'clock' ea
, W isi4SMAI4.I et Aool4•,l4lceiciliequstant,,?r a
'&61114 dClii 4 'Me 441°Vteld6e r n" i t
Tl i t t l e i ' .
t.;..Witepe'teltit blerpyinen. an -
,the 1.1 0 c_di of , ~.
f friflrvir Vitemtie jIP frOtikOPPZ,Yltltif 4, , b Ogu- i
ty,. on ih votemunr4: it'd :Atut - .q yv4yikl9oftti, os..tho ---
, t Miiffie.** tt+elliiiikallir or ihreinitilly,,Optesentegii in .. '
'Able VolvitentlontW Itio , olensteoull'intbiteltiona which - .• •
,ninvinplitess oncpie untbbittetesittalltfly l tlyistielluea a'. ,
to_trOMOlol.;:thvft etulitt.ot.ieekeider....ann t rw__.__ , ...
~.xa lmetri l lo „,.„itirerliifiar, . Oib -7,7 7
Apyk ~ . p yi . on the Re moan ma' private:, , ;
• ' kitateectiilitr . tut atoo"if,ltte .tintlivt , . . 7i,k,, , ,..
i" 'AI ' p a ik r .,,,,,,,40,4,41,,. V 3 •:,r•!; . , .:,.
4 0 4 ' 4 .10 1, 4tigreirOg1471k t Pr '."' ''
1 INIto
s "Al e t . eciitiiet e, 103 f 6,''. 7 : , ,, ,: ~ ..,.,r. 1,.-....„.1 i. -,•'::''. -
•:, ,r. , ' . :,•,',',',,,'::, ' - ii;' , ....' , : :" ' ''.'' ..,-' Ll , "!. . I .'''' . ;` ' ''' ',' ;: : ' ...'-'.''':'''' -:';' ''.