The star, and Adams County Republican banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1831-1832, March 13, 1832, Image 4

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I . I I. IP*
0 B. 119101111 E WA 0 Treasurer,
hi at:could with theffil;Sior.7 of the Poor, and of the Hope
of Employment of Adams County.
I'sBl, Jan. 24. To cash received of Geo. Wills,
Esq. for goods sold of B. Tifton, S
Orders on R. Smith, Treasurer,
/111 HE subscriber respectfully inforiiis his
friends and the public generally, that
be has REMO VED HIS SHOP to the
house formerly occupied by Mr. Sweney,
few doors South of Mr. McCreary's Sad
-shop, in. Baltimore street, where he
still continues to carry on the
Cabinet-elliiking Business
P 2 t P 9
(1::rAll kinds of Lumber and Country
Pr?duce will be taken , in exchange for .
work, and for which the highest market
prices will be given'.
();P•• The subscriber would also inform
the public, that, having provided himself
with a Ihl?.iIlSE for the conveyance
of the dead, and being prepared to make
Collins, alkorders in That line will . be ex
ec :,.' i witta.paininptnees, neatness and de-
subscriber hopes, by strict attention
and - receive a liberal
o men
e nese,
share of patronage.
Gettysburg, Feb. 7, 1832. tf-44
Baltimore City,
HAS removed his office to No. 9, S.t
Paul's Lane, nearly opposite the office
of the Baltimore Gazette, arid a few doors
north of Market Street.
O:Zr Any professional business entrusted
to hit care in Baltimore, will be faithfully
February 28, 1832.
grIODWIN'S German Water, for the
' l ' 4 ' relief of all inflammations, especially
of the eye;.
Potter's celebrated Eye Water;
Potter's. Vegetable Catholicon;
Potter's. 0x3,0e. , natqd Anti-Febrifuge, for
Site cure of the 1 6 eier"and Ague;
Byam's Chemical' Embrocation or Liquid
Opodeldoc, for bruises, sprains &c.—said
to be far superior to the common Opodeldoc;
Rush's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills;
Sing's Patent Itch Ointment, said not to
contain any mineral or any thing that might
be injurious to the system;
C. Dare Chemical. Ink Powder, for
immediate formation of a beautiful jet
black ink; •
Old Port Wine in Bottles, for the sick—
en article that can he recommended—
Together wonevery6lE6r arttele — iii - lits
line of business, as reasonable as can be had
-sew ere.
Gettysburg, Feb. 28, 1832.
! 3_the subscribe,' intends declining the
inweetmtile -- business in--Oxford, about
e el5l/e or March, next, ho requests all per
sons indebted to him, for goods sold in Ox
id, to make immediate payment to his
brother, Jossm DICKEY, who is authorized
t. receive the same. He would also inform
those with whom he has settlements to
make, that he will attend in person at Ox
ford for one week prior to the 15th of March,
at which time he intends selling out the
balance of his Goods to his brother, Jesse
'Dickey, who will continue business at the
old stand in Oxford.
o* - 11e would also take this opportunity
of returning thanks to his friends and cus
tomers, for the liberal encouragement he
zeceived whilst engaged, in - business in Ox
.ford. • 7
Oxford, Feb. 21, 1832. 4t-46
And ioithout any equivocations whatever!
PIIMOSE • . sons indebted to me, either
- 111
by, bond,' note or book account, and
who.have neglected my former notices for
settlement, are hereby notified, that, unless
they come forward and close their a,ccount.q,
On or before tlsefirst day of Aptsl next,
IF will POSITIVELY bring suit, against
them without "fear, favor or affection."
My, business. must and shall be cl9sed at
that , time.*
111.1d43E/‘ SEE.DS.
, Early York CithEiage Seed,
• 44 " tilearlet Rfultah, •
" Large curled , cabbage Lettuce,.
° • 4 ,f Frame Peas,
biet received and Gar We_ at the Drug.
• tore:et 4 •
int. J. GI.E.I3ERT. ,
Petit* 7;'1882.
MU ;
CR. . Dolls. Os,
1631, Jan. 4. Bs' balance duo-Treas. last settlement .46 24i
•By cash paid on sundry orders for the support
232 87i
of outdoor Paupers and Funeral expenses,
Jno. M. Stevenson, for Merchandiso, 89 73
Jno. Ash, for Manure, . 31 00
J. B. Danner, for merchandise, • ' 29 37
VT. Stevens, `2 vrs. salary, 18`26& 1891, as council, 20 00
Aughinbaugh, stewares salary, . 135 00
T. J. Cooper, for merchandize, 63 37
Wm. Bauer, for making shoes, 24 39
Wm. Winn; of Bait., for Groceries, 57 08
C. J. Shower, for merchandise, 27 l'i
,J. &G.Briiikerhuti; for haillingGroceries from'
Balt i more,
Barnits, for locust posts,.
Heiler, for making post and rail fence,
Boyd & Bender, fur rails,
D. Comfort, for merchandise,
J. M. Stevenson, do.
Justice's fees, and Constables for executing orders,
Trostle and others, for grain and Hour,
R. Smith, for merchandise,
Clarksim, for hardware and cutlery,
Stewart's orders on Treasurer, •
Newman, Forry and. Shower, for manure,
McKnight and Brielterhoff, for extra service t
as Directors, ,
Doctor Pfeifer, for medical service,
Danner & Zeiir er, for merchandise, , '
Buehler, and Gilhe , rgs atldT - stridictnes,
Cooper, for stock cattle, .
Sundry hirelings,
Sundry persons, for pork and bacon,
Koehler and Middleton, for printing,
Comfort, for merchandise,
'S. Fahnestock, for "do. -
-Jno. Garvin, clerk's salary,
Sundry persons, for vegetables, fruit and cider
J. B. Clarke, Register, for searches for title pa-
pers of land,
H. Wisler, for chopping wood, . .
~„.;,,. J. Houck, for brick for smoke liouse,'
Burkman and Mowry, carpenter and mason-
.1. Culp, for smith work, 41 21
G. Brinkerhoff, for groceries purchased in Balt. 61 39
Doctor Horner's salary, 112 00
Do. for attendance is obstetric eases. 20 00
Justice Arndt costs in suit, 5 78
P. Deihl for leather, 21 96
Andrew Polly, for tin-ware, . 14 64
Sundry tradesmen's bills, " 42 80
F. Burkman's last instalment on contract for t
234 27
building barn,
Adam Walter, for tayloring,
Geo. Wills, Esq. in trust,
David Ecker, for supporting out door paupers,
Treasurer's salary,
Balance in Treasurer's hands,
WE, the subscribers, Auditors to settle and adjust the Public
Accounts, do certify, that we• have examined the items
which compose the above account, and do report, that they are
correct, and that the balance of Thirty-Two Dollars Eleven and
a Half Cents,is in the hands of the Treasurer—it being from the
sth day of January, 1831, to the 3d day of January,lB32, both
days included.
In account with the Directors of the Poor and of the House
of Employment of Adams County.
1631, January 4. To cash rceived of J.B. 31cPher
$165 00
son;Treasurer, e on Wert;
Baugher and Aslf, fa ploughing and hauling,
P. Heagy and others, for pliltry,
Received in charity box,
Riley and Winn, for cloicirOeti, and, Garvin,
for hay,
Baugher, Gilbert and Ash, for butter and tallow,
A. B. Kurtz, for sheep,
McFarlane, Gilbert and Cnssatt, for hides and skins,
Aughinbaugh, for saddle,
Sundry persons, for boarding,
Marks, for a horse,
CR. Dolls. Ct:.
1831, Jan. 4. By balance, due steward at last settlement, 1 88i
Cash paid sundry persons for vegetables, ezc., 37 81
Tradesmen's bills, 49 724
Travelling paupers, , 1 374
For manure,_ 15 43
Hirelings and wood-choppers,- 55 934
Wagon expenses, 3 81
Groceries and merchandise,39 36
Fencing and tails, 1 6 00
Harvest hands, /16 50
Grain and flour, 15 80
Postage, • .. • 28i
Stock hogs, 14 25,
Fish and butter, 19 75
Removing paupees, , • • 8 314
Meat and butchering, . 114 314
Vinegar and cider, 9.874
Balance in steward's hands, „0-108 91
$519 3p4
S, the subscriber*, Auditors to settle and adjust the Ptiblic
v v Accounts,. do certify, that we have examined the items
which compose the above account, and do report, that they:are
correct; anti that the balance of One Hundred and Eight Doh:
/ars and Ninety-One Centa,ia in..the hands of tire Steward--it Lae•
ing from the sth, day of January 7 lB3l,. td 3(1 day of J anuary,
1832, bah, days included: •
, i gan t ri7 lA ,
(it - inn. I yr
266. & 11 ye.
420 .do Corn.
51 • do • Oats.
2 do Cloverseed
6 do • flaxseed.
Dolls- C'ts
41 Paupers remained in the Poor-house - ou the sth day of
January, 1831.
50 Paupers remained in the Poor-houseun the 3d day of
January, 183'2.
6 Paupers supported out of the House by the Institution.
80 Paupers' admitted in the course of the year, including out
door Paupers.
March. 5,
.1832. • 3w—V4
9 . 37i
2600 00
7 1 212i24 1 11102iLd (O,II.WM'VZ3dc.D.)I;I4
iDDPFRTISEMEXT.,—The unrivalled and exten
sive reputation acquirH by this medicine, for the last live
years, both in hospital and private practice, demands from the
proprietor his. gratelbl acknowledgments to a discerning public.
O Potter's Vegetable Catholican is offered for the cure of
Diseases of the Liver, Ulcerated Sore 'Pliroixt, Debility resulting
from Intemperance and Dissipation, Scrotida or King's Evil, Old
and Inveterate Uleers, Pains in the Bones, Rheumatism, Dispel).
sia or Indigestion, Diseases of the Lungs, Syphilis, BlotcheS on
the Face and Skin, White Swellings of the Joints, 'letter, Mer
curial diseases, Piles, &c. &c.
The Catholicon consists exclusively of vegetable matter, and
with a slight determination to the-bowels, which it preserves in a
soluble state, acts insensibly, is pleasant to the taste, and requires
no particular regithen or confinement. As a gentle cathartic me•
dicine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of
the system, it is confidently recommended to ladies in a delicate
7 63
42 24
42 29
20 66
94 00
21 62i
25 70
67 42
23 62
165 00
42 51
The unrivalled and extensive character which this medicine
has enjoyed, for the last six years, as a complete renovator, and
purifier of-the blood and humors, both in Hospital and Private
Practice, is a substantial basis tier its future simian t. It haS ob
tamed its present groat distinction by the extraordinary Success
which has attended it in the Healing Art, while every avenue and
track : have-been-searehed-in-yatu for its parallel indeed,--its-dis—
covery may be considered one of the most sacred boons that can
be afibrded to the unfortunate; and I most sincerely hope the sym
pathy of the public will be excited to diffuse its invaluable merits.
-There- are, , at this time, several spurious mixtures in circula
tion abroad, and some vended in this city,assuming to possess the
same; or equal virtues, of Potter's Catholicon it is to be hoped
that: the unsuspecting will be placed on their guard against such
8 00
4 00
38 77
54 00
145 50
.99 18
29 00
73 32
10 :33
25 00
70 58i
2 00
impositions, much mischief has resulted from their use. They
cons4t principally of sarsaparilla strops, viz: Sirop de cuisiner or
Rob L'Affecteur, and are sold for a much less price ; you will
therefore he particular and purchase of none but my authorized
agents, where you can obtain the GENUINE CATHOLICON.
W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
3 75
34 00
15 90
n — Theiftillowing strong testimonial is furnished at the request
place, whose original certificate, of which the following is an ex
act copy r is left with the proprietor of the CathOlicon.
• At the request of D.—, I here give a statement of the effect
of Potter's Catholicon in the restoration of my health. My con
stitution had been in a declining state for more than 18 months. I
was much troubled With a short dry cough, slight difficulty of
breathing, which was much inereased•by bodily exercise. At
night, great oppression at the chest was experienced, with exces
sive colliquative sweats, soreness and pain in the sides and breast,
with extreme languor and loss of appetite. In this situation, I
travelled to the New England States Iv sea, but obtained no per
inanent relief. Some time after my return, by way of experiment
I was induced to use Potter's Catholicon, and after using 2 bottles
my health was- perfectly restored. DAVID R. EDLEY.
4 00
6 00
1 70i
32 11
$2009 37
Dear Sir:—After many but ineffectual trials to relieve myself
from a most severe and distressing attack of the dispcpsia,l have
been completely cured by the use of, to me, your invaluable Ca
tholicon, and I think it .my duty thus publicly to state my case,
and - in order that others may profit thereby. The first symptoms
of the disease_were manifested in the spring of 1827. Warned
at the approach of this destroyer of all ease, I had' recourse to
sician after physician, and remedy after remedy, but received
fiat(' rely :ded he court-
Attie or no retia:Twas recommeni to retire into t.
try, Where I so far recruited, that I began to think the enemy
was dislodged. I returned to the city, where in a short time all
my old symptoms returned with double violence. My stomach
became so debilitated with drugs that I relinquished the regular
syygein and entered on a course of Swaim's Panacea. It did me
no good, and 1 went back to my Doctor f who,eranimed-me with
pulveri4ed oyster Shells; . etc,. etc. My teeth bee ime. loose had
some actually'fell out; there was a constant pain in my joints, par
ticularly in damp weather, pains in my right iide and, shoulder,
etc.- .1 now submitted to another course of medical treatment,
until the fall of 1829, when my physicians :Stated the case to be a
sehirrus of the liver. Then it was that I determined to try your
Catholicon, a few doses of which improved my appetite, and gave
me a feeling of ease and comfort, I candot .readily des&ibe. In
twelve days after using ./nit one bottle, I found myself well—the
few teeth 1 had left were firmly clasped by the gums and. my ap
petite and digestion perfectly restored. I now enjoy as good
health as I ever did, and I must say it is to your valuable Catho
licon that 1 attribute this happy result.
Respectfully yours, EZRA P. WILTBANK.
20 00
11 'l2
64 62
10 69
54 62
27 09
7 00
119 22
89 21
$519 39
Dear Sir:--I will shortly state my former case. I labored for
six yeart;' under a violent Liver Complaint. It first manifested it
self in the summer of 1821; and rendered,frequent application to
ai►'eminent family physician necessary, by whose prescriptions I
took three bottles, and thank God, I can, truly•say the disease of
'the liver entirely left me; , and I have since been as well and hear
ty as man can be, ip the fullest enjoyment of health and spirits.
My cure wail effected solely by your celebrated and agreeable
Catholicon. Your friend, - EDWARD L. LONG.
To W. W. POTTER,-Philadelphia.
Dear Sir:L---This was a case of :Rheumatism in an intimate
friend Of mine, an old 'gentleman about sixty year of age, who
had the Rheumatism. for a number of years past, part of the time
'confined to bed; he took it merely through eiperiment, and was
surprised to find himself entirely freed from his painful disorder by
using only one bottle. - Your Well wi i s'her,.
An eminent physician says:--”I have 'known several cure:"
performed by the use of your Cutholicon, which had previously
resisted the ordinary , prescriptions of the faculty, and I have
tever knownit to prodace INJURIOUS _EFFECTS."
6r.7"Tolie had at the Drug , Store of ,
'Gettysburg, March 60832. , • V ,1.1--48
R ii
- •
I 3 (( 4 jildn
LYNCHBURG, Va., May sth, 1828.
PHILADELPHIA, March 28th, 1629.
34 Tons of Tlay.
2613 lbs. Pork.
2772 lbs. Beef. ,
261 Yards Linen and Cloth,
manufactured in the House.
NORFOLK, Va. May Ist, 1828
WILMINGTON, May 22d; 1830.
. iftleiPtiOnfe*"
• e 0.4 ClimaTisiEl;VG
••••.; • _• •
211W211 :kw gi:4'22M o
Respectfully informS . the public that he has
ren►oved to his
New Shop in Chtimbersburg Street, a feu!
doors West of the Court House,
Make, Trim and Repair
e 14-a(4, WA,
Portmanteaus, Harness, Trunks,
and every other article in his line of busi
ness, with neatness, durability and despatch.
Ile returns his thi . itio for past encourage
ment, and shall elr eavor to Merit a contin
uance of the same.
July 21i, 1831. tf---16
I.' oo
401)lbs of Lamp or Candle-Wick,
. 1,000 Butter Prints;
1,000 Barrel and Half-Barrel Covers,
1,000 Nests of Sugar Boxes.
500 Fancy Baskets,
200 Gross Lamp Wicks,
500 lbs. Candle or Lamp Wick.
For sale, by
Baltimorß, 4 mo. 31fil, 1832. 41-49
Polices Vegetable Catholicon
-OFFERED fo,r the cure of diseases of
- 7 the liv er, ulceratt .1 throat, debit.
ity °resultiiig from intemperance, scynfula
or kings evil—old and inveterate uleers
pains in the bones—rheumatiodyspep.
sin—white swelling, of the jOiii44—tetter -
--piles, &c. &c.
A fresh supply of the above:-article . just
received and for sale by
DR. J. GILBERT, Druggist.
Who will furnish also any article in his
line of business as reasonable as can be had
February 14, 1832.
with a Cellar, oral° New 13uilding
onedoor West of Mr. Buehler's Drug Store,
is for rent. It is large and convenient,
and the situation a good one for a Store, or
January 17, 1832.
THE Heirs of Louisa Slaty,
deceased, (widow of the late John Sta.
ly,) are hereby notified, that their respec
tive portions of the estate of said deceased
are ready for them—They will therefore
do well to call on the subscriber, either in
person or by order, immediately, as he does
not intend to be accountable for interest on
any portion of thcir shares after this date •
Saturday Morning -risiter,
De vntsd— 1,9% kiferatur§,,& *go, the useful.
Aris, General Intel?igcnce and Annisemeni,
No. 1, South. Gay-st Baltimore.
Fir HIS PAPER is printed on a sheet of
the largest size, with a new and beau
tiful type, at the low price of -
Great attention will be gi%en in selecting
and preparing articles for publication in the
VISITER. The publishers will spare no
labor or expense in endeavoring to make it
equal to any periodical of the kind in this
Persons at a distance who wish to bull
scribe', will have their orders punctually at
tended to: The papers to go by mail will
be carefully put up, to secure them from,
any injury on their passage.
Baltimore, Feb. 21, 1832. . 4t-48
*,*Subscriptions to the above received Rt this Mee
. .
RANA - WAY from the subscriber, ors
the night of the sth of October last, a
Negro Man named, ISAAC, about 20 years
old. He is bout s.feet 7or 8 inches high,
a scinare-built wehet felraw„ walks a Hale
stoop shouldered, tawney complexion, very
full face, wide mouth which he spreads very
much when he laughs, and down look when.
interrogated or spoken to. His clothing
not known except: blue . coat aboochalc
worn, and an` old fur hat.' There is no ,
doubt lint he will alter his name us I think-
he obtained a free pass frOm a fellow by tiker
name of John Beeson, & is in Pennsylvania
crossed the Potomac ,at Shepherdstown a-.
boat . two weeks before Christauta, The A
bove reward will bo,:giyen to any - person
that will give, me haferinaiion so that: I gob
list, if he. is Pennsylvania' orarry.otherfreo.
State;. or ON if in Maryland, ainallo , if in,
'New qkarlestoWn,'Aeffesssrr.Count 'lts.