r3 SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXT0W Wednendaj. ST'r 1.9, IwTS.' B. F. SCHWEIEll, rr no raoranroK." Cl'BAX difficulties growing out of the murder of tae men capturjd with the Virginiua bare absorbed the attention of the people of cities and large town to each a degne that financial trouble are overlooked, and have ccDsefjuentlv improved in tone. The Solution of the Cuban trouble is net yet ipparent coajectures consequently are of little 2-;oiuf. The Adiuinistiation of Pres ident Grant is cot- a weak 3itfj and it may be taken as a certainty that if there is a just cause for war, the parties who seem to be spoiling for want of a fight will get as much of it as tLoy can attend to. The country in general, however, does not want war, and if the mzttsr can be cettlad by peaceable menu,- to ths satisfaction of law-abiding eitizens, the people of both this country and fpain will gain largely by it. Next week we expect to publish Ac Constitution by supplement, and the paper with its usual amount of reading milter. S'ndy the Constitution as you would tic Bible, it is for the temporal government of the whole ptople. It not a subject for party consideration. CONSflfUTIONT fcw 4 oirttttntHfl ProMMM4 . -fc flfltlxenw of 111 hi Commonwealth for Ihir Approval or R-Jrf too, kj Ihf OBNtlsutlouMl 4 ooveotioM. Jfblixht hy artier of the Srretary of the 0m monwenJtft .in purmuunrof the Vh e-tumol am net of the tfrivrrtU AMetm't4y, entttlett "An act fr proitt'f ftr cniltnff a Vt'ttvetUtun toamrrut th t unxJttutuiH." tipproicd Iht Itth liny of A priU A, i., 172. FKKAMBlaK. . W the ftrop of th- Commonwealth of rv-uiifvIVHiiia, Krateful to Almighty lor rh- lilfttMniea of civil and rviitfimiK litwrty. Hurt hutn-iv invofeiDE Hi kuuIuuc, Uo orUala aul esta,Miili tin CoiiMUulHn. ARTK'SLE I. ie r auation or khwth. TSat thr ii-ml. rrvr an.l exKeutinl prin rlplrn rf liVwry imil ft- Kjv'rufiuiit may l r.ivuiz-t ua l uualterbly robtblifthed, w-.winr- thai Hkciio.n . All men are born equally fr Mini tnlit ml t-ut, mut iiHvt certain illiMT rnt and iudej-iMe ri:iii,MiiinK which art; tixiM- of -nj..ii.j ana .( iiniin; life aal .itw-rly, of ar(niriiii, ptw-KMiii uinl jtrotfet inK proriy ait'l r.-puUti tut, and of pumu IiijC tiiftrown happine.. Kor. All mv r i inhere lit In the people, anl all free governments are founded on their authority and iM it tiled for their peace. mi !! And huppim-. fr'ortheudviuieeiia-iit of thee riuls iney have at all lime an iii alienaltle and indefeasible right to a iter, re form cr ain.ii-h their Kovt-rmiK-nt n ucli inrtanra they may think proper. Hv. A, Ail meu liHve h natural end tnle-f-rtrt- rijftit to worship Almighty tiotl ac irltui to the li':nts of tht-ir o'u ooti iw k-iHiit ; no man ran of night le rnipiie to Hitn1, en'.-t or sujtpori any plaee wr ahip, or to maintinu any ministry airalnM hw ennsnt ; uo hiiiuan authority ran, in Muy t-HSr whul-v-r, r uitrul or inlfi"Irt witli Xie rights of ins.-it-ii, and no pre!-r-me h4a,il rvtr 1-e given Ity 1j w tj liny reJlgUm e?!:ihl:liiiiiitM or UMi'tol worship. Sep. A. prrson who a-kmwu-lt:eti the Itriiij; of h in.., m,i! a tutuie hUiie of rewanK hp-I tinishme;itsliuil, on ai-e mi nt tt hi re i!ious m ittnin'ins, I- t' iiuitlifli-d to hold .it.;.- orl,-- ,r i- ot trust or profit umier th K t "oti i mon h 1 1 h . s-c. o. i-.hlioiiK sir.U le free and equal ; mid ij, pou it, vivil or lalliliary, Miall at any time int-rt-re to prevent the free eiereiae of tlie riht of Mitriage. S.-. H. Trial lv jury rihall te hereto fore, ikud lilt; right thereof rvmain Invio inf. ee. T. The prlutinx presa hnll be free to wry fH'ixMi who may underinke to t xam w the -roreeiiiiKit of the Ln;isiature or any hraiit-ii of government, and nolawHhall ever Iw uiaile to rt-Mrain the nht Iherettf. The free ouimuniMlin of IikmikIiIn and opinions in oiiH f it; iuv:ilu:thlt' riKhta of dhi, mihI eery citizen may freely sefik, write and print on any iutijet, being re fMinsihle lor tlie abuse oi iliut lileriy. No eonvielion ahail te tiad in any pnisM-ution for the putlirMion of papeni relat iik to the 0 fact a! couduet oi o!iieTH or iikii iu uolic t-aiulty, or to any oilier nuttter proper for THitdlr nve.tiinilion or informattn. where he fi.'4, that Mi h publication wuk i.ot mall--iouly or lulineiitly i:ude Ktiall In elal ) i Hiied to the KHtlMaetion of toe jury ; and In all IndietmeutM for libel the Jur -shall have the rlght to determine the law and tlie fact. uiii'r the diiectiou of the ciHirt, a in othi r cafes. Sec. The people ahull be aecure In their perouH, bou4M pajK-m and poteionfc. from unreasmHlile Hearebeti and seiiuren, ami no warrant to Jw-arch any place or to tize any ;-rMin or thinN nhull hsue witU ort tex'rit inV them an nearly an may be, nor without probable cause nu.ported ly rtr.tti or atiirmatiou, auusi-riued to by the Hc. 9. In all rrlni1n:J proaeeutlona, the accuaed hath a riht to be heard by himeelf aiid hi counsel, to demand the nature and eaue of the accusation against him, to uieet the yltntwMii face to faie, u have etntpul- futry pnxit for btaiuiiiK witiieKsra iu bit favor, and tn proseemiou by indielinent or litrrnntiou, a kpeedy public trial by an tin partial Jury of tiie vicinage; be cannot be coiUHIbsl to iive evidence ueainst himself, nr can he be deprived of bin lie, lltertyt r property, utiles by tire jiidKUieut of tarn jeer or the law tf the hind. ,r No j rrsonh:iU lor any Indictable i-fTeure le prov-eleti atfainKt crrminally, by luloriuHtion, except in easen arising in the laud or naval torccii, r in the militia, when In aetttal aerviee, in t'me of war or puMic tlatiKer, or fy leave of the court, frir oppre .rti r mih lei'iiior inoili-e. No persou Khali fr tte jrrv otrence lie twice put in Jipardy cf IHf Hiivii ; nor ahall private property Ik t:iken or pplle to public use without authority of l;.w (nd without justcouipeu tuition twine first iuale or ae-urel. See. 11. All courts Khali be open; and every man lor an injury dne him In his landN, i;oods, ie ra tn. or reputation, ahull have rem ly ly due course of law, and ritfht and Jn-tioe aduiimU-n-d wit luiut wtle, tlettlal, or dHar. Suits mav te bnuiight acuiiist the Comtnouwealth in ruch man ner, m such courts, and such cuet a the I.efcivlitture i::iy by law lirrtt. Sec". Ii No power of i:spending Inwa ahall 1- r-p'iH'd unlesa by the Lviaiature or by i! authority. Hec. 13. KxcesHlve ball ahall not be reqtilr-al.-nr excessive fine impoaed, nor cruei puuisLmeiit inflicted. s.-c. 14. All prisoners shall be bailable r aumicnt auretieit, unlesn lor capital ofTeti wlten the pnatf ia evident or presump tion icreat ; and the privilege of the writ of hahena errww ahnlt rrf be auspenled, unlesa whn in CKe :f rebellion or invasion the public aafety may reinnre It. Sec. .". . e4imtnissiii of over and term iner orjil delivery ahall be tanned. See, i. The peraou of a drht.tr. where there t nt strong prennpttun of fraud, frball not be continued in prison after de liver! tig up hia etat? for the henent of hia creditor, in su h uianmr aa shall be pre Kcrilwd by law. rec. 17. No mx roar facto law, nor anv law imparing tbeotliga;ton of contract, or iuiK1ng irrevocable any grant of aptx-ial privilege or ItntnTinltiea ahall la passed. ec. IV No iersotr shall l-attainted of Tre:istn or felony by the legislature. Kc, P. Xi attainder ahall wort corrup tion of blood, u-r, except during the life of tU" oiT-'Atler, forfeiture oi estate ro the Com ni'n wUtti ; the estate of u'h peraotw aa nail destroy their own live dill descend or vest tt iu t-BMU of natural death, and f any p-rson shall la- klilel by eauaiiv, 1 it-re swll le no forfeiture by reason LLcrc- Hcc, Cn. The citizen have a rghl In a fAacenble manlier to a.sentbl together for tbeir ormmon goml. a:hi to apply tothoa iuveated wuii tiie power of governmenta for reitrcM of grievance or other proper purpt, by, I'etiUou, addrea or reuiou arrani. , Sc 21. The right of cUlzena to bear arm's - In defence of themselves and the .State ahall not be queatitined. Sec. ;1L No Ktamling army ahall. In time of IHj.ice. be kept up without t.ie consent of the .VisUtur aud the military strill in all casea, at ai timea la; intriet subordi nation b the civ :1 pjwer. s. Yi. No w. idler ahall in time of peace 1a luarten-d in any house without the con-M-nt of .b owner, nor iu lime of war but iu a rar.r.erto ta- prew ribed by law. ?c. 24. The Ix'iure ahall not grant" aoy laic of iiolitlity or itereditsr- uis'ine- ti. ii, ht creaie any once tiie appointment of which ahall be for a lomjer tenutnandirr iiic gooi oehavior. hoc bnugrution from the Male shall llTt be l'.-;uiiled. See. Jti. To gani against tranagreatiions of the h'g! powen which we have delegated, we tin .'are ih it everything in this article ia raeepfeit out of the general powers of froveinnctt aad a&til forever rtunaiu lu vioiate. ' ARTICIaE 111 nt LiuisiafCBV. Skttioji 1, Ttie l!sUtive powor of this t'oui.iMnwcalth st al; he vested in a Cjuierai Aaaembly, which will consist of a Seuaie" and a Iloiiweci lbprea nralive. See. Z M'-iu'HriTi of tiie Oeuvml AS-eDrWy shall be chosen at the general election erery second year. Their term of service shall be giu on the find da ol lecerober next alter tueir elect ion. Wheuever a vacancy shall occur In eitiier House, tlie presiding oracrr tnereof snail ismi a writ of election to fill wuch vacancy for the remainder of the USec! X Senators shall be elected for the term of four years and IteprvsenlaUvas for the term of two years. See. 4. The general Assembly shall meet at twelve o'eba k nau. on Ihe flit Tuesday of January every aocond year, and at other limes w m u convened by the Uovernor, but shall hold uo adjourned a:.nual seaalou alter tiie vear oils tnouand eight hundred and M-Xv'Uiy-e.giit. Iu cmm of a vacancy in the uiiice of tne U "Ited state Senator ironi tbia Com mon wea i., iu a recess U-tweeii ses aioua, tae Oivernor shall convene the two houses by proeiamal ion on notice not ex ceeding aixly da s to fill the same. Sec, .. sciialors snail be at least twenty flve earH age, and llepresetitat vea twen-ty-ohe years ol age. They shall hare hern ciuxeua and uihaoltanls of the Statu fair vcars. and iuhaiiilanU of their respective districts one year next bofore their eleitbn miins aiment on toe pubiie laisiuesa of I he fluted S.LnIes or this Mtatei. and shall reside in their respertive dislrieU during Ihefr terms oi srvi. Sec. a. No Senator or Repreaentatlveahal!, during tlie time f r whl. h he ahall have ben eie:tel. be appduterl to anv civil oftlie under litis Common wealth, and uoiuemia-r of Congress or other per-mi holoing any office texeept of atloriiey-at-law or ta the militia under the i nltsi Matesol thiaCom laoowcaitii shall be a metnla-r of either hmse during hia couttuuanee in office. Sec. 7. No Hrn hereafter convicted of einlafzclemeiit of public money. britery. nerttiiv or other tlttanioua er.llie. ahall e eligiltle to theK-neral AK-mbly. or capable ol lioldtng any ouic ol irus. or prout iu t h Is Com it ion wca 1 1 ti. See. H. The meinbersof theCienernl Assem bly shall rec.-ive Mich salary and mileage for reu.arand special eaji;n a aiiail la flxd by law, and no other compensation what ever, whether lor service upon committee or otherwise. No member of either house shall, dunug the te.m for which he may have been eh-tcd, r-eeive any. increase of salary. r mileage, under any law paaaed during aurh term. Sec, . The senate shall, at the beginning and close ot each regular session, auiint such other times as maybe necessary, elect one of its im-mbers pretdei; pntemptre, who shall perform the duties of the Lieul-nnttt Oovernor, n any cse of aince or diaiabil ity of that oihcer; and w I m-never the said offl if l.leiiienant Governor snail I ar va cant. The House f Krpresenfativea shall elect one of ita members as pviiker. r'ach house siinli clnatse ita other iili-era, ami shall fn lgeof tlie election andtiuaiincatioiia of Its members. sec, M. A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum, but a smalier imu:ler may atljoiirn from day ! day. ana compel th alleiidance of alscnt iiieinfa-ra. Sec. 11. Keh house siiall have power to dctermin- the ruiea of its pnaeedine anl punish Its mmlers or other terwta iore-n-teinpt or disorder! y la-iiavior in ita pres-en-e. to euftrc oitiicne to Its process, to prote-t its iiieinla-ra against vbilenrt. or of ten of bribes or private solicitation, antl with the oiiicurreiKn of two-ihitds. toe, pel a member, but um a second time for the same cauae, and ahall have all other pow ers necessary for the legislature of a free State. A iiu-mlar expelled f.r corruption shall not thereafter be eligible lo either house, and punishment for contempt or dis orderly lchavior shall not bar an indict ment for the same offense. Sec. 12. Kach house shall keep a journal of ita proceeuiuga from time to time p;il- lish the same. cxcpt su-h parts as require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the mem tars on any question ahall. at the desire of any two ot them. l entered on the journal Sec. TI. The iMfsslous of each house and of committee of the whole shall be open, uulos when the business is suehasouht to la- kept aecret. See. 14. Neither house shall, without the consent of 1 lie other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that iu whieh'thc two houses shall 1m sitting. S-c. !.". The mm tiers of the General As sembly shall Iu all ensvs, except treason, leloiiy. violation of their oath of office, and and a breach c surety of the peace, le priv-ib-gei from mt during thir attendance at th otns of their respective houses, and tu going to and returning from the same; and for any s.eeeh or dc!ate in eith er house, thy siail not be questioned in any other p;-e. Sti. Iti. ll.c State shall be divided Into fifty Senatorial districts of compact and con tiguous territory, its nearly equal in fstpula ti'tn as may I, and each district shall la en titled to elect one Senator. Kach county coutainiug one nr more nttiosof population shall la? eiitt!e4l to one Senator lor each ratio, and to an additional Setottor for a sur plus ol opuletioti exceeding three-fifths o! a latio; but no county siiall form a separate list net unit as it stud! con f am four-flt'ths of a ratio, except where the adjoining counties are each entitled to nt- or more Senators, wben sueli -uny ni:y te astii;iiei a Sena tor n le-vH than "loiir-Mftha, and exceeling otie-balfofa niti;i, and no ounty shall te divtdeit unless entitled to : wo or more -senators. No city or county shall la entitled to searnic re(ra nlation exceeding one-ixth oi inc wuoif milliner oi m ikhop. .owaro, tHrMicu, or township shall la divided in the formation of a district. The Senatorial rati shall be aseertuincd by divitlitig the whole poptilatim of the State by the number rl iv. Sc. 17, The members of the House of Representative kIimU lie appointed among the aeveral counties, on a rul io olttaiued by liivlditig tiie w.pulKtioii of tlie State nsas certaineti by the nmst recent I'nitcl stats cetiMis iy two hundretL Kvery county con taining lesa than five ratios ha!l have oue representative for every full ratio, and an additional representative m hen thesurpln exceiils half a ratio; but each cunty shall have at least one representative. Every ef unity containing five ratios or more sual I have one representative for every full ratio. Kvery ciy containing a Hipulatiou equal to a ratio shall elect separately its proportion of the representative allotted totbeoiMinly fn whica it Is located. Kvery city entitled to more than four repreaentati ves, and every county Imviuc ovit one hundred thousand inhabitants, sTiall le dividcti into districts of compitct an I contiguou. Wrritory, ea-h district to elect Its pnipirtion of representa tive according to iu population, but no district shall elect taore than lour repre sentatives. sec. IH. The General Assembly at it first session after the adopt i-ju of this constitu tion, and imineiiately after each I'niteil States decennial census, shall apairtloii the suite into Senatorial and Kepreseutative districts agree!h!y to the provision of the two next preceding sectious. ARTICLE IIL LEUlHLATlOX. fsECTiox 1. No law shall lap passed except by bill, itnd no bill ahall le so altered or amended on its passage thro jgh either bouse as to change Its original puiMMe. sec, 2. No bill shall la? considered nnless referred to a committee, returned therefrom, and printed for the use of the members. Se:. No blil, cxcei t general approba tion billa, shall tie passed. emtaln.ng more than one stitject. which shall be clearly ex pressed in its title. Sec 4. Kvery bill shrill 1e read at length on thrit diff erent day tnearh house; nil amend ments nnule liiereto shall ! printed lor the use of the mcnits rs la. tore ttte final vote ia lken on the bill, and no bill slmll laconic a law unless on its final n:iaaire the vole lie i UKtn ny veua ami nays, the nan es of in' I p ixuis voting for and against tbesntoe la entered on the journal, and a mnjority.if the meintiers eleciet to eaeh house be reomled thereon as voting in its favor. Sec.; Nanie:i.imen? m bit Is by one house Khali hecoTieurred in by the oHior except bv n oteot a msjoiity of the im-miers elected thereto taken by eas and l.ays, and the names of those votirg for and ngalnsr mir del upn Ihe journal there if: aud reports ol comiuitteesof eouicreiiif siiall ta adopted in either hotiae only by the vote of a majority of the men tlar eleet.l thereto, taken by yeas and na a, and the names ot ihoae voting rei-onied upon the journal. Sec.. Ni l:w shall la- revived, amended, or the provisions lucre f extended or con I er red by reierenee to itstitle only, but so much thereof a Is revived, amended, extended, or conferred, shall be re-enacted and published at length. Sec. 7. Tha General Assembly shall not pes any loeml or special law; Authorizing tlie creation, extenlion or im pairing of liens; lleguiating the affairs of comities, cities, townshiist, mards, boroughs, or school dis trict; Changing the names of persons or places; Changiug the venue m civil or criminal ca Sea ; Authorizing the laying out, opening, alter ing, ormaintaiuiug roaus, highways, streeta, or alleys. Relating to ferries or I nidge, or Incorpora ting ferry or bridge companies, except for the erection of bridges cnissnig streams which form boundaries bet weeu this aud any otiierStHte; Vacating roads, town plats, streeta or al ley Kelatlng to cemeteries, graveyards or pub lic grounds not of tlie stie; Authorising the adoption or legitimation of children; ic lug orchangingcounty seats, erecting new couu Ilea, iw cmujing county hues; Incorporating ciiie. umns, or viKagi-a, or ch niitt their cbartt ra; For the opeuiug and conduction of elec tions, or fixing or changing luv place of vo ting; Granting divorces; Krectiiig new townships or lairough, changing towtihhip lines, borough limits, or S4-b(Ml di tot net a; Creating offices, or prescribing the powers and dude of officers in eouuties, cities, lair oughs, towusiiips, election or school Uis tncis; Changing tlie law of decent or succession ; Krgult tuig the practice or jurisdiction of, or changing the rules of evidence iu any Ju uicial proceeding or iuquiry ta;iore e urt. al derai.n. justn-es of me peace, sherilts. com mhvsioner, arbitrators. audiUirs, maeters in chain-ery. or o;ucr irilaiuaia. ur Drovioing or chaiigiuc method Xir lbeele-tuHi of debts. j or the eiilorciiic ol judgem nta, or preacrib u'jji ie cun w. juuiruii utir w n-Mi wuiv ; Kt guJatirg tiie Jem-a, or exlenuiug the pow er and ami tf alueruien. miiuea ol the peace, nihktrU-,''or vouatatia ; KoguiaiiLLg Uac luanageiaent of public aehooia, the bulMing or icpainng of school b4ium, aud lbs taiaiug of money for such purpose; Kixiiig; Uu rate of interest : A fleet a: g lLs taW of minors or persons onder daMa.tjiiiiy, except after due notice to all parties in interest, to be recited in the sta-cial enact uj at ; Uemitling nnet penal tie and forfeit urcs.or refo ndJng moucj legal iy paid in to the Treas ury; Kxemptzng property from taxation ; ltegulatiiis laijor, trade, mining, or mann faciuauig; Crea u n g corporut Ion s. orametvil ng. renew ing, or ill ndiug tLc- charters m reof ; tn;iait.g to any vorporatiou, aoviat!t'fi. ...1. :x:;.. of Indlsidnal any special of exclusive prl vil er" or luuuumlv or to any corporation, ao ciatlon or individual the right to lay down a railroad track. Nor shall the General As sembly indireetlv enact such special or local law by the partial repeal of a geueral law, but laws rcpenllug local or special acta may be passed. Nor shall any law be pasaed granting powers or privileges In any ease where the granting ot such powers and priv iliges shall have been providea r by gcueral law, nor where t he courts bavejori- let ton to grant the same or give the relief aeked for. Sec. S. No local or special Mil hall ls passed unless notice of the intentlou to apply therefor shall have been puoiishtd in the loeaiitv where tiie matter or the thing lo be affected may be situated, which notice snail e at least thirty days prior lotbe in troduction Into the (ventral Assembly aueh bill, and iu the manner to be provided ly law; i'ie eviuence oi aurn nn-r hiii hn i.iiUlshefl. hall be exhibited In the l m i..tw.ri i wi..i.:vit.ii lurh a-t shall be i wl - rc 9 The presiding officer of each house I IL in the presence of the houseoverwhicb i m-sldes sign all MUsand Joint resolutions isec. sha he presl pasaed by the tieneral Aaaembly, aXu-r their i.t; h:.vf lM-en bniila iv .ead innn-diuH v ! tiefore aignlng. and the f-.ct of signing alia 1 1 be entered on the journal. s e. lit. The general Assembly shall pre scribe by law the number, duties and com pensation of the officer and employees of each nouse, and no payment shall lemade front the state Treasury, or le in any way authorised toanv pern. except toanaeting oificer or employee elected or apfamited in puraiianee of law. Set 11. No bill shall be passed giving any extra compensation to any public officer, servant, empb.vee, agent or contractor, alter services shall have been ren dered or contract made, nor providing for thepHvment of anv claim neainat tlie Com monwealth, withiut previous authority of law. See. 12. All atntlonerv. printing. nnper, and fu-1 naed in the legstlaTive and other depart menb of government shall le furnished, and the printing, binding, and diatritaiting ol the laws, journals, department reports, nd s'l other printing and binning, and the re pairing and form dung the balls anil rooms nsed for the meetings of the General Asaein ly and Ita committees, shall r perfomiei an!er crm tract, to be given to the lowest re sponsible bidder lilow auch maximum price and mirier soeh regulations aa shall la- prea cr.tHI ly law ; no mem Oct or oClsr of any department ol tio givernment shall le In anv wav Interested in amh coatracta. and alt su-'-h cintres shall be atibjert to tba appro val of the twovcrnor. Auditor General and State Trvaaurer. ec i:i. No law shall extend the term of any pillule officer, or Inrretise or diminish bifisniary or emoluments after his election or appoin; rnent. s-c. 14. All bills for raising revenue shall ' a... -t inuv i.ntrwMd &ln-tlil Ull-ll ti laM tn other bibs. sec. I V The general a pproprintlsn bl.l shall etnttraee nothing but appropriations for the onlinarv espenaesof the executive, eic!ln tive wntl judicial departments of the Com monwealth. Intereat on the public debt, and Par public ttehools; ail other appropriations shall lc made by aeperate oills,eah embrac but one suhj'-ct Sec. !. No money shall be paid out of the Ticasnry exep' lwn appro-nations made be law lind on warrant drawn by the proper officer in pursuance thereof. Sec. IT. So appropriation ahall be made to anv chariibe.r educational Inatltntion not under the a'tsolute control of the Common n. uith other than normal sehoolsestablisli- ed bv law for the professional training of ter.eheni for the public schools of the state, except by a vtu of two-thirds of all the niein I sni elected to eah house. Sec. Is. No appropriation except for pen sions or gratuities for military nervier shall be inmle for cburitatde. educational orla-nev-olent purposes, to any person or community, nor to any den tioi nat u mal or sectarian instl tutioo. rorponition or nasoeiation Sec. It. The General Assembly may make npprttpriatlon of money to institutions wherein th widow f sfild.ers are snppor ted or assisted or the orphans of soldiers are. maintained and educated; but such appro priation shall be applied exclusively to the support of such widows and orphans. See. at. The General Assembly shall not delegate to any special com mission, private corporation or association, any power to make, supervise or interfere with any mu nicipal improvement, money, property or effects, w hether held In trust orotherwlsr.or tn levy taxes or perform any municipal func tion whatever. Sec. 21. No act of the fienernl Assembly ahall limit the amount to be n-covered fr Injuriea resulting in death, or for Injuries to persons or property, and In case of death from such Injuries, tlie right of action ahull survive, and th General AawmMy shall prescriia for whose Iwneflt such actions stud I la prosecuted ; no act shall presents auy limitation of time within whieh suits may l brought against corporation for injuries to persons or property, or for other caiii different from those fixed by general laws regulating action agaiost natural persons, and such acts now existing are avoided. Sec. 22. No act of the Gen. nil Aww-mbly shall nuihorlxethelnveatmentof t mat fund's by executors, administrators, guardians, or ottier trustees, in the nouns or stocg ot any pnvate corMinu ion, and sucii acts now ex isting are avoided, saving invealmenls htrc- i4iore OTiioe. St The power to change the venne In civil and criminal cesesahall be vested in the court, to Ih exercised in such manner as shall be provided by law. Sec. 2-1. No obligation or liability of any railroad or other corporations, held or own ed by the Commonwealth, shall ever be ex chnnged. t ransiern'd. remit te J, post j tried, or in any wry ilimlnised by tlie 4enerl , amtd'v. nor shall such liability or obligation la reb uM-d. except by payment thereof into tne state i nwury. Sec. When the Oenrrnl Assembly shall he convened in special session, there shall le no legislation uiain subjects other than those designated in the proclamation of the Governor, calling such session. See. 'Ji. Kvery order, resolution, or vote, to which the concurrence of both houses may la? necessary O'xcept on Ihe question of ad journment i shall la- presented to the Govern or, and Indole It ahull take effect be approv ed by him, or la-lim disapproved, shall le re passed by two-thirds of lsih houscK, acictml utg tn the rub's and limitations preaeriladiu case of a bill. Sec. 2T. No Stat office shall be continued or created for fie inspection or measuring of any merchandise, manuiacturcnr commodi ty .lut any county or municipality may at noiiit such offiot-rs when authorixed by law. Sec. 2K N law changing the Ua-atioii of the capital of the State shall la valid until the same aim II have been submitted to tlie y ual tried electors of the Commonwealth, at a teneml election, and ratified and approv tl by tticm. Sec. 2. A incmlr of the General Assembly who shall stdu it, demand, or receive, or con sent to receive, directly or indire-ty, for himself or for another, from any company, oirptration, or person, any money, otlice, apHit:tiii i.t. cmp!oy rnent, tes;monial, re wanl. thing of value or cn.'oyioenl. or of la-rsonal advantage or pmuiise ttiereof, for his vole or i. facial influence, or for withhold ing the same, or with an understanding, t x pressed or implied, that Ids vole or official action shall In in any way Influenced tiarre by, or a lio ahall solicit or demand any such money or oilier advantage, matter, or thing aforesaid for unot her, as the consideration ol Ida vote or ollinial iittiueiK'e.or for a lthhold inr the satne. or ahall give or withhold Ida vote or iiilliietice in consideration of the payment or promise of socti money, ad van face, matter, or tblnir to another t.itll l or ining to another, M guilt v of bnbeiv within tne meaning ot I ti,;s Coiisiitution. and siiall incur the disa- hiliric-. rro idol thereby for said ofleiice, and such additional punishment as is or shail la' proviucd by law. See. :ai. Any p ran who shall, directly or Indirectly, otter, give. or promise nny money, or thing of value, testimonial privilege, or piTsonal adv antage, to any executive or ju dicial nlticcror meuila-r of the iieiierul As sembly, tw iulltieuce him in the performaii"e ol any of his public orotlicial duties,shall la? guilty of bribery, and be punished in such manner as shall be provide! by law. Sec. 31. The offense of corrupt solicitation of memts'ra of the General As-mbly or of public officers of the State, or of any muni cipal division thereof, ami any occupation or practice of solicilut .on of such m- inte rs or ortiecrs. o luilueins? t!elr otllcial actiin, shall tie defined by law, and ahaii bepuuinb ed by fine and Imprisonment. Sec 32. Any persiu may l-e compelled to testify in any lawful investigation or judi dicial pHMi-etbtig. against any person who may be charged with having commit led the o uv use of bi itiery or corrupt solicitation, or practice of solicitalion, and shall not be permitted towtthhold his testimony uion the ground that it ma v criminate bimaelf or subj. e himtopnbliciiilnmv; but such teati monyahalluotaAerwards ta'ttsedagaiitsthltn in auy Judieial prs?eeliug. except for perju ry hi giving such testimony, and any ersou con vi ted of either of I he offenses aloresaitl, aliall. as rsrt t4 the punishment therefor, be disqualified tram holding any office or posi tion oi honor, trust, or profit in tuisCouimou wealth. sec. $t. A member who has a personal or private Interest in any measure or bill pro posed or pending la-fore the General Assem bly shall disclose the fact to the house of which he is a member and shall not vole thereon. ARTICLE IV. thk xxxcrrivx, Sfc. 1. The Executive LHpartmentof this Commonwealth shail consist of a (Governor, Kicutemiut Governor, Secretary of the Com monwealth, Attorney General, Auditor Gen eral, state Treasurer, Secretary of Internal Afiairs, and a superintendent of Public in sirvuiion. Sec. 3. The supremeexecutlvepowershall be v as ted in the Governor, who shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed ; be shall be chosen on the day of the general election by the qualified electors of the Com monwealth, at tlie places where thev shall vote tor Representatives; Jde returns of every election for Govet nor shall lie sealed upand transmitted lo the seat of govern ment directed to the lreaideit of the Sen ate, who ahall open and publish them in tne preaene ol the memlH-rs of both honscs of ihe General Asembly. The person having the highest number of vow snail be Gov- ernor, but it two or more be equal and higlaest in voUw.oneof them hall l-echos-i-n o"o-i unr u uiejo'ni vote tne uiemliers of both houses. Con leatetl elect If mis ahull lie determined by a committee, to In? selected from both bouses of theG-ncrul Assembly, and formed and regulated in such manner m shall be directed by lam. Sec. x. The Governor shall hold his office during four years from the third Tuesday f January next ensuing his election, and shall mat he eligible to tlie office for the next suc ceeding tei m. Sec, 4. A lieutenant Governor shall be chosen at the same time. In the same man ner, for the same term, and subject to the provision as the Governor; be shall be president off!.e senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. See, a. No person shall be eligible to the ofllce of Governor or Ueutennnt Governor excepts cttizca ef the liitcd State, who ahall have attained the affe of thirty years, and have been seven year next preceding btaelectTon an inhabltnntof the state, un less he shall have been absent on tha public business of the United Slates or of this state. See, I No memlW of Congress or person holding any ofttr under the Cnlted Stale or this State shall exercise the oXlice of Gov ernor or Lieutenant Governor. Sec. 7. The Governor suail be commander-in-chief of the army aud navy of the Commtiuwealth, anu of the militia, except when they shall he called Into the actual service of 'tlie L oiled Slates, Sec. A. He shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of iwo-thtrda of all he members of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth, and an At torney General during pleasure, a Superin tendent of Public lie ruction r frnir years and such other officers of the Common wealth a he is or may tie auti.oriX4-a oy tne cnstitution or m-law loappom; nc have wer to nil all vwntu'Wriwi may happen in uffleea to which he may appo.nt tlunng the res of me senate by gntuting cimmidons wui h shall trxwireat the end of tli. tr next a-s.-ion ; he shall have power happen in uffleea to winch he tti:gr appo.nt to fill any vacancy that may happen during the reeesa of the -senate, in tne ni-e oi au ditor General, stele Treaattrer. ra-.-retary of Internal Affairs or Mipennte?tdent of rul lic Instruction, In a Judicial ofllce. or in any other elec tive offM wbich he la or may be authorized to nil : IftheV;Maney ahall happen during the session 'nT the Semite, the Governor shall nominate to the Senate, leore their flual udjmirtiiuent, a pmuer person to nil said va cancy. but In any such case of vacancy. In an elective orth-e. a person shail fa? chosen to aaid office at the next general election, nn lem the vat-iiney siiall happen within three calendar month immediately preceding such lection, in whieh ease the election lor said office atiatl Is? held at the second suc ceeding general election ; In aetmgon Kxe-titive nominations, the Stnat sti4ll sit with pen door, and iu confirming or rejecting tne nomination of the Governor, be vole shall ts taken by yeas and nays, and shall las entered on the jouruiU. Sec. 11. He shall hare power to remit fines ami forfeitures, to grant reprieves, commu tations of acutm-enee and pardon, except li cases of impeachment. L-ut no purdou shall be granted, uor se rite nee otniniulei, except upon the recommendation in writ ing of the Lieutenant (iovernor. Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney (teuernl and SietryoI HKernal Affairs, or any thr-eof ttiein, after full hearing, upn due put die notice and in open session, and sucn recommendation, witU the reasons therefor at leng'h, shall be recorded and tiled in the i.Sfce of the Secretary Of I tie Common wealth. s-c, 10. He may require Information in writing from the officer of the Kxecuttve lh partmetit, upon any subject relating lo duties of tneir respective offices. See II. lie ahaii, from time to time, give to the eneral Assembly information of tiie state of tlie Commonwealth, and recom mend to their consideration such measures as be may Judge expedient. Sec, 12. lie may, on extraonllnary occa sions, convent toe 4enerai Aaseiuldy, and incase of d-ire m nt Itetween the two bouaea, with rvspeet b the time of adjourn ment, adjourn them to such time aa be shall think proper, not exceeding four luoutha. He shall nave power tocouend the Nenate in extraordinary session, by pnalamallon, for the transaction of executive business. Sec. IX In ease of the death, couvictlon or impeacliitieiit, failure to quality, resigna tion, or other disohibty of the Governor, tlie Mtsers, duties, and emoluiiieutof the otnie lor the remainder of the term, or until the disability la- removed, shall devolve upon the lieutenant tioveinor. Sec. I. In case of a vacancy In the office of Lieutenant GovermaT, or when ttte Lieu- ( tenant Governor shall ih itnpjaclied by the Houe of i&epresenuuives, orsliall la-unaide to exenise the duties of his office, the pow ers, out iea, and emoluments thereof for the remaiuder of the term, or until the d i su al i I ity ta removed, shall devolve upon the President riti TXXPokcof the Semite; aud tlie i'reaident pro tempore of the Senate shall in like manner become tvovernor if a vacancy or diabilily shall occur in the office of Governor; his seat as Senator shall be tarcome vacant whenever he shall Is-coiue tivei nor, aud shall tie filled by electiou as any other vacancy in the Senate. sec. la. Every bill wnich shall have pasa etl both litaises shall la presented to the kvertior; If he approve, he shall sign it; but if be ahall not approve, he siiall return it with hi objection lo the hoiw in whieii tt shall have originated, which house shall enter the objections at large up in their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If. ai le such recoiisnleration, tao-thlnU of all the uieuiter eltH-ted to that bouse shall agree t pass the bill, it shall be sent wilu the ot jei-Utu-i to the ottaer tiouse, by which, likewise, il shall la r considered, and if ap pnived by two-thirds ol all the iiiemlaii t lee ted tu that house, it shall be a law ; but iu such rase the votes of lad h house shall la- determined by yeas and nays, and tlie names o ttte uiem tier voting for aud agalust the bill shall i-eeiilert d on lhejourn.il. ol e:u-h housf respectively. If any Idil snail n t la; r lurtieu by lheGvernor wllliiu teu daysaiu-rit shall have been p resettled to bun, the same shall la a law In like manner as if he had signed it, unless the General Assembly, by their adjournment, prevents Its return. In which case il shall lie a law, unless be ahall file the same, with hi objec tions, iu the office of th secretary of the Commonaeallh. ami give notice thereof by public pna-lamation within thirty days al ter such adjournment. Sec, la. The Governor shall have power to disapprove of any item or Items of any bill making appropriations of money, eui hntciug diatinci iu uis, and the part or parts ol the hill approved nhuli Ih- tile law, and tiie item or items of appropriation disap proved snail be void unievs tepaasal tvr-oru-ing to tlie rule and limitations prescribed for the pasa;tge oi other bills over fhe ex ecutive Veto. See. IT. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside upon the trial ol any coiilestedelecttoii f Govermaror Lieu ten -aut Governor, and shall dti-ide quesinms regarding lite admissibility of evidence, and snail, u is oi request of the committee, pro uoune his opinion upon o;her quest ion ol law involved it the trial. The Gwvernor and Lieutenant Governor snail exercise the Uulteooi llieir resfteeii ve ottices until their sui-eessii stiall ia du!y qualified. Sec. la. The Seca-tiry oj the Oomnion wealth shall seep a record of all oflieial acts and procecaiiigsof lite Governor, and when require! lay the same, with all paper, mi nutes and viHichcrs relating thereto, la-fore cither brunch of the General Assembly, aud perform atich other duties as may be enjoin ed upon him by law. . Sl-c. la '1 he secretary of Internal Affiilrs shall exercise all the poweraaiid erform all thedutiesof the surveyor General, subject ti such changes as shall lie made bv lw. His department shall cmorace a bureau of industrial statistics, and he aha 1- (lischare auchluties relating to corporal ions to the charitable iiistilniiotia, tne agricultural, maiiulueiuniig. m.n.ug, mineral, liiuia-r aud other material or busiucs interests of tne slate, as may he )rescrilied bylaw, lie siiall annually, and at u h other time aa may be requited by law, muk i report lo the General Assembly. riee. JJ. 1 he superintendent of Public In struction shall exercise ail the powers aud la-rform all the duties of the Suicriittcndeut of Common Sclnsds, subject to such changes s shall be made by law. Sec. 21. The term of the Secretary of In ternal Attaint shall be four years, ot'tlie Au uitor General, tnree years, and oi the Sinte 1 reasur'i two years. These otiicer shall be cltoa-n by the qualified elector of the SL.it e arsirerul eleciions. No person elcctid to tbeollleeot Auditor General or State Trea surer shall la? capable of holding tlie same office for two consecutive terms. sec L The present Great Seal of Penn sylvania shall far Ihe seal of the stale. All commissions shall la? in the name and by authority of ihe Commonwealth of Pen n sylvunia, and lie sealed with the State seal and signed by the Governor. ARTICLE V. THE JCMCIABY. SETinj 1. The Judicial power of this Commonwealth shall la vested in the Su preme Court, in courts of common pb-aa. courts of oyer and terminer anil vem -ral Jail delivery, conrt of quarter session of tne peace, or p nana courts, magistrates court, and in such other courts a the Gen eral Assembly may from time lo time estab lish. Sec. 2. Tlie Supreme Court shall consist of seven judges, who shall las elected by the qualified electors of the State at large. They shall hold their offices for the term of tweuty-oue years, if they so long behave lh nisclves well, but shall sot Iteagaiu ell- 8ible. The judge whae comiujssion shall rat expire shaii be chief justice, and there alter eaeh Judge whose commission ahall first ex pin-shall tn turn la? chief justice. Sec. Jw The jurisdiction of the Supreme CY-urt shail extend over the Stale, and the judges thereof shall, by virtue of their ol ficcs, be justices of oyer and terminer and geiiend jail delivery in the several counties; they shall have origiual jurisdiction incases of injunction, and where a corporation is a party defendant, of habeas corpus or 1 in hamvsio courts of inferior jiinsdivuiin and of quo wakkakt as to all officers of tbeCommonwealth whose jurisdiction ex tends over tlie state, but shu 11 not exercise any other original jurisdiction ; ihey shml have appellate jurisdiction by appeal, cfk tiobaki or writ of error In all casea, as is now or may hereafter la- provided by law. Sec. 4. tDtil otherwise directed by law the courts of common pleas shall coutinne as at prevent established, except as herein changed ; not moreihau four cfaiiitiesshalL at any time. Is included in one Judicial dis trict organ? ret I for said couns. Sec, -i. Whenever a county shall contain forty thousand inhabitants it shall consti tute a separate judicial district, and shall elect one judge learned in the law; and the General Assembly shall provide for addi tional judges, as the business of thesitld dis trict may require. Conn lies, containing a population less than is suflii lent to conMi tute separate districts shall la-formed into convenient singU diatriets, or. If iiecesaarv. may be attached to nMiii.nniw iiMtra..t. t:e f.encral Asseml-iy may pmvble. The office of associate Judge, not .learned in tiie law, is alajliabed in couutiea'toriainz ..j,,. rate dialricts; but the several associate judges tn office when thKconstltution shall be adopted shall serve lor their unexpired terms. Sec. 6, In the counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny, all the jurisdiction and iMtwers now vested in the district Courts and Courts of Common Picas, subject to such changes as may bv made by this constitu tion or by law, shall la- in Philadelphia vest ed In four, and In Allegheny in two distinct and separate courts of equal and co-ordinate Jurisdiction compos, d of three Judges each, the said court m phlladelpha shidl be designated respectively as the Conrt of Common Pleas number one, number two, number ihrev and number four, and In Alle gheny as the Court of Common pleas num ber one and nnraber two, but the unmtifr of said courts may be by law increased, from time to time, aud suaU las iu like manlier designated bysoeeasalve numbers; tlie no m ber of Judjes in any of said courts or in anv county where the establishment of an additional court may be authorised by law. may be increased from lime toume; aim whenever such increase shall amount In tne whole to three, ancb ihreejudgaa ahall com pose a distinct and separate court as al tare said, which shall be nam be red as aforesaid. In Philadelphia all suits shall be instituted in the said Courts of Common Fleas, with out designating tlie nuintM-r of said court, and the several courts shall distribute and apportion the business among them In su'-h manner as shall be provided by rule of CfHirt. ami each court to which any smtshall be thus aseigned shall have exeluaive Juris diction thereof, subject to change of venue, lasshiill benrovided by law. iu AHegiieny each oairt .ait have exclusive Jurisdiction of all proceeding at law ami in equity commenced therein, suluect tu ebange oi venue a mav be provide I by law. jsee. 7. ror t'hiladtlrhia there shall be one Pr tli notary s ofllce, and one Prist ioio tary ir all aaid cnurta, to be appointed by the judges of said courts, and to hold office for three Years, subject to removal by a ma Jtsriiy ol" the aaui judge; the said Pro ihouiatary shail appoint anrh assistants aa mav Is; necetiearfc' and authorized by said conrt. and he end iiasltanlshall receive tlxetl saianes, to be determined by law and paid by said county ; all fees collet led in said office, except sm-h as map be bylaw due to tiie Commonwealtu, shall be paid by the Prntboiiaiary into the county treasury. Each conrt shall hare its separate dockets, except the jc lament docket, which shail con Lain the jng taenia and liens of all the aaid court, aa is or mav la directed by law. Sees. Theaaid ctnrts In thecounties of Philadelphia and Allegheny respectively shall, from lime to time, iu turn, detail one or more of ihe:r iude to hold Ihe oour.a of oyer and Terminer and the court a ol Quar ter Seaaion of the Peace of saio ct ain ties m such manner as may tie dim ted by law. See. tf. Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas learned in the law siiall tar Judges ol the courts if Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, nod emral Jail I de liver y. and of the tarphans' Court, and with in their respective districts shail be Justi ce of the peuce a to criminal matters. Sec, In. The J udgea of l be court ol Common rieaa. within their respective counties, shuit have power to issue a rils of cr.KTioRAKi to Justices of the peace and other interior courts not ff record, and to cause their pro ceeding to be hn Might before them and ngat and ji.stice to la done. Sec. 11. Except aa otherwise provided in tli IVkiwlitnliitn ittHtiena af tile Oeaatt Of I niuermen shall la? elected in fhe several w anls. itisiricta. tssmnah and tow nab I pa al the time of the election of constables, by Ihe qualified elector thereof, in such manner as ahall tie directed by law, and ahall be com missioned by the governor for a term of five years. No township, ward, district or bomagh siiall elect more than twojusllcea oi the oeace or aldermen without ttiecon- sent of a majority of the qualified electors aithin such toaiishlp. ward or tonmgh ; no person shall be elected to such oiflee uu less he si tail have resoled within the town ship, larough, ward ir district tor one year next preceding his election. In cities con taining over fifty thou -nd inhabitants, not more titan one alderman shall be elected in each ward or district. svc. 12, In Philadelphia there shall be 3bbllsheti, for each thirty thousand inhale iianla, oneciMirt not of record, of police and civil causes, with jurisdiction not exceeding one hundred dollars; such ctHirt shail t held by magistrates whose term of office shall be live yearn, and Ihey shall he c lee ted on general ticket by the qualified voters at large ; aud In the election of the said magis tn.le uo voter shall vote for more than two thirds of the number of person lo be elect ed, when more than one are to beehoaen ; Ihey shall In compensated ouly by fixed sal aries, to be paid bv said county ; aud shall exercise such jurisdiction, civil ax.d crimi nal, exrebt as herein provided, aa ia now ex ercised bv aldermen, subject to such change, not involving an increase of civil Jurisdic tion or con feif ng political diitie. as nuy be made by law. In Phiiupelphia the oliiee of alderman K abolished. Sec. U. All fees, fines ami penalties In aaid courts .shall be paid in the county treas ury. sec. II. In all cases of summary convic tion tn this Common wealth, or of judgment in suit for a pcualty lforea magistrate, or court not of record, either part. may appeal to Mich court of record aa may be pre-acrita-d by law, upon allowance of the ap pellate court or juUge thereof, upon cause shorn u. s-c. IA AH Judge reqnlred to he learned in the law. except the judge of the Supreme Court, siiall lr elected by Uie qualified elec tors of the respective districts over whieh they are to preside, and ahull hold their offices for the period of ten years, if they shall mi long la-have themselves well ; hut for any reasonable cause, which siiall uot la surtieienl giamd for impeachment, the liov eruor may remove any f them on the ad dress of two-thirds of each house oi the Gen era,! Assembly. sec. ia. Whenever two Judges of the Su preme Court are to I' chosen for the same term of service, eaeh voter shall vote for one ouiy. aud when three are to In chitfteu, be ahall vote for no more than two; candi dates highest in votes shail be declared fcaecled. Sec. 17. Should any twoormarejndgcsof' the Supreme Court, or any two or more judges of tne Court of Common Plea for tlit snine district be elected al the aatne time, they shall, as soon utter tin- election as con venient, cast lots lor priority of commission, and certify the result to ;he Governor, who shall Isaus their commissions in lacorduucc therewith. Sec. la. The Judges of the Supreme Court aud tl' judgrs. of the several Court of Cm itiuu Pleas, aud ail other judges required to la? learned in the hi w, aliali. al statcu tiuies, reieie for their services an adequate eom pensaiicn. wiiieb shall tar fixed b : law. uud piinl by l lie isiate. Tin y slail receive no other coiiipeusation, fees, or perquisites of ottice for tneir service from auy source, nor hold auy other office of profit under fhe I'nited Slates, this stale, or auy other State. Sec, !. The judges of the Supreme Court, during their continuance in oil ice. sh.l re sioe within this Commonwealth ; and the other judges, during their coutinuauce in office, shall resn le wituin tbe districts for wnich they shall la? respeeiively elected. Sec. "Jl. Tne several Courts of Com.non Plea, beside the powers herein eonfi-i red. shall have and exeicise within tiieir respec tive district?, subject to such changes at may la? made by law, such chancery rawer kj are now vested by law in tiie several Courts of .oinnion Piwtsof this Commonwealth, or as may berealier be conferred upon them by law. sec. 21. No duties shall be imposed by law upon ttie Supreme C-nrt or any of the judges thereof, rx'-cpl such as are Judicial , nor shall any ol the Judges thereof exercise any power of apMintuieu;, except as herein provided. The Court of Nisi Priu la l.eret.y atsiiished, and nocourt ot original juriadiction to lav pre sided over by auy one or more of the judges of the supreme Court shall lac estab lished. see. 21. In every county wherein the pop ulation shall exceed one hundred and fitly thousand the General Assembly shall, and in any other county may, establish a sepa rate Orphans' Court, tocouaist of oue or more Ju Iges who shall la? learned in tbe law, ahich nx.rt ahull exercise all the Jnrisoie tuHi and powers now vested In, or ahich may hereafter be conferred upoii, the or phans' Courts, ami Iherenoon the jurisdic tion of the judges of the Court of Common Plena within such ciHimy, In Orphans' Court proceeding, shall reuse and determine; in any county In which a separate Orphans' Court shall Ih established tbe Register of Will shall beclet ot such CouiUattd sub ject to its direction in all matters pertaining fi his office; he may appoint assistant clerks, hut only with the consent and approval of said court. All account filed with him as register or as clerk of Ihe said separate Or phans' Court shail be audited by the Court without expense lo pait'es. except where all parties in interest In a pending pmeeedlng shall nominate mi auditor wlanu the court may. In its discretion, appoint. In every county Orphan' Courts shall poasessal! the powers and juriadletton of a Register' Court, and separate Itegister's Courts are hereby alsdisi.ed. Sec. St. The style of nil process ahall be ihe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prosecu t io as shall la carrietl on Iu the name and by tiie authority of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and conclude against the peace aud dignity of the wmr. See. 24. In aM cases of felonious homicide, and In such other criminal cases as niav Is provided for by law, the accused,, after convhtion and sentence, may remove Ihe indictment, record, and proceedings le the Supreme Court for review. Sec 2. Any vacancy happening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in any court of record, shall lie filled by appointment by the Governor, to continue tiit the tirt Mondav of January next succeeding th first gen eral election, whieh shall occur three or more months alter the happening of such vacancv. Sec X. All laws relating to eimrts shall be general and of uniform operation, and the organisation, jurisdiction and power oi mil conn i.f the same class or grade, so fiir aa regulated by law. and the forca and effect of the process and judgments of such oairts shall Is uniform : and the (General Assem bly ia hereby prohibited from creating other courts to exercise the power vested by thi constitution In the Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas and Orphan s Courts. Sec, 15. The parties, by agreement filed, may. In any civil case, dispense with trial by jury, and submit the dision of such ease to the court having jurisdiction thereof, aud such court shall hear and determine the rame; and the iu igment thereon shall be subject to writ of error a in other cases. ARTICLE VL IaytACnSf EJCT AND KIMOTAL FBOV OFFICS. fcKr-riox L The Hocsa of Representa tives shall have the sole power of unpeacb- nicnL. Sec. X All impeach menu shall be fried bv the Senate, when s iting lor that purpose, the Senators shall 1? upon oath or aifirma lion; no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-lhlrds of the mem bers present, cc. 3. The Governor and all other civil officer shall l Ihihle to impeachment for any misdemeanors In office. but judgment in such cae shail not extend further than to removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of trust, or profit under this Commonwealth; the aersou accused, whet her convicted or acquitted, shall nevertheless la liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. See. 4. Ail officers shall hold their offi- on the condition that they behave them selves well wnile in office, and shall be re moved i d conviction of misbehavior in ofTWon f any tniamoua crime. Appointed officer other than Judges of the couna of record and the Superintendent of Public Instrurtlon, may ta removeu at the pleasure of the lower by which they shall have been appointed. AH officers elected by the people, except Governor, Lieutenant Governor, mem tars of t he Gen- r alAMembly, and judge nftfiecounsot record learned in the law, shall be removed by fhe Governor for rcasouabU cause, aiUr due. noUcaan&full hearing, ofa Vm address of lwouiiru m iot awn a is. ARTICXI Vli. ,t. oath or omci ow,nir 4 SMiMtnn and Renreaentatlvea and all tadiclal State, and connty officers, shall, before entenng on the duties ot th ir respective office, take ana subscribe the kn owing ootb or affirmation : -I dosolemnlv swear tor aiTnn that I will Mipporl, ola-y and defend the Constitution of trie l it lien etraiea inu tuv v"""--"- ik. a ...T.nsrnltb and mat 1 will dis charge the duties of my office with fidelity; that I have ma paid orconinmi.co. or Pro-i-snl lo pay or contribute, either directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing to procure my nomination or election for appointment eX'-ept ftr n-cessary and f roper exiH iiaes expressly aulhorixeu aw; that 1 have not knowtngTy violated any election law ol thi Commonwealth, or pro cored it to be done by other in my behalf; tiuit 1 wiil m l knowingly ieeeie, dlnctiy or indireetlv, any money or other valuable thing pif Ihe p'rPaTmance or non-performance of anv act or duty pertaining t my i ffice. other than the compensation allowed the foregoing oath shall be administered by some person authorized to administer oaths, ami In the case of state officer and Judges of the supreme Court, shall beflleil iu the of fice of the Secretary of ih Commonwealth, and In the rase of other judicial and county officer. In tbe office of the Proihonotary of the county in wtiicti the same N taken ; any person rent sing to lane said oath or affirma tion shall forfeit his office, and any peravn i.a Hti k MknviriMi of having sworn or affirmed falselv. or of having violate! said oath or affirmation, shall be goilty or perju rv, ami tar forever disqualified from ladding any office of trust or profit a iUnn this Com n;n wealth. The oath to the member of theSennteand !imeof Repreaentati vea shall fa? adminis tered by one of the Jtnlges of the supreme Court or or a Court of Common Pleas, learn ed tn the law, in the hall ot the house to which the members shail be elected, ARTICLE VIIL acrrgAt.B AM flxctioh. Skctio! L Kvery malecittjen twenty-one yearaid age. ptavM-ssiiig the lollowiitg quail Crayons, shall be entitled to vote al all dec tms; Kiral. He shall have been a eitix n of the l"nitei states at least one month. Second, lie ahall have resided in the State one year for if, having previously tarn a qualified elector or native horn cittxen ot the state, be siiall have removed therefrom aud returned, theua.x moulhaj immediately pre ceding the election. Third. !e shall have resided In the elec tion district where be ahall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. Ponrlh. If twenty-two years or upwards. he sliail have paid a ilbln taovrsa State or county tax. ahich ahull have been assessed al least two months and paid at least oue month be lore ihe election. Sec. The general election shall be held an nually ou tiie Tuesday next following I he first Monday of November, but the General As sembly may by law fix a uitfereut day. two third ot all tiie members of each hiai.se con senting thereto. see. 3. All elections for city, ward, bor ough, and townshipntficers, tor regular teims ot sei -vice, shall be he la on the thud Tuesday of February. See. 4. Ail elections by the citizens shall he by ballot. Every ballot voted shall la? numbered in the order in which it shall be received, and the number recorded b tbe election officers on the list of voters, opposite the name of Iheelector who presents the bal kit. Any tie tor may write bis name upon bis ticket, or cause the Mime to be written thereon and attested by a citizen of the d la in U The election officer shall be sworn or affirmed not todiselose how any elector shall have voted uuIcsn required lo do so as wit nesses In a jnuicial proceeding. Sec. 4. Heel or siiali in ail cases except treason, felony, aud breach or surety ot the euce, lie privilegtd from arrest during their attendance on elections and in goiug to uud teturuing therefrom. Sec. H. When -ver any of the qualified elec tors of Ibis vonimonwealtu sltab I in act ual military wrvUv, unri-r mUis.!i'u iniu the Pre MOeul of tbe I mted stairs or by tbe au thority of this Commonwealth, auchelectora Uiuv exep-lse th- iigUl of auffiage mall elec tions by tneciiiieiis. uniler such regulations as are or shall be prescribed bylaw, asluily a If they were present at their usual places of e tee t ion. Sec. 7. All laws regulating the holding of ebvtions by the cilizetia or for the regisira tiou of electors shall laj uniform lhroiit.oul the Stae, but no elector ahall le deprtwd of the privilege of voting by reason of hisname not ts'in; legiatered. sac. H. Any pa'naiit who fhall give, or prom ise or oficr lo Kive to an elector, any money, re wanl or outer valuable consideration Kr his vote at an election or lor Withholding tbe same, or who shall give or promise to give scci. ioiia. raiion to any other per sou or party for such elec tor s vote, or for the wilb holuing then-id. and any ie-tiraho snail re-4-eive oi agree lo receive, for himself or for another, an money, re wanl, or other val lia ble consideration lor hi vide at an election, or fr wittibi.idmg the same, snail thereLy fotteit tbe right to vote at such election, and any elector whsse right to vote shall Le challenged for audi cauae before the electfou oIti-ers slull la? nquiied to -.wear or afli ut that the matter of the challenge is untrue be hire his vote shall be received. Sec. 9. Any person who shall, while a can didate for othev. la- guilty of bnb ry, fraud, or willful violation of anv election law, shall be forever disqualified troin hobiingaii the f.i I rti1 nn iti tln.l 'mi.. iiittull K - a it it ! any ta-rsou convuteo of willful violation of the etiviion laws, aliali. iu addition to any pt nalties pnivideI by law,la-dt privtd ot the r.gbt of sal! rage absolutely for a term ol four years. ri 10. In trials of cunsted elections, and In proceeding tor the tnvewtigKtion of elec tions, no peiMin shall be permuted to with hold bis testimony upon tbe ground tu: t it may eliminate himself or subject hintsif to public infamy ; but such testimony shall not afterwards la used against him In any Judi cial proceeding, except for perjury iu giving sui b testimony. s-e, ;i. Townships and wards of cities or borough shall form or Te divided Into elec tion district of compact and contiguous ter ritory. In such manner as the Court of titar ler Sessions ot the cny or county in which ihe wr.ir arc basted may direct; but dis trict ia cities of over one hundred thousand Inhabitants ahull 1-divided by tbeCourUof oaarter Sessions having jurisutciion therein aheuever al the next preceding election more than two hundred and fifty votes shad have beeu polled therein; andolh r election districts whenever the court of tiie proper county shall la? of opinion that the conven ience of tlie electors apd the public Interests will be promoted thereby. See. IJ. AH election by persons In a repre sentative capacity shall Ih viva voce, see. IX. ) or the purpose of voting, no per son shall be de. nun to have gamed a resi dence by reaton of his presence, or lost It by reason of hia aoaence while emp loved In the servR-c, either ivil or military, of 'this Slate or ol the I n i ted States, nor while engaged iu tlie uavignlion o tbe watersotthe state or of the Lulled states, or on the high seas, nor whl ;e a student of any institution of learning, nor while kept In anv poor house or other asylum at publicexpeiise, nor a bile coiihued in public prison. Sec. It. lMs.net election hoArda aha I eon Mist of ajuiJv.c ami two inspector, alio shall la? chosen unnually by the citizens. Kach elector shall have the right to vote for the judge and oue inspector, and each Inspector haii nppoiut onecleik. The first election board lor any new district sh-ill l-e selected, and vaeiaicies in election hoards filled r shall be privided by law. Election officers sl al le privilegeii lrm arrest upon days of election and wnile engaged lu making np aud transmitting retuins, except upon war rant of a court ol record or jude tliereif for u e ecti n Irauu. lor felony, or for wanton breach of he peace. in cities they may ( la im exemption from Juiy duty during til -ir term of servU-e. See. l.'x No person shall be qualified to serve aun election oflii-er who shall hoid, orHballwithiu taomoutlia have held any office, npM)intmeut, or emplovment In or under the Government of the I it lied States, or this state, or ol any city or count v, ir of anv municipal board, commisaiou, or trust iu any city, save or.ly Justices of the peace ami aldermen, notaries public, and persons In the militia service of the state; nor shall any election officer be eligible to any civil office tu be filled at an electiou at which be shall serve, save only to such subordinate municipal or )-nl offices below the grade of i ity or county otLces as aliali be designated by general law. See. hi. The Courts of Common Pleas of the several counties of the Commonwealth shall have power within their respective Ju risdiction lo appoint overseers ot election to supervise tlie proceeding of election effl ct rs, ami to make report to the court as may la required ; such appointments to be mi for any district in a city or county, upon pe tition of live citixena, lawful vote a of such election district, selling forth that such ap-j-oii:lmcnt ih a reasonable precaution to se cure tbe purity and fairness of election overseers ahall be taoin number for an eh lion district, shall be resident therein, and shall be persons qual.Beu to aerve upon election hoard, and in each case members of dim-rent political parties; whenever the members ii an r.ectiou board shall differ in op.nlnn, the overseers, if they shall be agreed I hereon, shall decide the question of difference; in apnoiuliug overseer of elec tion, all th law juoges of t e proper court, able to act at tbe tiae, shall concur in the aptHMuinieaia made. sec i;, ihe toal and determination of contested elections of electors of President and Vice President, members of the 4teral Assembly, and of ail public officer, whether state. Ju.licial, municipal, or local, shell be by the court ot low, or bv one or more ol tlie law judges thereof; the General Assem bly shall, by general la a, designate the courts and judges by whom the several cii.ess oi citation conteaia shall be tried and regulata tbe manner of trial ai d all matter incident thereto; but such law hKMgiiiu,; jurisdiction, or regulating Its exer cise, shall si p. y toai.y content ariaing out of an election held la-fore it passage, ARTICLK IX. TjkZATioa asd riKiicx. Sectiox 1. AU Uxea hali be natfonu rpon the fairs ciaas ot w.kjocU witbin tbe territjri.il 'imita ot the authority levying the tux, dad ha!l he levied and cuilected uodcr g.Dcral Lvs; but tbe Gearrai Aa aembly may, by general law, exempt from taxation public prupertT aed .W poblic purpose, actual place of re.igiooa wo., hip, places of burial not nard or held tor private vr corporate profit, aud inatitutioaa of purely jublir chari'r. Stc. 2. All lava cxcoipting property irm taxation, other t turn tbe property akxne enniueritted, hx'l uc vuid. Sic. 3. The poirer to tax corporation aud corporate property ahall not bo sturvn- dered or appended if An contra! fat grant to which tho Sute .ghall be a party. Sec. 4. No debt shall be created by of oo behalf of the State, except to anpply casual defccienci of revenue, repel invasion, up press ineturectfon, deletid the Ute irt war, or to par existing debt, and thft debt crea ttd lo nppW dcHcictities tn revenue aall never exceed in the gpsregate at any one time one million of dollar. Sec. 5. All hwi anthorixinf tbe borrow, mg of monev by and oo behalf rf the Sute hall specify tha purpose ior which the moner "is to be used, and the money so borrowed shall be used lor the purpose ape- ;iMf rand an other Src. 6. The credit of the Commonwealth , abxfi not be plcdced or loaned to any imn- via ual, companv, corporation, or asocia. tion. nor shall fhe Commonwealth become sh.inl owner or stockholder in any com- j lion, nor auai. ...a v"'"7i . i .nV.am. 1 .joint onmr or atockMd m any com- , 1 Src. 7. The General Asembly ahaU not authorixe any connty, city, boroub, town- shin or incorporated district to become a ; sbip or incorporated tockholder in any company, corporation, or k.an i. cn,lit ti eor. fr.nnv tor OT to Ul t.mti'un. aaaociation. institution or in li. i , vidiial. sr 8. The debt of any county, city, borough, townahip, acbool diotrict, or other ...ir:itv. or inco-borated dutrk-t, ex cept a hereiu provided, ahall never exceed eit-n per centum i.pon incvxsam of tbe taxable property therein, Dor ahall ny anch niunk illity or district incur any new debt, or increase its indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon Bitch assessi-d valuation of prorty with out the assent of tlie electors thereof, t a public election, in such manner aa snail oe Tovkied by law, but any ciiy, Ihe ilebt of ahich now exceeds seven per cent um at such assessed valuation, may be authorised by law to increase the same three per cen tum in the aKregatat any one time npon such valuation. Sac. 9. The Commonwealth shall not aa. amue the debt, or any part thereof, of any city, county, borough or township, unless aiu'h d-.'bt shall have been contracted to en able the State lo repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend itsell in time of war. or to assist Ihe State in the dis charge of any portion of its present in debtedness. Sec. !0. ny connty, township, school district, or other munkipali'y incurring anv Indebtedness, shall, at or betore the time of so doing, provide lor the collectiou of an annnal tax sutticient to pay the int.-r-est and also tbe principal thereof within thirtr rears. Sac J 11. To provide for the payment of the present State debt d any add.lion. , uioa. of Ilia constitution, debt contracted as aforesaid, the General ,J 3 ft, exercise ot lie riL: t . m Asscmbly shall cont.nne and maintain the aJWa;el or- sinking luad suhVicnt to i ay the cci..ng to nt tK, , interest on.such debt and jnnually to re- r rrmochiae. once the pr.ncip.-I thereof by a sum "o ! - ; ' less thin two hundred and til tw thousand dollars ; the said sinkius; fund shall consist of the proceeds of the sales of tbe public j works or any part thereof, and of the in-' come or proceeds of tbe sale of any stocks owned by the Commonwealth, together with other lunds and resources that mty be designated by law. and shall be increased Iroiu time to time by assigning to it any part of the taxea or other revenue ol .he Stale not required for tbe ordinary and current expenses of government; and un less in case of war, invasion, or inurrne tion, no part of tbe said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in the extingui- hmen: of the public debt. Sec. 12. The moneys ot tbe Slate, over and above the necessary reserve, shall be used in the payment of th debt of the State, eiiher directly or through tbe sink, ing lund, and the nionevsol the sinking tund shall never be invested in or loaned U on tiie security of anything except the bonds of the I'nited States or ol this Slate. Sic. 1-?. The moneys held as noccssarr reserve shall be limited by law to the amount required lor current expenses, -nd shall Be secured and kept a may be provided by law. Monthly statements shall ! publish ed showing tbe aniouM of such moneys, where the same are deposited, and how se cured. Sic. 14. The tuakkig of p-ofltout of the public moneys, or usiig the sauie tor any purpose not authorized bv law, by any oi hcer of the S tute or member or otta-er ot the General Assembly, shall be a misde meanor, and shall be punished as may be provided by law, but part ot snch punish, nicnl shall be a disqualification to hold ot hce lor a period ot not less than live years. ARTICLE X. rillCATIOH. Sf-CttohI. The General Assembly shall provide tor the maintenance aud support of a thorough aud efficient aysieui ol pun lie schools, wherein all the chiM.-ou o! this Commonwealth, above the ae of six years, may be educated, and shall s prvpri ateat least one million doMars each ) ear lor lhat purpose. Sac. i. Ku money raised for tbe support ef the public schools of the Commonwealth shall be ap; ro;.riatcd to or Used ior the sup port of any sectarian schools. Sec 3. Women twenty one year of age and upwards shail be eligible to any utuce of control or management under the school laws of this State. ' AKT1CLE XI. Sacrioa 1. The freemen of this Common wealth shall be ariurd, organized and dis ciplined lor its defense when aad in such manner as may be directed ay law. The General Assembl shall provide for Bian taining the aalitia by appropriations from the Treasury of the Commonwealth, and may exempt from military service persons hsving conscientious scruples agaiuat bear ing arms. ARTICLE XII. rtBLic orrtcaaa. Eectiov 1. AU officers whose selection is not provided for in this constitution shall be elected or appointed aa may be directed by law. Sic. 2. No member of Congress from this Sute, nor any person holding or exercising any office or appointment ol trust or prout under the United States, shall at the same time hold or exercise any ouVein ihie S'a'e to which a aalary, feea or perquisites shall be attached. The Cenera Assembly may by law declare what ottices are incompatible Sic. S. Any person who shall fihiaduel or seed a challenge tor lhat purpose, or re aider oi abettor in Ighting a duel, ahall oe deprived of tue right of holding any olhce of honor ur pro tit iu this State, and may oe otherwise punished aa shall be prescribed by Us. ARTICLE XIII. W COCJtTIES. Sxcrioa 1. No new couuty shall be s tablished wbirh shall reduce any county to less than four huudred square aailea, or to less thaa twenty thousand inhabitants ; nor fhall anv county be formed of less area, or containing s less population, Dor shall any line thereof pass within ten miles of tbe county seal of anv countv nroiaiatai to h divided. ARTICLE XIV. corarr orricxaa. Srenos 1. County officers shall consist of sheriffs, coroners, prothonotariea, regis ters of wills, recorders of deeds, commis sioners, treasurers, surveyors, auditors, or controllers, clerks of the courts, dUtrict attorneys, and such others aa may from time to time be established by law ; and no sher ld or treasurer shall be eligible lor the term next succeeding the one lor which he may be elected. Sic. 2. County office's shall be elected a; the general elections, and shall hoid their othces lor the term ol three vears, begin ning on tbe first Monday of January next alter their election, and until their succes sors shall be duly qnalitled ; all vae.rwies not otherwise provided for stiall be tilled in suck uaaner aa may W prMrided by law Sic. 3. o per.on shall be appointed to any ethce within any couuty who shall not have been a citixea and aa inhabitant tae-e-m oue year next before hia icnii.!. : the county ahall have been so long erected, but it it shall not have been so mna erect- w -i.uu. i we iimiu oi tne county or counties oat ol which it shall have been taken. Sxc. 4. Frothonntaries, clerks of the courts, lecoroers ol deeds, registers of wins, connty surveyors, sal sheiitia .hil keep their of&cea in the county town ol tha couuty in which they respectively shall be vmverw. cec. o. me compensation of couatv o oxers snad be regulated by law, and ail county omcera who are or mav be salaried tuall pay all lees whiclitbej may be autbjor- f.wltoTaeettefl Into tU tfrWJtlry fit tSO eounty or State, a may be 4 irecud tkj. In counties con laming ' and fifty tnotwand inhabitants all county othcers thaU be paid by lary, d the aal ary of affv auch oflicer and hlx clerks, bert totore paid bt leca, shall not excecti tbw aggregate awonnt of lees turd dnnng hia term and collected by or lor him. Sfcc. . The Geueral Assembly ahall pro vide by law far the strict accountability T aU eountv, township and uoro?h omcera, g wi 11 lor the fevs which may be coiiecW-U by tbem as for all public or municipal mon eva whk-h may be paid to them. str. 7 Three couiuv commKMiorers and ibea.untv auditora shall Uj elected id each counlv where such utlicera are choaen. in the yeaone Ifnouwrnlebt hnudrl an-f " 1 si-vent-n ter anc aud every lhul year mere- alter and Lu the election of aaid othcer te!Uolrtlirw w than two ojia, Wj. be eVctcd t ny ami too iur.v ytwuw number of otvs shall casual vacancy u the ottico . - I ' a. ninl mudifiie oi nt ii ii lv runiutrsii'iio v - - f-o. -t th. . rounty klUUI ocv-ur, uiw "KK" tor of the proper county ho bM have lor th cooiiuwr or auditor whosti fhtcm u to bo tlllml. ACT ICLE IV- flTIES AND CITY CI1ABTIES. S xcTtow 1. Cities wy W ehartered whcit ever a ni-ijority A the electors oi" anv !nn r borwnSi bavuv( a prwlir! of Wat tea !hona:id nU vole at a geueral elec tiou in favor ot tae same. Sac. 'I odbt shll be contracted or liubiitty iucurred by any tnurir'iiil romiuis sion, except in pwryuauce ot aa approprm tion previously made therefor by the muni cipal govOTMeBt. Sic, 5. Every city ?hH create a ai-ltir; lubd, which ahall bo inviolably pledged for tbe pa; incut of ita lunged debt. autklk rv:. fRIVATI C03F0HAT10XS. Sxcrios 1. AUcist:jgc:'i.-tera,orr2Trtai ot specU or exclusive priv.ieges. or exclusive privileges, uniier rhkb a bona hde orao.iitioa shall uot have tykeu place and tnsijesa been com mcnceit in good li:L at t!io l-ic of '.'aa ailliiii ot tlU constitution, shall there alter have no vli !ity. Sic 2- The General Assembly aha!! not reui the lor.citu- of the charter ot any corporal u. oorf existing, or a!:er or atr-nil the sauio. or puss ny other sir-;;r il or soe cial law tr l-V? beiietft ot ;u. ! corpriiiT, except upon tho c ar.thtkn that sitcii corp- tiieui to public use, tb-: same a tbe proper ty of individuals ; Oii tiij .x-''.-is. of "ae police power of the Staia sh'.U never Le abridged or so construe-1 as U p.riit cor pora.; ioiis to coiid'ict their nusins-s in such a manner as to intru.jfe 'be rjual rights of individuals or the general well-being of the SUte. Sax. 4. In all elections for direct. ra or managers of a corporation each meuimr or sharebokttr may cast w hole nnuib o:" is votes lor - ne candK'at-, or uiatiibule them upon two or Wore candidates, aa be may prefer. Sxc. A. So foreign entjwation s-" ! ary buniuesi in this Stale wiiuout having one or more known places ot business, and an author tied ageut or agecta in the same, upon whom process nay he served. Sac. 6. K o corporation ahall engac ii any business other than thit expressly au- tborized in its charter, our shall it take or hold any real estate, except such aa u...iy be necessary aud proper for ita legitimate busi ness. Sic. 7. No corporation stall issue stocks or bonds except lor mouey, U'b-' done, or money or property actually received ; anl all fictitious increase ol" stock or i'juvb.ed tess iliail be void ; the st x-k s,-sl ind "lite 1 ness of corpration shall not be ira-reaset except in pa.suauce ol jfrn r . ' v. -.r without tbe cnris-i? jt i'u persons hol.iin the lunr-r amount in value of tbe .ock first obtain. J at a meutinir to be held af'er sixlv days' notice given in pursna:." of law. Mc. b. mumcipal aiHl other cororationa aud individuals invented wilh the pririlego ol taking pri.ate property lor public us shail m ike jusi coiuiieiisation f r tT- yvi if taken, injured destroyed by Ihe construc tion or enlargement of their works, highways, or improvements, whith compensatKio sh US Ik p.i;d or secured bo: ore such ...up. in jury, or des-.rccon. Hie Cirneral AsM:nt biy s hereby prohibited from deprivuig any person of au appeal from snr p v'v'rr.i-rr asseiisiujnf jf Ui.i.iaes against any suets corporstions or iudiviii'ily uide by view e: or o;br;i', and the inuin: i Michi damsjes, hi all caaej j i appeal, siiall. on li demand ol either party, be Uelermined b a jury according lo the e.oir-t ,-if tl. commou taa. Every banking law shall provide lor the rvgistry and counters. nuin? oy au utEcer ol tbe State, of ali i.-te or uiila de signed for cin-ul-vt-o. and that ampie seca rity to the lull amount th.rr.-ol shall be de posited with the Auditor General for th tedempvion of such cotes or uuis. SfcC. iu. The Ueie?ri Aieiu!y shall have the p -wer to alter, revoke, or aanul auy cuarler u incorp4.ratii.a sue existins; aed revjcatle at the alopiion f this coa stuutiou, or any tnat :uay herea.':' Lec.ca ted, whuevr iu tneir opinion i: na be in jurious to the ci.u-?ts . thil Couimoo wealih, ;n such a'laner, bowevc, that no in,us:ice s.ijl "m done l. the eo-Tators. Iso Uw hrea'ter enauteil shall crcste. r uew, or exlotid tha cluster oi mors t! i" one corpora'ion. Sac. 11. corporate body to po;-- baiikin; and discouuving .tuwges shall bo creaaeU or o's-unicd i-, pursuauci ot mr Uw without tLree moutus' prevUua public: colics at ihe placa of , !ctr..l iatioa, of tiie intcot:on u apply for s ich pnvi-'eS'-"- m uvh ciHuoer a shail be prear'ili. t by law, aur shall a churb-r lor auch p!ivi. lege be granted for a lotigc. cert 4 thai tweuty ; e-rs Sac. 12. Any associaliou or corporation organized lur the purpose, or sv ihv;.! ual, shall have the rifchl to construe; twt Uia.utaia lines ot Uo-crcph wi.m ,i,iv State, and to conrc-.t Iha w;i0 othvr lines ; aud tbe Gene! j, Kwmbly stI, hy graeral la ot aniivrui o-jrauon, pro-We roasoaaUe rgulatioca lo g.ve lull edect tv this S9c tluU. o telerah compel-e sbit ro'.olH;i with or hoi J a control ;r-5 interest in :ji stock or bonds of any otuer .- !oitr ij.!. c.o.u paiiy owning a Coinp-tim r-.c, or acquire, by purchase or otherwise, any other cwe petii.4 .me of telegraph. S.c. 13. The .erui corporal: a," t used ia this artaiie, shall te construed to lucluJe aU joint stock compa.i-a r associ ations having any of the owera or privi leges of corporation not possessed by in dividuals or partnerships. ARTICLE XVII. xilhoads aiiocatrais. Sectios 1. All -ailioads and cana?' ali be. public h:-hways, and ad riiuoaJ a.il ca nal companies snail be common carriers. Any asaociauoo or corvoration orgaiiUj lor the pnrp-jse shJl have the ri-. 'nr.. auct ami operate a rati-wi tx tweeo any """ poinu within thie hute and to cenwect aa the Sute line wilh railroads of other States. Every raio-oad conapuiy shall have tbe ri.ha with iu road to intersect, Conner t w.th. or crvuaay ot her railroad, atal ahall rec .v aud transport etch the others passengers, tonusge, and cars, loaded or empty, with out delay or discrimination. Sc. 2. Every tailroad and cwial eorpo ration organized in tljs Sute sh.ll matn Uin au oliice therein, whert transfer or its stock shall be made, and where its books shall be kept for inspection by anr atoc-hold'-r or creditor of such corporation, h which snail be reeordod the amount ef cap ital stock subscribed or paH ia, xvi ty whom, the osniej uf bae owners of ita stork and the amounts owned by the-n, re spectively, the transfers of said stock, and. the names and places of residence of its officers. Sxc. 8. AJiadividuats, associationa.and corporations shall have equal si (lit to have persons and property transported over rail roads and auals, and no undue, or nnrea- -unable discrituiuation shall be made in: charges for or in facilities I or transporta tion of freight ot passengers wrfhin tU Sute, or conitng trout or gv;ng to any other SUte. Persona and property traasportciL over aur railroad shall be Miri-mf st mr slaUon, at cuaixee- not wxeccuanz ' tin