' ln " 42'1. 4, 1: 1 ). "- EXP I R _ J 1 . :1- I 11' 4 =1 • ,Kl-1 1 . B. .I)%tmc.a, Esq., at 114,,N09,3 : 1'. - per Awn]Fy Office, North-west:::corterlZof Tl'hiril'and "Chestnut simots, Philadelphia, is anthorized to receive subscrjptinna and advor ti. erne ty for_tho HERALD Arm KyimstTna„-rietl_ give .receipts the ffitte, Yle — rWants, ohanico And tradesmen generally may extend their busiitess by availing themselves of the .z, . ,opporturtie . s for ,eslyertil;m,nvmatry,pepora, .sbncY , nro 'our Staki Lggislatuie, for la map showing. the fterent)airvop fur a r ail road frbm Pittsburg try PThirtdelehia. • - 11; news forn"Wa:!hitazton 'is•eNei and that from Vtirrigbarg dca•ifle'dl. ; g.ittif int. • 11r411011 . 1otter .1f tli4 Iltrachrid . jet Hai boremall lb ovrr!l4 , vimr. cl:;4 Iai . 44 i 1 4'4 1 * *1 6,, % ,0 19 0*- - - e ;i0P* 130 •0 1 : 4 •40•0 3 -':41.0- 41. ' 1 1 , 41 ,Y , * Th' . A, 1 10, ' Y -10 0 ri thft 1 4 4 j ett 'a l 90 i :' . • ''••••••.: •:,,,,.,.::,•:- '' ' ':' ' ,l,l7,-*V 1:: • , ;(; . 6 Aeiki - Ix- .. .; ° ' 'l; 4 7 9P l ith#,Oit k l4 l 4l4 ;3'o , f , I D''' ' • . rt ••,,,.%.: , 0 4:0alpil..)4 0. *;*0,$ . 0i11 4 iticikOci" I k:S.,:j:J ' - 'lliilfiiiiiblibleaiiiikAinig: ;O! ll t6,44o* t att4 o, Mt li O . '•t "; * II .O. k 1 ,X.,,. .3,14,0 fa thTiit i Tq r ,.. 4s, ,l 4 t4.001,1: 4 AN. 1 ,g , ;;; , •••111r - q: 4 0.4 Cir . ' `':•• ~,, ra, ~,t Af f r, , M,. i , r !! ) I: :, , ' ,.o4 4 , , tW. l ffli e AW ;l r• - 4 , ;111#%,a!Y:ui,,41P:.•fttalavttopt+trovor, 7,i,. t 1, - ,. '. ; .,T•'.;q4,l*liike-4 1 . • ':'.::' ' ifiliti r i:,ga , :r, f•, ' •4:4.kf..tgitit - • ' ;i:P r i 'i.';.:Vi'4-Kktat'il'l'Ak.lo:-.cir'''.4`4!;«, =II L , riry npriper, s ef pgkadiealf„the I iAmoilean-p-tv ; ZWAth'eLlaiietiai*_ Tedent:tie in pricescCfgri . ifir;:iti4 coneltides wittrilifkoWin w'hWit 6 , 1" 4 • , sii'flicieiitl,Voticburao rig: Prom'flro best 31dcvs we are able to arrive at, sayge the editor of the Vartorb we are 'inclined to Thebeligf,hat as , the first rapid advance was 144bOilt-iirii7t grounds, so is the present depression without reasonable cause, is )tvo'believo•stillthat the rrilrfit7,l;trilf"ReTiiinrg suiuptivu; anti that..tho,iuiliyltoutiou;_to bum. iti - F.:ll.land-L:ilio'innetil'ity in the rnaik-et— arises nal of tile iniceriainly existing there as le the action of the government with regard to the. , cern laws. _lll e_ac right .in_this stigL geqiun, we tetiyiho peririitted To e . xp_ress the opiii ion'that th e re is every- prospect that those 11 . 110 have grain to Aell will goisLn;ar-. kv.l iel : dbefore the oe'eurrenee ,a ! . 1 5 fi , rh.Pe;P:; . ri (112,€ ii•cut ( v.*P,r.voLt:Thrs !--Tile, F. S. Brig , •irii‘ ett at rettsttettla on lhp 1111, ”: , 6"Ver:i '.lllO .:.; t• 1 kt1.44 4 :11. 'lm(' I leclared 11- tvOy , r;aft.nii of I , art.dos, nntl s.l 1!In tp,•( . .-a!hat of Ilarraitt: that 1 urn 160 y thu :1)001/1t.; IV.MO 6r tlw pleferitadmi[l :. ' head a u:'. It'll el .I'. 30 , :ki to w.ct:la-c.‘r the Ilartera. ir, Fthfc,ht\ is still.st aala 1t .is to ha it,..': - rd 'II) IlltqT11:1•ill,ik:111 , 6 t h at filo potpie riot inepaiect to ettooooter or ccilh th u I' ;4twes, z.nd that that (.II 010 vi'f..ol ' llilfdller Ml'ollolo I. ME Th , . si,ier N% lia‘l prevedchl 14is Terr.l hice.4l , o It;,..111PF11 1 1 1;rsident cnitvvra:imi uL nol ibles. and had• a now C.11,i.v21. f'' - % ~1 \l , ' 0 S front Corral: , Cluisti to th e 1. , ,1 wt . rot:oived at Now Orleans. sa%s tail Lthe t.: it no,' :71110n,t force- st,,, mired at but place ; ale in ~, ,,,, I 1te.,1.11. and. that ....vetty thing i , . , I` , ollig on well. A tulm 61' thirty \ \ agons It It 311 ale 15th' 1t11.,\ \ 1.11 proiisinlN tur the troops at Suit Antonio. It is tuna that Mr..l. P. !lender:ion ha? ontlittly boon elto:.oti'f.lovt 1 , -_ nor' of.Teim, ttri,l Gen. N. 11. Darnell, Limi t...nt:lL C,wernur. 'll.'l Cal N o.llou No wl , , 01 theN7rh pit. trircs:• "1.1 is repotted 'by tt. o pr:::: , e,igerrs arrived in the itortmer't'inditita- It, front Carpus Christi, that Corteriti Tityl,,r fiati•expreesed" a determination to.mareh int ipetliatelytn the Rjd C; r Mae jI I (We of the overthrow of Ilertera." Mr. WOOIfWARD . a iIf:JFICTIOS.-1111 - ,. I tVOllll eoF:t ro NVI . I . IiS . siueet.;igttilieLl the great loss- it i l ii fn \ (.4 „Ital6ti Wood a ard. 'We on the part of the United States that Cf., apply it with-the in totmanon Britain has a teolurablo to the• whole -of evtract fronythe Washington correspondence Or 6 urtn , Mr. PalLltron acknowledges the . if acity paper, has - the felfow4rig facts. Lreceiptof this letter on the same day. and" The writer [3:11 " the divisions of the Pent:- !s"P's 1,0 w ill 1 44 0 sili it it to her ni:nlY'sgor thltrin-dvitineracy are. in ferocious TOllflici eminent. Darius a••d Il witanan am the rival roses, and I On 00 , I cult 'of •Ta.,u,ny. Pacl“ . •:•liain the chieflai-s of the pi ineipal lentos. Thei L Lreplitls mom at Buchnunn's 1e:- hatred lets seen greatly augnAted 1w 141ster of the 3,1 That Great Britain haty eitnitnat!un 'cinch way pro- i rights to tie whole of nin tl -rrt. ~ st• , o clued threi.e.tli the pt•ronal ev,'‘rortos of h.,11- •howerm, that tic , piesuen eau a,taint4 all trio eflorts at Buchanan and mined 1111 no‘eil commission or to z i. 400 ,4 his Army of tige as. To make the Min. More of distintimislied t 'iv dianst,and canto illy press gross, and the indittni , ITIMP INlllllllllPobringit . 'c9 the, snljeet upon the consideration of the, the impointrnent emanated officially' front his i Secretary ul Sint. • department, lie was not even eonsultdd, On die -101 instant. Mr. Buchanan replies: to J..o_lllc. wt o rdered to prepare the P's last letter, and filVeS OW I ellsOnS why this nomination, and he submitted, with the era- government cannot consent to oiler either the von spirit which-its marker{ every- line of,i question of title, or of u' divisionof the terri- Ids public cal eer. As soon as he discovered I tory in dispute, to any arbitration however how his 'enemy had succeeded ; he set to constituted ; intimating that our title to the work to itecomPlish the rejection, in order to whole was eon:Adored clear, but that_ a C0D ,1,6•.it him in the ultimate object Tie vomit I side rable part of the territot y bounded tmon hnown, as well as the means l.'s Marls it and, was Qt , t reat import:ince to the United was achieved. It now became Dallas's t Suit OS—A% bile. it was of . very little to Great • to seek vett eance ; and; accordingly', a letter Britain. ,Ono reason , 'Was that there were no, from this city appeared, in his organ in Phil- harbors from lat. 42 to near lat. 40, and should tuielphia, (die Keystiane,.l holding up the lit he referred and_a.thyleion.of the territory lecofoco senators. who voted against NVaod- %villa, to sifVerest toptehation:-..and em ploying terms• of the. most unworthy re ?Ice tion,upon their mothes : and conduct. The loner in rju;:etion wt›.\lsro,nmed to have pro; ceedwi directly frouP.Mr. Dalli.ts ; or to liavo, bee n published under • his direction. Dlr: Westeott, one of the lucerne° senators %vim opposed IVoodward, brought this corniuuni qioni telorn the executive sessioti of the ::enittO. arid indulged in astittin of comment, whit planed the presiding, officer .in any thing but an tifyrerahle situation. lie finally pioposod to, tali*y l ott tho injunction whiuh rested noett,that.it 'initiation, so as to expose thelacts to the entintrx, lint was defeated by a inotien,to taljeare:; hieb stirecedod. • I^x-r.4,17Di11y..--On 'Naas) , a'Aariok last r a 1 lncl.was fii . ght Blad eftsbe rg, near'li ingot) city ; botireeo f,..toiffla and ' 1 -pr..l)avid Johnson ; boll' of Elialieth -C-;--- , ,lohtfgoti was vtlio-rhalisitgOd - paily - 1 was t)io ith,tewife ti,4nt; 111 ) 1 ! 1 ). ; Ad; pp Ail %goy:poll 'orithi3Ndiargo.J,lfile-istrviyinglpartiogo7ip; . B .4rtukkuT , PPRIA.Y.I4O::IYRCS.; • is 'said bore., a l s o ItietreniEd l - . ~...` .. :.' , Pit•-rWziebizi gt,orr c - orromi tgrd pn cut -sttder,, lilia l / 1 411 1KAirtiltidtiKjilieStr:TrilinW o„ioiii"OgOtelVfictill ICqtii 6 4 , Y4 /i 'V f e 4 F,gis i : l3 -oiAitill '4 9otiT4i-,o.othqr-Alifif, I'4 - it tnas E,MaTenalk;fo4 , 4soiun Clay; hacb bad f4:illo r iiii,i 3 Miiv, lll4l 4 4l o l44 o4 l iiiikoli iWioi 4 t 4 4 4 :2 l 44ki i t i i*Vooeg '' l, l 9*.M4 i n.i.1it: c° "51t9 1 0415 0 4 1. 04404q' riiittorp,•Milliti #4i1;140-rieo,l4:444SSre• -..' `,4V-firir'',4 , ii,.6l4:i , '4', - 1,." 4 L .,, Thuirico r Vagiiiiatte-Alktrieo-Iwßiera4.- 4 .;,* - ifEti4it.tfOcalaili tetif .',. i7„•ofierrt,oni,t,gpxieti..l4;.tififit'o'liiitribilc,`,OPlliii pktrilsto.t , ,Oktoog,),AtiPiiLl,-*Fie'o,l,.s , A t `iY/ieri, el Viii " .016ViiitritiOttitetitd, Ati , Job, ,•.. ~,itl 4 ,llp ivicilogleiti 1 faiilliol#4l - 4f , '•••• ',, .';',' .:t 111 j 44rop4Ardigr' fc# l orotoo#4,46 ttfiltv: , ortiag. '''' l. i' s'ihreMek , 4'4', ~ , ,e 4 i lt, ' MVIMf '' • % , `' at 94 . 4 . tqVa l io 0 3 5U 1, 4 : ‘f. - • • • Aiejr#V l3 ?poP,Ort c°P:= l :9Fs eirlea: o . l sgmo siiittglic7ii" . 6atise4 within a tem; days' in;44oi F;', rr4. the ' , PiTSitident;,thei:** ,starice ' iiqliiatlkOWtkbelew. In tbtt:'li4i4tii l i the quest'( of giving the i,(notice(v anhetitiseulaion among fry;bnlthe• Ttti e°l 4 la te t t-e* l TP l OSir ;lilreilt t_ b :F El7 that there is scarcely.an original. idea_la'._be tredaalftiaithe , Thertacnntltidgeshi p s still the ciiFte'.cif' much speculation It is no'w.conildr4ly_ani , „ io 111 - 6 — i4ent sOht prernm;i3cneh, iliengh it may not be until the Oregon negotiation'las been settled one why • or the other. ''lthe*ecretnri's filertda says . that he tiretiof leis present, gilrly and dis tracting position,.4ind willleave the gtibinet the llrst opportunity. - SayingB and Abin o in Washfligton. • WASIIINGTONjYgbiIiIi'A N • „ R`hilij the debate was going -KU the' Ileum a Rtessage Was, received l't ; ell) .' „flie Pre.•! , ident,latid , et °nee every rrr6tilberWitsirt ihe , 11,111. 'The Speaker having, taken the' chair, and- (he'll:le:36;lp de)iVerecji: the Clerk proe , ;eded to read it. It proved to . 'her the atovionsly expected Message, with The Cor ,rel:potaleuce Sc. galled for some days The first letter was from Mr. Buohanan to .7%1r. rl , Lean . ,, dated' lath December . 1845, , which 11Fr. 13. states that the Presidenth i ceived iiihrrnatri ! i of extensive warlike we , paiacione r inal-directs:bim -to seek-an rims- with herd :\berdven, and hiquire wheth er there preparations hav'e reference to the stale of the relations between Great Britain land dye'l tided Slut We next is a letter front Mr. McLean to . r. Buchanan, stating that lie had rill inter ; ).iew.\\ ith Lord Aberdeen, who ilad frankly ad inirnnl t-hat-tliey were making preparations, .I.ifit nut r , xclijsivel:,' on account of the' t. S.: b o w, v r 1;1i:1)a:1a:ion was ren - dered NieLeart as requested. gives hi, 'own dint ire ett.` 01W:it Great Britain would endeavor lo Srlitia a severe blow at the voininviiveitnent. Tito next letter was from Mr. rack enhain to Mr. Hoch:Mit - in. d;crd 27th Dec: 1945,. iu lnirin: whetlicr- an otler would be aecepied . bt oor *we/intent, if rondo by England to ihe subject nit equitable division of-the the tortitorw in dispute to the arbitration of some fii - ently power or State. If made at all 1 w , mld lie tondo in a sp:rit• of mod Oration and fairness: The territory in clisinue . , Mr. P. says is of Sl . nall value. to both willow; eorn parcid With rho Itnyirtanee of preserving . friendly.relations,.&c.— Mr. Buchanan replied to tnis - on the-. 30 of , January, 18.16. all , l t'rafts that Furl, an offer -would not be accepted, as it...ws'ould be admit he: made so thei.ilteee harbors would be the British portion i it woeld yonder our, near ly valueless. ,„These harbors were absolutely essential to us, for tip n - ge crf our :whelArnen in t 6 ['edge, and also for aipurpose„of ear tying on onr, trade with.Chinaund other'eoun ries on the Pacific, On the whole, it does not appear till the tmyo governments haye apploached anAierir or to a o:3lThin ent than they had at the com mencement of the Session, only that there is, a more friendly spirit marrifesterl, and,nego. • lieing fr opetied may lead to en arnica ble. adjustment after a while. • The correspondence, ex - sited r very great sensation in the rrikids of menil)ers t and Ifni reading of the message was listeribil to with` deeP.interost, ; •.• . , • WaSilitig,lon correspondent' of • lite. 'Ledger, speaking of the stata,df things at Wariliitiorin; says :•The Vrery• .confideri4,c4pressed,..Atiat-any---prci * Positibm froth Groat Jiritain to . comproinise,*:;o the teravirotrereil'hy•the'PriasidelitantErePetad *•Prticen)i alp`, I iraAthl _ Ntit:4l .be a WitiaOrttit . • • •-• • • Intr . gm'etintroWn . . is ti toitiit. , untaimous: op ilAcni 040)4: tito ' best. itiformet -mets.lh!kt r 1 :4 1 r4 Of the prorient.SesSicriter,'Oxidromi:Vh4i: ion we and that gtif 404**4;:::a . i.iti:1ti', 6 ,A4 . ..444,10 - ;4? . . lfkle+gt****l , o4 • : 4 0, 11.1.1 1 1 :** 1 0.1 10 t 1.,;-14 0Vit 7 .4:5#04 . 91 1 10 ii 700444 • 4?:*: t Fho ~ )10 0 . 4.0 -9MR,.- e'sifirths, :wou Je thys 4.ttistifyiyyi•'ool . 4eßtef ty, and lc.Rtzitthfiget4**reaiCkirto ! 11 0*;fP iCig*4lLol'lolo' , OteArOg r :het; :./ Oligvy#4 , 4olch .„ 4 !o44 ol lt*Pit i Oqi: 't`i.rir•; ; l have stated: the; reason wh it ittrAltmSzlAtAl-llet f . 'xito ; Ileitt_ofio,Ming to ati-Inietible±arrang?nra willi-Englarfd - by .ttricegotlatidr4. ppoit,;:What he•expect to negot.iate,r , ,- A the -inei&ottliontrekteasy--9----CoTtainly--noity— ;.om-AlkWhielrlyoultl• giye itsary portion of ttie teryitory..north of 92 deg,. without aby ,• equmtlettt, and perhaps notteven •up to that linewtilthouegiVing the navigation of tfai Cal Mrt r bfaj§liptp_e_thing Pipe _as en equivalent-- 13bl stippliSelatreaties were stimultaneous ly arranged between the two governMents,. hoUndary,lix the 49th dogreo.ef lktitua:o'uS'ilio:ilividing line, without mirig ihrO;ritivightieii `of the Columbia to England, ~ arirl,(ll,e_otlier a bomrnercial treaty, .or „con= 'vention, stipultitrons for 4. reduction .;(g ties vn certain' articles of food the growtlilind .:Mleauce of the Unitea States? Would. not I;;ldand very willingly agree to Itlibest any. 'i&:•betwomiller t9,cl/us 'Oregon, :for the .544P:of:procuring such a commercial arrange ment? tinguesiinnitbly she would. • ; ,1 do not assert that any each a plan as this being carried viiit; or that it has entered the heiid of the i'resident or any of his but it Wbelieved, for some reason or other, ebrzien in high places here, that something likis it has 13Cen thought of and talked of in Mooting privati3 circles in this city, ana .Lu k iolfg thote - whehave:tlio - destines - of the nation in agrrnit measure hi their hands.— The - i however may be mistaken; limo will develope. It a e5 : 1ai 1 1. 1 .t 4 .:1 4 ,C .e 4 The day', proCeedings that we give b e low are the moat important that have transpired sinto our lat;t.'' •ItAl In 1 SVen that tht; lco focl majority in the House. afteriliting,lbeir Let to stare off the •1 1n •iItiit reetiotitresclu tiorer-for the last three weeks, have at Iti,t beelltrought,to -toe the tuark . and 3:ield to the lereeol. opinic i vin fitvor of that great rue.r.Fure ! ,It is a . ureat ttiumrlt,fr Ponms‘lt'nrtia iltluest4. • In the Sepate the bill granting dal right of way tgihn..BliFitnoro and Ohio Road, is still un j iler debate, •Nt•ith a 'strong probaklily of its ,fipiit s pass4ige. Injho 110050 thin aniinaT appropriatibn-bill has been reruntod. A bill has also been re- Ivor-led TT 1111'.• Means : granting a Charter I.) the Farmers and Nlechanies Bunk of Carli,lei, Ou Tuesday Alr. Means presented a re mbristrancc from Cumberland county - against any law to prohibit fishing in Yellow Breeclr es Crock ; also, several petitions from. Ajp chaniofi,-aurchants 'antLsaliers, fora law to protect our own mechanics against the intro -0.f441.1 (4 read y-mlitre • Clothing. RESOI,I - 110 . NS. itArtiosni . RG, Feb. 7, This nfornooll tho House thet to• 4 li,poi-r of nio tt tin;lt--11(ov 1.• I.' I remains to be Tha amendments were all negatived in of the AN'hole z and the rhah m a n teportcy(the RusolutithlS NJ file 1/011,..0 us tite cause - fi.om the Senate. After much debate Ad the rejection -Of siMdryitmenchnetas-;Me question recurring on thebilainal Resolutiot* as they cattle Lima the Senate hi the Io!loa•- inn wurdS. tit vt h . Wheiti , as, TLc. Tarilf br 18-12 produces no more than sell:Mont .1 - m - intuit Id defray the trecessaty •expenses of the General 'Govern ment, and only atlords an adequate inciden tal protection to American industry and Atner lean - mahufictures nattinSt foreign ro Lion and Wreign ptiliey, and a - eonsequent encouragement to emumervial enterprise. to agricultural pursuits. rill in 11,e develiipeinent of our own tutental rtwittrees. 1 - And wherett, It is lielieved tlial Ilu poopte of Pennsylvania are opposed to any altera tion intro existing -tariff until farther exper:i once ha.4-showu° thara modification is requir ed to seenre A continuation of Knell protection, and to promule the general ivelfare. There fore. ,Resolved, &c. That our Senators-antep 'reseal:virus in Cotgreeer & le and they are lameby toqueste4, to opposo• all attempts to alter or modify the Tariff itet of the 30th of Auft:ist, 1842. The Kurth were agreed to by the following vole, to wit Yeas--Messrs. Armstrong, Daub man, Dar bec Bartholomew, Basslor, Beton Bigliain, Doughtier, Lhough. • Boyer, thaekentnidge, B rt ,, lit, Burnside, Durrell, Chesnut, Clark, C'ucluan, Connor Cross, Donaldson, Dons, Dale, Fenton,firsyth, Fustch L • Calloway,' Gi'ay, Buick, lji lovell, Haytiruler, Hill of Fayite, 11111 of Inntgom?ry, llolfman, rifeß, Jacobs, James, doluison, Keller, Kunkel, Latlley, Larkin, Loran; Jqtigeliatt, . Mathias, Means, Morrison, Aluylty. Al'Abee, Al'Ciel -liinpi,-,3ll'Crum,'M'Cordy, f .M'Curley,',UFv land, Nicholson, Owen, Puntroy of Franklin, ,Pornroy of, 'Ulcer, Price, RideroDobinson, Rupert., Slniman Snyder, Starr;' Sfefol°, Stetlar, Stewartofl__Fritin, _Stunit. ofq..ycorning'_. Strouks, Thomas f Chaster, Tice, Trim°, Van fleff,„,Watiswortli,,\Vilson,lVormap,lVorrell, l'atterdon, Speaker-79.", ' , •'s Neys-11,1essrs' . ' laird, •Carrifibell, - Dal}', .ThOtii- Fussell, glini:l;,Knox,. gorrificild a Piot- If3L; ' , E..airavols ' ThOnnati., of . SusAilblotanalh Areesf,; Web1i 5 .,4132.L, '''..- '''''''''.: ,• • • ••.:1 1 :1 4. f 3 ' , "I' he roispltiliano WOro t op .oalortail to- .be: ;piDiaracl4ar,a..4tiak;roqding, alter: ,vehtelk tli..e'" , rule.lstetatoaklact`alcirthik - eicnie,wera TOI 'u f lb i ttl .tiirlk w1ia:4440 4 ,' 11' ',._• , ' : ;H --:, 7 , s, `. l, t;,P;;; ll '1 .3 tlT . k t d),'§g:tiot tii, 011 ,1 - o , risOirt; -fatfplOntirklitte4t-oPllie, -- wriaiestiiir, „ m 11113 - purpdae orohliog. areolotiorttiaatrodlilig our geptilel&ah 'v 4 iludeilug,',66i'Reprosafitatii'4a -MC6141644.44PPA6uuY,,E,L1;411,31n il;,ellaril.r. it , Naliop at, Deal; but: to Use--. ll loir ‘ xul'Onfl L ' lo, iltocii reiltd-ostahliolt 01(40 of a Coot ittalog ,Al iteeee*lhd., tlnS, , sophaiti,da . , pf the gc l y.i . 'ifrt0.! . 1 (ti0i ' i',4 11 1•* ,. '441 '4 .9, 14 01 1 .iq 4, ;: 'O4 l - ilotrikiitt.QT'..',4' , e.,ll6ova 01,qi5.14).4 of Ay i rop . iiiiiiiiriat,i6ootlhopigiisi , iiii.whicii - -2 -I.4.l ‘; ' hilad lii6li ; i :f inet6Oliihretilldif '... Ir''..l,te"Ar i Alif'" - e t i lK l lo,... ge4 l * ' W e . 91— ' t° 4l • l'itilkie r TP, fi'f P oi qff4t l o 6 f , Ail'i l.:!itifiilltiVab.Kinig9 ' 44 t4 i l4 ''444[o . Niiiibf .14.5.,-oftiir . (09 , , ~1 ,,i,, 1Ek,r,,, ,, t-:14 , -- , .40: ~,,-,' 1! Qfiii,itifiiimr. mi g dbai, ai, ,: I Alt MISMIXEM Mal iiC `Li~iinitot . ti©Yi"ov'd}ie. ~Pi' .. pp,rrP_Ps4;.Q., 'tiem" led ~~0- „.. , , expressinghiiiiews in rellOttickthoittarnide ment, which'evgry,Yone plat} tg , the ; in - 121 7 .147 - '• i Gra3):the chai rina - n;;paid ,n(Atto - hVnt to !cry. rtt Mr. Chairiiiintl:'l4.l,ethair'in tin 1 but pronounced thb arriaudtriont agreed to and vacated the chair. - • - the..spealion,pta'greein-,19,449,:jep05i, of, tho'Cbairin'eut-bf the t:o'ininittCeofihii - Whole; - being , then-before- the ,Housei-Mr:- -Piollet, `Called the precious 4tiestion,;;which being sustained, cut of( ail discussion, and brought i -the-House to-a direct vote and the re ort was agreed to, yeas .57,4 fays 32.• The question then recurring on the final passage 'of the fesolution astlths arfrended, (the previous iineition:still closing the months of the whigs) they declined Voting, Unit the resolutions Were agrecd. -toi yeas '54 . nays 5. l'hus,endeth the farcical proceedings 'of the Locofocos upon a question-of Vital-itnportance to, tho interests of Pennsylvania . .., Tlie house thi* - iradjEinriied. Tho'resolutions will ho re lented to the Senate for .concurrencein the appendage offered by Mr. 'Piollot. ' Latest from .11Vishingtoie BILL TO GIVE tIITOTICE" PASSED ! ')Ve irarn lrony the Baltimore American of )resterday, (lint the bill-to gOe notip to Great Britain passed Ilse House, on Monday eye ning al)crut 6 oclock by a vote of 16:3 to •5 1 I ,John Quincy .P.dams Made a. strong speech in favor of giving " notice,' lie considered our title to lie the" best, and said Aniieng things that the grbund of our own claims might be found in the Ist chapter of Genesis. and -26 ; 27 and 28th verses. We shall give his'sPeech in onr next. (mil The Lancaster ' Union' sports a new and decidedly la4crit' hCod:and has otlier,in- provements 3011,11alife1phra Ittarßet 'l\lODAx Feb'y 9, 1849 flour is Mull and initulie to-kitty. and * die nominal price of atandaril bland , riooa at t'l3, although we hear of little or no nviniry, and - no sale,: ii.‘etiiti-fqr - eityO,SE , at prier. Corn Al oal-7Peri; lvania -is oilem..l-at 121 ;rait!—Thrro it no movomoat of imporaneo i t , any dtfsc ip(ion, and prices ate not - entail:, tt ithout chantze.• 'We o i nottl 105 a 107 e. Southern' vollowoeTirn Cur. Crove ties—We ki re nut advised til any sales-- Provi.•?iona.dull. Cot erseed is mere heel; .ollerwiiibiaygrs, however, > ill not z:ve. More than 75 for sitiody prime. Al hiAry—ln bolter: demand, wilt raloa t,i irio hind: , at and 350 a .:00 bids. mostly a! •23er NO . rlIANI:17:-I IN Tlll.l l e riljny ;O'er' thi• body ll' I lit. If'. Evor, N -1110.1101. 111 . ,11 the diseasud. It. him It eet PI or rind of :Ina otieival intro eottinina mother Eve ;it hit h germ of purr nl lis I,ll . tappor• ter (dills lile„and ,n constant struggle nutl.ttow of the hetrogeneous, entrant hunters, whiell Are the causes of disteake In the intllvtlual. - Dy par gin; the batty of this diseased F:14441(111(0 of He had humors, pin' allow the germ' tof pure Monad to emit Crnund and It, tnahn Illo.nl old treater quality, and co on 11 , .21 ,, tve1y lull the n hole toast is regenerated; for ono gond in in pia nr good pure blond. is always stt lo 10 0 11,11,1 lII`I'T ever he Will . di 4CH Coil Ituwnr Llit On wags WWI to he aft Ono hellthy n n to II n,• 44,1111 a a F.llllVaalatly: el.n.ir.• In II" 'Orin. o. uttl iI illttrut iwary the A felt meal t In.ze• II t Ittt, ahn de-tte I. lots othe.f•.ll;. I l'3:.:1, I 114 , un 411.1N1)121.:111 1'11.1.5, ‘,lll , h t•ir , .11, 1.1.•11.•• 0, Me 'MI 1.1 - :111 Ju l l I hutt. , 1, , ..tv h ot ,1111 rot fa lf• he •f h ha fat, ttl . mie..1..1..te tit too,. 11. ttr, l pins , • the teat all I,allll ne Oti i'N ru kin Er' EEZ,A 21 . 11 i 1101 !Int MII=MM=3=I MZM= IMNI I=VMMI=UI 1= lITIUMMIIIMME IZE=E1!121113 ==i3MMEI =I e . :-Thir.tsiness. Nn iolnrhig n renrinir noise in the Ears, Ih ada, he. Palpitation 'al' Ili• Ilex rt. &r. VFOETAIII.E Pt 14.1 area novo t • nretnryine r.trit'pplii hornlter lhet expel front the sy,tenn nil bid and entrain Immo,. (the valise ort,..ry kilnd nt' ilisonse) in sn elyy ahri n.t. nral n manner. that the body is relieved or ell si,f. lering's ns if by tortpie,. row or fire nisitirt Indian t ea °table fills taken r vre'y night on ening ill !MIL will cl t IMO rem" • • • ' the nwra vii lrul rase nr euld_bat if 11..11 "renQi , mally alh , rro•nrde. trill Iceell the syydettl ccc completely free (1.111 ull had Imwors. that disease ttl :inc form cc ill be 0 1 FOInii , 1% . . . . . • . Vec , lnhle 0,0 ALI and ittl rtr,ve tho Mona And *briell.re .% c hrnhtl and vtz. the wlt,do fritme, he nn eli is drive dint Igp Of vvt,y .111 e frdlii the Ludt. riOnsttityc.— l'uOsa , tt only ~1 thy advertised a gents, or at the "Office of tile General Depot: No. 109 Jtnee strett, particular to ask for \VOIMIT'S Wino Vegetably Pill . eSTiEW A OE ~—Thepubilcnrrrnnt innedagninst n tinned agnimt !be Many ;pillions Inoilicines, whirl,. in orher to tlOreivn, are mad ,, , Ti, nit our rd ntittornrances, rinfor•ly to rnsrtnlilnilin ',nye wnntlrritil r.rThe annulne medicine rain he ohtlitied out ibe ntoin of ril Alt Oft 11.11 V., opposite :Van iti's Ens) 1110 intreet, COTY:I'MPTION.—TIIN , is, perhaps:no d;sease a ill, which our reentry it alf. , rted. tvhi, lt stn e..ps off nnuu alq PO 111(1113 . VIMIIIII4ne that fell destroyer of the hu man rare —Conslimpt ion. Day ;OM' cars at - tor year, thn ifisatiVe monster,linrries to The prints ni I ho mold and silent tomb fresh added vim inn In its compiest. No tenth Of life imaered Crum its Mi.:Ming ilitence.— No age Id egoist rani Ito dimth-ilesime shafts. The old, the middle.aged, and the young, all alike. ere food for this common enemy of mankind. 'the white-Imil -1 ad palrincit, whoop life of temperance has rendered his system impervious to the alto. Its of other aline nil whose gond deeds prepare him for the enjoyment onla's ea in "evening, find consumption fastening his fangs upon his vitals, and learingliiin front a world, ever bright to minds which 'fink cnmpineently on days well spent. • le there no hells far the afflicted I No pro:entire Of the dangers wilichhesei us In our cinnigahle and fickle 'clime 1 MN think . iliere may be. And if 'the 'lnept !lons of those who are at lenetentilled In veracity, may he helleven. there is a prevetnive and n fente.dy. . Wistar's 41alsnin of Wild Cherry is offered ton mit% foring WOOEIIIB each'. ft needs *not the "ridventions midi - " ofit long-et,ring of,flet It inns vertitlcates.tn give it notoriety. Its true gulag find inetrinsle excellence nrc eufficient tai entitle it to the Vnntitlehrfernf • the publican!' f.Waft on In fame" the name of its inventnr, on n benefactor ends species. rot' 'Pala liv SAMUEL P.LLIOT, agent for Carlisle. • Angle/aTirenizet. Lewis pennistg, Chantherehttm • ~. • gals of ' TeOptiance. '• • At a-iineeting hOld Viday evenini, the , .23d jilt, of Silver Spins Di isiott, No. 50 ; of ' l , ll o9.lWiet.of tondo"- our- heart r folt tdittnkil to.tho Lutheran nod' Uerritan Jlefornk ed , vongrogetiaiis - of Trindlo4Spritig, , for:Alte. o.44o;af,tbeir-Clutrob.—to Our-brother, thciltert. • ;Pr:Te - Wittr;f6Fitie'. , able;;Vidltidniirablo' ud i droetto our, .brother,;P,..,B„ , ;Whito; F.84;110 i" NB presence tend apprOprinto remarkv-Lto the -111ditie-andt-rgentleteeir , -Itilualinpoied-tlie Choir, for their exabliont muaio-- , to the save: o) , ,ottr, brethron,in .CaAislo and, who ,al tpoOdi for-4 1 0e pro s ir4?l: reapcilawilb: goce. call 4 4ii):44-1t01,•::-Nles'grai7OC-ittla'93i."19wCa s .Raul am9Pi - ,:fidsOvf - 34,Ititt - Altntialgr 4 tefulthr or tliuir;ai}tyices do the OPPiniiittre Ape to Or ,fallimpiiiions) gorteiakipPfor the roqieFtfel,otte.e}ioTithey;•:,manifested , .on , ,the •Pc9a 13 .194 1 4,.444.11441%., 1 1q - TIY4PAIOte%.iho open ed.,tbethoOSpe,fer:l l 4 43 -40ception and exact , 44kilin90:*'s!rafi99rbr..(gastr.act-frool-itilis illlßol9o..) A 1 . N ri1,0,1A0i..9,0,gil all ' ` ; ~., I 4 1.#4 1 91;4: 1 4. , i I 'o. 4 Blo'fil 1 %4r 45440:40645Tigi1m EL: - . IMRE • Grill} yea M 1 evening,, January 29, in the '' • Ater ; 01. • • orage, 111. , J.V .I. O.4.RET I " tlnra - eoinfo - t . tcif*F;'S_arritib"r;Reed ot. a Bh — ff - but painful , : iirtycar,, which tthe hOre , 'with . .•: - great riliende .and 1 . 68 f the diffeetuictr-Were'rnitea'a hirgiY. t 'aliare of those' feminine.- qualifies which distinguish the af fectionate Wife. She fell asleep in Jesus and 7.lX7jetiti - iii reap 'her reward in the man sions.of 4),eace; tCoMit ". In Silver-Spring-township, WI L . 111.1 23d Mrs. Y Ann 51 . s widen - of Mr. Isaac Adzims. • Tina her death IVarl n grevions Inns, not only litr-relet ions,-lit-10-tho!publienr-large,AvAs_unqulvs, catty testified by tho.large concourse width billowed her remains to-thittaise npficlintat for all Living. At fin early period of ilie she Was deprived of both her pit-. Nino. bat that tieing In whom the fatherless tindeth her n home tinder the roof of u very I Intelligent end consistent ehrlstlah of the saute of Ur. Walker. 011etedill she describe in terms of the warm.. est gretitude.the ussidlliiy Mid rugttlarirrotthis reli gious imartiminns, end-the conscibetitius strictness with whirl] he kept the Hubbell' and enforced its obser vance rin all his children. As the result of-guell train ing it is almost superliihms to Mid, that the mind of the devitaseil as it expanded mete ripthirity evinced a ',truing. lirste (4,r, the thonei g i, stmly of tin marred VNwne, anti `ultimately been:lie tetnete with solid religious 'infer . . She in(nedllltePrebliktnrian church soon afterl)r. Inalleld won willed ns Ire pester. 'Of fits 1)11.1. , (less she Wits a promineht member, Mid although poi:Begging but lbw books, her naturally sh •pc.ttreemipil wive usually very clear anti Het isthetory replich,fp•liikprrthrunit ereiniiintirinH. She leas distill tinguishnirthrthightmt ' life bye stnitnelt and warm at trielimeM in the dostrine end orde'r of the Prost.) terian hl] the Westniittister Vortfagsion of fnilh and; fi undershoot line nl.l tichreil theHhyierians.— Her atteritment to these printlidria was tint the of early prejudice, en of 'Huperet baho reverence for tho le mind., and ille iliiiiii-tatied tar-4,14M on a Ihurnueh enitri,•th. or Thor .mire tiereemeirts 'with the Holy Scriptercs hid. it pliti invariably reearded thasti preen. standard of rant, and-pt 'rims free Illon 6irnt r}. and Olin Mg midi rratiltitle to her Redeemer who wan her all in all, she we,, ever rently to .reeog evz.• the bongo of 'loll in his prrgdo .tvliiitirrer druomi notion or evanCelical rhrirtinus they might be found, - mt delielit in clierichniu and manifesting towards itm, that broths., ly 1., e n bi. It Jenne !11, emphatically nn.l tom hintly enjoiuH. tier zeal (Pr the Reileellier's c10ry,1,14 hot rbibkiln and fluid 111:14i11% ft prolfativil and 1110 n eiekioi 11W(tV I;l , llin:ten.. indifference lindrr the revilarly ihi• the' o lib It that Meisel' ha, .1, I.lh itwns_sigaify and pure; alit/ kOt , i , lifilt a, I. di 1-1•11 ,• retie " riliciriln•lrines as rlce uon amt (1 , 1 .4 4 . V...1111'0 ill prat,. tt a v.. 1 stronger and morn inti•i -e '• slut \\hall got.ll. thrill in his n ti: bah --- Ti, :110 : v,:rt, nll I: , ii. restli7litg 1111.A.,Pruitt'atId hi km I ill. 01 ;IS time gospol or , ..10ent ink. for.p.,riqg !,,autnr• -lu•tir,nrol! iita l sitOrigit•ly '‘‘ int IGv r;‘,.l - 111:11/iiri ;111 Cir hjyroq, I, 111 I I I/ . •:.• i.uui N'..1 4 14 IC:C! 4 .J4.11,i) ~pmtn..l lupnrve II 111 of I h.• 4•41,,, 42 , 111:41 A;ito. ,4 t vlrry I ar.un i•• • ,•;•.. _N. r , ,_• flYn 101,1 i% lA , :, • :I• " .1 . . rah! 01 1 , .( 1 'III I• ' u.:II. li r %I• 'I" W: • •• : " 1.• I•• • I•I l:',1 ..1 'lt t , lltlrt r lyr!, 1,1 1, toll! II w NI," or 1)11. NI , Ti. 1, I 1. .1; 111,1 Itir • ni , 111, , v. I. It N hit At. r It •r •,,,1-1 ill I.•••• ,•• t. tl% 4,V • 11 . : rOftt tt w....t 'il.• ,11110 . 111 . e . 11,1 1111,1 1N HI ,f;.••• •••:. ~Ahlt 1. 1,1.1.11- :•••1 • II 17.•• , T 111171" 1.1•••.1 4 't fit hr . ( 1: , ••,. , 111 , , , lll.ri •1• , • to ”:11110 :11,11'.• 1.1 .. 114 • 71. Iti .Ir Pr.'" ;1. 1 -'..• 1.1.1 r 11;11 •••••:'•1•••1 II••• 1.111.1 k• rail Ars 111 , ... ••••••• list r, A-.: 1,..1.• l,f • 11 I:1 ,j..1,',•••1 no, ••• op, 1.• llat s.'4 Cllr 'liar is as 1:1 I•4risl, II eli.l nnl ‘..••••:.1 1.1 ,2 Apit•lrl.•ls NV: IA :1111.1 - 11 A. lit• O - j. e.,.1•1 , 111,, Tl , m , ~ r cillie..l.ll,llAlt. :rolllLr evni.l v.., Tr 1.1 hAr 1 - It*/01 ..1-1 , ~•••11. 17111 Lrl p:sl-...-1 lAA r AA... 1.0 ••••••., .• •• Pa1 . 1.1,13r.'. tn. u n.I 1,111-r, 5;,r11 , !.: •e.,t11.),1, - fl • 1 41 r „j t , l tl'.; nn ILO 4 . '1 'slot,•l nc~r. !,) ti.,• rwirt h i,t, 1 , 1" \\ • 1 : 1"2, 1 ,, r 'he “1ii.•,;.,;(.:,-7,lc,,innio= iunrr. fl •, t, t() oidt.r of Ilir :S..;;ltidipg IN;"ctu Lost or Mislaid. Anr.r) Nlorocen l'oekvt lien ipt 110 k, 1111,41 n I 01If hair 1111 . ...11.411 a 111,1 . t•I•i• ;10 s. a Lich of V 10111 It •,• oihrs. A lillenil reward will 1,6;;;v1 . 1.1.1,,, it v. tarn ti, Illt . sIIIINCI Oa r., IIOISERT M 1111. 1 .1. l'cl, lj , . . yi F 17.101"500 DS, - , II:ST I've I i‘«l 1 gr, td VHCII: of l'atity I:l.ruis ejr slick 111..1t1 . C.1,1 113, 131 . 1iCeitilt, Minty Bost &C. lit t;. W. I . NEW GC(IIS, Bargairs at CLIPFINGER'S . . • • silbscriber I.as just received Item PLiln delphin a fresh assnt•tment of Seasonable Goods to Al hie') he would ii, ite the :mention of purchasers. Among- the goods just received are A splendid 1.3401 . t11.V1A nl lICAV sit le Prints, Second mourning Bonnet Satin and It ie fashions tile st le, hatctst stile Gentlemen's Etrocy Cr.t ate. Superior Satin Vcstinits. Thg Ithnte gamin. toll lie sold at eseeetlinly low prices by • .1. A. 1:81I'VINGE1t• rg, Felt . . 1 I ,18411. LIGHT FOIL ALL, C:114:301., laird W!ltlit! Al l / 1 1111111(111C 0 1191 i 6111..11Ci; . 1451 eteeited and foe side at the eltenp !tilts and tuviety more Of Stevenson and Itteltntley. fib I • C E ocK FIT FiN Hit Z9l'B'llllll 5e13901.9 just rveeiyegl.nutl hW.thle:ltt the 'ehra Drug sl Orc of SiCi'ensoo'noti 'Melotirey. li:b,11 • trAitimwin • - ..14Mt51% A: l'iirse Ith)ga and Taaalli, lisitrohes, Inksitin6, 11rA Kw teli' ri 1041 Snuir Itmces, veueivell lour . fifs. slat' ' fit the elicup • Drug sivre of SNvelisatt and 3ichuftb.y. feb. A TSECLA Splutihli suit! I Stevenson • • I . • et 41 - rurAnlu the '.;,ttore,..or.S,tcyolitiiili anti ,Voliiift"g;•,.;:z,;.- Vegetroll flqiis MX Y. , • J' , ' . ' tito:Caiitly in. iii JiwofictitlOrinAe,ioklb en ... 3i vol y. of , leggo tit b to, io iiil ex, f!lMlC;;Roliseil 4 c* . rill . , 'tile ,iltialiiloil AT qobili'fOr, , , Li o ,pUIXA.,iIi COU4i!t, LCOisl6j'A R.l)l:lllli),i)(CiliqtlitViYO::' !l" tkolg t i b ) 4e O be r . ire (?oniTtietit ji.orhili(Plinti4lllllEmtiTilibO,Bro 1 I bel* 'OlO ity; thiil qf bail lietok 61' itifiiii to!eor'y tie' fo i . lltone'ofilietoltulity`tho iibovO oioroillitittor: , , -..t,-, i .,..: i. , Vt!otiofflo.i.niol Jortl,wl;olloiiido4mtVrOto i 1 b . Ste. irottoon'tl,9#l,l4 o l ,- alrOY,A';';lp::; . ) , .4: ~,• J.;.r9 ,:.1 -- ,94Vi- ~--W ' r okvilximozT-0 _ ? ii - 1 0rzt7,4, - „ -6- intekAudior,ji t ~„4 1 , 4IL:1"•A i,„k,e,ii,doesiftgod,...iy,,tts,....-d,roftillkerla.o;e7;; TTliCal V mft3""- "lgtrit'slielo in 111 9.4 1, 7 :'' m%:' rallall'iin 441Vbrtilol'iliti§iViNV&IIIIrliec ‘-9.Fatirriii.aar4-1,21,-iii, rki;bairLblik-Vaiq .. iatilece:lo 1 541%11'. IT(Viiii Ma . 1/1010P ',rmili`O t*:Al — tit` litiNf II VA " e I I ( - etritofiurgirdi..lol:::' liotioeit illetitio.tigit-imrsll!P4B4l4A-k9A94190 ,' , 0 fieOlßll.4ls' It4l-Y.0111,T971.41 1 .-p. ,$ ~_ ; dio , ,. „.„, t ,14 )...,.)q!..91,f , , w. , q ..* 4 ~.,..., • lA-v!•ti'f,fr Iptilgi 'Or; ' ' ,01Aill P*,,pitt'hey,, 1 'rfiin ‘ed ” , ..-.. 4 141 ,-+ , , , ,; -.. • . -,. ', v. 1,'1..::,'. - 4:,.i,:',..-:'-:.,'',.: 33 ' , .': . :''': I'i,. lEE WHIG COUNTY-NIEETIN6-.- ;•,rr lEEE 11`: - 1! • ,~1-, _,..,_i. t~~ i 4.3 of I i_te COWIE) MC C4tlll z: To Smokiirs; --abireittsoittitta 'IOOENDING'AND BLANK _ MSFAOTahrIYi. irotimati§ti,,,'o,,id respectfully inform the 1.4 citliSittkof.Carlisle and vicinity; that having :fittftdi . M' . tlie necessary apparatus in his hints°, sin street, near the corner of Loather, and directly opposite the Lutheran Church, he is now 'preliar&l to do 'all kinds of !Fancy Binding; id — • Prpooh or Gerintitihyle, Rooks rebound in Velvet, Sig.,. or. 'Malin, with Gilt edgiv. - Gentlemen's tamales niailFlifttitlisit aniriepnir ed._ JNI mac- ikil.,periodieitli !to intern . ut slt.ddssriptiona mstle to.order.: BLANK WORK- . • Ire would also jo- - • - form County nflicers, .Merchtatts and Bitrika, \U . ; , c, •.- - that Ite - ttralso --- prena- ' , \ '!;''' .-- - red to manufacture - - - -- .....- - ..if-: BLANK WORK of • 0 ,17 71; _ every description Wel t . "..'... :-... - t,, ...,... . • as Dockets:lteoords, 1./de6floolCa,..-D . ay4ciolctr,- I,,edgers,Journals., Memorandions;Oheek Roils*, Sze., of the - finetBt-httalify of pailitcinit.-stylehiqual to,any made In (he dines of Philadelphia or Nei, York ou - th,e.most reasonable telrna. ~ ,Viles of - Papers bound up- nt reasonable:MlMl Pe respectfully polio'the patronage of-the publi's, wadi's, confident of bei lento do Al) lurk in 0 . style sot isfactory:ttOtts sidmers. • relt 11-41 in. it t ) . , To the Afflicted. DR: SWAYNF,'S, aud - Nifi Oar's S'yeilp:of Cherry for Coughs, Colds, &a. and Swaim') t'unscua for the Scrofula, &o. just received and fur side by Stevenson and Mehaffcy.• fel) It Assignee Notice. NIFIGAIIIi of Shirenianstotitt, Cumber-" 4 land 'co unty , having. executed. to' me a -voluntary Assignment for the benefit of Hill 0, N 0;. TlM:is hereby given In cal tveilnitta indebted to said . "Assignee to make immeclintojinyinent to me tool thosehoVing,-'elnims tvill.present them rm. ailjnillentfbn. •NIATHIAS DITNEIL. Ich 11 ISltiremanatown; I to of Elizabeth Diller. deceirsed. NT, or icu, is lereb' ziren that letieriol istrotion on the Estate of .Elizabetlt Into of West Pclinshorongli township, deceased, have liven granted to the subscriber residing in for SI1111” township. 411 persons lu:cuing itiern- SCIWeS imlch!ed to the...est:de ore requested to min tind miricc -paymento . ind those having elitibilrstre requested to prNent them rot‘. seillemea. kb 11-6 w •S AMt:EL DI LLF.I2, Adm'r. rITZ IC SALE. grid at public sole on FRIISA . Y, vV' the 20111 of February, at the residenco of the cubsetiber, 2 miles nOrth.crcst of Carlisle 011 the road leading to Hays' mills, the follow" bigproperty, viz,: 7 head of young Horace, 5 colts, 11 head nt cattle, 6 head of wliteh aro 'good fresh'tuilch Cr.lerl, 15 head °Cline shoals, '2 bre( ding snow, it IA of Slit ep, IsThreshing Maelline and p.,wer, (I'. Flherly'c patent) 1 Wtlgon and wood la cc rt.;sleigh, sled, .1 pair of rail ladder., t setts of Wagon gears, 4 sr Its nl Plough gears, cart gears, 2,pair of hay ladders, hay rake, ploughs, harrows-, 4 Cultiva errrn—crc:c-ceri-1-11tn, I rolling screeni-B-- tra*lles, I fifth chsin, 1 grindstone., barrels of grind Vino'or, volli"ti va ietrof other farming utensils. . A [so, Household and en Furniture. Salo to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. Olen altrodance nod in reasonable eredic O ill Le giro by DAVID RINI:WALT, fib It".—:w. LEWIS RINUWALT. xJ.I , mem-volt SA 11:0 puhli Iha b i ( l . l i r ' L 1 :1 1 : o t % s tr ' n d s c it i n p n t P o r i- e A r : tot County, tot SATUR Y, Ihtt 7th day of March twxt, n Valuable Farm, unntuioio IT 9? ows, more Cr less, adj .ininr-tands of .7,tc cb „nil ot titre., -on which its , et eted tt -- LO a Hottsv, L. 0.4 Inaru,' sAW nod Cider Press to- :n i l 4 1 ' 1 . golwr 'A it I I manynetrssaty • =1 nllftnii..:tllß• A 1 .1 , 1 67 IlerC4 0 . 1 Ow nhovu liiirlll(C Or d, nr•,l ilic renianider is covered S%llll . vnill (Dieiro.:ll:+t :1111i oilier A nee. d r is convenient In th, and a it riving iircitaid of fruit In ;on 1!n preini , t c. Art 10 acres 0,.• i•,.; 111.6 adapted for raiiang r tlictint and pLice, isili I,c rep for sile a tritct of r I N 1 ii.i.ll WOOD LAND, rontlining Six arrea, titt:rito 112: Frani:ford about one mite from-, above cle.- serilied ionio i rly, adjoining lands of Jubbb Stme'a laeir, and .dliers. Sale to I:eminence nt 10 ti'vfneit A. M. btt said thy, when nltendance,will. be given ntiti ann.: muck known by WNI! F tub. I I—ts. • DAVID KOLB. Exenutrys of Jucob Stine, dee!tb. GzIt'AllPA'S Compound kreesoteriACOUS: • I N Tit: OIL, to; the mire or D ii.FratSS, ra ms in the ease, aml ebb ell these illiagreeis aMc nothe:=, like,the hozzing of insect:4lo[lln of satvr, whizzing of stenM, &c. &c.,. arc symptoms of approaching deatnesii, generally attendant to WI the disease% forAtilti'ti...9 S. ELLIOnZir - - Sok Aient, for 0 1 64: -. t4' OE VALEITMINES._ 42-Nr.l;l)l.v.it has 'jtist reeelvEd at eari IV Hook nod Per;ollieal Store, n splendid a rt.. 111011,1.1 VideittnieS. fos„Si. Vtifeniple's Day: 4411 early young ..*.eistleinen and make your ekle§. 7 l, troths. 0 1 / 1 1.TITZD4LTES. C 1 . 1318 ..111,A.ND COUNTY, SS. • • -: ' . c - , ~...4 .!Zgrti • 1 e, . tho . Commissioners.. (i x ', iMi.‘l- . Cumberland county, do certify,; 7,441 . i1,1 and submit the foregoing (putil . 1:4 ; ;;11..,4. fi shed oh the opposite, page„) . as iirs , a correct statement of thOrlreempts and ExpenditOreB'otill9 county Eif9ife4iii*ota the Ist day of January to the 2ie 'day.erDe- • camber, A. D. 184 E), inclueivio,.:.ea',.alio.‘the amount of the Gininly -nix for Oach.ef;the' re- . _spectivz l3oroughs.and_ToWj3slipsiiiithia_the.. .county, liivied. mid. assessed upon - real .end personal. estate as :showil , ,lit.;lllo..bookst On filo 31st day of pecoinbor; 16 4 - together;rith , a . otaidm en t' tif ihe . kiienditlirlis Imiieef,euch head of, appropriatien made by thii...co*liiiss- . ._ • io n ers.iecomplitificowiffi,therequisitiona-olir , taiii 4 6(ll4l:thirilst etttytiliißckliiit MO t\l'etnty,Alii,rcl•:'_ _aaalloaiil an .001,01 ' :11.6$9rtibl gof tlOaßciretipOit. , .,.,_ :wealtirpOieit she ihlfofintli..datof :Atiii.A . • D. on'ohbilsrind. , itiohtbunil red tod thirty , foliis : 1. lYitifeoo . 9,7tiylsPdS'ilOrkObal:Of , 6(l - 100 , ,4:0.ar. 1 , , i liA6; : itlyii - 0,1 1 : 41 .0. ) T 4 Nii 14 17:.'W-WP - qol,.i°u*" 641 d i'zyiglithooaii4i4u.f9ity;o;T;..,-.;'-' .` 4 - "f4.- ,:, - . • ' -- -.— . - , --e , !;!'• ', '.. C; 'TITZEL, - . - -. ,, ' ,,, :- , , , -L k. 7, - ;•,,tif. - ;',;(1i- ,, , , ,,.4-0''. ' ' '-I'IVOIITHI.N . GTON;' 'l.'Y (6initffAines ' . . F IDAVIp; ATEAItEZP; '.: ''' ' ." nz , H '' '' ". ' '' ' '''', : 4` ; '- -- AltiA-;-IViLtiam Ihilai - j: * *Ve r i'ktri = 4hdril of . C6n1,1114 - iiipnerf, : '' • - - -..,.;.„, !.1:. ,:..:'''- !.`'' - , 7, .••••• - 41"ti,--.2ltlioAti4orfuttrktal Antliti o,..s.;eqiint . ''"-- 119,041140;10tyi...,mttkst.c14Pr mg: , t).t, . d . ,"liaviiiiit4azilhigtl.,thii ACcpunta,4r,ido,,,puohira, ki6llOboiON.looi , i'EsOF:,rieailiirei . .o , ::Esaid .. .coiiiiiykliciiirftbe-.14,., tint cifli s triikiiiriiii4the', 4f s 'eakoomkop.:o4" l. o4,q..i,:..iiiplytit,o . -do '; 'O' l s - iliff, Mi - aFwifitibi , tho74nrior orSigtirialloz. - ; :•:eakiitSoNdialitlOT 6 (l: Olt Niiiety-Dtilliir/i Ond•-•:: 'T.Thr,iiil9,Ce4tiklititilVsaith'X'reattiner - tfi ,s .tho' - ; , . , , r i • :,40`r".' . .& - :,#:.til . ltipliarloy . ,.thelflire , , ~: l'4l;'),iniiicf* , ;:i )49,'210044:1*0474PAtia;:,-,:--;.1;7,,,,..- ~-.. .„ I: A , , ...!Rtilliiii#,4o,til*r.f4 4 o.4Pol,o44 4 ofh : i' . . 1: dai,,_...,64-41540hry;:bikA 4 ,04 4 % . ,5&. 7 ; 74 :*-lii4.a.!:-...',:; - - , i: . 4I4ii,MAPiIVA.V. 0 I)oK,Ogi.. , k.AtioTiioi*Of. - i k:A 1 .1.7.- - 0 4 21Ci1i14: :' .. t it. g '1'i ' '31..; • 7. , ' • - s. '&W0444 7 1 4 , 7 1 77 9l t ,..... 1 ,4 1 N . 1. 4 0 , 1 r ~ '1 , 6 7 - 0 4: : :: ' - ..-C,l;rlllo 4 lk'Flb:Viiit4r l ; :4 ' ' '" - ":"" ::.4 "7 -4 'i .A-' '''' '', ''. ''''''',- :"5 " , , ,t:, 4 1::;'.` .. .''..'i:'" '- ' '''':! l ' '''' ' " ''' - " ": - 4 1 r•I ..._ ..... MEM IL!) Hi ~ ~'!F; ~ . ,