Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 04, 1850, Image 2

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    an be devoted lo better objects than ope a-'
ing railroadj and great thoroughfares, and
to supporting and endowing beneficent in
stitutions of learning ; but I advert to it to
show the" inconsistency, as we'.l as the
want of a proper spirit of generosity, on
he part of southern and south western
Democratic gentlemen opon this floor. The
United States has power, according to the
course they pursue, to become a great land
jobber, to pay millions, perha hundreds
of millions out of the public Treasury, to
buy laud and pay annuities, and then par-
eel tbemout in building railroads, &&, to
benefit particular sections of the country,
yet when we ask for protection in the
North, they interpose their conscientious
scruples. Equality is but justice. And il
these local and sectional feelings and ac
tions are to be indulged to the ruin and
prostration of our interests, I know of but
one way in which we can counteract it,
and that is by paying them in kind, and
letting gentlemen and their constituents
know and fcel that this shall be carried
out in both sections, to its final and legiti
mate results.
But, sir, I prefer, lo act upon different
principles, and to be not only just, but lib'
eral to every section of tke country, unless
compelled, in self-defence, to pursue a dif
ferenl course. And it is to be hoped, sir,
that in view of the cutis with which we are
turrouoded, and the jealousies and conten
.ions that have arisen on other suljeets,
and in justice to the thousands who have
been impoverished by this tariff of 1646,
and to avert the still more tserious and al
arming results that mutt ensue from its
from its continuance, that centleman will
some to this subject in the spirit of a g-n
oroui patriotism, and remote this cause ot
grievance. Then, sir, shrill we see busi
ness revive labor will meet the just, re
ward of its toils and your citizens, finding
themselves the objects of regard and solici
tude, on the part of their Government, will
be inspired with renewed attachment and
devotion to our institutions. They will be
enabled to secure a comfortable subsistence
for themselves and their families, and to
give an enlightened and virtuous education
to their children, and thus, hile individual
happiness and prosperity w ill be promoted,
we shall add new gtiiirn litres to the securi
ty and permanence of the iustitutions of
our country.
The only question remain, shall this be
done? The power and the responsibility
rest with the Democratic party of this
country. They have the majority in both
branches of our National Legislature, and
can wield the power cither lor weul or for
woe. And I would fain indulge the hope,
sir, that there are among litem gentlemen
in both bodies patriotic and liberal enough
lo join us in so modif ing this act of 1946,
as to iniligile some of its rvili, sa l to
avert some ol its dangerous and bitter con
sequences. Execution of Or. Webster.
Boston, Friday, Aug. 30.
This morning, Professor Jrhn White
Webster suffered the eitresne penalty of
the law, for the murder of Dr. George
Piiikman in the Boston Medical College,
on he 33d of Novcmler, 1849.
The execution took place in the yard of
the Leventt street Jail, in presence of
about three hundred persons, w ho were in
vited' to attend by Sheriff Eveleth.
Among those admitted to the jail yard
were several reporters for the press of ihe
Alia nth cities.
After his family left him last night, as
he confidently alleged, in perfect unconsci
ousness of his coming late.he was searched
anJ placed in new cell, in order to pre
vent any attempted suiride.
Rev. Dr. Putnam left him at 9 o'clock
last night, and from that time till It, he
passed the time in devotional conversation
with his watchers. At 12 he kl I into a
abort dcze, but did not sleep heavily
awaking at times and conversing he
spoke of his impending fate with fortitude
and resignation, and seemed quite grateful
that the time of his death had been kept
from his family. He expressed the deep,
est penitence for his crime, and his sense
of the full justice of bis sentence and exe
out ion.
At the various noises of the dawning of
new day he seemed to be somewhat agi
tated, but soon regained his composure.
By advice he breakfasted upon tea with
bread, inviting the officers to partake with
him, and furnishing them with bnad.
He made the preparations for ascending
the scaffold wiik firmness.
The house lops aod windows adjoining
the jail were crowded with persons' among
whom were many ladies. The streets near
toe jail were also crowded, but not densely.
At 9 o'clock this morning the last relig
tout ceiemonies was commenced by Dr.
Putnam, connoting of a fervent prajer.
He invoked the presence of tl.e spirit and
grace of God for him, so toon to die. He
prayed tl at the prisoner's repentance
might te accepted, and that lie might be
prepared to meet death.
He prayed for the prisoner's family.thst
the consolation of God's presence and
grace anight be theirs, lhat when their
lime of death ahixild have come they might
meet the prisoner in Heaven, where there
wouid be no severing of the tics of affec
tion. Alsoor the family of the murdered
man. He prayed for the Sheriff, bit as
eistnnts generally, and for the officers o
ti e law generally, ai d for ibe "
and for all persons. About twenty minutes
past nine, the prisoner was brought out to
die. A (ter Ibe prayer the prisoner's arms
were pinioned, and with a firm step he
marched to Ihe gallows by the side of Dr.
Putnam. His face was as fleshy as when
he was arrested, though of a deathly palor.
His look was that of one who had commit
ted deadly sin, and was about lo pay for
il with his life.
While the Sheriff was reading Ihe death
w arrant Webster was conversing with Mr.
Putnam apparently with unusual earnest
ness ; at the conclusion his legs were then
pinioned and the rope placed about his
neck, which caused his face to blush.
There were evident signs of suppressed
powerful feeling. The black cap was
placed on his head, the Sheriff proclaimed
with a loud voice thai ha was about to do
execution on the body of John W. Web
ster, for the murder-el G. Parkman.
The commencement of the approach of
death caused a movement of the body of
the prisoner, whose face was hid from
view. The spring was touched, at twenty
minutes before ten o'clock, and, with a
fall of nearly eight feet, the murderer of
Dr. Parkman was launched into Eternity.
He died apparently with scarcely a strug
gle. The body after remaining suspended for
half an hour, was taken down and exam
ined ; life was found to be extinct, and it
was placed in a jail c (Tin, for transmission
at a late hour of the night, to bis late resi
dence in Cambridge ; from whence it was
expected lobe privately intered on Sunday,
in ihe Mt. Auburn cemetry, according to
the prisoner's request.
His wife and daughters visited him in
his cell for the last time on Thursday at 'i
P. M., and remained with liim'.or several
hours. They had been in the habit of
visiting him weekly, on lhat day. They
were kept in entire ignorance of the day
fixed lor the execution ; the first iute.li
gence therefore of his death, will come but
a few hours before the arrival of thecorse
at the dead of night and no pen in human
hands' may picture Ihe agony of the scene.
N new confession was made, as was
reported would be the case, and no new
statement have come lo light as yet, since
the execution. The report tkat he left any
other statements, to bo opened after his
death, is not believed.
Death by Violence.
An utifujunnte affair occurred on Sun
day evening last, about half past sis o'
clock, at the old packet landing, w hich re
suited in the death of George Richwine
A difficulty arose between William Klliot,
a butcher, and Richwine relative to some
pigs, which rcMilttd in Elliott picking up
a stone and throwing it at the other. He
missed his aim, but a brickbat thrown im
mediately after struck Richwine on the
head above his ear, and he fell. Dr. Van
vnlzah was immediately called in, but a
few hours proved that he was injured be
yond the skill oi man, and at tea o'clock
he breathed his last.
Elliott left town that night, and made
his way to a brother residing in Center
ville Union county, but had not lieen there
more than few hours when a handbill issu
ed by the Sheriff, offering a reward for
his arrest, lej to his apprehension and sub
sequent confinement in the jail ofthis coun
ty. Lewistown Gazette, Aug. 30.
Singular Incident
The Montgomery Ledger states that a
burglar entered the bouse of W. L. Smith,
near Flourtown, in that county, on the
night of the 10th inst., but soino of the
family being aroused, he hastily made his
retreat through a window, taking with
him some silver anoons. and a bundle of
clothing. lie also took a valuable gold
watch and chain, that a lady visiter bad
left lying on a work table, the evening be
fore. Next morning, strange to relate, it
was found hanging by its chain upon
rose bush, at the window out of which the
burglar went. It is supposed to have been
drawn out of his pocket by the guard
catching the bush, which in bis haste to
be none he did not perceive. Wonder if
everybody will not plant a ruse bush at
their window after this?
), Suddenly, of ervsipelas, in Pea-
cham, on tlio Hd of July, Uev. David
Mkrrii.i., pastor of the Congregational
church in that idaec. He was a valuable
minister, recpeeted for his talents and mor
al worth. He was a native of Peachani,Vt.;
graduated at Hanover in the class of 1 H21 ;
was settled in Crbana, O., when he wrote
the famous " Ox Sermon," aimed against
the sale of intoxicating liquors ; and was
called thence to succeed the venerable
Ix'onnrd Worcester in the pulpit of bis
n.itive town, about ten years since. A.
1" ErttHipfitt.
He was a younger brother, we arc in
formed, of the late James Merrill, Esq.,
of New Iterlin. FA. Cknm.
A .1 CST C M I'Ll M EST. " John R Pack
er, Esq., our candidate for Representative,
is deservedly one of the niat popular men
the Convention could have nominated,
and we know that upon this side of the
river, where we have an opportunity of
seeing and conversing with the voters of
both lMilitical parties, and particularly in
our German districts, he will receive al
most a unanimous vote, no m.-tttor who
may be bis opponent." Suubirry (iazrft.
fetf-John M'Cormick, farmer, of Turbut,
is the Whig nominee for Representative.
AaY-On the 12th ballot, Alexander B.
Anderson Esq. of Perry was nominated by
the Senatorial Conferees of the Cumbcrl'd
and Perry district. ,
Miltox has a population of 1641 an
irce8 Of 109 in ten year.
H. O. BIOKOK, Editor.
O. V. WOBDEH, Pabliaher.
At 11 .M null ia advance. (1,73 hi three mouths, (2 fM
wiuiid ,ue jw, ana k tut ena ot ine year.
Agent in Philadelphia V B Palmer and W Can.
Wednesday Morning,' Septera 4
ADVERTIZE ! Executors, Administrators, Public
Officers. I'ity and Country Merchants, Manufacturers,
Mechanics, BuaincM Men all who winh to prorure or to
uwpiH- 01 anyuirag nil hi ao well 10 give notice or tne
same uirougn tne "Kananara nmrnidc." This paper has
a good and increasing circulation ia a community contai
ning as large a proportion oT active, solvent producers,
consumers, and dealers, as any other in the State,
Democratic Slate Kominaiione :
AwKU Crarral KPIIRAIM RANKS, of Mifflin Co.
MtrMlWuVnmit-J.rOKTKR BHAWIJSYrrfCrawlbrdCo.
Whig Stale Kommatione i
Oiaol ftasiiOTirf JOSHUA DUNCAN, oT Bucks Co.
-dudi'ter ufawrul UENBV W. SN YDEU, or Union Co.
Sortey GVacraJJoSKrU II EN bEKSOS, of Vatui'n Co.
Union County Wiig Ticket i
Acpvccrafafirr Col. KM SLIt'EU, of Lenisbar..
VnWAiry, dY. JACOB II A IS. Ja, or New llerltn,
1-rtmrulit.g Alfg UEOKUE HILL, Ki, of SelinagroTe.
County Smrrtjur ROBERT fl. U. II AYES, of West Buffalo.
Audilort-J AMKS M'CRF.IGIIT. of Buffalo, for S years.
ilEMtt H. SANDKK3, or Limestone, 1 year.
IVaatMs 0 MifltHhuTg Amdrmfionx Boor, Joan C.
Wstsvx, Aiua auscsua.
Ittmotratit Nomination.-rsm:rac-JJII!l
B. BAUM, of 5w Barilla
Volunteer Candidate! :
PruOfiftitrg r. JOSEPH OYSTER, of Srllnsgrove.
Ommutnmrr Da. JACOB noRLACHKR, oTNsw Berlin.
Election Tuesday, Oct 8, 1850.
tBT'Thc publication of Mrs. Hayes'
popular articles on the " Credit System"
was suspended after the appearance of No.
4, in the Chronicle, some eighteen months
since, but is now renewed in compliance
with our solicitations, and No. 5 will be
found on the first page of thispnjcr. We
know that many of our subscribers, rich
and poor, can read it with the perfect
composure which their remembrance of the
printer only could inspire. But some of
our brethren of the craft may not be so
fortunate as ourselves.
City Advertising Cheats.
The " Sunhury American," some time
since, very properly called the attention
of the country press to the advertising
humbugs which arc frequently sent out
from the Atl.-.ntic. cities New York, in
particular. The Company at 13S, (jreen
wich street, we admit had some plausibili
ty about it, but the " Racing Subscription"
was too transparent, wc thought, to impose
upon anybody willing or aMo to look an
inch beyond their nose. We have been
greatly surprise J, also, to Imd that so
many of our brethren of tlio press in the
interior, whose reputation for sagacity and
good morals is otherwise unblemished,
suffer the infamous " Maurieeau" adver
tisements to find a place in their columns.
(The " Muney Luminary," we are pleased
to see recently, rebuked the Agent who
even proposed it for publication. ) In the
first place, its pretended merit is no doubt
an atrocious lie ; and in the second place,
it purports to Iks addressed to one class of
persons, while in reality it is equally dc
signed to catch the eye and attention of
another sett and at any rate, whether
truo or false, and whether one or both
classes arc reached, it is nothing more or
less than a scheme of wholesale demorali
zation, that merits condign punishment.
If the existing penal laws of the common
wealth do not reach the evil, the Legisla
ture should pass new and stringent enact
ments upon the subject. And every Editor
and Publisher, who has a spark of regard
for the welfare of his readers who has
one honest motive, or believes in future
accountability should use the utmost
caution in preventing bis columns from
being an engine of Satan in his schemes of
human degradation and wo.
An eminent physician Wc heard remark
not long since, that in a locality where
inquiries unit been made, it was ascertained
that the number of illegitimate births
with the consequent disgrace, and the
crimes consequent upon tho attempts to
conceal the folly of the victims had been
nnirh ihiulM since the circulation of these
gilded baits to vice under the disguise of
bencnting the weak and suffering.
Tit Havre dk Grace Bank has
fnllrd. The Baltimorcans arc heavy losers,
one broker, it is said, having $5,000 of its
notes on hand. This bank had a large
issue of small notes in circulation in this
State, which the new law forced home upon
it, and its failure was the result. One of
tho heaviest stockholders is said to be
Moses Y. Beach, of New York, who has
become notorious on account of his agen
cy in the fraudulent Plainficld (N. J.) and
liehigh (Pa.) Brinks, and this fact alone
solves the mystery of the rottenness of the
Havre dc Grace Bank. An indictment is
now pending against him in Lehigh coun
ty for his fraudulent transactions through
. a a v 1 1 -n a a
the Jehisu mnt, ana uov. ri.-h naa is
sued a warrant for his arrest in pursuance
of a requisition from Gov. Johnston, but
Beach escaped into Connecticut. How
many other foreign banks arc in au un
sound condition, is not known, but fortu
nately the late flood of their small notes
has almost entirely disappeared from this
ae-See School Tax Noticethis is the5
das; to make pjffiuoutfc.
The Uirivertity.
We had intended giving a critical re
view of the examinations and public ex
ercises which, last week, closed the Summer
Session, but as other engagements preven
ted our attendance except part of the day
on Wednesday, we most limit ourselves to
a brief notice of what fell under our ob
On Sunday afternoon, the 25th ult,
Rev. Geo. B. Ide, D.D., of Philadelphia,
by previous invitation delivered an elo
quent discourse in the lecture room of the
Academic building before the "Society
for moral and religious Inquiry," from I.
Chron. zii. 32, " Men which had under
standing of the times, to know what Israel
oucht to do." The sneaker eave a bold
and vivid portraiture of the present stir-1
ring times, "and was listened to with close
attention, by a large and intelligent audi
ence. We should like inuch to see the
discourse in print.
Monday and Tuesday were occupied with
the examinations of the various Collegiate,
Academic and Primary classes, with re
sults that, we are informed, are calculated
to enhance the reputation of the institu
tion, and its Professors and Teachers.
Part of Wednesday was devoted to
public exercises in declamation and coin
position by tho students. We did not
reach the Hill till near noon, and are told
e missed some of the best performances.
The exercises in declamation were by
members of the Senior Academic, Fresh
man and Sophomore classes three repre
sentatives from each respectively, who did
themselves credit. If we had room wo
should be pleased to specify several
instances of marked superiority. Wc can
not, however, forbear an expression of our
opiuion that the recitation of a piece of
religious blank verse by Mr. Lowrie
in his appreciatiation of the sentiment of
the writer, the modulation of voice, and
adaptation of gesture and emphasis to his
subject, as nearly perfect as any similar
performance well could be.
The original orations by'Mcssrs. Barav
hurst and Lyons, of the Junior class, were
clever performances, and well received by
the audience.
The compositions of tho young ladies
displayed niach beauty of sentiment, aad
The most important incident of the day
was the delivery of Prof. Taylor's Inaugu
ral Address. He discussed at great length
and con amort the merits of Mathematical
Science in its abstract principles and prac
tical results ; referred to, and happily con
trasted, the Pride of Ignorance aud the
Pride of Science, and by a forcible aud
felicitous mode of illustration demonstrated
the folly of the latter, and pursued it to
complete annihilation. The greater part
of the Address was rather dry and abstract
for a popular audience, although able aud
deeply interesting, but near the close the
Prof, laid aside his manuscript and glasses
and concluded with an impressive and elo
quent allusion to the inevitable and inti
mate connection between the Natural sci
ences and revealed religion, and how cer
tainly the mind of the scientific enquirer
after truth must be led " from Nature up
to Nature's God." The Address will be
published shortly, and wc shall then niakc
extracts for our columns.
The vocal music with which tho exerci
ses were enlivened was of a high order of
excellence, and we think can not readily
be excelled in any town in the interior
of the State. There was great improve
ment over the musical performances at the
examinations at tho close of the last ses
sion. Tbo only important improvement
needed, is to strengthen the air, which is
as yet rather weak for the other parts.
The circular of the University for the
next session will be found in another col
umn. The Report of the Board of Cura
tors, made and ordered to be published
according to the requirements of tho Char
ter will appoar next week. It gives a de
tailed history of the University, and its
present condition and prospects.
tafWe last week gave an account of
distressing losses by Cholera in the family
of Ex-Gov. Clark, of Iowa,and now record,
below, another painful dispensation of Pro
vidence by the same terrible disease, the
tidings of which have fallen heavily upon
the hearts of many in this place. Mrs.
liockard (formerly Miss Baldwin) has left
a large circle of devoted friends here ; and
her two sisters and widowed mother were
expecting her in from the west this summer
on a visit, but instead of her living pres
ence, they received the news of her early-
death, resulting from an attack of Cholera.
When she was taken ill, her husband had
but just recovered from a similar attack
This bereavement forcibly illustrates the
mournful truth, that
" The path of sorrow, and that path atons.
Leads to the land when sorrow is unknown.
Dim-ia Ibis city, on Tuesday evening last.
liter a lincwinc Illness, Mra Sabih Jm Lock
ann, wife of C.O.Lockard, merchant, in the 27th
year of her ageformerly of Lewiabaif, Pi., but
for name threa year past a resident of thta place-.
The deceased wis much beloseJ by a wide code
of friends for ber amiability of disposilionjim for
the onilorra practice of those kind and senile offi
ces which so peculiarly distinguished her charac
ter. Thai hat passed from among us. another
ol those bright and joyous spirits who, but a lew
sbon weeks ago, were mingling together in all
ihe (Might sad enjoymeuu of Ihe social circle,
and with the prosbect of man hippy rears before
them. That circle i suddenly called to mourn the
dealb of almost half it member. . How tad the
n flection, ami yet hnw full of admonition I Bur
lington (fotce) Telegraph, Aug. 15.
Jexxt Liko armed at New Tork on
Sunday bjat.
GREAT FLOOD Hany utm ion :
The rain on Sunday night and Monday
morning last, raised the West Branch and
Buffalo creek several feet; and the Cnilis
quaquc rose very high. It will be seen
bv the following despatch (handed us last
evening) that the storm was awfully des
tructive at the north-cast :
By Telegraph turn Berwick to Danrnie.
Berwick, Sept. 2, 1850.
About 1 o'clock to-day, two houses be
loneins to George Mestler, at Nescopeck
Forge, and containing about 20 persons,
were sweot half a mile down tho creek
onlv two men were saved ; the bouses
Inrlned amonff some trees, and were dashed
lo pieces. No names given, and none of
the bodies recovered ; t-orge very mucn
five houses and one saw-mill i
Two heavy breaks have occurred in the
Canal between Berwick and Lockport.
It is reported lhat 31 lives have been lost
by ihe Nescopeck catastrophe.
It was reported by stage passengers at
Danville yesterday, tbat tho Schuylkill
Navigation is so much damaged that it
can not be repaired in timo to bo used
this season, and it will take six or seven
weeks to repair the Reading Railroad .
Tho flood prevented our receiving any
Eastern papers yesterday ; but from yes
terday's l'hilad. Aerrs brought this morn
ing by a passenger, we quote as follows :
At Reading the water rose to between
3d snd 6th st?. on Franklin, and many of
the inmates were drowned. About 30 lives
have been lost. Two small iron bridge
above M oh rsv i lie, were also carried away,
the bridge at Mohrsville and about ten
bridges from that lo Fhoenixville, princi
pally small ones. Up to 41 o'clock yes
terday, there had been no communication
between Pottsville and Reading. A large
portion of the canal embankment was
swept away, and any number of canal
boats. The Schuylkill at Reading was
three feet above the point to which it was
at the lata freshet.
Al Reading a small house with five or
six inmates could not be reached. One ol
the woman, to excite sympathy, held a
snaall child out of window. Another ef
fort was made to save them, but before a
boat could get lo them, the house was
swept away, and every soul drowned.
?. S. We are informed by a gentle
man of this place, just from Berwick, that
the rise commenced early on Monday mor
ning, and by 9 o'clock A. M., the Nesco
peck was three feet higher than it has
been for the last 45 years, forming a ter
rific flood, and sweeping away houses, peo
ple, furniture, sheep, cows, kc, and so far
as heard from, 21 persons arc missing.
Several were rescued while floating down
the stream, and other families taken out
of the uptuT storeys of their dwellings.
Many heart rending sceucs occurred, aud
the excitement in the neighborhood is in
MrVc clip the following card from the
last Danville Intelligencer, aud cordially
endorse the truth of its statements. Cen
tral Hull furnishes all the comforts of
home, as well as the accommodations of a
superior public house.
"All travelers who have occasion to
stop in the quiet but pleasant town of
Northumberland, will find pleasant accom
modations at the Central Hall, 11. 11
Burr, l'roprictor, in the way of clean
rooms and beds, good table aud kind at
tention. As the bouse is competently
nianaecd by an agreeable hostess, it is
particularly adapted to the eomfort of
ladies, and well merits the attention ana
patronage of the traveling community.
" Aug. 30, 1850. A Tbaveueb."
BtyThu dysentery has been very fatal
this summer at liarrrsburg, especially
among children, and is now prevailing to
an unusual extent in tho neighborhood of
Chambcrsburg. Many towns along the
Susquehanna, arc also greatly afflicted with
it. Our borough is so far remarkably free
from disease of any kind, and with proper
care aud caution, may be expected to con
tinue so.
ItjrThe Lycoming Gazette states that
two prisoners escaped from the Jail at
Williamsport a few days since, by scaling
the walls of the jail yard. One of them
broke his thigh by falling from tho wall
and was re-captured.
Life and Health. The North Ame
rican Life & Health Insurance Company,
(Philad.) have appointed L. B. Cubist,
sq., of Lcwisburg, an Agent for this vi
ciuity. Advertisement hereafter.
Valuable Pbopebtt a Farm, Town
Houses and Lots, Household and Kitchen
Furniture, &c. &c. are offered for sale in
our advertising columns, to-day.
MirThe new medicine we introdueo to
dyspeptics this week, is at least handsomely
'got up,' and wc hope may prove as useful
as tho sanguine hopes of its proprietor.
To Ihe Editor of the Letritburg Chronicle
I elip the following from the " Sunbury
American," in reference to Convention
No.2.held in New llerlin on the 12th inst
and as it contains in my opinion, the Sen
timents of the great majority of Democrats
in Uld Union, I respectiuiiy request its
publication in the Chronicle.
A Tbiir Dbmociat.
Lewisburg, Aug. J 1st.
Mr. Editor : I observe in the Lewisburg
Chronicle of the 21st inst., an address,
signed by thirty-seven citizens, calling
themselves Democrats, but who at the same
lime declare, in the most positive manner.
that ihey will oppose the nominations made
by the late Democratic County Cawiven-1
tion. Though many ol mem paniapawa
in electing Delegates to that Coavenrmn,
and with the long established usage of the
Demncratie party, cooseauentiv, tne lea
ders of this party can not any longer be
considered Democrats, as they epposo ike
principles on which Democracy is founded
as it is an absurdity in itseii, 10 suppose
thai fourteen delegates, (this being the
whole number favorable lo the nomination
or Mr. Slenker.) should regulate and con
trol convention consisting of forty.
Hence, would it not be fair to infer, tbat
the leaders of these thirty-seven elf-con
stituted guardiana of the Democracy of
Union county, nave espouseo ine cause
and doctrine of the Ami-Masons, and
throw themselves into the embraces of
lhat parly 1 This is interred from the
(act that they have arrayed themselves in
mvn hnatitlu- to the fairly exoressed will
I ' . . . . . , 1
or tne people, as the ami- Masons ma in i matter, nut sounos to roc jum uu aiwar-
. . I F ... ..!.. . a o
'3S.and Burrows-line, recommended others
to treat the election as though it had a
l.b.n nlarJ S
It will be observed that we have not in
cluded Ibe whole of these thirty-seven
signers to the Address as really criminals,
in this crusade against the Democratic
oartv. as. no doubt, many of them are
still staunch, honest, adhering Democrats,
but have been led away from the true faith
by the misrepresentations of a few disap
pointed office seekers,who in all probibility
would go over to the Whigs at once, were
it not that they have more applicants for
office than vacancies to fill. But the num
ber of those that are really disaffected to
wards the Democratic party, perhaps do
not exceed six or eight some of them
having run as Delegates to the County
Convention, but were defeated ; and oth
ers, who hsve long been endeavoring to
be appointed Delegates to the 4th of March
State Convention, and were now again
defeated. This wss too much for these
great men calmly to submit to. Hence it
is presumed that their frantic imaginations,
and disappointed ambitions, induced them
to conjecture all the evil and exceptions
set forth in their address. UIMIUIV
Parai . the true Digeitirt Fluid or Vattrie Juice f
A great Dyspepsia carer, prepared front ReuoM
or Uit foarlh stomach or the tlx, sner direction
of Baron Liebic. lbs great Physiological cbemiat
by J 8 Houghton. M D, No 1 1 North Eighth Su
Philadelphia. I hi a truly wootlertul reinaoy
for iudiiestion. dyspepsia, itundice. eontuoauon,
liver complaint and debility, coring after Nature'
own method, by nature own tgenl, 10 Uastric
Jaict. Kee Advertisement in another column.
IMPORT.4KT to those having impurities
TRACT, the moat wonderful Purifier in the
world, it now put op in Vi sit Borrm. fXj'Sf
advertisement beaded "64 DOSES." It i to
srtong and purifying, thai one bottle lest from
ten to uxteen dtyt Ioniser than Sarafeilla. I)i
Thornton At Baker, agents, Lewisborg. (Sa323
Fee ik Car ot
ohxtxs, oaour, astk-
Tbie truly valuable Remedy for diseases of the
Lungs and Throat, baa become ihe chief reliance
of the afflicted.es 'lis the most certain core known
for the above comilaint. Il is a most powerful
remedial agent in desperate and almost hopeless
ease of Consumption, and also, in diminutive
dose, one of the mikleat and most agreeable fam
ily medicines for common coughs snd coMs. Read
below the opinion of men who are known lo the
world, and ibe work! respect their opinions.
From Her Dr Hitchcock.
James C Aver Sir: I have nsrd yonr Cherry Psetoml
In my own eass of dsrp ated Rmnehitis, and am aatlsfttd
Iross Its ehennrml eonntitutioa that it is aa admirable eom
ponnd for the relfeT or laryaeial aad bronchial diaVnltiea.
ir my opinion as to its superior character can be of any
sarviets yon are at liberty to ass H as yon think proper.
Xiw. UiiaKoes, LUI, rresidrnt or Amherst Call,
From the London Lancet.
ATMt SCHKRRV PFXTORALwoneoTtaeaMetvalusr
ble preparations lhat hss fallen nnder our notice. Alter a
careful eaamiaation, we do not hesitate to say we has a
larre appreciation of its awrits and the fullest confide DCS
in its nsefwlnesf for eonehs and long complaints.
Dr Brewster, of Wind ham Co, Conn, ami J a
the (ubjoined testimony:
Ttr. Acer Dear sir: I carinas Toa a certiorate rrnm a
hhtbljr rNpecuMs lady T this town, wifs of Seth Cs.li,
Deputy Sheriff of Windham IV The care in her cass
was very prompt, and ha attracted emeral attention.
W. A. Raiwsraa, M. D.
West Killtaair, t, Sept. 2S, ISsA.
"This may certify that I was sffltrtrd with n very
severe couch in the winter of 'T a, which threatened to
torminate in Consumption. I had tried atany BM-dicinrs
In vain, and was cured by th nse of AVKK'S CIIKKKT
I'KCTOHAL. Catbuu.ii K. Cut.'
Direct Eridenee.
Dr. Ayer, Lowell Hear Sir: recline nndernMleatlesis
to yon for the restorstion of my health, 1 send yon n
report of my case, whirh you are at liberty to publi'.h for
the benefit of others. Last autumn I took a bad cold,
accompanied by a severe couch, and msd nse of many
aiedicines without obtaining relief. 1 was obliged to civ
up business, fmiuently raised blood, and could art na
deep at night. A friend gars me a bottle of tout Cherry
Pectoral, the nse of which I commenced accordiag to th
directions. 1 have inst purchased Ihvaftb bottle, and am
nearly recovered. 1 now do sUwp. my couch has erased,
and all by the nse of your valuable medicine.
E. S. Svon, A.M, Principal ML Mope gsmuVy.
From Dr Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster,
Chicopee rail. Mass :
Dr. i. C. Aysr Dear 8ir: Enclosed, pleass Sml remit
tance me au tne -Vherry netorar- last seat a. I can
unhesitatingly say, that ae medicine we have gives each
satisfsrtion as your's docs, nor have I ever asm a mrdtrin
which eand so away cases ofCouah and Lang romplainta.
wnr puyaeians arc using n ezisawveiy la tnetr practice,
wnu aappnws vnscis. truly yra, Jf. m. BSTAST.
Fcpared byJ.C.Ayer,Chemitt,LmccU,Mi.
For tale by C W 8CHAFFLE. I.ewisburs-.
J H Caslow, Milton ; Isaac Gerhart, SeJinegrove,
snd by LrruggisU generally
In Athens. Pt 8pt. IS, by Rev.C.Thurston,
Hsanw H. Hcll, editor of the Steuben Courier,
and Miss Claba daughter ol Hnn.U.Willietoa.
To the lucky man .- "PL Ei. w.
In Ltwisburg, Id Sept, Jsnt P. Ron, ton
of Salmon and Lydia Munaoa, ged 7 aaonth.
In Haiinx. Pa J3d Aug.. of conasmption.
Mitt Mabv A. M'D9it.o,of init placa, aged 2S
year, -t or joy like mine, oeato were amp
exchange X"Sliffliutovn Sentinel.
In Milton. 13d ulU aged 1 1 asoolht, bunt
MiaiasA, dtughttr of John & Muts. On the
23.1 Cstinei. wife of Jonas loung. Un tho
28th, Miss Eusiarra Miaiu, aged shoal
yean. On th 19th, aged 4 years, BuBajre, ton
of Josevh Bennett. On the S6ia, after a sty
short illrst. Col. Robkbt M'Gtriesaged about
71 years. Tho deceased was interred according
lo Masonic honor a, and wst followed lo thegrwva (
by a large awnbsr cf friend sad aecjUeralanc. .
He wss ono of oi oklret sad sAost msttlsbls I
dtiiens. Woman.
The Sheriff of Union county advertise
in the New Berlin papers the following
property in Lewisborg : v:
Lota No. 55, 66, B4& and 943, each.
containing one-fourth ovaWnwe, and Ni
55 having on it a two store;. oru.K dwell
ing house, tc, and a well of good water
located in the vicinity of St Catharine
and Water streets sold as the property
of Dr. WmL JoYce T , ". "
"for the Itwuhurg CkramtA.
Mr. Editor : f think I am entitled to
premium, or an ofice. 1 have read clear
through, without yawning, the address of
the 30 or 40 bolting democrats who can't
swallow Maj. Cummings hot can plot rai
and destruction to the democratic -party
without disturbing their conscience. 1 do
not know what others amy think of ther
i . : . I I. i
ins hoes ereat cry and little wool. Some
cunning trap is bid among them small po-
tato vines. Il seems that one division or
our party had laid their plans, and boasted1
beforehand, lhat they would flog the other
division of the party- but when the trie
came, lo and behold ! instead of ltaat thar
cards turned op Jack, and the boasting
gamesters then cried out "Foul Play.'' and
beein to abuse a man down in Dauphin
county, and his brother in Lewisburg. Thi
reminds me of the old story two looiisn
boys got a fighting of course, one had u
get whipped, and after gelling away a safe
distance lie shook his fist at the victor and
cried out, "If I can't whip you 1 can make
mouths at your sister, oo tnese schisms.-
. . . i . i .
tic, rule-or ruin oemocrais wneq taey
failed to nominate their man, tney cry out.
'if we can't beat Cummings, we can show
our spunk by abusing Cameron.
A OES llna AaovttT..
Buffaloe, Aug. 30, 1650.
A LARGE lot of Stone Pickling and Pmerat
J A K.I just received and for tale by
bept 1 J. HAYES & CO.
To the Elector of Union Co.
Fellow Citintn : Being encouraged by
a number of my friends, 1 offer mjelt a
a volunteer candidate for Ihe office of
at the next general election. I lve
mysely, if elected, to perform the duties of
the said effice with fidelity.
New Berlin. June 6, 1830.
typTUEB xnr.XTiric woxqmmi
JUICE a great Dyepepti Curtrt
Pre pared from Rennet, or the fourth ttutstch cf
the Oj, after direction by Bar on I.itata, ttar
great physiological chemist, by J S.Hoceevas,
M.D., Aio. J I N. 8th St. Philadelphia, a.
4 TRULY wonderful remedy for huligettiou,
f Vytpepna, Jaundice, Liter Complaint,
Constipation and Debility, curing titer Nsturs's
own process, by Nature' oara agent, the (iaetrit
Juict. Ijrllilf a lesapoonful of thit fluid infused
in water, can digett or dissolve Five Pounds ot
roast beef in about Iwo hours, out of ibt atomach.
DlgCwtlWat is chiefly performed in Ihe stato
acb by the aid of t fluid which freely esudet from
lbs inner cost of that organ, when in stats of
heal b, called Ibe gastric juice. This fluid is l
grtiit eolrent of the food tho purifying, preser
ving and stimulating agent of tne atomach and
intestines. Without it there can be no digeetion,
no conversion of food into biooJ, no nutrition -
but ralhet foul, torpid, painful tod destructive
condition of Ihe whole digestive apparatus.
PepttlB it lb chief element or great digest
ing principle of the gastric juice. It ia found ia
great abundance ia the aoisd pa la ol the human
atomach after death, tnd sotneiimea ngm th
stomsk h to digest or sal itself op. Il iaslso found
in in stomacn or animals, aa tn ot, calf. &c It
ia tat material used by farmers ia awaking cheeaa
ityleu Keauaet. the etteet of which bae tons,
been the special wonder of the dairy. Curdling
of milk it tho 8rt process of digestion. A call 'a
atomach can curdle nearly one thousand times it
own weight of milk. Baron Licbig slates, "on
part of Pepaia dissolved ia silly thousand pin
of water, digcle meat and other food." Diseased
atomach produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet
or Pepsin. To ahow that thi want may b par
belly aopplini, wo cp4 wst subjoined '
aaroa MCBIO, tn his celebrated work on Animal Urn
wintry, says: -An artinrial digcstjva Said, aaalssuas a
tbrUsatrirJuiee.may be readily prepared from Ihe wnerat
ssembraas of the stomach of tn calf, in which ?sru
artkirs d Snd, aa avrat aad eggs, will be softened sol
digested In th same asaaaer as ia the human atoaisrh "
r. BKKK1KA, la his famoos treatise on s'sed sad M
published by Fowlers A Wells, New Tork. pace li. MaV
the assse gnat fact, and mscrihis th method of ysepsnr
tion. There are few hither authorities than Dr. IVrens
Dr. COMBE, fas his valnahla wriuags on las Phvuniorj
of Digestion, observes that -n dimtantien of ibe diA
quantity of the Uastric Me la a prominent sad sli-se
vsiling rs use of Dyspepsia," aad he states that -s di
guishrd professor olSMdtcins fat LostDa,wbossre.r
afllictcd with this eomplsiat, finding sverrthun: ei "
SUI, had recourse tn the Gastrie Juice, obtained fn-w O
stoauch of living animals, which completely wwW
I'V-ORAll A M, sal hoe of the nunoui worts on InrW
Met, says: It is s mnarkable fart la phywdosr. Uu.
the stomachs of aaiatala. mainland ia water, inipsrt
the fluid the property of dissaving varkms artirlee ol
and oT effecting m kind of artificial digestion of them taai
wise different from the natural digsstive aeaccss."
Br. SIMON'S gnat work, the Chraustry sf M sr.. .Va
Ulnar hard. Pkilsd lata, 33, -3.) mjt. -m, duwj
of Pepsin forma a new era in the chemical nislorv of
Prom recant simiinminlc s, hma ih CaI .
dissolved as rapkUy ia aa artificial dismal vs flnst, prerr4
i' .m mv hibii wusvnr S'usss ttsril
Prof. DtXGUSON.ofthe JefiVrson College, Philnd,fe
his great work en Uamnn Ph vniology, drvuica nam tsu
fifty psgesto an svsmiaalinn of this .uuject. Batesr-
menu with Dr. Beaumont, on th Sastrle Jules, souis-d
from the living human stomach and from animsU.
known. In sfl cases,' he says, "diacrtioa eeeumd .
perfectly in the artificial as In lbs aatural lirction.''
At a DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr Houghton's
preparatioa of Pepsin bat produced the most msr
aetevM efbeta. It ia impoautbie to give detail rf
eaaea ia the limits of this ajvettisemeni but
tiurnlicated certificate have been given of more
than TWO HUNDRED rapid, woaderrul. tad
permanent caret. It ia a great Niavais Avn
MTa, and particularly useful for leodency
bitiooa disorder, liver complaint, fever tnd ago,
the evil eflecte of quinine, mercury, eVc, also h
escese ia eating or drinking.
There it ao form of OLD STOMACH CO
PLAINTS which it does not reach and also ?i"
instant relief! snd repeated for a sheet time, pfr
lity of Blood and Tisna aoa follow al oor
Il ia particularly etceUeot in cases of aaasen, vo
miting, cramp, roreoes of the pit of akeetomarh
distrese after eating, low, cold eta la of ihe btooi
hravinesa, lowacea of spirit, despondency, eoucir
aiion, weakness, UadWoey to intently, Ae.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. Ooetxxw
often eflccls a lasting cure.
rETtm IV POWDERS aeai ay SUU, free of Posni'
For convenience of srndirnT ta all 1 arts ef the enasira.
the Digest s Matter sitae rrpahv put up In the
rvwuers. wna utrections to a oissoivod by the psncs. -water
or syrnpx Yasss pawdsrs eeatssa jwa the fw
asstter as the bottle, but twice the qusnrJty frv the sn'
rice, and are sent by nuul. Pre sf Psstsgr, f I, ",
(post ssidl to Br. J. S. Houghton, Nu. 11 hveih Su;kii
Philadelphia. 8il psrksges vsr As.
Ever bottle tas) naekeg twin th written f
nature of J.&HOUGHTON. M.D-. Sole Pfoprr
lor. 8old by agent aa every town ia the Insm
and by moat respectable dealers m aveUicMie.
To be bad of TrsortMon & Baker. Lewistxn -
J H Cuelow. Mihoa I Thomoaoa. M.fll.nbe'l,'
Witt dr. Eileft, Hartleloa ; Wm Roattoog.
Berlin ; G I CisnatS, Mnasrove ; Mr M l
Mnrihjamherh.E,! twtcf