American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, January 13, 1864, Image 1

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    YOLUM i: 1.
IS* published every Wedrovbiy in the Itorontfh 'f Hntler.
1»v TnOMAS |t"UISMJOJf Ac I K. A*J>lH*» nil M.ltu Mil..-,
. k'-» ll.iM —OflW* up flbtfi« hi the ''''
foiinetlv l>\ F.H Yetter,asa store
TKRM*:-TL 50 *ye •». if paid in.- . • withm
fir-t si* nv»ri?lM; or f'J if not paid until after tbeexplra
thm of the flr.xt <*\x month-.
Hum of Aovmnaiso:—One square n >n., <t< nlm« ■» • i
1.-s.Mlnvfin ti.-n< *1 "V
JSvery mbsixiiii (i t in«- rti m.per -.jii.u". - '
Bnalnesa card* -.F 10 Hoes or ISM for ONE ye ir, Incio
•llri-' paper •*
ranii' lin. ■ i. -1 > >• ii ••>« i-. ' ;
y t r •lnintl f-T nix j*
• feolmnnfor one year J ~ '
-r six months ''
j ]columnforOllO y
1 eolitmn firsix M Mith- **"""! r ' .
1 column 112 r "fie year ••••' "
From the Speetator.
The recent earthquake at Manilla hail,
natural phenomenon which strikes the
masses of ignorant men as so exclusively
supernatural. Mr. Huckle, as is well
known, considered them one of the frreat
sources of Spanish superstlt i.>n, and as
snapping by their imaginative terrors the
chain of civilization. Even the Greeks.
l)y no means apt to take the characteris
tic attribute ■ of their gods from the more
terrible of earthly events, gave to tlicir L . ■ 1
of tho ocean, Poseidon, the epithet of the ,
Earthshaker; while the Jews, i sssedj
by a truer inspiration, spoke of Godas tin
root of all that was most fixed and endur- i
ring—the Rock of Apes who l.a 1 made j
' the roun 1 earth so fust that it cannot be j
moved." Elijah wnSOXpre>.-ly taught that ;
'•(Sod was not in the earthquake. and t
though the l'salmi-ts frequently ascribe
the "tumbling of the earth anil the falling !
foundation of the hills !lis c>poe,,i]
wrath, yet they never fail to conclude the !
picture of storm and chaos by one of peace ;
and deliverance, and. like Elijah ec the
earthquake pns.-ing away before tin: trail- j
quil voice of divine promise. Hilt this, as
Mr. Buckle warns u-<. has not prevented
the close association oftlie earthquake with
divine power in the < 'hristainages. That
there is something in this phenomenon
which, more than any other, expresses 'vitb
awful power the collapse and nothingness
of Jiuman things is obvious enough. Even
the lower animal creation perceive its ap
proach, as some of them have bce% said to
discern and t|uail befored!serul""iie<lspir
its, or at the approach of death. In the |
earthquake at Naples, in 1 *OS, the .dicep |
and goats rushed in dismay against their |
folds before any human being liad felt n
shock, the dogs howled, the hor-es became
furious in their stalls, the eat-.' hair brist
led with terror, rabbits and moles rushed
from their holes, the biris rose scared into
the air, the fish crowded to the -bore, the
ants abandoned their ant-hills, tho locusts
crept through the streets toward the fea
—and till this la-fore the danger became
sensible to any i ' <* vo.r. But even men
l*-; ome sensible of horror before they be
come sensible of dan :■ r. A gentleman of
CopiapoWrote toCaptain Basil Hall: "Be
fore we hear the sound, or, at least, are
fully conscious of heating it, we arc made
sensible, I do not know how, that some
thing uncommon is going to happen; ev
erything seems to change color; ourtho ts
are chained immovably down; the whole
world appears to be in disorder; as nature
looks different to what it was wont to do.
and we fcelquite subdued and overwhelm
ed by some invisible power. Then comes
tho terrible sound, distinctly heard, and
immediately tho solid earth .is all in mo
tion. waving to and fro, like the surface of
the sea. Depend upon it, a severe earth
quake is sufficient to shake tho firmest
mind." And, no doubt, its phenomena
are more apparently preternatural than
those of any other human event. The
ground assumes the appearance of running
water —indeed.transmit tidal waves
as distinctly aa tho ocean itself. Not only
are valleys exalted and hills made low.
but nature appears to be working out on
an awful and tragic scale the wonders of a
pantomime. After the great earthquake
of Quito in IT'- 1 ", many whom tho earth
quake surprised in tho town of liiobamba
wore found as corpses on the top of a bill
separated by a river from the' place, and
several feet higher than the site of the
town. Tho place was shown to Humboldt
where tho whole furniture of one house
was found buried beneath the ruins of mi
other, and it c-ouid only be accounted for
by supposing that it had sunk into the
earth at one spot, and had been disgorged
at tlie other. Tu Calabria, 1788-, whole
estates were litterally so that, for
example, a plantation of mulberry-trees
was set down in the middle of a corn field,
and a field of lupines was removed inU ■ the
middle of a vineyard. For several years
after, lawsuits were actively carried on in
the courts of Naples to reclaim landed
property bodily conveyed, without
legal forms' from one man to another.—
Who can wonder that people who thus see
what Englishmen emphatically call real
property flying like shadows before their
eyes, prostrate themselves before the great
EaWhshaker in paroxysms of fear and su
perstition ?
Hut i: was not only . iipyrstitH'ii which
these terrible phenoni aAcontrive to olie
it. If Catholic not happen
to have two or holy days m
every week, it would be rather curious that
the most memorable earthquakes have so
often suppri -od-the crowds kneeling in their
churches and cathedrals, so that the rock
in;: earth has availed itself, lis it were, of
the picturesque piety of the masses to bury
them in hosts among the sacred ruins.
The great Li lion earthquake, in IT / •>.
which t-urie 1 or dc-troyed > me sixty
thou ands in a few minutes, occurred on
'AH Saints Day,"in a high festival among
the Portuguese; and ovary altar was blaz
ing with wax tapers, when the -an grew
dim, and the Palace of the Inquisition fell
in. Tho conflagration which succeeded
the earthquake was thus directly due to
the universal sitietl illumination. Ihe
less fatal, but almost more scenic enstastro
plie, in Caraccas, the capital of A cnezuc
la, on the 20th .Miirch, ISI2, occurred on
11 oly Thursday. The priestly processions
were just about to start, and "ihe crowds
assembled in the churches were so numer
ous that between three and four thousand
1 persons arc said ivc been crushed by
i tho downfall of their vanlted roofs." And
j the effect upon* the mind of the people was
j naturally enough that of a religious rather
! than of an earthly catastrophe: "People
! appli&l tlu ni-elvcs to the exercise of tin >se
; reliuiouH duties, which in their opinion,
! were in* I fit.te'l to appease the wrath of
j Heaven. .Many a sembled, and pas' thro'
the ; trtjets in proci;.\-i..ns singing funeral
hymns; others, thrown in a state of di.s
, taction by these calamitieseonfe -ed their
| sin- alo:: 1 in the streets; numerous mar
i i iages were contracted between persons
who for many years had neglected tosanc
tion their union by the sacerdotal benedic
tion ; children found parents by whom they
had not been acknowledged up to that
time; restitutions were promised by per
sons who had never been accused of fraud
or theft; families, which for many years
ha l been estranged from one another by j
enmity and hatred, were drawn together
by the tie of common suffering." And ,
thi* .summer in Manilla, the fearful earth
quake similarly found tho population oti j
j its knees, on the eve of the h'etn tie Dun. |
! The prayers of thou - inds
I answered by the sudden cnßhingof the
masonry and collapse of the earth. "Af
ter dressing," says an eye-witness, who
describes what he saw in All the !< "/•
Round of last week, "I walked slowly
homeward, and having to pass near the ca- .
thedral. I went in. Being thcoveof tho
Fit'' Diu< I found it crowded with wor
shipers. Men and women of every hue of j
color were .mingled with children whose j
farier skins contrasted strongly with that |
if the elders, especially those whose par- j
cuts were Europeans. There is at all i
times a striking devoutness displayed in
•the churches, but this struck me especial
ly on this evening, no doubt because of the
solemnity of the occasion. How many
were in the building I cannot say, but the
number was very great, for though the ca
thedral was exceedingly largo, I could not
~ee a space large enough for a single ad,ff
tional person beyond a few feet, from the
door by which 1 entered. Some notion '
may be formed of the number present, ;
froni the fact that at this time there were •
not less than twenty-five priests officiating
in different parts of the sacred edifice.—
The air was so bad that I did not remain
more than two or three minutes, tho' the
service had not long begun."
Nut many minutes after, the same spec
tator returned to the spot where the cathe
edral bad stood. Not a dozen of people,
he thinks, had escaped out of the building
before it came crushing down upon the
two or three thousand which its walls alone
must have contained. The scene to which
ho was witness was one of no common or
der. "When I reached the ruins," he
says, -men and women were already work
ing at those parts where appearances indi
cated the possibility of most speedily reach
ing bodies. The largest group was col
lected round a chapel, a small portion of
which was upheld by the peculiar wiiy in
which ft beam had fallen. Women were
sobbing, and men were listening anxious
ly at a small opening, where a window had
formerly been Faint groans issued
from it, and I could hear a voice—that of
a girl. I thought, but it turned out to bo
one of the choristers*—asking piteou«ly
for help and deliverance. Then a low but
deep bass voice, doubtless that of the priest
who was so officiating at the time of the
calamity, uttered the well-known words.
' Blessed arc the dead which die in the
Lord. Yea. saitli tho Spirit, for they rest
from their labors. As these words came
forth, those outside burst into a passion of
tears, which was soon choked, ill order
that they might hear if the voice spoke
again. There were some deep groans, ap
parently wrung from the speaker by in
tense pain, un.i then the same voice spoke
in a calm and even tone, uo though ad
"Let us have r-; : lh that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let lis, to the end,dare to do our duty as we understand it" — A - l "*col2«
dressing a congregation, Kor tho Lord
hhnself shall descend from heaVen with a
shout, with the voice of the arch-angel,
and with the trump of God.' Silence fol
lowed for some minutes, and their a deep
voice came forth which was so low that
only I and a few others near the hole could
hear it. 'Father, into thy hands I commit
my spirit,' and with the utterance of those
words of faith and prayer the spirit must
have left the tortured body, for not a sound
was heard after this except the piteous
prayers of a child." . It is not easy to im
agine a sublimcr instance of the faith
which, encountering in llis own visible
person tho awful Earthshaker and des
troyer,'can see in llim nothing but the
Eternal Rock of stability and of peace.—
The voice conies in the earthquake, but
the earthquake docs but disguise to the
priests' glaring eyeastill small voice which
bids him rest from his labors. It reminds'
him only of that greater earthquake which
rent in twain the veil of the tentplc, whan
a deeper dismay was vanquished, and a
greater work was finished.
There is something profoundly impres
sive about the manner in which this poor
f+paui-h priest encountered the horror of
such a situation. The kind of faith Which
great cata >ro] dies, are apt to inspire is si nnc
tliing very different, indeed, from Mii
priest's. For tlm/ is, as Mr. Huckle teach
es, a poor, superstitious sort of thing, im
peding civilization and paralyzing the hu
man confidence Which is the root of all
industry and energy. But tho religious
use of great catastrophes is nut to inspire
faith, but to call out and bring to light
what is already inspired—to shake not
merely the earthly supports, but all the
external scaffolding of the mind, and throw
it back on its ttuc nakedness or its true
strength. There are, probably, crisis for
most, men and all nations in which God
appears somewhat as the God of earth
quakes. shaking everything which is not
at the very centre oft heir life to itsfound
ations.andsolyingpretty decisively for them
i the problem whether they have anything
,to lean on or not. Are there many, even
j of our more "enlightened" faith, as we
i truly call it, who would be found firm on
■ tho living Hock, when tho earth seem
ed inciting 1 way beueatli tlic'r feet, and
every vestige of human aid and support,
and graceful as Delation, and emblematic
pija.iise had been scattered into ruins, and
tlicy could hear, through pain and the
darkness and tho suffocating air, nothing
i but groans of terror and cries for help ?
' Was there any \oice as tranquil raised to
I the crowd of minors, who, for nearly a
I week, were dying in hope of succor in the
! Hartley Colßety t It is seldom that the
| God of earthquakes, when he has shatter
! cd all tho artificial growths of association
which we mistake for faith, finds at the
i kernel of tho soul that sq irit, one clear
glimpse of which by other men turns the
most destniMive and negative of outward
calamities into the most crcativo act of di
vine love.
♦JJe was duff ont nlivo seven or eight lumninftenvart]*.
serving your apprenticeship, you will
have time and opportunity to stockyour
mind with useful information. Tho
only way for a young man to prepare
himself for usefulness, ig to devote Uim
selftostu ly during his leisure hours.
First, be industrious in your business
—be frugal"be economical, never com
plain that you have to work; goto
work with alacrity and cheerfulness,
and it w ill become a habit which will
make you respected and beloved by his
master or employer; make it your busi
ness to see to and promote his
by taking care of his, you w ill learn
to take care of your own. Young men
at the present day arc too fond of get
ting ril of work. They seek for lazy
employments, and frequently turn out
poor miserable vagabonds. You must
avoid all wishes to live without labor;
labor is a blessing instead of a curse; it
makes your food, clothing, and every
other thing necessary, and frees you
from temptation to be dishonest.
Ax I.NUKMors SfcVXtiERKR. —All En
glish statesman having charged an officer
»112 the Government with di.-honesty, was
required to retract it before the House of
Commons, which lie did in the following
'•I said he was dishonest, it is true; and
I am soiry for it."
This was satisfactory; but what was the
surprise the following day, to see the re
traction printed in the paper thus:
"I said lie was dishonest; it in true,and
112 am sorry for it!"
By a simple-transposition of the comma
and semicolon, the ingenious slanderer rep
resented himself, not only as having made
no recantation, but even as having reiter
ated the charge.
To PBKSKRVE TIMBER.® —It is said that
if one pound of sulphuric acid is mixed
with t'ortv pounds of . water; timber
therein immersed w ill not rot and that the ;
underground portion of posts will last ma- j'
nv more year- for being so treated.
« :
Tli- fWn* hMiti'/rti" i»rW*n
Inn wifl thill Kit TVii"iy l t^ul:
An.l the elm ru-tli - Iflrli *•» 1
Like plumes übuve a bier.
Y«*t l't' intiful Fcpteni''or'H ru>.
A >,l bright tletober'H AllortrnwUay;
While rh ur
Of hftftYi'u*' "p«'ii cifi-irient thruVgli.
Th<'«m»»ft hun : --< down tho west*
Ami el"--!' i 'ln-: «M-:i v<-»t;
For rlil/1 wind* - the pWn,
Ami iltfw* cvngttil v.p*n her train.
Yet i/' i'' -i ell ill oftitli ■* W Mi-h,
The h inn <<f thi- rich -in lig:!i> *1» v •
AnJ letter* drawn in hiize.
Fpr tk the Creator's nmtcble •< pruiso.
These cloud* that KIOWIV P at nlong;
'Hint winding hw;i'l<»V'< liireiusll *--ii£;
fhl* bufb-t, with IN crim%»n hue—
ti ll me I urn a v -v t«>o.
It whimper.-! of n home nfitr,
ltri jiter than evening s brightest «tar,
Where fiuhle- fluVif: -halt ever bloom
Xb-ytind the winter «'l the tomb.
WHERE did Noah strike the first nail
in the ark? On the head.
PIN money—the receipts of a bowling
alley. .
" COME in children, out of the wet," as
the shark said when it sucked in Ihe lit
tle fishes.
" I'|,|, take your part," as the dog said
to the eat when he robbed licr of her
A wag on hearing that a man had giv
en up chimney sweeting, expressed sur
prise, as bo thought) the business sobted
" I say, mister, hoV came your eyes so
all-fired crooked '!"—r by sitting between
two gals, and trying to look love to both
at the same time."
"GENTLEMEN," said a public speaker,
"is not one man as uood as another?"—
Yes, be jabei'S," saiti a huge Patlandcr,
•' and a good dale bother, sure."
A part of a mountain of sorrow, which
an inebriate had heaped upon his own
head, lately slid off, tinil broke down tho
bridge of his nose.
IT is sajd that thor; arc more lies told
in tho brief sentence " I am glad to see
you," than in any other single sentence
in the English language.
" T shall never get out of this scrape
alive," as the hog said when they were
rubbing the bristles off his back with
clam-shells and scalding water.
A school gijl w is married here lately.
One of her schoolmates, a little girl of
12 years, told her mother—"Why, don't
you think, Susan is married, and she
hasn't gone through fractions yet."
AN honest Patlandcr, in recommending
a cow, said she would give milk year after
year, without having calves, " bekazo it,
runs in tho brade, for, bo jabcrs, she
came out ov a cow what never bad a calf,
A man having given a quantity of
peaches to the laborers on the road, one
of them was asked how he liked them;
he said the fruit was very good, but the
seeds scratched his throat.
THERE aro tliroo sorts of nobility—di
vine, worldly and moral; tho divine de
pends upon the power of (lod r tho wool
ly upon the greatne-s of our birth, the
moral upon the liberty of our mind.
DEAN Swift hearing of a carpenter fall
ing through the scaffolding of a house ho
was engaged in repairing, dryly remark
ed that lie liked to see a mechanic go
through his work promptly.
A female in the Utica-Lunatic Asylum
i< a lady of enlarged ideas. She talks of
becoming the empress of tho world and
using the next rainbow for a waist ribbon.
Lie heavy on him, Earth, fir ho
. ** Lied.lmril enough, folks pay—on thep!
THERE are two eventful periods in the
life of women: one. when she wonders
who she will have—the other who will
have her. The first occurs at 10, tho
other at 40.
'• HALLOA, Steward !" exclaimed A fcl
jow in one of the steamboats, after having
retired to bed. " Here, ma- a." "Bring
me the way bill." "What for, massa ?"
" I want to see if these bod bugs put down
their names for this berth, before I did;
If not, I want 'cm turned out."
A lazy fellow named Jack Hole, living
near Covington, Ky., has adopted a way
of spelling his name which throws Fono
typo clear into the shade. lie makes a
big " J," and then jabs his peu through
the paper for the Hole.
A lady said to a gentleman who had
accompanied her and her sister to church,
"Itrains —sendforan umbrella." "Why,"
said the beau, "you ure neither sugar nor
salt, rain won't .hurt you." " True, but
we are—lasses,!' s:»id the lady. Umbrel
la sent for.
A young man and a female, stopping
at a country tavern, their awkward ap
pearance excited the curiosity of the host,
who commenced a conversation with the
female by inquiring how far she had trav
eled. " Traveled I" exclaimed the straog
<n, somewhat indignantly, "we didn't
travel—we rid!"
Dialogue ON tfui'i'MES—SCENK: Ricu-
MONli. —The Richmond ll'/";/, of Decem
ber 21, has the following dialogue:
Mem. of Cong.—Mow do you supply
yourselves with fuel ?
Clerk—i }o without it.for the mostpart._
Mem. or Cong.—What, in this cold
weather ?
Clerk—Yes. we and our families suffer
equally from hunger and cold.
Editor—Why don't youtake your fam
ily to a hotel or boarding bouse '{
Clerk—Because the boarding houses
are broken tip, or charge from $8 to lit a
-Mem. of Cong.—l low,then,do you lire?
Clerk—A gentleman with a family rents
one or two furnished rooms at from fo'Jto
SIOO per month, and. if he does not live on
bread, hires a cook from $lO to §2O per
month—a J omdross nt Sf to SO por doz
en, while the d tor's liilli depend upon
the number that havj perished from cola,
hunger, insufficient i■! itliing aii l other
causes. That is the usual mode of living
among the clerks, if living it can be called.
Mem. Cong.—Well, we mu-fdo some
thing for you; raise your salaries—say 25
per cent.
Clerk—What a gratuity ! Enough to
purchase, once a mouth, a decent break
fast. , Were you to double our present
pay, you would onlj give us a fifth of what
the Government promised us.
Mem. Cong.—But that would be ?■>,-
000 !
Clerk—ln Confederate currency worth,
say S2sG—a mighty income, but the least
tlint you should give till the currency is
restored to the fpccio standard; and as
•most of us have run in debt, tlieallowance
should look back and commence its ope
ration from the first of July last.
THE ILI vi.Ttt OP ONE %\ it HIES. —The
Army of the Potomac correspondence of
the New York Tribune, in speaking of the
health and intelligence of our armies,
The health of our troops at tho present
time is excellent, many of the regimental
hospitals being without a single patient.
A more cheerful, willing and uncomplain
ing army never listened to the sound of
the "tattoo." People at home can form
no conception of die vastainount of innate
"Yankee" ingenuity, which military dis
cipline and army life have developed. To
one visiting the army for the first time,
the evidences of perseverance, industry
and ingenuity that surround him ; arc the
strongest proofs of the material and mor
<ih' of the Potomac Army. You should
visit the humble and primitive winter
quarters of the privates,if you would learn
what necessity is the parent of. What a
perfect exhibition of the heterogeneous
tastes oftlie occupants. The useful, beau
tiful and comical are blended, and often
times curiously huddled together regard
less of all artistieal effects or rules ofarch
It, is not my purpose to attempt to enter
into any minute description of the quaint
interiors of these martial habitations, but
suffice it to say each table, stool and bed
stead indicated plainly the mechanical ge
nius of the indweller. You can tell tho
slothful, untidy man by a glance at his
quarters, quicker than in jyiy other way,
and tn the -anie way one can easily detect
the neat and refined by the air of perfect
cleanliness that invariably surrounds their
log hilts. A-i-irir- illustration of tho skill
abounding in our ranks,'l saw several
meerschaum pipes Which were carved in
the mo t elaborate and artistic manner with
the emblems of our Union and the names
of the owners cut in raised letters on the
bowls, the entire work executed with an
old jack-knife and a nail These pipes
were wrought in a style of workmanship of
which any Broadway artizan might feel
proutf. It is exhilarating to the heart of
a true American to know that such intel
ligence is fighting our battles, but mourn
ful to contemplate the streams of such pre
cious blood that stain our beloved land.
Two gentlemen, one a Spaniard and
the other a German who wore recom
mended by their birth and services to
tlio Emperor, Maximilian 11., both
coveted Lis daughter, the fair Helena
Scharfeqjuinn, in marriage. . This
prince, after a long de-lav, one day in
formed them, that esteeming tliflm
equally, and not being able to bestow
a preference, he should leave it to the
force and address of the claimants to
decide the question. lie didnotinean,
however, to risk the life of either and
consequently would not permit wea
pons to be used,but had ordered a large
bag to be produced. It was his decree
that whichever succeeded in putting
his rival into the bag should obtain the
hand of his daughter. This singular
encounter between the two gentlemen
consequently took place, and before
the whole court. The contest lasted
for more than an hour, when the Span
iard yielded, and the German EbeHiard
von Talbert, having "planted" hfftival
in the bag, took it upon his back and
very gauntly at the feetof his
mistress, 'whom he then espoused.
tant seizure of Coofedcrate bonds and
treasury notes, to the amount of seven
million, was made in New York by the
United States Marshal Murray's detective*.
Alarge quantity of plates, /lies, tools,
machinery, &v, was also seized, and the
parties concerned arrrated.
Ax IRISH WEI.—I iearenml bequeath
to my beloved wife Bridget. the whole of
my property, real, pei.>mul and mixed.
One half of the remainder to my oldest
son Patrick, the balance to uiv ymugost
sou Dnvis.the blackguard; and should there
be any left, it goes to Teraaee MeCartv.
Youug America iu Society.
\mericnn society atleast in our jereitfcci ties
is fust becoming silly and stupid. "Young
America" reigns paramount in it. Hoys,
who but yesterday were being flogged for
false I.".tin. and girls who have just esca
ped from pianofortes, and bread and but
ter, take en themselves all tlio airs of
grown up people, actually thrust tlieir pa
rents aside, and assume the whole control
of amusement. At most parties, the tone
is given by comparative children. Con
ceited youngsters, on whose chin the
down has scarcely begun to appear, strut,
about in high shirt collars, short tailed
coats, deep cull's, and tight, pantaloons;
take the bead of cotillions, as by the right
of precedence; effect to blaze its a
noble cf the ancient re and annoy
women old enoucli to be theif mothers,
and with more sense in a finger than these
littk monkeys have in all their bodies,
with ridiculous compliments, absurd criti
cisms on music, or slang intended for wit.
Little Mis=es, alsn, with bare shoulders,
and mind more bare than either, look con
temptuously around, and express their
imperial wonder that the hostess could be
so stupid as to invito so many married
ladies. In American society, it is at
present, ' the day of small things."
The conversation at these social assem
blies is what might bo expected from the
character of those who control them. It
is as flat "as stalo beer, and as insipid as
kim-milk. The little gijla giggle, ami
the littlo boys look solemn; tlio former
smooth down their tresses, and the latter
pull up their collars ; but with this differ
ence, they behave much alike. At the
supper-table, tlioy push forward into the
most prominent places; help themselves
first; scatter terrapin, cream and jellies
indiscriminately over the dresses of such
married ladies as happen to be in their way
drink what they elegantly call "lots" of
chauipaigne ; and keep up such an inces
sant chattering and laughing, that nobo
dy, as the phrase goes, "can hear their
own cant."
It would bo fortunate, however, if
•Young America" confined his presump
tuoo-iicss to parties. But tho lady who
has opened her liouso is subjected, for days
afterwards, to the morning visits of boys
seeking to play tho fine gentleman, who
talk to her in a style half silly and* half
impudent, treating boras if she were still
unmarried; and this, though they were
not invited to licr ball, perhaps, but only
came with some female guest, and though
they knew, or ought to know that the
mother of a family in America, has some
thing better to do of mornings, than to
listen to tho empty talk of idle young fools.
Yet it must bcconfessot], tltif sovereign
ty of '"Young America," is partly the
fault of grown up people. Married
women, too generally subside into house
hold drudges; neglect the cultivation of
mind and manners; and, by abdicating
their true position in society, make way
for the usurpation of the Mi-sesand .Mas
ters of tho "polka."
We do not. advocate tlio.disrcgnril of
domestic duties. Rut wo contend
their fulfilment is «)uilo compatible witli
:i proper degree of Kocinl recreation, uud
that, indeed, a wife and mother is healthi
er, in both mind and body, for occasional
relaxation in society. Moreover, as a
general rule, women do not begin to think
till tliey arc married. A man of sense
finds the conversation of a raw girl insuf
ferably stupid, for it has lost the valvette
of childhood Without acquiring the solid
character of experience in life; and in
telligent women complain continually of
the annoyance of having to talk to con
ceited boys. Why do not the real heads
of society, therefore, astcrt their suprema
cy, and, by putting down the reign of
Mazoarka, the Schotiseh, and their c m
ciijiitaiit ' Young America," restore to so
ciety a higher tone. Tho informed, the
intelligent, and really well-bred, who now
avoid what is called society, would then
return to it, and a party would become
the place for the exchange of ideas, and
grow to bo that national amusement. —
Hut. while "Young Auicricai' keeps the
lead, heels will carry it "all hollow" against
the head.
Gen. Pillow was somctiriles
rather premature in his orders, and
had, besides, a pompous", oratorical
style of delivering them, which lie
preserved even in battle. On one
occasion, during an engagement,
Capt. Dncan commanding the Flying
Artillery, he called out to this.«flieer,
in bis usual solemn manner: "Cap
tain Duncan,fire,the crisis Ills come."
Dncan withoutn saying a word,
turned to his men, who were slightly
surprised at the ordes—there being
no particular object within range—
when an old grey-Leaded Irish ser
geant stepped up with, "Plaze yer
honor, what shall we fire at?" "lire
at ibo crisis," said Duuean.—Did'nt
you hear the General &ay that it had
Bounties for Veteran Troops.
The following is the message sent
to Congress to-day by the President
of the t uited States:
Gentleman of the Senate and House
of lie/iri xcntiitircx: l»y a. joint resolu
tion of your honorable bodies, appro
ved Dee. 28, 18(18, the paying of
bounties for veteran volunteers, as
now practiced by the War Depart
ment, is to the extent of S-iOO in each,
provided that after the sth day of tho
present month, it shall terminate. 1
transmit for your consideration ti
communication from the Secretary
of War, accompanied by one from the
Prove tMarshal Generalhim, bom
relating to the subject above mention
ed. I earnestly reeomend that the law
be so modified as to allow bounties to
be paid as they now are,at least until
first day of february. 1 am not with
out anxiety lest 1 appear to be impor
tunate i-n thus recalling your attention
to a subject upon whifch you have so
recently acted; and nothing but a deep
conviction that the public interest de
mand it, could induce me toincur tho
hazard of being misunderstood on this
point. The Executive approval was
given by me to the resolution men
tioned, and it is now, by a close atten
tion and fuller knowledge of the facts,
that 1 feci constrained to recommend
a recoil of the subject.
—The A "rth Carolina Times (lie now loy
-111 paper at Newbeni. says:
"Nortli Carolina is beginning to furnish
her quota to tho federal Government.—
One loyal white refluent has been raised
in this district, and it is under tho com
mand of Col. McChesuey: andihe second,
under tho command of Jf'aptain Charles
Heury luster, is rapidly filling np, and
about three hundred men have been enlist
ed within the last six or eight weeks by
ln< personal exertions. Another regiment,
of white soldiers from North Carolina has
been raised by that most excellent man,
(Jen. Bnrnside, in Hast Tennessee. Toall
this We must add the two regiments of
colored volunteers that have been raised,
and are now in service. A cavalry regi
iment of blacks is also recruiting by Ma
jor G a rrad,of the Third New York cavalry.
This last, regiment is obtaining about
one hundred recruits a day. If the De
partment of North Carolina hasbeenau
expensive one, it must be allowed that
she has become partially able to repay the
government for the treasure expended, by
furnishing her with men who are use to
the country and know how to use a rifle."
folk exchange paper states that a gentle
man of that city having business a t tho
Navy Yard, proceeded thither on horse
back, accompanied by a .Newfoundland
dog. As it i-t contrary to the regulations
of the yard for any but foot passengers
to enter, unless by a special permit, lie
dismounted at tho gate, the dog remaining
with tho horse. (In his return he was
informed that during his absence a drun-
M.eii follow had mounted the horse, with
t ho apparent intention of taking a free
ride, but much to his astonishment, doubt
less, he had no sooner reached the saddle
than his leg was seized by the dog. and
the faithful animrl not only succeeded in
dragging him off, but gut, between the
loafer and the horse, keeping the former
at a respectful distance, and finally com
pelling him leave. Tho fact is some
what singular, as the dog was merely a pet,
and had never undergone the training to
which such animals are usually subjected,
| and his eonductou I his occasion could only
he attributed to the workings of his natu
! ral in-tineLs.
112 r A y.-..r or so ago there used to l>o
on "our floor," iu one of the hotels of this
city.-a very lady-like, tidy, pretty, Irish
chambermaid, wiiom if is well enough to
call Rose. A grave-seeming, good-look
ing but gray haired gentleman of fifty odd,
occupied 103, and as he sat at hislittle ta
ble one morning, Rose came into buislia
little. .
'•Rose," ijnoth he, "IVo fill en in lore
with you. ( .'an 1 veuture to hope you will
think well of me?"
He slum: you may, your honor," replied
a twinkle of her bright eyes;
"for me father and me mother iver told mo
to rivirince gray hairs all the days of me
Hose swicthcd out of the room, and tho
elderly gentleman went to the barbers.
—An Eastern paper says: " A scien
tific gentleman who for several years
previous to 18t>0, was engaged in ex
plorations throughout the mountain
ranges of North Carolina intimates to
us, and with force that a new field of
competition is about being opened by
which New England must, ultimately
he a great sufferer,
1. Wool can be grown atabouthalf
the price at which it can be produced
in New England,because green pasture
can be had all the winter for the sheep,
so that they will not require to be fed,
as in New England.
2. The mountain ranges oOSorihp
Carolina pass centrally, aliiiost be
tween the grain-growing and cotton
States, and will afford ample power to
turn all the spindles in tho United
States. The mildness of the climate,
he feels assured, must, attract capital
and population, so as to make that re
gion the paradise of manufactories.