The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 23, 1863, Image 3

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    ’ ragga nnbwn Bung
V: 1a.." ~--'- '- -‘“"
The radicals. finding that (he iide in
, changing. Ind that they are likely to be en-
M R ‘ “"' h l} . pulled in the coming elections, have adop
‘s, “ml," "3" "3‘81”!“ Lo {/3 m» ‘ted anew programme, Ind la is to make In
“511.8“:“5 bonnie the other dny by the. inewpany; to be cullml the "Conwarvnfive."
Legislature of Max'xachuseus. ML Swam- It is intended to ‘tnke up all “the disaffec
“ member °f tlfigbenate of ‘h’n' State, 'Li ted R9publiclnl, end :9 many other: As it
though a Rvpnblienn, would not, it seems, can F9l. and prelend in a palm" to be op
you; for Mr- Sumner. fwd 8"" the follow, posed to (he Abglitinnigu. armed party,
"‘5 ””0“ for ‘0 "3“”‘7‘5 1. . iyhile a: the same rime, it is eventually to
I come now, Mr. President. to What‘il p,” into their lands . '
,knPwn in “Now *u the 30"" ”’o'“ ""‘c. ‘n u a cunning dodge or New York State
“’45. "Pedihon "a”. PM”I "d We“ . politicians, who hm alwaysbeen renown
out. m Boston, am]. I" expenses defrayed!“ for their unscruphlousneu. “Coming
by subscription. Tim d“, be started (on events cast their shadow- béfon "and we
Harper's Ferry on h“ deed 0f murder, he now see Mr Sewinrd Ind his mm; Thurlow
dwed in ‘room‘ 50‘ 4’ Parker House; m Weed th'e thou redownedbfthe New York
company with some of the most ardent ‘vu're-giullen “kin "m for- the LMW‘
and zealous suproa‘llegs of lir. S'thnfl: 31:3! luck ‘ I! , l
{o’ ‘hi' ““0" a. “°to n' |B' pa 3 The: exbellenl. ind trietic Home who‘
“98" Pa”? "OW-1°“ 9"9 “‘5 the); “I" v'vill probably mung: the Pennsyyl'vanini
"’m 8' monomamhc: an. mum-e mi‘n‘ Puthhnck mks of “C4:nserutism”~—-the Nvil‘
whenzhe telegraphic Wires,lth lightning uotiil Scri w“ ‘ ‘ 1‘ . ’1
weed. brouglbt the 110:1!!! a“; t “i 10's?) q Demgcratspbe not 539%.: It in AboliLl
Englnnd. so eprnve M n time uni te‘ - - . .' . ‘ ' ‘
public sentiment here, flint ‘lhe villu'ei i 333: "$139225: h:,poplt:%p::g{9:
church bells tolled out. his funeral _kue'll,].rn omg: fiche. Dem 91“ an ‘ {lre
and the ministers of Gog), with a. {ew'h'onur- “a “mag? The so mccgnae’rivftivel
“ble'excewons' PM” In “'9‘" Pulp!“ W“ lp‘my is ilee'ndea to aim. the Democratic]
thedeparced ‘spiritogthapntnot saint mightl 2” ‘ Beware then bewu ,JEM
Latin peace. This ct. Mr. President, mu 'pa y' __ 7 7.__..:.._e_.7* '
the death-blow to the peace of the Unioml 1 B.” 5, the charcoal arty Gree‘ly‘is
Wilhotit it. Virginia. would not. have sece- { 83,. 'd ,1) he d t. ed pt {I ‘
(led—3nd God grant. that we_may yet. re- ‘ “n V” 1 9' my -no I'. e 32'6””,
cover from it. ‘1 knowzthe names of the i ment.
persona who were engaged in this mumm
tion. and shall leave I record of them {or
“Anolher deed qi' murder, Mr. Presidenl,
and [will not domin’you longer. Wh'en
AnthonyVllurns, the fugiiive slave, was con
vfmed in who Court. House in this city. a
"meeting junta hel(l_at,Faneuil Hall to con
sider the, subject. TheodorePnrker and
the ltevefiend Tho’mas W. Higginson were
there. Mr. Parker, in concluding nn elo
(iuem spiwch, ‘alluded to the fact that a
n ave was confined in the Court llu'use. and
exclaimed in imbalance, “Why stand we
here idle! .'l‘o the rescue 2” A nish was
immediatelymwde for the Cuurt House, and
m. the door stood q poo; laboring man. a
Mr. Buichelderynnight much. His wife
vynd two chilrlrrn ‘pr‘obnbly plceping at
‘lmme, possibly dreaming at him as he was
trailing for their daily bread. The crnwtl
domunded mlmimmcv. he rufuserl, and wan
immediately usualfimc‘ed upon the spot.—
. Who killed him the wax-H never knew.—
”\l‘hese men. Mr. President, were the conti
\ dentin-l friend: and uu‘npor'em of Mr. Sum
m-i', ~mud for this reusun l have alluded to
the iulvjecn" ‘
Who are [Cu/(flat! (o Ibmniy r—Th? hhunty
law passed Ly l.‘ongrt:s>, g'n 1m: 81"” In each
soldier dirfchargcd fur dwnlnlity, applies, it
in mum}, on‘y to lbowdischargml nr'l urcoun}:
ofwounds, dud nn't on :u-cnuul nf_.~ickne.~s.
A oan-t- nondonl, writing [ram Wfihington,
Hlyl (he l'tmumy given by the not of Max-9h
311,1863.i1 realrlélml m such. holdic-x‘s is
‘huvc lqu, or may hrrkam‘r 1:5. disqhurzod
1, {mm the army ly n-muu of wounds rc-cem~
{(11 m battle. it w umlerdloed that no ap
‘ )u‘npriunon was mmh- iur it. Second Audi-
tnr French. of tlm"l‘re.-uury, is preparing a
Singular of instructions and forum. which
will émbmce this (‘ilhh' otcmes, which will
bu ruudy'for diah-nbunon in we cnurse o! u
iuw dnyu. I“.)qu not the general under-
Handing of the law, and (he fm'thcoming
girculxxr win be hmkz-d {m with inn-rest. as
in inlelligelpt oxlvlmmtion ofnlmt the law is:
W“Cdpperheud>.” .16 Applied to all
Democrat. who “SH n'ot tuppurl the pohcy
‘4}! the :uhiinmlmtinn wltlmut nu “ if," has
19}! to be. ‘qu'ux- u f-n'nruv term “‘ng tho
:luwrrlxon pf Abuluiun mixture. Unlc» m:
’m‘n very "dynuuh mkmkvul sumo. 01‘ time
radical‘iowrnulins, why «1.41;,th m villiying
(Ben. Mob‘lclluu. WI“ hue to be (uppir but:
tumnl 1p Dbld all lhu kick-t may m” gut,
Min-n the \nduun-r» of "L'tllc Mac" get
back (you: Hug Army of tho.- l‘ommnc. _
ZT'dMs. ‘— . ‘ ‘ ‘
in. the “M inst.. in Springfield; Ohio, of
with.“ m“, .\m. EHZA JANE,;~\jife of Mr}:
F. mm] 1). Johns, formerly of this place.
‘ 1 Saturday I:I:t,_JUHN )1., only son of R.
(Lgirt‘reguy, Him, of this place, ngfd zyears
“*ng momflkxs. - ‘ .
_ . I Du the 2th of lanunry h'st, in Union co.,
-Bp[e¢jal Notlc°g_ I Indiana, .\lrs. SABRET A. SHAFFER, wife of
1 _ -‘.... .[ Ikizl'lEL'h'h'alfcrpfurmlil'ly or this county, aged
‘ a ‘ a: _\eaxrs 7 months und .’1 days. ‘
“ I Important Piscoyery' M f Hughe 17th Inst., in Freedom {townshipy
I‘}.le ..\ 1M mum‘s. [DANIEL OSCAR BEARD,.iuged 3 ,years 2.
URYAX'S PI'LWUXU‘ l\'.\l~ Hi" 11?? Ixnleil- ”y'all” and 3 dn‘jfi I ,
{mg in mamm- up ”my.“ (-nltls. Asmmuws “um Ham “'l‘" u“, 3““ s. mjpx',
hhuichitie,‘sme 1 )Xl;\l\|¥. ll<u.|x'=l.~.u':ss. lmimull - wi e of 51,-; ”1"“? w‘ Heck. flndfljgughuzf u,
Breathing. 11'1'31'3'1” l'lHNl'Ulf‘iU". “"1 Mr" G rm: and Elizabeth Blasser, aged 25 rears ‘lO
flws u! the Lungs. They lune H.) mm- 01‘ m ntlisnn‘d .'iduys. ‘ '
medicine, mul‘ nu; chil-l \‘ill,tlll\¢"ll\9m-—F In Emmilslmrg, on the 28th A)t.;'C'orporal
'l'hous’uulls have lu-bn Il‘rlul‘k‘d l.» hymn {lnt I J'PSHI’H WILL-3, aged 2-) ye.“ 10 m‘onthfinnd
Inn! Ive-(org ill'slllirL'du fro-xilnun) g'n en in ' 1f an”. x "
hundrub “' “>933 -\ Gilli-'l9 d‘UM'. “11‘4‘1‘5 “1 5 'tmlhe sth inst" EVA ELIZABETH,.dnugh-
Tu: Eiuum. , ' ; fer-of Alfred nhiifihrguret Salty, ofHamilmn
‘ 1 ’ Ask fiVrßryMl" Puhnonic “-'r"r°.—¢‘l¢ OF‘L'Y' hm township, aged 4 years 5 monihé and 5
h“ mt! null oniy gpuuim' h itilllllvnx ~~Hr~rnn."—» “I.OL ‘ ' é
‘ ‘fipurigg‘ Mud! nrx‘ (AT-run fur 'cnlt‘. 'l' null). I ()u .\londnv last, in Frederibk conniv’ “(1.,
‘ I|\""€¢M§“""‘- M"! "3 dawn-r: 29mm» 1311-1 mum’s: WALKERfin the 73am: 0!
. JLUI MOSH», Ruir Pruprit‘lur', .hi "ge. ‘ ‘ if . °
“~ 3 n”‘}‘"“”- -\'- Y- i )u Thursday last. in this borough, AMOS,
. F"? "“9 by A- “- ”WNW“ ("‘“5 5""!3- “id :0 of Mr. Henry L'Kz, aged- 5 years ‘3 months
. JIU Druugids. [‘ {"7" “5, 1:93. 1)’ Hulh 26 days. - 1 ‘
'. ¥ 1 . «.'.» -
w- Fmfi} the lam-st ‘mwuunt: {Em l’nlix‘.‘
revolution‘wus still sprmuliug. It IS («ml
l‘hnt Francje‘, Hughnd and Auuriuwdi lulu-i:
IH6 lo pu'tlu (ling mgr. v
~ ,1 The Great English Remedy.
‘ - Sm Jung (mum-J's é ‘
Thls‘l‘nvnlunble umliviue is unfailing iu the
turc of all tlmse [Miami and d.mgergua dmv
.cnsen inudanln the l‘unmh- cousliluliun.
”‘“ ’ 11. moderates n“ rx‘ccas. removeuflll obm‘nco
V , 130115. From wlmlevrr muse, nml brlngs on the
\ m'uutllly 1125 i“; \\ nh regularity.
‘ .theee Pills shauld my. be hiker: by females
u that are pregnnnt durnrg the nus? 'rnfln
i joxrns, as they are sure to bring on Miscun
: ridge; but. at every other time and in every
1, ozhercue they are perfectly sul‘e.
‘ In all e; nl‘Nervous nnd Spinal Aflectians,
'. pain mag; Buchaud Limbs, llcnviness, Fa—
“ zigue alight exertinn, Pulpit-Imm of me
fieart, Lowue'ss of Spinls, llyilerics, Sick
' “cudnéhe, Whites, and all the painful diseases
a pccuiqnui hya disordgrcd syslum, these Pills
will effect. 5 cut: when all other menus hue
amid. . ‘ r
‘ Fall dinetions Ail; pamphlet ground each
~ gnfinge, whicli should be calrelully preserved.
e 3: can be sent in a hotzle, containing 50
‘. pills, post free, by cdclo‘sing $1 and 6 thrée
_ cent, stamps to any agent.
For sale by A. D. Bvxann, Gettysburghand
all Drgggius. -_ [Feb. 16, law: ly
Cougfi'a! Gomnmption.—-Sn€erersi send
DNI‘DOLLAI, to Dr, D'UXGER, Balfimore. .\id.,
. find rcceive. by return mil,o box of his WU}:-
pixweckl-i , . {an. 16, 1883. Am ,
'fiwfinfi .
A; Gordito the Mating. H
' The Rev. WmnumCosnnon, while laboring
.9 o Minionury‘in Japan,_ was cured of Con,-
pumption,‘when another means ind failed. by
A, p. reéipc ohhiuod (mm A learned physician e
lidiug in the gran City 0: Jeddo. This recfpe
h‘nu cured {mt numbers who were lufl'ering
* from Consumption, Bronchitis, Sore Thmét‘,
ganglia ond Colds. and the debility and nervous
dupreuion «aged by these disorders.
i‘Delirous of benefilfiug others, I will and
thiu‘receipc, which I hue brought home with
pg, “l. I.“ who need it, free of charge. ’ ,
Addreu Rev. WM. OOSGBOVE, '
. ‘ ’ 439 Fulton Avenue,
. Brooklyn, VN. ~Y.
megs, 1862. 1y , '
39v Janey Land! for Sale, um,
But)“ on Fun! mm, (nimble for Grnpeg,
Pouch“, Petra, ,flflpbenies, Strawberries,
Hummus. omm“, km, of x, 24, 5, m m.
:0 much, at the following prices for the
WWW“: '3l.‘ 20 “I“ f" $3OOllO acre: {Br
$ll9, 5 W! for $6O, 23 acres far 540’ 1 Acre
{or $2O. VPbelo by one dolltr a. week,
“so. goo Cmnberry 13nd], and image 10“
‘1 033151909135 5! 100 ““7 M $lO each,
ynbii‘ hi one dgllar I. week, The above
{any}: and {Arms are iitutted F'- Chetwood,
wmiml,‘9'flhipv Barlington counxymew
3066:. )6: further informnuon .pply' Vith .
P. 0. sun}, hr A circular, to .
, ; 8.._ gmxgnmycunx,
, 994 w 9m» 5w onk, x. Y.
Imm, ’ ' - _
EWCoPperheads” are dangerous to
{read upon. 1 _ :
, ' oritcla
R '0 F10ur.............,.......
‘ hite Whé-1t.................
R r 1 When
C m
It 9..
()ixts ........................ ....
Uriel-Semi .
T mumy 5eed......‘.....‘....
F nx Seed ...................¢
Pluser-of Paris ...........
‘ MIR! ground, per baglt
Pprk..... .
The great limoiuxt of power as:
ing the fric‘fion of uif Cog-gqgre
is l‘nvied in 1116 Screw: Pour, W
ofi'qr the light?“ draft .\lpwcn an
the world. This Mel baa beént
sinned by.tha rariu 3 tests by I
and otherwise, to w ich the MAC!
subjected during prllaat two sens
11-, ’ (the “llj'ilmfl pumls 1f fiu‘periugity
100 1017 12 chme meme follow. ulg: s .
70 go 200 I The use of Open 113131 üblc ital) 3.1
03 i 0 1 03 steel plat-e 0! face, grouhd to ll' cu
8510 90 IThis with th knivesfgivesa p‘grlu
‘5O ‘0 I'Bo U Double Hinged. Finger B.‘lr.~l—NC
3100 to s 31 do guodflbrk, on all kinds oflmel
2175 to 3 00 out a flexible lmr. This bur can u
93104.01} 5c seuuxaly lastened, while passizig f
7 so I: 8 00 Mi _' , : ‘
"mu 100 $033 50 Patent Adjustable Roe], perfpr
__ ‘52 to '5O equullyns me“ upon tough grim
"3. 33 no lei‘el field: 4 "
._ A—r- —-«—-—--L——'r 1 The! is no side Drnh, or wzig
'. HANOVER—Tunngmv nf't. I horsesl'qlmckt. 1 1
Ftkmrflrbm vmgon‘sL... m......... ‘ 1 a 3? .\‘ewdnd‘ peculiar form of Sho
{)l}. Iron: start-5...... L...""...... 1 7‘ 00 no! rlog' Mien mawing, with alig
“"18“,: .... 1355 to l 55 the Bumper is nltnclwd.
Rfie.. 1' 190 5 le‘esuhscriber'who is Agent for
qun....................‘................... 1 80 has fully tested it the last season
04cm..."......................- 0.3...." 1 1 m [:x‘as'a,'clo\"er and OMS, and feels :1
o!er 5eed...........5....... ........ 1 - 7} 00 nil who see this machine work I
‘ .BALg‘lMOßE—anh u
Fi0nr............................ '
W zeal "...-.... .'........ .........
“Emma. .. ..........Z.........
G rn.......... ......|........‘.....
U ts..
Cl )Vt-r 5eed.......... .
Ti nu‘thy 5ecdfi................
B tUque, pit hund....-.;
H gs, per bund......:.....".
H y...............................
W nakey ......“ .............a.
Gguno, Peruvian, 1"? lon
Tlh'yuthy Seed
Phi-11".“... ..
‘ ‘ ’ AWIED' “ ' ‘
0n the 19m ult.‘,.by Rev. S. Hear . .\h‘. GEO.
A. WHIKI‘IRT. to Mini ALKCE li. D X‘II'IL, both
of Adams couiny. §[ 1
‘ (m the 16th inst; in Baltimore,ij Rev. Mr.
Bruce. Mr. E. U, C(‘RIIENS, of Upmlwrhnd
y tofu nship, to .\iifis BELLE E‘ERGUSQJN,§<jfBuI
; - _ .. ‘ ‘
's fipn'MALmNeLW ‘ -
f» ' jn' 1131:). V l [a
l Emohitunryynolices 3 cents per fine Efor an
nf'er {outlines—cash to accampnnyénfli‘ce, i
‘ J -—— |
‘ on Hie mm Kns‘" Mrs. MARY MOgWERonf
.1} ugh-r wwnghip, nged 62 years 5 mpntbs and,
_. .\KI". XOTXCE.—'-The Cbliecto‘mfiof Taxes
‘ for lfiul and previous 'years, in the tiifl‘er
cut townships of Agams county, are hereby
notified tbut they will be required tolséttle up
their Duplicates on orbefor‘e the 201 ‘ and glrt
any: of APRIL next, on which days iLie Com
inxgsioners will meet at their office to give the
nceehnfy exam-muons, kc.—and if the Collec
tor‘s do not sum: Mid make settlement at the
time above mentioned, their accounts will be
gi en" immeaistely into the mind: of a. proper
elixir for collection. ' -
'l‘ he, Collectors for 1862 will be~requirefl to
paYover to the County Treasurer all monies
that my be collected by the April Court.
- 3 1 WM. B. GARDNER, j
»_ Commissioners‘ of Adams cblnt].
Attesta—‘J. M. WALTER, Clerk.
Mar. '23, 1863. td 3 ‘
An Apprentice
"O the Mat-him! business wanted by the sub
-1 scribcr, a! the Getty-burg Foundry.—
Eurly application desired. A boy from the
country, from 15 to 18 years of age, preferrgd.
‘ ‘DAVID sunxmq
){arch23, 1863. 3: .
< L Clark of \the. Courts.
EyCOURAGBD by I number of my‘friends.
11 again offer my'selfsa a candidate for the
omég of CLERK OF THE COURTS,, It the
comi‘ng eightion, lubject to the daemon orgthe
Dembcrutic County Convention. Should I he
lo‘foytunte u to be elected, I pledge my")!
to dépchnrge the dutiet of the allies fanhfdlly.
mtplmm :1», Mg. 23. 1863. i .
A imam“ Excsbsxon COFFEE—Good
:1 Jun und epup :- rye, for salq’ It
' _ 000031 a; GILLESPIE'a. .
, HE Attention of tho India is rupic‘tfnuy
burned to I Inga ind sphendid , 'lon
m‘ent of Med fine Kid Booanting Gli
lera, Gum Ovenhocl, £c.,jnat received at E
Oct. 28. B. F. McILflENY’S.
_‘ .»,___,\,_ __, ”e ‘L.
LOT of fresh GUM DROPS, the finefl efir
cfiered in mi: nukes, to M had‘gn 9:.
NEWS Drug Stat-g. " ‘ , .
USICAL L‘rsrßUuEN'rs.-Vionn‘-, 4,:-
M qordaonl, Biron, ML, for Isle it . '
- mama's.
A6O, Arrov Root, Corn Butch, Ricé-flonr
Ind Gnlnin, for uh a Dr. HOMEB’S
Drug Stan. ‘ ‘ ,
s .cbildnn, st‘ Dr, 8,. 30383338 Drug
101‘. ‘T‘
YOUNG lan's! Full axle- of Run Ind
031» :0 percent. lawer Hun naual price:
It. - B. F. HcILHBNY‘S.
var received“ prjme m armament!)
J ELIE, new, 09 ~ ‘-
‘ I:o9ch 5 GXLLESPws.
r I_
‘ Grand Conica'
‘r‘ocu. no xxsruruas 1
Th. Vac“. Quinn: of Get
ed b 3 the qun €141,111 ;.
tonne wove finrpose, “I Ch’ i‘x'
tyiburg, on THURSDAY V I
26, .1863, It 7) o'clock. I
Pnr Funk
1. Ova-mu. .
2. Chorus—Joy, Joy, Freedo
. Giyuy'n Warnin
3. 'l'lrio—Life h'u no Power.
Helium-iO. ‘ ‘
4. Solo and Chorus—Brno a
b. Quinteue-Thue lumen
' L’Elilire D’Au
6._ Solo—Eve’l Damnation!
7. 6010‘“! Choru—O,Give
8. \Vuluef. ‘ ‘
Pu: 83cc;
9. Con‘cmo.
10. Chorus—When the Horn
Br‘cking. mum“ 11
11. Solo-The Wanderer.
'l2. 8010 Ind Chorus—Strike
.. ‘ . ball!
13. DuegLo—Hpme m our 310
‘ Trontoro.
14. Solo and Chorus-Crown
~ ‘ <. Tempest. I
15. ,Quattette-Come “'ller 1
~ Lxel Dr’eam
16} Chorus—Slur Spangled ‘
”‘Tioketg 25 Cents-Chi
”For snlé at Dr. Babe:
I). Buckley’s Drug Stores, an
Russell’s Screw? P
Guam-m flown-MD. m
. WITHOUT (too
The Light!” Draft Mowcrgin
It is the object at FaXmers F»
Mnchin‘c to buy the best and {ch
(hene‘objeets wifl be attained by
sell‘sScr-sw POMOI.,
(3"!25106 75
I)» 435
1.50101 60
.. " 3 oo
...2] 00 Lo 2 25“
a, 2 25
i ' ano
‘ ‘ 1«o
. {w \ 5 so_
oflner. ' . W
A specimen mnchine gcau ba,s
on i a in dumber,
filunishurg quad
i" 3 cummfauns‘,
! We Qartify that we won‘t. 1.0 the
iiam “tibia last harvest. tor thefpu
standing the Work dune by himiwh
{Scrc'w ‘l’ower Mower‘and llenper‘
| Mr. “416;,- cuuing sum of the v‘ory
'oflbdg}: grain, and feel satisfied 1
hm elb rmdune better by any our
It is Zlh'e lightest draft machine iwe
‘ Paul? ‘
‘VN unify that we saw Mr. WM)!
the anve machine béthiin standing
gmss, with but -one span of liar
cunsfiler iv. the best mower mt: e\ or,
'1 Stencil Bu?
‘: ($301!: Du
L—Mar.‘23,1863. cf 3
' For ale. 2 ~
W 0 smcoxnmmp “my ‘
T myli Wood’s Improvement.‘ 1,
" .\1:\r.23,1863. . ' WM.
‘ The Dally Papp !
have made arrangements that Ir
ol’Apn'Ll am the on].“ 826 m. ‘
chunty in: this daily and weekly pa
The Nice of the Philadelphia '
and Bulzimqre “American? willibe
' '8 75 CENTS PER BIOS?“
pay-\h‘le‘lp ndvnncc, or to iubscgbe
Lime, 2Q cents per week. E ‘
The [ultimate “Sun”nnd ” Xi
ba delifiered M - f. ‘
, ‘ l .40 CENTS PER MONT'
pnynhlnn nflvance, or to subscript!
time, 112 cents per week. .1 g
Those persons wishing to éub
Mngnfl‘ncannd Periodicals will be t.
the lowest. posaible rates. ' ‘
All‘persons subscribing hy‘ the‘rm
nofily me at ienst :wo days before
tiun'of their time, whether theyi
firming tfieir papemym their nan
stricken from xhe list. L ‘
Persons wishing to , übacribe for l
Dailies. Weeklies, oz Monthlies. W‘ill
the undersigned M. his Confectiqneq
Bnhimore street, Lmr the Diamond.
‘ Mar. 23, 1863.4 E. 11. MI
' \ Herbst’s Lme.
HE undersigned Would inform
1&3)!“ he is now runningn line of
CA from Gettysburg to Baltim
weekl He is prepared to some
either way. in any quantity. H; w{
if desired, to the making of purvfmd
city, and deiifen’ng the goods prd
Gettysburg. His can run to the W
of J’. H. Boslej‘, 203 North street, :Bnl
He invites tha Attention' of the plubl
line. :Ilsuring them that he pm spar
to accommodate all who may pntroni
March'la, 1863. 3111* 1
‘'.~ . . \
~ Bannga Instltutm u
INSTITUTION of Adams comm;
money on Depaaite daily,‘from 9 05:10
\untik's o’ciock, p. m. Interest bu
from' 2 lo sper:cent.n Special Dépo -
agreeably to uptice, Ind unnxientEDen
demand, with interest. . I
.1 = Nance. ' I
J tamenury on the came of Junie: ‘
In). Of; Mountplemv. township, ;Ad
d euqd, hnjng been. grantad to 111‘
ligand” raiding in Oxford m'wn \
hereby give: notice to 111 perlou's‘in-l
said en‘ala to makejmmedinte pu --
those hnvugg claim. against the lane h:
then pmperly authenticated for "Me
Feb. 23,1863. w ‘ .
‘ ‘ Howell & Bourkp,
03.1-‘OURI‘H 15 MARKET STS.,
hue not in flock, a fine vnrieiy ol
P. PEBS, go! up expressly for their
Trade. WISDOW PAPER of every
which they invite the anemion omere
\ win their Retail Department will b
the choiCea: styles of the lesson. ‘
Feb. 23, 1863. am ‘
‘ Queensware.
F you In“. wyxhing in the QUEEN
I line call at A. SCOTT & SONS”:
Inll find the)?“ maximal in, ton.
much 24, 1862. 1 .
m: Lune- 'm and”: float! mo 1
Drum Géodr, chap Ii ‘m‘Al-A—c
nu thou It . , ' A. SIM”; 818'
Geuysbnrg. Feb. 9, 1863: 6‘
t! ..
u. MUSIC. u
THE following npplicutiolu to keep public
lxoqacs or entertainment, hau- becn filed in
my ofice, with the requisite nuugler of “gn
en, and will be presented M the Court of
Quarter Sessions, on MONDAY, the 20th 0!
APRIL nen : - -
Chuiu Will. Borough not Gettyubug.
Geo. w. McClellan, « _ , u ’ ‘,
John L. Tate, “ ‘ “ ' ‘
Ilftel Younl, “ v “ ‘
David Bluehaugh, " i “ ' '
Jacob Stock, ~k “ l “ ‘
F. D. Smith, 'Pnnklin mwnlhip. \ ‘ \
Maria 0. Eichom, u u ' j
C. 8. Hanan, ‘ “ “ , l
‘, ILA. Miller, .. x u - 1
. George A. Cornell, " a a " i ,
g Henry Munnhowgr, “ i 1 “ , 1
George Bear, ‘5 “ , w ‘ ' ~
g John McCleAry,f‘ " 1' “ J
‘ Benjamin Shrirer, “ ; j ‘u ‘
annnoe Brandy German “ 1
John Eline, é “ 5 “A ' '
Joseph Bake”; “ i . “
Peter Lingenfclki, “ . I “ ' ‘
Levi Krebl, ; “ | 3 “
Man-cums IL Creme, “ ‘ ‘ “ ‘
Chij'n lhmnape’xger,,’l‘yronol “ a _
A. 3!. Cook, ‘ ‘f 3 “
Smuel $6610, 3 “ 1. “
Chm-lea Myen, yank-n , B “ ' ‘
0. I’. Home, . “ ‘ .“ ’
' John D. Becker,§lunfingloq~ "
Dnnigl H. Markldy, “ ‘ “ '‘ ' '
G. W. Hiidebnnh, “ ' “ x '
Jacob Martin, soxford ."‘ f
George Shane. ' “ a “ .' ‘ '
‘ Francis Bream. Cumberllnw fl“_. ' ‘ l
xcx ‘
"burg, luilb—j ,
1. V: n Concert}.
1 Church, Get-J
SING, Hitch;
[ Lnouaieu
i 41:32 .
Dpn Eleni.
I Donizctli.
I onion. King
mic. Comer.
| ‘Labiuky
nfl. Roeini.
I 'Pncitti
ith the
uni. Verdi
15 Cent,'
George W. flex," Butler ‘‘’ W ‘i
David Heckler, ' 1' d 1‘
Henry llartzcl, 2 “ “ '
Peter Shivuly, Hflmiltonbln j “ 5
Barney Binghaln; “ “
Jacob L. Gran,:SLrnban 1‘ “ .
COnrnd atom, Latimoré ' ‘ ,“l x
Geo. (‘. Kt-idle, ){wutplenu‘pt “ .
Ruhcrt M. DiCks,lßendiug i ““
Francis J. Wilsuila. Bar. of Henri k.
atom LICINBI. . '
Geo. If. Kalbfleisch, Bor. of Getty-abut; ‘
Jpn}: mcwpm ,Clerk:
IPEI' S. H.l’Flcuonz, Dep’y
Mar. 23, 1863. u; ' : ‘ 4‘
\nEr's in!) A.
. 23, 1863.
‘ Gamma.
he :Wor/d.
urchuing a
pest. Both
nying Ru:-
m overcom
i? ~Hgn‘estera
inch we cnfi
u Reaper in
‘ 11y demo'n-
I 'nomamnter
l'ne has been
Ina. Among
In this ma-
‘ Jurors for Apnl‘ Court.‘
‘ » Gmum Jvux. I ' '.
Ber-wick bor.—Wm} Bitginger. Foreman/
Hamilton—Henry “(om Gea:chobs.// .
llnmiltnnbnn—G‘oo ‘ e Herring} ' ,/
)launtplcaeunt-aJagSheely, Sump/e] We”.
l'nion—Duniel Bus "ore. } / ,‘
Franklin—John lladenspergel‘.“
Cumberland—John F. Currey/j ‘ « .
\iennUen—Clinton swope. »’ 1 ‘
Germany—David \ficiker}./ ~
Freedl;llx—Julxn.\!cdle;r{y. V 1 ‘ I '
Bemick tp.~John El r. t . "
Guttysburg-—Gco. Filfickenrodfi. ‘
LnumoreTWnrncr ,ownsendq
Tyroim~ JaCuh Fungi J‘ ‘ '_
Hun‘ington—Jolm «y. ‘ _ ‘
()unowngo—Juhn Link. { .
Oxford—John Cnmyi‘. \ ‘ 3 ‘ A
Beading—Bolomm 31m”. E f
ngbun—Wm. Blallbrfiith. A 1 '
BJller—Szmxuel Lou‘lz. 1 v > ‘
Houmjoy—Pey-r Blréjwy. ~ ‘1 ‘\ , - ' .
Liberty—John Nunegnnker. 1 ‘ -
‘ Gas-nun, Jun. ‘ ' ‘
Cuhberlnnd~chnrl+ l'olley. Jacob Humor.
Hmuiltnn—Uaniel I‘ll rehnrl,‘Gewrgc Baker.
,SLrgbAn—Jobu I“. F‘éhy, Isnch". Brinkcrhofl'.
Oxford~John LuugM ‘
Gettysburg—« David Ziegle’r,‘Aldx. Ranghet‘
.\lnuntplcnsuntoJolu‘n Felix, Anthony Nmitii.
Hamillonbzn—Rrubén Stem, “’11). Walter.‘
“wanna—Georg“ Allgims, George FOlll.
Liher‘y-Jnmea Tnyléug ’ fl
”unliuglun—Jntpb . Asper, Em}. Gardner.
Conowugo—Siufim manual];
Ger:nuuy‘-—S.nnucl \Qenkcn, SLR-flue! Fink.
.\lu:xl\tju_y—S.xnxuel [flurbumwhlfallzcr Sapder.
Lulimorc—lsauc .\L» eh”. ‘
T)'rsn«._,)ohn Fvcrrfl. Geo, W. Harman.
I’mnklin—Y‘pnjnmin Tl’e:nrdorfl‘,;.)ubu Bra-Iy.
Razmi‘ugnAudrcw Bi‘ljugh,Jr.,L\Ynl.. s. Hilde
‘l-rnmi. ’ n
Union—~Euoch Lefevlr, Daniel Gtisejmnnp
Berwick '.p.—-lsr'u\c Way”.~ ' ‘ ‘
linden—John Han-om! . '
Freedom—Andrew Rged. ' 5' . .
Beni'utk hon—Jesse Zing-heir. J
Mar. 23. 186.5. } ‘
Mds, with 3
Wing edge.—
1 [sheer cut.
\ .\lm‘ver sam
it mist-d and
[um field to
E ng its .work
id as upon a.
z: u pat; the
:, which will
t play when
his machine
, In wheat,
‘ timed amt
gill hive no
by caning
rg, ou the
E, Agent
rm of Wil
posc of ex
h Russell's
‘We found
worst kind
l mu” nut
_r mmhine.
-rer saw.
mmv with
and lodged
es, and we
3W. ~
n, V.
‘ . . \
Mfllmdpy Goods.
\1863.‘ SPJHNG. ‘ 1863.
7001') & CARY; No. 725 CHESNL’T SL',
‘V 'PHXLA., ‘HH’BHIQW ‘n gmru :\ ('muplete
including ‘ ' . ‘
15mm Hats and Bodnms, ‘ .
‘ \Misws' and (‘izil‘xfreu'sfizrnw Goods,
nquirc of
'un the: first
within the
Fancy andng‘rnpe Baum-Is.
L l-‘nenqh Flowery Ribbons, kc},
toy-hie}: they respet'pfuny iuViIQ‘IIIe attention
of .\IL-uhn’ms nud .\lillfiucrs. ‘Z 1
Cash Buyers will fiynd special advantage in
equmining this stock :tpefore purqhnaing. v
March 10, 1863. U5l ; V ’
for a less
per," will
' ND HEAVY LADE.\'.~qu undersigned
4A would ruspcctl‘ully info‘rmlbis numerbus
friends that he has juqt :qceirvd a, fresh supply
of that world-renowned "HASKI‘JESE-V’on
ed dlrectly from Turkey. This Cmpdy possesses
all me properties, bullisywithout the bnneful
effects of opium. Ilslofi‘cct upcln the human
system is puch that. in: will rerivle the weary,
and your sleep after gsing this isndy will be
sweet, and.your the ma cncha jiugh (Ever;
one should use it. Pfiice only 2$ cents a 50;.
Sent post-paid on recpiptot thd‘ price by ad,
dressing A. W. CARE)", Box 370, Muenster, Pu.
Much lg, 1863. 6tl' ‘ ',
fora les!!
cribe {or
‘ nished at
. thshonld
. e expira
‘ tend con
; s will be
ny of the
an upon
Store, on
» "W” 1' ' ’ . 1““ “ .'—"' "
. s Malinery‘ "
ND STRAW GOO S.——We h‘px’re the plea.-
A sure of infomini you :htqwe are now
prepared to otter, at u r 01d Stand. Ho's. 103.
105 .1; 10,1 Norm SECOND St... {PHILADEL
PHIA. a. well selectedrswck of MILLINERY
AND STRAW GOODSJin every "Jinnof the
meat importation. and of the newest. nnd most
fashionable all) lea. ' i ‘
every variety of Bonnetp, Hats am} Trimxixings
to be found 111. that line, of the [lamest and mo“
Approved shapes and 3 styles. Solicxling. an
early call, I remain yours, respectfully, ‘
Much X 6, $363. 1111' ‘ H. WARD. y
he public
re every
II ntierjd,
-' in' the
mptly M.
ic to his
no effort
kc him.
N THE HILL—The undersigned would
respecttnny inform the citizens or Getty:-
burg and vicinity, that he hu liken the 91d
stand “ on the Hill." in Baltimorelalreet, Gee
tysburg, where he intends to keep cansknmly
on hand all kinds of GROCERIES—S‘Iugan,
Cofi'een, Syrup. of all kinds, Tobacco, Tish,
Salt, tel, Euthenwnw 0! all kinds, Emits,
Oils, and in fact everything usually Inunfl in 3
Grocery. Also, FLOUR-l & FEED of an inn“;
8110 f which he intend; go «11 laym- th low
en. Country produce tpken in exchange for
goods end the high“ price given. ‘ He flutter;
himself that, by uricl. uunljon and In hbnest
desire to please; to megit I. lhnre oi public yu
u-ome. TRY um. ... ‘ J. u, ROWE.
mamas, 1863. d‘ g A . .
k, n. 111.,
ten paid‘
elites on
ten tu
’ . Brady,
- "I co.,
I nude:-
'\ ip, he
i bted to
Mn, and
! prelenl
ANTED—Tho highest prion in cub
paid for old G Id and Silver; the
present in a fuvomble tin; to lo", the premipm
on It being lugs. . A 150,) Gold 3nd Silver Coin
purchased, end the highest price given, 1:57
Wgtcbmker I: Jeweller, in the Dinmond. .
Feb. 23, 1863. .‘ .
E highen price paid for BAKE, SEOUL
DERS and SIDES, a:
Ir. 9, 1863. DODGE! 8 GILLESPLE'S.
: HIL A”
. w ALL
I Spring
rade', lo
to find
Gettysburg. Marble Yard.
GETTYSBURG, PAL—When they are
prepared to furnish an kindl of worfk in their
nu; men an MONUMEMS, Tong, Haw.
STONES, 'MAN'I‘LES, lei, It‘xghe lhonest no
tice, and n che'ap u the cheapest. Give us I
can. ‘ E
fiPro-ince taken in e‘xchugo {or work.
Gottyubnrg, June 2,1982. in ‘
LL the but hunt ”mi in: énn be had
A u the luv Family Dgn Ind Prescription
Bmm of l D . E. HQRKEIL‘
w BfiAmerleln Exceni 'r Golf“ and Brni,
for sale 11. Dr. B._HO¥XBB'S Drug Store.
Come Ye Weary
The Grocery' Stqre
Old Gold and Silver
“,1.- anuable Real Estate
{2 ' :5? 12‘0“ SALl'L—l'he subu’rihurs :nli‘er'nl pri
' ‘ '; ”ii ‘» ‘ mm min: Il»e_ir (“31:116. known A: “ Vik—
» .1. ' (.INIA MILLS." in Humilmnhnn township,
/ ‘ Pubhc Sale . Adams county, PL, 'wilbiu one mile or Fairfield.
F FRUIT AND URNAMEXTAI’, TREES. Tilt." lrnct contain: upuflrdi (H. 500 ACRES. ul‘
0 USES Lu. ”0'" u” Sunnr'y‘ of H. F. iwhid‘ 300 are encelluui l'nrm land, and We
1!. parsns,’ on rurnson'. FRIDAY. SAT- [.m‘d‘“ Wm" 'l‘“ “W“ mm": “mm"
URDAY, MONDAY. TUESDAY “d WEDXES- l! of thelbsst quality and usually yieldr. a pure
DAY, APRIL 2d. :44. uh, huh. 7lh'nud sm.‘ 1“?” °’ b°”‘ '"n’" ““1 “mm“ gm,"- “e'
1863. “ GETTYSBVRU. [’.L. '{ln ilmsu iii {and}?! the nlrenp: upon which the Mills are
days will be ofTort-d Trbes «if g‘porl size, finedymhv “.'"n'nif through ike‘lfaCL the farm in;
(arm, Ind in quality as lie-fill}; as can beglv‘x‘fitl‘r‘ iii alrfiost e-uérgr eh].—
grown and lrnlued in nn}~ §o is Lp the United :‘lc e” “3:115 “mu‘zgsgo‘gmfl
Sm'el or other countries. 4000 6000 Trees, . $1010” §2‘ "'ST ‘ u [WIN
Vines, ta, wili be ofl'ered iu p‘uisic oulcry, in* “‘c L"I ding’ “9‘5“"! A G -
)0“ of from one ‘0 ‘ half-(102$. five or six ~ll'oUbE hunched, large Bnnk 'Burnnf lmme,
guys, (‘or long‘er if much unfavoggbi'e weather "uh “u .‘h" modern convenwnccs.“ngnn Shed,
should inierfare.) The reason by we udnp‘ Corn (‘nlfii he. The Mi}! :3 three storm“: high.
thflmode oi Wiring trees at plight; uiizlcry is f‘ alonerruh “'0 Pf“! 'o‘ “I”. CPWI'WK
been» ‘9 qinh is have “,9 Pé'opie snlisfied lo’uea, nil in complete order: but .\lill, .\lil.
with such nmék u thry may pnr use: It hla ‘lervsrjiouge‘. 11'9““ 3“" ; twoxxceiltnt Q"
become n “CNN“ mm}. whowigghm pawn“ ‘chx‘rds 0." the place. with A lax-gi- umoum of
Ind plant ”021 do not like the idgh ol'uurchua. “a"! {{“flriaf'evcu ""1“!" . 71,"? {’.wyfl’m‘i
in; :rlicla “5??“ unseen,” as m 'y {me ofien .9 extension pf the Penn. leroad is located
beenimpoud ‘uponund defrauda by Travel-i“"°“.gh '4’" mim' ,Thi’ 's‘."'9-"fi°",i"d"“'
lug Agents, through we “Wk pigluhasud‘nol. gmenu‘. forl affe.investrnenu no: ofzeuJuund...
proving in quaint: u rcprese’med, We, there- Little “”3 "‘.‘N'SPE‘WM ~ fl _
Tore, being assured that 0“”ch giVea veneral 1 Wlanon?desirfiuafl'vlemngthe proper.
utilfnction, ejihrnc'e {his Opportunity 0‘! giving} t-V' °" purchnsulg, VI“ 0 :1 “I‘m" 0"" “WWI".
111 n chance t ‘B2: the stock who'n making \he [’l' aW' Strut/lean, 53‘1",” (”n-"bf"?
purchnse. Ouythe dnys above-mentiqned, will i, MARY, Sl'i Eli'S:
he offered pt p‘uhlic snln, trees of the bust ‘ll- {5) NA!“ ‘5 .\H “‘B'
fictiel in culliyation, as none ofinlerior flagr—
ed qualities .are cuilivued by u, and cut” ofl
sgveral hundrei} varieticii of APPEES. PEACH
ES, FEARS if PLI‘MS, erchasers ,nill have
CM opportuniti‘ oi procuring the most desirai- ‘
hl‘e sons, the‘ nrgest sized and fine.“ lormed‘
Standard PenriTr‘cés, such as huie never becn‘l
purchnspd from. trawliing “gains. It will}
surely pay in to a distance of 1;, or 20 miles:
when liiere‘ is sin oppurluuily o" purchasing:
Paar Trees which will prove satisfactory and
are of {good sizpi ‘ 'L.
Si‘u-spl‘ Trees which will be oifirL-d at 9:112:
Apple Trer5,...........................“'J.|3 m sfeei.
Hm ' (16., 5mndnrd,......:........‘5325 (a “F u
Cherry (10,44 to I; ‘3
Apriqqt d0,i,410 5 I‘
Shade du., difl‘ere‘nt kim15,......_..7 to“) “
Peach d0,f..-1 to 6' "
Dwarf Pent Trees, .. .310 4 “
Plum do.,‘ .. .....531 to 5 “
G‘rape Yin”, strong sxmrksl “
Eifrgreen Trees, in) line
\Ererzreens, as w’m as other Hilda of trees,
Mp muyh m'ore spout-55ml when fill-med from
the middle Vol" Alpr‘zl until the. mwdlémf .\lny
‘ than such as are planned so very curly in the
senpon when the suil is Cold nn-Hwot. ’l‘reg‘
ofull kinds are known to have do much heL~
ter that tune been pluuu’d uhou‘t fnxrplnnling
time than s‘uch us have hem plnntad too early.
During. last Spring. from the 12“: ‘9! April un
til about. the first nf “at. some 20.000 trm-u
‘ have gone on! from our Nursery, 'll, so fnrils
‘ heard frqm, they hiwe prawn ageing}!!! e'umycss,
much'muro so lh.ln is usually, know; of any
film: were ever planted m-ruse. :1 - L ‘
Tree Plunters can all see Ith slack when
‘ put-chafing. and need not tear nix-ulna such in—
!x-rio‘r stark as shag often lulu-l: out hpsqmc‘
travelling ugcnls. The Pouch reed cm: “‘1! he
aebn. and-mu he found 10 be 111941105: healthy
in their roots ol‘nny rcrLge found
A credit 0! fight mnnllls will
an; purchme to [Le :unount—nl‘
wards, and when pnging‘ms’h, I
bu mkén all". ‘ ,\
WSnle {n cummenc‘c M R r.
day, “Ith? phwu AIHOVe-nu-“uuu
Slofik an" Imm the Nursmy of
. n. P. .\m‘ mus,
;‘ Near andereyillo, AdumJ c my, Pu.
A. W. l'ieuuuing, .\u«:u(meor. 5‘ '
,Mnrch 16,1603. ts [- '
--..-NVA . . .A._A-‘7_. _._d__,_.
_ Central Nurser} , - ;
YORK,PE.\'.\'.\. E
. Thé undmysignvd invite nHentiJn to their
superiér ns'surt'xmnt hf FRl'lT & ("RNAMESL
TAL TREES. sunrnssu, far m .ynug ..t‘
1803. The! Frult dvpurum-nt nub wes
ST.\.\D.H:U'.\.\'D DWARF T; (mas,
in grknt nuich‘ hm! ofsuw-rior mrmh. Al
so a. large Icollucuuu at URAPFQ‘ flmgl other,
shmll fruits, mwmpn, Asmnjinrs, k...
The ()rnmwum] ’dt-prlrlmv'ut. in ~ml-lilimh In
,0!” lnrgc‘szm k ut‘ ENGLISH liL\L.XUiL\'-'AY
far street mum}. and 501:an sx'nL't‘l:
rwssuxmd sdnwn mxm, nt'cxtru 51;...
JUNII'EII3, ‘.“AHUXIAS. £30., punityukuly
suited tur (lemelérj nml Lmvn planting. om
brag-cs i large ahd complete'nssuruncnt of
hardy Dchumu aim} 1h (I'rgrm n Trt‘vs, Flu“ er
ing SVHRI'RS, BUSES, 31m, kw, winch \V age:
at May rcazonnblq rmcv. ‘ ;'
Caulbgucs on :nfixdu'utitm. '
Ewo. J. mums § (79.,
‘ \Prk, PA.
Mar. 16, \363
. Notxce. a;_ '
NOTICE is hei-qhyg‘p'cn Ihntlm " pncntion
has been math to thefn‘urt 0 Common
Pleas ofAdm‘u‘t county, nnd {fled gunk-r of
Cour! in \llist»fiig-q,forthv grnusing o! n. Chu
ler o'fhworpomxion lo [he " Benders He Ceme
lcr Assol‘iatiun‘," null ““110 suffli i 0 rrnso‘n is
511011111 to the conu'firy M'me .\pri! cnn nut,
ski (‘onrl' will decree and declare 511;}:153001’3;
tion 0. body politic_lm'cnrd'lnz to ma “Nil-lei,
objects uud’pommimm of their appligaticn.
By order of Court. 5, i
JACOB BUSIIEY, firoth’y.
Prothono'mry’s office, Gettysa} 1 E? l
Img, March .16,31863'. 31 la! 'r
‘ Nance; %g» 1
Ha first and final decount of ath‘ng,
Absignee of [5313c Rife, has bee}: filed in
thc.Conrt of Common Pleas of Ada s éouuty,
and willvhe coulifrued by the said 30?", mi
the 20th day or M’RIL next, unlea ‘umuse be
shown to the contrary. - x
. U‘ACOB BUSIIEY, Liz-album.
. March [6,18634 ‘4” ’ ,1: " ‘
. \ 'Notme. g
9 RE account of James Townsendu‘susignee
g of,\\'urncr Tofwrnscud, has beeg filed in
“b: Co‘un of Cémmpn Elm; gf Adan? munty'
v and will be confirmed by the mid Can‘t, an the
q 2011: day “APRIL nextzunlcss CfluSetpe shown
alto the contrnrx. 5 ‘ ‘ - ~
1 JACOB-BUSBEY, Prolh’y, ,
Much 16, 1863. mi *
BE second find final account of John Burk
:F Holder and Salémon Ben‘der. Asai' new of:
use )1. Honda, bu been filed in tfi: Court;
of Com'mon Pleas of Adams county. pnd mll’
be confirmed by the said Court, on the 20m"
dty of APRIL next, unleu cause b 3 shown.
to‘ the cbntrnry. 1 , '
~ JACOB BUSHEY, Proth’y. »
much 16, 1863. m“ ‘ ~ . '
, g: , thice. 2
| THE fist nudfinnl nefcminto! JohnfichM-y,
p 00‘ Imitt“ of Martha Leeper, ()unaticJ
Edam: b'een film} in tpe Court of Common l’lpas of
, Adams coumy, and will be confirmed by th:
l’uit) Cu‘urt, on the’2otll day of APRIL gen,
1 unless cause be shown '3 the contrary. ‘ ‘ .’
i 1 ~ JACO BUSHEY, Ptolh’y.
Much 16, 1863. 41* . ‘ ~. ‘
. HE "(and Qcconnt of Samuel Bucher;
Committee of John Gminten, (lumtiq)
bu been filed in the Court 91' Common P 4!“ of
Adnms county; :nd 1n!) be confirmed by the
said Can", 9n the 20!!! day of APRIL nut,‘
mile» can be nhowu to the century.
5 - ‘ JACOB BUSHHY, hoary. ‘
Inch 16, 1563. H“ . ‘
Special Notice.
‘ hive Idopted this method to inform those
! indebted to‘ me that I need money. It is
. oped they will call an early «I possum ‘nnd
nettle their amounts, may ofwbigl: have been
nundiupmr yearn. This “‘1'“! first time I
hue had ocnlion men!) on them for planey,
‘and will therefore expectn prompt resp‘onse.
mm 143, ma. F. u. PIIeJNG.
. Pay Up, . g
LL pcmm knowing themselves iglebted
A to the hue firm of H. 112 [lbw-{,3 Bro.
In nequested ‘0 mu: immedinclyfim the
book. must be cloud. , 3
May. 16,18u3. H. H. ROWE tBRO.‘
. The Cheapest " ‘
LOTHS, Gainers. Guinea, (fillings,
Jenn, Cord, 1'11!le Blunts. moves,
mien-.031]; lug. d 5 AWNING, to be
lg") n th. cheap cub no" of -
Nov. 3, 1561. . GEO. LEXOLD.
Feb. m,‘ 1p363. tf
H' 'l‘ Plain”: SAUL—lune subsrribcr offers
‘A at PJime suegmo 's.\l.u,p FARM)".-
L ow occn jcs.a'x!u.lte id .\lountjdy Jowmh‘xp,
'Adnms county, adjoinirbg lamb! of Suffiwu
Genier, Frederick Furndv‘nnd others, contain
ing 28 Adv-‘5, more or IF-sw. imprngt-J with a
new two-Etnry Frame H L‘SE, newly Bank Barn,
Wagon Shdd and Corn(l‘rih, n wfll’ of nevrr
inn-Rug mmr at the dweplng, mm «gm from
which imq'onveyed into the i-nnpynrd.) tuo
Orchards in] choice fruit.‘&c. .. Th? huh! is un
dvr good (H‘llivation. having lweuwvvll Hun-d,
and nude: {goud Irucing.f The lurid is equnhn
liuwstunq‘ ll \ ‘ 3 ' -
Possession will be givkn on Hm" firs't day 0!
April men. Tums - oh-y' Amdy on the
Bremism ,: Josnmi A. OIeNDORFIi
Fey. 2.,1563. 2m“ ‘ ; " ' -
W .
5.3 to 4 u
,’-l, . ' -1 '
A 3 5‘ Pubhc‘Sale. ; . ~ ‘
Tim‘su‘bscriber win 031-: a} Public Sale, his
‘ entire stock of ' *
mwsxflonsp .mbjm'rrmax Wmnrnfi.
a his nwhi't-uvo. m “mix-4mm. mphme (Baa
jum, pa THURSDAY. .\1.~m.. m 3.
Tld- mmjuwo i, nvmlyhkl new :unl‘iwill be sul'xl
itlmm. I'l‘,‘fl‘"(' to me highrstmid ur.’ _
saga-SM“ m mmmon'ce M ‘.(l 01' wk, AIM”
r hen term; {will be mango known “fl ‘
l . ‘ 2 ' l". .\. llwlhlfill.
. .\V. l’lr‘mmlng, Auctioneer. ll‘
.\lu'rvb 9, ’BO3. ; ls l
4 _- , l ' . , 4-..? .l . _
.. ' ~lNew Tailo'ri‘ngi z; AN“ 1%}363- _ \ . ‘
STAULISImEXT.--(‘.FA).y.l—J‘ amour. ' " ' ' ' .5“, '
E 3: l“-\Slll<)t\'.\l:l,l~) Tumble, '. Something New. ,
mluptn thi‘u lint-mud of infurTuilm h‘m {Honda and I THExlnrlm-nlgneol refipe‘ctflul- - ,_ ‘ LN-”
lht‘ puhhq. kenomllg‘. fun! ht: has: opeéed A ~ly :nforms ”‘FfYMdmt" v 5» ‘54
'l‘pulurlnx: establivlmwnt in Ballimbrc MEN-L "flu-llysburgnnd‘l("llllt‘y:llmt .. .\V'W“
Gellysbury, “law l’o‘ct Ulfiro.) nn‘nlf Ipc Dh- 'EE‘_“‘!‘l§\Pl"~‘“9“ ‘ “fin-"H. 7‘““,"JP‘WLLRY
nlonll, who‘re: he is prepared to do all walk in 78,01} “’ 1n ‘3‘“ {‘oth mllmedrnuil} Inkthefenl‘ff
has l'u'nc it? the boat mumivr, und Id l'uelsnlll- Lia”; :1 :2“)??? :‘3;°’kl‘:‘;‘h 1‘ 1?"; "
mct'n'ol :s . e \l‘ I“ ’-' ” " "' W M I
mm "first?” “‘ 9"" , 9" mm, mm sir-van «la
T”; “gnu“ maulfim”, ,b'zln'hlr I'LA_TED WAKE, smurACLI-zfi,
he can “an-hm {stshiunnhle lilu find, nénl and “MN?" km, J‘" “ . l '
substantial sawdust. He nah: n aharr nIJIwJ ,nnvmfl “W" "9“"cfwd :mth. ‘ fln‘fdx’
fillblic's patronage, prumlflng m rphrc no cf- “2"“ "M Jewelry figure m lutllimore, . 1’
font ‘0 defln‘u- it. His lergug will Mgvuys be? sew-ml YWQ Pas“ he,” prcpurglll lo ”thl'
lound ns Illualrrnlc as the times \villlnlluw. IMF”. “mid" 'm ””3 hnc, ."t ”I. ”w": ci J
, Cutting and Repairing dour: :l'l: fill: shortest ptht-s, “Dd fl” purchase: Will be guarunlled+|h
notice. 1 [GL-Llyslyu‘l'g, April ’7. 18:53. | UPFNQHWG' . . l .'
» - ~l From a 10ng experience In \\ntcll-repalnn ,
, losp‘rcivny'orfinc Wutyhcsfin- is prepflrcal to o .
l All kinds of Watch-Work prnmpllypin he be t
manner. 31nd guaranty (be parlormmncé ofit.
lllé wrll keep nlwuys an hnnd u largo ulu ’
mien; of SPEUTACLES,nnd Burr-M
:tucleA Glasses; and having much
'cxrwricnce in adapting [ham {0 the sight, in
Hut-par?!) to 5: all who need thein. ~. r‘ f
. “All! JEWELRY made to order in the be“
vslylc, and a. great variety ol‘pnlternfi on han _—
l JEWELRY repaired in the nonlcx‘t mum-tr
v ‘ ‘ » JUSEI’H 111-“15.; ‘
I.“ firm shrug, Dec. 23, 186}. 11~ l
l ‘ Fresh Reznforcements. VJ
S, are constantly adding new nufmh’u to o "r
nlrgudy large and :uuhinqnhle Mask of ; 1
I We have every style a! Sprlpg arid Summit
3 Hum, whiph in muddy Ind prll'e cannot fail go
lplenée. 'Bay’; and Allan’s qus and ('lpl !
; every description, nud‘ul‘ lhulstuutylu.) 0;!
,atock of _ ‘ . ‘ ‘
l - - 3001‘s, ‘ l
l , ‘ ' SHOES. y
UAITERS, tn. tel:
‘wnl never more complete.- Lndiu Gentle!!! ‘
and Children can be accommodatedmith nyl
thxng in this line, as we are better prepnrgl!
-now to give fits and greater bargains than evdr
bgfm‘e. lf’you want. hargnlyl, good an Ind ,
fa.hionnblc goodl, call at the lign of (be 810
BOOT, jn Chunbenburg street. ‘ g
, JUHN (‘ULP. ‘
hygiveh 00 all
SS‘mO‘und up
} pgr cm”: mll
chick on eat-h
d.‘,'l‘n-cs and
| 1.
Highly Important
NFOIL‘IA'EIUX—A Imm; . 3‘ t
I ('II.\.\'CIC 1150!! A FORTUNE.
A 11mm! mum: mum”: :
Tun» Bunny; .\n-r 133105: Asmmfilm hm‘c
nnw, rululy for: didrihmimi lo :übwn'lmrs their
hcnutmfl cjquno‘lixlmgruph of ‘ll 3
“Tm: 111411 an or 1n: Srm’lr or mm; Nomn."‘
wsplcndidimtiionnl pirturchsize .24x36, of the
me.“ uprismgm the .\‘onh. Mneu 1h: telegraph
brought the’ electric new,n linll For! Summer
had (‘.fllvn.‘ NlO pgxlor‘shmflg-be wilhuux xhis
sufscrh engraving: 31%in only Tglzlnfleuws,
und Mm :ct‘uficlymrulrd, on raners. [goat-raid
on rew-ipx' of the 121 Km l-lwrwpcr‘suu who
pun-[fines one‘Pm‘ these engravings ia‘ erlingd
’lO 1: prize ‘lnr3‘inp: in vulue frnm mil: dollar to.
(/zrrc lnnm'mi idol/an. Send ’in {our orders
curly. to 1 .‘ A. W. CAREY.
' .3‘ 1 Box :70, Lz-flcalst‘pr, I’m.
Marl-handy; ct; ' . '1
gm NEWjmmns.—PICKI::G i,‘ ,selling
F 01;.“ 1114 old duck of F 4)! n‘ndl “'.nu'r
Clulhi 5!, m. gfe'atly xcdnceg pricesfilu make
room [or his .\"umg :ux ply. ‘ 3 I
Now iaqlhe mun- lu buy dump V '. 3 -
’ ‘ “In con to Iccuro bWuins.~
Feb. 2, 1803;} ‘ ‘ ‘ A
I Clothing 85 Groceries. ‘
K: I”) Store lhmm‘ 01 Henry Beulah, an the
T Bidt'xmorrg'l‘urnpiko, mun-miles fimm UL".-
lyshurg, will he nficxml an the lsb}(»f”:\pnl
nvxl as 11 Nothing and Gnu-pry Snark. (31"-
tumors “ill gt: paid for lmuer‘lth‘me‘ccutn
more 1; pound fihau uncommon priém
* f G. u. Doss»;
l March 13,} 1867. 3:_ “ . 3
j ‘Auctloneermg. ..
‘ HE undersigned. bnvjng obtained ILicense
T under the l'n‘ited Snub: Excise My. begs
Leave to inform hia triéndu and he pnhmc gm
rnHy, than he mm‘murn the bn's‘meu bi A ur
tinncoring and fiale Crying, ind will hd glad tn
receives liberahshure ofthe puhlic’n patronage.
He promise: saiistnctinn to all who may em
ploy him. Chat?” moderate. Reéid‘encc, 'm
Mpunlplraalut wnahip, half A mile span: of
Mum’s Smrion’, Pnsf oflice' nddreis, firaulte
P. U.,_Adnma copnty,’Pn. ‘ f' ‘
‘ ' JUHX sumsmm.
‘ Feb. 9, 1863. ' 2Q!!!" ‘ .
. , gNotlce. , ~ ‘l’
. testamentary on the 125 mm clincher:
blemmons, late of Hamiltoabun tpr. Adam
co.,deceurcd‘ haying been gmnted tqjhigunder
signed, residing in 1b: same tmahip, ht? hereby
gives notice to‘nll pornons indeb‘u-g! an aid
estate to make immediate payment. mid than
h‘nring claiml again“ the mine to present
them properly I: " theufimzed‘ for xetth-npeng‘.
, ISXAC ROBINSON, ‘xecutor.
rm). 16, 1863._ cur /5 g
. l ; Notloea 1 l
. EGRGE. mmmws ESTATE—menus}
G leulamchtary on theestatc ol' GeorgeVßer- ;
, our, late of Mounjjny (Ownlillip. Adams (2011 an
ty, deceased, baring been granted lo tlhe un-i
derfiigned, 1116 first. aimed telli‘ding in tlle nun:
townshif; and the lutnsmedlln Slrnbsu’ Ibwn-
Illip' they hereby give nozkfe to all perlons
inde‘ned toanid estate tou‘nake immediate
pnyxhent, and those lmving clam ngalpu
‘mrde 10-preleul, them prom-fly :umcnpwted
for nnlcmént. PETER BHRCAW, ‘.
, Hr. 9, 1863?. ’6l“ ‘ , Exc‘ulotl.
A—u— ," ‘ »._... -’.”. ‘l‘} ._ ,_
I Watqhes, Jewelry, I
4‘ 'n SILVEvaAREI—TIu undefiigned'
1; would unplcu‘ully invite gour aitfntion
nu ma well aelequd stock at Pine Gel: and
Silrer WATCHES, Fine Goth JEWEL Y‘, of.
levery klnl And fluid; at Stylo~cumnrixingl
IU of the newesmnd [non bc‘nutiryl dulgns. }
,L-aud the best make of SILVER PLATED:
{WARP}, Each’ article is warranted 50 ‘lm as!
neppesanlcd. .
‘ ' aflhwhq and Junlry curefnllyfizpiuired i
'und mama“ zusumud. ‘
(SuccelsPr to Sunflqr t Hurley?
No. 642 Nuke: unreal; Phih 'I.
' IS". 9, 1863. 3m§3mxp.l‘ ' ‘ ‘
ten of udmin‘istrntion on? the nine of C:
1. Caabman, lute ofblmhnn typ., Aniline! (-0.,
deceased, having been granted to the undir
signed, residing in Gettysburg, be hareby
gives notice tonm persons inflamed tmsuid
«tale to make lmmediue piyment, and those
having chin: against up an}: to prisem
chem pxopctly uthantimud for «Lamont.
‘ ‘ > - JAQOB BEENER,4‘Mmer.
_ 1hr.9,1363. u E K
a A Small Farm
Making Room
an» I'?’ "—‘fi‘ ; *‘t‘w-‘r
Good New-jot Evebl
“mu: TU GOLDMAN'S. 'n
L AT “may? OLD STAND : J
' ‘ ALL New 6009:}!
*- . I
ls'mc Gnldmnn, just from Bhlflmori. mu
opened a (‘lmhing and Varioly Store a" Khm
mn‘a Uld Curnef. ml the Di-mond. in UPI ”-
lmrg, where he ofl'rrl n Luréo flock of 00 g
in his line. and which he ‘will "II M [win ”.10
lawn: lommniwh all buyers. Hr umflm m,
which wvll be; found nude ofthc on mater uh
in the bcsc'mnnn‘ar‘, comprhu evarythinq in
lheJun: m flen'l h'noys' Wear, ‘51,: ’
er Coats, 3 llrge \mriely; .
“re!!! Guns, a. large “Titty ; '0 '
Back Conn, a large variety; - ‘
Panufloom-l s Inga variety; ‘
Vans, 1 large variety; ‘
- Shirts, Handket'ehienl, Neck Ti”,
Gluves, Suspenders. Carp“ Bun,
‘ F Knives, Port Hunt-min, " ‘ ,
Gentlemen's Dnessing Combs, its: .
A Heuv; [30015,an to be bill {-512
chnrn, Tobacco, " ."T \
- Fine assortment of Pipes, kc.,_&ei‘ (
Gi‘ré him a cull. No trouble lonbow 00- -I.
By Frying good Goods, m modem‘le prowl. ho
hopes to pu-ase all purl-haters. ‘Don‘t to A
"II".- Spot”—~Sn‘mnnn'l Old EComqr. .\ ‘ .,lB62‘. ; ‘ k -
. ' . New Store ! ,
By GOODS m, GREAT 13.1 mm. .
N 1 4'l‘he undersigned .W’Ollid‘ rmprnf l
unnoimii-o m the citizens o'f (levy-bunk
lsurrmimiinggonmry, thit 'he him opene
i NEW STORE in Gottysbn‘rg' in the room in:
mdr-upird by .T. C. Cninn & ilro., thlie No
le-it Porn?!“ 0? the Diamond. wiiero‘ he
i kfiyrp a Mtge um} we“ solecic’fi «godly: of
| E - CARPETI‘SG, #6., i ' ,
ofi ‘ci'cry dem‘ription, nmonz‘ whirl; will
'W ml'llie Intent styles of Spring Goods. 1
inldiei pnrliCJllj‘iy are roqnustrd in will a
exiimine my stock, M I mil “firm-d it 1
; nm‘vr bocn s'urpuMe-l'in thin plndp for be"
an}?! ulicapness. Gentlemen. nlsoflhrv rcque
‘ed' to cull. ns thorn in no article ”1 iii!» lint
; (zign'm-niizx‘s WEAR um Hm} dinnol be
! cuinuiodntcd “lib, at prices glut will and»
‘tlli-m. ,‘i J. . ,
I j wili also keep on handm lnngq lupply
.lißthEßll-IS. which will he aoldivory the
my mm or QUI-11-INSWARE‘ kin, mu mo
ifonudflmndsume, durable and chimp, whi
'mj ('.UN’ETIXG (-nnmgt be sitr‘vflsit'd. . '
l I! is m‘xiutvnlion tn kuépin firs; ring Si‘]
‘—‘—lsccpln': on' hand nothing bin good good
nn’u m snll (Egan—having.ldgpktmlthe mot I!
“Ql'll‘K saws AND SMALL worm
‘ 1 would requfilfuiiy solicit n filmri- of't
public patronage.“ l have lyy suiri uni-mi
lodnisini-is. anal Fry dealing honestly with
'cunomers, lo give ”iigtneliuu to all.
i _- mama. smxcwm
'Junes, 1862
_ ‘ New Goods, ' i
. mum GOODS 1411 mm: mobs: ‘
have just rocelvgd and are nmv opening- ]: ‘
find'rhoice nssortmom of SPRING 0,0008, 19
which they invite the Mlenfi-m o! the publiq.
ilnving‘been purclmsl-d with care It reduced
prices, We fire pr‘cpnred to give our custom‘e '
hunzmina. Our stock has bccn largely inrronlera
by the addition 0M clmice Variety of Ike in";
Itylea‘ of LA’DIES’ DRESS GOODS, material
WAIU'Z."MILLINERY 0.0005, 1n... cqmpriii’ng
n compie‘e “Bonnie“! at everything nlullly
wanted“ Call early and celect bargain! (oi
yourscllel. FAKNESTOCK BRO'S. ‘
mm, um. i i 1“
.. 1 Fresh Groceries. . 1’
-'l'He undenigned hns justretnmcd fmrfi
the citflwith the large“ stock of new‘ gooduhf
hni' yn land in. which, having hought‘for cub
he il' prblmred to sell-l low as anybody her:
or elu'wihere. He will enumm'nte I panics: 0
lb“ ltoék: CUFFEBS, SUUAILS. floluua‘
Chins. Bacon, Pommu, Salt, \'insgnir,Spices'
CandleegSonps, Broncos, Brush”, Hanan, Be;
Cordl.‘ GM." and Willow “ are, SEGABS Ind
Toma-$O5, large lots of “but and {common
brand: ;Iwit.h all sorts of, NGTIUNS. ‘ i
ll: hnq' n-finer stock of' LIQUORS than k uf
natty found outside ofthc cities, viz: ”Ith
ed and Dpnu-nic Brnngljcs, four kinds, the beg:
for medicinALuses; Old Rye. reryjnperior.‘
the’ "and put-pole; Imported Winn, ulna DO4-
mntic Wine; Schiedam Srhnlppl, mam}
Whilkici, kc. Every nude in, Wsrrnnted M
be!!!“ it in cold for. \ z
Mullen, thi- xs tho place to buy Enemy—p
Much I: doubt It call, and they'vfllbd
co'nfincefl. __U£o. F. KALBFLEIBCH. ’
Jan. 1?, 1863. A
‘ J
I ‘Thé‘ Great Diaoovery ~ ‘:
1" TE! "AGK.—lnfimnmmry Ind (1|!!le
Rhfiumstism can he vurrd by gm 8. La
M Lune cummmrw m‘munmc Mug.
TURE. H y 'prumiu‘pn: n‘tizonl of (bi-....n1‘
the “50;qu counties, huvq tcnified lo “I
great utility. In succen in Rhcnmudc It.“
"noun, had bun hitburto unparalleled by u'y
ppgciflc, introduced to the public. Paco so
ce'nu pcr'bottlc. For mlc by all druggiullnd‘
suprekeepen. Pl'QpJfld nnly by U. L. IILLiB.
‘ Wholcule and Ileluil' llmgyiu, lift Berlin,
firm“ county, Pa.,denlér Ir. Drugs? mun-m,
“I, Vnrqilh, Spiriu, Paints, Dye~ltufll, ho!-
Lled Oxls; Essence: and TIBCIQPQO,‘ Window“
Gian. Perfumery, Pawn l'edxcinen. km, to. j
”Au D. Bnehlur i: the Agent in Holt,"-
‘burg {or “ l]. L. Miller's Cl-lebrnu'd Rheumtia
mum." ' . [Juno 3,18 M. 1.!
Cannon 8: Adair’s
NEW MARBLE WURKS, Comer of‘Baltlo ‘
more and East Middle mam, oppmivo
the,Court. Home. Gcztpbx'xrg, PAL-«ah no
prepnnd to furnish Monuments, Tombs, Head. ‘
“on“, Marble .lhmtln. Slab: {or Cabinet‘
Makgrs, and all other u nrl: app: "dining to on:
busineu. We will guarantee sntlsfagtinn both I
an to execution and price. Call Ind no out '
design: and metlmenl of work. ' ’ x =
‘Fvb. 2, 1383. u ‘ y
RBXKS" Umbrella Cup» Suhlowr-y 1
T m-«ph 1-5.952‘; 1
’o to Dr. R. nemmn's Dry: Sum .34” :