The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 05, 1940, Image 3

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    EREE,EMBER 5; 1940.
Mrs-.,--Hetzers Fund Aids
Students In Emergencies
. ever been hungry,
penny,leii, 7 . : With the next prospect
o..?„ far away to satisfy
''j'ilinping nerves of an empty
'stoinacii?.Or have you, ever strain
ed anxiously over a textbook
knowing that glasses were needed
but not knowing where to get the
, :ininiediate money to buy them?
"Theie and' other similar emer
gencies • 'have occurred' at Penn
- SLiie: They were major though
:tenibrary problems for students
and; might have resulted in serious
- Consequences. were it not, for Mrs.
He:tiers Loan Fund for students.
_Amounts up to slo_,Age loaned
;with no. interest being charged.
There is no delay in granting loans
which. are ..strictly. confidential.
Russell E. Clark,. College Bursar,
is in charge of finances. and may
11,e contacted at any time.
"Much of the money for the
- Arid: comes: from student. organi
zations," Mrs. Ralph D. kletzel
pointed out yesterday. Comment
.ing, the-name of the student
id she said, "Only the idea was
mine and the name has been kept
:.merely to promote confidence in
the fund as a stable organization
:which exists from year to year."
• "We want to keep the fund as
"persenal as. possible," remarked
Mrs. Hetzel. "It is a part of the
purpose of this undertaking to dis
pell the feeling of impersonality
in this large college."
To date $l5B has been placed
in the hands of students facing lin-
mediate needs. This money has
.been used for food, eye-glasses,
commencement expenses, impera
tive trips- home, doctor bills, and a
job interview.
•- At present there is $452• in the
fund, mostly donated by student
organizations: Contributions came
ro rn the_ following . sources:
•Ipart of proceeds from
Christmas- Good. Will Campaign
-475.2.5., Student Book Exchange,
entire • profit .s,-340.72; WRA, ap
prOpriatiori from - 1939-40 budget—
sloo; Pau-Hellenic Council Bene
fit Bridge; Campus Committee—
s2B.9o; Town Committee-- - $85.10;
Newcomer's. Association Alumnae;
appropriation. from 1939-40 earn-
- :ihgss2s_; - .lllnior Service Board of
WSG:A• benefit movie—s 22; and
personal gifts—s7s.
"The inspiring thing to me is
that. the students are not interest-
,ed simply in the money but are
"eager to help themselves and are
looking for jobs. Those who
_have used the fund are very self
`respecting. It is. my hope that
everyone will make the fund a
part • of his Christmas program.
May the students find it. possible
to continue to help each other,"
Mrs. Hetzel said.
Peiin~•.State, will be represented
in :- "tlie 7 tannual • WTestminster Tri-
State _Debate Tournament by
William ET Harkins t .'42, David R.
Benjamin '4l, Gerald' P. Doherty
- ?42, and • Walter Weiss '4l, it
- Was' announced today .by Prof.
Joseph F. O'Brien,,.coach of the
men's debgting team.
2:Otlier schools participating in:
'-'the symposium, to . be held Satur
•lday. at New Wilmikgton, Pa„ in
-dud& Pittsburgh, 'Carnegie Tech,
West-Virginia, Wegtern Reserve,
Bethany college, ,•Baldwin-Wal
zlacer:-Mount Mercy;t:Saint Francis,
Datic Haven State Teachers Col
-lege, Gene i va, and - Waynesburg.
-The toufnament*will be held in
-competitive style•-on the topic,
•Resolved: ;The nations of the
Western .}tiemisp,heo should en
ter into alperman4nt union, im
inediately.'! -
Last year Penn. x ::State placed
- -isecohd•••in.::the Weitminster corn
lietitibri.":Professbx°p'Brien hopes
to . presentl •an %wally - capable
'Showing. -
Blasingame Gels
Goodrich Award
Prof. Ralph U. Blasingame, head
of the department of agricultural
engineering, recently' received an
award fOr distinguished service in
the agricultural field.. The award
was presented to him at . the
World's Pair in New York by the
B. F. Goodrich Company.
At the ceremonies which took
place at the Goodrich exhibit, Pro
fessor Blasingame spoke on ad
vances in the mechanization of
farming. "The young man of the
farm today," he said, "must of
necessity be and is a thoroughly
competent. mechanic who under
stands the internal combustion
engine and. how to make• it operate
equipment under almost any con
• It was also pointed out by Blas
ingame that the design of modern
farm machinery is such that it,
would be possible to release the
young men of the farm into mili
tary training if necessary, and the
old men and even the girls could.l
carry on the farm work with this
modern equipment.
PhD Survey Lists
Only Six Jobless
In a survey. on the number and
present. employment, of doctors of
philosophy- for• the ten-year period
1930-31-1939-40, it. was found
that out of a total of 224 granted
doctorates here only six are,. now
=employed.. The survey was con?
ducted by the, Graduate. School in
cooperation with the American
Council. on Education, Washing
ton, D. C.
Oddly enough, the- number of
people entering academic work
and• non-academic _work exactly
balanced at 109 each. The aca
demic group of 109 is distributed
among 63• colleges and universi
ties, with 40 teaching, or doing
either research or administrative
work at • Penn State. The major
ity-7 entering academic Work are
doing research.
Among, the non-academic group
; of 109, the survey, finds 17 employ
ed in public services, 92 ill pri
vate employment, with only three
engaged in sales promotion or
similar work, while seven, hold
administrative poSitions. Penn
State is represented by PhD's in
such far-off places as Alaska, Ha
waii, and Puerto Rico, as well as
throughout, the United States..
Thespians To Give Show
On Road Trip Next Week
The Thespian show, "The Bal
loon Goes Up," will take to the
road next week when presenta-tions of the revue will be .given in
Altoona and Harrisburg, George
L. Parrish '4l, president of Thes
pians, announced yesterday.
The first road show will be held
•at the Roosevelt • Junior High
School i nAltoona on Monday eve
ning. This will be followed by a
one-day layoff; then the company
will travel to the state capitol to
perform at the John Harris High
School on Wednesday and Thurs
'day nights.
The show has ,been lengthened
considerably and - revised for the
two trips,. Parrish. stated. Partic
ular stress has been given to add
local color and the Glee Club will
sing Fred Waring's "The- Hills of
Old Penn State." An impohant
addition to the cast is. Andrew P.
Szekely, '43 who will play several
symphonic arrangements at the
piano: •
Mountain Lodge
Plan Progresses
- The- Penn State Recreation.
Lodge--gift to the College from
the class of 1939—is reaching the
stage where workable plans have
been made after more than a year
in which no action was taken.
• The "mountain lodge," as it is
commonly.. known, was decided
upon by the members of the class
at a
,mass meeting in the
. spring
of 1939. An election was held
but in such a way that charges of
"illegal voting" and "railroading"
were freely circulated.
• A • petition -for a revote was
presented to Student Board (fore
runner of All-College Cabinet)
but the Board - , by an 8 to 2 vote,
killed. the request and the lodge
was accepted by the Board of
A Recreation Planning Board,
consisting. of students and facul
ty •members, was appointed.
Plans , were drawn up.• The only
hitch was that the lodge, as then
planned, would• have cost more
than twice the amount of money
in the gift fund.
This left the matter :up in the
air and. the . situation was un
changed when the class of 1939
left the College.
However,- Ray M. Conger, in
structor in
.physical education and
in. charge of College recreation,
took an interest in the project and
began to• revise the plans.
The new plans call for a less
pretentious building. -However,
they are unofficial and must be
Approved by. the Grounds .and
Buildings Committee of the Board
of Trustees before definite steps
_bp taken toward construc
• These. plans are for a lodge 30
feet wide and 60 feet long. A
balcony, five feet wide, will run.
the front of the building over a
stone-paved - terrace. Construc
tion will' be mainly *of' masonry
and - timber. Pro Vision. will . be
made' for the addition, in the fu
ture. of kitchen, and two dormi
tories, .x . rien.. and one for.
women.' •
It is planned to• build the lodge
on a 40-acre plot, about 600 yards
on•this side of the Ski Trail
. and
five mileS froth State College.
Facilities will be preserit for' ski
ing anct• hiking: Electricity and
an adequate water supply will be
easily available. •
The main obstacle in. the path
or construction in the' near fu
ture is that the lodge still requires
more money. , than is in the class
,fund Which,. on October 31, was
$5,358.14. The land will cost ap
proximately,' $l,OOO, leaving a lit
tle over -$4,000 for. the mountain
lodge itself. There are two al -obtain more money. or
reduce the plans.
When completed the lodge will
be open to all students and will
be an integral part- of the- con,-
.stantly r .expanding recreation sys
tem. 4 . , ~.Wlll-'. probably -be- in
chargeF.Oft'lle ..13eCre . ation, . Coln-
mittee' or a Special group.
„ •
thentist4 Professor
Gets 4gmalv Grant
For ifl'e :,pfomotion of her work
on the .optidal properties of nitro
phthalifpide, Mary J. Willard,
assistat,-.Profe.ssor of chemistry,
was recently.: aWarded a sum of
$250 fribi:Sigrria Xi, national So
ciety' for . the promotion of re
search in special scientific fields.
. The ~grants,iri-aid, announced
by. Prof: - .'tear,ge:A..Baitsell of Yale
UniverOty, 'secretary of- the so
ciety,#a'..:given to. allow the con
tinuatinnrof irixiiortint- pieces of
reSear.:',Which otherwise might
have *);:tealialidoned.
The for . the . Sigma Xi
,v ants.o4k: - corne . small
contributions,-made - .by thousandp
of Sigma.-$1 iiiembers-thrOughout
the • country—, For •-• ;that reason
grants- n. aid :.from this society
are doubly- valued , by the reel
pient.S.shecauie., not- only do they
allow Worlt.. - tci. be done, but they
represent. _the • .financial contribu
ton§ of scientists to the promotion
of scientific research.
Course In. Canadian
Economics To Be Offered
A new course on the economics
of Canada will be offered at • the
College next semester to. meet stu
dent interest occasioned by in
creasingly. close ties between the
United States and its northern
The course will be giv.en by Dr.
Donald M. Marvin, former statis
tician for the Royal Bank of Can
ada, who joined the faculty here
this fall as associate professor of
economics. Dr. Marvin is a past
vice-president of the American
Statistical Association.
In announcing the new course,
Dr. Carl W. Hasek, head. of the de
partment of economics and socio
logy, revealed also. that courses in
foreign exchange have been re
vised to cover current war-time
Art Work Shown
In College Gallery
Pi Gamma Alpha, honorary
Fine Arts fraternity, has two sets
of paintings on exhibition in the
College Art Gallery. Both the
original American prints and the
Pennsylvania Academy student
work exhibit will be on display
until. Saturday noon, December
The set of original American
prints is a specially chosen col
lection of 30 original etchings and
lithographs on loan from the As
sociated American Artists of New
York, it was announced by Prof.
J. Burn Helme, head of the fine
arts division.
This exhibit is part of a plan
by this group of artists to in
crease nationwide interest in the
pwnership of fine originals. Such
artists •as Peggy Bacon, Thomas
Benton,' and John Stuart Currey
. are cooperating in this drive to
stimulate ownership, and these
artists are offering any of their
'Original prints for five dollars.
The second exhibition is a very
interesting group of 37 oil paint
ings, and 19 black and whites by
students of the Academy of Fine
Arts. This student work was
done in competition for the Cres
son Memorial Scholarship during
the past year.
At The Movies
"Little Nellie Kelly
"South of Suez"
Co-ops Attract
Thrifty Students
Staidents belonging to co-opera
tive houses are finding it financial
ly easy to arrange for their room,
board, and social and cultural ed
ucation without a. dozen or so rer
tail business firms taking fat profits
out of their worn purses.
Under the direction of the Col
lege Cooperative Society, the Nit
tany Co-op and the—Allen Street
Co-op were given a charter in
October. The two co-ops in State
College also belong to the Eastern
League which is a part of the Co"
operative League Of the United
'S+mtes - of America. •
Through shrewd planning, men
and women have set. up a system
whereby living expenses for both
have dropped to the wholes.ale
price level.
Although women occupy the
•-co-ops, men obtain their meals
there and divide the maintenance
work equally. While the womendo
the cleaning and help- prepare
salads and delicacies under the
direction of an employed cook,•the
men, believe it or not, subject
themselves to the grueling task of
washing dishes and waiting on
tables. As manual labor is. more
in line with . their. work, to thc.—
nien is given the task of general,
repairing and daubing about.
Upon acceptance into the coop..
erative houses, each member is re
quired to buy two shares in the
'organization for five dollars apiece.
*Whenever the finance committee
has a surplus of money, it graci •
'ously declares that each membei.
shall receive a patronage dividend,
according to the number of shares
he has purchased, thus allowing
the struggling student to tighten
his purse strings a little more. "
Regarding membership, any one
can join if the nomination commit - .
tee approves of his attitude, in..
terests, and if the person has nee*.
Of the cooperative living progranN
to make his college education, pos%
sible. Membership is extended to •
ell, regardless of race, nationality,
religion, social. Position; or Polticaik..-
npinion. '
IFC Will Ad Tonight
On Revised Constitution
A revised IFC constitution. u:l*
.be read for the action of the Coun
cil at its meeting at 7• p.m.-tonight,
to be held at Phi Kappa. Tau.
. The giving of Christmas baskets
to the needy. by fraternities
,also be discussed, it was announces} •
by President H. Edward Wagner
John G. Dikon editor •o
La Vie, .will present a new plan
for La Vie pictures of fraternity
men, suggesting individual rather
than group pictures.