W&" , VALEMmE éscpsn‘. ‘ $3“ .ntionnl administration hsi‘e underla konto conduct this war a a pa'rtyL its very prboshmnrshuls under its very hill to bring men to the field of battle‘ere selected hi men poverlul to aid-the notional ldlnilh int-tion, u 3 party. Fitness as political men _. }. “turned us of the first qualities as merihnls of o miliury force. What can the Democratic ‘ pmy do but recommend that course which 9. people who see what has beer-the history of . tbs wer ask them to do—be enlm, be conser “ rain, be constituthmal, be patriotic. - 9 O H _. ._ . ‘ .3013“? GIL" t Ma or AIDLI'HOIIEI.— said In to vb: "my 0: the Potom'nc and 'let. him bond and lodge with the private loldieri About: Week, during a heavy min or snow notgn, with full opportunities to We plenty of 'nig'el'l. 1f pf: a. man ol‘scnse, he will he auto to come _ack.convened. ' ' ‘ he Democratic State penlrgl Co _.I [23l‘ " ,_M. thei_i- recent weeping infhugdzi. pb:£,_\q .eqnguder the pohcy of changing .311. Hpo’fixegi for 1101de the State Con vouuon, refused to nuke lny change... rThob‘onunuongm, pheréfore. be held on 3., flash». , 1* 1 " ‘ , . Professmnal Card. AV’ING previously unnonfilced qur masq l I ciation together as przic'iciioncrs of mrdicine, we'nnw-stale that, on and nl‘lcr this date, we will enter into an (-quul'und pctmunent p.xrtnurship. We will give our united nnd combined intention to our profesiiona} duties}v nun! endcm'or, faithfully and siliid'ncmrily. to in charge them. L s. u. Kxx;,m:,{n. 0., ; “ N. G. KEIRLE, :31. D. ' ,Linlestnwnfiinrrh },1.8u::. ' . 7 i N. B. Being: desirous of chsinfz up my old' minim-=4. le~u knowing lhi’mfiohqs indebted x, nw'xlre rospmzuully n-qm'fle'l go make prompt .. nlement, either by now ur pa "mcnu - , 54;, RI 7.3143“). March '2, 18%. .'lm , . Medmal Ca - ()"TORS (_)‘.\'F..\L & S\\'( D ('iJu-d [haunt-Ives for the ' MEDICINE in (iolt\‘ilnxll',g"mu (Mme in Wilt“ lhnldiélff opp \‘ighi will! will, fur the fmcdent, reddrnce of» Dr.‘ 3mm»; in F 4215“ Dec. 21136:. .'hu ...... - -..- .V . _ in i“'* ...___. Drs. Cress &.Ta}ylor, FCLEC T 10 P H Y‘SH,‘ I.\ N S.--T,he ahm’r' _LJ-nnined gentleme having ns=orint it thumelws in the ymt't e of Medicine in}! Surgery. (flier their [itfik'fiinnl service: I: the citizens of Gettysburg nm ‘icinily. ILM ing 114“] large smgicnl (-{prrio-n "a in the‘ U. 8. Army. and extensive lios'piml practice, thoy respectfullysoiicityo‘nr paitronngie. TEt-lOctic" means'to thoose or select. All ‘ re we. juice; the best, saftst and most. ”I?ng remedies .mm all other sectarian megical ‘lschools, which have been recummcnded‘ from “he. ex perience and spnctioned by plincnice‘ of thé able-st. Euscrlc PBAC’rlnoxsnsJ ahd !discnrd those more- injurious, such its funtiwnny, arsenic, mercury, blue pi”, blood lettilvmkc. ()flicc it; Baltimore street, opposite .\icCrt-ury'ls Siullchhop: \'nlunvcors"thmiliep ntteitdcd free of charge, during their absence I ‘ Du. JAMES Class. . DI: Jun. 19,1863 ‘J. Lawrence Hlll, HAS his ofiice nnefi door west of the ‘l‘ Ljuherknv church in > . Chaugbérsburg street. and nppo ite I‘irklug’e store, whe‘re‘thosc wiafiing to ha 6 any Dontnl Operation performed are respect! lgy invited to cull; —BESR‘ESCEB: Hrs. Horne , Rev. C. I’. Krauth’, Di” Rev. H. L. Bnugher, D. 0., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stmvér. n Gettysburgmpru 11, '53 i ‘ ___.._> <7 i _.#*+_ ‘ Bastress .2; Pete s ‘ . 1 AY {lie highest ”sh wines f tall Hinds‘of GRAIN, , - J ‘ ‘ .FLpUR, .\ g I. ‘ . A SEEDS 5%,? at the Brick Warehonse in New 0‘ {chm Constantly on hnud A large 'ssortment'of GRUCERIES, at wholesale andflietmfif—‘nlsp, LUMBER, COAL, GL’ASO, PLAS ER, kc. .April29,lssz. Iy* ' 2 A; July 25,1859 \ AMathotScSo ’s {} OFA AND FURNITURE WARER' OMS,Np‘s. S 25-and'2'l N. Gay street, Bulti ore,,(nenr Fayette st.,) extending from Gay Frederick int—the lnrgest establishment oftlfe kind in the Union. Always on hand a large n‘s ortment’ of HOUSEHQLD 4%0 OFFICE FURSIQFURE, emo‘ 'brncing Bureaus, edsttsguli,ynsl'unnmrls,Wattl-~ robes, Mattresses of Hunk, Cottoli‘and Hair. Spring Beds, Sofas, Tetose-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etngeres, Blarble Tables, St? lees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, A . SOBTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Oflice Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hut Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Laoking Glasses, Side bosrds, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons dispogcd to purchase are invited to call and give our stock 1m examination, which ‘ [or yaflqty and quality of workmanship is not ‘ equalled by my estnblishmeut in the county. ‘ ' A. Humor a; ‘SUN, l Hon. ;5 nod 27 N. (fay gtreet.‘ Aug, a use. ' EYES? RING GOODSTjus't owned at an New Szoyo 9f ‘ .M, SPARLQLER. ‘ . : ' > t ' I Prospecgu 6 6 A i Ty E . z . \ A NATION 5L DEMOCRAT ; To be pubhalm! Dally g ‘ _ ' Oily 9f [’lnldde ' BY A. J. GLOSSBRE. A. J. owns-nus”. ‘ m. mum: a. I: ~ “,Tul Acl" will ndmcnie ‘ p 6 i'yof ‘mé Dcchmu’c pm 31313, ndrtssarily famr the ‘n‘on M it. w", und deft-ad the United Sales, and that wulth. I: will iréely and fairly dis subjects of newspapgr com‘m comic, and prc-eminengl'g; queniona connected wnh . gonditinn dfour country. ' It. will fearing]; criticisie public xer\‘nnts,‘;md defeqd I slimtionuj rights or indhiglu : W“ eign‘ Slates, ngainet“ a; (ill? 1 .er. ‘ . , 1 ‘ It “:1" seek to awaken the ‘ to n proper senat- or the new Republic—m preach: tn the fearful plerils in vvifich wc'st to exhibit 1h! magnitude of” fan: them, if they_\vould clu progreas—nnd to in’pire the (it-.hmination to apply 7k: untipnal ills. ..1 ' In brief, it willfim all tllinl lezhful exrioncnt of Banach! l‘” render kself worl‘xy to file llgmochnic pnny,‘ under yr): lcdnmry prospered so long,“ l ‘rpstorallion of llmlr. party-H. possum-nos and the (75:10:! I legislnt‘rc and exodulive $50139 ‘ ci oftlne antes And; of tho [{ni be new ‘snry tn'm‘prt una qll ruin-)flhc republic; To Clint] stomtinn will b" onlr night‘s} u " The Nelda Litcnry, (‘r- lfml depnrlmenl ', “111‘ receive {‘4 will be so conducted an toJr-r worthy ofthe 51 “port of lhu g: ‘ Wl.“- mnny (ljmcu‘tilé - m 1 emeqbrhe oflhe‘nmgniluilc" the.und «signed urn enguguu, upl‘ 41-110 the public’for nfg unfit) nsk for “Tnn‘ .\UE " l|_ li and extended circulinio-y. l The present state pl the prpp ments “.Irrnnts thq cxpccmltin um': Jer 'fthe [hlily'mll alum-n «cf the cgmixig monlh, (FL-Int".- Weekly will be knubd sbon 1h 1» g TinM S : ‘ AILY: I . ‘er nnnTxm,......_ Six .\20nt1):,..,..:.... 3Three .\lmnhs..’-............ . . t Gnu-s duln'uc-t ntilhe cuhlm Agents and Cx\rrigr§,......,;... ' “{ELKLY :._ WE hn‘ve nsén.‘ ’KACTH'E 01“ HS \'icini(y.— 3'36 the finnk. m“ nmde at the Work su‘éet. ’ I'ertunnumh :f‘h .‘.[uuths {Tyne Months”. _ en‘finpiés m unle nfldreés, quty ‘; ‘E ‘hii-ty ‘f” ‘_ -. ‘ . 333?}‘uynient r qiyirczlim'nri .\ddreu. .\.'. . qLUSSfl‘H-I ; 4,3011% smut .fjlmel, Mn. 24, Imm. 1 " 4 -m .-g I .V,-_ important? tq the MlOll SAYING? j 1 ' 1W A S ill! .\‘IG )1 'huén'nde ATIONA'L COMMERCIAL " Locnxo m , ‘ PHILADELPHIA. S. E. con. 71% um 0325px New York City, BrookLyn,Albmsy L Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago a» | Book-keepinrz, Penmanship, Amhmetic, Commercial Law, - tpondenqe. Jun, practicallyltaugh . . These Colleges being under Lb - [and local management, ru’d ugfiti ‘sdvautmes of all, ofl‘e.‘ dreaml impuliuw, instruction than any inch} unions in the century. ‘ A Scholntship issued by any'on Ifor an nnlixixited time. ‘ I 1 TH: Philadrlphin College has ,enlarged nnd reinrnished in an nnd is now thelargest and V 0 5 Uommercinl Institution in‘the 3: I Bryant & Straiton’a series of Text Books, ‘emhracing Bbok-keeping;‘oorij rcial Ariih metic, andCOmmercial Lain fat in, Ind agnt ‘by mail. _ I 1 1 i ‘fifi’For fix]! particulars; and r B circnl'nr. um. 20, 1862. 1y ; i _ i ‘ ARPETS, CARPETS.-—A I endid lot of " Carpeting—good and dies 'nat opened at the New Store of , M. b ANGLER. I L. scmcx has just reapi‘ f . cheap Looking Glasses. . HE~nttention of the Lndies {is invited to n Inge and lplenpi' of Lndies’ fine Kid and 310:0po SLIPPERS-v-Luszing Gaiters, 81: April 31. R. 1". [pl RE BMNDY, WINE AND} medicinal purgoses onlymfl Lore of . Dr. B. TRUNKS nnd Carpet Sinks all; ERSONS in want ofa chesp‘ ab]: HAT or CAP can be nc y “fling.“ R. F. Md LYCERINE And 'GAMPHOR G‘prevenfing find aning the,” finite” Ind other insect... at 3 i ‘ , DR. 3.11011.5 z GE , ~ jc NEWSPAPER, Weekly m the KER 4'. (‘0 FRANCIS J. GIUID he princinln and y,nnd will, bure rstonu'on « f :11. he Constitution of 0! thin Common. usa all‘lcgitimnto nt, including, of u. this time, 31' exisling unhappy he imblic act’of be legal and con -1 citizen- and of snulls from any inde affine people :I condi.ion of the , mglhfully, the ml as n untior— :e task that is be :L our downward - with patriotic numn' for our -s, aim to be the c principles, and mm organ of the ae auspices ’gur «I so well. ‘he ‘43 pan-Ly of We ‘Lo power, in she inment .l bumb ,x, we helievv‘ Lo , und the ut-pct ibu9e to that re ‘ m. ; win]. and other ‘ «Mention, Sm] ke “Tm: Aug” uornl render”; ow mirrmmdi'nz, } rtlminwmch cquirc~ them {to Herons suppo‘rt, \ crul pnlromfige mtory arrange n. dun. (be first bgft)‘ e the ch ~e ..,1:(;::.) 'Uhe ruufl ‘. t $1; 00 3 ‘5” 1 ‘5O J l', and H) I ‘..J Cums emzl) $2 1m) ;- m 150 17 £9O EMI OEM My imuh uuéc “NJ-1R & 0).; '.hflddelphin. T.arli os. . C II I .\' E : 1; am] nmri‘ng ‘ IMPROVED nit-ads m .~n‘|l ronghnut the gumchimn ' n entin-lynhv hnse who have “‘5 ever been nfthi: machine ? tlnefollmviqg: lion, unkingit rdur. lxcs alike the tm‘npts NJ]? : liusirrd lb In: tl-xo fim-cr ah! ‘uul hunk“. mkolt, &-:. I ihl from 1010 an any oth}L-r ther tub with sunnF'YL" ‘e, the undir !\\‘o have ule, 'rst‘s lmprm'qld :llisliud tlmt I: ('prmunts it :0 the kind Vic ng, as it‘ducs, d performuig _ manner. ' every famib' cyer. - ‘ lmrh, J . Forrest, ‘ C. Musselmah, g ‘hamberlin. hers. . FD WIDOWB, 'HOSE WHO IS THE SER ey for Claim gent, Wash curcd tor Sdl present. “'4l-, nnds receide vicemml Pen -3 of Pay ob~ ofthosc who 5 nice. t Mg? in “yo! UCKER, f gton, D. 01‘ COLLEGES, ELfl:l lTroy, Bn fl'njlo,‘ m St. Louis. I Commercfnl rms, Corres- same genekal gin each be facilities or lather simi zu- is good in’all en woefully rior manner, ) t, prosperous ed s lot of respectfully . nsaortmqn‘. BOOTS and in,“ ‘ 3 men's. - [SKEYJM' 9 New Drug. 01mm;- ‘ i n l fcxma-s Illd fuhion unmodaud HWY’S. ‘SOAP, fox _'tu of .\lu- g Store.i wmm WM":- ‘,- The Old ,and Reliable, EW SPRIXG GOODS. . 1‘ 3.“ LL Pnonrs QUICK SALESa—y SCHICK [would respenfiflly say to the citizens 0! Get tysburg and vidinit , that he in now receiving Imam shore- splenjld * STOCK 0‘? SPRING GOODS. , , . Tbr nook annsisu in purl of hurry and I Staple DRY G DDS, of every; description. SILRS. ' ‘ f; ‘ uozmm ma, ‘ » i GIL”. YES, ‘ E , ' ‘ U LAKES, -' ‘ ' - , BOMBAZrNfis,‘ , ! fiance‘s; 1 . ‘ Lawxs, ‘ ‘ CfiLiCOES, of mu qualities amt choicest stylugmlch w-m' be sold at PRICES ’ro DEFY 0031 ,KTmON. HUK‘HSHXNGI GOODS i‘ , of all kinda, including Silk. Linen and Cotton Hauflkeyrbiefu, GloYes,,St¢L-kings, he. « Also, a splendid tsuoflment of,RTBBONS, Lures and Edgi s, Umbrellas and Funds: - My Monk of Wfl TE GQODS wil! b 3 fionnd full' and rompiete, a d customers may rely upon Always getting od goods! M the lowest possi ble prices. 2 I" ‘ . ‘ Genuemen wi 1 find it to their advnuuge'm tall and emminfi my stock of . . ‘ GLGTHS, , ' CASSIMERES and 3 , VESTINGS, of all qualities Ind choicqst styles. April 21, 1862. ' J. L.‘SCHICK. ,Dr. Egbert orner’s \ .EW FAMILF DRUG AND ‘ . ‘ PRES ,RIPTION STORE, Gunman In) "an: , ann’snunn. Having retina? from [lll3 Active pruclire of my profoésion, Intake plca‘su‘re in announcing to U): citizens dfiGcttysbui-é and vicinity, that I have opencdvul § ' ’ - \ m-zw‘ DRUG Mann, ' . in tlngymom form 41y occuniied by Drs. R. 8: C. lioufuk, as an 'o co, whom I will constantly kt-ep on hand 8,1 rgu supplfiofnllkindg of FRESH DRUGSAA ‘ 31 ‘ " . MEDgCIN S, = ' ' CH )lICALSi PERFU I , th‘ DRY PAINTS,:I d ‘ PAINTS 'oupd in 0 , OI ', expnss'el and distilled, I . ‘ 3 STATION'ER‘OMH kinds, Inks‘l’ens,Penci , Pnper.C mbs, Brushes, k‘c. ‘ ‘ PAT NT MEDHIILVES. All themopufa Patent 3 ‘dici‘nu, together with n solh-licu If pure WINES, ‘BRANDIES and \\'Hl§HH\',l r medicinul puzp‘ust-s only, M“ nys on hand; In A word. 1553' mark eryb’ruces - \ ‘wylhing uwnl v found in a first-class store of lhxs dcsrripfio: . i ‘ A large pupply of fresh Brings has been. re main-d. nnd nl‘hL‘r un‘ arriving, which rum ol lcrin; to the pul ic on Nut umommodukiug terms. My \u-vlit- .us have n.‘ been ppr’thnwd undl-r nl3; Ilkralm. l i_n~;u-(-licn and suporvisiun from the mmt rrlg‘xhiflnonsei I mutherefui'e not only recuzzz’m m 1 them 115 pure und‘iresh, but cm 50!! “mm clump. !' 1‘ ’ X. B.—P.\llfi'l ' 'LAR ATTENTIOX gfi'eu to lhx- treulmcnl lII] chroniv ufliM-nses. ‘ .réfi l) \‘l E 'G {{‘A '1“ l Eff}; May :2. mu, :2 ; , ’ ‘ . g N ROCERIES, l T TENT The Illu‘.crsx:h(~ 'vW FL I 1 lIQVISIU. ONS, NOT ' th'c gnn in (he G‘m‘vrv :1 H I’rmidgi‘ old smml 0. WJ lilicjio, in! xluor (-n-l nl'.\'\'ills Hang, C). they will mnsmn 1y hat-"Lo” glumrdl variuly otlguudx‘ iu LT GUFFERS, SUUARS, . MUJ \SSES. SYIHII'S “A .\lB. SHUUI; . SI!) .ns, I's”, ' r - I'OTA F L, 0. V fi A .\‘g'D -_\ of I \\'Hh 'Hl.\-f‘ll".ll C(‘XFECTIUNS, H'ITS‘. 1 NOT] tn dul‘ .LAMI'S er and a They ex'poct q] OIL and UL”. 1) “nick of lhrful' LLc lnnrr. » tho Stare: .‘ o Leep :1 I} :(«1 uf m ruin: as h! Ihu In: onlzrrz‘c hey are prtpnn—d :x'wh “in be dis 'Hioy uni-r such k fore been lmcl in, Giro us a trial. i 4 place. No .ofl'ort GEO. A. JOSEPH April 23, iscz ' Generhl Me ellzm i . XPECTEI) mil; "rysnt' lG.—-Evbr_vbndy Ebe ptopfll‘fllJ he unhci-aigncztK would mod. lufpl‘c‘ ully iiriritc the gnilcnlinn’ of the citizen 8 of Geitysttlrg and its viginifly :0 call mu! examine H: w" H selectelj sfock 9f goat‘s, as he has just ranimed from ’thc city. with as fine an ns‘ortmqn of goods in his [inc us you \nfl find in this by any other town. 7 Ladies, now in e lime to cull and get those lfiue woolen Surfs, Sheneal Surfsfine-Gmmt ' lets, \yoolen Under slecfvés, and all those nice little fixtures for the {toilet [in the way of Brushes, Combs 11 d P 'rfntlieries, all of which can he lmdvet No. 13, right opposite the Bank. Gentlemen, a {3-0, d to you. , 11. G. Carr‘s is . the place to get the best and ‘lchcnpcstlunder . clothing in the tow’n he follows : "(Ivor—shirts, I Under—shirts, Dm ‘ers of all kinds, long and ‘short Stockings tr 1: 13 centsln‘p to 75 cents a; pair. Soldiers, 5 ew remark lo‘you: H. G, , Carr’s is the plane to get thbse good‘ Back skiu Giiuntlets, A v Socksfall kinds of'Arn’i} I Knives and heavy’ nircs; also knife; fork sud , spoon all in one;'t c régular erlny~ Shirts mild Drawers, Sleeping Caps, “'o9an Se rfs of ol' kinds. Smokers, 11. G, Carr, hiis 3s finetsn l lssortment oi Smoliing‘Tobn‘c o andzl‘lpes h! ‘ you can chase up a v place. fihewiilg Tobin's ‘co and Cigars of nltkiuds snd‘ pricesl ' l Also, Hordwsre,i.Qneensw-n 0, all; kinds of Spices, Gro eries,jirst-rsto ider a d Grape ‘ Vinegar, all kinds {Fancy So ps, alfkinds of Essences, Patent lilodicines,‘ Coal iOil and Lamps, and a velar handsome assortment of , Perfluncries. Now is‘ the time. Come one, come all, and give as a cell. Don’t fwgst the place,No.ll3, in at York street, opposite the Bank, ‘ , l H. G. GARE, Agent, Nov. 17, 1862. l, ‘ 3, r 1 Vmeg_ —Vln‘ 1 , HE undersigned‘fhns commenced t, e ms'pn- T {nature ofVianr. on.vashington s ' t. o ew‘doors north of West Middle streetfgac ‘ tysburg. He has been menu 'ncturing this V ne gar for math oneyehr, and it has giveugenersl ntisfsctlon. Thef iixperioritv of this Vinegar over All other menu a: tured Vimgsr. consists In it being made entirely of groin, no sold all any kind being as in 'its composition, and flee from everythin injurlonsl It is strong, and M the some ting pleasentto the.uste,snd has all the preservnlin qualities found in pure I Cider Vinegar. He? is prepared to wholesale. this Vinegar in my :quntity. Well and oxen-I in for yourselves. ; ' ADAM DIE-UL. ' '--- ‘ r Certlflcate. \ ‘N 7 E, the underdgned, hereby certify that we have used in our fuhihes, for vari ous purposes, the Vinegar m’snul‘uctured and sold by Am: Dread, and find it to be all that he represents it to be. We have fairly tcs tedl and believe it to be ‘ perior in every respect, l to any other menufogtlhred Vinegar we have; ever used, sud wotld recomslend it to 111 persons. j , ‘ Wm. Boyer; Son, Gettysburg, 7 Jacob Norbgck t Gml ‘ 'l Codori s Gillespie, ‘ l "_ ‘ John Chem‘erlm, Frdnklin twp" Levi Pfizer,» “ j ‘ A. F. Gm, Oxford. . ~: my 12,1862. 134, ' ‘. . V thioe. 1 E desire :11 person: ind bted to In to all Ind :Iqu «women , having nude 3 clung: in our mm 'or ofdoin businbu. Oct. :8, 1881. ETABNESTQCK, BRO'S. UOUXBER PIGKLES, I kiss lot in" re ccivod {mm the tity, in prime order, it ' . WFLEISOB’S. Ni) GROCERIES.— ‘! 1“ The sufiscriners has 3&5! rammed hot! the cities with an immense (upply of HARD WA RE‘AND GROCERIESJ} which they no oflmnfl u their old stand in': B-lximore btrret. a: pride: to unit the times. Our mock ,eonnisu in pm of ‘ 71 ‘ 3than “mama, - ‘ , - .. > CARPENTERS X'Oélyfl, , BLACKS.“ H'S TOOLS, anon Pmmms,’ ‘ . . ‘ CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS. .2 , HUUSEKEEPER’S FIXTURES, ‘ ‘ ALL KINDS, OF man, an, ' ' GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, Oil‘s, Points, in, kc. There 'is no article in» cluded in Chg several depnn’nents mentioned above but wlmt can be hndkatnhisfitorem- Every than of Mechanics cin he u-commod-ud here with tools and findings,’pnd Housekeep ers can find -9ury "field in their line. Givp u‘l a can, u we are prepared to sell as low; for cuhm: my other house out of the city. ' _ JOEL E. BANNER, Junov9, IBfiZ. DAVID ZIEGL‘ER. 1863. E 1863. Bargam Bargams! . ll ‘ «ATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. _ TRUNKS ANID TRAVELLING BAGS—a Having just received a. very large supply of lhe shove goods,we are preparedjo sell them lower: than ever sold in this place. My. stock‘ is moa‘t : complete, embraqiug every style of Shoes and" Hats made. , . ‘ ~ 1 w Burs AND cAps,‘ N cansisting of all th. latest atyl‘ea for Spring and Summer. ‘ “BOOTS ANDflHOIES, ‘ (or’Gcntlemen, Ladies and Chilflwn. ‘ City-mnde‘ find Eastern’ work (ram 25 cents up. TRUNKS of every descriptidmixnd kind». . @Call and examine the bargain: M. April-21, 1862. ‘ R. F. McILHENY’S. ‘ HE undersigned has yr‘eipoved his Tinnlmj I establishment nearer the Diuinond, in lmmbersburg 'etreet, adjoining A. D. Buch ler’s Drug State—a very‘ccmnil location. Re rontinués to manufacture, and keeps constant. Iy on hand, every variety of ‘ ' TIN-WARE, ‘ . . . IPBESSED Aal) v . .r , ' Lima. BD"WARE. 4} ‘and will always be ready to do REPAIRIN . ' 'ROOFING and SPOUTIXG '. also done'in the best manner. Prices moder ate. and no érfi'ort spared to lender full emiss lhflibn. Thc' bnblic's coutinixcd pntrnungc ;is solicited. A. P. BAUGUER.‘ ilettysburg, April 7, 1852. f . ‘ L RY, .r TII POWDERS, DYE STUFFS, SECOND A'RR‘H'AL :’ sscoxn .‘uunkzujy New Mercantile Firm’ I): EMMITSBIURG. , , NEW GOODS and , LOW PRICES,I—- The new firm of SMITH 8 SHURB reflux-{fixfly inform LhFil' Hindi and the public gencrully, lint. tlmy'hnvfijusx return§~d from the Cities with n wIL-pdid assortment pf~ Goods, gonsisl ing (If L-xdir-q'n ‘ DRESS GOODS, '- surh a! Prints, De Bagei. Clmllics, Lawns, or gundiua, Rgbus bf all kinds, Alpucnai, ,Silks, Swis“ Jaconet l(‘heL-k and Cnmbric Muslim, hymns and fa good as-lortmeri: omedics’ Colinrs‘, Calicoes and Muslims, at. old pxjiees. ‘ 'CLUTUS; ‘ ‘ ' » ‘ ‘ J CASSXMERES - ’ _ ‘ , {{ssnxos: ‘ Jenna, in, kc"; for men's “'oan .~ ' , ‘ READY-MADE CLO KING, ‘ ‘ BOOTS, SEQES, , . ' , ‘ ‘ HAT *AND CAPS,‘. an pric‘es. A good sfiock 0% Cotton Yam, HAIKUWARE‘, 9 . ;.. . ‘ QUEEXSWARE. 'll ‘ ' . DRUG-Spy} ' ' ' ¥ED_ICL\'ES; 'S.‘FRI‘ITS,CUZ\'- 09's, kn. ' iiuo lmihmrebip x lub'xucés, nt tlve' [fink ‘ij cl, gnu kn} :hurifi, Mme I: I'nd 'tdr sale, 3 Cir hut, \IL: ) 51,1. T, a good stock, nfprime . ,Gpiocunmfi, kc , and all kinds? o‘!‘ goojlzl, such as are gonérnlly mum! m:\ cu‘umry flare. Ilium}; lxqugllt tor ('.mlfiwe cnnfaf'un! to sell “Lille yt'ry luwentl Wicca. Our, motto is‘—“Q'u‘ck. Sales. and Small Pru‘i'sf'l ‘ [zyn’r’l‘hc‘se minds, are rmlly very lwmtifu‘l, nml \\'u want it dislimlly un'vlt-ntoml HIV! we will Ex-l‘ “1.3; ml: cheap for Cash, 0; to muc— uul “Emmet-sit six months. Pleas: (£2llll and :Mnlne 1:01qu Mun-busing (~17 I"\(lzur¢.<‘ We w-mld rospeqfi’gly romp] our tl ans to our friennl< for the l: cml patronage citm‘dcd to us" 11th hr, und‘ruspecttully a“; u no..:'nun~lce thou-of. SMITH .'.: SHORB. (ms, - HAS-,7}. Am, ‘ r E u D, nxs. an”... .', m. largdy in COAL prummnaal gnm‘l inc 215:":‘x'vzem. of nd W‘u-e Emma, 1:341- _~lock. all of he hhw>t run-3. we m \ er hereto Emmitsbui'g, “(1., April 21, 1362. 1y -... .V i . ‘ ___._‘._.,._. _r.._.4 I Hawaii Assocxatlon, .. fiflILADHLi’HIA.—‘For, the Relief of thy; 1 Sick and Eisltessedd afflicted with Viru'c [but and Chm Ec Digeases, and cspbchlly {0.1“ we Cure of Diseases 0" the Sexuaf Urguns. | ‘ ‘ MEDICAL ADVICE gi\"eu gratis, by the Ac ing Snrgeom , .l” K VARIABLE REPQRYS on Syxormninnhmh '6r Seminal kancss, pm! olhc. Divan": of. the Sexual Urgms. and on the NEW RENE 3 DIES employed in the Dispensarjz bent to Hi ‘ nfiiicted -in’ senl'ad le.ler cuvelopvs, free chmpe. TWO or three Bumps tor pbsmge will be rcceptahle.‘ . I -Address, Dr. JuQKILLIN HOI'GUTON, Actéj ing Surgeon, Hun ..rd—Jawcintiou, No. 2 South Ninth Street, l’hil.u3cln'uu, Pu. - _ ._ ' June 16,1862. 1y \ ~ . , l _. .~ 17 . ~,-. ‘A._.-__-, Come to the Fan! ‘ ; 5 ND DOS‘TFDRGETTOVISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE NURSE“lES.—l’pr.~ons wishing‘ to l'lantfl‘rew 'will find the stock in the ground remm‘kably fine, and ofl‘ered at reduced prices; The Apple numbers 100 n'nrienilcsxcmbmcing all the nppromd sorts. ~’ ' I ‘ N. Bu—See the index hoard nem- Flora Dull: Post. ofiice. '.- T. E. COOK k SUNS; ‘ Iran"? ‘lO please Irunoxgi, GILtb:SPIE Sept. 2, 186! A Ready Marketa; ' BUSHELS GRAIN‘WANT -00.000 ED.—‘We have taken lbs housg‘lalely Occupied by Kliuefelter, Bolling" & Co., with a determination to pay ttc highest max-kg: price; for all kinds of Grain. You will find as supplied’ with l’LAS'lrlll, GUANO of all kinds, GROCERIES, Wholesale and‘ Retail. LUMBER, CUéL, and eiery other article in our line of businais cold at the' lowest. possible rates for ONE). “ 0:111 and examine our stock Ind prices “(are pur¢hnsing elstwhere. , ' DIEHL, BRINKERHOEF & CO. 4 Aprillzg,‘lB6l. tf HE undersigned has opened I. Resuumt, at the Earner of York and Liberty streets, ettysburg, when he will keep everything in the suing line if; season-velso Ale, Lager, end Cidei', Segnrs, Tobacco, kc. He II likewise filling up a Saloon for Ice Cream at the game place. He hopes, by attention to busineyz and : desire to please, to receive a. liberal share of cuslo . ~ HENRY W. CHRISIER. Mag, “‘2. ‘ _ / ILDED FRAMES laIX’SON’ BROTHERS ’ ‘have just received from Philadelphia. and now bier to the public the large” nnd best. unorgment of Gilded Frames eve brought to Gettysburg,nt'aswninhinglylov p3ices. Please Call And examine they.» Excelsior Sky-ugh; Gdlery, York street, 6pposite the Bank; Gef tysburg, Pa. [Much 10, 1862,. ‘ Removals. / BEnndersigned,beingthe authorize person to make removals into liver Gr n Ceme lei-y, hopes that such as contemplate the removal of the remains of deceased relatives or friends will sail themselves of this season ofghe year to lune it done. Removals made with pmmptness —-ternu low, end no start spared to please. . PETER THORN, [Arch H, ’6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. OURNING GOODS,—The finest unort- M men: of Mourning Goods ever ofi'ered, enn nov‘be seen and bought at lower prices then theyhnve ever been sold before. Call at once st the sign of/the Bed Front. 1 April 21. , FAHNES‘EOGK BROS. 3w FALL k WINTER 6.ost l—A good assortment. of Fall and Winter Goods‘ es cheep u the’ cheapest at 4.8001"! 8 SON’S PURE , GROUND SPICES; selected end ground expressly for Dr. ROBERT HOB NBB’§,New Bed; Store. " ”WAS of every varies as U - , . {tomes Hardwate cozxca mmsas, Ramona-Tin Ware. Propmfor: New Réstaurant. Frames. Schenck’s Seaweed Tonic. HIS .\ledlrlne, :- compound extract, carom]. T fly dimlled from a comm m weed growing on the lee shame, in an inf-llible remedy for Dyspepsia. . e Pane-sing 11l the properties ofindide ofirnn lodideofpomninm and iudme,und ueurlyerery component ingredimt at the gustric juice. It conrerll lhe food into chymc, which is the first: pracesslof digealtoe. {' It brings up the tone of the stomach, and promotes appetite Md. 5 relish {or food. 'lt permnnently strengthem the stomach Ad .puriflea and matures the [metric secrei‘ionu. ‘ In cases of weakness or debility, whether~ constitntionnl or frofi abuse 'or diuipntion ~ even when the digestive organs are in 3 (ultra: bly healthy condition; it is un’surpasaed as a. stimulant and attentive tonic.K , it ie peculiarly effective as a remedy for the l-ngnor oi the spring sensor“: by which the sirong and healthy as well u‘ the feeble and delielto’nre effected. ' f _ It purifiel ‘he blood, reinvigorate. thcunimsl, functions md rename health npd muscle. I: reg-nines the bowels so mun, that, ef— ter in use f 0: 3 month or two, even in can of chronic constipuion, nature will be enabled to perform her fuucliona with ‘ t thcgid of purga— tivemnfiicinu. (T . . . I; is pleasant $9 the taste, bunnies: under all circu‘yms‘unccll and in ewr ~ cpudilion of the system. . Being dislifled from kelp n {fie same manner ,Ihat. Jam'lica spirit; are’ d‘ tilficd from_ sugar cane, it leaves no prosgmfio‘n oriother bail com sequences anu- its ,use In; been discontinued; whiie the bases of all 0! er fianics are the stimulating but poisou’ous roficrtics of corn Awhisky or alcohol. , ; g - ‘ To‘know the utilityof thi médipine read the following cenificatga, sale ed‘fmm’ dim-rem. sections of the country, so {mi whoever may read of it may see evidence. of he good effects near by;—— . ; :” ‘f V i ‘ an‘ Yorn D 3) Sbnxxcx :-—De.ir Sir . um you’x MANDRA‘KE PILI ‘ TONIK} have completely an i, cong’qste’d liver oflong stan‘ time she was visited almost" i 1y physician, and the dull ‘ ‘ prescribe {or her were powu _} her “stern was completely.» tinuni Vomiting. Everylhi ot weltried, buqnn to no pu my wife smg fanr ndvrnjse and c ncluded to go nnd' see had little, if any ‘conliilcncci the eiporioncc she wont Ihr She; has taken aboutfnur and three boxes of HILLS. .Ofaa oo'd hthlx as the c l flil‘e. fili'uk thisonh'ol‘ the curesp'r‘ record, and if pub 'will benefit. ghe sick or nil linen-Y to do 50.: Cllfi ‘ sf. 1:10 Tih avenumcur. _ i Lynx. :\l.:i.=s. ancuricn—Denr 5.1-: , yen “T I'D you were in Bonn: i knowl‘ledgmont in you tor the“ -derived iromllhe‘ use 0: you nud Mandrake Pill=. . 1 CM lialat. ll ibuughi i had ‘consi said it; was Liur complaint . l recomincndcikthe Seaweed T ) Pills. “ I suppdie you have in will tr (0 uphiin llie‘fcusc.‘ willing-alien me. I had I tor my turn. Yoursrooms u slecb gin the spin. Melt so wouflillsit, down in the‘\ilaiy [ask-em lint could not sleep at i 1 hail ugh come to you I wbiil [grnv'c 57,; this tune. ‘ l , Xpwl will try um} relutexhow 1 was then and Wow I tun now, and Hit in: She of,_use to _von,‘you inn): publish it. F r thrice your; be loroi I came to you i had i» uin ‘lin my right sideiand shoulder-hind“, lo spirited, bowels i cosine, skin yellow, tong «John-d, breath .lmd‘ and nppelitc all gone. I think {would [ln .1 wpelg “ithont curing, an no: he’hmfizry; nun“ it"! did “I. it'wauld fill oiuil ul‘wiiiii.—- i wr-zlil Orlcn gel iwri’nua =p ‘lls ii: night, null think gqivld nut. lu‘e'um‘il u rningh l 92ml "K Jilxile u ug'l. findinne :1!!!“ mm: of‘tlood in n (in 0, PM. li-lt :‘lH‘. until y u “unlined mt, {thm ll'hr‘ consu-rphon‘ , ' ' i .| [Lanai-.1501: i" all ‘sc‘i en l) [(1051 oflhe Sen \\'i-(ul 'lg'ouir, :u'.ii.'l.'r(e ilu.\:L'S( Mfu’pdrnl‘c Pills. I and lli 3’ 111: Va curt-[L nw. fi-rll‘Jikc :1 now nmn; l (:L oh, no “'onuli-r I tel aiLh’i. The pills 'looli flight hold of my liner. 'nd aim ionic my 5 ounc’i. : For nine iizuyi'l t ink ll fclL Worse, . for everqhiugnplwnréd ulivcjin, ink, and l nus [sure 15m;— full of \rurnri: ut in q‘ few iluys ,: things turted; Red 119 one w uld l'whei'ae \rhnl (iquanxificg ot'blnuk hilufslim ulni corruption ’flllSSCd any how L-ls, but I 5:1 ~ nq‘ worms. I J \visli tl e 'world knu'n of the lTx'Cl‘ofllll: Sea. ched ”ionic; it. inn gmnl mu icimi mid ii will ‘ bring p thumppetile if an“) ii iiigip (he wurhl iwill. do nozhuliuvc )Uu wi l knowime. for I ,am so; hanged; bucl am bo'urul hisue you (hm um time you come to Benton .\§'i’ said bc-l iidre, Inmuow n \iell' niau.‘ A ’ shi‘p‘i‘s as C-ierJ innd tongue us clcrul “N‘our ; ,1 line gained: seventeen pounds in flosh,‘n‘n solid at that; 1' ion em as much :13 any onem nln Lynn: Ami inthe shoe business, nod en-i‘ body knows mo' here, um] I um well kncun in {winninuul New i Yolk. l ~nm always Hiking nhou’c you and: your medicino, and bufipme- lune hymn thu‘ means of selling many O‘Jilikrs ,worlln nix-gnu); g Yours, respociinlly, JAM is 'l'. JU.\ ins. ' -PiiiLAm:L?uL\ Aug. 4,1961. ! . Du. Samson—Dc: spa—i :ihc great plans urc in sending: you- ecu-ill .t ein ulmilion to many you hnvuulrvm v reecin lirdmjsufi‘vring immunity. [dim sc rculy hn l:ui-,quge slit ficxcmly strong to or )rqss my: camels gratifi cation of liltiwunde )ul cnrtgyuur anlmhe Pills and finance-l T nic -Im\' 'elldcied in the entire cure of 0'!“ of the mus sluhhorn unsus ol'lhcpfi'cetiun urthc liver. 1' yr time years 1 sulfered beyond (leserzlvliun. All my friends, as well 33‘ Ill}'nl‘ll, cnrneJo ”‘9 unulusion'khn my time In tlllS‘Alllc \ms‘klion. Such] was the teirihle coudmon to which l'\ .is roilnrud lhnl life to me, lmd lmronxe‘i, hur an: niy whole system wnsjn n. sinus orfiiilngn union ;’ l («mid not ent’; I could not sleep; toy 'h’olc body was filled with‘ pain; swelling: w-uldhrise in my wrists and ,nnklcgfiendering t en: itowlly use less. 0n severnl occasions l w 8 attached with a rush of island to the blind, hich would fell me to the ground, and Iwonld e carried nwny for dead; ll applied to seven: eminent physi cilns of our city, who :ldmiislcred {All the medicmes they thought would reach the case; but or no t'muh One of then said/5c eould do no more for me, and ndvis . m‘ , as n Ins: resort, to drink cud liver oil. )7; relishing the horrible l'rnsh, l declined to he is. Acuifi dent put your sdrertisegent ' in; hands. I. called on yon,you exs ine- ue nd told me, whet sun the nature of my «is-see: You then ordered‘me your lelsn'n Ton It, With no Obnl gsensnce of diet, pledgig yo r word lint/in ‘ one week I would find uyselfnnolher man. , 1‘ f followed yoursdvicg/snd, us '01: predicted, sn astonishing cuuywus glecte . - I cominued your Pills and To ic for ionic inns, and now ithnnk God for hygooduese and your vniunble , medicine, 1 I once mornresllored to perfect health. I m 2: enrneslly recommend in nlj ' those who I suffering from nhinll'ebtion of the i liver to 31 your Pills sndff‘ohic I. lsir‘triel, , snd non will be elected. I hlve sent many, 1 perion w you, and they have All been cured. , Any-i {amnion my fellow citizens may form" req re will be freely given by lbesubsctiber’ l at, in residence, No. 812 Federal istreet, be. t een Eighth street and Pussayilnk‘rond, ‘ . ‘ CHARLES memos, $2., 1 Formerly Printing Ink Hsnulnctnrer. ! Dr: J. H: Schenck can be consulted it his ‘ principal office No. 39 Norlhv‘Sixth, street, Rhilsdelphis, every Semi-day; land at No. 31 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday. Lev,- ters for advice should one,“ he directed to . Philadelphis, Pn. - , Sold by Druggists and Storekeeper: gen. erslly. { .- PRICES. . l ‘ Bulmonic Syrup, $1 per bottle,” Wdozen. Sea. Weed Tonic, $1 per hauls,le hslfdozen. lendrnke Pills, 25 cenu pulses. , Her. 9, 1863. 13 l. , v or'rdN Guam, for Manly“! '3O”. m be hpd,ch'oap u { SCHIUK’S. WE- than just received 5 dew ”soft-I'm“ oleneeulwhre, to whichiwe invite the attention of buyerl. A. SCQTT q ‘SON. R. TOBIAS’ celebrmd Dei’by Qondnion Powders, for ’Horszs and Game, for solo at r, HORNEB’S‘ Drug-Sum. 3 LL kind: of STMW‘GOODS, elfib'ncing A» [on a and Bon’ Hue, may“: qnd Chil ' 31': Hull, Sinker Hands. be», ta; n April 21 B. 2.’ “HINTS. *** .\‘FAMJBLE ‘ LINI.IIB_NI' GREAT REMEDY FOR RLHEUMATISM. com; NEURALGI‘A, LUMHAGO, 31'er NECK AND mans, SPnAws, BRUISES, CUTS'AND ‘ WOUNDS. FILES, HEADACHE; AND ALL RHEUMATIU AND Nanvuvs DISORDERS. , For all of which it is a speed; npd certain remedy, And never fails. This Lmiu‘gentis prq. pared flow the recipe 0! Dr. Stephen; Sweet, 0! Connecticut, the famous bo‘ne teller, and ha: been used in his practice for more lhunjmenty you: with the mo‘st ahtonishiug success. As an Alleviator of Pain, it lawnrivnled by any preparation before the public, of which the most akepticnlmuy be convinced by a 41- gle tria}. ' = This Liniment will curjo I'lphily and .fldicfi]. Iy. Rheumatic Disondeu of angry kind, and in thounnds 0! can: when n has never been known I. fail. ' » 4 For Neurtflgii it will Qfl‘ord lmni'aimo relief in every cgsotj however dlalrefifiu'g. I It will relieve the want, case! of Headachg in three minules and is {warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instahfly For Nervous Debflity apd (Lexical Lns. situde arising from imyrbnlcn :e or qccsa, this Liniméut is o. mom. happy pad unfn‘ling rcmedi. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it méug‘zbens and rcvivificjs the system, und Ee- Itores'iv. to elasticity am! vigor. ‘ .. am. 15, 1862 ,Tliis'is to certify‘ S a’nd SEAWEED I'de} “'ifls ofa i'ng. during which any by our fn‘mi-é ‘ :h'ing he would ymnbmemm Until For Piles.-—‘As an ‘externnl when” we claim that it is the 11m! k‘nowp’, and ‘we chal. lenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this diatrusfiug copnplnint should give it-a trial. 101- “. will not M 1 to afford im= mediate relief, and in a majority of cases will, effect a radwul cure. ‘ ‘ 7 oqri mm by con g we would hear yusc; and finally 1 en! in the paper, yot‘,although ghe an} doctors, alter Igll. - homes of TOXIC nd how can b 01351. [rgpjoyed in her [ 1210's! remarkable inhi‘lng H 1039 lnws ivtcyl, you are uh l L'lila‘ NEILL, {Twenty-111ml st. lJmlc 15, law. 3| urn-mm. to Call on Quinay and Sore Throat are lometimes extremely mulignunl am. dangerous. but u timely application of this liinimcut will never lull to cure. ’ x 'a ' Sprains are s\otfietimes very obstinate, ant} venlnrgemem of the joints is liable lo occur if nvglurtL-d. Thoiwnrn muse "my be (-quLuered by this Liuimcni in two or‘lhruc dnyq. 'E Bruises, Cuts. Wounds,‘ Serbs. Ul cers, Burns and Scalds, :ifl-l revulilf to. the wnndt-rful ht-xging [l'llpi-l‘til'fl .uf DR, SWEHT'S INFALLHHJC LIXHIENThuhI-‘a mod Int-cording m dirmuiong , A 111); NHL. HLMXS, mmsmn l-‘IE‘E'J‘JMAXU lesmr BI‘TES AND STINGS. ," - é 1‘: fat make nn nu gréfi: goml I have Lid-tweed 'Tonic -d up .\ou in .\[ny Inppin‘n,‘ but you Ind d'yslu psia, and, nic undfln’ndmke guticn‘m; but! "Intel think you 'wui: same time -re ml]. I not to I ufh' that, when I we"! “‘01:” full night. llhink‘if hav‘fi been in my ’ l ‘ DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of:Conn., the, (iron! 1511mm}: Bouafiencr. i J {)r. Stephen Swoét.offlonneuticul, L's known align" the Unilml Mules. ‘l ‘ ‘1 , . r. Sit-libel: b'wvct, Vovf Connjcrticu , I; the author 01 " Dr. S“ wt" lnfullilrllc LilJlnl‘fll." Dr. Sweet‘s Inhlllihle Liuimcigl uma'luwu mntism and never fuils. - ‘ ‘u » Dr. Sweet's lnl‘ulliblc Linimcm is 3" u-nnin rt‘mcdy for Scm'ulgiu. ~‘ g ' . fir, Swan’s Inlullihlc Linjnienl! cures Runs and Scnlds immedinu-Iy‘. '; i Dr. Sweet's lnfalhhie Linirmrnt’is hm best known rélnetly for S‘mlin umlggliruiu):. Dr. Sweet's man He Liniulvrptcurfls [hm]- nchv innumlhloly mu! \m =’{nt—\ (-r‘llumwln‘m h: I. Dr. NWu-(‘l'4 Ififitllihlc Ui'niuwpi nllnlrjh'imr nyo'lizlno roli‘vflfyr I‘ilcanndl'u-l‘lx-in t‘Hl-lm- Img. . Dr. Sle': Infilliihlc Lihimrn]. tun-fTaullw m-hr in um- minute. _{7r. Swen-ts humble L'm'nm-m cnflu l‘nts §\, . . ‘ and h nund: 'm'm-«lxug-Iy 51ml Mun-u.- m) arur. Dr.‘ Sweet's Inlallfl’lc Liuilm‘m [4 till": host rum-Hy for Sun-si” HII' known L'urhl.‘a Dr. Ewen-I‘s lut’allihh- LiuimFuL 1194 been n-‘vd hy more than! :1 million maple. Land All prahcit. . ' ‘ , > e 1):. Sweet": Infu‘lihle Linimqn: Lme‘n‘inf tornujly, cures Uholic. Cholera. .\lmfius uml (fholit‘. ’ ' 1 ‘ . hr. Swt‘cl‘s InquiMe Linimont is Etruly n “Ilium! in need," HLd ever) lanuilyishuuld ,hsu'p i! an lmml. - , 7 1 7 «Dr. Sxxccc’s hfnllihlc Linimeufis fur‘,sz\l\: by“ :xlll)rug;ists. Pricey and bucfms. .‘ , ‘ n ‘ ’ A FRIEND méNEEDJ . ' 'rm' IT.——DR. swrs‘m'fi ‘txmimnm LINHKENT, us an exu-rnul remedy. i 4 iwilhuur. n riml, and will Mh-vinu- [min mnrv Flucdl’y tlmn 'nny othe’r llrt‘paunlim'. Fur :fll Rh u mnli ‘ uml‘Ncr‘Vous hiwrd- 'd it ifi II My: “NElTH hlu,£uu! .Is in oumtiu; I'ur dub-m WnumL. Sprnins, I!ru‘f.~ca,&v., its in ”hing, Eu- |lmgz um! pom rlu] slrengflu-uing pr [~3llqu x‘v nu Ha jm‘l wonder and "stuntshumnt ut‘luh- “71m hun ever given it. :1 mini. Lug" our *iu-ménnl m-r -tilivulca uf rvnmrkubh; 2min. pa-ffurlm‘fl h) it wxlhiu the last two yearshau‘ :L lln: luiu t:- .‘ ' TO HORSE OWNERS? A rm. swma'r's I.\'F.\LLml.H§ .1411“!ng L FUR HORSES is nurimlM by nay. m-tl infill ‘ l‘thS of Imme’ucis, nruing {nun . lll‘lljlhl, Brui-oi or \Vrenuhing. iU~“Ul‘('! H mug-L: nhmd ‘ comm). Dunn-as or Salem: (hula, Scrum-hes, Mango, 850., it. willalsb tun“ qti-mlii)‘. {.N'puvin and Riugboug may be unsily pron-nu?! and cured iutnhcir incipientstngvs, hut uu‘hfi‘rmed ‘ Lubes are beyond the po 'ilfi‘ily nfalmdicul cure. No use of [be -kind howeveg,"is so desperate or hopeless but it. may be ulkvialed by this Linimqnt,.and its fai‘hfill app‘icltjou will “la-. 155 remove the Lamqneu, numenublo the horses to travel with comparative +llO. . l* x , ' - EVERY HORSE‘QWNER I , should have this timedy stay-aha): ib times ly use at the first appearanc‘p of Lsmen¢u will eflecmnll; prevent. those {omidublo di‘beuu, to which all horses urn “Mid, and whiyh ren der‘uo many otherwise vduible Houerrnearl: worthle'si. = J I;. , t ‘ INFA‘LLIBLE thixzx'fi; An‘d thousfifll In." {band 1: mi? Aqua“? .xx 1331 f: To avoid imposniou. obnrvc the Supt!)- and when»; or Dz. B.:phen 8n“ ennui-y Lbel, ad nun “Syphon Swag" I . his Liniment" blown in the glut o! ugh ' , without which none In sequin ‘ 3. ' mcmnnaox a co., ‘ ‘Sole Proprieton, Norwich, (7an MORGAN t ALLEN. Gentry] Age?!» - “5 (ME Street, New pike flSold by 311 dqlon everywhex’u. Doc. 8, 1862. l]: Sale Crying. r W: FLEMMlNG,continuu the bud!“ . of SALE CRYING, and solicit: (fleeci tinned Pltrannga of the public. It my]!!! son utant endeavor xo give satisfaction. Clings: moderate. Residence in Brackinl’iflze PM Gettyubur . a - P. B.—l§e is a licensed Auctioneer, undo; the Ta; Luv of the United States. ' ' “~ 301. 24 1862. , DB. Elixirs mumsm mm“; 77 for t Dr. EBORNEK’SDrunSMn. _‘ OALOIL—fit 1.: on. 3. 30mm Dug Wag, , 1; f" .. . DR. SWEET’S Im. swnm's . 1$ THII SOLQIEB'S FRIEND. I canton. .. ‘