EMT= •• I :•• „ . . . . . ;.• :?!." MIMI itiltican toinitlf Miinoqut. PUBiakifED 4v.,ol4.:lll:ii4DeiY:BipiD#o; ` & BARBOR ' 51'iF.AN COONTY,' PA. in : A4vaine, . . . Rite - s''..of. Advertising Icon. one year....::.:..,..• $35.0.0 ;" • . 2000 • .I. ~ six ...... 2000 . 1 2 00 oie squire of 12.1iee8 Or lefts, 2 .. .. I*, 120 Each skibiequalmt insettion,'..i. • 25 Business Carder with paper • • '--- . 00 .:04-,The:e Tering nil', 1)2 strictly adbeti.d to:.E[i f3ti9iJie,6....: : .Piic400.; . . • • • • .. CARVER .110.1313 E,. • - loci H. UULL Proprietor' corner ot:WAtpr awiThelsory • • ptroets,•Wayren -Pa., General Stage Office ~• • B WRIGHT & 00., , • . - . . . . . , . , Wlieleo . ale'andltetail Dealers in F amily Grocerle.: Peiic, ~ Ylour,', Salt, Feed, ho., &c .," Tinder E. S . btason'a .'Stove Stott: gni aide of the Public Square, Stnothpoo,* .. .. , , 7,'C: BACHUS & cd4 •• •. • • . -• . 'General Dealers . in 'Cif . G . oods,' Or ocerien; crockery; Deady-Dlad.. Clothing, Booth and Shins, Hata Ana Caps, &c npposite tho Court Sinalhport Pa. _ . J. C. HOLMES, . . . tholeiale ',and. Retail Dealer in:Frovisiona and Family •' Grocariee, Dry Goode; Boots. Shoes Hate, Corte, Nails. Yankee Notions, :leo • &a.Store ona door west of the ' Aster Apia... Terms: - Gash: ..• • . :• . '. . POSES /POSSE, ,••...• • trolithnr the Public are, Olean'..N. Y. 'Yana§ id. KILLNR. Proprietor:. he Babel; Muse entirely,neor and built of brick, • end In furnielied In modern,style The proprietor , Muter,' himself that hia'accnininda! , Arens are not ,surpassed by any hotel An WeittArn ' York. . Carriages run to and mom the . .Nen..Yorlc :and Erie BYRON . .. ... ~ . AtTouNgi , hi .1,04 Snietbpoirt,, 111 , Itian: County. Po:, Agent - for 'll4epars; Keatin rk 'qo's Lands ;Attenlit , ispeolully to the Collection ot. Claims; Exarninatlon of . Land Titles;. Payment Of..Taxen. nut 01l busineid rola ' ling to Real Route. • Office In Hamlin . Block: . . :• • oREZN'A HOTEL • . Wittawr, - Peopeieter,—at Rinzna, . • * - arren eannty Pa. Ms Table will be supplied ',with: the •best the • 'iducitry. afforda,.and.hii spare'no pains in aceetnodethig a GOLD. B4OGERS, .. . . . Attorney, and 0 mneellpr at Law, will attend to' le col :..laction of.clalms ani.accountsin the Countio• c Pot • ten,. iff , Kean, 'Elk,' Jefferson' MA .Cleartleld - . r.- 0 • . Smetliport, Witten county Pa. .... t..BOtOIIIV9N ELDRED, . . .. . , . .... . . . Attorney and Cowriellor.' at tax; limethpitt‘t, .111 , Hean .County,': Pa. ttus - ness' entrtieted to hie •oare for, the eounties.of SlMeati; Potter and ink atilt be promptly ` • 'attotided tO ." Office td the .oourt'Llouie, , keeled fidor. ~ WISNEE, • . , PliVilicia:n iiiiitt SitrgetrY; Smothport,lia, will attend to "'ill ileofeiodonal callaWitli firomptnees,.. Office iiittart- - :. . . . well Block lr tocond . Ooor, • ' , ' S. dihOleAale and'Retal 'Dealers .§taide and Flinty. Dry (Undo, earperinn; Ready Nadu i7lothhi4, and .Denernt . Fur Wu n,odg; Boots. nttd Shone,. Wad I and, NV Judea ..-Dappr; tootting9taeien 5r..9 At Olean. N.. X4ENNEET 1101 MT, -•. . . . Smatkrbri, 317gehu Ca:, Pa. n.. U. 11F.7tSETT, Troprie tor-,cippasite the Court I.lnuse.• .k lieu, large, torn ......mottioue.and welt furuishell house... - .., . JOHN . C. BACIcIIS,, .. Atio'iney aril Cokutellnr*. t flor, Binetkport:kl , Kenn On • p a • .'4'ilt.,l.tend In all hutiptiEs in lii4 prntesginn:idthe ' eiluntii,rniMlEman, Pntter anti Elk.. 'Office uver . 013. filutwell .k BiotlierslStote. ..' . •• .*: . • ~ ''' . . . ASTOR HOUSE; • . , . . J. C. Etet,itgrt, PrOprietor. Brothriort, .111'Ketin Co -Tio -Btagem to and f roin'this .n Fitrip Cold (moon! - trodntions:onA..rpasoint , to -„, • . : • GIDEON IRPlirt,3; • " poalerlnfrat.vid.,; PRIV Fish. ' llo4lloT'idn.Clnthinz.,. l 3iintiuni Slicing . • Sinr'n in El. , tnii , n nil stAndl, Sinothpn'rt On. ' Gennrnt.Pnient tionAgentn,-., • . , ,* .". • 11ACVNEY TIME, ' • tirrier:of S:eonn4 sin(f. Liberty fitoets, Watire, Isn'. Minnoß . , iProprietor:'Trnicler4 , and - g:4304 6ompnodatiOnB:and epitsonablo:eli:argea: ''• E: S. MABOII, ~..• , . . . . . . 'Dealer in.Stvaa. !Pin ,{Fare, - : Jiiipaited il'ete.• ke.. west .- eldo or the 'public! tlir,.ro', Arnetheert, pa. oo n toyn , wok dons. tj.. eteter nO the shortestpotjeo, sindin Vie most sithstrintiel. . nlitOnei.. .;,' •' - . • W. B. -BROWNELL, , . . • . . . • ~ . . tialer;•th O 'bry mitla: (traceries' ovielierv, Itin..n.twp.rci ''BoOteAtioe , i, liftts, Chipig, GlamQ; NDibi, OliW., no., otp . ZaJlt7'iidil. 0 , .. •t e, Plll.ll(3.Squlit;., Btnetltport, Pit. A. 1, OTTO, • - .. ... a • . . . . :/tbalffir. in Prilon And .Famlly ' Grocerii . s generally. at Farmers... Valley, 511Kaan 0o:', TB: :Grain; Lumber, .• . Shi:atleß, ko '; taken In. eialia - nge fdv . GbodH. Patent . MedleintiCtrir , qata. • • . . .• • • ' ' .-- •.• - wtnErs AoTyx, ..• , ... . B. Laa'A Die.' Ivroprietor, - Allogheny Brid,..te I)l , l{Pan Co ..,%Pa.. l' hre'house is iitivredabant nino, wiles frion stnethport.. on tali road to Olean, end will ,bofnund a coovenient stoppin-Illaca • • . . ' ~ - '. . ~ ' EMPORIUM 110118 E, 'fibrPOn. , l'iPßoan'Oo., P.: LEGR:IXI, ConK. Pr.iirie''or.' ':A . comliitidiouli.ntyL*ol-furnished lintwo Strfing azid•taavelere alll tyndgood acconrncriltifkrui. '• FARMERS' VALLEY ROTEL, . . . By T. Oonot Thls house 1s sit tinted shunt live miles from Smethinirt on tho road to Olpsn'.. PIC asu re part let ; and 'othe.e can be accommodated on the shortest laotiee.- ,EZDAED HALE-WAY'HOUSE, ..., . . . . . . CiAilla DONNlB(PrOpyietOr - Thiß houße is' altented flail -way between .F.lmetbport nnil Mean. if yen want a cood dinner this is the place to at0p..... • . ' , . . . . . . WORD'S CORWIN, • ••. . . . .. , . rpopriotor of ' the Grist Mill, - at Mechaninabuig ; Mo. ; Heap County Pa. • Flob.r. • Meal, and .Feed, constantly ou hand and torsale.in . large"andsrnall quantities, , . . . ~ . • ' •• •• RAILROAD - HOUSE, . • • WILLIAM STRIEVFM. Proprietor', Norwich, bi , Trean 00.1 Pa.. - 'load aucommodutipoe can be hud tiler° at ail PORT 'ALLEGANY irbirEtt, . . ~. , . . . . 1171t.t.tht Ti 7 titiost.L . .ProktotOr, ArPorl a Allegany ' Mc- . Kean County' re. This Hotel IN eitunted:at the 'jtttio- Aloo of thelfitiethport " aod Allegany Hivet! toadeitatie 'tolltiti east of Smethport: • . . DRIED APPLES. 100 B cEl S : l d E ti r d f pni eTe p a A t rh PES :„ . . 7 l l _ Bt _ re SIDE, HILL Feb. 17. . . . 'LOOK on the . .map of.the United State's, and' . thetilOokinto the old stand Of Ford BSSenith And you will, find Ed. Matien'l:lln Shop all on 19),. eat'. . • • , SONS. OF'MALTA., ThPre . are,'..perhaps, tin set :tit men, ho orr . ganization, public ors cret; , religt,iue 'eal i :thet attract as thudlt, , aity'rit one draw forth as many. stirmisgS and as to their doings and objecti as the'order of the 40n4.0r . ilaving the. facia. before - I,srn pate .to place before our tenders a short .rie en.nnt,Of the order of,,the . the year', of 'eur'l,ortl,loo4, , some mer chants of ',Memphis trading Cl) the . LeVant, oh: iai , !ed.leave of the Caliph .of to erect a, house - for those et.ho .vrent on pilgrimages to They erected . a hospital for the sick A D. 1104; whence they'obtained the , natne o r tibsowiers.. : 16 A.D 11:18,:fheY . be cemea.military order, and many person's' of . ble blood. entered their ranks.': -After theThris tians hadlost their interest in *.he East,' and Jerusalem' was' . aken, the Knights . :returned to lytarieett;:and then to Acre, - whichl.tbey'defett ded in 1250. of:Cyrirus. then them . . Linnissonr. which country ova's: tie r 'neathed to . therri, and ,became _ their home ttl till . , in which.theytoOkH.hocles, and the ,neat year defe,rided it, against ° the Saracens. Since then they have had. for motto,. E., t Foriites#6 dm" Rhp tqiudi; Hinies, how= ever was taken Srilyrnait in .1552', when Ihe Knights returned into Candle; arid from. thence to Sicily. Pepe Adrian Vt"etented them tetbo, : :aa' a retreat, and in 1630 Cheriei V. granted . them the'lsle of Aid ta; ; • • . . . • -The ordei of the Sons of Malta., which etp.., braces so many of our distingtished . felloW-cii.. izens; understood: to be the present represent- . alive of, this formidable military religious or der. The hospitality which once .greeted , the . pilgrim on the shere of the holy • land is. now dispensed with liberal bandifn: the lodges' of A mericah cities, to' the, natives, of. every clime. The motto remains the .saine as when Grand . COMmander •Eoniquei de v.alcret held Rhodes against enemies.altbOUgh' some writers as sert'. that • the-F. . 'R..T. is interpeted .by the modern Sons of Malta as Eu . nny Exorcists' of Rueful TI:.-7gbts.- The interpretation of the motto D. : M. 0.,1. S. L. A., which appeaFEgi I.'c .their initntory tablets' remains: lecked in, the breasts of the accepted Sons E 4 .Malta: • The Isle of Malta is still in the possession of the 'eirigatn • o,tuettior frCim 34, Until Oita tirenbing 'Oil or lite',po -- i'ver . ',. end .authotity eea s ied, to, be:, reopf c ted, ~ and : .. roty dto England booting 'with him on aiktrens fram.the:, podple'llete to Ihe ttlithorities t , toe Suitor - Axe 'Soilli=•itirtge Steyr 6t Nevi Ho vien p ,conhiet fe'itt;iintre holie'fitl'Sttrtiottl nf a attn.. One .Itidge'•Std • .. 6 • his Eton, were sitting on, the piazza otthe oCat- erect Nouse," at gara',. and:the following conversdtion took plac'et • ' • ttveltat .ere yoo going. to: do this-rnorning? t "I tell Into - ehtirehi it . I can one,'".- whir ilte,refily.6 :-I , Where wall Yoe go;frt- s4llend tilink•of taking a walk; ' , lit tint I 'will find my • Umbrella) -•Whieh•l ~inielaid .:last iffilferinntliekin pi arrival." •,• • Jieparaind ! •• , Samuel - , JiiPP • a •••kort.refleoliOn ! •thouglit he would elppinlp her room •' ands.indulsce• in a abaci Tplign' of his •aiirprise, on entering Iffeisfiiritrti.in: find his ‘v.Ortliy . 'fattier t •Ahe. • same,- It ie p;!i•hcipe rieedlnea to•add that, after; :that, the most prrfifq cinuidenec4us Maintained be tween - fatiler and , The Jtislg'e was a regultir, attendant, at-the Finseepal Church; 'but iiot eo with„hie""ionfig heptirule' One "Sabhath Sem eppeereli it(, the iliui)r-table` with an, exceedingly ,rebicuti ridgy sinetul o'er:his nose.,," ~„ - .lWhere did" feu go to church?" 'asked his «I'o' the Second Afeiiroilist Church repfiee . • No, More was. Said: . .'t tke neict Sallhath.,oatp" appqated With 'the same: peculiarity , - opint" . hic nasal In reply to the same hetote'the satice.answee Was' Ittitnri. 2 r 6 4pciind It tieeMsitat,the :fudge kept a damijoim in and Sim had a way of [4in - riding - his Sabbaths in company with ihis . deinijohn"; Ono iitte;' , 4ON his 11'040' .. .hifil aSinMed'an " red hue, the ikte of the ease?!.iiasheci upon: the .tniinl ihe 'Mtge ) , so he , resolved to Tint , an lead . toitieh'idninge.—:- , !kw Ini . .went to ,Work the setwal Tho t ? ex t , Sablint h Sam, to his w,Onied place of •wed:Ship, and, found theiletnijnhn seal od and a,'Oard•iittaelied, having' on it thole word?: The Second Methodist Chir'rici is closed to:repairs. Thus, .entled, his attendanco at theeconti,Methodist,Chuich, , 2, sturntrEy ,ERIE RAILROAD: . - Elghtn Annual Report ot: the. Illopoger To the Sta io kitolder of the Sunburynifty , road''• The history-of: the Sunhittiand compan)-tis , the Annual Rqairlit heretofore presented ': to the StockhOlderi, has one of the 'persevering;lut fruitless ef fott646olitaitiVubscriPtio'de to Its capital stoilt,• sufficient" to accomplish' , the object for vAidt it • It is ft source •of much= 'gratification to the present Board Of Managerftthat'theY canttaw chogratulaf,thCatecklinidetiiipOn , provement in the affairs of the, CoMpany.aerin sures. the sPeedi sii4.ectinoiniCtil'eOMpletiim of the-Work 'crirprnitfed By-',nuact of thapetie'rel m''l4 of this porprponweeiltii; tipii . `roved,,by thC.Goyernig.on the. ril last; entitled Itin ' Act for the sale °Ohl` State Canals, ~this Corripftni :Was outhorlaed to 'purchase. ilieState.of Nen. , eylvahla VOsioni,the Lower North Branch,. bivisibe,:..th; _lappet' North 13ienth.Diviftlem, and the:Watt Byanth its 1 an Gort'al 4nehanna far the auto of ,fhree if:tot- sand dollars"- ' , The. ptirchnse -Mundy. was to be paid in the five per cent. bonds Or ihe'COMpan= ny; which beetle' t ‘ he oornMitiy Wairatithitiqzed to iftscue to theitotitiP(of 0,00,090,, .ftecitn4 by a,mortgage of the whole line, or the load, finished end ;unfinistiedk:finin , Sdnbury to; the . harbor of Erift.,'OONVer was . ikl#Olitypii to r the. CorTiPAaYI-14 cate : ir: should make the pur , chase;' to sell the property, or any, pert ocil, to.ochlw corporiiticiris; or-to •aisociatiOre of individiials to be inecirperatil,'ceithat, ir::the same, sliciill(he'soltf,roi;it'largo;shin'iling the price yald, to the Siete, 'fteventy:five: Or Cent, ern of .the excess shOold be-pftid into the Trea's cry orthecot:mooviioithr , : . tha tritd?a# ol a,raada I ,lia:Parahafie P 1 iliti4p.;;'-Plor#Ardm They Pit seed. seven millions 01- ' live per cent. bOndsi sad.' executed a,TriOrtgage of 'th - e road . to 'ftecurfitie: of !fun Three. milions ' ftve hundred ,; thousand doflatri',i4 sajd_hathis were Paid to ato lba Otese,t9eniesit: of ih e ptrchafte'Money,Mi4 • to be, epp!'opriateAtiiihet t eaficfrOi:krigii4l.o, tiie , const ruetion•of th:e'4o4l 4 : The ,manageri••liavieg'„'tticeiv.ed':froW'ttiec • Governor'the necessary, dfteds, of. .conveyioes`. ~ .;,----‘, ,7,-.. )ri1 ..., 41 ..... 4 .., ..., ~._ VoYett other Pit itti *Wit 1 4411 "T I TAN.. .. 0 f 453 8 ,# 1 : 404 - 10 4'1.* , 4) . 1 Ittil!„ - -Og? 'T'he ti Plie _Ai nAlgOliirk * ' i4.4:44 ' ff 4 t l i7S . Ni Chthdkehrotialtth#o -2- # 401 1 )01 0' I*Will "-,. .'otit Orani '.an Diehliont to int r .reltlkittilolll).o4 4 +. l O:; -',, ,;?f... SaaquehapmaetlitOolli*Waii ''' ,Therpttlit-tyliti'Difiaidfi r, :li'."-'-'"' aware c Ol,ri - ~ .. '' ..'Pi;,,Totil amboritowiffi*. „ , 000 , , ..-, .. , Tii'6 , Novis . piaill'ediioe,...,, , ;, 4 _, ,' -": ;yiti,ttro . r s o iii ihe , Wioming ~,to. n altraff , trait part o f rnttt„*11)1 11 "011. 0 0: Wilhelttitie 1- 5,q4 11;11 4 :1 .t. 1 14 1 .14. -ftr * I p ß epo vr of ! „ilAWo, yieeit,i;by'aitisist , Amu' managers, vractudli:l 0 . 141 ,4tC1. , _, , ~,, rouovilli ,„ it ~ , „ ‘ ,-,,,,,,, ..,•, , Alttt:',' , ! :::.‘, i:. - 16.'00' 4 , North 'liirineh`ClierPtt.7 l l 4lotri, , ';.,., ':, By' ihitlolyitinitlrCilliii ontria 14„,„\ 4 14* , H . , f; fry , " ~,',.; ' '.. ~, , t,, • • ....'..: ,' ' 44,c4.t . ' '. 1, ,4,- , ;. 1 ,,t40,....47Aitt5,.% , • . r ie it . fhp proceed. 'ibqat- svitAlL,Vsk.„,,,. eatceetiedlhe amount o : .:pittteb#l!4(ol, o o7oAiro``. tit the Illtite, lif , stit; o 9 6 l:.* 4 'iti.* k . ‘....* - cente'in'`rif the'e n io.llll-"4,11 1 2fIlle f e7teto- .04 1 ,; i'reeetner on t,)' 4147 .: ,i i,ii °PL. ,..40. 011 ... compliance with' th e. ; t ' 4 lll :ortilat payment ; $29 1 , 0 0 0 ' If'ii . : l *.littlikOlc , - 1 of the Wyoming 'canal 6rtriefetej'enff 00 '6 4. PvAtIY ' ti 4. diO 4 .f o.°•-kiailaitso ll 4 VIOR ietiorth in the,Opital memmittg,ibe,'Alete9 '' p •. ..' , ~, nor to.the'Leglelatiyihriow li . ! ittlotifg4flo . ~.' r they had been 'cloaedottid_,##, c iVitiriklir:os77,l 'FoTllkaqi wer,eo. 4 .0 4ttiek,o, l 479 f, itl i t:* : ~:- : ], i canals, ihtt tote Board of,ONlet4PoMto.hOefr ...'"':: wertradvided by cattail) 0111*?!.his-illAti*IbIP ."':+ - ' 4, sale"et the'egialetwafiAiifelitilietiMikft*iii ;,,,, . , .... ~, 4 , .. ..4a,kke ~/ 1 ....,„ in violation et tha:c 6i titt',ll.Pllk ~, tats` ! -- l'lili'ittV?itfit*nt,trit" . l ,r4.44 11. 4 , , , ,' ,1 "! .. , : b 0,?; paPers,threstenettte emoireae= 4 o l l)eorterl the operaticie of ~the eettilehfitititt.4444-01 welted's: gr ill,'i,tlik•, -1 .T!! , i ' 0 1 4,1: 6 ,C5,:# 4 ii...*" 4: fore; , vrelleitiite,Mteßekof oriiiiof 91;04 - ~> nity that , offered, ,fo frit, tl4 ~ licit 011.b.ppite• . ....; ceedingahi the ; Supreme Court 'i t 9 4c l i ffir "' ?'"'} wealth:-::lt''was'. argued •Litt'foreiheCiiiittkeid' . thevalidity or Oh' Act ' , 4 '' ' ' 'l , ll :. oiiit v ilift(o4 l4 . . unattlesus'opiates or „intlgfestihY'4olitC'ro, a ,decree to that effect wai,lned.oo4,..eitier : t.. In compliance - with the iir9viiions .artliti„ tio i., ,a 'Act of A!taot4y .'there'hieel 6 ekql ited In the State.Tiee44464loo,ol,pq. . , • :' 'ea olleal OoloPentee, itfi!nteekikiht;:litidtii a$ foiloWav- 2 ,- !'.,. ;.1t ',',.!•:)0-r\t12.1'..4W4414.4 , sii'W , Of the Oellii"Wiie &vision ti'illf o.ill'O kao littieii . Of the ',Writ Brothen, and „Suinittigkrr. i , Cenal 0 1 11.0,74, ''..''''':' 4.6 1004 , or the North nidrot, ,L, Of the. Wyeittineelnit , CoMilefF- t 7 1 1004 00 :7' ' ):' ' 'ln tha aggregate; • - ' • 1 -'‘' . " 4 s2i, O f A°° -:: 41 1 - I;attAlOtitt all betel.' inteieil it thg4 two six pey cent„per annual, tad ire - .to bmeo,lo - to 'thicOOMPlPYli.fltie.belf,that', o o:4 o o. 4-4 ^ line:or out" toodlhatte , b:c Iradeireie*lfOgetC; ; ready r( ll `l l "liliW i t tl a elt ‘il r t aitii• Y rO t ali f i: ~,, ..4 ~.c, to. 14 port tet e ut fi of' th e tne vn 4 , astisilaiky,., a;idencir te:Ptods44 44 4 '40 ; ernor that there .te (leetiretrigOliiitlao. ll4;, acilptione to` the afoile bf Opit.:Cohlkotne $: , :,,t I' cc;itea . eti i`t . it itpiAieeinite*4l4W ,z ' , work, one,noWloo,of,doile no ' , llt:* l 44l o tfil.: ll klr' amount •now OM kr?? andiho OttnOtikiiihoo. int'iin iiietiiirta':iltiftnii!-Offipo4o , ii , ! Otke", reedy f",*°;•4lo4,oo4t4iii'44rii: It wii s(!tea in the iit ' er.4 l tltt ' elliit., Piot._ .... ~ ,". all :the largo contracts feitAirielt'on:thte*lleili :i nhd Middle ' , Divalent , iiii bgoo! , - - iiit'Opitrtlitti. , . tlieen'teent Of itiOittiaititill, 6 gitir Attliel d o 1 4 'd i;'' ll'Y -` 1. •) ~ Ile e ~., .t bi t o n , 0.'.1 1 ,i g2 ,, ,1i k • ' , ' atotete( boainese, in thevolint9rhis in the coat of.:thirwerrktoetd***tlidt .-: °''' ' n l i l o' el " i4 :l 6 o , o 4 tr il f il l# 4 (l[4 1ine,,,114'1 1 104 1 0 4 .4r 4 0.6ri1b,t4 , , , t0 t i !A: i 414 0 01),Pf ili nit thql,shiga#o:ooo o 4 lll tY or . the , work,.,-- or: 'matetlalli . l7;iiiireuint: , the . length - :of,,the' road :, t.,! , 4 . . i =lf: • , . :,: We , ilWiaroi tr . stifethiititllfft.i"", ' . :ociaui:iAi:ttloi;il 010 . riltiW :oticed.*, :The Irad4 l llAlitkilltiloiehlt4o o " of the. work. bet ween%ifilliatnejioittendr'ffico, ienileviWf . I 'itt ' ':' o 4: 4 eitliei l : tti, , l. Y' lr !t i t lit ; i?';nirl .' ili 3 tiiifl ' ohi;' • Pi l. . t t i o: 4 4 -40,, t y , 1 !1ati:470:6.1 lie' i'Oiti .. . hetween: .-17 04 40 # ... '''4, and the.„trctiatn of the liirMemehoeingi* , ,...Vok'' , 2gth 4 dfyia kit eeet leaf;''' A tflieittllsPll':.' lettings ti:' v dry tar& !ntiiiilief. dfllif 61010*ilo. ~ n, Fiftchtlar add etreifnicollkegf N ' a: ~' .:.: i'rf'pre;iniedbial;(o,4,:#ll4lll4 , ' 7 1 the arerageat which„soclkwo Af iofitre performed hllmo enrittl*lr ~. :14.'..4if ~ this ermitttryi':'4hrilhif Vokilliii4o#ifi ' --, y , . - 'i h 1. •- i,i iiiidtkirtehiliqiittlSiirtalkl'iint PT',"" t " le 1.121e4114 -4 4 , 1 #,AP! 1 ) , 19 ~,, Yt , . i,s, "nti"" a r; 1 1 , 0 4. 4*4 141 ,- 0 0??4 , 2* 'mile. , :Tht,f , ;%, l l4,lo'-, :- .l. ii , i i- F , :!:100;t4. 1* , 0 - tql,:t' : : . 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