MMI ADVERTSS 141 E CABINET-31A - KING. ' THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has REMOVED HIS SHOP to the houso, formerly occupied by Mr. Swency, a few dbors South of Mr. MeCreary's Sad dler-shop,. in Baltimore. street, where he Mill continues to carry on the Cabinet-eilluking Business IN ALL, ITS BRANCHES, • AND 18 PREPAREIk, TO MANI:FACTURE, AND INTENDS KEEPING ON HAND A GENE- RAL itSSORTMENT OF FIRST-RATE 2W2JP2WV22O OF ALL KINDS. OrY - All kinds of Lumber and Country ~Produce will be taken in exchange - for Work, end for which the highest market prices will be even. • 0:7 - The subscriber would also inform the public, that, having provided himself with a IifEwIRSE for the conveyance of the dead, and being prepared to make COMM, all orders in that line will be ex ecuted with promptness, neatness and de . `t giber hopes, by strict attention merit_abci_receis_n_a_ liberal_ of patronage. L. SHARP. burg, Feb. 7, 1.832. tr-44 OTIOn - *G persons - Weft:l to the Estate of JOIN PEDON, late of Liberty township, Adams county,—deceased, either by bond, note or book account, are request ed to call and settle the same on or before the'frst day of March next—and those having claims against said Estate, are also requested to present the same, properly au- Abenticated i for settlement. THOMA. February 7, 1832. 4t*-744 PRO C WTI 0 TIOSE concerned, will.take notice that the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, have appointed a 03.7341 - 4 3 2 t? CCOV2:O2 to be held at Gettysburg, for the County of Adams, by the Judges of the same Court— _la-commenee on—Monday the -sth-day of March next. WM. S. COI3EAN, Sheriff Silent's Otlice, Gettys burg, Jan. 17, 1832. S tc-41 BIOTICE. rfirliHE heirs of Louisa Staly, .Y. deceased, (widow °ldle late John 6ta ly,) are hereby notified, that their respec tive portions of the estate of said deceased are ready for them—They will therefore Flo well to call on the subscriber, either in person or by order,iminediately, as he does fiefintemlto - be - Erczemratilrrforinturtrurow any portion of their shares after this date. 4 t- At 4 February 7, 1832. C CRI-.11.1111.1.1Y4 dec. 1EZ,M2. 5 .57 ii2,222g . the-public - tliut Lc ha - _ New Shop in ChumbeFsburg-Street, a few • -- - - doors West of -thee Court- House, WHERE IfE IS PRERARED TO _ Make, Trim and Repair e 4 4 - air "d '*‘ OP EVERY IFSCR IPTIGPh --ALSO-. SAD DIMS, • BRIDLES, SADDLE-BAGS,, l'ortmanteaus, Harness, Trunks, stud every other article in his line , of busi ness, with neatness, durability and despatch. He Wilms his thanks_ for - past encourage ment, and shall endeavor to merit a contin otiose of the same. July 26, 1831 $lOO REw.ana. A.NAW.AY from the subscriber, on MA W the night of the sth of October last, a 'Negro; Man named ISAAC, about 20 years old. lie is about 5 feet 7or 8 inches high, a, square-built well set fellow, walks a little stoop shouldered, tawney comPlexion, very. full face, wide mouth which he spreads very much when, he laughs, and down look when Interrogated or spoken , to. His clothing ,not known except a blue coat about half an old fur hat. 'Rero , is no ;doubt but be will alter his name as I think he obtainedi free pass from a fellow by the - OfJohwßeeson, is in Pennsylvania . froin every information. I can get; as he . "mend the . Potomac at Shepherdstown a bout two weeks. beforaQh-rietmas. The, a -- Bove reward - will be given - to . any person ‘, god.will give me information so that I get ..him, if he is pormitylv;thia,or any other free abaci - o $3O itin Maryland, and 810 if in , GARLAN.D \lll. DAVIS. , Nair Char* • APtrirliTi Ceu'i •Va. • • • .4 . • ;7 , 0 ,1 4 - A f amt , ll 1- -a A . CERT d CU ItE FOR THE 1 a HIS filthy and infections dimrder, be it ever so inveterate, may be cured in one hour's application by Me vise of DUNI FRIES'. 01 NT% ENT. It is unrivalled for the pleasantness, ease, expe dition, sufety,and ccrtainty,with which it produces a perfect cure of this disease. The Ointment is known to be so certain and expeditious in as'oPti rat ton, as to effect a cure in one hour's application only! without any hazard of taking cold, as the composition•does not contain the least particle of mercury, or aby other dangerous ing; edicnt ; it may be applied with, pe'rlbct safety in the s tate , of pregnancy, and even to children 'at the beast. LtTrice 37A cents a hox,with ample directions. DUMFRIES' HIGHLY APPROVED L.C.Y l ,:ar TI F AIW2 THIS safe and powerfAiViish for sore obi 44/Ta med Eyes, stands pre-eminent among the multi tude of ordinary preparations for this purpose.— The most obstinate as well as the more slight inflammations of that delicate organ, yield to this highly approved Eye Water, which will brace and restore the tone of the diseased parts. On recent sore eyes, the effect is highly salutary, and in cases of years standing, thetuostlinexpec. ted relief has been received, after other applica. tions of inferior efficacy had failed. Those who use it, pronounce it to Lie one of the best prepara tions for those complaints they ever met with,espe• chilly ill obstinate cases of soreness and inflam mation. Price 25 cents a bottle, with directions (113 - The celebrated CAMTIIIIAINIA TOOTH ACHE PILLS, which give immediate relief with out the least injury to the Teeth. On trial this will be found one of the hest remedies fbr this painful complaint. Price 50 cents a box with di. ructions. TOR FEMALES. PR. RELFE'S AROMATIC PILLS AVE. been long-celebrated as a_most value hie and efficacious remedy against those general complaints peculiar to the &male - portion of society. They cleanse, purify and promote a free and brisk circulation of the blood, when be. come sluggish and langMd from tfie - iilliictitig ments for which these Pills are a safe and effectu , -apeeifice-----They-assistilie_suspended operations of the sanguifereus system, when nature requires it, and 'dairy the irregular habits of the unheal thy female whose sickly and palid countenance be. comes reanimated,' and freshens With the natural glow of restored health. - They are a tried and approved . remedy in obstructions, debility,hypochon dria, green sickniss, giddiness, palpitation of the heait, lard digestion, loathing food, pains of the stomach, shortness of breath,. upon every little mo tion, sinking - Oft - he Ittfdits — consequncei : a l dejected countenance and dislike for exercise and conversation. They are equally conduci4to the al-of - married hrdiesi extept-in-meses of-piagna-,_ l cy, or hectic and consumptive habits, when they must not he taken. But they may be adininister ed to great advantage-a month or more after ac couchment, for the purpose of cleansing the sys. tern and purging those gross humors, which, when retained, lay the foundation of numerous disease, and render the incautious subject un-, healthy for life. They should also be taken by all women from 45 to 50, to prevent the dangerous disorders consequent upon that critical period of female life. They have been further found, by experience, to afford a powerful remedy in all hypochondriac, hysteric, and vaporish disorders, both-in men and women, whose nervous system they strengthen and regulate, aid nature irrthrow• ing off those gross and superaburidant humors, which' produce melancholy and depression of spirits,'renevate the body, reanimate the mind, and diffuse a general cheerfulness and elasticity thro'- out the whole system. Price $1 50 a box, with .directions. . above valuable Medicines are prooar ed from the Original MS. Recipe' Crf the late Dr. W. T. CONWAY, by T. KIDDER, his Immediate Successor, and the Sole Proprietor. For sale at his Counting Room, No. 99, next door to J. KID DER'S Drug Store, corner of Court and Hanover Streets, near Concert Hall, Boston, and also thr sale by his special appointment, (together with all the valuable Medicines, as prepared by the late Samuel H. Buehler, Druguist, Geitymbura, Pa. % Observe that none are genuine without, eV; written signature of 'l'. KIDDER, on the outside printed wrapper. rr A large discount made to those who buy to sell again. - January 31, 1832. 1:1ST of Causes for Trial in the Circuit II Court of Adams County, to be held in Gettysburg, on Monday_ the sth .clay of 111(treh next, The Carlisle Bank The Trustees of Mo. see Gourley, an In solvent Debtor David Witherow Wm. M'Clellam Jr. John AO, Jr. and James `Bowen David White Peter Brongle. Thos. Neely, Geo. Day, Rachel Ar nold,Jas.Wierman and Moses Neely. ° Thaddeus Stevens vs. Jacob Lefever. 9avid Gilbert vs. Bernliart Hoffman. --G.- WELSH, Proih'y. February 14,.1832. te-:-45 Jurors--Circuit Court. Borough.—John Houck, John B. Marsh, Samuel S. McCreary, Adam Wert. Germany.—Amos Lefever,Jacob Keller, Enoch Lefever. . tf-1 Hamiltonban.—john M'Cullough, John Kinett, John Orr, Andrew Stthyart,.Samuel Blythe, Isarel Irvin, John Mid(ley, Jr. John J. Kerr, Joseph Reed, (of Benj.) Mounspleasant.—David Demarv,Edw'd Riley, D. Clapsaddle, S. S.. Caldwell, Esq. Liberty.—J. M'Divitt, W. Scott, J. Hill. • Straban.—Peter Eyster, John Gourley, Peter Hulick. '• • Mountjoy.—F. Stockslager, Jas. Black. Franklin.—David Middlccoff, John Bie seeker, Thomas M'Knight.. Cumberland.—Saml Cobean, Jr. Geo. Guinn, Jos. Walker, Quinton Armstrong, Tyrone.—W tn. Greer, Win. Sadler. ' Reading. —NV i 1 lien) Jones. . Haniittan,.—Michael Hanes. Berwick.—Garge Ickes; Dan'l man, George .Himes.. - , Hunti4ton.—John Fickes, (of , Daniell) John. Gardner. ,, • ~ ilfeniz//e4.—Samuel Diehl, Jesse Houcl, Nathan' Wright, \, -ALSO lyesw4-43 Nicholas Wiorman vs. Abraham Scott. vs. Peter Epley. OR SALE. IN THE. BOROUGH OF GE4"PreflOtiic ghat iwo-story BRICK , . Dwelling ilonNe,;,;, In. Charnbersburg Street, a few doors West of 31 r. Forry's Inn, recently occu pied by Dr..Smyser. The Payments, if desir ed:, be -will -made- very acoomodating-. ----For further particulars, inquire of the occußant.. January 17, 183 . 4. tf-11. litrirt4ato aid ty ervettbitttretti * OF ADAMS COUNTY, PENN. • COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, ADAMS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. AGREEABLY to an Act of Assembly, entitled, "An. Act to raise County Rates and Levies" requiring the Commissioners of the respective, 'Counties to publish a statement of the Receipts and Expenditures yearly—We, the CommissiOners of Taxes 'of said County, do Report as,j fol lows, viz:—V-From the 7th day of January, 1831, to the 51/i day of -January, 1832,- both days .included •: . ~ .„ Tax at last settlem6nt To outstandin, Ground Rents in hands of James Gourley . . . 35 .OSi Arrearage Duplicate 725 44 Balance of George Ziegler's Bond 115 00 Ground Rents in hand's of C. Chritzman . . . 44 . 00 - Tax assessed for 1331 . ...... 10,349 36 Ground RentS due, - January, IS3I 199 00 Cash of D. Wills, Esq. for an Estray sold . . . 600 Cash on hand at last settlement 2,149 85 Jury Verdicts and Fines in hands of P. Heagy, • late Sheriff, Addition to Tax Duplicates . _ . `"The Tax assessed — for 1 - 831, is as follows, viz:— , George Irwin, Hamiltonban, . 655 55 Daniel GeTsilman, I3e - rwtek, . . --I:153 -36 . James Renshaw, Germany, . 601 05 Valentine Hollinger, Reading, . _ . 656 00 Isaac Durbor'row, Mountjoy,4 B 4 20 John Duffield, Tyrone, 3B3 9 6 James Patterson, - Hamilton,. 472 61 Nicholas Groop, Huntington, . . 454 35 --George_ Myers, Jr. Latimore, . . 433 39 John Emlet, . .. Conowago, . . — 693 36 James Scott of D. Liberty, . . 581 86 ----George---Brinkerhoff, Mountpleasant, , .: 60 ._ 87 -. 7 Anthony Deardortl; Franklin,. 769 95 G. • Chritzman, • Borough,4 Bs 51 . . Michael Miller, Cumberland,7o2 30 Jacob Taughinbaugh, Straban, . v- • 760 41 Jacob Smith, Sen. Menallen, . . 801 31 ("The Outstanding Tax appears to be in the hands of the following Collectors, viz:— COLLECTORS. TOWNSHIPS. 1820 John Marshall,* Berwick . 1823 Michael Snyder, Germany 1825 Adam Swope, Borough Wm. Cobean, Cumberland 1827 Caleb Beales, Latimore . . 1828 Peter Deardorff, Reading • . " James White, Jr. Liberty 1829 Henry Albert, Reading - : • Michael Kitzmiller, Conowago . . M. Jesse Seahrooks, Hamiltonban " John Mcllwain, Mountpleasant " .P. Bishop, Jr. Germany . . 183E)} C. Picking, Hamilton . . " _P._ Kuglesorat Berwick . . " John Marshall,* Hamiltonban John Bream, Sen. ' TyroneYT~ . • Samuel Kennedy,fFrunfingion 1831 George Irwin,* Hamiltonban . " James Renshaw,* Germany . . ----14— ftme - Durborrow,* - Mountjoy . . John Duffield,* :Tyrone . . " James Patterson Hamilton . . ".Nicholas Groop, • — flutitington . -. " George Myers,,Jr.* Latimore . . " John Emlet, : Conowago . . " James Scott,* Liberty . . - . " ' G Co. Brinkerhoff,* - Motilitlitea§iint . " • Anthony Deardorff, . Franklin " Michael Miller, Cumberland . " Jacob Tatighinbaugh, Straban . . c Jacob Smith,= Menallerr . . 0: - Those marked thus V] have since paid part—thus [t] in full. To ate IliOiiiiirable Fite Judges of the ' Cou WE, the subscribers, being duly elected AUDITORS to se W rnissioners of said County, and having been sworn or trtfi Statement of the said Account, from the 7th day of January; 183 Robert Smith, Treasurer, & Commissioner • Vat. To outstanding Tax, Jantiary 6, 1831, . 8 5,902 77 Quit-rents in hands of James Gourley ' • .• 35 OA • -.A.rrearage Duplicate • • •- . — 725 44 Balance of George 'Ziegler's Bond / • . 115 00 Quit-rents in hands of Christian Chritzman . 44 00 Tax assessed for 1831 • . : 1 ' •, - . 10,349 36 Quit-rents' due .January , 1831 '!,;, . . 199 00 ; 'Cash of David Wills, Esq. for an Estray sold t' 6 00 in;.Franklin township, • S Balance of last set t tlement. • • . 2,149 85 JUry Verdicts and Fines in P. Ileagy's hands . 414 48 Addition to Tax Duplicate • • . •• 18 99 WE furthe'r itefiOrt, that we have examin - ed . the items which _coutposelbe above and certify - that they are correct—and "that. the Balance of al.Two Thousand Nine• Bred and Two Dollars and Ninety-Six and an half Cents, is in the hands of, the Treasurer:. CHARLES.KETTLEWELL, Z s A ; : m7 , 1 , m i 1a ,: . .)-7;rr. JOHN. IWKESSON, - • ; • AI-4c IMI A. COPE . , 1 4 ,5bFultry "7, 4 B:#2. 2VIVI 2)gfizTrlN E l Ma . -_._ int. ,44 itbritoro' Itevort.. GARDEN SEEDS. Early York Cabbage Seed, " Scarlet Radish, , ° 1 • Large curled cabbiige Lettuce., " Frame Peas, Just' received and for sale at the Drug-. Store of •DR. J. ALBERT._ February 7,1832. a 4t-44 Dons. Cis 5,962 77 414 48 18 99 .4,2,0;019 $ 10,349 36 Dolls. Cis. 4 89 1 05 125 46 1 26 52 09 46 62 2 00 86 92 44 82 . 3 00 - 139 86 57 017 - 150 66 105 72 35 86 399 03 601 05 229 20 220 26 62 61 350 - 35 - 4 205 14 275 36 456 .86 335 - 89 269.95 567 30 396 41 405 31 .1 $5,790 0I 10,019 97i MEI By Orders paid,• as follow, viz:— Auditors' pay - _ Tuition .of Poor Children' Sundry bills of Costs paid Sheriff and others . Collectors of Taxes—Fees and Releases . . . Assessors' pay Treasurer of Poor-house Finds Prothonotary's and Recor7er's fees Grand Jury and Constables—pay General Jury and Constables—pay . . . General Jury, Circuit Court—pay James - I‘l6lllienny, Esq. Commisiioner—pay . Thomas Ehrehart,-Esq. do - do Jacob Cover, Esq. do do . 1). Horner, Clerk, salary, &c Sundry persons for Fox Scalps Road, Vic w . s_and Damages . . . . . . Jailor—keeping prisoners, S.Le, Court Cryer—pay, (Vc F. W. Koohler, for Printing . . . . Jacob Lefever, • do R. W. Nliddleton, do R. G. Harper, do Directors of Poor—pay Work done—public buildings Wood for Court-House and Prison . . . Officers of' Elections (General and Special) pay . - Medi - car attendance on Prisoners ".. Coroner—fees, &c P. Heagy, for R Lot . of Ground adjoining the Jail Treasurer of Borough of Gettysburg, for Hose for the use of the Fire Company of said Borough Wm. S. Cobean, Sheriff, for'summoning Jurors for 1831 .Tolin Heagy; for one ream of Paper . . . . By outstanding Tax Ground rents in handsOf James Gourley . do arrearage Duplicate . . . Balance of George Ziegler's Bond . Treasurer's salary Jury Verdicts and Fines in hands of P. Heagy, Esq. Orders of former yetii• paid by Treasurer Cash on hand .I[N__TESTIRONY.Ahttt the foregoing statement of RE. -m- CEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, ?AR. ? lice of the Treasurer of said County, is a correct and true Copy, as taken from and compared with the Ori ginals remaining in the Books of this Office—We .;•• . 14 • .4 j .' o '= ► 4, have herennerset - our Hantls, : and affixed the, Seal of our said Office, at Gettysburg, the Fifth of Janua ry, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Thomas Ehrehart, Jacob Cover, Commissioners. John L. Gubernator, ATTEST, D. Horner, Clerk. t Ot"'"eirinmon "Neils of 'Mains. County; . tle and adjust the Public Accounts of the Treasurer and Corn rmed agreeably to law, REPORT the following to be a General. 1, to the sth day of January, .1.83 —lciAli days included Actount with the toipaty of Adams. CR. By Cash paid on CommissiVis ordefs Outstanding Tax . . . Quit-rents in Jumas of James Gouriey Arrearage Duplicate Balance of George Ziegler's' 800 Treasurer's Salary. Jury Verdict-t;,and Fines in P. Heagy'ii hands Balance in Tfewury 50a lbs of Lamp ok.Cluidle-W" 1 , 1,000 Butter Prints; I,QOO Barrel and - Half-Barrel Covers, 1,000 Nests of Sugar poxes. • 500 Fancy Baskets, 200.. Gross Lamp Wicks, . 500 lbs. Candle or Lamp Wick. For sale, by VALERIUS DUKEHAZT: B A lthpore, Ist mo. 31st, 1532. 4t-42 CRS: Dolls. cts. 10 50 856 84 765 04 884 59 257 50 2,600 00 31 75 • 280.50 721 54 204 96 _ 105 00 • 00 . 94 50 169 87 . 2855} . 798 25 . 575 56 .• 61 62 . 78 50 .. 45 62 . 88 75 . 50 44 . 60 00 . 13 85 . 231 00 . 562 84 • -15— . 18 58 . 200 00 BIS 40 00 78 00 . . 3 25 5,790 01 . 35 04 . 725 44 15 00 100 00 . 414 48 . 15.84 2,902 96j $ 20,019 971 10,036 991 5,790 01, 35 08i 725 44. 15 oa 100 oa 414 48' 2,902 96f G31:1=2 L 420,019 97i ccounty Hun- ~?;