/ - ~a O.IAVIffaUD . To4lifirotesa - o • timperiablcouqty . • ~,5•"•, : : ' • 4114TLENIttft-:l 2 ofra'i)Tiiiaelf se . a dato ; Pew: siiiis!AATE , to XOB for • ;AA n. ." MICH*EL , TIOLC@MB ‘2_2;118461"-.....• . . . To ~o..ple, B iector , , of Culitber liiiiikV o:: •4t) . ;tiiiiii.; —•• ,i idthiniielf- to I:e1;nin: Uvlileralinin4',Condidate foithe' . • .0-I.lgi`6o,f'lcE.,. - :tif 'sfiglit.s7, . -. iitt. , f-.: - .4 •• itilliii*Xl:Getieial Elcoiion. ' Shoodd ynn Winne me 'witli."-intij6rity.of, your' suffrage], I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the drum with de. WILLIAM 11. AIULLEif. • loutli M iddleton township, ? - ;, , `,...Apri1,22, 1846.--le. • . 5 , . . TO'lttfe.Yoj:eip.of tpruberland col-1111y. titLI:OW-CITIZENS :—I offer myself to .y:ciat'ebibeidei•ailon for the ' VICE courrr, .atlite-epßroachlng election, and shall be Ibsnk ''.riiric.r" uur -s tii o _ JOSIWIi A. EGI. flouthAlfdillei.nn township,l • .1, ..44pribi2,2, 1846.—tc.' , J . 24evdje'rs of - ,,r:unzberland counnj. IELLOW CITIZENS :- - I offer myself to ypur aonsiration at a candidate for 00' ... . , . - IOFFI EPF SIIVRIFF; - -. orcomberittivl countyartita i n* .. Vettl election anti willieetl iretefol ti , utf ' ttr-Imprrort, -- 1 •- . • ~,, JAMtS F: E . ERFON. vl l - F - flielttlison-t*-IMity-Ni-,1-846,-- -I To t vot ers of' Comberig 77 d Minty; tirtELi.6oW-CITIZENS.-7 ofrer myZlf ,et the next election for the W I :O,IOECE OF SIFIERLEF, rind will be thankful to the citizens of Comber. land 'county for their votes. If 1 nut elected, f, atli attend tw.ffic ?duties of said office with fidelity. •S''ILLMAM WOODS. Prankfaid township; May'l3, 11346., To the Electors of Cumberland Co.: FELLOW.CITIZENS:—I offer myself to your consideration is 0 candidate fur the OFFICE OF SHERIFF or Cutriberlattr at the'riet General Nection, and will feel gratelni to -you for your summit: - ANDREW ROBERTS. _ Catllele , April 22,.1846.—t0. . • -TO the Velem efeCureberl[ind county. IL -1 1.ELLOW CITIZENS 'offer myaelt%ta JU your consideration as a cdndidata fir the OFFICE OF SIIERIFF of Cumberland curtly, at the approaching elec. _. ,, Aion,fend will be t6nkful the your aupport.— Should you elect me, I pledge myself to perform ihe•dtitieti•of said' offiee, with fidelity. - DAVID Ca rl isle i ; Apri19.9,1846.. TO the Voters of Cumberland county, FELLOW CITIZENS:—I offer myself as n candidate for the OFFICE, OF-SHEIREIFF of Cunber4nd comity, nt the -- next general 'eleclion, and -moat reiapeeffully, solicit your •vOtreii. you - think and worthy, and eleot Me I'vvifl enaenjw to discharge the duties of the offico_with fidelity. JAMES MeIIAFFIE. Eolith. Middloton iovvnelitp,R Itny 6,1846. c: • To the Voters of CumberlancLeounty. ELLOW GI-112E'SC 1-to yieireatiaideratiou as n 'candidate for the OFFICE of SHERIFF, _ pf . Cumberland county fit the ne x t geberal election, and most respectfully solicit your support WILLIAM :11.31ATEER Carlisle, May 6,1816, To the'CitizetTs -- OrCuriiborlaißl Co ENTLiMEN—I offer myself am n condi 7.1 4 .1011'.-r date fbr the • . _ OFFICE OF SHERIFF or Cumberland county, at iho next general election, and most respectfully salt your sup. Tort. - Should-you cleat tae, T. pledge myself to. 'disehargo the duticsrof said Wilco with 20)3E1n' McCARTN EY. Carlisle, April 29, 1846. to. • To the Voters of Cumberland county rLLOW CITIZENS--I attar illy pelf' your conßidcrAtiori for the . OFFICE OF SHERIFFy tar Cumtwriand county ut tho next keneral'cloe lion. Should you deem me worthy or said office,l will endeavor to discharge the duties. faithfully and impartially. DAVID CRISWELL. Shippenebing, April 30, 1840. To theyoters Of Cumberland cotinly: • FELLOW., CITIZENS i—l offer myself to 'yOtreonsderation as a candidate for the - OFFXCIe - 01P SITEICIFF , ocCurrilipriard priority, ni the 'emting Geoe• rah plietl9O...tuid,r*ppetfully suhoit your suf. gerr ! for,thp,sido.: you Pleat me, I pleditiorit'Yeelf to discharge tlio duties of said :ratEme-withlOpti`y, , andlmpartiality. ,'SOHN W YNi{OO P. k„. ennOorntigh t, '29,q84.q. —to.. fro the Voters of Cumberland county 4QET offer myself' conaidaratiop as a candidsia for '60100,9e suunirrt, iartimillatland cou ty, , trertlachan ;a 0 I...tobileiloxl - . , ..,51mu1d you,alect ma; I. pledge my wtlhiclutrga„,th9 chltige„prAtto offlUe fuilh to law, ~ : itE-1,P, 3 isTrAN Vied'.. 'earrude; , /i01.40, 1.84 6.—i o; , IV . the'Volgis' o''T.C,.iftii. tt, e . r14 , /i - . 4 • ° 0 u r n ,, , 1 ., Y y. : . -- - ow-Orr l 4N:" - I 11 . 4 ° ldidatb ,:4,,Ellirii—, your . iiiiii'dviition Olf,• a ,c ° , t 1 ' - .4":`',LW-4-'"I"f; r t°- rkg.TFAI7T: k t - ttie - e - eat on: fur iiie - 'OF.IgE9-!-O moat're'apteifixilLrqtitiogt ' ck"6'ile itqund - sliilild - l-hcrelpctod m Tfr,r,ofti,9 ti. li, °': - I,.iii,riho',diititio,ibr 1'79.13""17.ait a86(4.4'1 'will tid „ill thank. :y(iil may : c r lihfully u'irti honestlyol , , 4 " . ..: the °-:t° A-- ' ' - rerrecri-•'' , '(' '' -',---''' itloethejinntir . ovp ., ... pia o bIL gay t,... , • . 7, 4 :. q;it.......;•,:c.Very i ta f t g et t!, ll !,`„..!:, ,-.., vv.,FotlLlt 7i ., 1;14,4 , ...i.;. , k1A , 47,,:..r4..1.i . :_ _, ~ , ..,:,,,‘,..., ~. . .' )1-1111. April4-5;13'4!3•'.'.-I..c.'' 07,, ~:k' ''-g.:444.4'. P' ':. lie' IfiibliiCdene___raA r L._: , ,:se:Aii: ...,. Pg - -..;. T., .7" ;:,;; 'i . ;7 . 1), TRIEN DA -- g' ,- 4:ipzEm5..4.11 - 1 „,i n „..., e bil 1 ''-----'. f'' - 4 %1f Ill'infollti,stulhat . . .4.'" -rel, 47.,31,,,,,,,,,-4-ti d • -. . --, ' ""' '"' , ,-^' • - 4,10:t Alt -.oeqollVicirlP-E!'-it .. ~.ii - gri f ,k , .'1,4 4 10 . k . ,:t.`l 4" ;41), 1iiin0!f•0349tYt.11.1011404,,..131:thft.mt4... o f " t ,;:::- , .' 1 yki4 - ilf.l : ,o.A t i.,,y7ptil irtr;,,titr , .iii-,,.titto my, .. , . / Alect , fM l ,i! ) rt?P, e 14 T,- i t trdij'i,: , ''.' 4:4 1 L . • liiiities' tor.Pertll"' ' 4oirriß;''''' 6rP11te.,0M1,!,i., ,•1 , ~., ,t !,;4; ~ :.JAMFF':I• ~,,1::, 4 jVi l ' . cPf 2 :-: (846 4.-1P1.,,,4 ..% AC=4"---:''''' ~,, , tx „A ,r, .. -._ .. - 4 - 01?"-:- - e*tl ty. 4-Y9mr ,,,. '''.161t111;1" ;;; I§49l,ir , Ts l .- E , 1.411zE- penil tki4' ME g'°°' 081 41,,S • a n ''. 04,,„TrAeY111,411k6E''Q .;,v,thirr-I:YauTii°d6-nilki" =1$1: 11 1. '0111 14y iontrofirl's, tr4t. :A; • %j,ror trash-goo' -4 41, 1%461 • , " tiPtr k arii ,', 4 : s l:6l ; 4 4 '44 1411p . .:esoci0;Fr,tont of' Hosioiy; . ~citaxirlikoKn c ` .• pay 15 WE ENE k it- 7.i .. .,;',PaCttiV1r.,:c7,1•• - :74:.• • VI) 1 M. 44, GOVEtligi t x 1111 t cgitS 4 : in n , IllitiPlbla?7l.Y - I . •Y Gold Levers; Ibll.jaVvollo,. .:4,44 . 5 „1 Silver Lavers; fulljewelled*,,;y.lf Lpines, jewelled, Silver Lomas, iclvalle,(l.l'lr*4t.y./5., 00 • s Quer mar- ritjalljy; OW- 00 Gold Watch e s, plain,. ••• 1 7z. OD, Silver Speclactsis, . „ -Gold pencils; - 00 Gold Bracelets,, , :4 00 Also, on !mild, a argo assortment ofGOld 11:pir Bracsjets, finger rings, breast. pins, !sop car rings, gold pens, silver spoons, sugar'tongs, tliimhlos;gpld neck curb and foli chnioa, guard. Weis, and jewellery of every. description at equally low prices. All 'I wont is a cull to can cino customers. All kinds of Watches null Clocks repaired nod- warranted to keep good time for one year. Old gold and sillier bought for cash or taken in evehango. For sale, 8 day and 30 hour Brass Clocks, at LEWIS LADONILIS'S Watch, Clock and Jewclery, Store, 4(34 Market street, above I lth (north, side) Phil- I hove also on hand some Gold und vet Levers, cheaper than the above Ribes, . N. 11. - A iii,eral.dikuunt made •to persons buying Watches to sell vain. Cali and semi Philadelphia, May 6;1846. = PLUI.III,3E ~._ •- - : . National Daguer.ria.A 'Gallery . A - AND rhac g rapher'§ rzt n illing Depots; 'vARDLD the IVlticlaik Four Oral premi ums, and. Two itli;diest finuors'by tlicTir: attunes of .Itlassacitusetts N. York, and Penni .sylvanitc, lair the most 6 - arr.:iftfal - Mitortrd - 1 , , .. reqtypcs and best Apparatus ever exhibited.' LrPortralts taken in ,exquisite tityle, with out regard to weather. Instructions given in (ha art.. . .. . A large assortment of Apparatus anti .Stock always on blind, at the lowest cash prices. New York, 261 Broadway ; Philadelphia, 136 Chesnut St.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover Sta.; • Baltimore, 205% . 11a1ti, - 1.• IVat•ltngton, Poto.sylvania, Aver, •'.; Peter - burg, Va. Met,hanie's Ilall ; eine , inati, Fourth and NValnut, and 176 Alai...•' St.; Saratoga Springs . , Broadway. , • • , zazg d-ls , a - qzosy s , cows . hum, Bronchia?' Liver Coln Willie, Spiting Blond, tlitileuliy or Breathin g , • Pain in the Side and Ilt•aust, Vll'filiation date lient-t,lialitenzin,Cronit, Bro . ken Constitutinn,Sore'Thennt, . Nervous-14.11M0 , find all - DiteatievltheTltront, Breast 110 Lungs, • the nmuelrec- - • . •-: mil Mid speedy mire ever known for any of tho nboy, dis vas,s, mt. SW \ NE'S C( M \I) SYR l'F''()F CIIERItY—ANO fIIER WON (.I_, RE OF 12.ONSUAIFTION. PROVIDF.Nee ' 1., Sept. tiOtli,ltf.i 0. DR. SWAVNE-riklir Sir.-1 feel culled by a I sense of duty I owe.to Sullering humanity, to knowledge my gran fill (honks roe the wonderle! effects of your " COMPOUND SItyUP OF W I CI I Elt RV" on iag millet ed months rifler mouths with the most afilicting of all diseases, Consumption, or Oh scarcely n ray of liope, or tOtbeacuirligist'', pi guard coefigoinst ova. horrible. forebodings. 1 re 'circumstances which first-led inetes . the7i.ivrtil state of debility, was from taking a 'very he:i4fy cold, which SeCtll,4 to fix itseltulto" the lungs„” FratloitilYKre"' - Wfunie - with - pro's - Ise night - sweat,( isneking cough, oppression in the ...breast; spitting 6100(1, 01111 groat go'neral dehilny. ISly constitution seeitrell hrokeit and nervous system very much im paired, with all the symptoms of confirmed Con sumption. I went to Philadelphia, and wr.sment ed there by ph) siciano of• lice highest respects tility„but still grew worse, until they glive me rip us incurabic,un it stlvised me to go South, but be ing very poor, ar rioting so much time from thy work:tittil my motley ott"tlte Sa. mous "Patent 'Ate liehrus" in hie.% were reeoniancii-. tied so highly till, igh the metnurn pram, press, I was unable to lab their. adviee, Ileing a mem ber_ol the Order Odd Fellows, they supplied me with money gent oft , itsly to send me to my friends in Saco, Blaine. I was vented by physi (tans of the highest standing there, hut received no benefit whatever from them, Info gradually' grew worse, mail any phyaiislans and thyself gale' opal] hopes of my ever recovering, and I felt like our who is idiom to Inns through the %title) oldie shadow of death. At this ttaiifol juncture," I Rent dof y rare tCO M POU ND SYRUP OF ILI/ CHERRY,' and knowing yob) la he a regular practising. physician 1 . 6 Philadelphia, gave me more confider cc in the medicine, on I concluded as a last i''esort, to make a In till of it. ~,seal to your agent air Motion, and pcirchased one bottle, which relieved me very much, I then procured two bottles more, whist' lam happy to say en- iirsdy enrol' MO, and i rim now enjoying better health than I ever have before iii my lile. It Fee tlO.ll to !IRV(' a brnefirird elreet. tit mace. gained streligili rapidly, although reduced to a more skeleton, nut f feet satisfi.st from its salu tary effects in my own case. that Or, Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry on ill cure any ease 01.11000(Sed lungs, it taken according to the prescribed roles contained in the pamphlets ac companying the medicines*. Even the physicians who witnessed my case ate highly secomitienil log it in similar eases—and I wish You to make this public, no that othees who are. siiffering have been, may ktiow where to Procure a remedy at first, which will reach 'their disease, without retper . '-vt nod ruining their coid..l;totions with the many "smock nostrums" will) which the 'polo conntre is flosrlcd,. permit:ed by persons who have no knowledge of the science of medi cine In theory or practice, but are got up merely with a mercenary view. lam a Scarlet member of the Hope Lodge 1.0. of 0. P.. in Providence It. Land will be happy' to give any information in regard to the efficacy of your medicine, and can gyve ample proof ,that my cane is ntic einggcrated in the least. . " ALBEIrr.A ROSS. • To or. IT. SW AVM, 14,' W. cornet4lighil l ant) Race street ' , CALT n0151....-The , public elmuld berp~ their' ?mord against the many "Amin's" and ‘. , .11.1131 urea"' or Wild Cherry,- aliteli bare sprung tip in all' porta of the country, pot porting to be prepared by phrsieirotn, all of n'hich ho foulicl t o be "false" , , byrt little inquiry in the lawns a n d w h ore , theyorightnie.. All eirtificates and statements in regard to Pr.'Switytte'S Syro(i or Wild Cherry ore "strictly true;" and the proprietor to daih rreleving them rrnm imsm.i'en;) have:lwatt cured by the rclebraft3l - Tern6l - Tlttipirigitita nil only) 'caning article front)• tirepareth br Dn. SNV AVM:, - corner Of 'EI GUT fl , Totif RACK,Strects, Heinen - doer, all, preparations• of:Wild,Clierry arOietjtious,and counterfeit cf.:p..of. Ohl hearing. signature.OlN.Stymftf.e. Tile' only„ lii'Mfrllsle MYKIt fr' 'll ATEltr; STICIO4OI-. FFY,' Lb I • lIMMSCINTC iMPOUND - SYIIUP - OFTAR --„_______WD N- KOOIIIN' _AP_Titet .%'_ _1: -, 10nn yEnsOM - lo Philutlehilda 'Oche. 14U !vao,tesitfy , le dm t;:ontlerful efficacy of thei - pnwerfal 'reinetly, 'fiIOMPROW: COIIIPOUND SYRUP4 . 3.F' r Till? AND' '11 7 09p: NA PTHA 'R6i'll! - -Alokill ~ ' 4ston -11;41114 ' card or elirriiito 13Airiebitief ,, , , ,I,' hdqolll,., IV For 23; 1 1 " litr:rfi% l'AosipeoriDenr'Stri 'qm:ire !bi-:. fool years, p i e t tal • lin il fec i b u d titd t bly - oftl icto: with 4 (o iirs4tilo nor tho'tliptt - wlieh-myOil shlin_ )irb4d i icedra_Ciicotf OrnOlais' °owe cd by , repontd and'rgleete , dolits-,Z , Tlii - iiliii; tries sufferct i Liir iiurolicrittablt L. M, thrmi‘,y,tup 1 6 ifilcra w tly'Wvitth 2 ) , liiteiff-c iliglitogoro-thut ,,4:oulo , iciulo" fr - ojit ifc Oi:: grtnto}keisi itiQN pain ,t i ptlikMosse.ut t he' ohtlflon fever r,io ofilixt. qll 44, kiiihatPitufl4o 'PPTiiitoine OPlH.ffeilibliO-,llond,ti!erdo"totiiifle ootiro,loBB3flectPukFitel-ch7RY, throat woe, icac hedttoCbliater 44o VV ll94,9 "C -D OCP 4 -E ',oiado!frial OfeitoryAr.obsiin'.reincdy,*ond.st dip reliant periade hitd the4tdviceart` six physiciane; sod 611 'viiitgiNlo I . a warl.- -, :trrkbOut '4wo month, loince lirilidetrhitof 'youi. ComObund' Syrup of Tar AO Wiild'DfilfoOrtZitridtbefdro't had tatien d:6O, pr. l 4 ktii# 6 ,rotollot: , ,: , ,.. teoNtiiitibiflintii,i, pitti.Aititigigmly,4,l36ttloooklttalt gtileoliil' -ire:. 1 6 1!)PO4: 1110 4. 18 0„...as OLIM!PiO.Pd ,MLI , A,Chlit 06 '.., ,health. anti-it fitmlYt , Oeuftvtk 1 . PT* no t niii, b:a living; had , it not boin 'tor your""lnittlioblo diodioine.• ',, - ~4.:rAN_F. , crviy4y, ~,.:,..," ,40 , , , ,,,,... 43, I , 11,?..,-.71.,+- -112:115prate•stiger. „ .' , '''Til4l i tiat'-'45 - 111be. N;- E.*itior 4 iititifpi iuid- Smite& strialei,v , Price 4.01,.000 ~ . -pii,bplue or (Mimi dozeriCir , ,k, , 4 -:) . •f „,=...- T - 7 -:,,t WV 'Witte ' in' , C't"illiile by STN'ONSIS;it & AEHAFFEI6, , -------,:..--- - - ----- ~ , , . ..:',! . • - , ' BM 4 4; ;;; # , ;:: .• 5 ; •• . . , „- . . • • , - .-•••••-K , , •"•, - , , - ~„ , ..tt• 4 r.1":”.1"t", , V55Ae1,,vZ47.4 1 .=:4 1 .- 1 4 . -. 4 ' , 41 11•* ,444 AAF . ,: tt•-teP 4 U 1 ,1%) 0,61 .. 4 4 " "1. 4 - 4 ;''' • . ••• d ,- ,:ex-Otfe 4 • • _ - ME 9 , -,..,-, , : ....,,..:,, , ,.. 4 ,..4,; - 0,, • : f.ra, , ,;' ,. .,...,..., i .. 4 . FV., 4 : - . • :*. - .. 1 . :• 5 .1 ;.Nin ., ,ff . '41'. -5 :‘;...4. , gi.i1.1.tf.r),"::::,.i.•.",:.•.4. - 2',R.47.4 ~.., • ...., s g s , . ~.„ . ..i• , ,,, .::' ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,.i!, x '. . - ,: '. .' ' _• .' ~-2,:1:. . :.. -., 1,6 -7 i - .s-; , i(-:''it 7 r';',."';')l. - !')...:, ~....C7 ' 1 1 :71:, • • ..,:i.- : ,,r , ,,v ...., ,--- 7 1-,-.&,, .• v t ,,,, Ei ti,,..... ' ~ ,i - s1: - . ? -..-4 :!...., ::,;-,....:',, --,----.,-;=. If.,- 4 ••••• •,.., i.;!-,4 -,. ;.:-.'-: • -, .::: , -i - ,' , , 0 ,, - , ;" ,, , -":.7•5:".,;. , : , , ,,- , ~,, :' I '' ' ANMErFRESEFARIIIVAL-!''' :, .- -;''''. 0 TgATgOS . OI4 'Ar...`,lg.tlTA•PF..r ? r,yeepeetful yin nrmillpn• hush:Tiers end- nand!, that they, 1.7 . keit . ; r:94lt4lln;ad,tlitiOn,i4:thelf,ftitiiiiX, STo.94;.4'lnfge • nnil Well 'eqeetcd.eseurt- Int , t l (4s f - :• • - I. f ; :- ..r, - .., 1, ~:', . , :,64:- , :., , :' ..-, - 1 ::,;',,, -. • '.. ..- 1 . z1_.fi.....,... ~,. •.• -, . .., - ....j';'?::: , --:-....1. f ..... • - , ~ • • ... -:.,..-„; .7. - g?upsc , ,p'o2l.ly - Ty,c , :attSi,Ia4IIS'SV,ZEIZ.PIUMB I) fr.:E.- siVp 4 Pky,.' ' -- (ll,'Filllit'il2L.B'-'-.M.EDIGEVA,A%-'HAR-1).1#0.1?-.E,,..,1 1 .9 IVaY .i/9 lit& . . . . ... ' . i 4 E 1 kV, P. 1 i ,TEINIT .'.IIY.E AMINES ' PRtiITS . PIG 4 . S`.I I 7C.R . S, , .. , . ... ~ •- • - i. 71.1776NaRT; 4 , c.:4;0...,5•c1-,Z5v.-..•. '.'‘... •-. -A. -. • • ' They return - thanks to the- minfreunity fortheiF-patronego'hitherto Lestowed, end hope by renewed efforts-and close attention to buslness,.to merit a larger share 'ofpublie approbation. Their purchases have bee/nada WWI great. Ono,.and the ertiOlee !knight on the Moot ran oitable * terms, go that they ea be , disposed of Lowne-than they eaiiln. had elnewlierein pie county.' . ~- . The Laidieffmre apprised that a large and most choice variety, ,of Fancy Ar'ieles and'Notions have boon rßeivesd and are-now ready either for exhibition or salp.-. : . .": • • Carlisle, April .2b 1846: . - . , . . iNIIM is f" "' (brick ales ail ,stri all . arrERS has ;Jaioted.,•ki,:s DRUG AND 1300 K STORE, . , . . . .1110-theinrge ream on I ligts Street, onmed by .11rira, Knox, anti nearly opposite the ,10ethotlis X Episc o pal Citurch, Ile N‘filtilitit - F - Clive - fill'hir - thno - ( - trtren - not-engageit4o-P_r_olessionaL duties,) to the interests of his. Store, and having secured the services of caretol and experienced ssts an ~ Ite - ennftdemlreasttres-Itis-fricitda_stful_tlm..pululie.,.thaLtheir orders and preset iptlotis shall have the most accurate attention , . . -'lilt. NI l' MIS also inlorms.his ft lends. that in' ritltlitlemtO his former large assortment of . L)R (J S, . . . .ACIPICS . . • . IM , N TS, • -., (' 00pi and .14ceila icoas.) OILS, . COINELItS' L.aID L.l 11PS, 'DYE:S7'( 1 FFSc . . . • , & .T . 4.-T I. 9 Ars2 R. V , SPICE'S, . • CER .. . ? •: C - UTLER Y . , FRU ITS, P./INC Y -IR TIC LES; .. • _____, . .- - Pll l?FU1.11-ER it, 4-c.. 4.c. . • • _ . - Ile has just opened a splendid assortment of . . - ~ FAMILY, Gi,?O&ERIE-S, of every Variety and prices, and as he intends doing business %mon the popular terms of .a Roiek sales' and small profits," lie is determined to sell Groceries and every other at tick as low as they can be sold in Carliiie. giv - o - a - general invitation In his friends to call . 03 , —For the accommodation of, his friends, Dr. Nlyers's Drug Store will be open at all hours on Sunday-a for tbesa. I e o. ONLY. • Carlisle April "2‘2, 184 G. Carlisle Family Grocery. GEORGE R' CROOKS is just receiving and opening- tin extensive Stock of Groceries, in the room lately occupied , hy Mr. Thomas IL Stales, in West high ette - et, bmitistiug in ',tat of tub different qualities or- -- • Strgartr, Coe cc, - Teai litteeettswerke, best Sperm Oil, T..nrd Oil, Pine Oil and Wile le Oil, fiams,il : ried.fleef, AL-Aural, Shad, Tier. t in, Salmon and Cod fish, leg tine box Res ins, , Cu rra nts,_Spicas of all kinds, Fancy sti.Lother caps, many other articles too numerous to ineelion, all of which he will sell ut the owest possible ,rates. . . N. All kinds of merchantable — produce taken.-in eleitange fur Groceries Carlisle & April 29; 1845. • • - WORMS WORMS, - :WORMSi lONT- YOU 0, IVIEDIOATED tArattlYi SVURP chit the little sufferer's ['timid, At, emir ei) Ve Ur getable preptiration ' fur the destruct:mut o NS or ms. Ads ice le ttiolhers. "A stitch it, time so) es nine." • our \V erns Sy nip to be the sexy best metheittedbr destroying worms, tom in use, xe mould say to you, if your children should appear pale null emaciat isited, o itb offen sive breath patio itt the joints anti limits, soru eio(tan gtetite, Linalcd stomach, sudden Ll(tlrlilig ill their steep still, fright,..aml - sereanthig, sense 01 suinethip.:t rising in the throat, itching of the MOM:, 5ti11e110141111C43,1 . 11, 11311 Sell, illllllCtiltaLly 011= lain a bottle of flobettsack's worn, H) cup', for iu so doing you rill bet slily sate "a stitch is tittle," but bring back • here reigned sot.- Tow .und disease; how intaitTi . sufferiog Mill Joss of life we see,through u want or proper tint:Mimi quil proper remedies; therefore, let it be tits, fluty of metlielot, eaitt. any or their children should show any or the above symptoms, or procure Mendel. stely, the proper remedy=-that remedy i sin tlo hensatli's Worm Syrup, a medicine that has met with complete success. and cures where ever) other has entirety lidiedj to which numerous certipeates of highly respectable persons Acetify Sim pamphlets. Itlesik..l. N. & G...s.llohenmek :—Gentionion Unsolicited, I sewd yon this tom' monial concern ing your 'mloo'llllo Metßoded Worm Syrup.-- From curly inlimity, my daughter, noiv n chilli of 1$ months; litts been sorely ';)tided With Worms, enuiting- daily - the' miast ,severe Mal 'distressing Attim,es she would be utmost fenutle, and tierfeetly.duramingenblei:vould thin up null doWn the floor, nod kaockberself unconsciously against the u , nl is. rot• n long . timmtle Wert) .ignoratit.ot the ealiCaerrnt langthmeing imoressed„mtli the Le pet ildtt,Nvorms were the cause, we Commenced AlliinE..sevcral medicines for melt' a 'tiomplaint, frbm which the e bild derived no benefit minitever. s'..n molter of eniirse, she' was much .reduced hi flesh, and" hut! all the' nyinptothe Of such it earn- I . 01114: Aceitlentully meetin" with ono . or ybur 'turbulent, we were induced Wiry Sand. netheine. We had nntmsed it hut n'rewAinys.hefore a Brent many, typrms were brought from lice, full.,six NOR:kJ n )0,140i, putt 1001',0,1111.):1111.; size from . ege, fOi•Flu , Opk i :iyioit,Tif itenreely add; that' the ivto:opikefikly ; relleied;bud' Batt too Wore lottLiMr - your Worm Syrulf.p , Sliti'ts M4'ofit 'COS , ' rrie; -- rironithcise , ,p. - - . tre.sidgd nod 'doing - well. 1 , 11.'cl - that it ;would' be tidiandriess nu my onct.to W 4111.1014 kohl ottauttilte 'communitrthis-infoiniatiOn.4 ilmrciore, ualumitatrogfy,reendiffellf - e ryour - Mtli-, ontbil-Vriv. or 3 1)014105141%Am.! ' TIKTfitri:'.I4D,AIMEII,, bf i iditer of the Mat shall Ss. .1 ‘ doer below Brown, .Cry9ttaitvittP Thi# art:4llo 4 vflp annvin'ee 016 molkacalpiettj iar:iia,unpoaandpniat6airtdear and cine' '4lll 4.5 , rahafdast U' it ' Wlttietif ditcattni:tnade t]rwl!alinada. parojtOCia ; ~, , A eiititowlirtil:psale. and, retail 110itinatialc;' , Iiruggiatts'. ktial . ±j/tp6diecari:4;, - ,N. EL • toftidkallSneatrd andreahtrefi dr Ceti: . 'MI6IOIIO , C lin 6:1%! Ceb.oolCre . • Failpgrat iitaP , he..tatiplisitrill viiilTrEfealoVOitair. fratitentititi;tVartdaltea,?:::bite 44416 tifitt';'eltry::ithery ;`6.tablishinaia( - In the t*ill*', ,, . 1 914 19 ‘Ft.l6tid, , ia'::ll4s sabil - jd ,p.t)te4ftritialindlFJ)cao. ti10033:.40' .V.A#VP;il4.,O47' kitimmeiroathw fd - 3 0 5i - „biAtpiritg 0111 P, 00),*irrinl ! I _Apir ~ 5 - ; ''""' ' '• - •", • • I' '` -44 Reinafiral !' 'DINtISTRY I :B6C.., 3"01IN IZENBELf RPECTFULLY informs the public, dint hasing'opeited no °Mee in Routh Hanover street, nearly opposite the Post 011iee,.he pared to practice I)KN 'VISA NY in fill its bran , ekes. Good Teeth are essenthil to health - , liesdles mourn' or artitichil ours nee not only useful but orinunental, nod add nistectully Is the conititri ci the wearer. It toed not lie stided.o hat 'edit be done to the teeth, sullice it I o'sny dist ewer g can lu rentedieti, and ?telt , Toil It furbished rroin single one to no entire set. Ilasiug Ittnd donsitle— rattle practice hie a 'ember ears, gaaile elites will he git'int to such as require 111111, 1110.6VAlprgot Is the often whin, si Inch will in all 1.114e6 . be Iteidortridil in the stout istri:tul mantasr soul atiwtees In suit the °cession tool tin thole , . l'ersoos tinned on nt their resiilenr'es, either in town or country . , without extra charge. Ile nisi sluitcs be round nt Iti, °dice, as abuse, nr it his cesidctiee lit Pitt street, otieduor !melt% of I ieonei's 1 here stable. Ile will also promptly attend' t n the repairing ot ‘ValelieS and .lewelr al his (Alice in Sontlvllan over street. Also, EX( It A\• INU newly ell: ll ted. llv attention and skilful execution at his a ,he hopes to reed so and In:ruby solicits a share ni public pairontige. Carlisle, April-11;1SM COIEPP(I>UNID SVIIMP OF WILD CHERRY AND TAR. Rir the cure if Poinnulary C'onsurnption Coo,p-hs, Coldq, AA/nil, Influenza, 'iron- Bill:wilt41 of Breathing, Pains in the-Breast Or Side, Spitting q. . Blond, C'roith . Tl7loopiiig Coitgh, . tlllt4 Medicine is' rapidly . gaining a deser • I vcd popularity in Affections oldie Lungs The following certificates from .respectable citizens of Philadelphia fully attest its merits. It has performed Wutnerotts cures in severe oa ses and 'where the usual remedies had fulled to give relief. ' Philadelphia, September !M.; 1845. Messrs. Robinson, Collins &C0.::.--.-43eing f. feted last' spring with a very severe cough, Ith pain in my side .and,breast r porenes and ealtness of -the lungs, shortness of breath, 4 as of appetite, &c., t tried various remedies, but to no gond °heel, my cough still continuing and growing worse. Suelt was the diStressing nature ofthe cough Mgt I could nut lie in bed niglit nor day,,lint' was obliged to sit up in my ''ciltairOind could not tife'aji but verylittle at best, eatiiequedtly, t was wearing out very fast, till you very kindly recommended- 1)r. Davia's Campers n d 'SS - FRIT - of Cherry and Tar, the fire( bottle of which gave me relief, checked my coiigit; loosened 'the lihiegm, caused me to ex peetorate freely; , ?Tutored niy a'pitelitc, !altered the Nitwit]: my. side, heeled the soreness of my breast, - end sircrigthitellmy lungs, causing Inc Co iiiealliepteye-1 have nnw taken-ten bottles 'it ho,,iifitcroy. eured'rnywOus 11. I. bait:gained considerably-4n flesh: I think It s most.vitlea liliVniadieinf4iand One.that ought - to•be tW'rttfartlieserafflizterFiviib-colds-end ~ce4g. l itOridy4tawiii_modielne_belbeafe and sure te;'•Cate';ll';.takertpreperly. =• While, tafCing'tho' :thediaine4;drOik'freely of molasses and water. which found ezeellen C . 4 6. 'keep banivels open,' .• If benefit' ;to the,.afllicte'd4Oti,afti'dtli,l2erty,to'rririke'slielt, nseofitiriCylitt maythilt;firopilv:. ..m.p TUC Bread 'S:troot:' - .•17 , ,,Several menthe since, rm . wito wait Slttichek tils.ottellnate;caUstinntinCu , Iftegait,togliaim her. ,Afew.deseliidiPr,,Ditileif, ouninonnii;'Syrtfi - Or !loved t !rift . cuiiiifltietuitigh • 'Sri - a the time'sbaliadjektlOLalf 4.bat !lc ' . 45rf00t17, - .;aiirectY , lSliti - Ocoliun ' etiila it, acqnsimiticeM*llarinieterOvtia tab atEletcd: iinediCindlirOadi,egually , tiontilleinlln liar case: - (frl.Mrs lJ also iiniPP*li`O'iiciei biliet'veJouriilllOW er,pt:' , VaYis'iOneri,loine c gMd; ;WItC 2 . ingiii:ooo:l4bwiajtib. bfrblliidelp,hilt tA *o.ol l 3 , lgtitt Orikejl ti %--Vipo „ 1 .. ikrti" ItICRV, &6i -..' ---,---,---- ', 4 ' l O l IV etl ' id • 4..V.t4" -P" 411Vjg' ofirtl.flt9'.2eoo4 bt:irib f,P4Ar Olt liihica 7 l'Y bni:VGlrici4 NI u !' _ifit, ' , ; .:ir °fit tg•.4§.:; ,: '',--1.. ''''''':,:/,,,,g,,...,,-, zxt. lowttrs,s = 4 AAI .7-:-....u:,...,- - -x0tv•:::::,m,uu;'.2.4.,.:, , , - .....:.,: . .;,:.4jf NEWL& I EXTENSIVELUMBER , AND , • AitlfAtilitiCkittil . .'..AW HE subite;iiberuloitid4etipicjitilly` intotini • • the/ etlizehis;:piJcatiitile,';apittbe public gewicAly, tlipptlae still continues his TAIMBEtI YAM ,on the . .%irest.,entitf. Main street at the eorner:formed by •AJM,..lievivillocßoeil and AO, Turnpi l lte;•where. lie:Will t at .01l times been , on 'hand it.generin supply of•afellvelectcd Lumber, Botardii . 4 , lanlc. F Seantheag,-11pild, • - ing Irpnber,k6lataigileg, 'Bich will be sold at nit lowest pricesy .11is stock of Lumber, ennoistiof it full assort ment-of Yellow and White Pine, Poplar and Cherry Etoo?ds and Platils, from common ()anticl in quality , and ,of different thickness; also Ash • Plank; White and Yellow Pine, Poplar, Cherry, Oak mid Monte Scowling, of all sizes from 3 by S to C by Si also a full assortment of Pine and Oak Shingles; also ‘ fluilding Timber, of any length and thickness; Juice and hollers of all sorts and sizes, toget her with every oilier arti. cle usually lobe found in a LumborYard: Ito will also keep constantly on hand a supply of the ditTercnt. kinds of CO, A L, such fis Pine Grove, Willtesbarre and Shamokin for , •-ftimilyusoottilidruebu r n eks in idea Coal of the best quality, at the lowest prices. Grateful for past favors, lie respecifally so licits. a continuance of the public patronage, and holies by strict attention to give satisfaction to his ciiitomera. SAMUEL 'lll. troovErt. 'Carlisle, May 19, 1846.. • • . . . 11ERF.11Y GIVEN, that aPplleatinn -- 1 - . - made by-the -underaignetLand athetit, to the next Leointure of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. for the incorporation or a company, to be tailed Cq1111131;q1;AND VAL Lay„ BANK. Oi VEN NS YIN AN ;" to heloeated'in - the liorctigli of Carlisle, Cumberland, county, to have,,capi al of not less than One' tindred Thousand, a . nor more than titrcglundred thousand Doklars,, with gea end banking and discounting-. privileges. Thomas C. Miller,. discounting- . Bell, James Kyle, _ Samuel Beetem, Abraham Kurtz, William Kerr, Sidles Woodburn John Lelevre, John Dunlap, John gusto'', James Weaktey, L. 11. Williams, Benjamin Pefier, Alex'r..Davidson, Andrew G. Miller, 0. 1-1.-Leas,_ B. W. McCillloch, Isaae Lefevre, William Galbraith, • George Heikes, Richard Parker, f Jardes.oreaspn, Wm. M. Henderson, William Cregto. July 1,184-G.-6wt. JAMES .LOUDON'S GHEAP-BOOK & GROCERY.. STOBE. subscriben iats received and keeeps con-' sliuitly on halal .a general assortment. of Se:hool Books and .Stationary, which he intends to sell at rationed twines. Purehasers be sup prrol with Wades, Paper Ste. at the following rato, •. ' Good School Grand School 'l•eslumeut s' Pocket /3ililes morocco gilt edges 1,00 - School llooks.kll the genet alkiruls in use pro pnelioaaldy S Stlitiociiry is a . good /pod ity. also n good tissortiocid. of Litt/op/co/0c Toy , Rooks Ulla Books snitabli for I loll days. Ito ti no carries on theTlook Binding: business wherttliorsons eau titivothuir.old-hooks rebound,. 'also Itlsult BookA,Driuketa-Ste, nude to order. 'lie .stil,veilted is connection with his Book and Statiuwiry Sture,lisia c•sh,filielic7Ca -' GROCERY.. - HE In - Trifilw nit riand -a largo and z. - 227 , 1 general ttssortment offreah armories, spices &C. 0 1 ceoCyAleSCl • illtiOrl and ;14 the. best quality, selected with cure maat? , il in the city, and which 'te is enabled to sell at reduced esPil prised to suit the limes. ' Thanlthil for the patronage extended to hint doting the few days he hoe been in the busi. noss, be hopes by attention and imdea voting to please to merit a continuance .thereof, his stork in - part consists of Strung 12 hi Mid Java Coffee, • Beet and 211..quyity....1.inuf Sugar, Brown, Bavaria nod riu•Ned Sugars Young,llyvori, Imperial HMI Illark Toao, Sugar House Syrup utteNew °drams Mo Best and 2(1 hqsl gperrn Oil Sperm and Ni 'mkt Candles, Spires of sll kinds frvsh around and ungiound, Cheeso 1111(1 Cravbrrs, \lane, Citron, Indigo, Starch, Saltpetie, logwond, American and London mustard, Rice, llomenputhie a n d Ito. kers best Choeulate, Raisins, Almonds sod Fil. harts. Crockery, China and Class ware. Also Mush ea, Tubs, Itaskeis Churns, Brooms, tied cords, Halters, Ploughlines, Masons and Carpenters Lines, Market Chiskeis, Rest Cavendish and other cliewii.g and smoking Ti 111 1 . 1 .11, Spun. ish, half Spanish and (7,minion Segars. A general assortment of good Spool cotton, thread, tapes, thimbles, hooks & eyes, Pearl but one, pins and needles, tooth brushes, hair bra-hcs combs, pewter sand, shoe blacking . and a vs, iety.other iNcrill articles. Also No. I & 11 macherel,soaked Herring, Kalmon,Cranberries, dried Reel &c.--- • • • Decomberlo, 1845. , . BOOK BINDING AND BLANK WORK. . ' T, , ,A.1N1 id IF ACTORY. • ,rll- OUTS RUSH; would i•espectfully inforin the 4 emeriti of Carlisle and 'vicinity, that hit% lug ' Med alp necessary apparatus iii thb new stone house, or .1. 11. Graham, Kau. in south Ilanover strtet, direetly opposite the Postl3ll'mo, he is now pr&pareil to do till kinds of Plain and FllitlC% Binding, in English French: or Oreimen Style. Books rebound ill Velvet, Silk ni "'Muslin, with G,ill eligiv. . . Gentlemen's Libraries neatly filled up and repair ed,- Mitsiit And , periodicals.. hound to pattern—. Ladies' Scrap:books, Albums nod Portfolios oral' descriptions mule to order. BLANK. WORK. Ile would also in- . form County nflicersp -' '-: i'' 14, , ,- * Merchants and Batiks, ' \ - t- that lie ia also prone ...: ~..,,-- 4 ..- rid to ' 'manufacture' . .. ,1 7-,' ' V.,.7 . - ? ..-:,..,,, ' --- 4„. !ILA KK ...WORK of Pl. Or:I, '',Z..;-:- .. ::, 1: '!e : s e \ every deserlittion such ' ''',- • • . : •,, . ' ,.7.- - as llockett, Records, I)eett-Boi s, i'Dn'y; oolitt,- 11.4dg:ere:Journals, Nlentorittitluvria,cheek , l ills, &a,, otllte fiiiestvillity ollptitiel'Otia'sjilo - eirilil ---6- m iy , Mashrht-theieltieit-01 , -Pliilatleipitia-or-ACR_ • Yin.ki pii_tlie- Meat relisonahle' terms,' , ,i , .:- ~ ' '.riiii 41 - PWrikitliivetWlWlß4'eattontible;tiites_. I . Ile. reapectfullf solicits the .pritrutiago or the publile,oaufule-tft.of_lming.tihle to..doiall work in a. slYle inttisfsetory ; to.lilieemii?tners: ~. , „, i c,-PtQ47175 1 M. - : , ) . , - ~,,?, -; 1- i . , j 4,2 i on4sr,,sived,fs. 4rettny earnek : rlll.ll,Qtbiliqi: nititto -Amity .Ibe'' Well. tipplied,* ~,.L.,estlling"nt-G, I:Ay. tlt,:ON'S andltureltasing iiiiTal,..6 - f - tiai.o - o,t - litimp'.Triknif: lii4itu4do 30..casesio Llattigoritt!,-.laqa - ist oak: altilinfvsafelY-Tleittiripeiloits'lii'wanClif-the'til , tk Joltii:llAtit bf purchaiiiiig'of tlitiniTtliiij'llitittilothiiig bullillWaiitiii - IFilwifrliile;oWwhieh they illif.»o rlslltii - '",!-;-:, -',;',..; :1,';:, , ;.: , ;'cll,Al( , ' s - I, 'ARN. ' ,'l ' :f. ' - '•! - SEIPA,„ON - D.' - '4.PRif-Y"L' A ootoi , Shoes , " Dun's j US7:4"‘°4c-4- 11 :1 1. D. ' •iid , , :546 i 66 c 6 , -•:11-)r•k„1.1;foiliiiailiif.P446,1•'°--sr"-Ai • =Kid . ()red - tior • p in - v . Ist° t i ."1; --1 Jr, 4.5:.A.-411172,V11417417k476:1k144q qt0pyAi1,, ;t2 Is-:::; '''.'""<"•'.' ll ..M, 5ti114110:KL1T , i4 ,,,, ,f , : , : , ;'"; A.,,,,,,,q,10L0r laustitir4ktiii(liiii•*r , 6 :ii,54 ' 4.Citti(l434obll ii,h)ellolo , - - untilPsobid : itibrioe;fai pat ; ..4ilhl6' eipp itorelir‘M. -i• July - 13. ' . '.;;"== , l !YN'Oititri'ti,lso.ti ' , _ tatiteler: ett)titnes,i • - _:!,...CABINT!,.ANII.tHAIR,IIOOMSr 7 ,i,- ,-- ' 7 l 2 .l l ' : l.ll3l.ieribiril l 2lllldlrifiirtt'. 11eir' : friStid a ' ' ',Snalliii , piildf 2 . ganefally, th - t:they-haVe talrem'th'e'reoril''ili'- , Dabrill - t' ';.,,„,1 Illitienter'streiMilotel)r eecti.': - :it i Air pibd by:A O outE. pulfock a .- ,' dlifiit' Mannrocoryokohere : . ~ 420;.. 'they,. will keep -constantly . .:.- •' 7'. for sale' an'• elegini!essort- -...ki - nicnt.ofo,4llflX - 111 1 1 1 =. e ,tr'f''-'"'' - r . - such as-SEGRETARIB-, ... 11UREAUS, , Werke-landB,7 , ..,., ( Diming old Bfbaltfast Tables= C erd; Pie: 'Centro' Tables. French ; ' 'flelci, high'-arid low .. , post Bedstea ds, &'n. Tbey . have . -oliw . end w' IS a continue to keep on hand .largo and clegant variety of CH4IRS of evtry , deseription t Cu which they would incite the aitebtres of house keepers and those just cottimencing, counsel they will hnd articles of such workmanship and moderate priettsuut must be satisfactory to ' purchasers. • - . They Mitre Ilion nintle extensive arrange ments for the Inan ufacture of , Eir 5 3,74521, 4 1A5 plaramt, - of alllcolors,:_sizekanttiplelhies.-and- Inox style fully equal O . those toads in the pities; together' with every other article - of Cabihet Wtre—adi of - which they will-sell -very .pheap for' CAO.H.,. or exchange for Country Produce . at market prices. COFFINS made On reasonable terms at 'filiort notice, anti they 'will attend funerale with a eplentlid Morrie, in,,town or country, free of extra charge : 'A Hearse will also be kept for hire,. A general assortment of wellseasoned Lunt. bet, suitable tbr 'Carpentera and Cabinet islalc ers,'kept at the;abotto mentioned-shop, consist. tog of Panels, first; second, and Third Common White Pine Boards, Plenk and Scantling; also, Cherry,: Walnut, Poplar, Shingles, Locust Posts; Wagon NI Ether Stella all kinds, Atn. Also, Bedstead Posts, ready turned, together with slats for Venetian Blinds, all of which will be sold at moderate prices. • They :respectfully solicit share of public patrimage, confident that they can render gen eral satisfaction. J. R. WEAVER 6-,Co. Carlisle, April 15, 1896.. NOVTH AGAINST THE SOUTH: IL C. IVI'ALOY, WPULD tespectfoolly inform his a:• old old costnoticre mid the public/' -. ~ .; generally, that he has REMOVED to '( the, store morn formerly occupied by .Me. Stephen al. Harris, onAlie corner of:N. .rth Hanover and Conflict streets immediately op- ',Molly bronariPs Stote, where he will itianufae.. `1..t.:?.. F. .-M' W... CZ).. 04. U.a0.4 turn and keep constantly on hand a general . assortment Of - . ' o VIIAILLES BARNITZ, Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Chilaren's OULD announce tb the citizens of Car. cr BOOT AND SHOES lisle and the publie in general, that he S , has removed'his store to South Hanover street, nielle.orthe best meterial ' an d in the most ra.h• one door below Burkholder's Ilotel,in the house ' ionable and superior style, and nt prices loner formerly-occupied by Mr. No W. Weeds, where than can be had ii any othei Establishimilt in he would advise oil who want to purchase cheap 'town for CASII. "Pay to-day and trust to Goods-to g ir o him rumen, , morrow," is his motto. - He would inform the public that he has just Ile. would respectfully invite the publicc to icturbed from 'Philadelphia with a large and examine lois ,steck, confident that they cannot splendid assortment of - - j fdil of being satisfied with both the Materials and workmanship. liiii best morocco's Ina - ‘,.. . Spring and Summer Goods, other fine materials are purchased in the o ity , Which added to his stock makes his as with flip 171.MQ6i cure, and ns-lie employs none !sortmenl'eampiete. ficlvi(l Het! gooqs oil cheap . but !he:hest workmen, lie feels safe in . warrant- 'as at tarty other establishment; inlciWii.M7 ---- = - ' ing every article which goes out of his estab.' stock, whiclo . has heo..n . selected with care and lislinient.. - 411 -rips rBpairod gentis. Country attention, will cnelole, him to gove-such bargains' produce taketein exchange for work. 'Return: tie cannot Cail.to please. - trig his warmest thorilliN illr-1)1181 . patronage, he He would.therelooro-c4li 4.lle.ratention uf the. reopecttidily solicits a continuance °fit for tho rnblic - in want of,CII EA P GOODS, to give future; -- IL C. AIALOY. hint a Moll and esti - ft - tine roe . theonsclves. _tile_ Carlisle, April 15, 1846. stock tourists in part of , . • --- -,*------------- -tta-Z ..12-1 7 .'M„s, Lr.....:.__.., -- a_,.i -- --,„,42 - zrDs - zr . .: 7 ,- . - \ L - 11 .20 'nail colors and quality. C,lSNillleieg, CIIPSi -..—..-- frill? SlibSt.l.ll,ol' M'Olii,i re,p eel f„ll % j„p i ,.6, 1 4, I.S3t.'• 'f'weedi(. Vesting, PlannelsoSilks, Alper.. friends a n d the politic, tlata••he has removed olio, Meritines, G 'fight% nos,lled Tiekinge,Shuu le, .9. to the Nieto latel. recopied us an olllve by .hillll ' tielle""o Muth"; . 11 select nod general "soil' Bred, 1'1,.i, in West I I igto si.., next Mew lo'; En . ) 'E meal of Lace, Edging, Insert:lima, Gloves, store, a hero lie trill continue to eara• o a the T,.. f Hosiery, Sae. &e.&e., together with evciy ea- TAILORING BUSINESS, 1 riely of got du kept in any ,tore. A. A very haze assortment of GIIOCE. and to• "Ce.te " 1 ' 4 .' 3 r°.' "....k.". Re's hint, of of ims, it) all hinds this; inlay loc. wattled fir Cool• .1144, he pledges lanaell to exrente prompt!, in . , l e n.a. %cry clavair. I.ll.ewase, a large assort. a ~,,,,,r om,,,me "1 ‘,.,k111ai1.111:.• ioneer. 'I no 1 -. ' ',... laleti Fashions %I ill be l'ilOthil'i revel, (.1111111 noo sirs ) I" pries Nerved to render genet a I sultsia..liOll I” ILO,' Queens-ware, Giass-vj are, ~..., . .0,, E.:,c,, ~1,,,,,,,,, r,,,,, lan, ~, iii, their Custom. Caltung, • or 10N0m.01 . , lute 1 , 11111 ,, ..i•i-Ale Wi1..8. Wflichl Wilt be sold vt''' s rB 4 ' , hoes'. r• - 1.:il A fIS, of the Wi1.1.,1A NI ',MP' ftlltSoN, best that the rity eon r 0 afford, Mao he h.of Is Carlisle, April 8, tBill. ' ' ! cal ing at Patrititg'a Lin ap Sion, in South -II an. ______— over sty, t • - fASTIONALE TAILOR. $l,OO 50 ' 12-0 -- - H. J. .11ECIl l • • ARES this method In inform his frig lids and the public put:rally, that he ha,. te— iii.red his TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, next door to Mr. Irvine's store, in West High street, opposite Mr. [lectern's lintel. in the bo rough ocUarlivle, where he is prepared to do all work in his line, in the very hest manner. prom his experience in the business, lie flatters himself' that he will be able to please all who may laver hinf with a call, at the shortest notice. Ile receives the . fashions regularly from the city, and those who desire u Cnut to ti , nan(l), are requested to give him a call, au he feels con. fluent that he cup give entire•sutistattion to tho Most fastidious. Ile also returns his thanlislo his former friends and eustamers:and Itopi.s that they will continue their triewiship, and bring /in many new friends us they can with them. Ills prices will be moderate to suit the times. 11. J.lll. Carlisle, April b, 11i4G.".t • REMOVAL,. 41 ❑E undersigned would respoothilty inform ,his friends and the public gonoral, that ho has tortured his TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, • from liarpor'a Row, to thu liAube fi,tlllofly in the ocawancy Stevenbon & Alehaftby's: prug.Sftitr,ectli opposite.tha llcif4.l,'wher:o he oun an , ic - P,and to. wait upon li foriner patron , and , hose. nety ones . who are dealt clue to Firriim Opt/OPTS: He would ulab,uva tilmstAf tif niiiiaiitihttf to 'raturn blansitico‘iit thahliil lipid patrons, for their fund encouradiniant:rtind soliaittilha'dontinu ano_oof their fat oer. ' " ' ...,; TT: W rVltAtt*Pol7-8-W-OP D.- .Catliele,s,A Pr If r a' .1 64!: 1) E l l Mtn' . . . . . . ,T,tlr...Poculifir pro eplel tlfii icllG,reotilerto it to every !oily or get Alepotti-iii ,, toilt A3l all other oil, - iloesoCfifoil (116 tool but betout ilyijorpotooll e elroyi the, ,rniiitlif pores,: ki ti airy .wp ng 'now tbneo.Pod o r„. est, 6pl. l , ro 'dpetionceollitfin,2;tietl.of hair. sitdbi.;:iliiiiideiphi ßti ; and ; car.1181E1:11Yf...54'1441,19TT 1 Faxilify Medicines 4 JaYne 8' .i, vstiu#l4l;- : _ 2;a4,adiliitgAl: Pitli:f,,,. -i l r ':".'!::.., ° -Y e e . i :,..,.., , . 'hied°ne " ) l l % l i tontni . qi-FPziLE; '' ' - 'i4 ,, . ‘ ~.,..4 ,- -, , -+f•jtiVlßO, II oilhogr p,,, , ,. E,,V ..; ' !:V7Tiiir,,,r_oulify ';'•o;'^t4/..rti',6Y°: .. '-'' ' . ''''''-* :V8 lir) I lillotkr-Aak',J, i-,:: , , Q. ,, -._ -, 4,, ~ , ,! •. 4 vrn ilyeti.oo44M- -:•.e al t -7,'l '5.4!;-r°4114 1414046-14reirjt; --', ,;,,Ittioei kil'itils..7.,pi ,- r uide. ..., I ' . . ' _ . . 1 , .: ' ,•'•:', 2:4-145,q1P-r,—:- --'-- '-'- J , ~~'L ~ i..if ':.'~~ : i~' ~r~' Lij~l3~l~-= r -74P-vr.-A2D1:10t5."-,,,f,t,V;; e.„'• : 1••.- /•• CEILARTIES , TIIE-inheeriberjivinif purehtiaed , thlo lost -stock Pleiv- York-and:Philadelphia, can now, accommodate all ills customers •egf,l- ‘l,39'POliq itgeneral, handsom-; Or &id,has over•been brauglit to Carlisle. , It is' imposaible to- enunieratil.el'llehig, ho • would call the- attention ot,,,the Lan Es' to hi Opienclid . #3tob.it of • • Fancy Gbodi, an the G rriTt.Emi:N to his hig stock far SUM. 54 '.lt. WEAR. 1 boys added to my former • stock, a largo supply of Hats, roots and Shoos. Also, an _extensive nssertment of prime .freslt . GitOetßl ES. Remember, the Old Stand, East High street; where you can at all times find a big 'stock of cheap gabds. CHAS, OGILBY. CarliSle, June )• 7, 1846. 6 - --. . . N*7-13r COUN T-Ar:MERCIANTS stipplitd .i6lll2„an kinds of obit k fit city prices. -NtAt) Altietre4 tc. Gadvd; IT AS Pit opened, (in : the room formerly op.: 1 . - 1 copied by.lMr..lleney [laicid,liust Opener. pf Market Sip.ure,) a Ocoee and elegant stock or 7.1.,„7.E. t Inong wliich4 4- C El aigilibiFvelelc - Atnericattanc - Tweed-- CL 0 T Et6 2 . Sat tinets and Cassimeres of 'ration's ,kinds of the . : • latest styles. Gambroons, Linen-and ' Cottoti MHO, Oregam and California Cords,and 'fi _great variety for men's wear. II AL'iOILINE§, liaragn , ; [Awns, White null Fancy Graduated Rada: ", •,..' French, Scotch, and Domestic Gin I an , Gin ham Lawns,Mouslln tle Laines,C . f , :,.blettebei* and unbleached Muslins, epitir.*t , ins,iiri,if a , ?,.c general a4sortment. of .WAlte. -''..Thihe ',.,.: -, :kierino, and harage Shawls Ai' ' fs,, Ladies',. , -- Cravats, Gentlemen's black 1 'nney_eravats.. ''' Silk and Gingham I lamikerdit •New..:Style Spring Bonfiets. L'INFIt. Pt 0,14! a '' „Chinese . 41 Pearl, Gimp, Florence Brtiitk N ttifirmod cila...and Rutland Straw Tlnfineis: .legant rich fringed Rililions, Incas, Ldgings and Inserting& Also, FA'3lll. - Y,GROC.F.Rins, such its cofrccs, Sugars, Tens, Spices and Tobacco. 'As I 'um ' determineeto -self low for CASH, I respectfully invite .the public to call and CN am ine my stock before piireliaing, elsewhere. Carlisle, April 22, 1846. 'l'hese-tle,irous•ol seeurinz, the first rheier ut Llu• mo I select and de.i, lie 14,..g1s in tin. [Hurl. ltet, would do well to null without &they. CIIARLES BAHNITZ. Cu aisle, April 8, 1846. ' SPRING -GOODS. subsei tier 'hereby informs his custu nn rs and the public genc.rally,thal he hos just received mid is now opetirng at his stUre, on the South West corner attic Public Square, a splendid stud: of FIetESIZ SPRINg. qCODS, consisting in putt of triglish, French, 0na1 .....,\ American Cloths, Cossirnercs, Sattinetts., Ken, Cocky !tans, Cotton C.pudica sill k rods, Su Miner .. Cloths, Vestings, towns, Gi vita ins l .l3olvo rines. Plain and Fancy prints Sints„SlitOttis.'n'ellotco, lot uf Calicoes of 'all pricestMkekt;.Tieltiiirt,. 11ln:tints, Parasols, Sitn.slin slaMores, finsiery.• &e. ' Also, Groceries, ll, i ot, l 4srup,.S , utar 5. ' A t Horse, and Orleans Ale!: '',' Fsugupt,. ' /.. 1 , ,',., Ate. together with every, 1 , 44 ellsci•in ne - ' of business. All of whiell • •• &rent thir 4Fy . , lowest prices possible:., ' - ',Y'' , ?',' . ' II REIFF IR Vi NG; h. ' Carlisle, April 8, 1846. ' 1.- 1 ' HARD WARE, CUTLERY & SADAU3II The Largest, best ;Selected; and, - Cheapest Stock of Jl - 4rilware.evet o brought to Carlisle • . OUN YNE respectfully inf&ros his' - ' ird_Abecputtlievenetsla-_titamte-bas-- = - ri , ceivtd 'front the city a splendili stack of • lIARDWARE,, CU TLERY',SADDLER Y., Cln4i.:ttintbt Varnlik, &c., which - be is daterntincd to sell cheiipir, that ever' lila Stuck consists to rt,o3he • li t iailki*lnatritilti, such, esi Locus,„ Hinges; ' and Screws, nails ancripikee, wirieetW Orris; of all irises, Carpenter's ,trals. of all kindstsuch us planes, saws; CillaCie, a ugurs, br,,accs and , bits„ - comparses, superior-Isand . 11 assortnicrit consisting ,of, braes platikl and linarrnountiumaddlo,truerr y bit ts_ bitclee/e; hog , ,altins,nraw • hide whip stocks; Spa, ' "Csbilaz. , V,lll itite TS' materiiis, tine la VE,ItEERS, GlassGl"assend Ma= began) , drawer and 'Chest loCksMe - d- • stead, screws anti paps., Alaa,,a Anent of 4no.pon, and pocket kni and.;; fOrita; shears; razors;-,and ereont Als4--Pandletriinksianti;siitirefs, 00v ola anal ttivp.' brusbeseofAirkiincla:3lo4tna tinit , ....13 - pieralitiy:And nye' , forks, halter andAraceAbViktbynPgbat'lnjiiii !' lookingglassea,,pnd gpitw..plAtes 411 — rplil and, cross ctiviitny,g;.4T,',,kiqq,:!ound ‘Also; rine, aitd, ,-7f,ron, 11,1:41,--0009!itY usually iint - igftstyirtiniTcwelo4 . * l o l .-,Fi*it!krticle 4Ciill 7 ,:antr, firm of . annii.knoWine,thenweistis - indetiindita4ll4,:l?-0- ash)ir„spAhnerbiloktionatr.abts;itaidileditili,:lifime- wAtibitth t use ttit;bl6aulAPAltiiiiMEslittit zt,rtieheit icing:, Tor " s 2 I MM