The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 23, 1859, Image 1

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    Zhe brit ebotntr.
hubserlbera,if a =n advance
cope.. will be .col to one far Sfi, and
rate for larger club.,
“deeriber falling to pay within the your, the
• ....continued and Ow account mad* oat at
„g per 3 ear, and left with a proper ofAcer for
- •
: ir t 'b.,' hors or lees make a equare."llsl
....era, $ 75 One square 3 months $3 00
' ' •.. 0 " 100 One ° 6 " 600
.! ..... - 1 2.5,, One 0 9 " $75
~,.... ~ , :sr. a year, ekatigeable at plunants, $lO,
1 :7 . ~,,. --, ruoothe, $ 6 ; 6 wombs , $8; 0 months,
, . „,• *ls
,2111. 0r 10 squareb—one year, $00; 6 months,
, • 1.., 51`
. ..erted to the Ituainess Dtteetory at $3 pet
.• . . s ,•,... idlo a .41 for a Card, over It; and under
I ...1. sod I...ittorual note:sea, 10 mute a line ; but no
, . - • • 1: I . 111 be inserted among the Special Notices
tt,,c doe dollar.
olotp and other. requiring (regiment changes
. , cumu eta sill be allowell,two equates, paper,
,;la I. art additional space, the charges srial
I .. boo, and the dvertisements must be strictly
~,. ,„ ~so legsttmat• business eltheadvertiase. Pay
•ta advertisements required in advance.—
".,. ~ ~ advertising trill be prevented half-I early.
lICaI I/C 1X laroaran W 13121 2212 /.141•0111t4
n•-• :1 4 French Brandiea, Gins, inn, Chaaspai g ue,
S• or .:et, Madeira, Malaga, Sherry, Port.,aad al/ k nds
Wiueo; also tosoufaktueer of rectified Whor
, Fin Hoorbon, blunoogabela, ka, Reed Limn*, oo
•tr, t, Eno
f l . 01 11.610 00 & CO..
r t WHOLIL/12.L2 1 1 / 2 11.2211 12 /;11.0C221211 •22
• ;at , 'inset, No. lu Brno on Work
1 , U. I OLE,
1.4“11.. R SLICK, 151.•••• BOOK rACTI ILYA,
-' , 1,11,1 "1017 •.1 Kindernecht's Mloei, Kra, is.
Llitt 'WILSON,
A TrollAXl k Lul.}ll/I.LLubt . r Li., Lao
te -tr,vt, near the Park, in the Anoencan
itorl a the bioldlug, occupied by F. t
• ~ : eter He will always be lound in hi. °Mee, and
panctuall) attended to.
1) 11111,;LIISALI L D KLT•IL and
• F lour, Pork, tab, Salt, Serifs, VI UOtt Sad
Y. arr. \ all, ►ud litaAa, ►I No 2 V. ngtit'a
r ,o 1 s. 11l ti K\ h 11, It •N. •Li /.101Iolc,
Itpll N. %%ALKEIL,
. ATTOMNAN ST La.. Lenno,
tt gr,r voltrt.t attenliton t.. the Itr,at.tuK of Land
kr r rirla a n d thr tra . t T.• In Ow
r 1 and loa• oil also till (or the purchase
• Si ,•...,,11 . :•waltri• Lana. at.
.)alerce.sar to T R
ft** ►od H holes:LW nod ketall Uealnr to
btraw 60.1 x, ArtMeLal }
• -,lke, lAcem, and Fashi,,nable 3111111ner), Yhragna
motto; the Pas k,1.1-1.., l'a.l'arruhar attoution
h , • :11 TON PETTP.,
rrokx.% T 1,111 bmotakist
• , a ‘ ,Ar, l'a
, -It,r.
I , tl. %I ...TIN.
tI?ALMM IY Uwlw. Wateles, Atte Jew
/ •
- , • Plated ;% are, I ooklng Glaaabea, Gtlt
J., and Fancy Gonda, i'arra,roa Sundials,
I ari. rear Peach at
11%1F". JOILI/ANI.
tl II oLICSALI , & HICTAILI/kAucie i o k'nn,
•a, • OA, l.rpeu, Statuurs, 1111 ( lotbea, &e.,
t, • Iti-ek En., l'a
P. IP% Pt 6NPOItT.
"Pt LAw.— , Rber 10 ee•utrf
\ tiatiLr• koliitug
• ••r., • 'tn.,
s• • t. I; 1 . 7 . 1 4 1 ;
ou ,
bth street,
Suriessur to Stewart Or
To:1. ijiliat, I OtPler of Slaty and
• • I A,1111,01% aniph,
\\'ll.l LUNE.
r•• 101/ 1 /011. 4.1 .14.0 , 1.L•J4 A r 1..0t
- • ' r
-r.. t tto.' the I. Ile I),
I It I I. /)EN II I T(11/
10. v I . " - ST I.AR - I OOP Ili
11..(rt.. utnu•• U...
, , • ~
~„, rn lit t. 1111111.-
.• •.4 Ar, tor t h.. r•ral Staten and
I. • It Tl.HiNs•oi
. lU.I I
. FllO4-1, Imrttrilfitlof it, Park. ROO, P..
AI I 4. I. ItAIG.
J: ATI• I , 111 TUX PLAlA—Uthrr 11l Nt
r., r -In et and the Put.
)M. F:11. C 1116(N111.TT,
NOLILISALK A D HATA/1.11.34eri11i
• • •r, , Mow...rare and Saddler), ?ins. 11 and 12
coruer of Fifth and State atreoth, Erie, l'a.
+.ills, t A. PIXXX W 77
k • ( di: SHANNON.
(Successor' to Bantry .11"C'unkry
,Lr trt kagli4h,G - ennana.nd Amer - I,m, Hardware and
Nada Arms, IN.O sad Steel, Yo
I lMEts. LYTLE-.
01 TAILox, In the rose recently neeutued
• t as a Law 'lace, and carer 4 td•ry ..f
twtirrrn the Howl IiOUNT and Itrovrn'a
Ix Gout, darer, Rank Note*,
-,1,a;. • I Depoakt, &c. Sight etehange on the prin.
.Ifir, constantly for mil.. OflierNo 9 Reed
`to.karo., Erie ,
Be :theta mid Manktacturrrs of SISAL.
r. ah,l Blinds, Peach at rh the obvh I,r:inert) rkerupird
• H,.;11
Dutch fo Grocenrs, Pm Mot Pro
t •
lorsoit, Suit, Gnu% Flour, Iruita, NUt.4
r 110111.4, Pllllli, Muuduat, W Gut and Stotir Mart.,
Teruo Caah. Prices 1011, No. 4 Wright:. Itioek,
et. 'street, 1 door, slime the P.
r 1 I X d HATEIBI'A, ar—
li lhorraant, Office le Basile g ie...
et, north •I' of Public Square, fanner!! 0 43C upbeat by er.o All work erarraabed.
iHt 1' 4; FIRRAR,,
W HOLMIL[ fIIIIOC IRS. ►nd drily. In
, 0 4:41a, Powder, Shot., Caps, Yaletr Yule,
Cara, Fish, oil, Ike., kc., No. 7, Bunnell Block,
•tr,,t, Erlr, Pa
G4f r. r Pi &f A I,
I 11111.1 II EARN &
ouirmeDuro and Camothisiou licrchaota,
• ,a •r* .• tiski, Flour, Fish, hod agest for • daily boo of
pper I . aY. Mtcsrisers, Publ c hock. Dl*. Pt
I I UDELL. MAR Ul, is C 41 69
M /ACTT' RIMS Atram gogiurs,H,,tiers,
~ .ar.ui. Acieui [URI linplerweta, liallroad Cara,
Ina A.
U 1•04 L'. e. RHODES,
VAais imams Dw' 11Aziir. &ad Agent
• M Lerirr k Wilson's Seats( Machines. Name °Ter
Jrwelry Store, West Park, lEne, Ps. rp^.4ti teb
• t deo* to Order.
11 Arsons= mr Law, Gustd. Eris Count!.
• collocaoos sad other assumes attend...el to with
, uptnesa sad dispatch.
Jan.= OF Tea react, Office is Beatty'
r ocher, up-stain, trim, h.
Insouasi.2 Gionalut, and Darlene 'in
°ohne sod laforted Wises and Ldquors, siso Foram
Fete.lask._Call, and Arista tor Nodlata Slob
No. 7 Bosisell Most, State street Sri's, Pa.
rr x cAraarr, X J. OLAJILL
Olir4 W. All'lllol.
te MairrrAcrrossuL, Wltolerale sad Retail
all kinds of Fancy, Drawing Room, Roekiog
arid Ilinfiag Chaim. No. 4 Kt.) ' , too< Filmic, PII
11 %Lag lc 114JiLLIE Y.
DaALeut lo boots atealloce
t..! at No. 13, Caitereire Bleck State street,
11•IM. a: LOW.
Ileottrewertoos k W babied* wed Retail
1 ••••••• e Well sad Cistern Peep of superior quality, the
, ••• 94 beet awe •is see. Shop as Twill* %kept
rr Aquedret for carrzhi4ter for Snail', hameir
apical purposes fbe mite
• t Oun, Y. i- LOW.
I M. 0.1.. 6LI.IOTT, •
Bsannorr Dorrunr--
and Dwelling , to south Park Bow. fla g
Mork not of trie Bank baildincr. • a a
rl° . July TO, 18511.
I rows ammo sod COIRIIIIWRIOII Mordant.
e Ally Ibek, Erie, dealer is Coal, Salt, Fish, Flour sad
' +qv,
WyojjAMA abet Mail dealerviln Groevliert,
`lmnus. Ship Chantltrry, Wood sad Wlllow wire kr.,
~ . I .t. gtivet, KAP, Nen.
1 1P1 ILK Wr(111$11.
Wm. A. Wattion t Joblwr. and Retail
.xt downptiet of F OR u and Nemeth Dri
• - I.• C.rpetierl, (ili Cluthr u k. No. 13, / 1 181, Anon,
• ru, uI huh. Erie. Pu.
urlLLu+t vuouperoat,
J rimier co Plum De•41%. 4 1" 1 "
honde and Mortgages, Loam, Ste., seconately and
4.- ' 011 ! &salt. 02e• an new* Hayek afar Jas. B.
Grseery Stare tn.. P.
_ .
' • 41:1,. practkolp the mineral COWL d em :.
prolopt and faltbfill atteotlirollo ill
..4.1 to tas Asada, either as so /Moray, erilairtitimis.
rr ()Soo ut Empire Wool, sorter d Atabsamil Fifth
•' kn.. Pa
ATTOIIXITT •T Law.--016co tolitoved to
uullcuo j i wept of State Street, ea the withal* of tbili
rk, PIA, Pt.
I 11111.1111.
11x. Caavow. 6 raat and
230 WM* Ittnotl, Baffito, N. Y.
' NAllort bit stiatrUes eteloolooly to the tittitlllson't of
looms of the Er, Lod gm.
'oh b . twie.—viy.
- •' .
, I .
. t.•., L . . likaii
44 511/:!*: • . 1)•• : ; . . .
. • • . ,
. .
THE . ...
s , .
. . ~.
-- - • -
"Item 1 I must ' Papa and all
savants will be .. isse before lot
ashihna 80. 1 4 '' ' a while after
Lad - finished her I• : • • .
"Thenyon had • • Be at once.
lear.', saki her • looking two
put of the window.. • I hope you
°ism and see us _ • • whenever yon
SCOrir Az RANKIN. - -
Duaaaua to all kinds of Coal, Salt, Taster, Tour,
Flab, ke., kc Public Doc*, trio, Pa. . 61.
Wnotnuaut and %Hail drier is all Muds
of ingl Lab, German and anisrteasi Hardware, Anvils, rkes„.
iroa,lialls, Steel, ha. Hadallsrit . i
a s
I d
t aw= Thilullings.
Mathias Belting and Packing opposite the
Heed Hoaas, Kris, Pa.
ALE F PE - W'4
A ogee is eon eby given that in weaaaaes of a resolution
of the Wardens and reetry. and the autharity given by
the charter of leeorporation, tbs fbilowing Pews in OT.
PAUL'S CrlL'ltt. Hi, Citig, will be sold at Public Antilop
at the amok. on the aDtb day of July, ISIS. at I e'elosk,
P. K., for the eolleetious of the armies of amassment,' of
taxes against the came to Kay 4, 11160, and oasts of feria.
No or Names of Val".'" ~_ Anneal Aral
Pew. Owners. Tex. Cepald.
0 N. Lew* $ll6 $l7 211 09
19 Mrs. D. Dobbins, 113 . 33 12 26
30 A. C. Jackson, ' 66 17 17 00
7 J. IL Walker, 150 26/ 11l 00
hi J. Illlee, 130 96 20 09
67 1 amp, 76 16 600
70 J. IL Dougleae, 106 it, 2' 7 7
1 . 1 26
62 A. Beebe, 136 27 11 IS
Terme made known on lay of stale.
Erie July 2, 1669. Wll. C. NAL/10,
Secretary of the Vestry, ke.
P- A. .1.4015TC3'., M. D.,
Physician, Burgeon and Dentist
MU B CO, P 11011 VA .
DR. L. having permanently located at
Colon Mill., sill atteed all eslls Le Ids proteeidon
with proeeptsees. All skatlel operations as the Teeth
performed aad 'emitted. .IleUllelal teeth laserted from
one to an entire sett. July 2, 11160.-4
P. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
Has been thoroughly rspalred and refurnish
ed, and is now epee for the pees/Aloe of Furst&
VII, Board by the Day, Week or Mond; on rea
sonable terms. Oil Proprugor p;edginy howl/ that
no , jTort shall be growing-to gars roVerr satisfaction.
Private Parties, Dinner Parties, or Managers of
Public Balls will dad the acoosenextatione at this House
et perior to Inv ether In the city and Ihe diaries as tea
rarGood 'tabling attached where resets front the
country will always fled attentive hosUers to take charge
or their beams. May 6, 1669.t148
ugiGt For Chicago AdlgiGt
And Intermediate Ports !
Propellers will Mare thin Port for Chime. and
Intermediate Ports OW %V EDNESDA and P4A ma,
DAY tr each week, wind and weather permitting
nr For freight or passage apply to
Errs, Jcne 4, Public Dock.
AI has i
RS. A.
Mn j e TAN. retorn.d from New York with
urgent and most complete assortment of
Is'eet styles of Straw goods,
In abort, 'len . , thin; In the line, which will be
..1.1 wi n ...ale or retail at prices that dairy competition
nontry Milliaere supplied with Goods at New York
price., folding a small ('orominelon. As eh* has mule at
its yr
make their periehseee arber ea wen
M c , ...Lemma to io(oresthe public that sbe is prepar
ed, iiy s new and Nrialitifurprocens to renovate ►ad Color
Straw, Mopolitun, Llitp, and Leghorn, in a most supenor
Artiani anlieited, and aatiatartion vrarrantod.
Store Corner of State and Eighth etterta, Erie P►.
April 16,
the Depot Eon. 1•a.
he. just opened • new end eplondidlitock of
pl.Frtrpat N,
machine and band•made, bonnet femurs and crowns.
cf the latest at , ire.
Ear Particular attention paid to coloring. blosenl"it
mot PI-easing Itloot:corr. azol Riding Hats drew(' itl the
most fasblamable style.
rir Also, • auperiorMt of Hosier) tripether
a u b • general amortment n( lofly'• Goods.
April Y 3. tNbO —44.&n.
is now receiving a large and Pull As
sortment of M TI.I.INF.RY and FANCY C4OD4, consist
ing of a great variety of Whits mad
And Children's Hats of every style, Shaker Hoods, Ray's
Hats, de., he, Ribbons,. Flowers, Rashes, Caps, Head
Dresses, klezandre's Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Lace Veils,
French Cornetts and Skirts, Materials of ail kinds for Em
broidery, Valenciennes, Lace, Applique abd Preach Work,
Collars, Sleeves, Am
MILLINERS suppHed with Goods at wholseeals; also,
Plaster Bonnet Sleeks. Bleaching and Pressing done in
the best manner; also, Straw Bonnets colored Drab, Brown
and Black.
April 9,1849 YRS. M. ern 's,
No. 2. Wright's Block. Erie, Pa..
et ta?JIL
SUGARS of all A l; i r SC RIF4iONS,
1 AND.
WOOD ima
Together with a largo aseorlaseat of all Wads of GOODS
keys la • Grearry Stem which on offer to , sell at the
lemeert market prier. CALL AND SZE ITS !
No. 2, Wrigbee Sleek.
April 16,
---- ----- - -- -- ---
- wno w.A.Nrs A SAFE.
The eabaceiber boa owe lam atm
HICABINITS sAss. which he will dbpoes of deep
Cu& or approvul SCOTT. ,
XV* A pm 9,1689.-44. M -
(FRED STORE lizatovia.
Lato of do dm ail
Stuunbery .1!, Slocum, abo wore I
lu itratty`o Black, tare tide amkbod
sonogram to die patina, that he has nnearived to
Slate Street, one door aorth of G. W. Goodrieleo Variety
store, wbsso to wf I to happy to meal! his old asiteespre
sad all who are to wart of article, in bro Jim
Ha keeps the Mitered 'branda,of Itoto County Mit;
anions which an thorn of Jobs Robinson safA . J. W.
McLain., universally acknowledged to lbe the BM' NOS.
Thoot to wind of a aloalsonvitaltpir now lOU find them
bonds to tio all they can &sire. All Ids& efigraln !ad
&red kept willetalOY ftm_band.
Mt* April 2, 2 MIRAM
VERY LADY. •8: .
W• moaa i Xto i a:= to all
alma asoisoltaka
• PaS of AO VULCAN= is.
try which har WO& vin in
ma.* b. 04 MbeMA at
ksw pros Stan at
Are ktelt.
Ia wkineDamoir Vosinkapr Pw
aia enitrlr. rt.d noses.
Obi. Jump 4. 111111(1,—la. 1. sammut.
wbip, L a c sad a aikAidariassaad Irma
Rade sued Uhigi Yamada 114
di s ha Adm. QOM NMI% Oast
dozy Was lag= at PIM far ade st i=ars
Say IL T. L
...irou l
To Patrick n, Jr. of Paris.
Young Patrick Meehtahou„ I greet you, •
From Erin's green isle o'er the MS, •
Good fortune surround sad be with you,
My countrymen wisk you, with
For Au sake who gays to you proudly
His own old Hibernian mune,
And who now makes all Praises shout it loudly,
And Europe re-echo the saute.
But, ' , wow Pat, I're got an an,
That o/d Pat, whose brilliant resora
Shot up in the dreadful Crimes.
As Russia's black eagle went down—
Whose brows are, by Fame in her bounty,
With Italy's laurels new delight—
Somewhat nearer to Monaghan couaty,
Might gather a garland as bright.
A hag that had waved o'er the rattle
And thunder of tvonet and gun,
He won from his fees in the battle,
Abd sent to his wife sad his son.
And she, says the newspaper story.
Received the bright treasure with, joy,
And draped with that curtain of glory
The cradle where slumbered her boy.
I •know where a color is hanging
And floating about In the air,
I wish, Pat, your father came banging
Right up to—right well be knows where.
Full soon would he kindly preset% a
New square of bright bunting to do
As a shawl for the Duchess Magenta,
Or pretty bag trousers for you.
Be sure, Pat, you've dells little cousins
In Erin's green fields, by the sears;
You'ce stout, strapping ;moles b ilammts,
And friends like the sands on tie shore,
Who'd rush toter& the Marshal to meet him,
To welcome and bleu his advance,
And be only will pleased to see with him
His whole gallant legion from Prune.
T. D. S.
oh, dear, 1 believe I am lost !" half cried
Rosalind, as she sat down on a mossy stone
beside the path, and looked around, de
bating upon what course to pursue.
tier cheek. were flushed with the heat,
her hat swung on her arm, she had burst
out the side of her kid slippr with long
walking and climbing.
She had ~tarted out without any partic
ular object, except to wander along in the
sunshine by the banks of the lake, and
had enjoyed herself so much that she had
gone fart her than ever before; and bad
got into the forest, too, tempted by the
wild strawberries and violets which she
the nemlti no -
fat!, she was in was well trodden, s e , was
bewildered, and did not know whether to
nought to thuo
- 'uding all duo
iimeeed thus way or that., to get out of the
wood on the homeward side.
•• Well, I must say, you are a pretty big
girl to got lost spoke up a voice with
something of good-natured acorn, but more
laughter in it. "Ho ! I hav'nt been lost
these three years, and you're older than I."
Rosalind looked quickly round and per
ceived a little boy who had been lying on
a log not far away, and who now came for
ward and stood before her.
-Why, how ohl are you ?" she aske4l with
Widish 'hurtle.
"Nine and a half!" was the prompt re
st toner.
"Ind I am twelve, Master
"Ralph is my name."
-Master Ralph. My name in Rosa Gold
'tone, and my father lives down by the
lake ; but I cannot hnd the way now.—
ow . funny! my father's name is Ralph,too."
••Is it ? 1 can show you the house mighty
quick. I know it. Its the great one with
the queer chimneys and the pretty gardens,
:did what mother calls the tower. Did you
ever see my mother'"
-I guess not t what's her name, and where
do you live 7"
-We live off there. Her name is Smith.
our houst, is not like yours—it is small,
and it is not painted. Your father must
be rich."
"Perhaps he is ; he never said."
"Perhaps mother and I would be rich,
if we had a father, like you. My mother
sews collars and such things for the ladies
in the village. But she is $ lady, too ;
dont you think so f"
-Yon forget I have not seen her. I
wonder if nurse would not have some col
lars for her to embroider ! I'll ask her
when Igo home. If you know the way,
will you please show it to me 7"
-Yes, of course. Come along."
"Oh, dear! I'm so thirsty and hungry,
too," slid Rosalind, as she slipped oft' the
rock, mil followed him, looking ruefully
at her torn shoe, walking as if wearied out.
"Then come in our houses minute, and
t'll get you some wager . from the
mid the boy. with hospetality.
He,was a handsome, nownly little fellow •
Rosalind looked at him with gratitude, and
did not refuse to accompany him, as he
Waned off from the main path and went
along a winding declivity which led to a
little brown cottage, hidden in trees, at the
foot. There was a glimpse of the lake and
of the chimneys of her father's hoookilven
the fitimt door ; the little thought it a
very k i retty place, with i ts mornisg a =
vine, • d its clean floor without soy
Herta, mother, is Dr. 0131thitoate's daugh
ter. She Stoat, and sothirsty and'iumgry!
You get her a piece of hosed and butter,
pleat", whiled fro for them/atm r" said the
.boy cs n t an ißoeslind injeithen importantair.
A was sitting at the window busy
with me embroidery. As her mon s =,
and the looked moue* she sprang
ly into the middle of the floor and stood
pain* at the visitor with an - expreasion
which alarmed the children.
" - What frightens you, dear mammar
ask.* Ralph.
"Olh,l am not frightened," she replied,
drawing a long breath. "You snissletid
me 4 little, coining is so unespereedi
Thiaiis Miss Rosalind Goldstone, is *I
Sit here - and rest yourself, my dear, while
gets you a Mk."
it a rd the child' &
to a I chair, took klle
hat her, vowelised hock beriresetti
ear =ris hanc ha lr: Ni f d kismal
she lusd areetest, mica
'she had overheard ; end aotihiak
front the touch of swiped
vomiting some tormier Ibr• being' ruler lrgE
Ralph mine ougglesity• plielfier el mid
water hekore this- 4eritherdreoght .1101 m o,
some 'hoof of bread sedtbiliter sod , elltee
Rosalind sa4 wigs tbs. hum4a t herAp,
eetlig ant mufti:is:VA.._
them • year; Ralph likUPS
rel. • It not eget helot& tithig,
he was beard to audee4lipaorMO - ;el lbw
gocas • Km. Bnthh . il eftroHm. thook.
She tried to Medians liar tyt
her fingers tangled yet
s tart s E e . , bod raegvad. IV= ti the
a narrows tremble; rOW-igilreill, obi
looked vary -thdieetomArtr *left to bo
earning her living with bet needle.
laud 11.ACKEitlil.
ProniitAe Doublis Nation
t holt( giteraturt.
BEAIAY'S mimosa.
I. . . 3, wz e
"I I 'and my father ," replied
Rosalind, who taken an excessive
lilting, not only tO little boy, but to
the woman, whosessOset voice and affection
ate manner had charmed-her.
"Oh: no! I never receive visits from
gentlemen—never 11 So you must excuse
me. I have heard lunch of your father
and have a high Impact for him,. Miss
Rosalind, but please chi not bring him
here. Come yourself, whenever you mo—
de wide !" sherepeotaL 41, with a lingering
emphasis which Annex! the spell she hall
put upon Rosa. • - i •
When the latter reached hems, she
found that search had already been insti
tuted for her, and that her father was out
in the rose garden calling her. She gave
him an accou nter adventures, her
being lost, the little boy the beauti
ful lady who lived a little house and
sewed for a living.
i Vi er
"When I get of h to wear collars
I shall get her to all mine," she
said, "I sha ll pay , Oh, so much money
for doing them - 11861m does not look well
enough to work, diet, oh, papa, collars
will never look well, on my dumpy
It was the first )time that Ra'ph had
heard her remark upon her personal ap
pearance ; and shelaid this so .sadly, as if
thet had wine upon her with great
weight he could not bet smile at the
quick change in her animated countenance.
"What/hatter is it whether my little
daughter's should* are broad or slender,
or whether collars become her or not, if
her heart is good, and every body loves
her for that I*" - -
"It does rnatter,",eibl Rosalind, with a
very heavy sigh. II have thought of it
before, papa, and cited about it, too. There
was • gentlemam *Hauled me the other
day, by , telling me 'how pretty I was It
was ray unkind ontitn—l despise him !"
Ah I Dr. fieldstone, man and philoso
pher, Mother Eve mse speaking through the
child then, and yap maid hear her plainly
enough. He bad seen so disconten
ted and almost eliom an expression
i ttally
before upon the bright and placid
brow dills dau .
"Forgive me, ' " said a tender voice,
the next momen t, d the impulsive arms
were about' his n "Itwas m my heart,
and it would comit out. I will try and be
content just as I pm. But, ah . if I was
as beautiful as Ralph's mother I should be
"Whoyse motherj"
"Ralph's. Oh, Iforgot to tell you that
the little boy's name was the same as yours.
is'nt it curidus ? Well, papa, I believe I
am happy ewe" anyhow !" A sudden
glow came over her face. "You love me
as much as you calk-don't you ?
"Just as much," he replied, pressing her
close to his side ; . , d he could hardly for
bear adding, as . -:,. . . 1149 , Ardiapti.
Dr. Goldstone never permitted Rosalind
to make sny visits, except to call in corn
piny withliniaelf upon his few associates,
and some of the children whose society he
thought not objectionable. But Rosalind
had so many sources of amusement at
home, that she seldom thought of going
abroad. Her father only lived to study
her happiness ; while he thought that he
was training herin the very way of wisdom,
he was in reality the slave of her capricee—
tutoty—fer neither of them dream
ed that such was the case. She was so
generous, so affectionate, so yielding by
nature, that it would have been difficult
to spoil her. But he did his best.
Above all things, he guarded her against
mirrors—as if she was to go through hie
without meeting any, and as if a distor
tion was better than nature's and heaven's
beautiful truth.
Ever since her adventure in the forest.,
Rosalind had two friends whom she went
to see more frequently and had a far great
er degree of intimacy with, than any one
else knew of. She did not conceal her vis
its from her father for fear of his displeas
tire, but simply because Mrs. Smith begged
her not to make her a subject of conversa
tion or ever bring any of her family to gee
her. She was still too much of a child to
question the wherefore of this : all she
cared for was, that she thought Ralph one
of the nicest of boys, and loved to teach
him many things in which she was better
educated than he, and his mother the most
beautiful and the beat woman that ever
lived. She had never known the gentle
fascinations of a mother, and so was doubly
susceptible to the feminine influences of
this lonely friend.
Yrs. Smith and Rosalind used to sing
ftether. Rosa found the former an ex
cellent teacher, capable of correcting all
her defects in style, and as both had fine
Voices, they took great delight in their
music. Some of the young girl's happiest
haws were spent in the little brown cot
tage. She brought many presents to Ralph;
but these were not what won his boyish
heart. Her smile, her arch laugh, her pa
tinas in teaching him, her love of frolic,
muds her a "seat girl" in his eyes.
Thus this swoon pared away, and others
ceme and went. Inikssnoes were at work
04 °madding natures. The philosopher
Gls so akun Ike embryo woman. Regis
*it lag, that kb precious daughter must
itanelinser some in contact with the world,
or Us laft a 'solitary recluse at his death,
Dr. Goldstone began to introduce her a
little more to its ways. He would have
liked to travel with her, but for the cur
rant in the filebkmahle hoiels
He timed that the strength of
the psinaipies he had•
• into her
nand she would beable resist ail unto
ward iniinentes shein_tibei should finally
Sit ova. her. Maud preserved her from
= tie vain w r omi lu tz latiy
er woman—or a
about °Shaft of heroes, talked about dress,
-sow oseisdiser friends—al not care what
the iatesa Pasia Ogle was. and had no am
bition to he es bens She waaertloss. muss
truthful asia intelli
rail* Inr his experiment. But
lest eV Ittratrength was to come.
°Badly arisen she was in her Sixteenth
osemese r. itoophsed w ent eat =l 7 li• lake-
OP; bmt,* our
kta 'Was,
_patio - 441U Haas Which
Mbirobed eirbirapan, =P
r hoe, eke dreamed away tie boors in Otle of
those delicious r iverieripectiliar toyouth
, sod immisetives meenda, until t*
• •
at listless in* and the
1$ motion .
upot nori rely the lisease bas . adrred l . Rot gi :
• usltludibuinameastLbabl , ha=
, 1•6 Ausuolcustir ildneaAlli but hes
sest her,o7 r lte uv host been ao
,et, • was
_ • sem hive bees et.
bsisit foe *1 famizriaisb look.
* Alp moibedimeat areal
4 1 0 11 4/ 1 1Paedn raa l 4 , boa* and in , '
• 74 ' rodi a weirsibey ?
' 7- • pad sad' pisiA aid semiled--she
• too, sod INdly maw iv* eon-
Y• 23, 1859.
"Se I am beintilW, tater all !"
As she whispered this delig,hte=n
ing over still nearer to the ink
which smiled hack upon hex, a sudden Saw
of wind stole gurgling scram the lake and
struck under the liicht skit which was al
ready too far from its perpendicular, and
upset it—so quickly that Rosalind had not
even time to catch at its side before she
went down to the embrace of the faithless
image which had wiled her into such
Oh ! if she could have taken warning from
this disastrous occurrence, never again to
be beguiled by her own charms !
But perhaps it was too late to take a
lesson from anything again in this life—
for she went dorvh--end arose--mt
vainly at the impalpable air,and sank
In the meantime, while she had been so
engaged with her discovery, a boat in the
dtrtance had been raptdly approaching
nearer. The cry which she gave when she*
found herself in the water, caused it to re
double its speed; and by the earnest exer
tions of the occupant, it reached the apt
of danger just in time for him to seise those
streaming curls before the waves closed
over their brif,titness for the last time.
She was insensible when Frederick
Percival lifted her into his boat. He did
not need to be told who the lovely girl was
who lay like a statue in his arms. He had
long worshiped at a distance the star whose •
culmination was' watched so jealously by
that old astrologer, her father. This was
an opportunity which the fates had evi
dently thrown in his way—tliat is, if it
were not too late to profit by it ; which
might be, for she neither breathed nor
stirred. Ile was an athletic youth, and he
rowed with all hisstrength. The moment
he reached the shore, he snatched up his
burden, whose weight he hardly felt, so ex•
cited was he, and ran up the elm-bordered
walk to the portico. where the Doctor sat
at his leisure, reading a learned treatise
upon elictricity.
This was a time for Dr. Goldstbne to be
thankful for his great medical skill. A
less experienced person might never have
brought the breath back to those youthful
lips. He did it, calmly, suooessfully.-=
Then, when restoration was sure; he began
to tremble, and the voice war broken in
which he expressed his thanks to her pre
of course Frederick Percival called the
next day, to inquire after the health of
Miss Goldstone, and of course she was not
refused permission to thank him personally
for the services rendered.
And so, before her father had dreamed of
her being anything but a little girl, Rosalind
had a lover.
"What are you reading, my love ?"
"The Latly't Book, papa."
"The what ?"
-The Lady's Hook. But I am, not read
ing—l um looking ut the fashion plate.—
Conte here, please. and look at this beau
tiful evening dress ! Is it not exquisite?
I must have one just like it, papa—with
real lace flounces, too. And, papa, I do
wish you would order a for
my room. Last night Frederick told me
. .
shall kiss you until 341 u my "
Awl the philosopher sent an order to
the city for twenty yards of Honiton lace,
and a mirror seven feet by four !
-I shall have to get up another batch of
diamonds if this little extravagant puss
goes on at this rate," said the Doctor to
himself, as he went into his laboratory, and
kindled it, .lumbering fires. ."There's the
wedding coming off, text year. too ; and
there'll he no end to her wants."
Ye 4, that was true. Three months had
not rlapstml after that drowning cataatro•
Ole, before Dr. Goldstone was waited upon
in his library by a blushing young gentle.
man and a weeping young lady, whose
united appeals he could not resist. Be
sprang clear out of his arm-chair in aston
ishment when the negotiation was first
opened. Rosalind—his little Roes--that
mere child—in love! wanting to be en
gagetl! thinking of marriage at some future
day ! The idea had never occurred to him.
The tears which sparkled like dew'amid
the roses of her cheeks, soon convinced
bun of the reality of what was pawing.--
The sincere tone, the manly look, and the
intense solicitude of the youth, were in his
favor. The Doctor told them he would
give them an answer the next day; and
he spent the most of the next twenty-tour
hours in pondering the matter.
He knew the young man and his family.
They were poor, intellectual and high
principled ;and Frederick did honor to
Lis family. He was a student, of un
impetiehnt.le character, talents, and fair
promise. Jr Rosalind must ever marry,
her father could not have been better
suited, His benevolence was rejoiced at
the thought of conferring fortune upon one
so well deserving of it. He already began
to form plans of the pleasure he Should
have in imparting some of his own beet
stores of knowledge to the eager and gifted
mind of his—son Then Frederick was of
that cordial, frank, and affectionate tem
perament which makes one the beloved
inmate of a family. By the time that Ros
alind was no longer a girl, whoai he was to
take every day upon his knee, he should'
be able, perhaps, to give his grandchildren
that favored seat. It Rosa was so willful
that .lie must needs grow.up and be a Wo
man, there was nothing tor it, but that she
must have some little girls to take her
The next day the young couple were
made happy by his consent to their betmtia
al, trammeled byno conditions, except that
they must wait a year for the wedding, and
that they must always share his home with
We have seen in the beginning of this
chapter how RosaUnd was taking advan
tage. of her present liberty and new,infor
mation. The Doctor's mansion , long . the
wonder of the young people the vious4
--41 sort of magician's from w
they were provokingly shut on
open, in every nook and orann t lethe4r
curiosity, with , exception of vie study
and work rooms of which he kept the
Gay voices and light feetmigbt beb
every day in hall and garden ; and
manta which had never before been
crated by such folly, now echoed to e
gossip and long discussions upon this and
. mode and fashion of wearing the Wl'
And cutting the. sleeves, so mterestim to
the fair sex. Dr. Goldstone ahniwgr irjs
not unfrequently appealed to, tosettlesOnlie
dispute upon. the length of pre . rmiling rik
bons. by , some Arch And laughing beaugr..
who , would end her question by gin/4114r
lug wpolleM iltag t sa. the Doctor bseyr mop.
Orisp,,hemust„be the best arbiter of the mut
ter in dimistsion.
The hasp, was
m4oo so Mn is u li nt&or : 11 4 414 toe w t
t balbrn one ti this*
wl •the new Xfonitou lace draw on, eiOr
bag herself in this pow and then 144 o$
dently lost in thedeepest admiration o(her
own beentigni.self..
• Thusdidthiephdepopherin what
Atavaleen hie tiinneeten alkwr
reins : tro lie taken out of his hands. and
woolto bepulled over hisklither
Yethesixwellynyawed tohisowu
that he was growing a happier non. and
that Site sight andheating olio malt youth,
seernoteot, folly and lightimarted Was
doing him pod.
The inimical of Dr. Goldstone was pour-
Ins forth floods of light fres every . window.
It was Rosalind's wedding eventl uin at .
seemed sit the heavens, too, were
ated, in honor of the ossion, for the full
moon hung out her golden lamp to display
the jewelry and rich array of the roses anti
lilies, now in the fidl . lush of their June
blossoming. Ilverytlung was resplendent,
indoors and out. The invited guest mem
flitting about the porMoos, gardens. halls
all of that csious-hunished and exten
sive house was throws open to the wonder.
big company. The sedan of exotics, with
its glees walls, nearly the eighth of a mile
ih length, the garden of the singing birds,
the vast chamber with its organ, now peel
ing forth delicious music, were all bri lliant
with different fashioned illumination. The
birds, sorprieed at the extended day, sang
wedding miudd, the &wen ponlelilWifi
.their incomes horiehly, the organ arose in
its might and breathed forth s bridal an
them, magnificent in its harmonies. The
Wide and bridegroom' moved hither and
thither through the admiring a, their
faces beaming with the ha which
was too real to be repressed . p Rosalind was
a miracle of loveliness. It was no wonder
that her poet husband felt a lesion and
joy deeper than Suidly stirs the heart,
even of a newlrwedded man. ere were
other gleams thes lds, that d‘pd hardly
remove themselves from her beentiful face,
glowing with new emotions, the lonii lashes
tp conceal the humid brilliancy of
She was elegantly dressed. The mist
that catches the moonbeam could hardly
be more etherial than the filmy lace that
floated about her person, over an under
robe of siliery satin, ggarvnmg a still more del
icate bloom and roondnese to her arms ant
The fastening of her veil was not the
usual wreath of orange blossoms, but a
-wreath of jewels worth half a kingdom, set
in the most graceftd manner, in imitation
of the real flowers. She had found this
wreath upon her toilet when she went to
dress, with a note from her father, saying
that it was his gift, and desiring her to wear
it upon that particular evening.
"Rips does not know that it is not in
good- tase for a bride to wear such diamonds
as these with her weddidg dress," was the
first tohught of the yotiog girl ; but the
next moment the remembrance of the af
fection which had prompted the splendid
gift, drove out regret, and she placed them
in her hair, regardless of other considera
The wreath was exquisitely designed, and
when she saw it in contrast with herhair,
the jewels faking out eovertlyifrom clouds
of delicate lace, she was delighted with the
"No one dares to criticise' it—it is too
magnificent to be found fault with," she
said to her attendants, and as this com let
ed her array she turned away ' .
Neither she nor any other person sus
pected that the whole superb garland, from
the tiniest covering of the gold setting to
the crown diamond of the whole, was the
work of her father's loving hands.
From the moment that she met the eyes
of her lover, where he waited for her in the
tritiblingitand, routine toirlOV . o
the dress which had been the ob ject of so
much solicitude. She did not think of it
again during the evening. Her heart and
soul were with her lover—her husband •
the emotion she felt w‘s too everwhelm
ing for those frail embankments of silks
imd lace, vanity and frippery, to withstand
—they were swept into oblivion. and for
that evening at host, she was unconscious
of her own beauty, and its effect upon be
So it seems that she was not quite spoiled
by the flattery, dress, and tti which
bad so suddenly 'beset her. sway
with it she had boen,
_hut not out of her
depth. Her pretty caprices, her willful
ness, were all on the outside—her heart was
The grace, tastefulness, love of Empry,
which are part of the feminine nature (and
should be, since the women use all thew)
to make themselves agreeable to the coars
er sex) having been kept back for want of
sunshine, had burst forth rapidly, but were
not destined to extrairagant growth. The
child who was reared according to a system
of philosophy was almost a model child, af
ter dl—but the risk was great, and we would
not advise others to run it. The seed hap !
to fall upon good soil, and repaid a
hundred fold.
The festivities of the evening were draw
to a close. Rosalind was about withdraw
ing to the chamber which had been con
verted into a fairy bower of grace and luiury
by liberal and affectionate hands, when her
father approached her and drew her a little
apart. He looked pale and troubled.
"You know the Mrs. Smith who lives
down in the glen ?"
"Very well, indeed, papa. She has been
in declining health fora long time,—l have
neglected her of have been so taken
up with my own affairs."
"She is dying, and has sent, for you and
me to attend her for a few moments only."
"We will go, dear, father, by all means."
"But what do you think she can want of
s, Rosalind ?" Some doubt evidently dis
turbed him.
"I do not know, lam sure. But let us
hasten. I love her very much, and lam
sq sorry I have neglected Perhaps i mi t a •
wishes to confide her boy to you.
bier much of your benevolence, paps, and
she has a. son who will be left without a
friend in the world."
Mr. Chaldstos• drew a sigh of rebel at the
variation ; and while Rosalind stole sway
to throw a mantle over her bridal finery, he
whispered - their errand to Frederick, and
beds him say nothing of their absence, as
they should speedily
The& carriage wattedforthem at the toot-
Ilium of the scram, and they were mistaken
farchriall Pee* ea they entered it and
were en away. • few moments brought
thenCto the cothas, and the next one
iitted them withinit. The Doctor entered
&ming searchingly around. A wo
men lay upon the bed, wasted and wan, but
A sham told him that it was Eleanor.—,
She wag faint, and he did not dare to betray
iite emotion, of whatever tistene it might
be, that he felt. Re poured out a glass of
ciedial which stood on the stand at the
head of the bed, and rave it to her with as
meek apparent calmness as if she were an
csidhiary patient.
"I am dying, Ralph," she said, with a
wee slid* when she had drank it.
sound et tkat VOW which had ever
e s 74 6 r •
, move Ms soars riefiliist depths,
oat Cabe diteraillibosof
apelike, regretend
. 11evie amtioru tyl ik m er ?"
ISsnßOser W 2l : l 4t t i M ills.
bailor my *Ohl
01 8 317.11 .: 11 -2 4t 110 4 411 : 31 A
eirkll ol . a!" Volt 1 0 6 •
!Ofjoot r look at him po t ,;4;.. IV
ritk, *litre* about • 1 have
lat last I• • • riot dais
lietat it his► titd bßosilfiriZZ
acios rittAlig-to
tee's hearing what her idother,haa to say.
Ob. Bark 214 0 Midw-gwitlfaies
dt• at ni7 sinful I have sinned
in thouW, and moire, and ibr that I
have borne, without complaining, a pun
ishment which has gradually sawed ant
toy life."
"Yon ass weak, glassor. T>sisk di,—
for I would haw what you wish to say."
"I was a vain woman, Ralph-rfoolish and
vain beyond what it was in ovr noble and
mind to -Your
di ndness , the good-fortune you lavished
upon me, turned my brain and hardened
my heart. I was admired—others flattered
me more than ' , on, and became you were
often idlest and attentive, !mud and ab
sorbed in other things, - I was made to be
lieve that your love was but little...less than
I deserved. I was so selfish that I wished
all—your time, your whole mind and soul
—as if you had not already given me enough
and too much. 1
air. 1: - ci Ifil
"I will not seek to defend I was
to abandon you for one who pro
toikve me more passionately. God
knows how miserable I was, every moment
after I made the promise, until the mo
ment came for its oonsummation. The
voice of conscience was never for a moment
stilled. He told me I might take my little
girl along, but I would not do that, al
though my heart was not so utterly per
verted but that it cried out for her.
"I wrote the note and left it. At the
midnight hour I stole forth where the car
rier awaited us. He sprang forth. I had
inand a casket containing my jewels.
This plated within, and turning, gave
me his hand to assist me in, At that mo
ment the veil which vanity had bound
around my spiritual sight was rent away.
The enormity of my sin rose up before me.
With a low cry, I flung away his hand dart
ed within the gate. It swung together with
a dash—and I was free. I hurried up thu
walk through the' lower and upper hall ; I
came to the door of my room There I
stood still and prayed—prayed God to for
give me my oftnce, and vowed if my fault
was still undetected, never should another
thought of evil enter my heart. In agony
of soul I prayed that you might be still in
your laboratory—that I might have time
to destroy the note and calm my agitated
nerves. I opened the doorand looked with
in. You sat at the table ; the note lay at
your feet. The expression upon your face
awed and terrified me ; while never before
did I so resins) that I loved only you, and
how worthy you were of all that a woman
has to bestow. I yearned to go, in and
throw myself sobbing at your feet; which I
felt unworth to kiss. I did not dare to.—
I had sealed my own doom. If I had come
so near to erring once, bow could you ever
be certain of my future truth and affectiou.
I had made you wretched and I could nut
undo the work. If your own character had
not been so lofty, I might, in my anguish,
have ventured. But I did not—and I nev
er since have dared.
"For many moments I gazed upon you,
and then I turned away, the most forlorn
woman that was ever banished from hap
piness. AU my pride and frivolity wore
gone forever. Only that which was best
and most earnest in my nature remained.
Thewife, of such a man should never dt
grade herself further. I went away into
poverty and friendlessness. For three or
four weeks I took board at an obecurß
lodging-house. Even in that retreat I heard
of my own disgrace, and turned pale at the
jeers of the brutal crowd who jested with
my name without knowing who it was that
heard them.
"1 have told you that my jewel; were in
the carriage. The prize was sufficient to
tempt the honesty of the man with whom
I was to have fled, and he embarked for
Europe, and has been living since, I pre
sume, upon their sale. I knew that I must
do something ; so I sold the costly brdoch
myself up in a provincial town as a music
teacher. But not until I had first endured
ill-health and suffering which it is strange
did not kill me. The rings upon my fing
ers secured me board and attention until
after my child was born. Look at him.
Ralph ; he is your son—named after you.
When I had somewhat regained my health,
I began, as I said, teaching music. I gave
myself out as a widow • and the sadness of
my demeanor corrobo rated the impression.
I made a tolerable living. In all this time,
I never lost sight of you. I knew of your
voyage, to South America, of your return
and settlement here, and the course of life
which you pursued. Finally, my heart
plwided so for an occasional stolen look—
to be near you—to know of your daily life
—that, four years after you came hew; I
followed you. I rented this little house,
and have lived here ever *since. &ion %I
great joy lightened my heavy heart. I saw
and talked with my—with ywr—llmialind.
She came to see me—she talked about you
—she and Ralph were friends. I watched
her growth,—l her mother, was permitted
occasionally to smooth her hair, to kiss her
"You have suffered., Ralph—so have I ,
my sufferings have been embittered by the
knowledge that they were deserved.
"I have bad A motive in living, which
has enabled me to prolong my feeble
strength for years : the care and protection
of my boy—my fatherless boy—whom I,
myself, deprived of the care he should have
had. I have worked for him—l have tried
- to instilhigh principles into his heart, and
I have not failed. He is very like his fath
er—a noble child. I ask you to take him
• when I an dead, and give him his rights
I could not die leaving him to shame
and poverty, when a portion of the wealth
and happiness of your house was his by
"It is my only request ; I do not ask you
to forgive me—to look upon me even with
pity. But Ralph—l love you—l have urn -
er loved any other—and with years and
time, I but love you better and more, 1...1
vi t'
you d t e. I shall take my a ff ection for
you and unspotted to the heaven of
that or who has long since forgiven my
e exhausted. Rosalind and
her brother were wem,Wg bitterly. Ths
Doctor bowed over the d)ftg woman and
kissed bee forehead. She looked up with
a beemiag smile. She was the beautifhl
assume of old. He lifted her heed to'hit
lieom, sad his tears dropped upon her hot
and hectic cheek.
"Than you promise, Ralph I let me see
you take your son by the hand before I
And as the Doetorheld out his;, hand ea
gerly So the boy, whose ayes wareiixed up
on his face, she fainted. For a moment
ald r g aisn iar dead. But again the skill
of th e was well-timed,' tied the
which he drew hum !Asylum pock
r held and elixir which celled bet* the
hovering breath. A fear low words which
be whispered in her eat!. had a still more
mysterious efikt. Hope and %Opium
hove strange power to combat disease and
Frederick grew impatient and then un
easy before be saw ha btestitifulbride ; but
Abe returned to him at bat.
Dr. GOkistone is now it man of family.—
He has forgotton many of his favorite the
ories. Was large house Is never too large
for those Who well witbi Hia rlitance
is with him, m beloved is ofDid. and both
v lgereow as • tr o at most
a e n o
psr Nal* ga an aad
wham u husdaosua. and
aft ..suptitioskohnploas tokkad.
Wed IPsiddt s' smdait—Mxr.tunms.