REM • xeini , catotlio, 4 id ~..e...........44.,,,....."4..n0Nervwwv .....1m•-•....... .1n " 1 lIIIAIk 14 RaNitte.4ffiFtinVit:A. 111147. 4 (id , 91 ltealliiitc^,tlo:%Ajlo P'llnclvinhin tin. itnii reif:tTetil:ittlTO'silWirniv,4 the gro'S, &Zen VO. 31141 G Ailnall'Atiii..: 1 ' i. 4.% . t..., , I)eft, C.,... , f_!: - e t+` ratNB 44 4S () N• 0i - j ', s -, i rci,or ;.:4 o ,'-.Ur• . " ' . to live. iVilttftmen,iel ;t n tet c i ; ft i antlc:ll l i bTaShmere nod lAlliit Gm joist retcivell i • ctA,GEOT-AV:iiry-IgrAt:=-7 -• BonieetleitOt ••• • ronitiors. • NE of , thiS • Othe , hdrou2h, tlfitirgeisrd 1 Hitt _ 'commodious '-whittilse, — it ••• ate on High street, raittiiYil o o o- 'site DeetereirHotril,v,ti„t itrytiedne:,i,eg . .:*frby H. Snodgrqba Ai a fklalf9.4 Atha. .11 . ,Ifirli0; ' ,41iitmo Rouse arid' Stariii Pas sea F i or! Ab be' of April 'next. For ter, TODD Carlisle, Df3Ornher I?en,t. r61.1 - it '04414 'Howie 'Ott . c •,eitci3t. nearly la °Mullins Von O w occu., ; pried 6y Prid.Sudier. The house L i r is of .two .stories 'with brick back_huilding.• It possesses ovary convenience' titivate fiiniilyouid lies a garden attached. APply to the REV: GEOR G E , COrtisle:.Decetuhtt 2, 180. For Went'. rptiE fine large two story phis, Wed Honse,cin tite East cad 4 V I Efil of High street, owned by Thomas Carothers, and note` occupied lit i r- - ',LZ-iL-+;"..4." . . - Benjamin Eektes. It is large, roomy and con. Variant, end • in good b fine garden. &r: Terms ensY, and liebsession given on . the Ist of April next. Empire :of •• • ~ WILLIAM. IR,VINP. Carlisle, December 2,1846. house. and Lot • FOR. SALE. • • WOE siihrte'riber will offer at puhliceale, o-i ji . -SATURDAY the 27th of December, en the premises, the HOUSE LOT, aitus,e. on West High_ st., „ it known as the property of RAeintel thine, deceased, and now in the ocCupanoy Of En. Armstrong. It Is a Capacious story stone plastered House, with all needs- Nary bark buildiiig,s; The Ibt is dO 'feet in front by 2411fect deep. Also, at the same Omni will he sold, the one undivided fifth part. of a Stone I/welling House and - Irnt, on Fiidt High RI rat . ”, generally brown its Artner's.prolierty, adjoining a lot of George A Lyon, EMI. 'Sale to hothmerice a 2-o'clock, P. M., When attendance will be Overt and terms stated, by JOSEPH D. lIM.RERT, W . llll the will annexed.. tarlielni December 2, 1846. • FtPir Salve.• excellent -second.liand titeh,ne and 11 Pinv,,ici.,r old on' mode. hoe terms. Apply to Frederick Waits or acid, Duey. • - Carlisle, neeembOr Q., I : 4 46. - .7 V -7— ALIJABLE REAL MAT at :ovate sale. TN pursuance of the lust will of John -Frei). 2. burn. deceased, his executors offer for sale the MANsro-N -Fmum,,ttunto_anuut 3 in:los W est of Carlisle,. in West Fennsbrirouglitown. shiil,,CuinberluniCooupty. contaimi ehotit. 10 5 ACRES Vlf I:immune Land of the ve - y best quality and In the first state of hultivationjieinivall cleared and all under pest and rail fence. Tt is boulrded On one side by the Conodoguitiet dreek and a beautiful Stream of water running through it. The im. movements curt '!ifie id with the rinstity oftho lan', and cowist of a.large anti . elegant BANK BARN, u large double two story briCk.IJIWEIJ. LING HOUSE, with excellent and nevet.failrit water in the yard, an lee House, Smoke House; Wash Hitise, Carriage Ilona°, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, flog pi , H y, :IA complete, and an excellent Tenant [louse. Thera is olio a Wackattlitli Mum and !Rhin. and a first rate Lime Kiln on the n the line of the farm it'criitlity bridge cri sses _the rtcelk Yeati the whole farm lies4ti g tit dutil alhicrilit.itTFlßFStitithT—Thert—ha—re great deal, of Erbil on the [itemises. There Will be sol with the fume • TEN OR TWENTY ii.OREg br filet rate., Chestnut. , TiMber Land, lying; about 4 miles off wi It a gond road to It. The Executors aro desituus, to.abll the Rom this fall or winter, and deliver the pessescion on the Joker:April flex', or Iht A1)01,1846.113 mill best suit the' purchaser, It will be sold. Hear and free front all inerintheance whate.ver. Allyinformatiott respecting the same may be Ix Wined oh Frederick Welts, Esq Carlisle, or, r subonribetii, who realde , rm the promiaes. '• F,LiIZA FIS:i I 131 7 RN. ILIA ASt lit Run - , Exect,/or. 1846: • • ....The Lancaster Examiner will inscruthe above *weeks, and 'send bill to 014 nti cs,' _,- .. °PalOs, 046, & Dye-Siulk.. , . Wnectslantly keejt outland for Ellie 011 kinds '. - •or Pailitd, stich as White Lead, se., ()its ii': ill kin.% mid ICye.Stliffe, Such :is Indigo, Moll tiee,-Iteul wood, Logwootl, Sc. Se., .illdrit, s itt be li ttl - from us nn the lowest terms - ' , Dec. 2, 1840.:. • • • 61111 22 SONT. TA LIM)! „VW AN'rilti;. 11)4,P •Titl)ov. nod, 5,c 09 w.mio,:for the lkigiffit . pliam , yr ill csialk.yr incilliailibzP, by ~..• . Deo. f, , , Gl{ kV k.rsoN • '( , )tailay Gjass; and ;Queettsware. , . 1! , H to t iiwauir (becusoilki . ; ft, al sell too 'thee' it tu'esquill'y' tow'n. • Celt eee idi.: Gee.' ' • " '"' GWAY 'k Gum . 3110e9t, Eitlif find io!INI , f t. HIT ER. vdiae'(3loske*XUet'receivedtby re;2:;,4 hi , 10; GEO: Wt ..GITNER; La1flb0;Wooll Shirts; eiLcg, _ - I Itru tt; it),NY 6'41 ' •,• 9 „ tav i kind , si A 11,aainetment. of; ,Gray- MI Alio iV,hr n tl Ault ope G ECE , '• 1111'N ER. NildAtilr ICIVA . LOIA'NACQ A, 'TUFO. rcib34ed,'Cliiiiivel4ply - 0::,1 ; Role' tl, l7 l6llnintififi . ' , 4l:loiankol 2 BOO'd'ernreit' i and , " 4 • 64 0 14 u1i "Da (*borne an ...r: 4419)1,13011ii,ka0 51 sini T inikiziMs4ing tabeteco, juirjreaelted , ,by Air bon '"itf'l6' , ' ;teat l.d - fr i totrOa ,A4vsio'4l #8.1? V . Sou ---- ,, ---- , i yd_p,e..."ol nd ;gli . ,#.l. ll l i ti,ii - Ao ti, ::: 01411'4edberl"v4"1; 141.741AiP,T1 -,2.01.,,,A414112Ti1e uipeit,-;c4. ; iti:ivor,%litiatofporkftlfPg,i,ivi,,,,..4,t, - ,„,„ ~ „,,, ~. ~ --/tlti"—"'. ''-' NOW ' ' phi! =els: , :- - - ',....; 1 '• '-::, PRQCI;- AMT ON -••• - • . warow,ririatts.ipmblotaiik. , ..),..„ f:ripilsierit , Judfriv..of"..;lie,..Betveralo doWtatifbOirMiciraalitilii3rfhke6iintieitSttilhi. ,Leland, l'erriAiii•l'4ilrilificllin •Knosylvimrs, and Jturti,ce of the Re . yerti! i t',..'eurts,uf.gre . r,ttud Terihiner and Central ''.failz•Deir i . • ;44i. IP P.riiii counties, -- and et les,- and HonCJithiCS4iiiii 'i64:'' ,- ,T 1 , 1 0.! , "4 - • TlilleP,' Judges of 1ti0,.54iiti:,4.1):y a Jo: Tk -.mitioiLand-Gerieral-34r Viiffv - 40, rur,.,tile ;War Orall.: ; carlith'l'and'''Oilini: Offenders; li•i;.ilueSi?id ciiuntY of Cumberland—hitheir.PrieePts ;tern° 41lieekedvdatmlitheAtirdardf ; N0100: 0 4 - 41) , .1 hiiiibrdercd-the Court of Oyer hail, l'Crattrier - Mid - GiffieWirliff - D,liii, -- g - k trei.l(oldebTatCall • lille'dit' tat "kcisnii" Monday of January . l l ,lit • brilne IIY6 '111.1) dey' nt 16'0 , cloo!r. in the fore mien', io . datitiii WU Week: , ~ • ...- -,--146TICE-iii - ilier . e.fare - -herelirgivrti - •''tbi.lorc CorolieK.JustiCos of the Peace and, Constables ottlii ;aid county 1,6 . 1 . CuMbrirland,.that they aro hy trio mild p:roesept',eoinnyindtl rn.ho,then and there in . thbir ?roper, persene, with twit tulle, records, inituipitliniin exarnigatirinP; Libel 111,1 other remembrances; to -;aiiliess thitige which to their offices appertain done, and all those that are buimd by reer;gaiionees. to .0x:1/solute (against the priannera tont are or.theti shall Ca in the Jail of said county. are to be there to prosecute them cil shall be just, 'JAMES HOFFER, Sheriffi • Sheri irs.Office, Carlisle...? - Dee., ,2, 184 s. , . ( . - =Ca Application for Tavern License. - Ivo rick; Is-I,lrOxy GIVEN, Abq.t ittletul to -aPply to tin; H GIVEN, Jtidace of the Court of Qua.rter Sessions .. of the Phee. to be, rerliple . ln.lnttuary next, tolreop ri Inn of in the Amig) now be, copied as ?Melt by Willis .Ftmilt, thelEtuii Ward of, the boroutli of Carlisle, Cumberland county, coMmenelmt on the Ist day RC April next. CHARLES MeGLAUGHLIISI. - CarliSle; Decemberl.2,lB46. We the.undersigned, citizens ortho Bast . Ward of the borough etcarlinle,in'the coliffik olCumberland, do certify that' We are wtil Sc. quain:ed with the above named Charles Mc iglaughlin; that he is orgood repute fur honesty and ^tentperance, and' is wall provided avail house room and-convenimiemrfor-thartctom modation of et rangeri and travellers, and that such Inmor Tavern it necessary to accommo date the public and bntrangers and travellers. • C. Inhoff, 11. Glans. William Moody; Julio Gillen, WWI Grier, William Llna;• 'Jones Noble, Jacob Zug, %Villia•ni foximilec; Ed ward Armor, Andrew Kerr, Nliehat . l Sanno. Application for Tavetn License. IS HEREBY GIVEN; that 1 itaotof to apply to the honorable Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be held at Carlisle. in January tier(; fur a license to keeiran !nu or Pulpy. - Hobse. in , t house now occupied by we us each,, in the Eset Wa'rd of the borough of Carlisle, in the county ottutnberland; , • W. I'OULIZ. Carliito, Member 2, 1846. Wo the Ofidersigired eit'i,titiof the East Ward of the borough of Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, do certi'y that we arc well ne• (lounged with theyibove inimell Willis Poullt; that lie . is of good repute fin honesty and too. p Twice, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation aif titre rigers-a tray . eilerairand - , r and - TiMOr tavern is accessa ry to uecunitrit:4lote tho public and entertain stiungers and traveller's. , - Edward Arin-r; Petrick.Dawson, William Moody, George Strohm; Davin Martin, Jas. A. Doughertv, William Breeze, David, Jas. Dinliar; Henry J. Kelly, iii•orec Common, C. folibli, J. F. Wireman, Jane's Itennedy, DR, WOOD'S SARSAP,ARILI.A AND wutaini cncilltV arrrEits, ARE no Lora e :ll.ediciite for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, the iu.iversal complaint, Ilead auto:, Depression M . 'S pi its, I'lmplesand FllBl.lleS 64 the Mee, linlantal l;moiveness, Itheutoatism, Alt:Camas - M . ole Bladder and ((Ohio s. ftilinus -FeVett.. -IL Is-n_ perfect preventative- of--Ittlions and Western Fevers, niti the best remedy ever U,wl in restoring the patient, alt r bring prosiest ten by Fever. ke. stpelas, enlargem e nt of Lot Bones, Fever and Ague, liii t illiettey, Foul ness a Gliniple:6oll. livner,tl Jilily, disease, wrdiciuY, ot• F! ",011'Zi• , 1 w mull!, Hlrbtg_~y~tiog dl_ emtti . "%i illjns, lose mf r 1111111.01:,% „ k linineSS of vision a hopeless eniiresstott of coin.tenattect and for this class of disease getwrall t.; hi it 111:iii eine ties . el. had GUM, GraVel,lllll,tire J antalicer Lbss of A ppe tit r ; I.lser UMnplaim; Leprrist•; I .on'st DISIF:A6F.S:-:•.NeYet• fails to eradicate entirely, sill the effects of - N1 (Tim , y in finitely none, than any other medicine. `Night title ds; Derimits Debility; Nervous ,CoMpintios of nll kinds; Netw,Alen't tkrstild6; ! _kffeeti_ona;_poln„ - Pitittriciti- Of the Demi; in the liend,,ifide; back, limbs,JOints snit Ifrl,•ans;i ,Itusli ni Idoodto .he bend ; Settry); Salt Rheum; sickOleadache; Stilliaiss of the )(Ants; Scorftila or King's evil; E Millis iw its worst' furtifo ['local of description, nod the Mo.- mill' fispilliiriece in Lite. FENI A LE 'CONI MIA IN TS .—l.adies of pale oomph xion-and consumptive habits, awl 'such as tire (kid Rated fly alma, obqruntiotis w loch mules are, liable to, are resto-ed by the Ilse of n bottle or two to [dont» nod vigor. It. Is by fat' the best remedy ever disco%ered for weakly chil drenolnd such ns have hail humors, being • plea- Sant they rentlik) lake it. it ImMediately resutrev the appetite, Strength anti Color. Ndtltittg cab lie MON, sOrprittleg ilia n its iiivig tf.nting clfects oil the human liasitt... Persoticall wevitneas nod lassionle before taking it, at once , become robustattill roll of energy tinder its Influ ence.-- It-immediately.counteracts the-nerveless.. peas of the human whielt is the great cause -of hnrreontss. The following nre.spitte dike certiEcntes,noll inplimentary .notices tout have been, received b,y the, proprietoriof the efficacy at this medicine. Philip .1V iletoc, well known firth of Wi'cox shipwrights ',.of Newi feird,.Was Stotirelretired ore coblirmed Tanker of the motion (Ii lit and IlnOtillij 41101' sorb 10 usually stecortipany ing this disease, and his gene ral health, nitit.tir isepreveil bk;itte use of only one bottle. Mfr., Wilcox bps stuttered severely fora number of yolf:i with (Ida theinse, end . nttilitutel Jib , core entirely to, the.useol:thp Witerp. Col. Jobn 'llnylieit,',l3ootitY Sheriff • of Bristol county, Maw; iIHB voltlntarlty eel lifted trait lid , tv tfelre.l' by the IlittersolJatiudive, IndigestioN . Mal' Vertigo. , I „ 'Of, BitbdWieltr.,:tesh,(ies'Atint. severe intrtioete in t I knowit,,te Muni, have, een benighted by the tote of tic inhere, end- in Chita giye tli ot td, pe4eitt•teltfil.., fa floe. '` • ::Li • J';' 'Veilii.hiti;Eisti;Alfei•nev;m.i..l6y,c,o ' 01:. Bet Word', was cured of r itWitt.iltstitit,;, , t,c!4)o. l io', the rime; by, the;rt•. , 'soot Our ' .unless we ktiow . .theni ,, tOt WAN Clii!fty 'Atk . ol.l4 . i)tio•'•eevery,rtrietitlf '*lll6k ,their use, we do,not• hukate to roieteiefeibl their 'at'e orti et ee of eittibl it hrOil‘ relititati eri', reins mel „tee tt werldjitorid:rtithoV4ttieratitiii whit, ,great•-caretsell:aggeore-te-ectabine- 1 9, 141 ii; - YeetW .- ,Odd 'AA ilO 1 1; 1 4 / 0 %Pritir ie fOr.i'Parb a fflit i bl i k.ES VIe r street aro e'iYiliggistr generally. Ally gate 441retitterrO0 dja . .bers he dertildttlitOP:l9,oll. do: well‘ tOtose, tittle; itiitihir soria4, • • ~ - I,P,Feviitt•TAl. by is. ,Ttio r opp; (Y.,,t3PiAl 3 Whn 10 f-• toot ,Retitil•ty2SXV;TT : l 4 f...ltEfeilit4: l4l ,,O l 4 , ,ten istreeti . ,NOW , ,,ltterl4l 5A7,4 LIEL 'ELLIOTT Carlisle. ailitlifekghdtigeNtetellc,tltrooghoet „United C llol, l 44 bei , cia .1 • , Iy.rtrit.g.rit- . viod(:: l• ' 11 1 '.. .0AN I P - ' / i rice. JOILN J'.:apargio ici jolt- ate*, • ' - 3y-hiaidtfrefvrWatW; treet, liii, Cull si 4). i,p, o f oitti ( 4 * IP4INTS, 011 ..SA_I ) ire-sttlIVJ3. .0000" S`I'ATON4RY ) 0 uTTIAlty to , A iig pANCYaßTlGlLV.Switith‘tOgiAliti.l4ftli , itit. - (q r ierlf s , 011 tult4E!!sluf igrgegiligtYttnek dr . 400 i n to cnß , Orit'ultriellft ro, e : AforisLlllkitilit, kis t ki tii+1 1 ; PRP 735M 4 1 1 7.5.T41.51. 6 4# 11 1 , W1** , n s , 11 If l, di d It 1 1 ll• gl i l ie st is,. e skrarn, arnlk t C1A9 . 111190m .. 4 0 Ottri oilitloiembor lii, 1846. ~' , ,1 , v 41 51, ‘ , ti ~ 4 rah N O.— is .7,11 ' h 0 _ithriioo,al 4 ' k 44 . ?,3/1.4: 4 ' ' ' '' .4. ' ,*, ' , ,-, . , VOO isniteU • ;; :„At t ' . , . nitilotoid " Effeti§ive - - 411-$. L 1 P. Y',;•_o old tid Si 'J. ank!,. ~ w :.HAVNRSTICK•deairOI to • / inform the public that. hb boa'. received frorri Phi la.del ib, 'a ri d ati , #•'oponingla TOWS an .Nditti. Hanove a reshiiiisoier • ment o- • . DRUGS. PAINTS: OIL& ;DYE-STUFFS, and the most clean nt,diiplay of,Fandy Article& Miseellaueouii'end — SaltnniffElpitli7eifinnt;iy Goon ppc in tliie keintiglr, all 'of ich litifeWeriseleite . by himself in person...Witli. ercut--nfrtitind which ho-'cam -confidently redoinmenn . friends and cuetomera Olt being equal if hot sum pqrinr to -any in the market. .1118 Moak will cchstantly comprise 17rugc (Ind 11.1;di' Patent Medicines, fiqdtru in,ent.t,; Caro end Ex 7, trains,' Sricpp, gFofidil end whole, Estikiticeo, Poribinery, • . • .• h il f4 leS..• : indigoes, Madders, Brazil WOod., Aiiim; Log and - Coin 'Woods; Oil of Vi!rolt Copperas, Lao' Dye, Sr.e. Paiht,s.and • etherill Brother% White' Lend,Chrouts green and yellow, Paint Old Varmint Brushes; Jersey Window Glass, Lifirtfad Oil,Ttirpontino, Copal and Coach, Vurnieh, Litharage'and Red Lead,' Whiting and parish Green, cOnidantly fbr nate at the, old established I rug, Rook and Fancy Stem • • • - • Lard Id 2n03 An:elegant.variety ,of.Larcl Lamps, mann• tinctured bY Cornelius, or •ovary size and fancy patterns, and at greatly reduced prices. Comprehending an - endless vnriel t y bfNver _}• no. (iron in tlib fancy. way, fu'r- hOliday gifts - rind ' presents, which it wduld- take a , coluino to co. l'uoierate, but in Which will be fotino every va• riety - of article for erns:hoot, instruction, or amusement, and at prices from a penuy,to a dollar. • Sch 00l Books. o His stock is composed chiefly of 'oboe) Dunks, in Which may be found the various text books, Lexicons,. Histories, Arithmeticry Ate., now dsed in College and the public schools, all ofjvhich ‘vill be sold as low as at any other establishment. Also, Groceries and Fruits, prime and fresh, and of very superior quality, at prices nstonisli;ngly low. On Short, a little of every thing that in useful or ornamental may, be thund in his estublishtnent, - 10 which' he in vites the attention of the public, confident that both the quality-and prices nThin goods will be fuend.cqually satisfactory. Itetnemberthe Old Stand. S. W. lIAVERSTICK. - Carlisfe.,Noe'rnber 25, 18-16. • 501121 GREII,II',IXTESTMIRN 'LAND_ nurr EMPORKMI AviallkirlsliktilliclN Depo bp 7./1 ILLNOVER ST., CARLISLE. - - V Ill; sal takes this opportutiityof in furmlughis friends sud the public ill general, that he. still continues lir mithulaeture and has aro a) s nii hand. it. 1. etc and gel cool assortment of CA N Dt ffs of Ate 111.161 . .. quality, x high h Will $1..11 Wlinil•Sall, or /111111011 the OLII STAND, in .Volll'll IL !NOVI:II S1'111!:1•:'.1',wli re lie also keeps nn lanid TS., enibriteing. all the ileliettcies el the buitoll3,illill Nu ES. of all kinds. Ills stack eotisists in part :or ..111 Ortiugcs, Abloom's, ; 1I Pea A,lt.t. • bales, L einow , filberts, • Cremn 11a.,-ins, E 11%ulau1s,, Cocoa, Nuts, ! ye. ().c.: Pam( Nuts, Wailes, • x Lich he will sell at the no et rearentible prices for eti..h. 11Iv would 11Iso imile the ottention of the itub• e ton large and wCII stlected assortment of Toys, Basket, and Fancy Gaods, ilrblc forthelipproaelttog-Holitlays;--- hi connection with the above, !IV has received lirinie lot of FRISII GROCERIES,. consisting-in Inlet of Loaf, Lump and Brown St; ars; Cotrees of all kinds, from, ii to lei r initeliur article of Voting ty, atm, and flack Ten, Molasses of nil kitaltl; Chocolate; Celiac rs; Cheese; Rice, Black lug; Nlatches, ke. . . --- alasfand 7 VicTensißrttre, assartmeht 'of Glass and Ciuccnsware, of all kindvand'plitteens. FRESH SPICES. Nutrnegs„Cionnoit it, Cloves, Pepper, Ginger, mod A !spree' o.omnd or is bole, llusuu•d by the bottle or pouoll. Tobacco, Segars and Orloff, Some very fine COretolit,h, Roll, 'Foist, nil& otlter Tolmettost iilat•ylood. Hatutins, moll other choice ,Segura; I_,Oneaster tool York Snuff. The stiblwribtsoAtookfel for past fortms.liopop by a strlussttooSistyPtial Mess, mitt a desire. to ittrosoptetineritoste4 f7fQllee of Om same. v • l'ustllttsers-4110411trirst Os their mivaniusge to will at thtfii7k4mt,.smil &famine for themselves before. pert:hosing elstvrltero' . • ... C rlielr, X oft:otter --Another taiga Sum;lv. of IF eSh .GrOCC.r4S HE intiptfibei Has iiist returned front the i city, and now °flare ea large and .oe giind an neenrtrrient of GROPERI,ES .as ,wrie ever ()tiered ik earlial6. ale pi bon fidri t t that hie selection of MIAS 'hatinot tietirpuneed:- They ebilviat in Orr of „ . k . . . . .., . , __ .... • 76 cheats extra.YoUQZ,P , PON , ; ,-..1.f., , r4._. !"•;."-k4 -- ,„--'--- 1 ~, .... inOd . gio... .. -- 95 -. ' s ' :' It' : d" 1 " ii :I ' ''''' If !! 6 , , , HILES ;1 - "- . c; -., o re. ' mperafil. ! ~ .. ~,,, . . 1, .- .61. - , ll.oarr, .Flavi•red -1:34.6* , ---.4: , .i-:+' , .t- , '.-. l '.'--:-- , Kuroliong.,--1 " , ..'i. ~,', ". ... , ' "'''' `' 'Clore° and • Sugar. - ' • ( ' 30:,3iiii!'dOcil 'Mg Coffee ,, Ito( ;!vipanne.l ~ 3 - ' 'o o ' . '..„:,'Old'',liiia'do' v. ' 4' , '" , 46 . ." . ! St.:D . iirpitig9 40 '', 1 • -gi,' ' ""' 'ltiitiiie i l- A lo,- --L-L' ' ' ',' .:r • • , ~iiirovroc-,7,13u-gar ..a:•. -- 7. -- ; , _7T: - t 7 - PliiladelphiCniFablii - Rairrfed Loaf.; , .- ' .. Steranr`.Pitllcial,:ri 1 .1;1' I t, 'do! ":4 CCrushed• i: , '•, r 1.4) i=i'.''' . - -1 -:'• ', • ' Pulverized.-; - , % do ,-- ' - ' ''' . d ' A largo iiiiiiiiiiiant:"4.ldOlirriirri, ( o;i4i. and j 5p1ue4,, , , ,, ;il. , ' s f“... ' ,, ;:r . ~,l •*1'1 , :: , 'W , 1 , 7.C. , n ' ' 4 "' 1 VY liftsi;.,4Stiar Or J . Wintrit.,Whelfw L ard 011; 'Elalr'r-Ci,)l4`,!Nii.t,lv.2i'tine.3:s34ll'clitstitr; Jihad; IlleiririgititrPflialilpitit kuillitgOl'Ailliktil - 11b r , rirvg;+ DigUy''Aci. ; - I,liiraell - 131,0461,''*1 Tin* CurilFe.,;hlio;',74l64lli t 'Citiln;tpyreiiti; L Fitii; 4i mnnild;'Cruilbetride.`l7'/V , riim, optortmpnt,;:or, .13111 alma., Bukhara, CAtiii. Wirc, - .ligefliir iwiiilia 40, rf,isianii!•lolldl:4itiebkislay.tro;:i 4 - , ', '- - ',all i°6kii(iilkl.lCOig))lAll:.',i,trigh.'iiiio. a'a:Q: thili.ylt VrigPiOnt oitooitin.plio , f;ifd '..• arta! 'f or tiir,ritli , Afictiri - , , , - an Yffi 'Cull odd' :::Z . ...,_.-,,,;..vtbti03F1411; - .431t00Kr " . . __ btloi9Yda?;~s~~lB4. CarWIN , lpFiiuk - A , O- 1 . It, I ~ 1 , it Ech ni ... _44iimit ~ , • , I wy,A, , ': . W A 9.. '). ,i': , g: l ±ih, L'4 l4l(e Tl:';q' 4 'III: lA,ocAltoltowl ••, , • . ow 4 ,U: il 'if .:.t. in., evemesitti, ,' ' , - „ . 'Apia "...Ale '7, g. 04000. , ~ ti ...4 .41,t'aultiltPlaiTa404414100 I 1 1 9 4 Et fart Taree4 pot I .._. _;;'' i44p„ l-batitt , , s , 4 ,-,-,- i . 1 , .rn -, )1.r...1 A J+l , jt i , - ‘‘,,-,' ~•;o;iitotnikikPqr44 ,ftliirlAtMirM4 '''.74 ,V ' '' • ' ' .. 1 ' 1:0 4 4,1 1111411A r 1}4V6i 0 , 111 0nIVOriliq ' d q 0t A,, 'A N, , ,,, Y0 11 9115 4 11 :40ti(t4510 1 .0•4 0 1 1'{ c ! %01' attethti Uhal, 3 ,4l,St4p,_AeS i l l St i V i kil rivo. ; ,,,gmc,.. : „ra,,,„i r p v it. , y , 7 fvii,„..-txttk f rf twil i vi y6. 4 „.,.(0 h.,k . 4,1 t , ' ,'2.44%, 47t../•.- L,':',.1.•,,,.5, (, .7, 41 ~ ' t ' . I ' ~, !t ''' . r : l',.'`,' '": ltV r : ' ''.l !lO' ..‘,. ,' '' ' ' v 6 • 04:Niltli•toti ,t.,ci s RAP . • e i ti4aliha V l efotroi-adienyrovia EOM Pl=4l 111 _ . e4 l4 i ) jl 4 lll 1' T FR _ :74 04,) V.l C • %LI; ‘ StEeei, op p'oitt . 4gAlby'iDY` -6 Vor.ft; c, lll- 4 -0 . 11 9;5/99T Arc7P "., rinHE'stibscrit*\aronoW reeeivi ng. a•large , additlimal4upi -10..their:Stoolr, Which , Makes theiL,assortment , arid4o,whiek-they;Woujit tho attention , ebtiurchite,erao , .Thitir.stotik criitipriso -a ;full' iisseitnicitt of roods for linildersi such• agleam ;and' Litialice • Hi n g e b i s c r.own,TWxooititindeut.Nails l ,Spfli, and Brads: 40'11111'dt, of ga'odTliit chap ies,`farmers and:hotisakeepersi all of which are fresh, and hbught at the lowest etielt priest: and will be disposed of nt a small profit ! , • They . itre.i'eceivinetind intend' keeping bon,' stantly on hand a general . assortment of Band and • Itoop.lrerr, - Ruisinn musician Sheet 'lron, Ca...e . and Spring StitekEngllsh , ind. Amerialti •13'lister steel, Tin Matti,' Bar`Tin, Pig..and‘Bar, , Lead, Sat:liter Iron , Wire,' Rivets; Files, Rasps, &o ,&e. ,Also, Wetherell's Pure WhituLead, Linseed Oil, Torpentine,Con'al unit other Varnish, with a edneral assortment bf Window Gloss, &W. , . - : , Purchasers Will find . it idviititak call and examine-our stock, no oie :lie enabled, to sell ottr. odd/ at • WttIGHT & SA:ttON'. ko'yeinlierll3, 841 i. . . , FALL ANDI WINTER JUST RECEIVED, mgT Lao .storo• of A. RICCJARDB & cq., Carlisle, a fresh Supply of Fall and Win ter Goody as tvellneleet,d, fashionable and cheating the ninrket eim stord. Also, at their atbrb in PLAINVIELD: sudea - trinrtmietstrXl w:7o;_it Y:97l) — si. Queenswnre;,Grneeries anil tlariliarare, all of which they desire to dispose ocat as reasonable terms .ns they eau be ,purchased elsewhere.— Please give them Et call and examine for your selves., A. lIWIIARDS Qctobei 28, 184 G. . _ _ LUC-M. • And Cheaper than ever, arinP. subscriber begs 1eu , C . 16 inform the public that he bas received iipicial;d as sortment of Sall and Winter Goods; and respectfully iniiles (hem to g ive him a Ca before purchasing Oaewhere. Ills Mock em sists in port of , . 'Cloths, Plain, Black and Fancy gas ' elmerei, Battinetti, Flannels, CARIEVIERES, and CA,SIIMERE--GRADIJ ATEP 11.011 ES, Mouselin dc lainersertein all shadcd - Mcrinoes, Plaid Cloakiligeond . a vaPA ety or Pilate,' Torkeiri, Cashmere, Thibut, ce; Laino Shands.,ltid , Gloves, Ribhone., Flinn' Flowers; and a great variety of Mho articles all or which 1 will sell ier.t.lia lowest-pricey... - Pall and see-! /- Carlisle;DVolicr 2 - 8:11145.' , , NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Cheaper than iTrer for Sit I salnieriln!rs, having jn t returned from J. Phi lade) phiA , respect fu fly i Hyde Ike attention of their frlemdi and the tiblttegenteattr:l o Their large and elegat.t assortment of FOREIGN and nomEsTie Fall and Winter,. Dry Goode, consistiltkof all colours tnd qualities of cum's. ( sosne of them as low ns jl 511,1 CASSIIF:II,ES, SuttMets; some us low us $1 cents, ,lenoi, Ilemer owl Pilot Citiths,, Calicoes, iroto - 4 to IS cents, Onshnieres and Mons. de L 511116 94 1,1119115. bl e nched and n gement ussortimint of (i001).S. Alun, L.,,uqr - Ev.siftzilLiM224l Fresh, good 111111 Cheap, of every description, such as Coffee nt 8,9 and ttl cents a lb.; Sugar at 6,8, iineln—Cetintra9ll7,-114blasses-al-87-r-40,40,-settl -75 cents p.:r gallot oogether with till kinds of tlpire,ll. A iSO largr nisorttnect of t..3.:DA It ANL/ liAltl) F.; Ctoeks of all k horn, Oils, and lye Stuffs, Patent Perfnmery. a large and Pplendjii roisortood of ("Moo, Miss nod Queens Wit ea,tliiiitig tile largeit stock of this kind of ware in town, we . feel confident of being alile.•o tilease,tho.laste.onall who-0.4111i a - LLS - V. NOT. LPA ST, ! hosq Pat ;plumed IMO pairs.Cif MOTS, .A Is: 1) S I IOES,,of all kinds, ant -- cit.tlid best Attality;wlsto!) - ore - 0 - 4 - Fiot - ery -4 'self unpiecetletitedly eltenitfor ifiatanct;,, Wo men's shoes as low, as 15 eon's; Men's coarse sitnei,37 to RI cents; tens long Hoots $ll - td Conic and see them--u , e bave enough to shoe the whole county, and cheaper, too, than can be had in town JOHN GRAY & SON, Cnrll4le, Ootnher - 2R, ' . - 79" S av x x• IR.N 0143, rSltst reeeleetrfrAni Rod Neu i an entire NeW k FAS I lION AtILE 'a 1 01_114. , ,0F 11300115;ispitithle for the season, and 'xldelt he is tletertplited to sell eIiKA PEI{ Til kIOKVEIt I Ills tdoLk entht•aces in part rich n. Jr s 1 iitrigbla 11Tgded be LAINE.C. an. , A .lititnitivo, new rti ) t,e,), Niomlin de I..sitte Robes, do Cashmere Kobel,. Dices Silks, do. Rita dell.Alerinnes, °mine Chlailatig, u'd ilo, littrol tie.ThibetTet;kere Sheets t emit) plain and shaded 'rldeet 811881 s, Ihinntsk sllatt Is, 1118111 Samna for itonnets, Silk N'elstts dn. Kishionahle Iti,bbons,Prt nth Floe ors qieside, Mice, FEATILEIRS, AMlSOltril colors, Ft omit Kid Milt 11,R1151103, Binds Worsted• Fringe; al ailed do. retie) Plllllll. iAdielS Ties, I'ol4B C . :Omits, Vets, t li thbons,Nlull,hvviss, Tprltnit Heil Csnihrie addition in the alum; we ha , e It full itssot meld (if new sl)Te Prints, Clivelt,s;"l . )e 01 1 Kit Will Itornetktie Goods. Also, Fablionitible ,clirds tor Genliemetjand of a quality • atiperior to tiny veer oftered Ktr the ' , Hine price 111-Cairtisle. OA 1 at his store in North MHO{ er street.orPosne Gor 111, AIiNtILAL CO tile; Oetntel‘ .011, 184 G. P. AIONIKIL-- A . I ;Or Cdr i. ukkedatilka ., ,atitrcettwakasies Ef.:l , IntRAIsiKLIN , MEHI AFPET =‘ , ( it"• , the -lute , J 1,... firm or Ste l redionitr. l'eltalloy,) him 'just . let -,.. in ted --, . & ..c M h'4 a W , ittl city"; y•.k, ilt ,, i ria • it. c ~ ,Ii i ee • rt 4 ment'at"' - 7u .- 1 ,, 7 , ri ' Ir. l .. 1:7I -, • `Drugstedicinoso riintsi \ Atigi.llye Ztutll3; Pelzfonte . !ellgaltar, Articles. I. tid;''iteuld'inceit V,Attp - oetftilig,:in'vliii ' 11146 . deup ink li, od . iiiiiii, ..rilipiiiiihrtivlii: , ,tii:!o l ll,lp,4 4xoho'6‘i before ili4 'iParttliniP.''..oio"elcr, - 'tileilkii9,..iii , ' o "4> celiqUid ,YO:kriint, eiVe,. l )!lll ft tteepon.*,ll,,ie 'is, prekietfp,wheleatilo jo: / iny. -of--the:Piugghit - prPhYlitc,4*lT: 4 lrl 4 ,VW 120 n'i SO 1 ,1 ! MO ARt. , ,k.;4 o FP.lilic: 4 •) - 0.. i ; ;;i.. , , , , OJ, I T" . 1 5:91. lieline.. -, ..,,,, 4 ,ii.: 4 i,,...45",4; , ' ,-, ,, 4 t?,•: ! ,1, 30 oz,Sulph:Quininee. :;.,..,1.:.4•4.•„- ~ii,-r.,,1',0..4, , . - INKS,.-Blue:';Block, :ind 'Red. Inlifoiro'i vi i 1-10.000,10)*Iited•Poili re' ef , otiuieb hnindet -+: ''l• filtiOss wit Oar* silk aiid clootili , Ptlrridn't ' ) .-- 1 , 10 .d oe viiitieiiiii e:beillftetkitlitielltiebet, - ,7'7: ,1.1 - ,tiiiietii'elidie'ilitekitifloteab.'iai t ; : r#,' .ieiiveiilo,a . f 6 T l 9 l 7:o;OP D p r us i t qFr e f,cp. '' r — s' ' • - i . ' t'IW! t'.., i ' ~,, ' - ." 7 1tS1+,;•1" . T ::. 'T, A l i :-c 7. -:Il - .-LiCiiilliAitTkeitioe-.4i..18 11,'.iJaval ',J.-t Thr •••• f%);:j..*C• i• ft- COMIC AND SEE! 'tr - '• .'t- E4=6l 00 Oi IER S IAPAPORTI i ttirtIir New ooluts.v! 111 ...... . . . ..,..„.44,,.._Oceiving,.aoil.'cip tiukrit Ake l arg est ' .:i most stikindid, and COW. .P.k;ST tIfOCK b r bOtill.S. `tiff lice;' tio ii tioqiikiliCartielF ,for.a outnhernlyear!fr comprising all kith and. ualitiertmf--:—._- . ~ , :-• -O r ry-400dsi::Groceriesi4lo 6 ts,- - Shdes, - - • . Caps,' &c. &c, ice d . . ,and.woutcl Invite. all these who wish to lay.trot theie:nionty ton good' ailvatitagp.iu give him ri__ Mllll-' beforepurchising. Owing to the great , reduMtion of Prides - In many articles in his lino .01 biiiiiness. he feels confident that he can give BARGAINS not to be rine'phssed, if equalled in the country. -. , ~..., tirgivera Tistmf names and kinds of goods - Wriohl be' tno tedious, as il. Would fill colonies of t1.4:N0 per, and then not the twentieth part enumerit : Gtve turn a. call, and limit for yoirselves. einembir;t h e "OLD STAND,' four doors Enst „the.Markeillouse, and dl' reedy opposite. Mar iP9lcl; c: Look ,out for theii SlerN ! ! !" d..„ 113 CHA IsliS OGll.lll'. Carlisle, October 7, 1846. , P. S.—Many_ articles rinit be wiliness than manufacturers' prices, such as Cussimerkfiiio sinetti.Kentuchy Jearis,'l,inseys, Ciinftm Finn % nobs. Carnets, Umbrellas, Gnu, Shoes, &c.-&e. .---N. B. Country. Merebuins supplied at city prices.. C. 0. -NEW --7 ---- ,lett,klll3,sobserilierliasjPst fencieed and is now t ?) opening, et his Store, on the Sonth.Weet coiner of the Public Squsrc, an minimally cheap stock of SEA - SONATI, , E GOODS, such as EEO ciatb.p;.Cassiraeresi Sattinetts, , FLANN US, Vest i ngs, Cion k ings,Si no. !tom baztnes, Shaw:s. 'Mastitis, Gloves, nosier y &c A ROC 4 ndid 011thek of CALICA, at prices vhrying frdiii4to 18. 34 cents. GROCER lEs -311it4a-fresh-stocli oftlm • • .03Ei.1011“..illrED 11.. A IIPS , whieli he has lately introduced, and which are fouhd to be, by numbers that have iried them, the most economical and desirable article (in every respect) now in nse. The public is respectfully invited to call and examide his stock. 11.0BEftr IRAIINE, fr. NM/ember 4, 1846. New ---- rall and Winter Goads. 1101:G1LT DURING 'rim T.kaiFP PANIC! J. A. CLIPPINGEU, oow rcogning the Itargest, elleupest,untl prel - nest siodk of 1)1117 )OPS eve.r Innugla In this plaice; unil mill be snid ait small - profits for cush. - .Sliippensburg, Sept:SU, 1848. • _ ;reß~ d~~~li~~ci•~n ~~Fl:-hll~~~'; RFS informs hei• etistnm'cis null the ladies , that. he has ottet ell an -exteenteij• liandsmnb assort . `r" . raimt. of FALL MI LLLN• er: i ig-nf linonteitt, enpszMnfill',FeniltersiFloW ' * ers, Ribbons, VLlvt..te, lton net and Mess .Silkt. - Ter.. • keiri and Silk.Shunls,ltich French Caslitneres,..%lMmlin - Plaid Florida - Robes, Plaid for chit wear. l'atetietthir attention- w II be ilmwn wito and examine. nets alteryl :tiler the latest !nations. lisle; °anther '2B, I 846...-4 t. de Lail Boum exrli c:D3-273.u) , 51 a 3 SB3 ESPECTFOGLY informs the ladies of Carhalegand its vicinity; that she has retnrned , frOm the City with a large and hand sontS 118.10Itment of Fancy itaillinery GOODS, ' each us BONNETS of every description, NEL- V ETS, plain and fancy colons; SA'L'T I NS do. SILKS Id Bonnets; pistil and figured Ribbons,- of every description; Feathers, fancy. Ostrich, find Willow Feathers, Flowers, and face trim nfirigacand-a 11-ot he r-a rti cica_nerositary_f or. the_ Millinery business, which she Will sell very low at her stand In Pitt street. No.t Alexan. der's Row:between High and Pomfret streets. Mrs, In NSON. is prepared at all times to ditike and fepafi all.iiiders iniendod to be done with .neatness and despatch. .Shd flatters herself -that .b,k-eiFici-sttention to. business and mode rate dirges,. ohs may receive %liberal Moire of milli° patronage.. . 8 1 MIZOLt &MLMSV,ILt.) AT THE * OLD ESTAdLIeHiD HARDWARE STOR NORTII 11A OVER STREET. 20411P0 1. SS; We Pure Grunnd White Lead. :200 Gal on§ Linseed Oil. . 100 Gallons gpiriti of 2:000 lbs. NoVoscotian $OOO lba. Nally; - With a -full assortment of bnipenier's rluilding bieieiinlx, &c., which 1 will sell ut the lowest prices. Purchasers will find i• to filth- advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. JOIIN P..LYN E. -Carliale,-Septembez:Vi 11346: - - VA I. il GOODS. A EN AL ASSORT NI tvi: of C 1.011.15, CASS I MEI{ ES, sATTI N l'S,Caihmores, Moo de Laii;eN; Merittoei, 05'1i00t354.m1 al iery low piiesAuxt opened by ' GIWItGr. VV. HiTkEit.. caciioe,iSrovembv , 110'46. VO ' l l llOlE4 ~ .- - All; portion's Indebted - to nio-will tilettee W :,) M ~ . 'TO - O co at J,ltaeo ,bocii baiting, and Op. itil'woiting, but dir,o6t,know how oluoit'lahg: or 1 attall wiiil,.,Znhe n oitilly, otttlitiee:Ohii; liayo' lot theii, oec,pkiniii", j . tin,on' tOti long; ,").9uali liiii r iat hot' (hilik ft:iiii-nr:litilt,Cl l : 00010111Mi..cci,,4 °it: n;? longer, , unit. they:had, tnerelpre lietter anyii.atisis :hi! calling ouoif.:, fATl.ikho qt.': indobtotlAO_Ple 'either. hy, net& 00:kink Account. are' requested IV eel! siiid eettlo viitliotit delay..• 1. , I' , ', ..........-9 . : - Sejit:"9 v I-840. ', !-. ' ° -I' - JACCIti- SEN ELI; ,5..-'srlCF:Sil'= ----L- .' - , ' ' 'H''''' 4-1 /,P RB ' • . ll'd'ilrhiqVi'Ai petit - MI: iltg -111 0'4 14 .0VP,..,',, , r,,,khe t ,,,601 ) . ju - si - ol , ', oii'AVetkli!gll, %,'F.4"' pp , ( l iii. li# Aug 1 SPlCVS'iiellipit..f.ithi b . e...1etr . ,41e, . iiii . d6 , o tai , 0 . j 1... - 01.ffroiiitit ,st-,.1 11 5;., cll . " .... : 44; im i nie tt ic l e a l ie l l;vfoCtiiii." .' iti. ` , .:_ , r ,..,,`„..,: , _,.. 5 . ~ ,.2 , ..4 t, k,41 ,, , • 140 --Corandr r -...e .. _,1 .. ,5Are.c!„,;.‘141, 4 9 iisin , e oies :14 ,viejeti"o.llolli RndI IPPI ! !T", 1" . ' ,roil eskiigar..allikers.. - 1 ~. lIXWPS. • • ' " iteal'axioriment. .1"'-4-.W *et' r d i f gPfAte - P4d Mild';,," /1 1 H 111, " 1 " 1°1 •• ''Wbeir4. lolvtilitiow,r,tl t , t l~ eh: If OJT' , w orrtf r AT' In, the ronin T o et , o r, , T.l" 14,-*ltlrAbleAri; F°1171."111-4;tt;'ir0 t'll:oot,4f.-7,,T ZeWwITI ti,g l l. e vy . De°Crn t )i li r li f i t ir .6'40 :t'47 title.lT/06111'°:%14L14160.,I f ik ilialitilily1 '0 inies4ll. istruotion in , /A my. " insolOcli or • *t 7 to PviiNtr, • t rh a• p Cu p ,ir gi t tu„ ; • !al Yec, t.., . InveluChle Dyeele Intirely freol from the, etutnteoustoWeetionot DYcl t owed" hi 'ter; atilt -bit 6 apver .r.titato ill That:Alice of entli'pletethvoetii. 13 . coie wV6vAttt litive ok. pro Wit whitlikrit acid hatr, to it and° iec 11 0 in' Wilt 'at bna' stditilt it in he the hitt tut4,li Yoc,itic itt ihe.Diug titdrd , ott t7 , ' , 11 , ' ( ""%'''" l : 4 : l,lll4 k!A F E l l''. 71: At ,NeA ME Estilica! xrpt XS-1i E E 13Y." lyglt;t h's Oat, e re, jv :teettitiwitiry up'pri - thelitaCMltioriohn ii,filatitTiWerg. o .*.Pelitto 44i iilf AO"' alifii;J:tttirtheiltiiidttf4l447o4;tidie, , lfeen granted 'the township End . county „sfprepaid., All Verson! I indebted to the'estide Cfasid' dedettied are re , quifsd . .to' inakeite noddle te:Ptijiihedi; having elsinia will present them dulrauthbn tiested for seitlembnt, to . TS lILTEBI rcgyEN that. application will I' be made by the undersigned.and others, to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pentosylvdnia, tbr the incorporation. of a. eon 'army to bo styled "Tile COMitEIItANIS VALLEY . ItAVIC. eF PENNAYLVANIA to he located in the . IfOroug,lt of Carlisle, Cumberland county. to haSe\a. capital-of not less than One Hundred thanadn'lh,nor more than TWo Thou. wand ganerul-banking and Os.. counting privileges. 'homas C. 2.11111.. ii) ,, ..11otna James liylo. , 'Samuel Beeteni, Abraham Knrtz, William Kerr, Skiles Woodburn, .lolni-lefeefo, John Dunlap, floho INston, James Weak ley . Benjam in. Irefler, Arex ' r. Audi - ow G. Miller, 0. IL Leas, .., 1). W.. McCulloch, Isaac tele r Galbraillt, George alit haul Palk er. . treason, Wm. M. !lender:l . .on; fiilliam Cregle. ' July . - G 001) OTICIL IS 11 GlVFX,lltiit 1 intend l to apply to the dodges or the Court of 9.11111. , 1 ter Sessions ni the Peace, to he held at Carlisle in' .lannitu nest, to keep so Inn or Politic Itnuse,. in the house I nose lieropy, near the M(tittot Holly Pon lVorks. South NI iiiilletoo berlinid count), and 11101 a Tavern ait such place 'is neressary to accommodate strain:era and tray ellera. ATTIIEW South Middleton tio, Nov: 11, 1836. • We, tile sisbserilters, citizens or South Middle ton tow rteltip. Caitlin:eland county (In it,irtify that lily by Mwitliew Mmore Is nectisintry to a ci:.otiiiiindate the public and tinier tail,. s . traitgei s and tra . vellerst and that the said petit i nner in id toad reptitti for honesty and.tinn nil:ill. well proviiled with ,house room .a a dcop,i-eiietiees.tir the aectiin limitation _of traii. 'germ and tetiZerers. That the Wets as get forth in his petlilon tiVe trite, and we believe he would tici.p, a gdoil and (ogler's* luitise. Eretlerick h. Kropif, K. F. Samuel G yin, .lolts • ,anyev, Beni:41111 . 11 RO)tir, George 11. Iturnit2, 3l'at. A. !Anita:rid, George 1). Craighead, Ge,..rge IVollet, Wni. At .'ender. Paid 1). _ . ' POOR : -HO U SE REPORT. - .t .. 7:, the Honorable Judges if the Coltrtrqf Cum ----... . berland County. • maul undersigned, having heel appointed' by I )on r Honorable body at committee to visit and exatillit7i, into the . crintlition of the 1 , /torTcuruec of this county, beg leave to Ileport,Thut in the discharge or the (lIIIY 116Stgrieli t nein, . Ikey - liavt. several times visited the Initittitimi thilmig the .present year. They-Mhe pleasuiv in tieing-able' to state that the good order, cleanliness, Mid quietness a hich Ilsve)ieretofore been the miltieet of much !muse, still prevail. In carefully exam hiking the thin:root aparttneots in the establi li menti they were much pleased with the neatness and regttfarry Moto, able in the ninnagement,and gratititid pith the readiness with which every fa cility ‘,llll 7,4(.11 to a i • IIII examination. 'Vile paupers are supplied with good and a hole some provision, RN llsuertaieteil from inspection; they are comfortably clad, and every attention seems to be paid in there persnoni I •nlenni i nese.— The house throughout is cleanly and well regu lated, and all the aunts and necessities of the ililll'ite& properly . attended- t n,_every-- care awl - eirtatiospection being czetvised by the Steward. The, opsrtments for ,lit sick tire comfortable and commodious, and the &tie! of th I attending Vitt sician performed with cure awl fidelity. ' • I)tirt rig the past summer porki on i or tll,ifiterio • of the builtlinglove been painleil and no filterat ion insole itt the mode allotting singe dl' the looms, which we deerii n Jittliciotts improvement. Labor is provided for those who are competent' -awl aid6.lo,4lekr?ilit,li t antl-dltia , entploynteat-titt , dotibtedly confi•thities•to fheir *pli)filelil and men tal Health, as well its td , tfieir linpliitteis. The di winer ofteietimi miler 'ea by this charity during • the present 3 bdr is dint arils of 300, end . your committee is not aware of Um. 6omplaint or odor lien of dilisatisfaction has been expressed by any a ho received ifs benefits: . =MMI a West a trpugh o,e ; vpult fCu nilierland, tleoP,Oae have,heei grunted tolho reaijtjti:in the toCiii. alpp and ebutny albrosadd: All poison - a inifehted to the estaie sOd deceitsOd oue.lignire'd to. Inlikopayincht ithoUt' delay, ailditVase,,having claims !Alt...present them to thii'siiiiiiulber duly itilifaticatafor nett leinpnt. 4 % FREDERIC K ' Z ;E4l: EP ,--Deccirtibcf-2084111-.' ELIZA FISHBVRIV, Executrix, WILLIAM 11 I: It LEY, Extcutur. Deem ber•2, 184 G. NOTICE • Application fOr . Idi•cra License • .1011N & 2GNEWi • WILL AM .GRAHAM, . DAVID N. AIMION';' • Whereupon, 9th Novtniher, 1 846 • Ito Port up proved. BY THE CUMIT. ~ . , er.l , rtEll LA Nli Cot YTS', 6§... '. thati - I. • 0. .mtz .4 ,. • I errtity t m ..m egotog is st ~%* fr)*. troreopy t , ) tjte or,slmil ltepoit. us ~„, It 101 l mid mike as the same retositts "4 1 ' ts. ,01l the 'ln ilie OffiCe. Id pl Clerk of A 04. e . N I: the Court at Gbarter i'lsiliolls.-- 4. .40 % Nyilowli_my_liand. mai -II e itol-ol sold Court, ai Carlisle, lie lthli dal of Nairn,- Ler, 1846. , . J. C.O9DY EAR. Jr. Clerk. • Estate Jattie§ lieffotioledea,q6l. I,vOTlcE; IS HERPIRY GIVEN; Witt let. 4,\41 tyrii 6f Administration do non; the eritate of Jaime Berton, Itik'e of ilie. baiwzgli of Newel hi, _Ciieelierlend dcSeasod, liaVe iitoliied to iho itifisarlliSf; w,lisiopildOO of icsidenci il4 -- h - efeiii - h - ehrilllSOlify.efore: said: All pailloiisiOdettad estate — aro required to tretlie .- 1 hi mediate' POloSfedii oiid there li4ing elahoewilt toA/le subscriber rieljr-'tintlielitrenteil'o'r iettie'ment. • - ' • Se s al'T CC01'1,;•" Novolnilet 1 Vels,i,o; 'Estate, : o(.lace)ti K issitrgetr; t ocegg64 lO'l'idE 't:!ti ER Ep y"(4IY EN, Ilinefei• ters Orailinipiltraticip di, bunts • ponroil the , estaiii. , ia66l3'lCiseirigo;,intp otttie 13f-,NOvtlfd; ~4cenied; whose i:‘6pidenCe re teop)rpi fl ei 01j,40.1 1 1, 1 1 Pr . i?ekni io he, tt4~+rdier: my pattieMini;.' :0111g.: , Estate' Orl 061151,14c 1 r,: 4ceii4,00.., VllOl6-iietiOntVil'rttrit)o Pt: , tern 'l4 Aili4ittlitiii4 o l,° . iiiif‘p eiltqui , o( jolitl•fiiiv 62 l; late . pc . otl.boroogh ,or earl iidt, 011,04:1,410 cont tier,ledOlkiqill°Aiw i l t° , the lutt6ilbOr; Whohe p1,0,a, o!,resitNlicoig., fii theS o i4iigh P 1 0, 69 dply I.toojiip t N 1, 110 1 1 1 9 11( iddekOiCto/the,iitttto „ori,ril° • 4qs?°°°°,‘"! 3 r'f' cluti°l l ,t o , 6. °Xei.nitti . !iPli4r nt: tinaPicisl' ,harilog clairni oi ernanae , ivt Oreeent ttem tO the etikeCiffief ,`llalt,iiithi - Ottitited for-iettle gTit. ..;; F til ATH AN I Ex. tx,A,DPO.3!. , .c.ruge;spy,4l,l4Al-,-1134!1.." ‘;',rir,A, AD, low ogiyokhik _o_ 11l 400 • se MO, •,„ trA Ak e A. 4 ... .;?F .32-1 4 144* Cutsborratid younly. - aesdeseu. 111 ... "C I .. , . ' the 'subscribe r; Whoa plasm t9fsessitinCti as !$) ills borduilt,Sti!l'Ounirsturessisk , - All'O llo trin -ktiowing-thimee!vo#,"" 4 . C:.*P 10 - 41641 •., kr ipf,rotiolleOktni!keitrimisdt44 , ' TPAGFIIf!i'S"' .those havitir Oatt.irOgia - P!T hlgn t9'ir t ! kulbs‘riblzr , 44yMutonlitokie 4, f millionth') ~,,,,, ,1M1,r . :!,", mbetkitaat 4t, C' t 41 ' ' , ,,Nt .kt3.1. - ' ~', ,-. m ,1 , 1: , ~,..'; ', .1-"%).;-.1 , -. :l,' , . li . i;',. :± . ll ',Y..'i , ':: :' , ' , 74 ,1 `: -:: '''* '.. ';....,`,",'", , :'..V.ii,r 7, • '.- for .041t;ank,itent. As6ignees_SaleLof,the,:iteta_:: ,114011%tartill;"Ei*';' RARE CHANCE fOR ,CAPITALISTV. w ILL becfrereket eetaii - `eri the Kitathi6; on WSONNDAY. the 10th 'ay of 'iMeh, 1847; at ) The ~B ig Pond - Yhiliage Estato_," Thr - containlit — TlTF - en• ..,touriatid . Five Hundred Amos, more or Ices, of weill.timbered'HoUntaln Imp4ited - hirving - thererA, erect6il a ,finitlilast _Firneee,..w.WiiiglblenVhellarra-ndiii6olyerris— and propelled' by . ,W good 'atream'of . ,'witer ; ii: gethor with the :n ecessary - dWellingi, shoPii; stabling and office. 'Alpo; the, right teen in. mkpeustible_lrian..:olo._,ltallc,...with._ll. ovetar, power' re washing michine, free of airy charge tin five years, end only., dlatent fromlbeTnr, Ivaco about ono.eighth.of a mile, • ' This property 'in situated in: Newton and Sthithempton Townships, Cumberland county; Pi.; a boat 5 miles from Pio Cumberland Ville, • Rail 'toad, and abdut 6 miles froth Shipperit. burg, encl.-will be offered tit pOste salelwith the Lock, 23. e. "now being used,) until ilia libeiiii de of public outcry. ' - , , ~ .., .419-r-Wtll be offered, at public_ outcry on the prenihica, at 1 °Week, P. M., on. THURS.. DAY the Id tit ekii,..ofJanugi:y; 1847,a valuable. Mill .PrOperty, situate in Ambersou's Valley, Franklin county. pa. containing about 2411!! acres, lia6rig therciarl °reeled al. Iran! "Pi/ end Sew Mill, tiro Log Hirelling intim an' ' • • au illeien titribling. • , . . . • Also—Will hipifored at pnblic outcry, in 'the borough of NeWville, ,on_ WnDN,ESD4I'.. the ~ ' of January, 1847, about 300 acres of,. Mountain, Lend, *nitrite on the mill leading fromNoweille to-McFarlene's-Stea err-Tannery -- in Henry's Valley, being well ilinheti:d With._ olli Old 'clieshitt 'libber: This property will be o solri entire or in Me to suit pitrignisers. , • 'terms made known On the day of sale, by The Assignees of Paei'Martiti, nil: ~,, Noveihbor 25; 1846. . ' %' ffiYi; iLXOCU'~. • . - Adjourned Orphans' Oourt.Sald. • • Y virthe or an order of the Orphans' Court of 111 Cumberland county, will be sold by-publiu otiterhon the premises, at l 0 o'clock, A. M. all that-errtnitridantitiorrur - trOut - uflittrdilifidirriii -7 West Penn ,oi , eengli (now Big Fpring township) iu said Mainty"lique.ded by lands of 'Peter.Wilt; - Smite! Trsi . :copt,„ti Fciei• heirs, and the turhpie toed, containing One ' Hundred and Society-FA 'lit A cres, neat measure. This tract is first rate linieSiOne-land—abou. Ina • 11;1.mM:the same being deaied "mod under good 1: cn c , the residue. in fine t.liriying limiter. The improvements, tire a two siary Lt‘G DOUSE, DOUBLE LOG . BARN, with shingle roof, Wagon Sited anti. 1417,1,1 ,) i Cm Cribs:mid oilier out buildings. Mg There is An Apple OreMerd and other fruit trees nn the premises. • The terms of sale arc as follows: Five hunilreej dollars to be paid on the confirmation of the sale; and the bedtime of one-lialrtife purchase money. net the tet of April next when iossession will be .. -- _given, the rettiaiiiing half of the purchase money -- in be paid in lierre equal annual instalments thereafter without interest. The Rhein he the ground to be grit not this tail is reserved. The purchaser IR to pay dll taitni assessed atter con. (irritation of the sale. _The ppi•clisisi:niblieituThlt.......4.. 'severed lel . ..ludgih - eni. Notice is herehe,,givbn that the above sale leas been adjourned oitr until SATURDAY the 14th December, 1846, when if the property is riot sold it Will be put up .for rent for the matting, year. ANDREW DAV IDSON D SNAVELY, r.-4,_of Ji.r.h.n 3 'lolly _ . November '25, 1846. c;D:x.Lp'aumreasme) tE9aDisratrti Ei23wiaqs) _ Y virtne of an order of the DeptippiCottit of Viintherland, tu Faity, I , ,exposo to. Public Sale, on SATURDAY the. 19th day of December, 1849, at 11 o'cloCk,. A. Al., on the tiretnises, a Tract of Land in East Petinsborough Township, Cumberland county, conatiniiig•One - Hundred and Eighteen Acres, more or less, of gotitl Slate Laud, about 90 Acres fif which are cleared, rind iiiiile.r - good . Fenceiand'ilie reeiduehi thriving timber. iinproveMents area good BANK - BARN, gone. and frame, a • pad Fradie DWELLING .HOUSE. • -- and SPRING HOUSE, white of never:itiling*aterottut a first-rate g; ; • • Hrehard of grafted fruit. The farm . is well watered, and situate ahoul two ar.d a half miles from the Harrisburg Bridge, and adjoins land with the la g 3 Iron Works of3ames Platt & Son, which always lairds an excellent n abet. tor nlOOll4lB of produce.. '1 taus —Five per cent. of the purchase n any, lobe prid on the confirmation' of the sale b, the • Court. The widow's .dower to remain in the .laral, 'File balance-of - paid one half on the Ist of April, 1847, and the residue in two annual payments without interest, f o be went:Tit by the lau !%Id. 0E HOOVER, , Adm'r. of Jatob Hoover, dec'd. Navemher-18,1840. • REAL. ESTATE AT PUBLIC' SALE e ttHE KnbeCrlbePß will otfer.ct 7 iilie SKTp, on Ithe preinises, on THURSDAY the loth of December, tit I t o'clot.k , , A. 10-; the follo4ing described tracts of Lend; sitnate in l i etterkenny township, Franklin county, late the estate of Mo see ISirkpat,riek, Esq. deceased, viz ,• , 267 ACS .336, 64 1 , 112.CN1E6; and allow once, t f Waal. qmility t f Stale TUilil; about 140 Acres of which are Cleared ifinl; tinder good tillage—the residue is ppverrd wit f valuable timber. Dock Creek Nita through the premides; and there is a never-felling, spring near the Man si on llonse; and other ,spri gigs tratetlitit' most. of the fields. The imprqvements sireit large.:Tteis Story weatherbnartleit Luc . .„ LING 110GOE, a IioUBLE LOG nAlos7„ ; • 4.0, WAGON' r ift] • snr.,, pOlifi CltlltS attach. .1 Y s. ed to it. 'llitre isnlie eatensive • Appletfirel4rif - tirgeriltrid - (rid! - oil this pent, . well ass itiriety of stone, fruit'of and 113 .4LORZIO t 34 PlLlialitlit;','" it'Altiirance,nT like quad i iiind ittlja.• '" • • cent t theother tract. About iibl•et ' this' farm are cleared and under rod cifilleatle4,lllo . " reinainder, 'ttic location ofßlie Tarm ls ' 'andstnno. th era.. 1f 1.4c11 ofgicd witer tient he:DAtne,l'li grounds' cnikkiliabetLslifiviviricty,:oft'lltiel fruit trees. , Thu itiipt•civeriichtc‘ite ..E4o7Storp, 1, 9 r •Dwe lll l4.:ilalute! 44,11herboArAled,in Barn, Vt{ag,on,Slied4tid,Cor o n,' Aline 9M4,(r(1, hs•ThteKOaring Thioes lic'tioblAwirtttoly. cooloitr,mrellasero:. tm ter,mode atinnol, ip onts, , _ . • _A r tAX.ANGEIL_KIRKPAXIIIG4%,---- . ;:•INOireiriller.lB;lB46.: ' • . • HOUSE AND. LOT FOCALE Oft ' , r ENT ir wis ri tovairlist-1.---Ividiirl,,___ . I . C l a l t a li n n d rin A. o - G ot4 re n ig i iit "F ifdi: in c ik a ilLo 4 Fiii ll ' Cl 1111 .4 :' ''.l ‘Mii-nextV4,Toi tiinik lilvil:Virbittf2ll° .--- cPiluirdati4ool3, 16 ' ' —,, I:1 .;C..4;' ' —`, ' '', 1.1 At- P.'BEYMOtitt ' - 04161 .14' '' 4 -, `Ag e nt '-foi ilio'bii , rii ' ' 9% , 91"1 1 1)er i 8 : 1134W4: ', 1,,, r.. +3 , 4`,P:- 4 „ - 't,;';'nkl,thn,'. Vu i• • • 'Ado 4SOilth - HeviciveintiEet;'""'' : . ;O4 . ll'ilit tiour to , ritnbeted. Hotel slow hi,the oncopitney.of , ' ' S. R iite t;; . , r ALSO—The AME ICS; a faii door's south tel; now in the aocupittikt Sof - Poneneelint • • 149 eoeet,..littinutortittint 4. 4L;ii Itrallt09:11V, sae M;1: 1111:31 75;jedi,t;;Isiiiroi , Ell_tuti 0 .r,4 Ai ls . _the OnestAuftll4X,Cf rielnag,!. ii r t i v -A olde - .. i .14 eel 15. !. 1 "5Cr." 1 7.7 1 71. hr -,*4 imoi lA.& -0 '`tikr c ll4 rell'411 ; ,; stikwisimment Iv . I c. t ish I. TrtitUlit ,„,....... ,i,,,,41014.4 eh" 3311 "1 49444 44 6 7 1 : 11 , 14 , erb;:i74r,:vg,Td. 47 Iwl !Nt..‘ . ...,.,11),,,;;:&41VL,WL"7-1)%V.:':: V. ' , . , :' , 1 , Y.';‘ , l: , ; : o' o o G9,Liu , .- p-AR gktq,',l, 110,0! Ont . ; superscAr, , ." '-'l7Voll43)***l!lkkY46,ll:.'; °‘4, R;CAA,)4 II : - :' , ' , . l': ."i•::',',‘7,,'..:'.,,,,-,:-'.i-';.'.:-....:2.17`41?1. MIS:MMENI ME INI MEE =EI tato-of— ME =