Receipts! Lifild- --, Ex.i)entlittires Of t ou.g. r , of., 14 ttn gdori, front the 3r(l .da,; 6,/ -I :S3 1, ttp t•'rhe stit -dal/ of 7 • b == 1,4t,-.1 erg O.L rt —LI If •Y ‘ Z .-.13 X: T ' i'a . ,'.l'3Ury 818 Me:Garvey, Shirley, 1830 William Dean., Penn, Henry Cremcr, Springfield, • -1851 " John . Lnve,,Barree, Daniel Teague, Cromwell Isaac 6harrer, zshirley. j o h n Brown, Springfield, Tho m as Dean, Walker, Charlez Green,,W.est, 1852 Daniel Wonlel‘dorf. Franklin, George Bowman, Shirley, Levi smith, linlon, John Cou;ter, Waiker. - James Ewin g, Barre°, James Mutter, Brady, Joshua Greenland, Uass, Richard Madden, Clay, Goorge Swartz, Cr;mrwell, Robert Petei son, Dub tin, Wm. 'AI cii wain, Franklin, Luke Voorhees, Henderson, Leonard Weaver, Ho ; ewell, J Ames ~ t ewar, ; -Jr. Jackson, Mic , loel.,Fette rho if, Morris, Jac.dc), Brumbaugh, Venn, Be*, nin Neff, l'orter, John Long, Z 5 hirley,, Sala Locke, Springaeld. J.Ain Johrs,.Tell, • Threat Baker; Tod, William smith, Union, JOhn Heffner; Walker, Waiter 'Van Tries, Warriorsmark, Jahrtli swift,' We at, , •. .1854 'William Coach,. Barree, John McDonald: Brady, G.eo•ge Smith, Cass, Richard Madden, Clay, MiChael'lllyers;Cromwell, Andrew J Taylor, Dublin, John Laport Fraukiln. John siivder. Henderson, Ell Plummer, Hopewell, ' Jonas W. Books. Jackson, • Da id Tussey. Morris, Jacob:grove:, Sr:, Penn, , D Shaw, Porter,' -- David S. Uri - diet - low, Shirley, Ben diet Stevens, Spririgfie Id, Jacob Hagie, Tell, ' John McClain, Tod. 'Nathan gfeenland, Union, Joseph Done hiss, Walker,, Wiliam- Hutchison, V% arriormark, Abialiam Cresiwell, West, Amount of County tax on Unseated lands, ArcoUnt of School tax on Unseated lan.(l, Amount of [boa 1 M.K. on Unseated - Amount of'Reildmption money on Unseated lands received since last settlement,. • Amount' received in full on Bond -- ttgliinst sundry persons given for `iniy'antinint aver three thousand :dbllars which Bridge across-the Juniata river at Huntingdon shall co-t. . Amount received for rent of • Toll House. • 32 .00 Amount received for rent df • - 0ou'rt1:1 - quse,, 25 00 Amount - 6T Juiy Fe'es and l'ine4:rdeeivedfrom.W.: 13. - 'Zei iieri BManee dile' county l'reasu reit at'6ett e EXPENDItIIRES, Attorney pyneral and otheis an crim- nal prOsecutions, _ Constables for Joaklng return• and advertisine, spripg . elections &c., Grand and ,Teaverzt3 •Co.llri &c.. - Assessors orders,. . Judges,-ilnsp-ectors and Clerks of 1E: *actions• Inqiiisitionzi..on dead bodies; • • Ro , d 254 00 do damages, Graf:cos 60 00 do , :•::• Julio Hewitt 400 00 (I)'' Yred'.SnYder 25 00 do'i -do , " • Tulin . - 23 60 dc; — 4l) aniel Piper 160 00 State road from Mill Creek to' Ualvin"- • ' Robert Madden for bridge at Huntingdon carinon.for,t)ridge at H a • fpr bricido.4t. ( - 2 7 Furnace, s' Jacob „Ci c pyvn• for, bridge -acres. Black Log-Oreek. John t+uilding bridge at Dr. , kes: Ferry t; antssioners • Robert -tit+ in Intl 38' 50 z 4 rnith • .• 105 00 ••• e t 'Wigton ' - 1-14'110 'Thorn -s Isa,ner 105' , 00 A riion paid Audi , ors fir '53 • Wait to C 'weir:, fuli for's3 50 00 do• do • OW Account 325 00 , 61-4854 ' Treainrei of State' Lunatic Asy, urn for '•' l)avmd Brotherline -- Joh., Madden Po r i' coal; wo - od, stationary, light Sic. for pnfilic offices diart l 4 .-10 - iise", and IneereSl 'or'6o'linty 'Bonds— ;:;:tsfliain.l3, Leas . 360 00 Fisher • • 114 00 I)rbison.Esi.,l73 50' ..Boaher - 60 00 r• 22 19 John •thaver ..-..7. 30 90- Ariaount paid Directors of the : Poorfor 1854 • W. B Zeigler Sheriff, for surnari..ning Jurors-and con veyinxtprisoypra to the penitentiary - .6to, Slieriff•Grcenland cos t Thr same, FriTCOiiniy Lewis fiamael'Glasgow George Jackson for boarding Jurors and,;Constables in the nlse of. ~C.oriolh.. vs - boarding Jurors:sad - Conqtablsc ;: $Ol so 52 02 98 07 15 6'3 30.64 121 58 191'98 12 68 4 18 271 21 39 54 2 84 31 88 100 31 1853 300 27 292 10 50 00 77 84 449 60 222 o 0 804 06 422 20 151 71 271 6o 648 99 232 Ot 1182 92 529 66 13 - 2 I 5 134 17 426 64 145 00 307 09 321 08 1091 'B5 348 00 200 00 60 00 135 00 'l3O 00 113 00 ,803 00 1263 00 168 00 397 00 342 00 425 00 686 00 380 00 25 00 50 00 200 00 207 53 310 00 520 10 685 28 16,619 16 467 97 174 20 .pairs. By bonds of suniiry persons secured by - R,al Estate and bearing interest from Ist April 1853, 176 60 By balance in hand of Treasurer, 1 263 47 17721 40 750 00 57 CO -63 00 64 82 18958'.02 1239 40 262 21 2826.60 348 00 648, 44 566 92 922 60 56 50 1150 .00 433 70 389 2.5 195 57 2469 52 300 00 362 50 53 50 375 00 52 (10 52 00 105 00 408.22 759 69 4280 00 632 73 160 00 77 50 99 00 176 50 - .90--Sg case of Conith., , Ns f2.4eorge Moreland ." B L d n for -Medical at el.donce a ers, lu9ll7anco of bridge -at Hun- tingcion , I) , stage to W;n. Lewis - John M. CUDninghamfor plan and specifications of Treasu rer's and zthcriff's office John Read Attorney to Com- miss - ioners in full for I 553 10 'OO John Reed Attorney to Corn- „ . missioners on account for 1854 2 - 0 00 A.- W. Benedict • 10 00 For running and making boundary line boween•Hun ting,don. Centre and Mifflin counties For running . and making boundary line between H untingdon, Bedford and Fulton counties Refunding orders to sundry persons fur land sold at - Treasurer's sale Sundry persons r remiums un wild cats and foXes - • Road tax on unseated lands paid 1854 'l9O 00 Sch , ol tax on unsaeated lands paid 1854. 33. 94 TheO. H. Cremer. Pro'tys. fees stationary, and blank books for Prot'ys. (Oen &c. For re airs to Court House and Jail Mrs: Wer'h for cleaning Court House 18 75 Mrs Jane Klein for same in full 6 25 Mrs. Jane Reim for washing for prisoners 15 00 Sundry persons redemption money on unseated lands Treasurer's Comrni-sion on $36,994 SI at 1-.;. per cent 18958 93 In testimony cif the correctness of the above accounts we have hereto set our hands this 12th day of January. A. 1). 1855. ti AMU EL WIG TON, THOMAS HAMER, BENJ. K NEFF. 'Commiss'rs. Report of 'William Dorris, Treasurer of the Huntingdon County Academy. RECEIPTS. • To balance in hand on last settlement before county A uditors 9th Jan- 1851, $lB4 37 To rent of Academy received-from Mr. Ha 182 00 To interest on money in Treasurers - hands till lent out, 30 00 To rent from Rev. I. Orbison Esq, EXPENDITURES By 'amount paid James McCabe for re- 446 37 Th e-Outstanding debts 'due the Academy' are as •fol)ows; viz : . 4 - Bonds of 'Martin' Kephart bearing interest from Ist / April 1852, secured by mortgage for $lB5 50 3 Bonds ,of 'Michael Decker bearing interest from Ist April 1853, secured by mortgage for . sloo 00. 2 Bonds or A lexander Armitagi:bearinginter est from Ist April 1853, secured by morigag, for $lOO 00 Report of the. Directors of •Poor fo the year 1854. - - Henry Brewster,Esq., - -Treasurer, in account with the "Directors of the Poor. To balance in the handS of Treasurer at the last settlement, --- - 5.1.24 70 To proceeds of 9 buShels wheat, - - To cash from. Mrs. Fraker for oats, 35 00 By cash paid Wm. Lewis for printing; $3 50 By cash paid George-Hudson for ser vices as Director of the poor,' 5.6 00 By cash to Lycomin,g•Fire Insurance . . Company ; . 2,63 • , By cash paid J. Williams for stands, 20 00 By cash paid Wm. Bird for haulirig; 326 -By cash -paid Mrs. S. A. Buiket for •• : . good purchased Of her, • 25 00 By cash paid James:Mnrphy„ - 56. 87 By . Treasurer's Corprriiision on $216 :DO. at 1: - -k per dent., ' : ' ' . ' 324 $l7O. 50 _ . . . Directors 'of the Poor in account with the - ~. . County of Huntingdon; • DR. . T , 0.. amount received on :orders of. the:county , ' Commissioners for-1853,'.' - 's3ooo 00 To amount received on orders 'of the:.. - ' • ' County Commissioners for18:9 - 4, 4280 00 To amount received of Jas. Murphy, 56 87 By cash ; paid sundry persons for . .tron , bed steads and bedding, $779 81 By cash paid for stone:coal, 156 80 Ey cash 'paid. sundry for. furniture, 178.99 13y cash paid for•stoves and pipe, 120 50 By cash'paid for queensware, 63,47 By cash paid 'for groceries, - 91 16 By cash:paid for bell and-frxturesi ' 11 99• By cash'paid'fOr bibles, . ' ' • ." -- 7 OR By cash paid' for hardware,' 90 25 By cash,paid for provisions at . id haul ing,-. ' ' l9 83 By cash paid for bringing in paupers,' 18 62 By cash' for freight, 51 37 By cash, paid for discount on $l5OO, 17.00 By cash paid J. G. Lightner at sundry times for build ingpoor house, &c. 5730.06 $7336 87 • Outstanding debts in favor of sundry persons Up-to the-f rst:day of January '1855. ,T. G. Lightner when contracts, are finished, ' 5746 94 Mrs. Burket for grainin the bushel, • - grain in the ground, cattle, hay, hogs, chickens, copper kettle, &c.. - 578 62 James Saxton _for balance on coal paid Hiram Johnston, ' James Saxton for services as -Direc tor of Poor for two years and ex- . pen ses in Philadelphia, John Brewster forservices,as Direc tor of Poor for one, year, Samuel Mattern for . services as Di— rect-or of Poor for -one year, - Sundry_ person-s Toy - bringing in pan- 98 89 800 21 06 16,20 10 eo 40 00 142 00 60 is 86 09 348 85 223 94 214 87 202 83 40 00 192 87 554 91 Hawes per W. 446 37 :385 50 58 87 $l7O 50 CR - $7336.87 IMI 63 26 96 'OO 23,25 22 'OO pers, Store bills to sundry persons, Finn books and Stationary,' - Sundry pe)sons for, labor done,: James.Mnrphey for sundry articles fot use of house and farm, ' Balance on stands, Sundry persons for keeping out-door 3 00 paupers, State Lunatic Hospital for keeping Thomas Cohnor, Maize Harrison for tin ware, .T. H. Lightner for lettering doors; Sundry persons for provisions, la bor, &o. 2516 51 Proceeds of the Poor Rouse Farm, for the year 1854. 1181, bushels of wheat, 250 bushels of corn, 50 buslrels of oats, 61 bushels of rye. On hand Ist January 1855,1.46 i bu. wheat, 127 bu. corn, 34 bu. oats, 1200 lbs wheat flour, 80 lbs corn meal, 50 lbs rye flour, 40 bu. potatoes, 300 lbs beef, 800 lbs pork, 4 cows, 4 calves, 10 bogs, 3 tons of- hay, 30 tons of stone coal. Persons admitted since Ist November 1854, 45 ; discharged-1..; of 'whom 27 are men, 13 women, 5 children. Born in the United States 28 of whom 3 are colored, born in Ireland 9, born in Ger many 8. Articles manufactured by the inmates, 6 dresSeB,l - shirts,..7._pair of stockings, I skirt ; 3_aprons. _ We the undersigned auditors of the county of Huntingdon do hereby certify, that we have, examined the orders receipts Commissioners of said county and the receipts for the same for and during the past year and find , a balance due the Treasurer of sixty-four dollars and eighty-two cents. And also that we have.examined the account of the DU:octets of the Podi' - of said county and find it correct . , as above stated. We have 'also examined the account of the Treasurer of the Huntingdon County Academy and find that it is correet,'as above stated, leav:. ing, a balance in the hands ofthe Treasurer, on the Ist day ofJanuary, 1855 of fifty-eight dol lars and eighty-seven cents Given under our han . ds at the the Commis sioners office in the borough of Huntingdon 6th January 1855. IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP GOODS, CALL AT THE STORE OF GEO. GWIN. _ CLI EO. GWIN has just returned from Phila delphia and New York, and is now opening at his well known stand in Market square, the largest and prettiest assortment of FALL AND WIN I'ER GOODS ever brought to the borough of fluntin 4 don, and is now selling at unusually low prices. My stock consists in part. of Cloths, Casstmeres, Black and Fancy, Sattinetts, and a large variety, of Satin and Silk Vestings, Ken tucky Jeans Tweeds, brown and bleached Mns lins, Drill Crash, Bags and [Jagging, Linen and Cotton table Drapers; and a great - ariety 'of goods to tedious too mention.' 50 00 2 00 LADIES DRESS AND FRENCH GOODS —a large assortment of Unclersleaves, Collars and . . Spencprs.i • Bt. 'S..C;KAND FIGTTRE r D SILK;; PRINTS in abundance: IVlus!in- de Lanes, Muslin de Bage, A Ipacas. • Lustres, Cash mer•es,-ii'toreni•e. and Marceline and Gro de Nap silk 'for • bonnet liningi, Edging Lace, Ribbons, fanCy and bladk silk I aCe, colored kid Gloves, Gents' black ditto, Linen and 'Silk Handkeiohiefs, Black Itallian Cravats,' Hozery; &c. • , irooTzs - AN D. SHOES, 'HARD-WARE; QUEENS- W A RE, pi,Ass.w ARE AND CEDAR-WARE; • . _ , , A good supply of 'FR Esti GYIIS.c - mtrEs 1:14:TS AND C,AP:. A great ypriV of , TR NV" GOODS. . My 'stock has beii'n 'selected with the ftreatest care in regard 'to quality and prices; and I flat ter Myself, that I can offer inducements to pur chasers not to be found elsewhere. Thankful for ,the pationage of, the past by my friends and the public generally. i respect fully solect a continuance of the same. - . . . -. • GEO. - c-WIN. Huntingdon, Oct. 10t4r, ,1854. BOOTS AND SHOES, The Best Assortment ever brought to Huntingdon. ' " _ • „. 91 HE public are informed, tha r t_LEVl WEST BROOk:has- just Opened- at iiis 'store, the. best' eleeted assitirtmentof 0• .1 LADIES' AND GrNTLENTEAT'SBoOTS AND SHOES CV9I: . brought to Huntingdon—in part as follows: Men's; DoubM-soled Calf Boots, Men's Wate,r 7 p . .-proof_ Hunting' loots, . Men's fleavy pouble . saled TVaterproof Boots, . .Boys' Coarse_Boots, 1 - ;arlies' • • Ladies'. „French Morocco'Gaitors, • Ladies'-- Goat 'and Ho? oe . Bdots,' -• Gum ShOei of all Kinds, • •'_ • 'together With: a - general assortment of La dies'• ,Shoes -and'' Slippers, Also, Misses' and Chil dren's best quality of Boots and Shoes—Canvas Valises, Hats, &c.; &e:- • My old customers and the 'public gond-411y, are requested to call and examine, my _rl",cw stock. LEVI WESTBROOK. • Huntingdon, Nov. 14, 1854. . . J. & W. SAXTON . ITAV E just - received .from Philadelphia the hatideso,raest assortplexit,of • Fall• and - Winter Good's ever offered" in this place, consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, 11. 4 attinetts, Vestin'gs. - FOR TH E L ADIEz.s, eve have Plaid Silks, worsted Plaids, and every variety of Plaid Goods, to please the taste of the - Ladies; also, :;hawk, Sachery, Flannels, - Bonnet silks; Bonnet's, and the'finest assortinent • of Collars, Under leaves, Shimazetts, &c:, &C., ever - offered to the Ladies ,of this place.' ' • ' , -800-r6 AND Sil,OE of every variety, for Boy s and:gen, Ladies Shoes , of - every variety, &c. HAT,r3 AND CAPS, a. beautiful assortment, of every grade and - HARD WARE of ivo'hivelhe best as ,ortinent in gown. - . - -•— y •- r QUEEN.S:).VARE - NND 'GROCERIES, of which there is no, better for the price. Our stock' of Oil Cloths. Carpets, dre.', is good. Tubs, - Thickets,' Willowware, and eve'rythin'g usually' kept in, a coaritqr-atore.-- • • _ In fact we - have everything to suit `the taste of all, and at lOwer pride& thari• can •be;got at'any other house' l n town. If you'don't be satisfied of the fact after calling', then'ive give UP. " We have also Fish, :Salt. Plaster, and aliOre.: ceive and store Grain as. usual ' & W. SAXTON. Sept.' 26th, 18S4. " 107 98 232 35 30 83 7 74 138 10 20 00 RALPH CROTSLEY, HENRY BREWSTER, P. MOOR, Auditors. List of Out Standing 'Balances due Ist January, lgA by the following Towaiships: Allegheny,,' Tell, • Walker, Barree, tPorter, Springfield, Woodberry, Barree, Poiter,, Union,. Year 1840 1844 1845. 45 95 77 00 35 17 11 93 1846, 229 45 CasS, Dublin, Frank] in, S,pringfield, Tel Cass, 'xTrank l in, . Jackson, fUtt inn, Clay, Totter, 113 rad y; Cromwell, Shi~iey, tTod, fWalker,„ • tWarriorsma,rk, West, - 1847. 1848 1849 1851. Franklin, aocl, tUnion, tWalker, tßrativ, tCass; Dublin, tFranklin, filefiderson, fPorter,. tUnion, tWest, _ tßarree, tßrady, tCass, fCromwell, tDublin, (Franklin, I - Henderson, tJaekson, fMorris, . 1852 1853. 1854 (Penn, tPorter, tShirley, tSpringfield, tTell, tTod, t:Union; tWalker, tWarriorsmark, tWest. . Whole Amount,• ~ $12428 05 9284 59 782 66 - tSince part. .sSince paid in full. *lt appears b'v Mr. Conrad's Duplicate that the above amount -was paid to Mr. Neff, former Treasurer and not credite;.l on the County Books. - Given under Seal cd. Office, 6th Jantiary; 1855. . . Attest AItMITAGE'S Electro-Magnet Lightning Rods .FTER. many. :yaars' close investigation /I . and numerous experimentS, the Pattentee sakes-plea:sure in infdrining the public that lie has arrived at the true principles •of protecting families, dwellings and property.from the de structive influence of Lightning. The cal_ amitieS that every City, Town s .. Village ,rand' Country falls victim to annually,throumh the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond caleulation,. , especially when the remedy is so • easy to obtain—this is found in Armitage's Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in thisalone. This Rod has been .examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the world— Professors' M'Aluttiric,Johsson, 'Wallor and many others that:have/examined them,'recom mend.and speak of them in .the highestterms of approbation, a.ntl - ltave pronounced them the only safe rods in use in-this or any other corm, try,,for the protection,of Lives, and. Property.---, One advantage is to divide, and . throw ‘ back ,a • part pf the electric fluid harmless tothe clouds; 'in : tinio of a stroke this enables the .rod to con-, duct that portion of.fluid that belpngs to the. earth without the slightest ! danger of lcaving . the conductor. ,Thisrod . has many other ad vantages over the Old' one. 'Tho only place of minafacturing is in ' ''Vine .4, 3 doors above Twelfth; Philadelphia, *here, all p'ersonS are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.. ' Wholesale and Retail by - ' • VIIOS = . ARMITAGE. Satisfaetor 2 .P- recommendations 'ealt be seen by'eallin l eon the: subscriber_ rods war ranted." • 1. - •' • SAMUEL HOOVER, •. . . .. Haracton, UnOn Co., Is Agent for thintingdon, anti adjoining °pun-, ,furnisly the . .4.,0ds on : the same manner:as, the riopr,i9tpr. .triy- person desir, t be spiv lied with : the l ßotis can leave their, orders with the Eilito,r o,f. th,e . Glol;e, or with Grairius, Miller, of thdßailAiia:(l : ll6fel. A.pril'26; 1854; ,•, ' • ~' ' • 11.08PQR.D & MILLE% Wate4oo, Co., lowa, :R:E•prepareet to tra:nbaet any business A pr, : ./. ILftaining to the purchase amd - s4e, To wn nvestigation ti,tles,• transfers and couve.yanceS generally... , . Nyedmve located ourse i lves in, the intexior for . that purpose and will zirsgizal6:4 rirey . and• 'carefully examine any tract of, land. within our reach, give correct. and prompt infornia.tion con cerning Pinig,ress,".Lands. in the 'Dubuque and Des - iNloines Land 'ltliStricts . in any - of the sur rounding counties, especially on. the propoSed • lines of . Railroads Dubuque , west and_ the Cedar River . Valley Itallread. PerSon'sWishing tothake safo in÷estmentsl - by having careful' se-' lectionS'inade WoilldiloWell' to address or' 'give us a call. ' ' - • • • . . Lands located on'time for settleig: Payment of - taxes punctaarly 'ationdild Toimnship . plots of latest date always on hand, 36,909 Acres of chpice Farming Land, for sale 'Al.;"O'seirertil small lots c, 7 f ti in bei-of :good - qkiality. Likewise 2or 3 improved-Faring near the county' seat. • •' HOSFORD, • - EDMUND' IVI.ILLER..• - - REFzftsNcts".:---:Gbv, Maties - oli,• Springfield, III.; Hon: Ja.S. Gw ' I3untirigclon, Pa. • .R. Goodell, Cash . ; fileich. and Drol;'ers'B.nk . , lidt, 111:-"; George: S:•Fisher; Bank - of ot. tavi7a;lll.•;•ff. F. Eames, 'Banker; Ottavira, 'III. ; E. B. Stiles,. Esq.; Dixon; r Gov. Hernistead; J. C. Farlay'So Co;,and Hbiheiington", Du. butiiip, 7 lotva •, Thos. Jack son ,•Esq., - Hen": Sa 'Calvin 'and- Hon-.4t. Mefilurtrie; Elollidays. bu'rfi, P • a . , b July .19, • ' Queensware---n.liwAssortmentjust receiv ut the !store of Jahuary 3d, 1854, -Uiiiit - ctors, -- viz : Names of Collectors. • County Ta. SarripO i llobison, - 466 '33 . . Jonathan Briggs, A. B. Sanraree, John R. Hunter, Collins Hamer, Benedict Stevens, Benjamin Bowers, Charles CoWden, -Jacob, Neugh, James Hampson, Lembel Green, Thomas W. Neely, John, H. Stonebraker, William Ramsey, George May, Conrad Curfrnan, John Conrad,' David S. Bell, Levi Smith,. Daniel Curfrnan, Alexander Stitt, Jesse Yocum, Daniel Teague ) Isaac Sharrer, - , Jesse Cook, Thomas Dean, Azariah Sacketts, Charles Green, Daniel Womelsdorf, Solomon Houck, :Levi Smith, John *Coulter, James Miller, Joshua Greenland; Robert Peterson, William M'llwain, Luke Voorhees, Benjamin Neff, William• Smith, - John Hewitt, William Couch, John M'Donald, George Smith, Richard Madden, Daniel Teague,. Andrew J. Taylor, John Laport, - John Snyder, Eli Plummer, Jonas W. Books, David Tussey, Jacob Grove, Sr., William D. Shaw, • David S. Umbenow, Benedict Stevens, George Wilson, John M'Clain, Nathan Greenland, Joseph .Donglass, William Hutchison, Abr'aha'm Cresswell, HENRY W. MILL'Er., Clerk LONG &:pr.OKER 29 01 202 08 12 50 64 39 2 00 25 00 77 43 34 52 44 81 60 50 44 59 226 31 56 30 27 15 191 11 172 09 130 57 6.20 517 42 492 05 252 52 129 13 479 26 285 4-2 611 74 425 22 264 83 563 57 514 01 217 03 1025'20 905 39 188 19 276 90 469 02 76 56 635 82 592 66 1310 14 SAMUEL WIGTON, THOMAS HAMER, BENJ. K. N,EFF, Commissioners PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS, - - REMOVAL. LIGHT! LIGHT LIGHT!!! . D & =VT _HAVE removed to their New Store and Fac tory, No. 74 South' Second Street Philadel phia, (Five doors below, their old stand 0 hav ing increased thcilitied, we offer to Merchants and others, GAS FIXTURES and LAMPS of every description; and at the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and unsurpassed in quality or ap pearance by any in the Country. Our Stock embraces Dyott's Patent Pine Oil Lamps, (the best in the World.)_, Burning Fluid and Solar Lard Lamp, Chandeliers, for. Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanthorns, Globes, Glasses, Wiclss,,Pinc Oil and Fluid wholesale and retail. • 'Merchants and others will fin:d it to their ad vantage to, call and ;examine our stneli. and prir: S El . . . 'LL-7-"'l'4.rticultir ,ttenticiri ,g - iven to fitting up ClVirebes aild oth6r tiubliebuililincrs.' 0 . . October 3rd, 1854. . " ..• ' . :,,ST, 4 4AUFFER .r,:cl ZIA wir.tY. Cheap Watches and Jewelry, • W HOL E SALE and RETAIL "Philo.del Watch t~E~ wand Jewelry Store,;", ,1\,T9., 96 ,1 . . or Quarry Phil Aclphia: : Gold ,Wajclle;, full jcwcil •I.S carat case, - „ _ - , $2B 00. 'G'old Silver Leccr' Siker Lepinedetvels, ' - . - StiperiorQuartiers Gold-Spectacles, _ _ - Fine Silver do. - - • • - cold Bracelets, • - ' • Ladies' Gold Peiicils, • - Silver:Tea Spooni, ‘ set, _ Gold Pens, NY: itldPeueil and Silver fiolderil OU Gold Fidget 37,1 cents to $80; Watch. Glasse,s,platn,l2i cents; Patent, 184; Lunet,2s, otherartAcies in proportion. AllgpodS Warran ted tá be.what they, are. sold, for. • • •41 .:SP,A.LIFEE I.IARI;EY, ,•. . . On hand", some Gold' and Silver Leiters and Lepines,Otill' • hiiirer thanthe,abOve prices. •• •• • • - Sept'. 27; 1854.--Iy. BANKING HOUSE • BELL, :GAIMETTSON & CO • On North;Wesit coitier of Hill-and Montgomery •' • Streets in'tke" borough• - of: • . , „ • rtItAT ArCr 13 ON • r At' ivhich a,generpl Banking,bl.4leos, contem7 .; Plated,t6 be aiine. ni?..A.FTs;„„i3t/ila'ilqiplLia, ' • 1 3 ) ti sburg., .$ vie., &c., atway,s for C,elkcii.qns• made at the prineipai.ppini, in i„119: - Yniteil,§,t4tes. :Meney; receivedAiepeit.,„ payable on de , interest; also 3, 15,;"Darid 12 . months pq.y , ? .40041e 'raid§ st thereon. IVIE/Ve.gERS ....„• J. M. 14:1.1., R. B. jmiNsToNs, CR', WM M. ; LLoYo, : .l.lOgidoysliurg,' Pa. ; A.:P. 4:x . EO. MILES, DORIS, Jr., TAms. EIMER, WM. P. .OREISO:sI., JOHN.' SCOTT, ~IpIES GEO. W. GArtrtrrwson, Huntilygdgn Pa., llu,ntiracr.cion Pa..lOly'll 1854.-3 m. ADAMS & CO.'S. EXPRESS. ; . T.'.K. Simonton Aq't fluntine4on. ackagos, and. Goods of all 4i and ,forwarded at the risk of the all the ,c!tios and principal_ towns Lilo Pnit.ed Statos.. , State Tax. Militia fines 1 05 13 50 14 50 16 65 1 00 3 48 300 78 33 00 6 20 14 00 3 15 7 44 2 09 13 00 23 23 38 63 22 33 44 95 10 00 70 53 7 90 14 00 13 73 15 41 37 50 11"50 121 52 6 18 19 00 45 13 75 05 53 •45 15 50 79 33 90:08 100 98 57 .50 39"50 15 00 17 00 49 00 22 00 465 .77 376 81 211 03 103 87 394 48 257 83 435 31 466 38 220 37 488 65 - 485 42 176 44 888 99 773 _25 163 04 251 38 398 30 50 69 548 62 452 45 1034 36 54 50 21 50. 42 75 43 70 21 85 23 75 37 50 119 •50 31 50 22 80 25 00 9 03 47 55 37 53 44 65 00 12 Q 0 9 00 7 00 7 00 1 50 3 00 1 00 5.00 JAPAN CONQUERED 1 ! NEW GOODS. TATER SWOOPE, hereby makes known to • the citizens of Huntingdon County, that ho has just returned from Philadelphia and has opened in frame store *room lately Occupied by Marx Israel, near the corner of Hill & Mont gomery Streets, Huntingdon, Pa-, a large, new, and well-assorted stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, BATS AND CAPS embra. cing fine and coarse Boots,,Shoes,. ters, Monroes-, Tics, for Gentlemen; and also fine Gaiter Boots, Buskins, Jenny Linds, and Ties for .Ladies. Children's Boots and Shoes of every variety and fashion. Gentlemen, and Boys can be accomodated With hats of the latest and most approved style. He haS'also a good stock' f hosiery, of ladies, gentlemen and children's wear. He has a good assortment of fresh Mahogany Veneers.* 1 50 2 00. 9 00 REMEMBER The "Nimble Siz.ypence•is,better ' than the slo - 1n7.); Shilling," Call and be served. Don't forget the place, near theCornerof H ill a ncl IVlontgow. ery Streets. Huntingdon July Nth, 1854:.-=tf. NEW FIRM IN - PORTSTOWN, Grocery, Provision , and - Peed Store. F, BG.C, - SCHNEIDER, RESPECTFULLY informs The citizens Huntingdon, boatmen, and the public general far and near, thet they have o;.ened Grocers', Pro6sicin and Feed istore, in Portstown, in the old stand of Cunningham 4. Cornpropstok where they are prepared to accommodate all who may give them a call. with choice GeocEups, PROVINIONS ' and FEED of all, kinds at prices cheaper than can'lie had 'at'anj , other place for cash. Al! kinds of Country Produce taken in ,ex , change for goods. '- The public generally arc regneetedrto give ue a call, examine our stock and hear our prices. Hay higa good warehouse4hey will receive from and:ship goods of , all kinds for any point on he l'enna Canal, Philadelphia., -Baltimore, Pittsburg-. and other places. PoastocVn, April 5, 1.854. $2OO REWARD. FIE pabli c generally, and the . rascals who . .. A , ril tirn , e . since entered my store and remo ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO without my permission, are informed that I have just opened 'a more general and better as. sortment of articlesin my,lino of business than was ever brought to Hunlirigdon, con -1 . .. ,_ r i t EN S e i I S O . C i rI I Ps , of Fine V atcles Knives, j Vi l s e t - o r l 3 ; ' i l 4 a LI ..:A Perfumery, Port 14191,in a ies, Sil.. AFil-:,,ai ver Ware and Fancy Artielc:s, &C., &e. My old friends and customers, and the public in general throughout the county arc requested to call and examine my assortment. EDIT. SNARE Huntingdon, March 1854. ' A Valuable Business Stand in Hun- tingdon, At Vrivaite SHE subscriber offers for sale his well knorn 1 property on RailrOad street, near the Depot. n• The dwelling is large asnd well finished for convenience and comfort,with it eon"- 11 5 ._:,11 venient store room under the same roof. There is a well of good water near the door.— Also a good warehouse and other improvements. Persons wishing to Purchase can examine the property by callino. uponthe' Subscriber. TERMS.—One Innfirchand and the'halance to suit purchaser. ~ , , WM. STEWART. Huntingdon, Feb. 14, 1854; . • EIZTIATTfItG-DGIII• IZIVA Et Et LE YAM% rpHE undersigned respectfully iiiforme 1 J . his friends and the public generally, „„,„ • in Huntingdon and adjoinipg counties that he has established Huntingdon, having just received from - Philadelphia a select ed stock of choice marble grave stones of ever , discription, which he will furnish at very re, duced prices. -All orders through alai] address ed to the undersigned will be attended: to with promptness: Shop 3 doors West of A. Wilson'F Attorney Offiee, • •• WM: WILLIAMS. Miiy 17,1863. • • A.' lIVIILLER,:D; D. S. L•• ARTIFICIAL / TEETH, from one:. < to a full - Set, mounted in the most if4 m --;' impro•ve . d modern style. -Filling; ana Cleaning done - 'dare and neatness, ,••• •-' *: • ' • ' . . . , , , . Teeth Extracted with ail, ibp,, and Liu'. patch q l O - mo - cferiV.sdience.c ful'nish: . . Hantingthin . , March 8: . 1854. ' - ' JOIIN SCOTT. SA, MUF:L . n)towx .. . „ SCOTT & into la' • • ATTO•RNIFYS .AT LAW, .111iNTINGDON PA. • •• , • FFIOE i• tkp.t formerry.occtl.pted Mr. Scott. :."' • - -1 (74.N.E.N - -No PISOWMIL .4. - D,T,o44=r,py -12.4vvir, : • WI Ii ttpod i 0" trcimeirio !fon iin ; :cdpri,lol 3 26 ,'15E, - i t ' CA TR VIRE ;.; • A T 71 1 P,13.27E ANV. O PFICE removed to the brck row. near t4loe i •• bc;ii 'Houc „. ' ”"Under Tempeya. - nc H. 1.11. No. 17. ; -virA6KEREI:" • and Shor:ldera, itiz•DiWd Frtiit;- Camphoric, Corn by the bush l . ASz,c., now orrhund,and flu... sale at.• ' LO.NG;&,OKEIVDES.CIicapGrocer,y. . • AT s . --Moleskin No.l and 2, of the latest styles.. -..,Kosspth Ilats! N. - Atkins styles and qnalities—will Le sold low at the - cheap store of ' • ' ' ' • '"GEO. GWIN. . •. , • .. beautiful mssprtmpnt of fancy caspi,m,qres i ja Ploths:summei ward; fOr - nien and bciYs.--:-. Also; carpet-bags &c:,'4.r.0 - .;jiist rePeira , !and for• sale by . . • • —J. +Si , : Wro-SAXTON, ,••„ . • . QlLK•drese'paiterns,. berege de lanes, berege, ki lawns, of•every - varielY ana color, •j - u - St.' re ceived by J. & W. SAXTO;sT g P I I a E z ZE,S IL o e f ho l i V ce a 1 l v p a r ar e e t r y , jo G t. l .. a p z a e t tla s, d u fo n r . sale at GEO. OWl.N'S.tore. • •• • , rill-1E best assortment:of Fa'nef Cassirners apt. .. 1 ,or offered, for sale by: - • • • '.. 1 rl . J. & W - .•SAXT -' ' riARPET -BAGS :of every •Nariety, j la;:t." 1 4: , v *Ned and forsaie by , • : \i j . J. &W. SAXTO . • _ . . . J. SIMPSON AFRICh.. -- APBICA, .8Z; 1 3.:4±4 . .E.7.., . • - APRA:it/TIM:AV SURTEIIOIIIBS Oytic 4 .with 'Daniel Alfice, between- Montgoin strfiil le, Huntingdon, Po. • - • : • .' , (Siapt: 13, 11 n GI