(Em clumpilrr. OUR FLAG 1 K The Inlo'n of hank—the union 0! lunds TM Union Of Slate: none would “Yer; The union ox hurts—the union of funds—- , And 3b. flag of our L'u'wn forever! .-_' .TVLLL‘. -" .. ’ . ' ' '_',__:. , n, J. luau. :m‘mn AND I’ROPBIITOR. ._‘ ....g , . . ‘ ‘3 _ Fr... uiz'r'rvsmma. PA- norm” . nibim'ixd, it} ii 2, {863 #Thé Repnhlimn léndprsnro becoming furious. They See tho “hand-writing on “email." They see that their Abolition ' iniquities have divided the people of the Nofith, and that now the great. hndy of them are with the Democrnts. on the side of the Union with tl|c\ Constitution—on the side of the white man and his rights. ' The fumtical leaders want/no Union, unless it to with a Constitution of their own omitting. or none at all. But this the people do noti‘want, and because they. do not, these “bold, bad men ” are determin (ui hat nothingshnll be done in accordance witii the wishes of: the peo‘ple—thnt they nhnil be defied and disappointed at every tu‘rt?‘ _ thtevor contention: there may be at tho ‘Sqrth. therol‘ore. are to be attributed to this‘fégll spirit—tho spir'gtpf bitter and unrelenting Abolitionism. it was conceiv ed fund batched in liute—hgtogt' the Con. llitiu'tion and Union, and all’wiio advocated their continuance. All themlkuf‘Union” by 2these fanatics is mere pretence and ‘hyl‘iocrisy. They nover caer a straw for ' Uiq Union, became it tolerated negro mimicry, and they do not care for it now.— 'i‘lléy would “Int itnlide ” in‘ n moment, if by isodoing theycould crosh the Democratic party—Jul; norm! Tlut's the fight they «ii-e; mopt desirous‘of winning in. ‘Give the‘ political power—that is all they want éfdthe Union will'givo them very little tr bie,‘ 'When they spit upon the Consti tution. and denounce as “copperheads” ‘llfwho stand up for it, they have butone ‘ ‘ 3min“ step to make to spit upon the Union. - » ‘-—-- ~40.» »———~—— fi’l‘he Abolition editor's donourice all who insist, that. the war shpll be {or the ‘Un'jon 377:! the Constitution, ‘as “copper ihea‘ds'hwall whp‘ dbject to negi-o emancipa tioé and negro equality. u “copperheads” -—p!l,_who are for the rights of the white citizen. as “copperheads’Z—all who praise -390 d Geneml. as “copperheads”—nll who exn‘ose and denounce theft and fraudhns "cofpperheads"—nll who orpose the gp— 'poipunent of knnves to office, as “cgppero heifisW—lll, in short. who‘d‘o not apblfiud theimismnnngement which ‘33 “resulting in tha’uunocessary loss of thousands oflivgs and _ thegnccumqmion of‘a mounthin‘of debt, as "'ooppoi-headn." 3‘ |x ‘ ‘ Do these blinded party fanatics exdpect b 0 ',prolluoe “unity tit the North” by such a. “whet Do they éxpect to do the cause of (theico‘untry any good by this wholesale abuse of 3.1 m great. body ofthe people 1— "L‘ommon sense >53) 5, “mi—never l” So far as the people are concerned, they ‘ean‘lungh at these exhibjtians of petty mal ice—these death gasps of an explnng'fac~ ’tion. Time will make all things even, arid they the foul-mouthsmhich’ denl in “cop flex-heads" so gum, mlww’vill be hushéd in "than; . Mark the predictig'u; . [fi-We are told that the old Know Noflhings, who (to get office {hemcelveQ worked day {and nigfil‘to setfiuoo the unsus -4 peciing into seeing”Sqm.”{aie now equat- Jy tiligent in their éfl'ortsq‘ in connection ,ivit the “League" of " Saimbo,” by them tidied “Union,” the better to deceive.a‘- 4‘ y - P 1 - . 'lhe game iq the same now as it was then, mm; is intended to accomplish the same find—{'9 secure'ofiices for those who could not! gpt' them. By fair and open means. ie-rrhe Abolitipnists inqscbe hard up I'm-capital when they cling such men as Cnurueron, Forneyflhamppeys, and others of mg same stripe. as “Democrats.” These men. several years ago. having become “fishy,” {and having therefore thrown away all chance of getting office from the Demo em‘icgnrty, went over to the Oppositign, where ‘they have been fed ind fastened el. thegpubiic crib: To call them Democrats nofi is about as plausible as to fironqunce thqnegro white. ‘ t r: mm men illO now so loudly §hout ”’3‘? page.” are the self-some demagbghes wha. fivo years ago, when the co ntry mighfihavq been saved by a common ense course. luwled lhemselvea hon‘rse wit ”no confipromise! nocomprorizise I” They ’ gulf ad f‘bléod-Xgifing" then, to “save tbeßept‘ib- Ii warty,” and they desire it to oontixil‘he 111:: that. Abolitionists may fill their poek et‘sJ though it be at tlie Expense of the best, blqbd and pine last. dollar in the land. ‘f The Age."‘_—-In '3. new received from the publisher‘s,’ we are i-eriueeted to announce tbit "The Age” will .not be issued until lgté in'the month of March. Thin, delay is mica“ by the cbmracturs not being qbk ”blind the press on which the paper i 339 be printed at the time npecified. -The prq’prietors' are gettingone of Hoe’s lut fast. . M May Mdlioncl—The U. s. Sengfie )3 passed the bill appropriating Twenty ‘ filllionl of Dollars to aid in 1.116 abolition of 's;an in Missouri! “This sum dividéd Won; the loyal States according to popn l-fion, would require from Pennsylvania ”Iy. Wt_52,500,000 l . ffi-We huge ndd‘ed quite 3 number of pet" cub-cribefi :0 091- list dufigg'the Int ”To; flag-en geeks, gpd mong them sexe nlmho alga”, pp to .mihin a few months, M W the pemocratic party. This is truly enoou'raging. Kéep up the spirit g—lhere is room for more. 3 “he “last. end” of Abolition Colonels ‘ Ind other officers in the army, (who receive ”lug: pg) is to wrim out series of resolu ' gopajpd‘ deiefim, denuncinwry of their politicfl (appellants-at, home, and 11“”th 3 published in Abolition jgurnals, a. porch,- in; \thp feelings of the soldiers. The kick is § shallow ope ngd will yet be thoroughly ‘nwd- ‘ ‘ : THE LEGISLATURE. In the Senate, on 'l'upndny. ‘M‘r. stein prmmed. 9 petition from Northampton county for a National Cuhvemion. Mr. Glntz, the thlliOI? of Sipitiunliof Yank county {or a law prohibiéi'ng blawkfi nnii mulum” from entering the sum; 91+ 10, the ’potilifin of 76 citizens of Mount Joy, Lancaster mmnty. of-imilnr impbrt. ! ‘ Hr. Wullnde, one from Clearfield county of like'import; the, one in fnvlor of: na~ tibnul convention. ' ‘. 11m the House, Mr. Lilli (Brulfdrd) [he tented petitions from 463 eitizem of Brad: for‘il for the. repeal of the tonnage duties. ‘ humerous petitions were i preeenfiad ogainét. the immigration 'of. négmes into this Statehnnd also for the-calling ofa na» lions! oonveniion to restore‘unitx and Renee. Mr. Benedict '(Huntington). one asking for the pasaage ofa law compelling all per— sons anticipating marriage to‘uke out i li oeme. . ‘ ; . Mr. Kaine introduced ml biii providing for the payment. of money (3300) by time who conscientiously sample to bear arms. M's understand thnt in some counties the people contemplate petitioning the Leg isllnuré to‘nllow tbe‘nmney accruing iron: this source to go into the county treasnries, arguing that. it should not go to (he Gene ral Government. because ihe State fur fish'- ed. herlquom of‘mPn to the Governmrl‘nt, nolr into the Stnie treasury, bechuse this county (for instance) has iurnisiied its full quota of men to the Slute, mid therefore it is‘not proper th‘nt thefitatefshould have our men from the county and our money too. The fund would pay thobounty to Volun— teers, besides leaving a large relief fund.- ‘fhe ideq will no douhl, at once be taken hold ofih'roughout the State. ‘ , < —————— «on», ~A—-—< L mu! neighbor ofthe SentiriEl still fails ' (o“cometo time." Although he deneuncesl ] Democrat; as “traitors” and‘ f‘copper— I heads,” he “shied off” whenever‘ questioned [in regard to the out-spoken dimpianism ten}- .ly and hetunlly existing in hie 'owh party.) 1 We have tried him-on Stevens a'bdGamorbnx. L—but all to ho purpose. He will not "face“ the music.” In this state of the case, we“ ih‘uvepnly to leave his one—sided and unfair;l lcquxse to the judgment of an hohest public." i Probably our neighbor will “come out” ion another point. The fiepublican-Alioli-; ition leaders. keenly feeling that they ‘zarei‘ ] responsible for the defeat of theCrittemlc-n‘w ‘Uompromise, which ‘would have saved- the: f country from bloodshed and debt, aye nave; i very anxious.) explain away the part they I played atthe time. and thin glide from un- E ider‘ the loa‘ of odium which necessarily'_ ‘i‘rests upon them. But thus far they have i ientirely failefl, and will continue to fail—7t :History is against them—all= testimony is ‘hgainst themu The verdict has-been pro-l nounced, and will never be revoked. Tan. 6431: cmun‘fin the {ace of earth and henlven. Anilfthat the verdict is deserved andjust, cannot be doubted by right-thinkiygmen. Even our neighbor of the Sentinel is a wit ness to the fact, and this is the ppint which: we wish now tq bring to his attention.i In! January, 1861, he published in‘hiis editerialfi columns'the following: ‘ _ .i _ fl _ LIE/mt Hindus a Suzi/emenll—lhe Provi-~ denc‘Ql-Press, of'Monday week. 5 ya a létter received there from aProvidence gentle-:‘ man now in Washington, contains the; fol-i, lowing significant passage: ', : “ The President today said to mef ‘I. wish the New England mm could have’per-i: waded iMr. Seward to gdopt the Misiuri'l ()ompromiie-line, as proposed by Mr. 7rit.—'| tendon. That. would save ns.’ ‘ ‘ 5 ‘l “Judge Douglas nutihorises me to shy Ithatq. in the Senate Committee of ’l'hi' teen, {Mn}: Hunter, Mr. Davis ahd )‘lfr. 'loomb§ lull?! agree to accept that as a compro 159, if the}. Republicans would.” 1 ‘ i ‘ ‘1 ;Upon Ithis our neighbor comrnentecl, ‘inl leaded type, as follows; 1. i" ‘ i " If a civil war folio!” a rajflzsal £3 all/'14.?! an isting' dtfkulu’rs o‘.‘ srvu A BASH.‘ A’WFUL’ ‘VlluL BE THE" RESPONSIB LITY‘ 01‘“ i'l‘HOSl-l “'HO Illlvtll‘Xl’J.‘r ALL LOWRO-j {I MISE!” l ...l L l l _ Surely a heavy judgment, buq'fidkmdrq ] sci than the crime Heserved. . 1 ' 5 l . ‘llt may be stated: that, a few weeks lateni '[fihding that; the Republican leaders fvere. 1 taking position hgainst the Crittenden': flCompx-ot‘filse, ‘beca'usm its adoptihn whuld, 3 settle the slaveryu question and defirive l ' their party of the only plank it had tostand inpon, ,our neighbol‘ began to ‘get‘ weah on‘ ' the compromise qhestion, and ‘sqon ceasedi fto advocate it altogether. But now that he ‘has seen twol years of war. with all its 1' ‘ ‘ sults, “good,th and indifi'erenti” dqeg he; :‘not, in bi. mdmen‘ts of calm reflectionmiui lfihink that '_' awful must:~ be the ’respohsibilj y of those who rejected compromise,” when 'compromise certainly yto'ultl have wpd the country? We thought So th‘en—f we think} so.now. He thought so then-« does he think‘so now 2 ‘7‘ ' Q'Abolitioa editors abuse no onli the. peop}e, but the great body'of th army of ’ the Union, as ”copperheads," use they ‘ do_ not. sanction the negro' “polic '.” ;But, on the princifile than “share ii c‘pmfdrt in ‘ numbers," ‘we supposa the peoplé (and the army can stand-it. 1 ' ‘ t:fih'llhe Bnfi'alo Courier tngly spy“; “If there is any oye position upon which the Democracy Jr the North are I‘uni‘t, lit in that the ”Union _be preserved: with] the rights of all the States unimpaired. (they have no desire for peace upon ‘ the basis of sepantion. -nor any sympathy with { war whiqh is conducted so as to make disdnéon jasfihble.” ‘ I fiOver eighty thousand liborers oflObio have' petitioned the General Attemhily to pass a. law excluding, ‘in the future, negro Ind" mnlatto immigration into the Slate. Just think of it—ovn nan-n nouns» “ copperheeda ” amongthe laborers'ofbhio. Shouldn't womier if they all had votes too. What an awful thought! , 471 Home! Qiirt'M—LSaidva pronfiineqt Re. ppblican the other day; " I pm; disgusted with hearing 9f Mr. Lincoln’l oneity.—- The funds which'lre b’eing ex . ‘every day are awful,md Mr. Linool'n‘is that ‘wa’re ,9f them orlhe ii notl If he ia,i' he'iia not honest, or he yonld reform thefnfif he is not, heis a: blind as I huh. I tgll you Ql9 Adminiabution aa, mum at 1.41 11? 3mm. ber, that. the» wfirds are 116: our own. but the lmgulge of t shining light} in the R?- lican I'm-tyr- Grgendwy Democrat. ' ’ ”ExSecx-eta‘ry Cmeron was robbed It his hotel in Washingwn, on Tuesday morn ing, ofeverytbini in his ‘rooml includidg fill the private flying: he had rift him;— in“ {ol‘ $1“: ' V AI r ‘ e L ‘Tbe Democrilsurried All}: mhnnd homely lut yéck. The "obppcrheadz" funny must he on; the increase pp aux". : couuzc'mm'r axso‘wnons. The Democratic State Convention of Conheolicut. which met. at Hartford on the 18th 1115., tad-opted the following molu: dionh: 1 I A - Wanna. It'is the privile ‘ sndthe du ty of n free people. living nadir the amn ities of a written Constitution, whit? com bine. the provisions of an organic la_ with the great principles of federation and fro ternity, to frankly and fearlessly assert their irights; to freely’canv‘oss the acts of their ’appointed servants. and to reaffirm the great truths which underlie the government gand‘ upon which, for three quarters of a ‘;'(:entury, have securely rested the liberties :ofthevpeoplo: and '3 '3 Wanna, The present administration of ithe general government hasflfor nearly two iyears, been in armed collision with the peo 'ple ‘of more. than one-third of the States Footnposing the Union. and in the prosecu jtion of the existing war, has :nsrutned pow :‘ers utterly at variance “(with letter and spirit. of the Constitution if the United States, it becomes us as the epreuentstives lof the conservative people ‘if Connecticut, while re-assorting our determination to ad- Ixhore to thel true (principles u on which our Union is t‘ounde . and procl iming our do votlon to the Constitution, to firmly but te nerately condemn‘ theierrors of our 10*; and _ i , ‘ trans, The Administration of Abra ; ham Lincoln has violated the Constitution ,ofthe United States in m ny 01-its most.“ important particulars; therifore, f Resolved, lst, That the U ited States are; a oont‘ederscy'of States, co- qnal in saver-‘1 1 eignty and political powar ; i dependent in' l their separate organizations and reserving I to each all rights not gmnid by the Con-j -stitution to the general éov nment. ; | 2d. 'nm while as citizens r Connecticut | we asiert our devotion to tlioe t'oustitution and the Union, ‘and will hpteafter, as we have heretofore, support. \vitlrzeal and=en~ ;ergylthe authorities of the U ited States ini tho lull’ Constitutional exercise of their: poison. we deliberately nvouf that the liber 'lieéz Oi the‘people are menach by Congress ional and federal usurpatiorts, and can on .ly be preserved by the energetic action oil I State authority ; and we are‘idetermined to maintain and defend the honor ofour State“ and tho rights of her eople; l‘ 3d: {first while we dznounco 'the heresyl i of recession as undefended and unwarran t- . A ewmhe Constitution, we 188 confidant] , insert, that whatever 'may illeretofore have, Hie n the opinion of our on ntrymen, thq‘ 1 tin c has now arrived when‘all true lovers I‘oi‘ he Constitution are ready‘ to abondonl tth “monstrous fallacy" thatlthe Union can! 'be estored by the armed hahd alone ; and: hr anxious to inaugurate subh action, honq ,or hlc alike‘ to the contendiiig sections, as} ? wil Y stop the ravages of' war; avert univer-l sal bankruptcy, and unite ali the States up]; ,0" tends of equality, .aslmembers of one: too fod'eiacy. l_' l .5 th. That the Democracy of ConnecticutJ my ipa‘thizing with their conservative broth-E .re , of the Middle nud‘ Western States,l :pl dge themselves to utiite with them in}- ,th adoption of all honor'nhile measured} '11:: irigiin View the cessatioh of hostilitiesl theiween‘ the North and tlte:South; thd} re omtruction of the Uuionjonsuch termsll as hhall thoroughly define this-rights oi' theli States; the restoration of, nae fraternsli. .feqlings‘which form the true foundation oil} th federation, und the erection upon ah in re enduring basis of the[ temple ofthei' 2" "stilution. ‘ , l , H E th. That the Militialof Connecticut are: ; thja natural guardians of the liberties ol'her;‘; i p ople, subject to the contr'l of her Chief“ , lit ecutijve officer, acting un er and by au-ll' th rity lof the laws of t 10. State ; anLLE! ‘ a v anti all actsgof the (ingress of the; United States t'iolntive oft e sovereignty: of the State in relation thsjeto should re-f ceive the e’xocration ol'a p plejustly jeal‘f' ous of their liberties. ,l ’ ' ii ' , 6th. That the Miliria Conslription bill m, cently introduced into the Senate of thdi ‘ United States, by Senator Wilson, of Massaq" chusetts.‘ is subversive of t e sovereigntyl and rights at the States. an designed toil t'nnke them more depends cies upon the‘ central government; uncol stitutionnl inl, its‘provisions and dangerous‘té the liberties}; of the people. the authoritiei of each of the' Slides should stcrnly resist t. )5; Operation oEi a scheme so fatal to the jiist elation: which! should {always exist betwe tr the Federal and State governments. l ’ 7th. 'l'hnt thei“ls:inkipg system” recontq ly passed by the Senate (fifths United States; b. sedans it is upon an unconstitutional and iri-edo'otnable issue of pmperllcurrcncy. can-l nit fail. if forced upon'thel- people of thj‘ S ates, to prove‘destructive to the existinfl. ,mbnied institutions of,the {several ,Statesl arid is covertly designed to stablish a vast c ntral f'rnoney power,” aliie unknown id tlje Constitution of the Untted'Stntmund dangerdtb to the principles u'pou which‘ o'ut, government‘is founded. l . ‘ Sth. That the Presidehtni‘of the United States. by his emancipatio proclamation it? struck a serious blow “i the rights oi tl e States; erected an almost impassable 'n ‘rrier between the North hnd the South i , attacking the people oi fifteen State; I rough a domestic instit tion which i b ended with their social f‘ibric, and ova: which the individual States} possess exclu} si 8 control and power; anti regardless 0 His reat~lessons of the pas , the National j Ekegut-ive, in pandering to tine insan’c fanat‘ iclsu‘l of the Abolition factia . has ventured upon a system .of public policy which,i s ccessfully inaugurated, ivould disgrac oiir'oountry in, this eyes 1‘ the civiliz wbrld, and carry lust, rapiite and murde into every household of die slaveholdtug S tes. ‘ > ‘ '. ' l gth, Resolved, That the act; of the Rodent administration iii suspendi g the writ oi habm cram, the arrest ot‘Jtizens noteubg jest to military law without warrant or sui thority—transporting them ,dtsta'ntStateb —‘-imprisoning them without charge or accul s tion—é-denyingthem the ri htoftrial byjq :- ,otwitnesses in their favor and counsel for thei defence—withholding from them all knowledge of their accuse , and thecauzt of their arrest—answering their petitio , for redress by repeated lnj _ and insult—’- prescrihing in many cases is a codition (if their release, test oaths, arbitrary and ill?- l a}. ‘ ‘ ’ i ‘ 8 In thahbridgment of freedom of speech , andof the press-—in suppressing newspapers 1 by military force, and establishing a censor l ship wholly incompatible with the freedom ‘g! thought and expression q! opinion ; .' 'ln the establishment of a system of espio nage by I. secret police to inlvade the sacred privacy of unsuspocting citisens; . 1 In declaring martial lswlover States not: in rebellion. and where theloourts are open and unobstructed for the fpunishment of crime;' , l , ' In attempting to strike dot of existence, the entire Value of property in slaves t roug‘hout the country; - t : ,In the attempted enforcement of com pensatedemancipatjon ; , ' In the proposed taxationiof the laboring white man to putchase the freedom of the negro, and place his laboriin competition with the white mar thus taxed; ' In the dismembermhnt of the State of Virginia, erecting within her boundariesa new State without the consent of her Leg islature ; ‘ , Are each and all arbitrary and unconsti tutional, subverting theCoustitutiona. State and Federal. invadingathe reserved rights of the people and the sovereignty of the States. and if sanctioned, destructive of the Union, establishing upon the common ni ins of the liberties ot‘tho people and the [sovereignty of the States, a consolidated 3 military despotism. ‘ And we hereby solemnly declare that no Am’erican citizen can without the crime of infidélity to his country's Constitutions, and the allegiance which he beans to each, mac tion Inch usurpations. Believing that. out “once will be crimiml, and ‘nuy be can . truod into consent. in deep reverence 10: m- Constitution, which has been violated we« do hereby enter our most rolemn pro—. tett'hgaimt these üburpntions of power. ' ‘ 10th. Resolved, That in conrection with , out fellow‘citlzenl of other States, We will ‘ use our utmoet influence to preventthe pay-9 Ement of: single dollar of the money oi thel people; unconstitutionully appropriated. for! ‘ the nnwerranted Executive project of com ipenuted emincnpatxon. ‘ . ‘I 1 11th. Raokad. That we sympathize with} f the soldier: who enlisted to sustain the‘ .‘Constitution and the Union. in the greqt‘ Ldeprivations and ‘ hardships to which they? |heve been subjected in sickness end in halth; that we demand in the namenofl ijustice and humanity, that the great frauds) which have depriyed them of proper food. ‘ raiment and caré, shell-be exposed, end‘ their author- duly punished; and that we“ insist upon their 2being promptiy paid fol‘r their lei-vices angered. ‘ ‘1 12th, Result/al. ,hat the enormous plun der of the publioétreamry by self-constitu-‘z ted patriots. which has been rife throughoutl the country, demtpds the cloaest sorutiny; : and the severest punishment :3th follow‘ a-just exgosure. ; ' \§ 1 ‘ ‘ 13th, evolved, {but u repmeptetivae of : large proportion of the people '10! Connec ‘ tiéut, we demnni the fullest public ekpo-l sui-e of the m n_ rin which thb viast sum 1 of four milliam o (Winn, appropriated by our' [State during t 0: mt two years. or any} portion of it, u n expended. with a ‘ detail of objettp for which the moneyl ‘ has been used ; iahd we protest against the ’ extraordinary fink uncailtd for appropria tion by the last‘dxtre session oi our Legis ‘ lature, of ten th' .11 dollars to the Gov i ernor of this Ste to 6': wed by ,lu'm in secret ' for any object he l‘y see fit to expend it. ‘ 14th, Ranked. Sl‘het we have the fullest I confidence in th: Ability, patriotism, andi sound conserveti 1e principles of the Hon. ‘ Thomes H. Seymour, and‘the other gentle men associated with him on the Suite ticket, and we hereby renew our united pledge that from this d'py to the first Monday of] April, inclusive, (we will spare no honornbe' ‘ exertions to promote their olectioa. P“ .....__ \, . For the. Cn‘mpfler TERRIBLX rmanmnm. The Abolition barty. or‘ that Winglof‘ it who only u few ygnrs ago were so singularly frightened at. thegretended encroachment: of Foreign and luiholic influence in this country, are in a terrible suite'of mentall excitement, in negard to a certain secret organization reported to la in existence, and said to be designed to kidnap tho Presis dent of the United States, and tour down things generally fibout. Washington, Harris burgpitc. i , 'lt is quite natm'aljhst this class of man kindshould in their imagination see strange things in the absence oi dny-light.‘ None is better prepared t 6 distrust the motives of finother. than the: person who is least to be trusted himself; Itherefore.understanding human nature in§this light, we do not con sider it a matter i6f astonishment to behold such a becomin interest manifested by persons of “dark untern’fnotoriety. {or the safe-keeping of brshnm‘ Lincoln and has friends. g 7 ' , Amongst-the filmerous rumoxs‘comtern ing this ull-powe 'ul organization, are—that 1 (ieneml McClelléi, at the front. is to pro- ‘ cued to the capiinl of the United States, ‘ seize the archives of the. nittion. nnd compel ‘ the l‘residr-nt‘und the Hands of the Depart ments to, flee batik to Ahohtiondom, tsay Massachusetts.) _br their livea,-——that the, “rebel sympathiters" of the North, 1(of enurse Democrat: are meant,) have m’adel all necessary nr ngemefits tu'mke Stone wall Juckson‘ny the lmnd and lead him end! his army across tlie Potomac into Maryland, ; whilst nu’mérous :bthers of " sympathising"; [-roclivities are to point out the seieral' lanes lemjing tq the hoines of our veryi worthy and “ union ” like Abolitionists, in[ order that theygnmy be murdered, their‘ houses piundsreéj, their property ‘contis outed, &c.! §, . ‘ . . Ifail this is to be done in the short time specified by theifrightenediones, (befoi'e ”A pril y'et.) God 591 p the big-mouthed war riors and stay ata‘home pun-iots, t'm- certain it is, that death b’y fright H a- instantaneous as it-is' appalling; The terrible aighrs thus presented. the flijzht of'the lnyul from their homes and their hill, the cries of the negro philanthropist foi- mercy‘. and the general distress usually upconu-anymgfihe hurribd marches of murtgrs before the vengeance of an enrmnged onejxny, looms up before the imagination in the, same romfintic colors that adorned gm: forced flight of a. certain set of former pafiriots through the capital windows at Harrisburg. during the memor able Buckshot War. [ . It is not our désirc to see these poor in noccnt creatures Sconsigned to the republic of dust under lsncli distressing circum stances, and therefore would advise each and every one tofrepeii! ofl‘h'Ls many sins-of omission and commission against the eter nal principles of? Democracy. and take up for the side of “the Constitution as it is, and the Union as~it was}: (\i’e will not swear them in,) or, in other words, be one of us, with one heart, one mind, for the restora tion of order e ' , rosperity, power. and renown of fcirihefiiiges, and we Will furn-, ish them a. guardntee against [premature misfortunes. Join our order of t:6 “golden circle.” (not the one that frlgh néd Aboli tion Know Nothings zmagfue to be new in secret Operation.) but the old g den circle from which you and I, and ever man 'now living in America. have receiv d beyond measure all the blessings of civil and re ligious‘liberty fol' a long series of years, or ‘ in more intelligible language,the old Dem ocratic “goldenl circle ” which aembodies within itself all the se‘curiticslagsinst con fusion, fright, bloodshed, anarchy, gissolu- 1 tion, martyrdomgdisgra‘ce, dishonest , bank- 1 ruptcy and ruin. Join us, we say, and 1 peace and perfect security will come to your doors“; butirejeot this good advice—l go on in evil dbing—go on'as the blind leading the blinfi—stiflen your necks and ; harden your hearts against reason ~and 1 common sense-+3O on in the support of ‘ negro emancipation and the various other \ iniquities an duormities of the present ‘ State and National Administrations—and we cannot be responsible for any imaginable calamities that may befall the country, and through the country yourselves. We say join the party that repudiated the‘ principles of Abolitionisrn at the last No vember elections—flint elected Horatio Sey mour Governor of New York in Opposition ‘ to the mo ' influence of the government at Washin —{that has had an Existence {or threequarters of a century—that has always defended the stars and the stripes l against the aggressions of foes without and 1 , enemies within—that has made us the ad- 3 l mimtion of the‘world—that has deténded , the civil and religions liberties of the p6O- l lplvagainst the secret conspiracies of un princl led, dangerous societies of men—that cont‘ed for the Crittenden Compromise as a basis, that would have been perfeko just and right, and saved thousands of lives and millions of debt—that has resisted s 9 ressions of tyrants and defended the old %‘1 of the Revolution at home and abroad, at 31 times, upon land and sea—that has made our country what it was, the home of the free, the land of the brave, in spite of the ride of despo , emperors, and kings. W}; say in concl tion, that this is the so ciety to which we belong, and the onlyone that has place in our bosoms, and the only one that eyer will—the conservative, patri otic, timetried and time-honored Democra cy. Join us, my friends,join us—be initia ted early, come without numbers, repudiate your old heresies, for heresies they are, and {all in with the true faith, and you will be ) as secure from all imaginary dangers as Pharaoh’s body in the handset" the Egyptian ‘ embalmers. Msmcns. 7 N . ———-——‘°o"————'—-’ _ ”Dru Herb" wu formerlg of/‘thil place. _ ”The Degocrstio Sate Convention, We congratulate him on his preystion‘, which which met at. Hytford, Conu., on due 18th, ? 11;. no doubt been well engage? was the largest ever assembled there. The . . ———~—————¢.;—.__ , Hon. Thomas H. Seymour wu phi—l;" S'Dn‘hiol Skelly,“ thiflphyofiufihrongh nominntion {or thooffioo ofGoiol-nor. 9 Hon. Ed'ud llcPhem/ufi be? cppolntod . mmm hailed With great 011 mm.» {than n We» Point. / .; Q: , - i .\‘/I, . 4 w From fiae York Gueue ofiT‘l‘ld‘y- AN ABBITBARY Ams'rém YORK. TM Primner Diulmrg‘cd on a V ‘ ofHubcal (Input—A nu! fur Damagu.‘ :1 Friday morning last, Alexander Ennis, Eiq“ a member of the Lancaster Bar. {in "rented by the. military authorities in this has and oommfined to the charge of Clpf'. lchowan. of {he PumpscoGuxrds, and wqbeld in con fi‘nement w‘the tune of his dwhnrge on Saturday afternoon‘ The 'hicnlarl of this arrest. :5 near I: we canfitefuin. In as followr a ' fir. H‘ wh‘ " ch! xthr" «f; hand- .r. .‘erris. who is me euthtg ate 1... book of Geography. had been town new erel days taking subscriptions gi- his book. On the morning of his arrest lg had some political discussion with some otahe citizens of this borough. 'lt is chnrg ‘by his one mies‘thnt he denounced the resent Ad ministration as corrupt, and in ply to the charge of being a Secessionist, _ id that he would as soon becailed a Secess’ionist as an Abolitionist. Shortly after leatging the Ear ties with whom he was talking; and w ile in the office of the Clerk of thlg' Courts. in ‘ the Court ,House. selling a hbo‘olr, Rev. ) Thomas Street of this borough gbntered the l Clerk’s office and after some w’érds about a ,‘ letter of re‘oommendntion giverfivto Mr. Har |rit! by'Mr. Street in the mominb, which was ’restbred to the letter. at his fiquest. Mr. Street ssid to Mr. Harris that the would be inrrested in ten minutes, and left the Office. Mr. Street On leaving, me: thq‘detnchment of the Provost Gusrd.accompm§ed by David Hays, on their way to make tlfi arrest. and returned and was present wh " the arrest ‘of Mr. Harris took place. ‘he Provost Guard,lhavi’ng him in charge. nreyed him‘ to Mount Vernon Park. the quarters‘of 10.; t. McGowan. and deliye high a pris 'oner to that officer, -who, M Harris de~i clares,, treated him very‘kind . _ ‘ ‘ On Frida'y afternoon a Wr . of ‘Hnbees Corpus was issued by Mr. H is’ counsel l and ranted by lion.‘ Robe ~J. Fisher, , President Judge of this District. and made returnable [at 9 o’clock on So rday morn ing. At the houi‘ fixed for the turn of the Writ 'Capt.r’McGoivsn sent a. [note to him Honor asking. on account of kgsinese, time? until one o’clock to make re urn tthe~f \Vrit. At that hour 'the Con House was ‘ crowded, when Capt. McGow produced‘ tmhe gorsen of Mr. Harris, re rning that‘ ‘t e rovost’Guard had placed‘ srris in his I custody, and that he had an or ier from Pro-1 vost Marshal Fish of Baltimo 3 to send the; . prisoner to that City. After hearing, it appearing that Harris is a citgen and not‘ nsoldieruand that there washno warrant‘ issued _on‘\oath \for his arrest! his Honor! Judge Fisher ordered his disc rge, and he ‘ was setat large. . , J i The opinion ~of J nd‘ge Flsheri‘pvns pointed ‘ and able, and We are sorry Wt," have not a‘ [copy of it for publication. I ’ substance ‘ was: The Constitution of the ,nited Slatesi Land the Constitution of Penn lmnie‘ pro-‘ ! vide that “the privilege of the‘iWrit of llmi ' bees Corpus shall not he‘suspe ded, unless i .iiin ceSe of rebellion iar inVnsio the public‘ lsofety may require it.” Eve admitting ‘ the pow'g' bf the President to“ uspénd the Writ of obese corpus, which 1% did not do, no'rebellion or invasion existg‘nrnr. ' The [Courts are alLopen and the la ‘1 in‘fonce.-—{ There is a legal remedy for effigy infrizzion oflaw. and therefore We are m" er civ' andi not military authority. yith the flights lofcitizens under the Constitu n and lam; of the United States and this Common !weelth. The Constitution or the United Suites declares that no person “shill'be {deprived oflif‘e, liberty or progrty. million! dim process qflu'w,” and the C stitution of [Pennsylvanin declares that no @itizen "can' ibe deprived of his life, lihertwor property f unless byzthejudfgment of hisfpeers or the 1 law of the land." As there was no warrant, and the process of law reqviied by theCnn- E stitutions’of the United State‘ and of! this State, was not produced, thy prisoner is i diseharged._ ‘ ‘‘3 ' Mr. 'Harfis bhm-ges the; v.; Thomas Street and David Hays wit‘h’ rooming his .arrest; nnd 'while yet. in milimry‘w custody, Kinsciu‘ned a suit. against theinflfnr false im prisonment. . Messri. Street‘nnd Hays. were arrested by a Deputy S‘h/erifl', nnd refusing {0 give the required bail, they were com mit! dto pri‘énnn. 0n Smurdu. evening~ the [outfit was brought, béfore £2lllng Fisher on n'Writ of llnbeizs Corpfisgl ‘. discharged on common bail. The lntke‘r Ega‘vp. the re« quired hail the same evenixigamd qu‘dis-i charged. ;-‘ I . ‘ Our cominlinity has been g atly excited in consequence of the event transpiring' lately\ and the opinion in. ft"? 39 expressed‘ by even moderate Republican that the ar rest of Mr. tllnrriu was unj ‘ tifiable and should. not. h'q've been made.‘ 't was ingress violation of his rights us an erican citi~ zen, and citigen of Pennsylvn in, and will only embitfer public opiniorl. against the party in pow‘yr, which has not: only tolera ted but encmirnged quch outr ‘ es. If men are gnjlty of offences. let. then? be tried ac cording to lkiv, and if convictfid, let them be punished}, Thin is one of ' e rightsnf the people, find their servnnm‘their execu tive oflicers gin duty, owe to ' em protec tion in lire, Marty and property. :3 4 _.. ‘Ve reioice: that that threatened conflict, between the civil and militn authorities has terminated in-favor of mint liberty, and that in 3‘B discharge of . Harris. the law has bee vindicated an sustained.— J.et us hope that we may have no more ar bitm‘ry streets to divide our ’pe’pple and stir up bitter and unrelenting iii-ire in our midst. Surely the cause of t Union and the Constitu ion ‘oannot be nefitged by such means, {to restore the to er and vin dicate the litter. The-Oonsti {an mustbe made by thzseople’aservnnts, a President of the Unit States ’and his officers, “ “mil scan: yAwior ".1" “so!” ’ ; . fi'We hfive been i‘nformegi thnt on the hearing of club Habeas Corpus 'll the case ofi Rev. Mr. Street an objecti<£fi was made by the counl‘sel of Mr. Hangs to the dip chuge of Mt. Street on that ground that.i the writ of; HM Corpus Mud not at taghed to it_+ United States fifty centitamp {And therefore the respondent could not be,‘ Biwharged 0"; it. But Judge Fisher prom phi 1y overruled !the objéELion and decided that u the liberty of the citizen iru protected by'the writ-Le Ira writ—he wauld not hold that it was‘subject to s taxiwithoqt expreu words imposing it. .. 3 ' fi-Ths cn‘rd of Dr. O'Neil, enhancing his; removel to Gettysburg, P... will be lonnd in‘ our ndvertisihg pages, end we I‘n'impelled by 1 sense of gntitude to ‘Dr. O'Néttrexpress his sincere hope ‘thet in his new lfiution he will enjoy every snceeu. For 1 ntflnber of yeen pill the Dr. lies been our full! hylicinn, end, so Inceessful‘ bu he been in ev instance, inr which his chill he. been called 1 , ‘reqaieizion, end so kindxend ettentive he: be ever shown himself in the discharge of his pé'ofessionnl du ties, that we feel deep with that wine here me: to be without his services in; times of sick ness.—Rural Rewlé, Bait, 17.6%”. l w .————_—' l , fi'Assistant Bnrgeon D. Q. Brintou, B.‘ West Chester, and John E. Hex-fist, of liege!!- town, Md., having passed a crafiitable ennui-l nntion,ll'nve recsjved from Prettident Lincolnj their commiulonj u Surgeonsyf the United States Volunteers, with the regal: of Majora—f These gentlemen have fora long time been on duty at the Turner’s Laue Hosp’ tal, wherethey have proved themselves not guly adept: in their profession, but gentlemen 20f the highest lutegnty and patriotism. Their past'mccess is but a guarantee of their lughregsefnlnen and h6nol’l.—-P’ulflddphw IW. ’ LEEA—L bsimfilifi}; fiCommon‘ DoedlpAdminiatrntor'i Deeds, Common Bonds, Judgment Bondn, Judgment. Notes, I‘rumiuory Notes, Notes wuiring exemp. Hon. AxqicnbloAcdonASubpu-nu,sum‘mm", Executiam, Schaol Statements} Nntununzion Pnpen, kc., Bc., primed on good paper, for uh I! the Cayman orncu. ' SABBATII SCIIOOLIeNIVERS_ARY.—The Fourth Annivenaxy of the Cerium Reformed‘ Sunday School, en'Snmrdny night; week, In. of u very' lnterelling and euncriv§ chuncter. So unique nod planing wu the whale orange. men: thn we cannot forbeer repufing the programme. ' The exerciiél'opeued with I “Bang-tne" lrom Former) celebnted mun, by I “Quir'lelle” of Amateur: ringers. It In: ndmir‘nblnexrcuted‘, u were ell the plecee by this choir. After I Prayer is, Mr. Server, querinqendent of St. ame- 8, School, in which thejrllcning cl God wns invoked on the Snudny' School come, a one of rho ighty agencies in m; hand of God for the kellgioud Lminihg of die yorfng. and Lupon ml: nnnlvernry exerting hr the present lecceeimi, the Sunday School song an - pro priate fly-mu, “Look on: us kihdly, Hide." A grnctful and charm Brologge {all wed, 'lpoken y Jolm Diehlq‘one‘ot _t;he who] re.— The lnfn‘ut S. School sung “'Weinre youngand ‘we ue lieppy," with a melody 'fnd nuimmion pec'nliarfto infant goiccl'. .1 - ~ 1‘ i “Faith. Hope end Cherity," v,“ represented j’isyum-d little girls, dr‘emd in' white, neatly 'nnd moclestly Ippsrnled’. “b‘nithP.recited the firmed; . “A if . fl Faith hdds new charm: to enrthiy bliss," &c., [ supporting in‘ her hand a. crossflth'e symbol of ‘ Christianity, as Well as offsith itself. " Hope" .reeited Ln passage irqm “ Young’s ‘ Xian i Thonghis’l— , " i [ “Hope of all passiuns niost befrientl: us here," rpm" res ing her hand on an anchor, as the ap "proprlnl‘e symbol. “Clinrity,”‘%'nc€upying the l centre 9f the group. recited Il'pértion of‘ l i Cor. mi cl:_sp., ‘the‘shole school joining in a Ingram? “-Nou' nbideth Faith, illopeflChnrity, 'theae th_ ee ,~ but the gnnlest of these is.Chnri ityl” “phnrity” held in h‘er blind a silver dish :eontnining hte‘ad crumbs, whieli two sparrows ,otie'rloohed. ‘The designs weroi beautiful and ihnppy, and the eil'ect. beightenefl by the'Quar itelte singing t‘ Charity" 1 ‘ L Rev. 11?. F. Buchur, the Fastenithen examined‘ the Infant S. School, on the incidents of the lSnvior'sihirtll and ministry, his‘ideath,'nnd the lohject 0 his reaming into the win-kl, prefneing {his'qnes ionsf= with a few suitable remarks—g Inc In wer> Were promptly gii‘en; when the Infant. ‘choll rose and Sunni very sweetly, “ Jesus loves; me.” The Snpexfimendent's re port, setting forth the Condition izf the Schools, was‘ re d by 'George (layer. jFroxn this we 'gnther’ihe following statzslics'; 1464cholnrs and 26 tenchers aml ofilvers: SF: nontrihu‘ted ~to benevolence; the reciting of the Heidelberg Cete‘éhi’ent eyexy four weekdgiand 2 deaths during ,the :yenr. Here ’thei School .snng: itonehin' ly, “iSlmll we Ineet beytirtd the film"; The‘fi'hree-fold neturo of Chxiistinnity '3 was ten ndm' able fenturo'. The Pnstor hitting ex-' pinineq he geni'as ,0! the Christinn religion ns‘ involvin :Fnlith, Übedicncetand:Worshiy—lhe first we illugtrated by n 'cluss ofilnrge boys and girls re itingl: in éoncert the Ap'iistles’ Creed— the seeopd by a smaller class i’ehenmiug thei ,Cornmnndnlnnts, and the thirdi by 3 thus oft still smiiller Boys and girls repairing the Lord’s Prayer, iwithvibenutil'ul .\men responses by the, Choir. iAttel another Hymn n, the Snud’nfl School, ihe Ehilogue was pronoujnced in n clcnr: ‘voice aiad hippy manner by .l. l-‘inlt-yrl'lulte,. thankiu‘g the‘fnudic‘nce [or tllgqpportnnity 51-, fo‘rded both ithemselres and tire Schools of joiningin thinfeligious feast. oil Im, of peace‘ and gooil‘chehr it~o.nll. i ‘ i An It prop‘ridtc nntl most henutitul Anthem,z ‘,'Lord Lifti’.“ sung by theQuartette with nn- ‘ usunl“ p rjty iif tone nnd exltteleion, concluded? the exe "ism; The singing ot' the behools "3‘s: conducted hyiMr. R. A.l._vt'tle, who seegied to; have at ears I- deen interest it! the success of; the whore pmgrnnme. i We trere greatly de-l lighte’d‘xithithé entire permanence: 'of that evening; They could not fail producing All good effect, upon the'mindp ‘nntl hearts of the. children} 'lt.inust have _heen grnflfying to sill interested, til?! the audience, filling the ciliureh ; to its utmost cppncity, should beheld Cl![itl\'fl(t:d" tor an bent and forty. minutes, pntll the Ameni was progouncprl in the Beneditt'ion’ ”Elbe 21id,lhe nnnivérsnfj of {he birth day of [line gh‘at and good. “fishingtnn, who loved an}! Mg? for his whole country, or. cux'ringimis-b~ r on S‘undfxy“ there was no public 9bserwnm-e of the day". On Monday, howevefi, theitown presgnted Q patriéliglap peannce by uln unusual displn'ygot fifigl. ' ‘ ' Y ‘ . E‘The Qv‘lnver Club’s Conaiert came ofl' o‘n Hofidayénighq and was qlxile e mimic the lo- Vera of I{good gmhsic. Tl'lere H no mistaking the talent of the gentlemen offllhe club—they discours‘b lplelpdid music. The number of lb,- dies nflud gentlemen in attendance w“ ver} large, nqd will: [he enchantingfxmnsic and the lifely prbmenéde, they speni g very pleasant cfienmgqi ‘.. -.L.-.._-.-~___:.__._ . S‘The Feitival of the “ Americans of Afri cnn descent," En Monday creniig, in, we are' told, largely a. d liberally patroélzed by “bl ck spirits (and wkileh” h is unused that $lO “Union long (2 " made it a point to hue the Festin‘ mote the; ordinary aLuecess, because 7 on the sine night “ whiie foHn?’ had a Prome- } n‘tde Colacert lit Slgeadl & Buefiler's'llnll. ' fl‘We learn with regret of the death of Eli Len“, 3’ grouper at. Corirpnriy L 127th Rey: zfient, P.*V.,ltC-mp Allah-n, VI. Ir. Lent: \ul uken mg with pneumonii. on Saturdny night, mh um, died In Monday, the mu, ma wu interred gent tin: Carp on‘Tneldg, mu. He in Iron: gainer-e township, ad I member of the Cdmpnpy formerly commpnded by ant. Shipley.’ )1: 9n: highly eurened by his oom ndel nhd ncqfinin‘unou. ‘ Depmed 1“! life, on Sunfish, the sth alt, n Snlolk,V|j.l liéhlol Honing". at the 185th Regiment, I’. IL, from Luim‘pn township, Aduna county, aged ghoul 36 yérq. Bil body was brongh‘ ‘ ham; {or interment, .nd wu buried ofiur‘adu week, “1 the Frl'nhlin Chuck: E. lecvu 3 wife 3nd five mall éfiil dren to {numb his lo". ' . . ”A uulgmeut bu been pjgbliahod “10'- ing the number of penou exempted from'niil iury service in ouch count, In this State in tho In; and on the‘ ground 9! qoucienuoul lcruyfu; Thu number in) Adm). county was 13/84 Uider the new coucription let no 9:- u’npfionl no showed on the” fimnndl. H.OOl. Rama 0. Sw'ope, the Gomluioner of the Dnfl for this county, had been nfipainud Ann-intent. Quemmuter mule-Army, with the nut of Cnpuin. 'Hiu sppoizitgaem in dead Nov: 26, 1863;3nd we: cohflnned bx‘the Senna on Thursday week. I: in nld um pay in to commenée iron: the due of the Appointment, Why no notfiv‘ the people I unit ”“I -. ' Mmatle'i Fathom“, nut Yoxk Springl, bu not been uublilhed, in consequence on some diflcuny in complying wick the regain;- tiou of th. Depumem. ' OORQBESS. ~ < i la the United Stetee Senete, \on‘ lende‘y, ~ Mr. Richardson took the floor, referring to , the speech of the ‘Senetor from leemhuum (Mr. Wilson) on: Betnrdey, which he eh"; :‘eeterlsed ee extraordimryL end 'es charging {that the bullet! fired sgeinst Union soldiers were fired by Democrats, end thet the whole ‘ Demoereticperty were disloyel, - ‘ Ir. Wilson seid he‘never seld'the mum of i that pertfwere disloysl. . l illr. lllcherdson proceeded, end esfilng who , Vick Virginie not of the Union, eeld theyivun 2 men who we‘ri opposed to the Democratic pit; 'ty. While this was the use, the Democretlg i portion oi the fit.“ remelned loyal, N‘ld era, 1 now set on into a new State. The eherge was i: w‘holly unjustlfleble es e'gelnst the Democratic ' Pm!- " there Wes eny disloyelty, he should ' “P"?- to find it in lessechusettn, under the , teachings of Wendell Phillips end others. In I XMlechusetts the negroes were enlisted to de -5 tend the forts of that Stete, end according to the New York Times they were enlisted et For. trees Monroe, and accredited tallessaehnsetts. . When lndiene end other States did not fill up, i their quote, the theft was mhdgbnt Melancho— ' setts was allowed tolfill up ‘her quote by enlis iting negroes to defend her forts, and yet the I Senator from Massachusetts undertekes to lee. titre the Senete on pltriotilEtr lie contendgd lthet lithe proper policy had been pnrsnedth. {rebellion coulll‘no‘t have lasted ninety tiny]... But since the innugnrntion of conflsc‘etion and h I] emancipation, we have had no‘ success; bin“ i let the continuation and e'nutneipntion acts be recalled, and there is time yet‘ to I". m; 1 country._ " _ - ‘ Under the old policy success wes eerte'n‘_ i under this new policy destruction is 3'!th u r certain. Until the emancipation Bifoclmetion l Wes issued, the conscripted soldiers of the I South hed been of little seryice, but now they ,lfought as earnestly in the rebel ranks as the { original lenders; And we have a conscri’ptlnu bill here. By it liberty is destroyed; end noh',l J by this bill, it is proposed to destroy: the pose. er of all the courts. He did not know whah 3 else the’ people had to surrender of thelir irights. lt was‘well seid by‘the gentlemen lfrom Dclnwureéthlr. Bayard) the other day ’thst'no court and no lewyer in all. the years i of the got‘er'nmeat bed eleimed "the President ijhed the power to “15de the writ of ltebene *carpus, and thus’nrrest peaceful citizens. HO 2 we: opposed to both the conscription bill and ‘the present bill.- 'l‘hrronscription bill would 'lgire the countryJo soldier: until 1864, end {they were minted in 18b1, He saw no ronson‘ [or porting nitlt the liberties and pow'er (if ”he people it“ no benelit was gnincd by thh ‘ ' fountry. l 1 0n the some day,in‘ the Housmtho cones-rip; tion bill nus taken up. 'lir. Ulin‘, on. Y. n..-“ I ted theurgcnt iiecussilyi'or the pnsange ofbltis hill. lie hoped the menu": would meet 3‘s“] thounpprobntion of every teen in tho lluuso, ,thongh there might be some dill'e'iouce of oping ‘ion on mutters of dctnil. ' . ‘ i i Hr. Biddle uni-l he was in’i’avor «(an eilieiaot ,' ltrgnnizutiou of the‘nntionnl fort-es, but llus ill I lie ofn ner‘cs of inc-.tslurt-s which lends melee iinlly to the litter dcstrmtiun ofthe govern; ‘inent. lle addressed his rcmu‘rks to the filth :hnd sct't-utli sections of the bill, coutendiug’ ' but the hill placed into the hands of time ’ ilitdry gorernorsl'ull will! try nntliority, thus . npcrseding the citil law. The iuture t'lsn‘bo udged by the putt With refi-refire‘tu the use ul‘ power; The gnitrhntecs of the civil low to a, i't'he citizens have been syn-pt nnny by excch- Itite powt-r. _lle referred to urbitrnry‘arre‘ets, l'snying they hntl produced it iceling ofindigne— f tion througl out the country. a - ‘ ‘, ‘ Mr. Davis desired to know what perty‘ iu the North would create it r‘evolntion—the Republi ; can party or the Detnoqrntit?_ ‘, - l . Mr.‘Biddle.——lt viill be by on outraged peo ', plc. . He then prm ceded to paint out the un ,constitutioml_l‘ity oi the details~ of‘ the Juli, :nnd e'numirtef‘ed the illegal urrtwts heretoiurn i ”undo by military governors us indicutitc’luf i iwhnt might be expected in the Inturc. , ‘, F [ lle complimented Gov. (‘nrnn for his protest Ingninst illegal arrests, and concluded by “h" i ling holiice of ccrtni'n ninoliniriifivnts to 'curthik i the powers granted to provost nmrslmls, The >necessity for this he tonnes in the ection'ol' ilprorost mnrslinls heretolore who on runny oc—. lresions ‘hnd interfered with the freedom 61 1 elections;~ , e , . Mr. wnlvhédenwd the bill to be month-4. :, kind for‘ that purpose be dusiicd its'refe'reiicg l ito the military cbnnn‘ittee. lie useln («gm of I being all efforts to put down the rebellion. hut i lithe bill contuined provisions to which he i strongly objected. lle especially condemned the provisiuni vesting extraordinary peters “in the provost mnrshnls. 1 i Mr. McPherson said under the bill a provost mrshol could not mnke arrests for trea‘ione ,jble practices. lie cdnld .only make a report lion the subject to the proVost mershel geherel »,0! Washington, ‘ ' ‘ * Mr. wrigi t and, then the dishretion anneal yes with {he provut marshal genfiel. rile i would not surrender his constitutional rights l are one man. i _ ' . , I j The House took e recess until 7P. M. . i On Wednesday, the Conscription bill‘heing ! under consideration, Mr. Thomas, of’ linen, i one of the four or live conservstire Republi- l ‘eens in the House, mode en ‘excellent‘speech.— i He said the majority the ebolitionists had in 1 the Hon. was en occidental one, end lied ela ‘ reedy heeh reversed by th‘ people. The abo‘ . lition policy, confiscetion‘ and emlltcipliiofl i lend negro soldier hillshhed disefleoted the l : people, and 'they no longer ribbon! to sent 1‘ ‘ with elecrity. The people being no longee i iwith them, they proposed totorcehthem into i i the sernce hy coercion, and to mhltiply pro‘. 1 yoet marshals end ereete e new system otnilli-~ i 'tery jurisdiction to which the people were un- l pccnstomed. Their only remedy tree to regein , the confidence end heerts o! the people by M 1.. hendoning abolition schimeljnd giving their attention to the eelretion or the eonntryt—f l iWithont doing thet, this bill would eccent plish no good. The hour or one o'elock herlng arrived, till . House proceeded to Vote upon amendmentsote (cred. Verions emendmente were xvoted on. One tea-‘edopted confining the term or service . he the present rebellion, not to exceed three years. _ . a Mr. Vellandighem - altered an amendment thet lnstohd of summery arrests by provost mershels or persons resisting or counseling resistance to the dreit, they else]! be made on a warrant issued by civil officers or courts hen lug competent jurisdiction, on oeth or emu-ms. tion, tetting forth the netnre of the cherge, Lost-yen 57, neye IT3. ' llr. Pendleton offered en amendment requir ing the Secretery of Wer to fix the sum to b. paid in lieu of lervice, by egenerel order, N‘s : fore the draft. Adopted. ~ ‘ Mr. Wicklifl'e offered an amendment Pm'i' dlng‘ thet the oflicers_ should be eppointed by the Governors of the Stetes. Loot by you 55. any. 104. , " . The seventh section was so amended‘el t 0 ‘ ' from the d ties of the roves It!!! :hlzree‘x‘lnqnire into ‘:1“! report t: the I’qu ‘lmhel Generel all “will?“ gentle ‘ ‘ Im. bill then nestedhlou tl aflflfiov, {ln lcl’henoe voted for it. ‘ Pi“ £—