=MM = l tzt - ' On tho.l244t,fingtit 44: 24- 1116.11ey: li!Erldentmugh,' Dlr. J.:MN 11nAvinr., ILiNDAIAIa of Big lajorlnglbtornthip. 7 -• • WILLIAM 111 A tte,AO:11.11W:tMn.1:0010A GgTTlts; both bf Cumberlangicattn4., -, :::k ..^4c , - , ‘ , 1-i.ft • - -14/13P;,- ,„ r id 6 on the '23d 'ltunahi, oP get urn r n I &Goan yt , d coneutuntlOneMiii Attniltstotrrea, Gribbin co, ge 37 YUafa. "":, "s ' ' On OW • ' h'Jistanttted al ngt o n , Virginia, Mr.. iL.LAM:alSsilbte:thrttbti.E_g43hiPteneburg, aged about 70 years: _lll.:Phlgflelfsburg, on • Monday,the 21M Inetantqgr, 0 .L 'agAnnEn AIATSER, aged ID years, _ IfillierbdrOugh Of Butler, on thwevening of Tueeday, the 15thiiiiitaliti-SyLvia tnionatilnrant otort'of Dr. Ooorge,W. and Llattor.dane Gottya, aged toutmOuths.: In.liolrlsburg;on..Bunday.morning boat, after a 'geringlind pular:ll I ll ness, Lburee:, daughter of,.lamea. E. Espy, Esq., of that borough; trt the 18th year of her' w, , • as-. DR.• WOOD SARSAPARILLA- AND WILD CHEM!. BITTERS, no In redieditforr *rip ski or Indlgeitlon, Hendierre,,Depressiim Spirits, Pimples and Pastntee,oq, tbd for4ltheilmitism, Rob. Rust VostlvOness, eice4Judit received indlov side by s. ELLIOTT;SoIe-Asgens.WMlSiiiiridigh. ' z ,23•,.•' - '.ii - Osereaataxgrauitiskostaatt. poo Y RS,jutp, assgeintell has ' . By ibis hreangehiciit,Vectoe,AlYEßS will be atteutioirtpllie — dii; ties el Me . Peoleialoti. Carliale, - Stitiieinber SO; , ill °AVER:44IOA NVCOii DiAL , n ertnin IJll,safootndSneeds core for Cholic, Nuns, and Spasms, in incipit* lt.also violas Them great re teedting--1,., a fresh suppty just received and for sale a; the Drag Store of • •. P. MEILIfFEk. Carlisle, September' 30, 1846.. , To :Gentlemen. - rusTrattilerD - .1-141:11,Norarzi, - ii spletit 41ae: a lilack, Diamond and' Mixed French, Efiglish. ifnd American Cloths, from 83 1i:17681 per:3lW; - . , Ciurlit6.o.,qepti'B6, 1846. mid Winter . Goads. 4+ TASffP PANIC! .T.. A. Is_nommeeivinotieigrea pod, nug pret twit Stock - of DRY--GOoDS - 7!..„ l "' broO g a to this placcutual will be solrniu+ll - 11r" fi Is for cash.. - Shippenburg, Sopt. 30, 1348. lifftn*,. _ammo!, &Ism , tL.tl 3 AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED HARDWARE STORE, NORTH ne4VOVER STREET. POriGround, ~ White Load. SOO gal one Linseed Oth - • 100 Gallons Spirits of Turpentine. -- 2000 ltis. - NoveSentiab arindstun r es. • 3000 lbs. Nails, assorted. With a ftillassortmect of Ctlrpentci's Tools, !Wilding- Materials, &,i which I will 'sell at ' the lowest 'piece. • PnichaaertrWill find i' 'to their adirantage,to call before liurehasingielse*here. Carlis'e; September 30,-1846: H A R 14 WHOLESALE: DRUGGISTS, NO. 20VMarkp - (. Street PIIII,IeIDELPPId, • importers VhdOgclik - DOAlets -EN Drugs, Medicines, Mend_ atent ieines, Surgical and Ot . .stetriCal lostriimenfs; Druggists' Plassware,Window Gloss, Dyes, Perfutnery, to, • ,• • !Muni sts;Country'Alereltants, :11111 I Th yslcialis atipplicil with the abate article] nn moat Gi rorable-t:trinp.—Strict and prompt attention flaid to orders, I.very artiele warranted.. - JOHN . iiAlißll3, ?if I'. JAMES A. 'ruit:ittn, lately of Virginia. WILLIAM ltvzn, NI. D. Seat.3t3. 1846.-1 yt• Qua NINE i9eZee'll. t filLarnildArTorEsalleF I g o w UI Pt E •sicl i a u t s i l s and Conutry Merchants arc invited to -call, as it will be furnished to them - very cheap, at V. lIA.FFEY'S Cheap Drug Store. Carlisle, September'9o, 1416., CLOTHUNGI CLOTHING . _ . HECK & MOORE, 254 Dlarket • Street, Phiradelphia, AV constantly on hand every description . 111 of till of which ore cut, trim hind, and made in a manner not to be surpassed, and are Warriintthl cheaper than the sat. ti quality of Goods ark in. any otter catablisinnent in the United StoteNi Also, eirry description of GTN- ThE/11 4We FUNNISNING 00000 at redtteed prices; 4.ltose visiting the rity will find it to their interest to extianinoour stoakbeforetroll/hail 7g elsewhere. goy , BUCK & MOORE 254 'Market Street, I. 4 liilitloola. Septerober . .3o,lB46._ ".. . Estate. of Peter deedLi.§(.l; Ncuct:,; lIE a IY. ENXlOCLetttrs . of Altit-'estste lttir- Peter Poughtlio;e.of the triVvitslilivrof 'Silver-Sixty% o the eyoutpor Cumberlitud,.deceaset), havelssued to the stthso'liter, whose place:of . residence Is in the township . county oibresaid persons halrhttitl Co the estate oc•srtitl deceased ore regoi ed to Make triititettirte intyintirt; and their linvitig clainte I:ref:Mitthem to 'thr:' sot:smilax duly tiothenicatettfor'Settlemeni: • • ; - • - "IVIARGAI2I I ,T Ailmi»istratrixole boilik non broom! clee'd September Sp, 118.111:4;46 tr.: • • •,:; • .Tac:i.ib Eiglo,r 4 s 'Estate. ... . , 7,... , iiiidetsielied , :;Atidi . tiir?,,to , whom woa reanred the adminietratiOn' necetint . of . . .4111i•Xiiiii, -. l4o.utiir fir Jacob KANN' dee'd„, 'filed Aii;Getitlgif -Zinn, 41;:and; Ge orge Bee tent i' : , eitec oldie. ',iif,.. the mild. George , Zinn, thlc . seeeti,, •i-w i 11. meet 'AA. theTA?bi trailed Ctiamhdr..tn tile ; ,;Court Ifleuee. in, the ,beropgh . of, „ garirelp, , , On ~ TH1.1).1811AIT We - Y(51.11:4y , ee-..ootoher, 1846 i 'iror'll e in peace eth'r ii name' t - ' ' '''. "' ' 1 I Pt:. °' ' PP° , . 0 ' , l :,,- ~ . • .:., , - JOHN, ...11Ant.Errc' - • ••••':: • '.?,•••.' ,--- ' :" ..- '-'..' l :''' ' ':.Hl.lGlir GA I . ..!Lfiliti Ogg, -t- , ty...-;-"'!j."":'.,Yvivr:sicPoßPAP,(z:..- :! - ... - slitif" i>gi so latti•? ., i • •• .., •••::, ~- ,- ~:, - - - ,1 - I,R:r - MaNIVNV9 - r -- "EL - IX : lttrt/P - t . C2AV:4:7; JLP wlilohirontaini sill 'the . • ()pium,witlicetiOtiAlpletkoilsamtitieleei ', dae; , and , i4~io:~rouch~peplerpLlp ; to`tatudraurau~• ParegorMq , 'l,Fsfrleale_at NKLIN. Eyt ,!,. Septembqr, 00, r - 'SWAY NIVIS 4N4): WISTAII , Pr, Wiliill:CliElarittlielletteartiates . for.tflo, tiki3 of:uoug44, Coade. Jut so: oeva eiktikkhis° 414itin' or , 94BidaN: - .E 6 r # l l, O . ftt:!" 01P" , PVEYS 'Drug Sti)r";Varlitile7 Seet4rrtlit3qtAj.kq.' 1.6 - t d . • fsr. .lEg pidi r :4 l ll:l4 eritous EtIANIFIMS 1 /r9tSterTeigfifl*., ,,, ;-/, `'' RIATCO49I& ,PS. led to-RAN m er ; .1111ft_ j ipIP it, - ,faMl, - , 4 , W as, orted 010,ra JUIt tceel.9, 11t4he4tprp o 1F; Artflora; '•- - - 1i44. ‘''''''','['; ' ' '- 4 0 01444 0 1 01 251 7 01 4 ? • '. ' I '''' t ' ,- - 1 , .; .r , `` •' ' ;‘,., r.,.. ~, y , :,," , l'' . .,_ , • 'i ' , ' ' ' — 'frl , • ••'. ~, ,„ d '4 , ',' t 7144 .tt. int 4 'lt - :" 1 "' ..,' ..- ' •`---‘ • 014436411ta uft-zentfis,limivailr, 11l , i , rado ,,,, i , ~LiagwypttiNTAlNl, el.dihtiao o:l"tititek*pitykkelhoti!Ayhvg6lo4i i p g -tg 4 6 ; r d :o iu oiLao4A,Pilvebn,% ird4 , g f ,',"*, ", I . " 1711,1,141PP411140 I't NDTIATAY,v,i,:,. g 4 s o • '..' t.,,,` ~,,*"l}4:4'''' 41,,5, ' tilflViyAil,,,g, hit *TI•t I,44,;fart ' 4 ,iP 4 - A - 1i ' ' '*:- . ''' ' 42. 7 - 1 eti ilket,""''q A t3fee ' . '2,- ~ s.' e,:i•i i hsiAtt 1 ' ' '4104 ." rl i b t.^: ,0150.7"4 M 4e I . 4 ti ' Irtiri ta r4oo l ll*FliP , 4.4 t, 4 1, , t , V 1 / 411 :•3C' 'll .•I ' ' lobby • ',,,,- .- : .. ,) , -re; ,4 ill' ' . ' • `,v,!, ; ~.''' ~ ' .111 u OP:Ceti:6k '14411',"'_0"," e'dinfitoid i .,,'TWO - Days,. • - ' ' oughing-ma thiflarirkihf: Thomas Cillieherifi .Southenid dl'etOnTOWnehip, on Abeißaltimdre Turnpikei. Thuiedey:the tiotoberi 1896; at 11: o'cleek•A,„--14E-Thla . exhibitiorf:• hi animals. agricultural fill;, edibles . of'dbindstic tisniwill be on 1.1% fartril °not - in. Noble Sr Co.- adjoining Carlisle, on .1 Friday the 93d of October:, 1846,,at 9 o'clock !4. M. 'where Owner's, if ,they think proper, may place.and.depOsitthe subject'of exhibi tion the day before, and it - will be 'safely at tended to. . Committee on Ploughing.—Hon: John Stuart, Andrew Frazier, Daniel Coble. Committee on Ciiips and Seeds.—Christiarl -Tezel,-Wipiam-Adams,-Thotrias-MeChlltlugh "Cominittee on Horses glares and . Colts.— ' Wm. M. BiddleiThos, Bidder; Wjlliain G. ;Davidson. , Colnriiittte on - Belts Colks" Oxifif and all 'meta tattle."—lfenj. • Erb, Abraham, Myers„ !Sohn Noble.. • • • • . [-- Comrhjttee on-Sheep and Hogs.—Thothqf son Galbreath, Joseph Culver, M l 'Henderscfn: • Committee .on agricultural impletrients.— 'Jacob Plank- c David Sterret, Wm. Schriver: -Committee on • Batter, Cheese Cannel-3r Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, and Domestic. Maliulactorei.Williarp Eine, John Paul,' Rebert 7 C. Sterret. Committee of arrangement ori the fiist thiy.-- , -Rieliartl.,CKaigheild, George L. Line; John Mailer. - Committee or arrangement on the second day:,--Arrnstrcing Samuel Myers; Richard. Parker. The,best provisions will be made for the pare of all animals, and articles presented for exhibition. ' For information as- to the premiumS see handbills. The chairman of each-committee is earn estly requested to be early in his attendance aqd to get his together and prompt ly to perform the several duties assigned. By order of the Society FREDERICK WATTS, Prc.sident Secretary, • BOROJGH PROPERTY ~ALE; expose to Peddle Sale, at the Court I House, Carlisle, on THURSD AN the tltZd of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The Large Double 'Stone (MUSE, and Lot o: Ground, en ; . , ; ;•,, f . 1 East Street, at present • oecupied by Mu, Epuraint Zug, and formerly by lobert C. Hall, Esq. de::ettsed,boutided by an alley, the. Letitrt Spring, and property or Jacob Zug. Tenstsi--o.le-lialf of the purchase money to be paid on. the Ist of April next, and the residue in two Animal payments, - without interest. reEUERICt ,WATTS., - Stifteihber t afti. • • ADOrtOURNEXO clDia.ns)Dam.=me , anepeaw-a Miff virtae of an orderof the Orphana l 4urt MO of Cumbarland county, I will expose to Public Sale, on WEDNESDAY the 14th of October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, on Ott prernises,"as the property ofAbiChain . Diller; deceased. Thirty-Two Acres Eighty-Five Vetches - of good Limestone - Land, Situut,o in Big Spring Township, Cumberland bounty, bounded by lands of Samuel Graham, Julio Bricker, Henry Shenk, Samuel Abrams, and the State Road to Newville. There orb about TWENTY•SIX ACRES of Ilia land elearea„Well fenced, and in good order; the residue excellent Umber. There Are no buildings on the land. Timms—Five per cent. of the purchase mb ney to be' paid when the property is struck down; the one-half of the - res Hue to be paid on the lst of April, 1847, and the bal nee in'two annual payments, without interest, to be secu• rod by a lien on the land. , _,SAMUEL DILLER, • Adner. of Abraham Diller, deceased. 'September 30, 1846.-3 t. FARM FOR SALE.. F r HE subscriber will offer his EA% in Southampton Township, Cumbeilund.co. one and a half miles North East of Shippans, buti; fur sale, on THURSDAY . the 26th day of Notombei next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on tho promises. iryFor further particulars see hand bills at the earioutt public hoiises in the county. DAVIIX - 1114110N. :.• Shippensburg; Sept. 300840.,4.5. . SECOND '../1111t1VAL . Boots,Shoes kßrogans, JgT raCciecil it &Cita a'Siortirialit.pf.Mcn's and Boys' Calf &. Tip moiir ß es: ,Ladies' ~aa,[ Kid and Morrocco Slippers. Aliases and Children's (is iters & Hoots, , .. uni funcy,colured, ,, Also,.Kid; ' Morrocn, Linings, —c. dm. : Fur fjloo wholesale or retail, at thu lowest prices. Cull at"I'OWITIMICIS Shoe st ore , opposite the Methodist Church. Carlislut,luly-8; ' • • PLAIN - FIELD CLASSICAL ACADEMY; Institution, is - located-in the must •l healthy_ dart„til Ott mberlun county, a ill, be aliened fer Beard(hg or Day Scholars, (ma le,)"otr Monday, October S' 184 G. .The sitnat)op , hilit ' beca chosen for the ladsantagcs It 'proients,Rleing:fittrenevegl front the' MOM ef busy, life,Tl',eril'datiscNiiiii 4 seniently • aecessible by Rail ItOak:o'r StliteltSii4l; Withlll4 mibni' west or •• ' ' this Aar.- ' detitionl 'ilifOrlirtnient4lnkilitg been. r erected' eurnmer.,%l hit; AM iildtlents will We'l I atitell: Order I#l4l.4tPritiettilti)lltle the ilistinguishit4; featureslod)tglfoupttAllnatitti lefitten*iikb4gif#l) tofilel , ,Vieukti4 nod rrnival , provenTot;ol44ist4ileutifAifeenvp i tentleii464' . add 'otiti:4llTol.l , --quOetsilisnve nig] inerit tlieVetioiinge'qPiin enlol , e4if , rl'he . year 'will be ilislddie into . lOW sehlioOpot" ' firegniiths;enith,•edati nrittilet rig -on , 1116,'Ost.ltigii=, glake - In..Outotme 'end' A NOW:TIM 'tiVfien"K ..,410nimang, with Leila Pieeti, pet tession, 4 , -, .150'; .ayScholars, D 5 P". , • s'. , lipie . 545 ..0::,Arrattgenteets - can le Made till eater'htatf,k_ ti tnet'Ouldg, 1/10`...liettelikitkat'..;irepliittitititair„, Fitrilier:llforritafict4referegititictill, 'fur appliegistdie;iiiirsomd ~Ottyl isle • Pois - ." , • ME GRIM C1MMU1314,1131). TriIDAI4E; StiiW Sccoi d S t riet,i l hild44 l .Pliiii, 'A' ISIIES toli,forn, hi , s - geohally, *Vat heetil I cootinora 16onuttio t tsk. told sejlihe geohroe Ailt=TlGUrf,,s9cOVE, ,wittLthe .erperietioe theviatiultok ttiro of theirs Store he ir.now enabled to"offer . coltooOtrtajbellieptptilt,ErrovE3:4lor , oreno,,oultehle for'!lining, rcßtiois or norpories.--,• ,, "AAle'hofli Lih4 4 h ) 104 1 4 . 6/ 0 1fP 4 0011olift , t9 l,l iti;wltell , FA*4, l o4oo o3 itetiOOknotialil4 o6oB6 "lo o 11 lib‘loll44'4o-40i1911111•laritfettioe;of thoa-JhkNott3plNol*prom' meet for thelr'itloiegAic4CigettOkoa gigot of 9* tfoSiot'shla,cfmkkoterviN*4lAloll wni.in ivin,bitsCritid 1 00 44,110 h tirlo4 10 , Tho l o ll + llo-, Woold , thr;yoo;to,roPitgaret , : ‘ :,putS s ,Opikliwprseivhi*fr, ,, l -41 4,0-0 1 3 r A l r4-- T , w 4o l4 Ll4 tuttoltAncoolloAatiloo' 'olle4:44.ittre Stovetiolidilliii.itoosotlrOxooef; Mir Atiropa# 4 !Tioitkriittlqtriel#lvill'olit,ettedier 1014r T .'1;` , • , lte 8 4ternlion6;11146:•-'.° - , • s. ' -A. -- , ..,24-aOOl give •-;ittht:Reatotier#..Coiiiifiri?);xo4:44iAik4iyo da.,v - efqc*qmpki.lBsp.l. • propettylnettitd;' •• • 4110;65i .`tb! • C rii111514t40,0 7 41 . 21F2i440, „ ,Jr: ` :lqu of.proptittyJneuren,. 01465;0.5* 20 • 6due,t-for-policlel-iurd--74,00,8,40144,91.30,211F. - Anuntnt eforerohirkhoteSiz:#loo742;),3B:!..f,-..A.:;•!..cki:: , ;, Deduct are% of premium flutes cancelled • - —#10,5 . 9,96'10 4 Li :,• 1 4 " Cash received op premium • , notet, 6'84300 , 07. • Cash received for 087•Etur: veys and Poi hie's' of hi- • surance issued thereon, 4 ' for balonce'of Interest, • Pa tat. *sods, amountjp:: . ••• . • sated on house,' ,$lOOO,OO, • •R. Meld, diunpge tohoilstf . ; '3O 00' . Heffner, moored • . • ' Warehouse, '900,.00'• . henry Line, • 100.00 —41'539,30 —. "'- ,"'for issuing 987 policing,; *- 498 , 40. • 1480 SO " Mao:igen, -••••• r ..--- 143( 2 23 ", Ex. Corn. for 8014,, „. , • :77 59 Pri.nting Monks ti d Ad- '• • • • ' "Tor building 8201 , 00 " fornittirg Tor sow, ' ' AO. 00 " Ticlic;gebi dipfess for cams, ' 27 .00 ".131ank.policlesil Postage,._ „ " ' . Treastmler's Comm'lmslott, " Books nod Stntlonary, " EWA mtertlcee to Agouti!, ' " Interest to Carlisle Bank,• " I , ,.Watts, Egg. far mllfesslon- Moat servicog;;;, -, :',.. ... Committees for 'adJuSting t'. CleclLm expenses, . I " Foos to Commonwealth, " Sundrfy contingent Expenses, Coglito hands of Treasurer,' rxemined, compared end passed, the ISM Septem ber, lea, by JAMPS WEAKI.EY, COmmittee .J.1511N.1% (AMEN, of ' — SA:1111 L 11USTON,)Accounts.. September 23, 1810.-9 t. • atloxLraNz , :eittatim CASTILE SOAP, pure Palm Soap, and a gen erul variety of toilet and shaving soaps. Indelible Ink—Payson's genuine. McAllister's Ali he aling Ointment. . Trusses, of every kind. Swaim's Pena - cell, warranted genuine,: Teaberry and Orris Tooth NVash. Yeast, Soda and Seidlitz Powders, put up in the ninst careful arid accurate nirinner. pruabeti of every variety. I)r. Leidy's Family - Fancy Inkstands, an elegant variety.. Thermometers, from the best manufactories. Rou..w.re unrivalleti Perfumes, Pall and - Criide. 6 .Ldpsrin 011; at - reduced -prices. Spirits of Turpentine. White Lead'and Linseed Qih Toilet Powder, and Powder Puff's. Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines. Fancy Articles, u general.lind elegitht variety; ust received and for sale at F Al El IA RUE V'S Drug Store. - • sopt la Dissolution 'of Tartnership, HE public is hereby informed that the partnershipliereiofore,6ii_sting uncle!. the Grin. of "ALLEN &.EBERSOLE,". doing business at Alterton, Cu in berland county, was dissolved on tho .10th of May lask.tiy mutual consent. Tho books and accounts' are placed in the hands of Lewis H. Willisins, Esq., upon whom all persons indepted an'il those having claims, are requested to call lb! settlement. .SAMUEL ALLEN; DAVID EBERSOLE. September IG, DWG. • Groat Bargains, in Hats and Gaffs, AT, TIIEOLD..ESTABLifitIIED CHEAP HAT AND CAP STORE, No. .Market-Streets 2tl .door-belma-Sixth PHIL' ADEirarrllA: ti- ANT E z c o n i s t d ofo, a r f i :I t o e r a a o l 4 ir i i t v a it invitation i t t o s9 : e s o w l ell as to ell others, to our Sivas. We have on hand a large and complete assortment of Hats and Cape of every style and variety, whieli we arc selling full one-fourth lower -that the usual Witte, namely: ' Extra SuPlor Beaver Hats, from $2.50 to $3.50 - Brush " 2:OU Li 3. " " 1.25 to 2. Moleskin" " 2:50 only, • usual price $4 Good Hats_ us low as $125 and upwards. Also, a e..impletd shirk of Caps; cloth, fur trinim'ed,. klazod, silk oil cloth, Velvet and fancy caps; find Otter. Shetland Fur Soul, M tisk. Rio, flair ; Seal Caps, &e. 5r..c.i at lower: prices then they , can irossiblx be , lbud , chlowbe Yroati , mi rex ronelyq salesi dye ,can ler , e.srrii(ller(prefit. then others Vall'airOe eetis s A.,a, is your lritereitti... •,; melt oepe ablb'sgranesuliiilied riff: reasonable, .terms.. Bet—iirro a nd etroot,sO'cund . door b.eloUi.Six,th'elteet; . . • ~ . c•ARD : ItN & - 11k4N: Philadelphia, Sept.,2, , CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWELRY, . „ .er TH E • . PRILADELPIi!A :1/11,AIQVARD1 7 1EWELRY3STORE /Vo. Yoilli ( SCeoli'eS - tatl;bdoili )7'66, copier Warm Philadelphia. • • • . - OtA) I.ei•ci•Whiblies; fulifeWellcd; 18 carat ;meow - • •;, • • $45 00 Silver Levcr Wittches, lull jeweled; 23 00, Silver Levin , Watches, seven iew els, • I lierpo sil4er lepii,e Watt cites qualijCweled,' -•13:00, Superior QuartierWatlclll:3, , ' • '• ••'•10 (10' [Attlee Gold l'uticlll4 =•- • kit) . Fitle•Silver •;Speclacles,• t; • ; •• '• ' - 1 79' G olilJ,Vi4tr •' lt lags, rnim sni cents to ',slol Watch' Climes. plata, 24, Santa; latlert 'l9 34; J•diuet, 25 , centii.;• -1 0ta honthilivaisortmelit oP Gold: . 1111i1 Hair I tract:lets . .11rettatipltis;•;1 0 .iii•rinii, toolc-1 ~ dlllhilalloniscGoitt•Petai, Gohl•Nok';;Cut•111041: Pob 1 - (ilialasi•Kbyti,•Silsitt - 111tid" Gold ' , Till athlete; prices: ..A1 kouds4lolraltteltljo'be;Wliattllo"al4l -- for; , -",-. A • liersonW: ltii) int to ,1 "; GON 1tA1),•74-• • „ „ ,:?.•:,finpoPtSr!c.r/Pdtchist. 23;1346: • :•'.• - • -,1 h"" 74ron liumili'vale7. - 0 - olitziiiiiiiF,Siqiira;c7iii .418tyl-riiiiies a lid artlini;;Stilk Hula' WS; t f t.if - 14 .' 064 1) 'ANA:* of Nughilt9titil,:tin indOotoil,OplitinjtiFo: i to: 'thu• 0 14 4iP nOpied rroideriak Troup, k 9 ,1 1 ,1. 'ninotepty,oart,k4,ogo, flvo'fooi eight or Milo linihde high, of a . fair own 011xioni, and rothoi .Had on' wherrhidetr,Aktlrtiwn Viimd c'clo!; v:, pailtalooni; undlittiiiibritiordod potoono afe.htiot.y . torbld ha rborit tplidlio"TY,o44okei:v;krth Iti# 4 ,); '''1';;:;.!,1 • TO:PrisaOher.i JdirUST_feied,:itt:6ll:„.MYall#WAurfaj Stare, W eothigh Street, . Stitidtiitfr,Atpb.i,ppiiir ;QV sioyi.uaed aisle vfor7- 10 *ri) 1 01 41 .d , - 1 5,l ,p beIai itdOupOosfitio3oll , erßr it -‘,lt ; ,,, ;v7. , .l. , 'tr4':l;iqiin'tlol, 7.4441t1t'r,( 1 1;11i lEltitS 41031r7111 . 0419 - RI DO,. .Loality,,DOpllo,lll.4l,lol'4)!filldglol.ffillinif And 'Proskod',do,':.;f . opeytOr do; Baker • C 11601814. COpii* ;. ..ftqioo6o tioodisi , 4l,do gviiii;;wrsooksoli t &ho l i, • I„l,4•trinio 10•0*mbliftiierf. ':4l . 4o'.4trelarfulo6o3rcaktiMltt(C. • 'OEOR•Peilt4l4o(ooo.o44 , `l) '`O'srlliterSesTlisii• tee plOgPri)Villf3l4. 4 :64l. ' ' =I =I=:IW - 'Atitit r A4t , AtrotVeniittiiit Expopos!. 111r , toliijrtlkielitetli;L*11Wik ,L*ooiiibir4 4Bl 44p .90tr:13.10AYt1t,9' 10th ; iaillPAtitttet.,;!TB4o, it:10; shlpt;:hotineMi;~y;;lan~ls.'of,Philip,lheri; Widow) '4* acres, .more.otriess, -o , la4h,.ilfe;Oilre,.2o . .acrete 4 61,eargtr,.thgAntanoe,". thilviik.liniber o hniing. thereon emoted a one fish'. stery'legluntlie,, log barn ao Ippltt.9rel.4tedc,B9ei,zettand:lttketi• in ezdelitioilmtrilip'phStiirtt(if,VM„ltitildidpti:j &SO, alialf 'Lot 'Or,' (3 0. 11 * 1 ;',44: ,, t;P0it 4 10 !mended bylLoints'inTl9l ritYtlficNortk,bi - thltaf.",oll Peter SPltiter9ti the East, LnatE'e.l , •skreet on ',OM: South, antr 19'..t of= coltieell-ou) . he W,cst,; colaininin,,r , ,.lo,fefit frobt atitq.4o . feek'ut thiplli4 0 tputi 'aftiry hOl see fiKisfOli;creqed, Seiied and,rrit:oomn'ex'e;e'Rition:ns : Alfe,property of GeOrge Reitz. , ' Also, 4 : 11alf Cot ortiotir3_,4-; sittiato I , Allitpj. fl.n, on the Curnberiaild.;;oVol.ll.s;l6ll bounded by,;'loo.,..C.C„it ,M 6, 42apri z .,a9d ;Ilion - ins • Cr.ftigl!aad ? ocatattiitig: ISO lesion solg . tti trawl, • tnAegdirtintl - ; 60- reet - 1 10 1. 1 q 4, 01:11. 1 1, 1 4 - trft110Tro - ! Warehous nod t:ll9r,eybotrecind, Seized and inken4n,c,NeAtkgoisitsilliiiitiTokety of Thome s Ern ighend,,,l,r-.(:;;•414 . 414W, ; • Alio, a Lot-ol:Orouticii4OWlAlajokillgOn: towsfabip,contsiniti g 33 at ereiti 3 OSokirer less, bott,n-.., dell by Iteekeyobj ,01 beret titivie'g thereon 'erected n pao_and,a_AntlfstOry,loglitiune, log sta.. : I tile, We.-- 7 -Sci zed and.tak, - ,10: - e , ,Oention ds toe property of John - rinviaidt.te • •.• • • . . Also, a Lot of.Protfacirsituato 'bo;" rough of Carlisle co9laiiting,do"eet in front, nild 2.50 feet in deptll,•boun'ded•.oo the Soutliby Send' .street; on the West by-',VidOwundJames - Marti n , on the Paciii by - IWdeloW.l.Afftreitiv,V&O. thereon erected a • two story ~ filoite house, log house, &to. • ' , Also,6trLed , 'of • Groood lin 'said .13motigh, contitinit4 fib feet in front Wit - W.240. [bet In depfhi' bounded by a loroCleba I'm* on the West, Le tart Spring on the . East, Cod others Seined stken in excentioa 'as ANOpi•ofierty:oi Robert Ale Loy, Esq.'s And n 1149,14•8001 by me; '• • - ADA:SULYJNODORP,•Sheriff _ shears . 015.., ••••„;1•'•:•:- • 14030 -18030 39 =^_BB 00 74 31 52 18 2)7 Oo 511 . 19 43 75 18.00 EBB 30 30 9 00 . 3 00 =NE 27 17 2.149 01 0830 39 = • •• • ' B Y virtue .of an order of 1.14 Orphans' Coutt of COniberland, county, to mo di rected, I caposirto.public sale, otrthe nukes, on SATU RDAY -DA-Y--thc - •240 of Obtotier next, at 2 .O'cluelt . , , r4ll,, the Reel Estate Of 2. Ritteri.ducesined,. situate. in. Monroe township,. in said county,,bounded by lands of John Beltzboover, Williain Moore, deccasail; - and John offopplc, decea-ed, CONTAINZIVG 2 41.callS, neat measure, 'with 'a smillLOO HOUSE and STABLE thereon - erected, mid a well of water, fruit trees', Ste. Teams ; Olte.ltalf orthe:plirtlitirte mriday to he paid on-the confirmatiooof the sale; half of, the residue - on - MO ISt Afrif,lB44; . ind the balance on the Ist of April, 1848, to be sectlritl by Judgment, &c., JOHN f.1.1T2, .—September 23, 184 G . -. Executor. . !Valuable Litt,,estone,:l7oiaan . AT PUBLIC SALE WIE I L prersisesOn7Dinkinson4OvinthiN.Cui;. berland enmity, on SATURDAY the l Oth L chty - of Oetobei, - .A D;;, thn, torention Ofsaid.day,a•tractoftitnesione bandy eontalithg ,10.7 •billierestof which arcc - elearedoptd•ltlie balance .first-rate Timber Land—boatiLledAirlands , of• Johnson Moore, Williani• c stl.hoiti; Said form it situated on tfreWalrint - Bennet Road, 7 miles from Carlisle,•tind' in a, very pleasant and healthy neighborhood. provomenis are a two story Phis: • t • - .4. . , .tereol-10VE AND KITCII - go% l i LOG- BARN, WAGON ! CORNCRII4 and ... • • . mente—together with d thriOing•ORCLIARIJ of choice fruit. An excellent well of water it . , qj this Itithhen_itoor, - _, • Terms- of Bale : Onb ball of the purehaso money to be paid on the lst day-of April when pea:tetanal will be given; and the balance in five equal annual payineiltaAliereufter, out interett, to be secured by a lien on the land , Persons wishing to porehade eau 10. any in formation concerning said property by calling' on George Beetem, Esq., in Carlisle, .I.licelem wlio.nOW rtipti„neutyleelf;:resi,. ding near Hockermidle, _iiajd township, SAMUEL LIEETIAL September 23, 18464. - , . ~ - , 'FOR .SALE VERY CHE AP.::. • •wiLL soli on very:moderato, , fr-i.. -: are nee - terms, three BitIOK ,DAVOL.:/ i:• 4, ; 1 . ..ING :HOUSE S: .They r....l'iY. : . •:‘, • )11 RI ly new, subStantially Attriti•,'lid ii , •'' '" '..:::.•'• ivell•finielieil,.. A' number dr new'beitilidgcre n.ne going nii•itillie rrei,t.: of ri.i.il;tvliiell is le' the most iilettittili;. • : . r.Vi n .ibblo#9. ' . 4 ' , !PaYmenia•ol4 - iiitiey. `, - ~. , ~, , t. , ...„..„,„ • ~a .,..tt c .iiitliLf:S26oltaiii"..---- . Atigust.l9 • ,•l434q - , „--.; , T••:.1•:•' 41, :,;i:t - ' P. S.—One ofibe bourns will be rentell cheap. Possession given immediately • Dogtors Jr. & W. ElPC'reighi A %INC: entered toloOO-tinrtoership,iOspz•et -, H fulh tender Owl r'prolOsvionithiervtotmi* .tint : citizens oILARi ISLl:'ntid 1(4 Walt n r;tirBllCP;,lllat all tlicr.e"etitt',tisti.Ftl 46. thoiklinKti will t•teriro. every itecoA!trilittfattitio.. Tboy • solicit n portion of pill?lie.1);91•OiltrAt: . • OFFICE, 'Si t itimt,'; ' ripposktgliAj k !i; Stoic, Iml VA door IVivit:OrMtielliOi Carlisleyg'rptemilbr'tlf;l*.t346:;`:,•. 4 ..*:,:,'";',",`,.„ • SMALL FARM' , SALE[' •--,-,,,i .'• - 104 Y virtue of n dood of truilrflOili JohrbiroZ, Ajl 'Bur nod Wife, I will , • OlroOfril'plcib:ia'aiile' ort ii. a prernisoK on I'llP R 1),A.1 'the 15ili'oi: October nexVcd. 1 O'bro - oli;',10 riot, ifjdnd ,COn- Jojning: .nbOiif , `EIGIITY2I:ACRE:, , ".'n'Ojoinfin . i. • Ibilds di. Eltirkliolder,,J. Itio,Dolyoll:Ond, W tn. Lc gate; 10,*.aship;AiThe Impiovginentiinro;nlAoo•Dinio4-' , .• '... ,: • ~',.. LINGVIIII/11130,,.bct kit , LOO. , c;6) - riti '' '''.. 'OATti s ii . ,,,iih W.4q ON 8 , Agrf:sz., '.•'! 1 ; .ff ,,,', c:Orn!cfrili. , `.3lleio'llf liSOji:•lnK,Y.. ''':;_,..,.; .. : • go AO' wilitt,'neii!,.iiii4.lo'.ollllg;:runcEnneq,Alc.. .4140.'1.'Oop,ii,linitiii6ii.ini:Oiikh OfiiiTni.lrrorn , 15 ;to, 20 aorqs:...ortiAri:nieitoti;llnt ;liitlltnip:iiiii: 4 . g! — O - 4.) ( - Tina ify,T6ritlato 'land; iliTr*.goe 3iliii.cp - qir odidos4iotii Withltin tier on4lll4l,Ontrrit, ri.in: Oi,fioni wielliiiilo110111O:100'vik(112 ~'jyi( It ;14 , ";orillint;bn171WOInf'D'Aiinik01,01., jto-:. Ati: • - , , Te . i, con , 1 .. v p [tie `Otidif:llo4Virn,ilitt'do . 4. Bale, liy , - ,. '',....- '.4bßEgt,T2'fitiell,2o4i*Leol'iirr ') ° "4o t - 7 - - - , i ii „ .. .., . , , ~ %., ri i..i ... 4,.,,,,,,,!..,,,, ! .. _.,.... 04030nian. 0 tall ;:i-!':"4 'A 1'',.. , VII*U M BEM' 6;-iri , isntilll'A 1id:4,0 b - ti!L ties ; or 4 1110 i - tit oie iiiidnii tit propaidd Vocqx,ilingJo tfio . c'ele,tirgttdiecutet3 - oftioAlkoy;Mkoif,lllo4nritih t Con:Tidal ii Vinvile4Trlipri.osApdirio - p!ir.3 , B: attopiiL ikt9rll - '=":110;:::.: 1 . 4 7.,'N0tti?,,y I:Ser, t ii!ii,. Y.berrYlPßwi.9s•:,' , . ,:4.: -,l ' . 'r' : -. 7- ril,i,', , i 4' , ,- .:ii, ' ,li!Ales., tile genuintArrloo::Arippe. , 4 11,11 -.,asAkf 'vier 0rj1,910,0 (9,innAtirklw, „,,4 L i. 7.'4 ~ 1...."..i is "1::1 , -, F'u'r - tifieducpd„ppg9l7fii.ftr; , TERWI; :: - 4 Pailigle,.Pe ;1iiiii6i)F.,;10;;.'846,1a;.,. ' , ;,tv, r,, , -tz:-.lf ,i,,' - ' - .. Virlattidittf !t. , .--; p,,..,, Ilt ,, ,Bijo4 , `s.„:...Blikiej:ANA.... ';' - ii it oblO. 1 .1 ?:,. ljooTiapiaorkojeiraiiiiiiir.4ttolvitplk '.ll(lv.,,§7ll.4.vii'onilioileg i ll,; - :i , .1 , : - 1 1 -0 , '••f,,:' , v,,0, 4 . # 9 ocimtdlappizolokiaao:47 . V.', l 4 , iP'Y, A :';;;,04: 0116 , . 0,, ,.49 , i2 ,,,,4, 0: ,,13 k68 : 404,4 : ,0'? 6 t . ;3•; 4 ` , ',. r, , S . ' DO v i....ivii. .M,:4,4iikbiStgaiiiiiic 0 ,1.?;t.t: - . 1 : 0 1 . ' ,-1 . - ""t OlN , ;ppg--,tti,A:ttitr...Si t rn - ely - 4 - 0 "terr : ',l 4 ... - ...7. :F :711 41 1v 0P51ea4.01 1 4t,0 6 t 1 6 - re) APtir,Y9!)2%riltigutiAatc. : 4ltiuyOft)kli t,! . .ttl 11F.' .19 '/°%'191'130.11,44-14-Onift artett , +;,, ~, ido, Almmoouco pairekV , '4P ,4, -* , °OR l Namtv#l.?tri).ls.:ffitfc:A • tr! , . i lle; 4 .:A . 'q i ~ LIT, ' , i,:- :7, ; 7. 10::,t; ....,4 ,:, i „..° 1 ~t V - , - ? .A :: ~- :Pla ,ii i ,'; 14, tft v , 1 ...)44:• -.,..ifityrsi ,n 01 , 1_ Illir -7itpiltit ::a . eRI 0 O,3IP?I•Et . nefflogioszoit4K , k , ';! ll .4,l.-M 14, Vf0e....•p,;if.4., ti'; 10410144 1 ilidiiiii004tifileeWilll#1 . 0 tiOioxpoiii*SW 4 .;::l4t.n., , i,./ , .:,....0 . r.4,..::,;; , ...,4 , ,,,,, ,, , , • •,•& ,.m o o". ,, P*SftwoM, , okr N.l,ll,4frof,ig '..1 , ,i , ~.,,, .., ' ,, , , ,-,i 4'i ~,, .:,,,..:, • ~., i . ,. --.. ,- .:;:i ,''.: 2 : .... -J- .-' ~ ~.,•., ~ . .'. 2' --,:. v.l ~ .,