Afifi.~¥«'fl 7: 7‘ :«chz' fr “31.3.4: tam. z»: W. N U , _§flvfrt§§guzrntfii THE WORLD. A. x" TVDEPEVDESI, mm: wmamsh " L i 231) .SEMIJVEALKLY Nh\VSPAl’l~JlL——_- 'l. 5 Hi‘m-z for unlit-r war I continuance ‘ mu: mum-g nhbe "war which in so lhon a urn-{m a. firm to Tm! WORLD in prelent rank mummy A mericanjournnls—nmmuinuou, mm- fr; 914 mm”, and influence equalled by 9;. . ring—nah only qllcr the .efl'ort' of many ~.- :rr—N‘? ”an to our old and new readers the firm-.1! aha! no lnbor not expense will be p‘ .w H to rank“ Tn Wonk-what it. aims to be —lnin::l "want-n u AIIBJOL. In pomiu nut J‘s 1.;2. 1m: WORLD 1: independent but ns‘z-z:,qemru. In only creed is a. nauouul one - 1.: 3311:}: ~ flzélf'vmw, (If: Conuilufion, and Maxim, and I 'sedoa qupgcd, oft/u Prat, of Paula-2d ‘ _ uuirm 4' hcrwn, are the curmr 11mm. Th pémie-Il cvenu or the .péu ”alpha" nomlfly demonstmwd the need of An IM6, ten;- lunfiuhupokenjnt dad: _», - r ‘3! mossmxm-m-z JOURNAL, in (hi commerculiyuropolis uf-zhc country, innit? nhdl give. cqnstam, bold and vigorous nue’bnce to me conservative somimcmg of the but men and ma honest muses of the nu. tionf, Oppoamg evcty enemy to the‘ , USIOX, wheku'umed in rebellion at the Spa“; o'} in gidi - lly plnm'mz the seddi ordtsnmun M the Surf}: proung'n‘ery riolatiun oftbd ‘l ' cuxsmm nux, . ‘ the mly bond and hope bf Union, the only grb nd upon which we can exhon and compel theillogisnce of-tlu' South; Opposing every mmuon at THE Laws, in nugnfipmce-m: in low believmg lhnl. obctllCuLc~W L w is b‘rviu: midnd‘: Uppubing: cwry Holuuon ot'Lbc Free da of Spgech, of Im.- Press, of Politic“: his cage; on null Acuén, by whnwsoever lliogc vio lation! are committed, nhelhcr by the execu tiVeiiu iu unmuuv, “Jab-GIL Mu [.\JL'ET An nutl, its retuunl 01 me ynvilcge ul‘me writ of ‘llle u corpul, its arrests without wnrrant, its xmgrisonmént without'trial, its abrogation of sumo and feduul lmrs. its Illegal proclamation of? n empty emancipation, ,or whether those vio ations nre Cuzmniuc-l by the ’lmuy in pow -2:. (a orators and its presses, udvuuntmgmcns; in _whirfi must minder the Union [or thesnke ll eatroyi‘ng alnveryfisud denouncing treason *n at all their pumicul opponents. Lnynl we governmeul always, i_L Wlll gm: the ml lisuntion 1g hourly and ‘vmoruus «nppon nova-11nd nlicruwr the fidmiuislrunbu it in loyal to lu‘evboud, the principles, and .1 purity of the glitermmml. 5 Hi Wonw'mil OMIOSP all comprnmises wli ch wo‘ulil barter l 1“ fly the principlm or dl - the Union, lnr which alone the Sgt-Hi is writing wnr; igwill omiusc pom": itnelfltill the Illé es: of the wnr llrallrL’S [lie permanence 01' pg‘ufie, und‘ will urge glic prosacntiun ol the win will: an economy which llfls iwL mum-1., 'gé erned its .cxpuudilufl's, and a rignr lur up all me uatiun during a. yearling p'rxlyed in pain. ‘ l ‘ 3 lie lame care will bb CXCTCiaEI] over_ the en. mus ot’Tun \Vonurto cxcludu awry ihing w‘ iclficould oflcnd xx pure, Christian memlity, um! recpurs'.‘ wxll always be lmnl 10 the slum: his? principles as well am lp guard its columns as oguirle itajudgment 01 men and (tn-ms. “th 'méxuws will,bu found in the _col u as of Tm: Wnuw from the ,‘rmious depart me or human activity. . 2 , . . ‘ ozilicnl, Agriculluml and Commercial, H . j .15 Well as in Lilt‘l‘llJre, 1; ’ “Science and Art. mpm wb sd}; the IKew’ Publications, lnvr-ntmush.Discovcries and win-ks of an will receive the Same careful nu‘l thorough Mlentmu. ‘ . ‘ $llO latest and most" importmxt‘news frum Lil-1:01», Earls, Turin, Rome, Syria, China, Cal “ in, ..upan, Hg) pt, and Sumlr America, ofilr'curn-spimdcms \ynl promprly send to us. ‘ .‘ ur corruspixndofils nre‘ mun-lied to the va ri us dl\islolls\pf the arm) ; ml! accompany lli m Whl‘nncl‘ they go, and l») n free use of Ili telegraph my] Hu- mafis, present in the col nnbns. of THE’WMLH _ A‘ COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE WARf “Am (in-flu «lay and iron: mantli to month. flu the Weekly and mini-Weekly cdiuuus of TXLE \\ an“), especially, large space will be g.‘ 9.: 1g ‘ , / ‘ . AGRICULTI‘RE, K and to M! the departments of Minufuctnring mad llcchnulcnl lndustry. - 4.. ' "I‘3: “(ruby \\ mum mll conlgiq an admira l-l‘e sen el 5' :r_\' during the coming year. ‘Tga PJILY Wuixw is me nmSt complet U‘pmunrcml and. News Paper published in flan-ll -.1. 'Hosidcs'as full telegraph news, war corres‘puvidnncu, and loreign news, &C., as any u'ru-wur daily, it vonlmns also much fuller commcrgml ncwc. Its ship news, produce and came market ropoyts, foreign and domcstic Imperuuiona Stock Lists, and l‘ommercinl ’urws, no business mun can do without. .crmms (vxufiunu. Ix ADVANCE.) One copy for (")6qu $3: Four copien for one year, $3O. l‘qr n Cluh often comes an éx tra copy ‘1“ he sent for and year. J 1 THE SEMIgWiI-lEKLY WORLD. ‘ Tll9 Semi-Weekly World is A large quarto 111221., same size as gho dnil_\'_,- conm‘iniug all its newsy carrospond‘oxiccfmiacclluny and Maori- Na, in commercial and max-he; newsé remaining Btlections and miarelinunous rend lng. ha cattle market. and -pruvisiou repgrls linking itbighiy v'aiunhle to Every farmer.— Publiuhe Tuesday nnd‘Fndny. Single copes ‘hree cents. _ Tlnllz—One copy for one year. $3. To clergyman. year, 82 50. Two copies to «an: Iddress, $5; Five copies; $l2. Tan copiEp, $22 50. For a. club of le: copiesqfor one your, an extra. copy win he sent. Fora duh ‘o“vsenly copies, a copy of the daily for one year. For :1 dub nf fifty copies, the daily, weekly and semi-\veekiy, for one yea: eJeh. ' ~ THE WEEKLY WORLD. . Tho Weekly “'oer contains the leading ed itorials of the daily {mil :1 copious summary of 111 the news of the week up to Lhe hour ofpub- lipbfion. In np‘ other weekly pupa:- published in lhil.c9nntry are there found surh full com march-1 and minke-I. reports and general news L intallige'nce, combi'ned with so much editorial flute: a'nd variety ofmiscellaueous tending, as lo the Want Wonw2 Published Thursday. TEMS.—One copy for on; year, §2. To dorgymenflme copy f 0; one year 51 50. Three capiea.s6. Five copies. 58. Ten ctgies, $l5. Twenty copies to one address :25. or a club ‘oflm copies, an extracopy will be sent tor one year. ‘Por dclub of twenty copies, the semi: jteekly will be lent for one car. For a club 0) fifty copies, the daily wilf he sent for’oue' yen. For; club of gas hundred copies, the daily, 11tu an! helm-weekly will be uéuv. for oncyeu. ‘ ‘ , . Rollin-heel for the World may be made by Infw Treasury notes, or bank bills of apé- ‘ '9, ‘ying banks, and, where the attention of Erratum“ ris calm! to the remmancc at the limo'xng the letter, it may be made at an: rink. . . L " g .‘ nufi bapers, by inserting this prospectus, agg- more tunes. are eatiueito I copy 0! the gun}. Wurld for one year. S epimon numbers sent. to my “dress upu'b Appficalion. Adan-sg, ' ‘ THE WORLD, ‘ _ ’ No. 35 Park Row. Kev York. . 2 inch 2,1863. - The Cheapest J 0788, Cuaimerea, Ousineu, Coatings, L 1 Jun. Cord, l-‘hnuels, Blankets. Glynn, ’ using-y, And n large 10'. of EARPETXSG, mbe lull u the chap cub nor of - 1} lot. 3, 1362. GEO. ARSOLD. Dissolution , ’PARTNERSHXP.—The partnership hen ;o ”for. exluing b-tween the undersigned, {in $0 pmflu of “editine, bu this day been tIKMW. ‘Tha books of the firm will belound .' ' thepoiulsion of Dr. Charles Homer, who ;¢‘l continue the practico. . V» ”no on. door above the Drug Store of man. Boner. CHARLES HORNER, A __ : RUHEBT BURNER. p m 1.156;. 'n‘bfl GLOVES, for Men and Kayo. can b. had cheag M. SOHICK'S. ”r AOO, A 711; Boat, Corn Starch, Rice-flour .giudruehu‘n, for sale ‘25:. Dr. HORNBR'S r > MR- ‘ -musmb (NiTflalfiiloTS.TVMim, Ac. [v qunhom [F u ~ Tan 1: at ‘ . .5 -, ‘ g ' 21cm; ‘B. -.. .fi—RAW'MA”, n‘lrtyehou and Alum Blacks; cheap it HUKIKG‘S, PEQEES3IGIML 29.121233; ‘ Wm. A. Duncan, ‘r TTORNEY AT LAW.—-offire¢ln the Sunb wepl. corner ofCeulre Square, Getlytbufg, 13. _ [oa. 3, ’1359. u' A. J. Cover, ‘ ‘ TTORNEY AT'LAW. will prom fly attend A 10 Collections and a“ 011 m; blfi‘ncn cu !rusted to him. Office between thneatocks' and Dnnnerk Ziegler's Stores, Baltimbre street Gettysburg, Pa. [Sch‘fL 12559. D. Mchnaugby,‘ TTORNEY AT LAW, (oflice one door re: A of Buehler’n drug and back Morefiflnm erubug gum-t )Anonxsv uh Soucnwm you Pumas no I’xxsxon. Bounty Land War rants. Back-par ”upended Cln‘ynb; and‘ 'all other claims against the Government «1 Wash ing'on. D. C.;‘n! ‘SEEDHkm, M. th'e Brink Wnrchonsejn New Oqurd. J _ (Immunel‘y on hand a. large asshrtm ut of GRW‘ERIEN‘, at whnflesnle an}! rgmil'Jralso, LUMBER, (nun, GUANO, PLAST R, &F. Aprilza. 1862. i)" , ‘ 'l. ‘ Agiams Coun| UTEAL F 1 HE INSURANCE; Incorporated Min-ch 18, 1,- OFFICERS Pruidml—George Swope. Vice Pruizln'xi—S. R. Russell lfi'nrrr'urfl—DLA. BuPhlcr. Trmem'r—David M‘Crezny Esr‘mhr-r Dammit/er—Hobert M King. Andrew Heintzelmnn. , J.’.znuym—‘-(‘-m)r:e Swopekb. 9 .\l’Curdy, Jacob King, A. Heint_ Crenrg. S. R. Russcll. J. 8.. r Dnrbomw, E. G_. thlmestnck, M H. A. Picking. \Vm. B. .\lcCle]! ford, R. G. .\icCreM‘yJohn P 1 Wright. John Cunningham, A James H. Marshall, M. Eicbelh mThis Company is limite lions‘ to the county 'of Adams. succes‘sful operation for-more. and in that period has [mid alll pensesmathaul any ausumrnt, hnv surplus capital in the Treuu puny employs no Agents-all done by thg Mnnagc‘rs, who me = ed by the Stvckholders. Any 11] an Insurance gm npplyto an named Managers for fur-the; inf [S-The Executive Gommitt' office of the Company on the l: inevery month, at 2, P. M. , ‘ Sept. 27, 1858. Something Nw=. 3‘ GRTTYSBITRGFiThe undr ‘sigped ill-rams I the citizens ofthc town and Lounty, that he bus commenced the BAKING usinosuyun a} huge squall-‘1 in York street, Gel yahnrg,‘nearly opposité “'Mlles‘s Hotel, where he will} try i 0 deserve. nua hop'es to receive, allilqéral patron age. BREAD.-ROLLS, CAKES, cmcpms, I'RETZELS, be..‘l:c.. baked ev ry .dny;(Suh« days excepted,) all of the best q nlity. and sold at the lowest hving profits. Cr kcr-balging in all Its branches is lugely (‘nfl'ip onunndlordcli-s to any amount, from this and ddjoi‘nfhg: noun. lies, lupplied nt‘the shortest n‘ ticeu liming e‘rected a lax-g 3 nnd commodions [fake-hm Sc and secured the best wol‘lunan and’ the mist. up. proi'ed machinery, he is ficgnred to; do I heavy business. ‘ g 1 ; VALENTINE SAUPEE. July 25, 185?. g y A. Mathlot & n’a ' OFA AND FCRNITUREWA EROQMBJ“. S 25 and.” N. Gay strget, B kin-note} (nem- Fayelte st.,) eglendinz from Gs}; to .Frqderick st.-—the largestesmblishment o. the‘kiud in the Union. Always on hand a Int-2f assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE F RNXTURE, em— bracingflurenugßedstends,Wu hstnuds,Ward robes, Mam-eases of Hush, Comma and Hair- Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Teteis. Ann Chairs, Rocking ChairahEhgeres, Mar rle Tables, Sot- Lees, Reception and Upholsterg‘d Chairs. AS SORTED COLORS OF CUTTAG , FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Ckadlea, Hut Racks, Hull Furniture, Gill. and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boarda, Extension Tables. of every length. Persons disposad m purchage are inrited to call and give our stock an examination, which : for variety and quality ofworkmanship is not > equalled by any establishmentrin the county. A. .\IATHIOT & SON, : Nos. 25 and 27 N. Guy street. I Aug. 6 18%". REM”: & Btlnun‘s Store is well wer tby a viaitjusv. at this time. We dodht. whether, even in our larges: cities, so fine a display of Stoves Mn be found. Their‘ large room is full of Stoves of every pattern; aha. every n. riety of Hollow Ware, Sheet-iron Ware, Tin Ware, Planisbed Wnre, Japan Ware—embrac ing, indeedmverythiug in the house furnishing line.. duo, Sausage Cuuers. Sausage Emma", Lard Prosses, kO,. kc. They nre prepared to sell whoiemle and retail, Tin Ware And Sheet iron Wan-e of their own mAnufkcture—keeping : luflicien. number or hands 1d supply any do. mund. Their annonmen; of number is “fly Inge; the 00-1 menu-y “xx-1.5 . . . _5. NGIJSH, French Ind AuoHuu‘ Haunt-d for silt :1 Dr. R. HDR’XER’I Dxuflafi. 0 “.4;sz «awn; um ROCHRIES. PROVISIONS. FRWTS,CON- G FECTKLYS, NOTIONS, kc. ‘ ‘l‘he undersigned have gone into partnership in 211% Gruer} and Provision businesg, at the old'agnnd of W. Gillespie, in York nrcct, one dual" m: or Will's mom, thysburg, when the; will consmnxly keep 6n and for silt, I geqernl vnriety ol_ good: in their line, Viz: COfPEES, , . ‘ . SUGARS, » } “OLAESES'PS 1 ‘YRC . ,1 ~ ms, E SALT, ‘ HANS. A ‘ BKOULDERS, 1 mass. 4 ‘ ' FISH. 9 3 . ; your“. L " ‘ ‘ BANS. km, F L 0 L' R A N. D] I E E D , With any qnmi‘t’ a! I CUSFECTIDNS, ' I FRUITS. i _ l . NDTI XS, he". \.., are. They. 2:8”! also to deal n‘rgely in COAL ml. and 0 ‘AL OIL LAMP romisingn good a sch of the former mid a fine assortment of Ll: lama-L ‘- ‘ lm‘mg eplnrced the Slow ind Wnre‘Rooms, th‘liy are prppnrod to kPep a “urge stock, all of which will be disposgd afar the lowest rates. Tfléy 'ofiur such ‘mrgdina us hlwe nevcrfbereto foie beeri had in this place. ‘ Give as a trial. 50 efl'ort pared to please. ; GEO. A. runom, , I‘, ‘ JOSEPH . GILLVESPIE. jApriLsB.lB€2. . i 1 ,‘q‘ "f! . ' ." -4.‘>“—' ~‘q—.—— i . 2 Somethlng.New. ' HE nhdersigned‘reapcctfufi 1y Enfcq-ms lthe residé-n A & of u-ttyshurgnnd \‘icinitynhufi _ I! has npnned a ‘VATCH KI) JEWELRY 5' (ME. in-liie room immediac‘ly in thc- rear of M . J. L. Schick“ S‘orP, hnd fronting thn St‘lmre. when- he intendl Rec-ping :m “‘5O”- ...h (if WATCHES, JEWELRY. MINER and HiLVHR‘ I’LATHD \VAIIEJ SI'ECTACLES, (mums, am, sic. J {Having been mnnectcgl. ith n first-class W‘ uh and Jewelry St'urc it: Baltimore, for sefieml grams past, he is prqpurcd to furnish why agticlc- in the lint-. 1 n the lawns: city pr'ces; and all purchases wilnbe gxmruuzied as re resound. { . to Copac trnat d tr)’ the-E. E. impieg by gunma g the incw. . From 11 lung "experience in (Watch-repairing, ‘cslmrinlly a: fine Watches‘, beta prepared to do n), Junds of \erh-wnrk pm ptly. in the best mm’mcr. and pu’nmmy the [la-Eformuncc ofit. 'Hc “mm-p always on hn d :1 large n‘ssurti mfnt o‘fSPEI‘TACLI-ISmud S ec- ',, m ~49 “lust-s; I|qu luvinf! uchm wifperience in adapting the m thh sight, is p lunwed to fix nll who need ibmn. } ' MAUI JEWELRY made ‘tolordor in the best “#lO. and A great variety {of mltorus on hand JEWJiILI'IY repaired in th cutest manner. 1 -.n) ‘Hl‘ll BRYAN Gettysb'trg. Dec. 23. lam. (f C ‘1 Important to, t?‘ ‘ ,ABUR SAVING {l' WASHING T5l: undersignod ifi now b-r ‘ f« ‘r sn'o. G. \V. 'I'ULHFR‘ 'c 04 the 4 discard luntlufipny, filing-kO. 7th Cl (Inn’s 'tcndmhfrec ‘.~ ‘ v‘ 1 -4- '7 13.1 WASHER, n! Heltyshur‘u'. nn ply rlmn to those rcrsous L‘éunQJVllO (ls-sire n labor—s This mnclxin» is gotten up principle. and is considered sceqnic in use, the bean :1: brought before tfib public. 1 Amnng Xhe many adulnm‘ S'ol‘ this gnuclulnel ‘ ol’er all i("hers may be menl-ir led {be lollmvxnmi ‘ 115:. Its s‘mplitity of consL .m-livn, makingi!) lllmosnmpossilllg to gstoux forder. 'l2d. Its gpecd, which 1151 mshes a!ikc the ‘ oprrumr‘nnd tho locker on. f ‘ liid. The lflcllily with whi h it ndnpl! itsrlfi 19 2pc bulk or quantily of (l Lites deanfcd to be “'nshed'. ? E 14th.,“ washes equal} \\ H the finest and lighlesl fabric. or 'lle «lam echnnd hem-lest." ‘511% ns lmd-qmils,nomhbrls l-lnnlu-H. (Sc. Ablh. l'nmbe managed by child from 1010 l )r‘ms ul'nuo. l (ith.lo~nnsumos§ less ‘so: p‘pcess of “nslnpgz. l 1111. Will My. us long l\s slmzfirc. L let . Sm‘eshnlf the lnb r. Play”, 1.3151 UV lte, Pit'king‘; ie (my ”pawl ll) invigodtb . Rev. ‘L. 1’ , D. D.,‘ Ra's aCTft~. U~ s \ilffli‘)’.— r Hhe rank. nLnde ‘t the 0k all-Ten. . , EEM!! 1 kitke of ‘ Certifida e. ‘ Dims {C(WXTYr m. We. Ihe "nan. signed. hereby certify but we have used. and are using now, G. W. T lixurst'u Improved Washing Machine, and ure h IL; satishv-il Hm! it .is 51m th’c Tub Mr. S Shmfy n-prcwn‘ts it to he. rm'd supemcdos anythinr of the kind we hfin‘e over seon us yet; run Liningy as it do”, grcnt speed with “ulc- lnbujr, and prrfmming igs work in the most: sntisfa tory manner. , We, tlwrcfnre, recommemfli! Io ewry’lmmily ii: the county with grem pl sure: “Marge (Beyer. ; Ma inliewr, _. ‘ (.‘Aulinrinc Meals“ Bar In bhorh. ‘ u I'pmn T. Forrest, Snruh [-2. Forrest, 1‘ Christi-nu .\lusselman,_(‘utbu‘e C. .\lusselman, , John ('hAmht-tlip, Marginal L'hamberlin. J'Apri! I'2. Imm, 5W 1- 1- . 1‘ ‘ . i' Lewlvdy, flacqb; 5‘ . Bdelllrgr. R. 911 mm, . Mc ersh, Sq‘hiuél Immn. \tisoix, , li, Johnfl‘hsl tkivnz,’ AHWIT diel Fanim rm: L ‘ . In Its 9pm:- It hm been in ban six item, lqssesm d ex ’ngnlsoxiarg’e y. TheiCmn- Lusine‘sajbeing :nnnnllyleleql l'erson‘dfisirilig l 0: thelab'ove urmgtinnL Coal !, Coal! , HEADS h BFEIILER .r: mm: prepnfed to S supply COAL. ofsupegor quulity. in any ammmy desire-d. Terms, 1191:. Consume! Come All! 1 _ ‘wThny a‘so request hoee‘ indehtod to them to (all! and pay up. is funds nrc much needed. Who will be the Eat to call? ()tfice 4pm from 7xo 7. - l ‘ Feb. 24,1802. a .‘ J , John W. 'l‘ pton, ' ASHIONABLE BARBF {,Nonh-nat tr- J .ner of the Diamond, (next door, to && ‘lellnn's Ho:e1,) Gi‘ltyshulfr. P 5,, where he ‘ an at‘nll times he found re dy to atteudin nl] zuusipass in‘his line; He ha aka excellent as- Qismnce and will ensure .ntisf.xctidn. (live ‘im njcnll. ' , [Den 3. 1860. 1 miners IM the st Wed‘iesday =I ‘ Fresh Reinfogeements. ' TREIVGTHE‘NING (|[‘_ POSITI(IN.-—“'e, \ ‘flfl' constantly adding View nopplies to our lrendy hug» and fashionable stock of i HATS. CAPS BOOTSvASF) SHOES. , . -We have every 'style of Sbring and Summer NATIO‘MAL cggflgfiel‘u‘ COLLEGES: lnts, which in quality and nice cnnnot failro ‘ ‘ . . please. Boy’s and Men's flats and Cups of} t; F PlilLADthél'lg." S'rs it"; descriptxoiifand of thdlues: “)1”. Out New YorkElignllr’oronklfy’noatlbnn},Troy,l3nfl'tlo ' , i ' . 7 _toc p'BOOTS ! , l Detroit, Cleval‘nnd, Chicago and St. Louis. r! 4: ' SHOESI ‘ x I Book-keeping, Penmanship. Commercial i ‘ 'GAITRRS. 3:9,, h,” Arithmetic, Common-Fin! Law, Forms, Correl m ggifrmmm lbigie-d‘ierglemlP°¥§§§§°é£fégfliiifims23s3;“;gmn fling i]; ‘35: fir; “eyegceomnbzt‘etnjmpgm 'nnd local management, and unitingineecli lbe‘ M. m WW2 “n ... Fume. If you want bar ina,good fits end unpot ‘s'" f“ 1:3“. y. ‘ ashionnb‘le goqu. call M' be sign of the BIG I winsllc-tllxgl‘:r|slllil $33335” one ii good inall BOOT? m Lhambervgburg I: "fix; GULF for an unlimiteiiime. ‘ ‘ Joule!) 1862 . [4o:ng C(lßE'A‘a‘f The Philadelphh College has been rerently ...__._'__~ ' __.‘_.J_ -'_.___. enlarged and refnrnished in neuperior manner, 1 ' New Go'pds. ' i and is now theddngest and most prosperous f . Commercial Institution in the State. ‘ ' SPEISG GOODSI‘i-XSEE) (Tjgé‘koglggl‘fllms , Bryant «l: Stl‘KOH'i series of Text Books, ll t‘ -‘. d‘d or w o ; l r embracing Book-kaeping, Commercial Arith are jugurel‘e‘ e'" .9 ° Ynenmga "“6 motic andCOmnierqinlLtw for‘ule and nut and Chou-e assortment of SPRISL- GOOQS, ml by mg” \_ ,' . ’ ‘ ’ which they invite the attention of the public. ' » $9 . Having been purchased with care at reducedi qygrlfgélzma, “1“. “ad {or ‘ circular, prices. we me propfired to give our customers UC 1" .‘ ' ' burninl'. 0m- Mock hasheen largely increased ’ by the addition offln choice Variety of the intélst styles of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, materinl for MENS’ WEARJCARRETING; QUEENS WAiiE. MILLINI‘iRY GOODS, km. comprising ,3 complete assortment of‘evcrything usually wnnted. Cell early and telect bargains for yourselves. FzQHXLSTOCK BRO'S. Apr); 3,718.62. . ~ STABLISH .\l EN'l‘x-GEO. F. ECKENRODE, 4 FASHIONABLE TAILOR. adopt: this method of informing his friends and the public generally,,thnt he has opened a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore street, Gettysburg, (late Pos£ Olfice.) near the Dia mond. where he is prepare-l 1.0 do all work in his line in the best manner, and to the satis faction of customers. He employs none bn¢ first else: hands, and receiving ‘ THE FASHIONS REGULABLY, he can warrant fashionable fits and neat and substantial sewing. He 313 k: a share of tin pnblic': patronage, promising to spare no ef fort to deserve it. Ilia charges will always be found an moderate as the iii-nos will Allow. Cutting Ind Rewiring done It the lhortelt notice. [Gettysburg, April 7. 1852. R6ll”,olipelSllm.kc., m, 1 chap n ‘ MCKING’B. : “atfl «van j ' ‘ mrpmm'w;t ma; * mum: anm‘mxnjmx. New Firm: I . 6 1.3.3193. fAf‘Hl'NE.—- Idinz nnd nth-ring T's IMPROVED I] intend: to sup [ll; ull vhuqt the vingd-u‘binv. t-n nn vnlirel) new: [those who 1m \‘e‘E [I ins .cxmr bccm ilmn any other uy oghcr tub wlxh S. SUERF) coal. New TailOring ‘ The Old and Behable. EV SPRING GOODS. L SMALL PNOFITQ! QUICK SALES.— J . L . SCH l C K would "spatially my to the citizen: of Gfl tylburg :nd viminity‘y that he is now receiving n his note a splendid . STOCK OF flPRING GOODS. The noel: counisfl in pan of chy Ind Staple DRY GOODS, of every délcription. SILKS. ‘ ‘ lOZANBIQUEJ CHALLIES. _ DELAK-XES. A . noanziNEs. ‘L . ALPACCAS,‘ . ‘ 1 ‘ ,uwxi, s: C LICOES, of n‘l qualifiel and 3choices¢ stylen. which will in sold at PRICES I‘o DEFY COMPETITION. FCMlsgmiG GOODS of all kinda. including Silk. {gluon and Cotton Handkerchiefl, Gloves, Stockings, kc.. . “ Also, n splendid‘n‘saortmenl of RIBBONS, Lace. und Edgxngs. Umbrellas and anols.- - My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full Ind completc. and customers may rely upon :lvmys geuxng good goods at the lowest. pulsi blo prices. Gentlemen wjll find it to tbcir advantage to Call and ex‘nmine my stock of CLOTHS, ‘ CASSIMERES and ‘ , § ' YESTINGS, of all qunlnies and'choiccsl styles. " ‘ April 21, 1862. J. L. scmcm Dr. Robert Homer’s EW FAMILY DRUG no * F . rnmrmw’nox STORE, 'cmsltannsnvnq ‘lfatrf. czrn'suvna .Having' retired Mm! the naive prnctice of my profession, I take plenum: in‘nnnouncing to the citizena of Chg-iburg and vicinity,thut I hxu'e opened a , , NEW DRUG STORE, in the room formmly OCL'Upicd by Drs. R. t 0. “mm”. as an ofiiCe, where 1 will constantly chp on lmnd a large supply ofnll kind: of ‘ FRESH DRUGS, ‘ MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PERFQMERY. I {i , TOOTH POWDERS. DYE STUFFS, DRY PAINTS, and . PAlNTS.grmlnd in Oil, OILS, Expreeacd and distilled, , -, STATIONERY nfnll kinds, Inks, Pens, Pcnrila’f'dpr—r, Pam‘s. (flushes, kc. PATENT 'mmmes All the pnpular 'Plitent .\lrn‘irinou. together with :1 solar-lion of pure “'lfx'lCS, BRANDIES nnd \VIIISKEY, lo‘r medicinal piirpows only. alwayfl on lmnd. 1:11 a word, my SIOJ‘k Pmbmffis everything n§nnlly found in u first-clussilore of lhi: (ll‘SCripElulli ' A larg‘e supply of fresh Drnga has been re reiw-d, and others are arriving, wlnich'l am of le‘rmg to file public on \cry uccnmmodating terms. My Medicines haw- nll hern'purchnsed under my personal inun-rtlion nud' supervision from the most relulnhlc home-.\. I can ,therefore not. only rt-cummeml‘llicgn a: pine and fresh, but can srll tlu-m :clwnp. , . \ .\'. li.——-I’AIeCL’LAR ATTENTION given to the treatment at all chronic dflacrlrt‘s. mas-A n v H: E ‘iz A 'l' 15.13. May 12. mu. :1 ( ' . '3’ 7 '7 : ,_A,,_,~__,(_.- Vmegar-«Vmegar. [IE underticné‘l h:l<(:um'|lr-m'-~d lhl‘ mnnu: T fm-turn of Vim-gm" on, \fl'ndninctmx street. (A few door: norxlfnf “'12:! ‘li‘d lie street: (Bet l'\ sh'urg. He in]: bi m )xulnu'lu-Luring fins Vinc uur fnr nmu 13' “no "30:”, and i! In: gin-v general s¢tl<fiutmn Tim. r‘Hg-vfiuritj uf' (Ins Vinegar nwr Ml min-r Im\suf.n:l’)ml'x ,Vinvgnr. t'nnsigts In It hunk n‘adc inhr: ly‘tit' ‘grxin, nn acid of any kind 'htmu liq-J in if: rompmilion, 'nnd Irm- frnm war-Him]: Injurmusr. h 3: Emmy, mm} “(the s:u.lctlzm- p!c:.<.ml9.tho“crew-mi has n}! 11.9 prescri'ulivv qualities Inuurl 1n uro (‘idc'r Vinmnr. hr in [xv-vp-nrrv! luwfilulg'mle ”:94 Vine—gar in nfiy qumfuy. "':\ll.nnd exam~ in: for goyrwlveg. ‘ ALA.“ DIEHL. Certificate. “7’l“, the undyrsignud hr-rt‘hv" deriify that We hnve 'uw-l m, cur favfihos. for \‘nri um purpnwa. Hm Vim, u' I.l—nxilt‘urturz-d and Full] h'. AIM" Kirittthiuu 13'!” it 10th H“ Um! In- roprrm-nk H (in hr. “'0 LAW ft'rh' refit“! it mu] 'l‘ lie-:0 E» to lw snpr'rhn‘ .u «~H"r_x ruspl-ct. In any other nmhmm-lurwi YIN-gm we hflve ever I'm-P, and :‘Would recummend it, ‘to all persons. . I .. _ . ‘ Wm. Boyer & Son. ficttfshnrg,~ J‘lcoh Snrlu-rk .‘6 ($O., ,“‘ mam .t Gzlln-sril‘. H ’ Julm (‘humht-rhn, Finnklin twp; “ Lm’i I'itzer. J . “ , ‘ _»\.F.(‘.'m.o\:fugd. ; ' " .\luyJ‘LIéGZ. ’l)* ,1 . fl'rees! Trees! Trees! THE undersigned ip’ilc av'enlion to their A lulrgc and wall grann Stork of I - FIN'IT AND- ()I€NA.\IE.\"I"\L TREES, ‘74 Shrubs, 5%.. embracing“ inn: and romrlote ascomnent of‘ Ail'l’lJ-Ih“ Midi“, PEACHES, PLIWIS. CHERHXES. AQ‘IKIH) ‘S, and NEC -I'ARXXES, Standard 'or flu- Qrclmrd, and Dwarf for the lhirdl-n. JININJ. l WALNCTS, SPANISH CHESNFTS HA7. ENI'TS, $O.. RASPBERPJEXZ srniwnfi 1155,: CUR RANTS n'nd GUQSHBEJKRIHS, ingrown variely. GRAPES 0t choice-4 kinds, ASPARAGUS, RIH'BARH. Bm, kc. Mso, a finézs'ock of we" formed, bush} .l-IVERGREBNB, ‘Euimhle for the Cemett-rynnd Lawn. . . _ ‘ DECIDL'UI'S TREES. fo'r sine: plnnung, and 11 general ssaurtmtflnl of. ' . Omar-34111. Tutu: Axn l—‘mwl‘amn Sunnis. .. ROSES, of choicp varieties, UAMELIAS, BEDDING PLANTS, kc. ~ - ' ohr stock is iromnrkntly thrifty Ind fine, and we offer it Hi pricas in suit the tinieg. [Q'Catnliigug‘n mailed m nll EllpiiCHMSr Addresq EDWARD J. EVANS, a: co., Gentml Nurseries, York, Pa March 24, 1361, If ‘ . e, /r/ •y "ee A --7 fl ... (...—.7. “ do Vilma” 2 HOTOGBAPH l—We havcjnat Introduced P a. splendid imfirsive column in our Gnllery and Ir: now prowl-Ed m furnish the new style “Carte de Visitflrl‘holozrnphh-lour for I dollar. TYSON BROTHERS. Excels‘lor Sky-light Gallery, Gettysburg. March 10, 1562. l ( Notlce. E desire all persons indobted to us to ‘5 call and puke settlement, having undo a change in our manner of doing business. Oct. 18, 1861. FAHNESTOCK BEO'S. ARPETS, C.-\RPETS.—A splendid '10! of C Carpetingmgood and cheap—just opened It the New Storebf M. SPANGLEB. L. SCHICK has just received 3 lot of . cheap Looking Glessee HE Mtention of the Indie: is reapectfully invited to a large and splendid nuortmen‘. of edies’ fine Kid an. Morocco BOOTS end SLIPPERS—Luting Gaiters, ac" to, at April 21. R. I". McILHENY‘S. URE BRANDY, WINE AND WHISKEY, for medicinal purpose: only,” the New Drug re of ' g Dr. R. HOMER. RUNKB Ind (hi-pet Seek: cheaéxn , P 1 _ING’B . 331%“ « an: ‘ Hardware ’..\'D GROCERLES.—- The subscriber: h“ just nun-nod "$— t e chic: with In immune supply 0! HA WARE AND GRDCKRLES, which tho, are offering an tin-i: old stand m Baltimore street, It prices to sun. the times, Unrswck cousins in pan of . » . BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTERS TOOLS, \ BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS. , ‘ COACH lINDINGS, SHOE FINDISGS. E X . , CABINET MAKER'S TOOI‘iS. \ HOCSEKEEPER’S 4F 'TL’RES, ‘ALL KISDS .0 IRON, 50., ' GaocEm‘Es OF ALL, 5‘03, Oils, Plinls, be” to. There is 0 article in cluded in the‘aelcral departmefits mentioned slung 13m whi“. Lean be had n Ethia Store.— Erery class of Mechanics can b commodnted here with‘ 100qu and findings, :11 Housekeep en elq find every article in mainline. Give In a call, as we are prepared to @2ll as low for ugh 'lO any other house out of?!) gity. JOEL :1 DANNERL ‘June 9, 1862. ‘1 DAVID g;_IEGLI-‘.R. 1882; l . 186:. . Bargams! Bérgams! H ‘ HATS, ens. mom .mfisnons. TRUNKS ASH TRAVELL XG BAGS.— Hming ju‘st re‘ceivgd a wry lnrgé supply of'the above goods, we are prepared to sell them lower than ever ’sold in this place. My smck is most. compltte. embracing every stylewl‘Shoos and Hats-made. .‘ - p . 1 HATS AND CA S, , consisting of all the lama: ‘slyl s for Spfing una Summei. 1 u , . “ -.BOOTS§ AND vSH ES,' —‘ for Gentlemen. undies and Chil en. ' City-made and Eastern work r'om 25_ccms up. TRUSKS oi'cvery descript n rind kind. Woll} and examine the 1).: aim; at ' April 21, 1862; R. y. m ILHBNY'S: SECOND ARRIVAL X? SE00? ARRIVAL! I " __ ‘ ‘ ‘ New‘ Mercantile Firm NEMMITSBURG. ‘ ‘ ‘ -= I NEW GOODSppd‘ ‘ ‘ V LUM’ PRICESI— ‘ The new fim'vof smm 3: snofin rqspéctfuliyl' inform 'their fric’mds and the pu‘billc gvnemiiy, i that they inn-e just returned from Ile cities with a splendid assortmentpfi Gabds, consist.- ing of Lmiics' i ~ DRESS G‘OODS." 1 such as Prints, him Hazufi. ('imllieu‘ Lawns. Or gandiz-s, ’Hohes nl u‘flkimla, AinL-cns‘ hilks,‘ SWS3? JnrohéL-thmk and (‘nmbxiu .\iusiins, Ribhons, and n guod usual-gluon; of Lmiiqs‘ Collnri. Cniictoes and Muslms, at old'firiccs, ‘ CLOTHS,“ i . CASSIMER/ES. ‘ A ; ‘ VESTINGS, ’* ‘ Jeans,&q.,lk~c., or men'xl wear: { . ' muuij‘nmns CLOTHING, _ ‘ BOOTS, .51] ES, 5 ’ 3,. 1 . g : l HATS AND CAPS, ‘nii~p:ices. 'A iqood stock of Cotton Yam, HARDWARE - y ‘ ‘ ; QL‘Eii-zsswms, ‘ , i ' DRUGS and , f MEDICINES ; . a. good stock of: prime ‘ O ’ (JilmcmuEs, sm, 'unrl all kinds nd' goodzj. such as are pennany found jn :1 country store. llm’iug bought for Custhe (-zgn nn‘urd to'st-Il M. the vorv lowest price-1., ()u‘r motto is—“fQuiclg Sales and Small Profits." ‘ ; mecse mhds are really nary bcautiful, and “'9 yum: It‘defiHCHy underskuod that. we will FFllem vcry‘rhup fur Gus“, or to punc tual customer: In six months? H‘ense call and examine bc-{or}: purchaaiug' elsewhere. We won” resprcmllly return nur Hunks to_bur friends forth» him-ml [mtronagcfieyu‘nded to us thus tar, nud nas'pecnully :‘nk y'cominunnce 'thereofi ‘1 ; sm'm &- snmm. Enlulitsllurg.§.\l.l., April 21, IBG'J. . 1)‘ ——-~: ‘ , ~-. —a Rem val.--Tin IWare. HE undur: sue-1 has remolgt‘a hie Tinning :1‘ cstiblbhncut noun-r th'c [l)i:{nvnd. in hnmbersbnrgx strum: mljwirlinz IA. ‘1), Durh kr's Drugt‘tor‘e—n \ery central iocntinn. . He continues to manufacture. and ‘ke'gps qunstunt l" on [nun]. 14'er \‘nriety of ‘ TIX-WAKF, ~' ’ ‘I’RESSED AM) i . £ _ JAI'ANKDJ'WARE, and will alwnfis be ready mpo hfimmma. neupxu 11an spot km also done in the lust nylnnor. Prices moder ate; and 111. («(I'an -spltod mire dier full mtisfi Lwtion. TlllO ‘public’s cumin“ ‘lpnlronnge isl solicited. _' ~ A. _l’sd BAL‘GHER, I Gch- xi ,‘April':, 18»; , ~ QQWard Assr lllL.\Dl-JllPlllA.—Fm P-‘Sick and Dis!re=sed. lent and (‘hronic Dlséa‘i‘ the Cure of Diésuu-s of MEDICAL ADVICE giV' ing Surgeon. ‘ \'.\[.r'.u;Ll-: REPORTS h ~ _ , or Seminnl \mGnesi, and Gram" Disease: of the smm: Orgnus. nnvl on mi, Mzw “mu-:- DH‘IS emplbyqd in tlm Dispohszfi’}. Si“!!! N) the afflicted in srnlud lenor elngllpes, {hip or charge. Two or three Stamps ' “phage will be accepmblo. . 1' V _ Addreas, Dr. J.‘SKILLI.‘I ll . hIITON, Ac!- ‘ingSumeon, lflnw‘nrd Acsocinti 11:, No. 2 South Ninth Street.kl’hilndolphia, l'n. f ‘Junelfi, 18:52. .ly ' L, ___.._ . .+_- -___.___. 5:..._._._ Come to the $1“ ND DON'T Hangm'xovmn‘ PLEASAXT A RIDGE NURSI-lllll‘li—ngpona wishing to Plant 'l‘rceq will find the stock in the ground remarkably film, and otTeeratjfiduccd prices. The Apple nqxubers 100 \"nriqti‘cg,'cmbm’c‘ing 11l thaupprovod FQI'SIF.‘ _ -f . 1 N. IL—Sce the hide; board but F-lora nax‘e‘ Pasloflice. , 'r. E. 000K115 soxs, z 1 Sept! 2,1861. l il’roprieton. «l ' ' A Ready Ma: et. ‘ l ' BUSHELS ‘RAL‘I WANT 100'000 ED.——Wo a.“ takcn uh: houselately dccupied [by Kline lief, Bollingei ‘ l Co., with nidelcrminntion thm _y the highezt market pricealfur Ill‘kinlls of( sin. You will find us auppllcd wxlh PlJSlrlfl, GUANO at all kinds, unocsnms. \nqxs' re and Retail EUMBER, cog-L. me mry ozbfilmirle in our 11'“ of businras told M the iowut possnble manna”: Calllndenmi eouuzoclund prmu Luore puxjclmaing elsewtsire. - ~ . ' IJIEHL. BRINKE OFF 3 CO. Apr 1122,1861. ;! Hg . New Restatr‘gnts HE undersigned hss opened 1. Restaurant, I M themdrncr of York 33nd Liberty streets, euysburg, wjvhere‘me will keep everything in the eating line in season—~3l” (\le, Lager, and Cider, Sagan, Tobacco, kc. ,He is likewise fitting up ‘5 Saloon for Ice OMEN}: the same place. Hi h¢pes, by intention oibusincss sud I desire 1d please, to receive n§ihernl share of custom. l HENRY WQ‘CHRXSMER. May 5, 1962. s __7_ ._._d~__...__-_.._,..§______ , ‘ Frames. V ILDE‘D FR'AIIES!~TYS(§N BROTHERS have just received lrom Bhilsdelphln end now ol‘er Lollie public the lérgest Ind best, murlment of Gilded Frames ver brought to Gettysburg, a‘t astonishinglylofl' prices. Please callnnrl enmlne them. E‘xcdsior Sky-light. Gallery, York street, opposite the Bank, Gel. lysburg, Pu. [Mfi‘rch 10, ‘1862. Removals. nndenizucd,being the ainhorized pet-non to unke‘ removals into Ever Green Came tar-1,110”: that aucb Is contempaate the removal ofthn remain! of deceued re in: or frigndn will nu}! themselvel of this on oftheyear to lure it done. Remouls made in: prompmen -—‘ennl fow, Ind no effort apafied to pieaae. ‘ PET 2R THORN, Here]: 12, '9O. Keeper ofihe cemetery. - . - g .7 .- MBRELLAS of every wrist!!! - ‘ YCKISG’S. OURNING GOODS—The finest auort aunt of burning Goods ever offered, cu: now be seen And bought at lower price: then they hue ever been sold before. CAI] Al once at the lign of the Red From. April at. FABNESTOCK BROS. EW FALL & WINTER'GOODS l—A good tuonm,t of Fall and Winter Good; n c up n th. cheapeet It AfiCpTT & son's HEAmer‘iem Rumored!” and Brown. for ale at Dr. R. HORN?! Dru" stor’. - O At** IRFALLIBLE LINIJIENT, 170 R RHEUMATISM. GOUT, NBURALG‘A, LUIBAGO. BTIFF NECK ANI) JOHTS, SPBAINS, BRUSES, CUTS AND WOUNDS. FILES. HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND .w NERVOUS DISORDERS. ' For all of which it is n speedy und certain remedy, Mid never fail». This Liqimemil pre pared tron; ‘he recipe 0! Dr. Stephen Swen. of Connecticut, the famous bone softer, and but been used ,in his meticc for more lhnn twenty yours with. the mqst astonishipg 'l‘ugceu.. ‘As an Alleviltor of Pain, “in unrivaled by any prépnmtion before the public, of which the most. :I'keptical may be confined by n oin gle uni. [a J _ ‘ Thin Liliiment will cure rapidly fund radical- U, Rheumationi'sorders of every kind, and in thqusnnds olcuel when It bu nevor been known la fail. _ For Neumlgia', it will «mm; immeduu relief in eatery case, however distressing. ‘ 1 .It will nelievnh‘e worst'caseo of Headache in three fuinutgs and is warrs'nled to (1011.. Toothache also will it. cure ianmntly. For Nlervo’us Debility and General Las pimde arising lrum imprudcnxe m- excessfihis 'Linimencjs a most. lmppy and u: filling remedy. Acting «lfirectly upon Illelnfirvqus flannel, it strongman!) and revivifies the mama, and re stores- it ‘o elasticity and vigor. [ 1 . _ For ilesQ—As M’: extend]! remedy, we Chilly“! t. it is the but knowufitud we' chal lenge lhc‘world to produce’ anve‘qun'll Every rictxm' of this distressing romfiluint should givv it a irinl, for it"ill n'o! l'nilllo nfi'u'd im mediate relief, amidn a majority juf cases will alike! 8 u‘zdu‘ul cure. r ' ‘' ‘ 1 Quin I and Sore Throate‘nl‘re lom’uimas extreme]?y nmln‘guam .nnd duugrroui. but. at (inn-1y npplicntiou’uf this Lin‘unpht will nunr mil to nuke. » ‘ , 11‘ ‘ ’ a ‘ ; , Sprai‘ns Mp sometimemvéry obstinate, and enlargement qr the; Mints is linbge {0 occur if neglecteq. The “oral. chap :mxj' Pc- conquered by this hinimqm in mo or lhrec‘duys. .‘ Bruiq‘es. Cuts. Wou‘nds, Sorés, Ul - Burns- and Spalds, Mold reudnly to the w‘oddertu] henliupyropehiés of DR. SWEETE INFAIJJHLE, LINIMI‘INT, when used ncdording '0 directions. ‘Also, ('IHL BLAINSI‘.‘ I’HUSTEU FEET, AND. INSECT. JHTES ‘ ND SL‘IXUS. _ ‘ .1311. Sugar»: SWEET, or Conn., 11):: Urea}. Knlpnu Hunc Setter. Dr]. Stephcnfiwcet, ut‘Connccticut,-_in known all orcr the United States. '_. , ~ Dr. Siy-pbeé Sweet. uf—(‘onneclicun is the amhor (pf " D}. Sweet‘s Ynfallibk Linimt-utfi‘ ‘ ; Dr. SKveet‘s:lnfulllblc'lduimcm c'uremlihg'u mmismznnul ugw-r {:uls. . _‘ ' ' Dr. Shh-2‘s, lut‘aliible Linime'ht (- n’cnrmln ”mad, {for Nqurnluinu ‘ DrfSuN-l'hlufitlfiblc hinimcnt cures Bum and Scdltk imgmmfinu'ly. . ‘ ,_ Dr‘ SEwe'Bf Infnllible L‘miment is-lhe bo‘n known‘rcxggdy for Fpmini and} Bruiica. Dr. .‘er‘t‘K- Infnlliblc Linime‘nl cures_HMd. ache I%thl‘dln’cly and was never known to fail" Dr. guru-Ff laninhlc Lininu‘m nfiérds 3m medm! relic-I',de l’ile=.:wd svl'luin; fdnylu cure. Dr. kun's? Inmmm- Liuimom run-q Tooth: Mchein'one minute ,Y’ ' ' 9 Dr. J‘H‘Pl 3111“!“le Linimht cure: Fun fun” wzunds i'mmnlfuzdy :md .lmves no amr. Dr. Hum-F? lanllahle Linhqom i: the has! remednyor 39m; in HM known wurld. Dr. "VOL-I'sl 11:311.!de Liu'innnz lms hog-n med W mur'u‘ "mm a m luau ppdplc, um! All prhisc it. ‘ > - ' . , i= 1 Dr. 'weet's nhllihlc' Liu'ifiw'ut (“km in ":H'lfin', curés Uhohg, Cliojeh Slurhus 9nd . Chan-:1 ‘ ‘ 1 - Dr. Sweet". Inlnllible Linignoutii truly I “Mend. in m‘KHiJVaLd cu-ry: tnmily should have ilun lmnd, ' Dr. Sweet’s} Infilll‘xhlr Linimqnt i‘ fur axle by nlLDruk‘isu.‘ Price 25 nudist) cuuh, ' ,‘I 1 , 1 l / i l . n . .1 ,A .l A 1312 mm: IN‘IQIEED. I fiTR‘ MIA—DR. SWEI-Zl‘isf HFAIJJBLE, “SUM-237T. us an vuejrml re éedy. is M'rlhnuL (n rival: und Wm tdln-Vlint" [mil mm'e‘ spoidil" than finy other prvpnml-iun.; ,For all‘ [then matic nd Nut-Von: [)nmrdtn it is truly infulli-i bla, mid :15 $3 ('nr‘nhc fqr Sun/s. Wounds. Sprain , Bruités, kc. its sleuthing; healing and, p 0“ erfnl strc vglhvninft premium, ”(-11.0 the just w' ndx-rn‘nd m-rnsn‘lsiunvuy of 2111 who lnue' ever 4km i 111; trml. UVH‘ mic thousand cer~‘ tificnlos of rdmannhle cnron, pcrfonned by ,I'.‘ withiq’ the last two years, M L‘buhe luct. ‘‘z “ . l , »T 9 snonsn owrfwns. BIL; SWEETS INK-ll.” ILE LINIMENT ;FOR HORSES Y 5 ulrimlml h .nny. nhd in-11l 3 cases 1 of lm'mcnesa. «ruin; from Sprain, ,Bruiaqs or Wré-nching. it; “Tea! ls mngifisl find i cermih. Hutnnu or Snddl'r falls, Scratches, Mange, Inn, it will also cure ‘pccdily. Spgvin nnd Ringlmn’e nmy be easily prevented and xurod: in lhcir incipient stagnb, hut confirmed cases lire .heynnd tllc possibility ol'a m'dicnl cure. S'No rise of the khid,“ bowc'vor. is so flex-[refine or hopeless hut it [guy he gllnviated .by this Linimunt, and its faifihl’ul nppliénhion ‘i will alum” remove {he Lamqness, an: ennble ,the hqrses to lrgu'bl with compqmtii'e‘ ase. ahonlh have this rémefly M, hhni. for ita time ly uni“ the first nppmrunrc of Lsmpnoq will efl‘cct any prieven: lh‘nsc fornfltfnhle diseases. to which all Korses are liable, lind which ran der so many ioth'erwlle' valunlfle hon;- nearly worlhlesi. ' I " IxrALLxBLE “Mun”, To-evoid inpa-ition, observe the Sign-tun and Likeneu of Dr'. Stephenf Sweet on every label, Ind also “Stephen. SweeL'l Inf-[lime Liuimenl." blown in me 311:! of’esch home, without which none Are, genuine. fiSold by 111 duleu evc'ty'here De:. 8, 1862. ly Sale Crying. g“ ~ . W. FLEMMING continue: the b'fnlnu . of SALE ORYING, tad solicits [becau tinuqd patrondgo of the public. I: In N. can unt endeavor to give gstiafacdon. Chugfl moderate. Residence in Breckinridge Imm; Gettysburg. 1 ' P. S.—He is A licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Luv of the United Staten. ' _ Nov. 24, ”62. _ BBB—rims 000 mg? For. aura. nonlive Shilling I t _on_ lad. {to nation, ’fq nit t: Dr. {R‘cfiOßfim Em; motor . ' , - k DR. SWEET’S 3mm REMEDY EVERY HORSE OWNER DR. swErrs IS T,II II SOLDIERS rmyxn; v ra ' . 1 And lhoumda'hsvelfoflnd it truly 4 #3l:sz ngznnnx , . .——. CAUTIOFQ RICHARDSON . t 00., - Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Conn HORGAK 8 ALLEN, Genera Agents, , 46 CHI Street, XII York. No. 71 “lan “13:, “‘1 your. This uniclc. h nude 0! ML exyomely thick Ind .nrong quen fabric, invented and manufactured cxpmnly {of our own an, “I in “le fines thlpkeg than flu ”an abut. Eng commonly cud in on other madden roofing, “d oouongnq, In um MI. From are superior thickness of Illii cloth, It fleeing, in utuntion, a far greater mat a! the water-proof competition, and lb.» Idaho ed with the fire-pr»! coating “‘11:! Int-face, prnenll the mo» completely finilhdflnd, , l we arg confide“, molt duhbk—rooflng now known. n need! no fin! coatnpplhd on flu roof, u all other kipds do hr 18 “11“va T 0 mm. DOWN. It in mafiufaetpnd and put up in roll: than 'one hundred feet long, and nine feet wide;- requiring dqiy to be unrolled, aid nuiled on; ‘ Hue roof. ' ‘ - . ’l3 this convenignt ind fininhed mt»; n 1. espcélally warlby the attention of HARDWARE ,usncmx'rs, L ‘ 'rmssns, BUILKERS,‘ and all who buy,” lelli again. 'We do not Hold cm to such the prospe‘ct of manual" promo immediately, but he ofl‘er I really muchuu-I blo article, in dcfimnd every winner-ad .M I“ times WE CALL. ATTI-JXTIQMO ATEW Pomrsx L ‘ - A ' )st. 1!. £O5llB unly about. half as much II (In. And is twice rs durable. . . x : . K 2.). n a. kdnpcea “to [ll kinds of mars; whether new or flan} A ‘ , 3d. h in not ufl'cclbd injuniounly 'by heat 01: cold. . w 4th} Any ordjnnry york‘mnn cun lpply. it sth. it i; not the “cheapest" roofing {3:11. It is the bes‘ rbofing This, Roofing hru been ueed inner; varifly oft-humle. from l'llllndALll) ('ulifc»flxin, and we can mou‘posiliwl} rel unum-ud i! to be Intirn; ly p; a? «mum the t-huugev of hm: n‘nd mld that fire no dean-uni” to Imm; other kinds of Roofing. : IT WILL mrsnrnsuxo MN m nmJ ..t , wzgnmea. IT max. .wr' mum: H cum ‘ m EATHHL ‘ It i- n nrrfec! pruti-uion. npninn fire‘ Grail {he iwlliuymintlers run! [my wnlA from'imxn in: building! ndjujuinu th'inaflunfinz. It i: so clumlc'nnd nxrunf'th :1 (ho ~, S H lIINKIXG 0F [LUIIF-KHA RPS dm‘l nnt ixjnrc ‘X. ' It in mlrliruiuly valnnh‘ue on hrtnriu, l-‘rmmlru‘ifinunr Rt-fiiwrws. Minnlu-rinmidnll buildings when: tho nir‘ ik‘im'nrgmu-I n‘ilb g mm or xnuu ”my-v. 4 1:3: 2 ; A 1;- ‘r 2.2 4m% é—fiuflll‘o 1213‘ L sin-“if;