The Honesdale citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1873-1908, August 13, 1908, Image 1

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    The Honesdale Citizen.
V -a-! V .
omee-Next door to Post 'Juice,
Formerly occupied br Hon. W. II. Dimnil ck.
Honesdale. I'..
Office over I'ott Offloe.
All legal business promptly attended to.
Honesdale, Jan. 1, IKK. Jl
Offlee Liberty Hall building, opposite lb,
INist OtUce, Honcedalc. Pa. 38yl
Patents and Pensions wcurM.
Office In tbv Court House.
Honesdale, Pa. 4?7i
liOXHDl&I, PaKX'A.
Special and prompt attention given to Ibi
ollectlon ot claims. ODtceovcr llelf's nw
tore. M)l
OOlfe 2d Kioor Old Havings Bank building
if1 UoxmiALB. I'A.
Jj P. KlMUliK.
Orer tbv Post Office, Honelale
Mara,lal. '
At tbe offlpo lata of Waller k Bearle.
Honesdale. Ta. Omce orer Poit Office
Jan. 1. lit. T'
Office orer Hell's New Hlore.
Honesdale, Pa. Myl
Don sen At. a.
Office - Uasonlo building, 2d floor.
Q 11. WIHXflKY.
Itxar ot Allen House Honesdale, I'a.
Dec. 1, 1903. 41yl
It. li. T. I1KOWN,
-lit Floor Old Savings Uank building
Uomsiials - Pa. Sciyl
Office and Residence Ills Church street
opposite Uapllsl Church. Telephone.
O tiles llourt-.'.OO to 4:00 aud 7:00 to 8:00 r
J-jn. -W. T. McCO.NVILL.
Offlce 418 Second street, formerly occu
pled by l)r. J. J. O'Connell.
Honesdale, March 13. 1SXTJ. Myl
New Malay Opium Cure
Being Distributed Free by a New
York Society.
Co-operating with missions in Malay
sia, the Windsor Laboratories of New
York have secured a supply of the won
derful combretum plant, which has done
so much to rcvolutionlic the treatment
of the opium habit.
A Rcncrous supply of the new remedy,
together with full instructions for its
use, and United States consular reports
bearing on the subject will bo Bent to
any sufferer. Tn obtain a free 6upply
of this remedy and the consular reports,
nddressWindsor Laboralorics.Ilranch 23,
131 East Soth Street. New York City.
Joseph N. Welch,
Omen: '.'nd floor Masonic Rulldlng, over
v. i'. J an win s ortig store, uoneeuaie.
How Are Your Eyes?
With n prni'tlf-al ei pcrh'tice of. many, year
I am kIiIh to make a careful. Pfffntldo pinui
Inalion of the tye. which will rcnult lu tli
apnlli-alion of u gliti that will relievti and
help you. If you feel the ueetl of aid for
your vyvt dtIuy is folly.
You un blind to your own Interest It you
neglect to lake can of your eyei. It Isn't
every one who enn properly tit you Willi
glasses, and when uu get.tbem you should
not lliiiik they will 1I0, just because you see
a little belter. You ML' .ST know they are
exactly t i2 lit. We are beadijuarler for
optical tieo'l o an KMiuei.
All letinea ilupllcatiil and framm toldv
on ihurt notice, cheaper than eliewbcre.
Post Otflcn tlulldlnc llouesjale Pa
TJie New York Daily Press
Week Day Edition, one vear $4 50
Honesdale Citizen, oer vear 1 50
Addreaa The Oltlxen, Uoncadalo. P
After June 1st, 1908,
7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M.
Here U ltcllel lur Women. j
Mother tlray a nurse In New York, dis
covered an aiAinallc, pleasant belli cure lor
women's Ills, called Aiistraliati.r. It Is
.the only teitalu reculatnr. Cures female
weaknesses and llai kaebe. Kidney and
llln.ldirund I'rlnarr Iriiiibles At all lime
ici.i. or by mall K).'. Saiuplu Kltl'.K. A
d less, The Mutbo Oray Co., La Uoy, N, Y
Jlr Tirtue of nn order of tho orihaii
Court of Wayne county, Ibe followinn oe
erlted realetal of tfi above naliie.1 le
cedent will beoHered at public fale. at the
COCHT HOUSE, III Hie borough of IIOMV'-
Fill DAY. AU(1. II, llx, al 1 o eli-ek, A. M..
All ih.l frl.lti ii1h or tiareel of land
tlluale In the townthlp of S.iiih naan,
fount j of Wayne and BUI ot iviiiuylvan
la, liounded and described a follow! t II h
UlNNINII at a onier of buntock knot,
driven down In the public roaJ 111 tlie.oulh-
weitern line or lali'l ni liarriKJii wui
thence alone .aid road by line nt land of 1 hoi
Uleiin, Jr., and John Glenn north forty-
elfflll aecn-e. we.i piaij-tikih ut. .
Make and .lone, corner t tlienee by .aul
lllenn't laud north .lity-two decree. l
eleven rod to a corner In .aid public rout 1
thence tiy (other) land, of the late flaey
Chnmard foulh thirty-four decree. et
one hundred and Ibirtt-en and one-hnlf ro.1.
to a .tone. eornr in line or Max wen menu ,
thence li mid Maxwell lllcari'. laud cuth
fifty decree, eatt .Ixty-four rod. to a .tone,
comer lu llnent land of John Wacner and
P. Faulkner lot, now or latny owm-i oj
AmOIteeli Ibence tiT .sld HeedV land nllil
land of llatri.on McMinn tmttli lnrt de
cree, earl one hundreil and tllleeii rmjr t
ine place or iieKinuinc. ni.iiiiii.
Ilftr acre, more leM. And liellie .aine litlid
conteyiil to Andrew J. Itiillcdse. now di
ceaMHl, by Marcaret Cbuinatd aul John h.
Wactier by deol dated April Id, lett. wt,n h
deed I. rei ordeil In tbeofilce fur the rei onl
ine of deed, lu ram coilntv ot aym 111
llnil Hook No. 36. at pace ITS. AI.IO-All
thai certain lot or tnel nt land .Ituate 111
ttie towuiihip ot South t'atmiu, coutit of
Wa lie and State ot Pemi.tlvam Imu-id-el
and drrcilhol a follow. IIKIilNNlNIi
at a heap nf .toiii tin Hithcrii lorner ut
lot hn. il. In tbenlli'tinetit of the "falwal 1
el Middle 1'ieek Trait"; Ihence b Utel nf
Amo Itevil and holenion t'urti. north tllty
decree. t lllly-loiir lod.t Iheniti by Inn I
ot Solomon Curtl. norlli thiity di cree. tun
Mlty-two ivl; ttielll'e willtll lnrt decre.
eat lltly .even rod. to a pot comer; thence
along thi land of Amc Itetd .nutb forty
decre". ni-il llfty-two and onchalt rod. to
the plaie ol becinnlnc. CONTAINING
.evelltti'll ai te. and lorlv pirche lie the
.ame more or 1cm. And beinc ttie .sine
land convcicd to Andrew J Uutleilce. now
deceacd, by Soltnon Cuill. and wife tiy
deed dated April 17, whl( li deed I le
corded III fllce fnl lecoidinc deeiU In .'lid
eountv lu Denil Hook N'o. .V. at p-ice 75,
and all of alaive dm rltiiit laud lietnc ame
land wh'ctl John A. Itutledce, Kxeculor of
Andtew J. Itutledce, conveed lo Cll0.Mil
L. Cliapmau, ile-tl ilate-l llecwuher II. Uh.,
recorded In Deed Hook No. 91. m-e l'
U(on raid preiuUee I. a Iwo-.tory frame
houie.'onc frame ham, atiilytillM r impriitt
metit. Nearly all ImprotiHl laud.
Pun h.l'er lo ply II. fordecda.t'l htieritT'l
K. C. Mt'Mrimn, Aduilui'tratnr.
Atlorn-y. 1 It 1
II. V. HAND, Pre.ldint
WM. II. HOLMES Vice President,
H. S.SALMON, Ca.hler,
W. J. WAHI). A.Vl Ctil 1
After nil saving Is tnrhiely n niutlcr of
CultlVHlMthe heblUnottiMlter how mtiell
yoti tiiHko It is tllo olln sure wsy to mile
psncleiico. You will lillct courtfioiis trentm-tlt Hild
imple seeurltv nt 1I10
HUltl'LDH, .... :l()O.O00
Total Assets. - $2,680,000
SAVINGS DEPOSITS made nn nf he
foro the tenth day nf any lunntb will draw
latere.! from the llrni day ot thai mouth.
INTKUUal' will be paid fill all Calendar
months on mone). remaining on deposit
lhre Oh mHr mniith ni loncer.
Small eare lo rent In our IIL'IIOLAII
Hpecial aileiitinn L'lvcli to MKHCANTILI'
Deposit, may bo made br mail.
H.C. IIavii. W. II. IIOLVCS.C. J. Smith.
II J. CONUXU. II. H. SAt I1V. T. li. Cl.AUK.
VbHT'.-iv-l U UIVAi1ai
?" iNLjyiS-
Tim. Card In Elfect June 2 1st, 1903.
S c fi .
IX a
W 1.
i aip mi
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..Park Place.. '
b.wio ioi.v .hcruhUiu ..Ar
AdtitlinM trMns Iom. r.irMi.iltio kt Mit.
field Varl at Q M a m iltlly. and s.Si p m lUiir
f xcept hiindsr Art mi.., al l raitis luite M it.
fleH Vnr 1 t.T 'ftrli.n.l il" ft hh a in dully ai.d 5
p. ui dtur eietpt eunday
J. C AitnshMos, J U Wrt.n,
Tramc Maniterr. Tratelin Atrent.
ti lU'.ver Hi., New York. bcraiituu, V.
Fjuati or
Ijttoof Honeslale, deceased.
All nerson. mdeliteil to said tistate nro nn
tltleil to make Immediate payment to (he un
dersigned ; und thowi havinc claim. azuint
tld estate urt iioIIIIihI lo present them, duly
attesttiu, tor settieiueiit.
lIoueMale, I'll., July lu, luni. Ux'r.
Idite of Prompton liorou'li. deceased.
All persons indebted to s.tid cstatearc no
tltleil lo make immediate payment to the
uudcrslcncd ; and those bavinc claim,
acaitist said estate are notltled to present
them, duly attested, for stttleiuent.
Adiutnlstnttnr de bonis unn.
cum lestameuln unuexn.
All payments lo be mudeand all bills In be
sent to aald Company. Heranton, Pa., or to
A.T. BKAIILK, Attorney,
I3kG Honesdale, Pa.
It will pay you to call at the
finely equipped
II South II ii i u St.,
The little attacks of stoma h trouble and
stomach ill, orders will iitidoiililedly lei I to
chroiilo dyspepsia unless uu take some
thing for n sulllcieiit Hut" to strengthen the
stomach and give it achaiico to get well.
If you takv K'o lot in the beginning the had
altat-ks of D)sp.ip,ia will be aroi lei, but
If you allow these little attacks to go un
heeded It w takek'olola longer tune vo
(tut our stomal h ill good condition again,
iul a linllle nl Kodol to-day. Sold by PFU.
The Druggist.
SALVE For PHob, Burns, Soros,
France Wants Euty Marrlaxrw.
Marriaco In Trance has hitherto
been hodccil around lth n (Treat mass
of limitations nnd olwtrtictloiui. De
sl.lca tivlnc dirncult. It ban been a cost
ly step, with lone nnd complicated
cent preliminaries, and, In fact, la do
.till to some extent. Few marriages.
especially early marrlaccs, have re
sulted, and the birth rate has at last
dropped ladnw the death ratn.
Not lonir nito a law which conserva-
tiro heads looked upon as nirett radi
cal was passed, with tho result that
there has &n a marked Increase In
pnrrlaccs. This law iiermlts persons
over thirty years of ago to marry
without tbe consent nt tho parents.
Now, elopements by couples In tho thir
ties Li not alarming when only the
imrcnts have cause to object. Dut
even this concession was called revo
lutionary, ntnl Its sponsor In tho chain-
licr or deputies, Atiio Licmaire, una
hanl work to Bet It passed. Ho even
n.tntnl to make tho nco limit tho ma
jority, but the proivial was so shock-
Inn in the mass of the legislator that
ho compromised on thirty years of
Uven tho hllcht concession of allow
ing 1011th nnd maiden ot thirty to mar
ry without asking papa has Increased
the uutnlsT of matrimonial unions In
France to figures higher than hate
M'cn reached since 1"72. As statistics
shotv that the French race Is doometl
In extinction unless the birth rato shall
Increase- considerably. It Is likely that
the success of this bill will Itilluenco
the lawmakers of tbo nation to make
other changes In their nntliiuatcd mar
riage Inws. Karly marriages hntc
Uvn nlmost Imixisslble, and yet It Is
these unions that maintain n country
In the living nation class. France
should rejoice when the young folks
waiit lo "sot up housekeeping" early.
Ilorrotvrtl Amerlcnn Ileauty.
A Frenchman who has traveled Jhe
country uter, Mr. Ungues le Itoux,
devntes n chapter In his new book,
"I.OV6 In the I'liltisl States," to Amer
ican ls-auty nnd bluntly declares that
the ls-auty found here worth while
Is not really a native pnnluct, but
comes of foreign blnol. French, Irish
nnd Spanish nre the races which glte
America n blended type of ls-auty con
flueil to a llmltcil district.
Women of Puritan ancestry Mr. I.e
Itouv. Ilinls tn ls angular, shaiicle-s
nnd i-allow, the result of spiritual
Hlartntlnu and not to bo compared
with the women of blended l'rciiili
and Irl-li blil triinplantcil to the
wind swept prnlrlcs. Thero will lit
ret lew era of the Puritan, Knlcker
liockcr nnd entailer htmk to dispute
this I'rencbniairw conclusions. We
think our girls have the lienuty ot
the nation in their keeping and that
the natives are not less classical In
face nnd figure than those of alien
bliM.l. M.llnl Muller rrns a New Eng
land girl nnd, while she may not bate
Ist'ii n Puritan, was neither French.
Irl.h nor Spanish. If any race l"'
sldes the Puritan cmild claim credit
for the Is'.nit) which charmed the
st.ll'l Judge nut of bis senses It is tbe
ileriiiiiu, which Mr. I.e Koux seems to
overlook. Anyway there nre "angular,
shapclet-s, t-nur fnctsl nnd sallott" wo
men of the French, Irl-h and Spanish
races here and nt home, nnd It Is of
ten remarked that the girls of those
races ln-e their Isjauty of face and
llgure usually much earlier In life thin
do those "f our native tyie. While
Mr. U lloux's i-pcculatlons mn.t
iiniuse, they will netcr convince us
that America Is not n hind of Is-antl-fill
women nnd tho strictly American
type nut only prevalent, but likely to
remain so.
Bquare Deal und Uates.
The proposition to advance railroad
rales nmusod much discussion nnd led
tho Iron Trade Itovlew to sny that
niiH-h cau Ixj nrgucd In favor of the
plun since the rondltlon of the roads at
to receipts and expenditures Is dcplor
able. Nevertheless tho Ilevlew- con
Unites: It la true that thero Is ft widespread
filling among nil business men that many
riillriMiM bavo rmnrted to ri prehsnslMo
prnctlc-s nnd do not cent" iM'fiire the ln
1 1, tilth tli'tin hntiils tthen lh..y iIl'H.I to
I." -irtnltli.l to tncri'iiit" frtluht rates
S line rallrin.N tiat" bicn honi-stly cun-
lie ti-,1. aii.l ..line rati, ought to tic In
i n its. d. rspi . Lilly thos" ri-lallng tn
fnlklit which must shl; l-.! hy fast
lite a In nlnmst im short tlnlo nn pusi n
" r triilii n. " ih.l. , l.ul te do not btll.-t..
lh it .ill r.illii a are ntltli d to like con
llirnllon or that thire U any Jiistlllca
tl' n f t a i-i and svti-lnK mlviin.
Ci fn-tcht chircis lt II..T" I'" III" lllost
.-.nel.lni; In., situ itluli lo il,-t(ruiliie
tho ailtitl fets tin In ettry ens", mid
il.n all tulndid Aim-rlcmiM ttlll
i-).i,i fully it.. iuh mv In the result
When the nubile becomes enntlnccl
that higher charges nro necessary n i
tint there ttlll Is' no i.'Ciilatlnn or
other iMlestliiliiible use of the funds
there shi'ti'd Is- im nipostnii to rea
soluble ad 1 11 m is ill rules.
All army olllii-r was tltuil $.i0 for
making e,tes. 1'nollsh in. in! I
rlniillil hate let Hi" brass buttons do
the flirting for lilm.
That nntliiiuV crusndo shouldn't
oterlisilt tho man who chankB cilery
with it sound not unlike crushing
stonn. ii so slmplo n thing as running
u "frog farm" will keep the owner
nn the jump inont nf the ttmo.
At n Syrian dinner recently given In
New York lu lemur nf th new constl
tiitlmi In Turkey the decadence of tbe
Amble us n language was t-hottn by
Urn iiuifcsslnn of the consul general
Unit bo was cnuipcllii! to Ksak In
Uugllsh. lord I'tiitner, the Ilrlllsh
nsoior ttho 1"iss,h half a Ufetluio
In I'g.tpt. iicter m.istireil tbo tongue
of tho country.
Tbe seliH-llnii of Theodoro Ilivvsevelt
to I.' the Hrst honorary pn'sldent of
tbo I'eiii-o and Arlilirallnii league Is
tl strung lndnsielnelit of tho policy o!
co'istructlug bigger and Isttcr Imt-
tleshlp-i and more of them.
Authors of tint rcimrt that tlie I'nlt
is I Slates noiild nl"- the Isthmian re
public so in to hate la-ell talking
through their I'nuuni.l bats.
A leeturu from President Itoosevelt
CI tho square deal might help those
lliUMi "siirtsmeu" to see the error
of their uiu.
r - i
Desires to Lire Amicably
With Every One.
BLAMES US FOR BREAK., Otclarsa th. Vsnstu.lsa
Pcssldsnt, Comm.relal Conditions R
main as Th.y W.r. DWor Diplomat
lo Rslations W.r. Sav.rd Ntthsr
lands Inoldsnt Laid at Door of Dutck
Mlnlstsr at Caracas 8sss Hop Fot
Small Nations In Hagus Tribunal.
Caracas, Aug. 11. Deviating from
his usual custom of not speaking for
publication. President Castro granted
an Interview concerning vcnesaela and
har troubles with foreign powers.
which recently have been augmented
hy bis expulsion from the republic of
the Dutch minister, M. de Reus.
I am glad to glrs my opinion on
this historic moment," said President
Castro. "I only wish cveryliody the
peace and harmony that exist with the
good commarclal rotations which small
nations need. To creato diplomatic
agents who humble weak nations U an
anomalous counteractive.
If the Hiwen will not fulfill the
groat Idcu that the great International
tribunal shall doclde disputes by arbi
tration and not by force, they commit
Objects to Us of Fore.
"Reason would have acquired pn-
Ogo and force would not prevail today
IX, wheu the blockadera ustsl force
against ua. friendly nations had adopt
ed pcaccfut iiieasurca to settle the out
standing questions. Tim Incoriiorutlon
ugalnst us of those nations considered
aa friends completely destroyed the
right of reason aud placcl ull of them
In the ctttegory of favoring force In
tho solntlun of dltllcultli-s. The ipies-
tlon of the use of force In the cullcc
tlim of debts was curried licforv The
Hague peace conference, but we weak
nations saved our rights there.
In spite of all Veiiexuela will con
tinue lu saceful development, becuuse
this question bus ls-cn setlli-d and isis
terlor events are only Incidents.
Wo at tlrst paid the blis-kmlers of
our ports lscause of the doinliiaiu-ii of
force. Tbe declsltm that teriiilii.iti-.l
this state tif aflulrs was that of the
high Hague tribunal. Today Veiiexue
la punctually pays her debts und ful
fills all her olillg.itlous.
Puts Blame on Us.
The American goternmeiit neter-
theless broke friendly relations with
us, but notwithstanding this fact com-
uisrclal relations lietweeti the United
Stall and Venezuela isintlntie the
same aa liofoni the break occurreil.
Tbe severance of friendly relations be
tween France and Venezuela has nut
altered the moral progress of this re
ltnth the American nnd French piv
eriinients have made claims against
Venezuela, which are lielng paid. Con-
seiiieutly as corporate Interests of
those countries have damugt-d us, I
sssuiiie that uii opportunity will Is
taken hy their goternmeiit to listen to
mr Just claims against those Interests
ami that cnniictcnt tribunals will de
cide the amount of those claims.
"The Netherlands Incident 1 consider
to bare been brought about by M. tie
Ileus (the lliitih minister to Veneziie.
Ij, who rei-ently ttns expellisl by Pres
ident Castroi and the govern
ment "
Games Played In the National and the
American Leagues.
At New York- New Tnik. 3. Chicago, t
llltti-rlis M.itle ttuiiii and Ilri'ttnittiitn:
OtiTtilt and Is
Al nrooltlyn-Iliooklyii. ft: Clin tniiutl. 4
Pntti rh's ll.'ll .ml nitpiu; Vols. Cosk
'J and Ntr-l.-sn
At riilUih-liihli I'hll.t.t. tiilila. I. I'llls
hurs. I llstli-rlis Mi-t.'i Ulan, I'oirltoii
snd Iiooln. t'umnltr. r...(fi, 1,1 ,md tllli-ioii
At lloslon St ImiU a, ll..l.. n 3 l'.ti-terli-t
Ltiili and Ilhsj,, t;ra
tiatit an. I lloiilt",
BTANHINll (IF Till! 1't.ritS
i. e
W I.
IMttsliiits- 3- m I'hn lunnllil S: IK
Nw Yoikf.'.) 3t II..V011 ..l a ,l
I'liii-iigu : ij r.;i iir.-.uiyn.a; m .3M
PhlU'phlB 6: IS (.'.3 St bouli 3J I'.-, 33;
At ChlciiKo I'lik-HK'i. t, New York. I.
Ilttti'rl.K W11UI1 and Sullltan; Cticsbro
and lll.ilr
At Kt U.uIh- llostnn. S; St. Louis, 0.
ll.tltiTlfes Sti el., and t'rlstr; Ilalley and
I At i:icvrland-CI'rland, 3; Philadel
phia, a ll.ittirli-s -rheih and N. Clarkn;
lli-ndrr and Si-liret k
Hsceud Osnnv-ll.vulnd. I, rtillsdel
phla. 3 (S Innlnija, game called by dark
ness!. Hatli-rles K)an, Ib-raur and N
Clsrke. Oooiiibs, Hchrsck and Oldrtng.
At lk-troll- Wiishhunoo, I; IMtmlt. t
Ilattrrli-s Smith. Johnsun, Strssl and Ka
hne, Mullln and Schmidt
w. l. r.c. W L, P.C.
n.troit 12 it m rwu-phian m .474
Ut trials 1 II f MoBton ...It M 471
;ut .i.iiid . 41 Un Wxh ton ss 81 SM
Chlciio... t" 41 m Hew York SS 1 .330
Yacht Race For King's Cup Ends.
Ncwjiort, It. I., Aug. 11. Next to the
last to start ami the last to llhtsti In
the New York Yacht dub's race fm
tint King's cup, tlie forty-eight foot
sloop Avenger, ownisl hy ltols-rt Fill
inuns 2d of Huston, w-oii the trophy
presented by King Edward VII. by lh
handsome margin of H minutes 3U his
ends from t'oiiinioilnre t'orut litis Vine
derblll's sloop Aurora, which was lb)
kci-ond tmat on time allowance.
Hammer Record Broken.
Dublin, Aug. 11, At the (iaellc nth
letlc meeting held at Nenach M. J. Mo
(rath of the New York Athletic rlut
broke nil hammer throwing record!
w Ith a distance of I'd feet.
Wright Makes Another Flight,
Is Mini i. France, Aug. II. Aftei
two fuNo starts Wilbur Wright, tin
I (avion (Hi iieroplaiilst, made n stic
cc-tsful nsi elision here. The maclilni
Mow about ttto kilometers (121 tulles'
In 1 tnlnutc and 4,'t seconds, tittlclu)
time. Mr. Wright decided not to trj
a longer run The tllght wns vlcwul
by scleral thousand pinpb' The ens
bilious ttere rnrrlcd out with the same
eiiMi and mastery as those rcccntlj
accomplished. Mr. Vfrlght caused the
machine lo swerve out of a direct
tine of tllght and to describe two hsipi
like n great figure 8.
Woman Shot and Robbed.
Msgiinllii. Mass., Aug. II. -Mrs W
T. Cornell of New York, u sumuiel
resident here, was shot In the bead and
rnbbisl of it small suiii of money utid
her walih while walking through a
patch nf woods. The robber mads bll
rscupe. Mrs. Cornell's condition U
Hot cousldrr si serious.
Tells Farmsn Problem of Flight Is Net
Solved Yet.
Nsw York, Aug. 11. Thomas A 1Mb
son, as n special mark or resivct to
Henry Farman. the Kncllsh navigator,
had him as his guest nt the IMIsmi
laboratories In Orange, N. J.
Mr. IMIsun shoned great Interest in
the various attempts being imnle In
dlffcreut parts nf tho world to tnitol
In the air. "It Is coming. Some one is
liable to solve the problem any day,"
he said.
Don't you think, Mr. Kdlnn, that
the problem Is already snlveil nnd that
all now neisled nre srlcntllle. and en
gineering Lileut and uioncyi" he was
No. I don't think that. It Isn't
solved yet. I don't think Inventors
hate been on the right Irnck. The
great tlltncully, of course. Is the tre
mendous power required In the engine,
which at tins same lime must be so
very light. There nre lots of men
working night and day on that pml
lom, and some one will do tho ttlck.
Liable to run Bcn-ss the solution nny
day now," he inlibsl
He told Mr Farman he had made
experiments fifteen tears ago In con
nection with flying rnaclilnm
How about the future of the dirigi
ble balloouV was nskisL
"It has no future, speaking commer
cially. It has no great future nny wny
you take It." was his prompt reply
"It may be utilised lu some measure
In war, hut the heavier tlmn air ma
chine that can go straight ngnlut the
wlnd-ah! that Is tho thing Mint mut
"You refer to the aeroplane?" some
body suggested.
"No," he said. "I'll tell you what I
think about this sky sailing business
Aa I have said. It's sure to oomo. They
haven't got ! yet. but they will lint
when the qui-stlon Is snlvisl you w 111
flud that the machine that goes
straight up In the ulr screws Itself
vertically Into the nlr-lius unswcnsl
tho riddle."
"Tho helicopter?" ho was asked.
"Right" ho answered.
Flying Machine Rae Sept. 7.
New York. Aug ll.The Aero" Club
of America has fixed Sept. 7 ns the
data for th flirt annual contest for a
trophy for honvler thun air mnchliies
Rnlloons of all kinds nro barred Fur
olgn clubs afflllatiil with tbo Interna
tional Aeronautic Federation arc eligi
ble to make cntrlos, It bclug tbe pur
pose of tho donors of the trophy, a sli
ver cup, to have un International nice
each year and tnukc tho trophy In Hie
world of aeronautics what the Ameil
ca's cup Is to tho yachting world Hot h
contestant must make n tllght of :t
least one kilometer, about flve-clghths
of a mile.
Man Hurt on Mountain Has to
Shoot the Shoot.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 11. Willi his
leg broken In two places John Ander
son of Little Fulls, (lie., was found on
Mount St. Helens, hi Washington, by
a Seattle party of the Mnz.imas, a club
of mountain cllmlicrs.
To save bis lite thoj carried him o
tbe stiinuilt of the iiinuutaiii at lui" '
nent risk to themselves and In an
provlsed stleti her lu.ulc out of It slet -lug
bag slid him ilnv.ii the north side
of the great HMk for l.msi reet to the
Mazainas cniup, where ini-dical atten
tion wns given lllln.
Tlie injured man was shot down the
mountainside at almost lightning speed
tied to his rescuers with ropes, phy
sicians sny Hut not this expedient
Immmi followed Anderson would
died of his Injuiles.
To Show Our Jackies' Marksmanship.
Auckland. N. V... Aug. II .-Tl til -
clal and honors nnd iitten
tlous paid to the otllcers and men of
the Amor Iran battleship licet continue
here. Shnre parties of bluejackets tie
dared oil their return to their vessel.
that they had tho best 1 lino of their
lives. Much satisfaction 1 expressed
by Admiral Sperry that Prime Minis
ter Ward has w.tlvetl the regulations
which prevent tbe lamling of an armed
force lu order that the Americans may
compete In rifle matches on Austra
lasian territory. The principal mutch In
New Zealand will take place tomorrow.
and the American murks-men nre hope
fill of making a good shotting.
His Entry Always the Choice, Sea Cltfl
Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. ll.-Se.i Cliff,
running In the colors nf II. p. Whitney
easily won tho Adlnuulni-k handicap
for two-yciir-tililK, six fuilongs. heiu.
The truck hail dried nut ciiusldeiubly
and the going was fairly ginul. but not
fast. Tbe Whitney entry, Se.i OUT
and Hnudpfiicr, was nitt its th- ctmlie
for the Adirondack Inn 1 il wer
well supported, nltlii.ii.t uiiiught
Hanger was well thought i I' Sea ('Mil
went tight to tbe front ut the start,
lending by one lenktb to the turn
Hern Noll.-r 1.1 him bate hi- hi
and be easll.t droit- aunt- to it In hv
four lengths . I , ttllh
n rush und bent Coiiu.iiiaht for the
tmlioiiibi tvnii the Siiiniiiie selling
slake, one ami one i k-lilh mile, dcfi
lug tbe 1 to :i fiivnille, Crai k Shot,
First Illicit. Prudent. Hi -t : V.nli
Hon, ns.oiid; Yankee Daughter, iblnl
Sis-ond Unco St Nl. k. tlrt: Can
vas, sccnud: Sti-i'liiuiker. tbiid
Thlnl limn Sea I'lltT. tir-t. Slnti s
man, sis-olid; t'oiinniicht Itnngor, thlnl
Fiiilltti Kmc- Hob oiiiln. tllst: Tie ill
ns Calliiiiiu. seiond; Crai K Shut, thlnl
Fifth llnisi - Itojal Tourist, tlrst
Unn il.-ll. .11. second: lleckun. third
Sixth Hate Jerssiy I.lghtulug first
Chief Ilraul, second; Stokes, thlnl
Rifle Tournament Begins.
Camp Perry. O., Aug. II. What mill
tary oilltlaN tbslare ttlll Ih the gn-nt
est military shooting tournament In
Ilio history of the tun Id was Inaugural
isl on the Ohio rltle range ut ( ill
Perry Hundreds of tonle.tiinls ine
nn the ground from every slate In Hit'
1', IIuwull slid the Philippines.
Forest Land For Empire Stste.
Albany, N. Y., Aug. 11. -The slnlc
land pun basing Isiard closed negolla
tluus for the piiicliiise of about l.lsiu
litres of forest land lu the Catskllls.
Tbe prices tauge fiom 1:1 to tU 1111
acre Tbe different nicies of bind He
In (Jrccnc, Ulster and .Sulllviin 101111
Will Preside at Notification
Chairmen of Committee Deliahlcd With
Wording of Mr. Bryan's Coming Mes
sage to the Country Move lo Or
gsnlxe Votes ol Southerners Resid
ing In Northern Stiles Nebraska
Capital and 8urroundlng Country
Filled With Pictures of Democratic
Nominee He Works on Addresses.
Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 11. It has been
rtrcldtsl by the arrangement committee
for tho Ilrjan notification exercise to
morrow Hint Notional Chairman Nor
man T. Murk will presldv at the notifi
cation cxcrcUci". riov. lather F. J.
Nugent ttlll ilcllvor tho Invocation. Mr.
riiyim has nuked Mr Kcru to muk a
fisssh, and It Is probable that he will
iiu-opt Ten special trains, mainly
from Nebruskn towns, It was an
nounced, will arrive lit Lincoln tislay.
licnrest ntntlte Clayton, chairman of
the iiotltbuiluii coinmlttts', visited Mr.
Hrynn ami rend his speech of notln-
cutlon After Mr. Itrynn rend his ac
ceptance sis'eth Mr. Clayton wns high
ly delighted "It bt a mighty strong
document." he declansL "utid so much
more deciileil and original than Tnft'a
that thori' Is no comparison, nryaa la
his on 11 man, and Toft bt another
linn's man. and the two speeches show
It." Mr. Clnyton'R own speech con
tains 7'i words.
Mr llrynu agmsl to a plnn to oc-
gnnlxi' tho southern vote In northern
states It Is estlmuhsl tnat tbaro aro
lisi.O'1 soiitheru votes In New York
state alone. Thero U a .heavy south
ern rote In Indiana, Illinois und Ohio.
Southern Bryan Club la New York,
A letter came from New York saying
that a llryuu eouthoru club wan being
rgunUcd lu that city and that Gen
eral Henry IC. Douglas, formerly of
Mali laud, would probably bo at the
head ot It. General Douglas com-
iirindisl a brigade In Fltit-IIugh Lee's
rps lo ul:l. li Colonel Ilrjun's regi
ment Is'Iou'.'ihI hi the Spanish war, and
the two men got acquainted nt that
Ilieryihlng wns put In renrtlncss for
Hie tiotllleiiHon toinomnv.
Major Finnk W. llinwn, chnlnnan
of the arrangements committee, nn-
uomicinl that he had obtitlnisl the last
siihsctlitlon to the fund of $.MI0 with
nhli b to defray the expenses of the
ftiiii-l I011 Tin- inert b ints and residents
nlntig the st iceis on tthli-h the simple will iniite i-oiii the Hotel Lin
coln to Hi stati house grounds have
leisinited their buildings nnd houses.
1 iiiisi1i-iiou. among the decorations
nre l:i .ran lliliiigniplis. It Is said that
17.IIKI f he-e tiel-e dlstl Ibllleil III the
1 Itj ami i-onuiy t.lihhi tbo past week.
i'!i .-'j few Taft lithographs
are In etiileiiisi. either 111 the city or
ell fit oils.
The disposition of the Republican
leaders scene, to be not to mnr the
h.-it-iiiotij oi the uonp-irllsan character
of the uniHii'iilliin ctcii by Insisting
upon a of T.ift mid Sherman
Conferences In Lincoln.
Today lull". Hunt conferences hy the
lieiuis-r.itlc managers will ho held In
Lincoln One of these will be between
drill in-ill Muck mid the members of
the executive committer- und the other
between Mr. Matk ami the committee
appointed to lomplle the campaign
text book, lu the afternoon It Is ex
pected that Mr. Mack will go out to
Fiilrtiew. ti licre he and tho Democrat
ic nominee will discuss tbo general
nspeit und conduct of the campaign.
Tin- tui Iff spisch of Mr. Ilryan, t
be dellvcicd at Des Moines, la., on
Aug. 'Jl, mis sent to the printers. Mr.
llryuu at once begun work oa his
speech on the Inists which ho will
make at Iiiill.iii:iiolis on Aug, 2ti, upon
the occasion of the notification of John
W. Kent of his nomination for tho
Uco presidency. '
Death of Woman Writer.
Rostoti, Aug. 11. Mrs. Louise Chan
dler Moiilton. (be well known ntithor,
.ll.-.l nl her home here after an Illness
of morn than eight months. Mrs.
Moiilton ttas horn at Pomfret, Conn.,
April in, KW She made her first
vciitiiic lu literature In writing short
stoi les mul poems when only fifteen
.tears old At titent.v-tlie her literary
nicicss was well established, nnd she
contrltiiitiil regularly lo Harper's, the
Atlantic und other magazines.
Root and Choate to Preside.
New Yoik. Aug 11. Secretary of
State Hlllm Knot ami Joseph II.
Choate. former ambassador to the
court of St .lames, will preside over
the lii-piiblli-iiii state convention which
Is to be lie III In Saratoga, prob
ably 1111 Sent. II This announcement
mis mini.' by Chairman Timothy I.
Wiiniliiirr of the liepubltcan state com-
Want to Standardize Poultry.
Nlaeurn falls. N Y, Aug. 11-The
Anna I. an Poultrj association, In con
telitloli helo .Ipploved 11 tuolemellt tc
nsli the poultry club of Fnglatid to iqe
liolnt 11 nlnlttee to meet the nssts la
tlon and prepare a tanduid which
I hull be Intel tuttliinul A tnair 10
i. iltiy husbandly Is also rnoessraend.
td lot Anitulin collages.
Accuse Saratoga Sheriff,
Saratoga, N Y. Aug ll.-Coples of
ibnrg-s of alleged neglect of duty for
fail. ii.- to siippn-ss the alleged gam
bling at S.u.itogt Springs, with n re
quest for hl-i remotnl from otlhe, were
vci-vcil upon ShcrltT John llradlcj-, Jr.,
of Saratogi county by lien Smith, con
fidential stenographer to Onvcriior
llughes. 'I lie 1 barges tine III. si with
linverimr Hughes by Dr. Walter Laid us thnlrmau of the untlraco track
gambling campaign committee, with
otlltes In New York. Sheriff Hradley
Is summoned to appear In bis oitu de.
fense lu the cxecullie chamber ut Al
bany nn Aug. 17. The governor has
llreited Shetirr llriulley to tllo his all
sitcr 10 the t barges by that time.
Murderer and Little Victim Die.
New Yolk. Aug. U.-Hrnest Sellz,
who shot und killed Mrs. Ilerthu Hood
nl her Inline In lliimklyri nnd fatally
Injured Mrs Hood's jearan.l-nhalf.
old daughter, died In the llrnnkljn hos
pital from the elTit ts of the wuuud he
lulllftcd U...n hliiisclf afler Iho double
stiiuilliig. Allic lliusl, the little girl
tlctlni of u Inillet from Sellz's let nil cr,
has ulu died,
In. Killed and Many Injured In Roll-
Mill Explosion,
'ork. Pn Am, 11 Vli.., .nn, t "si
killed, nearly a score of others more
1 itms seriously injured 11 ml thousand!
f dollars worth of property ilaiiuiged
y the explosion of a boiler hi the
'ork rolltm: mill. In which ntumt forte
men were work lug.
The boiler, whtrh wee locnttsl In llts
center of the mill, expiate I without n
moment's warning, tliouanit of per
sons lielng attrnctetl to the scene by
toe S11IH.K,
A reSCUO nSStr Irn. iot"l-li nmnn.
Ized. nnd search for the Isslles was
Ambulances from thn Vnri S,"D,.l,nl
Were hiirrtist to tttn e"..n ,iS tt... .
plosion, but owing lo the number nf
dead and injured delivery wngons nnd
other conveyances were pressed Intr
sorvlce In order that the tujurrd might
i! rusnetl 10 me Hospital.
While thn In lo ..-1 n-.,, k.nn uwl
after tho bodies of tho dead were InMnp.
irriea rrom tne ruins of the building.
malnrttv nf ,s.nDn t.tiin.1 t.A.i i...i.
heads and Hatha torn from their laV
lea and were so badly mangletl that
Identity was almost an Inqiosslhlllty.
Two Ohio Trolley Cars Mset With Fa
tal Results.
Dayton, O., Aug. 11. rive persnns
are dead, six are probably fatally In
jured and fully twenty-fit e others sus
tained minor Injuries when two trolley
cars crashed together la'tween Sidney
and Tlqua on one of the lines of the
Western Ohio Traction company.
Mistake In orders caused the wreck.
It Is said, which hi the worst that has
occurred In this section of the state
In many years. Doth cars were run
ning al a high rate of spissl.
While rounding a slight curvo mrh
tnotormau cttucht sight nf the ap
proaching cur. The two cars met with
terrific forte, the Imptut completely
telescoping the soulhlsmnd car In
which the majority of those killed nnd
Injured were psasengors.
On lug to tbo remoteness nf the point
at whkh tho accident occurred, relief
vas slow. It la said that several per
sons raay die as a result of their In
juries for luck of prompt troatraont.
Fight May Gome on Effort to
Take Him to Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, Aug. 11. Tho probability
that some New York tuau may soon
succeed Detective Roger O'Mani, now
serving as receiver and custodian of
the estate of Harry K. Thaw, Is the
proposition In the much complicated
case most generally discussed today
In Pittsburg. This Is based tlm the
provisions of the federal bankruptcy
law. It Is ndmltted by all having a
knowledge of this law that creditors
have the right nt their first meeting tn
elect a trustee to take charge of nil of
the property of a petitioner In bank
ruptcy and that such trustee Imme
diately supersedes any receiver that
may previously have boon appointed
by nny other authority.
Acting pun this provision. It Is sur
mised, the creditors, a majority of
whom are residents of New York, are
likely to make a concerted move for
one of their own selection to net as
Tho fiercest legul fight, however. Is
expected bccaiiM) of reports from New
York that should un attempt be made
to brlug Thaw here District Attorney
Jerome of New York, It la suld, will
oppose any such move, fearing that If
Thaw Is once removed from the Juris
diction of New York courts there will
be trouble lu having him rcturued to
that Jurisdiction. I'ndrr the bank
ruptcy law should tho refcreo cull for
Thaw and be fall to appear such fail
ure would constitute contempt; hence
the prospect of a clash between state
and federal authorities.
Legal authorities here agree Hint
there Is no such precedent governing
the questions ralstsl In this case, and
all arc watching developments with
much Interest.
Village Makes Schoolhouss 8wap.
Oreeiiwbii, Coun., Aug. 11. 1-Mmond
(!. Converse, an olllccr of the United
States Steel corporation, who hits a
1,'AIO acre estate near Stanwlrh, will
give that village 11 new brick school
house In ei Ii inge fur the old one that
now stands there. Mr. Converse will
I1.1 vi- the old siinmlhntisc meted Into
bis fstitic, as Ii is oter a hundred years
old ami be wishes lo present- It,
Tyros In Convention,
lloslon, Aug. U. State and city
milled In 11 cordial Mel 'nine to tho
HmIi.i-.iIs nllelnliiie the fnl tv-flfth nil.
ti tin I convention of I lie International
Typographical union, the seventh an
linal convention of the International
SleriKitypers and F.lcetrotypers' union,
l.u 1sllers' Trade District union. II
subordinate organization, and the Wo-
niatrs Auxiliary of the I, 1 . u.
Turkish Minister Recalled,
London, Aug. 11 Dispatches ris'elv
cd I'loni Constautliiople establish Ik
toii.t doubt the fact that Mchiued All
lley. the Ttiiklsh minister at Washing
ton, has been retailed. Titls action nt
tho porle. It Is understood, Is due to
(he changed conditions In Turkey and
tn the formation of a new ministry.
Weather Forecast,
Showers; light to fresh south winds.
Live Stock Markets.
CATTI.l:- Supply light:. market steady;
rtinli-o, KllnaCrsj; (.rime, $.aH.33; Mai
calvi m, JiaT.M
Hons - It.cdnts fair: market slow
prima heavies, mediums and heavy York
ers, ISSIit:0; Hunt Yorkers, bl.C0ali.75;
nlKs. xtvwtftMi: roughs. xra&.7S.
SIIHCP AMI I.AMUS - Supply fair;
niarkil stesily, hut lower; prima welliers
It aia! CD; culls nnd culiilnon, l?&3; lambs
General Markets,
New York. Aug. 10.
ItPTTrcn-flteady. ritra western cream
ery, zic : extra neart.y prints, as
F.tlfiS-l'irni, Pciinsylianta aad other
ntarliy Itrats. free cases. lc nl mark
Pennsylvania and other nearby, current
rt-ct Ipls, lu cases. At. at mark
western nrsts. free ruses, zio. nt mars.
wtsttrn, current rept-lpis, tree cases, auc.
at mark.
CIIKKSK - Rteadrt New York full
creams, chnlrr. i4e.: New York full
t reams, fstr 10 iinuil. llUaltc.
LIVi: I'OULTUY-lluli-i. but steady;
fnttls, latiHllc ; old roosters, 10c.; spring
chickens. lfslse.
IlltHHUF.l) POITLTflY-Hleady; frtsh
killed funis, choirs, ISallHo.; do., fair to
Kood, llaltc, old roosters, (Hn.; nearby
broilers, l!lc , western hrollora, ICalso.
POTATO Rleady; choice, ier barrel,
111 1; (sir to toe, per tuural, tLftt)
Fate of Missing Canadiaa
Woodsmsn Find Rsmnant. of Mana
Body Bearing Marks of Human Teeth
and Search Is Being Mad. For Two
Men Who Hired Him Strangers
Looked Upon With Suspicion by Na
tives, Who Fear to Aceept Employ
ment In Forest of Wild Country,
Ottawa, Aug. 11, There no longer
bt doubt that August Ix-mlcux, a miss
ing gulds of tho MlAtasalal lako coun
try, wns slain untl eaten hy two men
who oroployod him to show them the
wny to I.-tke WahwanlpL
WiHslsmen who hare searched tha
reglou for their mlaulng colleague re
port they found the remnants of his
ltody ami hurled them. They say thoy
are on the trail of the cannibals and
hope tn come up with them.
.The extraordinary case haa created
consternation throughout the country,
and guides are fearful about engaging
themselves to strangers passing
through the forests. Thero la 'appre
hension In the Lakt Cblhoubamoo re
gion that the cannibals may become-
bi drier nnd slay settlers In lonely
places. Tho unennny character ef th
strangers has led to armed man mak
ing a search of tha forests for many
Tho verification of the story that
remnants of the body of Lcmleux had
been found showing all the Indications
of human teeth has come In tha form
of nn affidavit signed hy the ulna
woodsmon who trut ctit to teak thsj
missing guide.
The woodsmen stUl are In th wild
Cblhoubamoo district, bat thtr report
Is circumstantial and shows that they
romo upon what waa LeaUeux'a body,
They swear they will net return until
they have run down the nan eaters.
What trace th starchta woodsmen
have of tho men b not known. It la
the wildest kind of country, and It
probably will be many days before th
nine man hunters report again.
Party Campaign Heads lo Held Meet
ing In Chloago.
Now York, Aug. 11. All tha Repub
lican campaign heads will coafar In
Chicago nn Friday. Chairman Hitch
cock will leave today fir not Springs,
Vn., whern ho will meet ur. Taft and
Arthur I. Vorys of Ohio. He will be
Joined In Chicago by Tressurar Shel
don, Richard V. Oulahaa, director of
tbo literary bureau, and General T.
Coleman Du Pont, director of the
speukera' bureau. These officials will
be met by the western campaign heads
for a general consultation.
William Haywnrd, now secretary of
the committee, will be In Chicago and
nt once go on duty. Ho la to be,' In
fact, tbe western head of the cam
paign. Mr. Hitchcock will give but little
time to the west for the present at
least. He will be back In this city next
Monday, This is sooner than he orig
inally Intended, but he has shifted hla
schedule ao as to bo more la New
Taft Back In Hot 8prlngs.
not Springs, Vn., Aug. 11. William
II. Taft, accompanied by Mrs. Taft
and Oeneral Clarence R. Edwards,
chief ot the Insular bureau ot the war
department, reached hero from tbe
Grecnbrlar (W. Vo,) county horse
show, where they went last Friday.
Several hours were devoted by Mr.
Taft to an accumulation of mall. Tho
West Virginia Republican factional
fight Is attracting much attention here,
but Mr. Taft. refuses to enter It
Too Much Water For Prohlblilewist.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 11. Eugene W.
Chntln, Prohibition candidate for pres.
Ident, narrowly escaped drowning
while swimming In the Y. M. C A.
pool. Creat effort was made to keep
the Incident qulat, and Mr, Cbafin now
refers tor It as "groping about in th
bottom of the pool." Three young mta
rescued him
Chip Hats.
Tho manufacture of chip hats and
plaits Is 1 cry ancient and character
istic of tho province of Modcna, Italy,
having been Introduced at Carpi at the'
iH'glunlng nf the sixteenth century by
Nlcolo niondn. Its Inventor. The chip
is made through a siioclal process)
from 11 willow tree grown on tbe banks
of the Po.
Dutch Sound Us on Venezuela.
The Hague. Aug. ll.The foreign
minister of the Netherlands had a
lung talk with Arthur M. Iteatipre, the
American minister here, the subject
being the dispute Isdween Venezuela
and the Netherlands whl. h resulted '
In the expulsion by President Castro
nf JonkhisT de Ileus, tbe Dutt h min
ister In Caracas. The Dutc'i foreign
oltice Is nnxl'.lis to as, t rtalll the views
of the got ernme'it and the
nttlluile Washington Is lllelv to adopt
lu the varying coiillngcncl s that may
Fire Near California Big Trees.
Snuora, Oil., Aug. 11. i'lie is raging
near the grove of big trees tn Cala
veras county, twenty miles north of
Sonnm. Although the tl-imes liuve
reai-fusl the south grote, wherein aro "
some of the sequoias, It Is not believed
tbe big trees nre In danger, na they
stand In marshy ground, where tlifl
fire could scarcely find dry material to
feed on A large force of illcti has
gone to light the tire, however. This
gnivo Is Hie Marlposn big tree grove In
Yoscinlte park.
Sixty Arrests In Alabama,
nirmiiigham, Ala., Aug. 11. Mori
an sixty arrests of re-roe-i and for
ci, tiers have been inntle In connection
Willi tbe shooing Into a train bearing
strike breakers mul soldiers near
Him ton, In which three iiien were
killed nnd llftifii burl. Many titlxens
nf lllriiiliigbiiiu are asking the govern
or to ilts hire 11111 rt l.i I law In the mining
Northwest Does Not Need Men.
St. Paul, Minn., Aug, 11, Following
visit made to North Dakota and afler
a conference with Ooternor Ilurke and
other officials of the state, Lutsir Com
nilssliincr Williams nf Minnesota saya
that Instead of thero lielng employ
meal In tbe harvest Holds for 18,000 at
0,0OO sien, 1,000 will b lotky U thf
r Ml
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