The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 20, 1940, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
Fr, ar.dishea 1940. Successor to the Penn State Collegian.
established 1934. and the Fret.. Lance. eatablished 1887.
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students' of The Pennsylvania
State College, Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1934.
at the past.o__ee at State College, Pa., under the act of
March 3, 1879,
•Editor Business Manager
- A dam A. Sznyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l ; Managing Editor
—Robert H. Lane '4l; Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters
'4l; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Editor
—Edward J. K. McLorie '4l; Assistant Managing Editor—
...4ElElyard Bloom '4l ; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L.
, i4iletteran '4l; Women's Feature Editor—Edythe $. Rickel
-Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '4l; Circulation
.tlanager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein '4l; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l.
Graduate Counselor
algritorial' and Bueiness Office
In Old Main Bldg.
Dial 711
44:maging Editor This ------- A. Baer '42
-.Clews Editor This Issue_____—______ • David Samuels '43
Women's Issue --- M. Murray '42
flophomore Assistants__Robert E. Schooley, Richard A. Baker
Friday Morning, December 20, 1940
Peace On Earth, Goodwill
To Men !
The Christmas spirit has left the world this
The world is full of too much hate, and fear,
:and need to leave much room for love.
• There are too many people who think they are
right and not enough people who think they are
wv tong.
We still remember the ChristmaS spirit,
We should like to be in love with all the world,
I)ut in it there are people and ideas that we have
.}earned to hate too well.
• We should like to feed the starving people of
'conquered Belgium and France, but we will sacri
fice them sooner than help the might we hate.
•• We should like to see peace returned to the
t •
yorld by next Christmas, but only if it means our
bay of life and our friends have prevailed.
• There is no peace.
• Merry Christmas,
Parade Of Opinion
(By Associated Collegiate Press)
Can the battling Greeks, ::..cemingly repulsing
The Fascist "invaders" at every point, possibly
I;cep their standard aloft in the weeks to come?
America's youth, as reflected in the collegiate
.4)cess, is watching the Greek-Italian conflict close
)y. And undergraduate editorialists are voicing
'quiet hope and, many words of caution in their dis-
"The effect of the Greek resistance on the mor
'ale of both the democracies and the totalitarian
countries will probably be inestimable,' says the
Wisconsin Daily Cardinal. "It will certainly
Learten the British and the Tree Frenchmen' as
ell as the subversive groups within the bound
. cries of Germany and Italy. It means a tremen
eons loss of prestige to Italy and to Mussolini, who
apparently thought he could march down to the
yeleponnese with no more trouble than he encoun
;icred in Albania. To the German people it dem
'onstrates that the might of the bully nations isn't
:invincible. The Achaeans of 1940—the lineal de
cendants of the defenders of Thermopylae, of
;Marathon, of Salamis, may once again save the
Pt)rest for civilization."
I At Syracuse, the Daily Orange declares that
I"with Britain's recent material admissiorr of ex
liended aid to struggling Greece, the world won
iciers no longer about the validity 'of John Bull's
?romise of assistance to the staunch Balkan coun
pry's resistance to the yet unproved legions of
:.111ussolini. With the failure of the Fascist military
Ixoachine to crush the comparatively weak Greek
.sorces, it is no wonder that the latter country is
being termed the 'Finland of the Balkans: Even
tually the Italians will probably subdue the
Greeks, but the surprising opposition that they are
encountering has amazed the world."
That the expected Greek collapse isn't likely to
• ; materialize, at least for the present is the belief of
ithe Cornell Daily Sun. ss "Like the Finns, who last a
winter gave Russia tussle, the Greeks ,are trad-
Ong blow for blow with their Fascist invaders, and
;giving a good account of themselves," observes the
.liun. "Still, we have learned not to expect too
lorauch from these little countries when pitted
{against the Axis blitzkrieg machine.' Even allow
/ .
» - ,g that the Greeks are fighting the weaker part
•of 'World Wreckers, Inc.,' still Adolph looms in
;the background, and if things get bad for his bully
}comrade, he will no doubt plunge in to make sure
(the fight is fair."
C. Russell Eck
Downtown Office
i 19421 South Frazier St
Dial 4372
1111111111111111111111=11111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111 11111111111 111:1 1 11 1 1 1111111111111
We've Heard That , i ,
. . . They're smoking again" in-Rec Hall that
Lill Batten is organizing a "Double-Guzzle Club"
. . . that Grace Rentschler and Chick Harvey are
bitting the town's high spots together . . that
mentioning a student's social after his
name is ridiculous . . . that Sam Burdick's on the
trail for a coed, xVfiom we shall leave nameless,
called Dolores Paul . . . that Dudock's 50 cent
cover charge seems , a bit expensive in view of the
fact that you can enter classier joints, in metro
politan centers without paying a minimum . . .
that Christmas is five days away and you'd better
do your shopping purty quick . . . that John Ress
ler works as a linotyper each night at the Centre
Deadly Crimes besides attending school . . . that
Jean Edwards is a mighty nice eyeful . . . that
Francis Musser and Dottie Long, dispensary card
looker-upper, are seen together all the time .. that
a great show will be on hand at 7:30 tonight when
the Penn State Club puts on its annual Talent
Night Program . . . that some guys are beginning
to wonder why Adele Miller has delayed so long in
donning her silver ski jacket . . . that Doug Skill
man's hats are as famous as his ever-present hilar
ity and smile . . . that shorthand should be in
cluded in Liberal Arts and Home Ec courses . . .
that Frankie Leiby and Bob Tomlinson are anoth
er .pair_ of inseparables . . . that the hatmen,' like
knights of old, performed a noble deed in sponsor
ing Poverty Ball last night . . . that freshmen are
just like other people without their dinks—and
should remember that . . . that George Rumsey
and Anna Mae •Rockenstein are in the bracket
:stage . . . that Peggy Comly has shifted her dia
mond ring from the left to right hand . . 'that
Hilarious Jay Kelly is the founder and arch pro
ponent of the "shuffle-walk", a dance step exe
cuted while walking . . . that Frothy Don West is
to be congratulated for his remarkable gift section
in the much-delayed last edition . . . that the "Un
holy Eight" consists of Ruth Kiesling, Jane Berke-
Helen Chiappy, - Elsie booth, Emily Funk,
Ann Reidy, Betty Lindemuth (Ray Tiley's heart
throb), Sara Bailey, Betty Heath, Jackie Shafer
raid Peggy Comly . . . that Will Bradley's superla
tive recording of "Scrub Me Mama With 9 Boogie
Beat" is a humdinger . . that Gates Gajecki 'wasn't
included in the National Pro Football League
draft and we wonder why . . . that we wish you a
Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and plenty
ci new things and stuff in your stockings Christ
mas Eve .
The Corner
The first bi-weekly Collegian.
check on Infirmary cases, taken
last night, showed five students
confined to the hospital. One stu
dent was released. ,
Printed twice each week, this
column will include the name, ill
ness, and condition of each stu
dent in the Infirmary.
Students listed in last night's
check are:
William I. Bullers '4l: Illness—
grippe; condition—improved.
• Frank M. Singer '4l; Illness—
gastro - enteritis; condition—im
Jane Errett '43: Illness—grippe;
Charles L. Cosgrove '43: Illness
—gastro enteritis; condition—im
Joan E. Paulhamus '43: Illness
—grippe; condition—improved.
Logan L. Gerheim '44: Illness
—tonsilitis; released last night.
Buses Leave parking Lot
At 12:45 p.m. Tomorrow
Greyhound buses carrying stu
dents home for the Christmas va
cation will leave from the . park
ing area behind the new Physics
Building at 12:45 p. m. tomorrow
for Greensburg, Harrisburg, New
York, Johnstown, Philadelphia:,
Pittsburgh, Scranton,. Sunbury,
and intermediate points.
Tickets may be purchased at
the bus depot in the lobby of the
State College Hotel.
The price of admission to the
freshmen dance in the Sandwich
Shop at 9 p. m. today will be 35
cents per couple instead of 35
cents per person as was stated in
yesterday's issue. Only couples
will be admitted.
Senior scientist with the Byrd
expedition is Dr. F. Alton Wade,. a
1926 graduate of Kenyon College.
Sw?EItO.II:ZMMISMEMM7. - "Z7.i7esVitaSta=r-i= 5 : 5 L 1V.M.:5t1553iS
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New• Year
Your Past Patronage Has Been Highly Prized
..iiIaCM:MIatIVZ':24SZMEtZ.Y;!«.I3:42EMT-4IM/.1. 4 74 : MV;r5EA03:4E=5 ,
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Dance Price Set
Best Wishes For A
College Boot Shop
Miller's Market
PSCA Freshman Dance, Sand
wich Shop, 9 p. m.. to midnight.
Adjnission 35 cents Per couple.
Talent Night sponsored by Penn•
State Club, Schwab Auditorium,
7:30 p. m. Admission 10 cents.
Alpha Phi Delta formal -- pledge
dente, 9 p. m. to midnight.
Special Hanukkah services and
celebration at the Hillel Founda
tion, 7:30 p. m.
Don't smoke In Rec Hall—use
your lungs for cheering!
Athletes like to inhale clean air
—please don't smoke in Rec Hall.
F~?.i~i.~-~5~=~~C "i: y~~'n~~~.l.~. -~~.i~~ ~ii~
new ifear
ERE words cannot
begin to bring you the ~any good
wishes which we bold for you and
your family. As a tiny token of our
high regard for your patronage and
friendshiPs during the Past year, and -
as a renewed pledge of the service
which we constantly strive to offer,
may we take this occasion to send
you our very best wishes for a /Panty
Christmas aisd a New Zeal.. filled
With all the good things of life.