E FACTS AND FANCIES. Shingled roofs shed water, and shingl ed boys are apt to shed tears. 4- Mr. Mimi' t lives in He is not a very prominent citizen, tat his name is a 'household word.l, Time changes all things. , From ro mantic the young man comes to a rhea- When you reach the plane of man hoodo it is quite natural tbat7on should indnlge in a lit ,1 3 shaving. ; Nlienever fl d for visits a cemetry ,he sees the figure/ of patients on several monuments smiling at grief. Alcibiades, long since deceased, was a 'crank.' Anyhow, history says be paid ,£250 for a dog. • The min who can ,see sermons in running brooks is most apt to go and look for fheni on Sundays when trout are biting. The turkey makes a good Thanksgiv ing dinner, but if you want to provide h.sndsomely for a par family, give them it gold eagle. The'pzoverb says: The good die youn,2.' That settles it. We change our Methol of life. We don't desire- to die immediately. It is said that the new horse disease, pinkeye,: On be caught by human . beings. There is nothing strange about this. Po toes had it many years ago. Becentli, at the launching of a ship, the orator Of the occasionmade a bow, pitched his voice and delivered a few stern remarks in masterly style. 'I. notice that you always sit at your wife's left, Mr. Miggs."Yes,' frauk:y . returned Miggs: 'that's 'the side her glass eye is on:' It is said that Guiteau' is suffering from softening of the brain. Possibly, but no alarming symptoms of softening of his cheek have yet been noticed. ,A young lady on Madison street now hums, 'Meet me at the grate, love,' the ex:a weather necessitating a change from 'Meet me at the gate, love.' The Boston Post is authority for the statement that an aesthete, in English, vacantly paid $6OO for a couple of blue china ginger pots. and the gentleman who owns a $350 dug thinks the 'esthete 812 ass. 'I tell fon,' exclaimed the theatre manager, 'that Miss Buskin had a splen did reception. The house was fairly ablaze with enthusiastr ."Yes' said Fogg, dryly, 'as the house was all paper it was easily set ablaze.' When raw York policemen want to make an arrest they stand on a corner and yell 'Free Lunch.' If the criminal doesn't coma in on the run, they think he's dead. G orgia sports of ti goose over 40 years of age. The proprietor is obliged to keep a watch over it, though, to pre vent neighboring boarding house men from Eiw:wing it. 'Come on, boys,' =let iag yesterday morning, 'let's go down to the pond with our skates. - - If it ain't frozen so -we can skate, we can go in- swimming,' A telephone is a mighty handy thing 'it° have in the family when you want to order something and have not the cheek to ask the, man, to] his face, to give you more credit. Yta it is. ' - And add a few for good couni:"Ask no woman her age.'says avrent writer on social-ethics. Of course not. Ask her next beat lady friend. She will never fail to give the information. A South End man advertised for the meanest dog in the city. Hie idea was that people are so fond of their own dog that they wouldn't bring a single ani mal to But he lost his bet. Thousands called, each bringing his neighbor's dog. A well-known newspaper man of St. 'Joseph, Mo., has applied for a divorce from his wife, alleging in his bill of ' complaint that he 'finds married life and the newspaper business incompa tible and intolerable. If divorces are to be granted on this ground, the popularity of jour * nalism will increase with frightful rapidity. A man can mostly find within himself sufficient cause' to excite wholesale weeping, but his needed amount of laughter must generally be provoked by other men. And the man that can skilfillY provoke hearty and- side-split: ing laughter is worth a liberal salary. Laughter is to longeVity what a safety valve is to a steam boiler. • • 'What do you mean by disturbing , moat this hour of the night ?' said an Austin doctor angrily to a negro who woke him at three o'clock in'the morn ing. 'I jess allowed, boss dat yer didn't hab time ter 'tend ter poor folks in der 'day time, so I:lowed I'd jess drap in after supper.' Advice .to a cigar smoker: Yes, Alger non, heaven indeed tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. . But then' you must remember the lamb was forcibly shorn' against his will; he didn't go and deliberately pawn his ulster for $3,65 when he knew perfectly well July wasn't going to last all winter. (lo to. Algernon, get thee to a nunnery, Well said: There is occasionally a youth whir is not fresh. Said young iiymonds: 'Old Ragbag has forbidden me his hObse and ordered me not to speak to - bis daughter, but if he thinks by thiitracket, ho can rouse my obsti annoy and get me to make love to the girl and marry her. he's mistakoM 1' 'What did you do with that letter that was on my table?'- asked Gus Pe Smith of the oolorod boy who eleanslap his room. 'I tack it to the post office `sail, and pat it in de hole.' - 'What did yon do.that for? .Dd you not see there was no`iiddress on the envelope ?"I saw dar was no writin' on do 'velope, but I lowed yer did dat ar on pnrposs, so I couldn't tell who yer was a wiitite to I'se an odicated negro, I is.' "The President has devoted the high est qualities of constitutional statesman ship" where the words that little Mil tiades Marrowfat read from the paper he was holding and then added: "What does that mean, pop?', "It means, my boy," explained . Mr.. Mr. Marrowfat, "that the editor is probably a postmaa; ter nad feels agreeably disappointed that he bagel been turned out." When Middleton's boy was led out into the wood-shed to receive parental discipline for punching the head ,of a' neighbor's eon the old gentleman antici pated the regular frooeedings of the meeting by the remark: 'Ycn've been licked for this sort of thing before' and know what to expect., 'Yea,' whim- Pared the culprit , 'I know 1 did wrong, but I couldn't help it, Iliad an inapt 'alien.' Bo bad his father, and be Ini tialed it with a trunk strap. ; Tat WOMEN or Groscus.—A letter from Odessa to the London Then Lays: --Georgia, I need scarcely mention, is the famed land of beauty, and the men we bad with us in the train, 'or saw here and there in the country, do not cer tainly, belie their reputation; for they : ern; mostly tall and well-made, and have the chiselled highbrow. tbe thin Mo line nose, the good month peculiar to the Caucasian type. They all, high and low, affect the Oriental garb; wear long, dark, almoit trailing garments. round fur caps, or white cloths, turban fashioned,' but cumbrously and fantas tieally„ if not picturesquely, falling in flaps and folds to their' shooldere; and all are girt with a Bayer belt on which hang a ponderous seimetar and a _long yataghan. The practice of bearing arms is as universal among these Chris tians as among their most savage Ilussalmin felkiw-subjects, though there isinothing warlike, or even very manly in the look and bearing of these baekboneless Georgians, who cannot forget how little their wesspo,ns availed them against Persians and Turks, from whose inroads they could find no other escape than in an ignoble surrender of their national existence; no - refuge from the Tark except in . the arms of the Russ. Of the beauty of the Geor gian women no very striking specimens came anywhere in our way. Here, as everywhere else in 'Russia, females of all rank have their eigarette-cases in their pockets; bat here for the first time I was applied to by a lady—a demure, more than a middle-aged lady—for "a light." Would the dear. old soul ,have been • surprised had reminded her that she was in a non-snioking carriage, and. that some of the stronger •sex' might object to tobacco smoke? A SMALL BoY,s Culuous Mistuar.— The Hudson (N. Y.) Republican says: 'A few days ago one of the residents of the town of Ghent was proceeding along the highway, driving a team of horses drawing a load Of hay. On top of the hay was a small boy, son of the Man driving the team. The air being chilly, the boy's prudent mother wrap ped around his head and ears a muffer. AS the team proceeded along the wagon was drawn under the branch of a tree, when, singular to relate, the limb passed ender the muffler at the top of the lad's head and hauled him off the load in short order, leaving him sus pended from the limb. The father dis covered the perilous positionof his son in time to jumpdrom the wagon and re lieve him from the limb, which had yielded to the pressure npon.it and was gradually letting the boy down. Alto gether, it was a very narrow escape for the lad." FIiMiCIIMEN As Cools.—Kate Stanton writes: The Paris men have found one proper vocation—namely, to cook, and wash dishes; and admirable cook's they are. Paris is the most scientifii city in the world, and men's 'sphere' is bore scieutifically settled in one respect, I am happy to know.- If men fall below women in every other flue art, they may claith the palm in cooking. It is delightful to see how domestic and use ful men - can be when they are ini their natural element. lam led to believe that one of the charms of the 'tented field' is the man's cooking. War is re• lieved of half its horrors, in my eye, if the soldier can only enjoy a good break- VIA, cooked by Frenchmen, before he goes out to be shot down! I wish Amer ican gentlemen would turn their atten- 1 tion to the high art of . sc/matins:3 cook ing. I know many a household where turmoil 'incessant reigns; and I am now disposed to attribute the fact to the bad cooking of the hostesses. Let the men govern the cosine and bring in peace. Tens of thousands of men who have failed as merchants, menuf actur era, speculators, teachers, lawyers, doc tors and ministers, might make good cooks. Let them try. . . '8 eon d Bagb BREATHING THROUGH ' THE NOSE. The pernicious habit of breathing through the mouth while sleeping or walking,p3 very hurtful. There are many persons who sleep with the Mouth open and Oo not know it. They lie to sleep with it closed and wake up with it closed; but if the month is perchdd and dry on awaking, it is a' sign that the mouth has been open during sleep. Snoring is a certain sign. This habit should bo overcome. At all times, ex cept when eating, drinking, or speak idg, keep the month firmly closed, and breathe through the nostrils, and retire with a firm determination, to conquer. The nostrils are the proper breathing apparatus—not the mouth. A man may inhale poisonous gases through the month without being aware of it, but not through the nose. A. French inventor has patented an application of the electric light to bleaching of textile and other adbstan ces. THE VERY LATEST MEN'S, HATS, HATS, Are arriving daily in immense quanti tics at RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE where the largest, finest and "toniest" line of Suits and Overcoats - can be found at lower figures than any Cloth ing House in town. Remember Ido not sell you Shoddy and Cotton for all Wool. -STYLES IN BOYS' AND CHILDRENS' SUITS, CAPS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, etc., FURNISHING GOODS, etc., H. JACOB'S (Established 1865) No. 2, Patton's Block. TOWANDA, PA. Feb.26.18g0 FINEJOB PRINTING,—AII kind of .Fine Job Printin promptly executed at lowest rates, a TM, BRADFORD REPUBLICAN Office Dont fail to give us a trial, Good type modern presses, and experienced work mrn. All work warranted, first-class. A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER: IRON BITTERS are highly .recommended for all . .isfbus re quiring a certain and efficient tonic; especially indigaion, Dysiepsior, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Ametitr.., Loss of Strength, Lark of Energy, de. Enriches' tae blood, strengthens the muscles, and givesnew life tO the nerves. They act like a charm on the di 'ye organs, :em s :a: 1 dyspept ic symptoms, suds as Ruling the Food, Be&4ing, Heal in tie. Th e only Iron Preparation that will not b en the teeth or give headache. Bold by all droggisbs, Write for the AB C Book, 32 pp, of useful and amusing reading—sent free. . BROWN CHEMICAL - CM; Baltimore, Md. INTERS TEE POPULAR CORNER I GEO. L. ROSS, fins filled up the - old HOST:MM. STORE with - $ full and complete stock of FEES!' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRICES As LOW AS THE LOWEST. tall here for your Groceries. After you get prices st Ross' it will be of no use to try else where for his prices are down to rock bottom. Farmers can get 'the tip-top of the Market Geo. L. Boss'. All kinds of,Prodnee taken In a* change for goods or for cash. . Towanda 5 ct. Store MAIN STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO FELCH k i CO. Is prepared to offer a complete assort molt of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Crockery, Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHINA" Latest designs and patterns of MAJOLICA WARE; BIRD CAGES; • • SATCHELS, &C. For the coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a 'small profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. itErWe endeavor to -sell the best article for the , least possible money. ray64,f LOEWUS FREIMUTH. R T THE GREAT CURE ds ii ir far el 4 • titvcre-AND BOWELS. It oloati&os the sytteln of the acrid poison that caws tho Lrasktfal attlicritog whisk anis rho victims of Illtouznationa can realise. THOUSANDS OF CASES of tha wont forma of this terrible disease riTste used in ever7limiachola as s • SPRING MEDICINE cexca 3311,10E3N an, ONBTEPAr PMES vt•li Data:lsolh It vat up in Dry Vegetable ram, Intl:leans, oee par 1:: •-t• nt Z. .: cskca t:flarts medicine. Fiirns, very Concentrated for the cen, - eui: c , • el: crantit readllypro• pa.re•lt.- It acts wit 4 ;JAI cilirScucy in either/raga. GE 1' Ii 0:"1( 1 ! — ; inzEG(E.sT. PEIOE, $l.OO W4 - gons;Ca!rj - ags JAMES BRYANT, others to his large and qomplett assortment of C.pen & Top Buggies PLATFORM WAGONS all of his own MANUFACTURE and war rantedevery par tiehlar ' - OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, Bryant's Flexible Springs used in all Platter= Wagons. The easiest and best in u5e...2, NOW LS YOUR TIME TO BUY ! Look at those figures: „ Two 8 sated Carnage' trom $l6O to 1175 Phietons, ono seated ~.. 125 to 'l5O Top Buggies 125 to 150 Open Buggies. 80 to 100 Democrat Wagons .. .. ...... .. 90 to 110 Remember that the above are all iully warrant iedirmitugt-clasS or iso pay. prolnptly atttended to at 25 per cent halo" last years price,. • . 4' Office and Factory cor. Main and Elizabeth Ste. 6 r sot ,- 77,1 JAS- BRYANT. .E 1 'LOC .fc Main Street, First Wird. JOHN W. KLINE, MEAT &VEGETABLE mumir H. JACOBS. o a more convenient location, and- eatabliihed himself in the Carroll Block. opposite Seelrs Hotel, is prepared to supply his patrons with TUE CHOICEST OF MEATS. min, OYSTERS IN THEIR. SEASON. FRESH VEGETABLES. DOISESTIO FRUIT, ka.. iIIirEOLOCINA SAU&WE spoeialty. AU or. don promptly delivered. 1 , -..- - - A TRUE TONIC 100.1.D1 RWEVATISM OLD ESTABLISHMENT. - would call the atten tion of FARMERS and KLINE'S MARKET. UWING REMOVED RIB 4.11.11 YE &CO. FALL AND WINTER 1881. ATTENTION IS INVITED to our first-class. ' , - Heating Stoves They are too well known to regtiire any commendation— New Hecla, Westminster, Crown Jewel We also have a line of CHEAP BASE lIIIRNERS, the best of their class in the market, and well adapted for sap- plying a demand for an efficient brit in .. . expensive beating stove WOOD, HEATING STOVES in greiit variety. Ib'as ar 4=l 0 0 HAPPY THOUGHT II ;TA o*j Sold In Towanda and Vicinity by N.D.DYE & CO. A LARGE STOCK OF Wood Cook Stoves CARRIAOEMAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, AND A GENERAL STCCIC OF HARDWARE MAIN ST., TOWANDA. Towanda, Oct. 3lat, 1881. You that have beauty, Come and let na take lt, And you that have none. Come and let us make It \ • . Dayton &Rockwell PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cordially invito the imblic to give ahem a pal at the ROMs formerly oceqpied by G, H. Wood, TOWANDA, PENNA. Recent improvements In the okyltittit have fur nished - facilities for tilting perfect pictures quickly and in all kinds of weather. PORTRAITS FROM PROTOGRAPAS and DE- CEASED PERSONS a specialty. Finished in In dia , Ink, Water Colors, Crayons, or Putelles„ any size. FINEST WORE OF ARTISTIC EXCEL- . LENCE GUARANTEED. A STOCK or FRAIN:ES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. C. S. DAYTON. Towaiola,'Oct 0, IBS°. MRS. D. V. STEDG E, Mantifactarenof and Dealer uc • HUMAN'''..•HAIIt ucu As wuas, BANDEAUX, th• PoPula! Chatelaine srala, . MONOTSO TO THII HAIR TIIADE girgproblAtbintion given to COMBINGS Boob ell turned one wsy. IiWTIVBES from $1 nrrards. Also Agent for Hunter's Invisible Face Pouder, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. Sir Pisttonlar attention paid to 4 reining ladies karat their hoima or at my %dace of business, owe Enna k Hildrettft store. ItorliWka - - lEss 'lt. - V. fITZDGIt. A. N. NELSON • . DEALER IN WATCHES cLocirs. • VINE GOLD AND PLATED JENVELER Of nary urieta. and %Nicheleo. /Or Particular attention paid to relartna. Shop in Dean Tonight', Grocery Store,. Mtn Street, T Penna. 4-' mirchl7.d PICTURE GALLERY G. N. WOOD GO. owes Met Mender of spill: Motes fitted ap =Wel) , new, with the beet of instruments, we are premed to mats • • Tintypes, tat ore sitting, all for 50 clip in neat anvalesea, 10 for 11.00. ; CoPrat of all *lnapt Photogvaphs,and Stereoscopic and large view work done at this gallery.. Give us a call and we will try and settee you In price and qualify. • mar 20 A.-BEVERLY 8111'111, BOOK. BINDER AND • Dealer in Scroll Saw lode. BOOKBINDING OF ALL KINDS . DONE, NEATLY and CHEAPLY. Vine Blank Books . sucuurr. • Amateur's Supplies. The department of my Mildness is very com - pieta, and being a Insetted sawyer myself I know the wants of my patrons. WOODS. • SAW BLADES, CLOCK MOVEMENTS. ko, constantly on band. oar $1.25 worth of designs for $l. Send for Price lists. " MOLTER " BINDERY, Park street, P. O. box 1512. Towanda. Pa R. R. ROCKWELL GOODS, ONE , ` lii TO NAKDL will open . their New Gallery in Pa . ttonlis Block, WE KEEP IN STOCK EVERY QUALITY OF CARDS, ENVELOPES,. NOTEHEADS, ILETTERHEADS, NI ■ AND WILL DO ALL KIND BOP JOB PRINTING A 7 MORI NOTICE'. WE HAVE IN STOCK A SPLENDID keNg QF AMBER TINT Letterheads, Bill' heads, Statements, &c. wizen mi.:Jim PRINTED IN THE , BEST STYLE AT REASONABLE RAILS. FURNITURE STORE FURNITURE We are constantly receiving the newest and latest patterns it PARLOR SUITS, BED ROOK. BETS, TABLES, Faverything-in the. Fur.. niture 14114,. Undettaking.: We make a specialty of this branch and shall give it our persoiial attention. We have a full line of CO' FeINS, and wilcnot be undersold. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.—J. S. Allyn has no connec tion with our business. TOWANDA. JAN. 2Gth. 1881. Stevens & Long GRocznizs, COUNTRY PRODUCE TATEMENTS COB• MAIN AND PINE STS., &c., &c., ME BRIDGE STREET WARDROBES, a~tn= CASKETS, ROBES, &c. E. B. PIERCE. Successor to N.' P. Hicks. General Dealers in PROVISIONS, MD HAVE REMOVED To their new 'We i l I. 4The old stand of los. Stevens allatotur.) They invite attention to their complete assortment and .vory large stock of Choke New_Goode, which they G have acwaye on hand. -..- ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To the • PRODUCE TRADE; And Cash Paid for Desirable Kinds. tt.i J. tioNa, R. JONES' CREAM CAMPHOR. IS THE D , NAME of the popular /Ansa:lent that cures Ithentostisen, Neuralgia, Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost'Bites, Pain_ In the Face, Head or Spine, Chopped Hands, atlises, Sprains, Burns, Mosquito Bites, ,Sting or Bi te of an insect, Poison Vine.. etc., for Man - or ' Beaat Always reliable, and almost instantan, eons in its relief. Having an agreeable odor it is pleasant to apply. Sold by all druggists. Price 28 cts. i F N. B.—This Liniment received- a Prise Medal at the State Fair. 1878. ASA JONES, Proper. 319 N. 3d St., Phila.. Pa. Jan. 13, 6-to DR. JONEWCILEADICADIPHOR IS THE NAME OF the popular Liniment that cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swollen. or_ Stiffened Joints, Frost Bites. pain in the Face, Head or Spine. Chapped hands. Braises,Sprains, Burns, Mosquioto BitesoNting or Bite of an in Poison from common Poison Vines. etc.. for man or beast. Always - reliable, and almost instantaneous in its relief. Having an agreeable odor, it is pleasant to apply.- Sold by all'drng• gists. ..Price 26 cents. N. B.=This Liniment received &Prize Medal a tbeState Fair.lz79. . May 20 17. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL ^Ro NELL' A HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. - - The pooras well se the rich. the -old as well as the young, the wife, as well as the husband, the young maiden, as well as the young man, the girl as well as thaboy. may just as well earn a few dollars in boncet'eutployment, as to sit around the house and wait for others to earn it for them. We can' give you employment, all the time, or during your spare hours only; travel. big, or in your own neighborhood, among your friends and acquaintances. If you do' not care for employment, we can impart value/de infor-. motion to you free of cost. It will costive: only one cent for a Postal card to write for our Pros pectus, and it may be the MOMS of reeking you a good many dollars. - Do not neglect this opportunity. you do not have to Invest a large sum of money and run a great risk of losing it. You will readily see that it will be an easy matter to make from SIG. to 11100. e week, and establish* lucrative, and Ifide pendent - business, honorable, stsaightfclirerd and profitable. Attend to this matter NOW, for there is MONEY IN IT for all who engage with us. We will surprise you and you will wand* why you never wrote to us before. Ws amen parricutras num. Address . BUCKEYE MT% CO., Mame this pipes.) Oro. Kept. 22, 'dl-limos. ' 14:,* - utit& CQ.'S GROCERIES, - AND ' PROVISIONS. El The placii to Ni. money to /min cheep is et 'bonier ifiln'and FmkUzi *trolls. Thow respect: ay announce to Ito palate that thicr ll.* - a large stock of FLOUR, IfIXD. MEAL, GRAIN, SALT, FILGI PORE, sad PROVISIONS generally.'• We bars also added to our stocks ssrfity of WOODEN WARE, sick as BUTT= TUB% FIB EOM CriffMNS, ItTO. Just received a large stock of Sugars. Teas. Coffees. Spices, MOULSON'S PURE SOAP.I the test in the market, and other tastes of soap Syrup and Molasses. which they offer it low prices for Cash. oct 26 77 MARBLE E I:YORKS, (IEO. OTT & BROTHER, At their Marble Works located near- the Wy miuking Depot, in Wysoz, are prepared to fur 11111b as good quality of marble w_lrk as can be koduced in. tho county. TOMBSTONES and MONUMENTS Made and, sold ten per cent. cheaper than you can buY them at any other marble works 1i Bradford county. Oan27-i Full satisfaction guarnteed and all jobs put up , properly. Samuel Ott, who' hail recently become a part ner in the business is s Snit class workman. We do our own work, and are therefore -e nabled to sell city much cheaper than any other Manufac turer. • - • • Those wishing work in our line arc respectfully invited to call and see for themselves, Wo also do all kinds of Bross Won't in our line. GEORGE 017,, SAMUEL OTT. 1. Wyeauktaff, N0v.15, 1821.—Gm . PATENTS.' . j (U. 8. AN7IF'OBEIGN. • Frank ' ;t. Fouts. Attorney-at-Law, Lock Box, 356, Washington, D.C. Tepiyeers' expeiisnca. I make so CHAIVIE for my services uniese patint be granted. Preliminary examination in the Patent Office as t the patentability of an in vention num Send sketch or model of the de vice and a report will be. made as to the "pro:la bility of obtaining a patent. Special attention given to - rejected applica tions in the hands of others.. U. S. Senators : Hon. Geo. F. Ede/rinds, - of Vermont ; Hop. David Devil and Oen. John A. Logan, of Illinois Hon. Benj. H. Hill, of Geor gia; Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar. of Miss; Hon. S. M. Cullom, Gov. of Illinois; the Hon. Cominissioner of Patents and Corps of Examiners and the pro prietor of this paper. - Write for circular and instructions. 3novtf HOWARD A. S'NOW, PATENTS• 631 F SF.REET N.,W.. WASHINGTON. D.. p., (Successor to Gilmore. Smith k. Co., and Chipman, limfmer k Co.) Patents procured upon the same plan which was originated and successfully practiced by the above,'-named firm. -1 Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon receipt o stamp._ lnovel • FIRE AND.LIFE,INSITRANCE - CLAIM AIM - COLLECTION AGENCY BRINIt & BUCK, Leltilysville, Pa. Will write Policies for risks in Fire and Life Is surance. Collect Claims with care and • promptness. They represent none but l• FIRST—CLASS COMPANIES 1 Ihey solicit theconfidence and patronage of those having business in their line, and will endeavor to merit it. Apply to or address - lue tf BRINK& BUCK. Leßaysville..Pa. ti.iot.f4tiot . tit.l fiault, CAPITAL PAID IN $125,000 SURPLUS FUND ...... 80,000 This Bank offers unusual facilities kir the transaction of a general banking business. iiiIMIRIE OZO. EITEVIOII3. @ Thep RALSAIIIof TOLE has always been one of the most important weapons wielded 'l:iy the Med. teal Faculty against the encroachments of the above Us eases, binithasnev er been No advents geously compound. ed as in LALWEENCI A Idurrittli TOL% ROCK an4EYE. Its soothing Ilisraasue properties affords 4 diffusive istimulant. appettserAnd tont; to build up the Spa-' tem after the cough has been relieved: - GREEN IL BAUM, Commlealoner of Internal Revenue. Washington, D. C.. Jan. Intb, 18.40. says: " TOL% ROCK and RYE is an agreeable Remedy In Pectoral complaints and is :tossed as a Medicinal preparation under the U. S. Revised Statutes, and when so stamped. may be sold by' DRUGGISTS. GROCERS. and other persons, without special tax," or license. • "t.i,114,1. CAUTION I.D.ro.t;rybetodeamndotibrkeltalet Rye for LAWRENCS & MAIIIIII . II TOW. ROCK and RYE—which le the only MEDICATED ar• tide made—the genuine has their name on the Proprietary stamp on each bottle. I= it up in Quart Biro Bottles'. Prim Inn. TOLD, BOCK & RYE GO; Prop's*. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by DRUGGISTS and GENERAL DEALERS Everywhere. CANCERS CURED AT CRANE'S - CANCER INEIR : MARY, ADDISON, N. Y.l :HUNDREDS OF PERSONS from all pins' of the world have.been cured of this mitch dreaded disease and are now living witness.)s that they have been rescued from a terrible and untimely deith. Doctors, Ministers and the Poor treated Free. Write fora (fiscally girliag lull particulars. Address Drs. GEO. CRANE ir BUSH BROWN. Addison. N. Y. Sopt.3o,lyr.OPßaco. • STOP AT MO TOWANDA. PA Wysaukiug, Pa itsrAnufuED ix ItCs.] Solicitor of ASIRINCAN AND FOREIGN TOWPMA FA: JOS: °WELL', Presiden ri.h. I. 17p. THE GREAT APPETIZER TONIC, 4N O N 4. PI COUGH CURE corolla; ) COLD coNsumPruit, BROS All Mews THROAT, CH} IND LUNGS. M. HENIALMAN JEWELLER, . , Ia still to IDO found at . , . . AMI.Ar STREET, =I • Nei -1466r to Dr. IL C. Porter's Drug Store MEI WITS A FULL LINE OF FINE AMERICAN_ AND;:SWISS WATCHES, JEW.E.LRY.; STERLING SILVER AND FINE PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, CLOCKS, FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE SINT. Sr ALL OF WHICH WILL EE'SOLI) . AT THE c. VERY LOWEST PRICES, • Clocks, Watches and Jewelry promptly repaired ;by an experienced and competent workman. M. HENDELMAN. septl6•tt NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to Mr. Idclreanj PITTSTON; WILKESBARRE COAL,, FOOT or PINE STREET. NEAR COURT norsE. TOWANDA, 'PA: air LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. . The patronage of my old friends and the public generally is solicited. 9sep: 130. -T)3IC- Chicago & North-Western Li the OLDEST! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED 1 arid hen& the LEADING RAILWAY OF THE West and Northwest It is the short arid best route between .Chicago and all points in NORTHERN ILLINOIS. lOWA, DAKOTA. WF OAm Callifot ids, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and . for • Council BlutlN Ontaha,Denver, LEADVILLE, SALT LAKE. I San Francisco,DeadwoodSionx City, Cedar Rapids. Des Moines,e Columbus, and all points in the Territories. and the Rest. Also for Milwaukee, Green Bay. Oshkosh. Shebonan, Marquette. Fond du Lac, Watertown. Houghton, Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron. Volga, Fargo; Bismarck Wincina, , LaCrosse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest: At Council Bluffs the Trains of tho. Chicago & tiorth•Western and she U. P. Wye depart from; arrive at and use the same joint Union • Depot. - At Chicago - , close connections are ,made with, the Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltitriore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago k Grand Trunk R'ys, and the Eankakat and Pan Handle Routes. Aweless connections made a t Junction Points It is the ONLY LL NE manning Pullman Hotel Dining ears BETWILLN , Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on an Right Trains E Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets ;via this road. Examine your Tiaras, and refuse 10 buy if they do- not rea d u over the Chicago 4 North-Western Railway. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your Tickets by this route, WAND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER.. All Ticket Agents sell Ticketa,by this Line. MARM HUGBITT. 241 V.P. k Gen.Mang't. spill 'Bl-ly. Chicago LIVERY, STABLING, ng, Camp .— -11Lakig aad EPA.. tEt IN Cr. • Seneca Arnoldi Having kased fillip in Warren, hae located iu the above branches of bnsi- . . - ness, on FRONT ST.,.BELOW 'BRIDGE; 'Towanda', Pa. HE- HAS STABLING FOR 10 HORSES. For use of stalls, 5 cents each. Also, Horses A nd Carriages for hire. Rlacksmithing in all its branches. promptly done. Horse Shoeing a specialty. Carriages klannfactnred and Repaired. If you want anything is the above line call on SENECA, ARNOLD. April 224,1 ail riXE:I MRS. 4. B. WHITNEY, FASMONABLE MILLI:Pi ER, DRESS-FITTER & DRESSMAKER ALS? AGENT FOR THE DoipestioPerfect-IrittingPatterna •I No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda: Stock entirely new and fresh from the city; no old goods in stock. GOods and work onsurpsased either is styles or mate up. oct2B-ly HUMPHREY, BROS. & TRA MEN'S, BOYS, WOMEN'S...MISSES, AND CHILDRENI Boots, Shoe s ; Rubbers,& DEALE.II IF AND LOYAL SOCK RAILWAY - , hianniaetnrers and liokenle Dealers in all kiwis of CORNER MAIN AND ELIZABETH STREETS,' rrOWA:NIDA., PA SPECIAL 'ANN JAMES WCAI lIALREKOVICD 11 . 18 91tOcEiti' I:U92Nbyi THZ SOUTII-EAST CORNER Or YUJ - AND BRIDGE orattam, wHERE RE UM ESTABLISHED Head Quart POE 0 IN THE LINE MU M% MS &c., &e. CASH PAID for DchilaLie dace. Fine BUTTER and Ff. a specialty. Agents Wanted tinti Chrome-Lithograph l'lcrilrt fur President • JANES A. GARFIELD. This beautiful work of art l■ pro:Ito:1 colors, on heavy paper, and mounted roa.: hang on the wall. It is not only a corvx., trait. but eisa contains the historical el his life; shows the Home at ..11 , nt5r. An , and the Doalk./icd Rua& 'lt is a n ; Memorial Picture. Circulars and tem. Address. li. W. SELLEY 711 Ransom Street, . . PLilariflpt.4 'Sept. 7J, 1.881-4 t. HORSE Ben . or c d n r 2 r S en c 4 1 for l4 V/8119 =MOM of ••A_ Treatise on the Hors, [his Diseases." It gives the beet tratte,. all diseases, has eq line engravings eh ; , BOOKpitions ItallMed by horses better than r taught In any other way, a table, ahowi r of all the principal :medicines uses for t 'as well as their effects and antidctts 1 25 aS poison, s large, tense! vaitranhearcsrpr-, telling - the age of a horte, with an t showing teeth of each year and a Large lof other vattusble horse information. a L .of horsemen have pronounced it Ne , ,rd 'than books costing $5 and $lO. The fu t 200,000 sold in about one ye►r before it slated shows how popular the book is. vised edition is arcs molts GREATIICG. roa • ctacrhia. AttENTS WAItiTE.I). Dr k Co., ffnosburgh Falls, liP.r4nr.i I !far ll4yr. J. 'll. M THE FASHIONAL'LE BOOT,. SHOE AND GAI MANUFACTURER Is now prepared to do all kinds of w: his line in the latest . styled, and of the material. Ws WORK anti MATERIAL WARR Repairing done neatly and pr( on short notice. In PAT Ii BLOCK Over Tacob's Clothing V • You need not Die to Win IN THE MUTUAL ENDOW. AND ACCIDIINT ASt3:IOI Or Bath, N. I You receive one-half of your msz. cording to the American Life Tata., in thirds of your life expectancy Si Ilan illustration, a man or woman yommg elation at 38 years of age taking a cert $2,500, receives $1,275 when a little over of age, exactly the period in Ige ate: financial help is generally more needed any other time. june2tf. BLANK BOOK.M4NUFACTI BOOK BINDE PAPER RULER, ax Alfred J. Pury No. 131 (letlessee street, UTICA. N: Y. MI 'All work in his line dbne well and prom; lowest price. Parties having volume' incomplete nished with any missing numbers st Cal All orderi given to J. J. Scan lan, Bradford County, will bo promptly eat' cording to directions. KENDALL' ~.,„A-,oSPA`iltiC 2:05 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL /IESIUI covered, as it is certain in its effects not 'blister.. Also excellent for ,Lu: READ PROOF BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOS Youngstown. Ohio, May lOtb. Dn. Co:—I tad ever ble Ilambletohian colt which I prized re ly, he had a large bone ipavin on oz.e a small one citi tho other which -made lame; I had him under the charge of tr) nary surgeon. which failed to cure Mal one day reading the advertisement as Et .Bpavin Cure in the Chicago Eipreas, Idet ;eci at once to try it, and got our Ortgg', l to send for it, they ordered three bottle. , them all and thought I would give it a trial, I used it according to directions a fon*th day the colt ceased to be limit./ lumps have disappeared. I used but ot.l and the colts limbs are as freti from M, as smooth as any horie in the state. tirely cured. The cure was so r. narYr I let two of my neighbors have the' two botties, who are now using it. Very Respectfully. L. T. /1 Kendall's Spavin ON HUMAN FLESH . . Patten's Mills, Wash'ton co., N.Y.. Fe , Da. B. J. - Kmsnati., Dear Sir:--The case on which I used your Kendall's Sr was a malignant ankle sprain . pf 'tats.:- standing. I had tried many things, but Your-Epavin Cure put the faa tu t again, and for the Unit time since natural position. For a family -ISnira t• cols anything we ever used. Yours truly,' BEV. NI. P. BELL. Pastor of M. E. Church, rattens Price $l, per bottle. . or :•tx.bottles fc: Druggists bac° it or can get it fet you, be sent to ally address on receipt of Fr!'" proprietors, MI. B. J. iiEND ALL & burgh Falls. Vt. Sold at Dr. H. C. Porter's DitOS CM BLADES General Agents to! A'SD