'-. •- - -- - 'o,9littitiect Ao'zia - firdiiiiek ' ,'.-- . Ned has spent.4ll';the•irest of-the . day to • tell. me how much. he ,loves nl6 alai 1 9 ,4 god. o „i4,tlie me.: nio.;:ei worthy-of ttli4 I O ie;•: 1.'j., , la iigh i Ugly asli'ed.. liim.Whtli"j .er, if Mips' Bacon had not married, , lie wotild have been here', to -day, and he. as-, • sured.me,•that it ',Was.. his ,pride,.tiot .his love, that was :hurt . when i she, married tinotherthiW he ' Was. only:. fii,sCinated with,lted7-oat„,he never knew : Whnk, love was:: till iihe found;,his :94qe:darli-eyed Sitte;;!;: .:and;,N,Otit .is more astonishing than all, he say he has loyed•nie for inixe thatt'a ...year, when I - thought he -never : dreatned, of. ine ; and ~that at Fred's wed ding; Wheril , itood the4e, leaning '.on big • arm; he longed "to clasp Me in his arms and asit.me.to..be his ; but ie had . , deter- Mined to wait a . year before he told' me, and become more Worthy' (If his 'white .xose,'. as he .'fondly . calls. .me. Tiic.idea! as if .1 were,,reallY • half good enough', for, hint l-, -: ...'.., . • .k • , " - "Fred has given his'eons,ent and is go ing to name bis., :. wonderkullboy alter his oid friend 'and hew , brothir; Ted • Gas .coigne; and :ram - etirtainlY th .;happiest • little girt in Christendom." • •• !' `. 'Aumovouo. - , Me Was the Man. One. evening last week when the winter blasts moaned sadly, around .the-corners, and the, captains of . the ,ferryboats wore . anxious looks seven or eight, vessel own = . era and Maid up", captains.. eiat around a , cheerful, base bu rner saloon .near' the 'After thenstial atnount of -growl ing about the. weather'ona of them told a story...:. There . might.have • been an ounce of truth abo it,.but the crowd fit cer. one ounce was offset '`by. twenty-four • poUnds of. the "awfrillest kind" of lying. Therefere a second , man, told story beat it,,:and. then - a thir4 mad beat•the 'second. \ When Ithe fourth man started out he said: .'":d.ntietpan, I. have also seen: tough times.; ....Whenl I was sailing the schooner. Fortune forty veals ago, : twu of nsAyere, •sr,t , po , overboard- in a storm_ On • ti-16 one :black night. A hatch cover went w itAy- and it •St? pfri . ed that : both, clutched - -it. It was noClarge iiuppOr(tivo,. captainf he sailor:l ;had a :Lundy he had none. I shonted i to i him 'to quit. his-holt;aad when he wouldnOt I-reached over, clittched his thr . 'oat and lield on till his fingers loosen 4 'irtnit .... , l e went to the.. . IlOttcitd , b( the lake.:.. ,It was twenty trifles off Point Betsey, and - shill ; wild riek,' 'yet lingers • n . my 'ears, the. itetClivirent to hiS'.death.• . • „ Kay, the Lord, fo'rg'ive, me . . chair too—a g ainst .the . lanky, suitflowerish,*cliap had been. nod ding his bead right and left; as . if Sleep ing. As the captain's narrative was ,con chided the stranger rose and stileinn• ly said i - "I am that. man !". • .• ":The .crowd looked him. in astonish'. Ment and: continued:'; I landed on Point. Betiq ne t • morn-.. it for breakfast, and swore..a solemn oath, that I'd dick you -for chok. itig - Me, if I had to liVe a hundred , .‘years to ,do 41" • .. •.• i.IC4(You can't be the' man," replied the cap-' 'suspiciously at. the •fellow's ..lkfistiii; , '",it was forty,yeara - ago."•• knOw it was and forty years 2 I've been aching to.; lick : you .:out' of your Wits!". • " ;The captain: ha& lied, - but he didn't • Waritt ,- ; own it; and he said t'... . "That 800Pahome, was Dick Rie,e.".. • ."Kerect.l" bowed the 'stranger; "that's my name!" •• "But he was taller than yon.". : "Being in the water SO' ion g - that 'night I shrunk lust a foot I" was CO6l re• iditatOr . • • "Well, 1 know you can't be the s man," said the Captain., ' _ 44 1 am &email, arid now I.m 'going to ma you W pulp! . No man can chuke me.and then . hrag.ahout it V.'.. • lle'fiailed , in and - upset ths captain but was then set upon by the whole crowd. He got int&the eye of the wind'and hung . ' i there for a time , bu iirestntly' he paid oil a little,"got the.. inil on \ his quarter, and went it ii to lic • ten times his weight in, old, liara. He was 0. very ambitious `man, and those, who could get out doors got 'out and those - - who -couldn't offered ' him a gallon of - , : wki4 tp : coMe to anchor. Heinrled hid. sails_on this understanding atid as helset , his glass floli for the , third diink he-wiped his bleeding ear and. re :-.-Witen a map tries to. saerifise irne in 040 , to , stio himself he don't know' who heistfmling, with I" , ' -- was t e ae hig4est liar .of them, all, but; he made the most ,out of it., • : •Waking wrgng Man. ,tAn evening or, two since some :of 'the employees of -the' Ophir Company found ''.intoxicated man sletpin* oft his aver alorance-, of,"•flarantula , Juice among the ,shavings in lone; 'of the !terupgrary alfeas. 'pear theAworls: The - y' had some lrputile. in . geiti lig i theVello I afoused, - and a greg deal mOre`.th'getting him to,coin \l prebend be. he" was,, pr rather that he waif ilot . in a.place --i here he legitimately belonged.' .. I . ~ • ,4 'it _cletetm 1 n cifi Athe 1 , men by : whd• fotind`,•tlie-boozyipailts, th a t:. ihey would tuCli '11:: fright -;:that4 he would never again: Venture withhi a tni;le'of the worki. : Th:evao, they lolii their roan 1 that the,y,had pOsitive::oraorS 'to kill any, personf4llog.' _4094 Oir, *Oilva,. after (larlii ., .-;t Thes.). '8,64 fit„w'as,a-,,.tbing - the Y dittbt:lUtolohAit the Nro6g') lo . I lately been , "4estroi,o4,L.bytrei and the.) covicpit4"ii6re tiotitif a h4Fapr„ : to,ta4 Tiny more Chances=--their orders were lin -•• - The_ man t riedto beg off; -Sol , that not know how he came, into the shed: and swearing by . all that was good o;nd•bad Meant no harrii but all would do 15 ' ••e . was seized. and . draggad ,some dis-. tance up the hill_ torard:,•Atlve.• Afasiinic eenietery.to place: in the Open country. where live or six _rifle cannon,-belonging to theNevadasartillery,' have'.beenetand sing since the day of the fire: . Two stout Men then seized the trembling "snoozer," and placing his • hands' in • front of the muzzle"of one o f f the guns told him he had hilt, three minutes to live,- as, they Were about. to blow his head off. ',I • Again the Man, begged-,for mercy., say:. d ing that he had, only taken too". much and got into the shed be knew not' how, hut certainly without any. evil in-. tention. • ' Said : a- m n who had taken his.place at the breech of the gun, :and •was • taking 'some matches , from his .vest pocket "If you have any word .to leave for a • wiie, au . Old father, ,or mother, or any friend'or 'relative, • you will do. Well to make knoWn your wishes." , . "I•reckonfl hain't got airy wife; or Old father or mother or anybody:elge, a 3 cares dalaW of tabacker about me.". • . "Well, but have you no dying wish--:-no dying . request. ?" "Wall,: now you talk. Mout I Make- a 'request ?" • • "You. may, and. be -, quick : about it :(lighting a match) as when I apply: this match:to the touch-hole' of this ,gun .'off -goes yout head. You have a request to. make ?" . "Strangn, I. hey." . • "Out with it then. We can't fool with you Al night., when there may beother, fire-bugs proWling about the works;' *.`l. 'kin : have my last, request theri:.?"• • eau:' ' • "You, wOn't go back on-,mer • "No." • . • • _ '"Whate4r.l you'll\grant • "Don't tay- so 1 - Let's hear ysur- dy ing request,•or dab goes*- a 'Match in,this - powder\ and off. y 91. 1 17 - 1 1 elid.". • : "AVell„ I then, as have your worda's gentleman, my last and only desireis that yon'll put me at'the other end of thetun befo,'re: yer - stick that match in toits - tdrch hol:" • -‘ "too thin," cried all, hands.. -"(food, but ton'thiii .You can't get off that • •- "Oh, ho ; "-said snoozer ; go back .on yer .word, do yer ? • Yer don't know, who I'airi,*l reckon. Yon. don't, know . you've . picked up Bill. Slicer, from : the Muddy Fork of the Mohican." - - -And . suddenly shaking hirnself free, o f the hold of 'hien 'Who he . reach, doWn into the.top.of" his- right boot and hrougliroOt4t revolver - nearly 'as large as. 'a Gaffing _ . • - "Oh; ho !" •cocking the Thrinidable' 'hooting iron, .`,‘go back on.yOur word ? Gs, hack On my tfyiie request. fNow know the kind of. men I've got to deal with—infernal liars and murderers." Half this speech ' had . not been con-. eluded—indeed, the rpstal had 'hardly clicked,before: there was a wild scatter ing of the little, party. of .practical.. jokers. They rat behind - the . grOulli3 Of 'Cannon bounded over the cemetery fence toward the shelter of _the.tombstones,and in short rolled and tumbled 'in all directions. "Oh,' ho 1" cried Old Bill, "why don't yer stand by vet. gun ?, Come out of yer holes 1 . '1.1. - ou''ve got 'a bigger gunnor I hey, :tint rye got the Most shots, and giye.yer a fait' fight and die gamel Wall, here'sloine for you at -random I" and Old Bill let off a couple of shots among the cannon and tombstones. • • _ .• 'The, jokers were mighty glad when their old' snoozer ceased to rage about the spot, and took his way, muttering, toward the distant lights of the town.. • A Man's Neighbors. • 1 4 • • The Raleigh (N. C.) NOvs reports . that Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of •:that city, referred in his Thanksgiving sernion to a conver sation held -some vcars ago between . Dr. 'Thomas E. Skinner, of lialeigh, now Georgia; and an . anti-rnitsionaryio. Dr. Skinner, lie said. Was."'s_Oliciting aid for foreign:: mission, and' . to.. this gentleinin, who proniptly repulsed. him witli the reply, "I don't believe in foreign aagt, give to bierieak niy•-tieighb6ro. .• • "Well,"-renlied. - Dr, ' . •Skinner, 43a, you .ieg4ra, as your neighbors.?" - tiy, - around, tiej7- replied 'the . . Dolyon mean thOie4hose•laMi. rotas yOurar • „ oy es !, . "Well," Fail Dr: Skinner, , "how,Much land do you own ?" ' "About five hundred acres."_ • never.thbmght Of it before,but I suppose I own half, way throUgh." "Exactly,""sa!d• Dr. - Skinner. • "I sup pose you . do,,aud I :want , -this. ...for , the Chineser,=•the'roeii Wh lauds viin 'hose-• • :•Voti-rs on: b.otoin." .. • • That. --bardepef):, brother: had• ,:never ttioUght.of thtit,',apd ,gave. . a • good sum for _fcireigiti •- • - - When 3 dead unin is . 430 n of3s . .Mate . Mr. Smith . ." the infereti he' . did ep6tlgh: .•• . •'• - .•.1." • . . .. •. , , ._., . . . At fifteen - the - averace•bov 'sings. gaily, , . r, . ".1 want to be an - angel." At thirty. he WantoTtolive 14 touga..he can. •.. • .: coo:sidered it."-Sitreplat)l4r - .4 yoting min never to trifle vv:ib the :if'+ etiono wlxPaa W4 O w THE DEMOCRAT, FE$. 6, PREPaIiE vinivrrmt; FAR & WINTER GOODS! RoBodaaili & Co, 2 . WOOLEN SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS, CASSIMERES,, BEAVERS AND CLOTHS, PLAID. AND PLAIN- WbOL AND MOHAIR DRESS GOODS. SILKS, POPLINS, CASHIMERE'‘ •DRAB TE DESt Ai.PA CAS..BLACK AND • COLORED,. • a. > .. • . FLANNELS, ROSE BLANKETS MAR,CEILES:BED SPREADS, WOOL TABLE SPREADS, TABLE LINENS, TOW- ' ELS, NAP4INS • „ 'and hogsehold 1 Fornishiog 1 2 Goods • 1 A large aisortmont, and cheap, At Q. B. & Co'co LADIES' AND CHILDREN S' MERINO UNDERGAR MENTS. MERINO AND WOOL HOSE. FELT SKIRTS, GLOVES. &c.. ALL SIZES AND QUALITLES,I lAt G. R..& Co's, Prices to salt, MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, FLGWERS, FEATR ere, BLACK AND COLORED, SILK AND COT TON VELVETS. TRIMMING SILKS, A flee variety, • . :At G. R. tt Co'B. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS', LACES, FRIN . OBS, BUTTONS. SILK TIES, CORSETS, BM- BROIDERIES, ZEPHYR, WORSTED , .' AND FANCY YARNS , I CAN- . 4 VASS, NOTIONS . AND STAMPED PAT- I TERNS, • i Al*aya in great variety,. , At 4, ft. & co.s - , . DOMESTIC GOODS, BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS,•CANTON FLAN NELS, CALLICOES, DENIMS. TICKINGS AND CHEVOTT SIIIRTINGS. AL- . WAYS A FULL'ASSORTM ENT THE MOST POPULAR ' - BRANDS, And prices to snit the times , At G. R.& Co's. . , CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS _.. MATS; TIRITGGETP4 FURS, FUAS. FURS, BTFFALO ROBES. HORSE BLANKETS, LAP . ROBES, ROBES &c. . ac . . 1 _ _. At G. R. a Co's Cheap • tatt-pat c Clothing. mei, and boys` ready-made tvlarge stock.' 'Cote plete assortment of best goods, warranted to give sat- Prices to sulttbe times.at-G.IL'& Co's.. \ OVERCOATS OVERCOATS I'l /for Boys', Youths' and Men. All pints. Qualities and prices from $8 to:sBe. Supply your .wants at G. E. & -Co's. Large stock of fine cassimeres. Cloths .and Beavers. Measures taken. good fitting and workmanship guar anteed. Prices fully 510 per cent. lees than out of town. Call and leave your meature at G. K. eF Cols. ... Gents furnishing g.oods. White; and colored cctton Shirts, Wool and. - Merino Wrappers arid Drawers, Flannel and merino Hose, Knitt. Jackets, comforters, Ties, Bows, Mufflers. Gloves, Trinks. Satchels, &c., &c., the largest variety in town, MG. H. & Co's. HATE! . HATS!' CAPS At G. R. it qo's. GIJTTENBERQ, ROSE.f . BAUM; & CO • M. S. DESSAIIER, Ma naging Partner. Montrose, September 29th, 181. CARTFR,.ABBOTT JOHNSON. 1 • IRON, STEEL,. NAILS, , BLACK. SMITHS' SUPPLIES; FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' TOOLS. Agents for, Eltroreetiiii eitesel Ciracodlis, • f BI:IRRETTS CORN SHELLER ANI!) THE IMPROVED; -BURDICK FEED CU'IVER. TARBELL 3jousH ,f . , e,,, , 113. ~- . 4 ....1. , ..4'.. ki New.Advert,isements. NEW STOCIc Our Custom Department.T FURNISHING GGODS. Wliolesale and Retail Dealers in .":. HARDWARE, SEAT SPRING-S,-S'IrEEL TIRE, TOB CALK g and CALF STEEL, io„ OrCALL AND Sn:l79, . . . 87 Washington St., , BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Oct. 14th. ; 5 • PPP6SIVI VIZ C91:3111. nous*, AIONTROSE,PENiP & J T 4.11 8441 . 4 :'9k'a• . . 401 W Stages , and Hacks leame , 1 LJlOUs+e•daily,t nintiAtr With the. Montrose itailway,lhe • Lelligh•YalOy Railroad. and the D. L. „ !WM& F` r i'' ? f: 'Aifriflost; 1.813:41' AS, IGI. li l a Co's. i , i j ... ~ 876. L 2021.2WA . H1 , 12412? I CD 4111-$12,1, MIME GEORGE ~:'-_,'L,,,i _: .- ,:LENTIti 11l , Has just returned (ruin New York with a large and complete assortment of Y GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS. & SHOES Hats a):ia:, C4ps,. Notion s , 4,0„- &e., ling .118 • large",'lemporary" , on the. National Hotel grounds. We shall !! reniaint6ii!:tintil'our.new - • ••• .• - • • , BRICK STORE IS COMPLETE ON THE OLD GROUND. ‘,". stock is new and bought with care.: We will, as heretofore, offer the largest • - assortment slid best bargains in the county. ihc.2 -- P•utter and Produce ship)* 'ley advanced *heu desired. :Treat Bend, July 7th, 1875.. FRANK ~-.:i TtIOMP-SON . s St-,i.-cco„ , (BRANCH HOUSE OF JOHN MONROB & CO., PHILADBLPHLQ 3acrlegsale T.A.ccu.,Or rieztaers, LACKAWANNA AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. . NO. 18 i i ..., 04 0 i. OA or - . 14 if All kinds and grades of DOMESTIC & Ibl PORTED WINES I LIQUORS, as low any house In the Btlte. Nutember 10th, 18'10.-8m 1 r,- . • MINER; BINGIIAMTON; - -N. '.y; STYLE .oi l FLINT AMY .(111.00N.,:t110.1.NEITS. VERY 1. , • , . , ionze Lamps, Opal Lamps, All Glass Lamps, hand Lamps, f. Burners, Wicks, Shades, Shade folders &c., &c. f t 1 I }7 I Tizzy I TAILI:DALIVI\TEI33 W.A1161t2E1. - ' Pride Guaranteed as Low as any House in Southern :114w York. P A A &Ormsby Mall Promptly Attonde4 To. _•• • . BEST; JOB PRINTINb •• • • • :AT THE•LOWEST:IMATES We are continually adding new material to our oilleeiand;Witkotit..• age 23;ocki of JOB TYPE and FOUR Printfug Presses, we-Defy Ootnepetion A Both in Price and Quality, either In plain Black or Colored Work. NA I LS TIIIWARE OYD coltwlN 1 • Corner°, Main and Turnpilt Ste. Milr.o.l\rr3Et C34313E1 • E*4t%.., DRAMS!, IN sivric , avirria TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, Builders' HaFaware, OtTTLEdY, ETC., Nadi-, 13 7 \ the Meir• Thanks to. our Friends for east rayon. -• , , e would he morethankl alto one and all who Imo% th y have unsettled itC.COUnte with'us.iii therWunlo cal F a d settle by the middle of March next. /` . I ' l Feb. 4.1814. 1 . -.: - • .-," ' , , ,•,', IENA AKERS FAKE: . , Beet market price. paid-in cash, -• CORN, RYA , AND OATS . at the Montrose , Tr. A. hIPLIN Superintendent Von troge. Jily - 4 • DVBRTISINti: u MUT : : Good ; Systetust lee —A „i . persons who contemplate making contracto “OvhpayerB for the insertion of advertisements, shOutd unit veltts to Geo. P. Rowell to., 41 park ,Now No*. York, for tituir PAM PIIGFa-11001( (ninety4ev-- critb edition,) containing lista of over 2000 newspapers and estimates. showing the coat. Advertieurneuter tali. en for leading papers In many. States at a tremendous rn eduction tro publisltera'rates Gefilte ; tat' ton Flannels, Miscellan,eoris Advertiseme4te. Grea = t 7 13e•±1.4i1; MD. e*!. WHOLESALE DEALER IN • SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. IN ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF UAUDWARI rice and P) P' GEO. L. LENREIM. FURNI'rURE. i• ' • ... At V. W . ..Snittlitk.. Son's iiititoeive Furniture War srtxim you willtiod the largest mock of ~ 3'IETELN X 'T'I:7Ft:V To be found in tbis section of the country, of his owe tasupfacture. lied at prices that cannot lull to give eels faction. Thty make the very best • tXTENSION TABLES rr b. 0.1 as. t e X 7 r 1. f all Willits done In the neataat mnl.ner• PURE NO :1 MATRASSES,' ,A c ND COMMON MATRASSES UNDERT.AKARG ,The anbseriber will hereafter make tai ndertaalng e~ppee cutity in hie business. Havinsdnit complete ° d ► NEW and Ole inset elegant HEAESF 4 in the meet needing his services will be attended to promptly and $% satisfactory charges. . WM. W. Slll l l2 lc SON, , Montrose. Pa.. Jsu. 3 1 11171.—poll—tf• Best calicoes S cents lard at. Cheap John's. will make t3peclAlity ti tit; , a- ieiueae. ID tlielT -.AII litedlog• theirfierticro *fit be promptly ull euded thitisfActioti gtifininteeil. lyriciul Ula. Pit., Ali ri) 7, 1876. rompt returns gueranti.ied March 81.18715: FIRST CLASS`o ` ® coamby In the Country, and WARltivilt them. I.Es. x. R pa . C3r, 313 251 2 , , OF ArAlll9llB icixi.aertauirLg. We hare rtlltkcell ntir37 cent end, 50 ne "ttre'si*r G0tq113 .7 to 25 cents ()heap John's.. Ffit C • Cam: 0 g e t , g 0.11 N, oci 1 1010 - A.'S. MINIM. 'HAWLEY & CHIMER. V. MATTIIWO., 14-t I