liiiiiktAg l• - '..."" --- .7,z== .4- -"i4n 4 A;t . if_t',it#iWitrti of ' - i , ;toNdilisimiainr, ~..._ _elYtillidii z i*ePti. 41100*-4-etic:.oter -4449(Agricuittral so the, queistiw;been ..,4-Yido t will 'they do 41;:iik#' 11 4eri;cs4ti!*1 ,Aittr4o,ooAss. not inet,isAestraVe *hive 'done ; if 4 1 ie - e( l 7 . rif-eyery Plitol, ree .exery ,exer- M iii *httit t‘reitt liiiiirV apace .Of 'three 0. * . ': 4 311t.. - eftlietts' . ; yet i(*hl4l l n4 7 -if. . - everY ''aol . A - tive member of ..*ofildi: in , my ~ opin p4lfWiier cent , in ad- ,777 • *of -any 'benefit are at - appieeiate gret .u kknoever:4 maybe ivg over -I",tittt, Co_mpatisou—of the gsii -adecto-set us right. ,';ithpartially - lutist' see cetieS have been Ofirictd 1. GiSlt . 44*0 5 t 'ioCietreiWO . a ‘ , P4tribr*of them.should benefactors of men, and ! Fltons-aria .Arkrights iwclnuch to- society in we .better Aii=char g e tatrOnizing Sucli c sOcietres the encouragement of interpriin Ord ample testimony. to a.ssociatons. • Every limits—our roads, our ':;Otir. public', edifices, iellts to their utility ; Ave shows about its :Worth—the influence ‘44. And .I believe ing the subject to', say, k g • t least twenty yearsin it it would have been, if - no islind hitherto existed. Oust:well remember the. old unwieldy single- and don ,; the . English and ,Dutch itted to the cultivation of the ;00 head . ; ad scythes and . 4s3han a century past, of pon ijiins. Those have all past made and ? use . d them, :there a specimen to show of our ancestors, in. pursu -toil. But :to make our "tools of a higher finish, T. adapted to our use, !11-unknown, have taken lay nearly double the . be, done, vith much roue ~ F p nee of thue, than NVe all know, to 'ths4liserence between good ' But our poorest are -tteetlian were the best which L.- The lint new 'scythe I I well remember It) would ke any young man budder at using it. The father who a_scythe in hands of his :Ulliolat.43r, would. 4trely lack un and if he used it himself. 'r • 0:111, S .Ork -E i*:_perA„ IT, 'BURRO' l'roprietors, Wm. JES-SUP, B. R. LYONS, • W3L J. INtraor..D, F. B. ell.t.ND M. S.,n, B. S. BENri.ny, - 0. G. BARTi4.I-T. Eagle Foundry. ldontrose, (Pa.) Julll 4, \EI4 ARRANGEMENT. • Freight and Comission , Line, Via. New York and Erie New .orocOyi:Oti $ Ili'l4 ll4 l'lll6** . 41i) 4ibiaa , W 4ol. -611T,EtiniTs0ift -, 440ritcra , ..=Thenelis a 0 / 1.11 .r * O litlik rk-i* :in 'III , ' cien‘.loXnemitleti - tki% ,., oWneend'a -91.reanartrie..- • •iiireihisaina' iks :MUM. 1 N o gu+GENElNE;liiid aid: '. E LVToirritielt4ernildbetkr.;`, I :mud ars* =B;lv ,, * .i: , !Arrki* on rotoki* * * • =Ale, a' 1 4, 01 rilte - pst e .is 4 mr tl 0 . tie o oP*O.r.rgt he ' led 'Ditrpinclotliniritrig.ere hoe S' iai e fi,otzt::, `,fiessr,s'A he •,' -has su e Leroviedi • 000,nhtt prattitea Aiiiitsen • ye!trOl' t-lio , ioel is: rutnf . e- pee* Prargcad. umlit.i.Ms,:i; day jni in . lifie 1 , .. Sikh' tee , tricked niteriprelentigidit I looks '' -to the ;Charnel ir ..v - fintiitj'of, - Vie , marr.A c erieli.: , -meiteinterelyi.firtniuinemor. otofirthnse stoternents ottani . t. self orof me. ..:Wlies.will,m , lea to,bistioneet and.rtiqk • Fut in air their dea li ngs' -and; inteiAilfee , *ittr tlieirarkiw men! lb apt.liellAo One elit t ßp tarestaVhimitiltinn4 ufactuting , his tnixtute,ida a" ' lare aums he,Vould make. ea - an inthicement to e '6%11 is d id business... These : + men hale bees; insular -libelling .me tirVall 'possi6ht .1 . (earns, is order .o impress. .e, pAhliewit.h.the belie( alit. • itesol4.lloetor'9*-trsaparills;,wkes oat he 4enuine;'otiiiinak !. , Barsaporifia, innifolninattel Oki Doetdei ortkintaliebt. pie,- Ti is S. V; .TcitviiAelid kaglii 1 b . ave sold the tlittigirip - ' =me (oral a vteek. A wpAvve U1tn1503,-,11 hesei_il, pro- 1 1. dnee ono.single eolitatr pr e jtfAilthis.' - ilia Maietnehter.of Thom p4on„ Skillman rite: ,ii , ' nodlingLbnt a tissue of folsehutids, dm dy . masse to !1 the p ublic, : anti. keep thetnit ,, "- ----- -- - ' ' • • •-• Int; ' Poun D d , Old Old I miser 4 .EN. iv t THE ORIGINAI. I?l§covEntneir THE Genuine Townsend Sarsapa.iilla. Old DI" ToWo , elid 14 / nOO7 ahoin'•7l) year,: elf nee,:orid hi t s lengbeim known 4t ie_ 1 .4 , 1771,H0L1 an•IDI.CCOVAkEIt I, of lie (-,•. gNuf - g (WIC lA' At, " Tiyir:_vs , ..rrn SA lIS A PAPILLA." iti 1112 poht, he was cinin wiled le /Unit tts n,anni.o . :ure, by Which means it has beenTreptettut. at market. and the salt. , cnentri,icribell. in ;hose only who had proved no worth, and knOvVn its valizii. , It had-reached: the ears of many, nevertheless, as those . periwig , Who hid been healed of POSY dilemma, and saved- from ,imith,, , or ;t Cs c uned !L.! wonderful 1 •HEAIANP POW.Eft... : ?his GRANDANTI tiNtiztuALLET3 PICEPATCATICIS IA manufactured on the taro+ ticale. awl is called loran:MO.l - the length •Mid bre...till iof the land. especially Ss it:ts `Sauna incapable of decent.. lion or deterioration, , . _. 4 ' -Unlike voting S. P. To saisends it impraves with age, r alai oever 4 clirtilites hint for ":..;, better; .beestuse it is.prepareil . .on stientifie privicitifes 4 .3 y ii seinintifie num. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, anal the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brotelti into requisition in the manufa‘c turC of the Old .Deo ts.roapp rii La. The,..Carsaparilla root, ' It is well known to inflclicil men. contains many medicinal i properdos, and move protienues which ate inert or useless, 1 and others, which ii retained to preparing it tor use, pro i duce fermentofion and acid which is illier1 11 :1 3 to the ,t 1 1 ,5.. / tern. Some of the propertied of Sarsaparilla are in volatile that they entirely evaporate and are hint-in the.preplmtion. • if they are not preserved by 'a acienftfir procegs, known on: . ly to those experienced itt its manufacture_ Moreover, . these vutatde princillies. winch dy ed . in vapor, of as an ex. halation. under heat are the vrry c4scntial medico/ prop. • emit, of the TOOL wh ich oVeto it all revalue_ • Any person can boil or ,sieNV the met till they get a dark i t l colored liquid, which ti More from .tne coloring matter in l 1 the root than from anything ti•,,e ; they can then strain this 1 insipid or rnptd liquid. sweeten with sour molasses, and than call it .. SARSA PARA/AA EXTRACT or SYRUP." But such is not the article ki own as the / GENUINE °LI) DA: ;IA n()FrI'ONVNSEIN"D'S SATIti.IPA'.II,T.A. 'Phi= in •iti rrcpa red thiu ,R'i th ,. Inert - rironerties .if the ~~'! Sarslioaril a roit s.-:, 0 ::, i.onot edcver: ,• ;t> ? r.ty,tYy. of beconnw: a:l.i or f, -, t),,r .j, ...1 :- c.tu . . , •:.• 1 allel.rcirc . .tl; then every li,rl by .1 . : rli' !if ''. , trine I. seemed in a pure ' and enereelfattsd toritl: 71,1 11111 ,. Iris rt`iltitredlllC.ltileLie ' 01 10.10 g aoy o i 1., f. 44 ,-.. to. I iitt:l,lllq pr0i1....711e.i. Pre- • peed is liiv , A .1),. 11. I. 11i1-14 111, u:. , •:; ~ ,ri, . ; i, gem in the Cure of lainii iiierotil-e . y.. .. . _ ____ " Hear.• ;It,• •a, l why r. , , ne an every ride hi It__ favor!•!re:t. We tin 4 it tioihe I ~.!rya li. co:1. 1 SP P .S* I. T, :iv , : /: /. ; 715.17, OU9 frln vp I ..iIPLEP.I. - 134,0TCHES rrry.:ll ttrisitle tram IMPURITY, QF TEM BLOQD. it pnsso,,,es a inurvetiorai efficacy in all complaints Mi. I sing from indigr..3tura, *ln Aridity if th , , .??mach, from unction! circulation, &terrain:num of Mood to the himi. i L . palpitation of the heart. cold feet and hands, cold chills :Lod i hot flashes over the body. -it has not its equal in Colds and ' 1, enugh.a: and primates car- c elpeciorritin arisl'eentle per. - splra/ion, re taxing*Stliakite4 , ufthe kings, throat alui ever ; miler part_ ;., Bin an Lutists'! is its itTi4 iience more manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all hind' :old stares of , , I % • EENIALE COMPLAINTS. it works wortileis in 'cases of - Pluar .Albus or Trhirett, Fattin.t of the Minh, Ob,tructini, Suppre.sedjoi Painfu; Metaxes. Irregtrirrr_ay of natmtrual penal,. and the like; . and is cfrectual in euro.4 a`Jl the :arms of Kidney Diseases: fly removing Übe:item:els. and reyulatinz the cencral system. II pea ,- mite mai atrain,:th to the whole hadhand thus cures all forma of - I . tier - vont; Dlaenries anti Debility. and thus prevails or reitefrcs a er , al. varlets . or'pttlee mat 1 . tidies. as Spinal irritatl'eu, Neural:tin. ,:!;:.'Vitus' Dance, r &rooting. .Eniteptic Ito. Coueo.'slans. err. . , It cleanses - the M o nal. k•xcite9 the liver in healthy-Hi:Ural. canes the stomach. and. gives rood digestion, relieves the bowels of to rPor a... 1 caisdr at i..nt allayg inflammation, pm , rifles the skin, tviali telt (lie circulation of the blood pea! duet= gentle, warrntli equally all over the hotly. arid the ta.t..t. , ,,ht, t -tt.r.n.l. ;I,u; i 4r ..• sal, -...4-Icture+ and rightness.trid wave. Ail ot..rucions. +.lO niagorates the entire nertorah synem. I. not . t . Vt.. 31.....1..-1..1. . ',..e.....o.railalAVOLTir needs But can env in, these itrangs tat S...e.,Townserid'i interior arty le 1 - -- Tu., ..-ght.-: man's liqUidis not - re -- ' c 0 m PA rt. E. D - x- - 1 rr ii THE OLD,DR S. became of one CRAN E ) FACT. that the one IaINC9IPAt BLE of DETERIORATIN, and. ; • t NEyk..i: SPOILS, ... , .. while the.other DOES t t hatring.fermenting....and Maul the bottles cnntaininv , ii into fragments ; the sour, act liquid exploding, anttriltMaging otherrtfOds l- Illutit not thi horrible compel:met be ; poisonous to the strivirri 7--,What• put acid into a systtitniali - cardy diseased with add? W . causes Dyspepsia but acitfl Do wunot all know that whe - food sours in our stomluthe. what mischief it Iprodttais flatulence. hearthurn.-nlpitation of Ate heart, liver cant plaint. diarrhea. d3s Merv. colic, and corruption of th ' blood) itliat is Sem ti hurtta an acid I t untoptilhebody. What produces all the hramirs which hrimr,. on' Eruptions° the Skin. Stahl Jleal, Salt Rheum,. blryStpelas.. White , Swellings. Fever Sore . ithd all ulcerations ir.temitl"and da , ternal 7 It is nothing hinder heaven but an acid substance'. which :slurs. and thirs Is; irals all the fluids of the.britly. mare OT lasi. What causes Ehroinrathun be,a sour and aci4 fluid which insitittatai bself-Itelsvien„theloints and else where, irritating and inflaming. the delicate wanes upoi which it actss7 , So of, nervous diseases. of . inimititY of th .' blond, of deranged -ci calla tion; 'arid nearly, all . the . ailrnetali / which W mart n ante. ' Willa hU Now, is .it not horn bla to maks. anti sell, and , infini,tely, Worse to use this SOURING. TISIIittErING. A CID „a.00111pOUP(D" .01 ~ .' S. TOWNSEND, ~.. 1 -4= •.,_, :t and yet Ito would fain, h ave it understood that Old Dr: le cob Townsend's 'Gent ftie Origins! SarsoporOilai is ill IN ITATION of his tee ta lop proPttratialat ~.- -1 Ileave.a forbi6., tha 4 % a thould .deftl fitt.biirarticle,srbio. would bear the' 'Moat nt reeitithlancti tti, - 5..! P. Mow Ili!flell artide t :', '-, I ,":"... .. '.. '.: ..' 4, , ,%:, 1, • ''Z . _ -, ", ,• - ,', ' We t wish it tinders •1, because it 'is die absehile triii , that S. P. Townsend' Tele and old IN:litribTovinu - sith • i t Sarsipurillti ate Ai• f *id* apart; vast infinitely cites' gar; that theyaie- , ki, e in,eyery, partiet,i4Ohaving Fi i t= tlitnie.thutz_ ,itt Irn .. en. . ', , ~ ' --- As :S. - P. Toiliisen is no'dombr, and '- - nrker'svas,- le 6 chemist, ri6Pdti .• • eto-Lknows - no.-Mbre Of-medicine t disease than arty oth. ,4tartmon, tmacientificompr% k ain 1 , man, what guff:nide tha_public: brie that the are - rewire 6 gcnuineasi n item nfdlorne montane ta ei r tnes-of the isticlea#l . •Irk:priTarin; ttr. and:wbieh a :in. capable ofthingett whiff! might ' tan - tist thefall'ae AGE ' of Diseaa6 Itistead Of helaltlel - - .-:''_ .:'=-_,-. ,:-'• .. = ,"1.-::'- ,, - , •"4 • , But what else On .1 4 tsi , ex'pepteli-iftlul. qua Yho.'• nothing comp.statie .tylif,m6diane.4ditioabs 7.. , ltratini - a Orson AT aomerl • rience - to "cook inCeerfeeimperse • common deenit *. , now mumh,:jmna- ImpOstant'. 1 t . .-... dhat the peotons wit • Manufacture:medicine deafened fie ,•,- .i WEAK S",t1;1 0 11AC ! ,ANENFEEALEPSYSTS '.';' l ed W - 6.auld Irtiorrit - 41 t • . kat Dtattitit. tarot ttlattot:AN. - 4 j.mannat , of ....att % tohimfAtating titaktt .eajiitg Ts 't cep an extensive k ... ledge of the 7r:diem ?amount - offert the human a a , and how to adapt - manlier thane 111141M:if l'' ' ' ' . ..•`-..'" ,, P'l ::?,, . „ ..'.4„ .. .01.:-. , : - 17.4 1 .. - ile ix. tcpittreist , ins ‘ upon :the litnantlitt!ttil t , - bitallt — i . " .„' ba i t jut& !rounded km.. ty. to Iciafili Mips in'lttentoper 'f.. I .tionoitit;lo 'iiil-cmi i iltrth."Pil4 ; 'tqlc* 4ll4l 4 l tetw , itiutahiei' 1 fetushetVand brio •, . ttIiSISIA-0/91141MIt.Pki •A*CORMOWARE if )1411ADY„wkapa tletass964o % , ',porturtity to t nants . Pfm.l Kra . "'" -':-:': :*-`-t - t•' . ..'..Lt=.- - "Zr ,- - , - OkatatotMalir alVoliiiiitiiiati' 'itati. , lllA ' '4. . within th e:teach; It . . . . .'..inglrity.9o. ll - that]o4 . utaytteinn -, 41 kilovii - byjny iil extreifintii;lll they - litiamA'P9arerlei.Heak ~...v. ABEL -'lllll4Ei „_ : en - or i l igk, • *thijci amp s, call r l 4. fr/ :Atftr the - cv - , J , midst! ap • Bingh2mym . - ed , lug foy IrltR117: ,: t .y.,, , ,, z p n . •...,,,-,„,,,1--,g,.,,,itig, MMMEMEM t • 1 Al • Ctlrt in - • It 4 A tt sa IbrO I oor ,ah v6 t7 l r .veng Tor. .4oreth Jena and, rrtbrcot elit t l y a c Itta toe r 411341 415. te pa . ; *s4.**; - * : fi er Vit-Wittit 11 5 1 •=r , kw. . Jo ' I dn fertiwel feleiheod. do tut ei rtim obtais United fl teinkedi au- ol .. b 3ico t -hiopk 'royal siiths iive to 'tuba* *, who awl, 'formed! ;OINTMI *Mee THOSIT MAN Sr' zi'wos foe the u".. tioilder -them, atie, into' ot:' _ • - S A It S,A--IP Ault4 , ll,ll6:EA The moat 'estrenrditary:llretßel4e'inAlfkr* !'Aft Extract lie pet up: in V 14 474° 111 0 i" ll * f ig. thedplllr, plid/ailer, ' mid iserrerittl sitpiltrer I say sard.l-.. it nurse N l lkind towithyrilr, purging, lit/Link! or dibilf• „ • •••• 8 0 l 'e - ,0 4 Pfl i r"!.- , t'•-, ;' Thu great beenty :and • supailoi•ibe - Of ii ; thia , rill, over all other_-ttictliqi . stes 'is. that ,r 01 15, . ., , eines the disease, Tt inyiggiatei:lbe bo431;;;;i4 V the' very best . . • '''•:-' 'SPRING AND,SIIBEIIER",IIIIEDI INES , aver known: i: not only , puri fi ei'•-the'vethiplat% mud streligthani•tki PiroPdr." l -4 Elli!.*•'''Vl w add rich blood ; a rower , plummeted • toy s _eo o t her tine. And to. this, lies the van4..ascreirst .-,,,.. co ...cp..: :I t ga s perforlne4 e'ithitrih lastiort 1 more then Inu,oot) mires of severe caves of dime!" • least 15.0 W ortra„cOasidered.incyrable„ !It.ttae the' lives of wore than 16,01(0 child's .' te L pis i ii *QUI io the 'City or ;41+7" Yorlielene. 1 • : I 0,000 osieri eif" -tirsicr;il 6;5 ' 161111i.- venni of riervott. iinermy. „p Dr. Tow's Putraamtritla. Invigorate's ky, "Ong teal permanently. Ti.' titbit, eh - . Mive !oat lheii I cults ousrgy by the effect} of aim:tans int' ktoirscril cotuthittrd In youth oi".the sleessive iodagetie• of' posstoos, sod Moonlit CitAlyjdtysiesi priiiitratiwit oft itorvoussyntem laseituda, was 'of alibuios, fainti "sonimtiotia wet - nature • dealt) and decline it6Lsteni lowan!. that fatal tilioeftileConcooptioifeiii be entir restored by this. L pletassov,reweil.s. This Sotoolias is fur •1111.Crits. to boy , I um . igsr9lfilig Cdordsid As It reniiiewatol ittviiieratee j he. lryste . l , a, "IvOlie' to the limbo, end etrehitth to the uthiciiter it, • mon ext.emolitirry -degree. - . . 4 ••••,••••••:iptiete.. grEtl r.. rug,thvi; . .C. , ..telption.ten 'be cc Nr vl.OllllO. C , 4044/ 411/41/ 4: .4. 1.1 Ve 4 " .Cruit taint. C C•tin! Cow SylflOtti Illuvd Sot, tier lie }'lash , MA. ht Slteasis. °dim Pt •e I prat" l'irirt LSO fern orid eau be tweed'- , ' ' ; otpieettig,BSloduA.l /Nen Xuri,t7.lpri s t.`4,lo.47. tic Towriortou,-1 vrfriti befir.vii pint . ',.SirOoz lin. bus Loull the mOtitio, Prq,i,denii,"Of *Pal 11., lire. I Imre fur rurptut YeArs boot be cute. ...ogre cot worm. A!. _butt 4 Faip.4 ties of, hit' rota great) ) teal umi red...cut, dial twOrriri , ri to I 1...vr u•cd tour 5,,, afti. dlu at illort Ita , ,onterruti eb!.firO , IfOullitilis am on nr . I .lc (0 W 4 .11: All :.%rr a;t3%. railsae I u u my mall. Itql tole. 'Call 111.11111111 , that,[Laiolillll4or thew 144.ibu0 "liar dieut sea r nut, ILUSS,ELL, 65 C•tkuiresliw , • • • • ""' for nlll Me Ii tr . ;win Ita it It ti ogle tv nn watt., in.64.ineit-bi.itiniva _----- -,-, ..!:tatIOL. qothiiii. - chit bolnOro-40111ii4i - . 4 Wit !liil:hilPill*s ! 'hiiiitt On Ilnin'no tnaiitc,-!.0 -4.1111 Weektioa l li ti pthyd i r (runt tikliinglint on '4 r,Ph. l lskitP. •174 11 ,4 # 0 ":11Y irna.i . :. its - .intliieni , 04 641-141 '/Y ileeieerii7-'thif 4...-“4..i - 41' - -1 , - 01 . t „: , fi hieh...iii:Wii - 1h1P, ,,_, r , - can.. .d virrmtv,• • . """'*' l4l- ' .404'iee 11 1 1 . ILI CIS.. Ural.l Anil,' ..turn... to ex bill i_ciitifia.loo,af 001,1. -perforit•Ot.' . - - :t! . o4.*ry -- ,1 ieiiiilicied; Atom „",,,, 14 -,i;r i m r - ,,,, .enii. ! e l iorti. " - iii.;; Thau.. ie ,,,,,,,, if , c , ; ,,,,,, nnilinif...finvnl,e 4 tat witteinn Oil: ...1,,,,.. Apo% ii•iti, ,i'r,1 :11 :" lif .- it', is , -iii :41 4 # 1. , 14 •. i i i ''' ll ' ~- 4.61;1; 'fiiiii - e.:1,A;•41•' "VO' 7l P*'ntiviiil , ;r - ffirriirirft: -Y : li ... h,. .h,,,,,„ - ,0„ 1 „: 4 ,,; - #tvtlAntdritibe, .td - feinisti; - tim innl tiai rtailoo-tolooppitanidoi-la Phi!Pir-ft,K" 4. '.' , 44 i" . l 1 . ..'lrilie miii r ef ' lifir"!' :•• appr9ls tops ;. y) , A : - . 7 " ' -r i'' :'. " ,1. - , ~.. 4 . i , ~.- , ~ . 0101.1% iip;4te',..' !‘t - .P' -'t , 0 *' - ie o 3 . o! l )i primantivs . s . aiii .,, i i.,,,,,, ;: 41 , kn04 horrible diseiniek to 'bleb 'fi nm I - nikaro ' '4 tI9 r..t li-t• ' hin period .y,b,r,,f/ 4°46 #l4iiis - lij # itiii T tkis tieffi , ei l eszti.i, 1 , 41.(:{i ti4tiiitiiititorili , ~ a g ,A„,,Ail ' ,1*., *, : t4P: i g.1" 4 4 6 ,. . 4 ?3,tallfftt by of mine - nnA. - .r.itts tpntit 4! Ili•iir i - air' • le , - 1, ,,, nritnh1ti;14..411 41E00 1 '411mi* d4e4: , tilt • •, • • - - - - • . .. ,,44,40.4 , 'lst , 1i,.. 6 :44ii,04'71Yi .)- : 8:54i il; I. I , ifa1ii4411.;.14 . . - iiiiii'' idtietiiiiii• tta;P:**:Ort*ltluiti 1..:r451(4.5n1ti fi. J . l 'V,f) - .....A 14 ht 4 0 " O l i r +V-R-47* .r_Attiliny': ti!fir:":h - 14,14itifimi`. ofs, t4iftiora*.-, iii ! - 4 -- ..r1 :.iiiiirtuthiiii i te..:*7.lriitiomo.olbssipliklii i ii si a, i •, - ,.. , ?1,i,.... : 4 - -,-.:. :1,44. ...:;:',;:.:4[.,c2ri'r.t.;--4-4,1 4....; .riiri.:;i:',-iviiio ri .... Etisturoiont*it:;: , il' - i : .. 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