Bradford Republican. (Towanda, Pa.) 1875-1892, September 08, 1881, Image 3

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To Our Subscribers.
Examine Your Label 1
it will show, you the month and year up to
which your subsetiption is paid. •If your sub
scription soon- - to expire, please I Nand ai!
ono dollai fora renewal al once, that we may
send you the paper right along. Send in
enewel without delay. • .
A. IV - - is our general *soul
And collector. for the southern and west •
ere portion of the County. -
Han. Wn. J. Torten, of Montrose, ezaate
Senator jr.)in
this district died ,In Montme
on Tuesday evening Aug. Shtt, 'of pSratysts.
}laver Mastodon Minstrels. play in
Elmira. on Satnrdiy everting' next. This
company soppo.ta the best band that travels.
Attention is especially directed to the new
clothing goods advertisement of the popular
Clothing House of H. Jacobs.
Seneca Amid affil carry teachers to li en
Albany, tojKl*.he Teachers' Association
at 75 eent4 - there ant return.
- 1
General gym. M. Gregg, a prominent citi
zen of Elmita, an ex-soldier, died In Tank
bannock where be.was visiting on Friday
Edaar4 Nicholson, of Athens, aged shunt
thirty year*, wax run over by the car at
ilayre, - while catching a ride on Wedneaday
eveningtof hat week.
We publish this week an interesting letter
from our young friend Geo. W. HimberlY,
descriptive ? ' of the county along the Northern
Rev. C.-T. flidlowell, on Sunday evening
last at the Repast church, preached an elo
quent sermon from the theme: "Thoughts
suggested by the attempt. to aeAsasinate the
Dfr El len" Madden, has returned from her
visit to ber•brdtber in Pittsburgh.: She %T i ent ,
; to Sew York on Tuesday to select and •
chase goodi in order to re-stock her millinery
store for the fall trade.
There isilt be a Castle of the Order of the
Knights.. 4 the Golden Bale instituted ‘itt
Meadville shortly, with 40 charter members.
This Order is in a flourishing condition ell
over the county.
Mrs. Liston Bliss died in Troy, Wednesday
evening Aug. 31. She had been an invalid for,
several years, but bore her suffering with
ehriatiau fortitude and resignation. She
leaves 4 devoted husband bat no childred to
mourn her early death.
Albert Adriance, a brakeman on thesSouth
ern COntral railroad, fell from a freight car at -
Sayre on Saturday last, and was ran over by
the caboose; from the effectof his injuries he
died on Sunday morning. He resided at Un
ion and was makinghis that trip.
Rev. C. H. Wright preached an able.and
eloquent sermon oa the "Character and life
of Garfield," at the Methodist church, Sun
day evening last. His text was from GeD. 2,3,
chap. 6 verse. Thou art a mighty Prince
among us.
The Teacher's Institute of Boadford county
will convene at New Albany on Friday of this
week. We* would have .been glad to have
published earlier an extended notice -of
the Institute meeting, . but no notice was
handed us with authority to do so; until this
week. • ; -
John Hunter, of Barclay, notice ,0fW1:44
failing from a third story window at thetenry
House on Tuesday night of last week appear
ed in our, last week's issue, died of his in
juries at the Henry House on Friday morn
ing-last Hia remains were taken to' Barclay
for interment.
Company E. 52' Regiment Petmaylvanis
Infantry Volvnteers, will bolds Re-Union
and basket at Mountain Lake on
Tuesday October 18. All members of Cont.
P&07 7 /LA,s9bkillatyr and 'all ex-soldiers, are
cordially ii' -- niUArtio attend.
hinuillfyrs Kingsbury, pastor of a — church
Vermant, preached in the Uniieraslist
church On Sutulay morning last. Miss K., is
a modest yet earnest christian woman, and
-eloquent ,Cjilscourie breathed the true
spirit of devotion. She will receive the rite
of ordinition Sheshequin on Thursday,
Sept. 8.
Rev. Pepper, of Belvne,Ohio, will visit To-
Wands in the near future and give s lecture
in the interest of the Irish Land - League.
Rev. Pepper 111 a Methodist mieister.who haw
just returned from a trip through the north
ern part-of Ireland, which he made for the
purpose of observing the conditiolof the peo
ple in that eection. Northern Ire/and is mid
by the English to be the most prosPeronspor
tie n of Ireland, but Rev. Pepper reports them
u being the meat merry ridden, miserable
people, he thinks, in the world. Ho will no
doubt have a crowded hill when be lectures
We clip the fallowing notice -of Um' mar
riage of 'Prof. 3. W. NoirisliOste .4 this
count7,now engegoil la tesebing satin'Wield,
Missouri, from tbe Webster noway 'News, of
August 25th: •
Itticamo—ht Alps, July 28th, 1881, by
her. J. L. Phoeolit;Prof..7. Norrbh„ Prim
cipal of Warabil4ibtPatdio Schools, to MIM
871042. itve14;41,44 4 :ia. - -
Prof. liartiiih.:-alabbilirlied
-armed : logintitaa this along* and re
ooteitiketaridisitAlga.,:llo4l ilearW
Aiehgratidoithselioto = hiii - lottelehtoldetigla
here. We ratehil la Abe ProL , eo)lrs. Nor
dish our eisetete *blow for theirfObini-PIP"
Orem sad slope that all their Width* an
impel iota , my tamale than.
Tetetiers.' Aiwa4agioria: lett
_413.0 as
follows: - • :
Sept. 3. Toinulds; 12, Gianyll44l44tre; 13.
Cokluil*l-8it,46;124; Willi P.:04 IVGill
le* /6; ppatlel Onotit,,l7, Albans; 19," !M
-ad, P. 434 . 1 2); Wistalistlll2l.lPithili Bill 22;
'4 1 .* 11 1 11 4: 2 3 5. Oihuniifie4; sofr
soeums.:,:- - _ - - -
Asa 11.1111i;* titcbghAd
North (knell; 6, Warren - Cen4li4e. *4 SW .
1,1 0114000,,.Eaat StiganiOdi
:Onnton; 19# liololl, -, Vinvanda:
144:4144**.:' •
Tne Mutual fail Alliance will bold a
convention %%Ile* Larserrille,- Slawiriehanns
CO., Pa., 0911iliagiejng Sept. 90th. Tbe.con.
doctor wiU bOrof.. IL E. Cogewell of- Savar: it;
km, Po. ThomtLYUl_____
tone days and will end with a plums OODCeirs.
The Alliance now 'lambert over 400 members
and la in a very flourishing condition.
• Prayer for tag Preside
twice* Were held in the 'Towanda chur
ches, on - Tuesday at Lt. a. m., in compliance
with the recommendation of Gov. MA
Prayers were offered for the recovery of the
ioanded President. Heroes elsewhere. there
his been no thought of difference in creed or
filth, oar Catholic brethren have mingled
their prayers with those .of Protestants for
the noble. Christian man. who has borne his
napiralled sufferings with an unquestioning
faith sad fortitude.
Only about a year since Mr. and Mrs. H. 0.
Seaman. of Parrisburg„ former'y of Wiwi,
am bereft of a beautiful child, and they
made the sad 'Oars°, to Wynn for the Inter
ment. Nov again they are stricken with the
loss of a dear little daughter, aged 6 years' 11
months and 3 days, wito died of membraneous
croup at liarscaburg on Saturday September
3. They brought her remains to Wysox on
Monday last for burial. sad they were deism
lied in the (ternary beside the one• sotto ha--
tote, on the arrival Of the train at the depot.
/IL Seamus ia employml m the &Sim Mali
service on the vinis lhitbroad and
esteemed by t PostOfil Department as
one of its most competent and hathfil em
ployes. Mrs. Seaman is s daughter of Mr. Z
Coolbaugh, of Wysox They have the am"
Pithy of a large sir* et
Passel. in a boat on the river bank. The
-ovner can have the lame be eatting at the
reahltnee of 13. J. Allen, State strut, and
Proving Pnvertr and mingle" this natio a.
SI, will men allow &Washes. to suffer and
their noble Horse? when Kendall'. ligsvin
Lore 'WWI Prot** will remove all aufhw.
AU ' f rOM has sod boast. nes ad.% • .
0 W. Wax, County Bopt.
Again Ittrisken.
—1412 - Helen refiqite4 qoes,
Grim. on friday' iat., '
--Mrs. 1., L. Mean, is spending week at .
Eagleamere, Sullivan aeon ty.
.ikz. P. Bronson. ibpened riebnol at
Wpilnaing on Mondarlaid.! z
—Pruitt/oat Wile*, of the Water works hes
been in town for a few days.
—Mrs. Emily Bowen of Warren, is the
guest of Mrs. EAU= and Mrs. Keene. .-
-ViiWarn B. Shaw and finniki of **dog
ton. are in town. the guests of. W. A. Mini-
—Kiss May Adams has returned from Block
Isßad, where she has been spending the
heated term. , •
—Mu Ella Friable of. Orwell has been
elected tesober in the Graded . . school of . this
Place. - _
Aim. Dr. Stewart has:returned from his
vaeationand resumed services last Sunday in
the Presbyterian church.
—Mrs. John Simpkins and two daughters
are the guests of Mrs. John B. Smith, North;
Towanda. • : -
—Ez43heriff Spalding. of Athens, who has
been at the sea shore for some weeks for the
benefit of his health, is 'topples with hits son-
In-law. J .W. Mix.
—J. Deb. Montanye. of Plainfield,. N. J.,
was in town for a law days last week, be
ing called here to attend the tonersl of his
—A. Beierlir Smith, Esq., his been ap.
pointed State Grand Commander of she
Order of Knights of the, Golden Rule for
Pennsylvnucia., Mr. Smith will, we do not• :
uoubt, make a competent and Able
—Mrs. ; H. C. Stephens of Standing 'Stone,
township, will Ware on Tuesday next:, to loin
her hnsbanci at Fisk,Alair Co., . lowa. Mr.
Stepbeni left Bradfor d Co., in April 111
He will make his futnie home in lowa.
Tracy, of ifiehnount, Alleghenyi
county, N. Y., eldest brother . of H0n..11. W.
Tracy of Standing ' Stone, died at his resi
dence id the former p plane, on Thursday last,
Sept; 2d 1881, aged abon6l3,Tears.
—Unfit. Williams,. sop of H. N.' WiMints,
Esq.,l passed examination before ttitt. Military
Board at West Point. _He *as perfect In all
the required studies except Arithmetic. His
excellence in other branches secured a letter
from Gen. Howard to Cotigreseman Jadwin„
asking for Williams' re-appointment. He
will have from the present time until next
June to prepare for examinatien and will
undoubtedly succeed. '
Rev. J. S. Been, for five years past Rec
tor of Christ Church, Episcopal, of this. place
Will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday
morning next at 10 1 X, o'clock. Mr. Beers goes
to Massachnsetn in response to a call • from
the church authorities of that State, to take
general' oharge* of missionary work in liana
chusetts. His field will extend over the
whole State. He has faithfully and consci
enciously discharged his dation as the *tot
Of the, Church here.pndtis departure will be
deeply regretted by many warm friends.
garrisburg Bator Abet.
Friday night last Kilburn Chandler, oity
editor of the Harrisburg Patriot, was insulted.
by one Hairdlion in the presence •of dies.
- An slterailion ensued and Hamilton, shiot
Chandler, "Aireaking his leg below the knee.
It is thought that mnpulation will ho neces
sary. The wounded man sprang for tho throat
of his muctilint" and choked him until taken
Knocked Dow* by •TAteees.
Andrew Gresham, of Athens, Pa., was as - -
Banned' on the street at that place at about
nine o'clock Friday night last, with the evi•
dent intention of robbing him. Gresham is
a German about twenty years old, and in the
employ of the Bridge Company at that place.
Be had been to the postoffice and was retatia
i ng, wben,pr luting down Bridge street where
a half dozen rbwdies bad congregated. He
was importuned by one of them for a dollar.
Upon replying that he had no dollar he was
knocked down, and the others coming'to the
ridfliatAritudigaucup-tbey went through him,
but finding no raltiables,thei aimed
Imes on. The night being qUite dark and,
Gresham a comparatire stranger in the plebe,.
he is unable to 'identify any of the party.—
Elmira Advertaser, Itobikty.
resehere Association*
Inarimuch as the trains on the &L. 8.
do not ran at times tc acoomodata per
sons attending the Aptoolation ezoept for
the Friday evening session. ,resort to other
ways Jof waren:ice Will be necessary.
Persons anningto Towanda bY rail can. be
acoommodated at' reasonable , rates by , ap
plying to & L., Arnold or E. E. Buffington,
either personally or by !attar. The larger
the mud* desiring to go the - better the
,Eerron—Aii yens ininireptiers
have hen informed, that pie-nies are "boom
ing" hi this section; I thought it would net
be out of order: to give a description ,of the
last but not le*, on the Hat. The M. E. 8.
84 of tfdirplice_cenvened at the Chetah on
Wednesday; ling._ 8Ist; at . an early' hen?.
when the expeotatioes of many,
who bad anticipated an excursion , to Norm
taln Like; lk was decided, on 'account of the
oppressive heat and dust,-to turn oar course
loiiiid the piewint groie of Itro,B-43taikin:i
who kindly gave a :alt:the privileges his
grounthuLaifoil. ! Altbotigh there, was no
Martial: Afted97. to.rouse .the ;"ruril del:d
iens" to stare,.tutive quietly wended• our way
to:flit trate, upon arrival, 1191 -were 110011434-,
livened by Mud*, both instrumental and
°venal. faratehed by-members of the school. l• •
ilt was thought by some, that' owing to the 1
izireme heat and dust, the attendance would
be man, but thanks to our friends, who roan •
githered at the grove, (theirlaskete "gr6an
irig with the heavy load of chicleen and other
'good things") the number was estimated at
nearly _throe hundred. While the eatablei
INN being conveyed, from the baskets, to
the tables, the children were enjoying them
selves at the swings. Dinner being innermo
st% they were soon gathered at the tables;
where lemonade, ' candies and other good
things in abundance, -were provided. After
all had partaken, - saul the tablei Ogled.
fully satisfied Shit a "table plc-mo" is "just
the thing'! the audience were entertained a
short . time, by remarks, from Rave. Newell
and Vaaltirk, after which more music, and
swinging, _completed a pleasant day for all
present' •‘: -;_. . -s. • • 1445.
itept. 33, 1881. : , 1
now gooe toSeranton,
Mrs. G. A. Lent from Miele:ter . N. Y., i►
visiting Art Immo* Tigrlor, and rib.
Mrs, Mettle Z. T. Olait from Begat Ban.
came home to spend a few weeks, was taken
sick add has been serioask ill br Pad
(oar leeks, bear that' they Dow enierf.airk
- hopes,of bar recovery. - • - '
*Bev. Augastits Lung, of Minden N. J.:
preached in the Baptist- chnich. Aug. WI
His test was nit is Pinished. 4 ! His discourse
was able and highly interesting.
Prof. W. B. Brown, of Borne, has gone
West, wititithe porposoof settling in that sec•
Lion of the country. : . •
The. ptiblithers of Rey. Dr. Robinson's
"Spiritual Songs for the flimdey-Solusd" hue
just Mimed a little book eonteining only the
nymus of that work and MUM; • for (11111411 a
the money.' 'lt will be a fold desirable sup
plement to the large book. greatly increas
ing its usefulness, and placing is within that
reach of the largest mhadou-scamolei The
new edition is prettily boaud in flexible red
cloth. and costa but 20 cents. The complete
tans edition. bound in, stiff_ boards, !wired
with red Moth,. With 'red edime, sorteiO cent.
to eohoste.'ants rid hit the
sake or the letter work hate mounted up
into the.sooree of thousands since its tune
Yes; ego. (Tmt Oximmr Co. New Tork'S`,
Good arnspasts- ifiptimtibikl, Num; 48 : - ,
7 111 10, 20 * Igr : noltkihreo4 91111-
11040Pilleeistod MAO'Sib re.
elm - when. the Rugby ioliny founded by
Thomas Haigh... author of, 'Tout Brown,"
is. There is an Installment of "itildred's
Cagaice," the serial story now running; a
complete star3'; an artiisla about the helm
operatives of Idanshestsr. England; 'Tour
Days in Torktourt;" apropos of Om approach
ing oestansialeelsbratka therm and various
sketch* poems and shoil articles.
• SW itiaber, and
On ThursallY,airnimilleat'a held robbery'
And dastardly Ousanit was committed Rani
ilfe - Pereon of Obaritis Breimari.'!4 Oieritin
township this county, at a winded spot on
ihe road nom Towanda twiltbens at a point
lower Ulster where the road is crossed by
liernbak Bun. It appears that Brennsti bad
- been employeirwith his team at Bath, N. Y.
and was on his return after baying been paid
off for his work. Beaching Waverly on Thus
day be fell in with Henry . Wheeler and Frank
Warren, - with whom be spent, some time. the
party inulging in drinkiog. - Widle in their
company-Brennan exhibited his moue% soute, i
seventy dollars. In theAtternoon he started
With his team proceeding on toward
home. reaching Hemlook Bun at about dark.
Bo states that two men drove it'll him beibre
be•reselted that point *ban be thinks were
Wheeler and Winn, and when be _ came
there, he found a bone before a buggy
wagon tied so that the' wagon blockaded the
road. As he halted ar the obst r uction, two
men with clubs -:prang into the rear of his
wagon before tu4ras aware of their presence
and struck him senselsacwith clubs end rob
bed him of $7O and The unfortunate
man was found bl- . Elijah Granger, who took
him to his -house indturiedbim into life and
took care of bhp and his team until morning.
On - . .-Friday morning Hr. Michael Divine
brought Brennan to town' and: lir t , Granger
drove his horses.. He was taken totthe aloe
ofDrs. D. pi. and B. o.Newton.who found hint
severely Wounded. There was e. fearful gash
on the right temple three inches in Sunni));
the right eye was wallets shut and the right
cheek badly bruised and swollen, and. the
eye and cheek lisoolored and blackened. His
wound was sewed up and dressed by the doc
tors, when he ites taken to the Henry House
and he there w4t to bed, and remained then
several days under medical care before be
was able to go oat. Chief of Police Burns
was given charge of the task of hunting up
the robbers, at about 2 o'clock, r. x., on Vri
day. He went to Athens and procur ing Dow;
itable Sherman of that place .to aid him.they
Went on to Sayre, and with John Beeman as
driver, they followed up the faint clues until
with the Aid of Chief Brooks, of Waverly they
succeeded in bagging their game during the
night. They found that Wheeler and War-.
nerhathired a livery rig on Tburadal after
noon and returned with it late in the night.
They Also, found newtons who described the
rig and the men s they passed on down the
road through Uister.—illso kwonsan who saw
two men alight from a buggy and go into the
brush and , cut clubs but a short time prior to
the robbery and not far from the place. These
men were arrested—Warner at Waverly and
Wheeler at Athens, and in cuatody of Chief
Burns were brought to Towanda and locked
np. There wasa bearing before Justice Hal.
who issued the warrant, on Friday afternoon.
The prisoners were brought in, and their
victim in a very feeble condition was also
present D. C. DeWitt appeared on behalf of
the Commonwealth. e 1 Williams and Angle
for the defendants.-
Commonwealtlienot being prePared, s
postponement of the hearing was asked until
Monday.'-which 4 Was granted. and the prison
ers were agaliflocked up. On Monday after
noon they limo swain brought before Justice
EMI epd hold for court without
Northern District Convention Z. o.iof G. T ,
The fifty-fourth quarterly session of the
Northern District Convention L 0. of G. T.,
of Pennsylvania. was held in the Prethyterian
Church in Herrick, Pa., Angcurt•thlth and Slat.
Rev. George 0. Hart, G. W. C. T., was pres
ent during ,the entire session;
H.E. Chase,
W. C. T., presided at the first days' sessions,
and G. C. Hart the second, 'which were open
to the public, and all present were invited' o
participate in the proceedings. E. B. Powell
was seeretary pro tern. .•
. Reports from Lodges and Deputies were
made and subjects discussed as follows, viz:
"The objects of District Mover:lllcm." 'hy G.
0. Bart. "What Goodlemplos have accom
plished and what they propose. doing in the
future, by Rev. S.P. Wright 'and Rev. G. C.
Hart. "Hoir can we secure the hearty co.
operation of all temperance people in - our
work for prohildtion." by 0.. T. Chubbuck and 1
T. EL Camp. "Whet Meilen. the , yemeeill
• of :our Lodgei,'` by W. H.; alviipli_w. wow.,
C: L. urcom, a se*. J. a - , Bodifergi IL L
lano, and H. E. Owe. , "What are the do:
ties of dolt& thinkers to - thee s
Cause, by William P. HOrtoo. E. B. Powell
and Mrs. 0.. T. Clinb -"The Tummies
outlook," by G. O. Hirt. ' -.,- 1
At the close of G. 0. Hartlifivening
Hon. George Linden offered the tolloiing;
which - was unanisnou* e_dePiedi
Re/robed, That in view of the facts stated, f
'we are more thin ever convinced that the
system of lir license as a beverage is a
fraud, incises le alike of either &maw or de
fence and should be abolished by Oonstitu
clonal amendment. - _ , -..
The Committee on relolitiOris reported as
L Resolved, Via'ini gnitefully'solurowl•
edge the blessings bestowed upon us by the
Giver of all good since oni last meeting.
_: 2..Thsl - , we davit eielleithiee with .our
Chief Magistrate and members of his family
m 'their afilictions tad- sufferings , Wised by
the dastardly and criminal attempt to tale
his life; that, that act was a blow "hired not
only at him, but at our rights at. sovereign
citizens of this nation; that we regard is
great crime as but one of the many crimes 1
1 resulting , from, our public sins. We deeply I
1 sympathlie with all' the many victims of na
tional or public sin and crime, and as individ
nab we hereby, pledge ourselves to reamed
-efforts tOzipe nut all national, State and in
dividual sanction of the most prolific source
- of orlme,—the liquor trod*.
S. We condemn In the strongest possible
terms that exercise of tyrannical power
'which denies the people of this State their ,
constitutionally guaranteed right to express
their will upon the uestion of adopting suck
constitutionalest as will forever pro-
Whit the trail* in. Intoxicating .beverages in
this Cothinonwealth; that , we cannot en - our
" way' clear toward securing'such right by the
support of: parties that refuse and 'dare not
promise - the use of their power and inluenee
to that end. -_ ~_,
4. We'declaxe it to baliris detaruilned put
. pose in the future to vetirtnly for such men
and candidates of the* parties, whose posi
tion and pledges sterinequivocal upon this
most ilePerieetorfeition befor e chi of
our State.: .--,',-,'_- . . • • ..-
These were considered' Separately and
Us% nimously sdopthd. , It was suggested that
the sense of thii - C;onvention bet pstrin dn&
form, and that Hon. titers. Laillon, a dele
gate to the ' epithlican State (lineation, to
Mimi in tarristrarg September„,,?lttr, be re.
quested* present the same wit; 'mire if
possiblethe arligion of a resobtahn, pledg
ing : the - , patty in
,favor , of submitting such.
constitutional amendmen t to a into of the
Pectok,ot tb• State.: . ' ' ' : 1
A - cmiatfieeloni on tidies appointed to
Carif."Olgt UM . sosgellilon and ibr report in
mistime' as to oilabts to leviesytnonsider-
AitioaMetw ePlewelle,*Aelidiff l 4o the lei
- -1 ., . ', ” I ftiaWo ,W . -100 1 14
record of WitiooOhnittidi - erolr
Twee/ tad' eVaWa11.,,t,, 4 ,' Weal , 11 04.. 1
That our -00thltiiidthittlthWom to the'peo - 4 i
'ple their: kiffetildtdc.:4l-nniong which
. are enumerated - that-of/16 mid liberty in the
pursuit df happiness, W.A. right "to otter,
reform or abolish their lowertumnkin.-nash
-UMW Seiko alkft inks *Pe *' - : =That to
deny - tie itumartustly to muds* this
right is practically equivalent to denying the
right itself. It is saying we will nullify yOur
rights by our might. . .: • 1
The right to: Who In alcoholic Wager
is not an‘, indefeasible one ,It is nary - a priv
ilege granted by dahlia through the court;
and May be withheld or otherwise as wisdom
may dictate. , -.• • I
Many to tie limmblican party are strongly
impressed' with the Mignitude and enormity
of the evils reedits& /tom the liquor tradlo.l .
The people petitioned. the Legislators by
thousands and thus of thousands for the op.
portunity otioting on the question'of refits
ing license. They voted by tens and hun
dreds of tbOusonde against lima under.the
leans of the " local Option raw,* but their de s
claims under that law, as wallas their rights
were ruthlessly snatched from them' and'
ifpnphmt *Wed*, end- the, were
even th e privilege at - abusing pi acelimatiag,
the., and the instrunthifth of their dishtithe
were baittillailt latilatiOttlet the silugititik
their_esimind wort. 1.4 • - , - ' , ,
.: ' T he tisiiitthe , is now nesaselnif store .:du
limiteptoportimes e and, is taking a form that
will snake islets., iwomirMit. - It is not now :
as to.whether probibitionlerlititr Milbt**
is Is Vol holkilo *kw* . conguilltidefl *IP - .
totaion, bittErat wAstfiecitie eight ei g In** ,
the founders of out goremumat staked their_
tivie t ibeir thrums did their • oorlet him*
are really of any -TOM lithe , pratmet day.,
Were tbn P 4ll or Vs NM 42s we log vs* *
Mad neirow Minded to stry4eot and defetidetir
lOU ny the mama tibA air. sto_oooola .
fur Oki Wrist iT the . , ~. :. 1- - ..
Are the Mill og toper], to pig MOM
. . , .
mend than thettied given sights of hmosent
pm* who" ite - lisde 16 MAW *lest guts
IMP Erin mime is s trespassnpoit Mite:
PilisreoluPlalatflave 101140.1*Ilsig -
lbw" O°lW/on- of ta is beaked bb the de;
mami: Pay oe I take you Property or hwea%
Cella, ions pima, Pat Ai rigida of men to
grog, (Watch most of then) will admit they
are betty sit without), esamaniide,nt the*.
of the en the- othio l, lind let
itiallanem man >j in fistula sib! vales
the matter to 'Mali he trillwive prefeseemn -
[ Shall the
_tootle Note the - opporsunity of
Impressing theirwilljts the sostterts the Ant
question to be settled? .This banded th.m.
The second is as tombs% it sbalt-bis.._
The liquor interest : hi Parki
r -41 10 .414
The fact that II keeps the - qWestiou friona
Gaming to an lua Ware the pee* is irk*
of its own imitenititekmintes and satsitial-
Una .to their -,tree
,*tewests. It respects no
prinelph)-=no rights of nun. • - • ,
The action of thellepoblican Connection
will be awaited with intonate: , , ,
The next regular' lOW= of the Dlstriot
Convention is tote held at "Calton.
Mrs. kart. D. artarativige,
widow of the late Joseph, *two- Men
tiottet whoseslapierisuilinesi was mention
elitist weak; &Odin Wilda' . AO lamas:ion
Wait her residence on Main Street, aged :Ist
years. Since her marriage over fifty yeati
ago she had raided iris ads gdao. and her
friends sle numbered by the esteitfef hir
large acquaintance. ithe was the only
daughter of the late
_: Abner 0. Rockwell the
'first Sheriff of this county. Her husband d4d
* little over a year . ago;. ~ .4)f her Immediate
family . two sons only remain:.. 3. Deis.
Plainlield, N. 3.4 - and- pr.lester D.,
_of this
place. Though in feeble health since her
husband's death. her dezdso had beanstalk&
pitted bat a few days prior to her death. She
•was a devoted member,' being one of the
earliest and oideit..l of the Presbyterian
church here and did much in her younger .
&welt/at • ths ,congregation was small in
establishing the church. - She was a trldy
christian'wife and mother. and in every re
lation of Life aimed to do her whole duty,
The fa oral ceremonies were observe('
from her late residence An Friday afternoon
at 5 o'cloca.
Xrthl Sandi C,ote,
died at tier residence in Macedonia, kaylgin
township, - August 28, 1881, aged 85 yeais.
Mrs. Cole whose maiden name was McNeal,
was born in one of the lower counties of this
State. She married John Cole, about the
year 1815 and settled in Asylum, where she
resided up to her death a period of 'B6 years.
She was left a widow in 1850 with a large
familyiseveral of there too young to proiide
for themsetvek.who wervreared respectably
and suppported by hir Indefatigable Indiiti
try. She was Cut motheret etevenchildveitc
nine of whom are living. She leaves forty
grand-children and upw.arde of twenty great.
grand-children. Five of her sous served
faithfully in the Union Arniy during the war
,of the rebellion. Of these Dr. A: J. Cole, of
'Mansfield. Tioga countyservnd as a Sur
geon. Wm. J. Cole, liebt the rank of Captain
and Commanded Company 0.1415 t Regiment
Pewee; Volunteess.- - This° others =were in
the ranks, and three o u t Of the live 'wore
severely wounded. Up to within a short time
prior to her death, which quite sudden
she tended and cultivated a large gaiden
with herown hands. A woman of remark
able industry and -endaranbe, she &come..
plished all she could. with the means a her
.command and was never idle. She wet fami
liarly known among her 'friend; as .'Aunt
Sally." From an early age she was a zealous
member of the Methodist Bpboopal dilrob,
with which she maintained a consistent
The funeral services were observed at the
Macedonia church on Tuesday Aug. 80th,'
largely attended. Rev. C. Ba Wright, .of Abe
M. B. Church, Towanda ineached an eloquent
discourse, apd the remains were laid to rest
in Macedonia cemetery, •
• Col. Hendrick 4. WtiOt one Of the most
prominent Laminas men, and Pilitiolans of
Wroming'Valle,y, Mad ii Wilkes-Barre Sept.
2d r aged 70 yeart.'llerluerillian half seen.
tnry he had been an active - member of the
Laserne 0:01,ty Bar. !holt& an uncompro-
DemocraTifirity - s, yet the honesty of
tomollies and the parity of his loyalty
16 conAtry here never questioned: Be Fas
einpkatically the friendpf the laboring man
and his friendship was not confined to empty
professions of regard. In every good work
that would advance the interest of his nativf
city. in every effort to relieve the necessities
of the pior, he was ever t foremost with oioon
heart and libenl band.. l In the dark days of
17, when there was an much want and suffer
ing among the laboringiciassewin the valley,
he gave awartons of bread and other provis-•
• lons to the starving poor. Col.. Wright won•
pied many positions of trust.. De several
timesl'represent his District in r, t Congress.
Though born to wealth end high woolsl peal.
tiom yet he endeavored to represent the
cause of the lowliest laborer as well as that
of the most influential constituent. Els
protubut eulogy will be 'found lathe elogoent
tsars of the thousands who fMind in him a
Reweave benefactor Ind a true Mend. '
Arotriord County Trackers'
The runt meeting of the Bradford County
Teachers' Association will be. held at New
Albany, Sept. 9tb and 10th Inds. l
Every effort is making to have thi s l 0.1110::
ant stlren ea trttsdtable ssestfgl ``With
teschers from ail parts of , the county will
Askant thensetwes tilt and try to . be Yrea-,1
Tho - naleinit, the *elm tope Of ,
exercises as far as we have #sea -able town.
range it:
Address—" How Our Lew'
Hon. E. L. Rini". .
Etiquett:-AnniS. Eiim*Ye;
Natural Science in our Common Schools,
Prof. E. E. Quiiilan.
. common FracnOns,--deo. If.' Unshod!.
Politicol oeeitaeldiff.--oniten3L Oshoniei,
Addition andflanstrietketeEditard /*Mi.
Longitudewnd Time,—W. V. Nagai.
4. W. Erin. ;;.
'CIVBSTIONit sea omen, Dirmarorr.
1. Tq what eetoettellee the -Belem' 44404
culture be taught liver ,
2. Is the yractiii'at beeping the school; re*
parte on sheeti of paperfandaftertrati . IsoOn•
ing them Into the books advisable,: or even
S. Hai ' t IdicAtkmal enl4lo - at the
tonnirrakbattal***Ask l o.o o 4seticic*,
-so bow nut it be :twedwiewewitiv i ttlies
'More ? -
0, meclll ; tiritiid s ta44 'to the
• 4 : 1 6'1 4 - * l l 4 l Ai 40t/
The tomittlekit siniii,*to*gra
:tifinif itainc T it. x*Jatiirir4:
BP)", J. Apo sea r. L
-Stmigere; de:all they raw reakeit
- pausal fortos. stssoffili6 40fo:
detsismaal WA to be loaded other places
in her seal writ- interest in - the edseatinnal
I YOriAtthlt Acii4l;
B. C. thaw
zur '417.
AU 01..j0S .114 "everibotr.-.dietdd hear* .
10 mind, that tha Great Opeaiad ar• the
blest;: this intent till=-In Wl*"
Maths' Tows** Theitcisk.ortubow
biota and 111$4, 'Hata atteghitia Ott Kane;
Bola' and Chthinaiiip wear;,;4o*l the la r gest
and most elegait stock wee "main Bradord '
minty; AU we can sittew. to that th,0020-.
eat.wonder isi:ilmi - -01011dai Tiedieive Idiot*
of la dd.: asettesoltil an acipi
aathaftieat*ottitiClothist Rows tassaid
in oaf tors-; , .Tbs beat& that wed*. .
A/iota. larf***•# 7 7l`titt: ll !!-ffiaY
tlO OB - 1 : 1 01-!**- 1 # 11 - 1
talFol-11 1 tit.:Paitai
'...ZiortnitiNallit , 4l4odl4ok, Ida
Of **IC latiOCJltOltialttt .0 1 04 . P0i tht•
la** - hata)*iall' - `.sl6C4 l oo4lll;laitt*
:lasttalataiSilaatithaaatt ►*lS*
-.ladhattrAtitia4koi *jut
ikiltettitillaitleatalithikand‘addlei . hOdie s
atatallat prOpieetty fit_ 16e ' k~r~i TbS7 bars
toilkettiplei 4 ***,
mos 0.#1 , 1&
I 'W 4l 4, ll . l oofilatiii . iiiiii 11110 . 14 := g!;•
' tax -11,9theatattlakigi
-:.,,-';'.. I': 'I.
.14 I •
. •
r.a.ovivzs .rwiKamixbrea. -
sitaleirsietAssy- of $4 00 0 104 ,,40. 11
Wilnignssisthissiolkbark4oll l 4lo*
XsOstei,, thS,
*thartsirthreassaCarscPaarsiVOrs •
slathers smisedisiliisthrsii*****
OrsathsailkOsiwid l4lo44 -6 1 61i1004*
clonaoitotthe.sololo-0t=1 . 14 , •
that Nhetb-ftuthitreet thtwellti ,
hes ontoinbart'and Swhaty4he
feet where saidritraatl4 l o ll6,l aUthe
'stets of Willianildis;wid Wildintate
hnd -North; 'is that: said 'street VII belifty!
(60) feet in width from the: &kitbags of." the'
estate of . --.ilfsw-Idisined: ha opeinifd, and: it
hereby ordainedd tootgibi
bud isrs nOrttely o
and dheetiOnst
o d three feet west of the
south-met - Corner ..of Damsel Viktpleer lot
therioa north Ildegs. west onilnuntrid nal
two (t111)1 1 01004 oonsit thstinivinittit: 14U
degs. wset.-allinandredlintlind*Winge
of YinfilirashnsnorthWi t riat
1 , 00.14Tea110 ati4.0 4 0141111.11.111 000
feet • Neethihnieth a - -":;abow
0P4314 _•:;thesee oath 41INIdess. east wean
hundredea& sdaids , Me7 - and. tra
. Iftis4o lad los mast on - nottlillihri of
Lamta • thence west for e = 45) . het
on ninth awe Zambia drat lapis,* of
Odi be it forthecordMited by the *Waal
aforesaid:. That'spullet street forjy-three
Yd{) feet In:wid 4 6e knots' as. Slate
street, to be opened. and is hereby ordained
and opened from Main street west according
Was following courses and distances.
Beginning at a corner, are and four4enths
(5 440) feeinortb of the aerthssost earner of
the wall of the - Wm. Watldn's house on west
line of Main street; thence South 87 dm.
39 see , west seven hundred and slaty nine
and four-tenths (789448) feet to, a corner,
forty-three and five-testier , (48 50) fees
south of the south-west corner of the Ellen
Ward Miller house; thence - south" 87 OM
west sixteen hundred and forty and seven
tenths (16407.10) feet to a eorner,• thence
north 44 d. ogs 85 see., west three hundred
and Wanly feet to 11 COMEX in the west line
of aid Wreath,' thence 'lath U dogs. 25
see., east about =Om (52)1e5% along said
Scalp Oslo • ionier;
_th _ence southlitdeiga
35 sec., east three handfed and twenty4ive
(325) feet to a corner; thence north 87 dega s
east sixteen hundred and twenty and seven
tenths (1120740) feet to a corner; thence
north 87 dogs. 89 sec., east seven hundred
and sixty nine and four-tenths (70440)
feet to a earner cod west line of Main street;
thence south 8 degas 39 see., west forty-three
(43) feet along west line of Main Street to
to place of beginning. . -
And 60 it further ordained by the authority
aforesaid. That a public street forty (40)
feet in `width, to be Mown as Grant street,
to be opened and is hereby ordained and
openeL t rom Main street west according to
the fo wing courses and distaueem. •
•Be gat a corner in the west o f
Main street, at the north-east corner of L B.
Humphrey's lot; thence north 84 degs.
38 see., west two hundred. and. Ofty-slx and
screntyttlre one hundredths MB 76400) feet
along the north line of said Humphreys lot
to a coiner in in east line Second *treat,
and twenty-four (24) feet east of au ken pin
set in Centre of. Second street thence north
4 dogs. AO sac., east forty 440) feekto corner
in east line Or 1 134m41. Mat - theme mouth
84 degs: 30 see., east two hundred and My:
six and seventy-five one hundredths (230 75-
100) feet to a corner in mitt line, of Main
street; thence south 7 degs. 24 sea., west
forty (40) feet along west line at Main street
to place of beginnim
W. G. ALMS, Burgess.
Attest: 3". KINGISBI3IIY, Secretary.
TOWANDA, Pa., Sept. Brd. 1881. • •
At the repair monthly salmij of the
BoroUgh Connell held . Monday evening Sept.
Stb. 1881, all the members were present ex
cept Councilman Bahm,
The infinite.; of the •i last - regular meeting
were approved as published, an ippropriatimi
of twenty dollars was made for the payment
of the Band on the CletildoZl of the annual
parade of tie Fire Department.' sod' on asp-,
tion of Mr. Holcomb, the Connell resolved to
attend Ina corporate body to inspect the de
department antpirtielpate 3n the parade. ,
Bills amounting to nine hundred and
ninety-two dollars and four coati. "($99?.04)
were examined and approved by the linnet)
committee and orderapaid:
Pipe and coment•for ParkE . : 4lmin, Ira -
Ere departruenl s •:—_. -.. • . 83 97
Insurance, . • • -;.- 85.00 .
Stationary, - -t 55
Coddinau costs, •• • 850 '
Miscellaneous, 6
Total, - • • • • . 0999 Ot
iTildico Cadillac"reported' the meets of
John earregan,' Ben Davis. Michael monk,
ohn Keefe. Jeremiah libinabott and Wallace
BleManna, for Dnankanneei, &mord** con
dos:l;W llghting, 0 100 0 . 46 -ft?* but ho
, Seosy;
corner PitOCZEDIN6B.
Beptembe4r Term,liotichty fWaetabor 6th
Omni convened st 100. to. The usual pre:
limitary business of Making ukutkuul and
grantthg rules was triunieted.
The following • aimed persons were sworn
as Grand Jaren:, - • - .
Tamen, J. & ihtheiM &Wm; W.
Itrotin, At i l l i tu mr4townstlip; & D. &Woks,
Ulster; G. A. Towanda borough; J. D.
Comp, Wysinsinn; Chandiet. Wield, Pike;
Alpbetti. Decker. - lAtehlieldillt,ll Loomis;
Troy township; Qs, Itorttunp, Monroe born.;
'7" A. C ht ia*:fl PtiPick. Tro7
lx° 31 .4101 1 41PP•:- ‘ 1 1 " 10/0 "
Ati; rein.
Tusuutunt:raßlißinillOr i4ater; Bur
ton iloontom- Parlingtort hip; - Alen
awls" Wens; Bittleina .
Job,lllMetOrmat"Beid. , sh•-
S; itt;
' " t0Ze1q7(440 16 .
is* Mid/WOO fthm4nt into a dams - kw.
IL'Pecit 'DU aniqszinrHill„ T.
'll - Ruletqc • Po Joitusiott.
7 -,-- '' "t !' ' '• ~,-, • 1
_ _-: noar : Wir iciddkiittOrei ordered in August,
mwi . .,. gtheittlaiipentoprishw Arm have
~. _ kif-dli**l24ProsPer o4l fell and
* an :: immense stook
"Ofidbyeaii f
ah hinds. `When
ihebilillideliati - open. we are wand
est This ()Piot** in Oda loamOrer had xi_
large l atit:iharnieUelea in amorftnt of
1 14 44
general:nerekiift iiiliA! D. ' I sal Ai:viii,
disilisio "To tin 110111 , 4 _ 0 1 41,10 14
thellainUoit lit !the I*
, . „ , .
kittbi.kitsll?* . the goedbiltee rift
*i iiie,oo6o. , _ Irani Monogr la tie
said ditrible, :- • economical- of thee
Mal blat j IA the littit tieiiing on
144 1 40 -01 iiirlaWiiii store now lime. The
nig4., o,olifii—f *orked, alid.., therefore
mat roost rsaav =nage&
- :-..,.`,1n -- . • '" *Ate ' Mona yprktrAtove;
thkallogradeiltrime favorite ; A. ' Iktill
'4llitto., - idll obi for stile anothot*indknie
- 1 111 0 1 01_ hilifers'kulkwa pa the Woentraterza.
AM'arhoeintteutplate unsng a store for cook.
ingefliaating Pirlongee will says something
(y pareintaing as early in the amen as pO5.
Ole, arr there- to nearly shwa* a rise in
Woes daring: the cold "weather.' 'Manatee.
tatorgtalte L adiantagedd they Untamed de
zmand:43 liiiinsehoild foresiall,the advance
br ir iabing mitt Poiltalei•
Lfs: . ( :v - ittra3l4l/: t
ThE 00 , 1001i40 , 4d4 Rouse 4 , imi ict bs
tbiptiaipaat ChM* house in the innide,iii
- tiibeepsinitoidiatatiymniii*Saptembir
le** ft , abark.; in thalltiona .
Miht 04 , *:4 0 it 01 4 1 ) 'Ad ow* the
010edlith /WO, sat antrill*Makiirti
the linealllltaillaniare wear atieth Inaba
bought tor itattflaathalfilatail • 101" Pad
tot than beta& ,ealu roee
ot Itislowa atlztn hip_oll44l4kiloots
and litawai bita. t at . i
• n**, Wan as
thalma no, be *Alkai `ftlahMmat i -
aa •ft , ll'd 811,04
ead Slithi NW.
401 .10k 4 laisIt 1 4, 1 0 4 hirli fivele
16100111*W - -
yt the kidaitaaber
t,lll . .iothing
JOrrinf 1 lir. Sit, MAIWZDA
.._. - , _ , . , --;t. , . ,, z ,,, --..::-..„ - :‘ , . , .... - i...... - -- , : , -- -.-- -- -
, 17140101 have non Iwo sectdied of be.
3oilt:oo*llT• t ,iligoilii; yet I iceepted an* ,
1411010114"81604:110161 Aar e% .plaule at
Yftatilltoosuitis esti dal UM
'•' , 401 11 0 1-4 4 6114 lOarts
iiiiii**4o44,lol6 l 4 . ppoison
• is s iminineulsostb
*thitilk‘ll44lllo4•ll** riverfrat*
TheTinbininnoili„ool tot lienC contributed
*Rio 'lnlitenbag male. • ' , ..Tbik- 4 bandsoure
driti *Waf Lott, Jo one of the, riling
PV / 5i 124 4 1 .-. It/ -11 u 1 ** 1400
14110 .4810211 4
"siii J 1: W _ Hood o f Athoos , delivered
- au
aadras %Mika berfinibr of the Ws*
ft both intenathig-riad „Inidructivi. Bev:
J. 1).14th, pastor- nt_ ibis E. Church at
itthooPint. then announced that noir dike
- Weft alike late Ter would ready* a can 4 ,
Ow, which.would ba after the modern` style
01 1 Om a =I p, heavy similes. Op =and light
strokei down. Conuade James Kintner.
• aktbe Soldier's Bectolon at Gettysburg;
giegist tasty `pond the tree -under. which
1)411%4 Doidow bias klipikg tots doting
Gentfibialf.: Threasir the 'cons.
peary. WM. Dicker :Charlie., Vienna and
.Phiijie* were •* 1 4 1110 4,• at that ba
thing eared forts the temPteary hospital by
Su gceon /Muftis, Bev. Win..Shelp made a
brief and aggregriato egooak sad tbon Pre'
canted the four canesto .the iionodesi who
bad survived the chances of war and to their
beloved surgeOn -who resides In Whippany.
It Lau atonable; halide* mid who Ghanian
what emotions were awakened in **hearts of
the velem, who bad shared danger and suf
fering together. 'because they, loved their
country better than home or life. •
At Tunkhannock I lan the Lehigh Valley
railway for the "narrow gusge " which es
tends to Montrose, 28 miles dis tant.' When
within sin miles of Montrose. I stopped off at
Maoist oisosepeeting ground: .. This ii
in s beantifel grove near the station. There
are a number of co ttage, and ' tents facing a
court or scre at one end of which is the
speakers' platform and the seats of the -audi
torium. The Methodists of the district were
holding. camp-Me - Onus at the , Upon
my entrance into the enclosure my ears were
greeted by the fervid exhortation of a noble
ehriatian woman; - whose unselfish life speaks
more eloquent for the faith than any word'' of
tongue Or
How essi to worship Gain in; Icily tem.
pie baUt by His band. The very air of the
place was full of rut and ;Intl) in its seeth
ing quiet. I was charmed at meeting many
old friends. In Mrs. t 3.8. Nance. whose
graceful writings I had read with interest
many times, I recognised a .classmate of
Wyoming seminary.
A trip over the narrow guage would not be
complete without a visit to Lake Carey—or
Lake Garfield, as it is being re. christened.
Lake Carey is the name of a pretty little
sheeth of water, easily nestled among the
hills, over which this '"narrow guage" Mont
rose railway so sturdily climbs. The lake is
inthroupded by a fine grove of evergreens and
the 'Cool, pure breezes of that hill country
are healthful and invigorating. There are
plenty of fish in the lake; and, this summer
there his been plenty of sportsmen to take
them oat. A number of comfortable cottages
dot the eboresof the lake, which is beeoining
a popular resort-for people faun. arrounding
cities and towns. There is;. a goOd hotel at
the lake and plenty okroom in the groves for
camping out.
One of the largest and prettiest cottages at
the lake was built by Miss E. A. Martin of
Tonkhannock. It was built to rent; and is
atteS up with new Manure for the ammo'.
datioe of twelve or fourteen persons._- Mrs.
O. F. Cross silk family occupied it for several
With' an increase in acoummoditions Lake
Carey bids fair to become one of the most
popqthr summer resorts in Northern. Pain
sylvOis. M, L. B.
For Hate 'Terg Cheap.
&second hand„ two horse tread poWer - with
threaherand cleaner.- Also a large tobtilar
steam better, size 4 1 4 by 12% feet with
45, 4 Whiling. Address or beide.. of •
• , Ansiki 7 tar. E. G. OWllfi. - Wysoz, Pa.
560 43
102 UT
tnidentotilthat kdwft,
- susSisrawnwur ossasswarwsinforsatsietors
to rooms Over Turner 4t I/adonis drug store
and WuodfOrd -IrandorU's boot and: hoe
Vol* where! will keep orkl hand all kinds o
GOFFINSAICLI o,llol* from the• best to
the obespest. Any one in need of any thing
**line give me a call. , .
• P. have no connection with soya Mr.
Frost's establishments, 1
J.& Mus t Agt.
likmur rirsinailui-mr HOREB
idlia= power moinkd on wheels is
'POCIdde mad gay be easily hauled witk:s
team to any desired point. It is adapted to
ths' r.'propulslon of -Tgasinkno BLuinno„
wood sawing, feed auntie, portable as,
mill!, or any other light, machinery. It i!s of
emstruatlon. durable 94, sadly
mod. Msanfactured by Charbfferrigo
A Go.; Groton; Tompkins County, N. Y.
• O. W. HOLCOMB, _
F. General Agent.
.1, - .:lneieriPa., loft 21-W •
;IV* 'Mayon let your horses gaffer from
lameness when you can get Renders Spavin
Cure. bead their advertisement. I '
ittnannumna, Marsh 1, BIM Messrs. Ely
About Oct. r, I gays yonr-Vrearn Balm a
trial with the most satisfactory results. I.was
troubled with atonic Oatarrh and gathering
inial l i cw 4
b led. was ver
deaf at times and had
from my , besides being nn
pa th rough my nose; before the
lett* of your remedy eshausted
tred and today enjoy sound . health
whieh, please 111001 my airmen thanks.
o:*l.lDorans, PEI MmWut street . Yield
MAW. PidiedellPhil Pulb•
Warm i
da ltoszemaOidrUp
ugh in s
ter aud pea
siterusgmaCOsidh.,_tive been cured by
Ete's Crews WM. senie ot smell re
stored and glib Erma/ imProved• M.
guiturg patter trr Boots end Shoes, Ithaca,
ID oats- • 812ir:
Colgellad=roldtotts so compOunded
as to prod*. 1 soirasoloosoutes Is the_
!dotal, or Itatalcti - Sporia. Quo. Read
--14; B.
_has- luir teu m em o Bash.
Doors and; Winds, also ' and is
seeing cheaper th an any other ent
in Vannerivailla._
—Mn. S. Hinge* 'bas returned from the
*Arnie' all spring. style in Hats, Bon
astataho a Del line of *abyss. spl 1
G. L. Ross can sell Groceries very cheap
because his.enses are very light. His
eastonisis shalt have the bandit by buying it
thaTirst Ward Store. •
--Alt th e latest Myles in Ladies Hats and
CUM tillaVAl
_bulbs ladies at Mrs. H. L.
Mangos fuldosable Menem store, , Main
street, opposite theParti.
—Choice tuns it O. MYer's market;
Bridge Street. - May 19-4 f.,
Stash. lake Ash sad salt water dab at
O. M. Weft mute"; Badge street. _ _ _
f - ,3- may is4r
4—No charge tor delivering and done
promptly from o.IIC wen; lIIIAOt. Bridge
street. _ _ •194 t
Ea., Minim his allibe West sqlea
in Ilillinant and Paw (in win, s 0 1
Prunes. 14iiirne ;Mx, Ps.
Dr. Clerk Johnson* Wise Blood Syrup if
the best household - rontelo that is sold is
this country; it must be am:Med._
ens.. Whom.
1 • 4: r ' jul„,;A n g. 34, ARIL i st the
Vaniales . bY . Bev. 11.8.
Mr. D. Mow Of Pair
:M: and Mtn Oats 3. Cobb,
-Parsonagn, - "_ by Y.'
Harding, Mr. Dena O. of Tnacarora,
and Sias SU ti.Malarid,of &nib Auburn.
Pa. • ' -
.13. Lofton -of ::ollagaistatiaielisolog !boa
pasted to us ,
oposetko esti* of
01fok IM of - 80101#04
*owe is boroarigitio onasonew dazra,
wapoko tolowato
sos on pompom bolos dolikkogolaot
MOW fbo flow astlioa.
• ifolfh TOolutfo, ' Sol* I, 114. •
‘IOI3 . I 3 BINMIX—A.II bind
Flee' Job Priotin
ibumosp ard , 71 g a t imi„olar bwat
as :
Danifsa.oloolo l7 Wflood tYle
- - .
- ,.::-.:VM
.M.:_; , - ; 2 ~
littgo -
t1ain*65,6Z0 7 5`4145661167.
ammios Taira.
410001'011140,01a °Roca:Apo AND liglotre*,
Carus of Min aid Ms, Iltro6lo.
T0110,7204._ PA.
Plait pi' 142261. • _ 65000050
B l=r o mick_ .. cos 00
1011014, 11 1 4 00 .41 fo
Cora Ml* . - • ' *a
Chop Vali
llrbeit. l llbush6l 1700125 00
Mtn, ••
*o6lro/66,_ • 45
0616. • 4, al 42
I 40
2 , 011615* • • 75 :
*Ago L •
Ilaspbsnl6o Dried
... 6
Pos*. Illoural 4 _ 22 001526 00
Hum . /a
L 616. " .
1151160.111T514 MAW.
Suiten ID Rolls
= lima awe
moots soli to - 3 1505 25
t• - • - 20.22.
1 60
11611 _... - 140
AO** **". • 11560 00
0/111411. 0001 00
-...-, . : BAUICIUM-
- '.. Va. tO bath MI Ito Ilevidgda.
. ,
Stook bougt* sold either ter Coshes on Mama
- COmmorlD grime 11f125 riltiT. '
17. p. OS. aid ' -' . ling . g
' Ctarreacy, 64p • 130 132
I. * s's,-1361. new. Est.— .... 102 • M
•• 4.M. SW 113 M g
/1 : r e . it . 2116,6 %
lmade IL B -643 i M
and Beading R. 8.... 31% m
Lehigh Wei 11.11 612 li
Leldigh Coal mut liarigalias Co.— 44% 45
trotted 2 I It Band Cali% .*. ... .. UM 155
Northam Cattail It 2 Co ' 64 M
Hastoarille Pass 2.11 Co 22 m
Sail, Pittatnurgb, 6 West It 2:00.. 231 i Si
Central Trimmertaa! - don C 0.... ... . . 41% 42
Northern Peon- e. Cam • 40M M
le • ' prera el 34
Northern Pennsylvania R 2 • 61 M
Minute tde k Brie 22, ' 25 , 26
Wye. ).1,...... - i, ' 00% X
Are arriving daily . in immense (pant
ties' at • -
(Established 1865)
where the largest, finest and 'gooiest"
line - of Suits and Overcoats can be
found at lower figures than any Cloth
ing. House in ; town. - -
Remember Ido not sell you Shoddy
and Cotton for all Wool.
No. 2, Pattoies Block.
ishaseby Mega, that there has boon filed in
the °Mee of the Register for thee PriSbate of Wills
and grating Letters; of Ananistration in and
for the County of Bradford. State of Forinsyl.
Tana, accounts of sdininistration upon the tol.
lowing mates vie:
- The lint and final amount of Om. F. Roston.
guardian of Debbie L ; ' Vanderpool. minor and
of Willis Valderpool, fate of the township of
Terry. diseased.
Mal account of Thomas Ronlott7. *finilabi•
beater as Wiesen* anew of the estate. of
Banal Reinert?, late of thn i township of Terry,
Final account of Alvah N. Cornell. &ambits
beim of , the estate of Lonna C. Cornell. late '
of the Ownship of Columbia, demised.
The list ant partial , scam* of Unison IL
Greene and Jabal Clam. adininististora of the
east* of has Cos late of the_ township of
Troy, . demand.
nod account of Bacelaminjouge► argent*: of
flutist will and testament- of ;obi ' Tem. late
of thetwouship of Tony. Alsossiol.
Final amount of R. L. Term eimintstrator of
the estate of Junes Jones. late of the township
of Terry. deceased.
Final account of Delos Rockwell„ one of the
administrators of the 'stets of Long.
late of the borough of Troy, dogwood. 1
The first and am account of W. E. Chi son.
administrator sae tedusento maw of the
estate of Anna Riehnond, Ltd K turnehM of 1
Troy. deceased.
Final account of Nelson Vanderpool. guardian
of Burr Johnson, minor child of Linde Johnson;
late of the township of Tergy..dooseseL
Final mama of Gomm Jordan, guardian of
Julia VanAllien (now.Jeilie Correll). minor child
of Darwin P. Vannes, late of the township of
Springeebi, dammed.
Tbo first and partial account oiliartin Ruh.
nags. administrator of the estate of Jaccb - Rark•
seas, late of th e township of Springfield. ,
The Mut and Partial account of Rutin Rut.
ness, administrator of the 'estate of Smith ii.
Swage, bite of the township, of Springfield
Final *mount of Charing 111 ItoOn and Roma I
L. Moon. adminisirstom of the estate _
_ot Silas
ltiotit i ate of the township of Albany. demigod.
eccount of IL IL Betts, trustee of the
Towanda of IL .
. Charlotte Ward bite of thetorough
of dielseed.
• The first and final account' of George Irving,
executor of the Isla will and ( tegbimmt of
Onto - Illeverly, late of the township of Over
Mealaccount of 111rani L..llockwell, guardian
of Thostsl2. Brownson. minor child. (now of
ass) of Willbilirownson late of the *mob*
' et limUngton, deceased.
Real account of John. and 'Emma E.
Atkins. administrators of estate, of Joseph
Atidna, Lie of toe township of TnecarMai
First and Anal account of John W. Cladding.
administrator an terissetskr ammo 'of the
Mates of Serendalt IleGarthy„ late of,the bum
aligalltidgbury„ doomed: _
account of Bede 8. Berta sad jets
S. Rim exelegkno of thetat will and testansent
of Jame". Bullock, late of thei borough of Oa
ton. dosisaL• - "
/Pura asionnt ofßiatimaalhDartt -11 0 b*
f l=lisMesanstary Cliaries
minor eldld at JamelL Bullock, late of
the Can
boroegkof ton.Recesesit.
asesmali ot AMA S. Roston. executor
of thhbot . will end testament of Caroline F.
Wdltlit. late of the towaahtp of Canton. 'ago
cease& -
-Mat account of lltszy Bloom, istriltaa of
Fawn 11. Leonard (aoat Freaose 11.
Warr child Of Leyte 111.1aoaart il*
towasblyetflaeadlle, dammed.
_rant ma' partial manna of *Who Maass;
Ployd &Alma? sea A; 00,1124*, imitalaktro
tore the 'stoat' h:A. sr. Ma of the
bWooashWlAthatia. 'deemed •
amount - of Geo. 11 ,
3aolowan, adadala.
trator of the estate of Gas.Vivi* Slaw. late
of the Immobile of Itheabequbs. aeolikeea.
Plait amount of B. B. Boll^ adialatettstor
ads testaawato exam of the estate of Jateadah
illacktasa, lets a the towaahlp of ][onto..
Pint and Mull acconut of David 8, ()adding
adininisUstor of the estate of Clinton Keener
late of the township of Pike, deceased. _
first sad final amulet of Philander LIND&
edsahListrator aw katenaste mom of the
estate of lianas Colman. late of the township
Ut Orwell. demised.
Phut and Sisal account of °sore P. Kos_
Abel mentor of the last will and tesSneat of Abel
late of the lbornugh of Sylvania,
Final ;vaunt of 'llettiruse Bourne. luardieb
of Mum 0. Chespbenand Delmer V. Cesepben.
*Snot _children
M of al'bu
da Ounpbell, late of
lbelownehip iCa mmed.
wilni_t .;nth l et asi sousuit of lames B. Webb,
Sellii~liatortis Mob see ass tatansnts enneno
of Cluestate of <Mutes Ir. WM, late et the
of Athens. Arnold..
Vi ni ref l and seconst of Albert Nowa, ed.
sittistrater of the ettatm of W. liewbtas. late
at . the townildpof Anneals. deemed. - -
acoonnt Of /son 11. Webb and =Wu&
lamp_ , adalnkillatois of the estate of Essay H.
When, late of the bpruthip of Snrlllig2con,
_And the woe TIC be presented to the Or.
pima' Court of Bradibrd Colpdp. at en Or.
Coot io bebi It Teesside kw sell
. on Marshy.
_ilk* ittbday of
A. D., usLet 2 *Woo:
o r e . ninues e. for , o=l7
sal allowance.
lingliterti Oka). Tamed% Aug. lith;
ilko W ea i rr -'lllletllp;t and - Vr i
nuterrel. - for exe*Anit Job
Mahn& at the Moe of Tea RIAD.
saw Ibremeeert. All ordeee promptl,
emitad. end aithe lqweek cue retie -
person forthwith to/Seize and to WI& the'
. ;
rune until the fee of ten coats shall be paid,
by the owner or person claiming the same.
.130 ft further ordained. that it any stone. or .
any wood, bark; coal or other auctorial for
fuel, or stage. coach. wagon. sleigh or other
vehicle or any boards or other lumber'. shall
be bond and remaining' far the space ,of. 24
anzztze ntanatat at Lawn, /cc: honer after notice. by , one of Alai
11=or 1. Be it ordaine.dby the town Coon- Contableo or street commissioners tq .the
cif of the Borough of New Albany. and it is owner, if he ban be found. (and if not with
hereby crdained by the authority of the seine, out snob notice) on any of the s tratte or:
th a t it s h a g no t --h e l e wd. for horses; neat; or public lands it shall be qui dtt#' of
e dits. sw i ne . s h ee p geese . c hi c k ens or o th er " the street uimmiasionor of said xiorpegu or
d omea d o en t tna b t o f * we re ht e r o t te nature to the Borough Constable or either - AC Mein
go at large within the an ugh, and if forthwith and without warrant' other than
an y eac h s aw s d u o oo k d at Lugo w ithin t his Ordinance to take and seise the same a
said Borough, it shall be the duty of either of they shall think proper for the use of the
the borough constables forthwith to take up Borough, and to sell the WAG for said use;
and impound the same Ina suitable enclosure and if they nYou'doe notice shall neglect. or
'tn. stable that may have been construbted for . refuse to enforce or carry out this Ordinance _.
th a t purpose at the °w ar m of the Borou g h. - they shall bee hargPed in the settlement of
or rented for such use under the direction-oftheir tents lrian the value of all-such fell
the borough Council thereof.. Or, if any of and other !Aides 111 they should have seised -
th e said. an im a t e i d e a be twig i n a ny tot or under the provisions hereof, and for the time •
close, it shall be the duty , of either iof such and expense of carrying out this Ordinance, -
COCO= at the request of the owner or COCO. necessarily spent. awl Jocund; by said
pant of said close to take up and impound the officers, s reasonable allowance shall be made
same. lit the settlement of their accounts, and the -
Bac. 2. And be it further ordained. by the - fees to be allowed for such ensue shall be as
authority aforesaid, that when any of the follows to wit:
' animals shall have been impounded as afore- For stage coach, 4 horse wagon, or 'chi-
said, it shall be the duty . of ,constable taking cle • 1 .50 '
up the wine to give personal notice forth- For other vehicle ' 2.5
with to the owner or owners thereof it known; For 1000 shingles • .10
but ft, the 'owner or owners be unknown, then For 100 feet of boards and other sawed .
sithl officer shall give notice :by three - . adver- stuff 00
tisements Winne conspicuous places is said Load of stone, barreled salt, flour, lime
Borough, one of which shall be in the borough' potash, fisb,,cider - • 15
pound. And if the owner or owner' of such Plow harrow ' 12%
apimal or animals, or some other person for Every article not mentioned.... .......06
him or her or them, shall not within twenty Oiling notice .06
four hours after such personal notice or• with- Provided however that if it shell be newts •
in three days after such WWI by advertise- ee ry in the o pi n i on of the=ttea for an y
meat pay the teen and charges herinaller pawn who i s me th * an y t o
mentioned, the Burgess shall issue his wit- & p or ti on of an y wed or th e p u b . 0
I rant to one of' the borough Constables tor for his banding material he shall not a• .
that. PurPeark In Pursuance whereof snob ject to - the penalties herein established, if
animal or animals than - be sold at . public beforetudng said ground he shall have pro. .
vendee by said Constable after three days cure d f rom th e B argees a p erm i t i n = w o e
notice of such; sale by three advertisements t or said purpose. specifying th e period for
pus AP 114 aforeuid, for the . payment of such which th e said penalties are suspended and
fees .
chines, and the surplus, If any. privilege allowed,- these Ordinances to take
,bait be PAW over to the howcalEll Treasurer effect the 9th day ofA.D. 1881. t
for the use of the owner or owners of said . J. W. X, Burgess.
animal or animals; and In cue of advertise- C. IL PLANCE., Secretary.
meat the said constable shall furnish the " August.l9th, A. D. 1881.
nefessary food for such animal or animals. - .
. rims or mums AND warmer..
Sac; 3. And be it ordained by the authority
aforesaid that the fees of the boroug COD sts
bre shall be as follows, to wit: - -
For.impounding a horse:
neat cattle,
H H ase. eac h
IS *I sheep, each
" " chickens and other
animals, - each - ..15
Half of said fees obeli be for the services of
Constable andpmainder for use of Borough.
Said Constable shall collect said fees, and pay
one half of said fees to Borough Treasurer
and take receipt of the same and report semi
annually to Borough Council at their regular
meetings. And for giving personal notice as
aforesaid, Ave cents in each cue, and forgiv
ing notice by advertisement 'twenty cents,
and a reasonable compensation- for food as
aforesaid. And if any dispute shell arise as
to the amount of food furnished and the value
thereof, and attention bestowed in. taking
care of said impounded animal or animals,
the same shall refer to the Burgess, whose
decision shall be final. The fees allowed to
the Burgess for issuing -the warrant to sell
shall be fty-
nd cen I
Bso. 4. L
A be f
it further ordained by the
authority aforesaid. that if any person - shall
wantonly injure the borough pound, or any'
of the buildings rented by, or belonging to
said Borough. or any pump, fence. or any of
the public improvements thereof, or• shall
break or open said pound. or shall take any
animal impounded therefrom without the
consent of the constable impounding the
same, he or she so offending shall forfeit and
pay the sum of twenty dollars. together with
the damage actually done, with cost of suit,
to be recovered before any Justice of the
Peace u debts, of like amounts are recover
able, in the name of the , borough, one.hal
thereof for thoue of the borough , and the
other half to the use of the constable or any
other person • who shall prosecute , for the
Baorrorr 1. Be it ordained by the Town
Council of the Borough of New Albany, and
it is hereby ordained by the authority of the
same, that all public walks within, said
Borough mist and shall be built and kept in
good repair by the owner, owners or occupant
of the land or lands, or at his. her, or their
= le i, Be U further j ordained by the- au
thority aforesaid, that each and every
aforesaid within said borough, shall be at
lesukfour feet in width, and, said walk or
walks shall be Made of flag stone or plank
and said plank to be out and laid crossways
and to rest , upon at least 8p roper hearing%
said bearings to be of scantling at le4st_lit
— the au
• thst-eimet.s4dibi
be wade brarrositeaanlike manner,
which shalli* he Council of said Borough to
decide. •
Sus. 4. Be itfurtner ordained that in case"
She owner, owners or occupant shall neglect
or refuse to build the , walk or walks. along
their lot or lots for 20'days after proper notice
has been given, it shall be the' duty of the
Borough Council to build or hire -to be built,
said walk. at the encase of the owner or
owners of the lot or lots. and•shall add 20 rwr
cent. to the actual cost of said walk. said debt
to be oollected the same as other debts- of
Ifte sharacten
naltinittO TV mezzo =mammon_
811471011 1. Be it ordained sue it is here by
ordained by the suthority aforesaid that If
any person shall wantonly and
cutdown, doom, or otherwise injure any
fruitcornamental or shade tree or shrub, in
said Borough, he. she or they shall for each
offense on conviction thereof forfeit and pay
a sum not exceediam 225.
Bzc. 2. Be i further ordained by authority
aforesaid that if any animal be found tied or
fastened to say of the ornamental or shade
trees in said Borough it shall be the duty of
either the Borough Constables or any other
forthwith to seize and remove each
or animal and to hold the same until
the fee or Si shall be paid by the owner or
persons claiming the same.
Be further ordained, that any horse
team shod! be driven upon, ,or any. vo•
hide shall-be found standing upon or across
spy of the public side walks, or tied with a
line 111201111 said side walks, it shall be the
duty of the Borough Oonmsble, or any-other
H. C. romrs
, .
F -
Oars litoOn and Pine Stn. Totrandai;
‘L: 07_IT ISNG.
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
No* proposes to knock the bottom out of high pion, and for the next 90 da
will offer hie imam stook of Spring -Ma& Clothing for
Than ; the roods eau betht in any other house in the county, and one
whether they need cloth or not, should not inks this peatc i odaai , -
es.:it will pay you to buy for the coining sewn of
I sow feel ocaddent of autumn is this lino as I am tinrninout daty tile baud
aotsaat aud bast flubbed suma c atm in town: Don't the Pk".
Towsuida. Month Z,1878..1L E. ROSENPIBIA •
of &Meet Judson, late of Wails township,
Bradford county. Pa.. deceased. Lettere testa
mentary under thelast will and testament of
the above mused decedent. having been panted
to the undersigned upon the foetid* above
named, notice is hereby given that all paeans
indebted to mid 'estate wilt make immediate
payment, and all persona having dal= against
the same must present them duly mathentlested
for settlement, to the undersigned.
Wells, Pa.. August 101-6 w•
$ .25
The press of visitors st the Poor Househaving
become so great as to seriously binder the Su
perintendent in the proper discbarge of delly
duties, it beccunarnecessary to make same rules
regulating the admission of visitors. Hereafter
the following regulation and rules will be eh•
forced by the Superintendent:
Visitors will be admitted on week dills from
eg o'clock to li o'clock a; IL, and 1% o'clock to
4 o'clock p. it., and at no other time.
No admittance on ituniLay.
Liquors. both intoxicating and malt, is forbid
den to be used in or about the building or on
the premises. J, W. BMW.
Commissioner's Mica, -
4w . Towanda. Avg. SO, 1881
- For sale or exchange for smaller place a valu
able improved farni with comfortable buildings,
plenty •of trait, water.
,ka.. oontalning eight/-
four acres, situated In Burlington township, ad.
joining Burlington Bon. •
For further particulars address or call on the
proprietor. H. N. WEllalin. -
sapt. l—Sw• F.radford Co., Pa.
The undersigned lost on Thunda. Angus . t
lath. between 3Lyrieburg and Stannw Stone.
$ mill pocket book containing $4,75 in money
and.othar papers. among which was a tut notice
or valuation and tame on .my proty.. The
money consisted of a National frank per note aad
the balance in silver. The Hader will be mean.
ably rewarded for leaving It at the limmucarr
Nome; PS.
Towanda, Pa, lug. 30, •81.
tob 264 m
_10: A. • LNELSON
CLOCKS,: - • ,
oor.b Alm PLATED
- antrum
Of every eariety, and lipeetiolat. sir Pardenkr
attention paid to repairing,. Simi in !kart: k
Vo mi t's Grocery Store. /Ms attest,Towanda,
\ -
° -.,:-..--:-.*Lf*,...,--.1
~_ ...-
: • 7,,....t0 • r ...r. ,
~..., . ,