The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 25, 1859, Image 1

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    (J ric Oborrver.
~t 4 aI. k\P 11)1,1 rIiALLFTettfRNAL
ii V B. F. 8 LOS& N
A.lloorni,m, if !Ltd 14)
, 1.,..u. f.r cf., stud
t .1,0•,
„h og to pat e. !thin th« dear, the
. • .16.1.1.u...1 the aettxtlut made out 11l
!_ 1 v . ten, nod left with • proper oalerr ler
. -• •.1 11•%
, . - • •r mak.. a Nu&,,
• k, 7S (lite square 3 mouths $3 00
•• I 00 11%4 " • " /6 00
• • • 1 Lt. thm• "f " *75
• • At e •-hattgval,le at plel.oUro, $lO.
; , . VI. n month., Ss: tt months,
or 14 , 11110141., t.ur )rxr, 603; 6 a putt.,
the Buqtnrots Directory at $3 pet
for I. ant, ever RiS, and under
and Inel noticea, 10 coata a line but no
,„, Innyrttviamoog tha Special Notices
• 01
rr \ • Sno • , 11orrr requiring frryorrt ebangra
• .000 llt, • ;II he alliiiirrst twit nil waxen, paper.
F or athlitietial apiary the charges will
r• 1,1 1 I he .svortiprments must be mtnetly
.1 1 he silvertury.
011 et - I imintritto rrquirtid in advance,—
t•l‘ • fusing r .II b. pr inented half-tray I).
%Hi Ul,
Pc.ALKit UN latroulliv WERMII £XD I.ldroks,
...1 French Breadoes. liLi , td., Champagnes
Shorry, Port,and ail kinds
, .•, Aloo manufacturer of rrettbod Whim.
• • Bourbon, lionongahola, kc. Hoed How% oe
• ,
, ten t, ne.
Ili it(:)C!.... , .1.7 CO.,
,ItNN.t, N.. lu Bro n's HJ..k
'I. I 111.1..
w a • n 4%1 PSI klit,
I .1 pt /0..1, I. rt.-, I'S.
It 1 I t . N11.1•1).t,
.11 kat a.I N , FI 14 ♦T I Allr. ►:nr ht -
nrar Use I'►rt, to tI Aill,Prielan
• •,t , ry id the butl.tiags, 4serui.k. , l
•.• • Ile 1% 411 alw MI Ahe t... 11,1 11i 1/11.1 °all,. and
• punctually :dl.•udond 14 • •
Ilt h tN. CO,
vt Ur , / /SALM AMP }INT,II. GMtot KS, ~14.1
• or, Salt, Serifs. V.
It or, mitt tilatoi, al rsi3 It %%right's [noel,
n T Nk•kl kl I
Ar.. 1.10 xttentn.” %I lovallng nl Lana
\ I at I:te pw%loeut (of 1 . 1111,14 to the Zslaleb
• I %, ..1 nil lige port ba•.•
11 .4 ". %.
areccres.n. to T. K. alakr,,
, to TI kook s, N tlairltlle Ind /trial' l aolrr IR
o• 41,01 Pootioo .1:. *tra• Artificial ICki , tiro,
1..4 ~• n: hf.lll.llable .141 'ai gin
Iron , l'i• , I's Par. iita • F alfoo.l.oltvu
• • It
• b-V1 TI/N
ATTUSLIDIcT AT I t • ( tut, •
t, )lea•N ,
• _, I .
a. it IwTl
U. •Lt a is (INA w , Wilitrisrh s hlu. Ira
‘‘11 . 1., I,oLlug (;tlt
tl , l F►urt 1••••• ti., I%u:tom Itutithug,
It ...I Var• AWL! i'swich it
1I - Jl)it %
Lk Q 11.1.7 AIL 14../.‘ %WI 10 1 . •11e,
hilart+ t Mattin g ., Inl r lotL. &r.
. • it 1••••• • I. rte., r *
t. 11%1E:VFW UT.
,r , ok's T kr Ltw t0i1"... t.O
.. 4: t rrit.
11 - 1 , ,1t•N1 AT i 111 0n... kt reel,
thr I owl
..1 .4 41 I. ti
‘111,11.115101 . Nlew or, A , I.lasi ,1
.r S.• 1,1111 I , MI I ”I 'lAlr •11.1
, 1.111..1.11,a, I .1111 1..1.•
1.11. i. Br.. lg., A.
I I 11.1 1. %Nl'.
" ei,•.l A• 1•1 t
, •• !All tit. rtififiC `.or u 4n. ra
I:I .I)t.\ A. 111 TCIIINME%
111- ST I A•
114.1. .; •ki 1 , Nt•tan I, n 11•1 I .....
r •r - •?1 , 1 Te
. 1 1‘4•11.1.•
I t•T -f
1.l.1.• 1. 41411(..
Jt •r,• ..1 THA I k - rnh.. it
~,• r , •I 1',.. arra Ili, N,LkaPI.
tIF. EU% di. IS Ell.ll. krr.
lhealv wHank•
tar t of f tftll F.... 1 -'tat. 14[1...4,hnr, i . a
K. ♦ “101,1t1r/
1.1 11•14% k. l & %II A ".P.0,11.
Joe-mosses to Rate wry t 'sok ey
• • • - Germs.. sn.l Wail II aril writ.uti
N. 4.110, 11.11 Sul-.le. I, No.
\l4l"' Tl.k.
T• 114111, in th• room rporittly oraupNd
• L & LA* I.LniNn, and olfger U.. r. 1.4., N
• the gretl 11..u0r n.l tiros u•,l-1..t..1
I .1!..1tl)11.1) A:. CO.,
Ihcauctui 17 GOLL,
ite foll tLr pnr.•
L.•. rvaietantly f..r .1.1.1. Atieris.. M K.r.l
11 1,..k CUOOIII d Co..
kit'll4ol.l4ll and Mtuislatturer. of :'•a &l.
• I,•i filmds, Mach wt ,tu the ht,..l.l.ruiel t) I. tow
I .
11 , 4\14: A: 11.111* %JILL
[kr t I 101.44 to Ilarvnene.%,-I'ruvunona,
• ‘.ll, Pratte, Nutot,
Pal 6, V 4 4.44it,1, 1111. i SU.lse IV •rr
I ..rtri. t sub. Yrtees I.oh. No I N rlght • A 8.1,41
t•• , trret, I door* nln r the P.m utitre , M t . P..
O•7TI•Ti% u9l.e in Healy 'h
leek. nth *el« rublir .wittare, termerly oneupien by
%gill Ato All w.,rit warranted
N 0111,11.4 tralnkittl, ntl .I«alern in
• Inds GOOtiA, 1%.111 Shot, .cpt, fel I , use,
41ke , No Mock.,
" , Arret• kries Pt.
ow. HEAR. £ CO.,
In flour, 1.1.11, atol agent for &July hue 01
.. 'Jar Strain Pm. Public }sock, a:Rio,
I 111/ELL 31. t & CO.,
9 )lAxr PArrolt.ILUSOt YMam Kuriors,itoilark
~-anng, Agricultural itnylequeota, itailroirl Cara,
I .4. . W. E. RHODE".
F•nN iroartaka Dartrur MAKER, and Agra
.• . Irr k Ise n' :+eartnir MscLtur.itontkal. loft.
• r. , .I...selry 81.r.rr, Weld Park, E. Pa. ra►lttt.-lt
Eoltt;E 11. et'TLER.
ArTOICISI At LAW, G ward, Kr. Cootfity,
~.leetlon• and athiow teainewe Plttoodfd W with
u.; t news .041 410pattil
rriVIKEN •
.J Erma Or ?Ns , heArr., tinier to Bentty'r
. ufrotairs.,
1%1 417 (•I.AILK.
WuounkLa likockkm, seta 14-slerk ID
oomortic and Import...l WOO. /11.1 I.leitiora..llo. kteikarot,
►rult, k toh. (ht. mud Agra', lolotiat, Bodkin
7 Boarrell Blnrk, Stattjarvvt Kno.
WI 11l •CITAILIE X, Vl'bolcsalc and &Amil
ttct to all kinds of Fancy, Braving Rocking
‘ tt ,l Pining Chairs, ?in 4 Kcy ottn. Block, Ittric. Pa
I Utlt a:
) ilaALßta in WbOlc
• .. I 4 to J, At No. 13, rirs ilioa-k State atm.
( 1.D.) I.OW.
NANO,AcIr Notas k Vr I,ollasokle awl Retail
• ,11 a, on.' i 'tot ern Pump. u 1 superior sunlit" - , the
n.! loot floe In uar. shop on Torellth otreort
.• coo. I, I. rte.
(jr* A,,tooluct for carry tog vtatrr lot lamely, farm or
• • ...LI, a, purports fur mks shear
)11e• U.
" 15: 1: 11 ;.sinir_i . ' I) IMT
Ir —
Nmi In south Part ft , Lw, 'ili a se
•t u.oci of Ikiir flu* beitlasKs
i., Jul. le, VIM
lelll/I.F. J. MORTON.
I 1. mow kjoiNcy rognustwoi.. illorclaant
F.rte, d.►Lr in I. .11, Flour an.
ic•t ‘TUSK &
WipoLfookLm hod Retail At•rtirto in /:rnrrtka,
• •• 1.. •••lisp t I t analery, Wlll•lo.war' AG,
, utto r.t.rwet., l'ron tr
I Nn, A Is KI NW 0 Ili, .1 °Lb./. and RAlstKii
ry Afianri Oleo 10 Foreign sod Oacorstie Dry
• • • erre."fri 4.;101104 ie. Ns. 13. Stat. sitleA.
nt Ir Ugh,ltria;Pft.
corrieu or rwr Yr CU Arren
. 1 It 4.4 a and 111. , rtwormy I.rarrr,,kr, . Ar""" . . il Y 0.1
drawn. 4 , thro on Yvon...4i, ► lltt«et. rrrr t
• ilro , ory Starr Priv. l'r. -
.1 •
1 / 4 vrollulllCY .47 1..• • LAD OP TUX
pr,..ttor it, th. ovipwral Coarts County,
%,• 1ir..1,1,1 sad radian' a tlenti.n In all trtmittimp ow.
• • tr 4 to 142 bob4...mboit as aa , AttartNJ or Mier tr
7- ( iffic.• its Em .ere Ut.Kk,roru«r ul Atate sod Vieth
.1 VW. DO111•11.Alefe,
VI'T.ILXIT AT LAW -Mgn twmorrel to
• wind of State,cgo the nortb side of the
I )1‘: ANL , 111.14 D.
gumwei n. o,llii*t end
• ....1.,•N0 LAU Mato SUeot bjd.lo, ti 1 .
nano.. hit •tatation tielsaitoly to Ow tevatomatt of
ottos of ttor Eit and Bar
tre 19,1869.-41-1 y
- -
Daatatte to all kiwis of Coal, gattitiaatar, l
Nob. its, le. Patine Doak, Rite, Va. F
AL oat,
J. a. 11141111U11.
J C. etRI.DRS,
. WaeutaaLa &ail Retail dealerr ia all kiods
of English, Genera aad Aaaartaaa Hardman% A civil*. V ion.
Iran, ail, Stasi, Aat. Saddle aad Cortiag*
Madam Bidtlag sad hada' street, swe Th = 4 4
Iteed Holm, Rate,
Rd . WM I T) 1:10 - G r aM "-
.11 R E, P
P. ELLIOTT, Prolhdetor,
Mae been thoroughly repairesianit raAnnieb
ed, and Is now H o
for the reception or guest.,
le...Board by the Day, Week or Month on rea
sonable ternu, the Proprietor pledpny himself that
no effort shall be wanting to pre ',Owe eatufnetson.
W . /Nivel. Pattie*, Dinner Partied, orManagers of
Public Rails will Gad the accommodations at this House
superior to any other to the city and the charges as rea
rirclood Stabling attached where guests from the
country will always find attentive bootleo to take charge
of their teams. May 6, IMAM.
s a ddrt For Chicago adr u k
And Intermediate Porta !
Propellers a ill leave this Port for Chimgi and
Intermediate Ports on WZOMILSDAY and MAWR.-
DA Y if each week, wind and weather permitting
)'or freight or panne apply to
Ririe, dna* i , 1869.--.62.U. Public Dock.
has just retuned from New York • Ith
the largest and moat eopplets amortment of
My lea of Straw Goods.,
In nhort, every thing in the Millinery line, whir+ will be
*old w linlenale or retail at priors that defy campetitano.
Country Millinery rupplied with Gamin at New York
prices, adding a seal! Cowinfssion. As stie baa male ar
ranwerneuts to merger (7ooda every twn weeka, oho niter,
peculiar MClOcetikeutx to buying to ...)1 an to
make their purchaser at b. ! entablishment
Urn kt desires to inform the public that nhe ut prepar
ed, by a no vr and b.-nuttful promaa, to renovate and Color
Straw, Mnpol Mau, Chip, and Leghorn, in a moat suportor
It le.
ra- Orden. POill 0.41, and Pitidsciann wArrarktral
store. Corner nr :state sad Eighth !greets, Erie Ps
April hi, 1869.-4 MS.
- - -
MltS. s. H. HALL,
Pest+ at., .0-1.1. the Depst Erie, I's
Mae just np•ue.' a rtew and sphass.ll4 rtork of
.... l•
• r., a•e• IS,
marl,in« and hand-made, I,,,nnet fmmes and crowns,
..l th.l•lr•t
Partitular attention I.aiA to efflonng, blearld”g
and Bloomers and biding /late fifeared in tier
n.o.t faahlanable rty le
At.o, a u perinr ' l l E fd Lathe. iloafery together
I.l'l' a general assnrtfuest of Indy'' , Gonda.
prll 3m-
v,rtateist Iltl.l.lCtifT and riOccT rtttttrs, earesirt
ing of a great •artaty'of White and
And (Llldren'a Hata of every style, Shaker Hoods, Ho)"
Hatu, kr , kr., Ribbrine, Flower', Hurtles, Cap., Head
[hese." Alexandre's Kid Gloves. Heeler!. I "re Vella,
French 1 "netts and Marta, Materials of ►ll klrois for
hroidery, Valenciennes, lege. AN/leo...and French Work.
eoltars, Sleeve.. ke.
MILLINER" supplied with Goods ►t wholoweale xi.,
Phieter Bonnet Id odic Blearhing and Pressing dote ,►
the hoist manner• alvo,Straw Bonnets colored Drab, Brow o
omit 'Hark
April 9, Isdl,
\O. 2, Wright 's Block, Erie. I's
gUti ‘ItS Ai ./bil DES( ' RII'TII i
AT I,o\l 1'1Il:
UREN, 1111Cli
% It ITK K 17411.
1 AKU.
Wool) no/
NAlitrt AND til.Al 4 ol.
Together with a largo wort/pent of all kiwis of GOODS
kept in a Grocery Store, s whirli we otter to sell at the
lowest market price. CA .1. ANTI SEE
April 16, IKL9, No 2, Wright's Block.
110 A
The irobecriber hae • one large 'we
lIICKRING'S SAFT., which be will dispose of cheap fot
Cash or approold wiper. W. 1.. SCOTT
Erie, April., 1660.-44.11.
of the firm of
tumblers e Morton, who were loca ted
in Beatty's Meek, takes this method
announce tou the public, that he has mooved h Store to
State Street, one door north of G. W. Goodrich's Variety
Store, where be will be happy to see all his old cuatennve
cod all who ere in want of article* to Ma line.
He keeps the different brands, of Erie C.3inty Floor,
among which are those of John Robinson and J. W.
McLane. universally acknowledged tribe the BEST nude.
Those in want of echoice article of Flour will find these
brands to be all they can desire. All lands of grain and
feed kept constantly on hand.
Erie, April 2, HIRAM SLOCUM.%
- -
W. 1.. Low
Over Credit Prices.
OF DRESS 03001:W,
No. 5, Exchange Bow,
March 19-41. W)4. BELI, .111
pR E, BRAN DI EB,—lttst received
'breath th• Coaling Bow/ at Brie, ind for imsi•
AprU 111. CAST= & HBO
w. abeam every rearlie Lady, mach sr
new the (larded Rabe and Planing Es .heal pram
a Pale of the VDIXANTZILD INDIA RU RNA nuova,
by which her lamb will be perhetty bon la.
Ism and nrodosod oat. Wats sad do - to too ►ad at
Idea Drag Stan of
Avail 10, UN. c4erix is ide.
. . i• 1 - .
e _ .
• -
. -
• , ,
i -
. . . ...
, .
. _ .
. ..,
. .'
-7 • •
. _
--• .
11[1, - V . :ER,
EDITOR & PROPRIET()R. ' 1, . , $ 1,50 PER ANNUM
..... -•
• - ERIE, PA., SATURDAY 1.P3 -., 4i e, JUNE 15, 109.
. 1 `, ...... . .. . ,
Origin/di Itetcho. disturb the sleepers. - softly esso
the joke of an unishdted '' and arm
himself to the end of a , mow
IttrEIVIC3O. 1• 7 0- 2 C I - and brought down all the -'• J
brought t.. thAs
lulling all 11..
STRAW of 14 I Et:
RI 1180 % q
OF• trEUISNT 1:1t %Ink+ t
61 I'OU tf,
a general stock of
Far Wriratijrn de Word*.
There is a *waive% poetic pains
Which poets only know.
When you read a finished poem you find a con
tinuous course of thought. Perhaps you Ima
gine that the writer thought and wrote in a
smooth units! erru ptedthannel. Tint the course
of true poetry never did run smooth. Now
down hill it rushes, the tide overlapping tor
rent, now up bill throngh an Archimedes' screw
while the poet turns tae crank, now in a circle
so that there is one nnbroken metaphor along
the circumference, like the boaster's horse
which, he said. ran naiad the ring so fast that
he presented one (winnow /torte, (illustrate by
shirting a lighted stick and making a ring of
fire ) now running into the ground and be
coming a lost streatn, ea in those deserts eft
words where you lose all ideas, and now not
ruttniug at all. as its those mottos where you
find a mill-pond of dyad metaphors and coup
letn tied together lilts, saw-logs in the obstruct
ed stream. The pent has as wearisome irork
in finishing his poem as he would Ind in
straightening FrenCh Creek. Everything in
terrupts hint. One figure tomes- dashing on,
and drives a metaphor to oblivion. Rhymes
come ranting like ♦ pair of three-year-olds,
yoked fur the first lime, or a bachelor-word
routes hobbling on which will rhyme with no.
thing. Can't 13104611 m Alliteration
like a sheep-bell, keeps many a good saying
from being lost in the wilderness," links lank
est thoughts with letters for a, line. Pegasus,
when needed, is often like other horses, as far
niT as the most diluent bounds of pastorage
will allow The poet must walk over two miles
of prose to catch him, before he can ride eighty
rods to discover whether there are any "eggs
in last year's nests,"
Cruel interruptions hare ever been like wet
blankets on genial. Did ylou ever see a boy
thrdw a club at Chanticleer just when his
crow wns at the climax, and his neck was cur
sing to bring it down in the most triumphant
self.routplacency• Did'nt it check him as sud
denly as if the upper jaw of an allivuor had
been sprung upon him ! His crow ended as
al.riiptly ae if it bad suddenly brought up
against an exclamation-point
Wytklun is no genius, but let him illustrate
on s •mall scale the "poetic pains," and give
a hint to those who puhlsh "fragments" of
poetry, libpiug that hereafter they will inform
ant., biographically, how they were inter
rupted. If a man iv hurt we alwayi like to
know what hit him
0 D 14
The threshing machine had a cog-wheel bro
ken. and we hail nothing to do hut rest in the
attic on literature. Nat. urged us to “porpe
irali, a few line+ fur the monthlies " We pro
ceeded to try Caption Ist was--
I %VC it counter rushing wildly by
Anti whirling the light chariot through them reet
The wheels are clattering as if every band
Would burst, and every spoke he shivered!
The reins are,,beiAl withiataist old mat's band
A .Ittrwr VAiiii=:lo%. At-
Sits close with fingers efenched about his arm.
The bit is broken, and terrific leer
tri deadly wreck, and dash—
-4 VOhf ) ..Say Wynkyn, old Jack has gat
out of the barn. and is catching the little pigs
by the tail and holding 'ern up to hear 'em
stitte•tl, till he bites em otf ' " Away goes
Wynkyn By this time Jack is holding up a
lanth as high as his neck can reach. which he
surrenders lit the hurl of a stick of store
wood It) ing over hi. head. snd though one
hoof has grown to the size of a premium tur
nep. et lie hobbles fast enough to cheat us of
an hour s time and a mind s eye clew of the
eautstrophe which was about to shock our start
led imagination Wynkyn sits again. Pegs
..tta is gone Ile true. , the inward fire of inspi-
The midnight falls in gloom upon the world
%jot through the mtreittm the dark storm tritile
his wing
The embers rise through roaring chimney flues.
Sleep sit,. on mon the closer for the storm
I to toy window walk to see tfie wind
rtitehing the snows to wreath them round the
When lo ' the red glare o't a house on Ste!
Awl shall 1 go unlituttiog to that house
Ana gently rap upon the door - and say.
Pray, sir, excuse ute, but you're huruiels-op !
No! 130 cry fire! fire! with a furious throat,
Shoat water! water! with a laity lung.
And ring the bells in all their wild alarm'
Anal dash
(.4 ratee Ilibrrman ) !-Ah, and hurry sir! The
ash-hopper is all a btarnin', and be after gittin'
the traps out u' the wood-hothie!" Fire and
poetry are antagonistic as fire and water, and
we soon found a damp and cool imagination in
a heated head.
As lwrges and storms fled from our grasp, we
ed a gentler theme nearer home.
I keep in my attic the twig of a rose,
And only my visitors see that it grows.
- cis now in the "taillight and now on the shelf,
The poor little thing can't lake care of itself.
A delicate green
(.1 rote( youthful ) -Say, mother wants you
to go and get Rome greens for dinner—down
to the lake, and I'm going too!" As dinner is
never very alarming we return from the wel
with n new idea. A late young poet has hlt
on the same thought. Bee "Wanderer end other
poems." If the following is similar in style
to some of the "other poems," the fault is not
Ah buried Harp ! What harpies gnawed thy
strings -
Except the wire one, and did sink thee down,
Down in the mlid, where bull-frogs on thy bars
Did sit, and play their dolorous bassons
Steeling metalie from thy frame,
Until the mu ous membrane of their throats,
Drew husky, harsh, unmusical and sore
Then leaping from the solitary string,
Untouched, for years by lingers of the Nine,
left all resounding in the diem—
( Vows exeued.) Oh! Pat has found a pig in
the cistern, and harry, Come and help Mot out !
We wander
,We wait till midnight. The Mill hour seems
propitious. The pen, marking the steps of
thought, is the only thing that makes a noise.
Imagination chosen the the season of pippins,
and I bus indices :
Now the cruel frosts of Autumn
Steal along at closing day,
Foiling is the four-leafed clover
Dying is the grass away.
Brown are all the fields at roadside,
Stand begnmved the songless trees,
Here sad there is but a leaflet
Fluttering in the chilling breeze ;
In the hedge no harvest czleket
Trills the evening monotone
Housed for winter is gloW-worm
And the Katydid is gone.
Yet a gem of beaa---
(Greta rattling sow sa ketisvi. as of timber.)
Nat. had bees oat WA. - Thonglit be would sot
From the Cossinenclal Watt.
When I was young, I to find,
In love a balm for ev w ;
All golden love I that to-day,
And weeps such bitter to-morrow.
I sought and wott to me bride,
A bright eyed girl with . urn tresses,
Alas her love dad with loath,
And with toy wealth CILVILIPPPIL
And so all love is false, I Mad.
drill full of pride, eoneeit mad folly.
'Tie thine that brings the einty balm
For every kind of Mobilo:4l44y.
Hope sang to me her are,lst song,
And held aloft the uirAikrint bubble!
1 reached to melee the tearsought prise,
And got a fall for 1, my trouble.
must be gold, I said tbaeyields
The only baba to eutbly nsortsls ;
tolled for years, ere Fortune smiled
And opened wide her golden portals.
But Death stood waiting there for me,
How vain, were thee, niy life long earnings
He pointed to the grave aid said,
Behold the goal of all thy yearnings.
BC/TALO, June 13th, 3859.
t hoict gittniturt.
"The Ferryman Waits."
A Plphiturnall liabpama.
Some dozen years ago, I passed a couple
of early summer months m Devonshire,
fishing ; changing one picturesque scene of
sport for another, always disbelieving that
I should find so fair a place as that last
quitted, and always having pleasantly to
acknowledge myself wrong. There is in
deed an almost inexhaustible treasure of
delicious nooks in that fertile country,
which comprehends every element of land
scape beauty--coaat and inland, hill and
valley, moor and woodland—and excels in
nothing more than in its. curved rivers.—
What clifflike and full-foliaged banks
about their sources, and what rich mead
ows sprinkled with unrivalled trine, as
they broaden towards the sea At the
close of my tour, I was lodging in a farm
house near a branch of tbeTate, rather re
gretful at the thought dm soon having to
shoulder my knapsack amd return to native
Dorset, near a certain n t i incial town of
a. •
which county, and in boriaood with
out a tree within sight, a a stream within
sound, it was my lot to.dwell. We had
lately thrown out a• to thcl
drawing-room Otero, rithy, cannot
tell, foe there was yothilsg to see
of undnlo
•ng an • varied landscape could be dis
cerned, with the old cathedral towers of
the capital city standing grandly Op against
the southern sky •
it is not true that people who live in pic
turesque places do not appreciate them,
but only that they require to be made to
understand their good-fortune: Michael
Courteny, the good man of the farm, and
like all in' class, a thorough stay at home,
could not discover what J found in that
look-out from his house to make such a fuss
about t but his wife who had once paid a
visit to her son when in business at Bir
min gliam knew perfectly well. 'oneern
in g which son Robert, by the by, there wad
a sad tale. fie was the only child of the
good pair, and one who should have been
there at. Cowles, the right hand of his fath
er, and the comfort of his loving mother ;
but the young man had decided otherwise.
He had never taken to farming. but had
grieved his father hugely by a hankering
after mechanical studies, which the old ag
riculturist associated almosT with the black
art itself.
Thinking himself to have a gift for the
practical sciences, Robert was apprenticed
in Birmingham and for a time bade fair to
acquit himself well. But it hurl not been
[terming to which he was in reality averse,
so much as to restraint of any kind ; and
finning, after a little, that he could not be
his own master at the lathe, any more than
at the plough, he forsook his second call:
ing likewise. This had justly angered
Michael, and drawn from him, on the re
turn of the lad, certain expressions which
his young spirit undutifully resented.—
There was a violent scene in that.ful
homestead of ('Dales one day ; and on the
next morning, when the house was astir,.
it was found that Robert had Om away
in the night-time. nor had he since either
returned home or written of his where
It was a year ago and more by this time,
during which period Mrs. Courteny had
grown older than in the half-dozen years
before, while the old man himself, said the
farm-people, had altered to the full as much
as she, although, for his part, he had sever
owned to it. It was not he who told me
of the matter, but t,he gudevelfd who was
fond of me—as my vanity was obliged to
'confess—mainly because I was of the age
of her lost lad, and so reminded her of
him. I slept in the very room which had
, formerly been her Hobert's, sad a wry
comfortable little room it wits.
Here it was, very early one MN morn
ing, before even the earliest risers of the
farm were up, that I was awakened by
these three words, pronounced close by
me in the distinctest tones :—“The-ferry
man waits."
So perfectly conscious wee I of having
been really addressed, that I sat up in my
bed at once, and replied: "Well, and what
is that to met" before the absurdity of
the intimation had time- to , strike me.—
The snow white curtains of the little bed
were completely undrawn, so that no per
son could have been hidden behind them.
Although it was not broad daylight, every
object was clearly discernable, and
the half-opened window came the cool,
licious summer air with quickening !rag
'ranee. I heard the dog rattle his ohm; is
the yard as he clime out of his kennel and
shook himself, and then returned to it las
-1 ily, as though it was not time to be up yet.
A cock crew, but very unsatisfactorily,
leaving off in the middle of his perform
ance, as though be holt lesin mistaken in
the Lour. though
witch. a More reliable
chronicler, informed me that it wanted a
quarter of four o'clock.
I was not aectistosned to be iiiialienedat
such a time as that, and turned; myself
somewhat indignantly on Abe pillow, re
gretful that I had eaten eititted.cream At'
sigr therisrocatting eitente ity nay SF It
f still, • with my eyes 4indenvor
ing since I oaidd not get* sleep again, to
reount for the peculiar nature of my late
nightmare, as I bad made up mind to con
, sides it, until the cuckoo clock on the
oaken ell* outside struck four. The last
note of the maithludeal bird had
died away, whenagain, close to the=w l ,l
uttered, not only with distinctness,
latemith a most unmistakable earnestness;
Missals piece of Information Which had
IMO* aDistartied me already ;—"The fee:l7-
MM waits."
Thenq got up, and looked under the
little bed. and behind it ; intothe small
cupboard where my one eheng.e of boots
was kept, and where there was room for
scarcely anything else. I sounded the wall
neamest'my herVe•head, and fourid it solid
enough' 01 was also an outside wall • nor
from any of the more remote ones could so
distinct a summons have come. Then I
pushed! the window chsement fully back,
and thrust my head and bare neek into
the morning air, If I was still asleep, I
was determined to wake myself,' and then,
if I shoUld hear them ai : 7ms Voice again
I was determined too it. I - was not
alarmed, nor even distur in ray mind,
although greatly Interested. The eircum
stancea of my position preclude any super
natural terror. The animals in the farm
yard were lying in the tumbled straw cloie
by. and near enough to be startled at a
shout of mine ; some pigeons were already
circling round the dovecot, or pacing, sen
tinel-like, the little platforms before their
domiciles ; and the Round of the lasher, by
whose circling eddies I had sooften watch
ed for trout, came cheerfully and with in
viting tone across the dewy meadows. The I
whole landscape seemed instinct with new
born life, and to have thoroughly shaken
off the solemnity of the dreary night. Its
surpassing beauty and freshness so entirely
took possession of me indeed than in its
contemplation I absolutely forgot the in
explible occurrence which had brought
toe to the - window. I was wrapped in the
endeavor to make out whether those taper
ing lines, supporting, as it appeared, a
mass of southern cloud, were indeed t he
pinnacles of the cathedral, when close by
my-ear, chicle by, as though the speaker
had his face at the casement likewise, the
words were a third time uttered : "The
ferryman waits."
There was a deeper seriousness in its tone
on this occasion, an appeal which seemed
to have a touch of pathos as well as gloom;
but it was the same voice, and one which I
shall never forget. I did not hesitate
another moment, but dressed myself as
quickly as I could, and descending the
stairs, took down the vast oaken door-bar,
and let myself out, as I had been wont to
do when I went betimes a. fishing. Then
I strode southward along the footpath lead
ing through the fields• to where the river
ferry was, some three miles off, now doubt
ing. new believing, that the ferryman did
irait there at such an unusual hour, and
for me. I made such good use of my legs,
that it was not five o'clock when I reached
the last meadow that lay between me and
the stream ; it was higher ground than its
neighbor land, and every step I took I was
looking eagerly to come in sight of the
ferry-house, which was on the opposite
bank, and by no means within easy bailing"
distance. At last, I did so, and observed,
to my astonishment, that the boat was not
at its usual moorings. It must needs,
therefore, have been already brought over
upon my own side. A few steps further
brought me into view of it, with the ferry
man standing up in the stern leaning on
his punt pole and looking intently in my
direction. He gave a eat "hallo" when
ho recognised me, and I returned it, for
e reaurverrrnwcza
times, aft:er : 1 haw been waiting for
you nigh upon half an hour."
Waiting for we?" echoed I. "I don't
know how that can be, since nobody knew
that I was coming ; and indeed I didn't
know it myself till"— And there I
myself upon the very verge of con
fessing myself to have been fooled by a
voice. Perhaps the ferryman himself may
be concerned in the trick, thought 1, and
is now about to charge me roundly for be
ing taken across-out of hours.
" Well sir," returned the Genius of the
River, turning his peakless cap hind before•
which was his fashion when ,puzaled, and
ci•rtainly a much more polite one than
common to the brethren of the land, of
scratching their heads- - all 1 can say is, as
I was roused at half-past three or so by a
friend of yours, saving as though you would
be waiting me in a little while on the
north bank." _ •
What frientLwaa that?" inquireol I
" Nay, sir, for that matter. I can't say..
since I didn't see him, but I heard him well
enough at all events, and as plain as I now
hear you. I was asleep when be first call
ed me from outside yonder, and could
scarcely make any sense of it ; but the see.
and time I was wide awake; land the third
tune, as I was undoing the window, there
could be no mistake about—"Be ready for
Philip Heaton on the nor' bank, he said."
" And how was it yon missed seeing my
friend?" inquired I. as carelessly as I
" Ile was , in such a hurry to be gone. I
reckon, thetas soon as he heard my window
open, and knew he had roused me. he set
or. His voice came round the e ast coiner
of the cottage as though he went Exter
way. I wouldn't have got up at such a
time, and at such a .ummons, for many
other folks but you. I do assure you, Master
" Thank you," said 1, though by no
means quite convinced; "you're a -grxwi
fellow, and here's five shillings for you.—
And now put me across and show me the
nearest way by which I can get to the
" Now,. if by some inscrutable means,
the ferryman—who had become the lead
ing figure in my mind because of the mys
terious warning—or any accomp lice of his
had played me a trick, and trumped up a
story for my further bewilderment, they
had not, I flattered myself, very much
cause for boasting. I Wad evinced but
slight curiceity about the unknown gentle
man who had heralded my approach ,at
daylight, and I had a real object in my
early rising—that of reaching the capital
city, at last ten miles away. But my own
brain was, for all that, a prey to the most
conflicting suggestions, not one of which
was of thud service towards an explanation
of the events of the morning.
There was I, at a little after 5 A. 11.,
with a Walk before me of ten, and a walk
behind !me of three good Devon miles,
breakfaatless, without the least desire to
reach the place-I was - bound for--and all
because of a couple of vox-rt-pretara-sihi/-s,
yokes without a body between them. I
consumed the way in mentally reviewing
all the circumstances of the ease again end
agates and by no means in a credulous
spirit ; but when I at length arrived at the
city upon the hill, I was as fiar from the
solution of the matter as when I started.
That the ferryman, himself, a simple coun
tryman, should be concerned in any Prac
tical joke upcin me, a mere fly-fishing ac
queintenee of a couple of weeks' standing ;
tor that such persons as the Courtettays
should, have permitted the playing of it
upon a guest at Cowles's, was only - less as
tounding, than the perfecting of -the trick
itself—if trick it reitlly was.
But neither my feelings of anger, When
I looked on the matter to that light, nor
those of mystery, when I took the, mme
supernatimil view of it, in anywise inter
fered with the gradual growth of appetite
and when I turned into a private meat of
the Bisitiv's Head in the High Street., the
leading idea in my mind, after all mi_eog
itationt, was Breakfast. If seretrand4orty
mysterious voices had informed me that
the ferryman was waiting dun, I should
have responded: "then let him wait'--at all
events, till I eat my breakfast and sun
Although Exeter is a picturesque and
venerable a city as any raven could desire
to dwell In, it is not a lively town by any
means, in a general wa. A saintly, sol
emn spot, indeed; exce llently ad a pted for
a sinner to pass his last days in thc
he would probably find them among, m e
longest in his life--and peculiarly adapted
to that and in ifs very great - bent of (epis
copal) clergy ; but for a hale young gen
tleman of nineteen to find himself therein
at nine o'clock on a fine summer morning,
with nothing to do, and all the day to do
it in, was an embarrassing circumstance.
" Nothing going on, as usual, I suppose?"
inquired 1, with a yawn at the water, when
I had finished a vast refection.
•' Going on sir 1 Yes sir. City very giy,
indeed, Jury just now. Assizes, sir, now sit
ting. Murder case—very interesting for a
young gentleman like yourself, indeed,
" How do'you know what is interesting"
retorted I,`with the indignation of tiobtilo
dehbyhood at having its manhood called
in question.
" Young• gentleman, indeed ! 1 am a
man sir. But what about this murder 1"
Is the prisoner convicted ?"
" Convicted, sir ? Nosh.; not yet, sir.—
We hope he will be convicted this morning,
sir. Its a very bad case, indeed, sir. A
ourneyman carpenter, one Robert Moles,
as been and murdered a toll-keeper—
killed him in the dead of night, sir, with
a 'atehet; and his wife's the witness against
" That's very horrible," remarked I. " I
didn't know a wife could give evidence."
" No sir, not /us wife, sir; it's the toll
keeper's wife, sir. She swears to this Moles,
although it happened two months ago or
more, sir. - Murder will out, they say ; and
how true it is 1 VII be 'ung in front of
the jail, sir, in a hopen place upon an 'ill,
so as almost everybody will be able to see
it, bless ye:"
" I should like to hear the end of this
trial—very much indeed, waiter."
." Should you, sit?" tbndling his chin.—
•'lt couldn't be done sir—it couldn't be
done sir—it could pot be done; the court
is crowded into a mash already. To be
sure- I'v,e got a—. But no, sir, it could
not be done."
" I suppose it's Merely a question of how
much?" said I, taking out my purse.—
"Didn't you say you had a —"
" A cousin as is a javelin-man, yes sir.—
Well, don't know but what it might be done,
sir, if you'll just wait till I've cleared away.
There, they're at it already l"
While he spoke, a fanfaronde of trump
ets without proclaimed that the judges
were about to take their seats ; and In a
few minutes the waiter and I were among
the crowd. The javelin-man, turning out
to be amenable to reason and to the ties of
relationship, as well as not averse to a small
pecuniary recompense, I soon found stand
mg-room for myself in the court-house,
where every seat had "been engaged for
Sours before. -As I had been informed, the
proceedings were all but concluded, save
some unimportant indirect evidence, and
the speech of the 'prisoner's counsel. This
gentleman had Moen assigned to the so
cused as counsel by the court, he had not
provided himself with any advocate, nor
"Ithnssistestke essee4thes eesenswal-wesiosesses
his apprehension, it seemed, was this: that
the toll-keeper's wile was mistaken in his
identity, but that he had led a ttaxidering
life of late, and could not produceany per
son to prove an alibi ; that he was in Dor
setshire when the murder was done, miles
away from the scene of its commission ; but
at what place on the particular day in ques
tion—the sth of March—he could not re
call to mind. This taken in connection
with strong condemnatory evidence, it was
clear, would go sadly against him with the
jury, as a lame defence indeed ; although,
as it struck me who had only gleaned this
much from a bystander, nothing was-more
natural than that a journeyman carpenter,
who was not likely to have kept a diary,
should' not recollect what place he had
tramped through upon any particular date.
Why, where had I myself been on the sth
of March? thought 1. It took me several
minutes to remember, and I only did so by
recollecting that I had left Dorsetshire on
the day following, partly in consequence of
some alterations going on at home. Dor •
setshire, by the hy. did the prisoner say I
Why, surely I had seen that. face before,
which was now turned anxiously and hur
riedly round the court, and now, as if
ashamed of meeting so many eyes, con
cealed in his tremulous hands ! Robert
Molest So, I certainly never heard that
name, and jet I began to watch the poor
fellow with singular interest, begotten of
the inerea.-tng conviction that he was not
altogether a stranger to me.
The evidence went on and concluded ;
the counsel for the prisoner did his best,
but his speech was, of necessity, an appeal
to mercy rather than to justice. All that
had been confided to him by his client was
this : that the yoting man was a vagabond,
who had deserted his parents, and ran away
from his indentures, and was so far deser
ving of little pity; that he had, however,
only been victeus, and not criminal: as for
the murder which he was now charged, the
commission of such a hideous outrage had
never entered his brain.
" Did the lad look like a murderert Or
did be not rather resemble the Prodigial
Son, penitent for his misdeeds, indeed, but
not weighed down by the blood of a fellow
creature 1"
All this was. powerful enough expressed,
but it was not evidence, and the jury, with
out retiring from their box, pronounced the
young man "Guilty," and a silence reigned
which seemed to corroborate the verdict.
Then the judge put on the terrible black
cap, and solemnly inquired for the last time
whether Robert Moles had any reason to
urge why sentence should not be passed
upon him.
_"My lord," replied the lad, in a singu
larly low, soft voice, which recalled the ut
terer to my recollection on the instant, "I
am wholly innocent of the dreadful crime
of which I am accused, although I confess
I see in the doom that is about to be paw
ed upon me a fit recompense for my wicked
ness and disobedience. I was, however,
until informed of it by the officer who took
me into custody, as ignorant of this poor
man's existence as of his death."
"My lord," crid I, speaking with an en
ew and distinctness that astonished my
sell " this young man has spoken the truth,
as I can testify. '
There was a tremendous sensation in the
court at this announcement, and it was
some minutes before I was allowed to take
my place in the witness box. The counsel
for the crown objected to my becoming
evidence at that perkid of the proceedings
at all, and threw himself into the legal ores
don with all the indignation which he had
previously exhibited karat the practice
of midnight murder; but eventually the
court overruled bird, and I.was sworn.
I stated that did not know the prisoner
by name, but . that I could swear to his
identity. I described how, upon the Sth
of March last, the local builder, being in
want of hand* bad hired the son to
waist in the construction of a bow window
in the drawing-room of our house in Dce , -
The counsel for the prosecution, affecting
any particular • lutd mailed
him to my' mind or I hind only a
vague and general orbit=
" I had only iliet,sed; "'mita
the pe • soner spoke: his voice h peculiar,
and I remenhar Vey distinCtly to have
beard it u theasemien I apeakeLl7
had die ,4*
rule and boa** ult 4;
window, and I onftsi him ?moulting
that " •
dad the court that, atiwokin fbOtoruko had
been found up* the (poison. at
the time of his
Within spy T inchart, Abe
er a = c efoutiV i ; rthi l le ak =
fellow et the bar, ionised ins sentence
°ideal' passed utfeldrii, "himself,
through my means, setrery soon at liberty.
He came merle - me at the tusio express
his sense of my prompt interfinieek and
to beg to know how be might show his
"I um not so mean a fellow as I seete, o
said he, "and I hope, by Goiriblesshtg, to
be yet a credit to the parents to wham I
have behaved so ill."
"What is your real name?" inquired I,
struck by a sudden impulse.
"lity real name," replied theyotmgrnim,
blushing deeply. "is Courtesy,. and my
home, where I hope to be tonight, is at
Cowless Farm, woo the Face.'
And so I had not been called so myster
iously at four o'clock in the morning,
without a good and adlicient reason, after
lionAecs or Tits Nisma.—What $ won
derful thing is this matter of sewing! It
began in Paradise, and was thw earliest
fruit of the fall. Amidst the — odor of flow
ers, and by the side of meandering streams,
and 'under the shade of the dark-green
foliage, the cowering forms of the guilty
progenitors of our race bowed in anguish
and shame, as they took their first lessons
in that art which has ever since been the
mark of servitude and sorrow. And yet
the curse has not been without its We.
- The needle with the thimble has done
more for man theft, the needle of the coat
pais. The needled/fork of the Tabernicle
is the most ancient record ofthe art. Early
used to adorn the vestmente of tbs.=
it was honored by Ood himself, sad
type of beauty and holiness. "The king's
daughter is all glorious within; her cloth
ing urof wrought gold; she shall bebrought
unto the king in raunent of needle-work."
The magnificence of kingly pomp, theins
posing spectacles of religion or wealth, the
tribute of honor to the get, the charm of
dignified society, the refined attractknis of
beauty, are dependent upon the needle.—
Use or Anvitaarm— You wear out your
clothes. Yen are not troubled with many vis
itors. You are exonerated from 'making sails.
Bores do not bore you. Bpongeedo not haunt
your table. Tax-gatherers hurry past your
door Intinerant beads do not play
your window. You avoid the anisette=
gen Juries. Yon are not persecuted to stand
god-father. No one thinks of presenting you
with ttestimonial. N'4o tradesman irritatesyou
by asking, "Is there any other Buie article
to-day, sir?" Yon practice temperance. You
swallow infinitely less poison than others,—
flatterers 4o not shoot rnbbiati Into your
ears. You are eared assay a debt, saw *
deception, many a headache. And lastly, if
you have a true friend in the worAd, y are
sure in a very short space of time to Mird li—
son of Mr. Charbm Dais, residing in Gould's
Court, leading from Mantramery, near Light
street, Baltimore, has caused the family
. peat
=easiness Air three years past, in donsequence
,of hid beisisnbjeot at Unlit for Bowl togeth
er, to swiss and terrible sta. Tbyseisms
were oonstakid, but all theiriinsitipbono Atalla
to r
ere the meta that pro dnesa the malady.
Thursday siteraeos, about three o'eleik when
two inches in length. The frog SOY
about the floor until secured by tile lbstilly.
Instant relief was experienced by the lad. His
name is William Davis, and he is about ten
years of age. Re has no recollection of the
time the frog was taken into his 'atonseeh, but
his,father thinks it was swallowed with Hs drink,
about three years ago, when he was first afflict
ed with fits.
find the following going the rounds of the
western journals:
"Horace Greeley at Leavenworth tnet a
gentleman who expremed great pleasure at
seeing so distinguished a philanthropist,
and in wishing him success. 'lndeed,'
replied Mr. Greeley, am happy to hear
such sentiments, and terime snob -mei as
yourself, where I did not expect the least
sympathy, in this land where the tmkinitY
of the nation is so firmly
,rooted. God be
praised, the work goes bravely on." With
your aid,' returned Mr. W., 'slavery will
soon cease to exist in Missouri. The
number of slaves is now fast decreasing. I
am myself doing something toward, 'remov
ing them. Only last week I took sway
thirteen.' My good friend, howl where
tot' To New Orleans.' 'Great God ! a dea
ler in human souls I"Yes, sir, if that iswhat
Too call it. I buy and sell negroes. lam
indebted to you for the profits of my busi
ness. Slav eholders here sell me their slaves
for half their value in the South, to keep
your triples from stealing them."
gar lint. Eaton who made herself famous
in the Jackson administration by breaking up
the Old Hero's &dist, has lately, it the age
of ci=ty, 'married an Italian, named Buokl
aged 22. This is the bride,t third age;
first to Mr. Timberlake, then toldr. Batas, who
was Jackson's Secretary of War. and nowt* an
Italian dancing master.
IMIIX. Garibaldi, the white-haired leader of
the Italian volunteers in the armf Sar
dinia, was exiled from Italy in I S4 , and
found refuge in the United 4tatea. 4 Wes
tern exchange says that he kept a coffee
house in Cincinnati a few • years ago, and
retailed liquor by the dram. He is pow
General in the Sardinian service. comman
ding fifteen thousand men, end to a great
extent controlling the destinies ofStates.
dent clerk can do almost as mhch injury
to his store as the neglect of the proprietor
to advertise his goods" Two undoubted
and significant facts, which every one inter
ested will bear in Mind.
sir A Liverpool attorney kissed a pret
ty barmaid—she looked so tempting he
couldn't help it—and when her immune
remonstrated, he kissed her too, the fam
ily pleased him so ; for which cdfenoes a
magistrate fined him £5. He paid it
cheerfully, considering it the dearest, and
sweetest kissing that had ever fallen td his
may. When John wants a hot both, and
hasn't the change to pay for it, he ttlii only
to tell his girl that he has about tits& up
his mind to select another sweetheart, and
he is in hot water immediately.
Imo. A elderlT spinster wrote to Y friend:
"A widower with ten ebildren_ Imo pro
posed. and I have soeepted. Thikt is the
number 'should have been entitled to if I
had married at the proper time.";
. Zan, like a Gott *son, benumbs
sad stapedeir r , and thus, salt easecliansofits own
Impotence, it folds its era in despaii, and she
muds' in • earner. When it ampere it is
°cravenly in 'Work; by traseltiny Ind seder
by miaow ext 4 Estreetitiee Sim is
ae lees, foolish than detestable; it is s vice
which they say beeps no holiday, bat is +brays
la the wheel, sad working epos-its eva dis
quiet.— Aroma Cabliw.
NI- Sarah Jane, ht • theSpriskifiead Re
patbficins, remannenditebailthd Wiwi who
sie stored out at oaludiosasto bsi o rrid
men, to stop the prekeice 1:7 *vim tAs