M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 03, 1859, Image 1

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, I
VOL. 1.
fil'fican tountu iDentofrat:
TERMS:. - $1.50 in Advance.
Rates • of :Advertising.
C01umn..... .... ..
4 ail •
...... .. ...
menthe • • • •
One equare.rrl2llnCa a r lees, 31 insertions
Each eubeequent - I osertion,-,. ....•••••••-,..;• •• • •
Ilnetnnee Carde,.ivith paper, s
• 'ET .These Terms wi li• tm. .
Pusiness Oratorp.
. .. .. . ,
. . •. • -
'.• . ," .',. • • .., CARVER . HOUSE, • * , :i.. -. ..
_ . .
XOIIN H. lioct.Proprieioi, corner '
of WatpiAtid,:i .
nkpi . y.
'lltreete,-Witrren - ' Pa ; , -, Genenil Staie Office •.-
. . .
. . .
. .
• ..
Wholesale an/ Itotall'ntiplefu in Fauiily Growls... POrk,
,' Flour. ,Halt;' Feed; :kc ,; /ka.:. .rroler.' E.. P. btason'o
Siaio.Storf.t;.Eaat.aide of Abe Ptiblia Squere, Smetbport;
Z. c. iitioictrs & co
General' neelsra in Dry. Gonds',.. G•roSeriss,' Crockery .
• Randy-A:lads Cistilini,.flonts and Shore. lints and Caps.
oannsita the Court Ilouss; Snielhpyrt Pe. • •
c: nowfigs,
. .
Wholesale and Retoll Dealer in Provicietia - and Falr.lY
'Groceries.. Dry Goods, Boots: Stpion !Ilia, Gaps, pails.
' ;Yankee Notions. NG, &c.. Store one' deor.west.of the
Astor floti , .e. • Ternis..raSh :- , -
.•.• . . .
Fronting the: Public. Fqnniv;.•ol,.6 N. Y.: Jakeit'M.
: bliListt Proprietor The Fobo9 11. pge k entirely noir
and 'bollt of brick,' and 4a `furnished in modern sh le'
The :proprietor: flatiira ltirriaeli tl at' his.aenornmida-
Alone are not sutpaased by any hotel in Weatern N w
York.. Catringeo. rnti to and row the Now York add
• Erie Ra s lltonti. • ' ' . mar.
. •
. . , .
. .
ATTORNEY .AT •LAW; Smethpoi-f. M'Kean County. Pa:..
Aoent for Meesre, Ifectin c & C.o.'s Lande ' , Atten is
tsp,eclally to the - .oolleetran ~t nalin N. Vccrtminatlon'ot
'Land ITIPa; - Pajlnenta Taxes aril all hucinees rola:
ifog.to flea! Equate. Office in. li•Liolin Mock:. . • ...
' • ' •-• .. ' 6.ItEEN'S 'HDTEL. -74 k, - .; , ....
. .
D A. 'Witiotrr: Propriettir;—at liniz,ua,' Warren el:atilt):
Pa: • •Ilia Table will be a‘triplial with, the bet.t : the
country afTwds, arahe apareno'pain; In acenmcalatiag
. .
. .
'Attartioy and 0 unaellnr• at. Gard. attend to •
../eollon claims Iteenuoi.iu •!ln. Cn nil° "i'Veo
ter, M'K -an: Elk; J , ff•ranii. and ClO•irkuld 0
Fmethimit, Bt'Kean county Ea... - •;
.. ,;, • . E. BOteTON-.'ELDRED, '.. . . . .
• .lI .
.AVorniy and•Counsi nor at Low, gmetlionrt. Nl'Kein
County; I.u.' suraess en, ru4ed to bin cure fur the
• conalles'Of all'ltenp,. Potter and • glk *lll be promptly
attended to' t;lfflce lithe Court house,. second floor,
pro , e‘Aiiinat colt With. tiruntptuttess. • 01II,ce 10
Blocii,',cubtici Odor: • - • • • .
. .
Viliolkale niiti Anal Dealertt. in' Staple 'end 'Finny. Dry
. Rondo, Carpeting: Ready. Redo Clnlinne, and - Genea-al
. Purnisning Banda, Roots and Shoes.,Well and Window.
.. Panne, 14niking'0,13-4es A:c' . -At Olean. II I'. ,
. .
SiliPthrort,.SVlT.ean•Cii,.. :D It. Iteaattrr, Privrte
tdr—,-opipite the, Court Frous. A netr, cog)
. niodioue 414'17611 furGinhpd.housir .• .'•
JOHN C. autkus," •:* • •
icirne,v rtialellor nt Lawt - Smethport. isPFCe'stn Qe
. Pa . • Attend. to 411 I.lll4netmt ohl prefer4rs Irk he
• emititte'sor firKear, Potter anti' P.A. • Ottlee over
. 8a twell Itrother&-Stnie.' ". ' "
, .
41. 0! trOLMIii. Proprietor, Pmettiport. iil'iCoan no ~Pa'
...fitagex to end froth tti , s place - stooltete. Goad lecorn
nodatione dnd.retvddttbto,pricoe. . ' .. •. . ... .
-. . .
• De.alrrin Dry Onnia,.firqce;•lAß. Pori*: Flour halt, Fieb
ej o thf twos and. Shoes Ptore in En ,
• tnn , 4 nit It•od, Sinfithriort Pa.. Guneral.Patent
clue Anentß. .
. . ..
.. ,
: - :'.. • HACK NEY HOUSE, : - --:. , ' - .. . ... ...
Co...new of 9ilentrt . ttnd Liberty ,Atroets, Ndnrre , •Pa. R.
.K.- RAnala..P.rofriet,rl 'Tr'avelero will 'lllatood:ac
coinmodlitionn and resiontible'pfiFges. 1 -.; . ' .
• : -• • E...8:MA00N,.
• Daistei in Binyea. Tin Ware, J'aeonned Ware;-•&o., west
We or th..: Public Onstnin
'N n 3 i done to nr4l..t. nn Hz...shortest uotice, and 'in the
- iranikt substsolist inannee. , ' •'
. .
...,. . . • .
.W: S • BIOWNELL, i ' '.. ! ~ .
'Dealer In Dry Ganda, Grrlea Cfroeliair, llarliware,
:Beate, Sh'oesi,Hat:ai3On .01ae., Nail.. 'Dila, &e;,•fr.e.
; East side - ol,•tlie•riil)1 c Sinera, l.linetbpprt, Va. . ' •
. . .
. „
Dealer iti Pinylslotra and Famity-Groceiloi iten . eraki. at
Jratquara Valley; Mll , K° '.on , Lumber.
SW-410. '&6.;• taken iu exchange for Gooda. Patent
Medlofnesloi gale. • I ' • : ,
• '. . . • . '
• "..' •-• • •• - LARABEE'S 11 - STEL • :-•.- •
A; LARABIIO. Irnpeleber.-;4llegbene M'Rean
(10. Pa. ,Ttirt ?mune Ise'sitn..ted about nine miles from
. Vmetbilort •on'tlaci, Orran. nnif uin be (baud
. -.Convenient . • '. ' •••'
.. .
. -•
• ilhippen..Bi'lieen P0.i.V..,; Lima 4 iin C001t..-Propile"or. -
.• A , COmmodinuot and welkfurnialied • lino.° Stringe:ro
. • ,and taaveleta will ftnd good accommodations.. ~-.."...1
' .
.:.' . • - FARMERS'. ~. VALLEY HOTEL, , . • ' '
• •
.py T':'Onnowtx: Till. hewna inalteated abont lire miles
from Sniethport on the mid to Olean.. Plen.,u re part lea
and n film a een :be aceemmodated on the fillet:teat entice •
NATITAN U NNI9, Proprietor. This houno is situated half
-way hei,opeq Qmetlypint R 1 2 ,1 01e411, ~ /i7tl4wapt a good
*Miter , the to tho piles tostop. ' •
PrOpriator of ihe OHO, Mill. 'sit "Menhanico n , s .. m c.
Kew. County P. - Meal, and Void, annonatly
on hand and for nal Cfn largo an n
l Kin - quantities, •
. „
• -.RAILROAD NOOSE, . • .•
WILLI . Air STREETER Proprietor,, Norwich, bliNeso C 0 ..;
Pa, (hied 'acconunOdatiows. olio be lied 'there 4 *al,
. . ' ••••PORT ALLEtiAIq ROUSiT, .
. . ... .: ... .
~ .
•wiLt.TAii Esteitita Propdatnr, at Pad Allegany; 'Me
- iisati•Ooisaty Pa...• Thin frotel.isaltaated at the June,
,tian of the Salaamed eand Allegatiy.Elverloade, WOO
• miles ca 4 of Smotamort - • , . •': ' ' • - - '
, .
APPES, Just.: re
-luti cOived and for RoIP - nt !hp • - .
• .• .
. .
T OOK on.the,:rnap of .the fjeffed Stateit;.etid'
look, ttke old stand of Ford. &
and you . will find Ed.Alaeron's tin Shop all on
. .
the nip4a.t.
"My *4lie:thF
, .
My lite !alike the eottitered.wreek
Catit' . by the.eltree upon thieetioter
The * hroien-reante, - the riftel deck,
Tell df the shipirreek ihit Is o'er.
' 'Yeelran the relies of the etorm
The mei nerlitharli form,
Again to .ten . pt.the faitillree . ecer
But hope rebuff& no bark foe
. .
• $.15 On
1 00
.. ' . 20u0
Dty lifo 1,4 like the blighted .
end'withered ferm i '.
geitl)43o kittie lightning); euddeeetrokO
Stern meet, the Coming storm. 1
eoeed:tilei:teeleee trunk entwine.:
etinglng tendeille of the eine;
end froehneee there Invett-,-
, er to the blighted.heatt,
defept.ro'ek,' •
in:irpaleao lane and drear i.
'Gill by the 'wild wave , si
T4iitTautl itsbata '.llelt surges roar.
Tit there theeea-mossatiil '
wit) cling
' Some.ilarer will fled a olett taapeing, i"
And trati , h !; , e'en .I!e're, eivyat.perfarne;
Or mai 'ltro'a lloarer . no more
`.The .Washington 'Uti(oll. Published. t wo.pri,
oate letters, from Mr. Harrisr!ftir• 'repiesenta
'five in Japan, in vthich he giyea• an interest
ing account .of his visit . Yedo; the. capital.
to present.a.l . i.tter from the President or .the
United States
.to the • Emperor. .Ten month'
.were spent in haffl•ne• diplomacy Ifefore Mr.
• Ha rris received permission to:present ,t hejatter
. • .
in person.. Hut bis pepseveranee • overcame al. • •
olistavles. :Two man hs were conSamfol'by the'
Japanese in making their prepartionS for
jcpirney froargimoda and'his reception at
The 'Emperor ezie orders that he F.hould be re.
Teived at all points on the route with the' hon .
e paid prince's' of the blood. ••• He thus:de
scribes his'escorti • • . .
• My: train numbered; some, otie•huildred' and
filly :persons,. composd of enards,. (my own)
norimor. bearers, cooks, grooms, shoe-bearers;
cane-bearers, tim-bearers, and last, though not ,
least, a standard-hedrer,anda,largi , number of
coolies. I had.•permnitted the Japanese to ar
ranee arid dress .my traio, a ecordingtO
ideas of propriety, and what .they'
de! tnth.representative of,•theTresid.-nt
or - the United.St..:l': e!:aq , '., each ri-itb
two swords in the.girile, kind :OMl' in new silk
itrosaes,,, ai they swPpediand st mut ed
peered • to' be '!'mightily' uplifted in heart,"
.whik the,, , hod renrbea,reratallerceatni.i.nr!.s.re4r
:to have "broken out". ill oYer tfi;ir Ladies .With
pread eagles,"' ea t,be back 'breast and sleeyes of their. dresses wore sprinklnd over
with .the.artni ed. Sta tes, • wide!).
'te;.ire neatly painted on : .
.I'perfooned Ihe'jfm . r'npy. hareeback
anc.i'pa!tly in a n'otriino' a,: which: i 9 the - Jaimii‘
ese name' fora peanquin., :The Ja . panese;ii6r..-
Timon will compa . re With. the eelebratedi iron .
'Ca. , :s of Ciirdinel ...,P . rangi;:in' Which,
the poor iritrete: efo,rtl. - nerit dOwo nor
sve . Off: np. In the:.aerrimen i 'the Japailee.
el. and plat.e . t heir • feet
thOn.si heii heels; if:th , y pose
themseli•e~'thev lean forward, and, rent the ehiti
on theii•knees,.ki that the body 'apd.limbs•fprtn .
which .th . t•y. ,tissurne and icsop ivithotit' annoy
ance:.from long p!Pctice.,' and from the 'great
flexibility of their joittts; . but, which is •almost
ittainable by a white man; and is absolutely
une'ndurable... .
. .
Mr.:l-ttrria, however, bade ttnorrirnon". of
comfortable torm priltared for hims=elf, and
seems•te'hatie enjoyed Lis'journey, haying the
Obs...quions attentions paid.to hi tin by his erten.
dents,' and by . the . ant hoilt ies' t he'' v llages
and tonne, fluent)
..viiiic•h• he . pis t sed.. V*l, ,
"roads were repa ire(' and swept, bridges built;
and houses,' with bath .rooms ancl.e'very com
fort, arranged. at the different • storming plaZ"e's.
.Harris; notes some 'objects of interest
which .he obserited lin the road—the land jou!.
.ney frotn §.Moda•to redo, being 1,50 miles; 'hut
we pass onto his entrance into the capitol;
On Monthiy, the'3oth of liiovember;.l.mide.
my entry. into redo.
.My followers ptit • on .
their -, amisiitrins, dresses of cereirinny, dee ,
oiated with any quan y. ot . eagles. I shoulit
.riot have. known I passed the line which seller.;
etes Snaganct . frotn.Yeda f had the spot.not have
been pointed.Ou to me, .
the hctuses form . a
continuous 'street, for some miles, hefore.. you
...renal' the actual boundarY of the eit . y,'• froin
the gate by. wttich
. I entered the City,' to'rriy
quarters was abont seven miles. The streets
rifYedo are dividodinto sections of 129' yallts.
by gates, and palisades of Inning 'anther.. .This
enables the4otice to isolate any. portion. Of 'the
city, or any line through. It, and thins present
theassemhlini of croWds or mobs.... When we .
approached.a gi,ie it was Opened, and as soon
as the rearhad PasSeil: thiotigh,'it; wee closed.
• ; Notwithstentling all this, the• rtupsher • that
assembled was prodigious.: The centre of th...
way.atat'kept clear, and the crowtlkepf.'hark
by. ropes stretcnedelong••each. Side of the street.
.The It'eselubleae was composed of•men,. wo.
Men and children# of all ranks and crnditions:-'...:
.th'e - women•bejng. the larger. slumber.. I.esti
oatedthe twpilinesof peeple that extended
way; from my entrance into.the City
ro the place provided forany residenceOp have
11111309 . ,000; . Itet.in all this vast. concourse I,
lid not heir's word, except- the constant cry
of•.the haritiiigetstipfultSaita:!--You* May think'
imrwi'ssittethst eilthce could have•been main.
SIVIETHPOR'r o , p4,;' Ivlinca 0; 18
• ta
4 ined. •• , I 'kW& nuinbc4 Women,
but I.asstireyOu it : was , ••-• •
...Mr. Harris:Was conducted to the itl ' hel''Oiipte'
ofthearistoeratic. , quarter, and . :was . ..recerVed .
:there by. ligh'efileersief the'Em peror with colf
, eratUlationis.
present;', a large boti- *lied' with .45okt 6Ous.
week passed after his 'arrival, : - before .
.• • , • .. • • .
sentation. to' the. 'E , operor, artf id the , .
timehovisitedetle.ChieT of the great:oeuncil
of State, Prince.Herttailln(igal'ili!zi.a.copy of ,
hie:intended speeth:to the. Emperor: Thel
• Prince subserprentligaVe Mr". Harris a copi . .of
_the-reply the Eiliteror.wordnakei •
An the Monday 'Week aftererny arrival, I net
bitt sior'the palace,..Mytrain Weed Out . iii ogee
silltdresses„and my grierdsworetheir breech ` .
es 'rolled up to the . rukldle of the thigh. You' ,
Must know that. the wearing of breeches in
Japan la a 'mark of high: rank, or,if Worn by:
aninferior„thei.he in the service of one ot .
tik. highest rank ,' so . .that 'the. Wearing of
breeches here is ria- much'coveied as it is Said.
to be•in - certain quarters'lO Nmeriea, tind.that
.as welf.'as Amerkea,. the article is a
ty,pe'or einblem poWer.or authority. A new
flag, made of .laPenese brape,..was'carried be
lore.-me.: This flag jsthefirst foreign harmer
that ivikever carried through' this great . city; ,
and j mean to preserve it as a precious relic : .
I passed through a large : hell in which some'
300 or '406 of the high nobles of;Japen,' all
, lrf•ssed M. their court, dresses, mere kneeling:.
• rid as Silent.and..as :motionless as statues,and.
from this:l4ll entered the tudieoce charnbet.
At this .mcimerit chamberlain called nut'in a
loud., voice, ~ f Merican A mbassa 'or,"arid , •the,
E rince of Sinano threwhimsflf down and crawl- .
ed along es walked 'in., Mr. fletisken,rny
Secretary, who carried' thePresident?tt letter:,
belied at .the , entrance. I advanced, up . the
room; making three'. as .I •: • prrwee!'eti, and .
`ratted at the head of two fines of men, who
proStrote . On.. their fa,-
I dress to hirri; itnd niter ekl-itipittor. petite, be'..te.
pileti - TV pre • in - ntetrr - o nu
When the .Einneror had fitished,
brotight.the . Preeident'S letter 'fa the'; reincr;),..
eci the silk cover, (striped red and white,y find
OpOning * the box,', displayed' the - Wrtting'fo . ihe.
prince'.6f Tittsu, (WhO 'Uow stood up,)
.closing \the hended it to the•Prinee; who
plseed. it on a )adeered stool , pr4aied far that
purpose • 'Mr: Heusketi, hating returned fo his
place, arta. the Prince being, againprostritei . the
Emperor bowed.to rue, - smiling 'pleainntly at
hr suine. time., . This. ended mi•eudieneo, and
/ barked out
,of the'ropm, linking three lbo we es
The Ostia' dress of the lapanesli nobles is silk,
but the court dress is made of a coarse . yellow
kr . asecletti, end for apertMetthey wear a black
lackeyed' affair 'that !kills like a' clistr'act! , d
night'. cap.' ; did Mot: See a single , gem, jeivid
nr ornament of any kind, en , the perionoff the
Emperor; or'i;n : these of hi s courtiers, wbo
. . . •
.comprised the great nObility of Japan.. • ,
From'the audience, chaMberl Was taken . to .
annther. loom, Wherei found .the five • great
councillOrs ot'state, who,..having been present
ed to me;.enneratulatedrne on m audience, and
expressed their wonder and":“Stonishment 'at
what * .,they railed ray; “greatness of hearl' 7 —
When,l asked 'for an explanation, they: said
'hat theY :we're filled With adriiiratien; to ee
mistand leek the ..aWfur ‘•Tycoon" in l
the fate, speak plainly to hirrt, hear his reply
his , w`ith'opr any .trepidation, or any
, ‘quiveringof themoaerespfthe 8414." was
then shorn a present of sixtein "s•ilken robes
ferni, his..lll!ijesty, and was .te ken•tee 'Mom'
where a", banquet, set otat'on sixty tiaya, twelve
_high, was prepared for my single atom-
The're was food
,enough for one hundred
ht . lngry.rneni
.Y0;1'11108( knoW that the - dinner trays, (like.
the hreaches,)'- area mark' ofrank,in J4an
and the rank is - indicated hy.the height:of the
trays,',Which very, trornthree to twelve -incho,
in height. Again,,if the trays are lackered;
diminiigesthe horint connected with the ion
ili height of the tiny, for.4.lndlcates . that it
. ,
can be used for 'al other occasion but If it, be
made of-unpainted cypress wood, the honor is
complete, for it says,' as•plainas Words cal' do,
bayou are EV sublime • . in your rank.thar no use
can d 4 reJ to
Iron) , a' tray . that you 'have ,
usedf".: My attention was par!.iCularly 'called
both..tr the height orthe' trays and to thn.flat-.
tering fact that,. r. !!'hy a 'special , edict'," they
were M. rmitle
•Harris returned tO.:Sitrioda.,*here ... he ..
was seized. with an. illness which prastraied,
hint, for. some After ble.''ineovery he
again viiited Yedb,and'finidly succeeded in ne
gotiatingthetreaty, of whicit Otir:readers are•
alreadritiferrned:, details tho,diffictilties
of:the negotiations, and speaks of the. menial
anxiety - Which be enduted•swhile his success
wits.in doubt.. ' • • •
The tnan who took a'3"vislk.chi '`other slay,
brought it httelf.agalti, •
Chauncey Lewis and tlie Boy 'Sailor.
A boy of -fien fte ,y ears of. age ; - standing
. . . ,
6'efar,the open :door a :ettinneetirtt ,yernri
house With a little fowling piece tiritM"hhiehoul.
der, whilea. Matronlf. loqking woman was
standing Ort.,thodotirWay and gazing,with.ino4-
tened eyes upotr . .
my , son," shy Enid, but remettilier,when
amid the smoke and 'hest of battle, the 'sentence
in the bletised have aiven you; tthiraer 7
ciful hull obtuip mercy."'
will not forget ft, Mother," he '
c.but our, companY' is - %vaiting, and now fare-.
well ".
"'Good bye, Any sop,"--Hthe kissed him Oahe
no ke-7-. 1 61:10., may-he .oho hat tar.oo o in:ore
year . watched over the: mother pfatect. the
'.A,'lond of smOke, hung over and enveloped
the blpod-stairied•icvil of liunkar's.Hill.:,. A no 7
hip foulTrri rhan,..kni he uniform of an AmeriCan
General was'slowlit retreating with ifliface
the foe. - - The Sharp repOrt of.a single ritlevi as
heard'ilarid. Warren fell l A yonng.soldier—al r
most ahoyl—nprangtoWardS him 'and riftecl hie
hoadt.'at.the Same ihstont : a glant.grenadiern•
the 13ri.iali.uniforrn, cunt: charging athitn
lel•44ed bayonet.' ' , ;•'
To draw an pI4 from
hrriast, present and :fire it at .the , approaching
foe,•was bitt the work of a mornent,c . ThP grew.
;disc fell,'Jtnonded, and•srlzing the sword of
Warren, ti•hic . lt had fallen' 'froin . his grasp, the
, oldi..r.boy ran and , Taised it.over tha red coat.
to dispatch- Wm..., • • •
But Why does hr , panse hen' the'airrord
uplifted; anitallow it to fatl-s!owly to hia'sidi.';'
.end then turn 'away and striki;.not 1. .. •
. He .remembers the injanctinn of that Mother,
whom two months ago he left in the open door
of the farm house. •: ,. .Rimeiriber, My . son,
amid the smoke of battle, The merci
' shall obtain mercy.' . , ' •
.; •
'tineof battle had swept. liken whirlwind
plaiira of Trenton, British civ
!idden with irresisteble forceOver:n
tnt of men.end biqs;.forminka poition,
ift wing of *the!, Americnn army, arilr
le.iead and. - dying laya boyish soldier
and . . wah" right•arm broken..
;Bear« rpklty'ciflllessians,•wero ranging
field murdeiiing and, plantleritig those
. fallen. They approached the heY.Spl- .
titer who dauntli,iely awaited the...,,ltultenclitti.
xtrAtiaio ,14:0174,6"5ci .was
about to plunge ft. info the'boy's elite, .whert a
eigatitic•red-canted grenadier rushed between
the boy and the murderous llessintia and struck
up the weepon.. • . • . .
, . . .
riitgansli That boy spored my life . it
Bunker Hill. now my.tprn,".ind raising
him in his Strong tarns; bore him florri . tbe
body soil toe plseit 'Of • .
i • • Alit bow - those.parting . .wrirds of his' another,
ran through, his tirain
_end mede.sweet music. in
hie soul. ""Remember my SOLO , ihen toni'd . the
smoke iincl ; :fieet bettleOliat The triereiful
shalt dlitain. mercy.".. • ' • •
It ne'ver .terie forgotten, and when, d' little
.More then Two. years ago a l stoetl. above the
venerated form end .. gazorrupon Ole . calm:fea
tures of. the. ;aged, Amy:soldier, vvhone halt
g6ne . out;lilee the lastilickerino of-u
'cantlie,whicb has burned, clown ip its saeket,,l
hough[: of. thoi/eyords, and in irkmegirigtio
could see the porting of.triorbe.r and . son at, the
oh! farm;bouse;•eighty-three.7ears
4 , 4- ': — ..' . .Tati4 - Clordoit-.liennett: ' .'`.- - '''
l'e f llosring p n and.irk portrait of tl e
1 'orthe, Neiv..tor : k. ilerehl, is,. flora' th . P.
orrespontient Of , . the Schohefieleptibit-
. .
...."In a . spacious end comfortable, but plainly
hay ishe room, on :the second story OLLtsThe
Herald, . ildinga,'' 'trnnting 'On FUltoU-street,
hefore.a vt iting table ispotted:witkinXtitains .
kind'criVcii. .with .. the .d6jirtrt mrinbra.ol' HE'Vls . -
pipers and ttnuscriptsisits 0 tall, shaky' !Cook
.ing, ungelnlh individual,: who was obViously
born in the r,114:110 of tile Weelc . l Ond has , 'ever
' 'siiiee, with truk \ iScotch pei tinacity, maintained
his infautine ' pApc'nsitx, of, looking two ways
foi Similay: .Pl4sioanomically spciakhlg, there'
is nothing. retnartible al;outthia man's..faie,
but its extreme uoness, in combination With
~1 he most. 'ma HP.O .it t inns or. an overpower
ing wlll,'ltild en eicpNision tarmoreseggestive
' of animal than angeli\ propensities. This man
without • •a• particle • 91‘ the resPect 'awarded to
lioz , orable* dealing, thpossesSion, on manly
qualities, or the even practi of eveftlinar4f vir.
\ t,
rues, has, nevertheless lytairied; 'a positio"0"ol,
great poWer, awl ',Adds tn . jfitliience second - to
no man , in the Union. • :11( 1 .4aii• . aceiiiiitilntokati
iMmensie fortune; owns .a \ountry seat,- prdly
ln all its sin iseundipe.e,' unAurnished.with 'nee
ry.dexury. tbat wealth can'l:coturnand,..4le' is
visited by people, who enjoy ldivrieh motto snd'
:old wines,,and iddietle,,the.p .tutu pretensions
or'ilytiir. host... He his'a Wit who occupies
rontos',iit ItoiEVeiett . l - Jonse,:lnldepifes.t.i. the
leadership of imper . tendoyp. ebas a auo, glq,
gallant; gorirl:• nitt - ured: . arid,itge
.. .retis. ; ~,Hilide a
name, James Gordon 41niletil nrie'ye l or Jess no
m torjous'overhalf - the ',world.,'. 11e\ita's a rialks7:
p . a0 , 4 establishment that pays 11 . an annual
ik.orrie . Ofs.so,ooo: lte'haiall this i y d yet
is not happk.!' ' .: - • '-' ''. ' ' .
The . re aro twa;orta . clf police —the cletet6tive,.
and rlefetive. . •
tisei! to.whic
trittl:,art; lirocea
tecia! futo.sheets.
ot'ollCrushed ' tyrough pondereint.inin..ro9eis
and:then . cot intia — sninkiiieees",: . .ihese
are thrown into an iron islet' hot water, : thick ' .
has the . 'effeet softetting - And'cleamiing them:
nt the'same time. 'TfiOriditt ..:rubber
Subjected to a.., curious process' or
Ittiough heifed iron which converts '
ft.intoa . soft, iilustia.maisi'weil Are . to assrtn
elate :With the rieCetniiii.'ingredients Which
nrOduce. the•ehetnical;Metantirrihinds..: After
being, trittiiet ad .for some time in this way, it
is '
:finally' rolled' into u sm ooth shilet.t throug h a
et - meat:n.o oi*.double . 'rollers,rnadetpriron, very
highly polis hed andeery 119C.Thiasheeti:Whiett
• conira fort h in:'t he meat 'regular: form knagitia:'
nessed an. endtess bands - :to . :the 'floor
above, where it'is Cut ..inte.properlengths,..earl..
'toted upon .leYers..or This euiconifi.d,
sheet or India iubber, cOnstitiTteuthe'insterjal .
Tor the ap . pers shoe's.' • . " •
. .
The next step , is.tofabricati inside . ll=
This consists merely of otton clotht or
different degrees of .texture; which is ,ettsted .
with Ihe - vincitie .pretiarntion 'lndia rubber
while 'passing..through the, . hot . roller's in the
.ROI , IIP I . 7iitirier of the sheets. : This wareirnrord
cloth is liSe ronted:•on one aid!) `oOly, - fur
isles and inside iiidng. • but lecoated'on • both
sides for' tbe.piirposo 'of pet:king or '‘Aterting
tile hallow strips. coyor the'seams cif. t
The third procress hi'to stamp out the sole,
For this parpose. the Material go ,, a thrOngh a
airriilar .atraniernent Of'"rallerq.lnit'"the stire
fttrE, in this eiMei instead of being smooth and
ooliehed, hhve deep indentotione - entlnto.therti,
coriespoticli4.with thOlicight of t4sa tied
thickness"of ' the 'sofe-4 species of cireOlardie;
,In point Of foci; 'These rollcreite also retiiM
cin the on ter Surface; in order to rirodoce
`thO?little focelson•thc Such is the
oration. of the materials for'the .Inditt robber
• Wirtr.Cort 3 T Jon- Tis,nct-Thla
question 'was prop'o4dad :in (Mr:hearing a few :
. ,
lays eine.e . , to a young .rmin who ll:Atlen tot
:• .;..11111;;' ulkibes4Tilit i ji - Cric - itig:crbriti4.-
ment,ris a clerk or salesman in some or oar lend-
ipg iinu.es.• - Complaining of•his ill' !oak, one
of his tr'ienda Wha knew . he lad mechanical
talent, Int .. doubted, whether he - could:, make
himself 'useful :as eteik or saleemtin; put the:
interrogatory, to'hitn which wokit've placed as
the caption -of • this article. ..The' iepty
that 'a trade .wes' . not . so respectable as a mutt,
cantile occuPatioir. % tihiler this tdelusive' hien'
'.our stores are: crowded 'with young men •v‘-ho
hive 'no capacity : foi hnsinessi:and .who,
,a,f doing
n'othing,, waste OwaY.theirmittocitY upon Bala.'
cies Which: cannot possibly liquidate, their' e3t . -
• , • . •
pendifu res; •
Late, too lain in . life, Oiy.dieediier "theiCer
ror, and, before tbef iench tlie 'age of tbirtq
'ninny of them -Joel: in envy thrifty,.
Mechanic, w'born, in the days erbtiyhoort,.theY
tCere aceueionoed to . deride! The fatiii
of reapeciabitity prevail iii tbe'aiii•dia•
tent fashionable - soder of the proseaCilay,.
have ruined tbonsonilii.
_young 'men, and will
ruin thousands more;4l,iirierieleno.
. .
0000 ignon.—Sorile. - tirile In 1838 or
a gentleman in .. , Teptiesse'i became involvi!il.
rnd Waded meneYl 'he had property: era oo ed
debts. .
preperry.w.ae .
then, and olfhe posted to Boston, banked by.
tire tiamCs of sorne . of.the heat Man in • Tennes.
see. Moni!y'Vcas,:tight, and, Bolton ,harikeri
looked closely at thii,nemes. good,"
saidkhey; ! triut dti you know Gen. Jacksan?." .
.Cert Cinly." • "Could, you: "get his
I'ment?": . !"Yes, but.heils - .nOt orth`one-tent h
as mut+ as either of those, men 'whose names. I
• .
hirer you." Isl
r,•eneral Jackson has
iiwivs, protected hi niself and his 'paper, awl
We'll let you havei the moneymu the streng:h
of hik name." In few paper rams.
with his signature.. The element these. Battoo
gentlemen brokers saw the tall. A • and _biog.)
of Andrew JaCksori, our Tannesseean say - he
could have raised tt hundred thousand Aellfer&
upon the signature-without the • slighteit
culty... So much, for an ,esiliblisbeti *cha'ragtet
• . •
tor honesty.' ' However men maji have ditretee
01thAudrew Jeckson ne,man
deny hitn the Ilene et be,,an.nonest man.;
• Oeth:darice To ?lir. • ..surrucrt..-4 , Ciriie away;
•eoina your tather;' , '• t.
heard n mother-airy to . ties Whit Was
ingin , the streot
,betorp.her w. „I• did not:
stop. (o.lf.are the pitie I the: tiotiy .
mother Who ha (1 'ilbf liiicipc•eneteh wttltin her,
:self 'to ciinticil 'her:child.; and who' to
tatingly declared •tier,i aftiaiency.:
A mol . her'- should never thus aiipessi,..:te the . '
fulher'e autheiprtg 'stOggillprk
shntild site by
that lier.poskiir.le
ileade'"..it 'inferior; and Be• regal:tee'
ribealenee• to , the one as the
ther •wh'is
other is cohtinolli.:r 6akOnir , ik,
she shaultreocerei'se•Ovir'lier
heitelf teaching then)
.so eye. 4 conw
an d n Vie i , pteipise )l —.lo,4,what Child con
honor. a motkeT. taci:week
21.feed#nit;..; • .t.
..eay.T•l;ik , ,- ,
:;.X +4
- IMPatoher,....rollM#4o;laf i Al*,',4l
'lva S.On t . ..irti;4 . s, , i4:o4fis#s9pfyt , , • ~&; --,,,
With !;' , iii (hoiht,iitd. feeiwii:tifiWbilifiiii,. ,
' ; ; ;; .`•0;
.. ~
'•riidilei'th - an 'ttifs,alf,i,vvelt on t 'F ft i lit • ,
144 .'
'..!;:' ~
t 10 . 6 11 : 14 iil,W•ii3O.'4 i44rtik 40040 '. • 1!„,,,
Jong hoili.., .. , ..00i . 1111 - ,4,p'TOrSol4
'" - 'lirfH,ii,l*.
lefir 'tiiliCyesil: ei:iiiiiTiei , e;;.,.*iitolo,, F
diaapkinted; I iipaafadj ilk 1.11 it 04 kiiqq: , ::
• • .;: : .:.•, . • .-, .1 ; , ' .;`.qW.;tiitA 05.....-',4,y '. ,? ''':;'l
90 -i)g:iti,g ; ,WO 0 ' ' i O.'',...'''.` : ',4'.,iFW '=
.4,;''' •
'.: The. Intri:*4.‘;./40iiii.1-F4OPO:it,:#lo;
.*'. *;,.Y; :
fdri . : iii•: , ',F,hicil , it'llitif I Inli':•ili iAiiiiff. • **apo,'!.
o...xo,i:y.oric::,jvii,-.5i..1,,,,t:4;:fe.,0.).0.,;,6:::‘,45,..airrid01.4e '7
•la W • or . . t ii.i . :: . trn ititt . ',: SI 0,01,A . ::!?;: Ma ,:lirsti. , " ..,.........
tti fa: tithe -; it hit ' wios!t.kie 44* pritesitittito, lit iit.'.:.
i h el. woild • foi.,rlo a Milnit ead sif:.lis imitigii - 41bilp i..:., ~
So aio ty - 0. triendi - •Wata.the . .thief : .riaatrintetst'e ,•,
thin ;ki oMa nd.•,systaf[o:- .''.9aa. r.#4.1.0,:t0,#f1600047-',,g.- I'
wag ; Ii011';: teaOf • to : receive ~ etittdttlil4 , ','Jtink.i.' , •
:friends prorated fialitilh'ec - ,t2tiVitiio,alientOnti , Y,':, :.:•
to tii, o , fi "
i 4ioth t o t a' ,
..' tat' a'r t tn li ,: iit
e ,s. ,
I BaiOl a sloeMakaiiiy'•to4,l64..ga s etlm , . '
'O. Stool) Wa x , lasts .and awls,, , anttlerncome,: , . -.
. i
menredl,theeintenidSoa, , ahos,matinfonjipp lr ,
Vaal Court, al.;
,' v pie hol.i d iv - WV.ril!'-'d a:li ritik, ititere, '. ..
hilt) . cp HIM y i 0101'. ha laailiPEl 6, T`!killl,l,Plir,'•.:
i : vi,(tell 'the' prison, three. yaSo , ,e;tter.,- iiiiii'::,46':, . • .•
One large: room sat - thiesi'..handied : shoettialtnrs..,:.. .
N'oa h waa praVOlit. ma !shall; niaratltio,'loooo - .) - ! ~:.
t ha . .tanks with..e one in land{: enaitikitie'saili,':' .:
•.,• ...-. . ~,,, .. .
iiciii r iiii:o priiiiii4:i FiP'til lbat: dldiv,ell. : - Setiltn i , y- -
years, havi lig -.. po ailed: iwer .N.rtn; - •_:th*..r.r en 5t,,, , , , ,
.walied •cMlll : eGovernoi.:: - - I. 4iiaridsdd,theyVi ;
~., ka iic! n.. yea ra: rigajoii , yi'd U/ 11. -. h a it'ar. - filthiirqd.';
man - , 'no* here ii a tatormed 'irtietniiet - saaid:tn>
I,o• Pic't.Y.•'-! . . : ' '••••%, • . ' -'.-. . •.-. -,, --. - --- ., , .,--;•-7,;-, - ,1:..'i•: , ,,:. , .-:; . •!) .''' •
: .: iI e 'received an ',: unto ndit io nal ' patdori ;',,.ind''. .-- ;•.
- - ,;•arne . out. The 41'1(4;4 - foun4 -, hliitly, eitni.g!, on i
Pearl - street,..fiannd him inonei,,,,endnised:•hin,
- .notes,-unit ga va Jim.: t heit . - ciietom,:,:pr,4ol •• .
~friy. . ho•Ai•as -in a tii !iv fng . ..vy#y.' ;.. P,joipc 0 - 0 1 !! :.
s'aiie • ty . a Friel - Ida.
and acid'
tieeAndltion, h - -.,
iie heat of !ham. .
Ifs t , cri , Wife, iilditliliffin ...
• air kied. : St• Maturity.; . i . .ifil . . : ..,',..,,h„ ,, •;i:.i.,:f-,,. • .
.:-1:1:113 : jOU rupiahs n. were; chiefly.
. •.:.
-' '(lAliet 4 •
ir'• wrought at IWoit.l7 • i,ina , .,ai•. ~One' t':- :. .
' he . g:u ya' ••• nib, h. irlitii r . of •-bant e ''.: . ; ; i4,!1% . 101it; 'faiatid" :
studi he , itthee'riiiist 1)1'114 finivia.t•hesn'tianti tiik',.. •
I,.,.tou,o,ll...day,,a7eninlti'f- -•.,..,:•,;.,..,,..:,.:::,:„,-;',-, ~;;..,p ,i, ...,
: . • Sikil . hc.,..,fiioniileff have ttienli 4. .:;ll3o baiki . C' / ••• .
' did 'not Caine borne till •-lhe,lfifth • sy.ekvsninti ••.! i
'Noah stria • toroth: ,:ipt itoolholniriiiipvcoe, ~.
turf:.oi the •Ovili, of ,oh jii tiliolii . **lAnitc went ••• •
. of punctuslity, ,IV•har•lia::•dteta, -- iiip.Aci..4,esitbi k .,,, . • .
• the 'mai yreolleAlt: : 7 : ' , : •-:,y'..:, . -:- ~,•,!tio ,:'- •;• , ,i,.•0 ; •"-. - . • „
, : 'itiStr.• I sin !ti poor ,tnitif•lts7aa-ititaer 041:,rsni• • ~,,....
6 . 6 yoniwist .: ii!itty4lo4 - . iioiii , ,, , :;',44'F'rbiiii:!;:i . ;il.:'
' teio ini yOle ,and : ,,anok ..tdt inrahlidt'sni - ,:, IV. ~ • ..
was ..
.tp . ..
not --in. y . power tos'On itih:i the hatita. - ;ociniP. ••• •• • •••••
er!.l.l' - Nt ni h . lithl.ao ' n'tlaand.lO'o l 4o)ritiii!hni• ''. ': .:••
tors - ordiaannoint merit. ' " - Thtt Mai:.
~...t,,,,,11t. 1 t,
.. .
t he"Saote h. blood: b a iled: in', his - ,ve ' ; , ha•:attack .', . :•,.
. ,
the. counter
.ivith • h ill :nell 11,15 ii; ii sledge h ammer. ''' . • '
' l ,ktiaw - ,' ' o'd ' kith's, tf i'l ,iler rlhWilltililii,l,!.•'„be•• : ' • -:
disapn'oiated. - ",1; •retneirbaa-',. joinie,i.P . ii-1,#.:4114:12 ;
Park 'to RegiJoti littit4 0 Itit /:::h4 , 4ii'AtViOiti,kdii r ,; s :: • •
appointed - to - , My• life. as, - vaildri. ,4, :i4iiq,V:;'*itifirst•f4,' • ::. :
pr. w v , ...„ • -
.„. • .
a° ~.
~ . • ~;::, . '', . ., 4 '.;..,;.- ~.:. ..•
4 , 1 6 * . t4 i'! 1 • ; W O 4 iliqCk o# 6 :'itft#,,i,rj - f+WO'llikl.
Irialiano.i:wo9l4 , ti4. ,, ;1 4 1.r."00.k0a00';;54..*446:,J, '
iii' they :, He ii, i 0. ' e 6 u rt
..; And;l.,••!.rait:::k,eooeiSll::,..-'-,
enn t roVeray, 4A , they ::aa*.-I,ti :' , O l-1 11 1 i,Z4,1#0, 1 Cii::::, ..
word uOw ha ,opened,,not, liii - ;.Mont/0•#0111.4,..• ' ~
'the. man ; another ;
employ i'llent..! tre a ted -hi in.; ti O l tk 3ti fiti4.o.4o', .i . - ' , 1::
imo !):!leid, he nave r: haarfl• ! ha ;•* o o,.', -4 1.4 1 01 1 0inci.:!;?'• - ''''
moot drop. learn:lda Ptis:thateafte.i3OMi*;:l4ZiNzi:';••: 2 • •
• Isio;iti.werit':•pn'•nroepaptilickna 102.,;,..00,*.g.:*:,: . :,:• - , :. , .
onod a y flo boryovved..:vationin ilior!",..g*,co.oiXi4- :.. ', •*j
iv tl - o b tit ried a 'n tirn her it:StidorieinentstkirAtitti,l :.:- • ..•:,
61, ils h e* - cha riged ;.rot.: gc44 . 0,1) : 1:0446 0.0,1#4;?/" .::. .:.,.
h e go ( a hay edjo •-i i ir a Ilyi.sttpid•'94 . l#qttiii ,2,t04,1, 2 ': r . : • • •:'
wan .01T .l'ar-twit.ta!un)ii4Wqi,'loo4gilkittifirif,;•*,;:.:''.!:.;:.
lea r. xis! er; s !b e s : :w i re! a.t l i , ol 4 oef., l , l i.o!Vi.*.ii.gfi! • . ; ' -
him on I h a.ma yii • • Ti;Wat - oryi..iii.arnii - ;•,tiom*to,:,i y , : ..:.
ter, 'intl. bairl4,:lhk•trat ''sktlot:-optiitk-iitto*.:':..,..--:
' r. P,form,,the'•, - ti,:;sltearilata.tip.Ayejlo.rfont 01, -
~.., :....
' 6lo .Y;" l ilr .- th!: . .-4 u 6t: ippi. -, 4‘. 0 05*i1miT0r,.,. : .
ante . 0 i . I Sark r'l . p,rll JO* jiioo - -itii)tiOfto;
e ( , eris ii inolL,tl , i
' novel. : heard • froni. hirn.l••i,-;;'',.`o;t" - it i A',4o4-: . : 2 ; -• 1 -::
! - : • ..
.., • :'.1 ,. .‘ , ;„.:,5. : :::' , ....:'4-i,:di - i•,,•,.!.
'No. i'..*Dl4.4'-:-.41",-,,:-.M!l4fitili.4.4:AiiifibM...!
• n ei g h bo rsiiiii 'y Mit, 'fa MVAPPY*4I•IO-,,6'.:•1,T0-triti6';'--::'.
se - e.iihn n e ss: a n di :aael,h)e,.44:,TtY, 4 'oo:t_ o ;,Ptpaii*., , A: •:,'..
,(1:.1,n ioni...ehtigte‘n4,-4,.•,*00.#i1N.10,16,101j.*?•,:;:,---::
011.# !‘ . " .6 q . . Yiovt !(* ' ;i ) !I i .c...GOit 0 -00.0 6 *i . ;. . P..y:. , :: , .
yottr .ba.Forn7:o!:',-!!.l)Mrk!kikti',#+i,.l.o••9oo,t..;l'.::'
,i, ,31 op Ny hen ..7nutrE:niot.!l•''e,t4ri.4l;,6o4,lo.4-'.:•:'
' r; e map r.,. that othereljiaVej . ,iikaitt'4 - SAl'4,;:!:,'!,-
Vonra; -and ief•ihi . ,sunahina , :!nf#,liiirats,lOti.:'4.;;;;,':'::• , ,, ,
' risa:ii . nd.':'gniitienaeS; - a1 Wuj , ,tl; : -,..§eiffik '.': ..',T *r• ::::',•"':::'
iyaa., ''': Ho w .hannV ,.. :Wfil;,titi.iiiifc . ..lo- 1 0,;:' kk•,•:; .: .' .
e;:.i.i.f . ':' •A•tif, t hre, .e 4. 10 io:..tFliiyitfli,i4loit*,, :::';'ol.,
Only ri9l.!i!A i I e..tO Ma k a 4 f -12 4140,N 1 4,,Vettillli*:'- . -.'''•.:
which - husharida', Wilr i'doaWii.4oko/0.,0,!1i.'•.*:
. 4 ,10 to F ...1.60. 40 , i ,-, Aq , O4 , i*ElW - fi't.'3l,ltoit;,;l • ' .''.. .
liqd • IP' °l *Y 4l *A.Rhii!: , ;ol,4 4 *.. ilitifo',:*itoii4, - .
ra i.i.,! i (!i .- the,.. ii , i ui._.....'i!8,:0_:,.**q1.):07•5A,1tivii,011011•.:.;:g::,.:
W he i i 1 ) e : 69 : 1 11.4 4.240 i, ' . ', i iol PN.Vir#,ltKi l lf.; o : o o,l':'l r • . ''''.:,
•cir''l,,il( . 4 l , k i ie s i .-,, .• t f i A , iiv,Vog r i.ol4' , l64o.4.,, , #.:.ii.i.Oilki . ''' " - .'i..
, : iiiiii -Ma! niii,',;'.tittioa4tiia,iii;iii; 4ifiiit!)•olo-;•'19400e::•'•
• *#:..i!,1•,.. dOlii to rittid, i',". ii, - y:A„,-,•!.!;,,, :•!_„,,%.;ny.'
.. „ •;,-_,;,:•1--,,,,, ' l f!i - "'•''!! . ' ,s !.''> - ki - ;.7, , 7 . ' . 1 -. '...,..
, • ~- ring anitte,.. - i-- ‘. base •,.tWO •Vertsl i. ~.-,- -,,, Y,
.N.T . ii 'l l -lie'icch** - i* - g 4 ,10.1e.„Ei ar1,30:41M..j • %.,,,,%;'•,.-,.-:',
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