The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, December 21, 1854, Image 4

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'The- young ittimarri4d Artlynait .
- r • i . .__, K __ ow . - .---,-- ror both - sex s eA,:e . njey . . P erfeet "lihe . rty,
..............__ .........------ --- 11:T+gt -
dt4get•Rorter.alte. ums F - I
Qlol!oner,4 and,.
Jiidgilitt . rites - At..POrter, in - A recent chardo:rety: . Custi;in is .heral l
iiict..wk• - • -- ir: ilia:
. ...
to llie'-Gritt .Jttr.y o f,W r ti *y l 4-6 , -F--. p 5 :;,,' : , .4-6 , of.what pret&is in' the surrounding
r- ' I tne. , . ••• IVttilit in the latter the rntrelta
ly intimate us oimltign.that - the • Gr4nd Jury t ... .- .'• -!:
~ •. .1 , • ,, . „'. •_ ! wit, ..A the isily usual form of contra .
ought to 'valet tti lino isotnings tor a cot. 1- 1 marriag , l , unt i l u . h ia, _A ne the ,i••l.r
b - •
spil t ey. IV , (.• fittiAeifrim:his . eb4rge as tol - iin _perfect 4C-lu:ion --antotie the . Arm
- ,, , ,_. .
low. , : • :-= ~,- -1- • - -1. oil 1 tio (v 0 i'ars, - ; the peiple.of botit se.
"The . 4 1 1 il ' Al tAi I. ' . . o f ; l i. C'''' A' Srt '..%'; 'ov.fri - !e lxiati intere4urse. Ilie g r
•i pit ..(1 ,1... t., . m..e. , aC., J .. .
. , ,
pr(videst . iat 6.lngreos Anti: -have power", to.) where - they 4e..; I.l4.veid and hare.-le;
establish n uniform rule of :flaturslizathin.— •
The v.,: filen - earry . + their love Sul s
I ' - *,'t hg
Acid the first attehditient to* thaKi-41%,titntion .I.‘ , chit ( Truth,, Etna , !rtaiirin g es of affect in
adopt.4irbnidiately 'after . ..the. ado ninn :cit. o :otriinoti - •.pt,-Nttrretu:t.Y.i But with :111;a.
the instrAent .t.:''f, proviftes , t etti....,.„ - reSs.l,Nag.e 1 . 1.1 e-scene eit . angei the . wOrd iviiiel
lel4 \
sh i t i T.lx i ak . t . 0.., T . ,,,. espee _1 g aii e Alltaish . . , l v otin g WOIII:al Follortliik'S at the altar,' ii
ment . Of religion ►or .pi Ai" ' ink the free,.exer. i t.:eptittg .1,1- . . r httsband - is 0.,. • last .. , 1 . ,:a i J., f
lAsethereol...': • • .'' • • - -.' , ~- :. , -,- :: :ong. time iwor.‘l - frOto l'her hp 4 -1fi....n
"The eotistitutif of Penti.yi%\an
ittdeelares i ra.Oin A .tit she never appotir.:, even in her
tha,t. 4 ` All then ha've a natitrat itinV indefeasi,lii"Ut'T unveiled. She.'i nt"..ver seen ahro.
hle - right to iv - in.:Jut> Altikigbtv - God, iicerardA.:.#4e pitlilV- streets, exe4t. when • she got
i n g , oth e l i dr e t a t es i of their- t iwn (o i.i,ii ences .jantAl., ..vhif.ll is only t*iec in the 'Fear,
no ratan ear of right be . coulpelled .to.attend,.; ti)ert fil,s,e l 2. vqiit...d. . 111 a stranger enter,
: erect or support-any Phice i of -wor ,- -hip,' or to
. 1.r.0u5t. , . c,r g:lrden, she -ii sbuttly conceals
maintain y thifiiStry against liS en ; A: Seit: , W . 1111 . .1'10 person.-tot evenher lath
tiointuianl authority can; in any ease' what eV' i . brothiSr, is- she allOwettl to exduinge a". ti
er; contro or with't ileirights ol c o l f.. word ; and' she t , pt , .filis ,N 1 to her husband
science; ~and no preference-shalt he given l) . y . ; 1
when. they Ar t.., t i . „ lle . "il l With the rest
.0 .
.1.44,40 , .04: rt .- !iigiolts . 4...5ta bl ishm6itsormodics 4 household she can i-4-on intnieate .only' by
pfv6r s l i ttliT -..•- I '.... --'. ..
...:',. - ' I tune..:: and h. toilfin , (iin linr ..f , rr'.i'' . 4•
‘' No p4r;:on 1010 tlCkilaWietifT,,6V the. beinf , •; si . ! , .l.Creser:t - c, which .1, ii
I:1.0111 ..111)( ratNel,,,
of aGo4,l:tn.l a ftatnre state oe''rewat'sfg•an ' ti i ~ !...11. ; es. tile voltng. frill; . itiaintaizts until,
panishruent,--., f-Itaii..on aecountofilisFeligiOusi h:ii b‘.l:zteher I..rst child, bolt whict 1.:
sen s tiniotti be: cfisq?,aliged to hold city office i '-h , .. h.T.unes trratittallvitrionfiplited . Alm
or -place' of : trust't)r paTit uui!er th i 4. _i.74.9;n:: 1 eonst s inint ; si t 'ie. sPeal to' he'r .ney..l.Kti,
o r
,///‘.,. L ;flint ;A:Lien her mother:lt:dim s. the . fir.:lt
. 1 . ~~~e~~~~ec~ F ~~'f ~~ie~4
it tot'g- In la„ ~ .. -., . , -.
"By tile eonstit:ution of the tuited Stlttos iS t .n ••I,t• in.i ma r. s, ~ d ..t
I perder in Hardware a ria Olden, Carriage Springs,
1 'it . 0 '. 3 . , TLI.I.hIED whh I. L. ECNT, Importer of and
there is no distinction nind..- between natural ' niio‘N tri I'l :
(...0 iverse w , ,t.h her 051 ii i llit I.llor, f s:e., No 215 rear)
t.ticet, -,,
liv } - ork, where his 'Men.
horn arid Inaturaliz , 4l Citize tt4 , e k g , , s rt th a t 'he : then her si , ttn.•indaw. and r' artier I I
t I candle ftieud., in this anal other counties, nrt.. kindly
latter are'rlx, - .l.tiled front the offiel of Pre•i- Ns ith Ilvr oNsll si••ter-. :, Now_ ___
trhe bl•gi S to iinite4l, and carne.itl3 solicite4l to call and pumlitu•e. ,
dent aoti Vice Ilk•sichatt of the United Buttes. I talk mit , ' lilt: . .tinif , d i lils in the LT..., but ' -- - --- - - - - ;., --- ;. ---- 4: -,:---
'flie citizol- 4.f each Stztte lark: declared to be 1 , alwa.Ns_iij r a gentle Wh/itiVr. eil it non 4 f the , _.,.... .: P '
as ' 1 p oir.,
entititsil ti , all the priNileges and !nt is:unities , 1".",' l'"' ot the family may 11..1V l'a lat. 1 i TTORN.t..I A t i.A. % , ...-pes.itt, woad. ,t. .t ...
. , c , ~ 1- ' IA on Ifitiiie ptreet, one door ca,..t of Lento•im's.
of titizeni 'in the!sr verat States. ' 'aitl. The tvit'e, liom otter, ii not full:" i Man- 1 I___--=--"-- 7 -- , - ~ - -- -
~ ~ ~ . (Shat . • • ' c:pated her etineltion is not complotc.l l iwitil 1 , Frazier & Case,
lifter netin,n r constitutes a eonspira- i 7 '
c' y i lita : .ilns , , after th . lap-e of six'
~ tans, and eyk•n th.ti sit,:
'- ' " lll''''' went on to Silt' ' I nee( r e.tit ii..tik wait Imo: strand. 4. ' the , I ' one doer •of
Office on Turnpike .stieet, fin:..,,
"If any two or mote tier, s h a ll conlbifte l 0 111, r sax. lit AP-appen r Isetl,r ) i them untitled." -
torrether for the purpose of preventing, shy of;• ------- -4 --,-- --- r '
b , I Albert Chamberlin,
our citizens, naturalized or native, from en- 1 "Manly Sentiment& ,i TTOIiNT.I" AT LAIN' and Justice of the Peae,„;
Joymff' the rights guarantee.] to them by the 1 Get re.e 1). Prentice. th...- brilliant I. ,t bit- .L - 11, over I. L. Po.t & Co's !•ziot , r, .Ifortr ,-...,• .
codstit4nloll. it ilia conspiracy, and putiblia- l ter etlitor iii the Lottisrlik Jobrnal, 1%. • I.tte- :
ble, as such by indiettnent. , /
ly 'elite! tallied ii a tittnlit , r,et`e , lizetts, ihig,, . Wm. IL J'essup,
4 ,, If ally 'taco or rn,tre nice col - 111411e togeth- 4 , :old Democliats, :It :VI eilipli s. -Ile vela d his -
2 i iL TT p O r
i p, A, N ,, li ft l: AT LAW 1.N1) CO3I3IItiIIONER of
the State (If I , :e* York, will attend
er to - prevent any, citizen frtun, enjoying the 1 eintotial experience in tel Ii uliii 11 tat it for- ,to ..11 Int-ine , entiii-ted to him with promptness ant(
rights guartnteel to hint by slit constitution. chit)_ ,tritso es-,„ cme „h o has _[Mite 1 lion i), tidelit. (Mire en Public , §Ill•sno,
• I _, ' , . ... ,t , , 'Wm Ic-un I. occupied by lion.
en account of nis I eligions / feeliog 4 or partic- 1 th..! %%an of editorial rk.rtisaliqi , p;ks I 14 re- ' ' • •__ __ __
'liar tno,lt. of worshipping God, a is a con- l freshiler to read sucip itta ,, ieviinton , i.rif•s• 1- Abel Terrell,
spiracy, and punishable as such by indict- ' ...jell: of (loin , ' wroarr. m the lit•at tit pA Meal l' l'EALlilt i\ ItIICGS, SIEGICINES, Chemicals,
inett, 1 , 1 i - , I ~, ~ 1 1i i 1 C l.. 1, ./ t., (lila, fht.-ttilllt, Giocerie-, Dry Good.,
I ( , Ct..' . ement.—t.tev ttmt,.r‘ e.ll‘) is 111 p
,i e.•
~ - td,,are ston ,
an, ta4.ltwArc.. ciocki4‘ wvitches,
if ,-.lly number of uteri eombine ol• coral •ed Itl. AmoileAn iourAilldist; cape( :ally '..tho e j ,...,
. 4 ,, ' :ii ,,,,l :,),,,,'„,, sii vta ,..l,.., Musical In-tro
then-Ise!' es luta an' ns•-ocimion. hv,rei- 1 %%Ito tight th.tedilorial battfc. of politie t'l Is:tr• ~,,,‘ *, ,'t ; '-ir , .....,,, . . si,gie:d Int4trainent=, Thoorg, Per
. . I uncut?,
vow-. or t4ttit, to control.the opintors ! ties, All% Pr e nti e e ...sata 4 i . 1 f,,,,,, , 1, :kli r ior4, stationery, Ilruille;, shooo, Yanke , -
and ‘ ofe! of nnYlportion of our crtizen iii il6 '1 1.i.0w tiLit, Inv AVII . 'Y Criends wil Thoth Notiol , '. ('• .
the exerc:l. - .e of th.-ir stifrrageQ. .'ct that t et 1 p:tf'doli :tail kellifv me w i ••a•• that I i
I j,
biLill not vot , according to their own c Ciice h prizo thi, .a,nnniut;eiti '
't-oAnier front Vltio . ---
- 1 ii. Lirohs &Co
1 = --, ,
en the tlicll.ite, of their own con ,eiences, hilt •i atitJ I)c•t nor rats alike, t'fa,• 1, in a than I
„"ct..l in 1 1 n
. 1r (a-Aid-. Guy.. ii.,...., Silt, Flour, and Har'd
ita a Illajti.y of .6ne-ii asqoelation shall deter- 1 a -ituilar oht• flot't member, of illy own par- , wiL., 7.,7 1 tiefo, • Po ; -
mine. it il l , Ai conspiracy, and plItli•-hable ItS ItV :lien , . 'llitre 11.13 a tint , , Vls3N .I"*D i .ll he 1' - - - - -- - - - -
,1".. a Chandler,
such by 'neut."
I c ''''' ' 1 littic I'Llif lair i' t)iili '' /° 11 ) " ( 'i s s ' iiii TIE kt,ER, I\ itlil" GOODS tilde Clotliii r_-,
Notwithtta.ndine, Judge Porkr. and the 'or thought ,v% lire, QO . ! hal ii e regard- lie ion= 1.- , Groceries, 11001-4 :Ma SiationeiT, etc., Public
;= i 1 , , ~ I. , , .., 1
lione-dale Herald. in whiril l ' par. , r the tin 1 1 Port ••lld the ..ippt.tile ;o: my, posit t tent.t... .iN e -me, ifontrosr, .1 - *.r.
, I __. _ _ _ -
. 13at I !tits. one: sin- , i••••s • to feel tl ii. I - ,- -
thecliantri, r, ferrou to, . onsidered tne K notta. ~., -ins "- --' t'AS ``'
• 1 atrick 41Isimock,
tta% c learned 1.1.) aporegiate and to illy rt , the i. . -
.Ncltbinoslas antenii`ile to the cri.liral law 1 • • •o' , 3 4 • I I I_3/IY'lt 1-.1...4 AND SP , RGL ( r\s• office No- 4
`, 1 i gi).)(1 0 . .011] fOn 01 Ilif flolt t ni 1. • i nal, t t eam- I (1„,,-, ..• 1 „.„ . 1 1!,, ~, .e i . i 1 , ,.
the Gi ant i ' Juty slelll to has e tiiko: -a diffir- 0 d th„ , ., e.,:n't•r,itt , d t; nth, a 1,1 ho,,oratili lion- '- - - ---•--- 4 -----" ------" - ---
ea vies 'of, the Matter, and indicted no rine f. ty. acAl cli:st! Ar F tt anAl li atri - isrii, and ;!ii:tlie. ' LL. Post & Co., ,
• •
for :be J •,i , os new krinie of Kil,)%. Notihila •-10 L , Z•11:11-a :01-.0 pat' t j-• ",•,, ,-;,..',„) lira to EALT:II,- IN DRY ('OOP" G , A..reriev, Crockery,
' 1 . 1 •• i t t - liardv.a: 0. LNitlie, nom% et..., corner ot Turn
1., tin . . pa, ,'", wl' a Ix melt , Dal( at ied 1.1,,r1 tbdiout . • . 1 IT 1 ,
ism. Ilii ma v lye accounted 4 1 ~-, pertin-, , .:- - , , , , t-- „ pik e .t, A ~. :Id I td: le .11, Olga, . witro.c..... 4.
,I 1 .., l i • my 1e I. t... ,- li.ta , itiir.,-)III 'MO it.te 1 1.-, .01 _., _ - - - -
C.ll - Ale ‘ll , lll .1 11.1',11 .ti 1,01111 (..1 tan' Grand ' I ." -' 11 •... •t" '.l , '.. 1 J. Lyons & SO'A., ' .-, ,
~ ' trao ~..-..t.: .Le Ire ,t .{ , ..,c0... A t rot,. 0. , 1 ~,:
Jurer,.., %%ere Khol-No.:1 tcs themselvA•s, and tv , 1 1„ . ,., , 0. j. , , i ~,i t p , ia ,„ c ii ,.•,g-,. 5 , hi it „0 Di:.'kl...T.lS I': PRY tAtOll'S. fl..ic qics.,
..-- -,. 1 l " t ..... 1 ,-; w II it , '". '• .1, .. t • -, ' . CI I. C(0...1 ~, itr.n.x..r, ti.,‘ , C, ri --, li, 0'..... L 1 , . ; .ii,o,
m • et .,,,, : I L. ~,t e 1 0 ,. t t ,,,, ii ,,,,,,ti e It o •,, -• ~ 1.. 6,, 4 . 11 i Alta( (.1 .4( 11, /./ ha i ( ( . 1/ I M i ... 1 a b , • , • ,
Lc , 6 ,• 1 , carry on tri, , ~, ,, ,T. 1 ‘,,,,. ~ f I ll • . Jes.-1 OAP' .I%enue,
blot ~3 ,t 11.. t.te rnetn'or , ' I,rl r. rd., r. ntici Jr, i th„,,,, p,i, •
the n...iti' l Jill ii•o•L :is iol . th . - cornipnati ,, li
i. 1 ,111 1,11 f,11.. i 1 , __ _ ..I __-_________-_ ___
111 In itii l l4, Porter, NO o 1 rolubly does itot - I .I, ' ' , Be-i t jey & Bead
" I 1:1-.', 1 ~:tic b,ttcr thil -, 4 of "tail , , , `„ , . , 1..
c• * tt' ' l l ftr. 1 r Bin mlicro c0tt1, , , 1 Mite " 1 , , I. ~, e 4 .1 „,,,, ,
.., 1 8 ,, . f loat t. ..,, a ,b , 3 . ‘ , 44 I L ) , "
r ; , r , r , ~ r
~, 1• C- 41 Il kl IR:- I\ Dill (MODS Dru^ , Mei:cit.-.
r 1 t',.11: , 4,1,, ‘,.r ', t5 t ....., ii.i-n...yaic, . roc. , • .•
I( Iraed -Ttni ,-,- ,• ba;-e (rot tit._" i.. 1 a tint, the \ ' - --, e• 1, . ... J. ,..-,,
1 - t' - s " I '"'''' • "^•'" • " 1 ‘ '' ' • ••'"' '' ' •`•"'"•• F-'.. CPR fro , . 4 - lo,k-, 14 1 1.0(.11 .. ti Z:' Silver .1-'poot s, l'. ••
Kr tA%-Noth'iln- v.ho co:npl • lz-e. in the.: rank-, ,I c 1.1.1 , ii..... 1 tc Iv, tai.: A r...% raid rezi f. Al '
._ 3 hers', Sc -tero ef Pet die Ar cone, it,-,,,t r ,,,,, ,
4-, ,
t ' 1 ~ I:0 I I) '. . e I , -1 'T" ' In' '''" 1X - - I - - ----- -- -
• .1.10V01111! liii , l , ei ti lon tit • I,enth, but ,TO-.-- " 1 ' • • t..•L . 1. 1 . t • 6 .•-•t ~• .• -, -. •• ~ Perkins,Sayre, Jagntley ez rti
t - I '''' / 1 ••• • i year, It • nil (... - tor;,i! lif.-, e ] r till '; 11 , ..\%-
- ernor ~, C ;IJ - re-salon. ant iacitti,en, t , t t.o. , , - t. IAM 'isAi'll:REßS CIF AND DEALEv , IN zit
• i , ,
many'" I t 1,0 .? D , Deutp•ed v, 1 1% ) afterv. • ril., Lt._
oil the State..., De .1(103 ' 1 ; . .
.-11 1-.5,.1.1 et' C , . oz.- Sto,c.. Attrielltm al ire, les
' Santis ~,,y ?.t r-ot,al .r.c n is. r)r ` .pr ore 11 tnem- I ~, , t-. , 1,- Odic,- at sls re', 5,9-e. Inc lie Avet,....:
1.1.11 v ci, .'..t I,,en an 3 otl,er 4:4•,0il tnen, are all 1 se ls, ;th, 1- , LL :; 'r % •-., f r ,nijr, a•-,1 ho 5 nyais 1i,e1i',..4-,r .t. tio- Eaci ..Foundry, Foot of (1. , - - .‘'
C: annials,! Vs yea lae•org, ins of the - n•an- ' I on t t L.( ..-",.'. •t 1 :1:;`: 1 •wilt..1 cot. s‘ i .1, ill tt. - "te'. 3 : 9 l''''' . r"-
• 1,,r" Deli' .i..2,-...ev, fec.t.l , Vca....:hhigton r ! , ' 1.c'1." t1.1 . e1, '"). r rthi,sfy :Ind v.tll-‘•it -4.1 y Agniast •-•-•
w illiam & William H. Jessup;
, , ;,,t , :, m 0.•11 I r,.11‘‘..t, now often the ino , l, nrdu- ' i rr o it \ F-1,- 4AT T. •,sr, ..ifonf rr , Pa. Prae•
11111 ititls . 1.9 tile :tint - arose Demeerat, oc- , . . ~ . , . r
. ~ . . , ou- .:Ma si ~,, ‘ ,l ,ai „, ,tl , -;.=, sorviveA havti bet'll 4.11. tire in , :t.--,.0 , 1,a.mi. Bra • ite,A, I,Vane, Wye-
Ity ,17 , .eil ti :-..q 1 - ID;iin'ght Col.T:rMors' and" ,
.1 . „-- :tea h r 1 . 1 r, • L Is ' ~-.1 1.1 1 ..- li-. r .n• rolu^ atol I. 1 , 1" , ^ 0 - o.' Ile''-
'. iolator t t 1144 C,inatit Lit 'Lob," did 112 heti , -,- . e. d j s,,.- ~..„„o h o w ~fi , ,u t i 1 ., d ,, , , ~4 i . t ... 1 .1 ---
w ---i- in ,---- im; - --- w. .*. smlth - • dcco., ---.--
'f i Lilt:- , •.,t) . 1... a
1 '' . . . 4 , , ' , ll ,
ill , I`o-0...?""''0"2 - ri sr di es If,Ctee ? i 1,13,2 . ;' ,: -.. at-:".: 'll2..g_ll•l2 , lntriusty I , ora , rven , D,y t Do . _6, • V.
A ni ,,.. E . 1 ., , 4.1... „.. F.1 , ,,, - .
~,,,r..ti, keep
'me oLiect 0 , :ii,..;ng...„ ; 0 fir 11..1 ,0 I- 1,(2.11 they 'are n. , '''‘' : and ', hell I reine•ii- , h.,: +d 44 ,-.•,, 1;I as..),lrr, t epT, of all lancic.,.ot Cal.met
- .. 1 ber 11.0 V many of my poltt:eal I...i t tlitii have Dirr.itni... ..s'ito -, 1 Wstisa.ll.o , uus at, the fooi of
the Inibli.2 knowl is.thel electi,rtof Protestant 1 . , „ ,
...ins,. I ... i.. 111 - 1 ,1 , .10. al if.: 1 _AV 111 11' r Dent°. lill:•e i-t.. t i ff.' ', '-% 11 ? 1 -
-- -
Arilexi.iri . t° k''lt ' e. - ( * rat' ha% elgatii;:cil around nit' as a . hand of
There fro oti, i er eolittin ttion.i, or "cOltspir- br...titers ill the CUM_, of Inv ner , Lon...l peril, I ,
• 1 • 7 i
sties," whose olijent is the ele,.,tion of Tem- I , f..liotild be guilty of an outrage bri my owl: ;
I f. • • , - i 1 . . A •,, 1
, conse:CnCe i. and on every feeling:? pli ,, linpu==-e
perane snen. %%brie opposing/. combinations
seek the i d, (lion ' of plen c,f / oppoiite prinei. I of kily il..ta ...,• it I vi re not . 16 wee 1 out from
, `i my ,, the pat itsan bitterness that once ;
pies: eosins conittine for the election
, 1 , , " 1 P r°- I flouri‘hed 1 thc re. • I ant a Wh4, buil I netts 1
, 1 Franklin Fraser, ,
.sta‘ery mcn, otiicr, for the election• of'anti- i ;Iva ev(Tv 'trite hearted Deinktcrat las Inv 1 t TTORNEY AND corssELLOlt AT Lt's,
slavery Ins :: - t-oini for the election of " :Nil- • bnitlier 1 1‘.1 1 will grgt.t. tio rt.::•,,tlt arted , -1. .'l , i4troxr , , Pa.. will Attend faithfully to all bus!.
- 2 . , ness eii•riwed, to i•lin in die crrirtr of §usquehlana.
ticetar Iyhig-, Jthers - of "National ' Dern..t..; IN h•g n-s' ,, ,ilkh. '' . ' i Conve) arcivg, alai nriting of all kinds will be done
„ I___,_______,-
erats. zkil these. we take it, ar.,tas liable t 0,..; '4 , neatly, and charges moderate. Ile will also attend to
, linty don't he do its'
indiettnelit as the Knott- Nothino•;. and When 1 - I I, the prosecution of claims of soldierc their widows and
as in.
1 1
to. 1 , 1 1 . 1 f i l i c d 1 , 1 0 111 :s e fi t., , m rn e lf a •r ti k a now•ctkat h crate ii bet-' Heirs, agaiasti the United States Government, for
Judge PoLter can find a Grid Jury Ilountr La l nd, Perutions. &e. \ 11a . y be found at all
/nhor. titivit n ig 'fixture '
sane as 1 iln•;elf, wil recornnal3nd him to n et 1 cheaper than •1 se: of bath ti4d p2t.. formerly occupied by J. T. Rich
_ , , hours at ta, , ,. Once
r b r ' ' . and ' an d s, Esti% north of tbe Court Holote I.lSa.
them all it.J:( tej together. I 111 i'hout,talling upon a cary'„at ter', lie n him- ___ , -
4 ' 1 - , ‘:r lindselone' 11 - bs' don't he dd it ? '' t - 4 . -1-
; New Jewelry • - and Sliver Ware.
„ r • , . , , .
When tits tms no other Lt....terutf; to tirsgairsTUFT attired at Turreirs. A new supplyof Ladies'
and barn ilotors than .a stone rolled against; t : , rd Gentlemen, Gold Breast Tire', and Ladies'
them, And in a single evening' offer supper is I Gold Lir Drops; compriiing a good anortment of
t-, stile' :,,o ra i ti ke a better one. Avii‘: donct he do 4 desirable st3lw. Al.o Gold Finger Rings, Carnelian
t 1 1 kings, Ladies Gold Chains Gentlemen's Gold Fob
/ -, and Vest Chairg, Gold Iyatc'h X is--Gold Pens, and
Or v.l.krr be sees the hoards cll•oppitlg from 1 Gold Pens with Extension Case- , and Pencils. Silier
his barns tied out building., and,llilte heaps of ,Spoon 4, Silver Doter and Fruit Knives, Silver Thir o ,
rubbi‘it lIN ill(' ill piles about hisitremisesr.nd 1 bleq, Pencils, Spectacl, 'lke. Call and see at the
It IN 1.-• f ' A• TURRELL
only in-E. d nailing can again, Wias dont. he do 1 vat , iet3 ' t°re ° . . •
,*, I I , ..lontro..e, Tone -?, •15 t .4.
. , , ____ __:l ______,
1 Ot if hi. is :afraid of the e.ypon•te of :tails, 1 HATS. t
, I. L NEW stock of Blae,ic mid D . ratt, Silk and Beater
atta is always crying up the inliaitn Of Dr. 1
i irks, of the latest vt%•le. oiling cheap at
Franklin. • r.4tve the Irene.: az - I(rib pounds
, , 1., '1 ,Droklyn, Avg. .1.1.1 SMITH k lIEMPSTEAD'a
6 )1 iii Irli.el vare or theilit-op.t, te,' ant :het knows 1 13ELDY-31 - ADE CrOro ING, a - rdClo — thirigtrade to
, the same Dr. Franklin also salt ::,re alty num , llt order OIL tti , shortest notice -
' .
S'TEAD. are penny' , e ard pound lisili;n: :lila I
ht , s -kupq !HI SAIITII & MEMP
• lint oart.fiti to tltink of th. , "'recent contained 1 i)ATENTYEDICINES--A - Zmtill andja - eciousli
I ill the hitter.l Why glont_lie do -14 ? ' - 1 -I- selectedi as.-ortmettt, int:ln.:ling Dr. Swayns's.
.. .„ , ~.,. • .- , ' ..Loile'., and Tbroops ireparsitions, 11"rigitt's and
If .it is the astir' pr ntar/:, nin tin tpanure 1
Pliiini ..'s, rm., Davis' and Thasre's Pain Killer, L.e. '1
i l of a farmer's -,tock by keeping tliern . but in Ilroo e ld3.n,',ll!g. 2.1.1 SMIIII L lIEMPSTEAD.
, ,
yards, ingteast of runnin,g t at largo t irough 1 --- - - - 1 ----------
Stone WO re.
1 * MO-1 part-of the•winter, Whye,don't he do I . I . COMPLETE as:ortolan-0:o a general satiety
11. 1
? 1
~ 1
~, l. or Wooden Ware, 'just reepived by
If he, knous that ntaity of hi* field , lull 's ilrooldr; Aug_ 21 .1SYITI1 & HEIIPSTEAD.
be grentiy improved
• by diteliiiiit. and
removal ofstumps and stones, Ni - by i l
do it? ~ . 1 ., -- - • .- " 1 - - -
, , , i i . , , t.y. - .Ait'S-1 -- ncluding Saw Mill,
• . .•Yrni u hen be "non's"that ts rittatnres 1 i• 1. and Compass Saws-Ljust
"wound 3 ink! , doublet e feeti, ant] of a better ! req low, by 1 tsmi!
I qualit3 if'the busles - ere 'all ettl, Wkdon't . Brooklyn, Augusts 21;!I 554
' be do it ? I
' I lOtE NEW .'GOO if, heeau ad, fill* ; i .e out, to the 1 Iy l the Farmere Stori such
. arno,l product tt r V.ts over feld., nt°veil to his ,
Prints, various styles De' Berge. kn. Lc.
t Pasture, bY the tse of zypsunti. l 4 l l7lir don't Montrose, Aug. 1.Q.1. WARREN k. THAYER
he do it 2 ,r - -
' 1 • 1 :i i Viiattow Sash.
_lin fartner, of flits ACTS Las (la lid, should I Si D. k.
tu D.,SAYRE haviug been appointetina agent
, e) use ;f aor good i.vril shelhir ant 4 tine or. t, • for aestenaiTe (!tilt blind and door nuu t ura 4 •
l i iliany improved fanniug, nitils. :10 helms not} trhrr are Prepared lefenti B b-any articles in thisline at
airoady obtained 'both, Why doi a t h ,,i du it '? 1 le ' 3B rates than the hate u4u2ll74*en sold i
1 , -,- ~ , - : Julv 24. 1 S. 11. kD. & 1
1 ;Intl ti tt is t'heapt•r aetintlix, otep - >r, 'to i ----‘-'-----•.--- --- --- '
Shaving Cream
i burn dry lu outi thlii rte;}; .Said Iwo us g 4 St - 4We I . ~. L • I
llVsttlid ofan open fire platv, - INhy ; ion' t . he 1 N' tav artiele , ' rhtell mit Y °all 814 s u l trY k t r . 1 514 4 .1 e
---,......., • -
1 i r ,,,.._.,..„, .lot if Summit'. Haut and Milts
1-- --- ----- ------- ---, --- 7 --„,.... i ....... JIL for surriwter wear Mt Mitered Maid .ire stle i ebees ,
,- Slow 1.. fulloveui t ' ''' Iby ' 4 "D.R. L. & CO. I
I. ) BrlifinT iis no -.- feetivitagit .ela 'atisortment 1
-I- • rtkvas, inel ding - the pariular gad { • , „ AA
uoir ,„„ , supor
ba ,
aille t itt
r ed kinds of ?rem um. AlrsTigh ssatiiNkorated t S"`Z HAW LB, , AT's? , ????4 I Bonnets Triminifvey te.*
4Di4. oo1441fitos0; 'th Parka- or *ld
b 4
E , to% ettm wood an" lo superior' taup e. P le i 1 1 will . 13e _ " td ' du 4 P at `Fie . A "" uf
x , ,hieh be will sell St mot Mine ptitips. he- i "*". 44869 - 1,1654- ' t II.BI3III °W BI4 CO.
Tated Oven K e y es o f Ath i- p po ro yop ett , erws w ill t "7 ----- - - ::, 4 1 ----------4-
'b e pad wt o. i.(tm, dvtiberomitin , 1 ' - " , -AlilEtaT 0 00f)S,
, . . , . " .1 good issortment,lio atalsa this week, at -wen
Atie ''' st*ve l )l° P' /este t- -1 43 °et 1'". 44)4 * . c hi° 6 :e."' .4 t prints. Pit "ad rat '4 , 1" , ,, ~, t1,, ,,- -
.Xso V t?. r& :• . 'e p 4 tr'7 1 ‘4.1 11, 1 1TiVrilenT " - " ''''
, , , t , .,•tr.r*. M 4-4,12 it AV, VT A' MOOT: ,
1 1 ..
b l r>
g the Clovon-foot.
ben .the bt4.4. Of the mii-exilli,d
I - ,
it tney.are thee true - exponents'
Iwi.thesof the people., :'Nsiw,
i Y- , Ure every where.Oierwhel
noninionsly defeated, they
ty and flow the hypocrisy of
4: ~.i.udgeDoui,, l aSsbeing now
of the w
ill and
; that t
come Cu,
their pr ,
that he will be instructed to 'kill Off
oesprig, the ,Nebra.sku and
In , Carol of the improvernent Of rivers .
hors, s euesedhis Chimeqr
ipste finch. the Legislature;
wlytt J,is reurs.e bo.hi:
iit The ~' inpes speaki'nff of the Ws:
I• • •:.„'
his own
to vote
find liar
to faitiej,
and to f.
that evei
• ,
"'They }sereOected under a tornado of ih
nat ici st and- seilselebs . .eiciternent.. They, are .
tice.ted -400 h-inn as any known
. in the' annals of oil.- politico. They
reprctlt.tint tte eat)l reflection, the itelit)emte
reason abd .healthy pidifkml sentiineut of the
State ai:d• I f ny.. eireuristsnces could .exist
Which -.lJuld ant horize 1: representative to dis
regnrd I Istritetioni:," they'*xiqt here 7 -Thr:
State. 'l l Eteetri as were our ‘gettafor ;earsii te througlniuL; their term. by
,Legislatores, to he. mstruded out
4.4 their , 'seats blv•nutiva I...egiSlaiure thus elcef
ed, would be glthAinrensc - inable and .uni t istA.
• •
-- -
1 111 (.."1 i - h i b re 41
CONTINAcr,I 7 -_,,r__ r t..__tnen, . u_p tra. _
to zip** liefotre the Orand Zyry, at the pros.
ent.terui ..1 . ti.u.r Court, - and :testify against
=lather trittiman for selling liquor -contrary
.. to law, fused; to take the oath. 3114 were
brought ieforeltile , Court, and then refused,
onic..of't eio kiln:decent tering, to.'be .svioritl
Judge Porter etmatnilted'all Airoe 'of t'bern to
jail rill they * shall be williiig to - testify.—
Hontscia'a Deniocrat. . , , ,
Ist ---
e 1) :To
i: it it' E Br i.
_mEtue.l.Ns oic G •AG
4; .,
I ' Par ' , -, irtz a 1t...' -thij Anus"calls" attention to 1
I NirillT,"
L,.......... t,41P f'.'.. nu.N.,iti,,r:e.pitite:ililbiolia
. tikoiiidti -- .Ermi t - by': an itd4 o3 _ itkd
[ I,y Fl-*lnnltliPl4„--Riac aka itlztie,:liy 41
I ta ly -try 'a" - aerfrica - 1. 7_,.; j e
ititujri4inittl. In
1 SCOLLERtha at IS*Pitlil 4 4 1 4 4- , 1
rkv...e ;
sw . ry:
'Portugal:: B4les °,14- country. s,, Tpueltd
to s ay, lirF re bra "iii .this
_ jrl ~,...
1t OWN 1ib1.441741 gil
', 25',.. • -----,
.'.l3.7o's:li.TE*o..i?p,i . iti?s.
hit 3 4 )i:41. - 18114th
Pa.,. 4t. Senrle's
. rsc - Ilpte4.ltoniAsgs . aud • Tuc;§litys of each-Week.
- - - Henry S. K nipp; - .
.Nti . :ll:At , tr, Iroarof.h Car
-4a r tcr, Wholisate Grocer's 'Roil Commission
:elviv4s, - No. 110 !W't;shiligtot V,reet, between Court-
New.. 'YOE
e" . I • Mi ll er &-Ppwler,
• gt ) A 114 -INEI $ AND C (1 - . -) I *.f•t' 43 / 1 $ AT I ' l . ll N
jimi. I ill.: and Solicitors in Chancery. Office NO. - 44 Clarke
street, 11l ••
. •
1 '•• I - • : 'r: Pacific liPtpl i -., • - -.: .
ill r- - i
7 .I ',, I CA REENWICIT I•rritEr.T..piclir' Emitliva,) New
, !itu ! i,:t - r - v r k. • . k Sali..bury &.! 014 ProprietOr . s. In the
1 ' .'4 I C - 1 vieinity of 'the piiiicipal stentlhOit landing ...A: ! •
4 4*. tt i -! ,
It„ 0 i . • Thomas Ingstrtn: -, .
f .
ii t ,... 0 i t I , ALTII 'IN. DRY - GOtilY•%%.„ Ortx4rietc . nothing,.
ilri -ar, Cl'OkerS,-itibots and" Sliot!s; ;..e., Sraltichlytta
r • . .yepot; Pd. i . ,7, • -
1 - - - • •
.--:.........1: -....-....:—...,... ._
i and i .. .. - Bentley & Pitch, --- •
' I
.ik :, ATTORNEYS AT LAW'y ;11 , .atrose; Pa. -- , -
. . ,
iher- ,D. S. tirsnst. --., ~ - t.. i•. river,
1 ...1
..• , , •• • - -• -•
t or, : - - -..- : 1 1..
- . ow.. Givves, ,
.. . •
Pglc i V, ..1SIIIONAI.314: TAILOIL . Shop nuchn. Fa'rles
Oilv 1 - Llotek Maine.,straot, Moil ton, „Pa. • . -
the ' ---- -- - ----------1. `; ' - :
, . i • k .-
J ~.lituls; .. . '
4 , 1,.., r I "VERT AND F.NtllliitlE STABLE. Oilier: in
~., 'II. i -
• - , Jin the re:a. of Wilsou'l S . toe, :.Ifvotromr,./..)a.
,;lire= ; - . , . ,
, •
1 nc. • . ._ !..: J. Co4en, ..i -_- . • •
'iki,,cl :
s i IEALEIL IN -STOVES , 1 ' . 43, C6pper, and- . Sheet
1 lt
-11,,r-' - 1, 1 .• .fron 'Wake, .(AylerzOly,..i v ear tireat.Bentl Depot.
.., , i
.Dei‘otoher 4. ' l ''!!
l'ricr. i ' ! lit, C. Tiler,.
~ckwell, \ inton & :. Co.,
A.rANTFA T TI:REI3i4 and DEATiERS in Straw
:Vl_ Goode, ifatt, FT - ffit, Untbrellas, Para
*obi, li;bboax.i&r. dc. , Nni Courtlandt Irttrert t Noe
svpi_ _
by the
ou't, be
Whfte-rich, And
Mackerel,'jnst, opened. and Felling inpidly. by
• [lliooklyn, :Aug. 2'l (T)3IIIIII4IIESIPSTEAD.
r. IMIT Ann. a►trns
- . N ZW 'STORE ~-; • linr GOODS;
- : • IN Nr.A:'NIibFORD. • q . I
ipIlE suinteriber:. - luiriiig, lensed titeiStore,
JL 31eiiirit. Pratts, foriiititi,locropiell . be 4
tle, ineenib4,' to locate potiiiaticiitiv in Nivr iiiii`i
,Antl he itotild taliejiil4 . nibifiod of :iuforiii
inlialtiantm of New 13Iilliirili r#3 l ad.inrellt ifilt
lie has just returned fr,pl4;Nel'it York sk@li n stir
'splendid stoek.of -froh pact eritirel mists lloOt
sistingl of 111: 3" G 001 W of .filmok eiery; ctO
ble %-atiety, GROCERIEii , As lbw as'tiltilowtA
irare, .'ro‘i,'.-tryt, Boebr tili,l ,liiitier, -/Actx /3 . #1
lionne t r at', every style, l it e. 4e.., Nthiek lie, OI
same a the most reasopuiP i etprius, :finq easl4 ,
prOduoe, o, reliable eretilii lia.would;ittio sli t !
eoniteetitin, that he ini.i.ireldCil to.tlne 1 1 es tabli:
the rnanufnettiring offo, Aft`hrtsbe - ria aratiii
rare n , aliiitivarietiosin. '7gliich be s ts. pre p
e%evinie all kinds of jobil I,i; the verypost li
anti otl the m
ost reason:dile lining. !.. 1,
.I ' ,.
Dealers 'supplied at the lowest. pH:Ol.c -Pi
in rel.tiOn to stoveit tic.;; lit route future tin .
•l t T. Dli"liitt:Rl.l..
. - Nev. Milfold, )tut 1t3;1854, . I I
, . ~ •• i
', i - • ,• 1
r ..„ .. .
(ItltAi . ! - .
• -
`IT F. Mi. now prepard td, furni,:ii i ,•.i'
;11V 1 Spring. uin and Sllll4o'l' Ooothl ae4tiiee.
not liiii to Poinpete.ivitli'ilie' - erY loirt*t an
elosek buyers. Our iit,-7.tiirtinetit 'of Ilrt.ssS.
'ecariplette. ronitirbring very I'.-ititillil - sti, les o
latek Fishion.4—ilarage.A;:llareg.. Delat,n, IA
li;Gingliains, 4e, &e. ; :i :1, S. li. if P. S.
' RON..V.ffTS.—We iiit(-e . s .reeeived ila g'
'peat it e:itronely liiiv rtrieeii - S. II: Si: D. S i
[ (2 ():i'l( .q.-13,r(iial Chitliti, eisikinitie t T.l
Jens and a firstrate intt it toihtnient - OliStin
&e. k.. : ' ' ...,.• - ..'; . i - --.S. I!. -11: sit
I J 4.4 li ) - -.11.1:1)E '("3 - .`l/7.'//,'\? - ....-4; A •.c.[l
. . .
.ble askortnient at lon--pots:?; 14: 11 ;A--1 ) .q 1
' 11'11 LL l'.! 1 1 E lt,,:jA liirge lotosbleiti,
'-to sell. low', besides giviiid an opportunity to
ter se„eettc,m+, t ; it -S. H. *...1).;5V
A.5//T17 . .1 - -S.;IIT Btatdr rirkins.lJitt Ilc
4-11. 4 5' 1 ,
1 • ('lii OCIi ./tVE.S.--llnidit bought N7ilry li,)i
not aid In, tuult:i.O9, S. 11... t).; Si,.
, lfelaWeSe; May, I $5-I.i Y... - .3' -'. I
------ • - r -- ' - ------ -- ,'• -; -- ---.. ..- , i . 7 . -
TO ' - ii'llitt PITBLEC:
AT. Y. bo found at titif Store of Al T4i6 1 01, Moat-
. IV' Iro•ici l'a., a tirtif ;ratetoft)ritnenttitf Ditg4, 1
Nledi inea, Druggist`: Glits•%-are; l':ibits, Ods, ilniki- 1
es,4P -et Stuffs, Groe'erte. , ,if'"'azili.itt illt:otiip., Some l
I, Pry_ f * nod's, Mnsit:al Instrilijlents atit4stringit, iAlaterit , I
ti i
AA for liglite, Pocket Kiily-,!...'5, gpooosi J e wolry, Per-• 1
• faintly; &e.. ,e.. ;1 ,F . • ,
1 I'erso.: r.-antia , * pus;'. tiling in tli..! af t dr:- I
i partments, (and al-'o rotite. - I,tlier,a noematle).l are re- i
s p eet r u lly: i re it o d to call rind' eiatnine btlfore. they
I purcle; 13t so doing. tlir'ir interestq- miv he pro. 1
i motel. t.,-F"Wilen yoll! , Oiiiiie,to Montros , do pot - 1 ,
1 forgei to tall at ~. •: - grill 131,1 V-S. I
t• li"'I 311/KING anti
&..CillAYllis,iti To,
'sip, by , Le pc;II,A
I 3 or ittper, Plug Toliaoo, Scotch_antlV i
I Shull', Firl Oraeliers,- Pi:itiils, I 'oiror, it'ilii 'looks,
i Fish lir:Cs, ("anily, A:e..,;intt , ' )11. - 11. ELL'S. ',
- , .
i Jutie 111th, 18:',I. - `•.....i1- .' . . 1 1 .- • . 1
_'.. - ..1
1`.,E16E 41.1.111EIZAJi._ iTlN"Dliii.iis siToriE
1 IN FULL 131; .1. ST: L • - . :
i N7}:w .(tOOD: , COMING IN }OR
. .1114 SPRING..
?'.:.f TILi.DII.- . -Gio diilllliine, De . 1341., , e 3 Ilai,l Lawn. ;
- - DrlaiTls, 1': rots, &e...; Illkek• Silk, l-ltrlped Silk, N&etlh
Wtlit: Collars, elientiseits,fqbread.Lace, Nielvet fib-
bons,ike. , 1 - a general iissOltihent, of OreielzoryfOrocories,
: and lardwate . „ eariientol4l'ineers. I„ibibe•lintor I'ulls, I
'"' - 11 . 1 I'l .1
li' t'' V I ell r f 1
CaA :age o te, um.)
. 11 IF, .. :t. t. .1 s . ray 1 Pramss,
IGentian Saw StAts,' - .Viotti-16in and_ Etlttlisli'Sarl Irons, .
&•:• •••••.. go‘uortl lIQ'o ; t nii ' ..3 • t'of Shoo Kit' and Fri millings
ultra .s on band and ftri-sain by - 31, 0 • 1 S. 11,II.S(IN. •
_ M ntiti4o, April .t, 15;;1.
,i - 1
FN'TE!) irnrnciliqtel - . a good aetive 1
w 1 ,as had cl;rritt ioncc, writes . d
, cbmp;ter •,, ra y.O .i.lkarge of tise t(1
d bo temperate an .Wl)liit:.., , to r.letnt.O•ll,
rtjon to tic. i:ibrrtit - lrf /as ernirloyerl
can answer-Pr tilt': 'itl , ive . ' ':t librial -,-'lll
.1. None' otliorS nil , eciappl% . (Irina ri
51,1;r: -.. r , 31: i lrit .d a:.... ... 1
t.,...1 : 1 : , B. F. k 4. 41
and .
. .
.NEW rit.1,1.,
it I' RIIITT rottitl liiil it.. ti.. 4. : - ..tte
• • frit-:d? -and t:it:-.1- 1 11.e.
.1: 1 , •to hii. tier. ,
:,1 . fOelt. of Dr-s, ,
,:-.,, • 11.*.k.tii.11 t 'ar4,:,./•.y.
•-i n i tre Sh I '.':'!. ',. . f-otil! -- .1, - ,; . .2 - triritt i1 . f,...--,1, a
1 .7 , -•-.le, ineinding_plritOitli Canty. Priisite- . 4..... d.
'n' Fr k trie:i Min.lnoes;S;iii.s, I'ii 1
1 . 1.1 - nk.r.t•--. &c., rt . - :. 14:14, , :::1 e: , if .!:: '.1.'0•:: 1.).
• • ..,
Mi l l(. swkii,•ll in conneetiOti uit:: a large a• nr'e . fa:try .T.irgi(4,97., (7i.4 5 -". ri.e.-r
ilcr J.r.r•ri--, I rf. , l!. f..`":loP' Ak : /in ff ! :./. , / ',..? 4'''': ;1.
LIP , (1),1 Sii , ..-!-, :71!114 ;, , 4: , :t 4 "-pR. PaiPt //.
. ;! •1 1 , : ,1•-..., 11, 7 !1 1'. t2 5...i. fr:p•ls and P.4:11.^: •
sold on the rars..t favoilinet tents r.iN k re t.'
for ca..- - -ii. - produce ; tir appt-oved .2..rerilt.
7 '''• T' 7 '•," .F.1: 1 41.:./T1 1. ..1.1 , ..1:i r 57.
:: J:. . 4 -:,--i-r ivy 1. 7 .§.3:4+:+111.1 4-`;* 1 6*.ltr.
N., , , , .• Nil font - Sent..r.ti'll): 2 - 2..1 F. 54. - ' •.: - :-- lit: ,N1' . .i..; A.•-1..L.i , t 1J7.1.1.., 1 - 1•.:-.7-1 - .11:L 1:2%
. ~.
- .-+ I - • 4-- - - -- • i.„:P ::SITT - ! 11.111.1%:- 4 1',05'' 1,5 - Co„ ...i,. , 31 : ow ,r,c,...v!L.g
ccS or:le. ;A...ass I)e done :ei well ll, -ten , :e•?6-..1 ors a f•-tur?ral nf-.2llrtivent fri ;•,:n mg
. . ;Lsit3l.Aztz7r,i- * ' '?_ , . _ ' anl 1- 1 1,nniuer r'llisil..l. and tie co: dially i'ilvite,t•ll that
rill - 1D Sa'esetiber hatin.: tie Chair . tnan: : liki to.i.init g,ocudi cheap to give us:tt call. art mitt stock.
I.ufletor Y . Of A. NY..i(lreenwr,...o., i; ilarforil, is •, i..•.- fa: ge, i,':.l-1 we ate V..i•ding. to 5..11 for. sunill pi-ellirr.--r to intritLettitt-tai: kinds of Clia iv ...erloeerl 'Veit eau lind he ce aliilest evciy article watiterl, ar•ti
pit of !rood irateriaLr, and in a . ;...:tipe...ior styli t-f: (:curewiiiitig: to contp.n‘ci goods aini price's'3. - ith any
workintursidp. :pima;'..Llir , differcit (.`nthl • will stilt .in the county—we have t:l.ltc4l special': pains to
mention ; : -!. .1 ' '.
1' ; - , tiiAl nice gOods to iiletoe tit.-•:Latiles; such ..r . r. Wad..
Ilcist , :at RetTer (44i.)mre,ii8brie ) , (1111.411d$ ', Figitired alai Fancy Sqilzs; Silk . TiikaV, Ila tag.4S :110
• 1 , t 7h,,,, t ~,, , d 1117.,,,h, c ,,,. t . i 7 r ,i,„,, ily i , : , . : Liel-age Plain and Fancy Lrtwits, Sill(; French .
..k .. Yr, I.?, S t,';(.7 . and Pro
rler.tie. tiin:l-lairi.r. Fitz.nreri and Plain' 31tislins,
. • t e,• ti , e..' , .(C- , % ! -
•:., ' Ealbruidered t•lartains.arl i'aper ‘10:, L:lci Od
i,s iars,.
.. ..
1:47, - All Work c•••a•zillit•'! ( - 1 t'i ;• I ' . .(' ''.' ii - f'tili"'-'.- f ?r : rit;l, , rliainil:creliir"l-. and SI .. c•...... Siatttlila,i, PdrasoH
fit elyeatT.. . • 1! 'i
- it .1, . •
..: ,/ 1 . - , and (doves, Stray and Fancy Dmittets, also tilt ;'" VMerchantalde PO" , dac• tasnA, l'a• e7,eltarieis for' 11 :61,-..i to tant'elt. A large: ..stoek Of Good.(, fir 3ten
wor-1•:. but NO •CREPIY 1 • ..J...k S. .1( IINSTON. I :: „ . ..• 13 • : 1 , I , s,,f
larford, . April 5.. ',!. !! . 4 1 . - il..
.1.31 ova. 1./ - I ro , .t . 'l. 1:"ails, ',Hot, Shoe - a 1
; Iltk-se Nail: , -Pinar:lls, Salt; Fish' Creekerv, • (;rind
- --L----- - " --4- ' - ' --- :'-'-' --,::- . 7- 1 ?Al : ilea:and Stoneware, Stove pipe, Tilt, Giarts, Sas v ho
Lanesboro Saoili'. 7 Blind., a 4 spoor ! Lei''ltlier, 'Roots, Shoes &e., &e. i'le j ase-, give" u 3 . a
1 - • Paetorr. :i ' i •
• . ! elia L nee or:shwa-lug, ten Our stock befqre- you buy.
ri l illE Suliscriii.7 will: fliniirdt at tljs Shopof .:Neweil ; : • A ---o. nrs . truir. ._ scon, - Jo li s• soN , 4 .. co,
_L & Brothers, Dnoitsf•-I',t`iiiit, tuttPrltlinti.. r imming !, . .....
'Lin inittille, April, .IS, 1E554. - ': '. •
on hand acid tornislieill to orttei. • t umbei^ 15111;driet, i tt. - --
and .workmen • unruirpii-sied. kr anyitin_ th eolintyy.— 1 - - . ,
Ordzrs addressed to t l ie!-,..tvitt receivii ; prom )t attention. ri, of eut7tomers una..the warty tlottrA sp.etit ii,serv
Cock! Pine Lumber mill Country Prilduce."taken' in cm- i ag- . thent : ;.'-vet We - eau always find - tittle to : v•;rite ot , r.
chaiige.for thC•above.,i (Terms; ready PaN . : , .. • i V*4.oiii.t - ti,i.R;fl/ 1- 41/1, , ,. and—but jukt ticitt.: allow, us to
Ilancitioro, Feb. 6.';'; l' • / • 1:• S. Av LYONS.. - alt win . - ii. , .1 I ir ,, e lot of - .
':; t ' ....,' ______L____. ..; :.• ' -* Plant • .. ,` V;
it -, _. 4 - .' 1 ' " :I' •' •
: . r To• 7•111;t: ittitst:TE oral'. r. - . • •
inctlittlri , Which we have just opened ant! are selling .a.t ail pre
MO i. ies frOnt -.471.1 cettts• up ; 'Tit th r ii may of •DEt..ttts.
• 1 .• t . .
NOTIVITLISTANDISO the pasiage of the .Nebras ! C•nStEar.ii,l'ortiss, , Dcnitcius, S;e.; iTi?, are. "posted
• .i. ka bill,, the highrice of protdsions, the . .eclipte • ; up ( ' Tr'y us. , • ,AI LYONS & SOX:
Ifor . ntottii-Wspiiit r4iiiings, anti lather, national ea . 1.. 4 • '
lanuticrl, present tut-chimp:di:eat, the good People o f i i . - Illuitalo RObes;.l
it. • • .. • '
Moto.e and el.Sewh6k(such of thClu as wetu• bearlhd ! CIIOICE lotejust reeeivetl, and olyered low by:
i -, • ,--- • . • SCOTT, .itiIINSTON & Co:,
-ma , . still have their Chins reaped; at whislters and 1
...i...____.....-4- •
hair dressetl, a lia-motii - ;4 at the. usual rate,s,, by calling r i . i '.‘'.'• Shawl . :: Shalivbia
on .he undersigned ; at his old shuhl in tit basement t; PlIOICE•lot of Wool Long' Slia!wls very elied i
of Searle's IlOte'. . :;!. I - . CHARLES TILLNI.kN. •I 2 bs - ' ' . SCOTT, JOIINSTO,N & C 0...
31ontrose,.Mar 24, 11 , 4-1. 2 : S: ••: it • . • 'ptingiille, December
• 1 : • 4 • _ •s :- r.
r R lor AND SAI
130..qT BRO ptiklins
• estalAi4liiii .nt. *)11 keep eo*ark . tl;
pct?Sne P 764 ic Corn Hely of
nhio`Vhop nd .
at the lOwest
Cur tom work bOtliine with ,ilesp:
ca warranted. • !;. -
Slontroge . July, 1941. -
.AY be :fotel at the store' nty..ll
a large asisortnient of
. I.7sefeli,ol
Fancy Good."'flaying:been bought w
was at its lowest. Atal4 - ooy will eensct
at the•very lowest rate's for .P.Ol
• DgY G 001: S,
-• awl , Atom - - D
Dararnetta; Ginuhanii and other,; Etyl
neat vapety.- • . .
cLonts AND CAgBlll
Jeans and Tweedsiot almost 4very
be !sold at a very sinall!advance.,
~ 1 NEW ARIIATIIGEMENT ilts-1. - '
,a NEW
.I.fe.IIILLEN'S Atil Road - frriga
• Li'fle. Getirrern - .Alp:arose, Pipof
. and • - -
.. ' :I- - . ..Vem F ork, ere:7, , d40,-Seas... . • -- - ,
_. - • ' • thryx e.reeidea -;. . . ' - , •
fa ENDS 4:llc3llLLEN,.havin'prr.a.le arrangements'
..Ll_ for forwat:ding frei7lit to !lew4Yerk in the care
- oti,Capt! , 11. It. - CA DW ELL, of .-,. Oralig,e Counts ! will
.ht in atieodance at the Munn-04 , Dito` .t.‘e:y day of
the week; to take 'chat ge of ioch'lrciglit min produce
iaajmay be entrusted to them. .Itet.tirtta for - the twee
, - , ) - wal be paid at, the Store 'of William!, McMillin. •
triPeti,. ticking, I i'groceales in general, flour, Pork.: 'Fish, Salt,- ke.,-
Nic, fluid. Rhos-' l l Li., militantly on-hand. for side at the :olyest . Cash
be sold at the ! Pices, or in exchange for country produce. ' • ,
1 !if.. B. .Ifitces. , - , Wp.l iitt MeMit.t.r.x. -
. ilf{,Y. ; -' • , lAptil 7 ,l3 184.1: . - - • - z. J
Of 8 66 0. fan- 1- i iie - va:Lia:e of - Pcia 's
ilktit - ges; • ' - ' 7 '
.aP, letter, Mite, I
..; .. Fl i ol f. I , .
e ;and printing i
gi f i ij KlilliWOOD TO Ili[OtifTßOSt. -
' ellITI° P e4l --- ". '-','" T ICI' -Ul I Kirkwood ' i'.* , i th . 114 . 10 -
. ity. te.. in. 1 i ii , .. II 4;`5 . n !1ace . ,44.1.,.tn,„, roug ,
usDLEI6,. 1 ..ii beto . llle, Liberty,.&e., every inoruing after die
_ . i _____ - . • I n9:ival Ofi the MailTrnina,of eant4hoth.Eaat and West,
-. r illy.
11EADY - 31A I)E .0.017
A large addition to my stocVof
it s dairable as . , ani . ,loqiiis ifiarke
s'2 50 Wrapper*,
• ! • • - GR().CERitS.
A large quantity oil band, axid.:vl-41- I
hneer than any otherishaty in tiArn:
Leather, salt, shdatings, deriins,
bags, tin Ware, hardware, naiic;, groat;
gene, earnphene, ke.,' l - r all of which c
lowest pileee. Pletuipc.di and lice..
A. large. ilipply• coOitantly, onlanil
cy tniseoilanirovat:iinq Wank Boas;
wrappig, post-otlit9;,...llotting,4tiftsti
i a
P pe , ;-` Mau Ice cards,; and pl : •
a 1r kmdi, Arnars aatitt 'lap i4m4t4 In -
p . t. lA, I8q1:1 ' ':: Fill C
1 1 ;•-: 111 .I:4ifii _Vexlir, A
llAVIIS"G puretialal thire? , o)llsliti
p os t sr . eq, .at _thi• :M • onttfse D
Nspeetfulty intitrnt 14g friends that It
statttly ott l itat4 at, thiklavast:Oilees . ,
atock of good ar t ' -- :
- I„tuic, Salt, antl.Photer can ye
tta ;GI octuies, Dty Gd0i1.4., IbLitthfare,
1,1!*; Naito, 14, il Oelitlo kit. G
of! piotltte'ef.atilte- keit Pewee,.? •1
Wood. wanted. 1 '' ' ".... ';'.
Montilige Depot. #4. gr, 1853 .
!„ . ..i...--:—....-- --4.1.-----:.----i--;_.
' - - Neltodeojas •
1 -, os6f-ANTLT °VITA NO ift. A
,I 1 .„. ~, T h-p r i p•-lei,w,l ',- 1 r *. 1 ,)
, . ... .
A EX.'Lt&I STOCX 'Ol. • 1 ''''''''
, . ~..-,.,:.,- %;-1- - .4' '', .!• -. ' 1t" . . 4 •
• ' - ' si l itimwit Goops Air
. Tip.vt,
.. . i , , . ..,........,,...,,...... . ~.
of th , 1 .} •:- . .. 3 .-,i1,2z , ....:1-411.-,3:,•\,_; ; - --: - ..., ..-;,, .dt f oST &-c:b. \i) , Gregi RI
S. Llt- 1 . _1:;:ki!.4i42 1 .• , ,Z 4 , - 1 -, : - ... -4.-- , ti, 11 / ".:... t . ,•: ..4. , :-.) 1 i „ '
('aril. 1 t k/ .: ~ •,:i 1 4 1 ...44. 4- ;-: , 7 47 It't.t . :_t. ..... 1. TC . 4 ,. IAV E row Wet Ito•lhe,l,publie t e most choler al, " '
1 ,
I i'`i ' Of
lillg the 1 •„ ' i ,',.4...L..r."..,ritr.:kt,j-•;.,,.-,„,‘„..5....:., -1, - T... Es •Vi.. '4 ,. . - i au ito be had un .,
__, •
ns, that ' •, t '' •-- ',..,- i .- •••-, -• ' I ndiere In the count y, 'boil for - the_
, ts..--jew e st, p' r i co ' , i, t 4 " - r li t E ie la ai r
Trite and 't ; , ---eit..-----.-,
.- , ultimo; variation. l' • .•j , I '
„.. •- , - 1 .
~:••• i IZE.I D I T. i - "/...* CI. f 77//,‘1, 47- . 7- , - . - • i P a riZg e in el -1 .
itis, con= 1 „' •
o„.licie, i lvi.:it .. 1
, i,
, (4 ; 7' itt i - rivs p iii,igH 1, 0 !,313 ER Kn . F ES. 1. L; Poir I: to. have -just, 1 Hit% Chan.
I 0 made :t Ergo addition to thel • stock of clot' •'!-_,, 1 ', .; '- r ,
i *I .1 11.
1 .
yd ( VI , : - 4 . .11.$11. ALL T 11.1.: rrnpom:s r 4" A 1,
1 1
.. c0n..4,: i fi r .,.,,-
, c,wa• of rverytbingkle•-i ::thie. for the Il l y n in ', 1 " i'7e.lf,
pets _fur I ' ' - - ' ' t '-• • ', sa•••- lo suit. The goods are l, " 'Mac
. h. ,
T ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 0. ,
11.14,114: doo l aor,i,ir , i;:touoii , l ea r n . r r a n ol o e t
.., li tt ti„ ,k t tr t ..;. .l:2 tn at a to il:
,i r 1 n;r b r e a t t , l / t re tli p e ire w rc oi ti k i t n o t t e t t il t 4 l t l r. d •I' . ( r30 1.1 111 1 , n e : ;:ci rt
lnu - itry ' It -. r 3 - 3• 111161, " P UTSIC. I
' at FIIC 1 , l'•te.t.l 14 q r .\ 1.
or tn t is - i f 'I
black French . .,t 1 ...1 ittmi - 1 D
islitnent,,' ti.ctive iiingative pill nhich r eould Tic
, ...• • operation.. ; lid, hat be e n ! ket. o , l,!!`e c t . ock coMprise i s coats; fine
r e d sur,cl and Inn i'ect in it:
pare d i, preptireil ton 1e...t• that (km 011 4 .1110 an .extenstve tri- I Sacks, tr,' , l , to% I . lll_ll 11111 , in 'es; Tweed, Cassiniere and Perisirm
korkmen i alt•Qt 1 create.- 11:1-• entichvively shown hith-wliat sue- I dear' "II," :. r•n" v't ),,ek!, •I No hrOwn and white S..r • ' rta . . 4 1
" • .1_ ~,, r
i eiF- ;It aeClll4 , l: - 114 - f , the pu'rpos.e desigtjed: 1 is en" I n ' er 111 ." 13 a ''' ,l ' Y. t . r- i• 1,r1: , :•7*--ralite and eOerl ' (11111vil d
1 . ' i. , l it , i,. . I •ll lint . t • , t ) i i i.. t h e AfiirsAdle4, .ValentT. I.siltt i .., f ; .,.., e d 13„. 2 1 ~. ' lingr
rticulats I!, t‘') ma ,t. p i... le.. pt .ho A a.:, t 1 .tott.
,c ,
..,.„ _ , _ ,
~, •,-.., ~.. t , . t Ica, 11,1,r. I A 3.r,
i bo•st of all id/Ll—one wilieyshould kayo nonejof the
, !.... I tN • 1 1. 1 4, K ! th '', l '''it in : k s nq '. •)':,:'' cane .,i) Y e , s p , l l. ( l e ;l l . l, , e ‘ l v i t e::: :
." I , ' , a to -, n o te , ,t e c, t.t (t - 4
, 'ti • •. I .---} ine hLie • Cta , - , ltrer,. i ''.- - t . ••, - t
' objelitions, hpt all the advautiges, of p:Vesy olher.---
~n d is id, w - nat ,,,,,,,,,,,, Lt.-manner stuff, lin t ii (Val, -cutto-r a d e , ~ ti ;p oi ' Li n, : ( ~ ,t,„,.,,,
This2hat b,‘Lit attempted Itere
we %could re;q3ectfully'subutit to the ptiblie decision. 1 chid: and plaid-', cite cite pas to• bt, sure of .5:11e to :. rr,..1..,f, ~ ,i .,1 .
It lat , 1),..en tinfottimate for the patittite bitil,:rtii that ' 'l ll whll.le4i . rl. - til '! ` l ll• `;'...... .: - "--t, Embi,ilier
-1,,',.-_, Scotch Pio
1 • _ . . - . ,
h s „ l eanort es et:: I•urg•itive nlP!iie llt IS tel tlaPie /i '4 hot - Es ,:.1..\, , 1) 111.4•41.1.1:*-4.7.1iiit.6 ~, , ,,1 6,, I , , thngllaln ,
. tint. ,31.1, ofthom , 'llif tibia': and colorril Kill Gloll•s of tho.l,:!.'t
••t • 9..
w a nt o f I.ittittiliiig to the. bow Or. .This .
that will ; P;thllletll. 4 o pleat V:1101114 Nil 1 and reVul••tiu, lin the i ty . sart .. alit ,„ l. A
~,,,,,g , it ,',... b . oitment , „I. all ki n d, ( ,;• -1 ,.,'„;" 14 ' . " INV ,C
~lit. the. 1 :IN •tflllll 11.., to 1110le than c0ubti . ..,,,e1.11,c11.e g0 . 0,( . 110 . be ;. I •n and slate hose{ anti I. ho.ze ...tent.; aad ladie.: , Wl'ull'Yllt (1,
Ip 9 d s 1,, , deli-11 1 d 11 . 111 1 11111 / 1 . / thvsel lll4 P 1 1 4 . 1 d" 11110 ittit!tti" 1 C tton, Li ~le thread, Winn tun! Isilk,,Glov" - es, Bled', -
, or pqm, unhys it ails e fioi ! l a p ret i o ; l ,4y existing tab- 1 !en I colnrA ; a large rssmitment oft Black elk and lace 1 ` 7 " / 31 ' 11 "
the very
~s sh a t_ I stifle:thin or deningetuent in the bowell. B r i tt, i . p ure _ , mi ts, long and sit t irt, , I , OsT
ce,.l. , ( ~ 0 k „ ,1141 , mi
i yin': ily v,lgetablo, no harm can arise limn titt•ir use in atilt 1, -- L ,,
*.L. . .
_,,,,____ _
__ _ i k,O Lir.i.9
Id a. „,.,, 0 ' r t,, i quantity ; hitt it 14111 . t.tier that any medicine !shook! 1 OOTS AM) ItII01:Ii-•--•Ii"ent tine 110 0 14, C oarse ;l . Halloo
NRE . ibe t4 - ken judiciously. ;Minute directions for their usi , I .) Boot?, Ladle+ lino Gaiters, Bootees and Buskins, ,- - -••- I
(~!„...- R . iin the sc‘eral dis•caSei to 106 0 1 theY are . aPPEctible '. full assortmebt of Cheaii Shoes, Childrene and llish
{ ,,,,, tuff , „ ill given on thwleec. Among the complainti %%hie Ics Slioe.• and , Bowlers, Ladies fine silk-linen Slipper: : , I ....,
yRy ' liavc; been spet‘thly cared I , s• them, We may Mention ,at ..• . j •I,L, P. A., u,,, / _ . / A
~. .- - • • 1 .
4109i111.• _ l. * - 4 11
°R114.11 1 11, in i '''' i ''''' - ' 9ll ' - ' ' l ' l4 i 'f' 18 " 11 ' lli "' in. - AVIIITE GO() ./S.--„ill st%les and tiii:ditios: ble:14•11- ''''.
c..I•ItE. I (11 g.qii" n, Clu'g iJ ' y 4l ' d i''''' A (1f A l'i'vq le, I:l "ti e "" esg .,', col Shirtint,e rilli,,w (.'otton, Jae: :mil Catultric (-:-‘ NT-A I
t„ a bi„, us. ; Irritttbility,ililions liita , dache. Bilious Irv,•rf Fel or . 1 31 , 1 ,„, ur0, 50. ...., „, _
1 and took 31usTin., flirted .. I .'iftp.lin- -
',,„ 1 ,,, b et ., 1 Bnd:o.g - tie, r ain in tile itidq alicl Loins; lye, in truth, , mhshops
Lod viet i p
tia 11:0.rn., Sc.,figured and rat{,' ' I-, oi tt .,,
Cyini. :di these aroj bat \ the consequence of.ilkeast,4l action , ' P. &Co's. •.-
Swiss Mitslins at I 1
•;„.,-. itt2tike liver.; .As all apt Teat, they afrprd prolnpt anti 1 -- - - - t
A ir , :are; relief in Coeithencss. l'ile.s, ('h lie,' Dysenterx, I LI lIINGLES AND (I I [NDSTANES at , t .
1 4 ''.
. j •
•• ~..,, ',in - Ilutil,v, Sciofula and I••tirvt, C,-,lds s ith'ete.•eitosi of i.:71 1 ;* S. 1,. ,POST & Co'S. ' - 1 - Q. i' l t 'l.lilil 1 11 1
1 ,
.. ,
1 -R E.. ; the totiv',-.l.:ltt•r - 4 and holm , it,) of the blood ; it? short, ,(. ' Roc rait ,-,,,..2 .0 - r ti 1, ,
. t , . 11 ,,, ri . . .1. Spruce Istrort :,-I;ii
, :Inv hail ever3..ea , e v.liet,• spm ;:ative ie letintred. ;; if t
01 ',
.. 4
,t it) L'' 'ln teapest kind. A . Thooms i v0t.4.,.w,...
. I I filor have plo•luced toime t ingulat Iv suerossfol ! ,4,t co It e "111 %; s u l T"!" 4 .' l 7- I .'' elleal; at I- i... 1 ,, ?05T ;,,,„1„„,,, t , : .._ ,\...,,, ',
_ , ~, , , 4
cm tfik in Iti l tmininiqn, (10,1 t, D:oir.. cirav!, Er,tsipe- ; ,
. I ,_'„____ l
___, '
___:,_ ' • l. Orsmnich ,-tottt; ,an
i al q, valpitation of the. Beall, Pail::: in the Barl;, Stout- i ) ~,f ..\- 7 , , , ,,,-___t itt,, , , m o44 . 111 ,, ,sirabic ,
,•,!,..'„), f, - ., ii i 7 -7 ‘ gou t :. i t . , ( L.; • . 1 . : 1 1 : 15..L 4 e ie u , :, ; ;1 , :i 5 . ai .,, , 1-4 ;14v :
aelt,itrid Side. 'They •slanthl be freely baton:, in the.; .11_ tty., :,,t ver3
,l i w.v pi t i; es , , i', r,,,, ii . & co . • ' riull.'", 11; I toil
slll 1,1,g of die ycae, to patift• the bleial and 1!t 'fret! I - l Valiant W. Lelaut '.)7,..
the l. , •vsioni for the change (if seaSell".' A 5 0,, c ,..ie1hb..1 -I illE.q. (10nreiz—Sii14,, m it ~ , h1 : :, D c .L ane ,. Th. Da _ 1 ,
tio , rthillliale , OP' StOtutlelt :04 bona} t.. hito i e e.lthy 1 1 .1 1 geg, Ginglnims, Liters Sr.- of • everv . dosirable ' ' '' tre"ls : 4. _ohd‘ .-1 ', 1 1•P4
artii ; ?,r and restores the :11111,•tite and ri,, Or „ • Th ey pit .. 1 y 1,,,,
__ _ __l I 1 1. 1.. POST .!;:'en!s. '' Watt, lit , Broaltrj
rill, 'l' he blood, and, by thoir stimulant'action.ton the I
elteidalory systent, 1 enor ate the streilgthof th(o bod, - ,. I 'A RGF ' " 1 -'1 •sPietillid stye' krf Spring. P , lint,.., ',' 1 - ; ,‘‘ z .: l ',', 4 „.. t el l l (x ,' la rt n : i l t r ..l l ; v l,7 l
midi reitore the wasted or diseased ,energiett of the ' i• L. P• S . (` ti. ' , Avenue; ltzteplien - lh,
whoi.t ore:in:lsm. • Henee'att oeca , loottl dose isladvan- " ,TIPLE G . 0,,,14 at 1114 loom.. sire. - Wadlk'igh, Pktdadeip4
1 ,
1.11.11:s, even tlaragli no serious derangotneny . ozists; i ,t,i , I l, 1. L. POST & Co. 1 terst; cot ; Sanitztdl•
". 1
kit pttneeio•sary der -lugs. shoult‘pever 1,0 eta . / ted,ton •_ • . - • , bad Il."Sikaw, Clevela
, 1 .., tt , Nt 1 r....trap .it. , I. 1,. I'. k. C0'...1.
ftr ti= el, erv,pu'rgativi.• medicine re4let... the .., ti ~n gth ; ( "i l - , 0 T . 11 ,,5,. ea'-hilere-. ,Ti:e. , .1.-. hentutdry J ea ns I
„. lit
t- . -, • • 3 . •
nlion taken' to c:et'S‘. The thousand case , ' kir 'widely; • - '"". l . l ' s . 1
• 1 - Cl:Anil:l4 e'. CL,kith,
a' iii6 r I; required cannot be enumerated htire, bt,fr ,
Avo 0 n R.N.- 1".1.1'r P. ' ' 11' '' • C ti. r - I '-' , cli vni Li 1 11 ''
, .. --, .1,411 a 1...., e I,r ai -: I ' e ".: ''
--o•o•ettt the' 'lves to the reasop of eyettv body.,;ll. if y •'A Wash' Tubs, Pocoa ‘si; it BC"' --,„ Duos; . - " -.-`
N, jr. j
17t ,
the:ti s.uggeAt thetnß , ... . • --.1. - ..ii! • an, ..kit' .....,.. ..ta . ... , ,pat Di Piper _,utter i . „-.,e
imaiii is confideigly, bellerecnllisl pill Will answer tr.! _Ladles, Pi iut4, :ilbex 11.1.tirket4, -Bove Ilalters,, Betl • . E""?_-''
betiiT purpose than anything which bas bithetito been
,;.. ('orris, Manilla Rote=, Ilroonr,,a good lot :it fire '.tote_ ij,..11 4 RE, BES7II,F.
avap;tble tontankiini. - - When tlfeir vUtitt , :z sre otiee: - i 'tlf
~: ' : -
_. \ ' 1 • I. 1,. Poi 4 T,'lv. CO, . ! 1 , -... 7 . 1 ed cf Wili4on V
k i loien; t.l l o,,kuldie trill no longer donbt, What [remedy
,- .-- -r• ._._ 1 1 , , „„
• ! prtmrett to . .nii or( et
their \ line with A - 11
to clinploy Wilen in need (Ala cathartic InOlicitie.•,• Be- ! ri0.11,/-'7l A.VD "HA C'Elt,7; EL' •of th e best •
- ' eoustantly . oll, handing; l pthgar-Wrappe , l they Gritph•asanC to talte:land he- !•‘.., .quallty at tle.lOwot possihl4 ta.t e ,?, ~ .
i;,,t4ntt!el , ,- Vegetable, 1,0 hnrin eat ,arise!fionr - their • April 5,11,54. .:. i I 'f r I l'0:41' iv. Co. r. ki n d,4•,.) t taitr ra t„ r ?
• --- - t----- - - - - t
u•:orin ally illtantlty , ; ~ • ' , ~ : s ' , .' SO I,le LE.2l7'lllllAery die:i, at , :- - • ! cf . e. ke.'if:r. -.- i
Forinitiot e directions:lse e-wrappLr on the 1 ).... • •posT s z c„ , , ,... .;, '.k . t: lui it , , pal tithli
I CROCK E'Rli..-1 ..\- Lk GLI.`7•N
,: i:11'...1 1, 1:;;L 5 . - T 7lt;l 7 l o o . ice k v.,.., •
1 -- - 1 . .. i - vo
~ .) , T. trh e ' rli i. :•!ei l
Prepare 4 by JAMErI C. AYER,ll l ,rnetittal yid - An- 1 • - - . -'• -,.1 1
. . '.
I r . • ,- .. • - r•
•, i , we „ I „ nu f lethre. 11'
alytiettl,Chemist Lolyd, Mass. - y !. . ..
. ,
Price !ot Cmlts per lio - x. , Five llokes 1 . 11. $l. !
..• . lot at no pnieos.. /
f i
Of 1,, Caepo' t, lino m oiPer,nntlNVindo%Vl'; l lc.nde-i..7. ' f ttl ,: i? .a .. wrseil i; • %
',POST...St CO. 1 13rad113rd,"Zarflitlfzi
_ hes t tina t ity . i . e . r . 1. Plow Li matte tm:;i4
POST ~c 7: CO. :It I,t colebiattid ro'4. i . l
i 7 _ , -_- -- ------- cattier thad"rmy row
Ins of nil - kindii, Pnr- ! la i : Ei t t - „ re gr eat ,„...
, low preef. - ,' 1
. •
..- :I
- Pt.P..'q 4: CO. • - • '
A. - ;.11 1d:1(.3A mandia,
CC ctrl. , • ilt.: , :;.able i v ! .-11 ""'.. h ' I '*
o: . ' '' . . f ' l7 '"- LnZiii ,(7 ;! I(ir
1 .
. . - • 7 . ----', --- • 1 , ,
i •
1 Ater'!-: Cberry i)e4.,ttral.i i
reti (1 4 ... rapid Core r„..1-(1 ,, r,r111x, , ( i'v,ltli s 11,), L irs; L :ros.i. I
.I.tranell ill:, .I' . ."l'toolii )15-Co::;:b, (J?'.oni . ,,..lstbilla,and .
dinisillniitic.” . hi
i IL
..i11ii..3 reule4 has won for itself ...-itit nottnigty front :
it.; i'ures of, every vat Ltt'y of - iittitnottary.tlisekso, that ,
it 4 entirely 1{11111'04% - :11.'.:: to R`Ciltllltl/4'. i'v iapnces if i
its ikictatt:s'ill any (!conntanity w heri it hos Iti.irt mu- i t
pi.4nti: So wiiiele its field 'of retdtlnessi, atiti,so nu- ';
ntOonti th 4 65e.4 of- its etire:;,,tlist iithnOst i.tiery sec- t
tioii of titeoutttry atuntrals iit pei::toits iitatlicV known t
wft6 havc I},el7n re :taoret:l l f.i..iii nin in
ntirg ul oxen. dos, I
psrlite ilisensei of the Ittogs hr it.: il, , e. i. l irlieil oboe 1
i tritii II:4 ..t.tperiotity over crery °doh.; vfmlic'tie.i f its
kirtii is toil t apporent to e .inarzt ottpett;vatiOo,l.ll.l. Whets.
its ;t. it-toes i arc known the ituiatii...• list Eitunor i - v.b.-,i
~ .. - 1 -t •srti ,.. cll. , to t. tortlie.-- for tile illittOi'ig, Still flan..
-...:,:sints , s , '.t t T..:orts et ti.', itinta.anttr. - (in.gaits v‘7,1!;...11.
j 2 ,e111 , .t tck 'ow.e. w-e
, - .A:.;1, not poly in iiirt..i:,iat.i,t
attitelis.ttli , ).l tilii:-.L.z.tzti,'l ,. .ft fer tite.itliiiiitr I,. t !fi t .ii, t .s (4 ,
e.i.ti e• ltt,, f .;;i..' , 11..1. I;fte.T'7". - --i:e. , :% <t;•.: N. 41 t'•;.e(.... - .1i , ,',/re.7/ it
k iii; l';..!::^',.llt* - 2.7: li..d sa z . ;
.?.37 ,
t ec n
.e ti',.. - .1. min t...
. 2 : 0 1. ,
taiitsl., '.- • 1
. ,
.1. , it. 'oat l'sr.L. t t: *: 11 . 1:1 Cb!):::1Int 1:;:tit.;.;,:,-,•,:ri ~,, • ( hi s .'
..,A :( ::t. ;I n i t e.,, t i not tio.tri t ut• t1ia:,,i,a , 55a:1 , 4.;1.• i',:orie.
' it:: ii: : .:::.;:y . 1 , 1::`:,:111) C;', 1: - 4` Twr , t. tlifit it i-rr'ini4tema,
,' r.nti t' 'alt the . g.l.fiine. trilt,l, , 14 F.,,111 11:i—A1 , 1'.I. Titer;,
r:b... Me:itre, t': 11 F. ':.' •R. 11. E.t-. - ,e:N•, ;1 4 iarford: -
Cn 'kr - II 4.PnisN t: - , - .;• liu•nii en; anti I . t.7ittil tit , .littrFt in
• . .
milkt-ino. (..-. - m-.7.• - '
• 1 fair ham!.
fr . Book's—
s time. Mid
ii. To One
will be
4T.ON .
titnenf Lis
arri :41,icil
blirg and
r , s
(lemon!: of
1 117/(.109”-
./.;-, v..-ill b,.1
;eel pricc..i.
•etl. the .ahove
ea:4l !
teh, and in all
I :.-1381tf,;-
OrtittLElt& PAR
. . _ return their grateful,
nektiOwletig,ements to the Publie; and invite at-,
teption ttr , the very large stock of Spring anal Sym
mer-Gootia they are now receivitig and utter for sale
atircry lafn ,pPiecx. In addition. to their usual assort-
AnOntof sfable Dry_f4oOds, tlroceries, Ilardwahl,
rniiti and Othi,'"&e..lic./ they are prepared to
large -assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods
fift i everydesmiption—Figured, r,lahrand l'lain
Ilonuets, - ,ShawLl, 4 Ribbons,' C 1045,. yosiery- 7 .Ladies
aril stime's Shoes of all kinds-- 2 -afen; itlarge 'stock of
../Zi4'.4D Y:MARA' ,CL677IINV,M, th s; Cassimeres;
Tieeds,:.kans, Summer Cloths, ) - wting , s, flats, Caps,.
flOots :analS.ltoes,:&c
;They respectfully solicit an ethilp i call from those
who to ptit.cbase good goods at roir,prier.t.
• 31:iy 3;'51. 31c Pll. k: PARK.. • .
. .
~'l< -._
Mnental, and
e'u the market
qu'ently, he sold
.1 - ' 1 • •
Nati in
tyle, and will
W. Coats from
Bold, a usua l,
„._,_.. ~
t rollehing Ilontrose at 1 r. u.'-` i'efuraing, !pare
1.-,V,', ' ' . ...If ntrosedaily ( Sundays excepted) at 2,, P. it.; rookb•
iientof Ime L.';' in s p. kirliwOod 1n time to - talso,tba,liail trains of ears,
lint, weuld re- blith .1.-',.fc and West,_ being the nearest and most fea
r! will ji6p c ol) . : Ode rolt . t. to reach the New - Talk iunl Diu'Railkotal. •
drir e ll selected 1 ITilis Inieinterseeti a -hi-weekly :line for Dlnsopli,
'' : S-Oil
Orine, Tukbannoelt, Wictling, and Wilkes-'',
cheap. as *ail harre; which leaiailldentroad,"ael 41. aCoPery Mon.._
Mckery, B oo t s .:ldiy, W4dt . 101(147 anti Ftittny..- 'AlatiotlinetaFrlonds4
111 ilnd nil kintis i'..viltiN. Liteityaville;le.- - -.2 • i , 1r., , - ;.: ;:--_
co m a ..u a M 1 • iVoNt tennui noil. comfortaU•44iii#i . pp*: are frorl; '
„. , ~ dad, and Ilse preprietono 'will ' aphrei , tar pttnt 'to ite 4 ; -
~ • i
tau ate &Ist! 10h; ,'W,, I".44.Telit____” -, - •
-.:.........-....-: --------- I; ' a il rii ,i 4 1854 r " ' -IfOitetAti triVi4IST •
nOutd• id ric.40.4 V0111:,NA LE. a common , * COGirtlr..4f/0/1„:
•,n'Ps 4- FiA 1t I ‘l. - ii , on,..rpt, ir... , 1-11
` .'? -, 11V - R :ft . ..l# wry, - •
11_ :
f• L. .
).....iosNar g e 4101 611411 tt vt:d:
..._ . [ ..
. . .„.
• - • • . _..
TA .1.! ./: ....;.`1 T. I, _V:I 1 7.4‘"(.; S--'-ev
.nlitt v ery Cl t.ap. f .• ..1
RA LA' IL s .
I' ~thelis2:;',
.Q. 11.7; Limolipd .1114,.r :it .
Ci - . -,
jAI. - ;11.,' ,i()l.l.„lii:—..‘. ti r•'.
A-I 12:it s•tyjeii;: , .llo .1 i.111;)foi,.:
MiiiitiiDc:..!li.',,.). Ila :1
;ty . ll:,:*
r,nti L.:,:tCtiz , ,-; air.,l 1:10 ,1 :11:
yAC ElErig:n4,:ii,i 1 ,:,., , „ .., 4:. :„
~ !,i....,1. :..L.,„ t., „ „--0. 4 ,-!,i
4.1,i,, - , . ; ru,,,,,_„ , ,r,i,,,,.iii.T..4,..
F.';:tiltAlNl:fi 8..4d. I:L i mp: F . l ,
t c
1. - 1. ~..- I.
- .:77.7f En . 1 ilkT'li, I:pail:I s -fl
1 -,
:filc, --,:..ii fal.,*- 1.61.411(t, .I' , :,
, I . 11 , ..; n:101 iliefi''.l:•l7 r:.:lii . Cl.lleil ' )
-I ..kl -1 1!:..- ::7141 C.,i.: .;.::, Eat;
. 0 "F-4,-14 liciv in: 0t.e.11, 3.... a-
- :
---< a,.
I --
lizt.4 ,:k.:ltilf ornia 9 . .II ,
thi.''', ali)te ... ej . nliq t' ' , rese w
qrcal.ti. i . P.d4nizie,ill trait .
' - 4 1 ,, . " - - - •'. - -
' littriLl-11, - ..;STODDARD'S . ' •
1.10131 t „4.74D'.A.E1'0HL 7 §TOTtli:;. 1 .
. -
, iilCll. - i r.f*'.l . witli , u new and est;:h4ro
, ••. N , 1 tii,;.4)rtnient 0 - at'tiOes in their , linc,l . lnErtaciog
-.. , , , , , „ ~ ,
„:", 11 ,1 ii., i i.,..oii ; ~a r_ .s 1 ~ •:.:.:iyt:.• oil aco.).• qi, caezunt 1.41-1.. , ...,.. t .tt mates
farnery 'N, lilt' :' tt,;rts : 1111 q ;:..P!LT.:en,li.:ll . S - • IVCar, i a/lltqlg . hick are i... dies
L #10ST1; • i .rT , 'ls Ch. Silk ' La:4111 1 g and Prenille GaiteaS, Kid and
;,.. i .,.,,;.i,:. 3 1., i l -,..'_-,._-. i -E:s - r.'d-leil Pollito,lrid,..Pt:ter.t Leather and! Br anti
' l, po. , ..ifi- cf . t!''.;' . "."' - , et:-.IV I.imis lin'sikfus.ant. Ties : Gentlemetcs Pkench
-...- - '- ', af.ll , 'ldlaticlpliii rill. tali led ealf sidil and kip Doetii
.-- 31cr0'..:„ C:,if And "V.vhirte 'llrofi•mis &c,.. ',Buys .icip,
1-).•1'-'d- Apply=, Tat' . t '' ei . tif and cowhit'6! iliboi,l'and • Brouans ;-' all kinds of
001, ctetlis, P4'
.. ‘!-'..C:' , -'.. I t lliss..-s aiol ClWa'..; we.4r: . Also, a
. general rjort
' l . " -651 '• l'''.'" . .."' I rac.nt,c.f Piralincsi Olieh eimsis - ,t in part of-lasts, legs,
f: L. POST &. 1,-',.1. ' ~t ai.:l . le., - litn` , -Ari. an ' tacks' thread, was, "iris
---- -- 7 --- -.- - 1. ,; - ‘ - i- i ,' - i 1 , • ''':. tie- , he-- L mhn•l a i wlrtrel .. sandstone , . shoe kr.we
• "' - . ''''''' ''-''' '''' -; ' .- • .....,...• . Also oak Ati Leellock, t; .cd calf . cp_perl T.'
STOVE: % STOVES 1 ' 1.07( TE,5.1 . :•-soloicuthci, .3'.(q.celo skink iltal lininv l l.
subsetilrT•l6 , l!'eF. 'to call the :Mention •of his !. - w ;. -...d c .in f ute,.t4 o rs rei. iii u t repairing lie 4 tly &lit.
fritqloA . allt 'the.tutilic to Ids very - Lerge . ass o r t;:!' ... • . , 1 1 1. - IiEEI;ER &. - sTopp.Aß'
,neut of St fiv , s. at his new Store. Boom in I...:ders.- ',. ' . 72„.,..; ti . c .„..•„ - . -, A I , five, 18,-i .. -
.i//.. neat to .1.,.-1,1. Le' ht - iinN steire, and tear the lit. I --- • -,- _ , •
~ , P-, - t.
D - end Depot. lie has in tidititlti to his forme.: hir ,, e 'i , • • ' - V- 2 ! ,141 - 7 - 11 ,Eglrf 4 E'll, AIL: E
l r
..arie-ty of Cookil! an 1. Parlor siov&., nutny.rteu.pat-.1 1 - • . - -*. : • , FOR • SALE: '..
tepo, sonm of ulltTelt . .e- •1 . . , • ,i 9 A 1 . - ILLAD:.l.Jo . TB,,''sittiated in the. pleas.i
&. .:Virleula.g; 1 l'e+le. .Draiteil., _kite clipirT, 1.... kJ part of the -village Susonehantm; itiso
•..ifeticrit Trott, .11•ole'arek, .. - 1 Jledallior.,•
.. ! Houses dial lota in the , most businesS part q
(it.ient, . ..r.g,t' L. R - t/rripr, ?),ik,'Egg,Stwie; 1 ally..eF,ail f lina g o, i A 1 1 , 07, a Fein , i..041 , t
Prin,Tiving 1S 3.!
Which, tog-,etlier,witit iformer;his forcii mock, yid. prrhaps i with ..t small improiyein4at, the remainder la
be the most_ extol:dye i nnd I'M it'll as:mrt.nterit of well,( tiinhefell. situattl twt ruiles•froni said-village. 11.
selected stoves i t.the county. •1' .. - -. •. .• 1 - .Stz,-Ttelianna is ti e grCut. Central s pepot of the N.
,S.tore „wet •Cliaton
."ic - All artiel in i l furniAtedl at low prices.' ' i . . Y. & E.:ltlailrond. situatniai the foot of thelhe*uvicit
, I s
L'. ds line kepton hand arid made j .f.r,ratle - on
, the . road, bear the great werki. of S.taiilo,
to oider•as usua .
and Orders rcc,ivell at his old stand i Conewacta,• and, ',the easCade, matt posessing In"
in(111;at Bend. I • . . 1 1)11N COI,STEN. I .ture . the b; , st'traterit g Once . . oaktite,route •Uitli life /t ., -
' lodenreille ai d Gr ;d Betttl, N0v.:..1854. • . • ' ° ;,:eality of . es,tetisii.e . Lachine . 51.1c , 0; Poinititi..l-6,15A
--- ----------Ii ------. 7 1 - ----,---7, 2 -- . - -L 4 .1---: -Sugitzelomta, althotigli ;nunibering -het Ilr]io inhabit
,_ .... - .
' * -
Notice to- the I?tiblje.' -. . i atras,. and . tt . four . yeari . of age,. is.'ll . estinee sOhn tt!
ILLIAel.:lllNtiGte" , g,;,,,, yr ork I „l A , to .; range,alon,.._:side at the nto , ..t Ilottrislitng i, and.po plop . '
', l L .,!„, r° •.!'il l ' ed fl ". 1 y• ,T • A town: en rite tine ofitlii.-?igneattgetouPlfe• •:'
cc,utton.of ;ay olu custoluers, :11 , 1 0
L 'l' liri.DS, -.' : I •
dm pu yule in ...canna], to my - • 1 . .
- i . • . ' orrice, one doer Cast .Of. Leith
l ' % :l 4'lV - sTIPCIK OF C . ° °Ds " .- .•
- ' -I '• -I - 'lre .at N'ov. lii;:•. : .•,:"......• ' -
Inch being bonp,dit with cash 'ti the lowest prices' ; . - Suk '''i" I" nria _ i.. I 'l' - 1 , ,____•.._,,_,.., - _'_-_,
anti wishing to 5.C.11 - princlipally - fent the sante,- i willof:•; . - vn i n. bl,, Li ok i r d t ep or g a l e
for them at . greatly;r6 i tileett trice.. ..• .- i-;01-1 . sALEir,i;,-oNg BODY, - . about 5500 of •PriniA, 'warranted .ftst color., fur -only -S 1 le Land oil tint waste of ' Spring: Brook, it branch
cents a yard: llood Brown Sugiir, 18 pounds for,.one 1 ()f the.titchOiiaMia riCer,i;la Luzerne County, rbiTh's.;
dollar. -. I:oonto.' Nails, acknowttltiged by -all. to be 1 . about Midwas - lultweb,n the; thrjving ton - ns iof scran
the best * Nail in use, ss,:io per kCg., lints mid Caps,
•Boots . tind Shoes Buillilollobes.of all .Priees, all wool
t ton - and Pittston; -'. •es lainli are Covered with 61.
• noble - thither ; And li tig kttiatifi the most • eitensitt
DO Lttines, Cash atire4 ParamettaS; Dress Silk, Silk mineral -retdon . iti - I'e tievivania,-known.. to contain
Velvet, .&c. Mc u.4IM. Bo ',mines, I 'Olillillg Per yard, I iron, ore,-and believed to abound, in., coal, tutdilieing
Satin .Bonnets tart • 31oleskia lints, iiroche' Shaw Ls. %Aga in the in/Mediate ;vicinity of Several' railroads,
Double Long shawls, .Thiliet do.,'iellingut ittonceiN- i
i made.and now iiiprogreiss-• the eapitallst am
ably low prices. 1 1 can s.afely wdriant..perfect satis 7
opportunity - for.the.inveintnent , of money that militant'.
faction to all who will give me a col .•-
~ I occurs.' ,'For further inthrmaon apply to N. Pl. l
' l ' 3lre:shore ' " l i'• s '-i lB - 31* . • --L-- sl. A ••• fillENs •-• -. suck E. 4 •No. li iVall street.NeW York, or tO'the
.(j c - ,Lo K.f4 :,-,-,00,,, d time licwers,, only ope dollar,. , 1 subscriber, nt , 3liontrbse,Stviptelfanna cOuntY, - N.,, the
- 1 . , •. S. - 1 .- 11 1 1 ONS.:,.. I- attorney in factlof the: owners. --.-, II
. La.neshoro, .-I ,i.; .5.* '
_.....:_____ ~..._. ,..
Ay ANTED-1-14(1;11 Aide - for which the highest • :'•"'7' ----ts-+.7.. ".
Ili ? : ;rico will be Paid. • ' ' i S.:l. 'LYONS.. ' . .
Lartesboro,,Air. 5.' ; -... lt • - ri
13IENT. - , - •
'---- -- -- ----- - ------- -------,,-------- ::"rt T . AST) E.ISLOTT would rt.peetfully inform' ~tke
I 'tOUNTRP, pROI?I7CE taken in eschanke .for..i• In, Public that-they are manufactutin);lllatehle!*
‘...') GOods F'-` :
,at my stOre... • - • . • 4.1.1 - OK., Cdtibrilte.a Plows.': They ttlz.4 keep cous!Antk • °1
.L.lne4horo,'Aptil 5, . '.. .•- ' • ' . i . ... '.. :, i ban4,..Sitte,lliiii.: lrityne , County; . end It/fit Port.
4. ...- I- •.. 1 -'. --..
---- 7 .-- 1 -'*- ' -'-' 7 --- ; i etetirat(ii,j, Dillil ' eti anis,' Sfrigh am . / „Cutter ploi.frt
Can't get . tong
.without one Irrli'• rplore,,pant.i !pt .vatioua patterns,. tett -ntinulrelto . to .
p yattee Groee4y,; , ..:_ .
rirkllE Pt opt i.
tom i• of the"
_Temgeraima OrO . e . eiT '''' mention. W t.
..hOpe, b*, stilct atter4ituf to littfineg , 1
‘ . ;to receive 'our "rhart... oil - public patroult,gel . )laaufg*
. .i.tenc, 11) , (mei, , o1c1 stand. - .Foundry, It.- Mott;:heg
.1 would call. he a tention ,ol' the public to thel
stock of tiroceri , w deft consist-: - of' everythiug kept 1 ~„i- 1 ,,.,.; mill . -- , I
. ...i i . .
in n grocery - witlit.the Je . s.ception. Of
..-..t., Which. eand
~ t k r R c i m u t fig d o ei e axt A D A. notice.. ..
be purchased fit. eastta. little atmv.e. cost. „Cotne..and t- •‘ - - - .-i -•
..: .. ,- -_-31E,R.R1T . 310 1 1T ,
try for yours.cly a,,wO ' will load you down with. gro-', : - "ELI.L.III MOT
cello for nut litle...mOney, is -the. neat. Our, StoOlc.t.
Consists Of Sumit.,-Ifolas..scs, Fish,i , Colfee, Starch, rep,'
- per, Spice, Sainratus 4;.e.,!ike.. : k. - -- - ----- - , '. : 7 -• •,-. .
- April 5; :.•'• 1. . •'d - F. 11. POBDITA;Ii. S. C 0..:
- Teill.ii - jloEifS;hligw - lbOT:frairef. - OitTnTr;iiyttiZl
k.i - ', keg' or quitt... iNittiv wholesale or: - -retail.: I.igs
s and Yankee/Nations . Of all deivriptiona. ‘ : , . - - -
:. . A-pril 5:.' --',. 1' . . 1 ; • .'
- -'
.: '. F. - IL F.' & Co.•
i‘l-Ifi.lCF,.`,.ftll , l fal,CYre:tidvs. a
aw.,l;':,oltie - 4'..)f tUf fineF,t. 1..".
c f.- / • • - •• • i
f"liitiCiJ.,..lT-3.i.iiiir --. .. ; td7o,' J
. i.. 1 • - oral at : i
.. _i . ....... I.
-- 7 ,--- ii, fixri'.7gr,
•.:i R... 4 LI - ef '4 t.itule--1...1:.ariz1„
.11 low..But:ell. 14eziwzcz, all w
for whidi we will e..tehantiiir
April, 5. . - - 1 ' .
. ..
. -
~ . ‘
Facts tor the, people. • •. 1
TOT WIT)1 ANDES - 0 the iNretitetion of the New
.1 7'
_LI .Albany i tigerthitt PrsokTieree will Le elect
et! President I ntuse the :Pit!til4ei tsahth save that I,
-" the-Lord.ttivlh pol,ver ily tliettive," it is'univerait.
ly oduirtted tbalt the,Obscribeican - atid , will sell. - ,--,
. , _ •, . ,
.-- ' 11001',• ANTI :$llOES" , '•"` • - "'
• CH Einit_th,nn any iothoi shop to t6Nyxi i - not even ix. ;
, cepthirr the t getrithie I%i:it - nits! shire 'store' dowk town:
I L , N. B:—'My terms ittrp,eash 6i - piii - Aowii, ' and 1
iron thaiefo 'lnt MI llibso'icha are - 1 - ndebte4 to` '
Morlirian'irrii cV,, thii they iiinii - eill ' anti kr. lily
-4r-:—nutTee ' - - ' - .A. MERRINISW; • .
Montmse Ap II - , -:- : ' - '. -5.13 ,R091.:1W.
' •i • • .., - .... - ...4 ' .L.-.1... - .4,......._______
~--•':-. - ff'------ ,., •, - ilitrisitk-t- -'.
fli ilil uu goslaptit r itii4lle , WOOti, in elelipirtgo:
tl,f l J roe woOlen goods , --;•4,-T•ArlNs'..t•-.. 4 1TF,
'lllootre..; , , ctrinh^r 19., , t.f - -=r
...I •
... . =
, r
the :-tovp
PVISI`' 7"..ivry.k.l
clio'.t:e lot oi,tlrej 7 4for. Plri ,, r l " - Stdr
LyLielle,EaeS , • two 'zii 7 .C: 4 , 41 9 , •-orzil
L.V.i. • ; I•ottt w4,Utt3ul 0,111
- • • ••••
‘l ,l
tn‘l • • f-11 ,
. . • 0.1 g
1. .
--- - --.-- - , `: o., 1:r...5 , ...1it-ift.d lel.
•-,f ~.-..,,- - .....• I
• . ~., . .t". . ., , ::::1. i'
;il.l V ..' . 7 di -ar ' . '
', ._
r. - r.: r. t ,
. , .10 •
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1.. I'(1"3' C - o . '• •
jr.l. - 3e . "1.1 r.• • L ' •
I. 1.. I'. CO,
g0,),1 v.a!i ":...; al
o: i;c2,e:111:: 'at. iil
I. I.,; ; P: tl: (2(_). I
r sub!4eriber agent; for the folloaring lestrect
-Jt. Compahlei, doittg businesi at the tow_est si e
C'czsh.Mlttirat crt :?-fairisbur.y,
" - CRl)ital SAOO,OOO.
home /all/more l )"ork.-Cily:
capital 000,opo.
- F. B. eII.A.NOLFR.
INfontruie Spril i1;;.'51, - •
rj - .IIE. autiNt . ibors 'aro _DOW•burniog anti oili keeP
.l,,dfxtotttokly ion .baud ,, Liiue - of a
_ . tteiy ac poi
Attaitti v.. It Depoiiiind, will
• tell it la-Inf
- tionotitioti l at: a - fafr pr,ice,„ V,areonaN . r6hing 4 laig re .
quantiV•Oitif ba stiptilleAtipoa it; i.ltOotiabia_cotie tt,-
' ilapptioi' gt:ottnii rialior, will fre-.):oplosibiaatly on,
'hand hereaftc.4 ' ' : .. I. r.. FN.'
-.. . ~• -; , *'. --"**:;*, **.' It, Dr : 'tv•-
- .' - ~ • ...- -w. ~E.'
, . „ -----
1,0001,0 `lsr • IkiiVrtiOoDsl,
ItEtr.' 111.1iACTION1
' sk: fo)-- th,e ' Netp :Goods at .k a te n ti
ONt .0111cE:8'1131iE! -.. .
1 -i, F lio -
ast • and (,I eattest•ta.tot _o_ Panay, glft. i
Stapit! . (l, . a ever brooght into *impel
it , ;,C ,
One it ititired !cases ry. Goats cm,.
bat as folto s: : , -•- ,• • 1
babbleSiilifi • VaOtiOnable•Sßk and Sat
cc i 1
.• [ 1
• [Bonnet—
mtel) Plimtve,
40 * Dolinet' IL
• , • [bons,
It) pe , ...FancY Dress do
ell'eP Dress Cottons,' '
rierd.• eolr'd. VelvetZ4 l . l
kik, - Bay State - Shawle,,
1411 k do
estores, Itosiers, etc, i
Ootiii . CastLitneres,
'Flannels, .
Wool Blanketai
Linen ,do
Irish Linens,
".Black 3fuslins
;P.,tc. etc. -
Berge, ;
n![7,73 '
A..1;o1;( , !?..1
~•' . .
.1; do , •
do 1
Oct. 1,7,, I.
I •
;psi ,D,antqii by
.- •
/ •
street;': Peter O. Earl
rnrti I;ane,keri -I,lB.Broadtra •
13i; Ci; , 1,16 street;` - Samuel 6.
F•tivet,•( Alb?rt
es sZ:Croell,:.• 113, lirowfw'ik ;
t/r. , Y.;..tatobert O. 041,,
41' D4)ibie, Iteehter, N.
reri l'ker It..Doech, rOti
Bell, corner Wet'iti 'and Lida.
Litte, Witter:strett ;D,
kv:.; Ili atio. . Gallop,, co*
. - 6giFl...Peter II; Foster;:corner
Rua as liitith
; Ifeltar B::Driitalu, 43 W A "
inelair4ribtne Buildings;
ed, /.
• . . •
)rAi. President::
-J • • •
:..tfece.t . ar. - - ;!.
A - gent," Montrose, Pa.
. • • ;
Si tnd 4iv rT , P
tire: i l rch ot
s fronT the tradc;•und - fitYliorJ; in
and . e.spatch.' They will lleep
(best . kinds,) -Si/hTit j j.4ll
, .
ar atttintion. to the Ploivic 'which
rte niaitnfaeture and keep
raitd liliiteh/fa ..V,ci4. . •
the (.•elusive tight to manutte 7 .
ns:countt" IVavite Nvoming and
ti s .I'atiat fron...pcontPtotr.i 11.1 t
i'/ nt 46//, ettceptings , the kindle!,
its . easi• tit'au , llt ' '.l)eing • one-third
1 .
in use ; Wilde its strc iigth and de
:i. •
• " 1 ' .•
:LOT. YE.111: •
turcd lepaired lir eiperzgac
-•I - -
fur ..v;ils,•
1 :1: nee, •
whieli we Tuanufpeur, ate, tbe ,
i l eonfill i lOady do4Tor
io:in do.,
,arci ether kind., till ar-
Alk - ),'Se/ . 1-Intgt:-
(1)(14r.e Ilarror de.; lita44,-,,
'e.r.varicity n(-other Parinr Stca.e,
it - cep aleo onand
IU Clian ttinaphig - ;.
&e- &e.
and lowe, , itateA.
tht: traqe,-and 3911 be.
; e - •
QIIII4GLES. , „,. I)at:ist ,
'IC •
• - •