TEE ' CAPTUII‘OYIHI QUEER C THE WEST. The following Southern nave is teken from the Richmond Examiner, of Soturday Week : ‘ CAPTUII or ran norm. Jun": QVIIN ol' nu wu-r. _ For: Hudaou. Feb. IT.-‘—Ceptein Cannon. , from Red ring, brings information of the ‘_ rupture of the Queen of the West, um recently succeeded in running our lid-tel“! n_ Vicksburg, at. Gordon Landing. 'Fort Taylor, on Red river. The Queen of the R West captured the Confederate tron-port lire No. 5, and forced her pilot. John Burke, to take the wheel and ordered him minke the bout to our batteries. Burke feigned ; fear, but finally took the wheel under. \ Yankee guard. ‘ UKm nearing the batieriel he told the ' Yaniraes ihey‘were fifceeri milu'from them. immediately running CR'FG in, when she ruceived a ehqt which buzke the atesmpipe, disabling the boat. T e Yankéea were whofly, unprepared for the fight, and bus orted no danger. Burke jumpedrover gourd and drilled ashore. The crew made theirescnpe with the exception of eighteen, who fell into our hnnds. The‘cfew, with ~two boon; got. aboard the ankee gunboat De Soto. and, with two hundred stolen no ; graces. effected their edcnpe. ' The Queen ‘of the Weft in now in posses- lion of the Confederates: and will be towed ‘— up to a filace of satiety for rem“: ‘lt is re ‘ported tat thh Yankee gun t Indianaln hu gone up Red river to rqcsipture her.— 'l‘hE conduct ofißurke ejicited the highest encomi‘ums. Later intelligence states that the Confederate steamer Well clmsely pur sued and capture-d the Era, which is disa— ' bled in one wheel. . 'l'he Que'eh of the West~ , in but slightly injured and will n be in fighting trim under Confederate Errors.~ ' We have positive informatioh thnt' the {rampart De Soto was burned by the Yun . keen ‘to prevenbher falling into the hands ‘ of the Confederates. ' , A ’ ‘_ [sucoxumsrncml' , E Port-”udwn, Feb. ~lBLh—Thu Alexandria, K - LIL, Df-mOCI-ut extra, received here, contains ‘ the official re on of the capture of the \ Queen of the kVent, the Yankee iron'-clm.l « lhut‘recently succeeded in running our bat k-ries at, Vicksburg. Captain J.‘ Kelw, ~ commnndmg the furtificutnoxi 911 Red river} ‘ :uys:—“'l‘wo gunhoam madtquir‘appeur- ance in from. of this position'm. 5 o’clock lush evening. . ~ "Afléra brisk cannonndjn‘g the leading ‘unb‘oat,Qu€-en ofthe \th,.struck her cul< on; Immediately ordered (li-int. llutwn. “I" the Crescentarlnllexy, and LINK. Ueluhun ty. .to Ademuud a surrender. Thv'sn ulli ‘ cert report. but thirlmn ol' the Ollie-ens ‘nnd crew on boaud. The others escaped un der cover of the night. The viaible results .of the cuptlxremnalsl. of one 32 pounder rifled purrog gun: one I’4 pound“ ; three " l 2 lmumlers, mm duw bllgluly damaged, besides a large supply of fluininv, two cubes of ampulnlmg ilhtruulenln. ‘clothng. flour, bacon, beet. park. lurd, lm-ud, and other norm in pguportum." , ‘ ‘ The ilk-mound. guys that the view y was collwlele,’gr:md and doc-nun], und‘ a 2m: ~ ready to rupture all such chum as 'icl(_B - 13:25.15“. K ,3 ‘_ ' fi "‘ <- - .- ~ ( ' fl‘ Auisled h} .rontnlmtions fr ._ the Indie: (inertysburg, tluc,l.'uiuu Relie’f fioricly L. of Mrs. Eystor's l-‘cnkamtilute forwarded, on ‘ _: f‘Tm-ldny last, to Washington. cure of lluu.‘ E. chPhcrson, two barrels of Hospiml stores, ,j cumming: ' glue following articles: ll snafu dried npples, 4 sucks cherries; 7 sacks [mu-1h s, 3 sucks pears, I suck blackber- T- fies, l HACK eldgrberncs, ll curs peudncs, 4 :3 tnnl tnumlues, 2 (ans [umwhlmuvn 1, run : Tluincebuner, '4‘ cum upp'lubuner, 1 can [lead] jnn, 2 Buns llll‘illl'cjl'HyYl can) uppl: jelly, lcun curriml jelly. l mu blackbgrxy jelly, I can crab apples; 1 can plums, 1 jar plums, 2 bottles vine, [hollle (.deihl, 2jugs wine. 1 paper card ‘ llarqh, l bushel corn lyunl, I} buabuia apples, - J bundle linen. . Q‘The Aholitionists denounce all vgho do not endorse and nppluud their insane lied ruiinqu‘s policy asf‘bopperheads.” Let nth Horus—make Hole of it. \ ' , special Notices. 1 1 " Important Discovery. 'J ‘ 1111.1“ 141‘” lenzs. . .' \ BRYATL’B‘ mummy. \VL-XEERS are iunfflil ‘ lng in [he cure ...:f Cuughs, Cold=, Alsthmu, :‘ Bronchitis; 81m» Throat, llunreenosw, Ilflicnlt t\ Brtnthing. lncipycat. Consumption, 11 d«[)is ' ‘ ones of the Lungs. They have no (1519 of a. Inculicine. and uuy child will. take em.— »: Thousands Min: been restored to henlgh that .7 had before deslmircd. Testimony gi"en in hundred-1 of cases. A single dos}: xelfl-v‘cs in I Ten Minutes: ‘ ‘ ¢ ' * Ask for Bryan's Pulmnnic Wufirrsg—the origi ‘ gal and only genujna is stamped g31.51-yun.”'-—-- Spurious kinds am.- off-ref. tor mum Tavemy five cent: me. Snld by dmlerk géneully. ~. ‘ JUB MUM-18,501.: Propiielor, « ' Iluchcswr. .\'. Y. For “HP by A. D. Brulmxn. Gem slylxrgmnd ' o'll Dhmgipls. t [l"cb. 16, 1863. 1y ' ' The? Great English Remedy. \> . f Sm hugs (‘LK‘IIKE'S ‘ , 1.“ TCELEBRATE‘D'FEMALE'PILLS This invhlunble medicine is unfailing in the cure of nil tluie: painful and ~(Lingeroufi din _ one: incident to the female constitution”. ' ) It modetaitcn all excess, removes all obstruc ,‘ jionl, from whatever came, nnd' brings on the Eonth‘ly period with regularity. ' , - Thedé‘l'ills should not be tuken byrfemnles ’ ~ (her lnfiprrgnnnt 'during the FIRST , rims: loin“, u they are sure to bring on .\liscnr tinge; Iput A}. every other time and m every gather cube they are perfectly safe. In 3" uses ofNei-voul and Spinal Affection}, h ' psin in the Back and Limbs, ~lleavin‘esa, Fa ,tiyne on «light exertion, .Pnlpihtiqn of the flaunt; Lowness of Spirits, Ilysterics, Sick M Headache, ‘Whites, and all the puinful diseases pceuioned by a disordered system, these Pills lili chat a cure when all other means have lubed. .1 ' , ' I Fall duration: in pnmphlet ‘nround ‘each F My, which‘ should be carefully preserved. .: ' they .can be seem in a bottle, containing 50 ink): post. free, by enclosing $1» and 6‘ three ,go'n: IRS-mp! «3 any agent. r-i ,lfqr sale by A. 111%:an, Gettysburg, and ,-u magmas. [Feb. 16, 1863. ‘ly A Gtrd to the Sufaring. -The Rey. qunl 09.03M8, while laboring K M n Missionory in annn, was cured of Coh ' v-qmptionLWhen all other means had foiled, by _p recipe ohhinod frdm s leorngd physicinn re_- riding in» the grant. Guy of Jeddo. Thin recipe , Jul cured grant mimbers’ who were Infering txrom Coma.mption,,r Bronchitis, Sore Thront, Coughs And Colds. and the debility and normal depression pooled by these disorderg. Deuirous of benefiuiug otherg, I will send. filtrgoeipe, which 1 lave brought. home with no. to 01l who need it, free of chfie. , ‘ Milken Rev. WM. COSGROVE, i ‘39 Fulmn Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ”11-'l5) 135’- I” '66? Jersey Lands for am, an, : G‘wu on Fun Fun", luiuble for Grape], PM Pun, Empberriea, Strawberries, 7 1‘ Blukhomu, Currants, km, of l, 2;, 5. lo‘or so nmtofch, um following prices for the ‘ pmgn‘. m: ”Vt-ens for $2OO, 10 acres for‘ 8110, b more: for $6O, 2; notes tors4o, 1 acre for $2O. Plylbb b! We dollar a. wxeek. ‘ “,0. good Canberry buds, and ullage lot! in CHITWOOD, .25 by 10‘) fan, a $lO each, paysblo by 0M ““4“ 5 Wenk. Tim above 1.34. gnd (sun: nfe s&l:an at Chetwood, wghingmn Wluhlp! Burlmgxou coung, New Juicy. For further information upply, with g P. O. 331:!pr t circuhr, to ‘ B. FRANKLIN CLARK 5 £0.90 Cedu‘ Street, New York, {£s2 In. 26' 1863‘ ‘ , ,W! Consuming—Sufferers! lend ; 0" 09:51.5! to Dr. D’UNGEB, Bultimore ld., ‘ na raid“, by mm mu, - box of his iron; DIBFULLY 0533 mm CERTAIN CUBE gm: OOXPOUND. A box 1”“; "on: -> (In. :4, Im. 4.. , ravacn Dnowflxox.—we dedicatoq é, ‘ Poor-House Acc¢mit. ’ exerciua at tho Ocmnn Reformed Church jut! lACOB SHEADS. Enq.,Tm-u‘rer,in ncconqt erected In ”(hunter count-c. 1102 Friday?! with “IE Dirpnon of the Poor Ind lhi, ‘ . - a flame of Employment ofthe County at Adnuu, tuning “d couxuued ""0"!“ Sgufrday gn I being from che 7th d3] of Janunry. A. 9., '1862, Sand-y. The pumr in c_hugeJlev. h. H. 803- to u“. 5“, day “Jun", A. p., 1863: ' hens, was usined by Ru. 1.0; Fritchey, of‘ ~ DR. ' i Tnncywwn, Rev. T. P. Buchn,of lhll pl_ace, Cnsh necked from Joel 8. Dunner. ‘ Rev. Jncob Kebm, of York county, and Rev. ‘ 0 559-, T 031“? “fr"“nl’y 1 gig 2: ' ‘Z’ * ‘ - r er on _ oumy reuurer, , 0 W F . ”by: or Huio‘ur Theeurcuel wore Cub o! Sumac! Durbanwflommithe ‘ excfedlngly mun-Img throughouz,- und “:01 0, Ab] Sample, - attend-ace mu gobd, notwithstanding the bid you and p." inter.“ from J: mdl; The new edifice u rally bountiful-in nub-anti“ und comfortable. If reflects credit on‘tbe libel-Amy of use cobpeggtiod, and in no inconlidenble Addition to the church Itchi tectnre of the countx. ‘ 2 1' . ———— —4 - o—-————-—- B'See, on our fourth page, th.: prospec tus of the New York‘ World—l high-waged, oonsengtive journal—one of the lien in the country. ' 1 , I MALAkMtX.IMIX). ' 0n the ”fill uh... by Rev. FathertCnunnl, MK. JACOB EMLER, of Mountplendnnt town ship, to Miss CATHARINE WEAVE 3, of Gos owlgo township, . 3 my lb eir home be blessed—may no rude are, Nor sorrow, find ndmit‘uuce there; 3' i , But (Jor‘ucopiu conllant pour 1 1 [£s blessings ’lill their cups rnn o'er.! *, I ()n the 17th 1111., by Rev. Father ‘Camnnn, M . HENRY SMITH. at Oxford m‘Jnlhip, to M ss'JOANNA WEAVER, of Conomfigo town ! Ir» ‘ ‘1 , M y, their bright home be I bleltwetfient, M hich 'iriendship leek; wiui willing feet, - Wherp nll ls’crflmhpcrene and clear; 5 , \_Aa Heaven’s uncluuded atmosphere. 1 ‘ On the lth‘ulL, by Rev. A. w. "Lilly. sir. {\Lmzwr‘uu in Miss BELLE 0. WHEN BERGER, all of Yprk, P... > On the 24th 81“., by Rev. D.F.food, Hr. BENJAMIN F. KITTINUER, ofAdam county, to Miss CHRISTIANN 8., danghte ' bf Rev. Daniel Holsinger, oanynenbox-o’, FflEklin co. 3 .. DIED. ~ ; . ”Obituary notices 3 cents fier Him for o.l] over {curlines—cash to accompany #otice. Suddenly, of congestion of the in”, on Friday night-hut, It the résiden'c‘e, all} Mr. A;n-’ drrw Pulley. .\rr. CIIABLI-ZS ANDR w PUL LEY WHITE, of this place, aged g3'yeflrli 8 months and H dnya. ~ ' I ,' 0n Tucadny night, after n long “liens, Hits. MARY A., “ilenffilr. John Norbecv, 0! this place, in her 39th year. _ . 'l'Un the zlst ult..-.\Ir.GEORGE BERC.HV.jof Mountjny townrhip, aged 85 years, *1 months um! 10 days. He wns hurled in the old Law lDutch grave-yard; near Mr. Osborne'sL in Stu.- huu-townqhip. ' : Un the 10Lh ult., near Gettysburg, [:l3ka c I ~ Ohio, Mrs. ”(MERIWI‘ MUIIHUW, dwtghter Taf Yit-tor .\lcllheuju), of'thin county, it; the 42d ’50:” ofholr age “ L i ‘ 0n the 13th tilt. near Bendersriil ,of dip theria, ANNA ELIZA RICE, aged )eursi3 months and 24 rlnys. ‘ ‘ l i ()n the 215'. ult., at the residence ollleonnt-d Yeugy, in Bulls-r tuwthhip,‘ RICHARD TROE' ' ol the llnllimore Children‘s Aid Society, ng‘d' nhoutfi your: ; and on the 23d ult., ntlt te saute plnco. JUIIN WASHINGTON, son at Juh'n A. and Louisa E. Ymgy, aged 2 months and 216 dnvu. ’ , l 3 THE MARKET GETT YSlH'RG—Sncnnu LA Flour 6 3 Rye F10ur................................. I While' \\.hcnt.........., 115‘ Red Wheat............,-...................l 5 Cam , . 1 1tye......‘.......;...................‘.....4... ‘ Una .............‘... , 8uckwhem.....................;......... ‘ Claret-heed” Timpmy 5eed...........................2 0 Flu Seed ‘ Plant of Pnri5;........'................ - ‘ ‘lnsler groufidfimr bag............. , Pork»... ‘ BAL'rmunE—F‘mu um F-10ur...._..............:......'.. 7 l! m 7 25 Wheat............................ .1 Sb :0 2 ‘O3 Hye...._..... 1 00 m I up ‘hrn.....:.... . 9? lo 1 of}. Outs ......................................: 4'2 ,m « 7 Clover 5eed.......... . 7 09 W 7 2E Timothy 5eed...*................ ..... 3 09 to 3 3 Beef Cnlllemer hund.............. . 6 00 1010 69 How, per huud............ "J 0..." ’Z 50 n: 8 Op Huy........................................2’l oq 1.023 0.9 Whi5kéy......... .as lo .14) Guano, Peruvian. per t0n......... } ‘ 82 op HANOVER—THURSDAY “uni ‘r. Flour, from wagonsr... 1 85% Do. from 5t0re5.................... L 7 0 Wheat 1 50qu 71) me - .| 35 Corn. 1 77 0nta............,.... ‘Clover Seed..... Timmhy Seed... P1u15t9r............ Public Sale. ‘N WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of LARGE: 0 inst.. the subscriber, intending to quit” farming, will sell at Public Sale, at his‘ rcsi~, dance, in Sirnlntn township, Adams scounlj,’l within a half mile of Granite Station, ithe 101-, lowmg Personanr‘operty, viz : 3, i 5 HEAD. OF HORSES, (one a Mag: with fonl,’ 3 “Unix Cows, 3 head of Young, ttlc, 3J Sheep, Four-horse Wagon and. Bed, Sidigh and! Slé‘d, Hay Onrringe, Plonghs, Harrows,‘ Shorell Plouuhs, Corn Forks, Corn Coverer,‘Tllreshingl Machine, Grain Drill, Winnowing Mill, ,Cuttinxl Box, Sinizle and DQuble-trces,»Sprender§, Grain and Common Shovels, Pitch Forks, Manure do. ‘ Rakes, Hoes, Muttocks, Horse GearSfianoJ. Saddle, liulters and linker Chains, Gr‘hin and. . Clover Cradles, “’heclbxrrow, lot of iron, lot. of Bags, with many other farm articles, “ flso, Household and Kitchen Furniture, su h 55' Beds and Bedstends, Table-,flhoirs . Cnse of, Drawers, ,Corner,Cupbonrd, ‘Chest'aJfl Stands, Stove nnd‘Pipe, Eight-day Clock, Thit- ! ty-hour Clock, Copper Kettle, Iron Ketule, Bar rels, Spinning Wheel, Wool Wheel, with n va-i rim; of other articles too numerous to 'niention. WSnle to commence at 10 dclock, A. M., on‘ said day, when attendance will be given and terms mode known by JACOB BUCHER. , Mnrch~2, 1863. tsll Professlonal Card. AVING previously announced ou'g' euo“ elation tpgelher u practictioriers of medicine, we now state that, on end nflger'thil date, we will enter into In équnl and per' nnent partnership. We fill give our nnitzl and combined attention to oni- professionnl nntieq; And endeavor. feithfnlly and utiefnctorily, to dilchnrge lhem. ‘S. G. KINZER, 11. 0., y N. G. KEIRLE, I. D. Littleszown, Much I, 1863. - ' ; N. B. Being desirous of cloning up in: old business, those knowing themselves indebted to me are respectfully requested to make nrompt settlement, either by new or pnyment. : _ 8. G. KINZER, 11. D. March 2, 1863. 31:: 2 ‘ Goal Holmes. 1 would respectfully inform éur lento men thu we lure appointed| 11-50! David McCormick-35ml for the sale of Trevor tor: Goal. All orders lent to him will receivg prompt ntentjon u: our regular prices. ’ MUWTON 8 06., ‘ Lancer Trevorton Cos! Mlnel. ’Having received An Agency {qr the inle of Trevorton COII, I uke plenum-e in monipiend ing it to all my cultpm'en u I lint clap, free burn’ing cod, free from 5” impurities, Ipd ‘doa not clinker. For domestic pnd nun purpoieq this con] cannot be ucefle'd. " 3‘ . rump uccbxuncx. ; Hmilburg, Feb. 33, 1863. 3: , Eleohon. xmsmmo GAB COMPANI—I‘he u:- G nus! meeting of the Stockholdeu‘of {he Geuysbnrg 6:: Company, for the purpose of electing I President end six Mam-zen of mid Company, :0 nerve for the ensuing year, will be held on MONDAY, the 2d dly Aof M3OB next, It '1 o’clock, P. IL, of laid d3], :4 the Arbitration Boom in the Court Home. 1 i x. JACOBS, Pm‘l. D. IlaConuuv, 509': Ma. 33. um. Henry Shin, . Order on County Treuunr, Diehl, Brinkerhoflk'Co" o:qu on County Tmuum, up u u Lethhrpnigter, Elaine, F" E; - ~11:! Dru-bony. Jammittu, ord r on County Trf‘ulunr, h k ‘ n ‘ lan H. Wolf, Esq., an; * Basque! Brown, “ , ordgr on County Trauma, “1 u H y 0! Junie: B. Shin, on County Treuuru, ‘ u u Not On! ‘ ll Fr: ord 3.: l CIIVLP‘C, Ihingleu, , r on County Tmmrer, ‘- -c¢.du{e Treuurer, ’ i 7 CR. A By cub pnid on; A: tall Outiadoor pnupera' rapport, Her 'hnndile und grocerieo, 1 Por , beefl hogs, Ikm, l: lice castle, Iheep,lc., 1' FlO r, ‘grnin and grinding, 1 Meciinnicn’ work, inéluding cofinl‘, Stone coal; lime and plaster, . { Wand chopping and mulling nilll Su- md‘s contingent expensel, Mull hinlings, chnle “ ‘ ‘ ‘ Physician's “1",, 1‘ Counsel fees; 3 Slewnrfl'l minty, ' J 'Direuors' extra. nervicu, Clerk's janlnry, ‘ I i Funeral expenses, ‘ \ ‘ 1 Res] Paints and crying “In, 4 Farming implements; ‘ 1 Lumber, ~ . Yogamblel' ‘ _ . l Horse, ‘ i Qlolhing, an, of Aby Snmplo, 5 Drugs and medicines, - F Brin‘ing,‘ ' 4 ‘ \ '2mnauz‘er’nulny, ‘ ‘ ‘ We, the uidersigne'd, Amditors o nettle and nidjust ibe valic Accounts, do I) reby certifly 1 lat Ewe have examined ihe ikemqwhich com pofie; tie ajécount, and that. they are correct, Heing Homzme m. day “Jamal-$11.0” 1862; lo‘thk sth ‘dny of January, A. ~ 1863—111- clusi e 1 ‘ . . u. DYSERT. ; ‘ 1 PETER mjcx, ; J, } ’ J. 1!. SH! ‘ ‘MAN, 1‘ i ' ' V Auditml. ; E. 4 “B CULP, an., in accod gunners ot‘the. Péor MM= l! ‘pymenbof the Courity of A ‘ the 7th day at anuary,~ A. +ll day of January, A? D., 186 - DR. ‘ Ton Trent: er, . . . ' :: Inter-15¢, 1 . Cast] of Samuel nrbornw, ‘ - , Cash LLHenry Rnpp, ,_ » Clfill *Jf‘Geox-‘ge McKn‘npp, bonrdinl Cusbl‘nf ThomusNolnn, Fl (Ash it.” poultry sold, , (Luh‘ or beef, ..~ ' Cazh Eir tnlJow, 1 ; Gish 6T lard; j Gash or hit} and stnw, ’ 1 (hfsh or cows, Gash ‘ u_r timothy seed, ' (huh ifur wood, ‘ Tr} baluazceidue Spewnrq, - irom‘ the 5 H ‘l‘. r l . lo 6 7‘15 4 7!: Hol n‘o £012.55 \BO V3O 6" 5b :0 2 25 ' 2 2.5 s 00 I 00 05 50 , ' . ‘ on. “ [3y ba‘lnncc due Stewsrd nt aenle [Axbmfg harvesting, #6., Rdljefi and removing paupera, l-Muig-I , .‘ Hlburmud glen}, ‘ .\hjrchTandizc and lumber, ' Mecha‘nics’ Work, ‘ ' . Meat“; _’ l'dtuwes and cabbage, Snudnjy expenses, ‘ . We the subscribers, Auditors l ndjus the Puhlw Accounts, 'do ‘ wc‘ hfive ex’nmiued the items wh ‘ the a love account, and .do‘ report L' is ;corfe,c‘—Vthe same .brncing ll Jn’comCulp, the present Stewsrd, 1’ day of‘ Junany,’ A. D., 1362, to th Jthuafy, A; D., 1863—bot1i dn’ys i ; V ‘ . H. DYSERT ' , PETER DKil ‘ ‘ . - J. H. SHIRE“ i 57 l 375 209 ~700 LISI’I' ORPAUPEBSfemaining » . ouse of Adam: county, on ll ' y, 1863‘: s. ' ‘ u- - . Inlea, ldren, ' red, ' ~ JAuun Mal Fen Chi -COl btal. ' .siflm. ’pnuperl,‘ QDUCF‘. UP THE PARK 1'" T: bushels, fl .' Whear‘ Oats, Rye, ,- Com, Timothy seed, “ Ohiony, " Beets, '. “1 Point , " Corn! der,_loedl, Tens of hay, Boundr of pork, ~ Poundp of beef, . l l ‘ * JACOB CULP} uni-eh 2,1863. 4!. g a .'__.1.... ___‘->.-__‘_:——_— ‘ T PRIVATHSALR—The nnbwrib" Mien A u Prifiue Sule, the SMALL FAR)! he now occupiel, lituntr in Mountjoy township. Adanu counlr, adjoining lendl of Stephen Gem", Frederick Furney end otherl,conmin ing 28 Acrel, more or less. improved with s new two-emf] Frfime HUK‘SE, new Hunk Bun, Wagon Shed and Corn (.‘rib, n we” of neur fmiling water" a! the dweilingwuhe Inter from which is conveyed inlo.the bun-yew.) two Orcherdl of chniLe fruit. to. The} lend in un der good culiireiion. lilting been yell limed, and nude! good fencing. The'lend in 'equ-{w limestone. ‘ Possession will be given on thelfirit day of April nan. Tenn- any. Apply on the premises. ”JOSEPH A. ORrDORFF. Feb. 2,1863. 2m‘ ‘ A Fresh Gradeneg. EW NOTIONS, FINE LIQC RS. #o. N The undersigned hujlm. retprned from the city with in: purge-t stock of now goods in has yet. laid it; which, hlving bought for club, he is prepare} to cell as low as Inj‘body here or elstwheru BI: will enumerate onrtion of his flock: COKFEES, SUGARS; Molules, Ghent. Bacon}, Pplatoea, Slit, Vine r,Spicu‘. Cnntllél, Soap, Hroom'aLßruihesr fliersrfled Cords. Cedar and‘ Willow Wire, smarts um TUBAQCOSI 11-r‘ a lot; of hcst‘ynd co‘inlnon brands; with all Emu 9T NU’HONS‘. ' He has a finer a‘tock of Liqvonsimn in us ually fognd oxitside ortbe cities, viz}. Import ed and Domestic Brandies, four kinds, the baht for medicinal fists ; Old Rye, l'ery miperior, for the same purpogo; lmpfged Wine}, also Do :mestic Wine ;; Schiedn Schnspbs, Ruins, Whiskies, Mu; Every'article is Unnamed to be what it is soldier. . ‘ ' Recollect, tiliq in the pkce to bu} cheap.— Lel such as doubt it call,‘ and‘ ghby will be cominced. ‘ GEO. F. KALBH’JISCH. Jan. 19,1863. {, 'l ‘ ' l . ‘ . Good News for EvaryEody! 0m: TO GULDMAN‘S. ‘ ' ; , l C AT SAMSON’S’OLD‘ STAND l ' _‘ ‘ ALL NEW QDODSI ‘ -——- - 1 ,1 (‘IIEAPIJ CHEAP! CHEAP! ' 4 -1-- A fume Goldman, jun from' Buhfipore, has opened n Clothing and Yuri“) Stork: M Sam son a old Corner,,on the Diamond, in Getty» hurgflrheru he oh’ers a lnrge stotkfof Gouda in his linr, Km? wpich he win Bell a: pricés so In \- na to u , T E R5lB . nun-:- Per’n11nnm.=........... ......... $0 09 Six M0mha,.........'........................ 300 ‘Three M0nth5.............v................. I 60 Copies delivered at» the counter, and to , Agent: and Currier3,..............2 Qenu ouch. 1113333 Per 1nnam,........ . $2 {OO Six )10nzha,...............5...........‘...... iOO Three Mt’mh5.........,......................' ‘so’ TemCOpiea to one nddren,.................. 17 60 Twemy “ " ................. 32 00 Thirt‘yx “ - “, ......"W 454). WPnymenl required im‘uinb-Iy 'rn ndmnrc. Address, A. J. GLUSSBRENNER k 00.} . 410 Chutnul. Street, l’hilndelphin.‘ 3 Jan, 24, H 363. 2m . ‘ '- N atrona. Goal 011. ARRANTEI) NON ~ EXPLOSXVR: And =‘s equal to my KEROSENE. - ” ‘vvllY .buy an exploniye Oil, .when a. few cehtl mom per gallon will furnish you with n puree! um Made only by PA. SALT MANUMO TWXNG COMPANY, No. 127 WAunT'Bnilp PHILADELPHILL [Felt 24, 1862. 11 Sapomfler! Saponiflerl/T Z HE‘FAMILY SOAP MAKER-wk]! Kitche- Greaae can be undo into good SOAP, by using SM’ONH-‘IERY ’ , DIRECTIONS ACCOMPAN'YIXG EACH Box: SOAP i 9 as easily made with itbu making snap of ruin. ‘Minulumred only by the Palemers. PA. SALT MAWFACTURINQ 0031935)] .\‘o‘ D 27 Want: Sl2, YUILAD'A. Feb. 24, ,1862. I] - , Change of Time. :‘ f ETTYSBL’RG RAILROAD.-—On and sltor G Mon’dny, Jnnunry 19, 1863, the Morning Train will leave Gettysburg at ShA. 31., wlth passengers for nll the connections; North nod ”South, on the Northern Central Railway. and return. about 2 P. M. The afternoon Train will'leove Gettysburg Int 3;, P. 31.; will connections North’ and. South. Rctming um reach Gettysbng About 9P. M'., with panic gen from Harrisburg, “Ith Bult.‘ kc. By this arrangement persons from tho mntryr’ near the lint of the Railroad, having huinul to trnnsacz in Gettysburg, con mle thenoon 'Frnin up and bare 1} hours in Getty-4, burg, Ind retuinj the Evening Train- ‘- > . til.McCUßDY,Prclid:nt. Jun. 19, 1863. Hanover Branch leroad. HANG!) 0|" HOURS—On and after Mon. day, Jan. sth, 1863, Panenger Tnim will run as: follows : ‘ 7 Lave Hanover ‘ « Lean Junction 1;: Train on. 10,A. x. In Train u H. L. l.‘ M do. 314.30, p. I. 2:1 do. at 8.30, 1... The 10 A. 11. train connncu at Junction {on Blltimore, Harrisburg, Columbia, and Bani burg. The 430 r. u. truin mnkn connection for Bunimore, York, Harrisburg, and the Well. D. E. TRONE, Agent. “Hanover, Jan. 19, “63. :_ ‘ New Store ! EW GOODS 4ND GREAT BARGAINS! ‘ N —Tlee undersigned would respectfully announce Io the citizens oer'eflyebnrg on. surrounding country, (but he has ope-ad n NEW STORE in Gettyebllrg,ln the room ‘hte’y. oc'cupied by J. C. Guinn & Bro., on the North we» corner of Ihe Diamond, where he will ‘ keep n large and well selected stock of ‘ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARR, CARPETING, ML, 2 of every description, among which will be found the latest style: of Spring Geode. The Ladle: perticalarly are requeeted to can and examine my stock. as I lcei “gelled it hn 'ever been surpasled in this pl-c . {or built; :fi eheapneee. Gentlemen, also, ere reqneu ed to call. u there in no article in the line of ,: GENTLEMEN’3_WEAR lint they cannot be ne- ‘, commodeted with, It price! tint will utonlell them. ' ~ 21 will tho [reap Oahu“! a large apply of GROCEHIES; which wink: 503‘ very chap. My gun-k of QUERNSWA , Mu, ‘wm Ibo bq found handsonie, dunble and cheap, thin“ my CARPETING cannot. be Int-palm. h in my imantion to keep a firm clan 81m —keeping on hand- nothing but good sands.— nnd to u" chenr—fibnvingndopud Ibc n9o” “ QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROH‘I‘S." [would reapoctfully solicit I‘ than .of tho public patron-go, u Hmpe by‘ltricl attention. as busineu, and by dealing honestly will! .1 customers, to give latishczion m .11. MICHAEL SPAKGLEB. A'pril 14, 1881! Cannon & A.dair's NEW MARBLE WORKS, Corner of 3d!!- xnore Ind East Middle nueeu, ooh. the Conn. House. Only-burg, I’m—o% ur u'repu’ed to furnish Monumentu, Tombs, Hud uones,’ Marble Manuel, Slabs to} Cnhlnet linkers, sud 111 other Work appefllinil' to our busineu. Wg will gunnue utilflcuoa both :- to execulign “Ml price. Call 3nd no on! design and swcimenl 0! work. . ‘ Fem, 1663. u The Great Discovery E TEE AGE.——lnflnmmuory Ind Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by Ming 1!. L. H LLEB'S CELEBRAIED RHEUMATIC Ill} TUBE. Many premium! citizen! of {Hand ihe adjoining Counties, have unified to “I great utility. Its sncceu in Rhenmulc diac- Lious, has been hitherto unparalleled by'lny upccific, inumluced to lhe public. Price 50 cent: pefbonle‘ For sale by all dragging: Ild alorckeepers. Prepared unly by 11. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Relnil Druggin,Klsl Berlin, Adams county. Pm, dealer in Drugs. ob. ' 13, ()ill, V'nnnah, Spirilu, Palms, Dyna“, bil tled Ulls, Finance: and Tinocum, 1} lmfoq Glass, Perfumery, I‘ueut lladucfafifiga‘hq,‘ ass-A. n. Buahler is the Asa-Hi aim. b'lu'g for ” HfL. Miller's Celehnudfiomuo llama.” [Juno 5?, £861., g! o to Dr. K Honxsn's 09-11 mm Gun umcnzn couau cunt