rrs _ = ITHURSDAra)),A, .„ 66 , EvetY Oiling connected with tottlia -l eifyiif New York was rind einaßmier:to alknr ,tis': dantialti«iliut '4 j 'ihe fari;. missiettabitgffl - ilevett ioct of the exPediOoAhle- 1 , itAakeeturti to . vuri pfd 11*It4iteedy-itianndrsixwilble;l I wor,Ac jat..,ts* , tn' incidents', Atz 1 11 T 44* ,e - y 4 ttit. , 4 ar.a.ing„. eifigaii4f travel, on' the Wa 4 e -4 1 1 0,* LI iii engage l oite i ti 4...,lultitet, our purl in reparation and decution tliNkAitli&ohetinnoiitieed I - 4 * et It4r*e*" . V a- Ir,hen.„-we - f _a#coj4 9 • 1141ttabil reking,:to:_uaaert, wiltii."4bditteardinily, with ik* * l*.§ o V = ". ...') g i81,::1444 *4 , 1:W04 tiorty r "Tean ago, whentijotut Yiiilt*bertinictietit tothi&" taittit'* ieVi'tinte,'llizi -IhreeigiM!r9e:l3.l" stage; to tooth*e*:Pitelistiutce,taliei eititie ibotireenetrn 4and min Y.- (1 0 11 0* / * ' a - t OP *Olt 'f1Y.4 41 .4.*-C* 11 4 "4 1-7ettr' - Ew, ottbetutilytadventureta from( vett) or " Yarmount,''who soi tifeit4:toilitig thek way "I 4 *!4 , i44;4. iPain-*7 4 'avi tb9imtn,ronds thiough the :114 `th locations been Ire a T . pepod 0 time , th , puiently nlmoet insunnoun be so-speedily.-overcume by ii4nUCrt, inookildiume , esti the proje patch flYingtnual , o I ix nRiF I getting to be 40/ 41 ,7* . iiilien considered a..yourzey tli;file:o4:44" "PO 664 who are not yet ofAr*Te t l,Nr,etna,y , f,y,that earliei rule from this place to breakfast at Great Bend, • look about a little previonA gleam from Binghamton at whey* shrill whistle, of, ti cing "all ready," followed by, Me 'tinily tinkle get scale. iftgl)y,the;tehls, fences, fo SLlirp.benda of the. river, at thirty miles an hour. 4. ',lget)nit a rapid g , ny it(ptash3e.the Susque, itiettaiiteci 'bridge, a utassi tIlond. :: --the immensely FL'li ; ufillfufthaer encounterei in reaching Stalgueharma 'and DeLvita Ada: a instead of flittin thqsa 4l .. ~ a,4""Vtg. Naa s of hip idatirstion .. , and be enabl skalfitittetil= il A•little more eli+;'ta r tiosit, and tw4 ; three time variotmli stations, gives little time for ticlr f d an d ,gmn p the route,,..iecludiug the v 4istickthatre , naendously iddinte;OVer-hangir* 'rock's. maitiveleithfie enibattlmients road a truly fearful aspect, glitteialong"the,track, with .. 1 4:;.51,!40ng notice shout isCieftwhment at >I JF;g:xtidy, on the Dat i iirtinVidouse of entertain ~ bbat'pnike of ' tm load=, >cipalGheiattiowdale, g; .01 , litOdel Farmers in Su.- 4 POlitene r -s: - Dlh4 eel? 1 and downs in the truest 4600:giiwalordi!--4?r Farm ;14'1 1 E1 tliai he is 4iZI. Vutirot , moments, in viewing : art, to gratify a ..4uity.- d to give an adequate rapid dreent to :the:: ence down pat riiev. -, before redehing Port: . o...towns ; and depot • any thing but a bird's- : ' 1 eture,Qqe sqeuery along; •.us . narrows passed eeipitousanountains of on otie side, and:the. ori-the other, giVe the" owevez safely the ears' radiated 'speed.• .. , , • here be given to the' .wsburg, otherwise ..ire;amost atindrabli ent,kept by oar friend,! j. E. FlFa.ptt, fornieriv . ork,—lateof the priii still ruorh reoiettlyon . itelianna county. inr , lity, case and gine' r erif es to Forectitut .a g4i-: laiownot his superior. ra either. Nor ~s.h.huld; bld a e 'Whele-si?tded . .. it, a hat cup of Co i ffße e of , bread:aad. butter, . y di- the counter fin', e , good lose of - the ten ; . _ to mu st be a ilig ward ... .. 4 .ippebte, who is icae switiful board. ," mting hawse is kept at port; 1 0ja . .,*...! arl "all97d,fer the:ncet-11 *the up an down passenger traio4l iVisatip valley of the llVervi- I `enitinit, into he 'far•Atniod'graking! ,o..?ge, ..;ilCrcoco and' stoneid e Sul ; incur own -Eitts4lue-i i 1. - *initly_ • -. • * - 3' tcliere thee - leidi I , nail in': Via' iiiiemtieladigerf Irdem, 3, canwarmly, ty:mtlx4l •— R t n n t wirri,,..T fr0ni,, 7 41 oolind.l, 7i'-:21F.:414i:.:_!:!..,..';.);y:;:,ii; 44.0*Clif-' viL44--..!...-oporil*; *l:tr4ly4 Attall.4ll6 ' T.,ishows. tlrrairks' of! . s ;. wiiiiii*ii ~.' i kw In - 4.0*4 -41100, 07:' !: ,3 # 4 : 4 7,... 5ti k e 44:T 1ve 44.4 1 P -f - !_.:*604 - :OP 1 4rfr6r* proper ~. ~; . : St . titintillege,i t ;:',..:. ,::: .te,rade in every. rem • . iiiiiiiile 'iii4frhii 6 . ---- '04714i and : klbir ,Pleirpit, .'":'-'''• ''- .11:1660: . :10 , 111c . 114 12 p , ....skirt sit: • ' ' ,' . :•: 7 1 41 07". . 44'. ' 21 #1 ( #; 1 1 ~ , '..4. V ." lit'it,')ai); - ''.i.nir .-- .. 'ii - i-.Bti.iiia iiiiti ritmit ts i ;!:,,itie Taimikwafted4k4ll' 1. : 41, lie ro---704 1 . , ,f. ;444.404-4'-- i. , lit , , '-- -- :A6ivelo^o,; 'it •OllfifiJr ti X , ?.aiiwit'iii*igi - ;44iitltiiitiiiidlii4.:4% . I* 111';:irt.,,n01:***°i"ii*?itir'1111q, rocky .. 4 .4 1 - 1 11 . .;I:ie*.f*iiieflit - .itii-it!ib - 40'.Y'4 i...., *iiiaAgfilia!iik iii - iri''k4 t ,"4:l.l4' . soiln''l.) . *;' , . .-.- ,, ,,,:,- , - , ) - ,.i.___.,.., ,- J ... ...t.,.,,, ? , : i, , _ -,,-..., ; ,-_. , -...FR,4„1.7:4',3rrit0u when are ream the - city with i ts, ;le.; are -re . • ler to .. )di `an . toss at big . - AtituvlaAlf4,witlihrtet . , craft, of eveririAncripf, tifon:Nvg4 ts? 4;4; nn g Ike the 9 . 1u0y set . hemlockt4ps of_ u: t a itd4;al. l en!iounter 04. , IrdelVi cabAnen ?, , , d , porters , Wanera;.: c, what-will tamniati upOn - yori or your at? time, vith their lificiotts offers ,to .. 1 : take, you o!'—enough to distract aluiet traveller, unused to the scene of bustle and:confusion of first landing in that busy city. should tie attempt any noticeour brief stay I. s in N . eNV 10 C arhich all that,we saw in our hur l; rh.4l:4usiatvia excursion couid not interest our gen erallllreader4 Vtry should have to do it' him/o i lier chapter, when tirnd and. oom should : permit Fliid not our limited tiine and business arrangements imperatively demanded the Mast • speedy . retqrn, we might not only hake seen enough to,take note of for a week at knit; but might have "yielded to the strong enticement of a few hours ex tension bf our journey to the revered 'land of our fathers n tl? e " laud of steady hes" farther "down east" .)But,, that long cherished excursion must awaitmoreitime for suiting rather than business, !when not oilly-we but ours must Aare in the grat thattion it jn ill afford. - TER ' ' ,iM4.lthr-r4 11',.3,11519 our recent excursion 'nducted in too•hur- l i -prepare any - eircurr. , .y of interest. to ourf !; t.' - ' trith - the Iroleith-' 1 Ingst,?-toecompliAl ty. at le, in the ! To - neither took nny contiected:therewiih, .riefil with ilie „,1 . ,l • i i.by the newly o , a:. ~iir the infinite N . 7 attention in the g ai cv Was a hurried one both:, Scarcely waS the-po3tponement of otii:lxtioer orAttil rdike detOrruinat.loii i o the journey foqli a row hours prepari . 1., t•.. 1 sonic twenty or, Before ch&ing this hasty notice bf our hasty jour ney lionieutard, wegyt bear testimony to the ad niirably 'pronipt,' punctual and regular arrange ments we found on the New Ye+ and Erie-Rail road lined i Such is the order and; system to which they`, have - attained, that not the least accident or cdriled during either the down of up trip, and prob ably not fifteen minittO variatiti9 of their arrival and kleparthre at any One point frpm the time fixed by their regulation... Whatever inconveniences oth4rimayJ complain of, (and there are fault-finders on every rtMte ‘ of travel,) we certainly met with 4xilita and nccomtnodating treatment front all with whota we bad to do on the line, and we take pleas uretp ack4wletit,inzitarticularly the politeness and attention (.4' Capt. 31Aur.r., of the Stearner.Erie be tweinv Piermont and New York, and of the Train Conductor,*r. is.u.c Wool), with whom we came up. Disastrcius Fire. • y from eastern. 4ovir Icr , country" used to. It (ccePting two or; reach the- great tho-, 6 York could be over ' ir that in about a lbc performed 'to ma , . ill Hal any one 1 . , tecticut,Massachu .o forty or fifty years , i i. .ugh the then wil -1 i frequently to cut . case forests to reach told that at this day, . distance and the ar /Ale obstacles should means then sr4cel,y ed as profound !nue t of reaching Ca:lifor e: • In short, thejour . reansylvaniaehich la the middle of the I, bout as fomAtlile an I L Oregon or California The valitablo and elegant dwelling and contigu ous i buildings belonging ' r the fur - finned country 1 seat--of 116 late Dr:Roimar. H. ROSE, at, Silver Lake in fins county, were all de.4rived by fire on Monday List, towards night - The , fire broke out apparentlY f \ roni the chimney in the upper part of the nutrisibn, and when discovered was breaking. out thro4 the, roof - so furitmsly, as to afford no hope of saving it.' Mrs. Rose and runny beingan- - 'Fent, the Work hands about the establishment di rected their efforts to saving, as far as. possible, the most valitable property within their reach. We understand the most if not all of, the valuable pa pers of the estate were saved, but a large portion of the furniture was destroyed, and also the great er portion l ief the very valuable and extensive Libra -4 iy, which kvas probably the largest one in this part 1 of the Stine. -Taking together the mansion, the of flee and 411 the adjacent build*, with their con y tents, it Was altogether the most dire calamity that ihas °courted in this region lately, and the loss is . deeply to be regretted by the Ivbele community. - - ;- • - . " TIM m T.sortarn.—Though Montrcse -, was stated last week: to be among the places deriving no ben efit from Ithe new Telegraph foe,. Want of aft, office . here, thete has since been an office established in the Fire-Proof building in this pl.4e. in the office of the Register and Recorder, Mr. Charles L. Brown, who it tfi superintend its operation here, for the present. :: Talks were held with Btlghamton, New York, and other places along the . l4o, and we shall prof bly ihave important intellige+ from all these places hit . eafter, with lightuMg spited; ar at least after a few days, the arrangements beim, scarcely completed yet, so us to be ready 1 f r butiness calls. ilowEtt A; Coss Cmcus is to c tibit here next ' Monday iffernoon and evening, aswill be seen by their advertisementin this paper . Judging from I 'what thefr say the flaming barn -door handbills with whitth the walls .of our publin houses are pa • pored, it ;would seen that as each iticcesive circus conipanyt that comes Along, promisiis to give an en - tertairan*.iat a touch beyond any that preceded it, ' this is to jexcel any thing befOre seen here. lt l is of cntm-e unnecessary to urge the yokag folks of all ages andi, sexes to - Come out, as they will do that spor4a4ously from all the adjacent towns, let who wilhexfiatiate upon the demoralizing effect of_such exhibitiOpt Those, who have the change to spend for Leh tunusements, will come to sce.them when they basic a chance. ', ;.• • r with the ionte . • le two or threetOUTS. l y stage sets us ova here we have time to . stepping on the train shout half past Seven, I(xx)rilotive anpoun- its loud snorting,sive- . S and AVe are off, It 2 hisli: ests, abrupt hills, and e rate of twenty or ce at the stnpe..ntlOus, na near Lanesboro'--+ stone structure a vork3 ove r pas- 4 . ....th e huge deep : cats,- .stuarait between the rivers. One should. C, E. Tarnow', editor of the Wyoming Whig, at ' I Tunkhannock, bai been appointed Poitmaster at • that pla4e. in room of N.C. Martin, who was late.y „appal/o{l under the expiring Polk administration, on the rst , mation of M. 13olton, Mr. Martin. wag: 1 a 'Whig, iwe believe, as well as. Mr. Lathrdp, but • knowing; lothing of the sentiment and wishes of 1 that coniihnnity ' relative to the.appointment of a :1 - sueetosoCto Mr. ; Bolton, we Are on bk . to say any sarAnAlso -roosost, for 11641 last,change. The announcement of a change in the Pot-oftee at Llarib i rd in this county, which ire madelait Week on the ah r hority.of our neighbor of the Democrat, is thought to be premature, as, we cannot learn from E...tiforenhat any such change has been Made there tifer. nl4 . -B. T. 4: , '00k, Fig, whose appointment as Wiest master at - Binghamton we also ,announced, seems to have !leen refused pc. - 43gion; of the books: and papers' ,