The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, July 12, 1849, Image 1

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    '-, 1 •
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_ . 4 .'. WILL 0 i .. ,EOPLE IS •,
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. .
Isurt e W. Charm=
- - ,
Advitne6 ttayreent in Cash per ye 4,
If paia' within the y-aar,
If pot at the en44A the year .
For the , §usque l
I hatum..R4lter,
Catoline. :. : 1 --
While others sing of wiir's atirmS, i., . ,
The heroiilvorth;: . :thpatiiot'sdtiti;l, I - •
My strulU-*1 telllthe t i sw&3tei ' •
Of inreclieaMi,hein ty . -:. . , .f::
And how; VilieutitrOline's thelhome,
Could I ,
refuse 10t'eave , the song / .
" Who e'er bad music in a dream t ,
Nor would that - drtam prolong i" i , '
" WeAr meet agaiii,", she said-111;ne'eV forget
Therwittkory, of . that little minute: -'
That - silvery tone;4l4aiit yet- i-: •. , -•
liersuasion'irselfWaS' hilt; l'
Ancl t..6n ihoie eyes,,that down Ward. sent
Thpii diamond splendor !--that was kind ;
11adthey ur their lustre bent, -
I surely had bcoi
The faultier torm,ihe *inningj#4*e,'
The boundhig airy. ghc
The pure mirt4 epeith;ini in -the thee--:1
Ah 1 they have e.h4rins fcir inc., '
Long lire that sweetpd fal6 flower,
Blootni4unJ -111 e , a f te' ; • •
It graces well its _nattve :
And round a gladdening fr&thness throws.
And never may the sierras of ,
flow down that modest tioWeietl head;
But ientle dew, and genial air,
constant,' kinclbr influence shed.'
Ifontrase, July' 1, 1849. • I:::„tiirs.
EX, &A C T
runm nn SOCILIT Oki 0*; iiLiViltr . issiiiiiie
Mewibers of the ..ellpha Society--4grloble
flaked would it appear,shopld. I not embrace the
present opportunity to acknowledge a deep and
lasting gratitude for the honors your preferetke and
partiality have conferred. And lam e.ssured, were
it not forlhe fact of finding in it en expression of
universal • confidence and
,fraternal regard, more
publicly and unanimously expressed than in any
other manner; few there are who would willingly
forego the quietude of a loss conspicuous part; for
the anxietc incident to that of" Societv-Oritor."
In:Nun:eh, then, as your choicest hour has been
conferred upon nie, accept inTeturtt, tbl tribute of
a heart sincerely grateful, and be a.- teed that as
tom proudest rerniniecence of My youthful days, its
recollection shall oft -beguile the solitary hours of
:if; or life, and your kindly deference constitute in
in ,t pleasing remethbrance.
Er' ztoNs—What inducement lures' you OttFurd,
and directs your aspirations Why hare y 4. ta
ken upon yourFelvei4 that Classic cognominal'4 cola
trailistincrire I Tell me, ye who are etnuloti.4 1 )f all
that i= virtuous, gfeat and arise: may I - notftnd- in
onders proud motto, 'a My, stk. ie*i*on c , ut mice
xpres,ive that sAficit 1.---4',S7u
d:a cY antes colizrztie : of interesto cup,
and rerealing 7 hitlie Coric4) . tion of theittiOst*-nal,
oile prominent ohje . e.tOf your: stliociation; irCIVW that
l;ect may be directed be ii l Oadtaitive of
the niost 'indiCidutir:and c i olleetit.e.gOOd, ipirts b e. ' m
, r
per mqtury.
Premising that you all concur in the mmu : that
1 , by the cultivation of the arts andicieim—and
as a consequent, the, mind—the nvinner heir, can ot
eupy no vs:TY : prominent 'Place in metaphysical dit
qui,ition; for all mild, agree, that only by.the.moSt
mteme application and a determination that '011ie:411
ix , t iu the face of the most; formidable barrinis,.ca4
any one attain to eminence in science. , ; - ,: -'
The mind is-susceptible of infinite tension; but
if it be notcarefidlieducated—if regardlesauf con
sequences, it be left to its own 'atrangement, its fair ,
nation will be.crude andill-digested,and wben ;t4O
late for reparation, will be found capable of t being
directed to tut:de4nite object: Discipline must sub-;
due its uattu-al insubordimtion—
ried study intigmate and enrich its different fear':;
tie F—and a philosophic and discriminating medital
tion, accustom it to forte correct conebutionß. 11. i.
Would you cultivate the mind I ..IEI4 and eill
nobling. indeed, 'are pan' aspirations. vain.
delusive hope is that tells 'Of self-itatif;fying
pleasure, while the mind, immortal as irtunortality
it,elf, feasts but rarefy orionglit bitt4l'S
wilikvingArearna Wotila.youtru4Plith. 4; Lind l
Lend the.greatest Mott JO thatitudY-Whieh mill
draw forth its eneigies" atikdevelcie its most li.
tent Wahl; and aletctii k ,
,it :, pay'loftei far; ain
&smut trtitia :teat books arbitrary end'-une
miring, T i OS llv (f,c' t l e . t7t 6 t,,of iikaiure,.. l ' 'the
i n
mantlishinarifil enjoyment ;',b i ivitit
the inighi4fiiin*te t por e over •ytini ' anis
, autbor—giVe;l2*-o:llle.'exeit*'4) ielib
erate reasiii'iio: - ****e . ,-.910tig14," ' ii the
acme of Ai-4414i bi i i4l2 o 4 F z. .T v o l/ Y - - , : 18 0"
deity. ' ',:;'-'::: 51-' ` -= ';' -. r!:
' r e4 d 4 i .C 14 * 4 3 . 74 4 . 4 *, 1 0,4-SM#Alr - ,.r*rid - ,
ing tigoi;;qlliiiiio-:**1?*14:01-#8#rk-!!nd
P a like 4 4 - 4a4r;± - ! - #4,0 -- 0 4 0•****41,1
Much reasOa luitiki o ,o ll ** lll o l ,l4.,
itB Inc " bes *4 itia g f jti'**P*itiefit*
44 bY exiiii Ong,
the inerhaustisiell'iliad:*****l:
the aientma,o94g4a,bi* ', 40.' ',#00::
t ' f
:e(€ !
vest4at e the latkialikrai.44!o 6 riffifi*, 1
..dimi! - iiir 1 ) 0 1 4*
t ndd ,
" der l u M 3l3 4`l 3 **".* l l l io+
'cbich UnAtanberOW4iiii44o44ll44'-03,11:
li n a - 'd - e`teirnfrotte,;;Jfitf* samc great Taw-Oter,
4. Science,' whethi.'rn - dcli - arHieid,..Ma.themati or
philottOpbieill . is rethiced:to a certilniihithenie j ,the
!mind that 'explores ; and investigates thesepriaci
Pitting to that of PitAti_liirkself-:-the' highest'," ilia
blest; lila primary.iend„ Of -man:: To this exalted
'station: , do you aSpire 1 1 • Then seize with' giant
grasp, evdryfeciliti imlculated te'assist you onward.
Let stubborn
facts thelic;st withWhicl Yon wres
tle. ' 'Thscerding.thellow setithnentality of vulgar,
enervating roman t..,1- in the, realms .of science thus
hovel and' -ritriedi 'inake -"'vast eitiirjetis;" 'and
yours shall be, thel laureate rows of triumphant
Victors: .' As. a_po*Trful assiStant , inrattaitting this
object, you cling chisel,- around-the `constitution of
your society; and I need not in ignorance query—
does it subs-erre this end I fur I, too, have thank
from its limpid fount ?day' its 'Waters never, be
quenched! !. • '• - 1
. Two years in the creniful •historyrf time, lihre.
been chronicled since I stood before sour Society
in -the citpacity of Ilaladictorian. Tli - fC, years!—On ,
, witg Of light•They''ve spedi their 4ourse : in the.,
,reniceitimtice of the past, lihw trahsient—in the
halted- for future, how full oil promise to youthful
r' expectation 1 - Anil, from the past may. you not
' learaoflthe future 1.-or (loth some demon.orremorse
haunt* recollection, and bid thee look - on, Mid
still f ' es ors, for thel Final4lvianna ti:jil of thy
fondly etished hopes i If_So, remember that in
'airy citit i lesAre thrillers of airy minas, and only by firnities , of resolve, !Will '
thy anticipated 'future be
Irealize 1'
.• . - - ! ,
Tiro years—how)clianged 1 i . Of, those who then
!occupied the positina' now oecupied by you, fear;
'few indeed remain! They have PaSsad'awaY 'to
I -
I relurrionly in the phaufasies ofTnienlor„ - ---ouc* to.
the 4cepeez long hOme. Unitedly, they Struggled
to Maintain the •pritini vigorl of this association,
corn] aratiVely With Itliapresen, affording tut small
advantages for literiiry improtlement. -
able,.z.eal inspired their hearts, cemented their so
eial zoic.etions, and Urge(' theit.„'pnwerd in a cause
to 1 - qiich theyyWere ItlevialMlyrattifclietl;ll ChiriSli,
then; for their rumno r rie livelY gratitude—invoke
the choicest benediction to reward their,efforts.
Soon, very spin, it,-ou too :gild have. bone from
hence, and entered Upon -these, pursuits Which cirL
cum...teams may have stiggebted for after life,
Pause then awhile,i, and coi4.der ' the influences
-which shall control Your futfifi'actions : for upon
the decisions olithetresent, It*, conseqWelices toe
momentous to atlinit, of hasty t i lr inconsiderate con-
elusions. Who of yhu would ask the boon of life,
laden with hopes croshed and expectations unreal
ized ? The world isifull of thoSe whoSe very loath-,
ing of that which readers life di...-irable, hefrays a
total wreck of a the adorning principles ,of God
like man: ' Remember that whether -in humble life
or in the counsels of a nation ; uniuspieious and un
questionable principle must bathe test by which
you are judged: Seek then that fame which is the
consequent of virtuous intention; rather then the ap
plause of the multitude, whichFiassesiway like the
day dreams of fanatic entinFlagm. In short, act
well your re...pectic-4i points in life, and a concions
ness of moral. rectitude shall baffle the detractior.s
of envy-, I • i - - '
To many of you this -day is., eventful one, and
- the scenes here beittOrtinsactAed full of consequence.
,With its termination, your coiMection with these
" halls of learning" will cease forevdr. Passing
away is the Silent pli f ogrez,s- ice Order of nature, in
which you recognize Ole unpleaaant reflection, that
'the scenes muse maglenial to youthful association,
have flown upon the
. 11,,050m of tithe's resistless tide.
Pim the 'present, they 've gone!—for the future,
they Mort linger in kind recollection around memo
ry's altar, and cheer or sadden The heart, as their
remembrance may be pleasing or - PainfuL .
E'er the Morrow's Inn Shull have coursed its cir
cling round,'lyou, --- comPanions in the. toils of study. inii6l.l to 4E4 classic retreat, -and hie 'to
your boil es4i) the dmbrace of ifriends mote dear
thau all bsitle. Re hive, now, the, valedictionof
oae who Vil love yoil,most 014, that you Milan
the measure of honerble and useful bk..,
; •
i $1 50
t ••a_ 00
2 50
J. Norris. • ' . i • . •
---- 1 ,-.--_ , :
brn.orscz- of WqrAN.---Mr. . 1 11o . udon was re- I
cently asked, ua. t, huge party gi ren by fir. Speak:l
er Winthrop. why he did snot attend the . usual
places of public nnmaarnent'as he had been' nevus
touted to do.—llls reply. Ni7W Chit: Lot it be . read
and remembered hy the mothers. ' and, daughters of
America. . . ,•• ; •i - : , • • ! . .
. u,l, male ; it..a point,l said the honorable .enator• ; -
I' nerrer tO,,Visit a place where-mY lady, if she -were
i 'kith ine;''Would be• imwilling fp go. .1. .kima-lit
roilitgive• her pain, as a Christian; to attend - such
planes; siall•will not go Myself rhere keould not
, tidie my Wife?' .. ..- ,j,..,• '1 - -.-
' A member - of COngress present 'alluded hi his
loi n rife, l added .4bat. tein ii•ss ,o mutual un
*i<sfanding lietreen Wiri:itipl. he",thartliey'sliould '
legit ' toniM : the bent of their o idelination: in
I t
- who, i i i a tt et *-- r - --.J-- - -
a Thatmay do.fer y00,.!-;respon ed . 1 3.1 r, Houston,
!" cp#Twitli Ina itis . different' fro -whatit 4,witla
many risen, 417 ,ISife has beedtr „ — 444 14. 1 * . •
Sifelooli.iii4libeii-,I the viet ,- of slavr-lriip-
Pefi4aiipdeZ. ed aid,re ‘ .egs, ted 'inn ;: and
I. ,will 'riot .ilo , , tiat hi her. , ' • i , ei.whichlinipii . ,
wsalgivebq" , * l 4,,lt e w era .. esio." ~.,- ,. ,5,
Dins. B9pßton is, silieekbei• of Ih-43.4104-cl)'U*
and,iq a lastly ` of-Ala ' '' ` ... "r' - ' ' --
' '-
•r . r
1 '
- Clam. vi*.:-41,knOctber;of thO:',liLle Massa
*sato f '•'4,,"' , taie,'z'94l anivii*Er:l3o9tpii- - Ito
viinter., I* , I tm to_4l*l--;-- I ;llcase'forbo` aidiaud
SUM' it'll& luceislir . 144. AIR ' • jo
iiO 4 L tills 46wii 'Et - laindlorOilke, f ,y-ri4*sitiifat
r i ce- 'minii -how suol*ked - '- thtreittAttie. - ;
-tElnee4o a+iuttiliekft euisiii,i4i lineel'ol'i6ai'
i*stkomoßilich Urropriisilutati,.,
_was,-.abwilt.--- t
[ -1140,.:N:a15, ,
_."l 3 ailiface..'fi: --- - 1; - ' 4 4 ,1 1 - W - Caniiii:
I rut
Illeaft-Vir,. -4 WietiMittiftia ' -* theiks" Ow
" 11 / 1 4 "iti e * Pkg .:- ' imulheixibt - i rik -0
oft4et **l* . Mot*:dollif *O4 Asii - • bill*
fil'on.V .l *.„.,42 l ll, 3 4 l #eitrri, '*ctolltpe
4,ld*---74Tai""F:tenFm. tislitUonn
IViriikt#4,:f lit, ! 'Aucioe -1 1 15 4 1s 1 )-00 1 i '
*ZIVFO3Oi4i I ,WheAr 0 ,
"--- 4 Moilleifilitive*tries:-•=ratikkk tries:-4,:
". From the: Ne)y York Organ.
• 1
The;lictliodlat circuit preaCher is in the way of
seeing'lminrin - nature'in many rare and curious as
pects. r'lynder the itinerating•system, the whole of
these V . nited States are divided into conferences,
districts and circuits. The conferences usually em
braces 4,1. State, the district, a certain division of the.
State or conference, and the circuit, a portion of-the
district. To-every circuit is assigned a preacher
•who -eoexpeetedete provide hinise7lf with-ii horse,
and hi. duty is to pass round his circuit regularly,
at appointed seasons, through the year, acid meet
the melmbers of the church at various places of
worship established on the cireuit. Every year be
attends the annual conference of preachers, at which
one of the bishops presides,. and is liable to be -as
signed a new circuit, in the selection of which, as
a general thing, he has no choice—the bishop ma
king all • the appointments.. 'And so, -tern& after
term, he goesto a new, place d among strangerso-r
Before. any strong, attachments can be formed, gic
relation between hint and his people is seVeredi
and he begins, as it were, life anew, hundreds of
miles away, it may be, from any former field df
labor. ~To a single man, till:Ito-stem is one inyolv-•
hag great self-denial and sacrifice; but to a matt
having a family, the self-denial and sacrifice Assum e
often n'painful character. •
•In these-circuits that embrace wealthy anchpep
tiler seCtions of the cpuntry, the 31etlaxlist,pretuie4
is well.taken,care of', but there are many, other
sections Where the people are not only" Very pixal,
but indifferent to matters of religion, ignorant in
the eXtreme, tind-notl over burdened With • kind or
generous feelings. (,hi circuits- of , this charactery
the preacher meets semethnes- with pretty rough
treatinqnt ; and if for his year'S services, he is able
to get, 'being, we will suppose, 'a single man,- fiftY .
or sixty: dollars in" inenev, he allay think himself.
pretty well off.
To one of these hard circuits ,a preadier, whom
we shall call the Rev. Mr. Odell, of :the icieW Jer.•
-sey Conference, found himself some years ago as;'
signed by the bishop who on that occasion presided
at the annual conference. • The - change was -felt as
pretty severe, he having been on a e.infertable sta i
non fur two years. Pitt as - lie must eke the evil_
-id,r,o,a,-1 •
all natural regret.; and murmurings., id as in duty -
bound,. titarted at the close of-the eon erotica for his
new field of labor. A day
- or f tvo b 'fore leaving
and after the appointments Were a mimic - ea,' 310,
Odell said to the-brother who had ri den this cir-'
cult daring the previous year— •
So ram to follow iu yonr. -foetsteps ?" I
It appears so," was briefly replied.
" How did you like the circuit t" -
" ltrim very-well pleased to eliange."
" Not tnneh eneourageinent iu that anger."
"We can't all luice tit! good Rfact. Some of',
ug uutiztlake our toroth IfO;highiraysantrbytrap ,
of the taiitl."
, . .
. .
"True. J not di posed liave
taken up the cross, and mean to bear it to the!'end,!
if po.>.sille, without a nuirniur:'
'As wee all shOuld. Welt, brtitliei Odell, irIYn I LJ
past. the year on the circuit zitbout" a antrlnur,
your faitb and firoutess will be strong. I 'esti it-
surd unit that it will be tonic titan I did—a great
deal lucre." . 1
I have been antoug some pretty rough pdople
in Inv time."
".:;',. 0 have I. But—" and he checked Min:self:
" however, I will not prejudice your mind. It
Would be wrong. They JO' as well, I suppose, as
the knotv how, and tit; 'best can do no more."
jTruljr said, And the more rude, ig,noraitt, intil
selfish they are, the more need b l are they of (losixrl
iitstrueln, 'arid the more willing should we.lte to
break fit them
- the bread of life. If otipr' Muster
had' not even i where to lay his head,' it itll t beceittes
us to idurniur because eveiy natural - good is not
spread out befitre us,"
,Iri tli'Llistate of mind Odell went to his ;new' ' eir
cuit. Mating depOsited his family, consisting, of a
wife.and pue child, in the, little village of .---=
with A kind brother who offered them a home at is
mere noininal board, he mounted his horse ' and
started Orli) on a three weeks' tour among the
members ; of the church to whom be AWLS to minister
during the next twelve months in hilly things. The
f i rst preakiting place 'was ten miles distant, and the
little niedtin,,,, ,, ,bouse, stood on the road side, nearly
a mile aWay - from any dwelling, and in an eiceed
ingly poor district of country. '
Befure,leaViag S--, Mr. Odell made inquiries
of the bnither at whose house lie Was staying 'iii
regard to the route he was to take, atid the people
among whorn he 'was going. As to the route, all
that, wilsitiade satisfactory enough ; I)Utthe . account
-iven-of tie. eople was not encouraging in a very
high degree.
" The f et is," said the britiber rather warmly,
' its iny,O t • inion that they don't. deserve
,to -have
-thd (Ipso pi - eache,l among them." ..
- To thts,lhowever, the preacher' very natarall
demurred; mil said that he was not sent to call the
righteous, .but the , wicked tarepentenee.
'. Where wiler Stip to-nighfr . 'he inquired.- - It
wesSatifrilay afternoon, and on Sunday. :wonting
be-was to'preach at hi3-first•appointment.
"Well,"; said the bretber, - slimly and •thenglit-.
far, 'ilqm tell- volt ::where you oughtAtt stop;
bat I doift - knowilit you will buk, welcome there
as at a poorer place, Brother Martin is better•able
to entertain the pri. - lithors eamfortably• than any
one cite irrthatsaection ; but I believe he bas never
invited - thorn home; • and: they have generally gone
to the lioui , e, geed widose.ladymaied Rusted,
Whose - barrel of ineal and cruse aoil deserves nev
er to 'tail.; 1 Sheds •-about the only real
among gide,....:;;,-•.
~: • , •
-"ls.briitlier Martin •ipfariner. r. , ... . -. .. •
" Ye.4iiind-teleriddiseonifiartable. eft; but how
he ever *wets:to get his load of •aelfishirms into
heaven, is more than I otinAelt"--•.i,. , -- . - t _ •
: a - Y ou , Trausiit,,:belcinieliiiiitalde;-,:hrother,". ; said
_tii- _:•-•'';•" . i• •-i-,-;,:--i.e
trathii!.,-;-; - .7;s,•••„• , i , u :,•;... ~, ;_. .
• ', "Xknutti - ,th;• - • * .lint :th the truth. Ilow
i ever; .y.qthuo. se wriiiillildgel'or yburseli, ,-,1-,think
jrosiltad,Pgtt f ..r ga toi the honie - ,4 sister ll:oaten.
,!:whii-will.ts it it e lahe ' oitne you with alt her.hearti-an :give
. 3rOti' die Ilhike-c- 1•:- .!: f.- , ,
~ .11::;•.: .:,: - --..;5.. - ..
1 . •••::=V: - .A.nds, iwant lax more," iiiid-lhitpwiticher _:- 1:;y ts.
ti<After'gating precise directions : for findinieiater
i . 11ussell,,ite started:on:Ws j4tifileys :lt 4 1 .8C. , 1
five:o'eli3idri and.he:raade. hilt peculation.
-to '
sister ni 44 , 1rir byileven, where ha .Mould ..remain
i Al:•;:iir
.*ght.l4;a•ga:*ith her to Abe,: priiactunic place
1 0
- soid a y.i monun g, . f ...r 4 4 ....r` c i ,!-,:4:;•.c . 11,x4- -._:.,..3 . -.-tvi
I t .146 - WAitalicrwer - er,*eirhailf*L.liorit_ t te his" . , :
journey, Im - ron!iteiivi:p! ,64;iii, Aiteg'uoti.. , .:6l4i*.
began to;rolVromthitlioriipiiiihillvre744:Aipt_
y.,-iiky.:;',/it*iria be liti*arA64i . ..po4o4
Wil*Olitkrici )ie*..* . go!*;lititio`;dinfif. - ziti#Wl
li4 . oolii.4iii:thii - liiriWitelifiiihritoin*4:
ls o:p iiiii 41!i-,:**:3:0411-ii. .;V.:ti*ii---ilWii64:.:
V 4 eik 4A tiO *t m lr* ti # iir l r.A d t i i * a iuk ii* qvo ii . i w here . .
: ; o*ro; '':*
Ite*ga'kali : brii&;*iiieol9( l
- 4141000 7 .1041 . iiikVirsolotinwt*,
1 tonaKmit 0 - *lO4 - I*o4* - .**.v.iiiii*,
-.: - ' ,e,T=Theoliyholopitp::.
' * l iii#4 ' itU 43 414 IVliicii:i the--fanneOl'indliWiltire.
.!'-' , .-.,.rri. , !`,-- , -' , .i. Jr '=, . ' li''.., : ",34 . , t f':::V- ‘ .. ,- - : .",-.! •
tended in.all sincerity, was not, of ectit's.e, ,;•
clinetlaley the . pregeher. —.
inl..l?e rooming; after lieing.s.erved . with a plenti
ful hretiltfatt, Oclelt returned' his'Wicen: te4t 'thanks ,
for tliellkindne, ho had'received i nndProee - eded on'•
hiA jiitorney. lie had - five:miles', to-rider:F it , wae ' iti
onlylialf-past• eight .p'elocir . vii,en.. he shed,• and; .di
tl hour for preaching. was ten, there Ives plen
ty for Ilan 'to ,proceed laida . 'lciatire. A it
nk , te.r'Rinisell lived nearly a Mile' frothi a direct
couriC4hedid tot. turn as.ide.tcr . call upon.i her, but 6
went4m to the meeting louge., On regain , ' the
little:canntry ehtireh, Odell bunt! a sniall'corn- tii
poor of men 3,4senibled in \front. ' of , the' humble al
!milding, who lebked at hiM carionaly, inur Nitif p
something of,iiliyaess in their`nniner, ri 'he - tilde
up and!, dmmannted. No one !niTc4ing tollake his , sl
horse, 14 led him hside to a little grove and.tied r
the rei ,to a tree. One or two pitpto tu nodded,
distan - t. 0,-as he, passed them on 'hi, wv to
t. 4,-as
joor ; bat none lot then .sr,'^'
intlo,-as he, passed them ton' his, waly to the c",
amen ,he old worriati borne: —ne - liTei„. i•ath
ineetinilibuse joor ; bat none toe Wein' spoke to o r ,er"a Mile frOm• the rneetinfliOtiStii',!:ifill -- the,
him: !' - . wa - N 11.13 past= the Tio_fOrtabicresiitMol,irlsfr: .
44,01tering the meeting hou*, Mn 91.11 - .found' M i tin : -
s The latter did not feel`altogether - atitisfte . 4
SonWt irto persons assembled, most; of cm wo- wit -himself as he rode home. ..tlewasintot c,ertani
, mert 4 ,„- , there revere any "official mem, rs" pies- tha the preacher had staved it aister,,AnsselPs . .on
'061111f•th $ inalie themselves in no . way o does in the ight before. He niiiht.have'ridden Oker frOi
ie v ia ' the s. piesicher, V• 11 0, after-pausin at the .S! sinBe'iriorning; - This ingee'Aiiiieetilisseillifin
- diiorleaiding into the little altar , orthan - el, for a to fel rather• More, Uneasy . . in - Mind f-'_i - for;iliftlits'
shortitime, and looking around with an ; e Tression . wer the Case,' it was. doubtful wltetheri:aftei.iels4
of inquiry on his face, ascended the' pal nt stairs •wit. over, ,ffiere.witsany one who :ceuld`,l l ' in:w - a
arts 14 his seat. All was a t silent, aim St, as •if invi e hinkliorne. , ~ .
thelioie was tenantle- , s. . . i ." trhattkindbr-a man is tale new- re le
fu a llttle while the preacher arose antt aave out ask d Mrk Dfartin of her Inisbantl:4in' Yeti'.
. ....
. . .
a liVing But, there was na one ,to raise pie tune. ft
One to cal at another uneasily. §iipai,,, 'peigrius
datighedl arid cleared their throats; but rill remained p 1
silent. i Odell was not much of a singer, but lied
practiedd mi '-' Old Hundred" so much he could ...
least tlek air very well, andthe hymn happening, •
hy.geod,luck, to be set to a long metre '., r une i Ire
Was able' to start, it. This done. the' eon egation,
jellied iii i and.tbe singing went off ptetty well.:-. - -
After paying and reading it chapter in the :Bible,
Odell e4t down. to collect his thoughts furl the ser
mon, whieh was, of course, to be externpote, as all
:,)letliediSt set-Mints are.- It is usual fer the choir, if
there il one, to -sing an anthem during tbIS pause ;
dr, Where no singers arc set apart, fur wine mein- in
her to Elflike up an appropriate hymn, in y,hichthe
Oongrrgation jams. .Ott this occasion all was silent.'
After the lapse of 'a feW minutes, Mr.' Odell "arose. SI
r t. 4 i z .' 1 1 3 ...4.44.,ti; 44...=.4.4, 4., the-cllllpterithe'r 'Ole
II which he was to • preach, was recorded, he
read thb verse that was to form the grotiail wdirk '
of his 4,-trairk , . Before (2i)etiing the sliiyjeA, he'
?lefty; that he was the preacher ;who 'wit s
tie-litho lunong them during the ensiling year, / and bi•
hopedoit the Divine Providence, that good ,Both to
ti:m.llo to him would result from the
n uyW spirit- ha
nail reh,tiuns that were about to be ehmtnenced.— st;
Then Proceeding with his ilisceurie„tre !Prettelied '
toilful rxhorted dient.with great e , (ruesine4s: but mi
Without seeming Ito make any imressiun. l Not an I. in;
",arnenT wa s heard front any p .of she house ; not
31 4 , "
an cy, e grow moiSt• .not an tux able groan; or sigh , ;-
disturbed the air. :If;othing/restiondell tm'i his ap- hii
peals but the echo of - his sdivn voice. • ; • I hii
Never had time preacher delivered a diseourse in is'
whit - 11'4e felt so little freedme. - His ;words came
back uPort his cars with a land 'of dull reverbera- fat
tibii, as if the hearts of his hearers were ibt ice
.in- psi
stlond of flesh 1 . jai
• 13efore..4nging the last hymn, ;Mr ; Odell' gave out ha
that atle conclusion of the, 6erviee hq would Muhl jut
a the
leeting. After be had finally pionouneed
, 1
the ben , diction;ilicre was a pretty mineral moire- wl
ment towards the door. Only se•ven remained, and y tun
these were all female members ; most :of them at
pretty ;well
. advanced in their , life-jounley. ~k. cot
Martin Was at meeting, but, crc the preacher had a t
deseendlad the pulpit stairs, he was indef the house l 171
amid preparing to leave for homed - , 1 ; tot
" 'Where is the new preacher ,-going, 2" , asked a pre
member orMr. Martkp; as he led out bisltursit.
" To lister Russell's, I presume," ,
' a Sister Russell is not here." .' 1 ; - - '
' Iraq' she t" . . , , • '
1 " No.l She's sick." i'
"He fstayed. there last night, I suppdre,i tufa will Me
go Ixtek[after class." ' - Martin spnur , upon his horse ma
las he s4d this. . "•' .- 1 1 ; .
' Wei ought to- be sure of it," remarked the ing
other.. t.. '• .
. , . . •• I ~
" I can't invite him. home," said Martin. , . wa
"Ifl do I shall hare Ilium through the' whole din
year,' and that is not - convenient.. The preachers I for
have always staved at setter ltussell's t and there He
'is no reason why they shouldn't coptinuststh do so." I old
' " I lave% a corner to put him in," remarked the- sto
!other. t‘ Resides., these preachers are tom nice for ens
mo." ! ' bin
I , It's iill right, nn doubt," sah' Martin, as he lull- !-ey'S,lo,r much afteme.ris ;this 'Ain n'-it-ere
,aneed Himself in his saddle; all ,right. lie stay. • the ;en r of'febenv.i' These are rathernueerdoiii,
.etl i at si4ter Russells evening, and will go back friend hlartiO,-14bift iniew what, the 1u1k5.31., kty."..:
and stat there until tApinorrow wording. 'Get up, We will init-p4use, to,ilescribe the astonishment -
Tom." - 1 ' • . ' - and, e , nfusiini of Martin; on. learaing this,- hill step,
' And; with this •self-satisfying remaricrthe farmer dour • • Aput .Nanefril ii here. : Gdell,s after:4lllk
rode amity. The min with whoin he had beau . ing on • ork 'ic herniny,' with the additioir4pola-1
i tAing, .vtis,,like him, 'a member,', and, like him. toes . . .1 co read, was•sitdug in the shade i beftirei
had onatAid to attend class, in order to Shift 'Olt the lo ca • .1". il
of .the' 01it:negi0. , ....::411e, lottor 'was .
bl f s
iepo) ~,itie one else the burden of entertaining the busyi. ti,,h e inside c in,ithe_ prepai'ittiort..Pr some
best'wencher ;,for whoever first tendered him- tile 1 thing • r th ,preacher's supper that, iliii;the.iolt•
hovitalities of Ids . house and table, won/4 most NV Quid )6 1 •1T1 re re iulted toihis Moilildfliyirt 'and afiL• -,
rrObablv flare to do it through the year. tile, too, petite, han pork, corn, Vend and histriiiiy: -,1 „/4 - i"-,?:),,
ode 04;111nd left others to gee that the Preacher •t - .: 1 / 4 10 , - was:rather moreirielined itoleel.amnsel '
ti 4 dui l aired for • ••• ' ' • than a noyetCat. lits-..ttpwipositatiM ,-!...iludf„:lfj*ffi '
An ic . - iitoldness pervaded the,..ellm• meeting.— dinner lad histed,very - good;.lindlaalikon:liXeeti
Only fo ••ont of thp,zeven st , 4en4,. one eCwhom waa cited r, trei than . Fiptilled:' by the old '-ee#tnr,e'kl&l'' .
an old b•• - wont, muster np cburage en- . qiukeioi 4:conbern, lest What shglitilliOsit - befpli
- ouii,to. a in answer. to the - pieacherr,s kali; the hhu Nr'• id of be -relkilied,•-: iilirldhiAle .4.lli.tilizit-
i ct
4 die.Aing•*- '6l.Provideribe with theirsould; tied only . musing thel subject:of his thougktihvof no partie l •
tvre'of traits could etroct in•.utte.rtince lou ei thin Ida co , -equ lice to be knowkyzliisAitei . lank-was
a whipkv• ta Whkit tlie't . did gay,-had . ,4# t little rtireste' 'Py eaferi , 'Atiiii 'tattift'a.ilaiM; -,,, 4 _:, -,...: ':
I colieFenl,; and Mn p git haq, u content hinielf . '' "Kit 1 , 5a .- ie,twuci . iiiiia.dmaitiiir,i-f -, : ,,, * - , - 4.5 . ...
%vitt,. an atortation t - _each,' of ii 6tiiirat - ratter . Tile; 'i ea r•tunied/his:head•lintlTSMir4lriita •
than of ieparliculiw• 1. aracter. ' 'When I th lihymn app
„,, , iiiglvritltlie / ileeided - wldradier,444:oli„
1 waS finllo •at the' el , I only oiic 1 . thin whispering of one •ho .Itl something, on. Ins inind: . :,
..,- '',-,• ?•.,•.
voiqe, jowled, In the • g.of praise,. autd.ript Sob or .” IS uit brotlk / .l.lnitio i" asked Mn:lolkie s l4 - ill, •
A sigh was (heard in response to /ds'.prtiy, , . The Were init'lrafieyi Who Was nearlhe o WhickAf. 9f ‘'
elasl4 paper showed the-nanie4 of thirty' (iii li4b - ef4 ; herlut t.:• , f:fr' • 4 - ---..: . '-' ' - ,.1:! ' , 7 5 -i•-.. C:,',.,
but, lierel Were only seven I,' This. Was: isi r dis= "Ye- ti e goodness E• *tinder, 'what Wei*:
eoutiging fern commencement. ,- Mr.7odell hardly iii', here ,
,U f,',_.. -, - ' ;:j 2 .:„ - t,1:•,.' i ',..,,:q'','• ' -.711.
In*. WII4V CUOMO to take-7whether,toa it tpoyith I - ..'",W`e ' ' '.•.See,""refinii•A';the rititti;*o"ii-,','
setup, pretty ; sharp reinar,ks the little c. to any of ' Pesing . , in 4e f hills ihnirli'i' -'-•-• , & , '''''Y - T--': -- •''''''''':, 4 l . "•''''': . ,
believers - ,Whe were pre;liiii and AV-4 o' ' dk'lo;,4lti - a , : - u-lo nuts. ,the fainiierildold4s4iOna
impress that whole Ihrolighthem ;•' f or to lwa, e. 11 . 01/ tered,7 nit at,d4o dour oldltyytreti.hum:•_.
he came aretuld'agairi,and hairimr-goodgcb e f ed r iii - fblii...aliO( ,e.,.. I Welt 47.44:hifee4.ivith'dwairalintiri
thein froth.the pi11pit ,, .: 1 ,10. - .A , oncludo Ti • m
...,.:5!.:_e 1 4 1 . riAr• ---. . t,iiid'unixiikitreaiid'!l„!'#dre4 ' 7# lll6 -'
thet,the .Juit course Might_ho the hest ' , onej, j . • rteiv, coi r•I ari he,..Wouldkhavo - , - AM fat(iii-oriyl
TO -4 .Ofer tEe;truiiiici . oli tliC'eliiii, .. '.' - r;iiO-
,o'tt i ' il?P" : eut . .l 3. a.
foutid tl ' l Bister Russell.-ova Orr - . 1 ,-,'-'
tiiPkitheos ekihnell4 9' 4(6 0 th 01 4 1! 1" 11 Owl
retketl , lie-Jinga.ol4,;l o ,w.4‘)Oo-:gt) :, , a/--,ilthlm irt44 :14 ; •,; -"16 ; 11 H;•; - '1 4 1":*; 1:- 0 ,.w . -.l , tk e , , Pgi e 4 r s a oqt;all 4.4t °, ... : I * - - i ''
4mhz - biome: -
T.141 , 47. - :.,?4 , .. -,--
haat ix i ivasohl,„her, teettpwserpi,, , - Ifer, T,- , ,,:,, -'^,e; 'i.i'•
64 . itilii and 1ive1k..!,721:;; ; . 1 :-T.-Tt ! - - %/z?f '''.' '••'! • ferj+r t ANNitty.
•0a err! '''r&k..lntri*' . iiki73,,air2l- „chfell•; , - i,,g,tei, ''''!3'.l : 1P A11Y.4. 1 . 3 i
1 1 00k4510,Y;retimav(rAill 1 44.d.. _ ...P..f;
. ip,,,,Xwo.'scit 9. o,, MaNOlP i ft i /l i ~.
- 114ty aitqa. ua4i - eetlisii:4lo!,*l 6 uB"'' ' a , -''' , Y.-;
lad': 16.4 , ,iritditliiiiiiirii*71 , ir0 litaibir . , ilio'hq-,
"shed-area;lllel4 - : ; tiong*iit;;. . r ll 4
*lttili.jv . s iltii - Ori#tki;coit;ioiti..l, 41 4 14 Air
use r " '
-o%t u
4 ,;Itinekouie:z..44o4,,,
I.6bk a.. 1 .%!F' - ;! r ':! l :'...f , •:' - `' ,.. " -; !''' 47 : 4 ,' , . , :ii , ;&.,' '.... c, . - - - ;„
''' llicit' 'aVi;•!tiii` 1 14 - , siiiik - Ill*i§'+ -42 --. 1
.' . 6clflr,'lr ''.#skailii;fra : -.,,V , i... 1, ' , ;1 1 .%; , .d,' -•:, 1. - -,,, - -- ,.
77:71 - ', , f. - -- ,llr_po4der,k,i.j.):', , , - ,,•::; ;1. 5 ''''. ^
',: '‘flicen; Ti l itleyr , call: Otieili , w4o - 1!1 . 8 1 ' ady
• 1 , .* •' " , , i' - '''• !;•- , --..
.4; , ,
~..e.., 100 *llatille IveuldAix. : : :
,rnykt‘ I : ,
.4 . • i' to - itinef iilth io,iii' ' '' ." - :,:;::,1: . _,Z'.
[: .*, • :1 4 Old Nancy - lookcd.: - !,4, - ,s.*iiictf'Fai
4' 4 4,4 . '-.4 04ifled bare.— • ' ' -, :1 - : : ': , ';,' i
ri Tea ; You se,e-tbey've - ;•all gale •Ipic.ll left„ 41:e,
0. I feet, butti,try: Vo4'll give nie., • sOrad= Of ieur.
linier'?" , • • • , 1. - . ..
l'' tes;'•tiiiiiAtt, pleaii flea! Tll4iye - ,,,,y0u' tilt: k
t', but,, its, only pork and hominy:- 4:: - :..'r,,,Ti, - ,','• -• '' -1 '
.'‘ yery Igodd'; pna*ii-will b.5.411, - tiiieter s, be
a' I,:oli: - A4colne t ., - --- - ",'",1....".''''' . 1,...^.-• - _, - ;-. , ...7. - '•
1 Deed'lnaigi, - ahil y 4 uti is weicipie;'firWitaii*
tie • oreti• 'Aias a dOwOrigbt...sbaina'::for
ill .e irbite folks to go off so,: 'I never - seed midi
a1..1e. • , , _ _ , , _
!. , 1 vier iisind, Nth - tort don't froable. -- iinzOelf,- - Ii
fiat be wbll enough taken care of.i Illftio-4.4.11:
4:" tbat..",V--• n ' -- f- .' = : ''- 1 :••:'
. 1. ; - _`1"'. '
i nd sof Mr. - 0011 mounted his flotie,: - and,tie
- • ''id tI Id --. 4ni tic " • ,S,be - lived''' , - 'Ili;.
" g. meetin , • ~• , - -
. e seemed like a- very good set2<of ,tati
~..E V!,*.
to I Martin, indifferently.. , ,
*" she vontig or old?"' ,
about my age, 1" shoal thisk: 4
arriqd rt - • -;
." ,sai•e dotit knOvv.' -
", ki yen speak ta,ldu i"
litne'itWay aker the seamen.".'"
,en you'didift S x tby to Blass
-" I- • ' / • . • '
" ster was, pot there, of I ,
ye • she's. - ek." ' ' - '
" o I.liea. The. preacher clidn't,-stay,at"ber
au: • Inst ight," ? i .
." low o. you know s„
". I Willi:Mg ealledin while you wer airay.
lte , ,just _ been to sister _Russells. ..-
nd the new preacher didu't
;3t light
" 0. Mrs. William. 4 asked partienlarlY„."
" e inns{ have ridden - over - ..
to Mg: lrni most iOiry: 1 .ilidn'tl'Wait+fund ask,
ha. o Corit,e home sacristy with- iisZ!
" wish you had. Sister Bussdll is; do siek" to'l
tie him tither liouse,;if he should getlalre. ;Who
d *hiss meeting }r•
7ot eller half a' dcric - n, and - they " Weref' - ali
led • Taylor and Harry.:Cireiter;:Walf•
utsid 'for their - Wives:"
"' ley wnildn't ask hi,it horne" "",'.
anti if they'did;-1 - Slit - add be .. .Sorry:to' have .
irn ro thei•e.t Wish I had stayed in had -inVited
nit .Ofue. But, itcan't be helped noir 7, and' ' there
no Use 'fretting over it
i. n aft,er this, dinner was announced, aid` the
tiro r sitildOwn withlii4 - family to loaded •
iitut Substantial things. He "eatiand
lye himself; though not
are dono,lhad not thoughts of the new i)reacher.
fru ed themselves. _ •.-1
A erodinner. 3lartiti took a comfortable nap,
hid lasted about an hpur. He thew Went out
spittle walk to - 'While. Standing
gate which opened from Ids farm ori,./.o•.the
mint y road a fewhundred yards front
Ina whet lived halfatinile'below i -eame, along.=
ids our Was not a meialltm e of any church, and
lok.* nine 'delicdit, at times, in hating his Jest With
rob.. sots. f religion. '
‘!F .e rifleraooo,'3lr. Ellis," said Martin,' the
" ry Aim, How are r = •
"Q. to areal . Any neivsatiriingr'''"Tt.- 1 % 1
' n ne not • Much. r: Only they' say ' that:th6
eth istslbbut hereliiiVe all joiitediberAiitilg*
atio Soeirty." „
ho says so r inguh.ed Martin, slight* color-
~ • • , -4-
ell they say it doWn our - - aray,.4t - lholu'ild, it
tip ly it'jOke at first,' But a littlii - i - Whire , ' - after
ins Aunt'Naney's TOM fly house
so e oats and hay for your mhiiste'r's'horse.:
sa d thel preachers wtere'going , . stop at, the
'w, man'a after this. I - half doubted the 6.4artif
ough I let Haul luive the proVeader: Aare
as L came #loll , 43tist it6W; wliti" 410141 see
Ireaeher sittingbefore thedOUr of eli,Wan.:
M=- !
;r- • 4=3.
- v. 4 .'.`.?:i..t' - : - ,:f-,';;1 . J:t:., - -_ - ..1-"
a., .far; , bei•
imi4.irgai .6'id
-thee lii•Xterii
-.7 .7'iniAtortir'
and meg
li - faller '
Shi ii4t,
sheis .01
1 ,TellA!
to toiciev
ilibik Of
21 4.-PPY•i4eO
9nerelfic tCht tih•
cure" *be to ,I."gx.
motithNll f '4 .1 0t4 - Ilt.
. . _.,
away: frit .ber . u.
1 aff e vair. 1 Is-1!
1 4' lb. ' • ''' ' " - ''-
TIC; Piiiicriigi . *! 4, .
4 ,
be was:;.'.( id _did!,
die! nektlititiiiiAiliel . 1
lady itildt 6 o*le
joutier':- ~ ',.. i.t z .ffk„ 'l'3
:-.3 7 fhen; *tea (1.,
atVari o #. ll - I VA •K•
Aare -be , Niek , • -
31eitiej wee lAii ;: l4
preiteheig , ,. elope
fulli at rei4bee'dit f.
• witk:ll4 ; ;;kEV9r,filtoi:
..begiiiiiteitainell it. %.*
. . _
' - 'A:l Bl 4l9k.
Tlferre - tue j lat . present,;-.._
thy-eetirdetiylick=hirief , beirt
of yenttinionY 4 Inttioutri*
wed 4 +lialAlle+:s 1 :444 -, t
liwfurshoule kigelabitifel
fili4' . uur'4, ifdetef4 t dii4V
suspietous were
'reek ago,tiving ' .0 . ' .14)4$1'it
hy4 l t i li out, of the ho ; 4
Il s.
, tuns liheielf hi ex silueris
Itt.r into the'vnire 'Odin*
:telidti utteoeflailikilatiVe
' vithglitffu*-is, forll-the,!ileke .
.iag . itied she regsVUd he*elf,44lol..
p Ina , to**Aesirt44.o l 34. l 44ll
l i g 'cuP l) °, llB rlittri'ltgilKAtreittrat
irriiping IL- nonfeti - ;'*3tiell'AreiplOritof
.; 11 01e
A Ilit*.*C F i - lust
1 0 i
. biptly - iAtlid', - it(444 1 000
ugnre tiktrte44ofg4'etAevi
i f 6, hPg t f . d i ti- a eYA7o ' l l °-*lloi
hurlldg,evefhts"n .
-..*dii, Sfil. _:-4-, yleg 4it r 4iiiitiiiip..
lieu rm ituti: oicqqil t ;:oli,Lnkz iertiOr.,*.i*:
on:x tliniziot4. 6 CVAl'ng !Pe; ntifiv4l47,9outer,t;',
"Found. tinfontl,ni wliat 11'..,.._' , ' - ,:,:'..1. 4 ,1 7 p1 . ,,.._ , i N,r4 - 1
~ ;wiat-I,res thit jelly,yon kad.riiol. ir:4060041
1J Put 'Pot- WC rf#sritfiEfie#t- 4 64
up card. knd 'seeing the: baeabWit, k -
Augh; exclainiii*,' a, *Tv, - yoli-stlitiat - Areti - 00
'rant ,1 7-_ 7-,7 :, , ,5" '.q - 4 i pilt.:
-,.. ' ;.
1 L 4„. • C lle&c.l4rlL - 4 ~ :i.1. ,- i.
The follnriug ca ial_iitiNjl4.44lorifjOiltiiriff i :,
41 - 9SI - 8," of th)Crot - efy,"dh(r*tilitWleisunic
our ieitclers.h' Oren i ocefik**elli i ic - ofthe'tittiir
dents of South -0 ` - Velfiigieniitil*ithi iiirriiir,
the Doctor' earring 4 int.ti-* l. .woWtif#llo4'W
tlis te n i i x ,F't
,fttrh7iolteiman,ri,4o:ef t
npue4ont yisit'' . ',-, mt - AP 1114 94 4 a-lh
le torthy pre,s,,tdel tt...t.. , : , ,t, ttiet l tt(ltrittidl* : ~.
or him to seetire - th , ,', ' ii(-10f-, '' ;4, 4:
nstaul of paying -Wed 'Waite - s ' ,
odor "Proce.ided" ' dIAPPAPtekkiI I 4,,, I *'-' 4 . IK
rri,figel ,ll oWe :ang-k: 1 ctlki*t-to4 l l",'W-'''
`444 9.1v , e 1 44et'_4° .A l ligktan: / " T ;?**, ;$
i a,
'4.idien ,young gent ) 'iii'' 7 , Itigt fCtar,etreir r
utiomly.,lfithdiiiii. _....- paparfilitKttiiffiii...:,'
- en;tliey.yr e . ie - 'faiiit', dig tik white s e(eficit;=,
tiy foottlietiqgi 4 1 inall ' 'Ail* -- fkietiz.
Itith each otfidr hi :7r tcriet _
~.thg w l ei,ghtotirt4t, ',.:',' ' •'. ';!ii i st,
swearing ; that'" jet- ' ' '' ,l leavt, i'r
e eldfellowl - hiinier - - Tt.'"
hey pro'c'end4 nlkit4 e , ilibil
into the hivoetl4, - to - u 'co eV irk.
•irottfot eMiettli'citic ra t :the*
tl ai
thetn , tels'i Eatery - 'et the','-' ,
' d ttonietliiAig }1 4 1 )::".! 'N5114. 1 0e
41 ,
. Inge, I th e fr. ato. lee ~ 040-41fg,
iey, had fesolTdd bf le` V 9
bout to tept44dvf ", ' ,- .'iir ei i i
riages`was'leavy , ':l'Whsil
-and all
/07t-Itt'Otlj' fVleY'
le ulaktemill'e_PPYlg af,,' ' -144' ,
:' , ... ,
!itself, *hdtlfus nil , dthr
jointleinibloe tii6gilti4
o youT i Surely,. es yo Lier!
f , r your own' ilistifico*- -
e 2 nid% btu* tor reirie.-. - 4'
'. • uLi* .* - - - 0
ig lailiwrS. 1 !.;alieee.NealiP.
Te' - ' 4 -11 / 6 'NCIO
" 14 itfit ' hzil4'*9 14 0arl
mon to - ok their:o4os ig
0 1 1 W Yelite/Ovilluffirli.ol4 ,
I ~ :voice,. del 'zihey.:tc.trie
- ','fliei r14:44 - 14 e o . '''
riee,t,!ana 1h611. - reCr•eii;
ung,'-t - q* ,!. o. f : th'
eld *OP? ! , : "' , 'i l Ole
i...*Y.Mlea ' ,t tfie*
'mho relatedtWet,
ve, z He• - iia - s- F.6tro A.
Iditionto % itseoiiii`
,crwurch ett at li
1 ": 1 .
V.Et9eG kii*:liif .
'7t poii/lent of ih . **if
oldclie.raffo 4
Weiiiiefi 0 : 0 ' ; '''"
"'ittherirA ul
110r,.. , ..****
..-, .