Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1849-1849, December 12, 1849, Image 1

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-rr v XV
Th LctcUbttrg ihrottitte:
rsillihrl Wsdnesdsy Afternoon t Lwi.burg.
L'aioa county. I"un Ivsais.
Tbbxs. 82,00 for a year, lo be paid in
the first half year ; 82,50, if payment be
net mad wiihia the year ; single numliers,
cl. Subscrip'.ioas fur six months or Ls
lo be paid ' advance. Discontinuances
tiooal with the Publisher, except when
arrearages are paid.
Advertisements handsomely inserted a!
0 cts. per aquare one week, 81,00 Tor a
aaeath, 85,00 a year. A reduction of thcae
rates for larger or loceer advtmts.
Casual advertisements and Job work in.
be paid fur hen performed.
All communications by mail must corrc
postpaid, accompanied by the address of
tbe writer, to receive attention.
Office.Market street between Second and
Third. O. N. Wokdm, Publisher.
Away beyond the surging aea, beyond the
wave-worn straud,
A people battled valiantly for their beleag
uered land.
From all her aunny slopes rang furth.arou.
sui men from rest.
Tba about of ibe oppressor, and (be cry of
tha oppreased : .
Bal tbe uniaaned spirit of her biila dwelt
felteriaaa and free,
Boaide tha hearths and in the koaiaa, of
beplrss Ildogary ;
A-ad up,ai Itona from their lair.leaped forth
. each stalwart son.
l b bardy humor of tbo wolf, the brown
browed husbaodmsn,
While like an Alpine avalanche they ga
ihcr ia their might.
Par freedom and for fatherland lo wage
tbo uneqeat fight.
Br th dsrkly Sowing Danube.by tbe turf-
clad land of Drave,
The clarion pealed a aummona (or the ga-
tbariiiz til the bifavey -. -
Mid ibVblue 'Carpathian mountains rang
the tocsin clear and hvh.
And their everlasting echoes shrieked ia
many voiced reply.
No coat bf mail the Magyar wore, no ter
ror did he leel.
Far strong in justice, and in right his very
heart wae steel :
He listened to his chieftain's words, whi!e
tear drops dimmed his eye,
Aod (has unto her children's hearts,he plead
for Hungary :
"Vy comrades! sorrow abreuds tbe land
that sin led upon your birth,
Tbe music by her hearths is bushed ; the
voices tuoed to mirth
Are silent in ber darkeoed homes ; amid
ber bitterness
She tails aloud upon her son, Air aid and
for redress.
With falchion, and with falconet, ith cla
rion, trump and drum.
From Styrian aud from Norte Alps.behuld
the foemea come
The banners of the Hapsburg house are to
the breeze flung back
imperial Vienna's hosts are following on
the track
Aad forth, upon unholy wing, from Alpine
Boars the royal Austrian eagle, like a vul
ture to ber prey.
They trample on our Hungary, a bold, in
truding train !
They fill her sunny valleys up like ranks
of ripening grain :
Tbe reaper ,in miduminer,fe!!s to earth the
golden wreath .
my brave huzzars, be husbindmeo in tbe
harvest fields of death !"
Then rose a roar of wild aeclaim, like the
surge ofstoruny seas,
Tasn bright hued baonersstreamed abroad,
and pennons kissed tbe breeze -Tbeo
inarching squadrons fiercely met.aod
mingled in their might,
Wh.le Death's dark angel rode the blast
and brooded on the fight. -
Oh ! Virtue, Valor, were ye vain I Oh !
J attire did ye aleep T
When tirant called to despot then, as deep
Calls unto deep,
Ao4 with joint forces, like the waves of tbe
inaatwte aea,
Bore down t0 roj an(j (0 wreck tbe hopes
of HtXCSKT !
A new Regulation. ' ,
By a recent regulation of the British
Post Office Department, any letter having
"he writer's name and residence engraved
on the teat, or written on the outside, and
nil finding the party to whom tbe same ia
a-4drewed, will be returned to tbe writer
;T.trHia;e.y through the Poet Office, end
sot through the Dead Letter 'Olficie; by
hich rouwUurable anxiety and. loci of
'tis will be prevented. This it a most
espial regulation. Any person writing a
titer, has only to put his name and resid
ence nn the outside, and if it does not reach
i:s destination, it will be certs io lo be re
turned to the sender. It will also act as a
'us by which stolen tetters miy be detected.
Fuck a regulation ought lo be extended lo
'Amelia. , . .
inicpcnknt Jamiln
Moral of Hangln;.
The English per,whi. h have just come
io hand, are fiiled with account of ihe ex
ecution ot the Mannings at London. The
ceremony was srVk-omed by countless
swarms of depraved beii'gs. such a Lou
don is rapable of fiirnishiig, as if it we'
a grand holidny. Sent m the houses and
on scaff.ldins rniii'ptnJing the beat view
i:f the gallows nrrj -ig'Tty bought at a
guinea B iece, and print', d ;ck';1s cm ?5-
Si!-1, preciwiv iikc inoe io any oruwnr
cxhibiiioa. Tl'inDjihtiut iiie iviitile at iln
prfiju niiht tue ;i:oa ::i frottt of iiw pii
no ni occupM d bv ihnu.-anJj ot ru'ii--
and woiiikii iind biys. wh'.i t-ist .-d tii"
terval up to 9 en follow mi mort.iii :
ith shouts nd soiiusua-l !i i 'iiany hour
afu rward l!ie ih'iuirs nt.-l ; uh'mii oi
i he entire populntion i rdii d id iri.ii'Ct
iliinelvei only niih tha rt!kcr!ci;i iu ot
the tinn!ural sctoc. S-anvly a. li.ft
morttl rx mip'e cotnIe ed, sy a eorr-s-Mr,dt-iit
ol Hit Commercial Adv, r!i-r, bi.--fore
a woman who had been one of the
witnesses of it, and who happrned also to
be n n ed M loniii', was brought up for
ihieait-ning lo murder a companion wh-i
was also in the crowd. They quarrelt d-
on tha spot, and the woman M.uming
pounced upon the other and knocking her
down, "swore to have her heart's blood,
and to awing for Herat IInritemtMincr lane
jail, on the same drp as Maria Manning
her namesake." The case investigated by
the magistrates, immediately preceding this
one. had been that of a well-known tbiel
who was convicted of stealing a watcb by
violence, during" ibe actual ceremony:
Chnrles Dickens the uext day publi-hed in
the Times attirminK a sight so inconceiva
bly awful as the wiekedoess and levity of
thtit immense crowd could be imagined by
nn man, and could be presented io no hea
then (and under the sun. " '
PCDltentlarlce or tbe V. g.
In the Maine ta:e prisoo, each prisoner
earned in 149 $93 00
" Vermont state prison .each
prisoner earnpd 70 78
M Massac-huseits state prson.
. earh pntoner earned 107 38
Rhode Uiand prison, each
prioner earuixl 47 26
" prison at Auburn, N. Y.,
each prisoner earned. ' Q) 47
Stain prison at Sing Smz,
N Y-acb priMcr earned 71 29
" N. J tatn prison, at Treo-
ten, ech prisoner earned 93 19
new penitentiary, in PhiU-
de'jihia.each prisoner earned 45 91
-seven firt named th.- aver
usd earnings 01 each prison
er were 80 01
Tolul am itmt of earnings, enm pared wuh
the averug umnberof pruowr.
In MltDe 691 pr souers earned $5 611 30 '
Vermont 53J
V7- 41 I
" tl issachusctta 284J "
" R-iode ls'r.,l 19
" Auburn, N. 487 "
Sm S ng.N. Y.. ft0 "
New J. re IGll "
" new Fen. Fhiiad-293 "
,wif 'J VI
U il
52,18") 91
15 110 43
Io eight penileniisres. 2016
prisoner in 18-ld earueij 5165,755 67
In the Maine t e prison earh prt- .
sorter's e-irnmv exceeded his
ex iienses in 143 $12 18
Vermont " 5
- " Massaclmset's - 46 7!
" Auburn, N- Y. 3- 83
Sing ;ng, N. Y. 8 9'
- New Jersey, 44 28 0
newPen.FhiUdelphia" " 17 H
- Tbe expenses do not incloda in ihi sum
mary the salary of the cffi 'ers in any case.
Populatlon of Cannda.
The popu'ation of Canada Kist is estim
ated according to the mean of three cnlcu
lnen by Col. Te.che, Mr. Couchon.and
Mr. Crufion, luiinded on previous census.
The result shows a populaiiou ol 768,334
in (Canada Cast, in 1648. The reisus of
Canada Wesi.for the same year.gives 723,
292 souls ; so that the population of the
Province is about 1 491,02ft souls. The
rati ol increase has Seen very different at
different period, owing lo tbe fluctuations
ol the volume of the stream of emigration.
The population of Eastern Canada will re.
quire about thirty years to double itself.
In Western Canada the population doubled
itself in about eleven years.
A schoolmaster, driving oxen, and wish
ing to express himself in a scholastic style,
addressed himself thus : Haw Buck aod
also Bright.'
We have a gentleman in our neighbor
hood, that sometime has occasion to drive
a very ancient pair of horses, aud ho
lays tha schoolmaster in the shade in the
following style : ' Com hither Cossim,
likewise Brulu' Morgan Journal. .
Another fell into the water, in the pres
ence of several, and coolly observed, It
ia anticipated that some benevolent iodivid
aal will extend to me a rope.' ,
Paper ocdoIco to
I'sefal Table.
The folittwimt tab c, aptvially preparvd
lor the Berks Crjnty l'ra, exh:hi;s til
names of aii thn cuiilie m tVni.sylvrtiii 1.
n-.elher vlill H e ii.nes tiiey wci rei;?- j t'oi.n ha-iia A.rtcul ur: S j.iety, 1 lind
livtly ere.:t.-d. Mid thu couiities from liic!i.ihe (-l, 1! efo-.s.
they were tak-u : " "r '-' s,ia ' :"-
l'liiladi;!iihia. IJu ami Chit-r !is';t'o : lo. s or uia-ie-, :,d rca vcur sls'ts, and
rhiladc!i;iii. ISii and CIim r !is';'o
li-hcd d' ine coiiuni'tiomiiLnt 01 the Vio
t ... .... ...
J'-ii; Aug. I if, I7-1J -l.:u.--i.vr.
U'itiitierttt.-t J m. 2V, i7a .: Lm
(Jerks iarch
!l, I 5- : Ss;.ici-:'j-hi;i,
Murt-h II, l75.'-i:..l
N .rhamp'-'a
H- :; u M .if- 3
r.:i..i..Li -i iii;i Mii. li 21. 1772 l.-t;
CJiiti-.r, l.nii.tiPi l.ii.fi. lir-rKa.
Nor I'i l 1:. Iil.li B"!iOld
V ttoiorelnnd F. b 2t. 1770
Aiiaiiin-'ou Mitrcti 'ia, 1,81 H'est-
Ka )Mte Sept. 20, "83 'es'oi. relurid
Ftunkliu Sept. 9, 1781 Cum-riais:l.
Mon:goiutry Vpt. lit, 174 i'iui.idei'i.
Dauphin March 4 175 - Lmeas'er.
Luzerne Sept. 25, 1 7 ritj N .r'htimlierl'd
Huuiindon Si-pi. ail, 17S7 Hed ord.
Allegheny Sept. 24, li8 Vewmore
Itnd and vVashinlon.
.M, dm Sept. 19, 17811 - Cuiitr!rtfl I and
Delaware Sep! 0. 1789 Chester.
Lycoming Ajril 13, 179 Vonhumb'd.
Sn,ere April 13. 1 ;J5 C dford.
Greene Feb. 9, 1716 a.i.j,,,,,,,,,.
Wayne Mnrcit 29 1798 Nortuumpton.
Adams Jan. t3, 180 Ymk.
Cenrre IVb. :. IMM I:1B n, North
utr.berhii d, Lycon.in aud Hnnnngdmi.
lieaver Mlth 12, 1800 Allegheny and
Butler March 12. l0ll Allegheny.
Mercer Mirth it, lbi0 A legheny.
Crawliid Man-h 12. 8(1(1 Allegheny.
Krte March 12, 18d'J Allegheny aud
Warren March 12, 1800 Allegheny
mid Lycoming
Venango March 12, J80O Allej:he.iy
' and Lycoming.
Armstrong March 12, 180ii A ic-jheny,
Lycoming and Wmtinon-Iau I.
fodiana March 30, 1903 W.wtmorel'd
and Lycoming.
li fivrson March 26. 18d4-Lycoiiiuig.
McKei.n M.irch 6, 1804 Lvcotiiiii.
Clearfield M in li 26 1804 Lvcinui.'.
Potter March 2rt, 1 904 Lycoming.
Tioga M.ircii 20. 1 504 Lycomini..
Cambria March 20- IbJl liun'iii-lon
and 0Hnner.-.et .
Bradford' Feb. 21, 1S10 L-zeme ai d
C... L- nl I a j, I I
ovMi'iriwiiifl ri-ii. i . -iu - i. .z-rne i
Scbuylklll-March I, Wll-Beu at.dU,lM , Cul.wt,ue- a ,.r,v;,n ,h.i
Lehigh M.ir-h 6. 1812 Norlianipion.
Columbia March 22, liJ3 N o 1 nun.' I.
Lebanon Feb. 16, 1813 Dauphin i;n i
imws er. 1
Union Mun-h 2, 1613 Northuinli
Pike Much isti. I8U-VV.vne
1. 1 1 u.
l..rr.- M....I. 0-? K (l
1 'nialalM,r.-li 2 m; '
M ,imie April
1, IS'6 Northampton ,
,, !..
Clarion M.irch II, 1-33 Vuii'iniiq mnl
Al.-tronr. 1
Clinton June 21. 1339-Lyeo mn.r i(J
l ei.tre.
' j Wyoming Apri! 14, !8l?
" jCarbot Mjrch 13, 18;-
X ;r ti n.i.i i.n
nnd M.nr'je
Elk April 19, 1813 Je.T-rsu. ;:,, ti.dd
mi I M K i-n
i'.lair Feb. 26, 184C Hunting .ti mil
.Suilivnn V. rrch 15. 1817 Lvromiug.
Lawronct--M.iruh 20, Iri'J llfiivi r iiriil
First called " Ontario"
March 24 1812.
-name changed
Religious Culture laca!catcil.
At the Sabbath Couvtmion lately he!
in Si. Louis, the sul'joined resolutions were
offered by Judge Uluir, and adopted, i z :
1. That, to give greater effect in the
pleaching of the Go I. the minds of men
ought to be prepared, by primary iust ruc
tion during the period of childhood, to
compreheud the language and force of the
troths enunciated from the pulpit ; and it is
therefore essential to the general diffusion
of religious knowledge and conviction,
that common school education should be
extended to every child of the community.
2. . That upon this point also there is a
beautiful harmony between the interests ol
religion and the success and permanency
of our political institutions ; (or the intel
lectual elevation and individual indepen
dence acd Ireedom of thought and action,
which knowledge alone can impart, are n t
less requisite to tbe chrisiian than to the
republican character.
, 3. That for these reasons, and many
other considerations a high, demonstrating
ii to be a wUeand just public policy, we
bold it lobe the duty of society to give, and
the right of every child belonging to h io
receive, elementary instruction, and we
pledge ourselves to a concerted and perse
vering effort to obtain this right for thenv
Knns. iteratare,
WEDNESDAY DEC. 12, 1849'-
Cuttln? FjoiI Or Cattle.
' la a va .i.oile (.01,.!! c. ji t'e i
( cm or a I' m
i'"r.Kr','" .j:n ihi! pen '
1 JuJ" '
'er-, fi rnie-ly P:e"id''nt of ltie
; s or ii!a-e :,d i ca icursta'Ls
j yr.u u it: svj a iirei: pr oiiiou tvh.t ii i
1 j-l Li n'l H- I'g 11 .iJ.-.-' rl -lit
O.ie l'.-iit.-! of chnifwj hiy u: lie-, s.iv
en in a Iro.'ir'i, Uin b i.hh io men v-four!
bouts, i uifi ''eut lor a cow, hore
;. r, '
or iX-
! or horned ti-ast th:'ves n:::; 0:1 fUen
' pinii.d iliili t'v"i tfi iii .n 1 ,ei,' -i.iur
l-JL-i.nlt-.fiua ,,..1.. a .. r.
el (W'-!udii:g WRsIr) in Itli u-iutl itiinn-r1
0 irtruiiig in p4 9, iu n uivu iiiiill,
properly coiistrueied, are far preferit'ile.
Sail your cioer s rther suucuitn: and
coarse hsy. IJjt over sailing Uiniii,ilKN
the iiiiiiiment. .Mor than a jwck to a Ion
n nUK-i:l j.ijs. Hitii that rj'i;uii !y is o'o n
Milli :ient. Ten or fi.'ieen pounds are usu
a.!y an ample allowance. I am more thuu
. t I I. ... ....I- ... I...1. .. u.
J ever persuaded irom the successful reu!t
attending recent ex, ertinent-i, thai hy chuff
ing hay, and other coirs loddnr. the tann
er and stock raiwr may tanly econonuz
at li-afl one Iti.rd ol liis feed, and at a very
small expeuse both a regards the uecesss.
ry implement, and the time lerpiire tor
their ue. Usually there are a'luched to
every farm eubl!-hn:en(, helps who have
neces.'arily much leisure time, epecii!v
on rainy djys, and when the weather it
othcrwaya iuuuspicious for the succe$s ul
proseculion of agretic or out-d r work,
and who can be employ eJ in driving the
chalGng machine, thus securing a sufficien
cy of chafF-d hay, stalks or bulla for feed
tog during llioje stasons tvheii they cun be
prolii ikly dupl y, d wi:ln.u. Corn-. op,
and buns, I root their gr-at c.iaise:ies-,
want of succulence, and uuai i'ness Irom
the imperfect matuirr in which they are
two often cured, are rarely eaten with avid
ity by neat rstile unle;. driven to it
I1U11 jer : but when Ii.iITh I I iu... I ... '
.....l.i . i . 1 j . . ,. . ,
aoakeu. aiel r inird ohIim!.' Iiv un m I-
.n.i,, 1 . 1
mixture nl liiilian neul. or ,i.nrr ..it ir-tiv. :
and rapid l-ed, tbey are ilrvm.ed n,li
ttresiter eagerm'sn, a,id even .vhere there is I
. . .
no uiiri.iTurni i.t m.. i r.i.i .ih.im ...,....- i
' I
or en-ire," of their u in! .:'nt ucctu.M
lood. In season ol -a.vi'v. former are 1
...... .1.1 . .- 1
o'leu ureatlv s'ri hi ne I In,- th. n-.nn
r- r ----
wi ll which Droner'v lo k .m ii.,.ir s!imU
. 1- ,
1 j ..- .
aua ai aucu time Kiev a t- n ) v: irfMnent.
ly I'ompblied lo dispose of
, j
1 :iw.N a f
i a price sc.i'cetv lltoru tLatl liOlIllo!a,. w tif.n I
were they guided byprpir ;r nci ol
. .l
dt-n,iitfn-ii cno.i .. I.v .tVi'. "... ..A ....r ...
1 " o ' I
W '"- J 1,',vd a 'uOtu-ucv of f.-I.Kr,
. j 1
"' pel nap, in many ca-e-, .mi e.ce. i
Wfp-ii 'her,' ore hi'ioi:i''ii ha-vess.
1:1c 1 iojno mi ni 01 ine ci.itTrr, t-r liii',' cu; 1
ler, in the e -on un ziliou aod prpintr'u
ot fo.id, i.s Lrcrd ua eijualiv iinjiortaol. j
Then is the time lo ,ave .. gainst theouveiit j
of less nroTvi'ioui lioit..-. ur n tIi.im if i,in.:,l !
..eeJ. When the prod.ee of .he earili h J
harclv sefficirat to ku.,.,lv er.,,.,., ,.B(f:
prt-sing w tiits, no suiplus can le laid
Mde for the future ; there is an immeoiae1
demr.n l lor all-it is waottd and must bJ
applied. But when our mo are well
tilled, en-l our garner stored tn re iletion,
we can sve that which can be spared from
presen for fiture ue.'
I have seen many instruments used for
ihe pur-ion; of chilling some nl which
are expensive and complicated others
simple and el Miflieiemly efRcier.t to jht
f rm well the operation for which they were
Jesigried. My novice to all my farming
friend is to procure a good chaff-r, and
test the theory of Judge Pelera at once.
He wa a man ol .inimitable good en-e
" a son of the soi!," and a ery wmthy
one in every sense. When our country
arnduces a sufii-iency of such men when
the judge, from hi lofty seat in ihe fime
of justice, proudly leaves his station to as
sume ihe habiliments of the farmer, aud
exeris the power of a noble mind to si.
Ihe cause of Agriculture, and derives t here
from the accession of fame, then will our
husbandry be exalted,'' and the farmer
he honored according lo his desert.
Distinguished ' Bora." Amon the
3000 "hoys' who were teoght by Ihe late
Dr. Abbot, of Eeterr a re Lewis Cas. Le
vi WiMuibury, Daniel Webster, Alexander
H.and Edward Cveretlylared Sparks.Cieo.
Bancroft, IJenry Ware, Jr., John 6. Pal.
frey, Juba awUca,aad Josea.Bbckmin.hl. it weald be admirable for tbe prwduc
Politico, Agriculture, Science ono Ittoroliti).
r:v!t'jn5Mc Girls.
Mrs rish(.'! 11. of 1 lie HiT'-.brji S.iir
V..iier. vjs iii'' i'i(i'ti' miiie.-'d
I C. i.iiornntloi; 1:1 owe of !irf bOomubie
j f -j-, ,.re afe hsm Jrf of girls i
l,rv rf , U ;ur;ie if.- re.ii
cr a.j ucc., wl,.. Land
... ... 1 . ...1
j. ;:eri l. iN i:;iry gT
n in evi-rv
in fenlii
nre soft
i whose in." !;er k-jn boarders tn g:i a
j I.vti,! Tor uitir iJ!a d itigf.ters. Tlst
! 111 .!;.: ;) will cHik, s.vt p. Wi.il oil the la
hies, c-.rry l-.ud f n.aiketinj:, tin the
j :rsi ne-zi il lirurigpry, loll Ire at:d e;irty
' 'vi.ii litre ni iru clothing llun would le
, r'!i;we I to 11 Sou hern 'uvr, hi i? their
, l.-ipKljl da itfh'erj spend if.eir rtnrnir.g
j loTitiin iii h-'d, rfM'Jmg r -i ie :lly h'ok,
I ttikitg le-oii iu mnsij nnd 1 leu-.-h. nins
: '
lid the like.
tvMiii.vj.) ure
1 llHVlkll d III llri-S'Il-'.dlsit.! 11
h"i r 1 h inns
I r' 4
j and hc -oni'pii.-hments to iho lie,t advan
i tai?, for thu wonderment aud udoiira'ton
of kuitit of the yard stack and yrmpg
9-iriiits fir profisstonal hnnnrs d ic-loi.-i
wi liiiiii pa'ii'n'!1, lawyers without cli-ent-
w ho aie brainless and sou lies n
themse'vei. Afer a wh.le the pa no
soutiditig simpleton dptivate a tip.-mea-nuiing,
la-ep'iJiidn, or pil.'-inii'iiing
simpleton. The two ninnies spend every
cent that can be raised ly hook or crook
jet a'l that can be got on credit in
broadcloth, satin, fluwer, lace, carriage,
HtlendHnce, &e , hang their empy pock
ets on some h l. chair, lay thi ir empty
hrudson soineb xiy'.i pil'owymJ cutniRence
th-'ir empty life with no o'her prosit!
th.in liv.nj at s.nieb)jy's evpeixe with
n hi'iher purpose Ihuu living genteelly
nnd spiling the neighbors. Tins i a y-j
mpis of the lues ol H i ds of stree:
and ba:i-ro..i) bf'.U,perhap of sow uhose
shining costume you have nvied from a
pacing g!uee. '
Thousands of women in cii d.-e e-
iranttv on tI-.r !rf-rr n li , l.vi r-. -,i n c,''.
ficii nev of wholesurtie fo, d. a comfort bV
bed. or fire enough to warm thvir r.wu.
1 . t it- .
house'' in Louivi'le. There were l.
) mi. ig la lies aud u p aun in the h me;j
1 ouirc uortiiivu 01 n i:-!Heri nririiinir.
! had Mid parlors I1.1.1J joine'y fnruivhed
I TU l J. .. .. 1 . . 1 ,
i: eiui-M oun" i.iv, tne ne .e. wore a
0 -
rU'ionf r bonnet nl $10. a Mlk and b!i ode
concern tbst would not List nmre than two
or Ihrre nmnlhs ; s lli and satin dressc at
'h,W ,uUr doilM lr sr'J' i
jt .. .: . .1 . . I"
n piece for mtkin tli.-in, and the entire
' , .
slept in one iiui.iil fii'ioi.wiih two i ir!v I
' ' "w,i.ji.
: i ,. . .
of pMii; sSiin, two slra-.v ho!i.-r', ond
llh-eeilir'r ij'i.Its l-.r lietid.ng ; no sheeis.
no ':! there
n wall hun lie
.1 ai d v. riiii; s t;in, the r cli ijk and
until urt -e. i insi- inj-e- ail not work,
but pl-iyed ibe t iiino, wcoHcon and curd. ;
land i.early br-'ks their hearts the week
j hr-V.re we ivf ie .there, revauie Knottier,
I uliol presumed hvej just us Ihi y did,
j culled 011 them with a ereat, clumsy gold
1 chain n her ner k. N.ine of them had
lrne, and M...-sLr.biilinria, the belle, could !
e it im supper, and had a bad fit of the
sulk iu console her Ion he w tint of a chain.
R,i dear .tc ! I had no notion of run-
,ff '' ' 1 W, lM tKttWu'
ho-- ba,y you c-un.rjr girls are apt to be
i:i lb.- f.il, and this ltd ins lo think wh ir
" '" "'"R ln;" w .$ In
1 tn ?h-,lk " '" i,v''
id y. It is a great li'e.-s'.ig to live in 11
c-ioiitry where it is a credit to work, fir
i'M'-ncss i tht parent of vie' and itiisery.
Si d not gt w-ary or think your Im a
hird one shin pulling up pickles or pre.
serves, an.ileb i'ter, sausages and fauces
tor future use."
Improved Iron.
During Ihe sessions of ihe Iron Conven
tioil.held al Pillsburga few days since, noi
cimens of Iron.manufactured by new prj
ces-, and converted into hoop iron, rooiet
and eipjare rods.borse shoe nails, die., were
exhibited. These were bret hi every iro
aiiiahle way to lest tbe toughness and mal
leability of ihe article. Of the process tbe
I'lilsburg Gaze:te says : ..
This iron is manufactured in New Jer
ey, b a process dk-covered by Mr. M.
Sal.er, and pnlenied". t is made from ihe
ure.hy a single proeess.wiih anthraeae-aad
t.ituminous roal. The process is as loll iw:
Tf ef'irnn- e h ibiee cmuh ned rhair.hers,
one above ihe other, nnd &! a--'uated by
ihe siiine ftf. The tipper chnmoi-r is used
for dioxid'iing ihe ere nrtpuri'irs, stu-h
a tu'piur, rVr , Ik tin ettrried off at a low
iemerattr ; the mttld'e chamber for flux
ing and wotkin?, and the lower ch'-mber
tor reducing and finishing. The nieial is
taken from ihe hist named lo the hnnurier
or iqueeot-rs "the time, two hours."
frori; by this process, can be made much
dwHperihati wi tbe old plan. We should
www of rait fotd iron-
librnt-Ws of the V. !.
The fi'iow:ri)f tab'j prepuirrd by Dr.
LmlwiE, of Near Y-nV, khns the nj-rh.-r
of public l;orare, aui t!ie v .'.uires iu ibe
Le.'fd i'.a'hj
S ates.
i n Hampshire,
Ule fi'! l-'mil.
Ma-iehs -Its,
ti nnerti.-ol,
.ew York,
iVi.n-'v Ivatins.
New Jersey,
N:. Vo's.
4 41"'
a 2-3'Ji
"Z IGl'li.i
5 43 4:)
30 2i)-t.!oa
4 7l.(m0
31 174S10
8i 17ii,l0
I 2S.5HJ i
:5 f9 8!ir !
6 y.5!'0 1
5 6 8iJii I
3 3 7.!; ,
0 000 !
1 3.600 j
1 1 4 5(H) I
9 58,300
a 16.D0O :
5 Sit 400
4 22.000 '
3 12,200 1
5 13.3001
2 &.0U0 ,
0 OuO
5 26,700 J
9 44.0(0
6 20.500
o in 10 :
o 000 ;
9 75,000 j
235 1,209,8001
! Ohio,
j M cliiin,
j t-i?fiiiiie.
Ih'iuWii re,
N nth Carolina,
Soui h Caroiina,
L .nium,
M s,i ipp;,
Din'.rict ol Columbia,
President 'I'jiylftr and Suudoj i
Pres. Taylor an j lady have be n con.
stilMedlife tr-en-beis ol tbcAoierican 4un- ;'
day S-choo! U.non. by the contribution of
SOD from ibe childieii of the Sabbath
sci,o-.,U i:i Cuariesion. S. C. Tbe Preai-
j d, , BCk.,w le-ii.es the conipllmeiit in th
a,.mx,a e;.r lo H,iminer. the Gtuc -
j f(, A,CI,, uf the Society :
Washington, Nov. 14, 1S40. '
Diar Sir: I h.iv t!ie p!ifiure to ac
! ki,i..i !t'dii; nur tavur nt iiim lii.h tni. in
i . 0 . ...
,or"": " &"n.Jay M-h ...I clnl-
1 iirtii 01 v,fiai lesion, U., had by a con-
! In.i.i'iuii i f MMy it., Urs c.ns;itu!i'd my
1 ..i . ...,.1 ... , fcMti 1 : i r ..,-.k 1.....
,u-..i ui ii.iuni..nt;n n powrnut iiiii..ence npn ine wurn-
h un ii,diij dch'iol I'm ui. nnn f.f thi enrm-ncraey 0 Kepubl.es ; at-
' be to express i.ur l;igh appreciation lat hed to the Union, and the whole Unioiii
oi Hie lamr ny winch we are inue mem-
liers of liiiii most beneticent and useiul its-
siiiitiob,-iud uius; ask you 10 convey to the
little clu. ieu from wnoin it is dented, ibe
gieut graiifuMtion we ttel al thu delica'e
I J.1'"'" ' ,!,clr recoliei-ciou and rst.-cm.
y 11 ey, wnu i.oas Diessinbr, become
n- itihers of aoc ety. aud thus sh
ttieescet'eireol iiiSi-J "ijusicaiuing wh c-i
laey Uov enjoy.
I am with hih respect.
Your fiieuj and ct'tserv!,
Rev. T. L. ilaoimer, ic.
Our Stat Works.
It will be gr'it:i'vi-g t'ery luvtr of our
S;ate 1 1 read ins folio in r?, oil uf ihu r-J-ceipts
upon our S a i' Yvo.-k, tor the tiscai
year ending on the tirt of Novumter, as
compared with th'se of last year :
l'bis Jfr, bp Iu Nov. M
$13? 445 62
1.331,032 50
Thosthwin an excess in f-or
of $',9 o! iu rauiij .uui ot $'77,414 IS
A few more yeuis l.kc ihi pa-l and IVnn
syUania will be '-out of the woods."' On
tin- lt of uusl list the iuteres's oil our
puh'ic debt wa pai-l fir the first lime in
pctit mal'-ad ol" sh:ii;!as'er. During the
same month the Sta'e debt was reduced
$1 13 Ot'0. Only fist wrek it was reduced
$73,000 more ar.d no it seem that the
S n'e VV'orli Live been made to yield 531,
414 more lb;u ihey d:.l fur iho last fiscal
ear. If we g.i un at this r ite pay inj off
SiOtl.O'iO evert nine nHmlHs, it will be but
a few years heloieibe wlrVo public debt ol
Penrii) iviini i vi be extinguished, end the
people freed from taxation.
Mr. Greeley he given $100 to?betmir
iieynvM lador now on a strike fur higher
wages in fSoston, and $30 for the relief of
ihe oentiluie 11 jngarinn exiles. - Such be.
nevo'ence would covet a mutitude ol sins
but Horace Greeley ha a lew lo cover
as most men. He prea:he a tc.d deal of
doctrine thai we do r.ot like ; but the man
ia au bonor to the pr. '
The Pi'j Ainuscoirnts Among the
amusements ol this pretended successor n
Si. Pi ter, are ihe g:ime of rheasand billi
ards, in which his rardiuals paiiicipa e.
!!' companions, however, at the b llinrd
rabte, are his minister, so say corres
pondent if the New York Observer,
M ori t-wv -The city of V kn, in
New Yolk, d-k- not owe a cent of pobl'iC
debt, ami has money in' bank, and taxes
collectable, has an abundant supply of wa
te from the mountain springs, and is light
ed hy .ure and excel ten! gas.
YL, NO. 87-297;
The CnaU 8tenj.
7hi!e we would uot, say iht Krie Ga
ie"!e. re cnnimerid the unit tr nil udnp'iiri'
of this princip'r, for tbe reason as well that
1: is itnpncticab'e. as that it might io'er
fre somewhat with the prosperous cour
of tra.-.'i-, we would yet enforce tbe policy
ol it in the common every-day businens
trarisaclioos of life. We are entirely per
u:iJed that any one engaged in trafficking
can affoid to .-li frum 10 to 13 per cent,
chopper, ct least, than where credit is g:v
en, and have moro clear profit at the end
of the year. The merchant who credits
must calculate lo lose eight per cfnt. by
ses must, necessarilr.be supplied by en in
ci e lie in the price of goods. We hop".
j therefore, to ace an effort made lo abridge
: the cred.l sy l'ein in this pi ice, lor reullv it
(tiinw that in our own business, could wu
bring it about, it would result in substanti
al benefit both lo pa' runs ni jiatronin d ;
and sure we arc that in the cases of others.
Thee observation apply with great
rce to this nartirutiir Ijcality. Tbe evil
and seritsu-ly fj irioas effects of the triJe,
oidef and crsJjy. stems, are felt sehvbly,'
nr.'d to a very great extent i,i Danvi! e, hy
nl our merchants, rpech.mics and business
,'" 1'hf cash 'le" '''' 0,,,y "U9
' ,d wa? C doing ku.ine., and we
j b?!ieve i: 0?'in -u!d ntfc all clas.
I8 r ,,M! community. Danville Demo'-'
icr,, XuV- 20 1
Gen. Cass, when i Near Turk, a day
or two az, was tended the compliment oT
a public dinner, but had tbe good sense U
I a i;- 1- k.- 1,,.. k ik.,.
" "l"" '
i Pt.ired im a vrnnranniral tkWlinn In
' . c , a . . ,
nnd attached equallv to tbe principles of
j free i((m, and lo the CiM.stiiutiou by whicn
jidene are gutrdd and secured, should
1 ihe liire ever cmne as I iru.st it will nut
and come whence and why it may
I when dissolution shall find advueate, and
ihit Ipiiid t violence shad alienor to sever.
lSe hond ;hit hold us lo-o thcr. !:6 Vej
wi; rie vp as oc'tt ".ei, tc ttay a deed so
la. a1 to the ciuio of hbertv here and ih.-o-ent
in.? wor'J aye, and it will be stayed.
Sacecs cft never hallow the effort. If
we ire not struck bv judicial biindnes.
we shall hold on to the Constitution with
a tenacity defying time and accident,
thank ni( th G J of our fathers, and our
God, for political institutions which have
secured to iik a greri'er measure of national
prosperity than it h i ever been the lot of
any people to enjoy.
(q an address recently delivered by. ihe
II -a. Horace Mann, before the' Mercantile
Library Association of Boston, that geo
;'"m'tn said :
"The Gt;rtnTs h i J a very beautiful
nH, which wa worihy of being engraft
ted on our lngmj;e, namely, the verb to
orient. Tha tnveler in wools or deserts,'
when taking hi bearing by the rising
s'jo, was said to orient iimtlf. Y'uung
ni?n! the physical world of sense and
motion is before yoo, to go where you'
will. The illimitable universe ofinteliecl
and of spirit is around you, and you can
choose in it what direction you please.
Cut before you make an irrevncuUa
(choice, let me beseech you.eriVu yourself !
Mike sure ihe track, in which your hippi
nes in ihi world and ihe nett your
S'til'j immortal in erests most surely aud"
plainly lie f Orient yourwlf !
It appears, by a list of the name, age,
profession, ii-., of l hose composing :1m'
Cjusiitutioiiil C invention, uf Cai'iforuia. ,
that M iryland has the second largest iium-.
ber in ihe Convention. The mcmbtr are
divided as follow i
Front New Yoifc-, 1 I ronnecticur, 3
..1 fry land, 9 Vermont, J
Ken ucky, 3 Virginia. 2
Ohio. 3 Massacliusctts,
New Jersey, 3 ,
TennesM', Rhndu Island, Pennsylvania, '
Indiana, M-ssouri, and Ma hie, each one,
mid the remainder are from California,
Ireland, France, fiec. In ihe whole nurr.-
ber there are fouiteen lawyer aud two '
physician. .
"A Wife a is a Wife" hs bm '
found in one Kuty Malone, who was bml
before ibe Police Court, Biaton, for brn
king a chair all 10 pieces upon her bus-"
band, while he was in bed alt lor yai-"