Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 16, 1846, Image 2

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    , 4 .Spit,1 :0 ,.„
• .
For the Repeal of the British. Tariff
of 18461 " _
et'ES 11, TOWER.
WhieCounty , Ticket.
• Assembly: -
JAMES MACKEY, Shippensburg,
,pANIEL COBLE, Silver Spring. •
" • Director of the Poor.
J' COB FIERSHE, North Middleton
19 ilk T. GREEN, Dickinson.
• • . ' Coroner.
-- Oz!rA "democrat of 7 Altinson" desires
us to say that he will probally have another:
—communication to_make..fir : r_his old friends
next week
0 . 6 . -,Themember of the Whig, Standing
teinatittee for DiefrinsOn township, fa John
liana; and not naafis, as published in our
CAL -AND NEE TT!—The beautiful new hall
of the Sons of Temperance ; Division No. 9,
Heetem's Row ; will s lie opened to vishers
(m.*Friday evening.
• College , commenced _yesterday: 7 -
:h= the number of new faces on our streets
ime judge there has been a considerable ac
cession of ne'W'aiudents.
Otr7On ourfust page wine found a couple
of colninus of political articles. Our, :readers
will excuse um for appropriating a large space
of our paper to politics, from now until the
election. The people must have light,,and
the frauds, falsehoods and cunning devinds
of Ineofpcoism must Der properly shown up.
Kt— We are -indebtedto the Hon. ALEX.
— llTaffiff, - 11. -- C. for a number of Congress
zonal s'peeeltee. We hope that thousands Of
- them may reach Pennsylvania before the
- -eleminr,--aa the Teo* -are 'beginning-to
understand that Protection must rirmr - lre
battled foi in earnest.
New' Borrits.---We
_notice ° by the N. - York
papers, that among the .new books to be
published by the Messrs. - Harpers ; orrSatur
day last, was a First book in Lat ," being
the first of Prot. McCiarrroctr arid Ca. • 's
`series of elementary Greek and Latin book
This work, Fey the publiE.heie r pre:ents
course of lessons on the method of 011en
dorfl, through which the student is gradually
introduced to a knowledge of inflections, as
well as to readiness in reading and—writing
.Latin, and furnishes everything that a pupil
will need before commencing .the regular
study of the classic authors: •
o* The northern section of our borough
s improving at quite a rapid rate. A very
spacious and-elegant building, large enough
for's first-class hotel, is now in the course of
erection by Mr. Jacob Leiby, on North Hano
ver Street, and an exceedingly tasteful
dwelling has inst., been completed on the
same street, by Mr. John Sanderson. There
are others in the same neighborhood, of less
dimensions but not less neat and convenient;
which are being erected by some of our most
worthy mechanics, who thus afford the
best proof of their public spirit as citizens,
and their prudence and economy as working
men. ff there is any fact more gratifying
- than another in the general aspect of a town,
it is to see:that diffusion of pt osperity which
' gives the industrious, mechanic or laborer a
comfortable home O. his own.
• .
fg'r'We understand that reports have been
circulated that Mr. Mackey, one of the Whig
candidateslfor- the ,Assembly; has declined.
This is.ncit true. 'We have beforeus a letter
. ,
fronn.Mr.'M : in whiChle signifies his weep
lance of the nomination, and declares his in
tention to use idl honorable means to ensure
the suteess of the ticket. '
(-We continue to hear from every see
'tiou'of tbe county the most gratifying Intel-
. ,ligence concerning, the prospects of our tick.
et. The ticket gives entire satisfaction—our
..,;fr:elids,gre'eyeiy, where united—and we dn
( hfi Second Tuesday oi 3 October to an
... , ,inounce . Cuaibedsad county redeemed, re
, ttetir,nted4nTdisenthrallecl 1" •
'Dermotat says
The Lewistown Bank has been compelled to
tenipPakorpopkicin,of ,epoitcie:-payment i
• bra mOrtt.oxtraon3inarrrun ppm it, which
haabeerultepttiPlor . more than two weeks
during whiClrthinOthey hive paid' iit a very_
large amount of apecte. . The; Democrat ad
..•0501--iibte-h-pl‘iii4i•niiflo part with them c ai a
: '
(J relPr G. McConnell ` M. C.
'l."*'' . 44 (/'iililb ral # l?la fil4ard,'Pat' an and
7,4 , 4 i : 4l 34.4:existeiip e vpV("ashinccon,on
i*ila -181343 4ai andet Maaja a..
' ? 1 3111 /' : ail 4iNag:hiaiell allal:tia/ea.:kl )1 1 ) "..
i t Z ji,
' , ' :, ' ":' , 47 ' ! n; .•,- '' ''' i4 .s, 4 l:ttta4aal*:,-7-7 , - i'fz:,'.:7 - --
qt #i4iiicirliff his resigned iii,44etti..
.4/7',4',0,i111i1,9%,t.t.P,11 b een aPPatate*V_ tal,atar
, ';• 44 o:' , E,ailaad:*' " Mr. Mama af V i'llniPJra beau'
~t 1.,- i p, E *. _ • L Skolorej'y AA°. Islay l, ' ' "'''' •:', \ .
.7411,-t,',/11411720artar#PaPa?,ay.0 :alial n. ci!ral?.o).Y
,*; Vt ;'lll4' iii - an d
thi a aa.lifiatiaaitar 'c-?,i'l
. I?d irtial i ciiihio,aisiiiottAii , , g ::i'R'A]:oN ' l ';'.
""ft ~ .- ; ',,4, 4 0 ."—\ •' •
I)4', * llll o ) ii i i i k L iliglitly:Siiii*llla;vricia
.-, ~.‘,., ~....,, L-1 1 1 , 4.,,, - ,.,. . ,,.
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1f44"Al f , :fiii' , 4ol3 . lttiib. '9. .rti;
, , Nir*,-„,-- •-, ~ . ', , ,,r4:4,41, , ,pt i , ,,,e,,
'•'' , a A . ,-, -, 004-:-„,1040,, ~- •
- -- • ---, ..:, .t,,,,,,,,,,, ~..,,, , ...
...,--404,.'. LOW I- . 4 ,1 1011, 1.00i#il
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_V 72,1g4 FlolAilk464 9 i
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~A ilier,, ,,-* , ' 7Y'lttrkfv,,, A ., ' ',
~,,,,,,, .'.:,:',:‘, —;: '-, — ;-'',', i',15 ,,, ,1ne,1 ,, ,-:q
. ....rFk'..., ' ' -L'.%, .... :.,,,, : „ 5 . - . ,, ,,v,„' i . , ,,, , ,. ~,,,
Y. ,. .,..1 - ,-,.. ' ittii , ,,. , , , , , ,,m4k, u, ,,,:c .,-. 1 .,',1,, , , ti
~• • _
' rs; •
74: - •
- = ~~p~~
. .
-"CZ. A r on IY' • r?Ppdjalke 1 9e91Pci:'
eandilke for`d#4l6s§iiillitir ,
n-Piptyioouritilhe-tc;cospromf;ll,y denquiio
ed the'Bril!eh'Tarif of? 1896
diffy:heither aypyfvee,iiie4:l9)loll4 l (i
FraiMiFilh - erwerl) he
for the Turiti of 1846! • . .
azr The communication of a 'democrat of
Dickinson,', in our lait, pot only made
the rut fly,' bet must have even torn the skin
off in certain places, it we may judge from
the violent Ovings out of the Yolunteer . and
Statesman. The Voluntees—wants-to4et-u-
that.the,i den - learnt of, Dickinson' is a Whig
Vtre never even when we haSre
certain chances ofleted us: The l Voltinteer is
mistaken.. The aforesaid fdemocrat.' is a
.locofbeo and has always noted with that-party
in itsdountkm'eetings, foitiffi orfuly cerebra
tions.and_at-the—polla—But _we WO now
that he. will - have independence enough • to
-ff.come , out—from'among-the-foul party;' A
company with a good many others who feel
they have been too long made the ditpcs.of
ignorant demagogues and party. dictators.
The Statesman, too, comes down upon the
•' democrat of Dickinson' like a thunder-stordt.
We hav'nt heard:of the lightning striking any
one, however! We suspect the democrat'
was rather amused than 'frightened by the
Durst of'sound and fury signifying nothing.''
We would advise certain persons td :take it
easy' and not wate up the ! democrat of
Dickinson' again
Kr- The Volunteer goes a great distance
out of its way to make a furious onslaught
upon Hon. John &robin, who has-been rB
- for Congress by the Whigs of
Lancaster county, on account of his vote
against the Mexican.' War b'll. We sliould
not4Tave voted as Mr. Stiohm, did had we
been in his situation, but it must be recce].
lected that he had no less a personage than
Mr. Calhoun for'an example in opposing the
bill. •
But while the Volunteer is renting its pa
-trintinlinligriation undo Mr. Strohm. it says'
'nothing about the loco majority in COngress
voting down a proposition made by Andrew
Stewart, of Pa. to increase the pay of. .the
privates-in .the 'Army, to ill , a rnonth and I
the grant of a section of land, after the expi
ration of the war.. VI - IIS . is the sympathy
which the- Locos h . ave for the oar priva e
iroldier who fights the -battles of his country.
His name 'does not get into the despatches :
he receives promoti3n, and- locofocoism
even refuSez him a pay of $lO per month!
Orrtizarztnna, G.ERMANB ! that the New
York CoUrier and Et - quirer, the. organ of
higgery in New York, a tew weeks since
stigmatized the GERMANS of Pennsylvania
ay ", ignorant Dutch asses, without sense
enough to judge right 'from wrong!" -Re
member this, Germans, when you go to vote.
Tire New York Courier and Enquirer is a
paper that we never see, having no exchange
with it, but we very much doubt whether it
ever made any such ridiculous asserticm as
the'abote. II it did, the Whigs are not re
sponsible for it. But let the people of Penn
sylvania, both English and t.erman, marl the
following.. The 4 1lickoey Herald,' a loccdoco
paper, published in Jonosborough, Tennes
see, alluding to the Tarifffraucl of 1844, says: .
g , Much has been said about Pennsylvania
and Pennsylvanians in , connexion with the
Tariff. From the beginning of the Presiden
tial canvass to the present hour, the Whig
press har asserted that Col. Polk practised a
fraud upon 11% people of that State on the
subject of prof Lion. Now,, in the face of
Mr. Polk's speeches, votes and acts aga ins t
the Protective System throughout a long and
brilliant Congressional career,-;in the teeth
of his letter to Katie, advocating the revenue
principle—of his Inaugural, and fi - ally of his
Message to Congress—the man, or set y'inen,
the State Or part of a:Slate, who could still be
so ignorant of his views Its to think him a
friend of a .Protativeand riot a &Penne Tariff;
are so grossly stupid—so 'destitute of Common,
sense, so perfectly full of all the qualttiei of the
ASSAat they are incapable rf seggavernment."
Locofocos of Cumberlota pounty hew do
you like being derided in this imhion, by one
ofyOM own' papers, roEvotingfdr Polk as a
bettor Tariff man than Mr. Clay? •
• " Bot, what can we expect of a party made
up of Tories and the deseendanti of Tories?
Just what we have had frOm the elevation
to the PrEsidernial chair of a grandson of old
Zeke P i. e. the surrender of our "clear
and unquestionable'? , title to 54 .40 in Ore
gon, and the passage of British Tariff bill !
Loeos - rhave frequently in their jourtialli and
-in -public:-speeches, attributed--tne:seatiment
Let the 'Gavel it meat take care of Ij* ( fiich,
1 , .... - ••
and the, riqhz..iilL s take eale of the ' peor.'.'iu_
IVlr. , ,lyebetet: -- L: iiterf,' - iiit Chichirtatipltlwasi
reiterated ,
:ti ' a:tbe,erequ ~t iteetifti thai, such' a
- sentiment ~!as',Tifft:4ll'Et‘ . .• A gentlerifaar:erf7
eloei,d;.-;iii6tresointiOri conliiinine_it ' t6Titl .
VielnUer, td,,w)iiiiil;ir. W. replied, ,tiy:artyi ag
that '..the " , resolution -ie rtaserted , an , abselute,
lalitelioOrfl - .1 - oeitiii r UtiiiffriiiiSiiTii itentirrien - i:
,at - o k , :tiiin:e, ' Or , irit'akt 0.4F0:;1 6 ,; i 4 i 0 'l OO a t,
;in ' frirtit; or, atty . thing . . li k e ti,T , Jyhe , faie s e4aod
Oridrnaiedid WEisliitidtgny ( , en4 , 1fi 4 .311'. 9 • 1 1
..'inio ' , ' - 't haveeont(edietedilieetatenianytirrie
ailet-iinV publicly
il, iirer prodUce4or
„ottemptebe: ,. .t i t -t i:l
- ail e64 , 4 fiCiiiiii, l oeViar ' ation'PaSeV -1 0
,6 .
N.civarttielesartha,#tleeho6d N ,Ooptiritaiti:lei be .
repeated, occa s ionally, 9‘, 1i10 1k 461 4, i0 .4) Op :i_';
,- - .'Erit l ;is' Of utuetrating,a tenet oil,oentneo-,1
Aattii#o4liB`;ll ,- ell r2 ettiWtorie-aa-good-pe:
Utetitibti , . • ;.4 . ‘, ..L 4 ' ' ..4.:.Y4 i ! - -ft: l.-. , - t ,,-, :';'f= • • .. i;T'l... ::--f
•,:,,,,,,,,,j,,.,„;,:k.,,..1,:.,'„i..-..i'' ~
: 4 * , !. . 46l !. 46ti3ii i4 jiii . tiiiii !N ii ii :- .* 'l l l& : l3 ** ci !*
W'i'4, l 4444' , l 2,l ll(4 6 o )ll W`iiiiiiiiii,'itiOf
' l'et;ll3lrsl4 , tiliiiter ir ht ireniiiii't i'
4 r n ~. ro g . U Q 0 ,
Ah* .4 0. 1 0 6,1 *§6*1 0 .Pr;i 4 Y , 40.4.fif..04 , 14 )an'
tidiflikil:tegiaraw;ekiiilAiio g ioAoiF
ii4lltitii‘ , f.`,:'k . f.ii*Aikiiii44o4fiiiii4'
# 1 40, 1 0 . _Olikrfik4t7, l o, . Oii#:'', :
Ffiet .., iON•igli filt•lfit vkriii
4, :.,..'o.,"*Agi***, '6i*tio„' igily6l.,
thoik'al'sM'li,tB,-:.AMiii:,:i?,,my. k g.,
4,-,:, , i4 , -.,, , ,•?.-7 , 1i!- , .-..-:,, , ,.. ~:.tyvt7i:is:i'tt...;':,'_,-,':-,;,'''.
Thus the loco foco party of each county in
the district. it will be seen. are in entireikdis
tint and . antagonistical positions towards
each other on the Tariff question ! Now how.
can one candidate rep' resent Atigplariou
conflicting views? Or which of o Tariffs
will the candidate to be nominated on Fri
tlay, - bq pledged to rlpport?'
.• . •
rlirlirifiglbeXciiiniteer's .positidn with'
rOfvetlo - tfko.,oififf of - .1896? It. really
opposed tiO3f , siet, or in favor of it? VitliilO
ilylcKse4lol.4kli ending _before_QoUkiiieS;
the Volunt eer pretended to be-very much.
-Opjl'Oie l ci46-if,Laild-threatened-to raisel'itcstornt'7
against the Administration if the bill passed.
bill become 5 lath; titan'
'the *oluategir settled- down
mer morning!" Its course since:las.beeif
so very equivocal, that its readers, dertainlY .
_cannottell-whelherit really is in favor of the
Tariff of 1846,' or against it: L.l one Obleirin
may be found a weak and sickly expression
of fears'that the new act will not work well
or predude revenue enough, Mit always ac
companied by the appeal, "let us give it a
fair trial' — while in another column may be
.found a deceptive and sophistical statement,
showing that the Tariff of 1846 is.stipenior,fn
man/of its - featilres to the law of 18921.-Now
what dries this meant Is it fair, is it hori'eit,..
Or is it intended for anything, else than to'
again deceive the people? The Tariff is too
important a subject—it too intimately cen
men, who depend upon Rim their gaily
;'bread—to be thus made the.sporfof deCeption.
and falsehood. f,et the Volunteer aline but
in a manly'ancLdecided manner,- one wayor
the other. Let - ifs hive no more of this cif
rying wat3r on both shotilders. Let it crime
out decidedly for or against the Tariff of
Last week, forte purpose of vindkBiing
the Traitor DaHailer his vote of destruction
to Pennsylvania interesis, the Volunteer pre ,
sentod a on e.sided staiemeot to show that the
Tariff of 184tras 3"
yoted against by 3Whigs
in Congress, and could not have.been carried.
without the aid of locofoco voles. The Vol-
unteer therelgre reasons that the Whigs
W are
not entitled to the credit of passing the Tariff
of 1842 ! Now why could not the Volunteer
be honest enough to tell the whole story?--
Why did it not fairly say that the Tariff of
1842 was passed in the House by a 'vote of
105 to 103, and that of these 105 yeas there
were 82 \Vhigs rind only 20 locolocos, be-
sides 3 Tyler men; while of the 103 nays
there were 65 looplocos, 35 Whigs and 3.
Tyler men. Now, according to the Volun
teer's argument, although the number of
Whigs who voted for the_ bill w.ts four times
the number of locos who voted for it,
_et. the
Whigs are -tint entitled :to the credit of passing
it ! The Volunteer has tint the honesty either
to state theypeculiar.Circumetances-of-irepa_s:
sage: It is a well known fact that the 35
who voted against the bill were al
all, 'friends otrieteetion, but they
votettizgainst the bill because a section pro
viding for the distribution of the, proceeds of
the public !otitis had been stricken out—}-the
renegade Tyler haviiig,.previonsly vetoed the
bill with this section 6.ttseheTtl._ fact is
also well known.ficat of the 20 locos who
*voted for the bill, most of them swallowed it
as (ca bitter pill," to the language of Chinfey
Brown, of Philadelphia.. They denounced it
buttrUed for it I The. VOlunteer knows these
facts as well as-us - 0)m has not the honesty to
let them
.appear. But ii the Volunteer has
not the honesty to give the truth on this scb
jest, we can make it appear by the acknow
lodgement of Mr. Cranes, himself. in the let
ter he addressed recently to a committee" at
Hagerstown, Md„ of which the following, is
a significant extract.—
"No act of general policy, as it appears to
me, was ever more distinctly CONDEMNED
by the SUFFRAGES of the great body ofthe
American PEOPLE than the Tariff of-duties
on imports 'passed try the Whig Congress of
1842: It started under the REPROBATION .
of 'many who were obliged by circumstances
to vote•for it; its deceptive, it not FRAUDU ,
LENT PRINCIPLES of assessment, and its
exliorbitant exactions, could be defended,
even plausibly, by NO ONE: and its RE
PEAL or MODIFICATION, openly pro
claimed as a leading object of DEMOCRA
TIC REFORM, became an essential part. of
THE ISSUE -INVOLVED by the animated
election of 1844. That a• CHANGE of the
Tariff was involved, directly and unequiyo
cally, in the popular verdict rendered in fa
vor of James K. Palk, wasobvious mall who
did not strangely and wholly misconceive
the pervading character of the great political
trial. TKiit - trial might - Seem SUPERFIcI
ALLY.a struggle for men; butln, reality and
in , substance, it was aotniggle Rir Fund atn en
tal doctrines and :LEADING MEASURES:
While yet in progress bcith parties so thought ,
and so represented it'' the Whigs earnestly
and universally: when it closed. the country
had brit to consult the ballot-box, in order to
find, with , other equally important concln
sions, a sentence passed AGAINST THE
TARIFF OF 1842. which, withont violently
departing from the.fixed laws of our institti
tions,could not be reversed or. EYADED." ,
' Mr. Dallas here not only shows the nexy
light Which has dawned upon his own vision,
but he very eilectually.esposes the deception
.whichthe Volunteer is , practising. He • —the.-Whigs .
mitiftliar passed the Tariff of
1842, while the Volunteer 'denieg it! Now,
if — thyVollititeeVis honestly inliWoriliti
Tariff of, 1842 and against that ,of' 1846, it
Musi-rinme:pixt-and-d_ tiCe - iDallaislustAst the,
' Whig • papers, are: doing "DeAtie your peg= ben clearly .neighboi ! •
'I,A Fttendtporrotectioot .-..
', - *hen'tA . i)4iiif*i34;eitkers inasOnt • you,
deceptive-comparisons-,'of-,the' - woh -, 7 -tivci
, ariOs ' ana ,. ..itaiieit. , ;Mat.F.'ilaif : la;i: - '4 .la -. '",is
!4e:tki4iiiiii , :u4Cl4til . 6iil:4
:*'4‘ :l #,Olii9ii;:Oki:i 4 . - f4iii t .i '.
111 , 1
I,flifey.:iitiuly*Wer..or. denk'ffiejeoll4.fii
llfenf T.tlip ; ' , diannal ritepart:''cif , Settle:gar"
4 56 ilifiKkoliiii;TriMidAiniti If,
.*l l .'itlinoti.l . ll3
- 4ios,ilfit'glit:lPlnettf*PiriltS4o:
UNCONSTITUTIONAL: ; Thou jii,iliMOlath;:
;at , . a le4r:Ariwn , l4l!,l4: 41264' -.a . man ;:v; ill
ip*entAineripan• ratioi- . in
' `'-' 'L. isiiiineyttaiia u - i liiili►be ii Tariff Law
ri is , _ „, •
alttiElliAll*rti"" -6iiiiitri, *tote,:
. - ',44,;piti tairlo§edfir ' 9 „ ' 1 4.,D'i EIS
4:4„An . 1,,, ...- iust,,Pßi:E ;
tiitioll' e; k l39l ntiirk,, 1;413,0#, /ino 16 -
30y4§J,ttotlf,'.1---gtotitir.,4pro' gii4E,
iiiiiiiorgitfolo /.,/,:71ka,cpi ~,,: ', . - ` ,,c . ;:-•'- , ''''
o; - - 5, " -,. ., , ., '. • ~,; ".?0)!, - .1'„c, •:;,...' ',..4',.. ,
I :la_
A,i/(0. t',>#4,4.4'„l'irilVzilitiljti 4 qw,:,l9°'
_kg:NH, M,, eff,igtu'aidte6nigrOt:
14.41314001440fzuatrkgtfoiliadiv. 4, 1
, yil4iigtibed,
~. otil • Pim ,'s, 7‘ , 7' . -- k, 1' `T. , '3l, 1 , i ,ll, ', , A,ar°
l' ' 'l' -'''' "NI 1'11.;,;1•4'1'°4147-ki,l4'.* " ''' ,1*4 ' , " , 1"'
, .I'l,l' . ^ E 1, ' 1 ,. 11 I,''i ,---.:.,'',..:,,,:!. 4c ; ,), ~, ~ ,j,,',.,; ,
~,,,, •,,, 'i, ~=;;;,,,,,,,,,,,
~,,',, .: ~ , c ',., •-', '',"; I. L. , ,4,4 4 ,, ,, .
~~llo~~l'~l ~~L417Y.,
.;:;: . " , !4.,:...tlialiaileisiaVeriitd4-ExiiittOr. •
Toa.-Aplisof Enigmas
ip:„.altviAtripiimint:'lilo4ll9ll . l l tnipr!O one of
;you ittitnero sad $
eatenjo meet,
h av i iate °
yen 'deem it`
Urcntlii OF-an -.insertion -m- your - highly - inter=
etkinopAriei, may be the means of bringing'
4mtitliii:ingenuity of twin - e - oryou t More in
.v 4 a qent• ; readera in the cortstruotion;o others
ri6heritorious than this humble. effort.—
Youri -
mitriphance, by giving tha.,fellnyong an
'inE'er ' ' spare corner of pint paper, will
.1:9 1 . , 9
highly gratify the writer, vibe has seldom had i
tits , f aiinfidence to venture. any of his feeble
- p_redOlonii to the 4crutinizing ordeal of a
publ,laineWlipappr. Yours in haste;
I 1 aiiicortipoSed of 21 letters..
My,. ,. :,1 ,8 z .17 . 8, 8 and 17 was a • country
.rarniied tma`chosen people of God
2.0 ,
114,36 61Was an. ancient and celebratd
kingle • -, • 1- '. - :. •'*. • • •
;•3 , W.:8: -. 2.10_8.-:and 13 is-a-Texan General.
. A - str.:4 17 21, 16 and 8 is a lake in RUssia.
• : '..-14y.,15',•21 'll 12 - 18 apd 9 was a Roman
, ~ . . .
.cifify;:, •,-
• • • 111y ; ',6,'16 and 21, is a heroic Adjutant, un
.derniy,:whole's,c6remand. --.- •
Ivlrv.B 16 13 8 15'16. and 6 is the . name
of. - '0*1515 - flittd - hirm - Owned
_II oniiif the
greatestimen in the United States.
~ , - .M". . .117. - toid 12 - is a familiar insect.
•• • KO. 8 'and it•T is a ferocious quadrobed, whole has frequently
- slaugh:tOred.._ . _ - -r
-. -.o l lyyl 14 'and 19 is a dangerous foe to
when once moused. •
"'''AIVIy.,.II 8 12 8 and 17 is thovorst enemy ,
to the mman race,
'llly 12 2 7 and 20 is what my whole has
oflentimesle pity.
My - 138 and 42 is a destructive quadruped.
.51. - y - .14 7 and 6 is aUtiit..
-. M 15 2 19 7 and 21 is a . distinguiShing
'trait, in • ole's charact .‘ ,
My'-16 85 , l2 is
spicimiie tea t re - iiTt ie same.
My 17 16 and 12 is a :tveven texture with
arge interstices of meshes.
'18.13 8 12 14 and -13 is what my
whole ;would) become in oar Legislative
- '
My 19 8 19 2 14 and 5 is a facetious
My 20 6 8 11 and 21 is sometimes en
tered into for the: possession of lands, tens
ments_and heredilamentg. . 1
My .gt 8 13 and 3 . is a - title of nobility.
Kind reader„ find out my is•hole, and you
vr,ill :have the name of an indit , idual of 'our
ebunty,4ho is deserving of higher honors,
and whom the Indepefident Whigs will ele
'vatetepielf a station_ahlte.most-deservingly
merits at the nest October election.
Yotirk - kc, ROUGH AND RE.IDY.
Rose Btid Forn,
.south Mid (310
Soliteniber 12 1846. _ .
„ .
Mr. Bearrt :—ln pi& paper of. the 9th
hist., cin — the second page, at the foot of .he
fourth Column, is a commanicatirm nitholit
any sof Oatarr,- (doubtless the writer was
asharnetrof his production.) and dated ”
ika,gusti- 1846"—tho whole month of
August!. 'Probably—the-writer was not able
TO.del - fibirtiiiiii - eff of so mticii milder in less
than a*oreh. Should any body feel suffi
cient:interest in the metier to make the nec
essary-inquiriesit will he found to be a
mole MIL which. ' the distorted rieion, of one
litis magnified into a monutain.•
Had the matter come from any reputable
source, it would be proper to state the entire
_facts, whiOt rould refute the implied cen
sure; art' not supposing the poor creature
could, under any circumstances, know mu di
about any thing that was told to him ; and at
the - same time thinking, anti knowing many
others Who also think, that he has been non
compos mentiefor several years; it is sufficient
to state that the whole - Oremunicatinn is an
entire humbeg4-which-tmay ascertain
by. making the necessary inquiries; which
however; they : may not think- n etessry, w lien
they. learn that the, matter proceeds from
Gen. Amor.
- . t MTCHAEL'SANNO, U. S. igent. A
. 13'.ks., Sept. 12th,.18-16. •
Free4ride Wilmot in Trouble.
,Free-Trade WILMOT, the only one of
the Pennsylvania delegation, in the Nalional
Legislature' that dared betray his state by
giving his 'name tmthe bond which sacrificed
her industry to conciliate the advocate of
British interests, and whose priinciples the
Compiler last week pronounced to he those
" of a man, 'a chnstian, a' DErdocnkr"—has
gotten himself into trouble in his awn district.
The Locos Of Susquehana county recently
held a county convention, and ,appointed
conferees to re-nominate Mr. Wilmot. for
Cohress,Avhereueome portion of, the-Con
wention•seenled and held another Meeting at
which they,depounced Mr. W. and pledged
theinselves "to adopt the one term princip e.
and favors speedy ellen' of the-Anti-Penn
sylvania Tariff of 1846." A convention to
ratify thoSe proceedings was called to meet
on Monday last.
article as it nanny. tndicates,je a cliemkal
iifinet of WM:Cherry_ 11 is , simple and
harmless in its ellect—yet .it is more, office
lions olystinste-Coughsfardlima, Croup.
Consumption and Liver Complaint,than-any
other medidine known to MOM IC luu3 ef
fected ninny meridians cures--having more
theappearafice.ofimiricles than—the effect-of
a,naturaljernedy. • The active , ingredient of
the halsem•-•,' the Extr n et,' not; and cannot
be knn vn or made
!tenon it is in vain to try remedies that kit• in.
their-objeofteVokim as they are used. . •
3Villittin - Seitver,'Eeq.,Postinester, at Fiala,
via, N. ~Y that -he geve s in Mitieted,
person onehottle ;. the'effect , of WhiCtr was
se wanderiol Met, arcated an' imMediate;
and exterisie'dertsend It needs betiiil
- ,13 \ to ; universally PhYdi; I
ciatliftief yell• - *Fteticritts.. ,
genuine unlessrsigned.;en the 'wrap,
old in Carll le by; S: Et,r.torr, Sale Agent
this borengh.-
' e simple , i
vi Any - - 1 ? mipicieze7--So,,m ~. . ~,,
~f-, F a ltr,..i f - et a:great ilkihke_ef. wile!,
Iniad adl PtaP J "- - "-- g---- I f a iifierteiesla 'Tried i,",`
-tlieY-lire i Pliziti l l `feetiviii-30,--,y4tright?6 ,l .
cine: ' : 'ITH" .; , I l it il) P - 711Ei l 'rci: be. iiißde wiblil,'i4,
liidipp - T.o et z - ?ri,ii t ii r ic, Thitrii tioicu= I
la, kIP,P.Tiva 1115 9-4. iitincliiii echtlin 6 n with 1
4lees,: ' Me.,d 1 0P.1., 8 ,,, I ; wi t -. live. „tberprivbil
reri„other '.,lk,r!le,li-A 501e.71 - dirinirstilg 1!I
subject ,°(.,,Pi1r9V,1117-berealii,tcY‘•nor
'it'Thio!!",Y "',UFJ'iri'affirlen- Bible elAnneriti - p 411
'heibc. l olYl9's al •-- if teekee , '.ep:artiol°
lbsineee ' , ltpheactigal bia oprok.etittOuhees
ll.liilib t,„ gel h? d t: 11 11 61.1) does . a)' thet at:a celield P l ace.
8., ..04_ , .., , .. . ... b e h a d
, I .
as a ", - "fi MeeotiPamlima/- •- ~
~all-.., air'„ igti,,,,o,R,ed'a=linoiledger
' )I-n iT irw11 :` ''
• t ' v " -' llbOiteed'Teifs;af a
_,tatt. l 7,
gii.,,f. I. ' .„,,,,-,.,„,,freih'iilieir ;c5"-4fii,m,-4'--..:-
;t10t, , ,,,t i :, A A : e ti ll , tib t i v i d ,b e , nife,le kno*tt,
ib iait ; . t i ke - ..jr. iicritiYal,inotili.,oeiptibtpu,g4,
, -Irr ' ,-- -. ,- - - -4 - ,5,;), , , ,, .., ,, , ..,!,.... ,e' ;,,:'‘..,',..... .'• ,
,p1.44403'4 ' t.l :: .. te. ,, . 6., , ,A-4iiitl 964.8 Y; 081f0
, -, I r 1 yviT •••• ,- Y•
-.; V 914, ,
.:0 1. 4g , trtit - ; ( ,,,
414741411..V1..:* ‘ ::-..1,4t4,Ca . ~.„
ea - W.;.Yek-..e , htk?,, , : . . , .
12 is another• con
V . 9r theyerold &
('311.1 —Ciiinl ss ens • •
. .
l'ltitnpcionrice of eloctink„aiVhhr cci - kal,.,
is beco mora - and ,more eyttlent to the:,
yeaphti, The Canallkiid is raotiy°composed
:of violent politicilTartiii'ne,, sho ; wield' their
iflicefoe t]
r the perpetliation - ot:ieir pfßcea—to
reWard._pahticalgarriestersand.he triumph: .
of "the party." Howdeng will the people
of the State look on with ,cold indifference,
virhilelOulatiCirt and plunder are the main
objecttOtilublic servant? Has not the
time arrived when the great concerns-of ,the
State shiiuld be administered by honest and
co . thpetent heads ? Truly, we think so.—
'at the enormous State Debt—reaching,
LARS, for which 'every workshep,'"every
farm and every house, in the State mort
gaged? Such a debt must go en to increase,
unless the People Tax (their honest earnings
to kee dote t. ' •• - ONE-MILLION
ANNUALLY !—Whigs Petinsylvaniri.
and cltizens. of all parties—look at tbeSe
things—as your State debt, and your annual .
Tax I -How long will you groan under-them'?
How, yon'tstinely submit o so the osr
pressions tvhich the mismanagement of party,
its extravagance-and corruption-has inflicted
Limon you . ? •
For years the PUblie . Works of liennsylva:
riia have been the pluoder ground of hordes
of political. COI morants and oilier Foul birds of
prey. They have plundered the revenue,
beggared the Treasury, and !educed the cre
dit of the Cominonwealth to the lowers point
of bankruptcy. Tired of the imposition, the
People of all parties in 1844, voted that the
public works should be sold at public auction.
The voice of the people was overwhelming:
More tban 20,1)00, majority proclaimed that
the freemen of Pennsylvania were tired-and
disgusted at the continued--outrages-which
had bean practised upon them.
But the will of the people, was set, at defi
ance! No rgale wa.4 made! Anil we have
these same works new in the hands of the
same party, turned against the people, to at
oat their substance and pamper the cormor
ants of party.
Whigs of Cumberland county, awake to
the impending contest which is to decide
whether the present corrupt dynasty—your
enormous Debt, and not less enormous Ta-.
alien shall last forever.- The present gener
anon would be unworty of their illustrious
ancestry, lamely to submit to the prolonga
tion-of a system whiclr has wronged them so
deeA t . We will -not believe -they are
capable of it. •No--.4hey will rally to the
Op Ran g 'ciffil est— uterecirre' - e
hally defeat him it the polls! -In all parts
of the State the wlri:gsafeaCtiirglVitli - ilie
greatest.activity. Let the Whigs of good old
Cumberland co-operate. '
V - ster and the Tariff:
TheliariAurg Unin - A7,:a week or two ago,
declared .that Mr. -Fester was not a Free
Trade mail, and endeavored to shoW that he
was a friend or.the Tariff: The. Harrisburg
Argus, also a Locotbeo I paper, and- which
strongly supports Mr. Foster for Canal Com
missioner, in 'its i'ssao of Vednesday last
tak-cs ground against the Union, and declares,
emphatically, that-Ilfr. Folder is a Free Trade
man, an open opponent of the Tariff of 1842, and
an advocate and - defender of the Metes azpressed
by the organs of the Administr - atibn at' Wash
ington!".The Argus says it has no desire
to see Mr. Foster 'Misrepresented, and for
this re'asoll. makes the above 'correction.
The People of Pennsylvania will here see
the absolute necessity of rallying against the
election of Mr.' Foster. The vote on the .
Canal COrnmissioner will now be regarded
as It vote' tor of against the Tarifi of 1842.
Let the friends of that great Medi:um—a mea
-sure that has brought Prosperity to the door
of the Laborer, Mechanic, Farmer, Merchant
and Businessman—rally around the standard
cp. Treasury notes to the amount ofbalf
million of dollars Were issued by the goy- ,
ernmeacm one day at Washington week
beMilit±it, ()film denominations of suo a n d
$16 . 0. A beautilul Atitiqag currency kank
hating Administration of Mr. Pala's.
a g tialltur A l Zocictif.
a Fall Meeting,
•. .
On the •FOURTII THURSDAY, tieing the
22(1 day of October, 18413, to continue
TWo Days.
The Ploughing mafelt will ho in a field nti
the faith of Thomas Craighead in Seuthruid
dletcai•Township, on the - Rahi more Turnpike
" - MT Thursdaythe - 22d of October , 1846, - of 11
o'clock, 'A., M. The - exhibition of animals.
awioulturalAmplennents, vegt, eables,-and- • all
• articles of domestic use will be on the Win
of John Noble & Co. adjoinin g railisle, on
• •
--Friday Abe 23d of - October, 1846; at ft O'clock.
'A. M. whore osvilers,i_f „they think' proper,
may place 'nail - We - posit the - s - übjact - or e.rhibi- •
thin the:ttay 'before, and it will be safely at: CA5,7 114 4 F°A - . P '..p ° 7 P.alla. Soap, PO a g" .
•tenderFtcr; ----- --
----'-- . • -------rral-variety:cd-.-toireuenu-enaviug-uoupe.
' -- 1.- ------ u• ------ j i i 1 ludelllle - ITik—Poyson'eirenuine, --- 2 -- - - -
- 7" reiTriiiiiite'Vrill - PlcTifig, ! ink". f Ann,: o n
Stuart, 'Andrew Frazier, Daniel Colle. - J MeAllieter'o' All•heeling. Ointment. , • . .
' 'Committeet,eri,Crps arid. SeedS,—Christian !T.
_etru. enelc,e; ,Pallticen, warranted genuine,. ~' of every' kind: . . . ..
••••Tit*el',•Wiltinre'Aifaula;ThortilitsAlcCulfough.," ha
I Tenbetiryend Ortivlrtioth Mash. -.. , i• ..
' : Corn nriitteo • on - Thirsei ,Ylares•abd •Criltli•—: Iy e iket, , Sedik .ind Seidl its Poei,dere, put upin.the
::Wni:',Ml:-Biddlt4lll6l3:':Bradkiyi - '.Williarif er . [.. „ ) iriftiliaiceni* manners
~ .
ithiviilson; - +‘ , .' , ...„- , :.:,..i '-'•:' , • .'-•,:•' t. ~. ".. "I l .l Britaliett of every. verrety.l.: - ..,;..,,:, : ,.
_ . :L , corrinitirie rinlittftri," COws, lo ).fen -- tWfill- , DKl.addy!e - Femily Medici nee. 7 4-1,-.. : ---7:
neartritili:l3eni;,Erbi .Abii/hard: MYool:loeney,triketande, an-rtlegant.oriety . r. r.,;: -,,,,•-;:-
JohrT . Nobbs."•:'',' '• • ''''' •' ' "•' tr- - ',. • - , t --.••-• --- intnintera;' - ficim, the besttnianutuntoriea.. -‘,t
- Conimittee'kifi Sheep and tiogs.-Thornp-
scin''Graltirealli; Jcieeph: r CuiVer,L.Williain 11.1.,_
H e ndeig o ii:: . .... - 4
,1,....,: , ._ . ; ,... 1 ,- - -,,,:. --.-,;:-.,..., , i
Coitniniillintni:: 4tieulinifil'itrpleineiits '-- 1
ithic, WPlank,•Daviii Steiret;-VO:Sehrivid.r'
C4hirtqtte'e.nit''Biitteti__Chieseceiblary.: - .
Veketatdes;', 4 Prditge. ,Fh:i*Wif4i r
eintli , 'Dihiesiio
,lAnliiin4iire,o?-Millitan'Line:,.. l. .lbhit' u 1,• .:
,Obeiiil 7 ,.4i7 r drie,t: : = ",- .;
1 .'''COrnieittee -..of'citrangeirient `.viti f " , thei' -- t 1
iliit.Rieliei,d: I CiAighead ' "Geiiiiit , 'L , Lin -
jah..mi11 e ep , ,, ,, ,.....,7 ,, ,, , , , .. :1--.7 , ',,. ; , ';:;' - fn - = 14kArenVRE.Sik'o
-....,.............. .. -:. ......___ , ......„......„,--„---t----
r i Vornm,iitilf.TCnrrongetrierWorthensecoo4 . . i
~; ;, ....t ivii ~ 1 ; / d .
oo o , ikrfresh'iroMy Of RODIP.,
.I.ilti:y;:it rOitifrOj l 9' ) bicit ! 3 .,i,1t,a..,010 -7 ',,A1i,..?r,!ti '...J 7 ,rRIES; . O 01.1) - :; ia ' ' ibilifrinr , ir.a 4 iii -, ,Hiscilb
Moliiii&Parker4"l4 t - n"' n" :',,,,,: '' . 4— f' ~..'" t - n": ^ .i.„ liejniftetialtryib.POunlitiiig Do. of wiper tor
...0 Tim:bee( grOilsionemill. be ,riodo for n, thR. ;i i iiin i iiv, , ‘ ,, ,Doigoli ' refined ;,Loof. Suglik Falling'
Oartrol- 011inoriON-aticl, aftlitetr.PM l64o4 / 4 .r1 *lie tali& Cinualied 110..,•!' simertor 4 NriNtfn :Door.
Oxhil?itioriq . , t..1,"n,q 4:: f:6,t“..14:‘ - .: , :t41d.j3'.,: , ,,'%=0:,,J'j , , 4- l iv a coffitio MO; dik , t,Sporm- Capdloar - Tolloyr ..
,;',.'•For,iiiforrrOtiorr;',3l3i4o '.git,i•;totriatit,s,7iPC - n. 'doe, Diliii l o' Niit. nDhoOlatif 00C0841119iniTc0!
iiiiiiiibillb.. , i"..l.3 - '":,....:;e 2 ?-rzn4'..ox`-'' 'n*--itsto v itOi-nekOliiiitin , N7ropHopey - doefilagor.ko9l:
The' dliairoisitrt'..4ll4ll. - patOitkittoe nit:,,ifiiii: - ' lin& lki•Wollordis goliiPß o l Jianial: ll : l l,,,• a „ „.°..''''
l o
Oily-i436oo4odl,o;beMt l iit . ol 4 rim'acance lviiiekiiit'!*PirlFo9 l )* ' ; i ltiiiiiiy.:A:4*
'and toga t lilililchindOili ig i FrAmtt i t o l if p t ;;, ,, ... 4 . l .o;., 4 !"trivlii i traiEV7 oii i i i l i rt ,iii.i k o,
t y to Vonfiktii4hit roper On. Otos 80 040 1 . 0 ‘51 , ni.; • LirliP.Vp i k INV7'I 4111 A1 4 4 1 i i iiii 4 tg,7, ,,,, f,5'4 , 4 0 4:1:;1:4, F
Ft f , '-'!' , ;,:=. , `"•.cr; ,.. ::6 . *, 6 0inaoil r opoo:ifionety,i';,s., ,, ,.. , 4041.10, ;40,33p!kki, ; t1f,Anit,,,,,.!; 6 . , A 0r i0 ; :
. ~',‘ FROtiEßretc*Aws,tftivident:- '' ' ... *•:' ~ ,' , ” 0 " 1 " " ''.',PY. ,7 ' , '
. ; ;,,Ita i i, a , p matzni . t ar y,. . .. , : . - ;;to, fititterorik - ;!,fit'l B 4 6- . €,....
- •
Tile lseirtiewe from the 'South brings I Ciist.,iiy, : t r kkipw.(eelcof
tipiton, rear 7 ;iiie moutiref
iiiet-,l:itspa t o'jtj the Meiten :She
wee ode" pt 'het tileokadin•`Vouuttre&Pil Veie
ru; : an Ivaemreckeil:* . lhe violeirt gales
which blow on that coast at this season of
fella prey to the enemy,
Lieutenants and nineteen of the crew
reached the squadron at Vera Cruz in boats,
and the remainder, ftluding the Captain,
were ,made prisoners and maiched off to
Santa Anna had landed at Vera Cruz, and
was received with great 111 ern on strations of
joy—the city and castle:both saluting him.—
lle permitted to land by 'Commodore
Connor. It in presumed that he had a ?ass
The rumor that the U. S. Naval forcer in
iho Pact . • • • • loat-had-takon-}So=
session of California ) is confirmed. ' •
Late from The Akiny‘
__ Biel and Massacre among the Volunteers.
•By the Southern mail we ha 4 New
Orleans papers of the 6th inst, The Delta of
that date says:
." We'have been permitted to
_PIM PA_aletter.from_Gerieral Taylor,•dated
Ctimargo. August 20. The lager states that .
he had sent orr2oo - roulors; - 3007 wagons an
11,000 rations, and that he Would hirriglt
move on the Ist dr 4th inst, for' Monferey—
that if the enemy Al not give him not there
he would p on to-Sillitoes, arid there ar
range his ,ns for a future_and more forward
. .
• The Picayune gives the following account
of a terrible riot among the .volunteeis:, -
On the nightof - the 314 - iilt. a riot rake
out nmong the . vohintecrs on beard a steam
boat lying at an encantptment opposite Burita.
The particulars of this shameful affair, us we
have thorn; ate as follows: On board the
boat were some three or four companies of
i'..leorgia.volonteers. Of these there was one
Irish cempany a - ttied - had existed fir - several
days. The quarrelyeaohed its climak on the
evening mentioned, and a terrible fight
Shots were fired. and swords and baronets
were used indiscriminately in thy! ailair.—
Some fifteen or twenty persons are reported
ro have been killed or mortally wounded. It
is supposed UM( eight or 'ten were forced
overboard, who either dmwoded.or had died
of their wounds. While the fight was going
So. 'Me Colonel of. the Georgia Volunteers
most gallritly interfered to quell it. by per
sonally attacking the Volunteers with his
swo`ril and' pistols. Ile shot down one roan
amtwoMuled several others. but . finding ..
could not 'succeed in putting down tli t is
torbance, ha called upon Col. Baker, of the
4fil.Regiment of jllMois Volunteers for ass's
i Hee: -•- ---..-
B. ordered c'orripanieS. As and 0.1..0f
his regiment to assist in gaellimi the fight,
and went in person, aecerr,ipanied by about
20 men Jo lite boat. tie immediatelystep
ped on board, ordered them' desist" and
attempted to ascend the stairs, when he was
attacked by the rioters and had a desperate
conflict: 110 defended blint-eif (rarely Fir
some time a'gainst 'swords, bayonets and 'hot,
but was finally wounde d a entering
his•neck ft entered behitirrand passed out
through his cheek or month. The 20 men
who accompanied Col. Baker belonk. to Com
pany C., of these 8 were wounded, stvith
bayonets and two with' balls.
On the arrival of Companies A & C. Capt.
Roberta of the former, ordered his men to
charge on hoard, and led them as far as the
steps., where he received a severe wound
from a buayonet, which entered hear the
shoulder blade and -passed through his back.
The boat was so well defended that the Illi
nois troops were forced to retreat, they having
nocatridges with them.. Ammunition was
seen ; however furnished them, and on ar . )
proirciring the boat again, every thing became
quiet. None .of the Illinois troops were
killed and it was thought on the next mor
ning that Col. Baker and Capt. Roberti- would
recover from their IforiFfirs.•• In fact, there
was little apprehension felt for their safety;
Tho of the , privates of Company C. it was
feared were mortally wounded: The emir
mi‘sary of the Illinois troops Was also woun
ded, but slightly so. •
At the time Col. Raker was shot he was
engaged in a personal conflict with the Capt.
of the Irish company, who was also among
the wounded
The rioters were finally subdued and Ac
ed to am render their. arms, and placed under
a streng,guard.
Iu Erie, Pa., on the 22d ult.,,hy the Rev.
Geo. Lyon, Mr. WM. V. CIABERTSON. of Erie,
to Miss MARY C. M'Colln formely of Carlisle.,
On the 10th inst. by the Rev..A. Tudeltope,
Mr FRANCIS aRIVIAN, of Philadelphia, to
Miss MrEt.aot, of Hamilton Village.
- ------- -
New 3.blicrtiscinentei.
rectors .7r. dtc. W. Z. Creigb,
"o VING entered Into co-partser.l4,respect
(idly tender their prolesaional ser% ices to the
citizens of:CAßLlSlkonitt Its vicinity, with the
assurance, that all those entrusted to their' ctlee
Will receive every nee:o4l4y attention. They
solicit a portion of ptiblic patronage..
OPFILIE, MOW STREET, opposite Ogilby's
Store, and 2d - door. Weave Martin's Hotel:, '•
Corljete, S:eptk,mtipi.! • _ _ •
U I . I I:Koes2IIWNAIawELNIrtRamB _
• Therieerneteiv, 'rum,
unrivalledyer funvv. -
Fn. IlLeedlW inter,,Sperni, 4)11,•.e ioduce4
Sirito of 7rti!poritino. .
White. Lend 'end r..inneod,oll:l:
Powder c, n 4 Pov . i4iliar:iPtiffei,',: .
FinevAritilev, elviOrnl , electekrevit . ,
" d 11 . 1 liPoti. 4 PN l
evl.l .rece ve or en , ,
;sept , 1,6
git O ...AER I V 4. N
ENT - 11M.,
...•. •
The CarliihKindeptudent Artillery,
'ALT Itti parade oii• SATURDAY - , Septeralwr
,-,y-V-' , -22:tlartitducati on—Ha 11; - atir A.
for drill and inbpection. ,
• JOHN F. HUNTER, Captain.
- Carlislei-Seinembei-160846: -
Tln' creditors of Benjathln Longncifiref are
aiereby notified that• tha,,,accuunt of JohrL
Rupp. his Assignee, has been finally settled by
the Court, and that he will on SATURDAY
the -1 0ifi.October,-1846, be at the House tof Da.
vid Brubeeker. in Allen ToWnslng, at JO o'.
ciock, A. M., to receive all the clainsh and make'
distribution of the balance in JIM. hands."
j JOH N RUPP, Assignee,
16, 184 g,
. Dissolution •of Partnership,
THE public• in hereby informed that the
partnership.beretofore existingiinder the
fain of "'ALLEN & • t • t OLEA_dointl----
•tistness at • tenon:Cumberland county, was
dissolved on tho..loiii• of May fast by mutu3l•
consent: The books and 'accounts, are placed
in tho bands of Lewis H. Williams, Esq.; upon
whom all persons indebted and .those having
elaims 4 are requested to call for abatement.
September 16, 1846.
!p'la , V virtue of in order ()Nile OrpharisfCourt
gat Of eutnberland County,
,will be sold at
public outcry, on the prennses, on
DAY, the 21st, clay of October nexti• at 10 o'.
clock, in the Ihrenonn,a plantatien or tract of
I land, situate in Big Spring (formerly West‘'
pcnnsbormighjtownship, containing about One
Hundred and Sixty Acres, firstrate Limestone
Land; bounded by lands of Sharps' and Myers'
heirs, Tritt and Montgomery. The celebrated
I Big Spring rains along the western margiriAlf
he - tract, a stream which iiever.finds or freezest4..i..ill
and is unctinalled by any aprikgjn theTnite; ' '°"";
States. The improvements Jirkalitst M ,
rate" '
1 . $ l. .
FLOUR NGN' , ~.. .•
two stories high, with tweil'On of stooes, a
.ated on the above named spring., ,v-,§; ,
DWELLING HOUSE, DAIWA : 2 . ,,,*• , .. 1 "
and Stabling, Miller's Houiait . , .rlk i.l i,
Cooper Sbilp, Orchard, Sie., all -
.. j , - A v,.;,.': t'
lin ihe best order: About one b liali 0: ti, tort
,s (-14,,r, di the balance noun ri %vim thriving
• .I:inher. A piece of elejOed land co4t.iiinnd
19 liiity flaw acres, and a piece of 1% ondlumr,-
containing twenty t nine Acres, have been see. •
erect by survey halm the original tract. These
a ill be sold separately, or the whole together;
as may best suit purLhisers. 'I lie properly la
ghoul g, !idles Tuna the Nen% i.ille Doom ',nip,
Cumberland Vallbygitail Road, in the heart of
a rich country, an cr offers btrolig inducement:l
- qmitalists.
the.terins ti salearci Ode.third the atnomit
of the purchase money to be paid on the esn
firmation of the sale by , lie Court .(tio the I nth
of 1)e - eariber • nex,tl and, the residue -in three
equal anunal payments without interest, to be
sedural by Jadgment [hinds.
• Joyrx
• .ArbriFnisfrator,C . cif.Tanicr Piper, - dcf'd
S cuff rin hvi• t fi4 6. tA
1111; ILL he sold on tl,q itruatise!t, at
Ault• on SATUIII)AY l ember 17,
llhr colio_OittitAttstrilol orollorty,to twit:--
A l'latitAton, sitonte in A 11111
1,1 eland (moldy, tilmot Fi miles S otth • ‘Vt , t.t to Ito -
vislon'T,•et":ll.,the State' Itotol'ivatlintt* renal Vol k,
I hirt.i. to J'arlisle, I 1 7/111 , a So11111.1.:11SI Cm.-
to!joininp lands of It. 11:` . . s_ul,.l. Duolop„
Wagoner . , .I.' Lett II 01111 others, otntal.ritty, 1)tor
flutoleed 0114" . 1 4 11cCett ACM!!
Perelles, twat nwasitre; where,. is erected two
OSVP.I . ,I.ING II 0 U S stet n
large lIA.\l U XUN, ails, other
nut.hugses Ther'e are (lire nevi r.
rent. the tirmrate Orchard •
or choice fruit. and it 911 . t . :1111 01 water pm s through
the farm. bout 'On aura a are clear m:
re , ittin• in timber land; a part 1 thextom• n ik
rohnintler a mixture soh, - all iii a high xt:thvol
cal Brat i on, •
All of the some time,n tract of Chesnut Tim
ber Land. initial. ii York crinkly...o;mq 4 miles
from s: iii:V111 . 111. Colltllillit‘g IS iicres. noire o'r
All the above tenets of land n ill lie sold. :toil it
gooil nail sufficient title el, or ()roll incionbrailecs
will be given to - the port:host r.
Side to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of soil
any, Whet, tertos of sole will be mode kiln,. 1 1 by
Agent for the heirs of Daniel Huntaberger, deed.
September 16,1846,-4s.
JD 111.11•11 FOR -VSI.L.E.
TIE, Subscriber ofreris his Farm for sale, three
and a half miles West of Carlisle, Comber-
Lind county. no the Coondogninet Creek road, .
mile front Davis's Mill. The farm CollinillS
Sixty Four and a half Acres of lirsi rile Lime
stone • Land, about fifty-four acres are in a high
state of cultivatino, being all hwCd. and the resi
due is well covered with . timber: It is all. tinder
-grand reacts There is thereon Feeeted
a large BANK HAIM, whir two. '
• forms, WAGON SHED, Cots C,ib,;sin Ilk'
uonery. all under the same aim
.roof A FIA3IF. 110(ISK, filled tt.
with brick, with porches to tt; a back Wash
bons-, smoke house. with a at rer-lhiltog well of
water with a pomp in it,moler the mime ron' al
oilier ont-honses, a f/I ick cistern, eapt.blo'
training about eighty Itrigsheadti,tif water, a . ,
thrivillg Orchard having plenty:of:chin%
..Thebuildiags were all ; Oilt within e.
^ Septe miter' 6,1 M 6. ' '1 !':g;•i•
Thompsonlan liledidnet..' •
lUMBER 6, in small and large bolth..e, or
bithefiptantity; prepared according to the
reeidpg orpodfrek . Me:yee• ilti more.
Composition Powder; in large', papers.
Spiced Hitters, do. do.
14beriy .;;;;
• Alen, the genuine',
perior at reduce6;kr
s Carlisle, Septertibetl6
F'ngoTs-.SIiD.-.84 •
the fall Beaaoll, 'ustlrec
fllitcVlFtill - WCo
Men's and Doy's.thick Donis. • •
-Do ,--13rOkhos. . . '
' .Do • ••• •••
• Thin - ixoric . .In - wariarilOd-:•to-On . to
any..nver—lirought ~ horf,i,•- • before. :11"nd • will • be
11iild • loW: . oAgEt.','.',-Dori!Cforgoi,Alitricoincr
„ co
tent I!.ttersiteeta- •
.111 , - , mentiry emote Gilbert. •
gianiedto . tpe subseyiber'te riding n Oio! Caine
tovrnohy:,"' All . yefet•piiknoviht thitheelies
dbt.itft . !:i's,!iid:••6o,tatel aro iegllcited•tii.riiiacti, -
i4cCtiatC' thostmitoor ii! . •
#,' 18 4' 1 3;":. *''';', , •"':,t , V . - 1 ,17420 . 4' • •
eleffiVvr SE .IitEILIMARD..•
arb . .ol4N V A. 1010.0 the in.
00 0 n, „
,Igituplaitiliday,`.ibe'2ol l3 tir,Aagupti , an4nliebt- •
vEr.„.riorwELAiLabotit,4o,.feetLni g ht_
iueh .hleh . took ho act..
th in- uw ith 4,4kald'
r or i a lp;Antixeiy,4ltat•to ,alirges,,Oak , 44 iair all
un4l,r,:o4"pariapy •
• Ir,c..t;7ED. 0
p_ipS t 7 . I.
the notek or inlitititltelt..*lll , taken
nikYttiont'fot:littr ll4• oll' • rit the ot*lisloiron -
M , 0(8,
. ,
' .•J
_and , a eu.
4 , wr'F' -
VAN:-:, - Ruitiible for
Lived at. Po.l2l:Elirs
WN - 1