Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, May 02, 1840, Image 3

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We have been favored with a copy of the
ministers of the Philadelphia Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, which terminated
its labors on lucsuay, the 14th ult. Wc learn
that 13 preachers have been admitted on trial,
tliat 9 remain on trial, that 8 have been admit
ted into full connexion, tnat 8 elders have been
ected and ordained this year, that there are
12 supernumerary preachers, and that only one
flcrgyman, the Rev. Joseph llussling has died
during the year.
The Conference contains within its limits,
34,070 white members, 8,669 colored. In-
crease uunng me year, wnuu, uiu oov
Tim Pnnfnrptifn nnllnrMnn fnr iinir.
I animated preacher, amount to $1866 57. The
w . . rni i i
lucent collections to zoio vz. inc addi
tional collections for necessitous cases, to
S8S6 71. "Wc give the names of the preach
ers and their stations, for the two districts of
Philadelphia North and South.
Solomon Higgins, P. E.
Union, J. Kennaday.
"FJipiipznr. f- Sorin. J. Wnnlson. sun.
St. Paul's, W. Cooper.
estern Church, P. Combe.
Mariner's Bethel, L. M. Pretty-nun.
Weslc' Chapel and Fairmount, M. fl. Sistv,
V Bethesda Miss., J. A. Boyle.
f Asbury, B. F. Price,
f Haddington, L. K. Berridge.
Chester, L. T. Cooper, J. Edwards, J. Tal
ly, sup.
f Radnor, H. G. King, J. Neill.
Phceniqville, D. Shields.
Strasburg, G. Oram, V. Gray.
Soudersburg, S. Grace, T S. Johnson, D.
Best, sup.
Columbia, James Cunningham.
Susquehanna Miss., H. Sutton.
Harrisburg, "W. Barns. "
Halifax, J. Davidson.
Lancaster, D. D. Lore.
Springfield, J. Bissey, T. Sumpton.
"West Chester, W. Urie.
Dauphin, W. M'Combs, H. Gilrov.
Brandywine Miss., David E. Gardner.
New Holland Miss., A. John.
J. P. Durbin, President of Dickinson Col
lege. L. Scott, Frincipal of Grammar School at
Dickinson College.
James Smith, P. E.
St. George's, R. Gerry, E. Cooper; sup.
Nazareth, J. Nicholson.
Eighth Street, A. Atwood.
Fifth Street, T. J. Thoinpson.
Kensington. G. Lacey.
Harmony, T. B. Tibbies.
St. .John's, R. M. Greonbank.
Zoar and Westley, G. Wiltshire.
Philadelphia Circuit, C. Lippencott, (one to
be supplied.)
Frankford and Bridesburg, R. W. Thomas.
Bristol, Bustleton, and Holmesburg, J. Led
man, Wt McMichael.
Germantown, D. Daily, J. L. Taft. W. H.
Gilder, sup.
Manaunk and Falls, R. McNamee.
Lehman's Chapel, J. Hand, (one to be sup
plied.) Norristovvn, Evansville and Lumberville, J
A. Roche.
Doylestown and Attleborough, C. J. Crouch,
"W. K. Goentner.
Rising Sun Miss., P. Eisenbray.
Easton, J. S. Inskip.
Stroudsburg, J. Flannery.
Mauch Chunk, "W. H. Elliot.
Pottsville and Miuersville, .1. B. Hagany, J.
"W. W. Arthur, (one to be supplied.)
Reading, S. H. Higgins.
Potisgrove and Mt. Airy, J.
We may mention that in addition the Con
ference embraces the "Wilmington District, the
Easton District, and the Snow Hill District.
The next Conference will be held in Philadel
phia, but the time is not yet fixed. Pa. Inq.
A STTrifT.-TTv.-r? OiTTUAni? TMipA'fn-i
lile Chronicle states that an atro-j
cious act Avas recently perpetra
on board the steam-boat Governor
Pickens, when twenty miles above
that city G. B. IIaydel Esq. ed
itor of the Marengo Patriot, was shot
and dangerous ly wounded by aperson
named Gee, a fellow passenger who
understand resides in Gainesville
ia this state. The circumstance is
as far as we have been able lo gath
er them tliey, are as follows : The
"boat left this city late on Saturday,
L'vening,Mr. Haydeu repaired to the
holier deck, 'where seated in a circle
of friends , he was engaged in a po
litical conversation. While this was
poing on. Gee obtruded himself,
iiid commenced using very abusirc
language, bantering Mr. H. to bet, to
fight, &o. Mr. H. did all in his pow
er to evade the conversation,' remark
ing that he did not wish to bet or fight
JukI desired him to leave him. After
sitting- a few moments, Mr. H, arose
for 'the purpose of retiring to the
ladies' cabin, to join his -wife, who
was also on board. As soon as he
rose, Gee drew" a pistol and shot Mr,,
if, the ball lodgings we understand
in the hip bone. Gee was immedi
ately secured by the pasengers, and
the boat put back bringing both the
wounded man and Gee to this city,
Surgical aid was immediately procu
red for Mr. Hay den and although the
wound is pronounced rather danger
ous, still Hones are entertained of his
recovery. Gee was promptly com
mitted to prison. We have never
heard of a more wanton, cold blooded
attempt at murder than'this,as presen
ted to us. Mr. Harden is a young
and is much beloved hy a numerous
circle of friends and acquaintance.
The North .East Boundary Ques
tion. In the course of a debate in
the House cf Commons, Lord John
Russel alluded to the Boundary Ques
tion, and said their were two seperate
and distinct questions involved in
these discussiens with the United
States. The first had reference to the
boundary and the other to the agree
ment which had been entered into
pending the negotiations ; and he did.
not think that, either on the general
question, or on the question of agree
ment, a serious quarrel would take
place; nor did he in the least degree
anticipate that the harmony of the two
countries is likely to be interrupted.
The Governments of both countries
are too sensible of the advantages of
peace to wish for its termination, and
both were perfectly convinced their
were nothing in the boundaJy ques
tion which oould not be amicably ar
ranged if both parties were determi
ned to abide by the principles of jus
tice. Another Editor Rewarded !
On Thursday, th 23d ult., by the the Rev.
Mr. Hecht, Abraham Harrison Senseman,
Editor of the Easton Sentinel and Northamp
ton Correspondent, to Miss Catharine Siiouse
of Easton.
On Tuesday, May 5, 1810, at 10 o'clock A.
.M. we will expose to public sale, at Analomink
Forge, Stroud township, Monroe Co.
i four Iiorsc wiisons. 2 two Iiorsc
wagous, 1 new cart and Isarsscss, i
sulkey, modern style, several wagon
bodies, wheelbarrows, sniiili bellows'
and tools, a. quantity of about 5 tons
of bar iron, of a. variety of sizes,
spring steel, castings, &c. Also, a va
riety of liXerciiamlizc, Axes, &c. &c.
Conditions made known and attendance giv
en on the dav of sale, by
April IS, 1S40.
"jVTGTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN to all persons
JL 1 interested in the following Administration ac
counts. The account of Jacob Storm, administra
tor, &c. of the estate of John T. Storm, late of
Hamilton township, in the county of Monroe, de
ceased. The account of Philip M. Bush, adminis
trator, &c. of the estate of John Smiley, late of
otroud township, in the county aforesaid, deceas
ed. The same having- been allowed and fded in
the Register's office and will be presented to the
Orphans' Court for confirmation on Monday the
4th day of May next.
M. H. DREIIER, Register.
Register's Office, Stroudsburg, )
April 3, 1810. It. $
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers trading under1 the firm
of STOLL & BRODHEAD, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent- The business of the late firm
will be settled by either of the subscribers, either
being dulv authorized to settle the same.
All persons indebted to the firm of Stoll & Brod
head are particularly requested to make settle
ment on or before the first day of April next.
Milford. Nov. 14. 1630.
For sale by the subscriber,
Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, 1840. .
The present expectation of the subscriber is that
he will leave here at the close of his school, which
will be at least in two weeks from this date. The
timely attention of his patrons to their bills will
save him much delay arid inconvenience.
Stroudsburg, March V 1810 "r.
5 BoEIar Ecward !
Escaped from the Jail at Stroudsburg, Mon
roe county, on the morning of the 9th inst. a
man named Dennis Scott. Said Scott is about
23 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 icches high, light
comnelxion aud light hair. The above reward
and all charges paid if delivered at the Jail of
the said county.
March 18, 1840. 3t.
. Printed at this office with neatness
and despatch.
Whereas, the Honorable William Jessup,
President Judge of the 11 111 Judicial dis
trict of Pennsylvania, composed of the
counties of Luzerne, Wayne Pike and
Monroe, and Jacob Brown and John T.
Bell, Esqs. Associate Judges of the" courts
of Common Pleas of the county of Mon
roe, and by virtue of their offices, Justices
of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery, and Court of Gen
eral Quarter Sessions in and for the said
county of Monroe, have issued their pre
cept to me, commanding that a Court of
Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, and
General Jail Delivery and court of Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace, for (he said coun
ty of Monroe, to beholden at Stroudsburg,
on Monday, the 4th day of May next, lo
continue one week,
Is therefore hereby given to the Coro
ner, the Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of the said county of Monroe, that
they be then and there with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations and
other remembrances, lo do those things
which to their oflices are appertaining,
and also that those who are bound by re
cognizance lo proseculeand give evidence
against the prisoners that arc or shall be
in the Jail of the said county ot Monroe,
or against persons who stand charged with
the commission of offences, to be then
and ther i to prosecute or testify as shall
be just.
Sheriff's Oflicc, Stroudsburg, )
April 4, 1840. tc
List of persdns drawn to serve as Grand
Jurors, at the May session, 1840, of Mon
roe county courts :
1 Charles Hawk.Chesnnthill;
2 Peter Berger, Tobyhanna.
3 Peter Frederick, Stroud.
4 John V. Bush, Smithfield.
5 David Keller, Hamilton;
6 George Shupp, Chesnulhill.
7 George Bombergcr, Smithfield.
8 Joseph Houser, do
9 Jacob Altemus, Chesnulhill.
10 John Zimmerman, Smilhfield.
11 John Bulz, Pocono;
12 John Boys, Stroud.
IS John C. Slrunk, Smilhfield.
14 George R. Labar, Stroud.
15 Jacob Grotz, Ross.
16 Stroud liurson, Stroud. -f
17 Samuel Pipher, M. Smilhfield.
18 Charles Halferman, do
19 Michael Bush, Stroud.
20 Samuel Bond, Tobyhanna.
21 Wm. Walton, jr. Stroud.
22 Philip Fetterman, do
23 John Mansfield, Hamilton.
24 Francis Edkin, Chesnulhill.
List of persons drawn lo serve as Petit
Jurors, at May session, 1840.
1 reter Houser, Hamilton.
2 John Felle.nseri do
3 John Smith, Smithfield.
4 Yoest Dreisbach, Tobyhanna.
5 John Hanna, M. Smithfield.
6 John Shivery, Pocono.
7 Melchor Bossert, Hamilton.
8 Abraham Hoffman, M. Smithfield;
9 Mifflin Hannum, Stroud.
10 Joseph Chnslman, Ross.
1 1 Smith Price, Price.
12 David E lenberger, M. Smilhfield.
'3 Charles Dreisbach, Cliesnuthilh
14 Charles VVollinger, Stroud.
15 George Strunk, Smithfield.
16 Samuel Snyder, do
17 Henry Wise, Chesnulhill.
18 Jacob Root, Hamilton.
19 Jacob Keyser, Ross.
20 Adam Ult, Stroud.
21 Peter Kurtz, Smithfiehh
22 Wm. Mill, Chesnuthill.
23 George Kern, Ross.
24 Benjamin Turner, Stroud.
25 George Stellcr, M. Smithfield.
2G Jacob Arndt, Smilhfield,
27 Charles Newhart, do
28 Peter Snyder, Hamilton.
29 Daniel Jayne, Smithfield.
30 Stogdell Stokes, Stroud.
31 Samuel Hofman, M. Smithfield.
32 Peter Mervvine, Tobyhanna.
33 James Aliger, M. Smilhfield.
34 George Murphy, Chesnulhill:
35 Adam Huffsmith, do
36 Daniel Brown, do
FOR 1840.
. . . -j
ICT The. first column shows the Rates where the Rules and Regulations are?
complied with The second, the Legal Tolls.
Take notice (hat we have applied to the
Judges of (he court of Common Pleas of
Monroe county, for the benefit of the act
made for the relief of insolvent debtors,
and (hat the said Court have appointed
Monday the 4th day of May next, at 10 o'
clock, A. M. for hearing us and our cred
itors at the court house in the borough of
blroddsburg, of which due notice is here
hy given, according to the order of the
said court.
April 3, 1840.
Articles, jef ton, per mile.
Merchandize, Sugar, Molasses, and
Flour, Meal, Grain, Salted Provi
sions, Pot and Pearl Ashes.
Hay in bundles, pressed,
Hydraulic Cement, going towards
tide water on the capacity of boat
carrying it,
Do. do. Stone unburnt on the capa
city of boa. carrying it,
Hydraulic cement going from tide
Ground Tanner's Bark,
Unground do. do.
Iron Castings.
Iron up the canal,
Do. down the canal,
Pig Iron up the canal,
Cotton, bales or bags,
Hides (not to exceed $2 16 for any
distance) per ton, per mile,
Common Brick, Stone, Lime, Sand,
Potter's Clay, Ashes & Iron Ore,
Brick and Fire Stone,
Antliracite Coal down the canal,
per ton, per mile,
Do. do. up the canal on the capaci
ty of the boat carrying it, per ton
per mile.
Charcoal (not to exceed $1 50 for
any distance,
Marble, Mill, and other manufactu
ring stones,
Hoop poles, in boats,
Fence Posts and Rails, in floats,
per ton, per mile,
Hoop poles, split or shaved in boats,
Lath, split or sawed, in boats,
Staves and Heading, sawed or man
ufactured, in boats,
Do. do. rived or split in boats (not
to exceed 1 dollar per ton for any
distance,) per ton, per mile,
Staves and Heading in rafts,
Hoop Pole, posts, rails and lath in
Manufactured wood for the first 25
miles (thence 2 1-2 cents, but not
to exceed $1 75 for any distance
on canal,)
Materials for making crates for
Glassware per ton, per mile,
per 100 c. . per mile.
Pine and plain maple, for the first
25 miles (thence 1 1-2 cents per
mile, but not to exceed Si for any
Hemlock, for first 25 miles, (thcece
1 cent, but not exceed $ ,75 for
any distance,)
Oak and Ash, for the first 25 miles,
(thence 1 1-2 cent per mile, but
N. B. When toll is charged per ton
ional charge will he made for mileage
Cts. Cts.
3 4
2 4
11-2 4
21-2 4
1 4
1 4
4 4
11-2 4
2 4
11-2 4
3 4
3 4
2 4
2 4
3 4
21-2 4
1 4
11-2 4
11-2 8
8 8
2 4
3 4
11-2 4
1 4
21-2 4
1 4
3 9-10 4
11-2 4
4 4
3 4
3 4
11-2 4
2 4
13-4 4
not to exceed $1 SOfoi anv distance.)
Ship Timber,
Maple, Cherry, White wood, and all
umoer not enumerated, (but not
to exceed $2 for any distance,)
Ver 100 c. fei't nrr mil.
Ship Timber,
jAll timber not enumerated,
per 1000 ft. hoard measure, r.ermilp
Pine, plain maple, and bass wood
ior lor nrst 25 miles, (thence 1?
cent per mile, but not to exceed
Si for any distance.
Hemlock for first 25 miles (thence
1 cent per mile, but not to ex
ceed 75 cents for anv distance.) .
Cherry and white wood, but not to
exceed Si 75 for anv distance.
Curled and specked maple, but not
to exceed ip2 lor any distance.
Ash, oak, and all timber not enumer
ated, lor hrst 25 miles, thence 1
1-2 cent per mile, but not to ex
ceed $1 25 for any distance,
ver 1000 ft. b. m. vcr mile.
Pine, plain Maple and Bass wood,
Oak, ash, and all not enumerated,
vcr 1000 tier mile
Pine, for the first 25 miles, (thence
3 mills per mile lor remaining
Hemlock, for first 25 miles (thence
2 mills per mile for remaining
ver 1000 vcr mile.
Pine or Hemlock;
per cord per mile.
Cord wood, from one to ten miles,
(and for every additional mile 1
cent per cord, but not to exceed
50 cents per cord for any distance
on the canal.
Articles not enumerated going from
tide water per ton,
Articles going towards tide water,
Pleasure boats, on the capacity of
the boat,
per mile on the boat.
Going towards tide water,
Coming from tide water,
2 -
'4- !
.-in ;
3 -o
4v .
8-10 -
8-1 Or
V -
4,.t- 1
14 "
on the capacity of the Boat, no addl
on said boat.
Wholesale ami Retail
TORY. T I HIE subscriber resnectfullv informs the citi-
zens of Stroudsburg and the public generally.
that he has taken the shop recently occupied by
James Palmer, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite
the Stroudsburg House, m this Borough, where
he intends carrying on the Cabinet Making busi
ness in all its various brandies.
He shall keep constantly on hand or make to or
der all kinds of fourniture :
Sideboards, .Bureaus, Sofas, Centre
tables, XSreakfast and 9iniug Tables,
Wash Stands, Bedsteads, &c. &c.
together with every other article usually kept at
such establishments ; all of which he will sell at
the Easton prices.
As his materials will be of the best quality, and
all articles manufactured at his establishment will
be done by first rate workmen, he confidently as
sures the public that his endeavors to render gen
eral satisfaction will not be unrewarded.
He respectfully invites the public to call and ex
amine his stock belore purchasing elsewhere.
Chairs, Settees, &c. will be kept constantly on
hand and lor sale.
Stroudsburg Jan. 15, 1840.
Notice to Boatsiftasi.
THE Delaware and Hudson Canal Company,
will pay the following freight for transporting
Coal from Honesdalc te llondout, on their canal
the ensuing season, viz :
Running Company's boats witli an
agreement to purchase and paying
$10 each trip on said boat, and
making not less than 16 trips with
said boat during the season.. Si 46 per ton
Running Company's boats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
S 10, each trip on said boat and ma
king a trip in ten days or less, Si 40 do
Running Company's boats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
$ 10 each trip on said boat, and ma-
, king a trip in 11 days, Si 35 do.
Running Company's boats with an
agreement to purchase and paying
Sid each trip on said boat, and over
11 days making atrip, $1 30 do.
Individuals running their own boats in the coal
business will be paid the same freight as company
Application for boats can be made to the Collec
tors and Superintendents on the line of canal.
li. F, LORD, Engineer.
Office of Del. &Hud. Ca. Co.
Match 10th, 1840. J
JL HE Sheriff, Commissioners and County Trea
surer, will attend at Stroudsburg, on Saturday ol
everv week, and may be seen at their respectiva
oflices between the hours of 10 o'clock, x. m, and
3 o'clock, p. M. on said days.
February!21, 1810.
Subscriber respectfully informs the pub
JL lie, that he is prepared to execute all kinds ot
Plain & Ornamental Painting,
Glazing. &c.
at his Shop nearly opposite the store of "William
kastburn, where all orders m his line will be thank
fully received and punctually attended to.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1839.
Paper Hanging,
In all its variousbranches will be punctually
ttended to.
J. P.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing' be
tween the subscribers trading under the firm
of Stokes & 13rown,is this day dissolved by mutu
al consent. The business of the Intp. firm will lm
settled by Stogdell Stokes, who is duly authorised
to seme tne same.
All ncrsons indebted to the firm nf Strilrow
Brown, nrn nnrtir.ularlv rfinnfletpd tn mnl.-p !ntttn
ment on or hpfove the first rlnv of AInrrh nnvt. rnil
I j "7
those having claims against the firm present them
ior settlement.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 1st. 1810.
THE Subscriber, in addition to his Fall sup
nlv lias iust ropfiivrvl a full nnrl rnmnlpln -
i j j - --I
ortmentof GOODS admirably adapted to the sea
son, consisting ot
Ury Woods, Groceries, CrocKery.
Hard and Hollow Ware.
STEEL, NAILS, and NAIL RODS, in fact a
complete assortment of all kinds of goods usually
kent in a country store, all of which he i3 disnosed
II '
to sell at moderate prices.
N. II. Gram and Country produce, vvlnte and
yellow pine boards will be taken in exchange ; al
so, oak joistg&c. &c.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15th, 1840.
At the Monroe & Pocono Tanneries,
for peeling and gathering bark, to commence
about the 20th of April, and continue througlr-
out the barking season. Each man nuistcdme
provided with an axe. Spuds will bo supplied
by the subscribers. Wages per -,day 62 l;3 .,
cents. Hoarding will bo'lound.
R. T. DOWNING & Co. - .
Pocono tsp. Monroe countv,
April 3, 1840. 3t.
Job Work of aclWunds neatly exef
cuted at the office of the " JeffcWo;
nian Republican."