. @5335 5.. 3129*- THE [LEE ll publish“) every Monday mama», HENRY J. mamas” W per un "3“!!! “paid 33.31 ch Ix wYAxw—Gg 59 par un ‘num (I not paid (5 misuse: No subscription an. ‘ munuodngnlm it the optlon or me pubnshei', fuiatfl hi! nrmgrgm are paid. ' 4 ADVEMIFEMM [W at manna! RM JOB PRINTING all-numb nonewkh W 7 mg dispatch. ~ OFFICE in Bomb Baltimore street. between Buddha ism! High‘ nem- \ho Post ONCO—“ Confid ler meta; Oilm " nu theaixn. ’ ' ‘ Professional Cards. Doctor C. W. Benson. ~ FFICE at the Railroad Home,{4‘rontmom, O formerly occupied by Dr. Kinet,’ LITTLESTOWN, PA. ‘ June 19.1865. cf _ ‘ Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’a - A FFICE and Dwelling, N. E. corner of Bu -0 u'nmre and High streets, um Preabytarian Church, Gettysburg, PA. ‘ ‘ ,n‘ov. 30, 1863. L! - Dr. 31’. A. Armstrong, I] AVING removed‘ from New Salem, York coumy, and having located an \lifldlea luwu, Adams county, ofl'erlahil professional services to the public. ' ~[July 31,"65. 6m. , .V . .A .. - ‘ _nfl,;.__ ‘ Dr. D. 8. Buffet, BBOTTSTOWN, Adams canny, continues A the pzuclicc of his profession in all us br.muhes,~and would respectfuny invite ‘nll pcrmns nfflicted with an'y old sanding dis «macs to call and consult him. ' ’.Jct. 3, 13434. u‘ Edward B.‘ BuehLer, TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithful” and A promptly nutnd to all busilless entrusted to him. He speaks she German Manna.— Ollie»l m the Hume place, in South Bunimore itrwt, neur Foruey's drug store, and nearly oppos‘te Dunner t Ziegler'a store. Gettysburg, Much zu. . 2D. McCongughy, TTOIQNEY AT LAW, (olfice one door west A or Buelxler'u drug rind book stqre,(;bnm erabu'g street.) ATTUNNBY Axn Some-. 70: you Punt” up Pussioss. flounty Land War rants,'lllck—pny suspended Claim/s; 4m] «11 other claims 33min“. the Govuruficnt at Wash ington, 0. Ci; alaoAmcricanClniiua in England. Land Wnrrn’nlalocmed uudsold,or boughtmnd highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo cating wnrmnts in lowa, Illinois agnyl othr: westernStntes Q‘Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nole, ’53. ‘, _ ' J. C. Neely, TTORNEY AT LAW.——Purtscular atten- A_ hon pair} to collcclion of Pcnsiong, Bouncy“, and Back-pity. (Mine in the S. 12: carucriol‘ the Dunnond. . Geuyuhurg, April 6, 1863. if _ ‘ Law Partnership.’ 1 A. DUNCAN & J. 11, WHITE. . . A'I‘I‘ORNEIS A'l_‘ LAW, “'1“ promptly attend to ulllcgni bubiness entrusted to [ha-m, indlu-ling the procuring of Pensions. Daunty, Dnck‘l’ay, and an other clnims ,nguiusx. Lhc' Uu te~l Flt-“cs and Sum: Govvrnmuuts. ‘ i (mice in North‘West Come: of Diamond‘3 Gclhyiburg, I’enu’n. : f Apr 113,1863. 1.1 ‘ ~ ’, J. Lu'wreuac Hill; 11. 1)., AS his otfice oneV ~ I . ' I I door west 0! the“? utm‘T. ’ lAMu-mn church in ‘ ~ ‘1 ~ (mnx'nbersl‘urg sm-et. and oppmite Picklnf’fl “we, \\ h ‘re those wishing to lungs; may Deny! Opera'inn per-fnvmed .rre ruspt‘ctfixliy inviu-(Ele mu Hm’zmn’cn’ Drs. Hurnr‘r, Rev. C. §P. Kr» uh. I). l) , Rev. H. L. Emlgher, D. 1)., Riv. Plof'. M. Jacobs! .’rol. .\I. L. Sumter. (zoniysburu, Agni 11,231? _ ' ‘ ‘ (“um-wry- Rémonlls. \HE underal weighting»; the mnhunzcd person 71 to make rumov‘als mm Eva- Green Ceme tery, hopes llm~ sud's contemplate the rcmox n 1 0! tthins of deceuacd rdnuvcs or friends w ill m‘uil lhcmEelvvs of this smson pflhcyenr to have it done. . Removals made with promptness —-Lerms low, and no “For: Ppured to please. . PETER mum, ‘ Krepei’ of the Ccixlelery. Murch 12, 'GO flnnhmrc k (firm-vim. ‘ V [IE duhscnhurs have just relurued from P the 'cuivs “ixh nu ilnm‘gnsu supply,c-l HARDWARE & (HHICEILH'IS, which they are ollermz ML their old sL-Aml in Uullunqrc :tn ct, ~zu Mirna to all”. lhc umes. Our stock consists it! [will of ~ ‘ . BUILDING MATERIALS, ‘ ‘ GAY-YEN Half.“ _TOQLS, , BL‘KCKSMITH'S TOOLS, ‘ I - COACH “mums; SIIOE‘FINDINGS. . - ~ CABINET MAKER’S TO‘OLS, UUUSI‘IKEEPER‘S ‘FIX TURKS, , ALL KINDS OF IRON, kc. GROCERTES 0F .ALL'KINDS, HILS,‘ PAINTS, &c., kc. There is no mlhle included in the sm’érnl d‘epargmeuts llzt'nfiL-ncd I,}an but what can be lnzutl‘m this Store.— Eycry class of .\l«-rhnuics c'an be :ucnnrmodmed bug: with ma]; :lud fipdingsmnd thuwkoepcrs can find Her): anticlc in their line“ Give us 'u cull, u [We are prep uted to sell as low fOI‘JCuSh as any kwsu out of the city. . 30151; I}. BANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. ‘ . Gotfygburg, Maj-:16, 1864. The Great Dls‘corery F TH E AGE—lnflammatory and Chr'onic 0 Rheumatism mu be cignd by using H L. MILLEB’S CELEBRATE!) ”BU .‘.:ATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. .hs succcss in lihcnlunzic REEL“- Lionsflms ‘been hitherto unparalleled by ainy Specifié, introduced to the public. ‘l’rice 50 A'ents per bottle. For 5.11:: by all druggists and morekcepers. Prepared. only by U. L. MILLER, .\\'holcaulc and Rstnil Druggist, East Berlin, _Adnms county, Pa.., dealer in Dring,s,Uhcmic:Lla, Uiis, Varnish, Spixiu, Paints, Dye-stung, bot ;led Dili, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paton: Medicines, &c., kc. WA. D.‘Buehler is the Aggnt in Geuys burg lot]- H. L. Miller’s Celebrated Riieummic slixture." ' [June 3, 1861. tf film at Workl' | HR undersigned coutiuu‘es the T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, 5n *1! 13.5 hunches. at. hil old'sumd, in {bet )Inddle street, Geuyshurg. . NEW WORK made to order, And A B E.P A I B. I N G done promptly and M. loweét prices. . ‘ Two first—late SPRING WAGONS and a BL’EIGH foi' sale. JACOB TROXEL. 3 Dec. 7,.18b8. ( Sale crying, ,W; FLEMXHNG continues the bgsineu A. of SALE CRYING, and solicits the con fiiuued pnronugo or the public. ‘ It. is his con. punt endmvor ‘0 give satisfaction. Charges moderate. Beaidpnc: in Breckipridge sueei, ,Geuyjbnrg. \ f ‘ _, ' P. S.~—He is I licenied Auctioquandor the ”u Law omho United States. g For. 24, 1862. , ‘ ’ 3,. = ' Wanted. (fl, PALM in Adan: coauthffififie'lfl Igill mug; choice- Welmq buds. a s. in: mice. ‘ ' GEO. ARNOLD. Aug. 7,1385. ~_ .. Do You‘Wlsh ‘ pron": u soon ,fikenesu of yourself‘ your childnn, or your friends? go at 'onco‘to HUMPER'S WRY,’tha Best place 1: the county u “cute fiat chug pictures. ‘ , ‘ ‘ A, Few 7-80’s TILL on hand and for 1318 it THE FIRST Nuxoxu. BANKOF GETTgsgtmG. - ‘ ‘ . ‘ GEO. ARNOLD} omm. om. 9-. 1885‘ m 00; ”Root. Corn Starch, Bi I ‘ S‘: Q'btin, ,fomda u Di 30mm, UM 1'“, *fi,‘-;¥;sa§w&§;s§ ...",,".’ 1:399:53:- £33999”. 3),, :1 ,: 33V} , V_ m H. J. 51mm 48151! Year. Northern Central Railroad.‘ WINTER T 1111; TABLE. Throughond Direct Route to Wuihiryton,-Balti more, Elmira, Erie and annlo. $Ollll TRAINS DAILY to and from Wash-_ lngton and Ualtlmore. and FIVE TRAINS daily to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, and Northern and Western Pennsylvania and New York. ' ‘ Un Linn alter Mbnday, Nov. 201 b. 1863, the l’nssehger trains of the Northern Cdllll'ml Buil wuy “11l run as tollnws; _ ' sournwsnn.‘ , ‘ -- Mail Train léavbs Elmira, . 4:45 am . ‘ ’ ‘- Hurrishurg, 1:30 pln 1 ' Arrives at Baltimore, 52,10 p ll] Elmira Express leeves‘Elmiru,‘ 5:30 p m I , “ Harrisburg, 2:501: in ~ arrives at l).iltimoie, ' 7:00 am ‘ Fast Line leaves Harrisburg, _ «8:45 3 m _* , arrives at Baltimore, 12:30 pin \ Harrisburg Au; leaves Harrisburg, 0:05p in ‘ nrrives nt‘Baltimorejr 9:45 pin 1 VS‘nnhnry Acc. leaves Sunbury, 7.30 a in 1 l " arrives at Harrisburg, 10:00 am l ; Erie fllxtil leaves Erie, ~00 n m , I , arrives at Harrisburg, :20 p m 1 .Erie Express leaves Erie, '55 p in i ’ arrives at Burrishurg, .30 a. in g NORTHWARD. ‘ Mail Tnin leaves Baltimore, 9:00 n-m l “« Harrisburg, 1:45 pm ‘ arrives at Elmira. ' 10:4? pin l I Elmira. Eilprcss leaves Biutimore, 10:00 pm t , I “ Hurrisliurg, 2:40 a m . arrives at Elmira, 11:35 tun , Fast Line leaves Baltimore, 12:10 p m i , arrives at Harrisburg, > 4:15 p in; {Erie Mull leaves Bultimore, ‘ . 7:20 pm i | ‘ “ Hulrisburg, 12:30 a tn 1 l ’ arrives at Erie, . _ .5229 pm 1 ‘I Erie Express leaves Harrisburg, 12:00 prn I l arrives at Erie, 3:52 a in Harrisburg Ace. leaves York, 7le a m l nrrivesnt Harrishurg, 8:40 a. m l ‘Sunbui‘y Ace. lenvcs li irrisburg, 4.35 p in ) nrrires'n‘t Sunbury, 7:00 pm , ‘Erie Expre n Sofih, Hui-rlshnrg Accommo- l 'dntlou South and, riSuuhury; Acéommodiitlon ‘liortp, run dully.exeept Sunlnys. Elmira Ex ipress trnins North and South will leuve daily, rexcept llOnduys. ' . l Fast Line North, Harrisburg Accommodation iNsrtb, Sunbury Acwnimbdntion South and ‘ Erie Moll South, nrrue dnily, except Suufinys. [Elmira Express North runner: and Fast Lure South leaves dnily. \ ' ’. Erie Express, South fill'li'Eß daily, except ‘ Illumlnys. ~ ‘ . [s For Through Tickets and further correct find reliuhle information apply at the Ticket Will-m, Cnn crt Simian, N. h‘. corner 0! Culvert ,uutl Franklin stri ets, Unltimore. l' ' .J N: L)l'P:lßßl', , ‘ Gen. Supt. Norlheru Central lluilmty. . .hlmuu County ' . th‘IUTFP‘L l' ll._l:l,J.\jSC_ll:\.\'CE COMPANY. I thUlllwluTEU, lhkcu 13,1851. ' ()ruceus: . A ' l President—George biwpe. ‘ 1 Vice President—Smirel 11. llusscll. l Set r: wry—l). A. .liuelfler. t I, Treasurer—E. G. Fulinestbck. ' 1 Executive Commuter—Robert. llcCfirrly, An- , Edrew Hciutzelmm’i, Jacob King. 1 l 3 Muslims ——Lieorge Sn ope, D. A. _linobltr’,» in. )léturdy, .\l. lilohc-lhcrncr, B.IL Russell, E. , JLG.‘lt'nlinestock, A D. Buehlerflt. G. McCreary, ’ gtlettysburg; theoh King, Slrnbui township; EA. Hetutzeliuun, Franklin; Wm D. Hilnes, “New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bentlerst‘ille; H. A. Picking, Su-übnn township; John Wol ‘tnrd. Littimore township; John Picking. Enst Berlin ; Abel T. Wright, liend'ersvillc; Ab‘tllel J“- GitL New Oxford‘; Jns. 11. Marshall, _liii‘tu iltunhnu township; John Unnuiuglmm, l’ree- l “dam township ; John IIUI‘ILU‘, Mouuijoy town ship; Wm. ROS: White, Liberty township. 1‘ fiThis' Company is limited in its opern lions to the county of Adnms. 11. hits been in { perntiou for moiejlmn 15 years, nnd in than" erlml has made but one assessment, .huiing ' i‘l aid losses‘ by fire during that period amount. E ring to $13,088——5U,7611-ot which lune been’ :1 aid during the last two years. Any person " siring nu Insurrnnce can npply to any ofthe ' [n are numed Manual-rs for lurtuerint’oi mulch... 1 jg‘r'l‘he Executive Committee meets at the ‘Eo tree of the'Compnny, on the l:is:,\\'edhes t u y in every month, at 2 o’clock, I’. 11. £061.15, 1865. it :_. l V - ‘ —-‘“ ‘ ‘t""v“~_‘ i ‘ 4 Don‘t Read This, NLESS .YOU WANT TO . S‘AV~EMONEYI How sad! how hem-t-rending are. the evils ot‘ Wnrl Now that Pence has been restored l the universul cry is. How long! How denrl HI‘W are we, to live! Will the exorbitint prices for the neeessnries or life never decline? ‘From the remote corner of Adams county. in l we small but prosperous town of Falrfleld, [comea‘the welcome messenger with tidings of better days. - ; ~ . ‘ ‘ ‘ , WREADJND PROFfl‘.‘Sfl DANNER «k SHIELDS bun-just returned my «be eastern cities. (having allowed their ~ stock 0; goods to. be very much reduced wnii- I . log for a decline in tlée markets.) The time qt llcngth arrived, they railed themselves of the" opportunity, littstened to the city, endure now preniired to supply the mints of the needy.— Our stock 01 moms" Goons is bt‘tber than. cm below, That {urthc GENTLENEN is an: surpassed. Toenunxernte would besnperfluous. 5‘ QUICK SALES AND SMALL PItUFITS,” is our motto. Our stock being selected with care. we here usse‘rt that we 8:8 011::ka to I sell n 5 thenp, and ‘79 thlflk‘ChEll‘m'i "Lin can ' be boughtunywhereelse in the county. (“lose l buyers particularly", will find it to their advan tage t) give us a. call before purchasing else. I where. . WCountry profluce taken in exchenfle for | Ghods. Thanktul {or past («wars we hope to g merit I continuance of the some. .fif AfrB‘AHEB t SHIELDS. Nov. 6, 1865. tf ‘ ‘ Carriage-making Business. ‘BB var being over, the undersigned h"; ' resumed the . . pARRIAGE-gIAING BUSINESS, M their old stand, 'in East Middle meet, ‘ , GETTYSBURG, ' when they are again prepared :o‘put, up work in tha mqst fashionable, substymial, and supe {in manner. . _A lot of new and uecond-hand OARRIAGES, BUGGXES, &C.,‘ on hand‘, which they til) disoose of at the lowezrpsiceaiand In c'rdera will be pupplied “promptly nntfiafisfncjorily as panama: ‘ fl‘ WE P ATK’I N 6”“ ‘.A, V done with dispuch, sud u_ cheapestfntu.‘ A large'lot. of new qnd old HARNESS on hand for we. ‘ 1 : A ‘ nankfulfor the liberal purgange hereto. fora enjoyed by them, they solicit aid will on date: to defiant: ; large share in ma fawn. _ ' , - BANNER a; amamm, \ mum, 1565. a , ~ . . JACOB QU’LP'S ESTATE.—Letter§ of ad “ Quaint-mind oh the ebube of Jacob Culp, late ‘oflhe Bqtough Effieuyxbm'g, deceased, 3mm been 313th the undenigned, mid “lnn file game plate, be hereby give: uptl'eo ‘0 11! Freon: insulated to laid 9m“ 'to mbka iuqedmc psymant, _ud thou hiring claim: yum-9 an lune $0 present them properly nit-Mud m gunman. : m . - ' * , ’ M. G 'Ah’h ‘ 413,115,1‘86fi-Lfiwfi' fl. .‘ ‘‘ ‘ ,_1 ‘ i;v4Ei• NM ‘ A @EMCQCRATHC AND FAMM mmmu Notice. Quarterly Report I" THE GETTYSBUBGNATIONAL BANK » Juan: 1, 1866. BISCUICIB Loans and Discounts, ‘ ' $212,010 54- U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 150,000 00 Other U. S. Securiiies, ' - 147,550 00 Stock of Gommonweahh of Funk, 105,000 00 Notes of other Banks. _- 38,014 00 Dual: items, 1400 31 Due from other Banks, 39, 10 05 Real Estu’te, . ' ‘ 6,400 00 Honda, ‘ . 2,612 .0" Expense account; 57 88. LIA Blhfl‘l IS Capital, .v , ' . $145,150 00 burplus, - ’ 100,987 ~88 Discuuutp,‘ 2,183 14 Notea‘of Bank‘of Gettysburg, 258,254 00 Notes of 'Geuysburg Random} Bank, 130.500 00 Due to other L'uuks, 1,139 38 Due to Depositurs, 61,997 61 Difidcud. uup‘uid, 2,062 73 ' $702,254 80 The above statement is just and true to the best. of my knowledge and belief. ' T. D 5 CARSON, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me, Junua’ry 3, 1666. ‘ P. MYERS, J. P. Jan. 15, 13615. 3:‘ $5O Per Week. n acrlvn,srmmm AGENTS, ~(). , 00 (men or woman) wanted in hvcry Cityfil‘nyvn, Village, Neighborhood, inc: tory and Shop‘ip the land. Business strictly honorable and lime or no capital needed tn commence. To thkrigh't sort of Egrplicantg wt: ofl'er inducements'wfijch \nll cuuble them to make $5O pe'r week idthe cities, and a. pro pornonnte amount of thfa‘inleriur. ' SeudLOne Dollar fol l-‘iveSnmples worth One Dollar, sch, for your own ixs\e‘,)i! you do got. choose/to sell them again, aim jut cpnfidcn Linl circular of terms to Agents win _berulso for warded. ‘ 3 x T. a; H. GAUGHAN & 00., Importers, .. 116 btogdwuy, New (ark. ‘Jan. 8, 1866. 4!. l “\ Fresh Arrival. \‘\ F‘W GOODS.—A. SCUTT A: SONS hm-é‘ jugt received “nudge;- (inc assonmunt of NEW GOODS, counting. in putt, of Cloths, Cus=imeres. C-ssiupls, Kentucky Jeans, and TWecds, fur Gentleman‘s \vcur. Also, a fine assort'ment of ' LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. ' , Our stock has been selected With great care, and we ure prep-med £0 sell as cheap ns‘any other establishment in l'nu country. We ask the ppblic to give us a call and judge for themaclves. “Va defy comnezitiou, buth as to qlugity nnd price. A. SCOTT & SUNS. Sept. 11,1865. ' ’ - Cumberland Coal! A LARGE s_upp'ly at Superior .BLAQKSHITH COAL, now on hanfld at reduced price. This C 931 is superior to 311,001.“ Coal in the United States {or welding and other blacksmith purposes 1 For sale by P. B. PYFER‘, (My Goal Yard, Frederick cilyflld June 19, 1.865. Iy* Established 1850. OTICE OF REMOVAL. N , LAWRENCE D. DIETZJ; COL, respéctfully beg lenve'to notify their friends, cuswmerp, and the pn-hlic generally, that they have reinoved from No. lblFrunklin street, to the commodinns four-story Warehouse, 50. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Hownrd and Liberty; where they will for the fu‘mre conduct. the Wholesale Busi ness, solely in ‘ ~ Hosiery. Trimmings, ' 4, V Furnishing Goods. . ' Perfumery, Notions, A ‘ _ Sxationery, Unllery, . - ~ _ ‘ Toys. km, he. to which they invite the attention of city and country purchasers, feeling confident of their ‘nbilxty to offer inducements in prices and quality 0; Goods. ‘ Orders by mail will receive prompt atten tion. Address , u » LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & 00;, 308 Baltimore street, Baltimore. March 14, 1864: A ‘ Plnfios ! Pianos! lANOS !—,Thg underaigqed wofild respeét fully inform the public um}. be can furnish HANDS of the following manufacturers, of lbose of other make, if desired, at the lowest ‘possible prices: ‘ CIHUKERING & SONS. . ‘ DECKER BROS. ‘ HAZLETON BROS. HAINES BROS. ‘ '~ ' .‘ GEO. STEGIL ‘ A. H. GAHLE 3 CO; ’ . . STEIXWAGJ SONS. - Q'Pmticuhu alwnlion is given to the se lection of Pines; and when so selected, in nd~ tiou to the manufnclurcrs’gunrqmee, file Pinon are guaranteed 141/ me. ‘ " MASON h HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS ANU MEL'ODIANS. {Kw recent improvements in {hese instru men'ls are inch as 12) fully warrant saying they m-e FAR SU MEMO:I lo any other make. One of the heat. criden s of their merit is, that ”I“; improvemcms are imitned .by other makerl. .'fhe new style, four stop organ, have a Sub-Basgand ()oth Couplet, making it an instrument especinlly-ndupted to Church and _Snbbalh School )mrpOsas. . ‘ DESCRIPTIYE CIRCULARS will be gent by mail to persons desiring them. Piano: tuned regularly. Piano: taken. in e . change. : PETER «BENTZ, g No. 30 East Halter. 81., York, Pa. June 12, 1866. 1y - 0 Yes! 0 Yes! E undersigned respoctfu‘lly annqnncuto the public that he Img uken out In Anc. uoneex’s License, and ofl'ershis «nice; to the 959119,; He feel: confident than his long ex perience ,in the businoassvill enable him to, render cnti’ro satisfaction. Charges will be rqnonable and satisfaction gnu’untied in all cases. Address REUBEN GOLDEN, Jan. 8, 1865‘. If Gettylbqrg, Pa. Bounty Tax Nottee. “SONS owing Bonny Tu in Mount plmnnt townlhip, are hereby reqnened to nuke immedmo payment. All who fail to pny‘b: m. FIRST OF FEBRUARY next, will hl'e fiveper cont. added} to their amounts. By order oflhe Bani' * ‘ . , ‘ .V JACOB SANDERS, Seo’y. Jan.B, 1866. M ‘ umS’p’uiu'wmu mm; «on: Ql'Ho'magbea'dv Tonic, “jg. $2 11%;;ng ' Suite: '.~ {A .. " RY ‘ 'nn ormgfiknm a; A 'W‘R’r’r «.... :‘*:mk'xs§&39 - ‘ 431331?) 9:91: ~hm “M 40 light]. and ma Ml.” GETTYSBURG, PA, MONDAY, JAN: 29, 1866. s'? 5331131111nt 5:: @Uinmfix. lake the Hon-men! A‘uncfl've, It need not. cost much money to adomthc plaoe 1 one llves in, Begln'lly dlgglng out the brlérs and l £ Miami the door yard. Plant a few trees; mm 1 add several flowering shrubs ; perhaps that. willf l “for one year. Nnxt year make u gnffi'cl walk or‘two, aml’ set a law flown-rlng plan a by thrlrl ”slam. Your wife and daughter will sow some ‘.fluwer seeds. Uyou wlll onb'proptu'e unaut border '»for them, Look at these few llnpmvemeuta,somo ‘t bright morning next J mb, and WP gmxrmxtee you ‘ will be gladyou mfide them. Anl (hm lubom, b so rewarding, willlpud on w othem. The [cur-cs und hulldmgs‘ Will be RVDL ln repair. '.l'rms will be set. out along the romlshle. Thehouse will have window blln‘ds. the rooms wlll be paper-ed and pulnted; good mrnltnrc will he provided and books and pupem wlll not be mlsslhg. A-ll (hem \hlngs will be regulaml ad‘conllng to one’n ability. And, all a general rule. whatever our means, 11. Ls better to make lmpmvcmems h); dog‘rws {rum year to year, than tu do them all up at «mt-e “ by thejoln." Be mred this la the way to mm the most huppl new in hume adorning. And, remember, thu in fluence of such improvcmunus duos not aid will}: the individual bunny. They tell silently, but. wlth grunt etlect, upon sqglety. l'lwry nclghbor 'and every passer lyg reels mum. mu! many in: led by suuh cxumplca to go and do llkmvlsc. $702,254 a Munnglhg Tlmldlllones. Riding a high-courngcd mnré the other cvofilug up n nmow hmefl met a thrashing machine oom mg'auuukmg toward me. Ofcoum. when within fifty yard: Lhem was a sudden bolt‘mund. One a! the men came {orwurd to lead the min- pant! hug she reared up and would go no nun-er; thy other then came up and said, “Let me have her, Mr, and I'fl wm‘xuut shc'll go, for I new-r saw one that I couldn't get by yea" I then got. on the mute—fur there wus bun 1y room fir her to pass butwwu the machine and the hedge. And he bngxm rubbing her “use with hls’ofly hands, when he tuck In r by the niu uud lcil' hvr by the machine \v‘lthyut fur ther ltOul)lL‘.-—[Thl! Field. ' 1 ‘ , ' food [yr l‘uuenlug Poultry. The 0119 mm»! find most advantagwus food 60 use for fattening every dcscrlpllou of poultry impound Outs—the whole or the grain ground to a fine pow der. When ,n is pru;wrl,\' mung“), one bushel of the meal will more mtcuuuny futtcn poultry ill-2m y. bu~lwl um] 11’ half of any other mud. The grout i‘mm'! in naming poultry 1510 feed them at any bxcuis ‘ Mmy‘nfour young Indies who lmmge around from morinng'uu night,duiugnumiu; bul twlmel on Bonn, n-Jdlng unu-llmxm, &c.. will find In the I tollew‘m; smu‘bkmn-z “my,“ m Luv U they are not too mum "engaging" to make it: ‘ LLuu'r l‘q'l‘ Pu; Hanan—(me pfm (ifsour bane:- Illilli: two mlfle-spumfuhs ufsudnmx d 1: Huh-Kali. I Mix 1110- soda bthcult.\l9o not roll or mix more. mun can b» helped; dlp‘wlw u spoon mm the put. ' the size you wzsh, nud lmfialuny minutes. This‘ mums ctjuhl, win: .uuu NHL-dim St. {ml .11; abug, 1. and mum about ouu honr :41an half, mukqs an? excellent pudding. \\ , _—._..\ ' Wisdom for the New Thy. - Keep out oncbt. Pay as you go. Buy nothlng except. the money 15 in your pocket. Hays: in) ac coum curre‘m ut (1115 gt uccr's 01‘ butdwr‘s. Gh\\\'llll out 113 w clothe: 1111 you can pay fur than. {\n‘e ynud'note of hand to nobody. lis'chcw crulmv Deaf 10: cash only. ‘ \ “’anlu a “11%. A mrmu'boy who in anxious to get. a wife, ad verlhaes [or Que minis ste: ‘ . 11.: quus In knuw‘xr she dun milk, And make his brand .mu butter; And go to meeting without eulk. _ To make u show and ’spluzter. , He‘d‘ like to knuw n it wou‘ld hurt Her hands to take up stitches, 0r new a buttou'von his shirt. ' Ur muke a pair or hrcechefl. -, E’slxflzh— 390211113. ‘6’ . Lmle Ida was a rose, ‘ Sent w blowom here on earth, Like me bud that min-r grows, , Swméd aha thus of heavenly birth.‘ Gentle Ida was my joy, ~ Through the weary day‘ of care, leé a bird so blithc and coy, hinge m man-mes: beauty nut. How I loved to héarlher voice, _ In her innocence ngloe, How It made my homgejolce. Thus to see her Wax. 0, she made A heaven I: , And: my luau-t. was milsv glad: Never entered than: a (w, Tlmt it. would ye quickly sad. But. the angels called her hence, And she wont. mm; earth awry, Swlmy ummgh the cm dance, To a never ending day 4 Like a rose In beauty died, Passed she thus‘ from chm away“ J bind the 4111 ch In the skies, 0n a. golden harp to play. ' Now. she walks the gulddn sweet. ‘ Clad m robes 01 snowy ‘wlm/e, Bits and In. the Savlur’s feet. ' In a glow or hea'vcnly llght. Never can the norms of we,‘ » lieu-h berm um bussim home; : She is n‘cc [mm earlleyqtru‘e, '5 Free through golden streets to roam. Cease, fond' mourpvr. than to pine, For thejewel you have lost: She your guldlngum: vm shine, Tlll the mofllte I: crossed. lon, than, strive to aim: ‘wnore You your darling yet oufgmd, Where her pleasures you can share. Leaving earfhly cal-res behind]. Gettysburg. < ' M Tlu Fenian—The Fenian _Senute met. in secret session recently. for the purpose, it is supposed, of trying the three members who went over to O'Mnhon'ey. Report says the following are among the members resent: Jamel Gibbons, of Pennsylvaniis, firesidenl; Michael Scranton, Chicago ; Pal’k O’Rourke, New York city; Patrick J. Meehan: do.; Edward L. Carey, £10.; B. B. Daley. Delhi. lnd.; Wm. Fleming, Troy, ml I’. W. Drumm. of Peoria, Illinois. *resident Roberts is said to be preparing an address to the Brotherhood, «fefining his position, «be. General Sweeney, too, has leaned s pronunciumemb ee'Sacretu-y -.of War, promising speedy and efiment action in lhe fidd. . 4, . ‘fi-An' earthquake ocdurred In the into" riorof Mica armie- Minn, doing much dung» :91 gnfjnglgiof we. ~ Wmfifléfi @mfim Good Recipe ertten for the Compiler. LITTLE IDA. BY “(5 A. 1:01:11. ME IKE mnmm DEPOT!“ ma 81’ LY PEXKSYLVAKIA. The 11.1 th hr Negros. but. No Votes for Drufled mic-glen. - The Duncan Oatme—Xumnallan ol’ the ‘ ‘ Law: or Penn-flank. i ~ From the Patriot a. Union, Jail. 10. t 'The proceedings of the Pennsylvania Senate, yesterday, disclosed tlteiyct th‘ht the committee on the contested election case of McConnughy v 5. Duncan, in the Adams- Franklin ‘disuict, had outrageously and ur bttrartl declared against. Mr. Dunceh. the legallyJGle’cted Senator, nnd in-tuvor d 1 Mc- Conaughy, the shoddy centestant. l The original design ofcontesting this one}! on fraudulent returns from the 77th rcg - ment, lately in Texas, was abandoned. most probably because thpt regiment is now in the State, and expowre'vmuld have neces surily been the result of such an attempt. The plea. setup for M’Conaugliy was that ninety-three deserters‘from the army and' non reporting drafted men had voted for Duncan, and “under and by the operation of the net oanngr‘ess ofthe-United States, approved the 3d day of March, A. D. 18m," those ninety-three votes were thrmhn out—- thereby giving the 'shoddy contesthnt n maiqrity ofsixty-eight votes. McConuughy was hccordingly sworn in. ‘ We have scarcely‘patience to speak of thin. infamous outrage, though outrages up on the rights of white men and violations of constitution: and laws have been ,so nume rous. since bogus, Republicanism became dominant, that we ought neither to be sur- 1 prised nor impatient, but, with the patience of Job, endure them as the work-i of the! Evil One. We _shall therefore allude now; merelyi‘to the fact that in this decision of: the six “Republican'f members of that com‘ l mittee, the standard of Clxrnnuzen Dnsror- i ISM ha; Im‘n sci up; the Ehcu‘an Law: of Penn- ‘ ryluama have bran. ilecluml a strut-n;"voidamli of no qfect; unconstitutional Ex 14551 ”cm 1 news of (.'angms are approved of ; wni'rr. MEN ‘ are declare] txun‘ors. ouruws and are nl5- rnsxcnrsno—wrrrtou’r urn—upon the mere dicta. ofpoliucalprowel marshalrrsimply lor ré-j fusing ‘ar neglecting to be “driven: like bullock: to} the slaughter pan” and yet. in every speech and act of (It; walled Republican leaders it is tic-3 clan-ed that every ignorant and degraded Nxono—~ i .Noth wriSouth—shull go to the ballot-bar and l erercisef‘lhz right so unlawfully denied lo‘whde» citizens of Pennsylvania! ' 1 White men of Pennsylvania. behold the position ol'the self-styled Republican lend ersl They hiive firmly planted themselvest upon that infnmousheresy ofcentrnlizntion . and consolidation, against which Presulenl Johnson has irrevocably set his 8641qu comiemna- ( lion! In doing so they are opposing a car ‘l dinal principle of democracy, in its broad ; est sense, and have declared hostility to the 'clearly defined policy of the present Ail-~| ministration. lio one can mistake the ten-1 dency of their act. which nut/Utes the Sta’el laws and disfrnuchises citizens under an act ; ot'CongresS—itsel/ a violation Qf the Federal I _ Corwtitutionfand, above all, an a post theta ' law—n "law” passed after the alleged ofi‘en-l ces of desértion and nonoreporting are held. to have occurred! ' | ‘\ It is clailned, in an article in yesterday’s II rrisburg Telzgraph,,(prepnred, evidently,l I b;\0( under thenuspicee of the coriteetnnt,i l‘MCCO‘tkuugby, in view of the predetermined l action either committee,) that this decision 3 of the committee effectually puts the quie- 1 me to the “exploded theory of State Sove- l reignly." If‘it does, it is by taking from; Pennsylvania rights never intended to be, .civen up; by plnéing in the hands of the i Federal Governmeh‘tytower never intended l to be wielded Wit, and which may eventu ally prove the bane anddetflruction of our State. It is further stated that\Mr. Dun can’s declaration—abet thvet of Congress ‘ conflicted with the Constitu'tidu of Pennsyl- ‘ vanin.+-“was properly treated aha. weak av‘ gutneut,”~ and “not tobe toleratedeiterthe bloody, experience of this country.” In ! other words. it'valid before the war, the war; has destroyed State Rights; changed thel . status of Northern as Welles Southern States, I and swept away the Union established byi Washington and J efi‘erson. For that time-i honored Union they are now gtVing us that. ‘.'new Union,” of which they have so long talked—that Ounsolidnted Despotism, so nobly mailed by Andrew Johnson. ‘ l Over this despicable outrage is thrownj such atrocious glamour as the following: ‘ y “The, express provision at the Constitu tion of the United States is, "l‘hie‘Constitu tion and the laws of the United States made I in purrunnce thereof shall he the supremei law oi the land, anything in the 'comtitu-J tron oh laws of any State to the ooutrnryl notwithstanding!" , ' y In the Federal Constitution the power: and duties of Congress are well and t‘ullyl defined as Well as limited. Congress has no; power/beyond what the Constitution‘gives it. Nowhere in :1 ix authority granted to dig/rain- ‘ . chise citizens nf the Slain nor to override State ' election laws. ONLY such laws oi Congreésos are “‘made in pursuance” of the Federal Conatttutiou shall "be the supreme Ilew of t the hind." If such were not true. State legislature; andStatedes would be useless “and nugatory. Again lilbe Federal Consti tution declares that ”No ezc pail fut-la law shall be passed/f The 'jlaw” tinder which this committee acted. was en ex post facto lawxbecnuse .it lives made applicable to al leged "erg: mes” committed before the “law” Wes passed. . , For the present we will leave the self: styled hpublican leaders to revel in the ignominypfhavingntrllificd our State laws; ot heving violated tsh'e rights of citizens of Pennsylvania under our State Constitution ;. of having declared for despotism. and against a resentative government and the right’ocfballot. Time will bring all things even, and this disgrace and outrage will carry punishment. most condign to the perpetrators. This we may say, however, that‘t't was not admitted by Mr. Duncan and his attorneys that (lemurs and non-reporlmg drafted m wad for himfinnd there is No "max“ WBL‘K‘EYER published to show thathuy such votes were out for him. It il. quite possible that quite as many—fit ,any were cast at all —were voted for the contestant. We may state. also, that the‘committee, as first con stituted, waa'coméiosed of szvnx "Republiq cans." but Mr. onnell, of Philadelphia, having declined serving, Mr. DMND B. Monrooukv, (Duncan) of Northumberw land count'y. 15th district, was appomted to the vacancy. His vote alone i's recorded against centralized despotism, nulliflcation, and outrage. ALL none]: To 313‘. ’ The following is the roll ot'revolatmuary, State ignoring. medics to Central Desth um: . W. \‘VORTHINGTON, Chasm: co.. sth‘ district...» ~ ‘ l g. 1.1. gigging: Pitggurg. 22-55:: simian. _, ;. , ‘ as we. , nun-iota éfipgmflgw, hue Fits 13.» dry ”4‘an 31., I; ". ;GF.ORGE LANDON,’.Bmdron-d, 11th dis thict. {MORROW B. LownY, Erie, 27th dis- Lrict. From the York Guem‘. BORE BASCALITY. I Notwithstanding that 0. M. Duhmn.E*q., was returned “.8 elected Senator from tho Adams and Franklin Senatorial district! and received. the certificate, McConixughy, his oppomnt. has received the seat from the Abolition Senatorial Committee. Thiscom mittee consisted‘of seven members, out of which one was a Democrat. The-commit mitteo gnvo the soot to MoOonaughy be cause lie said itwas admitted by Duncan’s ab- , Home)! that some deserters and nofi-report- ‘ ing drafted min voted far'him. Because 1 i there is an Act of Congress disl‘ranchising ‘ I such persons. in violation of the Constitu l tion of the Unitod States, which_ deélures l ‘ that no person shall be puni-ihediaxcopt by‘ l due course of fifw—tlnt is first convicted— ‘ and that n’oex post fuclo shall he passed, ' thiadishonest committeo gave tlie‘ sent to , McGonanghy and ousted Mr. Duncnn. ‘ ‘ Besides, they did this with the-knowl edge that the Constitution ofPennsylvanin’ ‘nmlres every white freeman oflhe ago of twenty-one yr’ars a voter, and with the de cision of Judge King, 0! Chambersburg. a hrui but honest Republican! Judge, who but a low day; before the committee reported, i decided the law of Congress'tlisfmnchising l l deaerters of non‘e-ll'ect, and awarded Mr. I Stenger the office of District Attorney, ‘not- I withstanding Col. Rowe, his opponent, con tested his right on the snme‘ground. 1 The most disgraceful feat re of lhewhole l , performance was n vote of the pommittee ] ; refusing to refer the question to the Attor ‘ ney General—oi the State. Mr. Meredith. nl- ‘ 1 so a Republican. and a sound and e’xpe‘ri} ‘ enced lawyer, for his decismn. Only one i Republican on the committee voted for the I resolution, well knowing that any lawyer I l of Mr. Meredith’s honesty and ability would decide the matter against McGonaughy. Thus, after having endeavored to manu facture soldiers’ vote giving the ofiice to , McContfighy, which return was dutectcd ' and exp‘osed as a blue fraud—havingjyeen l compelled to abandon that. claim, an the, hope of success on a fraudulent armyxote, . now ficknowledged by them to have been ' fraudulent—«the friendipl'lMcConnughy, in violation ofthe constitution, oflaw, olrigh t, ' justice and decency, sneak him into the Senate by fraud, and the people of the coun ties 0? Add ms and Franklin are represented by one they never elected; and defrauded of their dearest rights. The motto of thel Abolition party Seems to lie, succzss nv ANY I “my Bollots for nogroes, diafranchise ment for white men who were drafted. and ’ refused to be driven “like bullock: to the : slaughter,” and who are now sought to he i forever deprived of all political. rights.—., How long wxll‘euch onnduot by the may in l war be tolerated? How long mlf'the' vengeance of the peonle slymber? From th'e Lxmenfier Intelllgméer le-The Senate Copmittee to try the con test between Duncan and McCoaaugby for the seat of the Adams and Franklin dluptict, 'met ’aguin on Wednesday evening and de culed m favor of McCommghy by a vote of six to one. The committee, as we ‘stated in our issue of Wednesday, was.composcd of aix Republicans and one Democrat, and the result. is what we .Lhen intimated iv. would be. ‘ 4 There is no use to talk about this béing unytliingbut a mere partisan decision, mwle without the slightest i'egnrd to right. The committee had before‘chqin a certified copy of the opinion delivered an. Qh'umbersburg on Monday last, in ,a énse involving the identical point at issue ~in this contest, by Judge King. himself a Republican. They not only disregarded this decision by aj udge belonging to limit own party, but. they re fused, by a vote of five against two, to refer the question to the Attorney Gelkenl. We undersiand that. Senator Lowry voted with Scnator Montgomery to take the ALtorney General’s opinion—wherefor we forgive Lonny both his red head and his ruffled shirt ! - ‘ ‘ ' The other members of the~ committee } wage‘ Senators Worthington. Landon, Buy ham, Shoemakex; and Graham. We have ronly to ‘odd, .1) way of caution to allwho may be comyelfyed to visit Harrisburg this Winter, “beware of pickpcokets.” . A “link“ coxanm The Republican newrpnpers are in ecsta cies over the passage‘uf the bill giving every miserable, greasy, ignorant. negro in the Detrict of Columbia Lhe‘tighl: to vote. We may Pxpéct their columnnAto be adorned with the moat graphic descriptions of the grandeur of the scene presented in the m'lgnlficent hiilLol’ the llauseat the mo ment ol'tlie pesaege of the bill. Imagina tive imagery will no doubt be exhausted, Poetry Will be called in whare plain 191-056 halls, and all the lyres in the land of . ew England will be newly strung to sing pie like of praise to the white men in Congress who‘ were bold enough solemnly to vote that neither they nor'sny of their race were a whit better than the horde of negroes who filled the gilleries oflhe ,House of Repre sentatives, and sat trembling with delight as the sonoroue eye of each Republigan/ delegate was recorded nuaingtjuwn/raoe. and in favor of thy. which/many ol them delight to leud’e’s the superior one. The scene préented err-the occasion was one‘ jusnniled w the style-end the capacity of modern Yankee poetsmnd it will no doubc be sung in strains of fitting melody. By 1 and by art will, as is her custom, come to the lid of poetry, and painting and séulp- i gun: will be taxed to their utmost to per petuate the glories of the ever memorable I occasxon. It was unquestionably: strong and stirring spectacle. The Washington correspondent of the New York llama! ' sends to that paper the following telee' graphic photograph of thelnpgeunnce of the House. and the conductof the Rapubvi lican members at the moment when they had succeeded by legislative enactment in placing the negro on an equaliti'with thel while man. Here is his sketch taken oni theinataut and forwarded by lightning: The galleries were filled by anxious spee tayors and listeners of both colors, the blacks preponderaling, however. Tue pm sage of the bill was hurled with such boil terous and prolonged applauie on the floor that Speaker Collax XOeL his.ternper, and Said that he would not in future attempt to suppress the nlleries unless members ber lmved themselves. J übiknt radicals msh-‘ 9d imo the lobbies. the halls and the hilt", ber shops, and grayed thegreasy‘hands of] every thor’oughure freedman they louud in those localities: Coming down from the galleries big. dukiu jaunt lol’nly ‘lgulut m boa-bored“- of w- ”Wu nod upon their drapery with an au- ot. dip 1393‘? right: ...,ln the sch?! ‘0 A“! in“ nub H lan '0 m mon- d gringo; £1.31..er in M be? 33 1505:20- Won mu ggacm- - ..4 . ‘ ~ -‘ ‘ ’ Wfl-é‘-—~—-§ A ,) lest. Harms-o aging-9mm; no :"Tlle‘Wlehinztnu mmmndvm ohthe New York 11nd“. who, has been on the ground from the beginning of the prmnt tension of Congress. mil who has had gm ‘ple opportunities to judge of tho churchm and thomnduct of the mlicnlu, thus sp'eakg' of their po-ition Ind conduct outta only quations in which they lane a yet dl9- pin ed any interest: ~ - 'lyhe lower 11on of congress. having) as sumed coxiimand of the amnion anti-ar ranged everything relating trr that. portion of the government antixhctnrily to itself, in new devoting its entire attentiru’i to the the negroee in this Diatnict. Dly after day haa‘thil’auhjoct been dltltiddied ;_ and in nt- , tengiyeiy listening to the debate I?" lenrnvd one important?histmicul'fiO in onnnection with the whr. »it is en; tial that this lhct shnnlxl be lundefntmd [Seyntho public. especially by all who intend} to write a history of the grout struggle; “is, to‘bg rurehsomewlmt Ill; variuucu with the general, and. in fact, tho nrcepted varnion, bun neverthelt‘Ss, nn fuivvr than in!" a dozeh radical Fpeni‘u‘rs villi Congress-have assertetlitg truth. and itrgucd by thohpur to prove‘tlteiu ii~aeriivaii,,uml it mugt thew-a , 1 fore be soi‘i'lt mll lul'vu‘im he mlmlttail-y m eiae declared that thins». rmlxcul Congress ‘ men are am good anti-laxity, which might hurt ‘thciri feeling“. ’l'iiis importann his toric'nl facts no less tinln the startling us sertion than the “upgwt-s fought all our battles, won all o’ur victoiiem nonqueretl the rebelsfiuved tlienntinn, hull uncured a peach, which tliewhite soldiers ii ero‘unuble tmlu." In all the speeches which have been deliv ered by the: extreme men in Congreis not. One has (alien any nthel‘ grouull, Or gltl'pn i the white nhldiera tholm‘xt particle ofcredit for services during the war. According to their reraihn. every battle lost was fought ‘by whites, find every victoxy mm was the - work of the uogiocs. if u btrnngog‘wflm knew, nothing ol the giant oontmpwhicl’t‘ we haw gone'jhrmmh hllfilllll draw in (men Congress and listvn tolthe nrgnmcmsiot‘; these extreme men. lin' couhl come to no; other conclusion than tight theicolm‘ed rage in this cou‘ntry wns‘ sunerior to any other rnce in thalworld—bmvo. Valiant and capa ble of ucéomphshing almmt miraclel'Z—g They hold Tthat the while race, a» million, weft: almoalt Worllliess,nild incapable of Nl - film that they were unubloyto oops with Lilia eurmy, and the negro had to step in unll fight our battles, or all would have been} lost. This in the radical version of this\ contest—a point which :hpy have labored hour after, hour to prove. 'iAocording ('0 their statements Vicksliurg‘was caplureli 5y negroes, Gat tysburg was won by them, Richmond 33c cumbed to,t’ie Bdblfl warriors. Lee eGMn (lei-ed at tlivir mlvunce, and Sherman sgv cred the cgnl’eilerqcy with the Llaok “39r rinrs. ‘ E ‘ i 0 89 IN ADVANCE. No. 18. t This mutt. be exceedingly gratifying to lthe hundreds of'thousands of volunteers from the North. Theyzmugt be Speciully complimented by this qonstunt reiternticn on the floor of Cnngu-su of the assertion {that the black and not the white soldierg Idid all our gnilant fighting. It must also furnish a consolation “3 the numeral. be~ ireu'véll families to in: w that their hud hnnds and futhers who fell on the battle ifield wereiof no account, and were worth les; sohliors. Such is the fhct,‘ if m‘élicnl members of Congress are tn be believed}— Iteuliy, hujLO they not carried this m-Lttet u. ilitt‘ie me (at? In the Wild attempt to laud nud glorify them-gr.) they liiwe sneer'ed at lthe white suidien as though they “wage .mere cattze. Ode or two pf the principal speakers have even gone so fur as tofidi ’cuie the whole white race, andtspe’ak of it las though it‘ were beneath contempt. Talk ,übout projudtce against our Colored popula itiOu—ii'thia «than not increase that preju ‘ldice it. will he bt‘c’itfla human natmfo has .’compietely changed and the moat domman feelings In the human breast hm'e been obliterated. It mty euubie these who en‘- gnge it: it to carry their point now, but it will only increase the extent, t'ue se'vcrity. and the venge nice of the [auction when it comes, nndjit wiil materially hasten the day. The Kow‘nopubuenn speaker In mrori. The Republicans in tlge New York flange of Assembly have elected ox'm‘ Lym'mffi'o main as Sycaker of that body. This i 9 rather inlcruatipg, in connection with his past. antecedents. In Febr‘yuryJSC-l. after the cotlomb'mtus had weedod, Mr. 'l‘remnin alleudé'd a poinicnl Conveutzon ingAlbuny, New'Yox k, and made a sye ch, (mu: which ‘ we take Um {chewing ex!raict.~: - “THE :UUI‘U HAS HAD THE MOST TERRIBLE PHOVOCATION Ti) WINCH ‘cwilzav MAN mm mm: ,BEEN SU BJ EU'I‘ED." * " * "! W [:sl] TO SAY THAT ’I‘RAITOROUS THOUGH IT MA Y (lE. I STAND HERE TO OPPOSE THE POLICY 0F JV‘A‘R WITH THEN)” “I, ISOW, HEREAEI‘ER AND FOREVER. ' - 4 .- -. 4x» at‘ it , 4- 4(- "If. is enough (h u now I am prepared to bike IhP reqmnqhiluv of saVInz.IAM RE SOLVED TU “EH“ 1‘- I I‘ HERE 1“}? 1) I‘o R 5515 l‘ 11“ EVERYWHERE ‘A‘NQ ll“ 3:115; ’l3}: ,TRBADUN‘, MAKE THE Mpbf The R~publirmna Would consiJer it (flite traimroua for H»- Dbm units to eluuta gua tlemuu who had and: u' mmrd. Odd Well/lef.-—THB old fashioned aim that history chronicles are well magnum" remembmu’r‘u at (his limo. Starting wind the year 401. we find llmt‘the Black“Seh‘- was entirely fmznnpvm that. your.’ Tn 703, not, only the Black Sun, nut um Strain-oi 1 D‘fl‘daXIEUGB new frat-~11 over. and minnow in some places row filly lent luWh. . In 8:12, ‘ the great. riversnol' Eur/ape. the innuhc-h'l‘he ‘ Elbu, wére lrozen so hard as to benrlngv’y Wagons‘ for a month. In 1560, the Adriitia was frozen. In 991 everytlung was frpmn. ”he crops amirély fulgl.’ and f'dvnjnefinil ‘pestileaw clOSc‘l‘lu‘\year, In 111-‘J'Tfm'dß ol the trav -lPr5 in u'armanv w3re hard .6 \death‘ on fine roads. In ‘1134. ‘tbe'l’o-wu ‘ frozen lrom Cwmona 16 we age}. 10,1232 the ‘Dmulm wu‘ (rozén to the botlmnllpqgi éemmpcd long in MM“. state. Ix) 13’18,_‘€b6 mp: lailed in'Scollan'l, and such (wild? eugued bout. “u- poor Were teducerl‘ Mked 6h grass, and m my bunker] miseublz in‘ the fields. , In 1317,1111 e cmps whollyTafled inuGarmmy. l‘ue sueoawve Ilium an! 1422-324 wars unconnmly savem..Ja. 1033, it. was chl‘SSlvely‘wld; most. of “G hqlues were killed; and coaches, drove sci-055 the river Thames; th'ar ice of whiclfi was eleven incheawmck. J‘n 1709. om! red what: we.» calla-l unfolded Hunters": when the trout penclluh: three ”er: Wt) me, amt-h. In 17L), mo ln’nha were erqc - ed on the 'l‘lmues.‘ In If“, the strongest? ule in Englmdhupsm to (be Biff” covered In lcss than fifteen mmu'e. IN. ice an eighth of an. Inch m: k. In .1809, l and ugaiu m 1812 the mnlers ware remu - ably cold‘. In 1814, than was a fair «in EEG jmnen Thames. In our own conutfyllc have‘had many cold wiuxem, Wham ,ihq Dthwure 3nd unherjxveru m re friggenf £1331; used as 1“ mm a [ox-mp conveyance d . - sengen, big! the; cold h'u-Jw‘vcr bdlm‘wem tenses: infile 621288 slated abovo. mm. =v Sfledamuen. ' ~ E Judge King decided on Tuesday. idgta’ contested case of Ram: ‘VsJo‘xen'ges; for me: AMI-nay, in Unamumburg. tin-vat fenalty o: inflehure 01 mmemmp Man a uflwteimbhauw pretax of UM. Tue di rect ream ul Lima dcuiwiou‘ I: to £9O“ 0 right to veto t 9 all thou: :ndmdul nominated ‘fskednddleru ;”:-aud»lio It” 811.3410“ judges or iuugraomumolqom who refuseuuew votes. habit; “mm for" BOdOlßflv'“F‘“t/‘M Dummy; «Mia-m! ‘11" ’ : W“Mb n: 'l‘ .WA :19! coumenew tumu- - note baboon dammed. . :‘w r: 1%; g m