Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 30, 1850, Image 4

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9&On her way from Boston to Pbila
d rlpbia, Jenny Liud tstopi over night at
Bridgeport, Conn., where Mr. Itanium
resides ; and the Vankec Editor of the
Bridgeport Stnmhjrd thus facetiously
chronicles the important event.
Arrival cf Jenny.
WeTl. we aeen hrr Tu. we did.
It ww nine orlfM-fc t niftit;
Stat cloud the axurv hid
And thr Bxxm wtw Fhinriv.; 1riftt '
Wbrn we m her. tlie UiiuturuU
Jenny lind.
Front a common rati enr portal.
As Tat would mv
t mi her rather dimly,
Ynr the idiadowa 611 tn primly
rom tlie car and thiDjr around ;
And bT Umm-t and her veil
Weir an cTc-nrof ewat ef mail.
1 hile theVrmoke fnra out the rail
Hcmd .oeninM.iri fc ehimMy,
ft in the ataci hcr.- abound
We did not eve a taturc
f Ui r--M-h.-inui -rentnre.
inr cmtch a wntle nmde from m-r Hp;
or did we meet a slam-
From thouc eye that r entrance,
l;ut tliat hat, ad and ail,
Md Iht comf'TU'Me il:twl,
1 hal in yrarefal Mi li. fit.!,
'tr ht-r bo and wait, and iiipsl
Tltem we paw
With kafiit t"!
And w Wt the m:;:l.ty truth dWp unprctaKd.
That Itencath that veil and cdiawl.
And pnwn. and el tlwt if. "U
jho -Wvihee her ftirm that drwwe.1.
That th" ioriw errat un .'
No miftuke a Unit it- -And
we tremUed in mir boois
Like a man do- hn h. tdiiMitit
or the fiivt tin- in UU life, a deer or a moue
fnrrr n a-jt-r -hah
Wiib tendency tn make
Your pimpled o'er like a g-xe-
Twaa tnorv than we could ,
S leaned airainfft a car.
While a Mnjiinr n our earx.
Liki- the music nf tlie epai-re,
A -entle etvalin lhn s
&4d roch-Jr-nirdy lo u,
!he U fAttr
Jcnnv'f tharl
Jot rcr- :d not antwer. (not a we knew of.)
And we heard her honey tone
.. thriltiiur through oar bnn.
And doulth'Mi we hall feel Um iii a week;
Yea, that FWeeU sonl-pro."!..: v.4ee.
In whom power we ail nMf.
That crnikl teaeh a ww mu ' to a Wrd.
We bare heard!
It's true! we beard it way
A ltd l'nff, Ob, ..n-thedny
In .ur memory will ty .
In MlTcry und e !nnrd V?
Mo4 delicately munhr
The tnslbb of Ui King.
Ye! we bard her miv. and Lit '9 i" like a wnft
(The entrine of th- train IiihI jiiht U-uh to shriek)
U i. n fntm the coarh phe mtf 1,
A- -hefiirward lnt her beal:
K a. trirrr. qmnU : m. mk "
Ta too mui'h fr u? t lar(
W.bodl-re4. frair.
ti'll. and fainted, then and tin-re!
Critics at Fault.
- J ..... t T litr.ptliira
L.ri:ics, in every a-rui.m
and art, are invaluable animals. Uoca- j jjj
sionally, however, ihey overrcich their j
own asituoness. Years bince e s nt to f
an editor of remarkable li'eiary acuemi n j n
and information, those brautiful lines ol j
Hums. "To Marv in Heaven," as an orig
inal ellusion. We survived the impatience .
of two weeks, and were then comforted
with a fling, to the t fleet that juvenile srri
biers had better attend to tht ir pi inters, and
nol pester the cditowl corps wish their
crude productions
Some daj-s since, in speaking o( Jenny
LindN first Concert in this city, e wete
: --...nU m am.li i l-i- a iA
the stanzas ofShelle)' inimitable "OJe to
the Skylark." Yesterday we were tnot
unmercifully berated mid ridiculed by a
critical visiter, who took th; verses for our
own. We have not yet determined htth
rr Shelley, or oursell, was most compli
mented by our friend's mis:ake. Iv-th
reader cao determine for h'lusv f ! Phila.
V.,isrik Mi.illkU " u arc not
,-.n,l nl" children, ma'am. 1 Ik lieve," re- !
marked our good aunt Btttt ) lo a li-dy the
..iher A.tv. " No not when they are
wnull ; the brats are so much trouble ; but j
if I had one Iron, six to eight cars old, I
think I should like it very we'.l."' "Well,
that's j'ist the way, lor all the world, that
my fashionable niece used to talk. Poor
thing ! On one occasion the child's nurse
went into the country Lr a week, when
the b iby waa but a year old ; and would
you believe it, she never undressed the
child ii"e in all that time, day or night,
because she was afraid she could not put its
clothes on again."
A story is told of Mr. Van Buren lhat
while on a tour through the West, 1840,
he was upset in a stage coach, and as he
flood up in the mud, and asked the driver
how the accident happened, was told by
thai personage that he hud upset eleven j
members of Congress, and by so aotng ne
s-wuroi the votes of every one of them for
;iropiiaiions lo the National Road, and
i he m-ver before had had a President for
a passenger, he would improve the oppor
tunity of doing his duty to the West, in en
deavoring to prevent a veto in case another
appropriation should pass.
An Irishman hearing the Sphinx alludid
loin company, whiijien d to a friend
Sphinx ! who's he no !"
A monster man.'' ,
Oh, Munter man T I thought he was,
(rom Coonaught,'' replied lite Iiinhman, j
not'Tiniued nut to seem totally unicquuiii
Itd with the fHinily.
Importance tif a boundary line. An old
lady whi did not know whether her plan
;aiion was iu Virginia or North Carolina,
icjnd when the line was tun, that the was
it resident nf lire former.
" Well." id she, I am jilad 1 dn'l
'live in N i.'h Cand:na ; it was always
such a sk-kiy S'a'e."
Gentle Correctiun -Th it n-iecr old ft-l
luwPt pJf,"" his Diary, rerords the bil
lowing Kjxfiinfn ol the manner of correct
ing careless servan's in Ihe year ItiGO :
" This morning, observing some things
not l.iui tip as thry should be by. my girl,
1 took a broom and basted her till she
cried extremely 1
THE fullowinff ordeiikhow !' oftce lm(nil
far and excellence of this great medicine :
"Youk, July 28,1847
"J KiJi) Co: The Vermifuge Ich u on sale
some time ago by your agent, is soM. It goes
very rapidly, and gives great satisfaction. A we
are entirely out of the article, anal have frequent
call, for it, iilease send ut some immediately
' SotaviitE, Tenn. March 18, 1817
-Itt M'L i tie Dear fir : The Vermifuge yon
left with me laxt fall has long since been vold.and
I could have sold a great deal more if I had had
it. fSuire my return from the Eist, I have beea
called upon nearly every day to write to you.
rri)uetmg an immediate supply. I have already
tried your Vermifuge in my own family and Gnd
it to be the best I have ever used
"Mi d Check, Steuben Co. Sept 7, 18(7
This maycettif, that we have lrMW.
.lUK IIlrflll J IU t-'irvi.iiii,, v ail III IIUIIIIKO,
u. ..... .ij ...i
a . ar c fa . . . a - : e
he rust vear, andit ha given unbounded satis
faction. It is no imposition on the community,
but is what its authors recommend it to be a
uiitveival specific for those fllicud with worms.
AGENTS- -C W 8 HirrLE,Ix-viiiiburg; J
H Carlow and J H Ilastr, Milton ; I Gethart. 8e
linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Cay,
Northumberland , M C Grier.J Muote, Danville
at lewislmrgr.
CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com
inencing Oct. 17, 1850.
Primary Department.
Eirrrised in Spelling, Reading, Definition.
Etlih Gr-mmar, Arithmetic, Cengraphy, His
tory L" S.A, Penmanship and Comj-oition.
EnnUth Department of the Academy. !
The fame studies as in the Primary DiT.rtm't ,
continued m the use of larger text book,; and to
these are a.U.-d General History ,.ljjbia, Lrgeu-
dre, and Eli-meuts of ciurveyiog.
Classical Department of the Academy.
T,-no Junior Afaaemir nan.
i:n-'li-!i i;rniirir. l.tin Unuiliuar. ArilliUi. tir(to
Tin-nim-tii.li. ill I. Term, ami l'i-iim.iti,l:ll-. .
r'.nglit-li linuumar. i'li sar. Aritlnm-tir -mil--t -t l-v
li4 ltvisHin.-r-k liRiBiaur, History l At, IMi-
Senior Academie rhis.
Wmr. tireek K,-aI(T, Al hra VW' m- nU.)
.Vneid, do do
ill do do completed.
IliMorv. Knglb-h Insuae and t'unirittu.
Freshman clans.
KivrlMi I-anua -e aud Crmj-ritron, Algehm. Livy.
riane, s.lid and hplHTh-al t-Jeoinvtry cmi-I. t d, Li-1
yt Auatai.
Onphnnnre cfas.
lfomrf . OdtXMt-v. 11 Mm and Stdii'rica.1 Trii!onmftrv
to irii!uniiiou.rv.'iiij.ni2:ai..ii.
l;lhtorif, A tiaty tint! (JutDM-try. (
niMii-i, ifitn trntttt'iii' tti .t-uiva.-tiivini.
Junior etas.
IK mith.ttt .n the rn.wn. 4'ieero de Offw-ii., Me-!
rhanie tly.ln.rnaiisx.and llvlmulii. .
Ih-ni-fc-tlH-iH- tn Hit- t'rn. Iir,-r( il- tiffieiia iu
-lt l;il. I'lH-mnitlU-ii. A-outis. Kltlrkty, Mnne
liMn. nml o-tint.
lint-k TrailJ', Tat-itus Astront-uij'.
Krnirir cln.
Iii. Nntural Tln-lvrv, lnl-llf-tnnl riiiV-"-bT.
II. lir.n k. I'tiliti'-al Kr. n m , I'-rnl I'hiM-i-lty.
i 111. lluti.-r Aiinli.-y. - i ft .utk.n r I', f., tht-inl-try.
j L-A'lurv?. Iicu.-ral II- Ti -ws.
I No class in the Krgula- t'ouise Las less li-a
1 three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon i.
j devoted exclusively to Viical Muic, Declmuation,
i and readinz fe'lrct and original CnpoMtioiis.
j The siuo'euls are reiUtre-t to itlmil, teeul.ii Iv
1 pome religious mcetine. Minors are eiectrd ti
attend such meetings as are recmmcmlrd to ihem
I'V their parents or euardians. 1 here arc in Ihe
b-mugli no less thsn six places of public worship
ol as many different Christian denominations.
Tft Itookx.
FmlKih Lttttqivt'j' "n't Floruit'. The ltil-le. r-r,-rs
Kliiloriral l:rn'l.T. Y.'.rrv-iti'r' or Vi'l-.t--r l'irlHtnp-,
i - in i.u-MA, iiimi-itii-ii, rariu-r-s Ai.ls, Wairs Lsrtun
I ,i niv,.r:iy Uiii.; '
!...,'. i;.,.n. nullify-. '-nr. SrhmHi ! unud .
' tinril. Lmmiu's Lit v. AnttHin'f llnrace. Thai-li-r's Cat-to
.tr i:ti. t: i. r s la.-itus- (ioniiania et .-rioJ:i. . i
i t.i.L.ii j : i.i-.,, -... ,...,".,.iu, iu,i.-i.
; iiw.-ii'ii llin-r ii l-ly.n-y.l.'balU-lint. Dt-miw-tlit-uiv; i'L-k.-j
l,-.u-til Maitual.
urv Ai i.r. t-ourJ. n. U-iKtrr. surrryin- i.-l N.vi-,
. ... ... ..... .... M. .Li,..,..,.- v,.ant i'i.ii.Nu.,.1..-'
rnvi-xi. a i., i - -il.---. mi - . - ........ .. . . --j ....
it's .Natural liiilo
(-U-ntlyi.il.i uim-L-a i- A-tr-r.(-my. i
Number or Sliidents.
The number of students during the past year
in the various Departments, was 1V2. Thej
Collegiate classes already organized lor the emu
ins '. are l'Mon ing : j
Junior class - - - 14
Kiritiomnre rti.s - - 10 i
x'rL'.-hmau elas - - 19, (
STKI'IIKN W. TAYLOR, A. SI, Prof, of Malliraitk-s
aud Nsluml I'liili-M-i-tiy.
CHllniK U. 1IL1SS, A.M, ProC of M Uui.-ua-.-and
,;r.nli(;K W. AM1KP.SOX. AM ,lW.ofUtiaUn-iuiuv :
anl Literature.
ISA AC X. LiaiMIA, A. M.. Prinrinal rthe AnHlemr.
ALf'KKD r IJlli, A. -M, Tutor in the Kn-li.h Lnu- '
puse au-1 Klis-utiou.
IIulldingi, Library and Apparatus. !
i : :r i .k. '
a us Auaucuu miun uu. nivjiini vj uic
memtiers of Ihe University, has been creeled, at
an exrs-use of V"0. and it is adnpli'd to arcouuniii:ib.
l.'S stuitrnts. AnotlHTt-dinre is nsnrly cnral-t-d. aud is
rxKTtJ-d t 1m- n-aily rhr orrtipaary at the ouuiinL-uceluvut
of Ihe njt Tiim "let. 17, IH.il.
Tut l.il-mrv rontains a uumls-r of si-loct mlulm-s, an-l
is n-nstsntly iiM-n-iistnir. i
Chniral Apparatus has Wen proeun-,1 sufllrietit ti i
sur-t-ly Um- litimilmt. tti-insnil. Hie Aiianiliis !-r tli
illuslraUou ol .vlLvhauioU I'liilosc-J-Iiy, hi now vom;-li-te.
Tuition and Hoard.
Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30,
Academic f20. Primary $13 per year.
Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and
light, cau be had in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, from $1,50 to $2,50 per week.
Arrani-nM-uU are in progress to furnUh Hoard.? x-tn- ;
sire of h-lirue, wa.-hinff, fuel and light, to such as way i
desire it, at Si o per week.
8esieiiH and Tacatlons.
Two Sessions in the year the former com-;
continues 36 weeks : the latter commences on
Thursday. 15th May, and continues 14 weeks.
Spring Vacation. 4 weeka; Autumnal, 8.
By order and in behalf of the Bnard :
Lewn-burg. Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1850
NE self-evident, and worthy of every
ronsiJerallon, lhat DO MilllT Call make'
, i n ... . a a a '
Prxi Clean flOtir Without tie Das gud Clean I
wheat. I suppose you wish to know the i
remedy. I tell VOO It l to et one Ol :
Herg.trf,er'. Ifhfat Scourer,, or Smut j
Machines. He being an old, practical and .
experienced Millwright lias invented, cot I
, e . i I
up and put in successful operation the best
Wheal Scourer now in use. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
that it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as thrse ma
chines are to be warranted good. . Further
recomiiien Nations are thought unnecessary.
He is imw having a supply made at lwis. ;
burg, by :'essr. tseddes A; Marsh. Orders
ft midlines, or letter of inquiry, will he";
promptly attended lo. Machine will be
cut aod put lo ill order. . Address' i
- i mrur'CiTDi.'ccctj
. . .. BEK"STRSER, ,
Lewisburg, I nion Co. Pa. 3?9'
WILL commence on MONDAY the 38th of
Oi Toata. In this Institution, all the
Branches of a thorough Academic course will be
The communication of knowledge simply, is
not the sole design of Education and should not
be made so ; its highest aim is to strengthen and
bring out into action, the intellectual and moral
powers of the student. Throw around him all
the facilities necessary to his ogress, and af
ford him all proper aid, but do not flatter him
with the thought that he must rely upon another
and not upon bis own efforts for success. Inde
pendent self-relience i one of the first lessons
h.i .ki.i h lnnuJ in a school room. This
kind of early mental training preparea one for
alter we,
. ... . .r the ia
Th. X efforu of".
i lltnain iuu uiiniwvaui .
I M a a.
,l.l ih. refore. be directed lo the for-
.: -i - j k.t.;. nf iml. for when this
end is reached, the progress of the pupil becomes
at once certain and rapid.
Composition and Declamation. formerly,
will receive due attention particularly the for
mer, and the Primary - Department fhall,have our
special care. The subscriber feels flattered with
the growing ppe.iiy of the Institution, and
shall labor to merit its continuance, by iucreascd
exertion. .
Tt iTius Per Session of 20 weeks, for the
Common English 6 ; Higher English, 8 ;
aud for the Languages, f 1 0.
Oct. 9, 1850. Pr.ncipal.
FOR past favors, the subscriber returns
his grateful thinks, and hereby makes
known thut he carries on ihe business of
TaUltinZ and C'Urr J Ing,
, ,l. ry.t fi,anA n.-i.-rmineil not to be
. . mnnr,,eture or finish of his
work, he is bound to have the best work-
men and materials, and lo treat those who
hr.ve so liberallv naironized (as well as
tllOSC UlfO WHO SIMM Ue ptenseu hi mriii
:.;. .. ;it, rhi uitontinn nhich lie hones to
uitii; " ....
in-ure bitn a lull share of public patronage.
Ml kinds of Produce taken in exchange.
I lides and Ilirk not refusr-d, for which the
hi -hist market price will be paid in cash
or in exchange for leather.
M.trch 25, A D. 1850
A7 oy tn Cahftfma, but alo M Letcmbiirg
A good afisoflment'of
, vjii lies, silverware & jcirciry.
, ,
of fine quality anJ at City price?.
Hatfield & Thompson
Iinerifullv infarm the ciliien? of I.ewisburff and
1. 1 i j
vicinity, that they have entered into Partnership
at ihe CW.U ST AM) on Market SU, opposite J
Hayes A Co's Store, prepared lo execute every
kind of work in their line, in the best manner.
They carefully selected of the best English and
French materials. Mainsprings Cylinders, E-pe-whet
ls, and a variety of Watch Jewels, and flatter
themselves that their knowledge and skill in the
lmsiies will enable them to give satisfaction to
all who may fivor them with patronage.
FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex, Es-
caiieinrnts, l.erin.i", Anchars, Detached,
Patent Levers, Repeaters, and Musical Watches,
Ac neatly renaued and warranted
Also fur sale, a v.iri. ty of Gold and Silver
Watches, Patent Levers, Am bars. Detached. Le-
pines. Uuartiers, an I Eiiglin Watches, Gold
Clisins, lireast-pins. Finger and Ear rings. Gold
aud Silver Uelt Mides, UraceleU, Gold and Silver
Pencils and Pens, do Spectacles,
-Silver Sp wus, Suear tongs.t ombs,
Ac Ac. in thort. a little of everything, and
anj tUnij else, not mentioning kiucK-KnacKs,
always on hand or cot lo order
A vaiietv of Brass Clocks for S3 and upwards
at wholesale and retail
I'ersons desiring to get things right, would do
well by giving the subsciibers a call
Lupenence tells us that the Credit System can
,-, au-M u ii. nig. ut i ciui ,pin v iiuu
... .A-...1 . i:..:n i'k.nr...A :n ,H ,n..k
along and keep moving," the Cash System must
necessarily be enforced. Feb 23, 1851)
imSCRIBRRS to the "University at
Lewisburg" are respectfully requested
to pay their second Instalment, now due,
lo the Treasurer. And those who have not
pnid the 1st Instnl't are respectfully notified
that all such delinquents will be charged
Interest on their Instalments from the time
they become due.
Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850.
The (intitist J)inrori-rif 'if the Ayr!
S constantly efTfctine corrs of the utmost
importance. The most credulom are roir.
, vim cep ; the most faitbLvs, compelled to believe
' in the power and virtue of this great remedy.
It Ir unircrsaJIy wJoiittcd tn h thr mrwt wnmUrfttl
I cinbintiin known U the vrll ft the immntvtte relief
nf d and pain. It nwrr faila while thro nmain
ufllfrtnt lite t nnon a natural athl healthr nrthm to
til- nt'.illarT Trttaelvi f the hnily, anl jtialite tti circuit'
nom f tme tmn. nj unn ntemna. a eontmiiinjr power is
fraiueil over the mot malirmant f trmsj of iijL).ai, whkh
ran not be obtained from anr Hhrr n-medv. Vurh la th
nowwir of the rotttwiiatittn. athal K i.iH-intMi m
I" - the hum.-vn frame: erery bone and muw-le.
"rasa, saws vt mtmM isuasn lit it rw al rrr-vi mji nq auavM arn-
aihle of airitVtiu and Itealinxinllaeim. Ilem.t.
".'TZ'LI m.
has reston-d hlth to pauVnUsn near the crave that the
ZZ." nnttEV
Inflammation ut the Bowels.
" f"Bt ! Z,t wiem u Macaetie
Ointment can be otaainnt. Thar danaeroua epkk-mie.
known as uv ri llliu KKlf irr.LAS, can always be
eun-d by this reavsdy. For
this Ointment is the most eompletr- remedy ever prepan-d.
In V9 eases nnt of lou, it will alford rnttre rrlirf to the
wor-t raws of Mervoas Headache In 30 mlnnirs. For
Sierrous Uireaass, this remrdy is of immense value.
AfTeetlons of the Hpine. Rheumatism. Lameness, t'ta.
ratesl 8ore Throat, Bronrhitis. Pleurisy. Croup, Chills,
Cholera Mort-ns. Airue in the Pass or Breast. Rnrns.
U"1 ofthu remedy.
' . 8oI"l by Thornton e Baker, Lewisburg.
Cm328 E F BcrrianxLa, TravgAgt
m Ci v VX i7'cT-Vf-T 1.1 r t -
I - JUSTICE, new edittoo, can b. had
., i.,jir. Bookstore, in this place.
Lewjaburg, April 10, 1950.
-aTT-SJnVanlanamjrj -.
More Ktm for the Sick!
Sufficient to til mrf nlumn oitpaptr,tan ksvsdaasf
Dr.Swaync's celebrated Family Medicines.
celebrated Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry,
That 1 would not gin
ons bottle of - Dr. Swsyne'S
CompouuJ Syrupof WildCherrjr"
f half a down or ny otuer rear
atlons. I b tri.-d all the popular ones.
I,ut this sunds unrivalled fcr Un- eur, of tb.
, dOMses. vis. Inllmnua, Umillit, loWr,
"", H7 , TMIiHg or Km
v,li'm in the Thruat, Unochilit, AM ma, or
Wtakota 6V AVrrona Jvi, or im
paired constitution from auy enusc,
and to prevent persons from
falling intoa lAwtie,this me
dicine has not its squal,
and when too much Calomel or vluiuine has ln used,
this m-llfine will hvto iv
system and n-iir the biliary fuwUons.
Abraham Hunsicker, S miles from Shippack-
ville, Pa., contracted a sever, coin, wntcn set
tled upon his Lungs, attended with violent
coughing great oinicuuy 01 urcamiug, h nuv..
formed in his lungs, and mad. iU "ay through
the side, and discharged large quantities of pus
externally. This mournful state of things con
tinued for a long Urn., until mating use ot air.
Bwayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry,
which performed a perfect cure.
Have you ine Asmma, laser urjipiaiii,, m
Bronchitis T If so give ibis medicine a IriaL it
seldom tails to cure.
Be very careful to enquire for DR.
WILD CHERRY, as some unprincipled indi
viduals have stolen the nam. of Wild Cherry,
thinking to borrow a reputation from lhat alrea
dy established. Remember, the genuine is p it
in square bottles, covered with a beautiful wrap
per, (steel engraving,) with the portiait of DR.
SWAYNE thereon, also his signature : all oth
ers are positively ficticiouiand counterfeit."
Swajne'g Celebrated Veriuiiuge.
"A safe and effectual remedy for Worms, Dis
pepsia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dispeplic
Children, or Adults, and ihe most use
ful Family Medicine ever offered
lo the public.'
Extract of a Letter to Dr. Swaync.
Dated. Andersontown, Indiana.
A man purchased a bottle of your Vermifuge
Ihe other day for bia child, aud by its use dis
charged sixty three of the largest norms he had
ever aeen. It is somewhat difficult lo get ihe
people tiy it, as they havs been so often golled
by nauseous and worthless worm medicines.
Yours being so very pleasant to ihe taste, at the
same time effectual, I shall be able to dispose of
a large quantity. Respectfully, yours.
Towwn T. smbp, P. M.
Dr. fe'wayne's Vermifuge is now put up in square
buttles, (having recently been changed,) covered
with a beautilul steel ergraving v. rapper, v. ith
the portrait f Dr. Swayue thereon. Bear this
in mind, nd be not deceived.
fcke lhat the name is spelt correctly
A mild and eff-ciive purgative, greal purifier
of the blood, they correct all the functions of ihe
l.iver,and as an alterative in Dropsical aueciions
Ibey are very valuable. Giddiness of the bead,
dimness of sight depression of spirits, hesdache,
Ac, are cured ly these purnying ri-is. -i
medicine can have a better effect fur monthly ir.
regularities, which occaiornilly happen to wo
men, thev are nerfectlv safe, and will in conjunc
tion with Dr. Swayne's Compound Sjrup of
Wild Chery, take all pain from every pari
the system.
The above valuable medicines are prepared on
ly by Da. 8WAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth
and Race streets, Philadelphia.
Ainnti for Union county. Pa.:
W. Pvn.vrns and Th-hhto Bvsrs, --iV-wrf ;
C. . . Krnsk-r K.W ilson.N .Ih-rlin
B. Mi-nch.Slillr.l.urj
Mi--,. Srs-bt. Hravertown
Dsvis rVhnnre. Seltnssrore
V..uii.Tunn a Walt.-r.llry Valley
D.J. Boyor, tVnlrerille
L. ft Taylor, SlilBint-ur-
IIJimith.Mosser i-1 all-
K-ulx-ii K-ller, ary Island
it-.yi-r k Summers. Fm-hurit
Wilt ft Kili rt, llsrtlrton
Saml llaupt, Jr.
and by Storekeepers generally Iy290
riHE subscriber avails himstlf ol the co!
I umns of the Chronicle in publishing to
the citizens of LeBwisburg and vicinity lhat
he has opened a BOARDING HOL'SE in that
large and comfortably arranged house, formerly
kent as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two
doors east ol in. I ranann House, jnaiaei siren.
He is prepared to say lhat his Table shall have
: n V , . l . .. .
Ihe best the mantels can anoru, ana toe r,ouging
nf linaolera shall be as comfortable as can be
desired. I.S. SI-fcK.-vEK,
N. B. A team and carnage
will be kept to convey passengers to and from tb.
Packet Boats. LewisDurg, Marcn is, iftoir
fPH E subscribers offer the public, at their
I I, I. Amn ,rA iVkllrkivino- npw
1 new oncn i uubuij,ii. e
and valuable Stove :
Ir-w Witch Air-Tight Cooking 8loves, with
a UricK i rven.
i...l Waahinctnn Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove.for Wood
? Sli-aat
! Coal Burner for Parlors 1 six., 12 inch ejl
inder. l.oni. Air.Tiiht Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood S
Egg Stove the very best in as. for Stores,
Offices, Barrooms, and Sbops.
The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove.
The Complete Cook 3 sixes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings, etc. &e.
Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849.
Brand reth's Pills are sold at 25
cts per box (with full directions)
BY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, nna
by oslv one Agent in every town in
the Union. Bach Agent ha a Certificate
of Agency. Examine the box o' pills always
and compare it with th. fee-simile label on the
Certificate of Agency. As then is a counterfeit
of the new label out, this is of much importance.
a there is a decided difference between the
appearance of Ih. true label, and those of th.
counterfeit. Th. counterfeit i. don. on stone ;
th. genuine are don. on steel. Th. appearance
of the printing on th. counterfeit is ragged and
blurry ; th. genuine label is the very pink of
neatness, both in printing, paper, and general
Be verv careful and roto tb. AaenLwhen yon
want Brand reth's Pills : then yon am sure of th.
genuine art ids- When you purchase otherwise,
inquire of th. seller whether he knows th. pills
h. offers Ton an th. (main Brandreth's! Ev
ery nun know, whether I be ariicU he oOera is
true or false. Beware of cheats!
NOTES Promissory, Judgment and
Joint Notes (blanks) at this office
J UICE great Dypej,tia Curer ! -
Prepared from Rennet, or lh. fourth stomach of
th. Of, after directions by Baron Liaaia, lb.
great physiological chemist, by J S.Hocoto,
M.D., No. 1 1 N. 8th 81 Philadelphia. Pa.
A TRULY wonderful remedy for Initigution,
Uytptpria, Jaundice, Liter Complaint,
Coiutipaliun and Debility, curing after Nature's
own process, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric
Juice. fjl,alf tea'poonful of this fluid.intused
in water, can digest or dissolve Five Pounds of
roast beef in about two hours, out of the stomach.
DlgesJllOB i chiefly performed in the stom
ach by the aid of a fluid which Ireely exudes from
Ihe inner coal of that orgm, when in a state of
heal b, called the gastric juice. This fluid is the
reat solvent of the food the purifying, preser
ving and stimulating a?ent of Ihe stomach and
intestine. Without it there can be no digestion,
no conversion of food into blood, no nu'riiion
but rather a foul, torpid, painful and destructive
condition of the whole digestive apparatus.
lpsin is th. chief element or great digest
ing principle of the gastric juice. It i f-iund in
great abundance in the aolid parts ol ihe human
stomach alter death, and sometimes causes 'the
stomach lo digest or eat itself up. Ii is also found
in the stomach of animals, as the ox. Calf, Ac. It
Is Ihe material used by farmers in making cheese
styhd Rcnnvt. the effect of which has long
been the special wonder of the dairy. Curdling
of milk is the first process of digestion. A call's
stomach can curdle neatly one thousand times its
own weight of milk. Baron Liebig states, "one
part of Pepsin dissolved in sixty thousand parts
of water, digests meat and other food." Diseased
stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet
or Pepsin. To show that this want may bo per
fectly supplied, we quote the subjoined
Baron LlKBKi, in his o l. l.ral.-d work on Animal Che
mistry, sav.i: "An artifs-ial iliiri-stive fluid, anala-ous to
lln-liistrie Juicr.uiav r- rvadily prepared fn-iu tl- mucous
mvinl-ran,- of the stomach of the calf, in which varioua
articles of find, as meat and rars. will bo softeurd and
. i i ,,, -h. ..mm. maiiiur m in iuu uuumu "wni.
lir. 1IEKKIK A. in his famous treatise on r'oisl and DM.
published by r'owlcrs ft W ells. New York, page 3S, stau-s
the sam- (Treat fart, and describes the metlKsl of prepara
tion. There are frw hiajber uthoritie than Or. rVrcrla.
Dr. COMBK, In his valuable wriliuira on the Miysbiloiry
of lliiic.tion. observes that "a diminution of the due
quantity of the liastrk Julee is a prominent aud all-pre-vailinj
cause of Dysuepsm," and he state that -a di-tin-ui.K-Hl
.r,.siw-r of medicine in London. ho was seTt-n-ly
1 afflicted wilh this complaint, ftndins; evrrythinsj el- to
I fail, had recourse to tlie liastrir Juice, obtaini-d from the
.ttimm-ti of living animals, which completely suecec-b-d.
Kr.tlKAIIAVI. author of the famous works on Vejrrtable
liet,Havs: -It is a remarkatde fact in physiolniry. that
the sbu'naehs of animals, macerated in water, impart to
the fluid lie- property of dissolTins various articles. !.
aud of ertcelitiK a kind of artificial digestion of tli--m in no
wise difc-reul from toe natural diptire process."
Dr ClMoN S great work, tlie Chemistry of Man. (Lea ft
Bl.ii. U.nl. Pbilail.. 1SW, PP -'l.'S.) says: -The discovery
of Pepsin tinns a new era in tlie chemical hi-tory of Di
gestion, r'rniu n-cent eaperimcnts, we know lhat 6-od is
Jijw.lv-d :is rapi-lly in an artilicial discstire !uid. prepared
from 1'i-i-i-in. as it is in the natural Gastric Juice Itself. '
Hmf. lit'Xtil.lSoX. of the Jefferson ivll-se. ItiilasU in
his irrcat work on Human lhysiolo-y, devotes more than
fifty -ntf-s to an examination of Ibis subject. His experi
ments iih Dr. Ilraunvmt. on the (iaslric Juice, oMaiiu-d
fn-ai tlie living huuiuu stomach and from animals, are
Known. " in all esses," he says, -digestion occurred as
l;rfvct! iu th-- artificial as iu the natural digeUous."
As a IIVSPEPSIA CURER. Dr Houghton's
preparation of I'ep.-iu has produced ihe most mar
velous (fleets. It is impossible to give details of
cases in the limits of this advertisement but au
thenticated certificates have been given of more
than TWO.HUNDRED rapid, wonderful, and
permanent cures, Il is a great N'v.avoi s As ri
iiote, and particularly useful for tendency to
bilious disorder, liver complaint, fever and ague,
the evil effects of quinine, mercury, Ac, also for
excess in eating or drinking
There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM
PLAINTS which it does not reach and also give
instant relief! and repeated for a short lime, pu
rity of Blood and vi.ua or nonr follow at once.
It is particularly excellent in cases of nausea, vo
miting, cramps, soreness ol the pit of the stomach,
distress after eating, low, cold state of the blood,
heaviness, lowness of spirits, despondency, emaci
ation, weakness, tendency lo insanity. eVc
Price. ON E DOLLAR per bottle. Oue bottle
often effects a lasting cure.
PEFSIM IN POWDERS sent by Mail, free of Postage.
For convenience of sending to all imrta of the country,
the Digestive Matter of the "- psin.u put up in the tornt ol
Powders, with directions to be dissolved by the patient in
water or srrup. These powders contain just the same
matu-r as tlie hotUcs. but twice the iiuantity for the anme
price, and are sent by mail, Kree of Postage, for $1. sent
ip.isl-p.i-ll to Dr. J.S. Houghton, No. 11 North Kigulh sk
Phlladelpnia. ffix pai-aages (or ?-i.
Everv bottle.and package hears the written sig
nature of J.S.HOL'GHTON'.M.D .Sole Proprie
tor. Sold by agents in every town in the Union
and bv most respectable dealers in medicine.
To be bad of Dr. THORN TON, Lewisburg ;
J H Casio. Milton; Thompson, Mifllinbu'g;
Wilt ck Eilert, Harlleton; Win K whong, New
Berlin; G I C.-ouse, Sehnsgrov. ; Mrs M Uay,
Northumberland lj-335
Alifflinbwg, vmon county, t'tnwa.
TESPECTFULLY inform th. citizen of
Wj Union county, and ihe public in general,
thai he has leased the above aland, for many
year occupied by bis Father, and is now pre
pared lo accommodate friends and lh. traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
The HOUSE is large and roomy, well arran
ged in all it departments, and every car. will be
laken to render bis guests comfortable and happy.
Ilia TABLE will always be furnished with the
choicest delicacies of the season, and ibe beat the
market can afford. The BAR will at all limes
be attended by careful persons, and none but ihe
very best of li.juois still be kept. His STABLES
are ample and convenient, and Ibe OSTLERS
punctual and attentive.
In short, he pledges himself lo endeavor to
give general saliafaction to all, and hopes by
strict attention to business to merit and receive
a liberal share of patronage.
Miiilinburg, June 20, 1850
THY TllE NEW Finr.l!
WOULD inform the public, that they
have opened a shop on Fourth street
lower story of S. W. WykofPs old stand,
opposite Hunter I 'rdoe sshop, where they
keep on hand or make lo order
Fancy and Common Chairs,
Boston Rocking Chairs also
Bureau, Tables, Bedsteads,
of various kinds.
Settees, dec. 6ic.
All work in our line warranted to be well
made, and on the most reasonable terms.
House and Sign PAINTING
attended to by the subscribers on ibe shor
test notice and in the best style. '
Country Produce and Lumber taken in
payment and Cash not refused, but rather
preferred. -,
The subscribers intend to be strict in the
fulfilment of all their promises as regards
work and so doing, hope lo receive a
iberai share of public patronaee.
Lewisburjf. Nov. 1849 ' ' '.'
Window SASH.
k lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from the
cheap Manufactory of Sprout ft Burrows,
on hand, and 1I sizes got to order on
short notice. I G LAWSHE
- "
TS now carried on as usual, at the upper
1 end of Market street, where everv des
cription of CASTINGS s kept on
hand or made lo order such a
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds ol
alsj PIJUIC.IIS of differ-
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Hull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new article, and which can not be leal
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge
for yourselves.
LeewUburg, Sept. 22, 1949
IIE undersisned continues the LITE-
KV JSUSLYESS at the Old Siand,
on XNorth third St., near market, ana
respectfully solicits the patronage ol bis
friends and the public Generally.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1650
Books Oooks !
HIE subscriber offers for sale at the
lsewisburg Post-Office, an assoriment
ol the most uselul
Paper, School Books, Stalionery
nf all kinds also theabest Cigars.Tobacco,
&c. &:.
Lewisburg, May 7, 1850
I.-1RESH TEAS. Another loi of,
. superior Black and Green TeasJ '"
just re-d from the Canton Tea Com v' ;
panv, and for sale at New York teiail
priws by J. HAYES Ji CO.
l ewisburg, April 16. Agents.
Important Notice!
rPHE public are herrby infomed that I
X am the exclusive proprietor of the
Cooking Stove known as 'While's Patent'
or 'The Whins Stove, by virtue t.f valid
letters patent granted to me by die proper
auihoriiies ut Washington ; and I hereby
caution all persons not to manufacture or
sell the same wiihout authority from me.as
I shall promptly seek lejwl redress for
every infringement of my rights undi-r said
letters patent, llie public are also cau
tioned that an stoves manufactured by ire
or my grantees or siren's, are marked
"James White, Patented June 10, 1844,
with the additional mark "He-issue, Aug
6, 1850," on the slide plate.
Milton, Sept. 11, 1850 3m
rpiIE subscribers, thankful lor pat pal-
L linage, would tnlorm the public iha
they continue to manuTaoiure all kinds of
Mill Gearing, cast WaterWheels
ol the most approved pattern,
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
PLOUGHS.. We invite
particular attention to a new
article Wiard'a Patent Gang I'loughs
for seeding in Grain, rarmers by th
Plough can seed as much grain in one day
as in three days with common ploughs.
and Fitting the same. HOLLOW Ware,
Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cooking stoves, &c.
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal Fancy ClT'TTT Ci
Parlor, Wood and CoalJ 1 J V JliU
Air-Tight Stoves Race' Self-regulating
a:T- i. r I aar . j o. .
Air-tigtit i unur wooa oioves, (a new
article,) &c.
Threshing Machines and other articles
ol Machinery repaired in the best manner
and on ihe shortest notice. Castings war
ranted to be ol the best material, and at
prices that can nol fail to please.
t.EIfUre & MARSH,
Jewisburg, March 25, 1848
fllHE undersigned continnc. to furnish to order
I on lh. most reasonable terms. Piano., from
lh. Manufactory or I'oxaiD Mbvkb, Pbilad a,
whose instrument are too well known to need
any panegyric, having uniformly received the
commendations of the most eminent professors
and composer oi musk, and tb. award of the
premiums in INeWi oik, Philadelphia and Boston.
r of qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone
op to conceit pitch, they can hot be surpassed by
either American or European pianos. - ..
Instructions given on lh. Piano aa heretofore.
Reference may be made to any of those parents
or guardian who hav. pupils committed lo his
charge. ' He may b saea st his residence at Mrs
Metiaer'a. First tJet tew.sb.rg, when terms
and raarticulars will be Bis tie known. .., .
- The most popular and favorite Air and Music
of diHersot kind received as it ia issued from tb.
different musics! esUbttshraento in the Cilia. -
TJT 4 1VT17' CJ "inJ uslkes,Const
DJj All JVO bet,oc., on hand al
the Chrotiicletflke, r printed to orders
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," irf
- tluit awful diseate.
Dtt. FITCH'S Lecture on ihe Prever.
tion and Cure of Comvmption.
This popular work for sale in Lsewisburg
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this office. Price, 75 cents.
I.ar Evsaraoor Kaao this ;aaaeer.i.r. Thecs a a
SarsapanUa for sale iu Ilia dirfcnral lown" called S r.
Townaeisl's Sarsapanlla. h w advertisedaa ibe liKlli,
NAUtifcNI INK.aoi1.il mat. This T-iwnsend isno.r-cuw
and never was ; but was lorinerty a worker on railroaiKca.
nals, and the like yet he a-atlim inn lllle t l-clH S lie,
Eunxaw ot ramiiis ereiln tie wliai he Ha-. Il av. "b4
aa aticndcd iwo io.--lical si-hnols. aod practiced aruam
ttriarB !" -w ttMirtf b l. he never prarnccl medicine a
day in his life! Si--h n-i ful. s-i-ktl misn-prciie-tii4a
looks had to the cliarur cr and vcr.cn, of ihe n,Ui. I wi-J
most sincerely, be l.l le ver in.ile tlinnr st.ie,te-uis t hitri
aett or of me. Wts-n mil oien Icuru to Itr h-sie-s an I tru fc
ful in all Iheir dealing, an-l unercur-e wilh their hiitu!
mead He ai-plied u, isie R-iei:.a)' u assist rmuinnMi
afaciarmv his uuaiure. s:.i:in-' bc lartre sum- be w-u :
make, aa an ua.uceioe,n to etnturk in t!ie Im-iue-. 1 i. ;
men have been insulti-? and lils-ltnu me In all -iu i
.rms. in ortcr to loi.r.-- llie public wilh the beliel ts.i
the Old Uoelor's Sirl- inlla was les the ". c-y-' u
Smwardlti. ma-!a h-..n tlie KM ltm i lr,Kmat .-.
me TlusS. V. T-.wn e.l s:.vs I have sold th use ol i.y
Kama or7 a week I will rive bun II lie will (
rhice one .in;!c lita.. -ro .l of lh... Ilia sialerneai, of
Thompo. Skittiaan - t o., are no-huui but a tisu o.
(alsehoorts. simplv ina-le to .lecene llie puhlie. an-l l-ep
the truth down Hi rcmr.l lo his sr.trii.jr. rrmenlinf m
jKmntt This i t i cauiioii tlie pub ir lo purchi-e ii -rjt
OU Pr Jtl 'iM Towi-'teml's S-irsainrllla. havne: en r j-a
Old Uoelor's likcw-m. his uoii jl '- "t atar i
surnatuiearrtHs the C-..U of Anns.
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend,
eiip nnrnixtl. luSCOVRRER Or THK
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
1 S"T, Ti-l FIM
liroit rui uianulaciure. hy which nie.re. it been t-pt
ol niarkal, aisl tne sales cirr,oo-oio-. -
had proved its worth, aud known n value. Ii ha-l r-actisd
the ears of manv. ncvrlhcicss, as ihiss? wl.-i tmi
been healed of sore diseases, and saved Iriiu dc. !., pro
elaiuicU its worslerful
This CRAND ANU i NKurAM nnrnrnAKA i a
BMnnlacinrcinn ihe lareesi -ale.arsl is called tor ihr ei'ie
out the lensih an-I brea-ltli l liie Uo-I. cst-cia.lj iu
found mea.iab'e ol rie-encritnei ,w rteiariraii-in.
I'ollke joiio- S P Townsen-'.'s, ll impmve. w.th
and never change, hur for the heiter: because It is pt-arci
on aeieaifte prtmriil't bv a riutitie wum. Tlie lii;hw
snowleds'e ol t hcttii-trv.aiel ih.- late discoveries ol !
art have all been bmiisht into requi-ition in the maiiatsa-tur-ol
theOld lir a Ssa.amla. The 5ans.:airli;a nt,
il is Welt known me-tical men. contauui many racfiicir.w
nrortlc, an-l some pr--s ries wnKh are inert a.- u e,
andoihcrs, wluth il n-uined in (.reparuis it lor use. i ra
dnccrrmen'i'Miw -oi-l ncj.f. winch is ibjurlotis to :ue se
tern. Smc of the (.r--i-cnie ol Srsaparil!a are aa ehbj
tltal ihcy cillirelv ev.i;..rate an-l are I I . the prr-arausv
il Ihey are not preserved by a tri.H'tJir promt, known mr
ly b lh;sw: ewi ienced in us nuti.u:aciiire. .worena.
thm Tnfti'r ;.rmcijue, wlin-h H -trin ,Hi..r.or an aa.
hal-mmi. n.i.l.r h--at. ir tin verv rtfHiud mttieal ptf
crtirt ot tile n-s. wtiicli Eive 10 u ail It. valua
Anv person can Is-li or wrwthe P.l till ll.cT per a dark
colored ;i.in t. winch in--re Iruui tire c-lom.- matter aa
the nsil than lioin mil tliliis else ; lliev can ihsi strain lh.
ln.-11-ld or rai-l-l ll-iu'l-l. -vv---Tell with -.-"r mol.lVM-s.ai-J
then call M -StUSAl'Af.ll.I.A KXTRALT or SV Bl T
Rut such n il Hie ann !e kiown s. th- .....,... ,
This is so pr.-r-iin-l 'ii-ii all the inert prnpeniea of l!a
araaiwrilla root are rirt rcm v.si. evcryliine rabis
becoininf acid or Iciincntail.ai is extracted and rejecleu ;
then everv paricte ol mettical virtue is secured in a puis
ami conre'ntraie-l lorm ; and ilius u is reii-lerrd weapavs
of losing anv ol Its valuable and heallne prpertes. rrc
pared in tlu wav. il is ma le he m-l wrtnl aeen" M :M
Care of iniinmrrahlr Disease.
Ttenre the n-aaon why we bear Coiiilneii-latlons o-i svtry
aide ui Its uvor by men, wona-ih and children. We liuu it
dnine w-m-ter. in the cure of
CH.MPl.AIS i: and in KHKI M T1SM.
ULA. PILKK ri.vvl -KXKS.1. at I 'J
and all airccThnis ansitu; Irom
h r-r-0r4 a martrclloOT rthary in all rvnifUiis( -stins
lr-ni imi'gntrii'H, irm Atntity:f thr- XtiW'tth, fro -a
tutraiiot circul.tl-fi. ii ienuiiw.l Hi 'I lit-l u (he bad.
iialpiution of ihe IVnn. etWi hrH ud han-K oM fhtlt awvj
in flvlitra over th- Uly. It tw i-rt tciiMl in 0Viv
Voufha ; an. .r.imtlV;ay r j-arrorVHKi ml femUr J-sr-.irauvn.
rcUxiit atwturei oi Ue luns-i, Uiruat ami
other part. ., ,
Bui in n-'ihins i iu rTCi!lnce mor maniftfitly mn aoi
vcknuwlrv!?''! hnn in alt kimi stacrs f
It wrk -.tii.!.-r in ca of A-bmm or H htf.
FWhnx f the Vm tthatrutt'd. .V.r'W. o Poin-'ist
Mns, Iwgulimty he ntfit-truc! ive-rt'O-v. .iit tdr lt;
aiMl u cilrTiiid! in runire all th hnn oi Kfim'v Jirata,
Bv irntKrVMial orsrtruf'i'Hi!-. an4 rrs1.ttiit tle srnefai
irveiiem. ll iliv.i ion ami 'trrnh to Uir? wln.Ie bod. awl
ifcua cur all fornia of
Krrvota. DiMawt and D-lIIIfy.
artrl iriiw prevmis r ivticve a tmt ariPiy ;f -'hr ovs-.
ailii. a Spimd irrita'ien, X'ura'fia, St. ri.'aV iA;
8trooninf?t ElUrj4ic Fit, tmrulmwm. -
It citatisw tW lilou.1. rTritea ibe li.r to hvatthy
tone the iMiaf h, antl ri- eHl .iitTrstivn. teU-" th
bwelof nrpiCiinictiwiirr.iiHn. aiUy luriamin:'""
nfitJ! lire uliii. allaw th cirruiathHi ol ihe f4.h-J. i-i
4cm5 fieuile aruuh uMly aii oer tUe b!. ud .!
inMnmhl peirplraiian : i-faxe Mncturrw ami n-;Ti:rtr.i
wfll otfM run tonrt, anJ inTi.trateii Uie rn'.ire nert'-
wrtsyrn. not this ihii
The Medicine oai prc-rmtnru( Ijr nttdl
But cut any ol thrr thin- be a.l ol S. K TjaiiKiai'l
iDl?ri-r arttrif 1 Thii tnun; fiwn'11 litpii! ts nt t be
he paw .if nrvr IJRAMI FAIT, that the uoc w ISfAF-V
BI.E ol l-F.TtRlOK I ln,aD.I
while the other MFS Mtmrint, frrmn:;. ami Vwie."
law hot tin rmiiainiitaT it tttti Irifiuriitt : ili -ur. n"i
lKUHt eKpIklilila.:lir r1.iin.1I. Oftir-r ftw-l-tf Vu-St Uft th
oorrib.e rom-i:;i.i he fi-ni-m in the ?-t'Ti '. - Ht '
put acid into a stevem n'i'-nfy f ". tri'h oc'-'tf What
cauitet I h , M.i tntr a,-i.! i lh wrtett ail t'W irst wtira
f.Kni touM 111 our tm.ilM. what mtrhi f it pi'it"'"'
Itatiiienre. ht'eniburn. p.tt.ttathti of tl; hean. Urr '"'
plaint, .harrtiti-v. itysrti'-rv. ewlir. an-i crrr'i(M'Hi 'he
blood? What ts ST"iiilt hut an arui littinor in 'he ln-!t
What prodiKrK aft (he htimnr- whi-h hrtue on tTriiwtn
the Skin, Saltl llea.l. S ill Kitruui. Kiyitrla. Wt.i
Swellitis-, Fever Srrtjt. aM M uleer.Tiiotis niirrn.il an-t 't
lemal I It w n'ltii? nrwler henvn bin an aeil nuhuiK
which eotirp. and tliu- all the liiutU of the boly. mvr
or iem. What ean-ies KlH-niiMtirxii but a eour and aetJ
fluid whieh msiniat! nti hs-twrrn the j-nm and elv
where, itriiattnv aivl inilmmi.? the cfV-..iTf tiaa m-a
which it arts I S ol m-rvoin t!iar. of impnrii rf t
bloh). of fteraneei! eimiition. ami nr.T-r'y ait the aime
whtrhafllict bmnan nature.
Now ia ixk htrnLle to rn.it and r,T, and inftnmry
rwae to th this.
-rnd et be wottM fain havp tt nn!f ptoil that lI tr J
oh 'WnriHl's ti'Hitinr fh iginnl &nrapartfn taanUaV
a i iu.v v iii-v inii iiin 'rr-v.iira'i'tt :
Heaven lortthi thru Wf Khtuiiti m an article winea
WOdld bear the inittt iiiiaut iv.scmblanre to S P. T'
enrPa erftre
We WHh tt MUvle retool, IhpraiHe if hr A.Wn.' !r'S
that S. P. Towiwim. article amt oM lr. JarohTwiHaen 't
tSareaparilla are hiirrn triilr ujmt, aW infinite? (iJt.'
ilar; thai ibey are ualikr ui rvtry pantvuiar, liavins
one ainafle tUiu in ctnnnm.
Aa S. P. Towrwihl in no H-vrtor. and picr w"v t M
aheinief, ntprmrinareuii.4 know m more of nnhcirre'
Uian ant ot her eomrirwi. nireem ibe. tinprpheMvr.B
swaffK what fumrawtte can the pnrHic he that thf-y are re
eeivtnsT a ffeiiiiifterieni.n ntt dieirie. ctHitrtmivt all thevtf
luea nl Use artictea avl in preparing it. atd whtch are i
eanable of rhancnt which mwbt render theuiihe A-wKNT
T Itee8e miftead health 1
But what efee hottltl be epeetel Irooi one who n
nothine eowirasratreefv of meitiriue or di-ea T It rr.vi,r
peraua, ol mme expt-neiietJ to Ciwfc ia aerve npevrn f
CunitTKaB ileeent meat llw much iit.tr. imporuiit v
the' the prr.vw h' nvano'artMre rrreMeioe irewt-nevj br
WRAK KTOMACIId im kxfkkhi.kp svvtk.
eboulH know well the medical rnpertle of planta,tti t-4
martner of aeeiirinr ami orftrsynlnmn their healinc nr'u
lao aw extensive ktMwledr of the vaiHoiiltnea-awlii'B
aiTee. the bnman lyatcm, and how te aaU(t ivawedn
theae n ideate
It ta to arreat fraetle upon the onftnmaie, to pov M "
lowoWMatd IswaMaiiv. lo kindle h-t in the uVtontrtnt:
lyawtwit, to letsuvfw bealib. atvl Mottrn. ami vir 'J
eniiheil and broken, atal i b;inmli mftnnitt thai Ol.l "
JACOB TOWNSKND h-a WftliHTaiadnrt XI-'he1
ptrtimitv and mean tobnisf hn . .
Csrataiml I nlvenal C wawetatrasteel my
wilh in the reach, and to tlie kwwlrdte ol' all who
lUal they may learn and know, be joyful exienence.
XraMaecaaewaw a-wwer w ntau
Agents for ihe above Medicine C &
Schtttile.aLewisburgr; John 11 Rastr, M
ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, IN or thumb lapa
NE Buffgey and Sett of Harcesw,
One Two Horse Wagonr -One
Track Vmo
Ti i T a liaaaM 1 i ft ii T
For nU If ii; JadWfw