Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, October 09, 1867, Image 1

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    VOL r 7-
President Judge—llon. William Elwell.
Associate Judges— ! i lru !Purr '
voter K. llerbein.
Proth'y and ( k of' I Nouns—Jesse Coleman.
liegister and Recorder—John IL Freeze.
f Allen Mann
Commissioners— ; John F. Fowler,
Montgomery Cole.
Elberiff--Samool Snyder.
Treasurer—John J.
( Daniel Snyder,
Auditors— 1,. B Rupert,
(John I'. Bannon ;
"Cotumissioner'm falerk---Wm. Krickba
Cow'HiNsioner'n Attorney—E. 11. Little.
:Merv:lntik. A pprai:cr—l'npt. 1;eo. IV. Utt.
rounty Surveyor—lmtau A. Dem
Astrid Altron4:y-311ilton 31. 'frank
Coroner--IVilliom J. Ikeler.
l'uunty Superintendent-41w, C. Thirkloy,
.lirsoot* F. dark.
Juhti Thoma.,,
As “.*or— :j: 11
.1. S.
Collector —Berijamin F. Hultman.
MAIvSTRENT. (xIARLY Orrn: 4 l7ll
MILLIAL'S sToltE.) la.otol:4o(2it';.
Tllll ppderolipffell hpa jlokt hued up. and opened,
hi. 10'0
sT4rfirc AN') T N )4114)1',
who, fie i 4 prepart , ll 10 014140 up 1 . 0• W
w AUK or ill knot tit hts lutr, 110.1 to pnir•
14 with 'mimic** And tlt p,tlh, npon the most non.
sniuthir 1 , ,t111., He atoi I4ItV rst of
yur louu piittmom nod styles, a Mtch he will sell upon
letimt to nut ItUfellnB'lr A.
Gave haw, m .. •!L rlia 4 mechanic, and de
serving or th Wihik patrumme.
J :ICUS Nllll-2.
Montp.bitrg, Sid, 9,1-141.—1 y
The 1111414q$Iglle , 1 00 , 11 At Ing ill* a
si Ow PENN IT R M soil wi4 oiry r In
Mu public ONE lIUMMLIP lONS 1/0.41"
Novia Scotia While Plaltter,
PT , TOrt'd rettlY (of $l." to loottl it to flit puti.liss
rts, rat any (tots hoot thy titrt ui stlttli tst.
j„ s. tJ.NIXCu.
Cataw jut', JJ ut La, Isl 7
Boor vm)sitoEsitop
Ost.'.l P. fare rox,
ip..peortmy iitOrm. tl ft 1,40 , 14 e. Oint It ie lioN
prtwl 1014414Unittiitir Lai kill4id (.4
w t h f , L 0 IrEsT
. 11,;.414 Prins ;
nt Own WM ire :tn.! votc tsrtt nud int+ wt slyki
Mr. nitiMl. (10. I , it II ill iticoni.blit )ha
had manv ypard * . IIOIW ncs wnb if rep
illation for good work, iotog• .4 and honoro4le dcai
0* - Plata cl bli.inaisi un Satilli r*at rara..r of
Mato and Imo oto'r J. K. ilittou'a Stn.Y.
ilionniobilra, tie., In, laoa
GEO. W. iltitGEß, Proprietor,
1311. Wtli It HoWU 110011 MS rivently ender
gone mdirtit thattirvA 111 its ;eternal errrthweetf.lod,
-nit its proprievir 1411114 former
nd the trevelheit hehtir that his cmoimedatioe•
for ule femiort of hie ttlie, , tm are semenl t 0
hr C+iolotry. 1114 lable t oti kilt Hn Could
OM only With $10.44.1(141 I'o. lOU 1, 1111 uI
he deltraciee or the n tivor
etc. lit 14141 popular livVe 1110 .10 II 104',.%J, th tiry,*
11114114mA direct ft.rit 1 ,,,90,. . ”"
melt , 114,1. and free 14 , all t,niaua uae otrtu IN
s thaukiel lot a itherel wittohotte the find
ill CtlifilllUM to sicserve it ON I V.
ti r.• W. Al AUG r it.
JUH Ma -tf.
TIII nodortiono.l would moon reopertfolly no•
ounce to the ptditte orionntle. that ho is pfklitlll,l
psecnto all kind* of itAVIIINEft nt Jt)Kii ii
lANPt.Etieo e(,.NDlt'i, in lhoomehurn, whore hs
tawny,. be found featly to tit) alt f ende tor
. int Wilful Throehitto btu. Mont., ono in Ahart, all
tole of Footnote Vt. mole. A Lth 1, TV It I Nil A NI)
YiNd UP or croorisii AND MACHINERY,
no on short notice, in a good et mbooteeliko man
r, upon the most rclomilithlo 1.4 me,
lis Mug expottotter in the holtistreo so Airman In
. *hop of LAMM 11. Mane of tine pima, for river
prom. worr:lntr into in oayintt that he 11111 MO.
inn 041 1 .ratatUtt to oil who MA) Mew hem with
t work.
romoibuq, Nov Vila
ttg oialtotribPt buy tag purtti.tett %Ito "INII.II
Uuute." in
* •
pert, of E. W. 14 ,, tiy. Ear l ., would *ay to the
lola of the lloape, log acquainenocva. 333 10,
11331(1111Y, Ihet ha ifot nap, In 4.{,441, a Noiel,
h the ttwoodni mt, 4 and tOtllt4bi ti a lloek:E,
humbly soli c it* their hotronole.
J. it rr EVK
Jade of the lio , ti , tott llwige, VII IL/A..101a.
it il 4 Ven, Dec, la, 11`33i.
NS L IZZAI4 ',l l k; T,1411,01 4N ,
01414 antinitheeta thn ifi'llV4 ntetriat , bilre aril
public graftratty, that 4hB ho' joat tectrve4 Iron,
eastern alive hp(
Spring and Stemmer
Wing of hU.utticies usually (nand in first etas.
finery Moran. Her goods ere of the best quality
tinwhe the moot hallo:owe nod eherspeoi filthy
ket,.. .1;411/ 411111 41 1 / 1 111111V the In I , lr yourielvex.
thoity should purchase risPW here honpeesiiniiii.
Nllll , lPeterumo's mit"clt, of goods I.lohuotn 01:1t14
der, on the shortest notice, Cr
err Ott Main otter4„34 below the ',tore or
dekhall do IltUpert.
homburg, May lcha—tr.,
IL IL lit NS
;It Strut, hdore the " AttitTiettic
t i &OGlVAtinUagis VA
t c ho *wt., on hand, and Co voiolt,o to the bow
Oolo(y trade. It IlittOdutphia Utotto+t) pric.t*,
jterarartotate end Briar Wood ripen s aadalt
rgiainiaa to hie trade•
otoot d t act dettierß in rime and thew,
wood tin well to cry e hints roll, to
1,04011110 the Mier tor ovory unit le they
of these euatory pedlar*.
. tli,lnikkoolint.
pirinaa at John R. 3ioyer•a prnß Prat•
VIM and Marne( Streeta. A alma now'
Ponta. CHla and Varni.timts alwayq on
r•ttt as elavaper than at any awe,
••••tok compounded ut. Mare•
1 fr
.41r ,
nLoomsoulio, PA., BY
TIOMA.—..I on in admire. If not timid *Shin
SIX mown Iss, sit rant. additional will be rinirdrill.
No loner dittontinutid until all artratasod
1111: paid e•XCI.Ill at ttio opilon of the edltsr,
tlor oqoart. PIO sr throe insertions $1 fin
Every onlivelnent insertion kr+ Wan 13 30
lit. la. 3AII.
Ono *pow. 1 V.llO I 3CO 1 440 1 o.oo'
TWO 3.00 5,00 1 rug o,p)
'sheen " :lA I 7.00 1 0.30 I I", 00
pour 11 1 00, " , I o .' o 0.1 1 0 10,1 1 0 i 4.00
llnlf /-0111000. 10yo 11.00 1 14.001 1/ 1 00
o, t t , r.0ff.4111. 1 13 00 is On I WON 30.00
Cu.rutor•H tnil didlottilotrlitnes Waite.
t 41$1 , r advartiaemotto Its AO e led accordlos to *poem'
cot.; 41.
1:11401 , 0* uotier , e, without advert igeinenti twenty.
eel per lino.
#4.Jyrltioemento payable in nthonee alt
Othero due after the lirtrt
wk. Cor.of Mn 3# dint
firrlCE—ln Olt
I It is a thir autumnal day,
' The grutnel is strewn with yellow leaves ;
.11101:114 'll9.lllti glean, bare and gray,
The grain is bound in golden sheaves;
Afar I hear the ...peekl e d geniis
shrilly 'mid the stubble. dry,
And miitikd boats from busy nails
Within the barn near by.
The hit e , t NAYS now are dead,
Their petal.: r.eattered hir an I wide,
The some!' berries, richly red,
Betieek the hole on either side;
A tiriniiiiy calm is hi the air--
A dreamy echo on the oa ;
Ah, never was a tiny more fair
Than thi-. which * blues Inc!
I see the Qtneks of ripened corn
The yellowed Ino-,,es On the roof,
The diamond duty-dorms of the morn,
That I , ring with gems the slider's roof;
An tZiti , .: haze is bunging low
About the outlitow of the hills,
And eivoqing sea-fowl southward go
From Inarshe4 flats and kill.
For main years, the autumn brought
A solemn satines to my soul—
it ~ ,11,1,rel e'en toy lightest thought,
And on my ftlyeA moments stole;
'Twas sod, yet sweet--a strange alloy
4 )1' boy , : and • - ornov interwined—
r att' alba brings me only Inv,
No shadow haunt:. my taind•
And why b this? The dead leaves fall—
The 14ossonts wither us of old :
Anil winter e 111. 4 . with snowy pall.
To wrap the earth so chill anti cold;
Th e s el•roe strnnz athwart the sky,
Millshunt their plaintive monotone--
And why s when leaves and blossoms die
a4k in not—l tlin , t not tell;
da I*" not all my 'mart &close
rairy wore a magic. spell
111 P, when deenyed the roue;
Tuo girt , dill holing summer bring—
, Tiv,, symbols of unrading
rpon any lingers glows a ring,
l'pon uty lips—a kiss!
Ono line day, early in winter, my Ito-band
received a stonmen's to Burke's settlement
to unite a couple in the bonds of wedlock.—
It was specially requested that his wife
should accompany him—that we should be
expected to remain all night and participate
in the festivities. ft was twenty miles to
the settlement, and we reached the log
helve of Mr. Burke, the father of the ex.
peetant bride, about noon. A dozen tow.
haired Litt'': children were at the door await
in:s. our arrival. They telegraphed the news
inq n !y.
! here's the preacher anti
his woman ! '1 Imuy're nothing but folks !
i m p's got a man's hat on, and a turkey wing
on the hunt of it ; and his nose is exactly
like dad's- s.rooked min cow,horn sqnueh,!'
Ala- for Mr. Morrison's aquiline nose, of
whl,, be was ,a little vain. 'Sam !' called
shill female vela,, from the interior of the
cabin. Too and grab the old rooster, and ;
tit clap him in the pot. Sal, you quit that
on ,„ ri and swoop the floor. Kick that corn
dodger tap:?r the bed I Bill, you wipe the
taller out of time cheer for the minister's
wife and ire spry about it. Further remarks
were cut short by our entrance.
Mrs. Burke, in short calico gown, blue
petticoat and bare feet, came forward wi ll) .
leg h,,r eyme, on her apron. flow d'ye do,
Elder? Ilow d'yo do, inarm ? Must excuse
my head ; hain't had a chance to comb it
since 13.1 week. Work must be done you
know. Powerful sharp air, hain't it ? Shoo
there ? drive the turkey out of the bread
trough. Sa!, take the lady's things. Set
right up to the tiro, marm. Hands oold ? l i
Well. just run cut in Bills hair, we keep
it long on purpose.
Bill presented his shaggy head, but 1 de
eliucil with an involuntary shudder. 'Land
if' she ain't actilly shiveriu, Ilere mann,
take this corn dodger into your lap—its as
good as n soap stone.' A drundfull squall
announced the execution of the rooster, and
shortly afterward he was pouncing about in
a four quart pot, hung over the fire.
Sal returned to the churn, but the extra
ordinary-visitors must have made her care
les, for she upset the concern ; butter and
buttermilk went swimming ever time floor.—
'Grab the ladle, Bill erica Dirs. Btwke,
`and dip it up, Take keer thar and -don't
put that snarl of hair into it. Strange how
some iimlks will be so nasty. Dick, keep
your feet out of that buttermilk ; it won't
be tit for the pigs when the butter's gather
ed. Drive that ben out quick, she'd picked
up a pound of butter already. There, Sal,
do try to be a little koorful. If you an go
ing to be spliced to-morrow, you needn't go
ttod Liver OD,
at Ainye►'► Drug
tan at Mom.*
reSsi I, .141„ R.
iuvrEs or Aovkrrisl,M.
IV. n. JACOrtY.
motnsburgt, Conimbi County,
eruy about it,' I advise you to ,dry up I'
it:marked the bride elect, thumling away
at =the chum, By this time I got warm,
dinner was ready, You may be sure I did
not hurt myself by overeating. Night came
on early, and after a social ehaton the events
of the morrow, I 'signified my readiness to
retire. Sal lighted a pitch pine knot, and
began to climb a ladder in one corner of the
room. I hesitated. 'Coma on,' she cried,
'don't he afraid. Ham, Bill, and Dick, and
all the rest of ye, duck yer heads while the
Elder's wife goes up. Look out for Moose
boards, mann, and mind or you'll smash
your brains out agin that beam, Take care
for the hole where the chimney comes thro.'
The warning came too late, I caught my foot
in the end of aboard, stumbled and fell
head:ong through, what I supposed to be an
interminable space, but it was only the room
I had just left, where I was saved from de
struction by Bill, who caught me in hie
arms and set me on my feet, remarking
'what made yereome down that way ?
We ginerally use the ladder.' I was duly
commiserated, and at last got to bed. The
les.s said about that the better. Dick and
Bill and four others slept in the same room
with us and made the air vocal With their
snoring. 1 full asleep and dreamed that I
was being tired from a Columbiad, and was
awakened b 3 Mr. Morrison, who intimmed
use that it was morning. The marriage was
to take place before breakfast, and Sally was
already clad in her bridal robes when I de
scended the ladder. She was magnificent
in a green calico gown, over crinoline full
four inches longer than the rest of her ap
parel. She had on a white apron with red
strings—blue stockings—a yellow neck rib
-bon and white gloves. Her reddish hair ,
was fastened in a pug behind, and well
adorned with the tail Heathers of the defunct
rooster before mentioned. When it was an•
nounced that Lem. Lord, the groom, was
coming, Sally dived behind a coverlet, which
had been hung aerussone corner or the room
to conceal sundry pots and refused to come
forth. Lens lifted one corner the curtain
and peeped in, but quickly , retreated with a
stew pan following close behind him and a ,
few sharp words from Sally, advising him
to mind his own business.
1 .JO
. On
Lein was dressed hi blue with bright but
tons. The entire suit had been made for
his grandfather on a similar occassion. II is
hair was well greased with tallow, and his
huge feet was encased in sheepskin pumps.
Very soon the company began to gather and
in half an hour the room was full to over
'Now Elder,' said the groom, 'drive
ahead ! I want it don up short. lam able
to pay for the job, do your best. Conic
Burke trot out your gal. Sally refused to
be trotted. She would be married where
she was or else, not be married at all. We
argued the case with her and coaxed ber,
but she was as Gra] as the rock of I ibrallter.
It was at length concluded to let her have
her own way. Mr. Morrison stood up. The
happy couple joined hands through a rent
in the coverlet, and the ceremony proceed
ed. Just as 31r. Morrison was asking Lem
uel 'will you have this woman,' etc., down
came the coverlet enveloping the bride,
groom and pastor, and filling the house with
dust. Dick had been up in the loft and cut
the string that held thecoverlet. Mr. Mor
rison crowded out, looking decidedly sheep
ish. Sally was obliged to be married open
ly. To the momentous question, Lemuel
responded: 'To be sure, what chic did I
come here for ?' Sally said : 'Yeas, if' you
must know.' Salute your bride,' said Mr.
Morrison, when the ceremony was over.
'I in ready to do anything reasonable, El
der,' said Lein., 'but skin me it' I know how
to do that. Jest show me how, and I'll do
it if it kills me.'
My husband drew Lack nervously, but
Sally advanced, threw her arms around his
neck, and gave him a kiss that made the
very windows clatter. `ll. vum if I don't do
ditto l' said Lem, and hastily taking a
huge bite of a piece of maple sugar, which
he drew from his pocket, he made a dash at
me, smashed my collar, broke my watch
pliant tore my hair deism, and succeeded in
planting a kiss upon my nose, greatly to the
delight of the company. Then he turned
to my husband : 'Now, Elder, what's the
damage for this ere job ? Don't be afeard
to speak.' 'Whatever you please,' said Mr.
Morrison. Lemuel produced a piece of fur
from his pocket. 'Thar, Elder,' said he,
'that's a muskrat skin. Out on the shed
you will find two heads of cabbage. You
are welcome to the whole of' it. My hus
band bowed his thanks and the young folks
went to dancing.
Mrs. Burke went to getting breakfast,
and at my earnest- request,_ •Mr. Morrison
got out our horse and buggy and we started
home. I never could have lived through
another meal in that house. I have since
heard that Mr. Lord said if he had seen the
Elder's wife before she was married, Sully
might have went to the Dickens. Alas! 'it
might have ken.'
On Saturday evening of lust week,
when the congregation of ono of the up
town churches were leaving the house, it
commenced raining. The lady said to the
gentleman who accompanied her and her
:sister, "why, it rains—send and get an um
brella.% "Why, my dear," said the gen
tleman, "you are neither sugar nor salt, and
rain will nut hurt you." "No," said the
lady, "but we are heave It is needless to
say he sent fur an umbrella.
gir Why do birds feel depressed early
in a summer morning ? Because their little
bills are all over due.
Queen Victoria and Mr. Brown.
London is the center of England. The
Queen is the center of London. Her prem.
coca is the light of the aristocracy—her ab.
soneo their sorrow. lier going out and
coining in—her down sitting and uprising—
when and whore she walks or rides—how
she dresses—to whom she speaks—who at
tends her—aro carefully noted and greedily
read. After thirty years of a model domes
tic life, with her domestic fume traveling
rotted the globe, and herself the idol of the
British public, an American is astonished to
find the London atmosphere full of scandal;
the name of the highest lady in the land
connected with one of her lowest subjects;
the names of the "Queen and Mr. Brown"
on the lips of all classes, from the rag-pick
er in the streets to the peer in the realm.
The Queen is seldom seen in London. She
flits buck and forth front Windsor Castle
only to meet the duties of State. She sel
dom sleeps at Buckingham Palace, her own
town residence. She likes the retreat at
Windsor, and lives near the room where
the Prince Consort breathed his last. The
solitude of the Isle of Wight is a favorite
with her, for she can ride twenty miles in
her own dominion without being seen.
Among the Highlands at Balmoral she lays
oT the Queen and plays the woman. Driv
ing around in a low wheeled carriage to
which is attached a runt of a pony, she vis
its the sick, the infirm, and the poor. Her
carriage is loaded with comforts which she
distributes with her own band. Her com
ing to any house is a benediction. All this
the Londoners dislike. They pay for the
pomp and the show of royalty, and they
want it. They give the Queen live thousand
dollars a day in gold. They furnish the
palace, her state carriages and her hundred
horses, the plate for royal banquets, and
also pay for the entertainment of all royal
guests. Her refusal to join in the gayetiesof
life—the closing of the palaces and her re
fusal to play the Queen deeply offend the.
Londoners. It harms trade, they say, and
the sufferings of the poor for the want of
employment are laid at the Queen's door.
Her ministers have pleaded with her to
meet the public demand. Punch has lam
pooned her with his must effective sarcasm.
A less worthy retirement is now attribute.]
to the Queen than grief for the Prince Con
sort. In print and in speech she is neensci
of being in love with Mr. Brown• It is
openly said that she has transferred her sr-
feetion for the Prince Consort to this gentle• I
Mr. Brown is the Queen's confidential ser
vant. Her majesty found hint at Balmoral.
On visit to that castle after she became a wid
ow she found a servant silent,sad and obsequi
ous, very attentive, very efficient, a man
who seldom spoke a word. On inquiry she
found that the man had been a servaot long
in the employ of Prince Albert. Ile en
joyed the confidence of the Prince. Ilis
mounting fur his late master was the talk of
the castle. The Queen took him at once
into her employ, and it is said into her af
fection. Being a Highlander, he came into
the presence of Her Majesty in full custome,
that is, with hare legs, to the great scandal
of the full dressed lackeys of the palace.
From step to step Brown went up till he
has become the prime minister of the
Queen's household. All her orders go
through him. llis body-guard are High
landers also, and the old fend between the
Scotch and the English is revived in the
Queen's presence. All sorts of stories were
started and are still in circulation. At one
time it was repotted that she would marry
Brown if she had to abdicate. The Queen
is known to he a spiritualist, upon which it
is said that she believes the spirit of Prince
Albert to be in this man. All i 'possible in
fluences have been brought to bear to re
move him from the Queen's service. She
is well aware of the scandal connecting her
name with Brown's, but she will not yield
one jot. To the impassioned expostulation
of her ministers she replied byan imperious
wave of her hand, which induced the minis
ters to back out and depart,.
Wherever you will find the Queen there
you will find Brown. He is a shrewd
&etchum, who knows that there is no
power behind the throne that can touch him.
He is a coarse, common-looking sort of a
fellow with iron•grey hair. He is about
fifty years of age, nervous and wiry, with
quite a stoop in his gait; coarse, hard fea
tures, which make him look like a collier or
ditcher dressed up, and quite uncomfortable
in his nice clothes. He is about as unat
tractive-looking a person as any day-laborer
about our warves. He is nervous, buisy,
uteddleion4 4 but be attends strictly to his
duties. ITo seems to know nothing, and
certainly seems to care nothing for the de
testation in which he is held by the servants
of the Queen, and the nation at large.
The opening of the Royal Academy at
London for the season is a great event. The
aristocracy attend the opening. An extra
charge is wade the first day, and all London
goes because there is a jaw. At the open
ing in May last a genuine sensation was pro
Ono picture excited the attention of all
viaitura- Crowds hung around it through
the whole day. This piotgre occupied one
side of In apartment. If' was celled the
"Widowed queen." It was a superb life.
dee likeness of Victoria. The scene is laid
at Osborne. She is repreacntod in a close'
fitting habit, sad robed wholly in black, as
usual, her widow's cap being hidden under
her bat. She is mounted on an elegant
DNFSDAY I OCT. 9, 1867.
black horse, and is represented as reading a
despatch, while a atter fallen from her hand
lies on the mound. In the Aground, at
the head of her horse, mantle the noted
Babwn, as complete a likeness as was ever
drawn of mortal man. He is represented
in his Highland costume. He was put in
the prominent position that be occupies, it
is said, by order of the Queen. I was
present when the Academy wax opened and
this picture first exhibited. The room in
which it hangs wan crowded with the nobil
ity and the elite or London. It was known
that a grand likeness of the Queen was to
be the lending feature of the Exhibition.
All were on tip -too to behold this great work
of art. But no ono knew that Mr. Brown
was to be exhibited alho. When the cur
tain was rolled up there was an insensible
howl of indignation. Sonic ladies actually
covered their faces. ''lt's Brown I it's
Brown I whet a shame I" was heard all
round. Threats were made to cut Brown's
head out of the canvas, and it will be done
if the people have a chance. Crowds Fur
rounded the picture all the time, as people
will look at a disagreeable object, and this
picture is highly offensive to the Queen's
The Queen can have no society. No sub
jeet can speak to her without her permission.
She is as isolated as the statue of Nelson on
the top of the column at Trafalgar Square.
On the death of the Prince who had done
all the business of the State, she found her
self alone with the kingdom and an im
mense household to take care of. She could
get nothing done. Her orders had to rdn
through a dozen or twenty hands. The
royal servants have a routine out of which
they will not go even for the Queen. It
takes about twenty to do one man's work.
The servant who opens one door will not
open the next. The one who brings a pitch
er of water will not fill the glass. The
Queen timid in Brown a prompt, able and
attentive servant. She gave hint full charge
of her domestic arrangements. 11' she
wishes to rid° or walk, have a carriage or
have a railroad train, her orders go through
Brown. He is attentive and obsequious,
but is an excellent business man. One of
the Queen's characteristics is promptness.
She exacts this of her servants, and Brown
meets this exactly. lie attends the Queen
in all her journeys. Ile presides over that
portion of Wilelsor Castle appropriated as
the Queen's residence• Into it nom of the
royal servants enter without his permission.
Ile has more influence over the Queen than
any living man in the Kingdom, and he will
hold his position as long as the Queen holds
hers. But he is thoroughly detested by all
the household. Little he cares for that.
The coining and going of the Queen from
Windsor is heralded in the court papers.
All London goes to see the arrival or de
parture. She has a special train to her
self. A right royal train it is. It consists
of three coaches, an engine elegantly adorn
ed, and a pilot engine runs before. Nothing
is allowed on the track while the royal train
is running tn or out. Twenty minutes be
fore the train leaves London nothing is al
lowed to start from Windsor. Nothing
leaves London till the signals is given that
the Queen has reached the royal station at
her cantle. It costs the Queen 5509 for the
round trip, which she pays out of her own
pocket, every time the train runs from
Windsor to London and hack. Over this
train Mr. Brown exercises supreme control.
In the presence of hundreds of people who
gather in and about the station to witness
the royal sight, Brown enters the middle
coach to be occupied by his royal mistress,
and examines everything, to see if it is all
right. He stands on the crimson carpet
stretching from the outer door to the Queen's
coach. Ho looks steadily into the eyes of
the crowd, who aro kept back by the rail
ing and by the police, and does so with the
look of a servant of the lower class, yet
with as shrewd and "canny" a look as any
Scotchman who over crossed the border.
His quick ear catches the sound of the ad
vancing cortege. The Queen's train starts
at halt' after five. It is twenty-seven minutes
after five and Her Majesty has not appear
ed. Said the officer who stood beside me on
the crimson carpet, in answer to my question,
"Is not the Queen late?" "Do you see that
clock? It is now twenty nine minutes past •
five. In half a minute those doors will
open, the Queedwill enter, take her seat,
the whistle will sound and the train he in
motion half after precisely." Sore enough,
at the exact moment mentioned the doors
were thrown open and the Queen, beaded
by Brown, entered. A short, thick-set,
German-looking woman she was, dressed
wholly in black, followed by her younger
children and the ladies of her household.
She walked with a sharp, imperious tread,
looking neither to the right nor to the left.
Brown handed her into the coach. The
doors went to with a slam. Brown gave
the signal and disappeared= in one of the
apartments. The train moved on the exact
minute, amid fainteheers to the Queen, and
loud execrationiiin "Brown."
OW Red nous aro like light•hoaeee to
warn voyagers on the aea of lite of the emit
of Malaga, Jamaica, Banta Crtis and Hol
Jr A notorious toper used to mourn
about not haying a regular pair of eyes—one
being black and the other light basal. "It
is lucky for you," replied his friend, "for if
your eyes had been watcher, your non
would brio lot than) on Aro long op."
Death o Iri#tdeh •,
Richard Oreenwell, residing at Seaford,
gel., committed suicide at that place on
Thursday, by throwing himself into the riv
or. Oreenwell was known as one of tho
men implicated in the forcible entrance into
the jail of that place, and the taking there
from ono James Wilson, a negro who WAR
arrested, imprisoned and awaiting trial for
the murder of a girl, and hanging him in
the roar of the jail yard. After he was
hnng, shot and throat cut, Oreenwell, who
was a butcher, cut and carved him as though
he were beef, and then roasted and burnt
the pieces to ashes. He reserved the right
band of the negro and carried it home with
Hut what a change has taken place. Since
then the fearful judgment of the Almight;
seems to have visited him on all occasions.
About a year after this transaction ho lost
his wife by the most agonizing of deaths—
that of burning. Since the death of his
wife Greenwell lost his right hand by the
cars passing over it. On several occasions
be came near losing his life by being thrown
from his carriage, two or three times being
taken up as dead. Finally, on Thursday,
he remarked to smile person that "Hod Al
mighty would not kill him, and lie would go
and drown himself," which he did.
Ile was an Englishmen by birth, and was
said to have been a desperate character be-
Ibre imigruting to this country. He was an
intbiel— did not believe in God or in n future
existence. He would stand up with an open
bible in his hand and curse the God that
made him, contending that Wind chance
formed the world and fixed the planets in
their spheres. indeed, has been his
end, and fearful be the responsibility that
meet: hint in that unknown future.
MEN WANTED.—The great want of this
age is men; men who are not for sale; men
who are honest, sound from center to cir
cumference, true to the heart's core ; me 3
who will condemn wrong in friend or foe, in
themselves as well as others; men who will
stand for the right if the heavens totter and
the earth reels; men who can tell the truth,
and look the world and the devil right in the
eye; men who neither brag uor run ; men
that neither flag nor flinch ; men who have
courage without wrestling for it, and joy
without shouting to bring it; men iu whom
the current of everlasting life. runs still and
strong ; men too large for sectarian
and too strong for sectarian bonds; men
who do not snivel nor cry, nor cause their
voices to be heard in the street, but who
will not fail nor bo discounted till judg•
mem be set upon the earth ; men who
know their message and tell it; men who
know their duty and do it; men who know
their place and fill it; men who will not lie;
men who are not too lazy to work, nnr too
pround to be poor ; mei! who are willing to
eat what they have earned, and wear what
they have paid for.— locastigator.
Poughkeepsie Eagle tells a story about a
clergyman in that city who was recently
aroused from his slumbers, a few moments
before midnight, by a vigorous tapping at
the front window of his residence. Raising
t h e window sash, he inquired who was there.
A gruff voice replied in the broken dialect
of a Yorkshireman, that ho wanted the do
minie to come down to his house and marry
a couple. The dominie wondered that ho
should be called on such business, at such a
late hour of the night, and asked for an ex
planation. The Yorkshireman replied that
"a young couple had just arrived at his
boarding-house and wanted to stay all night,
saying that they were going to be married in
the morning.
That was all well enough but the York
shireman didn't have only one spare bed,
and he didn't wish to turn the strangers out
of doors and didn't wish to lose the price of
their lodgings, he concluded that they had
hatter be married that night rather than
take any risk. The good natured dominio
proceeded to the house, and in the pronnee
of the household made the lovers one. At
the conclusion of the ceremony the York
ehiremen stepped up to the reverend gen
tleman and placed a five dollar greenback
in his hand, said : "There, dominie, if she
makes a good wife for her husband ut the
end of the year I'll give you five dollars
more." The dominie returned to his par
sonage, and the newly married couple were
allowed the "spare room."
lad, who, at fourteen, was apprenticed to a
snap-boiler. One of his resolutions was to
read an hour a day, or at that rate, and he
had an old silver watch, left him by his un•
cle, which he timed his reading by. Be
stayed seven years with his master, and said
when he was twenty one he knew as much
as the yonng squire did. Now let us see
how much time ho had to read in, seven
years, at the rate of an hour each day. It
would be 2,555 hours, which at the rate of
eight reading hours per day, would be equal
to three hundred and ten days ; equal to
forty-five weeks', equal to twelve months,
nearly a year's reading. The time spent in
treasuring up useful knowledge would pile
up a very large store. lam sure it is worth
trying for. Try what you can. Begin now.
in after years you will look beck upon the
task as the most pleasant and profitable you
ever pertbrmed,
"You and your site should become one,"
said a friendly adviser to a henpecked hus
band. "Become one ?" ezelninied the die
omelets husband: "why we are ten now."
"Bow so ?" "Why ohe's 1 and I'm 10 9."
published to the inirld,..upon the Very re
spectable authority of Prof. Lawson, that,
in the deadliest of the fight at IllnentiVista,
near where McKee, Clay, Vaughn, and
Wilfiv 1h11, , a young Kentuckian of the 3rd
Infantry was struggling with unyielding and
noddy biome to protect the honor of his
flag and the bright renown of his, gallant
State; When upon a vigorous atild overwhel
ming attack of the enemy, he found all the
brave hearts that eopported him hernodowit
by the sabres of the Mexicans, and himself
cant to the, earth, dangerously wounded,
while a hundred bright lanceigleamed above
him. In this Impelese situation, when all
his comrades ha i l fallen, and the chances of
the fight had entirely deserted his cause, ho
felt juatilied, by hie lore of life, to appeal to
a sign that is never made to a true Masai
without a response. The sign was scarcely
made before the bravest Mexican of them'
all leaped from his saddle, took him to hie
emprace, and in a glorious effort to save his
fidlen brother, was himself felled to the
earth by his distardly and ferocious tiounto
- who were ignorant of that holy tie
which thus bound those two kindred spirit,
together in the dread collision of arms and
winged their gallant souls from the gory field
of death to t h e green fields of Paradise
above. Looked in each other's arms, they
both yielded up their lives, and thus gave
to the world one mere imperishable example
of the force of tfinte links that unite the
hearts of Masons in prosperity, in adversity
and in death.
A in PAlLURE. — "Budeigh," of tho
Boston ,kurnal, says : The representativo
of a large New England hone closed hi.;
counting-room an allowed his paper to go to.
protest last week. The sudden death at'
th e senior member of the h ur , e, whodrop
ped down deed while he wastalking, brought
thing.; to a standstill. The house was found
to be bankrupt, and a large amount Of trust
money was swept away. Drinking, gamb
ling and dissipation in New York scattere4
the forek Some of the shrewdest New
England men have gone droll with the con
cern. One well-known New England law
yer, reputed to be worth $300,000, is invol
ved in this calamity to the full extent of
him property and word. Whiews and or
phan; hare lost their all. It seems strange
th a t r e e kle;.; young men, whoec hAits are
well known here. horn no prudent man in
New York would trust With $l,lOO shoulii
be put in charge of millions. It is equally ,
strange that shrewd legal gentlemen, who
can take such excellent camefother peoples;
property, should so loosely take care of
their own, and will, as is often the case al
low reckless young men to have unlimited
tkc of their name, and to run a way with
all that they have. Yet such events are of
daily oceurrenee.
tor When the father of Rebekah aaked
her if she would go with the servant of
Isom., she replied, at once, will 0l",
Had she been a daughter of the nineteenth
century, she would have answered, "Oh,
pshow ! go with him ? Why, Mr. Immo
must be siek ? I;o with him? Ore:mule,
I wont? And theri—sho would Laic gone
with Lim.
a point in the following inneedote ; A pas
tor was making a call upon an old lady, who,
made it an habitual rule never to speak ill
of another, and had observed it so closely
that she always justified those whom she
had heard evil spoken of. Before the old
lady made her appearance in the parlor, her
several children were speaking of this pecu
liarity of their mother, end one of them'
playfully added : "Mother has such a habit
of speaking well of everybody, that I believe,
if Satan himself were the subject of conver
sation, mother would find out some virtue
or good quality even in him." Of course
this remark elicited some smiling and merle
went at the originality of the idea, in the
midst of which the old ladyentered the room s
and on being told what bad jnst been said,
she immediately and involuntarily replieed
"Well my children, I wish we all had Satan"
dostry and perscrerenee.
PRETTY Goon.—We heard of a pretty
good joke which occurred recently not a
thousand miles away from this town. A
wag of the ineorigiblo school—a replier cuss
in fact—was sitting in a company of gentle
men, one of whom was a lawyer of no mean ,
reputation. She war, talking to another
individual, but talking for the ear of the
lawyer, aforesaid, stated that he desired the
service of a good lawyer, that he had an int
por tent case, out of which, if successful, as
he could not fail to be, it the case was prop
erly managed, a good thing could be realised
for himself and a good fee made to the law
At this point the Legal gen tleuien in quip
tion put in:
"What's that you say—in need of a law
yer—good case—paying fee? The lee is In
profession—state your CABO."
"My case is undoubtedly an excellent oat,
and I am willing to pay most liberal con
tingent fee—l can't afford any fee certain.
I will give you one half of the amount if yet
mseneed— which is five hundred dollars. Dn
you undertake?"
"II do—state yowl ease."
"I warn you to borrow 64 hundred dot.
!sterol me—and will divide IL"
Bait wag, with a peaderous boot in
prow pronimity for eat-tail.
air Why are ladies' drama about the
west like s mend xesetire Boom
time is s /Wiwi" the* s
N 39 .